most dedicated in movies
most dedicated in movies
SPIDERMAN GLUTEN-FREE WITH FLAVOURS PAGE 34 | PLAYHOUSE PAGE 35 | FOOD Now showing The Beaver Super 8 Green Lantern Something Borrowed Winnie The Pooh Al Academia Bheja Fry 2 Badrinath WHO IS JENNIFER ANISTON’S NEW MAN? PAGE 39 | HOLLYWOOD Detailed movie timing on WHEN BOLLYWOOD STARS MOVE CLOSER TO A SILENT WORLD PAGE 40 | BOLLYWOOD Did you know? Page 40 English (Comedy) Kristen stewart Had to wear brown contact lenses for Twilight (2008) because she has naturally green eyes while Bella’s eyes are supposed to be brown. English (Action) English (Comedy) English (Comedy) English (Animation) Arabic (Drama) Hindi (Comedy) Sunday, June 19, 2011 Malayalam (Drama) most dedicated fathers in movies (Clockwise): Stills from the films; Kramer vs Kramer, Finding Nemo, Taken, The Pursuit of Happyness and Life is Beautiful. TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK ATHERS very often get the short end of the stick in films. They’re frequently portrayed as workaholics, deadbeats, and in general as the lesser of two parents. Even in the more generous films, fathers are shown as providers of financial support and perhaps the occasional nugget of wisdom, but little else. For Father’s Day that kind of portrayal just won’t do. The following is a list of five films with the most dedicated and devoted fathers to have graced the screen. F Kramer vs Kramer One of the first notable films to truly show the father as a caregiver and not just a provider. Dustin Hoffman plays an overworked father whose wife, played by Meryl Streep, suddenly leaves both him and his son. Suddenly confronted with raising a sometimes rowdy child on his own many men would crumble. But Hoffman’s character learns, grows, and becomes a truly exemplary father to his son, even at the sacrifice of his own career. Finding Nemo This one is ideal for the father of younger children. Albert Brooks voices the clown fish Marlin, an admittedly over protective father to his son Nemo. When Nemo is taken off the reef by divers Marlin stops at nothing to get his son back. This Pixar animated classic is rife with great characters and top notch humour. However the heart running through the entire film is the love of a father for his son. Taken A darker and more adult take on the father searching for his child. Liam Neeson plays a former special ops agent whose daughter is kidnapped in Paris while on a trip. Neeson carries the entire film with his conviction and determination to tear down every obstacle that stands between himself and his daughter. A great choice for the action loving dad who knows that when the chips are down he too would kick butt for his kids. Life is Beautiful Roberto Benigni took home the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in this film, and with good reason. Every father has that one special thing that connects them to their children, and for Benigni’s character it is humour. Playing a Jewish father of a young boy, when the pair are trapped in a concen- tration camp Benigni is able to use humour to not only convince his son to stay hidden but even keep him from realising that their lives are in danger. While the premise may sound farcical, the results are breathtakingly beautiful. The Pursuit of Happyness Will Smith takes center stage in this true story of a father with nothing who used every last bit of resourcefulness he had to give himself and his son a better life. Broke, at times even homeless, the film has a number of bleak turns as it shows the pains of this father and son team. However each is able to give strength to the other and in the end it is a triumphant film of the highest order. The fact that Smith’s own child Jaden plays his son in the film only serves to add to the authenticity of the piece and make it all the more compelling. 34 Sunday, June 19, 2011 PLAYHOUSE Beetle Bailey Blondie YESTERDAY’S ANSWER Popeye Spiderman LEARN ARABIC La No Salam Peace Wahid One Zits Suwar Pictures Yad Hand Jamal Camel Dennis the Menace The Lockhorns Phone: 44666810 FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTACT US AT: Fax: 44654975 Post Box No: 23493 Email: [email protected] S TA R TA L K ARIES [mar 21 – apr 19] Arguments with family members or authority figures might break out today. Steer clear of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs who are angry. TAURUS [apr 20 – may 20] Intense arguments could break out today, especially with siblings and neighbours. Basically, one party thinks he or she knows better. Don’t fall for this. GEMINI [may 21 – jun 20] Clashes over money and possessions are very likely today. However, the more you argue with someone, the more opposition you will create. CANCER [jun21 - jul 22] Because you are obsessed with an idea today, you might be coming on too strong for others. This could lead to a conflict of wills and arguments. LEO [jul 23 – aug 22] Your ability to do any kind of research today will be quite phenomenal. You’ll be like a dog with a bone. You’ll find whatever you are searching for. By King Features Syndicate, Inc. VIRGO [aug 23 – sept 22] This is a classic day to have an argument with someone, especially in a meeting, class or conference. Don’t do it. It will get nasty very quickly. LIBRA [sept 23 – oct 22] Don’t try to convince your boss of something today, even if you fervently believe it. Ironically, you will only talk this person out of it! SCORPIO [oct 23 – nov 21] Steer clear of conversations about politics, religion and racial issues today. People are so passionate about their ideas that logic has gone out the window. SAGITTARIUS [nov 22 – dec 21] This is not a good day to discuss inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, taxes or debt. Instead of agreeing, people are more inclined to disagree! CAPRICORN [dec 22 – jan 19] Resist the urge to try to improve your partner or a close friend today. You might think you know what is best for this person, but he or she doesn’t want to hear about it. AQUARIUS [jan 20 – feb 18] This is a good day for getting at hidden information or secret things, especially at work. However, others might be very pushy about wanting their own way. PISCES [feb 19 – mar 20] No matter how obsessed you are about some idea, don’t be pushy about it, especially if you’re dealing with children or romantic partners. People in professional sports will be unusually aggressive! Sunday, June 19, 2011 FOOD 35 Chicken Piccata recipe Food guide INGREDIENTS: 2 Boneless chicken breasts sliced in 2 or 3 slices, or placed between sheets of plastic wrap and pounded to desired thickness, 2 Tbs Butter, 1 Tbs Olive OIl, 1/4 cup flour, 3/4 tsp paprika, 3/4 - 1 cup dry white wine, 3 Tbs lemon juice Salt, Freshly ground pepper (white or black) to taste, 1 TbsButter (for sauce at finish), 3 Tbs capers METHOD: Rinse chicken breasts under cold running water, drain, put on paper towel. Pat dry. Slice or pound the chicken breasts to desired thickness 1/8 - 1/4” thick. Unlike veal, chicken is better cut than pounded thin. Mix flour, paprika, salt and pepper, Dredge chicken in flour. Heat butter and olive oil in sauté pan over medium heat; be careful not to burn the butter, if using it. Add chicken breasts - do not crowd the pan. Sauté for about two minutes per side. Remove to a warm platter; you can place platter in warm oven. Add lemon and wine to pan; deglaze (Dissolve the remaining bits of food) the pan using a wooden spoon or spatula to scrape. This is the basis for your sauce. Bring to a simmer, reduce heat to medium-low, let sauce thicken. When sauce is thickened, swirl in butter. Add capers. Pour pan juices over chicken. Serve. Chicken Piccata Gluten-free with flavours MELISSA CLARK NYT SYNDICATE A FEW years ago, tough and tasteless baked goods were just one of the unpleasant things you had to put up with if you had a gluten sensitivity. Flash forward less than a decade, and it’s a completely different scene. Gluten-free cookies, pies and cakes are starting to rival their traditional counterparts. At Babycakes, a vegan and gluten-free bakery with branches in Manhattan and Los Angeles, Erin McKenna’s cake doughnuts are so feather-light and deeply flavoured that no one would guess they’re wheat-free. And a whole-grain muffin recipe by Shauna James Ahern produces muffins so ethereal, fluffy and tender they seem like pastries from another planet – a sweet one, without gravity – and better than most other whole-grain muffins