drunkard - Southeastern Oklahoma State University


drunkard - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Student N
of Southenstern State
_D URA~T. OKLA., TH URSDAY. A UG J_j ST 1. 1968
om as
urant Act or s
Dipl omas will b e presente d t o 142 g r a d u a tes at the
s umm e r convo cation at 10 a.m. Thursda y. A ugu :::t 8 . a t
Southeas tern State Colleg e. Of t hi:' n u m he r, 66 are c andida tes fo r bachelor degrees and 76 fo r the m aste r of tea ching degre e.
s econ d
,uutheast e rn's community produc" The D r unkard" will go on
Thursday (tonight) at 8
the Little Theater. The
wil l also be presented Satay evening , a ccording to direcBill P e rry.
F eatured in this summer's melrSrma are persons from the out area. Ray Garrison. m a nager
t h e Chamb er of Commerce,
the wickedest of villains,
Green, whose sole p urpose
is "swindlin" ' the good
s of Cedarville. Making his
of trouble i s the mill er
landlo rd,
S imo n
_y ed "by
Bob P eter son, l ocal
ews paper editor.
A f e.m.ininc touch i s added to
the production by several ladies
of the community. Rollie Peterson po rtra~-s the poor wife o f the
drunkard. S h e is c-onsoled in h e r
many troubles by S lade's wife,
Ann. pla~· ed b y Frankie Story.
Mk.key Hayes is M e hitabel Cartwri g ht, th e ht:~ro's not-too- brightbut-vt:'r y . funny girlJ"riend.
P o r t r a ying t wo of Cedarville's
icer" guy s are H oward ' Penn
nd Cl aude Stute ville, members
th e S out!teastern faculty. P e nn
ays J o e M c.rgan, the town drunk.
tute'\·iJle is narrator. o f t he varied
· ~·~p enin gs of the commun ity.
S o me of SSC' s m o s t t a lented
d e nt s are al s o featured in th e
IOITI"'!rld fam o u s melo drama. LeeR.oy
v <li.;;)'C b ee r. winn e r of this yea r's
DE~t ac tor award .
is the play's
mp le-but- a lways-hel pful h e ro.
The b~t s upporting actress of
1968. Alt?-n e C handle r, plays the
drunkard's RW~t c hild, Mary.
'Ibrough t h e ir barroom antics,
Mike McGowan
and Jon Livingston give humor
to the production.
"The Drunkard" is the w oeful
tale o f a o n ce prominent c itizen
turn e d bad . Beaten down by the
tri a ls o f life a n d the villain , the
c annot
s ufferi n g wi f e and little Mary.
~.,.~- night the c hild goes to
the tavern to beg her ••Dear
3 -t
am·pus Theater Stages Drunkard
re Featured
arts degree are J o hn eaton , El-
Commenc em e nt speaker will b e
• Bill See d s. Oklaho m a
C ity . A
graduat e of Southeastern, Seeds
i s a former publi c s chool teac her
administ:O.to r and is now
ass ociated with a national textbook c ompany. His master's d egree is from the Univ ersity of
Oklaho ma.
Mus ic w i ll b e provid-ed by a
summer c h o rus dir e c ted by George
Smith . The students '\.vill sing
" This I s ~Iy Country, " with Caro l yn Mitc h e ll , Durant, *soloist.
Rev. J . M . Ga;!;kin . pastor of
the Firs t Baptist C hurch. will
gi\'e- th e invocation.
A picnic at Lak e Texoma at 6
p .m. Wedn esday , o n
the eve ot
grad u at io n. w ill honor the graduat es a nd the ir families.
C andida.tet,o for the bachelor of
a rts d egr ee in education
uR ..~!\IATI C PLEAS from his J>OOr n i f e and s w eet daughter (Rollle
P e tt•rso n a nd A IE>nf> Chandl e r ) fail to m o\'e the t o wn dr::unli . sometimt:-s linown as H o w a rd P e nn , m ath prof.
- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
- --
Familiar South Pacific
Songs Ar-e Heard Again
mer Durant. June <YBrie n. Jane
Seeley, Corde ll S mnrners. 'Vil1iarn TaJ bert, Durant
Billy F lana g an. T o wana Spivey,
Madill : Brenda H o lder, Healdto n.
and Robert Hard y, D enison . Texas.
Candida tes f o r the bac helor o f
s c ten c e degree are Jane t Alford,
Geo rge Courtn ey, Earl Umsted,
Larry Kei th. R o bert Thomaso n,
James Nix , Ardmore; - Guy Brads haw. Hugo: Terry Davis. Marletta; Wil liam Flanagan. Broken
Arro w.
Bill N elson . Denison . Texas. and
Wayne R o berts. She rman. Texas.
Candidates for the master of
t eaching de.gree are C laireeoe
Borin. S a.IJy C~. 1\fildred
Daniels. Paul Fitz.ner, BiUy Fulle r , J o Ann Howard. Troy Jones.
.:"eula I.air,
S haron S haf-fer..,
Ronald Jac'kson , Carolyn Mitche U, Juanita S t ockton. Durant.
Alta I s b e ll . Sandra J o n es, Cadd o: C h a r les F abrizio, Lila Honts,
C a lera.
Martha Adcock . Antlers; Dama
Margare t Tonune, Durant.
Idetta D aniels. James Daniels,
Calera ; D o n Boic e, Donald Dowh o v.:e r , Dunc an ; Dor othy Baldwin,
R in gold : J a m es B e lt. Tulsa : Carl
Bennett. P oteau : J:Iarlon Gustin, Blair. H e aldto n; Harvey Brock,
Hugo: M a ry H ernn~. S~vanna; _ C o manc he ; Johnny Butler, Farris;
C~ r ol yn Lemo ns. ~anetta, J~es Cl eo C oke. Bartlesville; Jerry Com::\I tz e. Ardmo re. Mildred Stallings, b rink
Cadd .
