Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach MARCH VOL. 3 NO. 2 WWW.MURRELLSINLETMESSENGER.COM Gizelle “Gigi” Roy: award winning career By Tim Callahan A temporary job until she got a teaching position has turned into a lifetime career for Gizelle “Gigi” Roy. And, she is so good at what she does that she was recently named “Restaurant Manager of the Year” by the South Carolina Hospitality Association. Roy is the dining room manager at Drunken Jack’s in Murrells Inlet. Her boss, David McMillan, was named restauranteur of the year a few years ago. “The owners and the staff make my job easy,” she said. “It is a team effort.” Roy moved to the area from New England in 1991with five girlfriends from college “to not do life for about six months, but none of the girls moved back. We all stayed.” She majored in education at North Adams State College (Mass.) but she had a difficult time finding a teaching job. She had waited tables in high school and college so she took a job at a restaurant and began to love the beach lifestyle. “I’m a night owl and I love to have my days free,” she said. “I’m not a typical 9-5 person so this kind of work fit. I start at 3, so I can go to the beach, stop at the bank and post office and run other errands all before I go to work.” In the off-season, she is done by 10:30 p.m.; in-season by about 12:30 a.m. “It’s not like I go home, go to bed and have to go right back to work,” she said. She was hired as a server at Drunken Jack’s in 1994 and became dining room manager in 2005. She has the “gift of gab,” she said, which helps with this type of work, a work she enjoys but also takes seriously. “I am always talking to employees about not FREE Fire response shows MI is a special community By Tim Callahan Editor/Publisher Murrells Inlet is not officially incorporated, not an official community, not in one county but in two counties. But, don’t tell that to the hundreds of people whose community spirit led to a community outpouring of support for the owners and workers at the Dead Dog Saloon, which suffered a devastating fire last month. While dozens of people up Myrtle Beach way cold heartedly opined and mocked the origin of the fire on the local daily newspaper’s Web site, the people of Murrells Inlet rolled up their sleeves and took out their wallets to try to help. Restaurant owners vowed to find employment for displaced workers; fund-raisers were immediately set in motion; emails were sent to the Messenger with info on these efforts; an advertiser used his ad this month to rally help; (The Dead Dog Saloon, the day of the fire that and, the very day of the fire, the owner vowed closed the restaurant down. The owners vowed to Continued on page 10 rebuild from the ashes. Project Phoenix begins.) MI History Project: Bay Harbor Hotel Continued on page 11 Wanted: • • • • • • • • • Pictures Fishing columns Outdoors columns Letters to the editor Recipes School news Puzzles Sports briefs And more... Email: [email protected] We’re in this together, Murrells Inlet. Help us help you. The Bay Harbor Motel was constructed around 1945 by Jimmy Eason on the west side of Hwy. 17 Bus., just north of Macklen Avenue (across from Dead Dog Saloon). Jimmy was one of Alton Eason’s children and operated a grocery store and gas station next to the Crash Boat Station during World War II. He built the three-story building across the street from the store he rented from Walter Macklen, and it had a grocery story and grill on the ground level, living quarters on the second floor, and rooms for rent on the third floor. The rental rooms were accessed by a set of stairs that led to a sun porch across the front of the building on the second floor and a set of stairs from the sun porch to the third floor. Dick Eason, one of Jimmy’s sons, remembers having one of the first television sets in the inlet on the sun porch, which became a gathering place for the neighborhood to see the events of the day on TV. The ground floor included Jimmy Eason’s Food Store, the Bay Harbor Grill (which was moved into a free-standing restaurant he built next door in 1953), and a fish market in the rear. Mac and Teeny Oliver operated the Bay Harbor Grill for a short period before opening up Oliver’s Lodge as a restaurant. Hoss Johnson’s mother, Jesse, worked at the Bay Harbor Grill during the 1950’s. After the Grill was moved next door, the open space was converted to a bait and tackle shop operated by Sam Barwick. Sam started in the bait and tackle business in a building behind the Bay Harbor