Under the Big Top - Southeastern Oklahoma State University


Under the Big Top - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
The Southeastern
Volume 78, Number 26
Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, Oklahoma 74701
Real World?
3 Perspectives
5 Banquets
April 30, 1998
6 Sports
Magnolia Festival
Under the Big Top
Carissa Rozzell
The Second Annual Magnolia Festival will take place
in downtown Durant on May
Last year's celebration
was one of the largest of its
kind. An estimated 25,000
helped make it a success.
Many of these people represented Southeastern as students, faculty staff and administration.
The Medical Center of
Southeastern Oklahoma and
the Durant Area Chamber of
Commerce will once again
join with Southeastern to
sponsor this year's festival.
The coordinators of the
events need all the help they
can get from volunteers.
The festival will include
country music, classic rock,
gospel singing and exciting
entertainment. There will be
everything from country
dancing to jugglers.
Beautiful hot air balloons
will blaze across the sky on
Friday night during a race.
There will be additional
launches on Saturday and
Sunday mornings, and on
Saturday evening.
Shows, including art,
crafts, and antiques, are
scheduled events. Many of
the items will be for sale.
There is a special category
for paintings of magnolias.
S o m e of the crafters will be
on hand to demonstrate their
talent. Antique experts will
also be there to share some of
their knowledge.
A buggy ride will also be available for the public to experience
the history of Durant and its culture before statehood.
Shuttle service will be provided to the Quilt Celebration.
Antique and modern quilts will be
on display. A raffle will make
some lucky festival-goer the winner of one of the quilts.
Tickets will need to be purchased for the popular Magnolia
Belle and Beau Luncheon/Style
Show. The exhibition is to honor
Durant's heritage. The men and
w o m e n selected will embody the
spirit of the region.
The festival, in collaboration
with the headquarters of the
Choctaw Nation located in Durant,
plans to showcase the history
and culture of the Choctaw Indians. Native Americans will serve
as storytellers, artisans, traditional
dancers and singers.
For the golf nuts, the Kiwanis/
Landmark Golf Tournament will
add to the merriment in an 18
hole round of golf.
A vintage car show will prove
to be a highlight of the festivities.
It will be held in Durant's Market
Square and will feature cars from
all eras.
The Magnolia Run is a 5 or
10K race for all skill levels. The
course will take you from rolling
hills to countryside in this area.
The festival begins at 10 a.m.
on Friday, May 29. It promises to
be fun for the whole family.
Photos by Kara Stevens
Circus Chimera
Carissa Rozzell
Circus Chimera had its
debut last night at 7:30 p.m.
The next performances will be
on Thursday at 4:30 and 7:30
p.m. The Big Top is set up
two miles west of Durant on
Highway 70, next to Tate
"It [Circus Chimera] is
unlike most that people have
ever seen," said Donald
Bradburn, artistic director. "It
combines traditional circus
with the magic of a Disney
The theme for the circus is
the popular children's story
"The Toy Box." The show
consists of dozens of familyoriented acts, each related to
a child's toy.
"Everything is new," said
see CIRCUS, page 4
Crisis Control Center Needs S O S U Support Sorina Graduation
Kara Stevens
in 1988. W o m e n and children children's supplies, such as dia- cial groups, occupations, and
Carissa Rozzell
6:00 p.m. Faculty will line up at
Alpha M u G a m m a and can stay up to 30 days. Exten- pers and non-perscription medi- income levels?
5:30 p.m.
*Every 15 seconds a
Sigma Tau Delta have sions are granted when needed. cations, clothing for women and
Rehearsal for commenceNext, the School of Busiteamed together for a com- The shelter provides all the needs children, light bulbs, batteries, w o m a n is physically assaulted
ment exercises is scheduled
munity service project, col- of its residents during their stay. dish washing liquid, and much within her home?
for 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, May ness, School of Business,
School of Science & Technollecting donations for the Cri- All services are confidential and more is needed. The center
'Domestic violence is the 13, at Bloomer Sullivan Gymogy, Graduate School of Busisis Control Center. Dr. Lisa the shelter will never admit to has a printed list of needs and most c o m m o n cause of injury nasium.
ness Administration, and
Hill, and Dr. Randy Prus are having a resident in its shelter. a call to 924-3056, the main to women, exceeding auto acGraduation for each indisponsoring the effort. Vice The Crisis Control Center also office, will reveal most immedi- cidents, mugging, and rapes
School of Technolvidual school of Southeastern
President of Sigma Tau provides outpatient counseling.
at 8 p.m. Faculty
ate needs. Cash contributions combined?
will be held at Paul Laird Field,
"We serve victims of domes- are also accepted.
Delta, member of Alpha M u
'Approximately 9 5 % of the
May 15, at 8 p.m. Faculty will will line up at 7:30 p.m.
G a m m a , T a m m y Dodd and tic violence and sexual assault,"
If bad weather occurs, the
Collection boxes are lo- victims of domestic violence
line up at 7:30 p.m.
Sigma Tau Delta member,
will be decided by noon
are w o m e n ?
In case of rain, the exerBrian Collins, are in charge
over local radio sta'In the U S , a w o m a n is
cises will be held in Bloomer
of the drive.
more likely to be assaulted,
Gymnasium as two ceremo"We have raised donaIn either case, the students
injured, raped, or killed by a
tions for them before and had
their families will be honmale partner than by any other
To begin the evening, the
a good response. So, w e are
type of assailant?