made with whole-wheat flour. Gluten-free baked goods have become tastier as demand for them has risen. More Americans – about 6 percent of the population, according to the Centre for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland – have found that gluten, in wheat, barley and rye, causes health problems for them. What had been a niche market has become mainstream. This means that gluten-free foods, once relegated to health food stores and alternative cafes, are now solid citizens of supermarkets, mall restaurants and even baseball stadiums. For 20 years, Bob’s Red Mill, in Milwaukie, Oregon, has included glutenfree products among the grains and flours it sells, but in the past four years it has increased that product line to include 70 gluten-free items and has seen its sales rise 35 percent annually. Even home cooks are turning out baked goods that might once have seemed esoteric, as supermarkets are carrying gluten-free flour mixes and a range of gluten-free flours, like sweet potato, sorghum, teff and oat. And gums like xanthan gum and guar gum that can give baked goods the structure and texture that gluten proteins would otherwise provide – once available only in laboratories and food-processing plants – are now probably in a health food store near you or, at the least, a mouse click away. There have also been a slew of cookbooks to help bakers navigate a gluten-free kitchen. More than 60 were published in 2010 alone. “When I first started baking without gluten, it was all trial and error, testing out all these unfamiliar flours like sorghum and teff and learning how to use them,” said Ahern, an author, with her husband, Daniel Ahern, of the cookbook Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef (Wiley, 2010) and the popular blog But years of practice and experimentation have paid off. McKenna said that “gluten-free baking is getting better as bakers, myself included, learn more about using all the different ingredients.” When she first gave up wheat in 2002, she said, all of the pastries she tried were completely unsatisfying. “They were heavy and dry and just not good,” she said. That motivated her to start coming up with her own recipes and, eventually, to open Babycakes. Ahern said that when she first removed wheat flour from her baking, she felt like a mad scientist. “I had never baked like this before,” she said. “No one had ever baked like this before. It was all new territory.” The key for Ahern’s baking success was letting go of expectations. “We are so attached to measuring things by volume in this country,” she said, “but what I’ve learned is that if you weigh everything instead, you can substitute a gluten-free flour blend for wheat flour in pretty much any recipe.” Ahern recommends making your own flour blend rather than using a store-bought mix so that you can decide what ingredients you want to include or leave out. Her exact mix changes with what she has in the house, but she finds that a ratio of 70 percent grain and/or nut flours (sweet rice, brown rice, cornmeal, sorghum, amaranth, teff, millet, oat, buckwheat or almond) to 30 per- A gluten-free pizza. “About two years ago, it dawned on me that I should stop trying to make my batters and doughs mimic gluten-filled recipes,” she said. “Everything looked different, wetter, softer; breads don’t rise as much. But it didn’t matter, because the recipes were working.” The most important lesson that Ahern learned was figuring out how much flour to use. A cup of gluten-free flour and a cup of wheat flour will have different weights, but gram for gram, they act the same. And the precision of gram measurements helps. cent starches (potato starch, arrowroot, cornstarch, tapioca) will yield an all-purpose substitute for wheat flour. “I don’t know all the science behind why that ratio seems to work so well,” she said. “I just know through trial and error that it does.” A flour blend in that ratio worked well in several recipes. An almond layer cake baked up fragrant and buttery, albeit a little more crumbly than usual. A much-loved recipe for brownies was as fudgy and intense as always, though perhaps a shade stickier. Even a pizza came out reasonably well, with a full- flavoured, crackerlike crust that had a pleasing if slight chew. The recipes also worked with a purchased flour blend, but they were drier and denser, with a slight metallic aftertaste that probably came from the bean flours in the mix. Ahern uses mostly whole grain flours in her recipes, for two reasons. One is the increased nutrition. The other is that whole-grain flours have a higher protein than refined flours, and a high-protein content is essential to good gluten-free baking. That is why high protein and (sadly vegetal and metallic tasting) bean flours – garbanzo and fava – are often used in gluten-free flour mixes, to bump up the protein count. Gums are another way to help the texture of gluten-free pastries. “Gluten gives baked goods their chew, their crust and their structure,” said Rebecca Reilly, the author of Gluten-Free Baking (Simon & Schuster, 2007) and an instructor at the Natural Gourmet Cooking School. “If you don’t have gluten in a recipe, you have to rely on protein, starch and sometimes gums and texturizers,” she said, “xanthan gum, guar gum, kudzu and gelatin, pectin, to hold everything together and give an elastic quality.” But gums are expensive and can cause stomach irritation in some people. Ahern has cut them out of her baking entirely. The proper ratio of grain flour to starch should do the trick, she said. Before you start custom-designing your flour mix, Pam Cureton, a registered dietitian at the Centre for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland, recommends starting with a ready-made blend. “It’s expensive to mix your own flours,” she said. If you don’t like the taste of bean flours, she said, there are new mixes on the market without them (though many have the gums already added, so check the ingredient list if you want to avoid them). The one imperative to keep in mind if you are baking gluten-free in a usually gluten-filled kitchen, Cureton said, is to make sure there is no cross contact. Wheat flour can linger in the air for 24 to 36 hours. If it lands in your bowls and pans, it can contaminate them, very possibly making someone extremely sick. Similarly, it is wise not to buy gluten-free flours from bulk bins, because you never know if someone accidentally stuck the wholewheat flour scoop into the millet flour. Her advice is to scrub your kitchen and put utensils, pans, bowls, cutting boards and sponges in the dishwasher before baking gluten-free. And to make sure your aprons and oven mitts are clean. “I always tell people that if they are going to do both gluten-free and gluten-filled baking, they should bake the gluten-free recipes first, when the kitchen is clean,” she said. But then again, maybe an easier route if you’re baking for mixed company is to just go gluten-free. With these recipes everyone will be happily fed from the very same platter. A gluten-free muffins and donuts. 36 Sunday, June 19, 2011 CHANNEL SURFING BEST ON TV TONIGHT 10:30 pm BBC World: EQUESTRIAN WORLD 7:30 pm Disney Junior: WHERE IS WAREHOUSE MOUSE? 8:30 pm Fox Sports: SOFTBALL 360 7:30 pm Discovery Science: ENGINEERING THRILLS TV PRIME TIME GUIDE 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM BBC WORLD CNN INTERNATIONAL CARTOON NETWORK DISNEY JUNIOR BBC WORLD NEWS PRISM BEST ED IMAGINATION MOVERS ADVENTURE TIME CNN MARKETPLACE MIDDLE EAST WHERE IS WAREHOUSE MOUSE? COW AND CHICKEN IMAGINATION MOVERS INTERNATIONAL DESK THE MARVELOUS MISADVENTURES OF FLAPJACK WHERE IS WAREHOUSE MOUSE? INDIA BUSINESS REPORT BBC WORLD NEWS AFRICA BUSINESS REPORT 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM REVEALED SPORT TODAY CLICK WORLD REPORT BBC WORLD NEWS 10:00 PM MAINSAIL EQUESTRIAN WORLD 10:30 PM 11:00 PM 11:30 PM BBC WORLD NEWS PIERS MORGAN TONIGHT WORLD FEATURES THE POWERPUFF GIRLS ED, EDD N EDDY CARTOON NETWORK DANCE CLUB THE LITTLE MERMAID BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD SPECIAL AGENT OSO JUNGLE JUNCTION BEN 10: ULTIMATE ALIEN MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE BAKUGAN BATTLE BRAWLERS HANDY MANNY NEWS CHANNELS DISCOVERY ATLAS: FRANCE REVEALED THE GADGET SHOW FOOD NETWORK KIMORA: LIFE IN THE FAB LANE BOY MEETS GRILL KOURTNEY AND KIM TAKE NEW YORK FOOD NETWORK CHALLENGE THE LITTLE MERMAID FOX SPORTS EXTREME SPORTS LUCAS OIL AMA MOTOCROSS MLB ON FOX: NEW YORK CHAMPIONSHIPS YANKEES AT CHICAGO CUBS [17:00] LG ACTION SPORTS WORLD... 