Issue 9 2011 - St George Christian School
Issue 9 2011 - St George Christian School
S T G EORGE C HRISTIAN S CHOOL INFANTS • JUNIOR • MIDDLE • SENIOR NEWS ... be transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Farewell to Year 12 - Year 12 is soon to complete their schooling with a number of celebratory functions planned to mark this critical transition. Their HSC commences early next term and I am sure you will join with me as we pray for them during the study period ahead of the exams. This is a fitting blessing for each one: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 2011 25 NAPLAN Student Reports The 2011 NAPLAN student reports were sent to parents in the week beginning 12 September 2011. These reports are a snapshot of student performance in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 when the assessments were conducted in May this year. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), which oversees the delivery and reporting of the NAPLAN tests, introduced a persuasive writing task in 2011, replacing the narrative writing task which was tested from 2008 to 2010. Because students perform differently on the two types of writing tasks, ACARA has introduced a new and additional Issue 9 - 16 September, 2011 reporting scale for writing. This means that it will not be possible to compare the writing performance of students who completed the narrative task in 2009 with their performance in the persuasive task in 2011. Parents will still be able to measure their child’s growth in Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Reading and Numeracy from 2009 to 2011, by comparing their 2009 NAPLAN student report with the 2011 NAPLAN student report. The National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy provides the school with detailed information that we use to assist with programming, resource allocation and planning. Parents will notice in their child’s report details of questions they answered correctly and incorrectly. This information has a diagnostic benefit as we identify areas of relative strength and weakness in the learning of students. The following graphs display these results and indicate many outstanding results. Again, the school’s NAPLAN results highlight our students as being significantly underrepresented in the lower two achievement bands, which is particularly pleasing in view of the specialist support staff and programs the school has in place to address the needs of students who may find academic pursuits more challenging. cont... ‘Equipping Your Child For Life’ From the Principal cont... While these results inform us in many ways, it is important that we do not reduce the measure of a school or a student to performance in an assessment done every two years. A student’s performance may, for example, be inhibited by illness or family disruption ahead of or on the day of the test. I therefore encourage parents to use the NAPLAN report in discussions with staff where relevant and to encourage children in their achievements, recognising every stage of schooling brings its own unique set of challenges. Human beings, made in the image of God, demonstrate amazing capacity to learn, adapt and create, and we should therefore remain hopeful regarding our children’s future. This is a message all children need to hear from their parents. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Ps 139:14 James Honor Principal UNIFORM CHANGE OVER PERIOD Please note that the summer uniform change over period is between 12 – 23 September 2011. All students should be wearing full summer uniform when they return to school on 10 October 2011. Students may wear summer or winter uniform during these two weeks but not a combination of summer and winter together. Whole School News DATES TO REMEMBER DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE AND DEPARTMENT NOTES FOR UPDATES 21/9/2011 Yrs 7-12 State Athletics Carnival 10am Wild About Words - Junior School 23/9/2011 Yr 12 Presentation 26/9/2011 School Holidays commence 10/10/2011 Students commence Term 4 10/10/2011 Infants Hockey Competition 17/10/2011 Yr 9 Exams commence HSC Exams commence 18/10/2011 Evening of Fine Music -Shirelive 7pm 21/10/2011 Yrs 7 & 10 Vaccinations 26-28/10/2011 Yr 5 Transition Camp 7/11/2011 Yr 10 School Certificate 8/11/2011 