2015-102 - Theodore Roosevelt
2015-102 - Theodore Roosevelt
I ' XBB. BOBCHEB AGAIN ABBB3TMD. MEMORrALOFGOV.SEYMOUR ner BRONZE BV8T Or THE ZATEQOrEBXOB vKrniLBn w viica. BoomtcU Participates In tbe Cere-0t.monies and rajs Tribute to th Hem- - Hjr' r ! a, Starts for Ohio ' lejrnionrCampaign In That T to. Open the IV II To-da- y State. TJtioa. 8ep. 22,-- A handsome bronte bust of the late Gov. Beymour, surmounting an Im- posinc ernnlte shaft, was unrolled on the Broundt of the Munson Williams Memorial Building. In the presence of several thousand persons this afternoon. The buit Is tho Kilt of Dr. George L. lUIIer. Prenlilent of tho Omaha Exposition, and a close friend and admirer of tho late Gov Beymour. For ten years It has stood on the premises In front of Dr. Miller's mansion. Just outside of the city of Omaha. About a year aco Dr. Miller decldod that the proper place for It was In the city of Utlca. where Gov. Beymour was best known and remembsrod: hence Its unveiling here today. Oov. noosoTolt participated In the H j m si c, li J .J M fl ' H Oor. Roosevelt arrived In Utlea at 11:50 o'olock this morning from Ittohfleld. and was tsoorted to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Proctor, where be had luncheon with tho tnom- bersof tho Historical Boolety. At 230 P. M. the Governor. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and other members of the society wore escorted to the Memorial Building; by tho Twenty-eight- h Sep- "rate Company and several Posts of O. A. It. Veterans. Tho momorlal was presented by tho donor. Dr. Miller. In concluding his remarks. he said: "Thirteen years and more hae come and gone since I attended tho funeral service of Horatio Beymour In this city, witnessed the public ceremonials and listened to tho spolnn eulogies upon his character and oireer by a long list of statosmen and orators. Mv talk here has not b6en one of eulogy. I did cot come from afar to decorate the crovo of Beymour with garlands of speech. My Blmplo duty was. as I saw It. to pay respect to a great man and n great momory by my personal presence! on nn occasion which I full of Interest to the citizens of Utlcn. and to myself, and to do my proper part In this ceremonial." Thomas R. Proctor. Presldont of the Oneida Historical Bocloty and ono of tho New York Commissioners to the Paris Exposition, accepted tho gift In an appropriate address. Oov. Roosevelt was then Introduced. After referring to the occasion of his presence In Utlca and tho magnanimous spirit that prompted the gift of tho Soymour bust to the County of Oneida, ho said: "Gov. Soymour was a oharacter who was never phased by circumstances. His was a nature that appreciated material prosperity, but he realized that creator than this was a comprehonslva reasoning on tho question of moral right and wrong. In his message to the Btnte Legislature In March. 1803, he Impressed upon tho members that tho Btate was con- fronted by financial obligations It must at once meet. There was. as many of you romember. a question as.to whether those burdens should be liquidated In greenbacks or gold, but sturdy old Gov. Soymour. with characteristic force. told that Legislature that gold must be forth-Jr.- ;. coming to pay up. The debts were contracted In gold and they shall be paid In gold, said Bey- mour, and they wore settled in gold. That was a mighty good stroke of determination In those days, and although it is 20 years old It Is tl" middling good doctrine " Rcforrlng to the veterans of the Civil War the Governor said: "I see before mo men to whom I doff my hat, the men who wear the button heroes In every sense of the term, who when called to battle for the nation's right rose level to the country's heeds." Gov. Roosevelt repeated what ho said at the county Ifalrs to illustrate tho fact "that a man who will steal for you will steal from you." and, continuing, said: "Mere smartness. It unaccompanied by decency. Is a curse, and the scoundrel who possesses the one and succeeds must bo held just one degree worse than the one who falls. It Is no way to praise Seymour's Integrity without referring to the manner In which ho out out dishonesty. Without decency. Integrity shall not prevail. The mnn who Is a true man is tho one who makes virtue count, and if he has olvlo righteousness and practises it he can hold his own with the world, and then again, man must have the eating quality of common sense or bo rated a confounded fool; and finally, we of this generation must learn the lesson that what counts Is work. It Is Ignoblo to strive for easo. or for something soft In conclusion, let me say that we must hand down to our children as rich n heritage as was passed to us by the heroes of 1770 and 1801, and let UBshow byourcnurage, civic righteousness, common senso and resoluteness that we appreciate the glorious country and the advancing age In which wo live." At the conclusion of the Governor's remarks 'Now will we Thomas R. Proctor shouted' load tho Dewey parado." and the response was was r. vigorous ' You bet " The Governor laughed heartily nt the out- burst. The Sun representative thereupon handed him a despatch In a local paperassert-MRoo would realm from icg that Major-Gecommand of the National Guard In tho event of the Governor Insisting that tho right of line In the Dewoy parado bn given the G. A. R. Gov. Roosovelt was greatly perturbod and Im-mediately grew serious. "I havo nothing to say about It now," ho said, "no, not a word ; first I knew of It." Following the exercises the Governor. Dr. Miller and others connected with the unveiling build-c- f received guests In the Ing. The members of the Beymour Artillery and various G. A. R. posts, which escorted the party to the grounds, shook hands with the Governor, who received them cordially and had a pleasant word for each. Gov. Roosevelt and member of the committee took dinner with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Ford, and this evening given In honor of tho Gover-a reception was Schuyler Club. He left at 11 nor at the Fort for the West and will open the o'clock Ohio campaign to morrow, to-d- H f ' H 8 1 mk H, Wf fi , j . Jto "'Jfi I I f " " If I j K LJ- - K T ' . 