School of Arts & Letters, School ored at a reception immedihoping that people will reately following the 8 p.m. cer' 6 0 % of U S m e n will batter of Education and Behavioral
spond well again this semesat some time in their lives?
Sciences, Graduate School of emony in the Student Union
ter," President of Sigma Tau
'More than 5 0 % of U S
Behavioral Studies, and
Delta, Cheryl Clark, said.
Everyone is cordially invited
w o m e n are battered at someGraduate School of Education
So far, no response has
the reception.
time in their lives?
will bestow degrees begin at
been seen in this drive. Ac'An estimated 3 to 4 million
cording to Collins, S O S U has
American w o m e n are battered
failed to contribute any do- Norita Stockton, director of the cated throughout the Morrison each year by their husbands or
Crisis Control Center, said.
building. Donations are also partners?
Kara Stevens
The shelter's 24-hour hotline accepted in the Department of
"We are desperately in
' 2 0 % of w o m e n seeking
need of donations," Dodd is 924-3030. The center can English, Humanities, and Lan- emergency surgical proceGerman Fest was held in Muenster, Texas, April 24-26,
accomodate 17 w o m e n and chil- guage. The drive lasts until dures are victims of violence?
1998. Four members from Alpha M u G a m m a attended German
"All contributions are dren.
May 1. After this date dona'Many battered w o m e n Fest on April 25; Jessie Herdy, past president; Rory Jameson,
"Last year, w e served 689 tions can be made directly to stay in an abusive home begreatly needed and apprecivice president; Cheryl Clark; and T a m m y Dodd.
ated," Collins said. "The cam- women and children," Stockton the Crisis Control Center office cause they feel that there is no
German Fest, a celebration of German tradition, is held
located directly behind Salita's alternative?
pus is showing poor support said.
every year on the last weekend of April. Crafts, German food,
April is Child Abuse Preven- Restaurant on Main Street in
for a worthy cause."
The Crisis Control Center rides, German music, German beer, children's activities, and a
"We're trying to raise tion month and Sexual Assault Durant.
wants to be an alternative and mime were part of the festivities.
Did you know that:
awareness that a shelter Awareness month. All contribulet battered w o m e n know there
"The sauerkraut was good," Clark said.
* At least 2 million w o m e n is a safe place to go. They
does exist for women and tions would be helpful and are
"It was a surprise to find a part of Germany in Texas," Dodd
are beaten by their husbands appreciate all the support they
children who need to leave needed for these causes.
said. "The bratwurst and the zwiebel schnitzel was very good."
Anything someone buys for every year?
abusive situations," Hill said.
receive from the community
Alpha M u G a m m a is the National Collegiate Foreign Lantheir
house and family, the shel'Approximately a third of all and hope that the community
"It needs assistance from
guage Honors Society. Alpha M u G a m m a is interested in
ter also needs, Stockton said.
American couples experience will continue to support them.
the community."
attending different culture events. Their goal is to learn about
a Violent incident' every year?
The shelter's goal is to
Facts on domestic violenceother cultures, Dr. Lisa Hill, Alpha M u Gamma's sponsor, said.
'Family Violence occurs in for this story were contributed
help w o m e n 'get on their feet laundry supplies, personal hyAnyone interested in joining Alpha M u G a m m a should
again.' The shelter opened giene supplies, paper products, families of all age groups, ra- by the Crisis Control Center.
contact Hill at ext. 2724 for further details.
The campus is showing poor
support for a worthy cause.
Students Visit German Fest
The Southeastern
Internet Chat Night to Offer
Career Planning Assistance
to Students and Families
Students planning for the future, adults getting ready for
career changes and parents helping children with career
choices can find answers to their career questions by logging
onto a nationwide live Internet chat session, "Career Chat."
Sponsored by the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan
Program ( O G S L P ) and other guarantee agencies around the
nation, the live chat session will be held Wednesday, M a y 6,
from 6 to 8 p.m.
"This Internet chat session will give students and parents a
unique opportunity to talk with career counselors from around
the country about planning for the future," said O G S L P Executive Director Alice Strong-Simmons. "Participants can get
advice on setting career goals, finding a career that matches
their interests and searching for a job."
Anyone with Internet access can participate in the session
by visiting O G S L P ' s website at www.ogslp.org and connecting
to Mapping Your Future. O n c e visitors select the chat session, they will receive simple instructions on h o w to join the
discussion. They can also pre-register for the chat session
and choose to have a reminder sent a few days before the
"One-on-one interaction with career advisors around the
nation is another example of h o w Oklahoma higher education
is using technology to help students get the information they
need to plan for college and beyond," said Chancellor Hans
Students can get more information on planning for college
by visiting the O G S L P website or calling 1-800-858-1840.
Mapping Your Future — a college, career, and financial aid
website — is sponsored by O G S L P and guarantee agencies
in other states that participate in the Federal Family Education
Loan Program. In Oklahoma, loans for higher education or
post-secondary education m a d e to students by private or
public lending institutions are guaranteed by the federal
government through O G S L P , which is administered by the
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
April 30.1998
State University
Box 4237
Durant, O K
ext. 2696
Jacqueline B a u m a n n
Well, this semester is finally coming to an end. Endings are good, because they
bring about n e w beginnings. The students w h o are graduating and ending their educational
experience will have n e w beginnings in their lives.