Yrs 9-12 Parent/Teacher Interviews 10/11/2011 Yr 3 2012, Orientation 11/11/2011 HSC Exams conclude 14/11/2011 Back to the 80's Musical - "Bump in" and rehearsals Yr 12 Formal 14-18/11/2011 Yr 10 Work Experience 15/11/2011 Back to the 80's Musical - Rehearsals 16/11/2011 Back to the 80's Musical Evening & Matinee performances 17/11/2011 Back to the 80's Musical Evening performance 18/11/2011 Back to the 80's Musical Evening performance 21/11/2011 Yr 10 Last Day - Picnic Day 22/11/2011 Yr 10 Formal 25/11/2011 Yr 8 Learning to Learn Presentation Yr 7, 2012 Orientation 29/11/2011 Yr 8 Graduation Breakfast & Final Assembly 1/12/2011 Infants Christmas Concert 2/12/2011 Christmas In the Courtyard 5/12/2011 Kindergarten Final Assembly 5/12/2011 Yr 1 Final Assembly 6/12/2011 Yr 2 Final Assembly 6/12/2011 Yrs 9 & 11 Award Assemblies 7/12/2011 Yrs 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Picnic Day 8/12/2011 Last day of school for Students 8/12/2011 Presentation Evening 9/12/2011 School Holidays 27 October Date: Thursday 4) (Week 3, Term Book Sale Hurstville campus library is weeding the book collection before the library is re-modelled. Books 20c each, 6 for $1 Please bring a bag if you can. Doors open 8:00 am VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you are interested in volunteering Senior School Support need readers, writers, or both for exams. Please leave your contact details with the office, 9547 2311 and someone from Senior School Support will get back to you. Your generosity in giving your time will be very much appreciated INFORMATION FOR GOVERNMENT FUNDED PROJECTS Our school acts to avail itself of a range of Government funded projects that are on offer from time to time. To enable us to apply for this funding, we may need to provide information to the Association of Independent Schools of NSW (AISNSW). This information would include your child’s first name and the initial of their surname. Your child cannot be identified from this process, which complies with the AISNSW’s Privacy Policy. If you do not give your permission to forward this information to AISNSW, we require that you advise Mr Honor in writing (by Thursday 22 September, 2011) that your permission is withheld. Thank you for your cooperation with this. Infants Speech and Drama We are extremely proud of the following students who participated in the recent Speech and Drama Eisteddfod: Savannah Mijovski, Phillip Dzajkovski, Joseph Lin, Samson Rodway, Lani Berbeniuk, Joshua Noble, Christiana Kritikos, Daniel Lo and Hannah Cheung. Those awarded places were: 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: 4th Place: Jayden Chan Jana Setco Lyric McDougall Will Zhao Trinity Vamadevan Joel Tiddy Highly Commended: Brian Chen, Jeremy Cosman, Flynn Gannon, Max Lewis, Jacob Lo, Troy Valcas and Eric Yacoel. Father’s Day Breakfast We had a lovely morning for the visit from our dads and grandfathers. After their hot breakfast they listened to their children singing and then we were privileged to hear the men sing to their children. James Honor reminded us that, even if our, not quite perfect, dads give us good things, then God certainly will. Excursions Kindergarten children were so excited to go on their first excursion. The bus took them to the Sydney Aquarium and they have written about their experience in a piece entitled: “Our Excursion to Sydney Aquarium”. Their writing and illustrations show great promise. We went to the Aquarium today. We saw fish, eels, jellyfish, crabs and coral. I like the fish - Angel Johnson We went on a bus to the Aquarium. We saw a great white shark. I liked the eel. Then we saw fish - Lenny Strachan We went to the Excursion. We saw a shark. I liked the jellyfish - Micah Bishop Year 1 children will be having a cultural experience in the last week of this term. They will view a production of “My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch.” This show is a musical tale of a city kit, Kate, who has to spend summer holidays with her eccentric Grandma in an outback town, Gooligulch, where the animals can talk! Year 2 “What Am I?” by Ryan Clayton I have spots. What can I do? I can sleep standing up. What am I? (Ans: I am a giraffe) “What Am I?” by Tina Dimitropoulos I have a good sense of smell. What can I do? I can run. I do not like