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MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG BBC WORLD NEWS DISCOVERY SCIENCE DISCOVERY HD SHOWCASE BANG GOES THE THEORY FASHION POLICE USAR PRO CUP SERIESDILLION, SC [23:00] MEGA WORLD BUILDING THE FUTURE KIDS CHANNELS CHELSEA LATELY GOOD EATS- SPECIAL AIYA TV LIFESTYLE CHANNELS DOCUMENTARY CHANNELS SPORTS CHANNEL TELEVISION LISTING ANIMAL PLANET 00:45 Dogs 101 01:40 Untamed And Uncut 02:35 Sharkman 03:30 Sharkman 04:25 After The Attack 05:20 Animal Cops South Africa 06:10 America’s Cutest... 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:25 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 08:15 The Really Wild Show 08:40 Jeff Corwin Unleashed 09:10 Must Love Cats 10:05 Extraordinary Dogs 10:30 Project Puppy 11:00 Dogs 101 11:55 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 12:50 Mutant Planet 13:45 Mutant Planet 14:40 My Cat From Hell 15:35 Dogs 101 16:30 Karina: Wild On Safari 17:25 Cheetah Kingdom 18:20 Tigers Attack 19:15 Speed Of Life 20:10 Dogs 101 21:05 Life Of Mammals 22:55 I Was Bitten 23:50 Penguin Safari BBC ENTERTAINMENT 00:10 Robin Hood 00:55 Strictly Come Dancing 02:05 Strictly Come Dancing 03:00 Green Green Grass 04:00 One Foot In The Grave 04:35 Fimbles 04:55 Balamory 05:15 Teletubbies 05:40 Gigglebiz 05:55 Fimbles 06:15 Balamory 06:35 Teletubbies 07:00 Fimbles 07:20 Balamory 07:40 Teletubbies 08:05 Gigglebiz 08:20 Fimbles 08:40 Balamory 09:00 Teletubbies 09:25 Gigglebiz 09:40 Green Green Grass 10:40 Robin Hood 11:25 Doctor Who Confidential 11:35 The Weakest Link 12:20 Casualty 13:10 Casualty 14:05 The Weakest Link 15:35 Doctors 16:05 Doctors 17:05 Doctors 18:05 Robin Hood 18:50 Doctor Who Confidential 19:00 Green Green Grass 20:00 Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness 20:50 Monarch Of The Glen 21:40 New Tricks 22:35 Moses Jones 23:25 Desperate Romantics BBC LIFESTYLE 00:20 Saturday Kitchen 01:15 Design Star 02:45 Come Dine With Me 03:30 Come Dine With Me 04:20 Come Dine With Me 05:10 Come Dine With Me 06:00 Saturday Kitchen 07:00 Come Dine With Me 08:40 Come Dine With Me 09:30 Come Dine With Me 10:20 Come Dine With Me 11:10 Come Dine With Me 12:00 New Scandinavian Cooking 13:40 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 14:05 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 15:20 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 16:10 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 17:00 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 18:15 New Scandinavian Cooking 19:30 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 19:55 Come Dine With Me 20:40 New Scandinavian Cooking With Andreas Viestad 21:40 The Naked Chef 22:40 Rhodes Across The Caribbean 23:25 Rhodes Across The Caribbean BBC WORLD 00:00 BBC World News 00:10 The World Debate 01:00 BBC World News 01:30 Middle East Business Report 02:00 BBC World News 02:10 World Features 02:30 Newsnight 03:00 BBC World News 03:10 World Features 03:30 Equestrian World 04:00 BBC World News 04:30 Dateline London 05:00 BBC World News 05:10 The World Debate 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Click 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Newsnight 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 India Business Report 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 Fast Track 10:00 BBC World News 10:10 World Features 10:30 Equestrian World 11:00 BBC World News 11:10 World Features 11:30 Dateline London 12:00 BBC World News 12:10 World Features 12:30 Horizons 13:00 BBC World News 13:10 World Features 13:30 Africa Business Report 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 Newsnight 15:00 BBC World News 15:10 World Features 15:30 The Bottom Line 16:00 BBC World News 16:15 Sport Today 16:30 Click 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 Extra Time 18:00 BBC World News 18:10 The World Debate 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 India Business Report 20:00 BBC World News 20:30 Africa Business Report 21:00 BBC World News 21:15 Sport Today 21:30 Click 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Equestrian World 23:00 BBC World News 23:10 World Features 23:30 Extra Time CARTOON NETWORK 00:05 Cow And Chicken 00:30 Cramp Twins 00:55 George Of The Jungle 01:20 Adventure Time 01:45 Eliot Kid 02:10 Ed, Edd N Eddy 02:35 Ben 10: Alien Force 03:00 The Powerpuff Girls 03:15 Chowder 03:40 The Secret Saturdays 04:05 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 04:30 Ben 10: Alien Force 04:55 Best Ed 05:20 Skunk Fu! 05:45 Cramp Twins 06:10 Eliot Kid 06:35 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack 07:00 Ed, Edd N Eddy 07:25 Chop Socky Chooks 07:50 Chowder 08:15 Ben 10: Alien Force 08:40 Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders 09:05 Batman: The Brave And The Bold 09:30 The Secret Saturdays 09:55 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 10:20 10:30 10:55 11:20 11:45 12:10 12:35 13:00 13:25 13:50 14:15 14:40 15:05 15:20 15:35 16:00 16:25 16:50 17:15 17:40 18:05 18:30 18:55 19:20 19:45 20:10 20:35 21:00 21:25 21:50 22:00 22:25 22:50 23:15 23:40 Cartoon Network Dance Club Angelo Rules Best Ed Eliot Kid Skunk Fu! Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes Bakugan: New Vestroia Ben 10 Codename: Kids Next Door The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack The Life And Times Of Juniper Lee George Of The Jungle Cartoon Network Dance Club Ed, Edd N Eddy Chop Socky Chooks Robotboy Squirrel Boy Chowder The Secret Saturdays Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders Angelo Rules Best Ed Adventure Time Cow And Chicken The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack Courage The Cowardly Dog The Powerpuff Girls Ed, Edd N Eddy Cartoon Network Dance Club Batman: The Brave And The Bold Skunk Fu! Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Bakugan Battle Brawlers Chowder CNN INTERNATIONAL 00:00 The Best Of Backstory 00:30 World Sport 01:00 World Report 01:30 Mainsail 02:00 World Report 02:30 Inside Africa 03:00 Your $$$$$ 04:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 05:00 The Best Of The Situation Room 06:00 World Sport 06:30 Mainsail 07:00 World Report 07:30 The Best Of Backstory 08:00 World Report 08:15 CNN Marketplace Middle East 08:30 Revealed 09:00 World Report 09:15 CNN Marketplace Africa 09:30 Ireport For CNN 10:00 World Sport 10:30 Mainsail 11:00 African Voices 11:30 Talk Asia 12:00 News Special 12:30 World View 13:00 World Report 13:30 World Sport 14:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 15:00 Fareed Zakaria Gps 16:00 State Of The Union With Candy Crowley 17:00 International Desk 17:30 Inside Africa 18:00 Ireport For CNN 18:30 World Sport 19:00 Prism 19:45 CNN Marketplace Middle East 20:00 International Desk 20:30 Revealed 21:00 World Report 21:30 Mainsail 22:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 23:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS DISCOVERY CHANNEL 00:40 I’m Alive 01:35 Behind Bars 02:30 How Machines Work 03:00 How It’s Made 03:25 How Machines Work 03:55 How It’s Made 04:20 How Machines Work 04:50 How It’s Made 05:15 How Machines Work 05:40 How It’s Made 06:05 How Machines Work 06:35 How It’s Made 07:00 Extreme Engineering 07:50 Mighty Ships 08:45 Huge Moves 09:40 I’m Alive 10:30 I’m Alive 11:25 12:20 13:15 14:10 15:05 16:00 17:20 18:15 19:10 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Gold Rush: Full Disclosure Sarah Palin’s Alaska LA Ink The Next Great Baker Cake Boss Cake Boss Mythbusters Gold Rush: Full Disclosure Danger Coast Swords: Life On The Line Mythbusters Science Of The Movies The Future Of... 