Wh 1
:O.h lbm·n. a nd Linda Dic kens , Bells, Kingfish e r : ~lly Cro~~n Ato::::.
T e x as.
Glo ria D ane, Idabel.
~andid.at~s fo ~ the ba~helor of
Be-tty Dewoody, Harris ; eyn.
scae n oe d_egr ee an education are
t h ia Dowell . Cus hing ;- Jim D o well,
Judy Griffin. Judy . Ca..~tleman,
Bris tow ; Lucre tia Dry, Leon Sco tt.
J e~ry
C<>Ulns.. S usan
Madill; Z elpha Hadle y . 'Antlers;
Ehza.beth HoUmgswort.h. LUCJle
Orin Harringto ri. Kreles; D ianne
KJdd, L ois !\le t rell, Mollie SkelH ess. I d abeL
t on. Forr E'St D . " ' ilkins, Patsy
Glo ria Jac k s on. Hugo: Don Kirks
Martin. Durant.
Agnes Macon . Clayton ; Carolyn
J o Lee F oster. Letha Sliger, Mills. Colbe rt : Robert Piearc y,
Ard m o r e: L inda Cha pman. Wele- V al lia nt ; Dallas Rawley. Fairland;
e tka: Con s tan c e C hess hir, Swink: Dat:rell Smithers . Ardmo re ; DaH o wa r d
C lay .
O leta ;
Thomas nita T eal .
Henryetta :
Weleetka ;
C o nstanc e T oews. Tishomingo; J. Leon Ward.
C r eighto n .
Grandfie ld ;
Willia.l'Tl Smithville.
H e ft o n . . Poteau: Gary Huffman,
Emma Capshaw, Robert KetchBro ken Bow : Ce.rlette Hunkapil- am , Dane Phillips, Laura W oodtar, Talihina.
ard . Denison Texas. Other texans
G ailon K emp. Cleb i t ; G eor gia rec eiving the master's degree of
Latham . '"'"aurika ; Gustava Lock- t e aching are Mary Creel, Dallas;
ha rt. B o k c hito; B o nni e M o rehead, Char les J ohnsto~ Paducah ; MeHugo: Elizabeth Ragland , Wis ter; roba Mills. J:arol CavenesS, Burk.! u d y \ Vebb. H o we : Earl Wright. burnett; C Tyde Smith. Cart-ollton.,
Wr·i g ht
Ci ty :
Y o ung, and David Yowell, Shennan.
Wis t e r : Larry Young-, C handler, •
Others receivln« the master's
a nd Jac k \Villiall)s. Denison. Texd egree of teaching are R obert
Excerpts from "South Pacific'' teaches at Chinle. Ariz.
The music al, " South Pacific ,"
were s taged b y music students
been an unfa iling
favo rite
Tuesday night with the assistance has
si n ce the fa mou s Roge r s and H a.Jn of the spee c h 'department.
produc tio n
t'i r:o t
The program also included a
gro up o f songs by a c h o rus. di- staged.
The performance w as a p a rt
recte d by George S mith. Numbers
included a
folksong and three of "entertainm e nt week " o n the
Southeastern c a mpus. \ \'i th th e
sac red songs.
melo drama "Drun kard" t aking the
Solois ts in major r o l es included
s tage Wednes day . i ts three pe rMary Sue Jackson. Shelia Pyle,
formances will b e interrupte d FriD a vid H obbs. H e nry Lay, Don
day night by a facul t y rec ital ,
Pannell, and Ronnie Qualls .
whic h promises to b e ente rtainA
comi c hula dance b y Jon ment in a c omplete ly diffe re n t
Livingston and an auth e ntic one c atego ry.
by F aye Lockwood w e re oth e r
f e atures o f the s umm e r program.
Solois ts in the production were
FAC L'L..,....'I'~Y
coa c hed by Lyeva Engelma n and
the s p eech depart~nent was repStanley
Wilson .
Sou theas tern
resented by Doris Simpson in the g rad uate, is joining the fa c u l ty ot
stagin g of the pro du c tion .
Murray State CoJJege as sc ie n c e
Bac k i n the rol e of piano a.c- i n structor . A
195 9 g ra d uate o f
c ompinist was Claire e ce B o rin . S S C . Wils on earned his mast e r ' s a s.
St>t! Drunkard, Page 2
Southeastern graduate who now degree from T e x as Tec h . Lubboc k.
---------------------------- --------------------------------------~---------------------------------=------------------------~----------------
See Graduates Pa,ce 2
for the bach e l o r of
Annual Banquet Thursd·ay Night Closes Indian Institute Events
T'\velve participants in the sev - uled to r e c eive certiftcat.es in a
enth annual guidan ce institute for ceremony at th e ins titute banquet
Thursday night. The m on th-long
Indian sch ool personne l are sched- s tudy ends Friday.
T he certi fi c ates will b e presen t ed to mark completion of four
s ummers of s tudy. The progra.ID
i s desig ned to b enefit c hildren in
Indian sch o ols b y inc r easing the
professional qualifications of adults w o rkin g c l osel y with th e m .
The institute is a joi nt p r ojec t
o f Southe a s t e rn and the U . S.
Bure au o f Indian Affairs .
Those earning c ertific ates a r e
I na E . Bra dy, Everett Turner,
N el lie Barn e tte . Sequoyah H igh
S c h ool : Mary C . M c Gee, M yrtle
N o \\'abbi.
