03-10-2014 - Golden Bay Weekly


03-10-2014 - Golden Bay Weekly
established 1992
Friday 3 october 2014Our 2700 print run is delivered on Fridays
Delays in building consents
still a cause of frustration
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People in the building industry in Golden
Bay say that delays in processing building
consents are disruptive.
In May of this year The GB Weekly
approached council for information. TDC’s
regulatory manager Adrian Humphries
explained in detail why some consents were
taking longer at that time than they should.
He cited staffing issues, the demand for
skilled consents officers in the Christchurch
rebuild, legislation changes, increased use of
non-standard building materials and designs,
and potential council liability if something
goes wrong. He also said that the poor quality
of consent applications submitted to council
was sometimes a factor.
Mr Humphries reported that, in the first
three months of 2014, council had taken
an average of 14 days to process consents,
and 90 per cent of consents received were
processed in the statutory timeframe of 20
working days.
“We are not satisfied with a 90 per cent
success rate, and 14 days is not an average
we are proud of. We will take what measures
we can to improve these figures,” added Mr
Humphries in May.
Things did not improve immediately,
however. In a July edition of the council’s
Newsline publication, TDC environment
and planning manager, Dennis Bush King,
Mr Humphries’ boss, apologised to anyone
affected by ongoing delays in the consenting
process, stating: “The month of June saw the
Tasman District Council’s performance in
processing building consents within statutory
timeframes fall to an all-time low of 64 per
Mr Bush-King said a number of events
caused the delays. “We are still bedding
in our new electronic building-consent
processing system and there are technical and
process issues we are still working through.
We indicated it would take three months to
transition, which is meant to come to an end
on 30 July.”
Builder Dan Darwen was one of several people consulted for this article. Photo: Neil Wilson.
Other issues with support systems meant
that staff were not able to work as efficiently
as hoped. Mr Bush-King also identified some
staff gaps over the month of June that could
not be “backfilled with external assistance”.
Mr Bush-King said he hoped that the technical
and process issues would be sorted out
quickly. Processes were in place, he said,
to fill staff vacancies and to look at further
This week we asked Mr Bush-King and
Mr Humphries to provide an update on
whether the electronic process was delivering
efficiencies and whether council had been
able to solve its staffing challenges.
Meanwhile, builders and others in the
industry here say that delays in processing
consents are still making it difficult to
schedule work and manage staff. One
builder spoke about a client cancelling a
job because the application took so long to
process. Another described what he thought
were inexplicable delays in getting a building
consent for a house built with plans supplied
by a housing company.
“It was identical to one I had built nearby
just a few months ago. It’s used all over
the place without getting held up in the
consenting process. Nothing had changed
about the plans or specs but it still took
months to get the consent.”
Continued on page 2
Did these children pick up your rubbish?
Billy and her team
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Breast Cancer Month
and the
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Donations welcome
Billy Kerrisk 0276 085 606
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As part of the Keeping New Zealand
Beautiful week some children from Takaka
Primary School took time out of their studies
to braved the elements on a rainy Thursday
to tidy up our Bay.
Two groups went to different places. A
small group tidied the road edges and ditches
from Village Milk to the Clifton intersection
and another larger group went out to the
Spit. All sorts of rubbish was collected from
drink cans, towels, food containers to mussel
The children loved making a difference to
their special place in New Zealand and it was
an eyeopener to all that so much rubbish ends
up in our community.
George Davies, Heather Sylvawood, Caitlin
Carey, Amy Webster and Shankar Minematsu.
Photo: Tre Sylvawood.
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Continued from page 1
Builders and planners say that they carefully complete
their applications in great detail but they always get
requests for more information. This usually happens right
at the end of the 20-day processing period, they say.
Most of the people we spoke to support thorough
plan-checking. Some practitioners say that requests
for further information from plan-checkers are a useful
way of catching up with developments in materials and
“Sometimes we think things tip over from being
thorough to being pedantic. That leads to more delay and
more expense. That’s when builders, planners, suppliers,
auxiliary tradespeople and customers get grumpy,” said
one source.
Neil Wilson
As The GB Weekly went to print this week, we
had not received any information from council about
improvements in processing building consent applications
or about how the 20-working-day standard is applied. We
will keep asking and we will keep you posted.
Heaphy connection
Ph 525 6167 or 027 220 3476
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GB Weekly does not accept any responsibility for errors or
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can be bought and we have a subscription service.
Mental Health Awareness Week
promotes lifelong learning
Curiosity led to unfortunate
consequences for the cat, but
it has happier outcomes for
inquisitive human minds,
according to mental health
Te Whare Mahana’s locum
manager Heather Stewart says
an active, enquiring mind
promotes good mental health
by boosting confidence,
increasing self-esteem and
raising spirits.
“It creates a sense of
purpose and a feeling of
Research shows that
learning also creates
connections between people
and leads to greater life
satisfaction and optimism.
Heather is therefore very
supportive of the “keep
learning” message adopted Promoting life-long learning are, from left, Janie McIntyre, Heather Stewart and Trish Martin) who
for this year’s Mental Health are raising the profile of local learning opportunities - part of Te Whare Mahana’s contribution to
A w a r e n e s s W e e k ( 6 - 1 2 Mental Health Awareness Week. Photo: Jo Richards.
October), and is using the
She noted that, in contrast to faceless bureaucracy of the
profile of the national campaign to raise awareness of local
learning opportunities and focus on the positive effects of big city, the small scale of Golden Bay facilitates intimate
networking. “The collaboration between the social services
Given the relevance of the message, Heather believes it’s here is amazing.” However, that with the veil of urban
important to reach out to the whole community. “Positive anonymity lifted, the Bay reveals different challenges. “The
mental health is about everyone; it’s not just about the downside is maintaining the boundaries to protect privacy
and confidentiality.”
absence of symptoms of mental illness.”
Heather says she has enjoyed her time in Golden Bay
Whilst clearly beneficial, learning doesn’t have to be
complicated, says consumer adviser and peer support enormously and is “sad to be going.” Before leaving she
manager Trish Martin. “It can be simple things such as is completing the handing over to her successor, Janie
learning new words, trying a new recipe, or writing a bucket McIntyre.
The incoming manager arrived at Te Whare Mahana this
list and doing something you’ve never done before.”
Heather believes the Bay offers a wide menu of week after spending 13 years with Nelson’s Gateway Housing
opportunities, from formal tasters: “I’ve been to talks at the Trust. Before that, Janie was employed as a mental health
library – they were really interesting,” to more meaty and social worker in the same DHB as Heather. “We worked for
participative courses. “There are lots of talented people in the same organisation at the same time, but our paths never
the Bay who are happy to share their knowledge and skills.” crossed.”
One of the tasks that Janie will pick up straight away is the
The locum manager is undoubtedly one of these generous
individuals; during her short tenure she has shared knowledge organisation of the Te Whare Mahana information stall that
and expertise accumulated over a 40-year working life in will occupy the Village Green this Friday. Staff will be present
from 10am, and Janie says that anyone who’s interested in
the sector.
Heather arrived in the Bay from Auckland in March this local learning opportunities should come along and have
year for what was supposed to be a short-term stopgap. “I their curiosity satisfied. “It’s about making people aware of
came as a locum for three months, but it extended to seven.” what’s on in the community.”
For more information on Mental Health Awareness Week,
Prior to the appointment, she headed up Auckland’s North
Shore mental health team at Waitematā Health. “It’s a big go to: http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz or follow on Twitter
district health board with a population of around half a at: #mhaw14
Jo Richards
time for a holiday with
Friday 28 - Sunday 30 November
Day 1 - Depart Takaka at 8.30am. Travel to Havelock.
Accommodation - 2 nights at Havelock Garden Motels.
Winery Tour in the afternoon - a lunch stop has been
arranged at a winery - own expense.
Two-course dinner tonight at the Slip-Inn.
Day 2 - After breakfast we will depart for “The Portage”,
via Queen Charlotte Drive. A leisurely day sightseeing.
Lunch at Snapper Café and Bar at The Portage.
Back to Havelock in the afternoon to get ready to board
the “Foxy Lady” cruise boat, for a 4-hour inner sounds
cruise and commentary, visiting a mussel farm, with
a short bush walk, followed by a BBQ dinner. Dinner
includes steamed and grilled mussels, meats, salads,
baked potatoes, tea and coffee. BYO.
Day 3 - After breakfast we return to Takaka.
Fare per person $450
(share twin/double, includes all costs except lunches)
Enquiries and bookings, please contact Golden Bay Coachlines 525 8352
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
The Birds’ big OE includes a
senior citizens’ presentation
The overseas expedition
(OE) is a Kiwi tradition.
Often it precedes a career,
life partner or children, but
there is now an apparent
increase in retirement OEs.
With freedom from work
and a dream of adventure,
many retired New Zealanders
are heading overseas for
extended holidays.
Leslie and Clive Bird have
returned from a two-month
trip to the United States of
America and were invited
to address a senior citizens’
meeting there. They shared
diary notes, brochures and
DVDs of New Zealand
scenery and wildlife.
Their holiday began with
a Californian tour that started
in San Francisco and ended in
Los Angeles, via the famous Clive and Leslie Bird saw Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park, USA.
Big Sur coastal highway. Photo: Sara Chapman.
This spectacular route winds
around rocks and through redwood forests, high above the bighorn sheep.
They spent three hours at the Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone.
Pacific Ocean.
Next on their itinerary was a national parks tour. The “We waited for the geyser to do her thing, then a snowstorm
tour, labelled as “Parks and Canyons”, included Black Hills, blasted in so we didn’t see anything,” said Leslie. “However,
Bighorn, Yellowstone Park and Old Faithful, Grand Tetons, the next time she blew it was clear blue skies.”
The Grand Canyon was another spectacle, with the painted
Great Salt Lake, Zion, Painted Desert and the Grand Canyon.
They travelled vast distances by road, crossing the boundaries richness of the colours in its crystalline rock strata and the
of seven states: Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, milestone height of its cliffs. Clive and Leslie “were told not
to sit on the edge as it could fall away”.
Nevada and California.
Las Vegas, “Disneyworld for adults”, was the last stop
Clive’s motivation was to retrace his footsteps and meet
friends made on a trip taken in 1982. “These American before their return flight home.
Comparing 1982 with 2014, Clive reflected: “The national
friends have all visited us in New Zealand and I was keen
parks were really the same, of course with more tourists.
to return.”
The Birds drew comparisons between the scenic USA and However, one small town called Spearfish, about the same
New Zealand, likening the terraced Mammoth hot springs size as Collingwood, had totally changed from being a place
to the Tarawera pink terraces, and the Grand Tetons to the of modest homes to one of modern mansions. That was quite
Southern Alps. By contrast, they found the wildlife markedly remarkable.”
Sara Chapman
different and sighted bears, wolves, bison, elk, moose and
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Driveways and tracks
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Site and section clearing/levelling
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Irrigation for Summer
Registered Professional Surveyor - Subdivisions, boundary
marking, topographical surveys, building set-out.
