OCT 22 2008 - Counterfeit Chic
OCT 22 2008 - Counterfeit Chic
398$ IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF RHODE ISLAND Janel Russell Designs, Inc. v. Dixie's Pet Project, LLC ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendant ) Civ:tltED,--- _ OCT 22 2008 u.s. DISTRIcr comrr DISTRICT OF R.L COl\1PLAINT FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiff, Janel Russell Designs, Inc. for its complaint against Dixie's Pet Project, LLC states and alleges as follows: THE PARTIES 1. Jane! Russell Designs, Inc. is a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business at 2866 Middle Street, St. Paul , MN 55117. , ~" 2. Upon information and belief, Dixie's Pet Project, LLC is limited liability corporation having a place of business at 530 Wellington Avenue, 2nd Floor, Box 14, Cranston, Rhode Island 02910. JURISDICTION 3. This court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to Title 17 of the United States Code and 28 U.S.C. § 1338. Venue is proper in the judicial district under 28 U.S .C. §§ 1391(c) and 1400(a). 4. This court has personal jurisdiction over Dixie's Pet Project. Dixie's Pet Project is a Rhode Island LLC and is located in the State of Rhode Island. PRY 980162.1 1 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 5. Plaintiff, Janel Russell Designs, Inc. ("JRD") is a corporation which was formed by Janel Russell. For many years, Janel Russell has designed unique pieces of jewelry. 6. In 1980, Janel Russell created a unique work referred to hereinafter as the "Mother and Child". The Mother and Child is shown in Exhibit A to this Complaint. The Mother and Child is subject to U.S. Copyright Registration VAU 23-358 granted by the U.S. Copyright Office on March 2, 1981. A copy of this registration is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit B. The Mother and Child is also subject to U.S. Copyright Registration VA 111-110 granted on October 18, 1982. A copy of this registration is attached as Exhibit C to this Complaint. Both ofthese registrations have been assigned to JRD. 7. In subsequent years, Janel Russell created derivative works based upon the original work shown in Exhibit A. These works include earrings, lockets, bracelets and pendants and the like. Other derivative works include a heart-shaped derivation of the Mother and Child design. The heart-shaped derivation is shown in Exhibit D to this Complaint. Another derivative work is called the Mother and Kitty. The Mother and Kitty is subject to U.S. Copyright Registration VAU 349-467 granted on November 9, 1995. A copy of the Mother and Kitty copyright registration is attached as Exhibit E to this Complaint. 8. Exhibit F includes copies of other registrations relating to earrings and rings incorporating the Mother and Child design. Exhibit G is a copy of the assignment PRY 980162.1 2 documents reflecting that Janel Russell Designs, Inc. currently has ownership of these copyright registrations. 9. Since 1981, products incorporating the Mother and Child design and derivatives thereof have been sold pursuant to license by a variety of entities. All copies of the original Mother and Child work and derivatives thereof made by JRD or under its authority or license have been published in strict conformity with the provisions of the United States Copyright Act of 1976 and all other laws governing copyright. As a result of the efforts undertaken by Plaintiff and its authorized licensees' products incorporating the Mother and Child design have become widely successful commercial products. More than one million such products have been sold. To date, over one million units have been shipped on a wholesale basis representing approximately $40 million. Sales continue to increase. In fact, annual sales have more than doubled between 1994 and 2007. Products incorporating the Mother and Child are or have been widely available in Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Since 1981, the licensees have advertised products incorporating the work in various magazines and trade publications such as JCK and Modem Jeweler. Since 1981, newspaper ads have been run by various retailers who carry the product. One of Plaintiff s licensees, Kirchner Corporation, has shown the Mother and Child design in the annual JCK Jewelers directory virtually every year since 1983. From 1990 through present, Kirchner Corporation has regularly run advertisements in other JCK publications. Almost all of these ads include a picture of the Mother and Child design. Since 1996, Kirchner has also regularly run similar ads in Modem Jeweler. The Mother and Child design has also been advertised in periodicals PRY 980162.1 3 such as Instore, Professional Jeweler, Jewelers, Inc., no, RJO , Luxury and USA Today. Again, nearly all of these ads include a picture of the Mother and Child work manufactured by Kirchner pursuant to a license. Licensees have also displayed the Mother and Child design at various trade shows , such as the JCK show, from 1982 to present. DEFENDANT'S INFRINGING CONDUCT 10. On or about July 10,2007 Janel Russell, on behalf of Janel Russell Designs, Inc. ordered from CharityUSA.com sample of products which she thought infringed the Mother and Child designs' copyrights. Included in these samples was the Pet Promise Cat Pin . Janel Russell Designs, Inc . subsequently filed suit against CharityUSA.com to enforce its copyrights. This action was captioned Janel Russell Designs, Inc. v. CharityUSA.com, Civil Action # 08-855 (RHK/JSM) (D. Minn. Filed March 25, 2008) . 