A Year in Review: CASA for Children Annual Report


A Year in Review: CASA for Children Annual Report
A Year in Review: CASA for Children Annual Report
When a child who has been abused
or neglected is going through the
trauma of the court system, a CASA
advocate is tirelessly working to
guide them through safely, quickly,
and effectively.
Since 1977, the CASA pilot program that began in Seattle has grown
into a national network of more than 946 programs in 49 states.
CASA for Children of Multnomah & Washington Counties is one
of the longest serving programs, advocating for Oregon’s largest
group of children in protective custody. Since we began in 1985,
our CASA volunteers have helped 16,000 children find a safe and
permanent home.
© Lars Topelmann Photography
hours a year were dedicated by CASA volunteers which is valued at
$1.9 million or the equivalent of 44 full-time employees. A CASA
advocate focused on a single case can efficiently work in the system
without being of the system. They can fill a dire need in our overburdened court system.
months spent in the foster system with a
CASA versus 24 months without an advocate.
Quickly navigating the system reduces
additional trauma on children who have
already experienced extreme pain and loss.
foster home moves with a CASA instead
of the 6.6 moves children can endure
without an advocate. CASA advocates
can improve on the child’s safety and
permanency while in the foster care.
The past year has been a time of growth and accomplishment thanks
to our amazing staff, volunteers and donors. For the first time ever,
through the tireless efforts of our CASA Advocates we served nearly
1000 children. And even greater than that, our CASAs helped to
quickly and effectively close nearly 225 cases which means that many
of these children who might have otherwise languished in the child
welfare system will be spending the holidays and their birthdays and
every other exciting moment in their lives with people who love them
and will be able to provide them stability and a lifetime of memories.
CASA for Children has invested a great deal of energy into three major
areas of the organization over the past year. We have focused on
improving our recruiting, training, and CASA supervision and support
model under the direction of our Program Director, Lynn Travis.
Secondly, we asked Staci Sigala to join our organization as the
Development Director to help guide and build our fundraising and
marketing efforts. As a result, we have now positively turned the
corner with many of our past relationships and have opened our doors
to many new ones. If you have not done so already, please check out
our new website: www.casahelpskids.org. Finally, we have focused
our energies on engaging with our child welfare partners to ensure
that CASA for Children has a voice in some of these critically important
conversations dealing with children in foster care and child advocacy.
We have made great progress in establishing a strong foundation so that
we can dramatically increase the number of children who are advocated
for by dedicated and effective CASA Advocates. With your continued
help we will achieve our goals. Thank you for all you do for and with us.
Tim Hennessy
children in Multnomah and
Washington Counties who were
abused or neglected received
a CASA in 2011-2012.
CASA volunteers in Multnomah
and Washington Counties
advocated on behalf of those
children in protective custody.
Executive Director, CASA for Children of Multnomah & Washington Counties
© Lars Topelmann Photography
She smiles when she says it, but the two words “nosey & opinionated” have
guided Ann Wiitala through 22 years of advocating for the best interests of over
25 foster children. She credits a fellow CASA, Patrick Ahern, as the one who
referred to these critical attributes of what she believes are necessary in order
to be an effective CASA.
Ann grew up in the Oregon City and Portland areas, graduated from the University
of Oregon and along with her husband raised three children. While volunteering
at Boys & Girls Aid Society, one of the employees suggested that Ann consider
becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). She looked into it and
thought “why not” and has never looked back. The thought of an ordinary citizen
being able to go into the court room and advocate for these children was
powerful to her.
Of all the cases and children she advocated for, one particular child still holds
a special place in her heart. It involved a young 12 year old girl named Jenny.
Ann was amazed at the resilience of this young girl who had experienced years
of abuse and neglect. When Ann became her CASA, the most critical need at
the time was just to keep her safe. From the very beginning of their relationship,
it was clear to Ann that Jenny would make it out of the “system” somehow.
“She was a strong girl who was determined to survive.”
During this case and the others Ann was involved in, she always kept the children
as the main focus of her time and energy. “You have to keep your eyes open and
constantly ask questions of the people in their lives. As a CASA, you have to follow
your heart and instincts to sift through all the information. Always remember it is
the child that you are advocating for, not the adults.” Ann advised.
She feels that being a good listener and asking subtle questions served her well
in her role as a CASA. CASA Supervisor, Steve McCrea, refers to her as Columbo –
new children were added to the
CASA for Children of Multnomah
& Washington Counties program
this past year.
new volunteers completed their training
to become CASA advocates for our
community’s children in the protective
custody of the courts.
the shrewd, inquisitive T.V. detective. “She is very good at putting people at their
ease and off their guard while gathering information,” Steve recalls. “As a CASA,
she was calmly relentless in pursuing what she thought was needed for a child.