A lin e War!=3. Virg inia
A l emo htubbi. and
Antho n y Nail ,
.Jo nes Academy.
Carrie Jean Watt. Senec a I ncHan S c hoo l; Mary J . Tiger. Eufaula
D o r m itory;
Myrtle Ruth
Rl o an . C a r te r S e minary. and Pea r l
LEADER at A . M o r e loc k. Flag s t aff Dormi t o ry,
h t~ guiclanc·e institute this week Flags t aff, Ariz.
l.luy d :St·w. director of the
J<-:a rl ln.tnlubbe, ~outhea.ste rn
a Jumuus a nd n ·idt'ly kno"·n as
nst it l,lt•· uf Ame rican Indian Arts.,
~ an ta
, .., ..
a BIA t>cluc·a tor, will s<•t'\' f' again
as maste r o f cer e monies at the
banque t.
Exhibi ts o f I ndian a rt work are
bei n g c ollec ted by the fiv e institute gro ups and wHl be o n dis play
a t the banquet. One f e ature of the
banqu e t '\\till b e s ign-language int e r pretati o n o f th e "Lord's Praye r '' l1y Gwen Jam es whi le h e r
mothe r . Ruth James. s ings the
n uT"lbcr as th e i nvocatio n.
Dr. L eon Hibbs. Sou theas tern
pre sident . will b e a s p ecial gues t
a t the banquet.
Hig hlig ht o f th e w eek was the
v is it o f Lloyd N e w. di s tingui s hed
a t·tist wh o is d irector
Ins titut e of Am e ric an Indian Arts
in Sante Fe.
A.n Oklahoma Cherokee, NE>~w
is inte rnati o nallv
kno wn in a rts
~ nd c r a fts and in t e xtlle d esign
i~ partic ular.
Co- f o unde r o f Fifth Ave nue as
a st r ee t in Sco ttsda l e , New built
the Ki va C r a ft C ente r . a n attract ive a rc h i t ec t ura l c o mpound '\v e il
k n0\'1.11 to v isito rs i n the Sco ttsdale
He ·wa s appo inted by t he I n -
t ~rior
Sec r e t ary a s com m issio ner
t o th e fiv e- man n a tional Indian
Arts a n d Crafts B oar d. c harg ed
,,;t h a rts and c rafts develo pment
o f America n Ind ians o.nd E s kimos.
Tht> Santa Fe artist-educator
was a lso instrumental in o btaining a $95.000 g• ant from the
Ro<·k t>ft-ll t-r Foundation f o r the
t~ x..,..ri.Jnental
••SoUithw est · Indian .4J1s Project." :Se " · ,~·as codirector o f tJ1 e project whic h was
administe red b~· the rni'\'e t"Sity
of Arizona.
desc ribed his S ante Fe
N ew
sch ool and i ts g oal s as h e spoke
t o t h e ins tit ute. H e also asked
e a c h of th e partic ipan ts to bring
" ten pieces o f j unk" to th .. ir next
m e e t i n g so t ha t they r.-:ight l earn
how can s. s trin g. "';re and o t!her
u n likely mate rial s c ould b ecome
nrt mater ial s f o r c hildren.
Kitty e Staffo rd . p ri ncipal o f Eufaula D orm i tory. is servi n g
<:on ~ul ta nt t hi s
w eek .
Member s
of t h e
O h OV
• -'h o m a
Cl ub, composed o f women of Indian · a n c e s t ry , a nd t h~ D urant
A rt Guild were invited to an informal r eceptio n Wedn esday morning when New and his '"'; fe were
guests o ! h o nor.
.. . . and the glor)· .. " G w E>n JamE>s~
Talihina., w ill interpret the Lord's
Prayt>r in sign language at the
a nnual Indian in!ootitute banqu.-t.
Durant, Old.U.olfta
Syl via Kuzminski, Plais tow, N. M.;
C.ouperviUe, Wa&h.; Julio
Becen a. Trujillo, Peru; .Benj&- ;Bl"y on Parlette, Galion. -Ohio; Ger1aJd P e arson, St. Paul, Minn. ; Evmln Bollinger. Shlppenburg, Pa..;
erett Ralston . Jeffe rso n City. Mo.,
Edmund Buinou"&kk. Hubertus,
re Ribbens, Hull, Iowa...
Wis..; · AI C)lew. CblnJe, Ariz.; 'Theodo
Ralph Dees. Stella Tyler, _Albuquerque. N. M.; Garry Den Best- ~ Kan. ; Fredrick Smith, ~rkinda.,
In, Manha.t;:t;an. Mont.; Dooald · Ark.; William. Strickler, Reading
~a ;
Raym o nd Teiszen, Wayne,
Edwards. DeSot:o, Mo.
N e b .;
N o rn1an '\~Vest, Yanktan,
Truman Hill, P-ittsburg, Ky.; S. D . ; Ronald \.Vildermuth . TreWilliam Klitzke. Pipestone, Minn. ; m o uth. Ill. , and Milan Winfiel~
Robert M c M.illen. Chandler, Ariz. ; Hanfo rd, Calif.
Faculty additions and c hanges .
some of whic h were approve d at
the Wednesday m e eting of the
board of regents o f Okla h o ma
colleges at Southeastern, have been
listed by President Leon Hibbs.
Joining the English s taff is
Daisy Lee Harvill, Fort Worth,
who holds two degrees from Texas
Woman' s ~ University and has begun
at Texas
Christian University.
Another new English teacher is
Howard . Starks, Reno, Nev., with
degrees from East Central and
Starks has
been a
teacher at Healdton and Fox as
well as an instructor at the University of Colorado and the University of Nevada..
