September 2015 - Incarnate Word High School


September 2015 - Incarnate Word High School
Volume 5, Issue 2
October1, 2015
Grandparents Day
he halls and classrooms of IWHS were graced
with special visitors on Sept. 15 as over 300
grandparents shared time and love with their
granddaughters. This year the special event has
been divided into two sessions. Our September
15th Grandparent’s Day was for the Freshmen and
Seniors. Guests arrived before school in order to
attend the Mass in the McGowen Gymnasium
presided by Fr. Paul Salas, OMI. Following the
mass, grandparents accompanied their
granddaughters to the cafeteria for light
refreshments provided by Sodexo and posed for a
photo session courtesy of Godsey Photography.
Many remained on campus, accompanying their
granddaughters to classes, open labs, the library
and the cafeteria for a typical school meal.
IWHS feels truly blessed to provide this special
occasion of sharing for our students and their
families. Sophomore and Junior families, please mark your calendar to celebrate your special day on February 2.
Shamrock Tradition - Freshmen Tie Ceremony
reshmen were welcomed into the Shamrock
community on September 1 during a special
assembly in the McGowen Gymnasium. Principal
Salazar encouraged the Class of 2019 to make
their next four years meaningful and rewarding
by striving to reach their potential and by
involving themselves in the IWHS activities and
organizations. Dean of Preparatory Programs
Mr. Dan Ochoa spoke next, and Mrs. Mortis
followed, sharing a short history of the school,
and continued by calling the name of each
freshman and her big sister, who then placed the
uniform tie around the collar of their freshman
sister, a gesture that represents the bond shared
by all the students and an acceptance into the
Shamrock community
Principal’s Shout out
Dear Shamrock Community,
In a faith-based
preparatory environment,
Incarnate Word High
School prepares confident
young women dedicated to
academic excellence,
Christian service and
social justice.
It is breath-taking to watch the students, faculty, staff and
parents as they engage whole-heartedly in all the many
activities and endeavors of this school. Their spirit of
achievement and determination are present in the
classrooms, clubs, sports events and community gatherings.
I feel truly blessed to be a part of this amazing and faithguided institute.
Academic Excellence
Community of Faith
Incarnate Word High
School is fully accredited
with the Southern
Association of Colleges
and Schools (SACS) and
Texas Catholic
Conference Education
Department (TCCED).
UIW Connection
ur Phonathon this year is part one in
the three part series of our Annual
Giving Campaign. Phonathon enables us
to contact alumnae and make a heartfelt
connection with our current students. The
annual giving campaign’s phone, e-mail
and mail solicitation efforts help us both
update our contact information and
increase our annual giving dollars at
limited expense. Thanks to an
enthusiastic group of 103 student callers,
we were able to connect with 235 donors in
three days. Thank you to AT& T for
supporting us with the use of cell phones
and to the outstanding caller support team
of 23 faculty, alumnae and parents who
donated prizes and many priceless
evening hours to support our event.
Big hug and thanks to our IWHS PTO,
Grimaldi’s Pizzeria and Anne Marie’s for
providing us with dinner each night.
Together we made more than 3,000 calls
securing more than $25,000 donations by
phone. Our annual giving campaign will
continue, through May 31, 2016, online
and by mail. Way to Go, Shamrocks!!!
Cross Country Team Shines
Incarnate Word High
School is a part of the
Brainpower Connection,
and is affiliated with
University of the
Incarnate Word.
The Cross Country Team took to the streets of
Alamo Heights for the Race For The Rescues
5K. Skylar Pulver, Bianca Escamilla, Ashton
Gerardi and Summer McKenna placed second in
their age group! This weekend the team will be
at Seguin ISD for a meet. Good Luck Ladies and
Congratulations on 2nd Place!
Upcoming Events
What’s Happening in October?
Incarnate Word High
School will hold Open
House on Oct. 18, 2015
from 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Please join us as we
showcase our outstanding
academic programs,
educational opportunities,
athletics and
extracurricular activities.
