Hard Topsand Station Wagons
Hard Topsand Station Wagons
DEALERS rtELENA -trtotor PENNSYLVANIA ALLENToWN Helena Mart ol Vallev Foreisn cars' lnc' rriioiiLn'BERWYN Rambler City KeYstone Motors IEYADA CLEARFIELD :rKo Strattan Motor Co. Wright Motors COLLEGEVTLLE :LY uwe Buehl lmported cars T&GMotors DALLAS Kunkle Motors -AS VEGAS .. Pat Clark Pontrac DOYLESTOWN iENO Motors Motors xeystone Modern Classic HAMPSHIRE uaiuisr - Motors, lnc, "';ii;"'iii'hrtoMart,lnc. lEw OUflNOne Fred SKaluba GLENSHAw *'iuiiiiiu".to Malone Motor car c0' of Glenshaw .GR-EFNSBURG ;,1ffi:n::';:,,,. "i'f,{%,,il;;.IRANKLIN -l "'Fiilii'iaoto, co. SEWTcKLEY Ascot lmported cars ,rcrDEv -riJli'iu.tli- ca,.ge --'-- sTRouDsBuRG --iihiwooo "tii,i"''" Pontiac, lnc. ynliiHr-s-rrhResnick Motors Baylor Motors wARREN rriiori"'-"'-'- Garage Milton *t$,Lo.ltn -.-tlY,fttiterord our,, IERSEY ;RANKLIN cars Franklin Foreign LINDEN rEw ,'tr'roJlrli''* ''FEi.'i ilge l1to Ltd. companv, soloEulnv ralLcEou nt,v Kevstone Garase 0t .*'ll'.$Jlfill,*'.'. {.tjl9i}-ll:: r,roto Kingstov{n Motor C0. wAR\aCK Marley Motors T,Ils AUi]urJ1, countv lht1i,"m-eiri c'c,mpany rs ttn:i:lt{;;r;'' MEXICO TLBUQUERQUE "-olJeii rviotor co. Tractor Co' fEW cnliui -^i-rilio Motors RHODE ISTAND NoRTH KTNGSToWN- DALLAS Precision Motors ANToNlo The Torgerson company sA\ tnc. * tiotJl,F*too$3to' to'o'n, i, mp orted ca rs ON CONSEQUENCES WICHITA FALLSINUTH ";;;ii;i companY birse Motor ft;ioa t*y.ili Notors, r rEW UTAH YORK IMOAB rM ITYV I LLE CourtesY Sales Munn Motors, Ltd. BUFFALO SALT IAKE CITY Mate Sports Car clinlc 10 MODELS ELMIRA VERMONT BRATTLEBORO INCLUDING Hunt lmported Cars' lnc' Lyman 0. GridleY' Inc' GREAT.NECK North Country Motors HUNT I NGTON ColdsPring EnterPrises IAMESTOWN Hometown Motors' lnc' BURLI NGTON Lakeview Buick RUTLAND Russ Smith Sales & Service McFadden Ford, lnc' WOODSTOCK LATHAM F. A. Richmond Nemith Auto Sales oi Latham LONG ISLAND CITY city Buick VIRGINIA ARLI NGTON IIARYLAND Morris Garage EuroPean Motors CHARLOTTESV I LLE S-K Motors MONTGOMERY GRUNDY MONTICELLO Pashkow Motors tIEW YORK CITY de Langton Ltd. WASHINGION ABERDEEN PLATTSBU RGH vincent Jerry & Sons ST. JOHNSVILLE Capece Motor Sales, lnc' SOUTHAMPTON Bigelow Chev. Co. MERCER ISLAND Bavarian Motors' lnc. wEsT VlRGlt{lA Yeager Auto Sales' lnc' CHARLESTON Midtown Motor lmports Ltd. Tag GalYean, lnc. HUNTINGTON ICA Tag Galyean of Huntington' lnc. Utica lmPorts, lnc. WATERTOWN Trotter EquiPment Co. WHITE PLAINS East Coast lmPorted Cars, lnc' l0 . . GAS OR DIESEL LONG AND SHORT WHEELBASE. O ALUMINUM ALLOY BODY - NON'RUST! O GALVANIZED FITTINGS Milrace Motors Ltd. Daum Motor Cars, lnc' OREGON LANDER Halladay Motors, lnc. Hallam, lnc. POWETL Ganger & Grover Motor Co. 0kay Chevrolet COOS BAY SHER I DAN GOLD BEACH WORLAND Robust Motors, lnc. Poll Motor Go.' lnc' cook Sales & Service 0lsen Motors & oTwoANDFoI..IRWHEELDRIVEoNALLVEHICLES WEST ALLIS CHEYENNE EURNS RANGES THIENSVILLE CLEVELAND British Engineering co' O HIGH AND LOW GEAR wrsc0NslN WYOMING FIELD Srnntlil Wncons BLU EF I ELD Grattans SYRACUSE 0H mo Modern Sales & Service, lnc. MADISON HEIGHTS Babcock Auto Sales Manzari Auto & Boating Center UT Hnnu ToPg STREAM APRIL 1964 get going overseas-a/most anywhere-fou can write or your dealer' Plan-ask Land'Rover on the over:sZis Oetivery Ltd (lncidently-it a you're Co' ot North America Patrick Savage at Thi Rover Moior N' Y' 10017') York' New Ave', Lexington 405 ' AUTHORIZED fly for every one that actually strikes. ?his makes fly fishing a tedious game. You Can Judge A Fisherma n By The Guides On His Rod ! ALASIlA Recently, while doing a TV film on barracuda, I caught several over-20pound fish on the fly in two days of sweat, but it was the toughest kind of I can remember. Small barracuda strike i'eadily to slow retrieves and I The more a man knows about fishing, the more he values his equipment. Every smart fisherman knows a microscopically pitted guide can slice through a line like a sharp knife . . . and that means bye-bye fish. So be a smart fisherman, see your local tackle dealer now. Town & Country Chrysler Plymouth Bill He'll be glad to fix you up with a new set of Allan replacement guides . . . the finest money can buy. Edel's Motors Cralle Hall Motor Tierney Ford Sales GEORG VALDOSTA Bosch 0ldsmobile SaleS HAYWARD Hayward Auto lmports U. S. lndustries, lnc. Williams'Motors IOAHO Gasser Motor Co. COEUR D'ALENE Pool Motors OAKH URST 0'Rourke lvlotor Sales H0IvIEDALE Homedale Tractor & Equipment Co. PASADENA Peter Salori Hall lrlotors LAKE FOREST Knauz Continental Autos, lnc. SACRAM ENTO Von Housen Motors, lnc. SAN CARLOS Competition Motors SAN DIEGO British Motor LO U SH MAINE BANGOR Atwood Motors ISLAND FALLS Lougee LEWISTON Davis Cadillac Co. VENTURA PORTLAN Motor Mart, lnc. D Maine Motors Company wrtUTs ROCKLAN D Miller's Garage, lnc. Carbrey Motors RUMFORD WOODLAND Taylor Buick Pontiac Central Motors Co. co., lnc. c0r0RAD0 WATERV I LLE BOU LDER Proctor's Garage W. F. Reno, lnc. MARYTAND HAG ERSTOWN GLENWOOD SPRINGS J. V. Rose Co. GRAND JUNCTJON Antietam Motors, lnc. KENS I NGTON Moss Motorama, lnc. Altemus Esso MON TROSE Carrjngton Chevrolet Co. SAt I DA Stotler Motor Company CONNECTI CUT CANAAN Servicente r MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON Britannic Motors B0ST0N (Milton) Hoover Motors Morgan Motors lnc. B DAR I EN EVERLY Naumkeag Auto Sales EAST BRIDGEWATER Frank Miller Ford Globe Motors, lnc. Faiola Brothers EDGARTOWN Depot Corner Service Greenwrch Automobiles, ln c. Station, lnc. NANTUC KET LITCHFIELD lsland Motors The Nelke lvlotor Co. ORLEANS MAD ISON Mad ison Motors M I DDLETOWN Be rkel ey Motor Company NEW HAVEN The Nelke Motor 0rleans Motors P ITTSF I ELD Haddad Motor Sales, lnc. PLYMO UTH Midway Motors lnc. WEST TOWNSEND Company QUAKER HILL West Townsend Garage WH Scotch Cap Service Station ITMAN Paulan Motors M ICH IGAN WESTPORT GRAND RAPIDS Hackett lmported Cars Performance Cars, lnc, WEST HARTFORO Newman lmported Cars HOUGHTON Consolidated Industries Wenberg Sales OAK PARK lmported Auto Distributors, lnc, MINI{ESOTA FTORI OA ELBOURN ISIANA REVEPORT J. 8. Lee Tractor & lmplement