Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach MAY VOL. 3 NO. 4 WWW.MURRELLSINLETMESSENGER.COM Murrells Inlet History Project: Bethel Methodist Church By Steve Strickland Long before the sanctuary from Turkey Hill was moved to Cedar Hill to become Belin Methodist Church, four Methodist churches were served by the resident minister who rode the local circuit: Turkey Hill, ten miles south; Socastee, ten or more miles northwest; Centenary, near Conway; and Bethel, which served inlet residents. Bethel Methodist Church was located at the crossroads of the Murrells Inlet-Collins Creek road (now Hwy. 707) and McDowell Shortcut, and was located on two acres of land given by William and Elizabeth B. Vaught to the Bethel Society in 1832, which was part of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Trustees for the Bethel Meeting house included John Green, William Vaught and William Burgess. This church was part of the Waccamaw Charge, Marion District, and was served by a circuit preacher, whose salary was paid out of the budgets of the churches he served. This meeting house was a well-constructed, one-room, whitewashed building with wood planked floors, sim- ple, unpainted, hand-made benches, and the pulpit surrounded by a railing (according to accounts by Genevieve Wilcox Chandler). The local families that worshipped with Reverend John Carson at Bethel Methodist Church in the 1920’s included the Vereens, Willcoxs, Stricklands, Lawrimores, Olivers, Thompsons, Hewitts, Burgess’s, and many others. The Turkey Hill building was moved from it’s location on River Road near Litchfield by Boo Latchicotte and his mule teams around 1925 to become Belin Memorial. The Bethel congregation transferred their membership to Belin after it opened, which had a full time resident minister, Reverend Bedenbaugh. The old church building was left to the elements after that time and was used for services up until around 1945, and continued to show up on the list of the South Carolina Methodist Conference until 1948, when it was dropped from the rolls. The Bethel Methodist Cemetery contains the memories of many local families, including several Civil War veterans such as John Fletcher Vereen, the patriarch of the local Vereen family, FREE (Plaque reads: Site of Bethel Methodist Church, South Carolina Conference. Organized before the war between the states. Maintained as a place of worship until 1945. This marker erected in 1956.) William Burgess, one of the early postmasters in this area and the namesake for the Burgess community, Daniel H. Smith, and James L. Burgess. At least five generations of Vereens have been interred in the sandy soils of the Bethel Cemetery. Others buried in the cemetery include members Continued on page 11 ‘See ya’ at 16th annual Blessing of the Inlet Come join the Murrells Inlet Messenger and hundreds, maybe thousands, others on Sat., May 5, at the 16th annual Blessing of the Inlet, at Belin Memorial United Methodist Church. Belin is located off Hwy. 17 Business in Murrells Inlet. The Messenger will join 60 other vendors showcasing all forms of crafts, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. Messenger editor Tim Callahan and his wife, Debbie, will have copies available for purchase of “Murrells Inlet: Memories, Memoirs and Miracles,” which includes about stories of local people and businesses that encourage, inspire and inform. There is something for everyone at the Blessing, including food from some of Murrells Inlet’s fin- est restaurants, and children’s events, like face and hair painting, numerous inflatables, a climbing wall, and the ever popular “Dunking Tank.” There will be a full day of outstanding entertainment featuring dance troops, gospel choirs, contemporary Christian music, and more. This festival is highlighted by the “Blessing of the Inlet” ceremony at 11:30 a.m. The blessing will be administered by the Rev. Mike Alexander and the Rev. Marty Nason. There is no admission or parking charge. Come help Belin and the Messenger celebrate the glory of God and all He has “blessed” us with this year. Sue Sledz Murrells Inlet 2020 “Murrells Inlet, be proud!” 5.49 tons of trash and 1,600 pounds of recyclables were collected by the 2012 Army of Spring Tide Volunteers. (Last year: 3.1 tons of trash and 1,750 pounds of recyclables). Very special thanks to all the sponsors and donors, our musicians and our volunteers who donated their time, talent, goods Beach Blast is a summertime music festival set and services to host Spring Tide: for May 19 in downtown Myrtle Beach. Guests Nick Andolora * Michelle Beard * Kevin Bowden enjoy fresh Carolina Coastal cuisine, abundant * Captain Dick’s * Channing Strickland * Danny’s shopping and exciting attractions. Then they top B.B.Q. * Dunes Realty & Gairy Nichols * Express off the day with a music festival with some of Watersports * Fisher Recycling * Food Lion at their favorite Christian artists: TobyMac, Third Garden City Connector * Gasque Allstate InsurDay, RED, Royal Tailor, Jamie Grace and na- ance Agency * Georgetown County Parks & Rectionally known speaker Nick H. reation * Georgetown County Public Services * For more information, visit Grand Strand Amateur Radio Club * Hannah Ba- nana’s Sunshine Cabana * Fred & Claire Harris & Crew * Jeff Heise* Hot Fish Club * Inlet Affairs Banquet & Catering * June Jordan * Keep Georgetown Beautiful * Lee’s Inlet Kitchen * The Mullets Trio Acoustic * Palmetto Pride * RH Moore * Rufus Perdue * Sunrise Beverage & Saba Paper * The Spots * Chip Smith * Jason Smith *Tom Smith * US Foods * West Marine * Twice the Ice * Waccamaw Riverkeeper * Waste Industries * Woody’s Beach Rentals. And, many thanks to our 17 restaurants and businesses who donated Chowder for the Murrells Inlet Chowder Cook-Off: Bliss * Captain Dave’s Dockside * Creek Ratz * Dead Dog Saloon * Drunken Jack’s * Gulf Stream Café * Hot Fish Club * Inlet Affairs * Jackson’s Inlet Bar & Grill * Lee’s Farmer’s Market * Lee’s Inlet Kitchen * Murrells Continued on page 11 Print edition and more stories available online at: Also, join us on Facebook New Beginnings Monthly Food Distribution Ministry at Church of the Resurrection in Surfside Beach celebrated their one year anniversary on April 21, sharing stories from those they served and those who came forward to support the ministry. Above, even children help serve the disadvantaged. Visit for more info Beach Blast