She combined good relationships, good information gathering, and a willingness
to take a stand when needed, even if others disagree. This trio of skills is the
essence of what being a CASA really means.”
Jenny is now a mother and lives with her son and husband in Texas. With Ann’s
help while she was in the child welfare system, she was able to graduate high
school. She continued on to college and is now a teacher at the Texas School for
the Blind and Visually Impaired.
© Lars Topelmann Photography
Brad Holmgren, CASA ADVOCATE
Brad Holmgren and his wife have settled into their “retirement” years in Portland
after spending the majority of his professional life working all over the world in
the medical field. Before his move to Oregon, Brad was living in Tennessee and
had attended a one hour seminar at his church in 2008 that changed his life.
As he sat and listened to a speaker from the local CASA organization give a
presentation about the child abuse and neglect crisis, he realized he had no idea
the problem was so horrific. He heard story after story about the continuous
cycle of abuse in his town.
In the past, Brad might not have chosen to get involved, but this day was
different. “I just felt compelled to act. I couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore and
just complain about these people who hurt their children,” he recalls. “I wanted
to step up and get involved to help these children realize a normal life.”
As a CASA in Tennessee, he was assigned four different cases over a period of
about three years. In that state, resources are scarce and the child welfare system
is extremely understaffed so there were times that he was the only person in the
courtroom standing before the judge. He learned, then, how to divorce himself
from the horrible sadness of the cases and had to force himself to focus on what
could be the best path forward for these children.
After landing in Portland, Brad contacted our local CASA for Children office
and asked if he could “transfer” his passion and skills to our program. He now
has the chance to compare the CASA programs between the two states. While
Tennessee struggles with resources, he is very impressed with what is available to
kids and families here in Oregon. The challenge is whether every child and family
member who needs them can get these services. He is also impressed with the
professionalism of the doctors, teachers, mental-health workers, attorneys, CASA
supervisors and caseworkers. “I see how CASA can have a significant influence in
a child’s life by informing the judge as to what is best for them. I love working as
a team with all the different parties. And the cases intrigue me. I can make a real
difference with these kids and I believe that I can change the cycle of abuse in
their lives.”
“I know I can be the one constant in these children’s lives. I could have chosen
to just retire, travel with my wife and spend time with my 8 week-old grandchild.
But I wanted to continue as a CASA because it is important work and there
are so many young people that do not have someone to speak up for them.”
Fortunately for us, Brad decided to stay away from the sidelines and become the
voice for our children in Multnomah and Washington Counties.
© Lars Topelmann Photography
cases were successfully closed
this past year with these
children placed in safe and
permanent homes.
children in Multnomah
& Washington Counties
still need the help of a
CASA advocate.
There are more than 4,200 children
who have been abused or neglected
in Multnomah & Washington Counties
living in foster care. They desperately
need a CASA advocate to stand up
for them in court.
case is given to a CASA advocate at a time.
An Oregon Case Worker can be managing 20
cases at one time. A family court judge can
hear up to 30 cases before lunch.
Please consider becoming a CASA advocate and help
our community’s children in the court system find a safe
and permanent home. Visit our website for how you
can volunteer: casahelpskids.org or call 503-988-5115.
© Lars Topelmann Photography
of the cases of abuse or
neglect last year were
against children age 5
and under.
THANK YOU to our volunteers for your
dedication and service to our community’s
children under the protection of the court.
Board of directors
Kimberly McAlear, Community Volunteer
Pat Welch, Boly:Welch Consulting | Recruiting
Vice President, Resource Development
Doug Johanson, Vista Capital Partners
Vice President, Governance
Brandon Bridwell, Ernst & Young
Vice President, Program
Craig Wessel, Portland Business Journal
Cynthia Cameron, Benefit Specialists, Inc.
Andrew Corrigan, KPMG
John Benazzi, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
John Berglund, Fred Meyer Jewelers
Chris Clipper, Nike, Inc.