Now, instead of spending their days and nights with school work and paying for it,
they get to work in 'the real world' (as m a n y are fond of calling it).
After graduation comes the job search. This is grueling work. Applications are long
and after filling out three or four, they all begin to look identical. S o m e employers require an
education while others require experience. There are employers w h o require both. I love
those employers w h o want experienced employees. This doesn't even m a k e sense. H o w
do you get experience if you can't get hired? People say get an education so you can get a
job. Then you get an education, but they won't hire you without experience. Look at 'the
real world' now.
The campus is a micro-cosm, it is a world of its own. W e have our o w n laws on
campus that are not even related to the laws in the city of Durant. Like 'the real world', w e
have students from all across the globe. Students are here for different reasons, but are all
after the s a m e thing: A n education and a foundation for the future.
W h e n a person does finally get a job, their lives will change. A person cannot hit the
snooze on the alarm four or five times. They can't skip a shower to catch s o m e extra zzz's.
They have to get up on time and get to work on time.
Another thing to change would be eating habits. W h e n hungry now, I just stop
studying and eat. At work, you m a y only have one particular time you can eat. There m a y
or m a y not be a microwave at your place of employment. A person m a y be forced to eat out
every day.
O n e other thing to think about, no more skipping class just once to go to the Texas
State Fair, or what ever. O n c e you are working, you m a y only have the weekends for
leisure time. S o m e people m a y be forced to work on the weekends, w h e n does this leave
time for leisure?
W h a t is 'the real world' anyway? S o m e consider it to be the world as the w a y they
perceive it. S o m e people say 'the real world' when they refer to a job. W h o knows! T h e
real world' is what you think it is, I guess. Does this m e a n when I graduate, I will get to go
into 'the real world'? If I will be going into 'the real world' soon, then a m I in the unreal world
The world is pretty unreal sometimes. People are shot and killed sometimes for no
apparent reason at all. People talk badly about others. People lie, cheat and steal to satisfy
their selfish needs. People go into restaurants and kill people then kill themselves. G a n g s
will shoot you in s o m e cities for wearing the wrong kind of baseball cap.
Scandals, sex, and violence seem to be the only things aired on the television.
People claim they are tired of hearing about the m a n y Clinton scandals; although T V ratings
are higher during the airing of these scandals.
In surveys, the question w a s asked, "What is your top priority?" Family w a s their top
priority, 9 0 % said. However, our actions and attitudes reflect money as being the most
important thing to acquire here in 'the real world'. If our top priority w a s actually the family,
w e would live in an 'ideal world'. However, this is unrealistic.
Diversity Taught on
Campus, Not
S h a y Jones
Alm»» Wolf.
arts &
Sunshine Gross
Isaac Taylor
Shay Jones
Jacqueline Baumann
Carissa Rozzell
Kara Stevens
m a n a g e r
Bobbie Crawford
Janet F. Reeder
The Southeastern is published
as a teaching instrument tor
journalism students under the
Department of Communication
and Theatre on Wednesday
during the school year and biweekly during the summer,
except during examinations
and holidays.
Opinions expressed in The
Southeastern do not
necessarily represent those of
the student body, faculty, or
administration. Opinions
appearing in by-lined articles,
columns or letters are those of
P a p e r Editorial
U. Missouri
the individual writer. Opinions
in unsigned editorials are those
Columbia, M o . - Across campus, students complain about courses and
general education requirements:
"Why do I need to take 12 hours of Spanish?"
"This course isn't teaching m e anything I don't already know."
"Math 10!"
Students argue against courses and requirements, often questioning the
classes' relevance beyond an acedemic setting.
Students might start arguing about n e w a requirement in the future.
For years, campus committees and officals have debated about adding a
diversity course requirement to the curriculum. Students might have to take a
course in W o m e n ' s Studies, Black History or another subject dedicated to
improving cultural awareness.
Although few, if any, formal proposals to add such a requirement have
been m a d e , the issue is constantly discussed.
But students don't need a diversity course requirement or a course in
cultural awareness to increase their appreciation for and knowledge of other
races, cultures and lifestyles.
They don't need to learn that knowledge in a classroom.
Instead, they can learn it on this campus.
Although M U has a long way to go before it fully represents society,
students have an opportunity to expand their cultural horizons. The opportunity
c o m e s in the form of interaction with students whose creed, race, ethnicity or
gender differs from your own.
Such opportunities abound at M U .
Don't be afraid to take a W o m e n ' s Studies course if you're male; don't be
afraid to take a Black History course if you're white. Don't be afraid to talk with
m e m b e r s of the Legion of Black Collegians or the Triangle Coalition. Don't be
afraid to learn about other cultures while in college, and don't be afraid to
challenge yourself. Higher education is not merely the pursuit of textbook
knowledge; at M U , it's the opportunity to grow.
Cultural growth and awareness can't be taught in a standard classroom
surrounded by walls and filled with desks and chairs.
The M U campus is a true classroom, where you can learn to appreciate
diversity, understand other cultures and gain insight from people with
experience different from yours.
ol the editorial board.
