November 8, 2015 - Saint John Paul II Parish`s
November 8, 2015 - Saint John Paul II Parish`s
November 8, 2015 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time Saint John Paul II Parish 406 W. Central Blvd. Kewanee, IL 61443 Parish Office 309-852-4549 Parish Fax 309-853-4106 School Office 309-856-7451 Parish website: School website: Pastor ……………….Fr. Johndamaseni (Fr. John) Zilimu [email protected] Deacon ………………………………Mar4n VanMeltebeck RCIA Director……………[email protected] Business Manager ……….………….Marjorie Dooley …………………[email protected] Office Manager ………...……………………Brenda Kuffel ………………………offi[email protected] Facility Manager………………………………..Nate Nichols ……………[email protected] Spanish Ministry Associate…………….…...Yasmy Blas ……………………[email protected] Spanish Ministry Coordinator……………Maria Torres ………………………………………………………..309-525-1398 Adult Choir Director ………………………..Susan Welgat Organist………………………………………..Abbie Hamilton ...………………………………[email protected] Folk Group Director …………………………….Mike Berry ………………………………………[email protected] 365 Youth Group Coordinator…………...Yasmy Blass …………………[email protected] Director of Religious Educa+on, CCD ……Samantha Harker………[email protected] Mass Times Tuesday: Wednesday - Thursday: Friday: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Spanish Mass 5:30 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am 4:30 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 12:00 (Noon) All Masses are celebrated at Visitation Church, 410 W Central Blvd. Saint John Paul II Parish Office 406 W. Central Boulevard, Kewanee, IL 61443 Phone 309.852.4549—Fax 309.853.4106 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-4 pm Email: [email protected] Website: Saint John Paul II Parish: November 8, 2015 PAGE 2 Saint John Paul II Parish Mission Statement: Saint John Paul II Parish’s mission is to nourish the growth of individuals in their love of God and one another through the sacraments, public worship, personal prayer, Catholic education and the sharing of Time, Talent and Treasure. Welcome to Saint John Paul II Parish Welcome to all new families! Please register by calling or stopping by the parish office, or by downloading the registration form online. If your address changes or you move from the parish, please inform the parish office. horario de Misas Devociones y Sacramentos Rosarios: Todos los Miercoles, 6:30 pm en la Iglesia de San Juan Pablo II. Adoracion a la Eucaristia: Jueves, de 8:30 am a 5:00 pm. Para poder estar en la lista por favor de apuntanarse. La listas estan enfrente de la capilla. Bautizmos: Todos los Bautizmos van a ser el la Iglesia de Visitacion Parroquia de San Juan Pablo II. Todos los Bautizos seran el primer y tercer domingo después de las Misas a las 9:30 y el mediodía. Por favor de llamar a la oficinia si necesita fechas/horarios diferentes. Una donacion se tendra que dar a quien este celebrando el Bautizo. Personas que no sean miembros tendran que pagar $50 por la ceremonia. Las clases de Bautizo seran el ultimo Domingo de cada mes a las 9:30a.m. Matrimonio: Contactar a el Paroco por lo menos de 6-12 meses de anticipo, para poder enpezar los preparativos y poder apartar las fecha. Cual quier otra pregunta comunicarce a la oficina. Reconcilazion/Confeciones: Los Sabados de 3:304:10p.m. Y de los Domingos 9:00-9:15a.m., en la Iglesia de Visitacion Parroquia de San Juan Pablo II o por Cita tambien estan disponibles. Visitacion y Vendiciones al Enfermo: Cual quier persona que este atado a la Casa, Hospitalizada, en un Asilo, o avanzado de edad, pueden notificar a la oficina de la Parroquia para que puedan recivir los Sacramentos como la: Eucaristia, Confesion/Reconcilacion, y las Bendiciones. Miembros de la Iglesia estaran mas que disponibles para poder llegar estos servicios, Cada Primer Viernes del Mes ofrecemos visitas para poder llegar la Comunion/Eucaristia. Por favor de comunicarce con la oficiana de la Parroquia si save de alguien que necesiten de esta servicio cada mes y con gusto la ayuda se ofrecera. El Ritual de Cristinidad para Adultos(RCIA): Personas que les gustaria poder aprender mas sobre el Catolicismo o ser parte de nuestra comunidad Catolica, por favor de comunicarce con el Diacono Martin director de este ritual, para poder enpesar los preparativos a este ritual muy especial y educativo. Quinceañeras: La Famiilia tiene que estar registrada como un Miembro Activo de la Parroquia por lo menos 6 meses y vivir entre los limites de la diocesis de Peoria, antes de la fecha escogida. La Familia tiene que proporcionar copias de Actas de Bautizo, Primer Comunion y Confirmacion. Todos los certificados tienen que ser de Parroquias de Rito Romana Catolica. Tienen que reservar la fecha 6 meses antes de la celebracion. Con un deposito de $187.50 con un adicional pago de $187.50 cual se tiene que pagar 1 mes antes de la Fecha de celebracion. La Misas son los Sabados a las 12:00 del dia en la Iglesia de Visitacion Parroquia de San Juan Pablo II. Cual quier pregunta por favor de llamar la oficina. martes: miércoles– jueves: viernes: vigilia