water. What am I? (Ans: I am a cat) “What Am I?” by Samson Rodway I have spots What do I have? I have yellow skin. I have a long tail I am not a pet. What am I? (Ans: I am a cheetah) What Am I?”” by Faith Ambarita What do I have? I have a smooth body. What can I do? I can swim. What am I? (Ans: I am a dolphin) “What Am I?” by Nicolaas Zou What do I have? I have no legs. What can I do? I can sleep in the morning I am long. What am I? (Ans: I am a snake) “What Am I?” by Constantine Hardas What do I have? I have fins. What can I do? I can swim. What am I? (Ans: I am a goldfish) Swimming Infants children are attending a swimming program for the last two weeks of Term 3. They are taught by expert swimming instructors and have an enjoyable lesson time at the pool. Junior School St George Performing Arts Eisteddfod Over the past couple of weeks, Junior Schoolstudents have participated at the St George Eisteddfod. They presented Bible readings, poems, duologues, speeches and poems for two. The following are the results: 1st Joshua Madden Gabriel Jessop-Smith Jacinthe Lau Luke Kasper Lachlan Fraser On 7 September, dads and grandads of our Junior School students were invited to a morning of healthy, fun activities. The competition was fierce, the level of excitement was electric and the humour was contagious. Many dads crawled around the carpet in their best suits while concentrating on blowing a ping pong ball along a course. Other dads soared into the air while skipping. I’m sure there were some sore backs and aching legs that night! Thank you to all those who made the morning so memorable. We raised $257 for Vanuatu. Well done! 2nd Amie Lo Lachlan Fraser Zara Dobbie Janine Lau 3rd Lachlan Fraser Janine Lau Caroline Dzajkovski Highly Commended Edward Ancora Allan Goodman JUST DO IT DAD! A special time where students in Years 3-5 share their writing with invited guests 10.00AM WEDNESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER Participation Rachel Luo Joshua Ko Sabrina Mijovski Elena Berbeniuk Isabella Pfahlert Junior School Thank you for the extensive response to the questionnaire on the sleeping patterns of your children. This questionnaire was seeking to establish the sleeping habits of students in Junior School. Research has supported the general thesis of an article entitled “The Lost Hour” from the book ‘Nutureshock’, that around the world children are getting an hour less sleep than they did thirty years ago. Researchers maintain that “because children’s brains are a work in progress until the age of 21, and because much of that work is done while a child is asleep, this lost hour appears to have an exponential impact on children that it simply doesn’t have on adults”. In particular, “the brain shifts what it has learnt that day to more efficient storage regions of the brain. Each stage of sleep plays its own unique role in capturing memories. For example, … vocabulary is synthesised by the hippocampus early in the night during “slow wave” sleep, a deep slumber without dreams…. Children spend more than 40% of their asleep time in this stage (which is ten times the proportion that older adults spend). This is why a good night’s sleep is so important for long-term learning of vocabulary words, times tables, historical dates and all other factual minutiae.” This is interesting research that affects all of your children’s lives. As your child moves into the upper years of Junior School, it is important that this research on sleep is discussed with them. The survey which you completed, revealed overall confirming support of the need for children to have restful, prolonged sleep. To the first question: “What did your child do for the hour before bed?”, the results showed that although some students were doing homework or playing on the computer, most children were involved in restful activities such as reading or family time for the time immediately before bedtime. To the questions on bedtimes and hours of sleep, most students averaged 10 hours per night which is seen as a minimal amount for this age group. It is a concern that a minority of students were having less than nine hours each night. Not only do the teachers observe that sleep deprived students struggle to engage in lessons, and are inattentive, but these students are less resilient in