Letters to the editor must be
signed, although names may
be withheld upon request to the
editor and the adviser.
Anonymous letters will not be
published. Letters must also
include the author's address
and telephone number for
verification. The editor reserves
the right to edit toners lor space
limitations and to compty with
libel laws. Every etlort will be
made to preserve the integrity
ot the letter. Letters may be
mailed lo the above address or
delivered to Fine Arts 203.
Subscriptions are $10 per year.
Advertising rate cards are
available upon request.
Oklahoma Collegiate Press
Congratulations Seniors!!!!!
Oklahoma Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
Studenl Press Law Center
April 30, 1998
Arts & Entertainment
W h f l t ' Q Qhn\A/inn
The Southeastern 3
M a l e vs
- Female Perspectives: H o w W e Really View Each Other.
from going to a circus?
Last week, I told
finally made a device
8. The fight last night was
a circus the clowns
you about rejection lines that makes a car run
m y fault. M y wife asked,
don't talk.
and what they really
9 5 % quieter? Yeah, it "What's on the TV? and I
5. What do you do with
fits right over her
said, Dustl"
bachelor who thinks
Well, this week I'm mouth.
9. How do you fix a
going to tell you how
3. How do you know a womans watch? You don't. he's God's gift?
males and females
woman's about to say
. .there's a clock on the Exchange him.
6. W h y do bachelors
Sunshine Gross
perceive each other.
something smart?
smart women?
(According to the
When she starts her
10. One golfer tells
The Big Hit
Internet ).
sentence with "A man another. "Hey guess what!
I'm not going to
once told me. . . "
I got a set of golf clubs for 7. What is the thinnest
Paulie is going to
It's not that I hated
book in the world?
4. W h y do women
m y wife!" The other
be the next kids movie
this movie. I just don't say that these
What Men Know About
perceptions are factual, have smaller feet than replies: "GREAT trade!"
that rates up there with
get much out of the
Now women it's
movies who aren't once
on the person, but I
stand closer to the
our turn to tell the
Paulie is a movie serious. If it was
8. What is the
guys how we perceive
about a talking parrot
intended to be a comedy, think you will at least
difference between a
get a laugh from this tid- 5. If your dog is
who does more than just they needed to say that
man and government
bit if information. I just barking at the back
1. W h y do men like
mimic the people he
in the previews.
bonds? Bonds mature.
love at first sight? It
hears talking around
In all actuality, the
9. How do you save a
yelling at the front,
saves them a lot of
him. This bird (a trained movie is very funny.
man from drowning?
who do you let in first? time.
Blue-crown Conure) can
Melvin Smiley
Take your foot off his
fling insults, cop an
(Mark Wahlberg) is a
First, how men
least he'll shut up
give a man who has
attitude and tell a long, very nice guy. He wants
10. What do men and
perceive us women.
sad life story.
nothing more than for
bottles have in
1. W h y is a laundromat
In the beginning of everyone to like him.
They are
a really bad place to
this movie, Misha, a
The only thing wrong, is pick up a woman?
both empty from the
don't mind their own
3. W h y don't men
janitor (Tony Shalhoub
that he is a hitman, a job Because a woman who
neck up.
business? 1. No mind. have mid-life crises?
of TV's Wings), comes
that leaves him with
I hope that
can't even afford a
2. No business.
They stay stuck in
across a parrot in the
ulcers. Everyone takes
anyone who read this
washing machine will
basement of a research
advantage of him.
article took no offense
never be able to support7. W h y do women like adolesence.
laboratory. This parrot
Especially his fiancee
to what it had to say. It
talks. Nothing strange
Pam (Christina
meant to make you
2. Did you hear they
about that.
Applegate) and his
laugh. As a friend of
But this parrot can girlfriend Chantel (Lela
mine would say, " It's all
carry on a conversation
Rochon). Melvin knows
with anyone. And when
he should break up with
the janitor manages to
them, but he thinks they
get Paulie to open up, he might not like him
learns his life story.
anymore if he did that.
Are you interested in Native American Indian history? Check out http://member
Misha learns that
Melvin works with
Paulie is the pet of a
Cisco (Lou Diamond
small girl named Marie. Phillips), Crunch
Do you need some airline tickets? Look up www.priceline.com
The little girl has a
(Bokeem Woodbine), and
Are political jokes your type of comedy? Look at www.capsteps.com
speech problem and
Vinnie (the very fine
often stutters. Unknown Antonio Sabbato, Jr.).
Do you like reading strange news? Browse www.bizarrenews.com
to her parents, Paulie
The four men work
and Marie teach each
for a man named Paris
If you have any awesome or interesting web sites come by the news room and let
other how to talk.
(Avery Brooks), who is
An unfortunate
rich, powerful, and
accident prompts Marie's always in need of four
parents to get rid of the
sloppy hitmen.
T H E Crossword
bird, who ends up with a
When the four
pawn shop owner. From
decide to go out on their
1 Tint
there he lives with an
own, the figure
4 Heats
9 Weathercock
aging artist who agrees
kidnapping is the way to
13 Hastened
to take him to California, go. The girl they kidnap 14 Sharp
15 Hero
so he can find Marie.
turns out to be Paris'
16 Sin
He makes it as far Goddaughter, and Paris
18 Aloe —
19 Taxed to the
as East L.A., where he
is not a man to make
meets Cheech Marin and mad. This is where the
20 Kind of column
22 Legal .matter
his Mexican street band. plot begins.