Resource consents for subdivisions, land use, discharges, etc
Phone: Kevin Bruning 027 433 5010
Contact Martin Potter:
Ph 525 8241, 0274 881 862 844 East Takaka Road
[email protected]
Located at 13 Buxton Lane
Phone: 525 9482
Office: 525 9193
Email: [email protected]
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Saleall your pasture conservation
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Watch this space!
Counter Sales will be available at;
TTL Freighting
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The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
requirements, contact
Warick Harwood
Operations Manager
027 525 9192
[email protected]
District nurses
Through your newspaper I would like to express my
admiration and my gratitude for the helpful, effective service
the nurses provide. For people who no longer drive, or who
for whatever reason stay at home, the visit of an unfailingly
cheerful, capable, gentle caregiver can be a big moment in
the day.
With all the present cutting back our government is doing,
it would be a bad day if any reduction in the work of this
team were to be allowed. More power to them, I say. They
are the greatest.
Philip Stocker
The dam
This week’s Newsline has the front page cover story
from Mayor Kempthorne regarding the Waimea Community
I love the change to the title, by the wording “community
dam” and dropping the wording “Lee Valley Dam“. Mayor
Kempthorne, in this report, makes the statement “the project
will benefit you, to a greater or lesser extent depending on
where you live”.
This writer has tried to explore any benefits the thousands
of ratepayers living in Golden Bay, will gain by this dam. The
Mayor requests readers of this paper to educate him in any
benefits they can find. We certainly will have to contribute to
the costs created by this proposal, whether the dam proceeds
or not. Last week we shared the fact council is asking staff
to examine costs and reduce debt (closing the Collingwood
RRC as an example). Yeah right!
Reg Turner
Wild Earth
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Since moving to Golden Bay four years ago I have been
impressed with the child friendliness of Bencarri Nature Park.
Respect to the originators and to the ones who’ve enhanced
the initial vision.
Now the baton’s been passed to a group of friends who’ve
re-opened the place as Wild Earth Nature Park & Café. My son
was delighted, again, to interact with animals big and small.
To observe them, touch and feed (some of) them.
A huge leap forward has been made with the quality and
variety of the food on offer in the extended café, especially
for children. Well worth checking out.
My understanding is that Wild Earth will be hosting social
and cultural events throughout the summer, including live
What I heard on the opening day was beyond “mere”
entertainment. Songs that move the heart were brought by
the harmonious Mohua Sun, the sparkling Mud Wood, the
soulful Anahata Chanters and the ever-reaching Rootsystem.
Sweet music to my ears.
All people, but especially those with children, if you’re
contemplating a place to be or a place to meet, Wild Earth’s
gates are open. I was happy to walk through them. I did not
walk alone. And I’ll wander that way again.
Thank you, wonderful tribe.
Alan De Boeck
Wild Earth
I would like to publicly acknowledge and congratulate
the tribe at Wild Earth Nature Park & Café for a successful
opening weekend.
I have had the pleasure of working with the team (which
now feels like a family to me) over the winter in creating a
space that will inspire visitors both young and old for many
years to come. A great opportunity now exists for the wider
community of Golden Bay and abroad to experience a living
example of a healthy way of being in harmony with nature
and each other. I offer a challenge to all out there, go wild
and visit Wild Earth.
Jono Hutson
Golden Bay on stage
A talent quest will take place at the Boys’ & Girls’ A&P
Show on Saturday 1 November. Entry forms are available from
the Library, GB Community Centre and your school.
So whether you sing, play an instrument or even juggle
you are welcome to perform. Prizes will be awarded for solos,
duos and groups. Hope to see you there.
Dave Myall, Tasman Youth Council
Takaka Primary School Show
Last Wednesday 24 September I attended a show put on
by pupils of Takaka Primary School. These children were the
Juniors, five- to six-year-olds. One girl in fact has just turned
five years old.
I cannot find words to describe their performances. They
were incredible, their work was faultless. My congratulations
to them and their teachers for an excellent show. Takaka
Primary can certainly “Stand Tall”.
Letty Alach
letters not printed this week
JL - no space. Forwarded for response.
The GB Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Please email
your letter to us. Include the writer’s full name, home address
and daytime phone number. Letters will be printed over the
name of the writer; names are withheld only when compelling
reasons can be established. Letters should not exceed 250
words. Letters that are too long might not be considered.
All correspondence is at the discretion of the manager, who
reserves the right to decline, edit, or abridge letters without
Shingle Peak
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3399 $ 4299
Sapphire Gin 1L
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Grilled Avocado 11
Crispy Fried Squid 12
Fish Tostada 12
grapefruit chermoula
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Speights Gold 24pk bottles
Wild Buck Ale 15pk
blackened fish, cabbage slaw, corn tostada, salsa
Roast Beet Salad 11
orange, balsamic onions, cranberry, watercress
Moroccan Chickpea Soup 9
grilled bread
Fennel & Apple Salad Heineken 12pk bottles
Oranjeboom and Becks
12pk bottles
Fresh fish Lamb Korma 22
all with rice
Fish of the Day market
always fresh and seasonal
Grilled Chicken 24
Chipotle Skirt Steak 26
balsamic asparagus, potato gnocchi, madeira sauce
mexican black beans, cabbage slaw, chimichurri sauce
greens, roast walnuts, blue cheese
Frozen Banana Glace
Riesling Cream & Apples Chocolate Marquise Rigatoni Bolognese 22
Swiss Chard Ravioli 20
wild pork ragu, parmesan
pinenuts, meadowcroft goat cheese, sage butter sauce
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*See in store for details. Available at Liquorland Golden Bay only. In store retail sales only.
Prices and offers valid 6-19 Oct 2014 while stocks last. 1 Fly Buys standard point collected
for every $20 spent, excludes purchases of Gift Cards and Tobacco.
The Wholemeal Café supports local farmers and, where possible, we grow
our own organic produce to bring the freshest ingredients to your table.
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The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Martin Potter: sailaway sur veyor
Martin Potter has had a
lifelong love of sailing.
He grew up inland at
Otematata, Otago, and family
holidays were outdoors,
tramping, climbing and
skiing, until a dinghy named
DAMP became a family
treasure. Martin’s Dad built
the dinghy and his Mum
stitched the sails. DAMP bore
the initials of each member
of the family: Doreen, Avon,
Martin and Philippa.
The Potter family sailed
DAMP for many years in
Central Otago and learnt the
basics of sailing by trial and
“On the maiden voyage
we gybed, capsized with the
mast stuck in the mud. When
we all surfaced I saw Dad and
his friend emerge with their
smoking pipes sizzling with
water and their hats floating
Martin’s first OE stretched
across three years and three
continents. First he bought a
one-way ticket to Singapore
and backpacked through
Southeast Asia, including
Thailand, Malaysia, India,
Kashmir and Nepal. When
he ran out of money he found
work on a topsail schooner The Potter’s yacht Kupere at anchor in Suwarrow, Cook Islands. Photo: Supplied.
based in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
they would end up. The boat was totally self-sufficient for
Puritan was a 1930 schooner, designed by John Alden, power and water, and they found the ability to live and travel
owned by a wealthy Austrian and maintained by a skipper like this quite liberating. They carried 1000 litres of water,
and a crew of eight. The yacht was traditionally rigged with 1000 litres of fuel and provisions for about three months, with
a lot of brass and varnished teak, and a tender that was a fridge run on power generated by solar and wind.
varnished mahogany. “While a large part of the work was
The first landfall was Tonga, and it was here they spent
maintaining all the bright work, I did learn the best methods some time learning how to sail safely in tropical reef areas.
to maintain and handle a cruising yacht – though maybe not In all, the family made six trips to the Pacific, sailing as far
the cheapest way.”
east as Tahiti and visiting most of the islands westward to
Summers were spent in the Mediterranean and winters Australia—Fiji, the Cook Islands, Samoa, Vanuatu, New
in the Caribbean. “For time alone I would climb up into the Caledonia, and Solomons—and even taking a dip south to
rigging,” said Martin.
the subAntarctic islands for a test run.
After a winter season skiing at Park City, Utah, he sailed
Martin explained that they were part of a whole community
a yacht down to Mexico before delivering an abandoned of cruisers, always leaving people behind and moving on,
yacht back up to San Diego. “The previous crew had stolen then having some wonderful reunions when meeting up
all the navigation and radio gear and abandoned the boat. A again. “The children learnt to make friends very quickly. If
Casio wristwatch I bought to navigate with failed, and it was village children were playing, ours would go to meet them,
a challenging trip – no GPS back then.” On reaching San and through them we met a lot of local families.
Diego he found the authorities were looking for the boat as
“I just loved the independence and lack of interference
it was suspected of drug running and spent an anxious day from bureaucracy that the lifestyle gives. Once we left New
waiting while the boat was searched.
Zealand we could make our own decisions and do things our
“We were relieved when the yacht was given the all way. We were always aware of the weather, the tides and
even the state of the moon for passages, and generally all of
Martin returned to New Zealand and enrolled at the natures cycles, and when to be careful.” The boat was not
University of Otago. He qualified as a surveyor and based insured so it was vital to prevent it from striking land.
himself in Central Otago. “We were the first surveyors to be
“We were all together as a family 24/7 for two years.
using the new HP calculators rather than 12-figure logs, and The children were home-schooled. We were an island unto
were still hand-drafting plans.” He married Tish, and for the ourselves.”
next decade settled into work and family life.
Recently, sea fever has been calling Martin again. “The way
In 1997, Martin and Tish sold their business and house, our lives are being more and more controlled by authorities
purchased an unfinished yacht named Kupere, and poured makes me think it is time to cast the lines again and slip out
money into a refit. Once finished, they set sail with their three into a world where nature is in control of my world.”
young children, Reece, Callum and Sarah, with no idea where
Sara Chapman
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The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
In Good Taste: The Slice of Life
The only thing I enjoy more than being in a warm kitchen,
cooking, is snuggling up in front of the fire reading about
cooking. Bleak cold days are perfect for either of these
activities, and your family can delight in the results. Except
maybe when there is just too much of it all.
My daughter, who loves sweet stuff as much as I do,
recently cried: “Mum...no more...PLEASE!” And I could see
her point. The tins, jars and cupboards were overflowing
with home baking of every kind. Our home (not to mention
our pants) would soon be bursting at the seams. Something
had to be done.
The answer of course is to invite a group of friends
around to help. Luckily, most of our nearest and dearest
still eat everything without complaint, happy just to enjoy
the togetherness around the table, which is just the way it
should be.
I had a very nice-looking “birdseed slice” in a local café’s
cabinet the other day, which I forswore for the brioche with
white chocolate and lemon curd that had just been removed
from the oven (OMG!). Later at home I looked online for a
recipe and found this, which looked very similar. Adapted
from the Ripe cookbook, it is everything a good snack bar
should be. A warning should go out to those wearing braces
on their teeth, though: the seeds are a bit of a problem!
