Making a Difference - Lexington Community Church


Making a Difference - Lexington Community Church
September 11
October 9
The purpose of “A Servant’s
Heart” Ministry is to build
intimate relationships
which offer…
Opportunities for spiritual
growth & service
...share life changing
experiences that help
women to grow to full
spiritual maturity.
“Chili Cook-Off at The
November 13
“Night of Service”
December 11
“Christmas Coffee”
January 8
“Dinner at Cagney’s”
Girls’ Night Out
“Pocketbooks of Love”
Titus 2 Women
“Game Night”
Festival of Tables
April 9
“Movie Night at Mel’s”
Women’s Retreats
May 9
“Festival of Tables”
February 12
March 12
June 11
July 9
August 13
Titus 2 Women and several GNO
events are held at the Events Center 71 Biesecker Rd
Lexington. NC
Follow Hwy 8 North and turn
left onto Biesecker Road.
Facility is shared with Carolina
Drawers—turn left just after
the railroad tracks.
Simplicity Retreat-No GNO
“Family Night”
“Craft Night”
“Dip ‘n Scoop”
Additional information about
upcoming GNO events and other
Servant’s Heart Ministry
opportunities can be found on
our website:
(see Women’s Ministry link)
Information can also be
found in Connections.
“Making a Difference” love, serve one another…
Galatians 5:13
Melanie Wallace—Ministry Leader
Leave the stress behind and join the
girls for these special evenings out.
Connect with other women, build
mentoring relationships that will
support and encourage you in your
walk with Christ, as well as lots of
opportunities to make new friends.
Girls’ Night Out
is held the 2nd
Thursday of each
month from 6:30 - 8:00pm
Locations and events vary!
*See schedule on back.*
As event dates approach watch for
flyers with more information.
Melanie Wallace - Ministry Leader
(336) 596-2021
1963 [email protected]
Linda Worley - Titus 2 Women Coordinator
(336) 746-6276
[email protected]
Betty McCrary Girls’ Night Out Coordinator
(336) 240-3250
[email protected]
Marie Bailey - Communications Coordinator
(336) 249-7152
[email protected]
Wendy Gilliatt - Prayer Coordinator
(336) 247-4303
[email protected]
Women’s Retreats are a special time
for growth as we focus on God and
His Word and share laughter and tears
with our Christian sisters.
This year we’re heading to the beach,
to experience fun, fellowship and
September 11—14th
Cherry Grove, SC
“Come away with me by yourselves and get
some rest.” ~Mark 6:31
Kina Motsinger Festival of Tables Coordinator
(336) 240-4038
[email protected]
A relaxing evening of dining and
entertainment, Festival of Tables is sure
to delight. Share your talents with others
by volunteering to decorate a table, or just
come to admire the efforts of other ladies.
Either way, be sure to mark your calendar
for this popular GNO event.
Held on Saturday, May 9th in 2015,
at the Events Center 71 Biesecker Rd.
Titus is an exciting place for women to
come together to connect with God, build
special relationships and grow spiritually.
The simple Truths of God’s Word are taught,
personal experiences are shared and
challenges are given each week.
Resuming September 8th, Titus will
be held from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
each Monday at the Events Center 71 Biesecker Rd.
This ongoing study is for women of all ages!
We are always in need of volunteers to share
their time and talents.
Please contact us for more information.
We’d love to hear from you!
Titus is led by:
Jackie Disher: [email protected]
Tanya Leonard: [email protected]
Linda Worley: [email protected]