managing everyday relationships. The last weeks of this term are packed with many activities both in and out of school. Your child’s class teacher will not be setting the normal amount of homework so that students can have time to rest and unwind from the day’s events. I have found that a good way to achieve this restful mood is to read together as a family (the Narnia Series was one of our family favourites) or for each child to read quietly. Therefore, while homework routines will be relaxed from Week 7 to Week 10, each child should be read to or read every night. What did your child do for the hour before bed? YearReading/TVComputer/Homework 3 69% 31% 4 76% 24% 5 45% 55% How many hours of sleep did your child have? Year Ten Hours or More Sleep 3 69% 4 71% 5 69% Less Than Ten Hours Sleep 31% 29% 31% Thank you for your support. I look forward to seeing you at “Wild About Words”. Lyn Barnes Head of Junior School Yr 3-6 Sport CSSA Primary State Athletics Carnival Congratulations to the following students who competed at the recent CSSA Primary State Athletics Carnival at Blacktown on Thursday 25 August. Alexandra Clark(6S) Ashley Karagorgovski (6H) Nicola Leech (5F) Kobe Shannon (5G) Kurt Stavrou (6H) Wyatt Tester (6H) Lucas Wong (6s) Open Girls 1500m 12 Yr Girls 400m, 800m and Open 1500m Junior Girls High Jump Junior Boys Discus and High Jump Open Boys Turbo Javelin 11 Yr Boys Discus 11 Yr Boys 100m, 200m and 400m The following students came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their event and therefore qualify to compete at the upcoming CIS (Combined Independent Schools) Carnival at Homebush on 22 September: Kobe Shannon, Ashley Karagorgovski and Kurt Stavrou. Congratulations! This is an outstanding result and we wish them all the best for their events. Rob Archer, Sports Coordinator Middle School The spirit of enquiry and love of learning are fostered in an atmosphere of creative and divergent thinking What a Challenge! The Regional Tournament of Minds Challenge Day 2011 was held on Saturday August 27 at the University of Western Sydney. Six Middle Schools students, Isabella DeRieve, Jessica Fox and Joshua Wallis from Year 6 joined forces with Joshua Corby, Jacob Madden, and Noah Moynihan from Year 7 to represent SGCS in one of the most widely respected initiatives for Gifted and Talented students. During Semester 1 the team honed their agile minds by further developing diverse, creative and critical thinking skills to problem solve in two areas on the Challenge day. Each student brought important skills to the group. They worked cooperatively, committing many hours of preparation to get ready for the big day. On the Challenge day they participated in two aspects of the Tournament. Quick, creative thinking was required in the four minute Spontaneous Challenge and the Long Term ten minute response, which the team had been preparing intensively for over the past six weeks. Parents and teachers were thrilled and each team member was excited about the experience. Congratulations to each student for rising to this very demanding challenge. Mrs Tralaggan Facilitator THANK YOU MRS MORRIS FOR ORGANISING MIDDLE SCHOOL DAFFODIL DAY WE REAISED S628.30 HOPE 103.2 HOODIE DAY & YEAR 8 SLEEP-OUT Helen and Aaron from Hope 103.2’s Breakfast Show visited SGCS on 25 August and presented us with lots of prizes for Year 8’s efforts with the station’s Hoodie Day! Middle School HOPE 103.2 HOODIE DAY & YEAR 8 SLEEP-OUT Continued... On Friday of Week 7, Year 8 arrived at school for the second time that day but we were not there to do school work, NO... we were going to experience something that thousands of youth experience every night’ we were going homeless. The first thing everyone did was buy some cardboard to sleep on. Some of us made little houses! At 9.30pm, Mrs Morris introduced a game to make us aware of what it would be like not to have enough food or clothes. After this we settled down with our pillows on the floor and watched “The Blind Side” which gave us some insight to what homeless youth have been through. Finally, it was time to rug up outside in our sleeping bags and try to get some sleep. It was a beautiful night with a sky full of stars but it was extremely cold. the girls slept near the Uniform Shop and the playground, the boys slept on