Into a large bowl place
the seeds, oats and nuts. Add
the liquid and stir together.
Place mixture into a baking
paper-lined 24cm x 32cm
tray and smooth to flatten.
Cover with foil and bake
for 20 minutes. Remove the
foil and bake for a further
15 minutes, until golden.
Remove and cool before
cutting into bars.
This next slice is originally
from the Pukeko Junction
Café in Amberley. It is very
bad (due to a huge amount
of butter and sugar) but ohso-very good (due to the
huge amount of butter and
sugar). Thankfully the recipe
makes enough so half can be
frozen, removing some of
the temptation. Fatal!
150g raisins
90g butter
½ cup of golden syrup
¼ cup of brown sugar
90g peanut butter
150g rolled oats
150g chopped nuts
150g sunflower seeds
150g pumpkin seeds
150g sesame seeds
Heat the oven to 170°C. Place the seeds and the nuts
on a flat baking tray and bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes,
until toasted. Cool.
Into a pot place the raisins, butter, syrup, sugar and peanut
butter. Melt together gently, stirring, until smooth.
200g butter, softened
½ cup of brown sugar
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 ½ cups of plain flour
2 tsp of baking powder
Birdseed Slice
Caramel Oat Slice
Birdseed and Caramel Oat Slices. Photo: Fiona Feasey.
Heat the oven to 180°C. Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla
until light and creamy. Sift in the flour and baking powder
and mix well.
Press into a baking paper lined 24cm x 32cm tin. Bake for
20 minutes until golden.
125g butter
½ cup of golden syrup
1 ¼ cups of condensed milk
1 ½ cups of rolled oats
¾ cups chopped nuts
½ cup brown sugar
100g butter, melted
To make the filling, place the butter, syrup, and condensed
milk into a pot and heat, stirring until melted.
In a separate bowl mix the topping ingredients together.
Spread the caramel over the cooked base and sprinkle over
the topping. Bake for another 25 minutes until golden.
Remove from the oven, cool and chill for a few hours
before cutting and having a private sampling.
This last recipe is quite delicious and healthy enough to
eat anytime.
Raspberry jam bars
1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of wholemeal flour
½ cup of wheatgerm
½ cup of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
pinch of salt
225g butter, softened
½ cup of rolled oats
1 cup of chopped nuts
¼ cup of brown sugar, extra
2 tablespoons of ground flax seed
1 cup of sugar-free raspberry jam
Into the food processor place the flours, wheatgerm,
first measure of sugar, cinnamon and salt. Add the butter,
reserving 2 tablespoons for later. Blend until the butter is
incorporated and the mix looks like breadcrumbs. Reserve
1¼ cups of mixture for the topping and press the rest into
a 24cm x 32cm slice tin lined with baking paper. Bake at
180°C for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, return the reserved flour mixture to the
processor with the oats, nuts, flaxseed, second measure of
sugar and the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter. Pulse until
Spread the Creators
jam over the
cooked base&
crumble the
topping over the lot. Bake for a further 25 minutes and cool
before cutting.of Fine Foods and Artisan Products.
Fiona Feasey
De -Lish Delicatessen
De -Lish Delicatessen
Creators Merchants & Caterers
of Fine Foods
and Artisan
De -Lish Delicatessen
Lunch menu:
Veggie Quiche
Gluten free Quiches:
millet-quinoa base & veggie filling
will be in your area on Wednesdays
We supply and install a great selection of:
carpets and vinyl • curtains and blinds
wood and laminate • ceramic tiles
hot wire under carpet and tile heating
6 months before you pay at the cash price
Phone 0800 222 773
and quote
Side salad for quiches and tarts
Buckwheat pancake,
Ineke Manshande
or Ineke on 021 416 517
Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5.30pm
Sat 9am-4pm
Cheese tart, cheese & onion
gluten free
veggie or salad filling
Vegetarian sandwiches, from $5.50
Bowl of salad & bread
Bowl of soup & bread
30 Commercial St.
Ph.: 5257294
June 11.00am
& Caterers
of FineCheese
Foods and Artisan
WangapekathCheese as seen on Country Calendar
in: Local
Oil from
Kina Haus!
De-Lish CheeseAvailable
we’re passionate
holistic about
seen on Country Calendar
th Juneas11.00am
Friday 20Cheese
we do.orHealthy
for gifts,
grazing on
and we
for milk
Wangapeka Cheese
do. Healthy
we’re passionate
& deli-&
holistic about what
cious cheeses.
milk &
we do. Healthy A2
traditional processing
Come and meet Renee from Wangapeka
nutrient-rich pasture,
& deliCheeses
de-lishous range of Artisan
milk &
cious cheeses.
traditional processing
Come and meet Renee from Wangapeka
and try
Shop 2,Lunch
30 Food
& deliDelicatessen
Quality Catering
Mon-Fri 7.30am-5pm, Satcious
[email protected]
Phone 525
Come and meet
2, 30
Commercial and
Streettry their
[email protected]
De-Lishous Lunch Food
Exotic Pantry Items
Ph 525
too /delish.delicatessen
& Cheeses
Quality Catering
[email protected]
GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
2, 30
StreetPantry Items
Delicatessen Meats & Cheeses
Quality Catering
Teamwork shines in Takaka
Primar y stage productions
Takaka Primary School’s junior stage productions: “I was really impressed with the confidence of kids,” says Trudi Fersterer.
Takaka Primary children recently dazzled and delighted
Teachers and children expressed gratitude to the costume
their audiences with two junior school stage productions.
department parents, Anna Lloyd and Kylie McKenna.
Abby Marsden shone in her brilliant gold costume,
Parental contributions also stood out in the production
personifying Te Ra, the sun god.
Food around the World, produced by teacher Sarah Crowther.
Referring to her part in Room 7’s (The Turtles’) performance The play was performed by Room 5 Bunnies and Dolphins
of Maui and the Sun, she said: “I liked getting trapped in the (co-taught by Margaret Sullivan), and Room 8 Kiwis (taught
by Margret Hope).
Produced by Trudi Fersterer and co-produced by Gina
A colourful feast of culture, singing, magical balloon rides
Bradley, Maui and the Sun represented an evolution of ideas, and humorous narratives ended a term of learning songs and
Nicola - this is the correct one - it’s based on
Trudi said.
a month of stage rehearsals.
“display” style, not “article” style.
“It was a process-focused play whereby all the ideas came
“It’s been a lot of work, but it has been fun. It’s been a
from the children. It included their dances and improvisation, real child-centred play,” said Sarah. “There were changes
so it was different each time. The production was a real we made so it centred on the culture of countries that were
team effort and pulling it together was my job. I was really relevant for the kids.”
impressed with the confidence of kids.”
Rae McDowell
Open Home
Open Home
Nelson Arts Festival
brings Demolition
to the Bay
Captivating cabaret-comedy The Demolition of the
Century is coming to the Mussel Inn on Wednesday 22
October as part of the 20th Nelson Arts Festival.
In this new work, talented screenwriter, playwright and
novelist Duncan Sarkies (Two Little Boys, Scarfies, Flight
of the Conchords) and musician Joe Blossom (aka Sean
O’Brien) together re-create the world from Sarkies’ new
novel The Demolition of the Century.
Arts Festival Director Sophie Kelly says the hugely
entertaining transition of Demolition from book to stage
is achieved through a series of vignettes, delivered in an
inspired cabaret-style.
“Duncan Sarkies is such an engaging and funny
character – he truly understands the art of story-telling.
When he presented to a group of us at the performing arts
market in Wellington, we were completely transfixed and
just didn’t want it to end.
“I just know people in Golden Bay will really love this
show. The Mussel Inn is the perfect venue for it.”
Demolition presents the lives of two seemingly
disparate characters, Tom and Spud, whose disclosures
eventually lead to a shocking revelation. Like a fine
detective novel, we are led into the mystery by anti-hero
Tom Spotswood - a beaten up insurance investigator, who
returns to his former stomping-ground to solve a puzzle
that has haunted him for the past four years.
Upon his return, he is thrown into cold panic when he
is unable to find his young son or his ex-wife. All trace
of his family seems to have been carefully demolished,
while downtown another demolition occurs as Spud
obliterates another piece of collective history with his
wrecking ball.
Demolition is a fast-paced, darkly captivating
cabaret-comedy, which leaves you fully entertained and
tantalisingly close to solving a puzzle. As a follow-up,
you can read the novel for all of the answers and further
delights along the way.
The GB Weekly has two double passes to this rollicking
show to give away. Email: [email protected]
1592 Takaka-Collingwood Hwy
It is a privilege to be bringing this property to the
market for the first time, it's a joy for the senses,
the tranquility and birdsong; the sound and sight
of the Abel Tasman coastline, gorgeous on every
tide; the restful quality of this private home, the
softness of its timber interior and the way the
architectural design fits effortlessly into the bush
clad landscape; and finally so many windows,
framing the sublime views.
Located near Parapara, a lovely place to live with
it's Community boatshed and lots of places to
kayak bike & walk. Ten acres split into small
paddocks and balance of land in trees of every
hue of green. Cosy Fraemohs cottage
completely private up a long winding driveway.
Plenty of potential for the GOOD LIFE here.
Exclusive $500,000
View OPEN HOME: Sunday 11-11.30am
Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 [email protected]
Exclusive $665,000
View By appointment with Billy
Billy Kerrisk 0276 085 606
Golden Bay office 525 7219 Billy Kerrisk Limited
Golden Bay office 525 7219 Billy Kerrisk Limited
Takaka 29 Rototai Road
You will love the new kitchen dining living area
it's is over 60m2 and fully double glazed. In the
summer pull back the stacker doors and you
have indoor outdoor flow to the abundant
kitchen garden and views across farmland. The
kitchen boasts a dishwasher and 900mm stove
with gas hob and electric oven. Come see!
Pohara 10 Falconer Road
A CALL FOR ACTION - now priced well under
GV and looking for a new owner after 18 years of
happy holidays, my vendor can still recall his first
viewing, the way the view from the house took
his breath away. Vital statistics - 5 Acres, 2
bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus guest room and
parking. Give me a call today and come and see
for yourself.
DEADLINE SALE 15 October (unless sold prior)
View OPEN HOME Sunday 1.00-1.30
Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 [email protected]
Exclusive REDUCED BY $80,000 TO $590,000
View Call Billy for an appointment
Billy Kerrisk 0276 085 606
Golden Bay office 525 7219 Billy Kerrisk Limited
Golden Bay office Billy Kerrisk Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Takaka 1090A Abel Tasman Drive,
Situated is lovely Ligar Bay and about 10kms
from Takaka on the road to the Abel Tasman NP
this sloping 2500sqm site is waiting for the right
person to realise its spectacular potential. The
attractive Northerly view over the sea to Tata
Islands must be an attractive proposition at this
For further details please give me a call
Price $265,000
View by appointment
Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 [email protected]
Golden Bay office 525 7219 Billy Kerrisk Limited
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Breast Cancer
Pink Ribbon Appeal
Volunteers will be outside Fresh Choice
on Thursday 9 October
and Take Note
Friday 10 and Saturday 11 October
Please give generously
Billy Kerrisk
Licensed Agent REAA 2008
027 608 5606 | Office 03 525 7219 | Level 1, 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka | www.rwgoldenbay.co.nz
Brain overloading with
digital dilemmas?