before he moved into the main building. He eventually relocated his bait and tackle shop to the lot where Drunken Jack’s is now standing (Snug Harbor Marina). Continued on page 11 2/Murrells Inlet Messenger/March 2012 Do you know Aflac beyond the dancing duck? Everyone knows the Aflac Duck, but does anyone understand what Aflac really is? In other words, do you know Aflac? That is a question that excites local Aflac representatives Johnny McCutcheon and AliJohnny McCutcheon son Hluchota because the company’s wellknown television advertising campaigns get the sales representatives in businesses’s doors, and the cute commercials pique people’s curiosity enough that they want Johnny and Alison to stay around long enough to hear what Aflac has to offer. Mention Aflac and its, ‘Oh, I love that duck,’” Alison said, “and they want to find out what it’s all about.” What salesperson could ask for more? While Aflac offers individual insurance policies, most of Johnny and Alison’s time is spent speaking to companies with three or more employees, the minimum to make Aflac available to their employees. Adding Aflac insurance policies to benefit packages cost businesses next to nothing and is 100 percent voluntary on the employees’ part. The policies don’t change or replace employees’ current insurance plans, but complements them. Aflac pays cash benefits directly to policyholders, unless otherwise assigned, to help them with the daily expenses due to an illness or accident. How March 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/3 Murrells Inlet Messenger the money is used is up to the policyholder. “They can pay bills, or use it to help with medical The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach expenses,” Alison said. “Whatever they decide.” Employees can also choose just what supplemental insurance policies to apply for, including Editor/Publisher: accident, cancer, hospital, critical illness, disabilTim Callahan ity, dental, life and more. (After policies are [email protected] derwritten by American Life Assurance Company of Columbus and may not be available in all locaContributor: tions). Debbie Callahan McCutcheon, a Lake City native who earned undergraduate (Presbyterian) and graduate (Wake Forest) degrees, gave up a teaching career to join Freelance designer: Aflac 11 years ago. He loved teaching but he is Nathan Kirk able to make more money, and he still gets to [email protected] teach, by informing businesses about Aflac and training new employees. Circulation: 4,000 copies available at stores Hluchota is not too far removed from earning in Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach. her undergraduate degree at Ball State University. Next edition: April 4 She worked at Careerbuilder in Chicago, where P.O. Box 612 one of her accounts was Aflac. She enjoyed workMurrells Inlet, S.C. 29576 ing with Aflac so much that she decided to repre843-344-3197 sent them. 843-979-0982 And, with a new office now in Garden City No subscriptions at this time. Beach, McCutcheon and Hluchota are looking for fellow workers to expand their business in this The Murrells Inlet Messenger, LLC, is a monthly newspaper serving the region of the state. (McCutcheon is this regional communities of Murrells Inlet and manager.) Garden City Beach, S.C. They say people who work well with Aflac as independent agents come from all walks of life, including former athletes, law enforcement per- “But, we work out a plan that works for them.” (If you are interested in finding out more about sonnel, teachers, moms with kids in school, etc. “It pretty much has to be a full-time job as you Aflac, or working for them, call Johnny McCutchget out of it what you put in it,” McCutcheon said. eon at 574-536-9013 or visit Inlet Oasis: a ministry in the making for the community By Tim Callahan Inlet Oasis is a ministry in the making. What started as a ministry for widows became a ministry of widows and now it is becoming something for the whole community. With the help of Pam Wilk, Russ and Cathy Peterson opened up Inlet Oasis this month in the Piggly Wiggly Shopping Center, where Salad Creations used to be. Inlet Oasis is a gathering place for active adults to interact in a variety of health, social and recreational events, including spiritual development and the opportunity to share life’s events. It offers an expanding variety of activities, including: general fellowship and coffee time; bridge lessons and bridge club; “Prime Time Health” classes; Monday movies; stretching and exercise