11. CharitytJxa.com subsequently identified Dixie's Pet Project as its supplier for the Pet Promise Cat Pin. 12. Dixie 's Pet Project are offering for sale and selling a number of goods which infringe the Mother and Child copyright. These goods include Medium Pet 's Promise Dog, Medium Pets Promise Cat, Large Pets Promise Dog , Large Pets Promise Cat, Pets Promise Horse, Pets Promise Story (Dog) , Pets Promise Story (Cat), Pets Promise Cat Bracelet, Pets Promise Dog Bracelet, Pet Promise Horse Lapel Pin, and Pet Promise Horse (referred to collectively as "Pets Promise Products"). Exhibit H to this PRY 980162.1 4 complaint is a printout from www.dixiespetproject.com showing the infringing Pets Promise Products. 13. Exhibit I to this Complaint is a side-by-side comparison of the original, copyrighted Mother and Child and the infringing Pets Promise Products. Exhibit J to this Complaint is a side-by-side comparison of the copyrighted Mother and Kitty and the infringing Pets Promise Products. COUNT I: COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT 14. Allegations from the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint are incorporated by reference fully set forth herein. 15. Plaintiff s Mother and Child work and derivatives thereof covered by its copyright registrations are each original and constitute copyrightable subject matter. 16. Plaintiffhas complied in all respects with the provisions of the copyright laws of the United States, 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq. and has secured its rights and privileges in the original Mother and Child work and derivatives thereof and has obtained certificates of registration from the Register of Copyrights, the United States Copyright Office. The registrations for the original Mother and Child work shown in Exhibit A were effective prior to the commencement of infringement by Defendant. 17. The Exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under 17 U.S.C. § 106 include: (a) the right to reproduce the copyrighted works and copies; (b) the right to prepare derivative works on the copyrighted work; and (c) the right to distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public. PRY 980162.1 5 18. Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 105, an infringer is one who violates the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided in 17 U.S.C. § 106. 19. Defendant has had access to Plaintiffs copyrighted works, is copying Plaintiff s copyrighted works, and is distributing copies of Plaintiff s copyrighted works within the United States, all without the authorization of Plaintiff and in violation of Plaintiffs rights under the copyright laws of the United States. 20. The acts of the Defendant have been willful, deliberate and despite Plaintiffs notice of copyright, all to the profit of Defendant and to the damage and injury of the Plaintiff. Such damage and injury is irreparable and will continue unless the court enjoins such infringement. The wrongful acts of Defendant have caused the Plaintiff substantial monetary damage in the amount yet to be determined. DEMAND FOR JUDGMENT Wherefore, Plaintiffprays for entry ofjudgment in favor of Plaintiff and against the Defendant providing: 1. That Defendant, its officers, employees and agents, and all other persons acting in active concert or participation with it, be preliminarily, and then permanently enjoined from further infringement of Plaintiffs copyrights. 2. That all infringing articles be delivered to Plaintiff for destruction. 3. The Defendant pays Plaintiff the greater of Plaintiff s actual damages, Defendant's profits, or statutory damages as provided in 17 U.S.C. § 504(c). 4. That any monetary award be increased in accordance with 17 U.S.C. § 504(c)(2) as willful acts. PRY 980162.1 6 5. That Plaintiff be awarded its costs and attorney 's fees incurred herein pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505. 6. And amy other and further relief in favor of Plaintiff as the court deems just and equitable. JURY DEMAND Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38, Plaintiff demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable. Date: CJr/f dJ) ~oof5 ~tY- Gl~_ Mark Pogue (#3441) Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP . 2800 Financial Plaza Providence, RI 02903 Tel 401.274.9200 Fax 401.276.6611 Peter G. Nikolai (not admitted) Nikolai & Mersereau, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South, #820 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Telephone 612-339-7461 Fax 612-349-6556 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF JANEL RUSSELL DESIGNS, INC. PRY 980162.1 7 EXHIBITB l,;it:t11 Sn\"AI i!:: Ut" liUfJYHluHf REGISTRATION FORM UNITED ST ATES COPYRIGHT C This certificate, issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with the provisions of section 410(a)of title 17, United States Code, attests that copyright registration has been made for the work identified below. The information in this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. REGISTRATION NUMBER VAL). 23-35 ~~ VA EFFECTIVE DATE OF REGtSTRATIO~ 2 MAR 1981 _ JiSGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS United States of America (Monthl fOayl DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE CONTINUATION SHEET (FORM VA/CON) TITLE OF THIS WORK: NATURE OF THIS WORK: (See inst r uct io ns ) ~ .rtle MOTHER . AND ... ....CHILD .. ...... Previou s or Ahemetiv...T itl..-s:. . .. ~4kt ... Jewelry. Design - Sterling silver fille - gol PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION: (II this work was published as a conrribut jon to a periodical. serial. or collection. give i:->lor malio n about I collective work in which the contribution ap p eered .I n l. 01Cohecnve Work IMPORTANT: ® . . .. No. . Vol. . " Oat" NAME OF AUTHOR: DATES OF BIRTH AND DEAT JANEL RUSSELL v.. ...... Was this author's contribut ion to Ihq work a " wo rk made for h;,e""? AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE.: Ch izen ol .. Q. _S .• .A •............. lor J Domiciled in f C"'""'" 01 Country) No I x. .Bom _ 1. JEHELRY DESIGN NAME OF AUTHOR: & 1955 . Died (YeN. . ' IY'~; ' WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TC THE WORK: (Name 01 Countr,1 AUTHOR OF : I Briefly desc ribe natu re of th ts aut no r's contriounon] Anonymous? Yes . . . . . No P seodonymou.? Yes No X. X- If the answer 10 etcher of t h e~ quesricn!' ~ ··Ye s.- see d~tlJiled mS1ruet ions att ache d. FIRST IDLD D AT ES OF BIRTH AND DEATt- MARY CAY HOLMES \Va!. rh-s auth ors contribution 10 the work iZ:·\...ork made-for hife: Yes . ..... No. . X f . AUTHOR'S NAT IONALITY OR DOMICILE: Citizen of. .. U.r S.• A •. . . . . .. . . . . . _ } or { Domiciled in __ . Anonymous? PSotUdonymous? {Nome 01Country, AUTHOR OF: (Briefly describe nature 01rhts author's contribution) JEWELRY DESIGN & .1955 .. (Year) Di"d . . fy'e8li.. Ves . Yes . . . X X. No No If tM answeT to ~itheT of Ih~ quesaions is "Yes, see detailed instrUCTio n !> b~ 1 ache d . D AT ES O F BIRTH AND DEATH: FIRST M)LD NAME OF AUTHOR: Was th is author's contribution to the work it " wo rk made fo, hirt!7 Born WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK: (N.ame 01 Country} 3 . . . Pbg"' . . Under the law. the " author " ora "work made for hire " is generally the employer. not the employee (see instructions, II any part 01 this w. was "made lor hite" ch eck " Yes " in the soace provided. give Ihe employer lor other person lor whom the work was prepared) as "AUlh< of that Part. and leave the space for dales blank . Aorthorlsl 2 . No y Born . . . AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE.: 'eN;';":" ';'·c';';"i.:,.j Citizen of . iN';';';;oi C'o''';';,yj. . . . . . . . . . } or { Domiciled in . DIed . . . . ,'Y ~.H) (Ve2r} / WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK, . AUTHOR OF : (Brielly desc ribe nature of this a uthor S contnbunon] !.f Anonymou §? y~s Pwudonymolts? Yes . th~. a nswe r . . .. No No . . either ('If these Questions Yes. see detailed in~fruC'tk.'1f\S artached . YEAR IN WHICH CREATION OF THIS WORK WAS COMPLETED: 10 IS DATE AND NAlION OF FIRST PUBLICATION: Date. . .. . ,D.y} Ye ar . Creation .1.980. . . .. Nation Clairnan1:ls I ('Yea r) . /Name of Country} and Publication @ , {Thts in fo r!"'a tio n m u st be 9iv~ n ICo mpll'le 'his bb ck O NLY ,I this "'or. hat been pu blishe d I in a Uce eee .j NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) OF CO P YRIG HT CLAIMANT(S): J F.nel Russell 336 L ~Bore Rd, ff l 08 Li ttl e C Fn ?d ~, MN 5511 7 Mary C?y Holmes 11424 Johnson Ave, S. Bl ooming t on , MN 554 37 U.S.A. U. S .A, ------ - - -- - _. __. TRANSFER: ".Im.o, '" (If - - --I _ - - -_. ... . - the co p vriqh t cla im e nt ls) na m ed her e in spac e 4 are differ ent fro m the au thor's} named 'n spa ce 2. give a brief Slcl l"ml?nt of how th e ,m"",' ~W"'''hlP " ,h, w p;ol,h" • Co mple te 0/1 a pplic able spaces (numbers 5·9] o n the reuerse side of this p age • Follo w d erailed instructio ns attached • Sig n the for m at line 8 ~;};~I~~:,c i i. .,. ·>·;'·,<.1:frE::'· ' ,.. -.. " .:..