returns Be proud Inlet: volunteers clean up tons 2/Murrells Inlet Messenger/May 2012 This Mother’s Day, think of lifetime financial moves If you’re a mother, you’ll probably get some nice cards and flowers on Mother’s Day. But of course, your greatest gifts are your children themselves. And since you want to see them happy and financially secure, perhaps you can use this Mother’s Day as an opportunity to consider ways to help your children at various stages of their lives. So, let’s take a look at steps you can take: When your children are young Teach them to be savers. Encourage young children to put away part of their allowance, or any money they receive for household jobs, in a savings account. Offer to match their contributions dollar for dollar. Help them become investors. Consider giving your children a few shares of stock in companies with which they are familiar. By following the movements of their stocks with them, you can explain how the markets work and how increasing share ownership is one key to helping build wealth. Contribute to a college savings plan. One of the best things you can do to boost your children’s chances of success in life is to help them go to college. You’ve got several good collegesavings vehicles available, such as a 529 plans, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts and custodial accounts. Your financial advisor can help you choose the vehicle that suits your needs and objectives. When your children enter the working world Encourage IRA contribution. An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a great retirement May 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/3 Murrells Inlet Messenger savings vehicle. As long as your children have earned income, they can contribute to an IRA, so you may want to help them “max out” on their The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach contributions each year. While you can’t directly contribute to a child’s IRA, you can write a Editor/Publisher: check to your child and encourage him or her to Tim Callahan use it for funding an IRA. [email protected] Make long-term care arrangements. If you needed long-term care, such as an extended nursing home stay, and you had inadequate financial Contributor: preparations, the burden could fall on your chilDebbie Callahan dren. Now is the time to consult with your financial advisor to begin preparing for possible long-term care costs. Freelance designer: When your children reach middle age Nathan Kirk Communicate your financial situation and [email protected] tate plans. Don’t leave adult children in the dark as to your financial information. Share everyCirculation: 4,000 copies available at stores in Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach. thing you can about how much you own, where you keep your assets and how you plan to evenNext edition: June 6 tually distribute them. By clearly communicatP.O. Box 612 ing your situation and wishes now, you can avoid Murrells Inlet, S.C. 29576 843-344-3197 major problems later. 843-979-0982 Create a durable power of attorney. By creatNo subscriptions at this time. ing a durable power of attorney, you can appoint another person, such as an adult child, to conduct The Murrells Inlet Messenger, LLC, your business and financial affairs if you become is a monthly newspaper serving the physically or mentally incapacitated. Such a communities of Murrells Inlet and move can help reduce stress your children may Garden City Beach, S.C. be feeling, while allowing them to make moves that can help preserve your finances. Mother’s bond throughout your lifetime. Day commemorates the special bond that moth- (This article was written by Edward Jones for ers have with their children. By following the use by your local Edward Jones Financial Adviabove suggestions, you can help strengthen that sor, Brenda J Varnum, 651-9473.) Wedding with a ghost: Gurney’s ‘Black Tie’ coming to Inlet stage By Chip Smith A time-warp wedding with a ghost, A.R. Gurney’s hit play “Black Tie” is coming to the stage of the Murrells Inlet Community Theatre. The troupe’s final show in the red brick Community Center on Murrells Inlet Road, slated for replacement next year, “Black Tie” is a charming look at fathers and sons, men and women, marriage, the perils of advice, the pace of change and the passing of customs. The show, set for an eight performance, twoweekend, run May 10-13 and May 17-20, the Murrells Inlet Community Theatre will celebrate, and bid an early farewell, to another tradition that of the community center itself, once the Murrells Inlet Elementary School and - for the past 14 years - the home of the community theater company. “We’ve had a wonderful home here,” said Mike Bivona, president of the theater, “and we’ve got a great working relationship with the Georgetown County Parks and Recreation Department. But next year, during the construction of the new center, we’ll have no place for our audience to park. So ‘Black Tie’ is our last hurrah in this great old auditorium, and all next year we’ll be putting our show on the road, doing smaller works, smaller performances, wherever there’s space and a desire for quality community theater. Once the new center is built, we’ll be back.” The theater will be donating a portion of the ticket proceeds for “Black Tie” beyond production expenses and the rent it pays to the county to the Murrells Inlet Church of God Food Bank. The Father (or the ghost of Father) is played by DenGirl Scouts of Murrells Inlet Troop 734 will also nis McAlpine, who moved to the Lowcountry five Continued on page 11 be contributing, working as ushers and selling cookies, and donating proceeds to the food bank. Set on a wedding weekend in an Adirondacks hotel long past its glory days, “Black Tie” finds Curtis, the father of the groom, trying to write his speech for the rehearsal dinner, a speech that will Everything you need for distill a father’s wisdom, hope, and advice for the backyard birding newlyweds, if not the ages. plus decorative yard items Meanwhile, Curtis’s own father - actually, his ghost - is looking doubtfully over his shoulder, 843.651.6599 wittily bemoaning civilizational decline and the 5200 Hwy 17 S. on the Bypass fading of fine customs, and holding his son accountable on all fronts. (The very idea of a “reMurrells Inlet, SC 2 miles north of Brookgreen gardens hearsal dinner” offends this ghost: As any gentleman