Tour our school and meet
our dedicated IWHS
faculty and staff.
Please RSVP to the
enrollment office at
[email protected]
or contact us 829-3123.
Oct 2
Oct 5-9
Oct 6
Oct 6-20
Oct 7-9
Oct 9
Oct 9
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 18
Oct 21
Oct 27
Oct 30
Adoration Mother Pierre Chapel
Heritage Week
Heritage Liturgy, 8:15 a.m.
Jr. Cheesecake Fundraiser
Middle School Tours
Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
End of First Quarter
Casino Night UIW Skyroom at
6:30 p.m.
1st Quarter Report Cards Online
AM; PSAT, Senior Drape Photos;
1:30 - 4:30 Parent Conferences
Service Day
12 p.m. Early Dismissal
Fall Open House for Prospective
Students 2 - 4:30 p.m.
Cookie Dough Delivery 3:20 p.m.
NHS Inductions, 7 p.m.
Halloween Assembly
12 p.m. Early Dismissal;
Click image to register
Oct 6-20
Ask a Junior
We hope that you have
enjoyed “What’s the Word.”
We invite you to send
student news and
accomplishments along
with photos so that we can
share your student’s
success with others.
Walk or Run for Fun
It's that time of year again for the Hope
for the Future 5K Run/Walk! This year the
race will be on Oct. 25, at Mission Country
Park #1, 802 VFW Boulevard. An optional
Mass will be held at 7:30 a.m. and the start
time for the race is 9:00 a.m. This year,
since the race is scheduled near Halloween,
participants are encouraged to dress in
costumes (yes, there will be a contest)!
It's a great way to start your day and a
fun event for the whole family!
Online registration
IWHS faculty, staff and student entry fees
will be covered by IWHS. If you are
interested in participating, please
e-mail Coach Trevino with the following
Age on Race Day:
T-shirt Size:
Phone #:
Walk or Run:
***All faculty/staff and students who
participate in the race will be able to wear
their race t-shirt on Mon., Oct. 26.
Editors: Delma Cisneros
and Stephanie Denning
Photography contributor:
Faculty photos by
Godsey Photography
Student and Faculty Spotlight
Class Officers
Spring 2015
Honor Roll
front row:
Caitlin McLoughlin - Lt. Rep.
Alejandra Aranda - Treasurer
Audrianna Martinez - Historian
Who’s New at IWHS?
back row:
Sabrina Gonzalez - President
Jenna Villarreal - Secretary
Mary McLoughlin - Vice President
Jennifer Allison
Math, Science
front row:
Lorena Longoria - Historian
Eden Miller - President
Josie Garza - Lt. Rep.
Tim Berg
back row:
Julianna Mayorga - Vice President
Rebecca Aristotlelidas - Secretary
Kalie Trevino - Treasurer
Susan D’Haiti
Guidance Secretary
front row:
Victoria Hernandez - Treasurer
Natalia Camacho - Historian
back row:
Catalina Lopez - Lt. Rep
Alexis Acevedo - President
Isabelle Purcell - Secretary
Genevieve Fleming - Vice President
Anna Marie Foran
Library Aide
Maricela Garza
Beatriz Gonzalez- Brandon Morgan Rebecca Salinas Genevieve Trevino
Asst. Ath. Director
Yvette Solis
Campus Ministry
Grandparents Liturgy
Praise and Worship
1st Friday of the month
Please join us Oct. 2 in the
Mother Pierre Chapel.
Everyone is welcome to
drop in during the day to
share this time of solitude
and prayer. Students may
attend during open mods
but must stay for the
duration of the mod(s).
Nov 12-13
Junior Retreat
Nov 20
Sophomore Retreat
Jan 21-22
Senior Retreat
The IWHS Madrigals, under the direction of Ms. De la Garza, led the singing at
this special Mass.