<:.. ~; ':. . " ",-. :" . . ' , ..::,:":~ ...,: : J ' DO NO T W RIT E HERE Pagelol . . Y peg... E E B . { / // : ..oj APPLICATION REC EIVED: XAMIN D Y , # ' . l! . r OO' ,. ' . _ CHECKED fl Y:. . . . . l:~... * Wor k con si st s of 3 size s - CORRESPONDENCE: D VAu 23-358 - DEPOSIT RECEIVED : F· cOPT 2 MAR i981 Yes DEPOSIT ACCOU NT FUNDS USED: - - OFI U: 0/\ REMITTANCE NUMBER AND OATE : 16'3242 0 i1i':f( 28 1 .J-{ DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL SPACE , USE CONTINUATION SHEET (FORM VA ICON) - PR EVIOUS REGISTRATION: · ·o ...... Has registrarion for this work . or for an earl ier vers ion o f th is work. already been made in th e Copyrighl Office ? Ye s. No " ~ X Pre vi Reg •• 'riO' If you r answer is "Yes," wh y is another reg istra tion be ing S'>ught? (Chec k appro priate box ) · This is the first published e dition o f a wo rk pr~iou sly reg istere d in unpu blish ed form, o This is the first a pplication su bmitte d by th is a uthor as copy-ighr claiman t. o This is a changed version of th e wo rk. as shown by lin e 6 of the apptlCation. . If yo ur an swer is "Yes. give: P rev ious Regist rat ion Number. . . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . . . . . _. . . . .. Year of Reg istration . COMPlLAnON OR DERIVATIVE WORK: (See instr uct ions) [ @: PREEX ISTING MATERIAL: (Id en tify any pre e xisting wo rk or works that this wo rk is base d on o r inco rpo rates.) ... Con-opU.. ., .. .. , _ , .. . " .. .. . or Oerivot Work .. ivlA 7i:aiA;" AU DED 70 rins V>;'C P.J{: (G i\l c a right is d aimed .) br~f, gi:r.z; ;i! state me nt o.~ th ::: onzte:-"":! :~t ~~ b 2:::": ~d~~ ::! to th is '.,T,.'O!'~ ~~~ !:'l which C C'~:l ' .. -. .. DEPOSIT ACCOUNT: (If the reg istrat ion fee is 10 be ch arg ed to a De posit Account establishe d in the Copyrig ht Oflice . give n am e and number of Acco unt) CORRESPONDENCE: (Give name and address to wh ich COrrespondence a bout th is appliCatio n should be sent .] ~ .: ?' . l{..~ ~~~.S . . . . . . . . . Nalnll: Name : . Address: Account Num ber : MN is.~~i . . .. .. ... .... . .. . . . . rZIP, Mary . Cay. Ho lmes r"..IM\.e of aothot' or ot her COCytlgnf cla.mant. or owner of e"1Ic1us.ve rtg h t(S n of the work ide ntified in this application an d that the state ments mad e by me in this app lication are correct to the best of my knowledge. I L L7 Han dwrirten sign at ure: (X) &nee '"''' ' 55437 J an el Russ ell .J lit M S ales o F ee a n d Corr9'5pot' __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * I. th e und ersigned, hereby cen ify th at I am th e: (Check on e) XJ author}t. ,,)f he r copyright cla imant .lJ owne r of e xclusive right ls) i9 au,nori2e-d age-Ol of : CERTIFICATION: 11424 Johnson Ave. S. Bloomington rcitYi ., . _. . . 7r;~.~ .~. ) ~-0tA../ . ;?~-Z .. ® C&rtifie.wtic tA ppl tc .-tio, I'nU_ t be s ' g n ed ' Typ ed Or prmr..d name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . J . f,r.. Da,,,,: . ? -:-.. MAil CERTIFICA TE r~ .S.AI; E ~ . {Name l 1142.4 John s on Ave . S . Add r e s s For R e1urn (Certifi c at e will be mai led i n window envelope) C ert ift C&'te INvmber. St r eei and Aoa r1menl Numoe r} . . .. B;LPOiT\i.!'!g t on , . IC,' y) " u.s , GO VE RN ME N1 P RINTING OFFI C E: J9i O· }1 I..<:tl /. . ..t-~ .... IS I.l e ) of . . 5.5.43) . (ZIP c_ ® TO 1 . , : . , ." r.. : ' ". ' .....:. ' , '. . ,': ." "', .. .. .' , :>.:·., \ "·..: · .·~:· '. T.·:,:::}:· i; ,.:,.i ·: .,~.· ;.,·.:,;.. ;?.~;.: .;, .> : . p:)},i; ·0> ~ . ' . - _-" ., : ;. ~.:. ':. :.,. '::'.."., ' . .: ' . , ~ '," ',.' ... .: .• • .. :~ , ..., " .';'.0: '. . . .', . .. :' " . . .... . . . .... : . :'-.'>;' .'" ... .. . .. ..,' ... '." .' . -. '" .'. '. ". ' .' , : . ,'" ' ;" . . ' : .." , \ .' ; '~ ~ ~\ , \ ~. ~. '1 " "" 1. :1 _ - "1 ;. .... .i , . _ .~'1; . . .. ~, ~ ;y.: . . ; 02 t,.' ~.'1 ji19 6 t ~\ 2'c.:: :; i EXHIBITG COPYRI GHT ASSIGNMENT AND AGREEMENT WHEREAS. owners of "Moth er and the Janel Russel l and Mary Cay Holmes a re joint copyr i gh t and regist ration for a work ti t l e d Child" , the nature of the work being a jewelr y and the work be ing duly r e gi s t e r e d fo r copyri ght in the united States Copyri ght Office on March 2, 1981, with a regist ration number of VAU 23-358 , a photoc opy of which is attach ed design , hereto. WHEREAS, Ms. Russe ll and Ms. Holme s, doing busine ss as J&M Sales, entere d into a contra ct with the Kirchn er Corpo ration , a Minne sota corpo ration with its princi pal place of busine ss at 8901 Wayza ta Boulev ard, Minne apolis , Minne sota, on or about March the contra ct includ ing provis ions for the payme nt of royal ties to J&M Sales which are derive d from the sale of IIMother and Child" penda nts by the Kirchn er Corpo ration , 21, 1981, WHEREAS, Ms . Holmes , residi ng at 3372 Lake Johann a Road, st. Paul, Minneso ta, herein referr ed to as the Assign or, is desiro us of trans ferrin g her entire right, title, and i nt e r es t in the aforem ention ed copyr ight to LaBore Road, Apartm ent 108, Ms . Little Russe ll, Canada , residi ng at 336 Minne sota, herein referr ed to as the As s i gn ee , AND WHEREAS, Ms. Russe ll and Ms. Holmes have ceased to do bus iness as partne rs under the name of J&M Sales, fc;;;;;;oie~h: ~~"MM~!NNMW~ ~~~~Ji~~~ o.(l'-rU::-/ 1 In 'LJ CJ.,.,J.- U7 lu:u c..J~ !o/.i""'\!