antmlore slace this Lettelr batb. !9 lgbinson.
antmlore slace this Lettelr batb. !9 lgbinson.
ThLs Lf fairly weJ.1.s{Jf-errpJanatozy. He caLLecLme first to eet the adctress so he eouLct caLL them aboutlhis diplona & I gave (attachect it to hin. Then the takes o\rer. I had. CoL McC:rackenrs shop write sonethlng tq hi.n that he could send.ontoB&Bto them. Donrt lcoou what they are cloi:rg . Itravenrt heerd antmlore slace this Lettelr batb. !9 lgbinson. 4L;----- // 6z- RBrookshlre / +72-397o/fib /l ?Mar69 CRR Diplorne, l? Mareh !969 1962, Capt Paul K. Robln*on, Jr. Box 4?3, HHC-DLIWC Freridlo nf Mostcrcy CA 93940 Dear Captaln Roblacon: Tbe Asasclatlon ef Grrduetar hru perced your dlplorna cor?ipondence on to trr; I arsr aCIrry rpe w€rc not sblc to reply rogncr boeanrs of our wsrklgad. 'ltfe /J l<l xcnt b*ck orrsr our rccordr and bsvs co'plcd roffrs lctters and dacumentr whlch mtgbt help to ronrlnd Brcrpa & Blgelow thst th*y dld rnr*ke the IJS,AFA dtplorna for 1961. llFe h*vc lnctudcd Sc paeklng cllp (Atch l) bcc*u*c lt carrks thc AF contrsct and Brewn & Blgalowtr Job nurnbe rf . \:/ 3V u lfe fcsl tbat Brown & Blgclnw owe y$u *oma g*rvlcc sn ygur dlplom*, but your dlasatlrfnctlou wlfh tbera l* qulte und+rrtrnd.rblc. Aa En *lternate, we refer you to the L. G. Bnlfour €s. , t5 Gounty Str*et, Attleboro, Marc., 0e?03, who hevs madc th* diplonrr*t thrce other ycerr. Sincerely, ,;l;:;ssi I NACIMt M. McGR"ACK8N, Lt Coloael, U$.A.F Aaroclate Regl*trer 3 -Atch l. S&B Frck SXip e. B&B Ltr , 3lJu l 6? 3. B&S Ltr, ??$cp6? (Atch 2, Itt to C Cheesernan, Cl 62, shows B&B refurbished a 62 diploma;f Atch 3, ltr to C Crane, Cl 64, showe B&B refurbished a 64 diploma) ': "' " "tl-29-6X r.t-4'ir-u& Date of orfur PA(IICITIG SLIP .|||i||||ll.ll-_____r*,:'{E*r : your Ord,e1No. AF O5(6LL)-2276' Brorar & Sigelow East Eenneptn Plant lvltnneapolls, Mianeeota ],: 993155 '_.' our Job No. Sbtp 8o: ProcurementolfJce;-"*"' ! P. P. \J -.^. f:qrress'O i ,i Prepald,' Qj of shrpneotr,[q;L2 ffit-'ou." u.s.8.Fqr CqrJAF,Ar)O _. Quantlty L2 OAly la o81y r-:-'*:rrr4l'::'?ii':ili:t"r'"':i:'.i' Part@ ..1. ' ''>- BaLance (f Col]-ect Cf 162 CornpLeteQ Descrl.Ption AmJ'FORCg-AC8$IgldY" 0ilDET SRADUATISID IpIf&rAS , personalized and irr Jif,fy Eagg Blue Gift Boxes for above; ldeotified. List of Personallzed oo oppo€ite side iprcot \?, - 9/t2 c i. . Captain Paul K. Robinson, Jr. Box 473, HHC-DIIWC Presidio of Monter€yr CA 93940 1 March L969 Association of Graduates USAF Abademy, Colorado B0B4O Dear Sirs, I gi-ve, If the situation is as bad as 1t seems, pl-ease It would do not devote any more tlme to the problem. seem that Messt" Brown & BlgeJ-ow would not be the most competent organlzatlon and if they did produce the dlpJ.oma, I would not 1et them touch it now. However, if you have any adviee or other opticns, I am Otherwlse, I w111 endeavor to search out receptive. a competent jeweler and let him try hls 1uck. Thank Xour ) ,-, ,44aa.r l/,.' Paul K. Robinson, ,/ Jr., Captain, USAF TOHASTEN O U RR E P L YT O Y O U RA T T A C H E D CORRESPOND E N C EW , EA R E . . . Making a nrarginal notation and hope you will understand that we value your inquiry none the less highly. We feel that it,s more im_ portant to you to receive an answer speedily rather than have it delayed because of the slower conventional procedure of typing a formal letter. CREDIT DEPT. BRO\ilN & BIGELOW St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Captain Paul- K, Robj-nson, Jr. Box 473, HIIC-DIIWC Prestdio of Monter€Yr CA 97940 4 February Brown and Bigelow Company I52L East Hennepin Mi-nneapolis, Mlnnesota 58414 L959 $d!