23 Father
Paulie does some
The story is
24 Meal
28 Measurement,
time with a petty thief
standard action film
of a kind
and eventually ends up
stuff. It's not anything
32 Pungent vegin the research laboratry really new or offensive.
where he meets Misha.
The only selling point of 33
34 Small bill
The tender
the film is the John W o o
35 Camper's place
36 After-dinner
moment of the movie
type action that is seen
takes place when Paulie
throughout it.
37 Insulation stuff
O 1997 Tribune Media Sorvicos. Inc
All rights reserved.
is telling Misha about his
The comedy in the 38 Before
39 Rods
Carissa Rozzell
disheartening troubles.
film isn't aimed very
40 Opinion surveys 11 Nick's Mrs.
12 Israeli airline
One almost leans toward high. It just a step or two ".41. Baby buggy
Theatre at Southeastern will present "Am I
13 Altitudes: abbr. • o 3 H
43 Pantry
3 aN V s
V H 3 s
the screen wanting to be away from movie's like
17 Alarm
44 Rip
1 10 V
Blue" on May 1 and May 2, at 8 a.m. in the UniM 3 J S
B N 3 A 3
21 Paid players
in on the heart-to-heart
Airplane or Naked Gun. 45 Large snake
s N V 1 1 ti V n V S V 3 tl V
versity Complex, Room 300.
23 Roasting sticks
46 Ziti and ravioli
9 i S H V d J |s V 1 S V d
talk between the two raw
Among the movie's 49 Convey
24 Bestows
The play was written by Beth Henly and stu|v 0 LOT^ V 3 X |
54 Zone
more absurd secens is a
i 3 SO 1
u 3 1 1 o H J s
directed by Senior acting major Thomas
s 1 1 0 d °Ms 3 1 o d
3 H 3
Some of the bird
car chase and demolition 55
25 Motionless
57 Fret
3 1 w
s i N 1w • l N 3 J
antics in this film
derby, during which
3 N 0
26 Forty—
58 Levels
S N 1 V
>7j o 1 N 0
The cast will include Paul Crawford, Kat
27 Negative
1 n J N O 0 d S • ti3_|N N 1 n
59 Mine entrance
provide some amazing
Cisco uses his car like an 60
Sherri Quaid, Todd
28 More sensible
3 d 1 s S 3 til
moments (some were
oversized tractor to get
61 Noted jockey of 29 Thwarts
ilv ii 1 d s | a 3 N 1 V d 1 s
Fischer, and Larissa Gomez.
30 Family circle
V w 3 A
ss 3 d O s N V H i
done using
trees out the way. Their 62 Crimson
"Am I Blue" is a highly off-beat comedy which
1 0 a 1
3 X n 0 v
0 3 1 H
animatronics). Jay
are even instant replays DOWN
31 Smallest amount 3 N V A
S H d V M
3 K a
ranges from hilarity to pathos. It details the
33 Certain runner
1 Soil
Mohr's Paulie voice is
to show you exactly how
chance meeting of a timid college freshman and
36 Blackstrap
2 Period of time
synched to match
the characters manage to
37 Pasture sound
3 — SI Vincent
the precocious teenager who lures him to her
39 Entreaty
movents of the birds
escape certain death.
ramshackled apartment.
48 Prophet
52 Arthurian lady
40 Flat: pref.
4 "Lohengrin"
I'm not really sure
49 Govt, agents
53 Between Q
42 City in Canada
Admission is free is everyone. This production
50 Headliner
43 Rough
5 Farm units
This was a great
what I think about this
contains a limited amount of adult language, and
51 Lose color
56 Gardner of films
45 Trademark
6 Felt remorse
childrens movie. Some
movie. At least when I
46 Football play
7 Alps: abbr.
is recommended for mature audiences only.'
47 A Johnson
8 Meetings
adults will enjoy it as
left, I had had a good
By Nora McVittie
9 Actress Leigh
10 City of Yemen
on The Big
What's Hot on the Internet
Student Directs Play
fThought of the Week
XsrV+ i+GK£M"-fo proctr^
"Wit Store is a. LPT \c^s
^ r ^ S ^ l 7 Mrf+pm^Hc*^
"For every failure, there's an alternative course
b/ action. You just have tofindit. When you come to
a roadblock, take a detour."
Mary Kay Ash
The Southeastern
SIFE Presents Presentation to S O S U
April 30,1998
Students Attend Conference
Kara Stevens
Three S O S U Honor StuAll three papers fell under took a cab to down town Lindents attended the Great Plains the category, "Unrole-ing Gen- coln for lunch along with ArkanHonor Council Conference der and Ethnicity."
sas Honor Student, Lisa Coo1998, at the University of NeThe five w o m e n left Friday per. Cooper needed to be back
braska in Lincoln, Nebraska, around 6 a.m. and arrived just before 2:15, because that was
on April 17-19.
fifteen minutes before the ban- the time of her presentation.