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The Hive Jake & The Neverland Pirates Jungle Junction Special Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse The Little Mermaid Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Handy Manny Jake & The Neverland Pirates Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Handy Manny Jake & The Neverland Pirates Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Jungle Junction The Hive Timmy Time Special Agent Oso Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Special Agent Oso The Little Mermaid Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Manny Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Jake & The Neverland Pirates Jungle Junction Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Imagination Movers Handy Manny Jake & The Neverland Pirates Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Imagination Movers Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Where Is Warehouse Mouse? Jake & The Neverland Pirates The Little Mermaid Special Agent Oso The Hive Jungle Junction Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Manny The Little Mermaid Timmy Time JoJo’s Circus Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DISNEY XD 06:00 Kid Vs Kat 06:20 Kick Buttowski 06:40 Iron Man: Armoured Adventures 07:05 Pokemon Dp: Sinnoh League Victors 07:30 Phineas And Ferb 08:20 Suite Life On Deck S3 08:45 Pair Of Kings 09:10 Kick Buttowski 09:30 Rekkit Rabbit 09:50 Zeke And Luther 10:40 I’m In The Band 11:05 The Super Hero Squad Show 11:30 The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody 11:55 Kick Buttowski 12:15 Kid Vs Kat 12:35 American Dragon 13:00 Hatching Pete 14:30 Kick Buttowski 14:55 Pair Of Kings 15:20 Phineas And Ferb 15:50 I’m In The Band 16:15 Rekkit Rabbit 16:40 Zeke And Luther 17:05 The Super Hero Squad Show 17:30 Pokemon Dp: Sinnoh League Victors 17:55 Suite Life On Deck S3 18:45 Zeke And Luther 19:35 The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody 20:00 Zeke And Luther 20:50 21:15 22:00 22:20 23:00 The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Zeke And Luther The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody I’m In The Band Programmes Start At 6:00 am KSA E! ENTERTAINMENT 00:25 Fashion Police 00:55 Chelsea Lately 01:25 E! Es 02:20 E! Investigates 04:10 Sexiest 05:05 Reality Hell 05:30 Wildest TV Show Moments 06:00 THS 07:50 Behind The Scenes 08:20 E! News 09:15 Kendra 10:15 Married To Rock 11:10 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 12:05 E! News 13:05 Fashion Police 13:35 Kourtney And Kim Take New York 14:05 THS 15:00 Khloe And Lamar 15:55 Kourtney And Kim Take New York 16:55 Behind The Scenes 17:55 E! News 18:55 Holly’s World 19:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 20:55 Kourtney And Kim Take New York 21:25 Khloe And Lamar 22:25 E! News 23:25 Fashion Police 23:55 Chelsea Lately EXTREME SPORTS 00:15 Aiya TV 01:30 M1 Selection 2010 02:20 FIA European Drag Racing 2008 02:45 Ride Guide Mountainbike 2009 03:10 Ride Guide Mountainbike 2009 04:00 Carpocalypse 04:50 Lucas Oil Ama Motocross Championships 06:30 FIA European Drag Racing 2008 07:00 FIA European Drag Racing 2008 08:00 Quattro Events 2009 09:40 FIM World Motocross MX1/MX2... 10:30 FIM World Motocross MX1/MX2... 11:20 Lucas Oil Ama Motocross Championships 12:10 Lucas Oil Ama Motocross Championships 13:00 LG Action Sports World... 13:50 Dr Danger 14:40 Fantasy Factory 15:05 Fantasy Factory 16:20 Fantasy Factory 17:10 I’ll Do Anything 18:00 Dr Danger 18:50 Lucas Oil Ama Motocross Championships 19:40 Lucas Oil Ama Motocross Championships 20:30 LG Action Sports World... 21:20 Fantasy Factory 22:10 Dr Danger 23:00 I’ll Do Anything 23:50 Aiya TV FOOD NETWORK 00:05 Unwrapped 00:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 01:45 Food Network Challenge 02:35 Chopped 03:25 Ultimate Recipe Showdown 04:15 Good Eats- Special 04:40 Unwrapped 05:05 Ten Dollar Dinners 05:30 Paula’s Best Dishes 05:50 Paula’s Party 06:35 Barefoot Contessa 07:00 Chopped 07:50 Guy’s Big Bite 08:15 Boy Meets Grill 08:40 Good Deal With Dave Lieberman 09:05 Ten Dollar Dinners 09:30 Paula’s Best Dishes 09:55 Barefoot Contessa 10:20 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 10:45 Boy Meets Grill 11:10 Unwrapped 11:35 Paula’s Party 12:25 Good Eats- Special 12:50 Paula’s Best Dishes 13:15 Good Deal With Dave Lieberman 13:40 Ultimate Recipe Showdown 14:30 14:55 15:20 15:45 16:35 17:00 17:25 17:50 18:15 19:05 19:30 20:20 21:10 22:00 22:50 23:40 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives Unwrapped Boy Meets Grill Chopped Guy’s Big Bite Barefoot Contessa Good Deal With Dave Lieberman Ten Dollar Dinners Paula’s Party Boy Meets Grill Food Network Challenge Unwrapped 30 Minute Meals Special Barefoot Contessa- Back To Basics Guy’s Big Bite Good Eats- Special FOX SPORTS 02:00 Masters Guinot Mary Cohr Match 4: Michael Llodra Vs Andy Murray Paris, France 03:30 Masters Guinot Mary Cohr Match 5: Kei Nishikori Vs Gilles Simon Paris, France 05:00 Prime/Time Boxing 07:00 The Golf Channel Programming TBA 09:00 Golf Central International LIVE From The US Open 09:30 The Golf Channel Programming TBA 10:00 MLB on FOX: New York Yankees at Chicago Cubs 13:00 Golf Central International LIVE From The US Open 13:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 14:00 Masters Guinot Mary Cohr Match 4: Michael Llodra Vs Andy Murray Paris, France 15:30 Masters Guinot Mary Cohr Match 5: Kei Nishikori Vs Gilles Simon Paris, France 17:00 MLB on FOX: New York Yankees at Chicago Cubs 20:00 This Week in Baseball 20:30 Softball 360 21:00 ARCA Racing Series The RainEater Wiper Blades 200 Brooklyn, MI 23:00 USAR Pro Cup Series- Dillion, SC INVESTIGATION DISCOVERY 00:30 A Haunting 01:20 The Haunted 02:10 Ghost Lab 03:00 A Haunting 04:45 Crime Scene Psychics 05:15 On The Case With Paula Zahn 06:10 Mystery Diagnosis 07:00 Forensic Detectives 07:50 Murder Shift 08:40 Mystery Diagnosis 09:30 Real Emergency Calls 10:20 Fugitive Strike Force 11:10 FBI Files 12:00 On The Case With Paula Zahn 12:50 Solved 13:40 Mystery Diagnosis 14:30 Real Emergency Calls 15:20 Fugitive Strike Force 16:10 Forensic Detectives 17:00 Murder Shift 17:50 FBI Files 18:40 Mystery Diagnosis 19:30 Real Emergency Calls 20:20 On The Case With Paula Zahn 21:10 Disappeared 22:00 Nightmare Next Door 22:50 Deadly Women 23:40 Autopsy: Most Shocking Cases KIDSCO 00:10 The Hardy Boys 00:30 Inspector Gadget 01:00 Inspector Gadget Marathon 06:00 New Adventures Of Madeline 06:25 Rupert 06:45 Jass Time 07:00 My Fair Madeline 08:00 Programmes Start At 8:00 pm KSA 20:00 Snow White And The King Of The Forest 20:20 Fat Dog Mendoza 20:45 Sabrina The Animated Series 21:10 S Club 7 In Miami 21:35 Beverly Hills Teen Club 22:00 Snow White And The King Of The Forest 23:20 Sonic Underground 23:45 Nancy Drew Sunday, June 19, 2011 CHANNEL SURFING 37 BEST ON TV TONIGHT 7:00 pm OSN Movies HD: GREEN ZONE 11:00 pm OSN Comedy: SOUTH PARK 7:30 pm NAT GEO Adventure: THE FRANKINCENSE TRAIL 7:00 pm Zee Aflam: LAJJA TV PRIME TIME GUIDE 7:00 PM OSN MOVIES HD OSN MOVIES COMEDY OSN FIRST HD OSN COMEDY MBC 4 MBC MAX ZEE AFLAM OSN SPORTS 4 NAT GEO ADVENTURE THE HISTORY CHANNEL GREEN ZONE DOWN AND OUT IN BEVERLY HILLS [18:15] LAW AND ORDER: LOS ANGELES SEINFELD CLEANER A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION KHANNA & IYER [16:00] V8 SUPERCARS CHAMPIONSHIP DON’T TELL MY MOTHER THE UNIVERSE 7:30 PM SONS OF TUCSON 8:00 PM TWO AND A HALF MEN LAW AND ORDER THE FRANKINCENSE TRAIL PERFECT COUPLES 8:30 PM 9:00 PM SOMEWHERE GARAGE DAYS [20:00] 9:30 PM CRIMINAL MINDS: SUSPECT BEHAVIOR WWE BOTTOM LINE THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART THE COLBERT REPORT CINDERELLA MAN THE GREAT BUCK HOWARD BONDI RESCUE LAJJA [19:00] NEIGHBORS FROM HELL 10:30 PM THAT MITCHELL AND WEBB LOOK BONDI RESCUE SOUTH PARK 11:00 PM 11:30 PM UFO HUNTERS MARKET VALUES WWE NXT 10:00 PM THE UNIT BANGED UP ABROAD ASSASSINATION OF A HIGH SCHOOL PRESIDENT OBSERVE AND REPORT [22:00] LAW AND ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT TWO AND A HALF MEN GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT CHANNELS MOVIES CHANNELS SECRET WINDOW DARK MATTER MBC CHANNELS DHAMAAL [22:00] WWE SMACKDOWN] INDIAN CHANNEL OSN SPORTS BANGED UP ABROAD APOCALYPSE ISLAND FACTUAL CHANNELS TELEVISION LISTING MBC ACTION 00:00 WWE After Burn 01:00 Nikita 03:30 The Shield 04:30 Ninja Warrior 05:15 Bionic Woman 06:00 The Shield 06:45 Supernatural- Series 07:30 Heroes- Series 08:15 Martial Law 09:00 Bionic Woman 09:45 Heroes- Series 10:30 Martial Law 11:15 Ninja Warrior 12:00 The Mentalist 13:00 Supernatural- Series 14:00 World’s Toughest Cops 15:00 Heroes- Series 15:45 Bionic Woman 16:30 Supernatural- Series 17:15 The Mentalist 20:00 WWE After Burn 21:00 Nikita MBC 2 01:00 04:00 05:30 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 MBC 4 00:00 00:45 01:30 02:15 03:15 04:00 04:15 04:45 05:30 06:30 07:00 07:45 08:00 08:15 09:00 09:30 10:15 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:45 14:30 15:15 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Red Dragon Danny The Dog LAPD Yes Mission