Seniors: Starr Alonzo, Nizhoni Begay, Nicole Davis, Michaela Schneider
Juniors: Sarah Arellano, Louisa Cristadoro, Chloe Tamez, Callie Vargas
Sophomores: Lauren Brajkovic, Lilliana Flores, Lauren Kahlig, Kennice Leisk, Alexis Martinez
Freshmen: Gloria Anderson, Paloma Rios (not pictured Sabrina Gonzalez ’ 16)
Resident Life
he students of Residence Life were busy as usual
during the month of September engaging in a
number of activities. To the right, residents Melissa
Martinez and Pamela Tanajara check lights at UIW’s
Light the Way workshop. Below left, Amy Gu gets
ready to swing at Top Golf and below right, Alaina
Shin, sponsor Liz Valerio, Lily Seo and Coral Fu
attend the President’s Dinner.
Community Rosary
1st Wednesday of every
7:30-8:00 a.m.
IWHS Chapel
All are welcome to
recite the Rosary with
Sr. Christine.
Around Campus
NHS Off to a Shamrocking Start
Aquatics Class
front row:
Dahlia Lopez - Vice President
Allie De La O - President
back row:
Abby Purcell - Treasurer
Kathleen Creedon - Historian
Nicole Davis - Secretary
The Aquatic Science class
conducted a water quality
survey on several different
water samples. Water was
sampled from the Oso Bay
in Corpus Christi, the San
Antonio River near Mission
County Park, and a sample
of distilled water was also
tested. The results will be
compiled and analyzed for
health risks and quality.
We hope to increase our
samplings to include San
Antonio tap water,
surrounding lakes and
rivers, and any other water
samples that may come our
way. If you would like to
send us a sample of your
water, please include the
name of the creek, stream,
lake, pond, and the date it
was sampled.
fter a much-deserved and event-filled
summer break, National Honor
Society members got together Sept. 1 and
held their first party of the year. With an
array of snacks, sweets, and an obligatory
veggie platter, the girls in the IWHS
chapter of NHS were far from dissatisfied
with their get-together in the cafeteria
loft. After a short prayer and reminder to
pay dues, the girls were able to dig into
the buffet of treats. Because these girls are
constantly active in the school and
community, such a party is held to remind
them that with the great responsibility of
NHS comes the right to relax, and these
girls did just that. Laughter filled the air,
as well as the aroma of lemon cake, a
chicken platter, and the sound of snacking,
an odd combination but a pleasant one.
The girls will continue to do their part for
our school with the occasional break to
have fun, of course.
All of their hard work has paid off. The
Juniors and Seniors eligible to be inducted
into National Honor Society were given
their applications on Sept. 15 in the
library after school. Seated in chairs and
on the floor due to the large number of
students qualified for the society, the girls
listened as Mrs. Mortis explained the
application process. They were told that,
despite their academic qualifications, they
need to identify their many positions and
activities at Incarnate Word in order to
fulfill the leadership aspect of the society.
Once applications are reviewed, inductions
will be held October 27 at 7 p.m. in Mt.
Erin Hall.
—-Contributed by Kathleen Creedon
NHS Historian
Spotlight on Sophomores
Davidson’s Respite House Service
Sophomores Dish
Out the Dough
Thank you to all who
participated in the cookie
dough fundraiser. We are
grateful for all the hard
work that was
accomplished. Being the
overachieving class we are,
we raised more than the
goal that was put before us.
We ended up raising more
than $11,000, so we can
look forward to a great
prom next year. Once
again, thank you to all who
participated in this
successful event.
Cookie Dough delivery
will be on October 21,
after school.
—Contributed by
Tori Hernandez
n Sat., Sept. 12,
Sophomores visited and
volunteered at the
Davidson Respite House.
This house is home for
children who were taken
into state custody after
some form of negligence
was reported. These kids
are also very special in
their own ways. Each of
them has a disability,
either mental or
physical, but they don’t
let that stop them from having fun. Most of
the children are under the age of 10 and
though they can only stay at this house for
90 days, they were very happy and eager to
interact with us. All of them wanted to play
or talk and some just wanted to hold
someone’s hand.