Laura Linda Greene, Fort
'Vorth and Bin R. Gabbard,
C.a.llf., w1ll
be new
speech instructors. Mi8s Greene
has studied at Kilgore College
and ho.lds degrees from TCU.
Teaching at t;he Chlldren's Museum, Fort Worth, and work In
COJngl'Uility ~ters are included IJ:Vher professional experlen~
Another.... ~ gTaduate with
bachelo r and ma s ter's deg r e e s i s
G a bbard whose e arli e r ~ tudy was
in his native state at Pepperdine
College. Santa Ana. and th e Univers ity of California at Fuller.
David B . Cook, Mt. Pleas ant,
Texas, will be a new g o vernment
master's degTees from East Texas
State University. where he was a
graduate assisstant, ·Cook has also studied at the University of
Tulsa. North Texas State University, and the University of
Montee Hoke, Oklahoma City,
is joining the art department.
A specialist in cera.m.ics, Hoke
ls a graduate of Michigan ., State
University and has studied at OU
and Southwestern State. He is
now teaching at Del City.
MI<+eel F. Lever and Paul D.
I.andua will teach soclology.
Le'rer, Bryan, T exas, holds two
degt~ from Te..Yas A&M where
he bee served as graduate a88lstant.
La.ndua of Hamilton, Texas, also holds two degrees from Texas
A&M and did earller study at
Tarleton College. At Texas A&M
G ·r ad ua tes F a~c e
President Lists NevJ Faculty Metnber
142 '. Are·. G . raduates
T H li R S /) .·1 l . . A l . f; .• ..C..."!' I .I .
by Leona Patton
Can you accept the -challenge?
A teacher once asked this' question. UWhen is a person
The answer was , "A person is educated v.11en he can
meet any situation in which he is placed."
l\1any of you will be teaching s chool th is fa 11 for the
fir s t tim e.
Student ~ need g uidanc e , und e rstanding and Rome one
to listen to them.
They mus t b e p e rmitte d to participate in Rchoo l actiYities . Don't b e afraid of their suggeRtion R. You c a n ! P:·t l"!l a
lot fro m th e m .'
U n i \·en~ i(v of Oklahoma president Dr. J:I e rhe rt C . Holloman r e centl y s aid, "Teenagers are-. s tudents trying out
. t h eir f re ~ h~y a c quired wings ."
GR .\Dl:ATIOX TIME .is coming up ~or Bill Flanagan. 1\trunn, and
They do not have the wisdom that comes with exBrenda H o lder. Heaiclton. and it•s tilne. t.o cheek •·w ith Linda Hayes pene nce, but treat them with patience, tolerance and lots
in the placement office and ln,·estigate ~ob p,-ospects.
of unders tanding and yours will be a mos t rewarding year.
\Yhen problern s aris e and you are baffled. keep this
r ••
thought in mind. Solve only one probl e m at a tim e .
F'l . ,
R e m e mbt.. .... "An educated pers on · meets any ~ituation
n aI
p •• c n •• c
Ethics, Honor
In BSU Talk .,
Hibbs spoke ~t the Baptist Student Union Thursday on ..Campus
Ethics and the Student!'
Hibbs equated ethics with hon-.
or. "Honor is entirely different
from ·honesty," he sal d. "Honesty
is imposed from without whereas
honor comes from within,'' he explained.
-w . ~
•-n.e honQrable person ts end~-..ed with the qualities of the ~b- ­
leal person:• Hlbb8 said. He
went on to list these quaJIties. The honorable person Is
Joyal to the institutiop of which
he Is a. part. He is loyal ~ the
-p,-inclples of ethics.
..The truly honorable person believes in justice." Hibbs added.
be tempered1ilwith
1 .Justice· may
mercy. Ambition i s also a.
uality of the honorable person. . 'bbs
defined ambition as pride in being
right. The honorable person also.:
has self-control.
. Hibbs said that a man c anno t
be honorable by removing. himself from temptation. He must
overcome ihe temptation - t o be
disftono~able . "Hono~ is not o nly
doing nght, but talung on the r e . sponsibility to see that it fS d o n e,"
Hibbs said.
The air of suspense whicli has
been noted in the C?ffice of: the
dean of instruction is about dis pelled. Dean James D. Morrison
is now & , grandfather.
Bob and Susan Morrison are
parents of a son, Jeffrey Robert,
born early Monday in ~resbyt e r. ia,n HospiU\.1 at Dallas. Jeffre y
weighed 7 pounds , . 4 <;>unces and as
The Southeastern went to press,
all were doing well - lnclu9ing
grandparents .
F.o r nst1tuters -0_,es
M.1s h ap
Afternoon finals and a picnic
ma rk the end of ~ummer work
for math ~ instit~ters Thursday
( t oday ). Students and their fam.ilies will trickle into the L&Jie
Texo m a pi c nic grounds as soon as
t h ei r lte s t s are over, a c cording to
O r. I1esli e Dwight, institute dlrecto r.
I':nstitute r s have c v.me from 39
s tates in c luding Maine . Florida,
california. and Washington. Friday . - they will scatter t o their
respe q tive s,tates.
~any will be back with old
fri ends next summer. T -..,·enty·nin e
e nd · master's degree work this
s ummer and- will not be back .
·•peqp le make s ome pretty good
Max McClendon, Southeastern
frie n d :s h e re. F o r many, the picnic w pl b e the las t time th e y'll art instructor, presented an exhibiti o n of his work to a group
~ ee eap h o the r ," Dr. D w ig ht s aid.
of art patrons at Madill.