should know, it’s properly called a “bridal dinner”; and at a proper one the men wear trouTues - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun and Mon. sers, not pants, and the band produces music, not noise!) Revered customs, morality, manners, and traditions may make their stand through a ghost, but life is for the living. And with this wedding decidedly not black tie life holds a few surprises for both the wedding party and their dubious guest. Directing “Black Tie” is Todd Lundquist, who worked as an associate director on and off BroadUnder New Ownership way, with credits including Martin McDonagh’s Hurricane Liquors “The Pillowman,” starring Jeff Goldblum and 843-357-2300 “Apple Tree,” starring Kristin Chenowith; and on Woodside Village/Piggly Wiggly Shopping Ctr. several films. The director of the Murrells Inlet Murrells Inlet Community Theatre’s Second Stage troupe, Todd Receive 10%OFF first purchase with ad has lived in Murrells Inlet for four years. Expires 5-31-12 Where Chronic Neck & Back Pain End...And Healing Begins! EDWARD JONES CELEBRATES NO Just Natural, Highly Effective Pain Relief The Blessing of the Inlet Brenda J Varnum, AAMS®,CRPC® . 4764 Hwy 17 South Bypass Ste E Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-651-9473 Restaurant & Lounge On the Water... Member SIPC Dr. Neil S. Fico Along the Beautiful Murrells Inlet Marshwalk 843.651.2044 For all your financial service needs, call on Financial Advisor Surgery. Meds. Injections. 4031 Hwy 17, Business Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Explore Your Options... For Safe, Effective Treatment Learn More at a FREE Dinner Workshop Tue., May 22 5:30 pm Pastaria 811 Reservations Required RSVP 979-CARE (2273) 4/Murrells Inlet Messenger/May 2012 Editorial/Opinion: why I’m excited about this new baseball movie By Tim Callahan Two days before pitching in the high school state championship, the 18-year-old had his first drinks at a graduation party. On paper, he could not lose the game. He was 5-0, had a 0.19 ERA and had already no-hit the team he was going to face, the first of back-toback no-hitters he threw that spring. He was also named the Vermont Legion pitcher of the year the past summer, beating out a guy who would go on to play six years in the major leagues. And, he had an incredible inner drive, with an inner mantra that rang in his head every time he walked out to the mound. “I’m going to win. I’m going to win. I’m going to win.” As he walked onto the field championship Saturday, he was shocked to hear what was automatically running through his mind: “I’m going to lose. I’m going to lose. I’m going to lose.” He lost the game and soon lost control of his drinking. Two years later, he was booted out of college for his drunken “pranks.” He gave up on baseball. There is not a day that goes by that that guy doesn’t regret throwing it all away. I was that guy. Thankfully, I found Alcoholics Anonymous while still young – 27 – but too late for baseball. I slowly rebuilt a life, through the grace of God and the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, the church and ~Affordable Elegance~ Celebrate Recovery. I (843) 651-0297 am now 54. However, no movie was made of my story because, well, I didn’t recover in time Nothing over $50!!! to salvage baseball and make it to the Big Show. But, maybe, just (No minimum purchase) Present this ad at time of purchase maybe, alcoholic Cory Expires May 31, 2012 Brand can recover in time to save his major 4450 HWY 17 BYPASS AT WOODSIDE VILLAGE • MURRELLS INLET, SC league career. You have to watch Palmetto Bay Jewelz BLING INTO SPRING $5.00 OFF “Home Run The Movie” to find out. Scheduled to come out this fall, the movie is about the fictional Cory but includes his eventually attending Celebrate Recovery, a real life biblically based 12 Step program that was co-founded by Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren in 1991. Warren is the author of one of the best selling books of all-time, “The Purpose Driven Life.” Can you understand why I might be excited about this movie? About the possibility of thousands, maybe millions, more finding out there is hope for their hurt, hang-up or habit. Finding out before it is not too late for them. I have been a member of CR at Beach Church in Myrtle Beach, for six years, and co-lead CR at Grace Church Waccamaw in Litchfield, with my wife, Debbie. I have seen A.A. and CR change hundreds of lives and bring hope and healing to the hurting. According to CR’s Web site, 700,000 people at more than 17,000 churches worldwide have used the CR program. Whether “Home Run The Movie” comes out big, or fades away small, depends on people like Continued on page 10 May 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/5 Georgetown Memorial Hospital System’s May calendar of events Weekly health screenings: Tuesdays, mall area of Georgetown Memorial Hospital; Thursdays, Waccamaw Community Hospital. Screenings offered: finger stick lipid profiles with blood sugar for $20 (8-10 hour fast required); diabetes screening-hemoglobin A1C for $15 (no fasting required); blood sugar levels for $3 (2 hour fast required); and free blood pressure screenings, from 7:30 a.m. - noon. For more information, call 546-0623. (Many of the classes below can be signed up for online, Also, some of the classes are held at the Wachesaw Conference Center, 4367 Riverwood Drive, Suite 160, in Murrells Inlet, across from Waccamaw Community Hospital.) May 4: REGIONAL HEALTH SCREENINGS – SOCASTEE. Forestbrook Baptist Church, 7:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., 2051 Forestbrook Rd. More information, 520-8447. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE - MURRELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Call 652-1135 or visit and use sponsor code WaccamawHosp. Walk-ins are welcome. May 5: PREPARED CHILDBIRTH CLASS MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Hospital, 1st floor classroom, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $50 fee; preregistration required. Call 520-8490. May 7: ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP – GEORGETOWN. Noon, Prince George Episcopal Church. Information, 237-2845. May 8: HANDLE WITH CARE - BABY CARE CLASS - MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Hospital. 