Kieran J. Curley, Miller Nash LLP
Kirsten Darrow, Fred Meyer Jewelers
Gary Grenley, Garvey Schubert Barer
Heidi Grenley, Community Volunteer
Pete Landry, Clear Channel Portland
Tristen L. Ross, KeyBank
Alice Tang, The Business Planning Group
Rick Vogel, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
James Westwood, Stoel Rives LLP
Carl Wojciechowski, Fred Meyer Stores
Cheryl Zander, Vaya Creative
WASHINGTON County CASA Volunteers
Susan Ahern
Fran Ames
Maryanne Andrews
Patricia Battin
Suzan Beam
Clint Bedwell
Dawn Bergstrom
Sydney Berman Beeck
Donalene Biller
Karen Black
Coretta Bolinger
Shineadth Brandon
Amy Brase
Julie Brooks
Sue Ann Brown
Nita Brueggeman
Caty Buckley
Robyn Bukowatz
Patricia Burnett
Mark Clifford
Claudia Collins
Kathy Cordell
Laura Craford
Jennifer Crooks
Robert Dallenbach
Christopher David
Erin Davidson
Chris Davis
Rochelle DeBisschop
Amber Dickey
Pferron Doss
Jerry Duyn
Carol Edmo
Rose Esquivel
J.D. Feltner
Cheryl Ferguson
George Fetzer
Penny Flenniken
Julie Furnary
Jerry Gally
Liz Gally
Gretchen Gantenbein
Gineve Gilbert
Natlie Giller
Ginger Hackett
Judy Halter
Linda Hansen
Janet Harbert
Jamie Hardy
Yvonne Harrell
Shannon Hart
Trisha Hayes
Sue Hiersche
Peggy Horine
Dan Hortsch
Maile Indie
Christine Jennings
Edith Jensen
Jodi Johnson
Valeria Jones
Robin Jordan
Jennifer King
Ann Krutsinger
Mee Seon Kwon
Anita Lembke
Suzan Lindstrom
Susan Little
Michael Martin
Connie McDowell
Sunshine McFaul
Georgia McGinnis Roberts
Grant McGuire
Lisa McQuilliam
Louann Metzger
Phil Myers
Heather Nelson
Candice Ohlsen
Emeka Okiwe
Bonnie Oliver
Molly Oliver
Luann Pelton
Molly Persky
Anita Ploghoft
Mike Ploghoft
Marita Postma
Deborah Potter
Shenetta Rice
Terri Robertson
Miriam Rogers
Belinda Rooney
Ken Russell
Sara Salas
Cheryl Saunders
Dianna Schmid
Kathy Schroeder
Stephanie Senic
Daniel Shedden
Colleen Simmons
Amy Smith
Kari Smith-Haight
Erica Soler
Lisa Sophy
Gary Sosinski
Lynn Steyaert
Danielle Stockton
Danielle Stoker
Gail Stone
Leslie Stratos
Diane Strong
Christene Swanson
Alison Taylor
Rebecca Taylore
Elaine Underwood
Michelle Valdez
Michelle Walsh
Ann Wiitala
Jana Willard
Kasi Woidyla
Sally Wolcott
Multnomah County CASA Volunteers
Chris Adams
Gordy Allen
Allison Amo
Karole Ampe
Jan Anderson
Ruth Anderson
Darcy Andrews
Elizabeth Arch
Eugene Avery
Susan Avery
Cheri Axt
Albert Bannon
Brenda Bartell
Charlotte Beeman
Jeni Bennett
Geri Berg
DeeAnne Berglund
Gary Berne
Diane Betcher
Michael Bishop
Emily Bolls
Julie Boucher
Jim Bourdin
Charles Braymen
Tom Brenholtz
MaryAlecia Briggs
Alec Brown
Ann Brown
Susan Brown
Michael Burns
Kim Cantu
Kim Capano
Steven Carpenter
Barbara Cason
Linda Clarry-Barber
Gordon Clifford
Nikole Collier
Kay Copps
Virginia Cornyn
John Cover
Glenda Cox
Teresa Cozzetti
Joan Cushing
Joanna Dalke
Suzanne Davis
Jeanette DeCarrico
Alexandra DeMarsh
Delaney DeMay
Sharlene DesRochers
Tari Donohue
Julie Dougherty
Ann Dow
Joan Driver
Kelly Duron
Kirstyn Everson
Jack Featheringill
Delia Feliciano
David Filer
James Finn
Sister Ruth Fishburn
Pamela Fleischmann
Barbara Fletcher
Terry Folen
Gwen Gannon
Kristina Gates
Lynne Gaudinier
Christina Gilbert
George Gilbert
Myra Glasser
Cheeri Glenn
Kathleen Glover
Stephanie Glowa
Stephen Goodrich
Crispin Gorman
Kelly Greenberg
Pam Grignon
Diane Gritzmacher
Don Gritzmacher
Nancy Guitteau
Kristin Gustaff
Jessica Hacker
Jane Haley
Kirk Hall
Kristin Harding
Heather Harmond
Bill Harris
Janet Hastings
Meera Hays
Evelyn Hecht
Erin Heinemann
Megan Helzerman
Jennifer Herbst
Alice Herrell
Rachel Hestmark
Marcia Hicks
Edith Hintz
Lance Hobart
Miriam Hoelter
Kathleen Hoffman
Nadine Hoiland
Amy Holden
Bradley Holmgren
Alyssa Holmgren
Diana Holuka
Jean Horton
Jodi Howells
Peigi Huseby
Elizabeth Jacobs
Michael James
Katy Jewell