the basketball court. Many of the boys stayed up playing cards, chess and Monopoly. The girls mainly chatted and eventually ran out of things to talk about. Some of us made glowstick pictures and many dozed off for a while but it was too cold to sleep for long. At around 5.00 am we were kindly woken up by some very loud birds. Everyone was packed up and eating breakfast by 7.00 am. A soccer ball was kicked around and the sun shone down on us. Overall, the whole night raised awareness of what it is like to be homeless. It was a memorable experience for all of us and hopefully will make us want to make a difference in a homeless youth’s life. Kathryn Pritchard Middle School From these two events (Hoodie Day and the Year 8 Sleep out) students from Years 6, 7 and 8 raised $1050.15 for the Salvation Army’s OASIS foundation. Well done, what a great effort! MINISPRINT COMPETITION AT UNSW On Saturday 3 September, the solar car and boat teams went to the Minisprint Competition at the UNSW quadrangle. The sun shone brightly; a perfect day to race our solarpowered vehicles. The car races were first. Unfortunately for the car Jacob Doyle, Joshua Florence and Thomas Kelly (Yr 7) created, the sun was blocked by the clouds for a moment. They lost the first round and were unable to compete for a place. “Frankenstein”, the car made by Monique Munro, Libby Ollerton, Adrian Loboz-Munos and Josephine Anugerah (Yr 7)came second with a lot of luck, sunshine, technical difficulties and fun. The boat races were next. Anna Sim’s (Yr 7) stunning maroon boat, “Sunseeker” didn’t make it past the first round but I think she should have won a prize for the best looking boat. Hamish Clark and Calvin Zhou’s (Yr 9) boat came 4th. The races were part of the UNSW’s Open Day so we took the chance to look around. We were obsessed with our freebies; red watches, collecting star shaped lollypops, the sundial and much more. The day would not have been possible without the help of Mrs Hack and the Year 12 boys and we thank them very much. We all hope to go again next year. Josephine Anugerah (7L) Yr 7-12 Sport HOUSE DAY Congratulations to GREEN HOUSE for winning House Day for 2011. House Day is a sporting initiative of SGCS where each of the four House teams compete against each other in various sports. House Day has been an annual event since 2003. House day involves a round robin competition of soccer, netball, oztag and volleyball. Students are selected in mixed teams and of various ages. House day is an informal environment where students are able to relax and relate to their peers and teachers in a different setting. It was great day for students to enjoy the sunshine, each other and play a range of sports. All students who attended participated with good spirits and there was plenty of fun to be had. Green House was the winning house, with Blue House coming a close second. There was an excellent game of soccer between the teachers and Year 12. The teachers won 3-1 this year. Congratulations teachers!!! CSSA SOUTH MET ZONE ATHLETICS On 24 August 2011, over 100 students from SGCS travelled out to Bankstown to the Crest Athletics Track. It was a beautiful day of sunshine and there was plenty of excitement on the bus on the way. We had a huge team this year which was fantastic, giving our school the best chance at success up against the other Christian schools in the South Metropolitan area. We had a lot of individual success and some relay team victories, with our 14 year girls and 17 year boys winning their events. As a school we did extremely well, coming 3rd overall, this is great! We also came 3rd at the Zone swimming this year putting us in a better position than we have been before, especially with both William Carey and Inaburra being much bigger schools. We continue to improve in all areas of sport. SGCS ZONE TEAM Joanne Anugerah, Josephine Anugerah, Jamie Ashton, Mark Ataya, Phoebe Au, Joanna Axiotis, Peter Axiotis, Dean Balding, Ben Beshay, Thomas Blackledge, Brigitte Bugave, Kristian Cassimatis, Laura Chambers, Joshua Chang, Nathan Chang, Eric Chen, Henry Chen, Amanda-Mei Christy, Nicole Chu, Gabriel Cox, Leo Diakou, Patrick Donelan, Alisha Doring, Joanne Farag, William Feng, Alex Fernandez, Vicki Fogarty, Carly Garlick, Sandra George, Emma Harvie, Tabitha Hirn, Elias Honor, Phoebe