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Free; pre-registration required; call 520-8490. HEARTSAVER BLS- CPR - MURRELLS INLET. For daycare workers and people interested in learning CPR, not intended for healthcare professionals. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. $20 fee; preregistration required. Call 520-8490. May 9 & 23: ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP- MURRELLS INLET. 10 a.m. Belin Memorial United Methodist Church, Murrells Inlet. Information, 651-9711. STROKE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Hospital, 3 p.m. Info, 652-1875. May 9: I CAN COPE EDUCATION SERIES. Waccamaw Hospital, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Program for people facing cancer. Free; pre-registration required. Call 652-1640. May 10: OB TOUR - MURRELLS INLET. Tour of Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Unit and Nursery at Waccamaw Hospital, 6 p.m. Preregistration required; call 520-8490. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP. 7 p.m. Timber Lake Baptist Church, Rt.707. Information, 650-8756. May 12: PREPARED CHILDBIRTH CLASS – GEORGETOWN. Education Center, Georgetown Hospital, 9 a.m -3:30 pm. $50 fee; pre-registration required. Call 520-8490. May 14: PHYSICIAN LECTURE – SPINAL STENOSIS“MY NECK AND BACK HURT ALL THE TIME DOC.” T. Scott Ellison, MD, Waccamaw Orthopaedics, conducts a free lecture, Wachesaw Conference Center, noon. Lunch provided. Call 520-7842. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP. Education Center, Georgetown Memorial Hospital, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Call 520-8062. OB TOUR – GEORGETOWN. Walking tour of Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Unit and Nursery at Georgetown Memorial Hospital, 6 p.m. Preregistration required. Call 520-8490. BREASTFEEDING CLASS - MURRELLS INLET. Taught by a Certified Lactation Consultant, Waccamaw Community Hospital, from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Free; pre-registration required, call 520-8490. May 15: CAR SEAT SAFETY CLASS – MURRELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. Offers instruction to parents and infant caregivers on general safety guidelines for car seats. Free; pre-registration is required, call 520-8490. GHS DIETITIAN SUPERMARKET TOURS. Food Lion in Pawleys Island, 5:30 p.m. Free; call 520-8288 to register. Continued on page 11 Comfort is... putting the world on standby. THE INNOVATORS OF COMFORT™ Complete Interior & Exterior Repair & Remodel • Decks and pergolas • Bathroom remodels • Screen rooms • Metal & rubber roofing • Patio enclosures Comprehensive Dental Care For Your Entire Family Preventive • Restorative • Cosmetic TMJ Treatment • CEREC® The One Visit Crown Now Accepting New Patients. Call 235-7580 Today! • Windows • Custom tile showers • Ceramic tile & laminate • Siding, eaves & overhangs • Patio & Entrance doors of any Stressless® recliner and ottoman. Licensed - Insured – Bonded Also, receive $300 OFF Sunrise Serving South Carolina for 15 years Over 30 years experience recliners in select colors. May 4 - July 8 FREE ESTIMATES 843-855-6480 71C Da Gullah Way, Pawleys Island FREE recliner accessory with purchase • Full service lawn care • Landscaping • Property cleanup • Pressure washing and more FREE ESTIMATES There are many reasons why, since its inception over 40 years ago, Stressless® has been the most comfortable line of furniture in existence. It possesses lumbar support that would make a chiropractor proud. Not to mention, a sophisticated appearance that can transform a room. If you’ve never relaxed in a Stressless®, you’ve been Learn more here. pretending to know what comfortable is. Stressless® is proudly endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association. 2444 Highway 17 Business, Garden City Beach, SC 29576 843.651.2847 Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m;Closed Sundays to be with our families 6/Murrells Inlet Messenger/May 2012 Community Events Calendar Buckets of help needed church is sending a team of volunteers to HonduThe United Methodist Women (UMW) of Belin ras to build a house and work in a girls’ home, and Memorial United Methodist Church is inviting the we are sending teams of high school students and people of Murrells Inlet to join forces with the Be- adults to three different Salkehatchie Summer Serlin congregation in their latest mission project: to vice camps in South Carolina to repair homes. produce at least 200 buckets full of cleaning sup- A team of high school students will be going on a plies, which will be donated to the UMCOR (Unit- mission to Nashville, Tenn., and a group of middle ed Methodist Committee on Relief) Relief Supply school students are going to Charlotte, N.C. Belin also sent a team of volunteers to the North CaroNetwork. The buckets are stored until a community in the lina Outer Banks last fall to do some repair work United States is faced with the task of cleaning up after Hurricane Irene devastated that area, and they witnessed first-hand and heard for themselves the after a disaster situation. Diane Strickland, president of Belin UMW said, impact of those “buckets of love.” “Belin is very mission-minded. This summer our The Reverend Dr. Mike Alexander said, “This Cleaning Bucket project addresses the immediate needs of folks in a crisis so that we might later be able to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ.” 4447 Highway 17 Business Belin UMW is giving Murrells Inlet near the Marsh Walk the Murrells Inlet community an opportunity to do some “hands on” relief work by purchasBankruptcy; DUI Defense; ing and filling up five Attorney Family Court Matters gallon buckets with the Jay G. Anderson cleaning supplies reCALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION quested by UMCOR and dropping them off OUR LAW FIRM IS A DEBT RELIEF AGENCY. WE HELP PEOPLE FILE at the church during the FOR BANKRUPTCY RELIEF UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY CODE. month of May. ANDERSON LAW, LLC (843) 545-6001 For the sake of consistency and to ensure the most useful combination of products, UMCOR has compiled a very specific list of items that are to be included in the buckets. For the list and information, visit or call the church office, 651-5099. Purple heart winner at library Local author and Purple Heart recipient, Harold Schwartz, will be at the Waccamaw Library on May 3 at 7 p.m. He is the author of “Outpost Berlin: Cold War 1961-1964.” Continued on page 7 Extra! Extra! Murrells