\M#.o"".5JI;\'M.''''' H''-'' ~ "'; fHEl..lffiIlKYCF Cf1'.GRf5S DO CUMENT WAS RECORDED IN THE COPYRIGHT OFFIC E ON TI-lE DA TE AND IN THE PLACE SHOWN BELOW. TI-lIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED UND ER TI-lE SEAL OF THE COPYRI GHT OFFICE. sLde ra t i on o f ther good and id z'ed Dollar s ema i ni ng Five ee within on e Agreem ent, 28Dec81 Vol ..... 1917 Registe r of Cnpyrights and Ass istant librarian (or Copyright Se rvices "'i£.;&q;WAti'6·:,,,,+;t',"t:~m.~ jt;$f r .... 303-3c6 t#l:l;f%OM ...:¥!!"MOi$''!f· .,~ Cerrifiunon A M:~ r 1981 -)(].tXXJ '.~~;.~t;:~; ~ ... . .. =a,J"IJ9%JJW'lHPhVJ4...::tIiJfiJiHZi¢.j las in a nd to " .~. . ;.: : . ... VDL ·19 /l i:·:;::J 0 4 (a) all copyri ght in and j ewel ry desi gn to the "Mot her and s pe ci fi cal ly i de n tifie d Child" in t he attach ed ph ot oc opy of t he Copy right o f Regi stration for the "Mothe r an d Chi Ld!', and (b) any and all renewa l s and ext ensi ons of such copyr ight that may be s ecur ed under the laws now or he rea ft er in the united states , Assign ee's succes so r s and assign s to have and to hold the same for and during the ex istenc e of the copy r i ght. Furthe r, in consid eratio n of t he aforem ention ed sum, Assign or ag rees that all past and presen t royalt ies due Ass ignor under the contra ct entere d into with the Kirchn er corpo ration on or about March 21, 1981, are hereby fUlly satisf ied, and Assign or hereby discha rges the Assign ee from any furthe r duty to Assign or for any future royalt ies Assign ee may receiv e -under the terms of the attach ed contra ct. Assign or repres ents and warran ts that she has grante d no licens es nor made any commi tments nor assign ed, pledge d , or otherw ise encum bered the rights with respec t to the "Mothe r and Child" copyri ght, other than that of the aforem ention ed contra ct with the Kirchne r corpo ration ; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Ass ignor has caused this assign ment and settlem ent of all royalt ies to be signed this day of (f2a.o-~Ad / 3 ~ , 1981. Ass ignor: !t!?7ary ~ ~,..l/.l.-/ ay Holme s - 2- I 9 f 7 t',\~-':. = .\ J. VOL. /~ E R T ; Fi CAT E OF COPYRIGHT REGiSTRATION U~iTED STI-TES This certificate, issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with the provisions of section 410(a)of title 17, Unit ed State s Code. atte sts that cop/right registration has been made for the 'Nook identified below, The information in this certificate has been mace a part of the Copyoight Office records. FORM' COPYRIGHT 0 23-35 ~~ VA _ .8gG ISTEA OF COPYR!GHTS United States of America (o a yl (Yea" DO NOT WRII E ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPA'::E. USE CONTINUATION SHEET (FORM VA/CON) I TITi.E OF THIS WORK: is,,,e in str uctio n s] :->ATURE OF THIS WORK, Jewelry Design 4kt - Sterling silver - gol fille MOTHER AND CHILD TI.. lo PUBLICA nON AS A CONTRIBUTION: {If this w o rk 1.I:3S pubi:~h ed as Contribu tion to" per iodical. serial. or co H~clior:. g ,ve ::-,:::.rm':lI'on ebour : 3 col:o?Clt'.'02 work in which the contnbu: ion eppe ared.) ='0 . Vol IMPORTANT: ® ~AM E D~te . . OF AUTHOR: . . Pl.~i' S O A T E S OF BIRTH ASD DEAl JA1\"'EL RUSSELL A<rthor(&1 \,Vb:i (his .a utho r·~ cona ibu~ ion 10 th ~ v.: ork a " w o -k mad~ (or hire'"? Yeo . .. . l X "0 .. ... AUTHOR'S NA TIONAUTY OR DOMICILE: Citizen of.. U•.S A: } 1~\t;MTOE' Of COlJlY.r~. AUTHOR OF: .. Under th e I~w. the "autncr " ot a " w o rk made lOf hlf e" is genera:!y m e er.l::>loyer. roo: the em~ loy ee ISl?>'S' I:"'I S;··...c t-cns ] .: any ;::an of U-::s w was "mace for nee " check " Y e s" in the space provid-:d. give the E:':"nployer {or otner pE1'5.jn for "'~Ot':1 the- VlPorlt was :;repatec} as ·'At.:th of that port. ~nd reave the space for cares blank. rBr i~:l~. or J 1 Domiciled on , . I~;~.-:'l~ of Covnrrf~ _ . cescribe nature of th is author's con :ribu ::onl ecrbors c cnmbuncn 10 rhe work a "work made !r;lf bee"? Yes .... No. AnO~lo~OU'50'? .U . S • A • . .. . . .. .. . . } or j Domiciled in . .. . (;-.;a 'T'te Of INAME OF I U: L ____ ! COU~UYI 1 I 3 AUTHOR, Ii CQ:1fr'bUfiOn to Th e .....·orh a \,I. or~ made- for ~we--' ! C irlzen of . . . . ,Nome 01 Cournry) .. . l f or 1955 D....d r"E~'" 'Yea"'. Ano:-: \,"mous' " P.;.e-udon~r.':O:':S? .L!fy_e_'~_'-:_._~_:_ '~~~ Y,qo ~ ~.,. ~o Yes X X ::~~~;;~~;, ~;;:;h . .~u,,, ;(,,,, I g. 'Ye~.1 rv e ..01 WAS THIS AUTHO,,'S CO:-lTRIClUTIOS TG THE WORK: { Domic l!ed ," ... tr-.:ame> or Covr.t"'V~ Anonvrr-ouc? Pv.... ;;.:o~}.·~o:.:;.., AUTHOR OF : ( 8 rr ~fly de>cn be na:ur" o f Ih., a uth o r 5 COr,tn5ui,o n) ,---_._._-,.--- -- - - - I YEAR I)'; WHICH CREATION OF THIS \\!ORK WAS COMPLETED: !.@ DATE AND NATION OF FIRST PUBUC.-\ TIO"": Dere IYear) i J Ye ar. Cr-e e-e t o o and Pu bl;c.ertion .1930 rN~~ c: CO;.I/"7'1i ICcmpl"'H> t ~ :~ t·:ock O:"'L Y:~ o.~:~ ....o~~ 've e b~i:"" ~Hjbl,;} e-d J ---' NA Io1 E ( S ) AND AODRESStES) OF COPYRI GHT CLAIMANT(Sl : J ~n el Clairrtan tfsl ,- - l1C'ry C?y Holmes Ru s s ell 11424 Johnson Ave. S. 336 LpBore Rd. #108 L i ttl e C ;:- n ?d .=-, ~jN 5511 7 Blo omi.ng to n , l''iN U.S.A, U.S.A. ---- ~ ... - ._-- - .~------ ~--_ ._- I TOA"-!.:t="c:rJ. flf ,I". '-",,,,-,,.,nhl r l ...... n;,,·,,':·.