Joe (Paul) Johnson
Shirley Johnson
Tracy Katigbak
Stacy Kidd
Lena-Liss Kiesel
Susan King
Kathy Kniep
Denise Koschmann
Aaron Krieger
Deanna Kurtzbein
Barbara Kveton
Laura La Rosa
Dianne Lamberty
Jamie Lawrence
Deborah Lee
Susan Levine
Steve Lindemann
Olivia Lindly
Gae Linfoot
Susan Logan
Tallina Long
Linda Lorenz
Rebekah Lubeck
Michelle Lum
Jennifer Lyman
Andrea Lynn
Sally Mackey
Joseph Makuch
ShyRita Mann
Michael Marsh
Berangere Martino
Rebecca Martinson
Stanley Martinson
Kimberly Mason
Kathleen McCarthy
Marti McCausland
Steve McCrea
Bette McCurdy
Jeanne McGinnis
Susan McKey
Kathryn McLaughlin
Laurel Mead
Jon Merritt
Susan Miner
James Mitcheltree
Lynn Montgomery
Suzanne Montgomery
Kate Moody
Heidi Moon
Larraine Moon
Hugh Moore
Jean Moore
Donna Morris
Barbara Morrison
Dee (Delores) Morrison
Sarah Moses
Sheree Mutch
Nancy Neuman
Hope O’Connor
Dan O’Leary
Dawn Odell
Ryan Olsen
Judith Orchard
Melvina Orr
Jeanne Pace
Michelle Pappas
Patti Paris-Simpson
Linda L. Patterson
Diane Perkinson
Carol Peterkort
Gretchen Peterson
Keri Piehl
Michelle Pine
Julia Pirani
Cindy Plummer
Mercy Pozgay
Susan Prows
David Pullen
Kelsey Quinn
Margot Quinn
Linda Rasmussen
Barbara Remlinger
Joy Rich
Bryce Rickson
Janet Rivera
Natasha Roe
Carla Rose
Aisling Rubenstein
Robin Russell
Deborah Sakamoto
Stephanie Sameh
Jeannie Santos
Anna Maria Savinar
Elizabeth Schlosser
Kali Scolnick
Lisa Shields
Venessa Shreve
Bob Simpson
Adrienne Smith
Brittany Smith
Scott Smits
Jessie Spatrisano
Joan Spatrisano
Peggy Sperr
Philip Sperr
Emma (Amber) Stauss
Kylee Stein
Kathryn Fong Stephens
Sandy Stienecker
Samaura Stone
Hoe-Wen Straus
Daryl Summers
Karen Tam
Dylan Trosper
Cathy Walker
Leslie Wangler
Matt Wangler
Wendy Warren
Sara Watkins
Ilana Weeks
Anthony Weir
Wendy Werling
Tyler West
Stacy Williams
Dick Willis
Michelle Wilson
Tracy Wilson
Jennifer Winslow
Karen Witte
Peggy Wobbrock
Glen York
Agnes Yuen
Mary Jaeger & Jerry Walker,
This year, CASA for Children of Multnomah & Washington Counties is
presenting the special Judge Stephen B. Herrell award at the 22nd Annual
Auction & Dinner. The award is named in honor of Judge Herrell, who in 1986,
founded what is now known as CASA for Children and served as Vice President
of the National CASA Association. He was a tireless advocate for the needs
of children and families and an inspiration to friends and colleagues. This year,
we are honored to present this award to Mary Jaeger & Jerry Walker, who
reflect Judge Herrell’s passion for CASA and volunteer advocacy.
Mary was recruited to CASA for Children as the Executive Director in 2000.
On her third day of her new job she started the volunteer advocate training.
The next class, she brought her husband Jerry. After class they looked at
each other and said, “How can we not do this?” They served as a team and
were always assigned cases involving siblings living in different foster homes.
Over ten years they were CASA advocates on 5 different cases and for
13 children. Both Mary and Jerry consider their service as CASA volunteers
a significant milestone in their lives.
In addition to their volunteer efforts as CASAs, they also profoundly affected
the CASA for Children organization. Mary served as Executive Director
from 2000-2010, and Jerry served as Treasurer, a member of the Finance
Committee, and as Co-Chair to the Annual Auction & Dinner for five years.
Jerry was instrumental in recruiting and created several Portland breakfast
events for businesses resulting in a sharp increase of male CASA volunteers.
They are also proud of creating the wine auction as a fundraising effort at
the 22nd Annual Auction & Dinner. It is fitting that Mary & Jerry receive this
prestigious award at an event they impacted significantly for many years.