Honor, Abigail Howell, Alexander Ilievski, Sarena Joyce, Emily Junk, Marcus Kappel, Andrew Karvelis, Rachel Keeys, Thomas Kelly,Mia Kinmond, Kimber Leigh Landayan, Simon Leech, Joseph Lewis, Jacob Madden, Lauren Markovski, Amber Maxwell, Harrison McKeon, Murray Meller, Zachary Minty, James Mishevski, Lawrence Monro, Gabriella Moulos, Noah Moynihan, Grace Murray, Joshua Murray, Brendan Nelson, Michael Nikolovski, Grace O’Brien, Ladaesha Offiia-Hunt, Elizabeth Ollerton, Matthew Ollerton, Daniel Pahor, Ngere Papera, Cameron Papoulias, Jessica Payne, Ethan Pearson, Veronica Philips, Maygan Pippard, Ellen Power, Kathryn Pritchard, Annelies Reynolds, Philip Royal, Kieran Setco, Josiah Sherwen,Matthew Sherwen, Rachel Sherwen, Anastasia Sims, Joanna Stavrou, Ashleigh Steed, Natasha Stefos, Kate Stephens, Lindsey Stevenson, Jacqueline Tester, Jai Thomas, John Thomas, Adrian Tsopanis, Sarah Watts, Stephanie Wilmshurst, Katrina Wong, Charlotte Wrench, Nathan Wrench, Breeanna Wyrsta, Ardem Yalcinkaya, Calvin Zhang, Matthew Zhang, Alicia Zhao. CSSA STATE ATHLETICS On 1 September 2011, 23 students from SGCS travelled to Homebush for the CSSA State Athletics Carnival. We were really blessed again with the weather, having another beautiful spring day. This is a big event with Christian schools from all around NSW. Our students competed very well with a lot of close competition, coming 3rd and 4th. Michael Nikolovski was in the 13 years 100m and 200m. He ran these races very well, coming 1st in both. This means he will now run at the CIS State Athletics Carnival on 21 September at Homebush. Congratulations also goes to Kieran Setco who will also race at the CIS State Athletics in the AWD events. SGCS CSSA STATE TEAM Josephine Anugerah, Brigitte Bugave, Joshua Chang, Amanda-Mei Christy, Tabitha Hirn, Elias Honor, Emily Junk, Simon Leech, Harrison Mckeon, Lawrence Monro, Joshua Murray, Brendan Nelson, Michael Nikolovski, Grace O’Brien, Ladaesha Ofria-Hunt, Jessica Payne, Kathryn Pritchard, Philip Royal, Kieran Setco, Rachel Sherwen, Jai Thomas, John Thomas, Alicia Zhao. Senior School Year 12 Design and Technology students presented their Major Design Projects for HSC marking last Monday. This year presented quite a varied range of projects. Amber Maxwell focused on Graphic Technology with a focus on Interior Design. Amber decided to redesign her Nan's home with a focus on the needs of the elderly. Her extensive research included both physical and emotional requirements and how to best meet these by allowing our aging society to remain in their own home. Byron Minty focused on Textile Technology by redesigning a combined iPhone and wallet. His Project was based on his annoyance of having to carry too many items in his pocket. Byron also researched indigenous materials that would suit a cover that are currently presenting as wildlife concerns... Carp and cane toad anyone?? Matthew Sherwen focused on Timber and Engineering Technologies to develop a foldable skateboard. His project was based on his frustration that his skateboard did not fit into his school locker or his school bag. His solution now allows him to skateboard to school, fold it up and have it in his bag - with the added benefit of students asking him "where did you buy that?" Senior School Year 9 History Excursion to Pylon Lookout & Museum of Sydney On Friday 19 August, Year 9 travelled to the city as part of their units of work on Australia during World War I and Australia during the Great Depression. Despite the overcast and rainy weather we were able to have a great day. Students went to two venues to learn more about life in Australia in the first half of the twentieth century. They went to the Museum of Sydney to learn about life for ‘enemy aliens’ during World War I. Enemy aliens were those of German, Italian or Austro-Hungarian descent living in Australia between 1914 and 1918. They were treated with great suspicion and many were interned and deported. Students were able to take part in a programme learning more about how and why the Museum of Sydney was constructed. Students also walked to the Pylon Lookout on the Harbour Bridge. During the Great Depression, the building and opening of the bridge was able to provide jobs and hope for many Australians who were really struggling. It still stands