} r, ;,n • ..-'ri i TO:':' OF """:;:0DC'" No . . Ye s AUTHOR 'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICJLE: I 5 ·, ,,, fNam~ 01 COUf'tl"Y) JEHELRY DES lGN & _"t;"_~_I_P_:.s_T_MO L_D W~S ThiS a ..!lhor X ~., WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CO:"TRIUUTIO:-> T( THE WORK: AUTHOR OF: IBrr<,!1y describe nature 01 [his author's contnbvtion) , :-0 X p wucf::J:-1\·mot.;\., X. AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE: 0( . tve-a-, D A T E S OF BIRTH Al"O DEAT MARY CAY HOL!'ES Citizen D.,d . . tY "=¥ J If rhe <i:=-:s-'..- er 10 eilher o~ rhvslt O~-?Siic-:1C" "Y es . se e ~~:~ :!p~ ' :1S~:"UC<: ~ ~ s ~ : :a~ht'~ . JE"!ELRY D:::SIGN & FIRST HOLD 2 1955 WAS THIS AUTHOR'S COl'iTRIBUTIOS T' THE WORK: NAME OF AUTHOR: \\.I a s It'ltS B"", 5 54 37 -- --- ._--- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - _. -- - -_.-._-- - . - r,,,,,~., In "!'Ide,' I't cH.? d;(!l-!r,::'n~ from ;he c.-iJlhor(~\ ;,\2mL'C III o;.~i~ ..: ..' ~ ~1'.'t.'.~ '::f..~f '. : -~-_ :\ If' rn ~' n ! _ . .. ".Jf r\,:. '.1": ... * \'iorl< consa.st.s 01" j - ") sizes ~ '.. " (J'.'U-' - C~ECK ~D AY: ~/ . . . . . .,. 2 DYes I 23-3 58 ~ VOL. I9 I ·-· ~ 7' "' ~ ~., 1- :".,, ',: ; DEPOSIT AECEIV"D : CORAES?ONDENCE : YA U" - ·0 ' l! DEPOSIT ACCOUNT FUN OSUSEO : t: iSSi MM~ REMITT " N Ce: NU M 3 EA AN D O A.T E : 163242 :=-'-k lr'.; 2 fj 1 0 CO? ' OF U 0: DO NOT WR ITE A BO V E THI S LINE. IF YOlJ-N = =D A DDITIONAL SPA CE, US E CONTINUA nON SHEE T (F ORM V A / C O N ) - PREV IOUS REGI STRATION: ' --' • H as '019:s:ra :ion lor th is wo rk. or for an e a rher vers ion of th is wa,k, alr eady been made in the Cop~Tighl Office? Yes No . . X . • II you , ens:....er is "Yes." why is another resistrar ian !><oing S'lught" (CheCk approprlete bo x] o Th is is th e !im published eoi: ion 01a wo rk p, e"iously r~ister ed in unpubli shed lorm . o Th is is th e first application submitted by th is author as copyrigh t claimant. o Th is is a changed vers ion of th e work. as shown by lin e 6 of the application. • If your answer is "Yes," give : Previous Registration N um ber Ye ar of Reg isrratio n " . . .. •. ... • . . .. C O M ?IL"- r rox OR DERIVATI V E W ORK: (See instructions) . C OC'T\pil O r Derivu Wor "..i";IC:(U.';~ A:)DED right is claimed .I .0 T; :~S vv'orJ{: (G i",e a brt.a!. .. .. . . ... sta tement g.c i,i! i:Jf c~ ~'-:~ _ marertal ~~at hot: b.:!=~ ~C~:!:! to . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... ...... . . . - .. - _ - -. . - , ~ ~ " _ DEPOSIT ACCOU!':T: (If the reg islrar ion leI? is to be charged 10 a D epo sit Accouru established in tho! Cop~Ti9h! 0l1ice. give name and number of Account.) - . - . ' - CO RR ES P O N D E NCE: (Give name and adaes> to w h:ch correspondence a bout this ap~lication should be senr.] J ' & H SALES Na me: - . . . . -. . - _ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Name: !.~:s ..:;'::r.~ ~:'":~ !:1 \l-h ::::~ cc~~: . Addr~ss: . .. 11424 J ohnson Av e . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. . 1""::It ) Acco unt Number: _ , ..... ... . .~ ~.c?()~.i~g;~.~n 5 54 3 7 tC"", - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -._- -- r CERTIFICATION: I! ! '* 1.th e un dersign ed. h er eby certify Ihal J ane 1 Rus S e.ll J am the: (Check one) :<::J "u 'hO!lt. ?h " (o;>:.-r ;ghlcl. im.nl);J o~n ~ro/ ~ .c1usi~~ "shl(sl1il .Ulho"udagonl0' J & .M .Sales (tJ.ame of clu'hOt" or c :he-t' CCPy'lC1:-a: C~.."t .OI ow (': ~~ ~ r e ~::.t.,;~ " e- ,ot;'"'\ ~ ''\ t . 0 1the wo rk id"r;li!ied i:"! this a pp lice tion and Ih at lh e state m e nts made by me in this ' ;l;llicatio n are correct to the !><oSI ~ Handw ri::en siqner ure: (X) Tvp vd o r prirued name : · J . ft. N .S.A~ ~ S · ,. . · B~ p .o.mi.[\ g ~ qD, MA IL CERTIFI CAT E TO fN ;vne l . Av e . S. . -. . !. . ~ . i ® Ce ....H ; =<rl II l~ppJ.cwt f'nu .. t boo "'~"-...d And rAS Fo r Rdtu . . ';> 5,43,7, . 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P R EVIO US REG I STRA T I ON: • Has res :s:re: ion for rh is work. or fo r an e e rlier version of rhis wo rk ,,!ready been made in ;he Cop~Tighl Oilice? yes 1'0 . _~_ .. _ P A II yo u, answer is "Yes." why is another res isrrarion b.?;ng S')ughe (Ch eck eppropriate box) • o Th is is the p ublished ec i:ion o f a work pr el:iou sly in unpublished form . o Th ls is th e firSi appllce rion subm itted by rh ts aurhor as copyrig ht claimant. o This is a ch ange d version of roe ""a rk. as shown by line 6 of the ap plication. !:r~ r ~i 51 e red • If your answer is " Y es." give: P reviou s Registration N umb er Ye ar of Reg isrr"ti o n . COM?ILJ>, TlO:-; O R DER IVATTVE WORK: (See inSlruetions). .... . " - - . .. , ..- - - -_ _ - __ bi' ~ ~. g.c. i. 2 i 3'1 steternen t of !h~ '''iH::~.zr el t~a: ~~~ b~ z~ ~d~2~ . . . . ... .. . . .. . ... . . . ... . - " " - _ _ rc - t.a,~ '::..::>-:~ ~:-: :1!:'t y.:~: = ~ c C-' :. ~> " _ - " " Corn . - " -- ,."i '; 7C:ri.i.';~ AJ DED TO T:<:S vv'CRJ{ : (Gi\.re a right is dai me d .] -..- -- " - " . . . . . .. ( . " L Name: . . " " . Nom.,: !. :~ .!