Computer sales, repairs and upgrades ●
Business solutions and website design ●
Setting up your home and ●
office communications ●
03 525 8633 or 027 831 4156
[email protected]
Techy of choice for The GB Weekly
Forest & woodlot harvesting
Hauler & ground-based bush-rigged excavator
Locally-owned operation with local crew
Ph 027 455 9895
Golden Bay Digger Hire
* 1.7 tonne Yanmar
* 3 buckets
* Zero swing
* Expandable tracks
* Delivery available
[email protected]
Aaron McKenna & James Mackay
on 027 713 0684
Sunscreen Blinds, Cedarwood
& Creation Wood Blinds, Roller
Blinds, Aluminium Venetians &
Vertical Blinds
Peter Marshall
Claire Rouault, concert pianist
When pianist Claire
Rouault plays Ravel’s Valses
Nobles et Sentimentales
at the Village Theatre this
month, her fingers will weave
a performance from the
musical thread that ties the
young artist to the century-old
While at the National
Superior Music Conservatory
of Paris, Claire was taught by
Jacques Rouvier, a student
of Vlado Perlemuter who,
in turn, studied Ravel’s
complete piano works with
the composer himself.
“There’s a direct lineage
from the composer to the
performance,” says JeanFrançois Robert, Claire’s
partner and manager for their
Piano on Tour enterprise.
Proving herself to be far
more than a Ravellian cipher,
Claire will be showcasing
her wide repertoire and Pianist on Tour: Claire Rouault
Photo: Submitted.
extraordinary talent at
October’s concert, playing some of Bach’s earliest keyboard
suites, a selection of classic Chopin waltzes and a sensuous
sonata written by her favourite composer, Robert Schumann.
Jean- François believes the audience will be moved by the
carefully selected pieces. “The choice of music is extremely
In addition to the traditional concert, Claire will also be
performing at the high school and the hospital. It’s part of
the project’s vision to bring world-class music, normally
associated with a metropolitan elite, to small communities
throughout New Zealand’s heartlands and to schools,
retirement homes, hospitals and prisons.
According to Jean François, the two extra Takaka
performances will feature a programme specifically tailored
to their audiences. “It’s beautiful classical music but also
very accessible, with small pieces that don’t require so much
concentration.” Though less demanding for the audience, the
music will still have the power to inspire. “We hope to trigger
is bringing her talent and concert piano to the Bay in October.
some emotion and interest and open a door to classical music.
That’s what happened to Claire when she was young.”
He explains that hauling the $75,000 leviathan to the farflung regions of the country requires a great deal of care as
well as several pieces of bespoke kit. “We have a specially
converted insulated trailer with all the equipment to load,
including a ramp and electric winch.”
Despite the large investment, admission costs are kept
down with the help of donations to the project’s charitable
trust. The result is rock-bottom prices for high-quality concerts.
It’s a combination that Jean-François expects will appeal
strongly to local culture vultures.
“The demand in Golden Bay is just exceptional.”
Expect tickets to sell out quickly. Claire will perform at the
Village Theatre on Sunday 12 October at 5pm. Tickets: $20
($5 for children under 12) available from Unlimited Copies.
Additional concerts at GB hospital (13 October) and GBHS
(14 October).
Jo Richards
Always in fashion
For all earthmoving requirements
We visit Golden Bay
each week
Call now for a free consultation
0800 808 300
House sites - Drainage - Driveways
Land development
Farm maintenance and cultivation
Phone 525 9843
Patrick 0274 437 035
Mike 0274 873 182
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Sports results / Hua tākaro
Public notices / Pānui a whānui
Wednesday 24 September. Stableford. John Garner 41, N Goodman
40, A Scotland 40, D Collis 40. Closest to pins: 3/12 A Scotland, 4/13
S Page, 8/17 N Moore, 9/18 W Collie. Twos: W Collie (2), G Little, A
Scotland, B Osmond, D Collis.
Saturday 27 September. Par. S Bailey +7, N Moore +5, N Goodman
+5, P Solly +5. Closest to pins: 3/12 G Little, 4/13 J Cresswell, 8/17 N
Moore, 9/18 J Cresswell. Twos: G Little, P Beere. Club Championship
Junior B matchplay final: P Beere bt L Davidson 2/1.
Tuesday 30 September. Eclectic Stableford. C Turnbull 25, C Gilbert
23. Nearest Pin 9/18: G Turley. Twos 9/18: G Turley. Matches: Wadsworth
Trophy B Climo bt R Lash 3/2.
Paton’s Rock Individual 8. 24 September. Open: 1: E Bradshaw-M
McKellar, 64.44%. 2: C Bird-C Petyt, 59.63%. 3: J Karantonis-K Van der
Struys, 54.44%. H/Cap : 1: C Bird-C Petyt, 72.64%. 2: E Bradshaw-M
McKellar, 68.86%. 3: J Karantonis-K Van der Struys, 64.53%.
Friday Championship. Pairs Round 9. 19 September. Open: 1: M
McKellar-B Burdett, 63.54%. 2=: J Weddetrburn-S Van Wijngaarden,
%. 2=: J Kingston-J Beatson, 66.60%. H/Cap: 1: J Weddetrburn-S Van
Wijngaarden, 71.48%. 2: M McKellar-B Burdett, 66.60%. 3: J Kingston-J
Beatson, 60.40%.
Senior Football Prize-Giving
Youth and senior players, along with coaches, support workers
and families, gathered at the Mussel Inn on Sunday 21 September
for Golden Bay AFC’s annual prizegiving. Awards were presented as
follows: Under 17: Junior Golden Boot: Cade Nicholls. Fair Play: Timo
Milne. Most Valuable: Elliott Gibbs. Most Improved: Matthew Hopkins,
Nathan Ward. Best Junior Defender: Nick Bowker-Napp. Keenest Soccer
Skills: Keita Duff. Most Sporting Junior: Jaden Marama. Division 4: Team
Player: Dave Lewis. Most Improved: Josiah Thorpe. Fair Play: Jeremy
Packard. Golden Boot: Mitchell Winter. Player of the Season: Mitchell
Winter. Division 2: Most valuable Player: Dave Astill. Players’ Player:
Flori Dahl. Most Promising Player: Reuben Sage. Coaches’ Player
of the Year: Pew Singh. Women: Rosie Astill Cup: Izzy Knight. Most
Improved: Bonnie Cottle. Player of the Season: Emma Bailey. Players’
Player: Teresa Brough.
Who did it? Did you? Come along to the Takaka Drama
Society’s “Murder Mystery” social night, 11 October, to find
out. Tickets $10 from Paradise Entertainment and Laundrette
or ph Brooke for details 525 9715.
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Operatunity Concert, Saturday 11 October, 2pm,
Kahurangi Function Centre. Tickets $23 from NBS Takaka.
Small plate for afternoon tea please. Ph Jean 525 9142.
onetahua Marae AGM, Sunday 5 October at 1pm.
agm Puramahoi Hall committee, Sunday 5 October, 1pm
at hall. Enquiries, ph Murray 525 8182.
Sans Souci Restaurant open for evening meals from 10
October (Fri, Sat, Sun until Labour Weekend, then seven
days a week).
Thank you to the GB community for using my building
services over the winter. I have to leave the Bay for a
large project but will return next year. Thanks again, Colin
Look good, feel great, ph 525 9898. Hair Revolution.
GB Emergency Communications Trust thanks Penny Griffith
for organising the fundraising raffle last week; a big thanks to
all who purchased tickets. Winner: Rod Sharp.
Golden Kids Early Learning Centre would like to thank
Trash Palace for their kind donation of $200 to our centre.
Lifeline Nelson, 24-hour confidential telephone counselling
service. Ph toll-free on 0800 5433 5463. (0800 LIFELINE).
LOCAL community radio Fresh FM. Top o’ the South on 104.8
or 95.0 FM. Listen live now www.freshfm.net. Get into it!
Ph Sage 525 8779, email: [email protected] or visit us at
the Workcentre.
Te Ataarangi raffle draw, under police supervision. Kete,
Trish Gray. Limited edition print, Natalie. Robin Slow
original, Sharon McConnon. Many thanks to everyone who
has supported us travelling to Te Kao. Your generosity has
been overwhelming.
SPCA. All enquiries to Carol Wells, ph 525 9494, 8am-5pm
weekdays. Viewings strictly by appointment.
Alcoholics Anonymous. If you want to drink that’s your
business. If you want to stop that’s ours. Meeting Thursdays
7pm, Catholic Church Hall. Ph 0800 229 6757.
Community Law Service (Simon Jones): Free and
confidential legal help, information, options available
in Golden Bay every Wednesday. Appointments, phone
Heartland Services 525 6151. Nelson Office 0800 246
Age Concern continues to offer specialised services to Golden
Bay. These are elder abuse and neglect advice, a visitor service
to older peole and general advice and advocacy. Please ph
Sue 03 544 7624.
Motupipi Spit
Planting DAY
Sunday 5 October
You are invited to come and plant trees on the sand spit
as part of this successful dune restoration project.
Please bring a spade and gloves.
Meet at 10.30am at the end of the Golf Course Rd.
Refreshments provided.
Enquiries, phone Rob Lewis (Coastcare) 525 6183 or
Greg Napp (DOC) 525 8026.
Department of Conservation
Te Papa Atawhai
Adventure Fund
The Golden Bay Tramping Club can provide
some financial asistance to local young people,
aged 18 to 25 years old, who are planning to
undertake an expedition or to go on a short
learning course (eg Outward Bound).
Enquiries to Derry Kingston ph 525 9576.
NB. Applications close 30 November 2014
NBPH promotes and supports quality community health services,
with an emphasis on keeping people healthy.
NBPH is committed to reducing the inequalities in health between
all peoples.
Do you have a passion for achieving well‐being in the community of Nelson Bays? Are you a person who is well grounded with close connections in the community and the motivation to ensure their needs are met? A vacancy exists for a Community Representative (Trustee) to be appointed to the Nelson Bays Primary Health (NBPH) Trust Board. The position has a 3‐year tenure and remuneration is made for monthly meetings and any other meeting attendances as required. Training to support the role will be provided. The successful candidate will have:  A good and effective network of community connections, with understanding of diversity and different perspectives (rural and urban); 
A good knowledge of the public health sector, particularly the primary health field; 
Demonstrated awareness of the cultural values of the community served, including local Tangata Whenua; 
Excellent communication and relationship skills; An understanding of the planning process – strategic plans and annual plans. Good governance experience and skills and knowledge of financial statements and balance sheets would be an advantage. For more information please call 03 539 1170. A position description and application form can be obtained from our website www.nbph.org.nz. Applications by 18 October 2014 addressed to: Community Representative Nelson Bays Primary Health PO Box 1776, Nelson, 7040 NBPH is the Primary Health Organisation for the Nelson Tasman
area. PHOs lead and coordinate primary health care within the
local community.