The award reminds Mary of a special moment during her first month at CASA.
“The very first time I met Judge Herrell in chambers, he asked if I was a lawyer,
too,” says Mary. “He was referencing my older sister, Judge Anna Brown who
some think I resemble.” Mary remembers back to that moment, “I nervously
answered, ‘Sorry, no.’ He beamed and said, ‘Good–we have enough lawyers–
what CASA needs is an orchestra conductor, and I understand you have a
background in music, too!’ I think about that quote often.”
Please join us at the 22nd Annual Auction & Dinner on April 13, 2013 at the
Portland Art Museum to celebrate. For more information, contact Staci Sigala
at [email protected] or call 503-988-4170.
Jerry Walker & Mary Jaeger
Laura Wieden & Joe Blatner,
Laura Wieden believes strongly that we, as adults, should be taking care of the
children in our society. “I understand that people don’t want to hear about
child abuse and neglect, but we need to take responsibility and care for these
children. The mission of CASA for Children is vital to both Joe and I.”
Laura grew up in Dundee, Oregon, went to UofO and graduated from PSU.
After traveling overseas, Laura settled back in Portland where she met her
husband Joe and later adopted their son Mason. It was when she was reading
books to a foster child at an elementary school that Laura realized she wanted
to become more involved in making a difference in the lives of foster children.
Laura discovered the CASA program and became an advocate. She was
assigned a tough case with two sisters and soon became the one constant in
the young girls’ lives. She went to every meeting and the girls counted on her
being there. During the case, their mother died and Laura stood by the girls
through it all. Unfortunately, the girls could not be reunited with family and
“aged out” of the foster system at age 18. “I was so sad because I never saw
them get a permanent, loving home. I tried my best to be there for them. I even
drove to Pendleton to be with one of the girls on her 18th birthday at her group
home.” Laura can only hope that they have “made it” now that they are out of
the system and on their own.
At a CASA for Children fundraiser, Laura and Joe were inspired to get involved
again when they learned just how many children in the Portland area were in
foster care and how many of them who did not have the benefit of a CASA
like the girls Laura had supported for many years. “It broke my heart that there
were so many children, alone and unheard. Some of whom may never know
the joy of a birthday or holiday celebration in their own homes. Their childhoods
will have been stolen from them. They will not have a foundation of happy
memories to pass onto their own children.” Laura added, “It was then that Joe
and I decided that we did not want CASA for Children to struggle.”
Through their generosity, Laura and Joe have made it possible for nearly 20
children to be supported by a CASA advocate this year. We could not be
more grateful for their continued support and passion for the children in our
community and the foster care system.
Please consider supporting CASA for Children. For more information , contact
Staci Sigala at [email protected] or call 503-988-4170.
Laura & Joe with their son Mason
$1,000 - $4,999
Clear Channel Portland
Sandstrom Partners
National CASA Association
The Bill Healy Foundation
Absolute Brillance
AccuDirect Response Co
David and Janell Alexander
Carole Alexander
The Honorable Janice Stewart and Gordy
America’s Charities
Tom and Susie Anctil
Antwerp Sales
Bob and Sally Auguston
B.H. Multicom
Beeman Fund of Oregon Community
Benefit Specialists, Inc.
Rene Bloch Foundation
Craig Boretz and Rachelle Jacover
Brandon and Leslie Bridwell
Ann and Darol Brown
Build-a-Bear Workshop Foundation
Bulova Watch Co.
Business Planning Group
C.G. Creations
Robert Weaver and Hannah Callaghan
Jennifer and Bill Cameron
Duncan and Cindy Campbell
Doug Casebeer
Casio America, Inc.
Dominic Choong
Liz and Gregg Christiansen
Citizen Watch Company
Chris Clipper and Jamia Tyler
Mrs. Gert Boyle
Concero Group
Beverly Corbett
Virginia Cornyn
Joan and Kelly Cushing
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Mindy DeArmond
David and Dee Deatherage
Demorest Family Foundation
Diamour Inc.
Duneier of NY
Empower Media Marketing
Ericksen Charitable Fund
Ernst and Young
Eyal R. D. Corp.
Fantasy Diamond
Firestar Diamond, Inc.
Willie and Peggy Fisher
$10,000 - $19,999
Edward and Romell Ackley Foundation
Fred Meyer
Hedinger Family Foundation
JFR Foundation
Juan Young Trust Eastern Division
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Oregonian Public Benefits
Portland Business Journal
Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall
Charitable Trust
The Schamp Family Fund
Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation of
Oregon Community Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
With the help of your generous support, CASA
for Children of Multnomah & Washington Counties
served 920 children who have been abused or
neglected and are going through the trauma of
the court system. Thank you!