Co., lnc. Sales SAN FRANCISCO Executive Motors SAN JOSE San Jose lmporls SANTA MARIA Westward Rambler Co., lnc, M {:, IruNots IVERS I DE DETAWARE DOVER M I NN EAPOLI S E Archie D. Walker Jr. Bill Lowery lvlotor Company loo HAWAI I HONOLULU NAPA GREENW I CH iD[ Richards Motor Co. REKA MARYSV I LLE R Co. IA SAVANNAH Fidelity English Motors McCrea Motors FARM I NGTON and retrieve the bait across his line of sight. When a balracuda wants to hit a plug it's impossible to reel fast enough to get it away from him, so Harrison Motors, lnc. TAMPA BERKELEY rvater'. Too close, by our definition, is even twenty feet ahead or beyond the cuda SARASOTA CAI.IFORN IA ALTURAS EU r:. Sanford Motor Co. that splashes close will invariably sc.nd the fish flashing off to deep tive to place youl lure ten, Paquette Motors SANFORD TUCSON enjoy the faster pace of plugging with out of a hundred. It is far more effec- ln c. ORLAN DO PHOENIX light tackle, particularly in view of the fact that barracuda are suckers foi' top-water baits. Some of the wildest stlikes I have ever seen were made by 4- and 5-foot-long barracuda, with as many as a half dozen fish all rushing at the same plug. thing that falls within reach, but such fish occur at the ratio of about one The Sportspot Marina, Wilson Motors action in his baits and you can dislocate a shoulder before hanging the first big fish with a fly. Personally, I : iii NAPLES FLAGSTAFF casts, but an old razormouth demands within five feet of a visible target. There may be the exceptional cuda that will strike leflexively at any- Roberts Chevrolet Hammond Jones, lnc. LAKE WORTH McCoy Motors MIAMI Charles Stuart Motors AR IZONA to the islands. Although the fish are I TAKELAND Karlson Motors short way we fish fol barracuda in the Bahamas is to stalk them along mangrove sholes by slow-poling palallel i GREEN COV€ SPRINGS JUNEAU KETCH I KAN Ef .r, oo,",r rnrnk tnar barr castrng Y is a hit-and-miss method. The I FAIREANKS Gene's Auto Service, lnc. Dawson's PT Automotive Service, lnc. mol.e big, it's surprising how rnany you can spook in the course of a day. Unlike bonefish, which are almost constantly moving about, barracuda lie motionless and may appeal' as nothing moi'e than a shadow on the bottom. During high tide they lie right up among the manglove loots, and because of their ability to blend into any background even a 4-footer is hat'd to see until you've had some expelience. Small shalks, such as the lemon, shovelnose, nurse, and blacktip, ar.e always common in the same aleas, but these can easily be distinguished by the r-rndulating movement of their tails. The anglei', of coulse. stands in the bow and v,'atches for talgets. When sight-fishing on the flats we llcvel cast neaf a ban'acuda. A lure Sunrise Rentat and Leasing Co. Universal Motors casting TI FORT PIERCE ANCHORAGE MONTANA BELLE GLADE Hendry Tractor Company BILLINGS DAYTONA BEACH BUTTE Kn i eve James Motor, lnc. FORT MYERS Dan's Auto Sales I's DILLON 0verseas Motors Corporation FIETD & STREAM tr :: 'l Harris 0pp Pontiac Sales it I APRII I964 I I _-