5e tsl TlL- J fef w m I ' ' M "If II nf 17 I I , V H Hunson-WIUlsr- nUlZDINO CODE. Citizens Assail Its Specifications in Many Instances. JJEAJtrfiO fell-know- n , i F O.V The Council Committee on Affairs of Boroughs held a publlo hearing on the Building Code yesterday afternoon. Simon Bterne, representing the City Club, was the first speaker in opposition to the code. The greatest objection to the code, whloh he pointed out, was the frequent discretion al lowed to the Building Commissioner. He said tho provisions of the whole code might' bo section, leaving the summed up (n a four-lin- o construction of buildings In the city to that discretion. Julius II. Cohen, representing the Boolal Reform Club, requested that the definitions of classes of buildings be modified and made Binro definitive. The Rev. Thomas R. Blicer. representing the City Club, asked the committee to tnke a trip among the more crowded tenoment ilistrlots of the city before reporting tho code. Richard Watson Gilder asked that the Inhabitants of buildings be considered before their ownors. He said that the pooror people in this city wero more poorly housed than In any othor largo city In the world. John F. O'Rourko urged the Immodlate adoption of tho rode, which, he said, might bo oxprlenee. Commissioners amended niter Gallagher. Morgan nnd Mefiaffertv, Jnmos P. tho llullders' Leauge; Leo. representing several building Charles lino . loprosenting societies. nd 1' - Moore, representing the spoke Unm"-!' In favor of tars, also of Board all The hoarlns .ai ndtournod beatO o'olock, heard having persons who Mavu asLod to beettjjresent. Met Dentil Willi Feeding a Threshing Machine. while Fout Plain. N. T Sept. feeding a threshing machlue on a farm In the N'elllston, of town of Palatine, Willard Patten met with aoross tho Mohawk from this village, one of his legs to come In a fall which caused cylinder revolting rapidly tilled a with contact the result with stool fingers, so called, with body. Inthe The was from leg torn the that man was taken to a hospital in Utlca. jured where ho died this evening day. Flro Yellow Fever Denthi In Key Weit. Jacksonville. Fla . Sept. 22 -- Key West yhnd new cases of yellow fever and five deaths. This sudden Increase In mor- tallty Is due to the heavy rains now prevailing has returned from Tampa, tbero. Dr, Porter whero he had a conferenco with President Ilnnrd. The officials State of the IlenderBnn as Key West wish to tight the fever harderarebutblight hopes of Is below the frost line there coldor weather to aid them. There are aaow over Ave hundred cases there thirty-eigh- Ish I I t Neighbor. Mrs. Davis, Her Aecnser Held for Trial Sept. 88. Yohzers, Sept. 22. The trouble between r, Mrs. Emma E. Davis and Mrs. Charlotte both of Hill View Park, has been Four weeks ago Mrs. Dnvls had Mrs. Borcher arrested, but the complaint was withdrawn. It was said at the tlmo that the real cause of the withdrawal was that Mrs. Davis did not wish to have to testify to the language which she scoused Mrs. Borcher of having used. Now Mrs Davis asserts that she never sanctioned the withdrawal of the charge. Bhe has retained nnother lawyer and Mrs. Borcher was nrrested thin morning In her snlondld home at daylight, brought to the police station and detained for two hours until court opened. Khe was drossod fashionably nnd orled continuously. Bhe isneoused cf violating Article .'110 of the Pennl Code. Sho pleaded not guilty and was paroled in tho custody of her lawor to appear on Bopt. 28. lior-che- STAT ItEDCCn TELEPHONE Brown. Abraham H, to Kate W nandrtm. lKUist. as, lOBwethsT, lyr Dnck, Henry, and ano, to Bernhilmir k Bchtnled, tit av, 1881, n wcor 87th it.... Leonard, Thos i, and sno, to same, Lexing, ton ar, 17I demand Kart, Ohii K, to same; Rjbbtns ev, 503 n sv cor Pontlao Placet demand Marslnikl, Andrew, to Jacob Hupert, Av D, 21; demand DitIs, I.eua. to J Blackburn Mlllen 8th av, w i. CO n lutli st, Itl.vlioo; Hih ev, w s, .. .. 7n.un tPthst, 2nxloo: nrs Uairll.Jeiae.to Alfred Booth et si. lH7th st, a , 118 Amsterdam are; . . A note UrNarare, Mary A, to Abraham Uoldimlth, Rt Nicholas ave, n cor tSHtliat. demand Jonea, Joseph II, to llinry H Ualnes Woody creit ar, w s '.'0.1l tt Kemp placet 1 rr Bime to aatue, Woodycreit av, w a. 251.11 n . .. . Kemp rlace, 1 rr. Bea, Andrew, K ano, to Daniel Kram, Cro-toar, we, 125 n 176th at, old lines; 1 yr Jones, Joseph II, to John W Bailey, Woody-cre- it . av, w a, 277. 2 n Kemp pi; 1 rr. Schneider, Auituat. to Rlverhead SvTlnni llink. EaKle ar, w a, too n lulst or Clifton it, 3 ym Beilly. Jainea, to Franklin Barlugi Bank, , . 421 W 49th at. Downing. Marr II, to Tarrant Putnam, 30 F.a2dit;tfrr Btrlppel.lleur, to (loorge Elitet, 92d st, ns, n252d art 1 yr .... Prtittre, John A, to Irving Barings Institution, lloth st as, S9re 8th art 1 yr Bowen, Aimer T.to Broadway Barings Initl-tiitio2ii W24that, 1 rr Ullman., Bamuel, to Jacob Werthrlm; IV W 7th-t4)ra Wendell, Oirallne and Loula P, to Knickerbocker lruet Co; Avenue A, s e cor (101 h , . it, r.rra Dcinnaev, Mary Hand William, to Bradley U iir.et Co, Central Park West, a w cor tuntil . et, 1 rr Wenninger, Carollin, to KIIm B Diwnii; lTdlh at a a, .114.11 eAuthouy av. new linen, 1 vra Mai. or, Toliu.tj Meryl!. I'arolia 112 Fulton ,. t. .1 vra Fame to MDir, same property, n . Mary I Ilinet, to Btm-tte- l Btewurt, l.llr i , M raiildnell 45 C'iirlto-ho- r t. J vra Innet Marr I an 1 in II, to Kilt f.Btewart; . 44 1'hitntnpliorat. Wpirt 3 via 11. Butlrr hath C and Co It 'o Harold Bnnn .Hat it, aa, 2,ii.lo w rthav.nyra naufinaun, I pojiold, t JnuaaWiiland ano; . . 152 Mactltnit al. 1 month Ran'o to NY Security & 'lruit Co, 54 Funiotoaatni . r. ItHtrerait. 6 yra ... . tame toaanie. ', It tgeraat,5n - e to Jonaa Weil and Bernhard Marer, rM irtrin at, c a, 76 n Broome a', alao Man-im- t at, 1 mo . . at f a. iron I)clslifC( Wilson, Mar HA tnAbrah-mBllreracl.'lth . ... at, n a tnowArA, lyr . n Can-lin7oli:er, fjither to Martin Eutiel, . . . at. Ini'alln Prttlt, Ledriiid K, to Veroulka1 Klton. P4th it. 11 a, 22' w West End ar. too . .. Bauio to (Jtobe llesltr Co, aatne properly, a rra. tlplnuton, Marie, to Marion O Fare, M Anna ar, a w cor K, )th at, extends ta . . . Oerrrappl. 1 r Barlnga Bank, Orion. Ann O, to Bowiry 1 yr ins Dathmtnav, Phtlllpe, 'I honmi. to Manraret Jonlao, Southern Boulerard, n s 200nl8"lhst, 3 yra Ijr BATE'. Court Affirms the Power nf n Btate Donrd In the Matter. Lincoln. Nob.. Sept. 22. Tho Supremo Court y rendered a deolslon to the effect that the State, acting through Itslegally designated agent, the Btate Board of Transportation, has tbe right to control the telophono oompnnles of the Btate, compel a showing of earnings nnd fix rates for the monthly rental of telephones-nn- d tolls between towns In this State. The Legislature or 107 placed telephone, telegraph and express companion on thesemefoot-In- g as regards State supervision nnd control as railroad companies. An Omaha Populist made n complaint, asking thit rentnls for telephones be fixed at 32 a month. The companies tried to enjoin the Board from acting with the result stated. Nebraska Supreme BK.it. ESTATE NEtrs. There was a normnl amount of activity in the real estate market yesterday and several snles of Interest were reportod. The properties Involved worevneant lots nnd Ants for the most part. Tho most Important sale reported was that of Nos 1402 to 140H Madison avenue, which woro bought by Joseph Vox, President of the Columbia Bank. Very llttlo Interest was evinced In the offor-tn. at auction yesterday, and thero was no competition to apeak of In tho bidding. Seven parcels were sold, all under foreclosure proceedings, and of these only two were secured by outsiders. Auctioneer Itrau has nsaloof twenty lots on Columbia torrace. Udgewater. N. J . schoduled for The sale Is voluntary and will bo held on tho premises. There Is n fair list of offerings for next week. William Trescott is the buyer of record of stroot. The sale No. 3d East 8oventy-secon- d of the property was reported somo time ago. Leltner l Marks are tho brokors In the salo lots fronting on 101st of the twenty-sevennd 102d streets. 