The three
After finishstudents were
ing d o w n
junior, T a m m y
town, they
Dodd, English
couldn't find
Education maa cab back.
jor; senior,
They m a n Cheryl Clark,
aged a ride
English major,
and arrived
Spanish miat 2:10.
nor; and seCooper w a s
nior, Annie
late for her
Rawls, English
presentamajor with a
photo by Kara Stevens
emphasis in
"KidnapSIFE members enjoyed cake and punch as part of a congratulation reception. SIFE members won 1 st runner-up in the
writing, Biolping
that Arregional competetion The group re-presented their presentation to Southeastern students and faculty on Wednesday.
kansas girl
They were acw a s fun,"
companied by
Kara Stevens
Dodd said.
to the presentation. After the through different parts of the Dr. Lisa Hill,
Later, all
Seven SIFE members com- welcome, each student entered Business Department, and coordinator of
peted in the SIFE Regional and introduced themselves. SIFE home page.
the Honors
to a
Competition on April 9, 1998. SIFE members include 21 en"This is a very challenging Program, and
50's retreat.
Students In Free Enterprise rolled members and 14 volun- group of students," Barnes said. Dr. Annette
W h e n
(SIFE) w o n First Runner Up. teer members.
Dr. Barnes presented two Trefzer, sponsomeone
The group consisted of Dan
Three SIFE members, Dan Outstanding Awards and $100 sor.
would order
Kobiske, Britt Lewis, Edna Kobiske, Sarah M c C o m a c k , checks to two SIFE members:
Honor stua "Big Red"
Lewis, Levi McDonald, w h o are and Darren Hayes, spoke dur- Lewis, enrolled member, and dents
atdrink, the
Enrolled members, and Denise ing the slide presentation. They Hayes, volunteer member. Dr. tended the
staff would
Batchelor, Darren Hayes, told of different events SIFE Barnes then thanked everyone c o n f e r e n c e
shout, "Big
Joette Heim, and W a y n e has sponsored and projects for coming and concluded.
from ArkanRed." The
Wallace, w h o are Volunteer they have done during the seSIFE plans to compete in sas, Texas,
mester. Then Hayes spoke at the International SIFE Compe- M i s s o u r i ,
wore roller
O n Wednesday, April 29, the conclusion of the presenta- tition on M a y 11-12, 1998, in O k l a h o m a ,
skates and
SIFE members presented their tion about plans for the future. Kansas City Missouri. They Nebraska, and
winning presentation at S O S U
Christina Smith and W a y n e will compete in five categories. Kansas. Apglasses," the
in R100at2:30p.m.
Wallace gave a tour of the
Anyone interested in SIFE proximately
group sairj.
Dr. Debbie Barnes, SIFE internet. They started at the should contact Dr. Barnes at 200 honor stu"It w a s
sponsor, welcomed everyone S O S U h o m e page, continued ext. 2948 or stop by room R111. dents
very fifties,"
sponsors were
Circus continued from page 1
C i r c u s CZtilrr\( «rca c o m O S to t o w n witn a w o - l n s p l n n g s n o w '
"Dr. Hill and
Dodd, Clark,
Durant is the second town
I had a great
the company has performed
for since opening night in
preThey arsented conference papers.
Paris, TX, last Monday. They
quet, which started at 6 p.m.
rived h o m e after a twelve hour
have only had the tent for a
Dodd's paper w a s titled,
They all agree they enjoyed drive, around 6 p.m. They said
"Wonder Woman." Her paper communicating with other they look forward to the next
W e d . April 2 9 7:30
stems from Dodd's fascination honor students. The w o m e n conference.
"We have performers from
Thu. April 30 4:30 & 7:30
GiLUlS - Boleto Para .\tnos
Emily Dickenson.
all over the world," said
also said they learned some
"We're hoping that this will
Under the Big Top
us to a University-wide
a d Gra Qmn, a la taprat
2 Miles West of Durant on Hwy 70
fob l a w nil en • am 1 i D m
FemiThe group is very excited
No seat over 60 feet from the Action!
This Free Child'! Ticket Is valid
about this new venture. This
Hill said.
tor General Admission Seating (subjact
a ^ y w o p f M U * lf>
to seating availabl'ity) at Circus Chimaia on dates &
multi-culture interests.
circus should prove to have a
Trefzer said. "I thought that the
t m a s preited above lot O N E CHILD
This week, freshman EnVnttPBmnrihmwnewn
between tha agas or 2 I 12
Rawls' paper w a s titled conference was well organized. glish honor students will present
Each Child Musi be Accompanied
fresh look considering the
by an Adult with a Full Piice Adult Ticket
Se Habla Espanol
Each Child Must have their o w n Ticket
"Simon Says." This paper I enjoyed the variety of the dif- their work for 1997-98 semesmany origins of the performers
This ticket cannot be used with any other
reduced or ice coupon, ticket or special offer.
stems from Rawls' view on tra- ferent kinds of presentations." ter on Tuesday and Thursday,
and the new equipment.
Free Children's Tickets Compliments of:
ditional gender roles.
From Durant, the circus
The three honor students at 11:30 a.m., in R100.
Circus Chimera...a creation of the imagination.
will go to El Reno!, O K , and
believe it!!" perform there on M a y 1
FREE Children's Ticket
Champion Presents "Line!"
Carissa Rozzell
Latha C h a m p i o n
Theatre at Southeastern
will present "Line!" on M a y 1, at
8:30 p.m., in room 300 of the
University Complex, the Black
Box Theatre.