The group invited McClendon
to lec ture and give demonstra• tions on the u s e of water medta.
Wate.rcolor, tempera, and acrylics
Fatht'ir" to come home. So the
were di s cussed.
sad tale goes until the h ero
Traditional and contemporary
steps : in to stifle the villain. to
watercolor paintings from M c Clenlt>8(l ~e drunkard from his evil
d.o n·s
c ollection
Life. a.nd to restore peace to
s hown.
C todaryiiJe.
A ~ ajo r (eature of the play
is th e : a udi e nce partic ipation in
s ing;-al~ ng-s
·R e pre s t?nted b y
Son gs i n the "After th e Ball' ' trad itio n a r e done. In addition the ;-.;a tiona I Edtrc•a.tional
produ c tion e ncourag e s
the per~e~·ictson s v!ieWing to "ho llar i t up.,
durin g ~ the presentatio n.
Mt,mhf'r of Oklahoma Collegiate
D o ing their part to make the
Pres~ Association
p lay a ; s u c c ess are Ric k Brumley
Stud<:'n t ne\\' ~ p ape r o f Snuthe a s tand.I Dv.ray ne B o l o ne, s t age managD urant. Okla.
e r s. Merl e Jaco bs a nd Kathry n e rn Sta t e Colleg-e.
Stev-en ~ are li gh~ng
directors. Publis h <:'ct evE>r~· Tht:r~d a y except
~ubli ci~y
manag ers are Lee Roy du ri ng- holi<1a v a nd exam i natio n
p e riods. Secn n rl <'l a~s po~ ta ge p aid
C a seb eer a nd Mary Lawre nce.
Adm i\ssion i s $1 f o r adults, 50c at Durant. Okl a. 74701.
f o r ch. l d r e n . Stude nts may use Subscription Sl for Acadf'rnic Year.
th e ir cktivity
women·s drill team is being
Southeastern. The
A South eastern s tudent, Harold organized at
Stallings, was killed last week tn group will perfot tn at hotne foot.:
frea.k industrial accident in ball games and other appropriate
The Temple, Texas. senior diE;d college activities during the comwhen he was pinned between a ing school year.
dock and a
semi-trailer truck
whic{t was backing in to unlo ad .
Stallings was an honor roll student majoring in chemistry. He
J'layed football for Southea:-tern
and was a member of Phi S1gma
Epsilon fraternity.
- .
McClendon Exhibits
Work At Madill
• • : t
'o ~ •o
- -- -~-
The Southeast-ern
h e a ~sis ted with the advisem .. ..,, ..
f o r e i g n s tudents.
H ome r· E . Wel c h .
T e x as . who will teac h
h o lds two d e grees fro m E ast
a s. Hi s 20 years military se
inc lud e d training a nd super1.,ls
y o ung men in aircraft and
c o pter maintenance.
A new member of the fnr•P-1
department ~ will
Le\\·is Warren, Cottondale,
Warre~ who will teach G rnl81
did his undergraduate study
Southern Methodist t:
and a4va.nced study of the
versity of Oregon.. The
t o r e I g n
who has been teaching at
U nJ versi ty of AJ.abanla.., has a l l 8
had con centrated snuly in La
J o hn M . Thorne. Tis hom
will be a new instruc tor
bu s in ess
d e partment.
study was at Tyler. Texas,
C o llege and Eas t Teltas, where..
earn e d
taught a t East Texas and
ray State .
Fagan. Broken
who has served as reading. d1Jrec
tor in McCUrtaln County
ls joining the education staff•
Southeastern alumna, Mrs.
gan's advanced work was at
homa State where she had
majors in guidance and readlin,
and s erved as an assistant at
~a<1ing center.
' Lura E. Rucker.
City. will be on lea.ve .from
city's school system to as·sl!!~t
";th the ex~rlenced teacher
fellowship progran1 which will be
in prog1 d>s at Southeastern.
John G e ck s. who has been w1~r11c.
ing in f e deral youth
will b e o n full-time duty in
e du c atio n department.
John Crockett, manager of aUA•
iliary e nterpris e s, will be an
structo r in the business de,pa~
m e nt. Crockett i s b e ing succeedE!<
by Bill Morton . Durant. in
manag em e nt of the book s~ore
c offee
s hop.
dining. room .
o the r a uxilia ry enterprises .
Morton has b e en tn the uti~-·J
bus iness for 1 8 years.
Dr. Hibbs has received
nations fro m J . Allen Si
and Clyde Gray, soc ial science department. S ingleton will teach
government at J.ambuth College,
Jackso n . Tenn .. and Gray will be
in military s ervice.
Bill Perry, s peech professor, 1a
resigning and will study at OU
Doug Duke. d e bate coach who haa
been on s tudy leave, will be at
Central State.
Rade Radasinovich and Dr. Dave
Stevens will be on study leaves
from the .social science department. Radasinovfch will continue
his doctoral study in geography
at OU. Stevens is planning special
study in s ociology at OU.
"Since Dr. Zink is leaving, I'm
delighted that Dr. G o ld is availabl e.··
Dr. Leon Hibbs. Sc:u thea s te r·n
p resident. wa ~ commenti ng on h~
qualifications o f Dr. C . H
Gold who is succeeding Dr Lee
Zink as director of the
hnology Use Studies Center.
Zink is leaving the center to
direct the business and eco~n omi c
research center at thE' U nivers ity
<' f
New ~e': .-::o. Acting director
when TUS•~ was established tn
~ 964 throuC"h
a ::-:n traf· ~ ~''i th the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. Zink became di-
r ector in 1967.