classes; group study sessions; shag dance lessons and knitting classes. As these are all just getting off the ground, call Russ for more information, 8332102, or visit the Web site, Inlet Oasis is an outreach of True Religion (TR) ministries, supported by Pawleys Island Community Church, but it is for everyone, Russ says. Maybe the best way to describe Inlet Oasis is a place of rest, Russ said, quoting Matthew 11:29 from the RSV Bible: “Come unto Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” TR began as a ministry to 11 widows at PICC. It now monitors 71 widows and has 36 volunteers, Peterson said. Other TR ministry programs include Grief Share, a grief recovery support group, and Facing Forever, a 13 week Bible study on Broken Hearts Mended - Families Brought Together Faith Strengthened - Decisions for Christ Marriages Restored - Relationships Healed eternity, which both meet at PICC but Peterson soon hopes to offer meetings at Inlet Oasis, too. “We began in the spring of 2010 thinking we would minister to widows, but we developed a sense of purpose to expand and see what we could do for the community.” He said widows volunteer at the Good News Club, Teach My People and at other nonprofits in the area. Wilk is providing the space at Inlet Oasis. She shut down her business, Salad Creations, and had a year’s lease left. “I wasn’t going to walk out on it,” she said. “That wouldn’t be right.” Pastor Don Williams at PICC hooked Wilk and the Petersons up. As the Petersons shared their vision, Wilk, who is a widow, said, “Why don’t you use my space.” After a lot of prayer and due diligence on the legal aspects, Russ said, Inlet Oasis opened its doors on March 1. Wilk, a certified Prime Time Health Coach, presented the first of four “Dr. Sear’s Prime Time Health” workshops on opening day. Sears is a nutrition expert and author of more than 40 books. He is also an associate clinical professor at the University of California, Irvine. “It’s my passion to help people,” Wilk said. “The science connecting nutrition and disease is evolving. You can be in the prime of life but you can’t enjoy it if you don’t have your health.” Sears survived Stage IV colon cancer in his 70’s, Wilk said. “Prime Time Health” is just one of the many activities that Inlet Oasis hopes to offer in the future. Where it goes from here is in God’s hands. “I am a retired businessman who wants to say, ‘Let’s do this and let’s do that and get it done,’ but God is saying, ‘Wait, let me build it.’” Call the Prayer Line: 800-849-8930 Business Ministry Partner: 864-630-6694 Dennis H. Smith ATTORNEYS AT LAW General Litigation Auto Accidents Distracted Driving Accidents Medical & Legal Malpractice Drunk Driving Accidents Servicios en Espanol para su comodidad WORKER’S COMPENSATION Jonathan J. Shanks Attorney at Law 238-2694 Conveniently Located in Surfside Beach Serving the Grand Strand since 1982 FOR LEASE RETAIL OPPORTUNITY Woodside Village Shopping Center 4390 Hwy 17 Bypass • Murrells Inlet, SC • 29576 • Piggly Wiggly Anchored • 82,000 sf shopping center anchored by PigglyWiggly • Available Space from 1,400 sf to 4,000 sf • 2,400 sf space designed for medical use - Tenant relocating • 2010 Traffic Count 37,400 TPD - Easy In/Out Access • Outparcel Opportunity 3,000 sf building - Details Available • 3,000 sf end cap designed for restaurant use - Great exposure Donna Barber (Russ Peterson and Pam Wilk share their vision for Inlet Oasis, a community gathering place, located in the Piggly Wiggly Shopping Center.) Broker in Charge [email protected] Direct: 843.213.1573 Fax: 843.448.0742 Current Store Listing Accent Sewing Grand Strand Bicycles Piggly Wiggly Arby’s Hurricane Liquors Radio Shack Chick-fil-A Jersey Mike’s Salad Creations Coastal Grand Cleaners Keller Williams Super Cuts Cold Stone Creamery Kobe Express Ultra Tan Dr. Miller, DMD Nail & Spa Vienna’s Pizzeria Festiva Resorts Palmetto Bay Jewelz Wells Fargo March 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/5 4/Murrells Inlet Messenger/March 2012 For CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’S! See US first for the LOWEST price and the LARGEST selection! 