100 feet east of Hecond reported several weeks ago. Tho property was sold by the Philip Kbllng estate to a client of Erdman, Lew k Mayer An Important salo of Long Island property Is reported by G. Smith Stanton of Great Neck. ne sold to W. D. Wright. President of tho "Hosiery Trust," the greater part of the Orlontal Grove plcnlo grounds en Hewlett Point. The property commands an excellent viewot the Sound and will be utilized by Mr. Wright as a slto for a summer homo. r. n avo-nu- e. Private Snles. lit streets. and havo bought through Oeden t Adams dwelling, 10 bx'.'HU. riorkson. the three-storNo 108 West Twcnty-socon- d Btroet. for $20,000. Dclanely T Smith has sold for the estate of double flat 25x John bchrnmm, the 80. No 854 l'.lghth avenue. W. II Saul li is bought the flat. No. 1838 Lexington avenue. brownstone dwelling. No. The throe-storstreet. Is reported sold. 138 East Flftv-fiftSimon Adler has sold to a Mr. Goldstein for flats, Nos. 1472 and S3H 000 the two 1474 Washington avenue Joseph Fox. President of the Columbia Bank, has bought through 8. H. Uroenbaum, Nos. 1402, 1404 and 1400 Madison avenue, and tho southwest corner of Madison avenue and 101st street. bixty-thir- d &. Co y five-stor- y four-stor- y y h four-stor- y Auction Snles. At the New York Real Estate Salosrooms yesterday, Peter F.y Meyer A Co . sold. In frame dwelling. No. foreclosure, the plaintiff. C. H. 8 West 178th street, to the stone Tiffany, for J3.000; also, tho three-storfront dwelling. No 150 Eist Seventy-nint- h ). slroet. to tho plaintiff. Rosalie Kolb. for brick flat. No. 230 West and the 121st street, to tho plaintiff. G. H. Schwab, for $10,000 Horbert A. Sherman sold. In foreclosure, the brick flat. No 285 West 147th street. also the two three-stor- y for : toL W. Pitcher brick dwellings. Nns 500 nnd fill West 182d street, to the plaintiffs. No. 500 to Sarah E. Harney for $'".100. No 511 to Cornelia W. brlok Slado for $0,000 nnd tho three-stor- y dwelling. No 513 West 182d street to Robert Mulgrew for $0,850. two-stor- y $14.-(XX- y flve-stor- v Itenl Estate Transfers. 7flth it aiBw Went FndT, 22x102 2; Jolii CUrli to C) rutw Clark. .. Monroe nt. n . 4H.7 Gonverneur at, lrt 8x 40.1x10 8l4l't l'uenolcl, CharlotU L n, M 1 Sammls to Mrati C Pack sod ano. Q e Old Lanp, running throuch Proapect av. w e, 87. a tenth rt. r.Ox trrf g, Jenny A . to William Itoliitzek t 111th at, 122 K, 17 10x100; JounCTVIsa EDO . to Julie E Wise 1 Ramo prop, fleorge Wine to FliJab th Wie n 4th at, 22iHO. Aaron Moior AtD, w a. Ill Joaeph &nd Harry liroadman. 11,050 ana wife to Lot ass, map Van Niat Park. 24th ward; 1 Michael Iloran to Jamti Horan Ilickorr si, e a at u i lot 77, runs e 12H r, toWestlot 7 x s 40 x w 1 J4 to at x n cheater. Walter W Taylor to Cameron L 1 MaoDonell a. 114 11 n ir.2.1 st, Bt Nicholas av. 852 100 21.HXS0, Mary J Spencer to AT Low an) . Caldwell ar. e IftO n Cedar pi. 50x75, Ben 1 Adams to Daily E llradr and ano 114th at. as, llilt w 8th av. 2i!xl0(i 11; Kicb-ar- d 22,750 Clarke ref, to Abraham II Drown 22d at, 150 W, 21.10x98 . Arthur A Catey 1 . . to James T. North 57th at, n 12R.r,tr Av A. lflxlOO.4; Andrew E Burke. Indv and trustee, to Her. . . 8,000 man Illnslage ... Matilda st, s a. lot 201. map PenOrld property. Edmund K Foley to Wm T Foley . 1 and ano SHthat, 440 W, 25x100 5, H part, (leo W 4,500 Lewis to Nathan Lewis BuUers t, r,4 to BS, w s, 74.10x107: Leo-pcl- d 1 Kaufmann to Jonas Well and ano.... 04th st. n s. 225 w West ICnd av, 75x100.8; 100 Globe Itealty to LcOrand K rttlt 76tU t, ID W. 25x102.2; Jacob Westhelm to . . SamntlUllmann 100 exBB 11, 181dat,ca.415wAmitcrdamav,17 Minna Lowrnetetn, widow, to Marcus 11 1 Dioii'aTir, cxr andtruttee 24th st. m, 38.14 v nth av 1(1.8x118.9, F. .. 1,000 Stnrgea Allen to AbnerT. Bowen .. 21111 114th at. s a. I it Kt IV, 1H 8x100.10;. 1 Onstavo Hctiwerln to Charles lllerman 52d st. an W. 17xl00 S; Francoi Foerster to Keveney. 1 . Tnos J Fulton St. 112. 25 8x82.11x26 2x83 S; John 1 Maher to Oeo M Ixivcntritt and ano . Bamo property, Mary B Tarelro to John 1 Maher Brook av, n w s, llrt u n Sd av, 28 nxPR Ox Aleornon fl Norton, ref, to Elli-abet- h . 1' II Armar . . 1,000 Brook ar.nwi.uiln 3dav, runs w US ex n 24 UiHUH 4 to Brook av x a w 22 rx a w Alcernonr) Norton, to ref, 2.11, Ellzibeth . FItAyruar 1,000 Southern Boulevard w a, 200 n 187th st, 25x98.1x24 8x102.1. Magg'e Jordan to 1,710 Thomas Phillips Br stow at, w a. 172 , n TcnntiiKH st 50x 5H.mr,0x5p 1, Chirles Phillips to Marie 1 Warner 180th at. 573 F.aa. 20x90 Chaa H. Thorn1 ton and ano, to Bamuel Halm and sno. .... ... ... Recorded Leases, Blrlncr, AJolph.to Andrew Manenikl, Av D , 234, 11 JT Banhnrach, Joseph, to Thosr-- Leonard and ano, 121st at, s w cor Lexington av, 4 8.13 1,200 jm Mcttitlrr, Bernard, to Henry Buck and ano, teal, n. w cor 87th st, 2 rrs .... lstav Modoc, James, to Herman L Uleicr. 2d ar, . 2109. Peltach. Ilenrr, to D O Pecora, 114th st, . . 40 E, 07-1- 2 yra ,, , .... irn 1420 1,500 1,600 1.02O 300-42- INSURANCE COMPANY or new Yonrc. 11,000 2.600 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 4,600 600 2,000 6,000 20,000 gttnl of the dittj. W cstchcater County Salo or Rent. 85,000 ATTRACTIVE house to lease, furnished or unAN furnished! modern improvements, within nra minutes or Park Hill, lutnam road, and 10 minutes I.ndlnw, nn Hudson Rtrer It. R. Call or address OWNER. 48 Hamilton av , cor. Morris st . Yunkers. 8,000 6,960 Allscollancotis Salo or Rent. 7,800 100,000 42,500 2,000 "The M)on." rltuatcd at The Ettato known Ooolta Pulnt. on CUcpape&Iie 11 it, in Dorchester Co , JIarf land, coiulntlnitt of a couniiudloun modern hall, dtuinu room, imoklng rontalninic room cun room, kltchena, neYeii ldronms, bath loom, tollttri'om and ampl afrntita' nuartera. all In the best tnUr and fully furnished and equipped. There are two farmhouaea and la'tib stables, barn, workshop, storauo and drying rooms on the premises There are about 1,2( oacrcn of wooded ana meadow laud surrounded bj water and by wire fence. The prcmisrs are stocked with Knullsh pheasants and (jnsll. OTBter be di adjoin the premises and terrapin arc found The prnpertr may be reached by boat fr"tn Balti more, nr by rail to Cambridge, Maryland, thenco by carrlace. Tcnuh and conditions of sale and further particulars will be furnlshe 1 by tho underslcned In person or by letter upon application. 80000 KOOOO 80,000 40,000 6,0f0 900 GIRARD MORTON 11 STUIl-TI- MADISON AVE.. MTH A f,7TII STS. ... CORNERSTORE Eighth aT. and Cftthat. fiutlable for any first class business WILLIAM C. LESTER, 1,000 1,500 400 12,000 12,000 12.000 166,000 t)AK OCT. 1ST. ON Good BROADWAY UCJ SYMS SCHOOL. (C. E.). Cbenilatry (It. S.), Arts (A. II.), Alao Thorough Preparatory Courses. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry Drills. Catalogues of Col. 0. EJIYATl, President. tt THE BARNARD "SCHOOL. Abort 14th St., Writ Side. NEW FLAflT$36 to S40 Nawlr fnmlihl, six rooms and bath; hot water Apply aupplr, exrrptlonaltj ftno. reference. West 8tb st . or II. II. COOI1EU, 71 Uroadway. ana gVpartmnitje to 1gtt M cUnfur-ni-jhe- a. oljthkensingtonT t. Eight Park Ooe Apartment. Ileat and hall boy terries. Apply on premlsia or to II. n. Si BO 111 Rooms, st. El orator. CAMMANN Steam CO., 61 Liberty St. CENTRAL PARK WEST. NOS 18, 14, IS AND IS. Handsome Apartments of Eight Roams and Data. All modern conrenlences Apply on premises or ta II. II. CAMMANN St CO., 61 Liberty at. TO S28. $22WKST 60 TO STItEET. OrfTH. OH Six rooms and bath, hardwood, enamel baths: aan ltery plnmblnE; nicely decorated: hot waer aupply. with or without aieam heat, attractive foramall families. II. I). COCHKU, 71 Bioadwa) , or 61 W eit P8tn it. NOS. IS, 14, 10 and IB EAST 88th ST. Modern apartments of 7 and 8 roomi, rents S300 and up. Apply onpremliesor to II. II. CAM3IANN CO., 61 Liberty it. 23, 25 MANHATTAN AV Ilnlldlnga. ninl av,fora oNew three atorv 18, COO 8.000 Between lout and 103d its , eleeant apartments of six and seven extra larce rooms and Lath, open nickel plumbing, steam heat, hot water, oak woodwork: decorated to ault tenant. $2 to 86. Janitor. ef urntolird Quom & gipnrtmf 8,000 18,000 15,000 12,000 8,600 1,400 nljj ia grt East Side. 18,000 8,000 230 2,000 700 1,600 1,000 260 980 980 300 PLACE, oppoilte Waahlng-tobqnare. Eleuantly furnlahed single rooms, conreolcncei, superior hornet gentlemen only, Desirable double, sings 1 TU8T., 120 EAST 1U rooms, with excellent board, permanently or transiently for Dewey week. AV., 71 LarRe, handsomely furnlahed MADISON second floor, with board, other rooms; families, gentlemen; references. new I house, all rented, all lmproraments. Lit 160 deeps atreet pared: 2 blocks from 8d sr. Alignment paid. KAtPrELACO. JJ av,, ltllit it. 1.000-F1- ne nfin-CA8- U new 2 story and basements family houae on beautiful ttPi)JJU wide avenue, pared and aewered. Aaseaimenta all KAEPPE1, k CO . 3d v lilllt it. paid basement Q and cellar. houae, loiiaideen: street asphalted KAF.Pl'ELt CO.. 3d av., taut at. H ble large end hall 1 QTn ST.. as U rooms, modem Improvements, gentleman or married couple, references. )niUHT4H VVFST Furnished rooms, large and tJ small, moderate prices. WEH1 (near DroadwayJ-Pleaian- Uy OTHST.. O Jt furnished square ami hall rooms, every con venlence. baths, rctereiicta exchanged for phyalclan: con-IAKTU ST.. 33 WEST-rail- ora nectlng second floor, otber large and small rooms, handsomely furnlabed Haudsome back parlor, zlKTII ST.. 4 WEST snltahle for physician, In select boose; also TtJ other desirable rooms. AfiTU r andde ST.. 76 orated rooms, single or connecting, for gen tlemen. Y7T1I ST.. IS WFST-Su- lte. with private bath. alu Blngls rooms, references, prlvato family. afe will let per-- c A7TII8T.. Illsecoud floor, with family I manently bath, to gentlemen. 1QTII ST281 VVEST Sunny southern rooms In iJ newly and eleuantly furnished reiidence, dainty table It dealred, ST.. 140 WEST-Detw- een Columbua av. and 7ATH I Broadway; eleuantly funilibcd rooms, private houae, alnale or en lulte, all modern improvements! with or without board. " delightful, healthy, convenient location, finely decorated, 7 end 8 rooms and bath, steam heated, good janitor service, Apply to owner and builder, JOHN ERASER. f!81i Noitrand av. 7E AFFORD OPPORTUNITIES of finding aparU vv menu ihousekeuptnn, 45 S500 monthly: baehelor, $16 upward! furnished, unfurnished, with outenaweringlndnnnltoadvertlaamenta. hverytblng Inspected, havefnll particulars. Uefereucra required, lllgaly recommended board, rooms, suites, many prl families vats MANHATTAN APARTMENT COMPANY, 11B Droedway, (3ath). situated on PRESIDENT STREET, Brooklyn, attractive, box sloop house of 11 rooms and bath; In complete order, newly painted and decorated, for rent for a year or term ot reara. rent roaaoaabla. A. B. CRANE, owner, l WsUBk. New York, HARLEM Select Cathollo Bnardinc School; thorouah academic and commcrcinl course; open all ) ear, Ttcan-cic-- a limited fall ttrra becinn STU'T. 7. Addrui UrotherAUOUST. WoatCntnter. N. Y. Columbia Institute, 270 6jtf till. "- - . ij - (V ttt!J. :,. 72d St W. REOPENS OCTOBER 2D. Collegiate. Preparatory, Priiuvry Dept a, Optional Drill, (lyinnasiuiu, Ilot Luncheon, Five Hoarding Pupils. Cataloguo 9260 expenditure annually Including vacations, cicliialveb; backward individually imtiucted, bos genuinely homelike surrnurdlngs, hnuaekeeplng acknowledged excellence, oxceptinnal tioalthful neii, luterviowa by appointment. Ileiupstcid Long Island. J'tny School, .15 Hassan St. NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL)" I)tvcnt Mn t of LL B. lntwo7ara LL.M.tn three yoara. OEOKUE CHASE, Dcan Bend for catalonn. REOTOnY School. New Milford. Litchfield 'iniE L omint). Conn. September 21it, 1HU New management. Adi'rmi 11AUVE7 K TAVLOR.JIead Uaster. hod" 1 or tllrls Jk Yonne Women Cltj S. Conntrj. 1ENNINOT0N fN. J.) BEMINAIIY, on Bound X Brook K. 11 , convenient to .New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Yahliuton. Bothaexoa Ult fear, fine healthful location. "Nubllityof character otr conatant aim." Special care and home cumfoita. limitary airangemeuta, pure spring water, altctric llhti. Fxtenalve aad new butldinga costing 9o3,00vl. lwa complsto gymnailums $2RU a year, or for a ulto of room $300. Long distance telephone la Seminary. Write for our new Uluatratcd catalogue. THOVIAS O IIANI.ON. D D. President, INSTITFTE TOR OIRLS, Norwalk. MISS DAIRD'S 29th year: primary, acadorilc and college preparatory conrses. Music, art, and the Ian (Mages. Careful attention to morals and manners. New buildings, stcim heat, gymnaalum, NEW YORK, UTICA. Piatt's Mrs. for Girls. Scbool 1890. ZTSSSLZTSSl alonday. Bent. 11, 18110. KINDERGARTEN Tree Pall term begins Scholarships limited). Met. Temple. 