Impossible 3 The Education Of Charlie Banks Step Brothers I Still Know What You Did Last Summer Mission Impossible 3 Cleaner Cinderella Man Secret Window Door’s Fear Nada’s Age White Poppy Ceren The Good Wife Dawsons Creek Entertainment Tonight and Insider The Insider Late Show with David Letterman Greys Anatomy In Treatment The Doctors Entertainment Tonight and Insider The Insider Late Show with David Letterman The Talk Dawsons Creek Days Of Our Lives The Doctors Home Shopping Nada’s Age White Poppy Ceren Oprah Dawsons Creek Grey’s Anatomy Hellcats The Doctors Oprah Door’s Fear Nada’s Age White Poppy Ceren The Good Wife MBC MAX 00:30 13 Going on 30 02:00 A Perfect Day 04:00 The Final Countdown 06:30 Mickybo and Me 08:00 Staying Alive 09:00 Staying Alive 10:00 Drowning Mona 11:45 13 Going on 30 13:00 Catch and Release 15:00 The Grass Harp 17:00 Peggy Sue Got Married 19:00 A Prairie Home Companion 21:00 The Great Buck Howard 23:00 Dark Matter MGM 01:20 03:10 04:45 06:15 08:00 10:10 11:45 13:20 14:50 16:25 16:40 18:10 19:55 22:00 The Red Shoe Diaries Manhattan Desert Hearts Cold Heaven Man Of LA Mancha Dreamchild Inherit The Wind (1988) Who Was Geli Bendl? Love Bites Big Screen- 4 The Spring Hannah And Her Sisters The Missouri Breaks Yanks NAT GEO ADVENTURE 00:30 Racing To America 01:30 Racing To America 02:30 Racing To America 03:30 Bondi Rescue 04:00 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 04:30 Bondi Rescue 05:30 Racing To America 06:30 Racing To America 07:30 Racing To America 08:30 Racing To America 09:30 Bondi Rescue 10:00 Market Values 10:30 Bondi Rescue 11:30 Banged Up Abroad 12:30 Don’t Tell My Mother 13:30 The Frankincense Trail 14:30 Banged Up Abroad 15:30 Bondi Rescue 16:00 Market Values 16:30 Bondi Rescue 17:30 Banged Up Abroad 18:30 Don’t Tell My Mother 19:30 The Frankincense Trail 20:30 Banged Up Abroad 21:30 Bondi Rescue 22:00 Market Values 22:30 Bondi Rescue 23:30 Banged Up Abroad NAT GEO WILD 00:00 Caught Barehanded 01:00 Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr 01:55 Predator CSI 02:50 Animal Impact 03:45 World’s Deadliest 04:40 World’s Deadliest Animals 05:35 Monster Fish 06:30 Squid Vs Whale 07:25 Kalahari 08:20 Animal Impact 09:15 Killer Dragons 10:10 Bite Me With Dr Mike Leahy 11:05 Animal Extractors 12:00 My Dog Ate What? 13:00 Journey Into Amazonia 14:00 I, Predator 15:00 Tiger Queen 16:00 Monster Crocs 17:00 Animal Impact 18:00 World’s Deadliest 19:00 I, Predator 20:00 Tiger Queen 21:00 Monster Crocs 22:00 Animal Impact 23:00 World’s Deadliest OSN ACTION HD 00:00 Paranormal Activity 01:00 Paranormal Activity 02:00 Armored 04:00 Gothika 06:00 The One 08:00 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 10:00 Ghost Town (TV Movie) 12:00 Hardwired 14:00 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 16:00 Virtuality 18:00 Hardwired 20:00 Deadly Impact 22:00 Sugarhouse OSN CINEMA 01:00 Triage 03:00 Remember Me 05:00 Adam 06:00 Adam 07:00 Attack On Leningrad 08:00 Attack On Leningrad 09:00 Ice Twisters 11:00 The Good Girl 12:00 The Good Girl 13:00 Remember Me 15:00 A Christmas Carol 17:00 Me And Orson Welles 19:00 Stone Of Destiny 21:00 Clash Of The Titans 23:00 The Maiden Heist OSN COMEDY 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 01:00 The Colbert Report 01:30 South Park 02:00 Saturday Night Live 02:30 Saturday Night Live 03:00 Til Death 03:30 8 Simple Rules ... 04:00 South Park 04:30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 05:30 Will And Grace 06:00 According To Jim 06:30 Family Biz 07:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 07:30 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 08:00 Melissa And Joey 08:30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine 09:00 Til Death 09:30 Will And Grace 10:00 According To Jim 10:30 Melissa And Joey 11:00 Family Biz 11:30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 12:30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine 13:00 8 Simple Rules ... 13:30 Will And Grace 14:00 According To Jim 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Melissa And Joey 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 16:00 The Colbert Report 16:30 Family Biz 17:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 17:30 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 18:00 Rita Rocks 18:30 Tyler Perry’s House Of Payne 19:00 Seinfeld 19:30 Sons Of Tucson 20:00 Two And A Half Men 20:30 Perfect Couples 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:00 Neighbors From Hell 22:30 That Mitchell And Webb Look 23:00 South Park 23:30 Two And A Half Men OSN FIRST 00:00 CSI New York 01:00 Sons Of Anarchy 02:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 03:00 CSI 04:00 The View 05:00 Century City 05:30 Century City 06:00 Good Morning America 07:00 The Bachelor 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Century City 11:00 The View 12:00 CSI New York 13:00 CSI 14:00 Century City 15:00 Live Good Morning America 16:00 Grey’s Anatomy 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 Emmerdale 18:30 Coronation Street 19:00 Law And Order: Los Angeles 20:00 Law And Order 21:00 Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Detroit 1-8-7 OSN FIRST HD 00:00 Criminal Minds 01:00 The Unit 02:00 Sons Of Anarchy 03:00 CSI New York 04:00 CSI 05:00 Law And Order: Criminal Intent 06:00 Criminal Minds 07:00 30 Rock 08:00 Covert Affairs 09:00 Law And Order: Criminal Intent 10:00 CSI New York 11:00 CSI 12:00 30 Rock 14:00 Covert Affairs 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 30 Rock 18:00 The Event 19:00 Law And Order: Los Angeles 20:00 Law And Order 21:00 Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior 22:00 The Unit 23:00 Law And Order: Criminal Intent OSN MOVIES ACTION 01:00 Collateral 03:00 Gothika 05:00 It’s Alive 07:00 SWAT 09:00 Independence Day 11:30 The Stepfather 13:15 Beyond A Reasonable Doubt 15:00 Independence Day 17:30 Mortal Kombat 19:15 The Gene Generation 21:00 Sugarhouse 23:00 Children Of The Corn OSN MOVIES COMEDY 00:00 Mafia! 02:00 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 04:00 Old Dogs 06:00 From Justin To Kelly 08:00 Houseguest 10:00 As Good As It Gets 11:00 As Good As It Gets 12:30 One Fine Day 14:30 Flirting Wth Flamenco 16:15 Mafia! 18:00 Down And Out In Beverly Hills 20:00 Garage Days 22:00 Observe And Report OSN MOVIES FESTIVAL 01:00 Tiptoes 03:00 Mona Lisa Smile 04:00 Mona Lisa Smile 05:00 Five Minutes Of Heaven 07:00 Disco 09:00 In God’s Hands 11:00 Drumline 13:00 Carnera: The Walking Mountain 15:15 Witness To Waco 16:15 Witness To Waco 17:00 One Week 19:00 Exodus 21:00 Rumble Fish 23:00 Shining Through OSN MOVIES HD 01:00 Mr Nice 03:00 Star Trek 05:15 Don’t Fade Away 07:15 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 09:15 Smart People 11:00 Hope Springs 13:00 Flicka 2 15:00 500 Days Of Summer 17:00 Smart People 19:00 Green Zone 21:00 Somewhere 23:00 Assassination Of A High School President OSN MOVIES KIDS 00:00 Scooby-Doo And The Ghoul School 02:00 Pocahontas III: The Journey In Time 04:00 Inspector Gadget’s Last Case: Claw’s 06:00 Ace Ventura : Pet Detective Jr 08:00 Groove Squad 10:00 Scooby-Doo And The Ghoul School 12:00 Time Kid 14:00 Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 16:00 Babe 18:00 Babe: Pig In The City 20:00 Catch That Kid 22:00 Time Kid 23:45 Babe OSN NEWS 00:00 MSNBC Documystery 01:00 Live ABC World News With David Muir 01:30 NBC Nightly News (Sat-Sun) 02:00 Live ABC World News With David Muir 02:30 NBC Nightly News (Sat-Sun) 03:00 NBC Saturday Today Show 05:00 ABC 20/20 06:00 Live ABC World News With David Muir 06:30 NBC Nightly News (Sat-Sun) 07:00 Live ABC World News With David Muir 07:30 NBC Nightly News (Sat-Sun) 08:00 MSNBC Investigates 09:00 Live ABC World News With David Muir 09:30 NBC Nightly News (Sat-Sun) 10:00 MSNBC The Dylan Ratigan Show 11:00 MSNBC Hardball W/ Chris Matthews 12:00 MSNBC The Last Word W/ Lawrence O’Donnell 13:00 Live ABC 20/20 14:00 Live MSNBC Hardball Weekend 14:30 MSNBC Your Business 15:00 Live NBC Sunday Today Show 16:00 Live NBC Meet The Press 17:00 ABC This Week W/ Christiane Amanpour 18:00 Live MSNBC News 19:00 Live NBC Meet The Press 20:00 ABC This Week W/ Christiane Amanpour 21:00 MSNBC Hardball W/ Chris Matthews 22:00 MSNBC The Last Word W/ Lawrence O’Donnell 23:00 MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OSN PREMIERE 00:00 A Fork In The Road 02:00 Alice In Wonderland 04:00 Daddy Day Care 06:00 Who’s Your Caddy? 