Sel ecti o n of Gold to hPed the
<'*~ ntA·r .
n ar-
tloo senrtng a . non-orban area
has prompted appro '\-a.J fr<KTl
best acquainted ~';th
<'.entt-r and it8 functions,
including fonner director Zink..
· When TUSC was establis hed.
the region it served i n c luded 17
coun ti es. Addition this m onth of
P o ntotoc and Garvin Counties has
extended th e region .
Dr. Gold. whose h ometown is
Lawton, earned three degrees at
the University o f Oklahoma, the
BBA in 1956. the MEd. in 1956
Fun And Games Invade
Business Management
by Frank Crosby
During this summer term the
management 383 class is trying
a little different angle from that
found in the normal class at
Southeastern. Gaming is the word
and decisions the objective.
The students are divided into
three groups and represent committees
management t:o define.. a.p administrative problem and present pos.
. TAKING OVER new dutlee as TVSC director I& Dr. C. Henry Gold. sible .alternatives which might be
u s ed to sol\'e the problem.
Earh conunittee
~eclslons from
the alternatives
preseoted by the group. · One
member presents a logical solution to the problem while being
harassed by the class and Ute instiucror.
Jac k Dye, management profesPersonnel at -=:;outhea.,;tcrn have placement bureau. will remain in
sor, said that pressure i s part of
varied plans for their vacations. Durant.
Joy Culbre3.th, secr etary of u~ the game. The students are chalAiter some 50 weeks of grading, testing. l ecturing, phnntng, ward Bound, will accompany her l enged while pre senting the viewtutoring. checking, advising, ~ug­ family to Lubboc k , Texas. to at- points of the com mittees.
This presents business as it is in
gestin~ pleading · and
begging, tend the 50th w e dding anniversary
they are looking forward to a ru Mrs. Culbreth's parents.
deparanen~ will go with her husA random survey ,., as made to
band and daughter, Stephanie,
see how these people plan to r eto New Orleans.
lax. Kate Ball, English department, just hopes to rest and sleep.
Gene Barker, Upward Bound,
Doris Hibbert, English depart- s ays that h e has already had hts
ment, says that her plans con- vacation. He saw the all-star baseM on tee Hoke, Del City High
baH game at the Astrodome.
sist of "being l azy for a w~le.
Jinl Barnette, art department, School art instructor. has been
Then she will visit in Texas. She
added. "This has been a. great will take his fa.ntily camping and added to the Southeastern art dethen he hopes to do some painti.rtg. partment, according to Dr. Allen
8t1ml'ller. '• ·
Platter. department head.
Boyd Warren, Upward Bound.
Robert Beaty. student aid diHoke, a professional potter and
rector. ~'hen a.-.ked about hlshll.s plans to catch up on ~e sculptor, is highly r egarded in art
plen8 aPSwered, ..,
work hard
postponed work on his farm.
circl es. His work has b~en, exhibJuly a~~d August and •,.·a.cation•
Max McClendon ,
art depart- ited extensively throughout the
the rest of tbe year.••
ment, will take his family to sta te and nation.
Dr. James Morrison, dean of inA graduate of .Michigan State
struction. will take .Mr.,.. Morris- Hentisfair. Then i f time per rn.its,
University. Hoke earned a mason to Hentisfair and \ tfien spend they will go camping.
ter' s
remainder of the vacation
Dr. Wade Ba.sk1n and M.rs.
taught classes at the university
spoiling his new grandch1ld.
Batddn, foreign Iangua.p debefore taking the post Q.t Del
Don Collier, s cience department,
pe..rbuent, will vacation llllt a
hopes to get in a lot of golfing.
The quality of his instruction
number of European oountrles.
Sally Clark, dean of ins truction
M . G . Smith. education depart- is reflected in the s uccess of hls
secretary, and her family have r eDel
statecently returned from a trip · to ment, with his famlly will fly to wide competition and exhibits they
Red .River. N. M.
south~rn California,
to visit and have won hono~s year after year.
Sam Pool, registrar, will not sight-see.
"The quality and popularity of
take his vacation until N ovem~ er
Marcia Cox,
Bound, Mr. Hoke's teaching should attract
since August is the busies t month
many students from a wide area, ·•
of the year tor the registrar.
will fly to Colorado for visits in Dr. Platter said.
Denve r and Boulder.
He will teach a variety of art
Blanch Fern, En.gllsh depe.rt.DleGt, plans to visit •.n Lared~.
Anita Fos ter, cafeteria mana- subjects at Southeastern, with em " Texas. and Monterrey. M~xlco.
ger, plans to stay home to enter- phasis on c lasses in ceramics, modeling, figure dra.wil1.g, and advancShe will also do 80~ ~h~l
tain her daughter and grandson
ed clay modeling.
work at 'Feet Texas. ( Va.cat.on •)
Cal ' f rni
·· ~~ rom
1 o
Hoke, a native Oklaho man. will
Carol .}Iarrmgton, placement bu~
reau, will spend her vacation
Dr. Darrell De~oody,
educa- move to Durant with his family.
tlon department, when asked about The faculty art exhibit in October
·wi ll show some o f his work.
Katie Slack, dean of women. hi.s plans, answered, "move."
will go to Canada.
- -- Virginia Fisher, director of the
College Fac:ulty ill Sc:atter
hen acation Starts
Art lnstruc:tor
Joins Fa c: u1·1y
r eal life. The pro blems given the
students are pro blems whic h actu a lly have happened.
Som.e of the business topics
covered are ethics, delegation
of authority, c 001pa.o:y policy,
nl.IIW:La. ;-E~eot
scheduling, and other l.lnportant
Dye said, "The idea behind management is making the d ecision
which bes t
s uits the problem..
T here never is a right answer.