7th av.. 14th st. For Young Men Women City nd Country REGENT- S- Oldrat, largest, beat equipped achool preparing students for llngenta' examluatlons. For eiery ON II student prepared elsewhere this school has HUOCEbSl'Ul.LY prepared Kl E. Claiai a are open to both sexes. Agna range from 7tor& Olaiaea or private lessons as desired. Cniraes rover the reiiulrementa for anv COM.EOE. 8CIKN-1IFIachool or PROFESSIONAL achool In tho I nlted States Tfiriu Ouaai Oct. Vd, I8UU. NEW YORK PREPARATORY SCHOOL, A4A O. OALLUP, II A.. Prealdeut DM of Directors. EUIL K. CAMEItF.R. Ph. 1).. LL 11 , Principal. IB WEST 43 1 WTltEET. Nv REGENTS EXAMINATIONS Ibe Scnftner School hsi already incceaif ully prepared tlioeinndl of Law, Medical, Dental and other stndents (or the Begenti' examiner tlons. Fall term opens Oct, 2. For catalogue, containing Information of SPECIAL Importance to Stndents, address Secretary, Senftner Sehool, 18 Astor Place. w, uiw pool, nun in; MORNINOSIDE IIEIRI1TS, 120TII ST., WEST. The elementary and high school department open September 2fith, the kindergarten October 2d, The Principala will be at the achool for consultation each school day after beptember 18th, VIRGIL PRETTYMAN. A. M Principal. Collegiate Sehool B41 WEST SEY'ENTY'-SEYEVTST. BBOPKNS MOMDAY. OCTOBER 2 Mr. Mygattatschoolhouie daily . It to 12 and 4 too. Dullness Colleges. THE SUN, BRANCH "" FORTY-SECON- T, ST. YEAR. D STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME. Office open 8:30 to B every week day, Vor proiuec'.us addreis THE PACKARD SCHOOL 101 EAST 33D ST., NEW YOKE. 4 XtigJt.jtNm ACADEMY. COR. 4T1I AVE. AND 33l 119 WEslT 13STII 876-Fla- ely V HEART The Packard Commercial School, iiJiJJJ Sale or Rent. SACRED EXftMlNATSOWS, 81R Park place, near Nostrsnd av,; near East 188th at of N. Y. buildings. Entrance 12u W. !2nth Ht 14th year btglns Sept. 21. Mr. llazeu. lieadmaater, or Mr. Lyon, Associate Readmaater, P. M. will be at the school 1.6. Three fine School West Side. IlrooKlyn. TUB DEWnV APAHTMENT. two family houses In Bronx. HardInspection Invited. wood flnlBb. All Improvement. OpenStinda), Owner tin premises. Rpglatrred under the Regent The next term begins September ? rl 260 WM. C. SIMMONS. RORERT II. SY.1IS. (Doth formerly of Derkeliy School). Opons Oct. 2d. at aa VV. 45th bt. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE, Cheater. I"n. OStli jear bogan Sept. 13. Civil l.nglneerlng to nnil gkpnrtmcntjj at low to rent offlcei ratca. Apply to Janitor. dint .... tl- llaverford College Qr.nrninar hcliool, Ilnvrrforcl, P i. ESTADI.ISnED OFFICES AT West 56th St. ACADEMY. Hchonl for ISnys, ltniELI.t;, 3UIN MOUTH CO., N. J., Preparea for Universities or uual.iees. military train, ing, meohauical and architectural drawing; Indi. vlduil attention, lrlnclpal can bo aeen from 12 to 4 P. M. every Thursday, at lloline Uros., 11 Barclay at., New Voik. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A OOOI) HOME SCHOOL FOR YOITH HOYf rite Jo- - llluatratd circular to ""dentist" and physicia- a IJoroug,h of Brooklyn BETTS ACADEMY. STAMFOHM, CONN.-01- ST YEAR. Prepares for college or bunlneai Special advantages for aavlng time In preparation. THE INDIVIDUAL TUE IiABIS WM. J. DEilS. M. A, dale). Principal. n.- IMPROVEMENTS.-P089E8SI- Business The National S cXat,?y of Americabait 17th College. Li FouafafJbr ". jandteM. hurber. St., New York. The I5lh Scholastic year began Sept. 5th. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. VIAXO ClIir.DllKfrs DA I Sept. It, Saturday,) M, ANNUAL PAUR.DJrpctpr; EiV.IL FEW OOOD 0ICE3 for the Voluntary chorus of tho&ocletyfor Ktli cal Culture: must have some experlenco in sight nallng, Mr. Hvm Franko will examine appllcanta In evenings from tl to 7 at his rtaldenco, 40 East S4th at. - A Schools of Physlcnl Culture. SAVAGeTGYMNASIU1vL DR. MS West GOth Street. TENTII SEASON NOW OPEN. Una Circulars and Private Inatructlon. Touchers' Agencies. Tenrhera' Agency. Established J855 .'I Eait 14th It 18SB oteljs niul Emiling Sfjstnurnntjs. Ilatea, Itouten, kc , call or wrlto UOlhL 1A1UFF UUUEAU, (111 r.th Av. , Open.) (A. P.. mer'cn Plan: E P., European, Op AI.HAM..VY.HutelTenLyn..F P,$2up. A l'..4up Hotel Reunion) A. P. S4 up do .. lheCsrmllton, A. P., S3 up BAl.TIMOItE. Md IlhllN llli.sMLl.E, N.J Mumeraetlnn CloaeaOct Jl HUSTON, Mm Ilotfl Veudome, A. P., SS lintel Urunawli k. E P., SI r,u. A. P.,$S do. do. Cople)1!! lintel. K.P.,I.60Up:A P.f ICDup BHOOhlAN.N Y..riieSt.Oeorge,E.P t: A P.llun Belle Vila Hotel WIKHDrN.Uuliriio Position . KKir.ll,KNO .tloyalClarcncenolel.K ptl'A.P. J OT. BAItlllNOlON. Maaa.. Berkshire Inn. A.I'.IHup rrnutaci'.iroft Charrolngaurroundlntrs. Booklets OIIKIi.Nl' IELD. Man. Mansion Houae. A P , $3.50. $ J (HtFhSWIUll.Ojun , ' hp JIvnl. tioareklvttp LONDON ( DeVcrc.ranceofVValeaftBroadwalk.op. Kerning Kensington l'al .now open to the public; overj thing up to date. tonlltla ( lift, electric light, VAehtmluator, high class Itesldontlal rnjnnv 1 Hotel, unexielled for cuisine, comfort: Bt.Krmlu sr ,,!,.,., ,1'l.VlgerlItl ,A.P..$3up,E.P ,$tnp MONTItFAL.Can Fifth Avcpue Hotel. A. P., S5 up NhWlOllK . E P , S3 up do. Holland Homo .... do icliamberaAVV.B'v,ny)Coiinopolitan F K.llup Nl.wnritdlt N. 1 ,1hn ialatlne A, P.. S3 up. PHlLADELPHIA.Pa,Aldlne,A.P.3 r,0up.F.P.$l.C0up do The Lafayeite litest, Ale. and Tdh.) E. P., 1 up PlfTSBl'HO.I'a .IltlScheniey.Kl' SI Roup: A.P flup PLYMOUTH. Fng .Drand Hotel, L P.. St; A P.. T HA1IA10QASP US N.Y., American Ad'lphl.A P S2 r,0 Schadn YlbNNA.... Highly recom. hotel, Melaal Arlington Hotel, A P..A WASHINGTON, D.C .... The ltalolgh, E. P.. l.f,oup uo (,. t Sherman Square Hotel, COR. WEST 7JST ST. AMEBICAN PLAN. Strictly a family hotel, choice auttea, furnlahed or nnfurniahed. to rent by tbe Beaton or year. Culilne and aervlce of the higbeat order. Bates reasonable. Location conv enient to all parts of the city. WALTER LAWltENCE. French table d'hote, SSe. Open day, night and Sun diys. l'rlrate Dining Kooms, Cou-e- rt every ovenlng. Summer Onrden. llaQTV UflTCI I1UICL 7 ll St. MAD West I4lli iuuoforttu, rgatw, &(. OPENINO OF THE FALL SEASON for Special Bargains In alUhtly uaed and secondhand PIANOS at WEBER PIANO WAREROOMS. COR. FIFTH AVE AND SIXTEENTH ST. Among tbe uumbir ate tbe following. WK1!1".K, It N Altll. lIOWAItt), IIEELOCK. IVEHS A POND, hTI'YVESANT, SMITH St KAUNES. VV CIIICKERING, SlEINtTAY. IIUOS. HAINES A. '.. PlSCIIi:R, J. COLItY-ORIINEItETtO, Sltl'LT. & LUDOLr. Alio a few NEW UPMGHT WEBEU PIANOS, which am nut lifted in our present Catal igue Ever Ir.alrument fully warranted as rcpieiented. INSPLtniUN INV1IKD lorbi'spondence bulicitkix Cavalognoi mailed f reo to any address WEBER WAREROOMS, riFIH AVE AND SIXTEENTH BT. STEIN WAY & SONS, NO. 109 E. I4TII STREET, Have alwa) a on hand a large atoi k of HKCtltD-HAM- I PIANOS of almost ovary niako, their own Included, taken In exchange fur new Steinway pianoe. These Instrument sie In good order, having been thoroughly repaired by us, and they are otfored at lowest posii blu prices of llogua Steinway Pianos, PO PU LAR PEASE "PIANOS. 100 WEST 42nd KT., juit Went of Oth Ave. lliabeit fltAniUrd of tone nJ construction, direct from manufacturpr, eiiy parmentt. faotnrr bar calnn In used ptanoa, $100 up, planoi rented 94; Wilts for catalogue. Wflar? offertne StTCUL BAROAIKS lnillchtly mod Krakauer Pianos, and othor oaken, eucn as lO), Rrhumanu 911C. and liriiiffi at t'JO, Stono many others. Pianos to rent, 93 per month and up. KRAKAUER ir- TrV Baleamenere making (50 to ITS .week with our Iwantlful new pauoramlo elbumi, I liar In the Philip- plnea" and "Onr New Posses- alona" YOU can eially do ao Each album contains 100 magnificent, large of photographio reproductions TVT f stirring, pathetlo end humorous "v7 PPrTr scenes of camp end battlefield, portraits of prominent war he- roes, natlv e pictures, noted points of Interest, seen. ery, etc. Thoma M. Andenon. Urlgadler-Oenara- l U.S.A., says: "The engravings are both faithful Heavy, ivory finish peperi and picturesque," handsome covers exquisite works of art. One mam old ir,o flrat day BVEHYBODY buys It: QEK- Onecompleto album (paper K110U8 COMMISSION. covert, 12 cents; both albums, 20 cents; eloth bind. Ing, as cents each; both, mi cents. Ordor NOW; don't waste time In enrreapondence; money re funded li not absolutely satlafactory. Catalogue) free Mannacrlpts promptly examined. P. TENNVSON NEELY. Publisher. 