08:00 Make It Happen 10:00 End Of The Spear 12:00 Alice In Wonderland 14:00 Hey Hey Its Esther Blueburger 16:00 Make It Happen 18:00 Toy Story 3 20:00 Somewhere 22:00 My Best Friend’s Girl OSN SPORT 2 01:30 NRL Premiership 03:00 Rugby Junior World Championship 05:00 Rugby Junior World Championship 07:00 Live NRL Premiership 09:00 ICC Cricket World 09:30 Masters Football 12:30 Futbol Mundial 13:00 Live Test Cricket 20:00 ICC Cricket World 20:30 NRL Premiership 22:30 NRL Premiership OSN SPORT 3 01:30 Masters Football 04:30 Super 15 06:30 Futbol Mundial 07:00 Trans World Sports 08:00 Live NRL Premiership 10:00 NRL Premiership 12:00 14:00 16:00 16:30 17:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 Super 15 NRL Premiership Futbol Mundial Trans World Sport Total Rugby Live Rugby Union IRB Nations Cup Live Rugby Union IRB Nations Cup Live Rugby Union IRB Nations Cup OSN SPORT 4 00:00 WWE Bottom Line 02:00 WWE Vintage Collection 03:00 WWE Smackdown 06:00 UFC Unleashed 07:00 V8 Supercars Championship 08:00 Live V8 Supercars Championship 10:15 WWE SmackDown 12:00 Le Mans 24 Hour Race 14:00 V8 Supercars Championship 16:00 WWE Smackdown 18:00 WWE Vintage Collection 19:00 V8 Supercars Championship 21:00 WWE Bottom Line 22:00 WWE NXT 23:00 WWE SmackDown OUTDOOR CHANNEL HD 00:05 Adventures Abroad 01:20 Western Extreme 01:45 The Wingshooter 02:10 The Wingshooter 03:00 Fall Flight 03:50 Adventures Abroad 04:15 Adventures Abroad 05:05 Western Extreme 05:30 The Wingshooter 06:20 The Wingshooter 07:00 Speargun Hunter 08:15 Salmon, Trout & Steelheader 09:05 Trev Gowdy’s Monster Fish 09:30 Legends of Rod & Reel 10:45 Randy Jones’ Strike Zone 11:10 Randy Jones’ Strike Zone 12:25 Outdoor’s 10 Best 13:15 Wardens 14:30 Randy Jones’ Strike Zone 15:20 Randy Jones’ Strike Zone 16:10 Outdoor’s 10 Best 17:00 Wardens 18:15 Randy Jones’ Strike Zone 19:55 Outdoor’s 10 Best 20:45 Wardens 21:10 Wardens 22:00 Fall Flight 22:25 Ducks Unlimited 23:40 Western Extreme TCM 01:40 03:30 05:25 07:00 08:40 10:30 12:30 14:25 16:00 18:05 19:35 22:00 23:30 The Asphalt Jungle Boom Town Saratoga For Me And My Gal The Glass Bottom Boat Lust For Life Silk Stockings Gaby The Hill Tom Thumb Cimarron The Split Point Blank THE HISTORY CHANNEL 00:00 The Universe 01:00 The Universe 02:00 The Universe 03:00 The Universe 04:00 The Universe 05:00 The Universe 06:00 The Universe 07:00 The Universe 08:00 The Universe 09:00 The Universe 10:00 The Universe 11:00 The Universe 12:00 The Universe 13:00 The Universe 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 The Universe The Universe The Universe The Universe The Universe The Universe The Universe UFO Hunters Apocalypse Island THE STYLE NETWORK 00:00 Homes With Style 00:30 Homes With Style 01:00 Fashion Avenue 01:30 Fashion Avenue 01:55 Big Boutique 02:25 How Do I Look? 03:20 Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? 04:15 Married Away 04:35 Married Away 05:10 Homes With Style 05:35 Area 06:05 Clean House 07:00 Big Boutique 07:30 Big Boutique 08:00 Clean House 08:30 Clean House 09:00 Top 10 09:25 Top 10 09:55 Homes With Style 10:20 Homes With Style 10:50 Bridalplasty 11:50 Bridalplasty 12:50 How Do I Look? 13:45 Marry Me In Mexico: Trish’s Dream Wedding 14:45 Clean House Comes Clean 15:10 Clean House Comes Clean 15:40 Top 10 16:05 Top 10 16:35 Giuliana & Bill 17:30 Giuliana & Bill 18:25 Jerseylicious 19:25 How Do I Look? 20:20 Fashion Police 20:45 Clean House Comes Clean 21:15 Giuliana & Bill 22:10 Ruby 23:05 Bridalplasty TRAVEL CHANNEL 00:00 Travel Notebook 01:00 Working Holiday 02:00 Think Green 03:00 Julian and Camilla’s World Odyssey 04:00 Globe Trekker 04:30 Globe Trekker 05:00 Travel Notebook 06:00 Globe Trekker 07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Working Holiday 09:00 Glutton For Punishment 09:30 Angry Planet 10:00 Nomad’s Land 11:00 Great Scenic Railways- US & Canada 11:30 Essential 12:00 Globe Trekker 12:30 Globe Trekker 13:00 Essential Specials 14:00 Working Holiday 15:00 Travel Notebook 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Globe Trekker 18:00 Feast India 18:30 Essential 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 Essential Specials 21:00 Distant Shores 21:30 Glutton For Punishment 22:00 Planet Sports 23:00 Globe Trekker ZEE AFLAM 01:00 Naam Gum Jaayega 03:30 Ram Lakhan 06:00 Tirangaa 08:00 Naam Gum Jaayega 10:30 Ek Vivaah Aisa Bhi 13:00 Ishqiya 16:00 Khanna & Iyer 19:00 Lajja 22:00 Dhamaal 38 Sunday, June 19, 2011 WHEELS Shortage forces Volkswagen to cancel back-up cameras Wheels guide VOLKSWAGEN will be unable to offer rearview cameras in several models due to ongoing parts shortages caused by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The action reflects the globalisation of the automotive industry and its supplier network. It also underscores yet again the long-term business impact of the environmental disaster. Corey Proffitt, a Volkswagen of America spokesman, confirmed that the German automaker would not be able to offer a rearview camera option on the 2012 Touareg and Tiguan SUV’s, as well as on select trim levels offered on the 2012 Passat CC sedan. However, Proffitt noted that some 2012 models currently available on dealer lots in the United States have the cameras. VW does not know when the cameras will again be made available. Parts shortages have forced automakers around the world to temporarily halt production or quickly find alternates for sourcing vital parts from Japan. Ford, Chrysler, General Motors and Mazda have all been forced to shift production schedules, or suspend production of certain models, at factories in North America and Europe. Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Subaru have also been forced to reduce output in North American factories because of parts shortages. VW’s plight might seem relatively minor in comparison, but a recent proposal by the Transportation Department could make rearview cameras mandatory in all vehicles by 2014. If it were to be passed into law, a similar parts shortage down the road could be troublesome for automakers dependent on any single supplier. VOLKSWAGEN’S REARVIEW CAMERA. MPG! PHIL FLORADAY NYT SYNDICATE T O believe in the 261-mpg Volkswagen XL1, you simply have to recognise that the Bugatti Veyron exists. Like that supercar, this hyperefficient two-seater is a tour de force of engineering and will likely never make a profit. And it will go into production for the same reason that the Veyron came into being: because Ferdinand Piëch, the authoritative chairman of the Volkswagen Group’s supervisory board, says it must. To achieve 261 mpg (on the European fuel economy cycle), Volkswagen uses an electric drivetrain paired with a 0.8-litre two-cylinder diesel. The XL1’s engine doesn’t generate electricity like the Chevrolet Volt’s gasoline engine does. Instead, it directly drives the rear wheels, which Volkswagen says is more energy efficient. No matter which power source the car is using, the XL1 employs all seven gears of a dual-clutch automatic, a significant departure from the usual continuously variable transmissions and singlespeed gearboxes of hybrids and electric vehicles. The lithium-ion battery pack is good for twenty-two miles of electric driving before the car switches to diesel power. A full recharge takes about one hour and fifteen minutes from a 220-volt power source. Getting into the XL1 isn’t very easy. The gull-wing doors and wide sills that might be standard for a supercar feel a bit out of place on this eco-mobile. Once you manage to wiggle into the carbon-fibre bucket seat, it’s surprisingly comfortable and supportive. Push the start button once to arm the various vehicle systems and then a second time to turn everything on. Assuming the battery is charged, you’ll quietly glide away in electric mode. The sideview mirrors have been replaced with cameras, but the displays in each door are placed a few inches too low for you to feel comfortable checking them. At least the screens offer a crisp picture—a good thing since we’re driving this costly prototype on the streets of Volkswagen XL1 formula prototype. Doha, Qatar, where every SUV seems to be taking part in a time trial. (If you’re wondering why VW chose to debut a fuel miser in an Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Country (OPEC), it’s important to recall that Qatar Holdings took a seventeen percent share of the company during the Porsche merger.) Sprinting from 0 to 62 mph isn’t exactly what the