Visit our website to learn about all the ways you
can give: casahelpskids.org or call 503-988-5115.
© Lars Topelmann Photography
Advantis GROW Community Fund
Allen Family Foundation
AMIKAM/Paras Diamond Corp.
The Assurant Group
The Autzen Foundation
Boly:Welch Consulting I Recruiting
Carpets For Kids Etc., Inc.
Deacon Charitable Foundation
Ms. Marty Forsmann
Fred Meyer Jewelers
John Gray Charitable Fund of Oregon
Community Foundation
Gary and Heidi Grenley
Jackson Foundation
Jubitz Family Foundation
Shawn McCloud
Larry and Joyce Mendelsohn
NW Natural
Pacific Power/Pacificorp
PGE Foundation
Rosy Blue, Inc.
Brian and Hilda Stone
Thorson Pacific, Inc.
Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust
Todd and Elaine Underwood
Verigold Jewelry
The Walters Family Foundation
Jeffrey Yandle and Molly Moran-Yandle
Cornelia Frank and Lee Barrett
Frederick Goldman
Christopher and Nancy Freeman
Bill and Colleen Gardner
Garvey Schubert Barer
Karen Giese
Verle and Carolyn Grove
Harry and Lilisa Hall
Janet and Richard Harbert
Harrington Family Foundation
Hart Family/OrePac Foundation
Tim and Katie Hennessy
Kitty Higgins-Fudge and Brad Fudge
Bradley Holmgren
The Holzman Foundation
Doug Hunt
IBM Employee Giving
Indigo Jewelry
The Inspirators
H.W. and D.C.H. Irwin Foundation
Jacmel Jewelry
Jansani USA
Jewelex New York Ltd.
Doug and Kristen Johanson
Dick and Dorothy Johanson
B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation
Bill and Susan Jones
Journal Graphics
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Jim and Daphne Kuhn
Pete and Shannon Landry
Patrick and Heather Lee
Leo Schachter
Kirsten and Chris Leonard
Tom and Joan Leslie
John Littlehales
Eric Lochner
M. Geller Diamonds Ltd.
Brian and Kristin Madden
Kimberly McAlear and Mitch Plaat
Richard Meeker and The Honorable Ellen
Brad and Nancy Miller
MJJ Brilliant
Wayne and Susan Monfries
Jean Moore and James Searfus
The Movado Group
Nathan Family Fund of Oregon Community
Newcomb Foundation
Nice Diamonds
Nike Matching Gift Program
© Lars Topelmann Photography
Jenni and Tim O’Brien
Molly and Scott Oliver
Michael and Joan O’Reilly
Pacific Northern, Inc.
Parsons Family Fund of Oregon
Community Foundation
David and Diane Perkinson
Michael Pittman and Pam Strickfaden
Maria Ponzi and Brett Fogelstrom
Regence Employee Giving
Gary and Sue Reynolds
Chris Richards
Richline Group
George and Claire Rives
Robert and Sharon Miller
Sandeep Diamond Corp
Lori and Terry Schallich
Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE
Schnitzer Steel Industries
Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt
Segerdahl Group
Seiko Corporation of America
SimplexDiam, Inc.
The Honorable Merri Souther-Wyatt
St. Moritz Security Services, Inc.
Star Ring Inc.
Kathy and John Stephens
Stoel Rives LLP
Suberi Brothers LLC
Christine Swanson
Swigert Foundation
Alice Tang and Horace Tong
Jeanette and Kevin Thomas
Eric Todderud
Tumac Lumber Company
Uni-Design USA
United Brothers Jewelry
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette
Universal Fine Jewelry
US Bank/US Bancorp Foundation
Vaya Creative
Vernier Software and Technology, LLC
Victorinox Swiss Army
Vista Capital Partners
Rick and Paula Vogel
Wahl Clipper Corporation
Washington Trust Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
Wessinger Foundation
Ann Wiitala
Todd and Karen Woodruff
Woodward Family Foundation
Elaine Zehntbauer
Shelley Zoller
$500 - $999
Fran and Ted Ames
Jennifer Andres and Dr. Brett Andres
Beth Arkes
Jean and Ray Auel
Mary Beth Baker
Dave and Terry Bakker
Dr. Joyce Berney
Larry and Elise Brant
Marshal and Erin Burgess
David and Ann Marie Coghill
Continental Jewelry, Inc.
Drew and Sarah Corrigan
Steve and Susan Day
Gun and Tom Denhart Family Fund
Pferron and Wendy Doss
Robert and Marci Dove
Christel Eichner
EMA, Inc.