114 Fifth At.. New York. tDyJyJ X. LJ.. rPr BROS.. E. I4ttij(treet. lilt " . . . AT OBEAT BAItOAINS UPKIOIITN From SlOO up .FASY PAYMENTH llenta SS 00 up Bend for Catalogue OOUDON'8. 18H Fifth av. 40 upright planoi. fine makos, perfect order, fulh narrantod. Sloo up; open even West Hr.th.st, ingt.HIliEY k COos, , Cnnnor-PranEatab. 1877. Hlgu RELIABLE Medium price. Easy terms. Banting, exchanging. 4 E. 43d st. in 3HfHf!U. -- OI.O DR. OniNDLETanADlTATB I'NIVEltMlTy OF rilECHY Nkvv iokk, MEDIU KL DKPAlt rilliNT. M'. YEABs A l'ECIALlrlT IN DISEASES OF ULN. OLD Dlt, OB1NDLK has leen longer i atabllahed and haa had more experlenco of than am otliei advertising phyalclan. citr papers prov o tl Is. Under hit aclMitlnc treatment blood and skin diseases iialuln bonos, red spots, sore throat and mouth, ulcers, painful snellinga, kidney and bladder complaints, scalding Inflamination, gravel, undeveloped organa. weak Dack. loet vitality, are speedily, permanently cured Men about to marry should ruuault OLD DB UltlNDLK Every Impediment removed UutTerera, do not waite time viait. lea, In akllful ih)alclana Bimember, OLD DB. OBINDI.E never fails. OFFICE urEn 10 YEAItMat 171 Heat f.'tli at., tietweeu OtU and 7th ars Advice free, Uedlclne si, Houra, U to u, Sundaya, 9 to J. OLD DM. UREY, 45 yenra n specialist tn dlienaxe of nwn only. Quickest permanent cure guaranteed In nil tho dlaeaaeapeiullar to men, blood polion, akin diacaici, kidney and bladder trouble, weakneaa, nervoua debility, errors of vouth. bad drLama, undeveloped organs. Impedimenta to marriage, Ac Consult old Dr. Drey nrst. he Is the old eat ratabliihed and tbe longeit In practice of any epodaltatln the dty Offlco nvrr ttr, ycara at 120 Kaat 17th St., near Union S luarn Hours li to n, Sundaya M ton Seientlllo treatmont, advice free, Uedi cine only SO conts. No charge unices curecL 1'ERMANENT CURE In dlaeaaea of men, datigeroua caa-- a solicited, relief at once: those deiiring only treatment ahoilld call The leading sperlaltit. Dr. Bouichu , 141 WEST S1S1 ST., V to 11,7 ton. Sundaya, 10 to J, CONBAI) SSANITABIUM.-Sclenunc.aklll. A-D- R lul treatment of all dlaeaaea of women, private rooms, uverr convenience and appliance, consultations, u A tt to w P. M Call or write ror booklet, 127 West 47th st (late 117 i lei 3330 Brlth. MItS BFINHAItDS SANlTAItlUU. "Etab Dlt llahid Ik'u, female Irregnlarttiea aclentlUcally treated, single, married. 10HVVeitj7th st SIRS UOIILUAhN B new method of mating DB.female Irregularities, palnlisi, confidential. 711 7th ev . marlHlh. tlllAY-IILIN177 West 47. near Broadway; eitabllihrd 1HHO. aanlUrium; nurses, home treatment for women; Crowe cure. lrregularT ACYIBST., S2fl"VItST-- Dr. O tics st once, without vain or medlslae; f ,. f 10. ty !&M "Fight '; rfl B . sSJsai W wanMl for outaldes steady work BTO0PA0K it OABBET. 60 Walker st, f olderl; paaterai glrla te BOOKBINDERS-Ua- nd J. V. TAP! jtrcO., 9 Bond su YVANTED-Absolu- tely reUable and'thor- ougbly competent rook and laundress. Cham bermald and waitress and coachmen; eaon musS know their dntlcs and be willing to properly attend tothem; competent aervants who can be relied upon will be well trailed: muit have the hlglieat refer- tncea: onlcea need not reply. Address HELP, P, (X box 184 (Ireat BirnngtoD, Mass wanted on Wlloos and' UMBBELLAS -- Operators Steady work ABNOLD, B0H1FF k Co , 268 Church st ANTED To capable girls as cook end laum- Vlf v dress, and as onamberraatd and waitress. Ad dress slating references, experience end wages, Dos 51 Dobbs Ferry, N Y. Sonustic frvnt Wanted. ,' $2(Tto $00 wattreeeeZ French, Oerman and Rngllsa cooka C'uAUBEltMAlDsT ladles' maldi, nurais, French nursery govemcaaes, 15 kltcheiunalds, 40 cooka who wah and Iron, laund- reaaea who do chamberwork. chambermaids and raitreiaei, butlcra, aecondand third men. grooms, servants In all capacities wanted Immediately. Mrs. L.Sr,FLi.ilVV. a2d it. Servantv' entrance, 352 Oth av, telephone call, 1811 18th at Iv- UAUUEBMAID AND WAITBE3S to go to Bye. - ;,. .,ainall family, referencea required. MRS. L. 8EELY.a52 8thav. pIIAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS for a family U V bummit, N J,, references required. MBS. L. BCFXY, 002 fith ST. QUENCH NURSERY GOVERNESS for three chit and have drcntmuitbe thoroughly competent good referonces. MRS. L. S1.ELY, 352 th ST. to go to Bar Harbor; Protectant; must be first claaa and have references. MRB.L.BEELY,3o2thav. In RnfBsld: must have LAUNDRESS fora family MBS. I- - SEELY. :i52 nthav. be thoroughly competent 1ABLOBMATD Must references MBS. L. SEELY. 362 Oth av. CUAMBEKUAID-Mu- st be able to do plain sowing, good wagea for a family one hourfrom New York. MRS. L.8EELY, 852 alh av. COOK; alao a Protestant pantry and PROTECTANT X parlormaid; good wagea. fatnllvin Princetoni rcferenrea required. MBS L BEELY. 85- -' nth av COMPETFNT WAITRESS to go to 'PHOROUOUI.Y J- - short Hills, N, J., good wagea referencea MRS. L. SEELY. 362 Bth av. Must understand her work thoi WAITRESS referencea requlrod MHB. L. SEELY, 062 8th ST. Wanted Innlt. WANTED ft. 8 est and intelligent men; in.; 150 lbs. or over; with good references and $15.00 for out- fit; for conductors and motor- men. Apply 9 A. M., 40 State Brooklyn Rapid St., Brooklyn. Able-bodie- hon- - d, 5" Transit Co. - IBM SVH TJ evH fl fBlsai .i&fl VA'fl 9H iJ'B rJ'B fM & ; Ml MM Mm wM 3lM &vH lH $ tRB Wsai 4-- 1 il'l S&l ?' V?H SgM toW WW (? 1 f'U TlH 'JiU - ?,- 'YjU Ml ,t7H Vj 1 JSrH SM aai U ( .Vefl .' '? $W ,B ,' .x. Xf ffl 4M 41 dl !? $M & , r.S g)B II II II1 1 l II M AM f&M H $M H ' $ V,m $ Am XI ?$W III , St &M QM Stm MM 1 ffemaleji. AND BEAUSTRESSCompetenti (VxVHAMBERUAID referencea. A. F box 623 Sun uptown offlco, 1266 Broadway. ?10JIPETEST COOK-N- eat, willing and obllglngi beat references. D. II., box CIO Sun nptowa ofhco, Uor, Broadway pOMPETENT PABLOBMAID AND WAITRESS yj VVases, $20, good references. I. N box 619 Bun uptown ofllce, 12e',Broadway. I vOIMt AND LAUNDBES8 Thoroughly competent. Vv M. T, box 017 Bon uptown office, 1286 Broad- way, PERSIAN COOK-Wa- ges 126; best references. F. H , box 620 Sun uptown office. 1285 Broadway. aTCOENUAID would like poi itlon with flrat cook orchef. references. E. W , box 621 Sun up town ollice, 12M5 Broadway, fer. Frst oTass, wagea 20, good-reLAUNDRESS 8., box 622 Sun uptown office, 126S Broadway, children; competent; good NURSE For young best references. E. M., box Inn uptown office, 1206 Broadway. i ' PM lm , ; j ! $M fm ! im . ' til ttuHtionjj Wanted RaIej. German gentleman, age 31, de-sires position as instructor or tutor in German. Is an expert horseman, and would give lessons in ridino; or driving. Served dur-ing the late war and can furnish the best references. Address E. V. W., box 152 Sun office. YOI'NO MAN would like a sltuaUon as driver of a delivery wagon or porter tn wholeaale or re- tall atore not afraid of hard work or loxig hours. 