All we c an do is find the b est
that 'close· doesn' t al"Ways count
just like in horseshoe~ · ·
In the fall, a noncompute rized
game called " Mantrap'' will be
played in the management class.
This calls f or a hig h degree o f
marketing kn owledge. This game
is provided by the T echnology Use
Studies C en ter and was developed by the Univers ity of H o uston.
1212 N. 7th
Super Market
\"est ::\laJn
Operated by
White House
·'B est Thin gs T o Ea~"
121 \Vest Main
Pho ne \'\:A 4 - 0926
-THl'R S DAYFrtt-d Chicken Night•
-FRIDAYFish Night
~conrl!'l on The House
Phone W A-4 2979
Coin Operated Laundry
()pea 'J to 10 -
7 Days A Week
Quality FoodA Lower Prices
hite 's Ready -to_;
132 West 1\fain
\VA4 -095l
Keener,s Food Store
<~naJit .v
FofW1c;; at Low Prices
'\\'A-4 0882
Sequoyah _S tudents
Pr-esent 'Mattress'
"Once Upon a Mattr s , '' a c omedy in four a cts, was the closing
e vent last week in the
idance ins titute for Indian schoo employes.
departme t
o f Sequoyah High School spon sored the
:Twenty-seven boys and girls
from Sequoyah School made up
the cast.
Director of the play was David
J o hnson of the Tahlequah public
schools. Johnson i s associated with
the Sequoyah group this summer
in a Youth L eadership program .
Autho rs of the play gave the
Seq.uoyah g~up permission for
special arrangements in the presentation.
Transportatio n f o r the cast and
stage properties was furnished by
the s uperintendent of Sequoyah
S c hool.
1-IS7 X. 1st
Phone 924-5500
One-Fourth Poitnd
... -
SO Cents
Inc opo rated
GO Savages, GO!
and Dry Cleaners
517 N . I s!
and the Ed.D in 1967.
Both his academic stud,y and his
pro fes s ion a l experience give him
exceptional qualifications for the
new position. At Oklahoma City
University he taught marketing
f o r fiv e years. Other OCU positions and combinations of positions
included director of community
relations. directors o~ a.d.Jn.issions.
director o f s tud ent financial aid.
and registrar.
Gold also ~·ed for a ~riod
as director o f rna.rketing for tbe
Ra.rlow- Publishing ~P"DY·
Recently he :vvas named director
of a VISTA program v.'itlr headquarters a t Southeastern. With the
program operating , in 60\.lthea.st,
Oklahoma. the new TUSC director h ad opportunities to explore
terri tory served by the center.
He auticl:.pa.tes a «Jea.rnlng
period" as his new job geta UDder way. His colleagues predict th.at the period wiD be both
brief and productive.
The purpose of TUSC. · ~rans­
ferral o f space techno logy to stim-_
ulate the region's industrial growth. was expl'runed throughout the
region in seminars and conferences with civic leaders when the
center first began o peration.
Large and small businesses have
p r o fited from data and tec.hnology made available through TUSC.
T he .:-l ASA facility played a key
r ole in establishing the Southeastern -American Flyers aviation
degree program.
Dr. Gold's family i nd udes his
'll!.'ife, Jacquelyn. and four childrenBrent. 12 : K im berly. 9: Laura
Lee. 4 . a nd Sheri Ellen, 2 months.
402 :"\ o rth Fi rst
••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .
Durant. OkJahoTn<.
AI.I~ C on .ferenc -~. Players
Top Returnin9
Savage footballers will - soon b'e
returning for the ·s tart
· o f fall
Head coach Bob Thomas and
assistants Clyde Srn,ith; defensive
offensive coach, :w111 have 23 re
turning lettermen around whom
to build another conference . title
• An1ong the returnees are six
·p layers who received all-conference honors last season. .
Headliners are Ish Kaniato~
6-1, 185 lb., signalcaller, and Butch
Arnett, 5-11, 2U1 lb., ~ guard-line.cker.
! Kantatobe passed -for 984 yards
and rushed for an additional 364
laat ' season to set a new sse
total offense reCord of 1,348.
.All-conference back
Braley rejoins Kaniatobe ill. the Sav-
age backf'lel~.
Team captain Arnett wUl be
going both ways coach Thomas
·other all-su.,;s are defensive
end W
e Wofford and tig t en
.nm. Stewart.
wo.ftard; a junior, stands 6-0,
ghs in at J.98. St
6nd also scales 198. l"UUt eason the senior receiver hauled in •
25 aerials for 34 7 yards and three
G one from the Savage camp
are ~ players who received allconference honors last season.
Ri~hard Rutherford, two-time
all-conference noseman; Raymond
CottQn, two-time all-conference defensiY.e end, and Bruce Love, linebac ker, were first te&.nl selections.
Tohy West. Savage sJratbadr.
was J'lamed to the second team.
. Others included safety ' Terry
Davi~ and tackle La.rrY Young who
receiyed honorable mention.
Expected to ftll the gap created bY. West's departure ls Tommy
Ramtty. 'r.he Savage tailback-fullback j picked up 226 yards on 69
carries last season.
Anhther ballca.r:rt.er who could
see action is Tommy Strode, a
sprin~er on the track team, who
was ~sed ~elusively last season .
as a ~punter.
co~h Thomas cans split · end
Mike Walden one of the best he' s
s een . The.._§-1, 190 lb., swiftie haUled in 21 -passes last year for
302 yards and four toucndowns.
He managed to rack up some
trnpre5sive statistics while dtviding his time with C'het Stidhatn.