Nathan Engstrom
Steve and Jennifer Erickson
Dawn and Steve Ewers
Jack Featheringill
Tim and Pam Fleischmann
Akimasa Fleshler
Kathryn Fong Stephens
Scott and Melissa Gilchrist
Give with Liberty Campaign
Bob and Karen Griffith
Robert and Janie
Frederick and Harriet Hegge
Robert Hess and Gail Wells-Hess
Beth and George Hohnstein
Marilyn Hohnstein and Dick Fosness
Alyssa Holmgren
Hood River Distillers, Inc.
House of Tazanite
Andrea and David Hull
Mary Jaeger and Jerry Walker
Kuber Mfg. Inc
Brian and Nancy Leitgeb
Lewis and Clark Bank
Trudy and Warren Linton
M Benefit Solutions
Pamela and Peter Mack
Paul and Roz Meade
Millennium Creations
Sharon Miller
James Miller
Greg and Susan Miner
Catherine Myers
Ralph and Susan Nelson
Norlift of Oregon
Marie Owen
Justin and Amy Paterson
Dr. James and Linda Patterson
Sharon and Robert Phillips
Precision Packaging Products
Larry and Janet Richards
Thelma Rueppell
Dean Runyan and Elizabeth Evans
Dr. James and Bonnie Schimschock
Lianne Schroeder
Sharing Spree LLC
ShedRain Corporation
Siltronic Corporation
Phil and Peggy Sperr
John and Constance Strawn
Lisa Swan and Wayne Modica
Valerie Tomasi
Eliot Wajskol and Amy Shulties
William Walker
The Honorable Nan Waller and Paul Bovamick
Western Family Foods
James Westwood and Janet Butler Westwood
Carl and Carol Wojciechowski
David and Nicole Zehntbauer
Dr. Andrew and Aviva Zigman
Les and Diane Zoller
A&B Jewelry
Christine Adams
Michael and Kayline Allison
Gil and Laurie Alvarez
American Originals Corp
Danna Anderson
Sherry and Steven Arasim
Elizabeth Arch
Craig and Cheryl Austin
Susan and Eugene Avery
Robert and Melissa Axton
Ms. Dale Baker
Kay Balmer
Mark and Jenna Barnett
Ms. Lou Battams
Kathy Berning and Jim Schlotfeldt
Karen D. Bersack and Dan Martin
Michael Bishop
Mitchell and Sallie Boyce
Kay and Nancy Bristow
Steve Brown and Carie Strahom
Alec Brown
Brownstein, Rask, et. al.
Larry and Alicia Burbidge
Carl Burnham III
Casey Callinski
Bob and Laurie Canfield
Geoff and Laurie Carr
Christine Carr
Don and Connie Carver
Jean and Richard Cauthorn
City of Seattle Employee Giving
Joseph Coletto and Lucinda McEnroe
Steve and Mari Connolly
John and Tammy Cook
David Cook
Stephen Correl
Linda and Gregory Crabtree
Pete and Morag Craven
Sarie Crothers
Kyle Davidson
Risa Davis
Betsy and Robert Davis
Jeanette and Mel DeCarrio
Jim and Kim Dewey
James and Mary Dooney
Marilyn Doty
Mike and Andrea Dripps
Shirley Dunn
Dynamic Design Group, Inc.
Carol Edelman
Douglas Eikenberry
MaryKay Eilers
John and Jane Ellison
Julie Emry and David Dougherty
Charles and Shawn Engelberg
David and Laura Evans
Martha Everatt-St. Pierre
Doug and Kathleen Everett
Les and Nancy Fahey
Al and Lindy Federici
Susan Fernald
David Filer
Kathy Finney and Matt Lucas
Clay France and Graham McReynolds
Yvonne and F.T. Fraunfelder
Zach Fruchtengarten
Fry, Inc.