del sábado domingo: Misa en español 5:30 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am 4:30 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 12:00 (mediodia) Iglesia Visitaciún, 410 W Central Blvd. Devotions & Sacramentals Rosary: Wednesday, 6:30 pm Visitation Church Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Sign up sheet in front of the pulpit. Baptism: All baptisms will take place at Visitation Church the 1st & 3rd Sunday after 9:30 Mass. Please call the parish office to schedule a time. A free-will donation should be given to the clergy performing the baptism. Additionally, non-members will be charged $50. Baptism classes will be last Sunday of the month after 9:30 Mass. Marriage: Contact the Pastor at least 6 to 12 months in advance to schedule a wedding and begin marriage preparations. Reconciliation: Saturday, from 3:30—4:10 pm and 9:00 am—9:15 am Sunday, Visitation Church or by appointment. Visitation & Anointing of the Sick: Any person homebound, hospitalized, in the nursing home or advanced in years may notify the Parish Office to receive the Sacraments: Eucharist, Confession/Reconciliation, and Anointing. Parishioners from the Pastoral Care Ministry would be glad to visit. We also offer First Friday Communion Calls to the Homebound. Please call the Parish Office if you or someone you know would like to be visited monthly. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Persons wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith or join our Catholic community should call Dc. Marty, Director of RCIA. Quinceañera: The family must be registered and active parishioners for at least six months and living within the boundaries of the Peoria Diocese. The family must provide copies of baptismal and 1st Communion certificates. If the 15 year old girl is already confirmed, we also need a copy of the Confirmation certificate. All certificates must come from parishes supported by the Roman Catholic Rite. Reserve the date: A date may be reserved on the parish calendar 6 months in advance with a deposit of $187.50 with an additional $187.50 due1month before Quinceañera. Quinceañeras are scheduled on Saturdays at noon or 1pm at Visitation Church. Saint John Paul II Parish: November 8, 2015 Please remember the sick and the confined of our parish community, especially... Tom Ahlgren Cari Bridgewater Irene Bridgewater Jean Carlat Grady Calderon Eugene Carlson Dick & Bea & Ronald Clark Xavier Conlin Bernie Cromien JoAn Dobbels Paul Donovan Sid Douglas Annie Eastman Rick Girkin Tammy Gregory Barbara Gutschlag Ben Harlow Doug HIlgendorf Gary Hine Roger Hoburg Dana Jackson Mary Jackson Jerome Kawka Terrie Keefner Mary Jo Klavohn Jim Kursock John ‘Rusty’ Lams Olga Larson Veronica Lepianka Sue Lincy Margot Macaley Denny Marchand Mason Family Donna Moulton Paul Mowbray Joe & Joan Nosal Dawn & Tom Paxton Patrick Paxton Rosemary Paxton Jessica Rist John Rist Sue Saigh Charlie Sauer Delores Seckman Dee & Milt Seyller Marie Sherbeyn Special Inten4on Jerry Swearingen Dennis & BeJy Sullivan Judy Taylor Mike Uitermarkt Rylee VanMelkebeke Ray Van Wassenhove Lisa Wisniewski If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list, please contact the parish office at 309-852-4549. Bulle+n Deadline: ARTICLES MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA EMAIL OR IN WRITING TEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLISHED DATE. offi[email protected] PAGE 3 Mass Intentions Monday, November 9 8:30 am Tuesday, November 10 5:30 pm Wednesday, November 11 8:30 am 10:30 am Kewanee Care Thursday, November 12 8:00 am Noon Mass Saint Luke MC Friday, November 13 8:30 am Saturday, November 14 4:30 pm Sunday, November 15 7:30 am 9:30 am 12:00 Noon (Misa en español) Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Faithfully Departed Saint Leo the Great Jeanenne & Don DeBlieck By Joanne Utley Saint Martin Don Nyert By Dc. Marty Gladys Thurwanger By Pat Van Hyfte Saint Josaphat Ed Versha By Lu Rux Frank Bartok By Jane Tornquist Saint Frances Xavier Regina ‘Golby’ Anderson By Sheila Cromien Vigil Raymond Smith By Family 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time Milly Mock By The Catholic Book Club Georgia Gustafson By Family Esperanza Chaidez, Narciso Sanchez,Evaristo Sanchez, Julian Ivan Sanchez By Roman Sanchez Pray for our Military Personnel Ben DeSmit, Jesse Baker, Ashley Dykema, Roni Whitmer. Please keep our military personnel in your prayers. Call the office to add or remove names. This Week at our Parish Tuesday, November 10, 2015 9:00 am: Staff Meeting St. Joseph Room PC 5:50 pm: Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Wednesday, November 11, 2015 8:30 am: Veterans Day Mass followed by event at VCS 2:00 pm: Grief Ministry Meeting lower level of PC 6:30 pm: Rosary 7:00 pm: Altar and Rosary Meeting lower level of PC Thursday, November 12, 2015 8:30-5:00 pm: Eucharistic Adoration Noon: Mass at Saint Luke Medical Center 7:00 pm: RCIA Class lower level of parish center Sunday, November 15, 2015 10:30 am: Baptisms at Visitation Church Saint