Inlet • Garden City Send us your news Call us about ads Call Tim: 843-344-3197 E-mail: [email protected] The book chronicles the tales of both successful and failed escape attempts over the Berlin Wall since its erection in 1961. The book is both entertaining as a novel and informative as a work of oral history. dates’ forum at SJHS on Thurs., May 31, at 7 p.m. The group is collecting toiletries, towels and detergent for Hope House, and used sheets and towels for contested state and local races. The format for both forums calls for each candi- for Noah Animal Rescue. For more information, date to speak for less than five minutes and then call Fran at 957-3406. RSVP by May 5. open the floor to questions. The Greater Burgess Community Association is a St. Christopher’s 5k Run/Walk non-partisan community organization, founded in St. Christopher’s Children will be holding its 1997, that has been actively providing information fourth annual 5K fun run/walk on Sat. May 19. exchange on a variety of community topics to the It will start and end on the campus of Precious approximately 21,000 residents in the Burgess area Blood of Christ Catholic Church, located on Wa- since 1997. verly Road in Pawleys Island. For further information, contact Al Jordan, presiFirst Citizens Bank is the event sponsor and Tay- dent, Greater Burgess Community Association, lor & Gruber, CPAs, LLC, is the title sponsor in 843.215.1473 or http://greaterburgesscommunity. what is expected to be a major fundraiser. org Zola Budd, former Olympian and two-time world 5,000 meter record holder and world cross country champion, will be the honorary starter at the event. ‘Pops in the Park’ on May 7 Other sponsors opportunities are available. Come join the St. James High School bands for Donations in any amount will be appreciated and a free “Pops in the Park” spring concert on Mon., may be sent online through the STCC web site, May 7, starting at 6 p.m. at the South Strand sembly of God. St. Christopher’s Children serves the children in BBQ plates will be available at $5 each with the Georgetown County by providing clothing and proceeds going to support the bands. medical care “when no one else is there.” The concert will be outside so bring a blanket or lawn chair. For more information contact Chuck Daniel Harrell Capps at 843-650-2195 or email ccapps@horry2050 Corporate Centre Drive, Suite 120 GBCA hosts candidate forums Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 The Greater Burgess Community Association will host a Burgess candidates’ forum for the new 7th District Congressional race on Thurs., May 24, Jersey girls luncheon at 7 p.m. at the St. James High School auditorium, The “Jersey Girls” monthly luncheon is May 8 at located at 10800 Hwy. 707. Pine Lakes Country Club in Myrtle Beach, starting The association will also host a separate candi- at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is $12.50. Burning Feet? Electric Shocks? Pins & Needles? Creepy Crawlies? You might have Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects nearly 20 million Americans. It usually begins in the feet and lower legs, but over time, can advance to the hands and fingers. Until now, the only treatment for this terrible condition has been oral medications and injections. And in many cases, these simply didn’t work. We’ve utilized a completely NEW TREATMENT that may take away most, if not all, of your pain. It’s safe and highly effective for most people...even diabetics. It’s covered by many insurance plans. Call now to schedule a FREE conference with one of our doctors. Call 843-652-5678 FDA Cleared • Safe & Effective Inlet Physical Medicine Convenient Appointments: • Daytime • Afternoon • Evening A taste of Pawleys in every bite! Located directly across Hwy. 17 from Pawleys Wine & Spirits What’s for Dinner? CASSEROLES! • Baked Ziti • Chicken and Orzo Daily Specials • Shrimp & Crab Enchiladas Available • Crab Divine Online • Chicken Tetrazini • Breakfast Casserole Small, Medium and Large sizes available 843-314-3493 10126 Ocean Hwy. Suite 5B • Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Buy a large casserole, get a 2nd casserole of any size 1/2 off! Expires May 31, 2012. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Must present AD at time of purchase. Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2010 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0910-3528 [74018-v2] A1287 Monday-Saturday, Open at 4:30pm 843-651-2881 Follow us on Facebook! Children’s and Senior Menus Happy Hour Everyday Reduced drinks (bar area only) and reduced appetizers always (bar area only, some exclusions apply, must be accompanied by alchoholic beverage purchase) Since 1948 Early Lite Menu 4:30-6pm $10.50-$13.50 Top Ten Reasons to Dine at Lee’s 1. The oldest restaurant on the Grand Strand, still owned & operated by the original family for 64 years. 2. Chosen #1 for Lowcountry Cuisine on the Grand Strand by and Beach TV 3. Voted 1st runner up: Grand Strand Seafood Showdown contest from Calabash to Georgetown 4. 6 time winner Murrells Inlet Chowder Cook Off: Famous She Crab Soup 5. Hand-cut Black Angus chargrilled steaks 6. Fresh East Coast Seafood only: No Imports 7. We peel our own South Carolina shrimp 8. Fresh fish off local boats 9. Recommended by Southern Living 10. Famous Lee family recipes: Shrimp salad, shrimp creole, onion rings, clam chowder, oyster stew, hushpuppies and honey butter, tartar and cocktail sauce. Best Seafood R e comme nd e d by S ou ther n Liv ing M a g a zin e 6 Tim e Wi n ner M ur re l l s I nl e t C howde r Co o k O ff Pain & Numbness? [email protected] Direct (843) 445-2002 Strand ’s Ol de st R esta u rant- O u r 64th Ye a r! View our NEW Menu Online Vote d #1 for Lowco untr y Cu i si ne by B e a chT V an d Tr i p sma r te! Community Events Calendar May 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/7 8/Murrells Inlet Messenger/May 2012 Dennis H. Smith ATTORNEYS AT LAW General Litigation Auto Accidents Distracted Driving Accidents Medical & Legal Malpractice Drunk Driving Accidents Servicios en Espanol para su comodidad WORKER’S COMPENSATION Jonathan J. Shanks Attorney at Law 238-2694 Conveniently Located in Surfside Beach Serving the Grand Strand since 1982 (843)485-0873 Computer Repair ~ Computer Training New & Used Computer Sales ~ Laptop Repair Web Design ~ Networking Graphic Design On-Site Service Available