"Llnel" is the Senior Recital
of Latha Champion and a showcase of acting styles and techniques learned by acting/directing students.
This wonderful combination
is designed to entertain and
give audiences an idea of what
Theatre at Southeastern is like.
Champion will be performing monologues as well as
pieces where she is accompanied by other students.
The production contains a
limited amount of adult language and is recommended for
mature audiences only.
The Southeastern would like to introduce the new
staff for the summer semester.
Shay Jones
Carissa Rozzell
A & E Editor:
Adv. & Bus. Manager: Jodie Duke
Jacqueline Baumann
Kara Stevens
Staff Writer:
Janet Reeder
Publication Dates
June 27
June 24
July 8
July 22
E-Mail us at
thesoutheastern @sosu. edu
Gives a call at
924-0121 ext. 2696
The Southeastern
School of Education & Behavioral
Gives Awards
• ^Sciences
Final Examination Schedule
Shay Jones
April 30,1998
School of Arts and Letters
Hosts Banquets
Shay Jones
The School of Education and Education, Sociology, Psychology,
' behavioral Sciences will be hosting Health and Physical Education
-•rian honors reception on May 13. Departments.
•:• The reception will begin at 3:00
"It will be quite a reception.
'::.and will be in the Magnolia Room. There are around 50 recepients,"
.._.-: There will be a snack buffet with Virginia Davis, instructor of
.-.sandwiches and punch.
Psychology, said.
.,; Honors to be given out include
The reception is for receptiants,
^, Who's W h o Awards and families, and faculty.
' scholarships. Recipiants of these
Attire for the occassionis
'"awards are members of the Sunday dress.
President's Club Meets
Aimee Woulfe
Day Classes
M W F or four or five days a week
Friday, May 15,1:30-3:00
— T u e s d a y , M a y 12,8:30-10:30
-Thursday, M a y 14,10:30-12:30
Friday, M a y 15, 8:30-10:30
— M o n d a y , M a y 11,8:30-10:30
-Tuesday, M a y 12,1:30-3:30
-Thursday, M a y 14, 8:30-10:30
8:30 (or earlier)
-Monday, M a y 11,1:30-3:30
9:30 or 10:00- M o n d a y , M a y 11,10:30-12:30
-Tuesday, M a y 12,10:30-12:30
— T u e s d a y , M a y 12,3:30-5:30
-Thursday, M a y 14,1:30-3:30
-Friday, M a y 15,10:30-12:30
Evening Classes
Evening classes will m e e t for their final e x a m s during their regular class periods M a y 11-May 14.
Examinations will be held in regularly scheduled
classrooms. Classes meeting at a time not listed
should h a v e their examinations during their class
President Johnson opened his h o m e Sunday, April 30,1998
..for an end of the year President's Club meeting. T h e meeting
w a s help to celebrate the successful school year.
T h e meeting w a s a dinner party held in the President's
,,i>ackyard. Upcoming events and a s u m m e r agenda were dis;::oussed. T h e students enjoyed badmitten g a m e s with the Presi" ,dent Johnson, his wife Malinda, and their advisors.
,.; "It w a s really nice for President Johnson to open his h o m e
:;-:and allow us to spend this time with him," said Jason Smith,
-...sophmore communication major and K S S U general manager.
The meeting allowed student club presidents and their advi. sors to fellowship and see h o w Southeastern can better unite its
n student clubs.
President J o h n s o n is very student oriented a n d is always
Open enrollment 11:30-4:30 Monday-Friday
- -..willing to give his time to better Southeastern a n d its students.
Last day to pre-enroll for summer semester
April 30
General open enrollment
8:30-3:00 June 2
First day of summer semester
June 3
Last day to Drop/Add(wtih no grade record)
June 9
Last day to drop with a "W"
June 30
Last day to complete graduation application
July 2
Free P r e g n a n c y Testing
Confidential Services
Final Exams
last meeting day of each class
Last day of summer semester
July 29
Summer Enrollment
111 East "A" St. Atoka, Okla. 74525
Toll Free 888-981-5683
Classes will meet M o n d a y thru Friday
only $25
M a x y Jane's A n t i q u e s
Inside Creation Corner
128 W. Main Durant, O K
924-4888, 889-1998
Buy and Sell
build a new Animal Shelter
Needed: Sale Items (new & used)
and volunteers to run the store. All
donations are 100% tax deductible.
For more info or to make a monetary
donation call 924-5873.
Homeward Bound P.O. Box 1751
Durant, O K 74701
C o m e pick
yours up at
FA 203!
earn $375 weekly
Medical I.D. Cards at home.
Immediate openings, your
local area. Experience
unnecessary, will train.
Call Medicard
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Department of Social Sciences
The Department of Social Sciences will be holding a rece
tion and going-away party for students who are graduating on
May 15.
The reception will be held in the Administration Building,
R o o m 311 at 2:30, on Friday May 8. The reception is hosted by
the Pi Alpha Theta History Society. Those attending will be the
dean, faculty and graduates.
According to Betty Andrews, secretary for the Social Sciences Department, President Johnson was invited, but it is not
certain if he will be able to attend.