Our day consisted of cleaning the inside
and outside of 4 of their cars and raking up
the leaves on their playground. We were
also shown the other houses that the kids
were staying at, including 3 foster homes.
Sophomore Isabelle Purcell said, “I enjoyed
my time at the Davidson Respite House
because the kids were so sweet and it was
great to see them so happy while they
played with one another.”
These children truly are little
superheroes because of their strength and
courage in everything they do. All of us
would love to visit them again and we plan
on doing so.
Thank you to our sponsors Mrs. Gonzalez
and Mr. Uminski. And a big Shamrock
thank you to Principal Salazar!
—-Contributed by Sophia Murray ’18
Middle School Tours
he Enrollment Department is gearing mod schedule and open labs offer, as well
up for the middle schools tours
as all the fun of Life as a Shamrock.
scheduled for Oct. 7th,8th and 9th. The
Enrollment Office is working with
nineteen area Catholic middle schools to
schedule their visits, so students will have
the chance to learn about all the exciting
opportunities that await them at IWHS.
The Shamrock Ambassador Society is
also assisting in preparations for these
tours. The young ladies are eager to show
our 8th grade visitors all that IWHS has to
offer, including: highlights of our ten
athletic teams and our twenty-plus clubs,
the rewards and opportunities of our
college preparatory programs, the extra
study time and tutoring opportunities our
Around Campus
Chief Martinez Visits Government Class
Shambots Shine
It was Christmas in
September for the Robotics
teams as they unwrapped
packages containing $1800
worth of equipment and
parts for the teams. The
Robotics class organized
and cataloged all the new
materials. The equipment
was part of a grant from
FIRST in Texas based on
the Shambots and
Shambots2.0 team
engagement for the 201415 season.
n Sept. 17, Chief John Martinez,
Chief of Police of the Hondo Police
Department, visited Mr. Boyd’s
Government 2 class to discuss the 4th
Amendment right of search and seizure.
He was joined by Investigator Brandon
Teer, also of the Hondo Police
Department. Investigator Teer
specializes in white collar crimes such as
credit card fraud, investment deceptions,
scams, and money laundering.
Chief Martinez and Investigator Teer
explained how the 4th Amendment
affected them as police officers, and the
guidelines they have to follow in order to
conduct legal searches. They explained
their authority to conduct searches of
automobiles and private homes. They also
described the concept of probable cause to
search, and the steps they followed in
obtaining a search warrant.
Their presentation provided a great
perspective of 4th Amendment rights from a
police officer’s point of view. Students
asked some pointed and thoughtful
questions after their presentation.
Our thanks to Chief Martinez and the
Hondo Police Department for taking time
out of their busy day to visit IWHS and for
the admirable service they perform.
Robotics ECC Conference
Oct. 9
6:30 - 11:30 p.m.
he Robotics teams gathered at the JW
Marriot Hill Country Resort to
participate in the 47th Engineering
Construction and Contracting Convention.
The Shambots were one of the five teams
invited out of the180 in the surrounding
region to represent the FTC and FRC
program. The Shambots were able to
explain the complex work put into the
making of the robot to representatives of
engineering and technology corporations
from across North America and around the
globe. The Shambots were honored to
attend this conference and had great time
talking to these exceptional men and
women. As a result of our participation the
Shambots received $1,800 in sponsorship
Around Campus
Loteria at the Library
his year the library celebrated
Hispanic Heritage Month with an
afternoon playing Loteria (Mexican
bingo)! The winners got to choose from a
selection of “ARC”s, which are advance
reader copies of books not yet published.
The library gave away over twenty books!
All the girls who attended Loteria had a
great time. Thank you to everyone who
came and made Loteria such a success!