Serving Georgetown through Myrtle Beach Editorial/Opinion: the younger generation By Heather McKeown You can say what you want about “the younger generation” and I’ll totally disagree. Why? Well, at my age, most people are much younger than I, but I totally see more good than bad in these, the progeny of greater ages. It was an Easter Day flight from JFK to West Palm Beach. Only half full, our plane looked like the half-toothed mouth of a bar fighter. A family of four, a totally quintessential example of the 1960’s nuclear grouping, came aboard in perfect order. The children, a little girl pulling a tiny pink suitcase on wheels, followed by the handsome dad. Behind his sister, a straight and proper, well-dressed little boy followed with his little case tagging along behind. The mom, a nicelooking, understated woman in her mid-thirties, mildly pulled up the rear. I thought, “A calm grouping of comfortable people.” I made my final walk-through of the front section of the plane. This count, given to the pilots, allows for a final weight and balance part to the take off equation. Everyone was supposed to be sitting in their assigned seats but, when I arrived at the fifth row, the poised, aforementioned mother was getting no cooperation from the son. “No, Alexander, you have to sit in our row. You can’t go up and just sit with someone else.” “Mommy, I have to go and sit with grandpa. I can’t let him sit alone. He’s all by himself. I have to go to him.” The mother looked at me and said, “He wants to sit in the front row and I’ve tried to tell him that he can’t.” Christian Counseling Clinic Tip for reducing symptoms of anxiety, TIP worry, and depression: A research-proven way to reduce anxiety, worry, depression and to raise self-esteem and to experience a closer relationship with God is do the following for 21 days in a row: Read Psalm 23 three times a day placing emphasis on a different word each time you recite it. “Well, it would be alright with me, ma’am, if he wants to sit with his grandpa.” She nodded to me and the little boy stepped out of her row and marched up the aisle to sit beside the elderly man who’d boarded first, barely able to walk from his wheelchair to the front row of seats. “My mother says we always have to take care of the grandpas. I’m here to take care of you.” He looked over the lap of the ancient one and said, “Good, your seat belt is buckled.” Then, reaching to the seat back pocket in front of his little knees, he extricated the safety information card and began explaining it to the old gent. “This is how you get out of the plane if we crash. I’ll make sure you get out. We can slide down like this. See this picture? Then, if we crash close to a beach, we can float on this raft, right here, see?” I thought, “Boy, does he ever love his grandpa.” Then I heard the man ask the boy, “What’s your name?” “I’m Alexander and I’m going to take care of you, grandpa. See this?” He held up a cross at the end of a chain around his neck. “They put a guy on here and he died. They put him here, see? And he died on this thing. They killed him and then he woke up. I can’t remember his name. He was a guy...” Now, the old man, said, “I just had Passover with my son’s family. I think you call the guy Jesus. Too bad about that. Don’t worry, He’ll be back someday.” “Yeah. So, you just hold my hand if you get Continued on page 9 The younger generation...continued from page 8 afraid, grandpa. Are you hungry or thirsty? They bring you food and stuff on planes, but I know where they keep it. I can get you something. Want something?” “No, you’re enough. You’re enough.” The old man noticed I was watching this beautiful interaction and said. “Kids. Whadareyagonna do?” Then he took the little boy’s hand and that’s how they got to West Palm Beach. I’ve never seen anything so special on an Easter Sunday. Never. (Heather McKeown lives in Vermont and Murrells Inlet. She is the author of “Above and Beyond: Adventures in the Blue,” available at com) every way. The Lord be with all of you." (2 Thessalonians 3:16 NLT) (The new National Premiere Soccer League Team, the Myrtle Beach Mutiny, kicked off their inaugural season recently with a grand opening at Inlet Affairs, who are one of the team sponsors. The team’s goal is to provide an exceptional value for your entertainment dollar, and spread the joys of the world’s most beautiful game to the most beautiful of places, Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach FC is owned by the Grand Strand Sports Club LLC, and operates with the members/season ticket holders help. For more information, visit or Open 7 days a week, Memorial Day - Labor Day Johnny DeLoache, LPC, NCC, M.-Div Christian Counseling Clinic, LLC 10126 Ocean Hwy, Suite 2 Pawley's Island, SC 29585 843.314.3578 Fax: 843.314.3579 [email protected] 3579 Highway 17 Business, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-651-RxRx (7979) • SHORTER STOPPING DISTANCES • DURABLE FRICTION MATERIAL • QUALITY OE FITMENT THIS YEAR! STOP IN AND GET IT NOW SO YOU CAN STOP LATER! FREE BRAKE PADS OFFER APPLIES TO ANY BRAKE SERVICE THAT USES TRUSTOP® BRAKE PADS (a $30 value) • Customer pays for installation • If TruStop® brake pads are not available for your vehicle, a $30 credit will be applied • $30 credit available for any brake service that uses SureStop® or AdaptiveOne® brake pads at regular retail price • Extra charge for additional parts and/or kits if needed on brake services. Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted). Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. No carry outs. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad. No cash value. • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 Oil Change $ This coupon expires 06/30/2012. For GIFT purchase only. Cannot be combined with any other offers, discounts or gift certificates. Mustard Seed Pottery is excluded. • All season, touring, performance • We fit cars, trucks, vans, SUV’s • HUNDREDS of sizes for you to choose OUR TRUSTOP® PADS ARE BUILT TO MEET OR EXCEED FACTORY SPECS FOR: Sunday from 2-10 at the gazebo Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Graduation Gifts! OFF ITS THE BEST OFFER TO HIT THE STREET Music on the Marsh Get 25% Off 100 Four Select $ FREE BRAKE PADS! Open daily at 4 p.m. Wed - Sun: Restaurant Wed - Sun: Gazebo Nightly Live Music Bring This Coupon In To Lee’s Inlet Apothecary May Pay Days! * $100 mail in rebate valid on purchase of a set of 4 SELECT in stock new passenger or light truck tires from: Michelin, Nitto, Goodyear, Yokohama, Pirelli and more installed available for most cars and light trucks at regular retail price. Offer not valid with any other tire discount or offer. Valid at participating locations. No carryouts. See store for details. Offer valid April 30 to May 28, 2012. 