XL1 was designed for, but its estimated 11.9-second run feels adequate for real roads. During hard acceleration, the diesel engine will kick on, bringing torque output up from a measly 74 lb-ft to a more usable 103 lb-ft. The engineers’ The 261-mpg Volkswagen XL1 uses an electric drivetrain paired with a 0.8-litre two-cylinder diesel and it directly drives the rear wheels which is more energy efficient determined effort to strip weight demanded a few compromises. The skinny tires are guided by an unassisted steering system, and the brake calipers grip only as hard as you’re willing to stand on the pedal, as there’s no hydraulic assist. There’s also quite a bit of noise from the tiny diesel when you’re on the accelerator, due to a lack of insulation. Despite the small market for this car and the significant challenges that remain in meeting safety requirements, VW says there will be a production XL1 by 2013. Prices will likely start at about $60,000— a huge sum for a subcompact, but at least it’s significantly lower than the tag on Piëch’s other pet project. en XL1. Wheel of Volkswag The Volkswagen XL1. Sunday, June 19, 2011 HOLLYWOOD Scene unscene Andre romancing ex-girlfriend Rivas? Britney’s dad moves court for money? SINGER Peter Andre is reportedly dating his ex-girlfriend Elen Rivas. Andre, who split with Rivas in April, was spotted kissing her at the British reality television star Amy Child's’ 21st birthday party in Soho in London. “They certainly looked like a couple again. In fact, the word that evening was that they’re back as boyfriend and girlfriend. They looked in great spirits and completely loved up. There is clearly chemistry still there,” quoted a source as saying. “The kisses they were having looked quite steamy. Everyone was saying they must be an item again,” the source added. JAMIE Spears has reportedly approached court asking money for directing and managing the logistics for daughter Britney Spear’s Femme Fatale Tour that starts Thursday in California. reports that Jamie has filed legal papers in Britney’s conservatorship case, asking the judge to give him money for directing the tour. Jamie has not specified the sum of money he wants. Sources say it will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Whatever Jamie gets for the tour, it will be in addition to the $16,000 a month he’s pulling in for serving as Britney’s conservator. 39 BRITNEY SPEARS PETER ANDRE Who is Jennifer Aniston’s new man? According to Us Weekly, Justin is living with Jennifer TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK Jennifer Aniston RIPLE threat Justin Theroux is an actor, director and screenwriter - and now he can add rumoured boyfriend of Jennifer Aniston to his already impressive resume. But who is the 39-year-old star, who appears to have won Jen’s heart? Sex and The City fans will remember him from two different episodes. He briefly appeared in Season 1 as Jared, a badly behaved boy Carrie Bradshaw flirts with at a bar. He appeared again in Season 2, with shorter hair, playing an author named Vaughn, who suffered from T being too easily excitable in the bedroom in a classic episode entitled, Shortcomings. Some of Justin’s other TV credit’s include Ally McBeal, Alias, Six Feet Under, and most recently, NBC’s Parks and Recreation. The now bearded actor also has a slew of big screen credits including Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (1997), Mulholland Dr (1999), The Broken Hearts Club (2000), Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) and this year’s Your Highness, with James Franco and Natalie Portman. Justin has also penned the screenplays for Tropic Thunder, Iron Man Jennifer Aniston (left) with Justin Theroux. 2 and the upcoming Rock of Ages, with Tom Cruise. He also directed 2007’s Dedication, which starred Mandy Moore and Billy Crudup. According to Us Weekly, the sparks flew between Jen and Justin last September on the set of their upcoming movie, Wanderlust, which filmed in Georgia. “This spring Justin started spending a lot of days and nights at Aniston’s in LA and he’s also considering spending the summer in LA, Us Weekly’s Bradley Jacobs told Access Hollywood. “A source says Jennifer had her eye on him from the very start. She would have parties at her house and eventually things heated up.” According to magazine, Justin, who has an apartment in New York City and usually stays at the famed Chateau Marmont while in LA, is now living with Jen. As previously reported on, Justin and longtime girlfriend, Heidi Bivens, ended their relationship and she moved out of their New York home last weekend. Megan Fox open to renewing wedding vows with Brian Austin Green TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK Kate Moss to sign pre-nup? IANS UPERMODEL Kate Moss is reportedly planning to sign a pre-nup before she ties the knot with rocker Jamie Hince to protect her 48 million pounds fortune. “Kate and Jamie are definitely going to sign a prenup to ensure Kate’s money and estate are protected in the event of a divorce,” quoted a source as saying. “This is something Jamie wants as much as Kate. He feels very strongly that it’s her money and she’s worked incredibly hard for it in the 23 years since her super-model career kicked off. Jamie knows it doesn’t belong to him in any shape or form,” the source added. S Sources also say that prenup was Hince’s suggestion and Moss, 37, agreed to go along with it so that her eight-year-old daughter Lila Grace’s future will be protected financially. “Kate is head-over-heels in love. She believes their marriage is for life, but frankly you never know. She’s not a fool and she’ll not give up half of a lifetime’s work and money for a broken marriage,” said a source. “Jamie hates that Kate pays for so much, but often tells her it’s only because she wants to travel the world on yachts and private planes. Jamie wants to be his own man with his own financial future. The prenup is right for both of them,” the source added. The couple is due to get married July 1. EGAN Fox has been married for a year, but she is expecting to tie the knot again, by renewing her vows with Brian Austin Green. “I didn’t think that I was into it until my relationship with Brian,” the actress told E! Online at the Maui Film Festival. “He’s very sensitive and very emotional. He’s a Cancer so he’s very all Megan Fox (left) and Brian Austin about feelings and relationships Green. and he cries about everything. He’ll want to do it so I’ll do it for honoured with the Iris Award for him.” her work with the documentary While she didn’t appear to Na Nai’a: Legend of the offer further details about when Dolphins, coincided the renewal might take place, with a special date. Megan confirmed to The “It coincides with Maui News that her trip my anniversary,” to the island’s film fes- she said of maktival, where she was ing the trip M Kate Moss Megan Fox back across the Pacific Ocean. “We got married in Hawaii, so it felt like the perfect little week vacation.” Beyond talk of weddings, Megan admitted to the newspaper that her bombshell reputation is something her stepson, Brian’s little boy Cassius with General Hospital actress Vanessa Marcil, has to deal with. “It’s strange because I have a 9-year-old stepson, and he goes to school. His friends say, ‘Hey, Cassius, where’s Megan Fox?’ And he says, ‘She’s at my house,’” she recounted. As previously reported on, Megan married Brian at the Four Season Resort on the island of Hawaii in June of 2010. 