~ ..~~:r:E.~ Address:. . ..........." . 11424 Johnson Av e. S. " tCr.''!J I I "',;.;; 1·· ·· fSute, * Lthe undersign.?d , her eb y cert ify lh"r I am rh e: (Check one) ~ o u, no , ;t. "l n .; co ;:>;.,.~hl cl3im.,,, ~ o'.,,, et o! •• c1u'i",r,snllsl~ cv,non,.dc90nlol i of the work " .. ..~~ooming ~.~~.. ..... _.. . l1N... ... 55437 Acc o crn :-':umbe r: , C ER T IFI C AT IO N: J .& .M Sales . .. . L______ Hood.' " . . . . . .ture: Typ"c or prinr"d . J . fe. ~ ~ .S.ALF; S na m~' ( tJ.ame oI .u!hoI' or C,he-r CC :tY "9~: c~.c.r.t" ." e ......C": ~:' -: ' .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Jonr. son Av e. S . . Blpomif\ gt;oI1 ' le " , l ~ ~ ,:I ..,;~ye- '0<; ""1 "'5 1 'X,'»?IMy.&y. .~. ) ~~,.-/ . ?"M.LC!-. . (N ;}tT'Ie ) 114~4 't Z I ~ ; J an e 1 Ru s se ll Mary Ca y Ho Lrna s i d ~ r. t i!i e d in th is ap? l ic3t io~ a .... d that rh e- stateme nlS made by me in th iS a~;J !ica r ion are correc t '0 th e best at m ~' knOVl~~dgc:! C7 c CORR ESPONDENCE: (Give nern e a nd address :0 which correspondence a bou t this appt.eation should be se n t.] DEPOS IT ACCO U NT: [lr the reg istrarion re e is ro be charge d to a D ep o sit Acco unt es:"blisoed in rhe Cop~Tig h t OHice. give na m e and number of Acco unt .) . ? 5 l~3.7 llI PC~1 l -' ''j - ----===================================--===== DOl,,: :J~.. _...... MAI L CERTIFICATE TO (Certificate w ill be ma iled in w indo ..... envel ope) jC.. n I I ~ if i, 'AppJot L' <> n J_ G A.dd· Fo r R..., "MOT HER AND CHILD" ASSIG NMEN T WHER EAS , Janel Russell , an individual residing in the State of Minne sota ("Russ ell"), is the owner of all copyright rights in and to the work entitled "Moth er and Child" (the "Work ") which was registered with the United States Copyright Office as an unpublished work on March 2, 1981 under registration numbe r VAU 23-358 and for which an assignment of copyright rights from joint author Mary Cay Holme s to Russell was record ed with the United States Copyright Office on Decem ber 28, 1981 at vo lume 1917, pages 303-30 6, and which was registered with the United States Cop yright Office as a published work on Octobe r 18, 1982 under registration numbe r VA 11 1-110 with Russell as the sole copyright claiman t (togeth er the " Copyrig ht Regi strations"); WHER EAS , Rus sell has entered into a licensing agreement with Kirchn er Corpor ation, a Minne sota corpor ation ("Kirchner"), granting Kirchner certain rights to manufa cture and sell certain jewelry designs embodying the Work; WHER EAS , Kirchn er has claimed certain trademark rights in the mark "MOT HE R AND CHrLD " and has obt ained United States trademar k registration numbe r 1,2 16,638 for this mark for use in connection with jewelry ; WHER EAS , Russell has contrib uted all of her right s in and to the Work to Janel Ru ssell Designs, Inc. , a De laware corpor ation (the "Company"), in connec tion with the format ion of the Compa ny and her rece iving an owners hip interest in the Compa ny; WHER EAS , the license agreem ent with Kirchner has been assigne d from Russell to the Compa ny, and Kirchner has consented to such assignment ; and WHER EAS , Russell and the Company want to confirm said assignm ent of rights . 1. Russell has assigne d and transferred to the Company all of her rights in and to the Work, of whatever nature, in any form and in market and media whethe r or not curren tly in existence, throughout the universe, in perpetuity, withou t royalti es, including withou t limitation any tradem ark, service mark or trade dress rights and any goodwill appurt enant thereto , and any right, title and interest in any copyright and any righ t that may affix und er any cop yright law hereinafter in force and effect in the United States of America or in any other countr y or countries , including without limita tion the Copyri ght Registrations, and any copies or der ivative works thereof, without condition, limitation, or reservation. 2. Russell repre sents and warrants to the Company that the Work is wholly original and is not copied in whole or in part, and that the Work does not violate the right of privacy or publicity of, or defame , or infringe any copyright , tradem ark, service mark, trade dress, patent or other right of any person , firm, partnership or corpor ation or violate any applicable law . RUSSE LL MAKE S NO REPRE SENTA TIONS OR WARR ANTIE S AS TO ANY TRAD EMAR K, SERVI CE MARK , OR TRAD E DRES S RIGHT S THAT MIGH T EXIST OR THAT SHE MIGHT HAVE IN THE WORK OR THE NAME "MOT HE R A..ND CHILD. " 3. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Russell and the Company with respect to the subject matter hereof and merges herein any and all statements, agreements, representations and promises, whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matters hereof. This Agreement may be modified only by a written agreement signed by both parties. JANEL RUSSELL .....----... Date: _ :.~ - -' ,- / . Signature: >, '., { --/ / .I STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF av.:} , I h ( ~~).