Purchase Raffle Tickets
The IWHS athletes are raising money
for the athletic program by selling
Catholic School Sweepstakes tickets
sponsored by Catholic Life Insurance. One
hundred percent of the proceeds from this
fundraiser will benefit our athletic
To purchase a ticket, please see an
IWHS athlete or Coach Genevieve
Trevino. Tickets are $5 each. Prizes
include a 2016 Ford F-150 truck, a 2016
Ford Fusion Sedan, or a $20,000 prepaid
Visa Gift Card. New this year is a
participating school prize. Each
participating school will have a $1,000
prepaid visa credit card individual winner
drawn from tickets sold by their school.
The drawing will be held Saturday,
January 23, 2016.
Help out your favorite athlete and
buy a chance to win a great prize!
The Sept. 21st Blood
Drive collected a
record 32 pints. A Big
Shamrock Thank You
to all who donated and
to Mrs. McChesney &
the Robotics team who
coordinated everything!
The next drive will be in November.
Parents in the Know
Dear Shamrock Parents/Guardians,
School Administrators
Jennifer Salazar
(210) 829-3107
[email protected]
LaShaundra Caesar
Vice-Principal of Student
(210) 829-3105
[email protected]
Dr. Langston Williams Jr.
Vice-Principal of Student Affairs
(210) 829-3106
[email protected]
April Fricke
Athletics Director
(210) 829-3122
[email protected]
Director of Enrollment
(210) 829-3123
[email protected]
Audra Cardona
Director of Campus Ministry
(210) 829-3121
[email protected]
Stephanie Denning
Director of Development
(210) 832-2143
[email protected]
Debbie Zielins
(210) 829-3112
[email protected]
We are so excited to offer this incredible
opportunity to your IWHS Junior or
Senior. Imagine going to Heidelberg,
Germany and Strasbourg, France, and
getting credit at the same time. It's an
experience of a lifetime!
If you missed the informational meeting
on Sept. 24, there is still time to submit an
application for consideration for this
amazing experience. Scholarship
opportunities are available but are on a
first come first served basis. The priority
application deadline is Fri., Oct. 2, but
applications may still be submitted after
this date. (They are rolling in so apply
now to secure your space.)
For on-campus questions, please contact
our campus representatives, Ann Green
(IWHS Faculty) or Thomas Wright
(SACHS Faculty). For further details,
please contact Melissa A. Sayre, UIW Prep
Coordinator of Faculty, at
[email protected] or (210) 805-3084 or visit
the website
For more details about the course
beginning in March and ending June 2015,
please follow the link below:
Dual Credit Study Abroad Information
Meeting Flyer
UIW Prep Dual Credit Study Abroad
Information Session video
Cybele Bolado ‘86
Director of Alumnae Relations
(210) 829-3103
[email protected]
PSAT Campus Administration
On Oct. 14, the Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test (PSAT) will be administered
on campus to all students in grades 9-11.
This is a significant exam for all students.
The PSAT provides invaluable practice for
students before they take the SAT. For
juniors, their scores on the PSAT are used
to determine National Merit Scholars,
Commended Students, Achievement, and
Hispanic Scholars. Many universities offer
financial aid and scholarships for these
recognized students.
For sophomores, the scores provide an
additional practice as well as recognizing
students who score in the top 10 percent
nationally. For many freshmen, the exam is
their first exposure to a national test.
On exam day, students should have two
#2 pencils (no mechanical), their social
security number (optional) and zip code
memorized, a calculator with fresh
batteries, a snack, and a sweater. The test
is scheduled from 8 to 12 with a noon
dismissal. Students must arrive on time.
Any student arriving after the exam has
begun will be asked to return home.
Math Tutoring
Liz Valerio
Residence Life Coordinator
(210) 841-7403
[email protected]
Like us on
leaving early must bring a parent or
guardian note to her advisor first thing
in the a.m. or to the main office.
Students must come to the office for
early dismissal. Parents, please arrange
a time with your student to meet you in
the office. The staff will no longer
locate or call a student from class.
Beginning Monday, Sept. 28, demerits
will be issued to those students who have
to be located.