Trades and services / Mahi a rātonga
passport photos, quality guaranteed. Available any time.
Ph Ken George 525 6235.
wastewater Design. Designs for building consents. Ph
524 8222.
Wedding photography. Here in Golden Bay by Golden Bay
wedding photographer. Ph Ken George 525 6235 website:
Accountant and tax advisor. New to Golden Bay and
working from home in Kotinga. All tax compliance prepared
for big or small businesses and individuals. Will travel to
you at no cost. Day and evening appointments available. Ph
Susan Ayton Shaw 0508 TAXAYTON or email taxayton@
dyeing services. Wool, cotton and related fibres dyed by
experienced dyer. Ph Murray 524 8229.
golden bay glass ph 525 7274.
96 Commercial St. Safety glass. Supplied and installed
for residential or commercial needs.
Qualified builder available for all your building,
maintenance and repair jobs. Also bamboo flooring and
wooden venetian blinds. Waterblasting, gutter cleaning,
painting. Ph Willem 027 753 1279, 525 8784.
gardener available. Organic methods. Citrus pruning done
now. Ph Mark 027 335 4196.
Trades and services / Mahi a rātonga
Individual maths tutorials after school. Primary years
five and six. High school years seven and eight. Please ph
027 211 7046.
Painter. Reasonable rates. Ph 021 0223 5080.
SUNSCREEN and blackout roller blinds @ Imagine designs.
Ph Tracey for a free measure and quote, 027 440 0071.
COMPUTER t e c h n o l o g y s p e c i a l i s t , p h W a r w i c k
027 814 2222.
Patons Rock Storage (ex-Steam Museum).
Boats, vehicles, self-locking units, from shoebox to
double-decker bus. Refer Trade Me 750355902.
Ph Gavin 525 9956.
computer repairs, upgrades and service. Ph Joshua 027
831 4156.
ACCOUNTANT. Long-standing market leader with
unbeatable professional qualifications and experience. Warn
& Associates, ph 525 9919.
Graphic design and illustration. SmartArts Design &
Illustration is experienced, local, creative, versatile and
affordable for print or web. Ph Sage Forest 525 7698, 021 070
0656, [email protected]
Golden Bay Digger Hire 1.7 tonne. Ph 027 713 0684
lawnmowing. Pakawau, Bainham, Takaka to Wainui.
Ph N Shaw 525 7597, 027 212 4020. niallshaw_6@hotmail.
tree removal, confined area felling, chipping, chipper hire.
Fully insured. Ph 525 7597, 027 212 4020.
LAWNmowing /garden maintenance. Reliable. Low cost.
Friendly service. M&M Gardens Takaka, ph 525 7967.
MILKING MACHINE SERVICES: For full machine checks,
mini checks and preventative maintenance any time.
cell 027 525 9861 or 525 9861 and book in.
Takaka Self Storage, Commercial Street. Have containers
(new) available. Excellent security, cameras etc. Ph
525 6181.
Accommodation suppliers. Carpets and upholstery
cleaned by your local Golden Bay Home and Property
Services Ltd. Ph 0508 424 277 or txt 027 442 4277.
Carpet cleaning, use your local team at Golden Bay Home
and Property Services Ltd. Ph 0508 424 277 or txt 027 442
Dave Isbister Engineering
For all your general engineering and specialist welding
call 027 487 9950 or 524 8397
Collingwood-Bainham Road (next to Transfer Station)
need wood splitting? Ph Peter van der Meer 525 9928.
Golden Bay Storage. Dry, safe, secure, alarmed,
insurance approved. Furniture trailer available. Rob and
Marg ph 525 9698, [email protected]
Gibstopping /coving (NCPB qualified). Local friendly
service. Ph Rob McDonald Plastering, 027 712 2552, a/h
525 6005.
Citrus pruning. Soil testing. Organic gardening, advice
and mentoring. Permaculture design. Edible landscaping.
Trichodowels and Bt for sale. Sol Morgan, GroWise
Consultancy. Ph 525 9110, 027 514 9112.
Chimney cleaning, handyman, Dennis Sage 525 7099.
headstones shop, G Miller & Sons. Ph Rose Slow 525
Health & wellbeing / Hauora
counselLor. Carol Parkinson-Jones MA, member NZAC,
ACC registration. Ph 525 8542 or 020 4027 8352.
Myotherapy and trigger point therapy for chronic muscular
pain, dysfunction, sports performance. Specialising in
unresolved work pain. 20 years’ experience. Paul ph 027
772 7334, 54 Commercial Street.
annie Turner. Therapeutic massage. Total bliss. Ph 525
8490, 027 454 6706
physiotherapist. Anél Baker. Private and ACCfunded treatments provided. Golden Bay Health Centre.
Appointments ph 021 053 4337.
counselling psychologist, Georgina Brink, MNZPsS. Ph
027 951 7247.
Electrolysis and for all your beauty requirements, ph Judy
525 9930. Fully qualified, with 26 years’ experience.
Naturopath and herbalist. Ph Emily 525 6017, text 027
890 9486.
Hair Revolution
For all your waxing and beauty needs in our private beauty
room. Relax, refresh, rejuvenate. Ph 525 9898.
acupuncture: Private and ACC treatment. Lynne Cooper,
54 Commercial Street. Home visits by arrangement. Ph/txt
027 221 0045.
Simon Jones: 25 years’ experience counselling with families,
children, teens and parents, also adults and couples, on a wide
range of issues. Member NZAC. Ph 525 8542.
Chris Hill. Counselling. A professional confidential service.
Ph 525 8760/021 054 6390. BSS Counselling Applied.
John Massey. Integrated massage/holistic pulsing/Myofascial
release. Available Wednesdays/Fridays. Ph 027 234 8561.
Lolly Dadley-Moore. Craniosacral therapy, massage therapy,
Reflexology. Registered practitioner since 1989. Golden Bay
Health Centre. Ph 525 9577, 027 338 9504.
family Dispute Resolution, counselling and mediation:
relationships, family, kids, teens, neighbours, workplace.
Simon Dadley-Moore ph 525 9577 and 027 240 5763.
paynes Physiotherapy. Massage, manipulation, acupuncture,
electrical stimulation. ACC-accredited. Ph 021 207 6256.
introducing “The Bars”, 32 points on head. Clears
electrical energy caused by negative thinking. Deeply
relaxing. Relieves headaches. Ph Susan 525 9795, 027 313
ortho-bionomy. Realign spine. Heal chronic injuries.
Ph Susan 525 9795, 027 313 5198.
donna Haliday. Relaxing and deep tissue massage. Ph
525 8333.
HELPING HANDS 525 6226. Lawnmowing,
scrubcutting, gardening, small building jobs, painting.
Cars wanted. Will pick up for free (some conditions apply).
Motueka Auto Parts. Ph 03 528 9576.
Ph 525 6267 or 027 434 5405
electricians. Fuse Electrical Golden Bay. Ready to
solve all your electrical needs. Ph 0800 888 488, Thomas
027 788 8500.
water tanks cleaned. Ph Chris 525 9153.
Storage /container hire. Your place (anywhere) or mine
(Takaka). Ph Cheryl at Orange Mechanical Ltd 525 9991.
Computers sales, service and support, Gerry Draper
Ph 525 9699, cell 027 375 2940
Hedgerows and shelter belts cut, trimmed or topped.
Golden Bay Hedge Trimmers. Ph Keith or Liz 525 7112.
“Knuckles” Driving School. Ph 525 8100.
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
3 OCTOBER 2014
Keeping you informed about
n e w s a n d e v e n t s i n Ta s m a n D i s t r i c t
Public Notices
Engagement on significance sought
The Tasman District Council is to adopt a Significance and Engagement Policy.
What is that you may ask?
Engagement is a responsibility the Council takes very seriously. Community input to decisions is
key to ensuring the views of residents and ratepayers are taken into account. Significance in this
context is about how the Council will assess the ’significance ‘ of its decisions in relation to the
effect they may have on people, assets, Council finances or the District as a whole. Once assessed
it will determine and guide the level of engagement the Council should invest in.
The Council already has separate policies for both significance and engagement however, recent
amendments to the Local Government Act have determined there should be one policy covering
both subjects.
The Council has taken the opportunity to review the policies as a result of the legislative change
and is looking for feedback prior to the policy’s adoption on 20 November 2014.
The Significance and Engagement policy and feedback forms can be found online at
www.tasman.govt.nz/feedback and in the Council’s service centres and libraries.
Feedback closes 4.00 pm, 30 October 2014.
Fresh Tegel NZ Bagged Chickens No 20
$ 99
Collingwood Resource Recovery Centre –
Feedback sought from residents
Dole Philippine Loose Bananas
In preparation for the development of its Long Term Plan, the Council has considered the future
of the Collingwood Resource Recovery Centre (RRC). Council staff and the Golden Bay Community
Board are seeking feedback from local users of the Collingwood RRC on the proposal and
feedback on possible alternative options.
A questionnaire has been created to give people in the Collingwood and western bay area the
opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposal.
Feedback can be provided either online or through the post-paid feedback forms found at:
Collingwood Tavern,
The Naked Possum,
The Old School Cafe, Pakawau,
Millers Garage, Collingwood,
Collingwood Area School,
Collingwood post office,
Collingwood General Store,
Bainham Store,
Mussel Inn, and
Tasman District Council Service Centre – Takaka
For the online survey go to: www.surveymonkey.com/s/collingwoodrrc
The deadline for completed surveys to be returned is 4.00 pm, Thursday 9 October 2014.
McCain SuperFries 1kg
Schweppes Sparkling Soft
Drink 1.5L
(Excludes Classic Dry)
Council Meetings
$ 00
Irvines Pies 6 Pack
Eta Kettles/UpperCuts 150g/
Peanuts 200g
Agendas and Minutes for Council Meetings can be viewed on Council’s
website at www.tasman.govt.nz
Joint Shareholders Committee
Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Tuesday 7 October 2014,
1.30 pm. No public forum
Corporate Services Committee
Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Thursday 9 October 2014,
9.30 am. Public forum
Full Council
Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Thursday 9 October 2014, 1.00pm
or at the conclusion of Corporate Services Committee. No public forum
Speight's Gold Medal Ale/
Summit 12 x 330ml Bottles
Audit Subcommittee
Tasman Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond, Thursday 9 October 2014,
1.30 pm. No public forum
Saints 750ml
Motueka Community Board
Motueka Office, 7 Hickmott Place, Motueka, Tuesday 14 October 2014, 4.00 pm.