\" ::-f'I~ .~ ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of 1997, by Janel Russell, an individual. Notary Public . .# ...;:~ ~ M2:2006 0056.03 ~\t \; DEBRA L RIEBE NOTARY PUBLIC· MINNESOTA IIy Co/MliSSiOn EJjl"es J4n. 31. 20C1l 2 ASSIGNMENT WHEREAS, Janel Russell, a U.S. citizen and resident of the State of Minnesota (Assignor), is the author of the WORK entitled "Mother and child Heart Pendant", and owns the entire right, title and interest in and to the copyright in the WORK; and WHER~.S, Janel Russell Designs, Inc., a Minnesota corporation with its principal place of business at 2167 McMenemy street, st. Paul, Minnesota 55117 (Assignee), desires to own the copyright in the WORK. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee and its successors, the entire right, title and interest in and to the copyright in the WORK, to be held and enjoyed by Assignee, its successors and assigns, to the end of the copyright term or of any extensions or renewals, as fully as the same would have been held and enjoyed by Assignor had this Assignment not been made. IN , WITNESS WHEREO~~ Russell has executed this Assignment day of _--"-J~=("""",,,:=.;c, 1998. ce this STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF ~ Subscribed l~k.tf ' and sworn to before me this u ~' U.~k~..l-. Public (Seal) @ .JI JULIE A. KROGH NOTARY PIIBlIC • Mll/NESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY MyCcmmisaion &pires Jan. 31, 200lI day of 1998. _ EXHIBITH Page 1 of3 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelry and Gifts ' H . ':: ~.~ .Ac cov. Vvt Pet's Promise Free 5hippin Over $25 Next ~ ) ' :',: .\ " " . ~ :'. ~~-. ,I _:- . •. .' , ' . '... ?'" '~' /.... . . ':~ .: , , ~ ,~ . Medium Pets Promise Med ium Pets Prom ise BUY ONE GET ONE Dog Cat FREE!! ! Medium Pets # 1006001 # 1006002 Promise Dog $12.99 $12.99 # 1006003 $12.99 BUY ONE GET ONE Large Pets Prom ise Larg e Pets Prom ise FRE EII Med iu m Pet s Dog Cat Pro mi se Cat # 1006005 # 100600 6 # 1006004 $14.99 $14.99 $12.99 http://store.dixiespetproject.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DPPO1&Categ ... 10/16/2008 Page 2 of3 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelr y and Gifts i~ ,. " 1" .... . " .",i ..~ Large Pets Prom ise Large Pet s Prom ise Pet Prom ise Hor se Dog Cat /I 100 60 33 # 1006007 # 1006008 $12.99 $14.99 $14.99 fl.·~ {1:' 4: . .- --~ , ,; -" ~ . , --, ., ' ", ... ~ . ~ ~ ~ i . ( ' . , . "' :;. Lg .Tag Brass Finish- Lg . 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All Rights Reserved. http://store.dixiespetproject.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DPPO I &Categ... 10/16/2008 Page 1 of3 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelry and Gifts s l-toVVte seC! ycttl CC1rt Free Shippin Earrings Over$25 Pet Promise Cat Pet Pro m ise Dog Pet Prom ise Dog #700 1012 #7 00 1011 # 70010 10 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 Pet Promise Cat Pet Promi se Hor se Pet Promise Hor se #7001009 #7001008 #7001007 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 http://store.dixiespetproject.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DPPO 1&Categ... 10/16/2008 Page 2 of3 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelry and Gifts "· ~' . fA ..• ,~ "'," , .•.. . .. ' ': ' i , " . Paw Print Earrings Paw Print Earrings SALE Was 9.99 now #7 00 1006 # 700 1004 6 .99 Paw Print $14.99 $14.99 Earrings #7001002 $6.99 SALE Was 9.99 now Peace & Paw Print 6 .99 Paw Print #7 00 1013 Ear rings $6.99 #7001001 $6.99 Co:;gle Checkout Contact Us I Abo ut Us Horne Page I @ Copyrigh t I Shi PP1ri9 Affliliates I I Retu rn s Site r'1ap I I Search PnvCl CY I I Terms of Use Account I Help 2008 Dixres Pet Proj ect , LLC. All Rig ht s Reser ve d . http://store.dixiespetproject.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DPPO 1&Categ... 10/16/2008 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelry and Gifts Page 3 of3 http://store.dixiespetproject.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DPPO1&Categ... 10/16/2008 Page I of3 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelry and Gifts sec:l rev' Pins ( ACCOll~Vvt oj Prev ) Free Shlppin Over $25 ,.: ~ Medium Heart and Large Heart and Paw Sm all Heart and Paw Paw # 200 10 58 # 200 10 5 7 #2 00 10 59 $8.99 $4.99 $6.99 N eCRLIilCeSJ L(w~i-ihns - I I .~' ~ .. ...... 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Copyright 2008 Dixies Pet Project, LLC. All Rights Reserved. http://store.dixiespetproject.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?DPP=CTGYPAGING-PINS 10/16/2008 Page 1 of2 Dixies Pet Project - Pet Inspired Jewelry and Gifts f-t OVvte Free Shippin Pins Over $25 .';. ' -i I ." ' SALE Was 6.99 now SALE Was 6.99 now SALE Was 6.99 no w 4.99 Pet Pro mise 4 .99 Yin and Yang Pin 4 .99 Paw Pin Horse Lapel Pin # 200 1040 # 20010 39 # 200 1044 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 ",,::,':;"', :i '! 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