Mr. Uminski and Prin. Salazar help out
at the Davidson Respite House
Parent-Teacher Organization
PTO Set for Another Successful Year
Dear Shamrock Community,
2015 -2016 Board
Executive Officers
Linda Villarreal ’84
Mary Sullivan '85
Recording Secretary
Caroline Du
Ana Cobian Rodriguez
Faculty Representative
Deborah Quinones
PTO Committee Chairs
Athletic Committee Rep.
Ken Palacios &
Anastasia McKenna
Campus Beautification
Bill Pfeiffer
Janelle Adams ’89
Father/Daughter Banquet
Oswaldo Camarena
Carlos Rodriguez
Mother/Daughter Luncheon
Andrea Gonzalez '88
Annette Reyes
Shamrock Network
Angela Garcia
Social Committee
Lorena Contreras ’90
Lisa Lopez
Spirit Shoppe
Melissa Barrett
Student Spirit Activities
Loretta Medina
Maria Resendiz
Teacher Appreciation
Patsy Anderson ’84
Yvonne Grothues ’86
Jean Hebert
Volunteer Coordinator
Delia Thomas
Word Day
Roberta Palmer
While the months of August and September focused on many PTO welcome events
for the current community, the month of October will focus on welcoming prospective
IWHS families. PTO Board Members are fabulous promoters of the Shamrock spirit!
The Executive Board, Committee Chairs and “Shamrock Network” volunteers will be
on campus October 7, 8 and 9 for Middle School tours and again during the Sunday
afternoon Fall Open House on October 18. October is all about recruiting, and PTO is
pleased to be part of the team effort that includes every student, administrator,
teacher and staff member. Each of us beams with pride when we meet new families
and get the chance to share our IWHS experiences.
Everyone should mark their calendar for a special event on October 20 to support
Christus Santa Rosa Mobile Mammography. PTO will be welcoming Athletic
Director, April Fricke home from her “Sister’s Trail” bike ride and sponsoring her with
a donation to fund the early detection of breast cancer. This endeavor is just one of
the many ways our school is making an impact in the community. The ride from
Freeport, TX, to San Antonio links our past with our future… an opportunity to
protect our daughters from breast cancer. Come be a part of this celebration as well
as the “Heritage Mass” on Tuesday, October 6, at 8:15 a.m. The two celebrations
honor 135 years of education and service to the sick by the Sisters of Charity of the
Incarnate Word.
In September, PTO assisted with the Annual Phonathon. The girls working the
databanks on Monday, September 21, enjoyed Chipotle from the Student Spirit
Committee. The administration, faculty and staff will receive a fall gift from the
Teacher Appreciation Committee. Look for the staff sporting their new fleece vest
with school logo. Parents and grandparents had many occasions to be delighted by the
Social Committee. Volunteers helped with Grandparents Day, 9th and 10th grade
Parent Night, Senior Parent Night and College Connection. Many, many thanks to
these active PTO committees.
Please be on the lookout for your next green post card delivered to your P.O. box for
all the October/November school happenings. In addition to all these events, please
set aside some time on your October Saturday mornings to support Campus
Beautification and the Father/Daughter Banquet Committee. You may contact Bill
Pfeiffer or Carlos Rodriguez, respectively, for more details.
Praise be the Incarnate Word, forever.
Linda Villarreal ‘84
IWHS PTO President
Community Rosary in the IWHS Chapel
Parents, Students, Administration, Faculty & Staff
Wednesday, October 7, 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
All are welcome to recite the Rosary
with Sr. Christine.
Open Tuesdays & Thursdays during all
lunch mods (10:56 a.m. – 1:18 p.m.) and
Wednesdays after school (3:13—4:30 p.m.).
Grandparents Day
(For more photos, click Photo Gallery)
We hope that you have
enjoyed the first <name
of paper> and we hope
that these stories were
refreshing for you and a
reminder of all the good
things that are happening within our school
community at IWHS. We
invite you to send alumnae updates, student
news and accomplishments along with photos
so that we can share
your success with others.

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