1. F03TI It. at!4 Park av.. bat. iBOth k 117th sts. by an experienced accountant POSITION WANTED public accountant, have highest dais referenco as to ability, Ac. Address A, box 182 Sua omce. 7ANTED New Englaud agencr for manufa it turer. by au encrgetlo bnslncss man of 10. with ten yeara' experience as raauacer and handling anloimen. hlgneat references. Address P. O. Box 2UIK1, Boston lUiUiueey and M ' 11 BOOKBINDERS. TIEAUIt VNDEU AND LINER FIN- IN-- H AMPLE CUTTKIt OPEIIATOO ISIIEIl TO IIOI.L OtlLO LINES-CAS- EMAKEES. J. V. TAPLEY CO., 0 UONl St. WANTED EXPERIENCED FUB CUT- A A TEBS;good positions fnr flrst-claa- s work men. Apply CO. OUNTUEB'S SONS. 184 Bth aT. N.T. youngman cd ABTIFICIALFLOWERS-Experienand calculating. O., box no Sun uptown, 1266 B'way, Boy wanted with some expert. "IJOOKBINDERY J enrs on cloth work. Address J, B.. box 1T1 Sunomte. badges; best sale out. 102 JT'AKIRSto scllDewer floor. st.. second XrANTED-Blickamlths et and tooldresiers MOBSE IRON YtORIS CO, foot 28th and 7lh st , Brooklyn ANTED FItst class gUas cutters. W A. O. ORIMM. 48-4East lBth it. Plumbers and coppersmith's al WANTED IRON WORK B CO, foot 20th and 27th au , Brooklyn. iJituationu Wanted KH 'ZvS itirH SM UMItnELLAS. SEtti on umbrellas TTPPKBS AND BUN I 1B99. fall" resMts BOULEVARD, i,, Why Not Make UA. M. to 13 AND VIOLIN Country. fStrrrt, IS Went c!r York Clly. MOth Year unrtnn Sntit. U7th. Ulshcl&sii.rhato schnol for boi from 7 to 20 yetr of nco. InilUltinat attontlou si von boi whofe uuoatlon b&s bin Irregular. Lare f acuity. QiuUeUlum. Laboratoi les VAN DTCK STUDIO Itl'ILDINO, 080 8TH AV. 303 AIX and many other advantages. CU or write for prospectus ASSOCIATION 1IUMNES9 INSTITUTE, add Ht. nnd 4th Ar. Conducted tV prominent business men of New York who take a personal Interest in all graduates. Students enter at any time. Individual Instruction In all commercial studies. Exceptional advantages and moderate tuition. Reopen. Sept. C. Day sessions. I) 80 to 2 o'clock, send for prospectus. ami Schools. Hoys & Young Men City CERLACH ltonrdlne; MX IMPROVEMENTS 3 ALSO GYMNASIUM, Normal ColICQfis FIHKPKOOF. Lester Studio Building, Sntlifiod T.lens. Reach, Frederick B. va George Hescls and . 189.68 . ano, 68 W Hint st 1H91 Preautty, Mi holas and ano, va Thomas O Steven" and James Hinaon, Briggs av, . 88 30 w a, 177 n Tnria at IHIilt Co, ra Wm M Hrne k Oeorac W, Martin ....7,000 00 Co Brovdwy, a wror Olthat 18jl 1 pome Hint . 4,083.50 Bnilth. John R, va Person. Urrtu 1, ra Kaufman & Glass, 1,98200 Bleecker aecor Joh'aat 1H Ml Patrl( 1, vi svmitel Ruaaell, 1,810 Brennan, . .. 66 00 and 1 112 Parx ar 1899 Betr. Thnmaa P. vaOeoT Arnoux, 113th at 45000 aa, 2CO w 7tU ar 1899 Gowdr, .lames va Cha-- A Foss, Lafnntaine 16.00 ar.es, 38 a ISOt'i st-l- JJ Or SUITE BoroiiRb of IJroux Sulo or Rent. 1,800 1,800 uu Arthur William... Principal. STUDIO. ARTIST'S ROOMS -- Lis Pendens. 154th st, s s, 100 e Columbns av. 180 8x10011: va Roa Wlederman Ac) Edcnr Coles A et al (accounting ntty, Marx M. and ennvet ance. 214 and 26H, Thomas A Mattland, Front at, 24 eior, Ac.etal rs John Pcttlt (to set aside deeds, c), ally, JEAikloy. Ildth et. a a 100 w 3d art 12BX1O0' Christian Haters va John E Rchatsmith Building and Contracting Co (to dec are litn, Ac), atlje, Mosa k F, 70n-A8- BUILDING, Nassau stroot. F. ZITTEL, Agent, On Premlsrs. Altman frrec Michael Orlffln 80th at. n w cor Lexlnaton av. 32x100 8- - J FredWm It Porter ct c,ra committee, eric Kernochan al: atty, II F Miller. 9. Bradley 2Tth et. n a i7.a w 7th av, 24.8xn8 A Currier Co v Roh't L Aikey, et al- - atty. Otis k P. Weitcbeater Turnpike road, n a adj land of Geo A ProToat and J W Taverner Weatchater Clara A linage, nnd inn. admrs, vs Amanda E Farrlngton; ally II D Lent Lerov at, in, Hannah Wool vs Edna Brewiter and ano, atty. O Poremua Av A a n cor 82d at 25 8ifl8, Max Kobro vs Anna Markham et al, (correction), atty, LSFInn, Oft 1711 A INVITED. Apply to W I, Allen. 1172-117- t:J School, Dwight 43l ItKADY IN8PFCTIOX Foreclosure Suits. ar, 21x100 11: theTrtti-fee118th at. of the Leake and Watt" Orphan llouie. City of N Y ra George Holllday et al: attr. J M Knox. sr, 410x60x lesth it n s 10 1 va Waahlmrton et al; atty, Joieph AV. THE MUHKKT. Thoroughly renovated: elegantly fnrnlshed large and small rcoma, service unrUrpaaaedt moderate pricea, Ublo boaid; referencea. 4ln ST.. 31) WKST. Beveral large, beautifully furnlahed rooms, with private hatha, largo rloiets and oviry convenience: exctptlnnal servlco, table and appointments. mo. large alcove tSTIIftT, 127 room on second floor; other dialrable roomi; tablo gneits accomnipdatcd WEST Prlvat family. Uandaomo IKTH ST., 227 xty larce square room; ilrnsalng room: bath: parlor, dining room, auperlor tibia and sarvlcc; gentlemen; references. A liTll BT , 69 WEST Two handsome connecting XU rontus; second lloor; other rooms, best tablo and service, refcicncca. KQTII ST., 1120 V, EST LnrBo"double rooms, very deilralle; excellont tabic; references. Park--- . yT8HINGT0N PLAcnrrn-Overlookl- ng 11 Parlor: alrmle and double rooms ncatlv fur niehed, superior board references exchanged For RENT. OFFICES forFOR occuuaner. 13uth at. (10 and (12 E. Chas C Emenon vs . . T9.44 Cath Van V alen et al Cannon it, Ht. Michael Hanlon vs Max . 60000 Krakoweretal Wm WVaughan Grand at 4I6'4 and 417, 2,878.20 vs SolLcltcnbergctal . HHtb at, ns, 100 w Madison av, 100x100, 105.50 Dnnato Lunk tn Benlaroln Knover rt al. 81 th at non w; Joioph Slraby rs Jehn Dos . . . 0 50 and 0 F Elinnx Webter ar. n e eor 174th st, Soins- - the Philadelphia and Boston Face Brick Co vs . .. 820.08 Auguita Ilerwin et al Cannon at Hit W'ledbiiah t Schwartz rs . .. 800 00 Max hrakower et al Same prop, Kapclanbn Broa va aame W .- 235 00 led98th at, n a mow Park ar, looxino, bnah i. Schwartz vs Degf ner k Lelman . 1,500 00 181th st. a a loo vr Amsterdam av, 176x 237.87 161, M BHonptfcSonvaDan'UMnrphy UNION ?(t Algebra and Oeoraotry, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Commercial law, Stenography. Typewriting, Kuiiliah Grammar, Elocution, French, Herman, Spanish, Yoral llusir. Physiology, First Aid, Meihanical and Architectural Drawing, Musical. West Side. BUILDING, for glusiltujtt JuriiojJfd. West B7l!l Ht. OPEN OCTOItER 3d. .110, .118, 320 illf PHILADELPHIA, PA. (To " WEST SIDE BRANCH Y. M. C. A., Long Island fM 1S'nB &0C8fc Wattled. duolis. 14S to 149 South Eighth street. Brooklyn. the celebration: superior cnslne and service. Business, Stenography, Typewriting, Preparatory, 11CE.26TI1 T, Laraeandsmallrooms: excel ltegenta' and Civil HervlceCouraea Day anl Even A lent board, special terms for season; central. UENItY 0. WBIQHT. Principal. Ing Sessions. AD180N A V., el -- Hoarders wanted; larce and Schools of Languages. small rooms; steam heated; opeu plumbing; centrally located; triuilenta. SPANISH. AV., suites and single OKRMATT, FRENCH, MADISON with or without private baths; breakfast ITALIAN, Etc. optional; referencea. The Iterlltx School of Languages. 