Key . positions which must be
fllled include defensive secondary,
defensive line, ·and depth in the
IS Terry Davis. Animals third baseman as AI Ch~ of Math Ill• takes the thro". Oft
the gJOIIDd is
E'\.-erett Ralston whose two clutch hits clinched the intramural softbaJJ chrunplonshlp for Math 111. Ish K&nlatobe of tbe Animals watches the action unfold.
.c it
Math 1l l successfully defended
its intramural sOftball champions hip but not without a struggle.
A last-ditch rally in the bottom
of the seventh inning produced
two runs and enabled the Mathematrcians to overcome a lead the
Animals had enjoyed since the
first inning. The final score was
Walt Parker, the invincible
Math pitcher, suddenly becan1e
· vincible in the first inning and
very nearly wound up the goa.t
of the game. With the bases
throwing error on a. rouune o
ground ball t.ba.t allowed two
runs in . for the A nima.la.
Meanwhile hurler John Ridpa~
looked sharp for the Animal.s
s triking out the s ide in the bottom
of the first.
In the second inning the An-
.I '
- -- -·
-- -
tmals added another run on two
hits and a fielder 's choice, and
looked like they would be s coring plenty more before the day
wSB over.
Then in the bottom of th e third
the game's complexion changed
drastically. With the bases full
Everett Ralston blooped a s ing le
into center field that dropped in
perfectly and scored three men .
In the fourth. Reggie Thomas
struck out but made it to first
when the pitch got by cat.cher
Ralston. Thomas stole sec ond
and later scored to give the Animals a 4-3 ad~·anta.ge. The scoreo
stood to the last inning.
In the top of the s ixth the Animals loaded 'ern up again but s ome
s harp fielding choked off the e ffort.
In . the last of the sev e nth Math
III showed its stuff a nd p romptly
... -- --
- - - -- - -- - - ---
National League
.Math II
Sig Tau
Soap Sud s
American League
~'lath III
"' 3
Anin1al R
l\fath I
Dud s
Prospects E:nha!Jce
SaVage Net Season
Savage tennis coach Clarence
Dyer is probably one of the easiest faculty members to locate.
Almost any afternoon the popular
MAN ON THE SPOT Is Botch Arnett, Southeastern mainstay who net mentor can be found at the
court.o working with memJDay be the only player In the Oklahooaa Oolleglate Co~erence tennis
bers ot the te&Jn or sizing up
· seelnc- a.ctto~ both ways tbls taU. ,Arnett 5-11, 207 pounder, Is a gua.rd- young
llneb acker.
This summer has been no excejr
..I've seen at le&.9t nine boys tbls
surn.n1er who are interested in
playing for us that would make
IDekory-Smoked Barbecue
great prospects, but we just don't
Every Thursday
have room· for them, •• said Dyer.
824 W. Main
With only one man gone from
1336 N. 5th
WA4 9956
last year's squad Dyer is already
set for at least one or two seasons to come.
Returning from last year's Oklahoma
pham.p ionship team are starte~
James Wadley. McAlester; Jerry
Durant. ·and
Knuckolls, Oklahoma City.
College Grocery
' -..
er Renters
. ""
There are only 19 apts .
left for the summer of
1969. Place your d~posit
immediately to reserve
you·r .apt. for next summer.
See manager at 119 Sooner Apts.
- -- - -- - -
luster To Coach
All-State Game ·
Frank Lus ter, Upward Bound
recreation director, is the first
,Negro to b e named to the AllState fo o tball coaching staff.
Frank will direct the South
against the North in the annual
All-State F ootball Cla..ssic in Tulsa
on the night of August 8.
"Yes, it' s quite a thrill to receive suc h an honor, " beamed
Luster. "I'm really looking forward to this game:·
Luster has coached the Ardmore
Douglass Dragons for the past
ten years . The Dragons have repeatedly been contenders fQr the
Class C c rowtL
Frank's lifetime won-loss record
i s 132-59-8.
8th & Main
Durant, Okla
(East of Can1pus)
- - ·- - -
610 Montgomery Dr.
Also back are squadmen Mark
Charles McCutcheon, Durant.
Dyer will lean heavily toward
three men who were ineligible last
year. TJley are Steve Prosser,
Kansas City; David Bryant, McAlester. and Mark Milligan, Henryetta.
According to Dyer, a real battle
wlll occur for the number one
position on the team. "Any one of
three or four boys could emerge
as our top· man:• the coach .said.
One new man. will figure in the
picture, however. He is Kim Kettelsen, Midland, Texas freshman .
put two men on base. A doubleerror on the ensuing play brough
h o m e one man.
After th e next hitter got on
bas e Rals ton s tepped t~ the plate
a nd promptly lined a s J'l,ot over
Ani m a l l e ftfi e lder Doug Walden's
h e ad.
Th e scor e b ook s hows o nly one
m a n scoring, but had Rals ton contin u ed a r o und th e b ases he would
s u r e ly
hav e coll ectecr a n
grand-sla m homer.
ch&.ITlpions hip
g<.Ul'le had become necessary ~­
ter the Animals upset l\lath I l l
the day before, 5-2. Again it was
e rrors that spelled the final outcome . But Math lllwas on the
short e nd this time. It was the
first; time Math DI lost in somet lt.plg like four sununers.
Fi ve diffe r e nt players c r o ssed
h o m e p late f o r t h e Animals. The
big innin g was the sixth whe n four
runs c ame in.
John Swee n e y , David Brown,
Wendall Ritc hie, Terry Davis, Ish
Kaniatobe and Doug W a lden aU
h a d a h and in th e s ixth inning
firew o rks.
In th e seventh Math III put
two men o n baBe . but the rally
'-'"as s nuffed o ut.