*-. n,_* I ^ ,." ..iii D e a r S l rs, On 2 January L969 r,-.I wrote you concernlng a badly dlscolored l_962 USAFAdlploma whLch your eompany produeed. It was a metal plaque with a poor finlsh whieh deteriorated within all of the diplonas Your compa"nyagreed. to reflnlsh a year. not 5-nquired before have I the impression. at- least this ls asslgnments. overseas due to ny concurrent - and said. that 0n 9 January L959r YoE replied to ny letter you not manufacture the diplonas for L951. I requ$r*ed the Academy as to the dlploraa's manufacturerand lt reaffirned that you dld indeed prod.uee them. A Mr. New was mentl-oned as a former manager I'rho was apparently in charge when the dlplonas were prod.uced,. As this dlplona i-s very get 1t restored to lts appreciate goa* advice are ab]-e to recall the valuable to me, I woul.d l"lke to I would orglnal; condition. and cooperatlon - assuming you situatlon. Slncerely, PAUL K. ROBfNSO!{, JR., Captain, USAF r Car:tain Fobins on : ,Dea irie',icr:ld be veryhaFFy to refurbish your diplorna b'rt dc not ha,re the be ortr s,iggestion that you i,ake it to to do it. It r,scqrld facilities . je',eler, as theXr are ordinariLy well oLt,rlified to r,rork with tliis probl-ern. T n c i c l e n t a l l y , w e h a v e c h e c k e d t h e r g : c c : : d sc a r e i " , l l X a n r t o t ' h e i ; e s t r:f our kncwledge, which is brrn ont by the recorcls, lle di.d not har;e 1'he order f or t,he dir:'l-ornasf aY L962, Brown & Bigelcro MtrMO w m rrom ffi Association of Graduates USAF Academy, Colorado 80840 To: Captain Roblnson J0 Jan 5p Sj.nce Captain MetcaLf is cumently at S0S I a,n repJgng to yonr letter of 18 Janr.rary eoneerning yovz L)62 dipl.oma. I checked with the Registrarrs offj_ee who handles the purchasing of dipJ_onas and they verLfied that Bror,m and Bigelow dld. indeed manufactr,rre the 1p62 d.ipJ-ornas. Another gradr.rate had. a si-milar probJ_emand. he fou::d. out that Mr Nerc ls no longer the uanager of Brmm and BigeJ-ohrso possib\y the trouble is just nenrr staff personneJ-. If you do not receive satisfaction r4ron writir:g them again, please Let me knor^rand. IILL fonuard. your letter to captain Metcal-f or the Registrarrs office for further action. -L.** //'-/",tr'reida Weber (Urs) Secretary Executive Secretary TOHASTEN O U RR E P L YT O Y O U RA T T A C H E D CORRESPON. D E N C EW , EA R E . . . Making a marginal notation and hope you will understand that we value your inquiry none the less highly. We feel that it's more important to you to receive an answer speedily rather than have it delayed because of the slower conventional procedure of typing a formal lettet. CREDIT DEPT. BROWN & BIGELOW St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Captain Paul K. Robinson, nox 4f1, HHc-DtIr,{c Presidio "Tr. of Monterey, CA 91940 2 January 1p5p Brown and Rigelow Company I6eL nast Hennepin Minneapolis, Minnesota q8414 Dear Sirs, r,I:at is My 1962 USAFAdiploma is rather b a d l y d i s c o l o r e d . the prodedure f shouLd follow to get it refinished? 1{i11 there be a cost involved? u, PAUL K. R]BIUSOII,JR., Captain, USAF JhN I \96$ Dear Sir: Brown 8- Biqelol+ did not I{oi'tever, if the di;,loma we lJor.rld recommendthat p c r h a p s h e r6 i l I b e a b l e j'oll ow. man'':fscture the diplornas for L962. is metal, which we ass'lmeit is, you have a jeweler examine it ard tc recommehdthe best procearire tc Any netal wii1 tarnish rf ter a rcriod of tinir,,,.i,:r:ntirg rion a t n o E .h , .r i c c ' i r i d i t i - e n s , s o t h e , r c b l c n i s r r r b a b l y n o t u n , : sl , a I . Bn:-!.,'trl & BIGr'LCInl MtrMO w rrom @ Associationof Graduates USAF Academy,Colorado80840 To: A$tre Ulit lfut al 5r*- E td h*&SHdHrrfrilf*f gffirstprd-kEeEfElGGXrth&#d&f$e4n- **hffiffiffi#ffi*rffi# grfir& rnrfl:" *r*I*ffi x*l$lrlxffire *lsddl $*|f * r** Sn n*|ffi r,li, 1* q# bnE rs{l ElfE ffi 3&r$x S (eq) ffi Executive Secretary