as a testament to the Australian spirit of the time. Students were able to walk to the top of the Pylon to get a bird’s eye view of this amazing engineering achievement as well as looking at an exhibition about the construction and history of the bridge. Advertising Ideal for all levels from those who simply want to overcome shyness to those who aspire to work in TV Samantha Wilkinson Course Director TV Presenter “ “ Becoming a more confident communicator is empowering and will pay dividends socially and professionally for the rest of their lives Dare Enterprises Pty Ltd - A Boutique Talent & Training Agency Head Office (612) 9387 4277 - website $120.00 (INCL. GST) $100.00 (INCL. GST) Advertising Dangerously Fit - Bootcamps / Group Outdoor Fitness 2 week trials for $1 Attend as many classes and locations as you want! Now at Kogarah, Oatley and Mortdale 1800 791 446 ... where it all starts! KOGARAH COUGARS JRLFC Registration $90 incl. jersey, socks, shorts & insurance Registration at Todd Park, Blakehurst (cnr King Georges Rd & Princes Hwy) Registration nights Tues & Thurs 5.30-6.30pm New players to bring Medicare card, copy of passport/ birth certificate/photo (passport size)& registration money Proudly supported by For further information email [email protected] ST GEORGE 9523 3336 ADVENTURE V Adventure Plus is an outdoor adventure and camping skills based program designed to provide youth and kids with life skills and challenging activities. AGES 4- 18 FRIDAYS 6.00pm - 7.30pm BRIGHTON LE SANDS PUBLIC SCHOOL 35 Crawford Road Brighton Le Sands 2216 $25 per term Sponsored by shirelive Bayside Church For further information contact us [email protected] or 0435 947 505 ****Sand Art Birthday Party **** Does your child have a Birthday approaching? Stuck for Party ideas and want to try something NEW? WHY NOT HAVE A SAND ART PARTY WHERE WE DO ALL THE HARD WORK FOR YOU AND KEEP THE KIDS ENTERTAINED FOR HOURS. NO FUSS, NO MESS, MAX FUN, NO GLUE, JUST PEEL DO-IT-YOURSELF-PARTY KITS Available We also Host Christenings, OOSH, Grand Openings, School Fetes For more details on our parties contact Fiona: 0410 641 746 or email your enquiry to [email protected] TENNIS COACHING JAMES WOODWARD Tennis Coaches Australia Level II TCA Coach Private & Group Coaching Children & Adults Free Introductory Lesson 60 Hillcrest Ave Hurstville Grove 2220 Phone: 9580 5275 Mobile: 0412 127 068 Advertising Sutherland Special Needs Toy Library Provides specialised and educational toys and resources to families that have children with disabilities, generalised learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia or autism. If you are currently seeing an occupational therapist or speech therapist then toys can be borrowed that mirror your therapy sessions. Toys and resources available cover gross motor and fine motor development, literacy, language concepts, simple games, puzzles, maths concepts, sequencing, social skills, construction toys, musical instruments and parent resources. No referrals required. Annual membership fee of $40. Please feel free to visit or phone us to see if we can meet your child's additional needs. The Multipurpose Centre 123 Flora Street Sutherland 2232 phone 9545 2214 (Mon & Thurs) email [email protected] Open during school terms Mondays 10am – 1pm, Thursday 10am - 1pm 1st Sat of each month 10am-12noon 211b Ramsgate Road, Ramsgate (near Coles) Prop.: Edward J Kasparian (Bph.BA.MPS. member of DA Australia) Shop Hours: 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday * * * * * Fast prescription service with counselling Free Delivery and Pick up Service Cosmetics, Exclusive French Perfumes, Gift Ware and Cards We will match the best price Webstar Packs Dispenser We are members of the School Community and would be pleased to offer a 10% discount on shop items (Not on scripts or specials) to families and friends of SGCS - ask at the counter. Tel: 9529 3367 Fax: 9583 2103 19 MORTS ROAD, MORTDALE NSW 2223 PHONE: 9579 5922 LICENSED CAFE 007 e2 h t of rge s er nn t Geo ward i W S sA nes i s Bu Escape the daily grind in our sunny, courtyard Café Breakfast and lunch available all day We provide the best coffee in the area with friendly service and child friendly environment Blackboard specials available Present this ad for a complimentary coffee with any meal