World`s Perfect Athlete Waiver Form


World`s Perfect Athlete Waiver Form
World’s Perfect Athlete
Waiver Form
I am aware that participating in this sport(s) will be a dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I
understand the dangers and risks of participation include but are not limited to death, serious neck or spinal
injury, which may result in paralysis, brain damage, and serious injury to all internal organs, injury to all bones,
ligaments, muscles, tendons and other aspects of the body. I understand the dangers and risks of competing or
practicing may not result in serious injury, but impairment of future ability to earn a living, engage in business,
and generally enjoy life.
In consideration for allowing me to participate, I hereby assume all the risk associated with the sport of
competitive cheerleading, dance, twirling, gymnastics, and martial arts and agree to hold World’s Perfect Athlete,
Beauty Bar Events, its employees, independent staff, or agents harmless from any and all
liability causes of action, debts, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, which may arise in connection
with your child’s participation in any activities related with to the sport(s). The terms hereof serve as a release and
assumption of risk for my heirs, estate and for all members of my family.
I, as parent/legal guardian of_______________________________ (print participants name) have read the
above waiver and release and understand its terms. I understand the sport(s) of competitive cheerleading, dance,
twirling, gymnastics, and martial arts involves many risks, including but not limited to those outlined above. I hereby
agree to hold World’s Perfect Athlete, Beauty Bar Events, its employees, independent staff, or agents from any
liability which may arise in connection with participation with my child in activities related to World’s Perfect Athlete
competition. These terms serve as a release.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________Date: ____________
Emergency Contact:
Name: _________________________________________________________Phone: ____________________
Relationship to child: _______________________________________________________________________