Public forum
24 Hour Assistance
Richmond 03 543 8400
Murchison 03 523 1013
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
03 528 2022
03 525 0020
6559 HotHouse Communications
Golden Bay Community Board
Takaka, Tuesday 14 October 2014, 9.00 am. Public forum
P. Gould - Shopper from FreshChoice Leamington - Gold Coast Win A Seat prize
R. McWha - Shopper from FreshChoice Leamington - Pacific Cruise Win A Seat prize
H. Hoby - Shopper from FreshChoice Richmond - Australian Open Win A Seat prize
Thank you to all our shoppers who entered the competition!
Prices apply from Monday 6th October to Sunday
12th October 2014, or while stocks last.
FreshChoice Takaka
Find us online at FreshChoice.co.nz and Facebook.com/FreshChoiceNZ
Open 8am-7pm, 7 days.
Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply
per customer per day. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not
included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not
for resale.
13 Willow St, Takaka.
Phone 525 9383.
For sale / Hei hokohoko
*Contact Care Flinchlock Release
*Contact Care Flinchlock Release
*Relaxation Massage
*Relaxation Massage
*Birth preparation/bodywork
*Birth preparation/bodywork
Ph Lynne Udell
or 027 5258841 (practice in town)
525 8844 or 027 5258841 (practice in town)
Miller Chiropractic
Takaka: 22 Meihana St. Ph 021 106 8461.
Alternating Thursdays and Saturdays
Dr Rowan G Miller, Chiropractor
BSc, BSc (Chiro), MNZCA. ACC Registered
Channelled Energy Healing
& Therapeutic Massage
Ph Grace 525 8106 or
021 346 642 Dip Mass.
For sale / Hei hokohoko
gARAGE sale. Saturday 4 October, 9am, 24 Labyrinth Lane.
Household linen, furniture, appliances, utensils, bric-abrac. Antique collection of oil, candle and kerosene lamps,
including table, carriage and bicycle. Books. Near-new
bicycle. Surplus building materials/tools, concrete vibrator,
bull float, new bricks, old type mitre/drop saw.
Garage Sale. Saturday, 10-1, 636 Abel Tasman Drive.
Heaps of good clothes, books, children’s stuff. Many random
Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm. Motupipi. Ph 525 7135.
Goat, two years old, in milk. Ph 525 8542.
ducati monster 1000cc, 2003. $7000. Ph 027 476 0872.
bus, 1957 Leyland Comet. Very nicely decked out, very
tidy bus, motor runs well but smokes a bit. $8,000. Ph 027
476 0872.
Weathersfield Certified Organic
seedlings and compost
plus a huge range of
Evandale Gardens
flower and vege seedlings
rimu corner TV unit, leadlight doors, drawers, shelves. Good
condition. $250 ono. Ph 525 7181.
Hot tub. Crafted locally from solid cedar. Efficient woodfired heating. Ph 525 8031, 021 127 2410.
Elm, rough sawn timber, three-four cubic metres,
multiple sizes suitable for furniture. Has been stacked
for quite a few years. Ph 027 375 2940.
Quality topsoil available. Ph 027 472 4482 or 525 7050.
kayak, Viking double. One-year-old, used twice. Beach
trolley, padded seats etc. As-new, cost $1600, best offer over
$1000. Ph 525 8898.
tyres. All sizes, some pairs. Cheap. Ph 027 672 1648.
deck chairs, three, $10 each. Ph 525 9638.
Property available / Rawa watea
Studio/ apartment for rent, $200/week, includes power.
Very sunny. In Takaka township. Ph 525 8369.
For Property Management
and Rental Properties
House of Rentals
To give away/Koha
Can you help? Good, loving home needed for one-year-old
dog. Sheep dog breeding but too playful and lacking in focus
for training as sheep dog. Loves to pick up sticks, bark, pot
plants. Pawz needs a new home or will be put down. Ph Ian
525 9038.
bay window, bronze aluminium. Solid. Ph 027 619 2271.
Half rounds garden edging. Recycle. Ph 027 619 2271.
ph: 03 525 9397
Golden Bay
“For A Better Property Experience”
Long-term, Short-term and Holiday Rentals
[email protected]
Contact: Fran Cotter
027 5458482
Lost and found / Ngaronga/Kitenga
Found. Stainless steel watch and strap, Patons Rock. Ph
524 8440.
Wanted / Hiahia
kitten. Good, caring home needing one kitten. Please
ph 03 527 8069.
corrugated iron second-hand. Ph Neil Baker
Garage sale. 46 Gibbs Rd, Collingwood. Sunday 5 October, 525 8151.
9am start. Lots of bargains and gems, clothes, craft items, art to borrow, remote controller to reset Kingvon 3328
preview box. Ph 525 9228.
and much more.
slat bed, queen-size, wooden bed-ends and futon mattress. double inner-sprung mattress. Small to medium size gas
Good condition. $125. Ph 525 9413.
BBQ. Please ph 525 9152.
Sunbeam Nutrioven. Convection oven, used twice, $50.
Ph 524 8556.
Shape up for Spring and earn extra cash every week.
Homecare’s popular spring catalogue is out now. If you
enjoy walking and meeting people, and can drop and
collect 150+ catalogues per week,
phone 0800 500 005 NOW to secure your local area.
available from
Golden Bay Flowers and Garden
garage sale. Saturday 4 October, 50 Rangihaeata Road. Wet
or fine. Farming sundries, paving stones, MDF offcuts, paint,
compressor, bike, household goods. Moving house.
50% off single beds/kitchenware. 25% off other
second hand goods. At Bay Firewood.
Takaka Walkers!
Earn an extra $50 - $250pw from home.
Situations vacant / Tūranga wātea
Groundsman wanted for the care of grounds, gardens and
pool at Golden Bay High School. Also includes management
of cleaning staff. Experience preferred and willingness to
consider the safety and needs of students and staff. Contact
Richard Baker at GBHS for job description and application
forms, email [email protected]. Applications close
17 October.
Collingwood Tavern, bar person required 30-40 hours
per week. Ph Heather or Vicki 524 8160.
Experienced shepherd, general, full time. The position
will suit someone with three years’ experience, three dogs,
handpiece, and fencing experience etc, full drivers’ licence,
good communication, good all-round farming experience.
Will be required to work on two properties alongside block
manager and farm manager at Puponga Farm Park and Quartz
Range. For further information contact Darryl Heaps, ph
524 8909.
128 Commercial Street, Takaka
Close to the shops, Camellia Cottage is a 1990's twobedroom home on an easy care section. Compact, but
not cramped, and oriented for maximum sunshine.
Deadline Sale closes 4pm on 10 October
Bring us your offer now!
www.goldenbayproperty.com Ref: 3327
Call agents: Annie Telford 0272 491 408 and
Helen Hodgkinson 0274 950 693
GOLDEN BAY FIRST NATIONAL Licensed Agents REAA 2008. 50 Commercial Street, Takaka
firewood available. Also delivering now for next winter.
Bay Firewood, ph 525 9560.
Slash your electricity bill. Install a grid-connect PV system.
Professional design and install. Ph Paul Stocker, Azimuth
Renewables, 525 6019.
Advanced Enviro-septic, ‘always the first option’ for
wastewater treatment. Ph 03 970 7979, www.et.kiwi.nz bottom dollar, top results.
HOLDBACKS, metal. Tracks, fabrics for your windows @
Imagine designs. Ph Tracey for a free measure and quote,
027 440 0071.
Manuka firewood, also gum, beech, pine and willow. Next
season burning. Ph 027 951 9068.
FOR THE GARDEN: Compost, potting mix, bark/mulch,
screened top soil, peastraw, sawdust - rotten/fresh,
sleepers. Bulk or bag. At Bay Firewood.
Resene paint. DIY or phone Arlun, Rycari Painting 525 6036
for a free quote.
Solid plastic swimming pool. Can be semi-buried. Large
pump and filtration system. 1,350mm deep, four-metre
diameter. $1,700 ono. Ph 524 8031.
Avocado and sapote plants. Ph 525 8342.
safety glass. Residential or commercial. See Golden Bay
Glass. 96 Commercial St. Ph 525 7274.
furniture sales and repairs at Cowley’s Corner. Open
Excavator Operator – Golden Bay
Work with a fantastic crew - dedicated, great attitude, successful
Develop your skills, become competent in using heavy plant
Work on large scale maintenance contracts across Golden Bay
The Role:You will be operating an excavator within our Golden Bay maintenance
crew. This will include activities such as pavement repairs, culvert
install, slip clearance, water table clearing, etc.
You will need to have:
A minimum of a full Class 2 licence plus WTR endorsements
Proven excavator operator experience (up to 12T)
A strong safety and quality focus
A strong work ethic and the ability to take charge of a job
Flexibility will be required as we may need you to work some
682 Abel Tasman Drive, Clifton
This very tidy three-bedroom, two-bathroom home is
delightful, with its original 70’s décor.
Positioned for sun, with wonderful 360 degree rural,
mountain and sea views and great gardens.
Ideal holiday home or permanent residence. $359,000.
www.goldenbayproperty.com Ref: 3332
For further details: Annie Telford
Ph 0272 491 408
GOLDEN BAY FIRST NATIONAL Licensed Agents REAA 2008. 50 Commercial Street, Takaka
Apply online with your CV and cover letter at
www.fultonhogan.com/careers. If you require further
information please call Katie on 03 336 5107.
The successful applicant will be required to undergo and
pass a pre-employment medical and drugs screen.
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Only a minute's walk from the golden
sands of Ligar Bay Beach, entering this
property is like stumbling upon hidden
treasure – there’s a substantial family
home, built in 2002 in the same style
as the original villa, a separate 108m2
studio and a handyman’s dream – a
90m 2 shed. Four+ bedrooms, three
bathrooms, and garaging for three+
vehicles. Still plenty of grounds for
gardening and play space for the kids.
Great choice, great food
Free-range meats, seafood, gluten-free and
vegetarian options. Book for your intimate dinner
for two, group bookings, functions.
Guaranteed lots of choice at the Eatery.
Bookings helpful, please ph: 525 8096.
Check out this remarkable property at
the October Open Homes.
Elegant dining in Pohara
Sunday 5 October
Saturday 11 October
Saturday 25 October
12 noon - 12.30pm
818 Abel Tasman Dr
This Week’s Menu
www.goldenbayproperty.com Reference: 3328
1146 Abel Tasman Drive, Ligar Bay
GOLDEN BAY FIRST NATIONAL Licensed Agents REAA 2008. 50 Commercial Street, Takaka
Call Annie Telford 0272 491 408
For All Your Property Management,
Rental And Investment Requirements
Short, Long Term & Holiday Homes
Experience Our Hands
On Approach For All
Of Your Long-Term,
Short-Term and Holiday Rental Needs
Feel Free to Call Us For More
Are you covered by your existing
Insurance Policy? Are you aware of some recent
policy changes? Do you understand the
Residential Tenancy Act?