John Paul II Parish: November 8, 2015 PAGE 4 Greif Ministry Offerings Sunday Offering: 11/1/2015 Sunday Envelopes Loose contributions Church Building/Grounds Emergency Fund Visitation Build/Grounds Debt Reduction All Saints Day St. Vincent dePaul Christmas Flowers Total: $ 8,393.00 $ 531.00 $ 274.00 $ 505.00 $ 20.00 $ 123.00 $ 445.00 $ 5.00 $ 35.00 $10,331.00 Readings for the Week 0f Nov. 8 Sunday Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 Monday The Dedica+on of the Lateran Basilica Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Tuesday Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church Wis 2:23—3:9;Ps 34; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday Saint Mar+n of Tours, Bishop Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82;Lk 17:11-19 Thursday Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr Wis 7:22b—8:1; Ps 119; Lk 17:20-25 Friday Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday Wis 18:14-16, 19:6-9; Ps 105; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 If you are grieving the loss of a loved one and are searching for others to share you feelings, please consider joining us in Saint John Paul II Parish Grief Ministry. More info call Delores 5254447. Pope Francis has composed a special prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy which will run from 8 December 2015 to 20 November 2016. In the prayer, the Holy Father entreats the Lord to make the Jubilee of Mercy a year of grace so that the Church, “with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.” Watch for prayer cards available at the church or parish center. Coming the month of December. Calendar Winners Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 2 3 4 5 6 Rosalie Burns John DeReu Catherine Maloney Wayne Bryan Barb DeSplinter Altar & Rosary Meeting The Altar & Rosary Society's monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, November 11th with a special program for Veteran's Day. Please join us for a rosary in the church at 6:30 PM with the meeting, program, and refreshments starting at 7 PM. Make Time for Christ! As Christians we are disciples of Jesus and apostles of the gospel. Yet our daily lives are so full that we sometimes forget “who we are and whose we are.” A parish mission is a time of listening to God’s word, remembering what Christ has done and re-energizing our true selves. Set aside the dates of December 13-16 for ROSARY RENEWAL, a renewal program conducted by Fr. George Knab, O.M.I. Make plans to be there. Saint John Paul II Parish: November 8, 2015 PAGE 5 Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers of Communion must be baptized Catholics who are in good standing with the church. They are recommended by the parish priest, after which they learn the meaning of ministry and how to distribute Holy Communion. After training is completed, the candidate must be approved by the Bishop and then Commissioned. In addition to distributing Holy Communion during masses, the Extraordinary Ministers may also administer Holy Communion to those who are homebound, hospitalized or advanced in years. All parishioners are worthy and welcome to join this Ministry. If you are interested please contact Fr. John at the parish office. In Memoriam. . . Loving Father, welcome home those whom You have called from this world and grant peace and consolation to their families. Phil Miler Our Mission: The mission of Visitation Catholic School is to inspire excellence and to develop future leaders for Christ, through quality education grounded in Catholic values, principles, and traditions. or like us on Facebook! Father of Tom & Jo Miler Larry Larson Father of Greg Larson & Terri & Mats Jonmarker No Uniform Day Wednesday, November 4th Wear your favorite Terry Ostrowski Rita Sleeper Mother of Kerry Blume John Sherbeyn May all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in the loving presence of God. First Quarter Honor Roll Highest Honors (All A’s): Lexi Nichols, T.J. Arzola, Isabella Tondreau, Natalie Yepsen, David Mock, Mya Mirocha, Eleanor Burkhart, and Avery Yepsen High Honors (All A’s and 2 B’s): Lauren Sheets, Kendal Bennison, Regan Coombes, Addison Clark, James Campbell, Megan McKenna, Cooper Bates, and Brady Clark Honors (All A’s and B’s): Sam Burkhart, Zach Dyer, Kale Stuckey, Henry Burkhart, Noah Tiska, Morgan Leathers, Isabela Martinez, Lucy Ahasic, Jillian Bennison, Jack Coombes, Cyrus Sloan, and Hannah Tiska Super Hero shirt and jeans! A Visitation shirt is a great option if you don’t have a Superhero shirt (no capes or face masks please) Students are asked to bring a donation for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Donations will be accepted thru November 20th. Items needed: peanut butter, saltine crackers, canned fruits, vegetables or soups, and any other non perishable foods. Sponsored by Visitation Builders Club October is Respect Life Month. “Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the womb and must be recognized as a gift of God that guarantees the future of humanity.” Pope Francis