John Gallagher
Janyce and Donn Gassaway
Gateway Elkettes
Roger and Jaqueline Germundson
Molly Gillcrist
Lefteris Gjinos and Leigh Ann Hieronymus
Steve and Diane Glenn
GlobalGiving Foundation
Stephen and Mary Anne Goodrich
Dr. Steve and Diana Gordon
Tom and Sharon Gordon
Diane Gosney
Shirley Gray
Rich and Joanne Grubb
Nancy Guitteau
Bradley Hagelin
Kirk and Lisa Hall
Joe and Ellie Halloran
© Lars Topelmann Photography
Joy Hammar
Jordan Hantmann and Michele Wasson
Mary L. Harper
Gay Hart
Shannon Hart and Brad Simmons
Heartfelt Charity Cards
Evelyn Hecht
Deborah Helgerson
Alice Herrell
Sarah Herrell
Mark and Karen Hill
Gordon and Mary Hoffman
Joan Holup and Thomas Wasson
James and Brooke Hull
Scott Hunt
Integra Telecom
Martha Ireland
Steve and Meg James
Michael H. James and Brian Ruder
Kristine Jitloff
Charles and Anne Jochim
Craig Johanson
Leslie Johnson
James and Ann Johnston
Dr. Stephen and Elizabeth Jones
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW
Community Giving Campaign
Helen Kelly
Christopher Kent and Mary Rice-Kent
Shelley J. King
Evan King
Kevin and Susan King
Carol King
Kristin and Kurt Kohorst
Virginia Krall
Ted and Eileen Kunze
The Honorable Paula J. Kurshner
Shay LaBray
Mark and Janell Latwesen
Tim and April Leahy
Janet Lebson
Robert Lee
Rhoda and Irving Leopold
Les Schwab Tire Centers
Level Dynamics LLC
Esther Lewis
Marian Li
Liberty Mutual Foundation Matching
Eric and Molly Linstad
Jo Ann and Rane Linton
Alan and Joan Lippman
Karen and Don Livingstone
Frances Lynch
Catherine Machell
Mandel and Mandel LLC
Brian and Mary Manning
David and KC Marshall
Stanley and Rebecca Martinson
Henry and Michelle Mathison
Maxmark, Inc.
William and Jani McCormick
Michelle McGill
Jeanne McGinnis
Grant and Suzie McGuire
The Honorable Maureen McKnight
McLaren Auction Services
Merit Diamond Corp.
Ron and Mary Jo Miller
Michaela Miller
Andy Mones and Trish Vawter
Kate Moody
Nancy Myers
Hester Nau
Cheryl Neal
Linda Neumann
Nhut Minh and Susan Ngo
Toan Nguyen
Larry and Lisa Norman
Tom and Patricia Nygren
Stuart and Corinn Parks
Parsons Farnell and Grein LLP
Pasha Jewels
Donald and Patricia Paulson
Dr. Duane and Corinne Paulson
Beverly Pearman
Danielle Pederson
Lois and John Petke
PGE Employee Giving
Tonye Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. G. Porter
Renate and James Powell
Michael Preisz
John and Deborah Purcell
Jim and Rachelle Quinn
Will and Ann Rader
Stuart Reed Ransom
Reedville Cafe, Inc.
MereAnn Reid
Julie Reynolds
Bryce Rickson
Karen Riedlinger
Rocket Jewelry Box Inc.
Roma Industries LLC
Adam and Charissa Rose
Tristen Ross
Royal Chain
Elease and Brad Rumbaugh
Steve Sanders and Barb Swanson-Sanders
Art and Carol Sandison
J.A. Sanseri
Leonard and Jeannie Santos
Julie and Brian Satterswhite
George and Cheryl Scherzer
Dianna Schmid and Dr. Kel Snyder
Philip Schoech and Rita Sweeney
Elizabeth Schuler
Paul Seabrook
Dr. Brett and Julie Sheppard
Shrenuj USA, LLC
Kristen Siefkin
David Tod
Staci and Al Sigala
Shawn and Karen Simon
Simon Golub and Sons, Inc.
Don Sirkin
David and Julie Sorenson
Gary Sosinski
Jack Spadaro
Standard Insurance Employee Giving
Jim and Karen Stewart
Jean Stoll
William Stout
Ruth and Robert Stroemple
John Svicarovich
Robin Syran
Tag Heuer
Beth and Mitch Taylor
Joseph Termotto
Law Firm of Peter Bunch LLC
Ellen Theodorson
Richard and Diane Thomas
Rena Tonkin
Jonathan Torrey
Danny and Ali Trinh
Gerard and Rita Van Deene
Cheryl and Ricbard Vanbeveren
Meredith Vandermeer and Chris Vacca
The Vartanian Family Foundation
Dr. Larry and Linda Veltman
David and Christine Vernier
Waddell & Reed
Jacob Mills
April Walker
Leslie and Matt Wangler
Sandra and Tom Ward
Mike and Terry Weismann
Wells Fargo Employee Giving
Jana and David Willard
Jennifer Winslow
Dr. David and Susan Wisdom
Victoria Wolff
Charles and Shari Woodcock
Milton and Joanne Yatvin
Claude and Florence Zeller
David and Margaret Zeps
For information about donations and becoming a
sponsor, please contact Staci Sigala:
[email protected] or 503-988-4170
1401 NE 68th Avenue, Portland OR 97213 | Return Service Requested
22nd Annual Auction
& Dinner
Saturday, April 13, 2013
at 5:30pm
Portland Art Museum
For more information, please contact Staci Sigala at
[email protected] or call 503-988-4170
© Lars Topelmann Photography