1123 Broadway, N. Y. 73 Court 8k, AV., parlor suit, MADISON rooms: Special advantages for visitors to otber rooms en suite or single; ' Paris Exhibition. favblonable neighborhood. ATTOItNEY AT LAW, (City 2. ml GJiStutr. $2,000 40,000 2,000 Enat tide. FOTt DEWEY WEEK. JOHN HAMPTON BARNES, 1,000 r, 201 w 6th 1 4RTU ST., 460 TO 404 West, fear Convent av., wide strfet, Sl.OiXli alao at 168th at. and Boulevard Lafayette, northwest corner, just ebove Urand Boulevard, lUixi; flneit vlewlu citr. 23D BT., 246 AND 247 WEST. FOR SALE. 1,000 80.000 20,000 ... gptntfflttt uni Colttflcji SHOWER BATHS, SWIMMING POOL, 88d St., 10 East Elegantly appointed house near fith av.. will accommodate few tranilents during 11,000 20,000 2,000 l, Telephone 176d Oortlandt. Furnishes careful appraisements of real estate at regular rates. Apply to Bureau of Investment, 37 Liberty St. lfeehnntca' Llena. Eagle av. w a. 2" n out it, 100x100; Henry 830 38 Lcimer ra II H, Dederlck, Jr 0 Rerorded Mortgages, Field, Arty O. to Cath A Carpenter, Morris ate. wa. ikub 173d it. a rrs Isaacs, lUttben, to Caroline V Aitor; 11th at, n a, 248 U w Broadway, r yra Btrauas, Abraham, to Frederick Herrmann; .. USt hit a a, i5oe id av, installs Her. lot 149, Knanf. Charles, to Hunan bluck D, amended map Mapea estates, It . irs Same to Jauies I Coma, lot 478. block P, amended map, Mapca eatite, a rs Jenklui, Thomas J. to Edward Oppen- heimer, 6th av, w s, 40.11, n 133d at, 1 . . . month Drought, Julia, to Kdwvrd Oppenhelmer, Mbai, n wcor 127that. 1 month Wcndel, Chaa 0, to Fritz Wendcl, 050 lOlh . ar, demand Otten port and ano, exs and true, to Mutual I.I to lua Co, Columbus ar, e s, . . 50 nn UBtti at, 5 yra. North, Jimea K, to Arthur A Uary 22d at, ISItWeat, jyra Otten, Dora, and ano, txa. kc. to Mutual Life Ins Co, Columbus av, e s, 25.11 n PHth it, 5 yr Fait, Kuillr L. to Oermauis Lit Ins Co, BtNlchoUsav, aecorllitkst, 6 yra..,.. beth-room- .... cor: Cedar id and Tr.ultr dwellinc anl .toron, Ftrltnand Hecht, . . owner: M J Girtln. architect, cost 15ftth at and Trinity ar, n eeor, three-stordwellinc and atrrea. Ferdinand Hecht, owrer. MJ (lartin architect, coat .. .. 16nth st. n s 25 v Trlnitr av: three three. itory flats, Ferdinand Uecnt, owner. M J Oarvln, architect: coat 16ctli at, n e cor Cauldwellar; three story dwelllncr and itirea; Ferdinand Hecht, coat owner. M J Garvin, Eagle -av.w a, 1(0 a lolm at. two thrce-ator- y flatsEhellnc Co, owner, M J Oarrln, architect, coat Arthur av, o a. 50 n 180th at two atorr dwelling, P J Owena, owner, M J Oarrln. architect: coat Cauldwellar and CVfar Place. e cor, two thrve-itnrflat"; William Manx, owner. M I Garvin archttcc'.roet .. .. Briitnw'at, w f, 1 00 171th at. two itory dwelling, Herman Waiter, owner. W C .. . Dlckeraon, archill ct coat ono story it. roalRthW av, Wakefield, litgreenhouse: illlam NellsDit, owner; T W . . lllngrme, architect cost 179th t, na, 120 w Webster ar. tool home, F W Wilcox, owner, W C D ckerion, arch-itect- a coat . . . tn ofllcea D Broadway, 078. Improvement n A Kane, ownT, k Giller, archi, . tects cost Forsyth st, 164, Improvement to dwelling, John May estate owner, ccst Ifomton at. 181. Improvement to Eat dwelling' Carl Frai ck, owner; C 11 Meyers architect, coat Morris av and A"h t a w cor. lmprovt ment to dwelling. Fannie Lomaa, owner. C 0 Clark, arrhlti ct. eoit 84th at. 41 F.lni'irovememt to dwelling, B Onlbr, owner. C W Miller, architect, cost Stlth at, 234 E, iiiipruteriirnt to tenement. J J llubsmlth, owner, T W Oriel, architect, coat 8th ar, 8(t4 improvement tn dwelling and atore, B B Tracey, owner, eoat Flm at, 2r0, Improrement to power house, FdiaonO. owner and architect) cost.,, Bid si, 121E, Improrement tn power house; ., Fdiaon Co. owner and archltoct; coat 28th at and 5th ar, n e cor; Improrement to ofllcea: 1) II Oonld, owner, C II Blchter, Jr, architect, cost Handsome Tire Story American basement stxe Si50 nnd large three atorr house, itlnlng-ronextension, Tarqaet Floors, Thoroiitlily modern. Three CO., IIS llroadvray. E. II. LUDLOW THE LAWYERS' TITLE ... Tlnns to HEiisra? No. 65 West 68th St. 0,000 2.000 2,000 6,500 gtu gyttTbg goiwrt to 850 888 Bctk'nan, Henry It, truntto. 4c, to Caroline 11(1,000 I, Nones Iitventhal, Minna E, to Albert L Lowen- . . nom atelti 8 000 Fcbmnrc. Frsnrla J, to AnnaBlinck ,. .. omitted Welnstein, ltaeli'l, toTbd Htato Bink Chatterlii, Walter T v. ano, oxers, c, to H"nrl-tl- i nom and Margaret 8. Mnart Firth Av Iruat C to SrlveFter Popo et al. . 10.000 Ir ttc(2, Izr. aaaii'na. 2 mortirairea . . .. Stanley. to nom F MarvF, Marr Moorhnuae, lalen Thompacn Corporation to Howard 8 8,000 Buwna . Roosevelt, W Ftnlen. excr, a c, to Fifth Av nom TiuatCo, aaalgns 2 mortiraced 1.000 Blerwlrth. Albert II, to Sarah M MHler . ... ntm Btanlei. Man F, to J Blarkbuni Miller . D Davlea omitted Lewla, RlrhanlJ. to David Lnwenfeld, Pincna, and Wm Prager to . . 8.100 American Mortirign Ca Roth-chllBophlo toTltlo Onarantee and 33,360 TrnatCo ,. a . cBufwt. With Immediate possession I unfiirnlshed nr nnrtinlly famished! to BTllICTI.Y rnt TATE VAMILY. AsalcnniPiita of llortcngea. 1 Lowenfeld .V Prager have bonght eight lots, with old sheds, on Second nvenue. Sixty-secon- d $nl 19.000 8,784 8,925 fM 1M "M im 7M SB I 31 'jm fl jl ril fl jl II l jl Jl M jl 41 '"9I Jf $ tM A I I remabing. Bspalred. Seal Saeruei and iCap.a altered Into faahloueble uarmenti, lateat atrles at very moderate prices. BARKER S, 111 W. ItUtb st. "TTiUBSBemodelledand gmsluecs ' , i ; hanee?. UOITSK CLEAnTnTaDBENO VAT- -' INOBDRKAU, 148 Weet2ritlllt. Will lend to d all kinds nf house cleaning at short notice; bestdtr refsrancea, send for circular. Tel .HtlHsthit. opt and . '5 'H ' ,f ound, C from 3I West 08th it, OK BEWARD-L- nst IJ51.X.U on Frldiy, irnall I lack dog, no tail lakipperktx.). No uuc.tinn. aiked, roposlah. 1R0P08ALS FOR Bt'BRKR BOOI'S-Ph- lla Depot A (j M Dep't, 1428 Arch atroit, Pnlla , pa , Sept. ID, lolil'. propnaal.. in triplicate, will ba received here until II o clock A. M., Monday, Sept 26th. 1NUU. for fiirutaliing thla Depot with 3, 4(h) pairs of rubbtr bouta. conforming to sample at Schuylkill Arsenal Eirly dellvenei are enentlal and blddera muit atate with what rapidity they can maketbein Ooverninent reaorvea the right to reject or accept any or all iiroposali or any part thereof, Preference given to articbi of domaitlc production. urmanutacturo, rondiliona of quality and price (In- eluding in the price of foreign productions or menu- farturea the duty thereom being equal. AOUVRAN. TEE in Kipdnent ot the vatuaof the boota muit accompany propoiali L'NOI'ARANTEED BIDS will not be conildered Blanki for prouosals will be fur Envelopes oontatntng nlshcd upon application proposale to be endoraed "Proposals for Rnbbet Boots," ana addrened to Lieut Col, JOUN Y. YDltEl', Deputy yuartermuter Qimral, U, B. 4. -r- ''i V j 1 'i ; - ' t - 4m