We offer the following:
Rental Appraisals
Assessing & Checks of
Potential Tenants
Up to Date Tenancy
Customised Owner Agreements
Bond Lodgement
Property Condition Reports
Thorough Property
Full Holiday Rental Services
Absentee Owner & Vacant
Property Checks
Twice Monthly Owner Payments
with Statements
Property Maintenance
We offer the following:
Total House Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Water Blasting
Lawn Mowing
Weed Eating
Rubbish Removal
Office & Retail Cleaning
Farm House Cleaning
Interior & Exterior Windows
Insurance Jobs
If you are moving, placing your
property on the market, farm
cottage owner, holiday home owner,
builder, business owner or just
We have an extremely high occupancy rate. busy—we can assist you.
Read our testimonials on our web page.
We are available 24 hours EVERYDAY!
Shona Martin | Property Manager
811 Abel Tasman Drive | Pohara 7183
P 0800 4 shona (74662)|F 03 525 8727 |M 021 217 8959
E [email protected]
Eating out / Kai wahi kē
ANATOKI Salmon, the place to have your lunch. Great
selection of salmon-related food, beautiful coffee and fully
licenced café. Great value for money. Open all year round
from 9am until 5pm. Ph 525 7251.
Brigand Café. Open 7 days from 11am. Providers of great
food and live entertainment. 90 Commercial Street, Takaka.
Ph 525 9636.
courthouse Café Collingwood. 6 days, 8am to 4pm,
closed Wednesday. Takeaway pizza available 5-8pm
Thursday and Saturday. Ph 524 8194.
curry Leaf. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 4pm til late. Chefmade food, takeaway prices. Ph 525 8481. Phone orders
farewell Spit CafÉ. Open 7 days, 9am-5pm. Ph
524 8454.
old School CafÉ. Open Thursday, Friday 4pm till late.
Saturday, Sunday, 11am till late. Closed Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday. Ph 524 8457.
PENGUIN CAFÉ. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 11am to close.
Closed Monday. Ph 525 6126.
PLAN B CAFÉ & BAR, Pohara. Closed Tuesday and
Wednesday. Phone orders welcome for takeaways and pizzas.
Ph 525 7678.
POHARA GENERAL STORE. Open daily Monday-Thursday
7am-7pm, Friday 7am-8pm, Saturday 8am-8pm, Sunday
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Fri: Duck breast with kaffir lime and sesame
Sat: Venison tenderloin with blackberry jus
Sun: Lavender-rubbed pork fillet
Mon: Closed
Tue: Heart of lamb rump with kumara mash
Wed: Lavender-rubbed pork fillet
Thu: Italian chicken w/mushroom-marsala wine
Fri: Venison tenderloin with blackberry jus
All mains served with fresh local vegetables
Vegetarian alternative available by prior arrangement
3 course set dinner menu: Starter, Main, Dessert: $55
Dining reservations essential by 12pm on the day
Seating from 6pm to 8pm, Wed through Sun
Cocktail Lounge open for drinks & platters from 5pm
[email protected]
525 7998
Learning / Akonga / Huarahi ako/mahi
making photo books with Helen Gowland, Nelson
SeniorNet. Monday 6 October, 2pm, SeniorNet rooms.
Members free, $5 others (includes refreshments). Please book
with M. Ph 525 7465.
Spanish with Juan, join the conversation group on
Wednesdays, www.hableya.co.nz
Golden ratio design. Ph Grayham 525 6053, abell3558@
guitar and voice lessons. Ph Donna Haliday 525 8333.
A weekend suitable for both beginners and the initiated.
Make a couple of simple baskets, learn basic techniques
and explore the willow industry at its source. The course
will be held at my workshop in Onekaka.
1 & 2 November, 9.30am to 4.30pm
8am-7pm. Home-made food, great coffee, groceries and lots
more. Takeaways open Friday-Saturday 5-7.30pm. Great fish
& chips, burgers and the best pizzas. Gluten-free options
available. Phone orders welcome on 525 9591. www.
ROOTS BAR. Open Wednesday-Sunday from 4pm till late.
Hand-crafted beers, Roots gourmet burgers, tapas and platters.
Good music and atmosphere.
The Mussel Inn. 11am til late every day.
The Naked Possum. Open Wednesday-Sunday, 10am4pm, late night Friday. Closed Monday, Tuesday. Ph
524 8433.
Delicious new menu, featuring local & organic ingredients.
Check us out 7 days, 10am-5pm. Ph 525 8261. www.
TOTOS CAFÉ & GALLERY. Come and enjoy wood-fired
pizzas, coffee, tea and refreshments, overlooking Wainui
Bay next to The Abel Tasman National Park. 2km along the
Totaranui Road from Wainui Bay. Ph 027 800 8476. Open
Saturday and Sunday during October from 10am to 4pm
except if raining. Closed weekdays.
NEW seasonal evening menu, Thursday to Saturday
nights from 6pm, starting 9 October, at The Wholemeal Café,
Downtown Takaka. See page 4 for menu.
Costs: $195, materials included
Contact: Peter Greer, willowworks.co.nz
ph 021 035 2912 or 525 9362
with Geshe Jampa Tharchin
Saturday 11 October, 10.30am – 3.30pm
A one-day teaching about mind and
meditation. All warmly welcome.
Shambala Retreat Centre
1234 Takaka-Collingwood Hwy, Onekaka
Phone 525 8463
Calls for expressions of interest are
invited from those with an incentive
to resolve pain and improve muscle
Tudor Burchill of Paynes Physiotherapy
is also an acupuncturist and qualified
Pilates Instructor with 9 years’
experience. “I guide people through a classic Joseph Pilates
style ‘continuous follow’ exercise sequence and provide hands
on postural correction to facilitate rapid core and postural
What results is reduced pain, increased vitality, and appealing
changes in physic ;)
Course includes: 1 Pilates hand-out, 1/2hr one-on-one
introduction and 9 x 1hr Classes on a Thursday at 6.15pm
(subject to demand) from 21 Oct-16 Dec. Cost $110. Spaces
are limited to 10. Tuesday class NOW full.
Contact Tudor: [email protected] or ph 021 207 6256.
Carpe Diem
Heidelberg Language and Philosophy School
 03 525 8768
H 027 922 4268
k [email protected]
➢ Language courses:
◦ German
◦ French
◦ Indonesian
◦ English
➢ Proof-reading
➢ Translation services
Life & Purpose
Family & Fun
Golden Bay Boys’ and Girls’
Agricultural Show
Sundays 10 am
93 Commercial St
Saturday 1 November, from 10am
www.godunlimited.org Come and enter your favourite pet or creation
Great spot prizes up for grabs
A great day for the whole family. Food & entertainment
New this year - Golden Bay on Stage
plus, come and try the Zorb Balls, Human Fly & Sumo
wrestling ($5 a ticket - unlimited turns or $1 for 1 turn)
Christian Church of Golden Bay Service
Matthew 13: 31 - 32
with children’s church
at 10am Senior Citizens’ Hall
Senior pastor:
Phil Baker ph 525 8396.
Church pastors: Jason and Teresa
Brough ph 525 9971,
and Carol Baker ph 525 8396
or 027 429 8088.
Golden Bay Recreation Ground
Any enquiries please call 525 9557
Kindly supported by the Rural Service Centre
Upcoming events / Mea pakiri haere
Go to events calendar www.goldenbaynz.co.nz
TAKAKA VILLAGE MARKET. This Saturday! Library carpark
9am-1.30pm. Contact Peter Pontier, ph 525 8485.
motupipi Hall fundraiser. Soup and dessert luncheon,
last one for the year. 12 noon, $10pp. All welcome.
Does your parenting sometimes
seem more
Do you want ideas for
building strong,
resilient and respectful
Chosen a parenting
career? How about a
parenting course which
looks at the basic recipe
for a positive family?
Would you like a
‘TOOLBOX’ of ideas
and strategies at your
fingertips as your
children grow and
TOOLBOX parenting courses are back!
Amazing, inspiring, supportive and fun-filled six week
course to excite you about parenting your
0- to six-year-olds. Starts Wed 15 October,
10am-12pm, Collingwood Playcentre.
Contact Golden Bay Community Workers
for more details. Phone 525 9728.
Golden Bay Community Workers Inc
Margy Meys
Creative Sewing Classes
• Revamp • Redesign • Reinvent
For total beginners to experienced sewers, make new
clothes or learn simple techniques to put new life into
your existing wardrobe. Revamp existing clothes.
Learn style and colour secrets.
Machines available.
At Margy’s new studio in Clifton.
Sundays 9.30am to 2.30pm. Limited places.
$40/casual class or $140 concession card for 4 classes.
Enquiries/bookings ph 525 7540
“ I love Margy’s classes, my clothes look great, they fit me
now and flatter my shape.” Marie
church services on sundays
golden Bay Anglican Church warmly invites you to
join them each Sunday, 10am at Takaka and 4.45pm at
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church invites you to join with us
at 10am. Holy Communion. Ph 525 8477.
Catholic Mass times at Sacred Heart Parish, Takaka:
Saturday vigil, 4pm; last Friday of the month, 11.30 am. For
enquiries, contact Fr David Gruschow, ph 03 544 8987,
[email protected]. Mass is held behind the historic church
building in the former Catholic Hall. All welcome.
car boot/Garage sale. 10am-1.30pm. Onekaka Hall.
Ph 525 9363.
Sand dune Planting. All invited to plant at Motupipi,
10.30am. Meet at the end of Golf Links Rd. Refreshments
provided. Ph Rob Lewis 525 6183.
free cruise presentation. 1pm. See display advert.
POTTERY CLUB introduction open night first
Tuesday of each month, 7-9pm, behind the Workcentre. All
welcome. Enquiries, ph 525 8642.
Dig for treasure. 11am-1pm. See display advert.
gb weekly deadline: noon on Tuesdays. Late fees apply
until 4pm Tuesdays. Golden Bay Gallery and Collingwood
Post Office are our agents.
FULL MOON GONG CONCERT at Soul Harmonicz, 196
Glenview Road. Start 7pm. Lie-down concert. Please bring
a warm rug. $20. Bookings essential. Ph 525 7977, www.
COSTUME HIRE, Wednesdays, 7-9pm at The Playhouse.
Ph 525 8338.
maori health services, NMDHB update meeting, 1pm.
See display advert.
AGM, Senior Citizens, 2pm. Members small plate please.
Access Your Consciousness. Tools and techniques to
access your psychic awareness. 7pm. 71 MotUpipi Street,
Takaka. To register ph 021 162 7821. www.liamphillips.
the lunch box (PG) 8pm. Village Theatre.
later events
Operatunity Concert. Saturday 11 October, 2pm,
Kahurangi Function Centre. Tickets $23 from NBS Takaka.
Small plate for afternoon tea please. Ph Jean 525 9142.
GB Garden Club’s October meeting will start off at 28
Feary Crescent, Takaka at 12 midday on Saturday 11. Further
details to be advised. Ph 525 6121, 525 9579.