Department of English, Humanities
& Languages
The Department of English, Humanities and Languages will
b e hosting a n A w a r d s B a n q u e t o n Thursday, M a y 7, at the
Sidewalk Cafe. T h e reception is at 6:00 p.m. T h e a w a r d s
c e r e m o n y is at 6:30, followed by ari o p e n poetry reading at 7:30.
T h e B a n q u e t is o p e n to students a n d faculty.
" W e e n c o u r a g e a s m a n y people a s possible to c o m e . It gives
the students a c h a n c e to s h o w off their w o r k a n d for us to p u s h
the department," Dr. Patrick O'Connell, professor of Spanish,
According to Dr. O'Connell, attire for the evening is comfortable.
Department of Communication
& Theatre
The Department of Communication and Theatre will host
their Awards Banquet at the Durant Country Club on Thursday,
May 7.
The banquet begins at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m.
Dinner cost $10.50, for each person and will include a complete
meal and drink. There will be a cash bar available to those who
are 21 years or older.
No dinners will be served after 8 p.m.
Those wishing to attend need to bring their $10.50 to Marsha,
in the Communication Office, by 5 p.m. on Friday May 1.
Attire for the evening is Sunday dress or semi-formal.
Oct a 199? yaairlbook for yoiyiir ©Mlb
The yearbook is asking for pictures from all clubs
and organizations on campus. Each group needs to
donate seven pictures and drop them off in FA 203.
The pictures will be returned at a later date. The
deadline for turning in pictures is May 15.
ncy e n i * ::
C.-<< lug heme for the summer?
Tired of the clothes you've been wearing?
Don't want to take them home?
Sell them on < < s\u sui s i!
@ Uptown Lady
Call 931-8C97 for more information or
come by 31 € W. Main - Durant.
The Southeastern assumes no responsibility for advertising content. Good
judgement and careful consideration
should be used before making any
financial commitment, including long
distance phone charges, application
fees, checking account and credit card
numbers, or other perfsonal inform?
tion. Books or lists of jobs do not gur
antee an actual employment opportun
ity is available, or that applicants will
be qualified for jobs listed.
* *
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Help t h e y e a r b o o k b y brlnalna a n y
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The Southeastern
April 30. 1998
Savages Host NAIA Regional Tournament
Shay Jones
G a m e s will be played at 10
a.m., 1 and 4 p.m. All games
The Southeastern Savages will be played on the
are the host team for the 1998 Southeastern baseball field.
SectionalTeams participating in the
Southwest Regional Baseball tournament include East
There will be three games Southwestern, University of
on Wednesday, Thursday and Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Friday. Saturday play will (USAO) and College of the
consist of one or two games as Southwest (Hobbs, N e w
Admission is $3.
Southeastern students must
have proper identification to be
admitted. Children under 12
years old are admitted free of
A concession stand will be
The Savages are the Lone
Star Conference North Division
Champions in N C A A II
Consultant Says University Should
Drop Wrestling and Men's Track
College Press Service
O X F O R D , Ohio-The only
way for Miami University to
provide m e n and w o m e n
equitable athletic programs is
to cut the school's wrestling and
men's track teams and give the
money spent on them -- roughly
$300,000 a year -- to women's
programs, a consultant has told
university officials.
The university hired the
consultant to help find ways to
meet Title XI -- a relatively new
rule which stipulates that
schools provide m e n and
w o m e n equitable athletic
programs. The consultant
concluded that the university
won't be able to raise enough
money to increase the number
of sports it offers to w o m e n
without eliminating some men's
sports, President J a m e s
Garland said.
The university suggested
that the men's tennis team be
dropped by the end ofthe 199899 school year. Garland said
he wants to m a k e a
recommendation to trustees in
About 55 percent of Miami's
undergraduate students are
women. About 42 percent of
the school's student-athletes
are women, and they get 31
percent of the money spent on
athletic aid.
S h a y Jcnes
photo by Carissa Rozzell
This E C U Tiger gets a strike called on him Wednesday afternoon. The Tigers went up against Northwestern in the
1998 N A I A North Sectional-Southwest Regional Baseball Tournament. The tournament will continue through
Saturday. Other teams participating in the tournament include Southwestern, U S A O , and College ofthe Southwest.
Lady Netters Win Consolation Title
Shay Jones
The Lady Savage Netters
won the consolation title in the
Lone Star North Conference
Tournament in Abilene, Texas.
The team beat Tarleton
State, 5-4. The victory brings
their season record to 14-4.
Jessica Doughty went three
sets plus a tie breaker in the
number one position. Doughty
won-out over Amanda Blanco,
2-6, 6-4, 7-6, (7-2).
The number two, three, and
four singles fell to Tarleton
"When w e received our draw
sheet, w e knew w e would have
a difficult time with Texas
Women's and someone would
have to play over their head,"
Coach Pat Mauldin said.
"Unfortunately, w e did not
do that, so w e wound up losing
that match. It didn't help any
that they were making
mistakes," Mauldin said.
"We lost that one at the
numbers one and two doubles,
one, two and three singles. Our
number three doubles was our
only win."
The Lady Savages are
playing in the NAIA Regional
Tournament in Benton, Texas
April 29 thru May 1.
The Savage baseballers took the first game of
the North Sectional-Southwest Region
Tournament on Wednesday. Southeastern runruled the College of the Southwest, 12-2. The
game was called at seven innings.
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