843-357-9175 Celebrating moms, dads, ‘n’ grads!!! For CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’S! See US first for the LOWEST price and the LARGEST selection! BRAND NAME * tires in May! 4911 Hwy. 17 Bus. • Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 "May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always and in May 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/9 1699 WITH FREE 4 TIRE ROTATION!* CONVENTIONAL Ask about: Up to $20 Reward card for additional savings with a Valvoline Oil Change! Located in the Hammock Shops Village Pawleys Island • 843-235-0507 $ 50OFF ANY SERVICE OVER $100 HURRY IN TODAY! NOW’S THE TIME TO FIX THAT WATER PUMP, ALTERNATOR, STARTER OR WHATEVER MECHANICAL PROBLEM YOU HAVE. Alignment Service 20OFF $ WE’LL KEEP YOU RIDING STRAIGHT! Applies to BASIC oil change service • Includes up to 6 quarts of conventional motor oil • Special blend oils available at additional cost • Plus $3 disposal fee (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • At participating locations with this ad (See store for details) No cash value • *TPMS reset additional, if needed • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad• No cash value (See store for details) • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 Extra charge for additional parts and/or kits if needed • Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35, or disposal fee (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad • No cash value (see store for details) • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 4 Tire Rotate & Balance Fuel Saver Package Flat Repair HOW MANY MILES HAS IT BEEN? 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OUR 3-STEP SYSTEM DOES A COMPLETE CLEAN-UP FROM THE INSIDE OUT! $ Pawleys Pawleys Island Island Mercantile Mercantile Home Home of of The The Candy Candy Cottage Cottage Mechanical Service 1499 TPMS reset additional if needed • Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35, or disposal fee (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • Not valid with new tire purchase • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad • No cash value (see store for details) • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 $ 10999 Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad• No cash value (See store for details) • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 FREE Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad• No cash value (See store for details) • EXPIRES: 05-31-12 OPEN EARLY, 3419 Hwy 17 S. - Murrells Inlet OPEN LATE, OPEN 4295 Pine Dr. - Little River 7 DAYS A WEEK! Career Need a Tune Up? DIRECT CONNECT! 1-800 NEW TIRE COMPANY CAR? WE SERVICE MOST NATIONAL ACCOUNTS! 651-4816 843249-9959 843 Visit Any location or Apply On-Line @ .com * Prices listed are effective at all participating locations upon presentation of this ad. Tire prices do not include local state new tire fee and/or tire disposal fees (see store for details). Tire related products and services are optional if desired. Some tires may be temporarily out of stock. Rain checks available. Please call for availability. No Dealers. No Carry Outs. Plus a 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price will be added to all service work to cover environmental disposal fees and miscellaneous shop supplies not to exceed $35. Tread design may vary. Sale prices not valid with special orders. 10/Murrells Inlet Messenger/May 2012 Why I’m excited about this movie...continued from page 4 you and me getting the word out about the movie and trying to bring it to theaters close to us. Like most Christian movies, it probably won’t be shown in local theaters if it doesn’t have some kind of previous commitment for tickets. Don’t worry. It has known actors in it. But, it is the story - not the stars - that is important. The movie promotes an open message of hope and healing; hope that was hidden in the basement rooms of churches at Alcoholic Anonymous-related meetings when I was younger; hidden because society back then looked down upon anyone “weak-willed” enough not to stop drinking, drugging, sleeping around, gambling, overeating, etc., on their own. So much more is known these days about diseases that enslave presidents, lawyers, doctors, publishers, athletes, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters..and, yes, town call girls and drunks. Although there is still a ways to go in erasing the stigma, many programs of recovery are not seen as badges of shame anymore, but as acceptable lifestyle choices. And, from my own experience, combining the 12 Steps, which have always been biblically based, with Jesus as the Higher Power, is a powerful means of recovery. What I would have given if someone had brought me this message when I was a teenager. If it was in movie form, it might even have gotten through my thick skull. Heck, the movie would have been about me. For more information on the movie, and its various campaigns to bring it to theater screens across the country, visit www. homerunthemovie. com Movie synopsis “A major league baseball player, Cory Brand has it all; an unstoppable fastball, a lucrative contract … and a past he wants to forget. But when a DUI in his old hometown benches him, Cory is forced to take a hard look at his life. Sentenced to coaching the town’s little league team and attending a local 12-step recovery program, Cory must face the pain he tried to ignore and the girl he wanted to forget. Of course, the superstar doesn’t want — or need — anyone’s help. He simply goes through the motions, manipulating the small community and the team that has begun to rely on him. But just when he thinks he can coast through his sentence and get back to the big leagues, Cory discovers a secret that shakes him to the core. Suddenly, Cory realizes he’s not the one in control … and this revelation changes his life forever.” - Home Run the Movie MB/Litchfield Celebrate Recovery groups For more information on Celebrate Recovery, visit Beach Church in Myrtle Beach