40 Sunday, June 19, 2011 BOLLYWOOD Scene unscene Delhi Belly controversies chasing Imran Khan ‘Serial kisser’ tag irritates Emraan Hashmi IMRAN Khan is busy killing the controversies created by Delhi Belly, one by one. First there was fuss about the DK Bose song, and now another number from the movie is making news for all the wrong reasons. The latest allegation is that Imran’s look in Switty Tera Pyaar Chaida has been copied from American rapper 50 Cent. Imran has hit out at the allegations saying, “50 Cent didn’t really invent the hiphop look!” What about the reported similarities to hip hoppers Akon and Eminem, then? “I’ve got to be honest — none of them are pretty original. It’s been there for 20 years now – the baggy pants, side caps and chains. It’s not original to any one rapper,” the 28-year-old said. EMRAAN Hashmi rose to fame more because of his lip locking scenes with almost every actress opposite him in his films rather than his acting talent —because of which he was given the title of ‘serial kisser’. The 32-year-old actor has kissed in films like Murder, Zeher, Aksar, Gangster and Crook among others. Now, the actor is irritated with the tag. “I don’t have any problem with the sexual content in films because of which this name has been coined. But it’s irritating. If this name is changed, I will do these films throughout my life. I would rather have the name serial killer than serial kisser,” Emraan said. IMRAN KHAN EMRAAN HASHMI When Bollywood stars move closer to a silent world Priyanka Chopra Upcoming projects like Anurag Basu’s Barfee and Neeraj Ghosh’s Soundtrack are delving into lives of the hearing and speech-impaired characters (From top): Movie posters of Koshish, Khamoshi and Iqbal. IANS OLLYWOOD films are known for powerful dialogues. But once in a blue moon, the film industry delves into characters who live in a silent world, sending top stars like Amitabh Bachchan (Big B), Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra to classes in the sign language. Learning lessons for about a month or so, the actors get invaluable glimpses into the lives of the hearing and speech-impaired, even if they do so only for their roles. Upcoming projects like Anurag Basu’s Barfee and Neeraj Ghosh’s Soundtrack are once again delving into this quietly alive world that remains largely unexplored in Hindi films. “People don’t really touch this section on screen much in comparison to the handicapped, blind or mentally challenged people. The reason could be that deaf people don’t create or add drama to the script because their appearance is similar to normal people,” Charanpreet Kaur Walia, deputy director of education at the Helen Keller Institute for Deaf & Deafblind in Mumbai said. Some estimates say there are over 50 million hearing-impaired people in India. Previously just a handful of films have dealt B with this section of society. One such was Gulzar’s Koshish in 1972 starring Sanjeev Kumar and Jaya Bachchan. The movie depicted a deaf and mute couple and their conflicts, pain and struggle to carve a niche for themselves in an insensitive society. Many years later came Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s debut film Khamoshi: The Musical (1996) with Nana Patekar and Seema Biswas playing a deaf and mute couple. The year 2005 saw two critically acclaimed films, Black and Iqbal. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and actress Rani Mukerji learnt the sign language from the Helen Keller Institute. Big B, who won the National Award for the film, said, “it was an extremely uplifting experience. It took me six months of training to prepare for the movie. It has turned out to be the most GRAND CINE CENTRE SUPER 8 (ACTION/ADVENTURE): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM GREEN LANTERN (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 11.30 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 3.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM, 8.30 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM, 11.30 PM (3D): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE BEAVER (COMEDY): 11.15 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.15 PM THE CHAPERONE (COMEDY): 2.15 PM, 7 PM, 11.45 PM WINNIE THE POOH (ANIMATION): 11AM, 12.30 PM, 2 PM, 3.30 PM X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (ACTION): 10.45 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.15 PM KUNG FU PANDA (ANIMATION): 10.3O AM, 12.30 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.30 PM, 8.3O PM, 10.30 PM (3D): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM READY (HINDI): 11.30 AM, 4.15 PM, 9 PM THE HANGOVER 2 (COMEDY): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM LIMITLESS (THRILLER): 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, ON STRANGE TIDES (ACTION)(3D): 12 NOON, 2.45 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 11 PM FAST AND FURIOUS 5 (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 1 PM, 3.30 PM, 6 PM, 8.30 PM, 11 PM BLITZ (ACTION): 11.45 AM, 1.45 PM, 3.45 PM, 5.45 PM, 7.45 PM, 9.45 PM challenging film of my career.” Rani who played a deaf, mute and blind girl, said: “Working on Black has made me realize that those who are physically or mentally challenged are actually much stronger than normal, successful human beings.” Not that the stars gain extensive knowledge of the sign language. Walia said: “The learning procedure extends to a month mostly. We don’t teach them from scratch. As they have limited time and their dialogues are already written, we teach them only those particular sentences.” But the active participation of actors helps in building a connection with hearingimpaired fans. VILLAGGIO MALL LANDMARK CINEMA SUPER 8 (ACTION/ADVENTURE): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM GREEN LANTERN (ACTION): 11.30 AM, 2 PM, 4.30 PM, 7 PM, 9.30 PM, 12 MN (3D): 10.30 AM, 1 PM, 3.30 PM, 6 PM, 8.30 PM, 11 PM THE BEAVER (COMEDY): 11.15 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.15 PM SUPER 8 (ACTION/ADVENTURE): 2.30PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM GREEN LANTERN (ACTION)(3D): 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM THE BEAVER (COMEDY): 5.3O PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM KUNG FU PANDA (ANIMATION)(3D): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGE TIDES (ACTION/ADVENTURE)(3D): 3 PM BHEJA FRY 2 (HINDI) ROYAL PLAZA THE CHAPERONE (COMEDY): 7.15 PM, 11.30 PM SOMETHING BORROWED (COMEDY/ ROMANCE): 9.15 PM KUNG FU PANDA (3D) (ANIMATION): 3 PM, 5PM, 7 PM X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (ACTION): 11.45 AM, 12.45 PM, 2.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.15 PM, 6.15 PM, 8 PM, 9 PM, 10.45 PM, 11.45 PM KUNG FU PANDA (ANIMATION): 12 NOON, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN (IMAX): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM GREEN LANTERN (ACTION)(3D): 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM WINNIE THE POOH (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM, 4 PM THE BEAVER (COMEDY): 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.15 PM THE HANGOVER 2 (COMEDY):5 PM, 9.30 PM X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE HANGOVER 2 (COMEDY): 12 NOON, 2.15 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.45 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (ACTION): 2.30 PM, 7 PM, 11.15 PM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGE TIDES (ACTION): 12.30 PM, 3.15 PM, 6 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.30 PM KUNG FU PANDA (ANIMATION)(3D): 3 PM, 5 PM MALL CINEMA SUPER 8 (ACTION/ADVENTURE): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.15 PM GREEN LANTERN (ACTION): 2.30, 5 PM (3D): 9 PM, 11.15 PM “The projection definitely helps in connecting the celebrities more with their hearing-impaired fans. When they see these popular actors delivering dialogues in the same manner, they feel more connected and happy, as their communication mode is only the sign language,” said Walia. “Moreover, they don’t even need any interpreter then, to explain them the dialogues, so they feel even more attached,” she said. Ranbir, who plays a deaf and dumb person in Barfee, has learnt the sign language. Co-star Priyanka, who plays a mentally challenged girl in the film, has also been attending classes as she interacts with Ranbir’s character in the film. Soha Ali Khan is gearing up to get into the skin of her character in Soundtrack and says, “I play a DJ who loses her hearing but decides to play music despite the handicap. I am learning the sign language.” Rani Mukerji (left) with Amitabh Bachchan in Black. Ranbir Kapoor Now showing Soha Ali Khan GULF CINEMA BHEJA FRY-2 (HINDI): 2.30 PM, 8.30 PM BADRINATH (MALAYALAM): 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 11 PM ETHAN (TAMIL): 5.30 PM, 11 PM BADRINATH (MALAYALAM) THE CHAPERONE (COMEDY): 11 AM, 3.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 11.45 PM SOMETHING BORROWED (COMEDY/ ROMANCE): 1 PM, 5.15 PM, 9.30 PM BLITZ (ACTION): 10.45 AM, 3 PM, 7.15 PM, 11.30 PM LIMITLESS (THRILLER): 12.45 PM, 5 PM, 9.15 PM FAST AND FURIOUS 5 (ACTION): 10.45 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.15 PM WINNIE THE POOH (ANIMATION): 10.30 AM, 12 NOON, 1.30 PM, 3 PM, 4.30 PM, 6 PM THOR (ADVENTURE): 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN
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