Pilates yoga with Aeven. Core-conditioning,
strengthening, toning and energizing. Begins Friday 7
November, 10am at the Community Centre. First trial class
free. Ph 525 7989, 027 834 3245.
Practical Herbology with John Massey. Getting to know
and identify common weeds/herbs/plants of this bio-region.
Saturdays only, begins 11 October through to 8 November,
10am-1pm. Community Gardens, Takaka. Enquiries ph 525
7528, 027 234 8561, [email protected]
IndiGenIUS. World Indigenous Peoples Art
exhibition, GBHS Hall, 17-19 October.
PILATES CLASSES. Tudor Burchill of Paynes Physiotherapy
calls for expressions of interest in a core strengthening class.
Tuesday class now full. Please contact Tudor, tricep@gmail.
com, ph 021 207 6256.
at Collingwood boat ramp. 12 years and under.
spring sale
Great range of NZ natives and exotics.
All plants reduced.
Open 7 days 9.00-5.00. Eftpos available.
33 Lansdowne Rd, Appleby.
(1st left after the Waimea River)
w 03 544 5569 h 03 544 9039
[email protected]
Kia Hiwa Ra! Kia Hiwa Ra!
You are invited to attend a community meeting
to receive an update from Nelson Marlborough
DHB and Te Piki Oranga on the progress to
date of Maori community health services across
Te Tau Ihu O Te Waka A Maui.
1pm Wednesday 8 October
Golden Bay Senior Citizen’s Hall
94a Commercial Street
Entree - Prawn, corn & coriander cigars
with spicy red pepper sauce
Main - Pork scotch fillet with creamed pumpkin,
charred veges & seeded mustard cream
♦ $6 coffee and cake ♦ Lunchtime specials ♦
Takeaway available
Open mic NIGHT - Thursday 9pm
HAPPY HOUR every Friday from 4pm to 6pm
Open 7 days, from 11am
90 Commercial St, Takaka
Ph 525 9636
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
Coming events at
Dig for Treasure
The Mussel Inn
Tuesday 7 October, 11am-1pm
at Ligar Bay, near toilet block
Sat 4th Prizes suitable for 4 to 12-year-olds
Sausage sizzle
If weather uncertain
ph 525 9576
Thur 9th SANDI THOM - powerhouse blues from
Sat 11th THE SHOT BAND - more songs about
drinking and dying.
A Lions Club fun-raiser
Sun 12th SAM HUNT - CANCELLED. Ticket refunds
available from The Mussel Inn.
FREE Cruise Presentation
Thur 16th QUIZ - 7.30pm, all welcome.
Great KIWI Cruises
Wed 22nd DUNCAN SARKIES - special Nelson Arts
Festival show. 8pm, $15.
Stewart Island
Marlborough Sounds
Thur 23rd LIVE POETS - 7.30pm, all welcome.
- 8.30pm, $10.
Meet the Captain & hear about these fantastic
New Zealand Cruising Locations
Want easy email reminders with links to
performers’ websites? Send us an email [email protected]
Tuesday 7th October 1pm
Golden Bay Senior Citizens Hall
Commercial Street, Takaka
RSVP…… 0800 862 334
(formerly the Golden Bay Gallery)
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Zatori Bar open
every Friday & Saturday night
from 4-9pm
Come and relax by the fire and enjoy
stunning views and extensive wine and beer menu
Book now for:
Private Functions ● Weddings ● Conferences
● Workshops ● Christmas parties
Fully licenced and a stunning venue for any special occasion
Warmly invites children aged
5 – 15 to the 2014/15 season
Athletics is fun, competitive and children learn a
variety of skills that last a lifetime!
2321 Collingwood Hwy Phone 524 8692 www.zatori.co.nz
Registrations are from 4.45pm on October 15th at
the high school field. Parent meeting at 5.15.
Golden Bay Swimming is gearing up for our new season
with the intention of opening on
Tuesday 28 October
Club nights commence on Wednesdays
October 15th 5.00 – 6.45pm.
Grade is determined by age at Dec 31st 2043
Information/enrolment packs are
available to be picked up from
Unlimited Copies or by emailing
[email protected]
If athletes have equipment they wish to sell, bring
it along.
Our club is run by a team of volunteers and cannot
operate club night’s without the help of parents.
YOUR Children need you! WE need you!
We would love for you to be involved and be part
of our team.
Golden Bay Tennis
Open Day & Registration Day
Fun Day & BBQ
For bookings phone 525 8453
9am: Beginners. Under-eights.
10am: Juniors - 8-10 years
11am: Intermediates - 11-12 years
12pm: Teens and adults
10c/litre off fuel for Super Gold Card holders
proudly sponsors Golden Bay Tide Watch
Swap your old keys for new. Register and collect
calendar and format for new season.
Any queries ph David 525 8770, 027 802 0165.
Pohara Boat Club
Opening Day
Sunday 12 October from 12pm – late
Have-a-go sailing, Waka Ama display, Keeler sailing
FREE kids fishing competition, weigh-in at 4.30pm
Official club opening & life members presentation
from 5pm
Kitchen and bar open from 12pm
Evening meal from 5.30pm
Raffles and lots more
Contact Amy ph 027 874 1525
for more information or bookings
am 3
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Oct 4
9 noon 3
Oct 5
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
Oct 6
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
Oct 7
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
Oct 8
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
Oct 9
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
Oct 10
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
9 pm
H 6:20am 6:58pm
L 12:03am 12:35pm
H 10:23am 10:36pm
L 4:00am 4:29pm
H 11:08am 11:18pm
L 4:45am 5:11pm
H 11:50am 11:59pm
L 5:28am 5:52pm
Rise 6:59 am
Set 7:37 pm
Rise 6:57 am
Set 7:38 pm
Rise 6:55 am
Set 7:39 pm
Rise 6:54 am
Set 7:40 pm
Rise 6:52 am
Set 7:41 pm
Rise 6:51 am
Set 7:42 pm
Rise 6:49 am
Set 7:43 pm
Set 3:50 am
Rise 2:40 pm
Set 4:32 am
Rise 3:50 pm
Set 5:12 am
Rise 5:02 pm
Set 5:49 am
Rise 6:14 pm
Set 6:26 am
Rise 7:26 pm
Set 7:04 am
Rise 8:36 pm
Set 7:43 am
Rise 9:44 pm
Best at
Best at
9:12 am
9:40 pm
©Copyright OceanFun Publishing, Ltd.
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014
For a registration form and fee schedule, go to
www.sportsground.co.nz/takakaathletics or phone
Emma Brazendale 525 7013.
Film information may be found at www.villagetheatre.org.nz
Saturday 11 October
10:07 am
10:35 pm
Best at
11:02 am
11:30 pm
Best at
11:57 am
Best at
12:24 am
12:51 pm
Best at
1:18 am
1:45 pm
Best at
2:12 am
2:39 pm
50 Commercial Street, Takaka
Golden Bay First National Licensed REAA 2008 - MREINZ
Deadline Sale closes 10/10/14
If outdoor entertaining is your thing,
then come and check this 3 bedroom
home out! Spacious open plan living, good size bedrooms, large garage with workshop at end plus an inground pool that will be the envy of
friends. Ref: 3330
OPEN HOME Saturday 1.00 - 2.00pm
Ph: (03) 525 8800
Sarah-Jane Brown 0274 222577
Privately situated, 4 bdrm bungalow
on 1.2 ha. Includes a 5 bay implement shed with power, old dairy and
yards, hay barn, chook house and
grazing for stock. Great water supply,
and a 300m2 greenhouse plus fittings. G.V is $305,000. Ref: 3321.
OPEN HOME Sunday 1.00 - 1.45pm
Brian Taylor 0274 540 355
Located just out of town this 3 bedroom home has a nice
outlook to the ranges and gets the last of the sun in winter.
Spacious open plan living plus a log fire.
Sarah-Jane Brown 0274 222 577
Ref: 3312
Good family home with plenty of space for the odd sheep
or two and a large veggie garden. Open plan living/dining/
kitchen. 4 double bedrooms. Insulated. Water scheme.
Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840
Ref: 3317
Big 10 x 12m shed, hydro power
(3KVA) 11km to Takaka, outstanding
views across the Takaka Valley and
down to the sea. Would you like to
know more about this private 63
hectare bush block? Ref: 3331.
Paul McConnon 0275 042 872
Enjoy the views of the ocean from this lifestyle block of
4.3ha. The house needs work, but there’s definite
potential. A magic spot - call me to view.
Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840
Ref: 3287
A rare opportunity to purchase a
substantial grazing block in Golden
Bay, with approximately 70 effective
hectares in two titles this property
has many options. Good fertiliser
history & roading are an added bonus, plus its own airstrip. Ref: 3326.
$820,000 (+GST if any)
James Mackay 027 359 0892
Very well presented, solid 3 bedroom family home. Open
plan living, good sun and private. Attractively landscaped,
low maintenance 683m2 section, double garage + carport.
Brian Taylor 0274 540 355
Ref: 2993
Renovated with a modern flair yet
still genteel! 100+ years old but 7
years young! Open plan living,
3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,
fully self contained unit. Lots to
appeal here. Call me to view this
weekend! Ref: 3285.
Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840
OPEN HOME Saturday 11.00 - 12.00pm
A good price for a flat serviced section. Enjoy the rural
ambience & views, & the closeness to town, schools &
Rototai Beach. Start planning your new build.
Annie Telford 0272 491 408
Ref: 3291
Great bush & bay views from this quality two storey home
with 3 bedrooms & large garage/workshop below. 1405m2
section, with fruit trees, bordering a bush reserve.
Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840
Ref: 3300
This 3 bedroom Jennian home with
large office & massive open plan
living is very highly spec’d, and has a
real vibrancy. A very comfortable,
luxury home built in 2013 - you will
be amazed. Ref: 3293.
LODGE - $380,000 + GST if any HOUSE - $120,000
The Outpost has accommodation for up to 28 guests and
has been showing good returns with room to increase this
hugely. Managers house over the road is also available.
James Mackay 027 359 0892
Ref: 3192
$299,000 & $279,000 negotiable
Two very well presented 2 bedroom
holiday cottages offered as a package or individually. On separate freehold Titles, small easily maintained
sections & opposite the beach. Fully
furnished, great for investment,
showing healthy returns. Ref: 3220.
Brian Taylor 0274 540 355
Offers above $595,000
Annie Telford 027 249 1408
Two bedrooms, open plan living right in the heart of
Pohara. Sitting on 792m2 with a carport and separate
garage with a high stud suitable for the boat.
Sarah-Jane Brown 0274 222 577
Ref: 3284
Modern home with stunning sea
views. Open plan living, dining &
kitchen - all having sea views. Three
double bedrooms. Large decks and
easy care gardens. Best of all - close
to all the facilities as well as the
beach! Ref: 3289
Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840
Belinda J
The GB Weekly, Friday 3 october 2014