offers CR every Friday night at 7 p.m. Visit www.beachchurch. org for more information. Grace Church Waccamaw CR meets on Mondays at 7 p.m. Grace is located next to the Litchfield Exchange and the Applewood House of Pancakes. Visit or call 235-6400 for more information. Be proud...continued from page 1 Inlet Seafood * On the Half Shell * Piggly Wiggly * Russell’s Raw Bar & Grill * T-Bones * VFW. Congratulations to our chowder winners: Best Damn Chowder: Clay Williams of Lee’s Inlet Kitchen. Judge’s Choice: Kerry Johnson of Inlet Affairs; People’s Choice: Roxy Mill of Drunken Jack’s; Mark Taylor of Jackson’s Inlet Bar & Grill. Wedding with a ghost: ‘Black Tie’...continued from page 3 years ago after a career on Wall Street, where he worked as an analyst covering the media and entertainment industries. New to the inlet stage in the role of Curtis, Nick Cianciatto is a recent transplant to Murrells Inlet, currently working as an emergency department nurse at Waccamaw Hospital. Wife to Curtis and mother of the groom, Lynda Harvey, was last seen in MICT’s production of the Mark Dunn play, “Belles”. Bridegroom Teddy is played by Chad Smith, a Myrtle Beach native and senior at Coastal Carolina University. ”Black Tie” is his stage debut. May 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/11 Rachel Tomovski, who also appeared last fall in “Belles,” is in the role of Elsie. In 2007, she moved with her husband and two boys to Murrells Inlet. Tickets are $10 apiece (groups of 15 or more $8/ ticket), and may be reserved through the box office anytime at 843-651-4152, or visit Limited seating. The shows will be May 10-12 and 17-19 at 8 p.m., and May 13 and 20 at 2 p.m., held at the Murrells Inlet Community Center, 4450 Murrells Inlet Road. Hospital calendar...continued from page 5 May 16: PHYSICIAN LECTURE – COMMON FOOT AND ANKLE COMPLICATIONS. Adam T. Biglin, DPM, Dunes Podiatry, conducts free lecture. Wachesaw Conference Center, noon, lunch provided. Call 5207842 to reserve seat. May 21: HEART FAILURE EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP - MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Hospital, 2 East Conference Room, 1 p.m.2:30 p.m. Information, 652-1624. May 22: COMMUNITY HEALTH BLS - CPR - MURRELLS INLET. For healthcare professionals in the community interested in getting certified for CPR. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., $35 fee; preregistration required. Call 520-8490. May 24: FRIENDS & FAMILY CPR – MURRELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Adult CPR is covered but emphasis is on pediatric CPR. $10/ couple; $5/individual. Pre-registration required; call 520-8490. May 28: BOSOM BUDDIES SUPPORT GROUP. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m.-7 p.m. Call 237-8787. May 29: SIBLING PREPARATION CLASS - MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Hospital, 1st floor classroom, 6 p.m -7:30 p.m. Pre-registration required; call 520-8490. Church...continued from page 1 of the Burgess, Strickland, Hewitt, Roberson, and Sarvis families. A retired minister, the Rev. J. H. Armbrust, obtained the permission of the South Carolina Methodist Conference in 1955 to sell the old timbers of Bethel to finance the erection of a bronze plaque marking the spot where the Bethel Society formed their meeting house and worshipped faithfully for over one hundred years. (Copyright © 2012 by Steve Strickland. Used with permission.) Up To $5,000 Available to every South Carolina Homeowner The SC Safe Home Program has issued over 1,700 grants to homeowners just like you to help make their homes more hurricane resistant. Now accepting applications for 2012 funds Now is the time to apply for a grant under the program. This is not a loan! It is a grant issued by the SC Department Of Insurance. The money must be used exclusively to replace your roof, install new windows, doors or a window protection system. Call today for more information The Alliance For Safe Homes, your local representative, will help guide you through the application process. Call the number below today as these funds are released on a first come first serve basis. 843-457-2661 Not Available For Mobile Homes Visit the State Website Join Us at Christ Church Broken Hearts Mended - Families Brought Together Marriages Restored - Relationships Healed Faith Strengthened - Decisions for Christ Counseling Center Of Georgetown JOSEPH E. SCANLON, L.P.C. FELLOW, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MANAGEMENT JAMES F. GRAHAM, JR., MD MEDICAL DIRECTOR • Individual Counseling • Marriage and Family Counseling • Adolescent Counseling • Outpatient Alcohol & Drug Counseling • Outpatient Psychiatric Care • Pain Management B/C & BS & MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED Call the Prayer Line: 800-849-8930 Business Ministry Partner: 864-630-6694 527-8118 906 PRINCE ST • GEORGETOWN, SC 310 Prince Creek Parkway Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-357-6184 Worship 10:30 a.m. Sundays "Connecting people to Jesus Christ, to one another and to God's work in the world" Grace Church Waccamaw Located On Hwy. 17, Pawleys Island Between North Litchfield & Willbrook Blvd. Next Door To Applewood Restaurant We are a community of Christ followers being changed by God to serve the world. We believe God is alive, powerful and worth worshipping, so it is our desire to make God’s word make sense in a way that allows you to find hope and encouragement. Service 10:15 a.m. • Sunday School 9 a.m. Casual Attire Encouraged 843.235.6400 12/Murrells Inlet Messenger/May 2012 It’s amazIng how well brIcks and mortar can make you feel. Our new medical office building next to Waccamaw digestive system. It allows our team of Community Hospital is now home to Waccamaw gastroenterology experts to care for patients Gastroenterology and Waccamaw Endoscopy in an inviting, healing environment. Our new Center. This state-of-the-art facility provides medical office building is quickly becoming a center some of the latest technology for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases of the | for good health in our community, and is another big step in helping you get better. 4 0 4 0 H I G H WAY 1 7 B Y PA S S , M U R R E L L S I N L E T | Waccamaw Gastroenterology 843 652 8290 • Waccamaw Endoscopy Center GHS8627_WCM_10x15_Amazing.indd 1 4/18/12 4:15 PM
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