70 $ 3 X 15 03-07-12 WEDNESDAY PREPAID CARD AFTER MAIL-IN REBATE 35 GatorsR -Gone Green Fashion Show 1 Buy ANY set of four new MICHELIN® brand passenger or light truck tires and get a $ 70 Prepaid Card after mail-in rebate. MURRELLS INLET MESSENGER More than 700 people attended the 2nd Annual Gators Gone Green Fashion Show on Feb. 9, 2012. The event was awarded first place for a Family Fun Event by PTO Today last year. Designed to educate and motivate students and their families, as well as the greater community, the event stresses the importance of minimizing carbon footprints on the world by reducing, reusing and recycling. (Nicole Zeller’s Class – 5th grade – Native American Women Dresses made from burlap sacs. Shirley Feschuk’s Class – 5th Grade – The Cat in the Hat – made from a variety of recycled materials.) MARCH IN TO $AVE BIG TODAY! ALL THROUGH MARCH 31ST! 1. By mail-in rebate. Valid on in-stock tires Michelin brand tires. Installation required. Plus up to 10% shop fee, where permitted, based on pre-invoiced retail price not to exceed $35. Local or state tire fee and/or tire disposal fees extra. Not valid with other offers. One per customer. No carry outs. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad. (See store for details) Expires: 3/31/2012. UP TO 40 2. Up to $10 Trade-in value per tire valid on any in-stock tire purchase. Tires must be on vehicle for eligibility. State tire and disposal fees where applicable. No carryouts. One redemption per customer at participating locations with ad. No Cash Value. See store for details. Expires 3/31/2012 $ ‘Chowder Talk’ updates inlet residents on projects and events Murrells Inlet 2020, the nonprofit community revitalization group, hosted its spring “Chowder Talk” on March 6. Interested citizens came to hear the latest updates, see who won some awards, and learn about area improvement projects and upcoming events. “The chowder, donated by Inlet Affairs Banquet and Catering, is always a draw,” said Sue Sledz, executive director of Murrells Inlet 2020. Chairman Whitney Hills said two members had been added to MI 2020’s advisory board: Denise Shelley and David Owens. Denise and her husband own Booty’s. David is owner of Owens Liquors in Myrtle Beach. Hills told the group that MI 2020 continues to seek interested and committed volunteers to serve with the board of directors. Hills presented the 2011 “Volunteer of the Year” award to Charlie and Elaine Pinson. The Pinson’s donate their time to many of MI 2020’s programs and events, including the Murrells Inlet water monitoring program, Marshwalk Planters, the golf tournament, autumn gala, Christmas parade, wreath fluffing, and more. And, Hills presented Chip Smith with the 2011 Golden Oyster Award. The award, presented in honor and memory of Dr. H.P. Worrell, recognizes and rewards those businesses, organizations or individuals whose actions show respect and care for the inlet landscape and waters. Smith initiated the “Plus-One Boating” campaign that encourages boaters to bring back their trash plus one more piece, a campaign now used in several areas around the country. He is also founder of the annual Spring Tide Clean-Up, which has been going strong for 21 years. Smith founded Spring Tide after Hurricane Hugo deposited tons of debris in the inlet. In 2008, Smith and his committee turned over responsibilities to MI 2020, but Smith still plays a key role in guiding and directing the event. Sledz said the “Jetty View Walk” plans, which will build a sort of boardwalk along the south end of Business 17, have been submitted to DHEC for environmental permitting. The project is now on public notice with the agency. Once permitting is complete, MI 2020 will work with Georgetown County, who will handle procurement and construction management. She said MI 2020 has been awarded a $19,000 grant from the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor grant program for the project. Other sources of funding for the project will come from the Murrells Inlet 2020 pier funds, the property owners and Sunday Sales. The estimated construction cost is $235,000. The project could be ready for construction early this summer. In partnership with Georgetown County Parks and Recreation, Sledz said Murrells Inlet 2020 worked to have Morse Park Landing designated as a South Carolina National Heritage Corridor site. Sledz also reported that a committee has been formed to plan necessary improvements to improve safety along the Hwy. 17 Business bike lanes, connect the lanes to Garden City and the river, and address safety of pedestrian crossings in critical areas. “Patience is a virtue,” Sledz said, “and it will be key on this safety project. It’s complex and formidable, but it must be addressed.” Sledz also said that spring event dates are set: the South Atlantic Bank “Race for the Inlet” is March 24; the “Ride for the Inlet” is March 25; MI 2020 is hosting the Marshwalk Masters on April 7; and the annual golf tournament will be held at Blackmoor Golf Course on June 23. (Contact MI 2020 at 843-357-2007 or visit www. for more information.) The World’s Leader in Women’s Fitness 843-651-3100 804 G Inlet Square Dr. Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Food or cash donation required to local food bank determined by club. Offer based on first visit enrollment, minimum 12 mo c.d./e.f.t. program. New members only. Not valid with any other offer. Valid only at participating locations through 3/25/12. © 2012 Curves International, Inc. 2 TRADE-IN FORS! YOUR OLD TIRE All this month! Low price GUARANTEE: Counseling Center Of Georgetown JOSEPH E. SCANLON, L.P.C. FELLOW, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MANAGEMENT JAMES F. GRAHAM, JR., MD MEDICAL DIRECTOR and MORE! Oil Change 2499 $200 price guarantee applies to valid competitors price on the same tire at time of purchase. See store for complete details. WITH FREE 4 TIRE ROTATION!* $ CONVENTIONAL Service “WILD CARD” 20OFF $ ANY MECHANICAL SERVICE OVER $100 Ask about: Up to $20 Reward card for additional savings with a Valvoline Oil Change! NOW’S THE TIME TO FIX THAT ALTERNATOR, WATER PUMP, STARTER OR ANY OTHER MECHANICAL GREMLIN Includes up to 6 quarts of conventional motor oil • Other oils available at additional cost • Plus $3 disposal fee (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers • One coupon per customer • At participating locations with this ad • No cash value (See store for details) • *TPMS reset additional, if needed • EXPIRES: 03-31-12 Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers. • One coupon per customer • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad • No cash value (See store for details) • EXPIRES: 03-31-12 Alignment Service 20OFF $ WE’LL KEEP YOU RIDING STRAIGHT! Extra charge for additional parts and/or kits if needed • Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted) • Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers. • One coupon per customer • At participating locations upon presentation of this ad• No cash value (See store for details) • EXPIRES: 03-31-12 OPEN EARLY, 3419 Hwy 17 S. - Murrells Inlet OPEN LATE, OPEN 4295 Pine Dr. - Little River 7 DAYS A WEEK! DIRECT CONNECT! 1-800 NEW TIRE COMPANY CAR? WE SERVICE MOST NATIONAL ACCOUNTS! 651-4816 843249-9959 843 Career Need a Tune Up? Visit Any location or Apply On-Line @ .com * Prices listed are effective at all participating locations upon presentation of this ad. Tire prices do not include local state new tire fee and/or tire disposal fees (see store for details). Tire related products and services are optional if desired. Some tires may be temporarily out of stock. Rain checks available. Please call for availability. No Dealers. No Carry Outs. Plus a 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price will be added to all service work to cover environmental disposal fees and miscellaneous shop supplies not to exceed $35. Tread design may vary. Sale prices not valid with special orders. • Individual Counseling • Marriage and Family Counseling • Adolescent Counseling • Outpatient Alcohol & Drug Counseling • Outpatient Psychiatric Care • Pain Management Comprehensive Dental Care For Your Entire Family Preventive • Restorative • Cosmetic TMJ Treatment • CEREC® The One Visit Crown Now Accepting New Patients. Call 235-7580 Today! B/C & BS & MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED 527-8118 906 PRINCE ST • GEORGETOWN, SC 71C Da Gullah Way, Pawleys Island 6/Murrells Inlet Messenger/March 2012 Community Events Calendar March 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/7 Community Events Calendar Low Country Herb Society more information, email [email protected], Pawleys Island, SC 29585. 843-325-5945). The Low Country Herb Society will meet at 10 or call 215-6985. Celebrate 3 in 1 Day a.m. on Tues., March 13, at St. Paul’s Waccamaw Outreach Farm’s Chili Cook-off On Sat., March 10, Brookgreen Gardens and United Methodist Church in Litchfield. The program - square foot and container gardening with The Outreach Farm’s “3rd Annual Chili Cook- Huntington Beach State Park will present Celherbs - will be presented by Christine Todd from off” will be held Sat., March 10 from 5-8 p.m. at ebrate 3 in 1 Day in honor of its founders, Archer Precious Blood of Christ Catholic Church, 1633 and Anna Hyatt Huntington’s birthdays and the Brookgreen Gardens. wedding date. Membership in The Low Country Herb Society Waverly Road, Pawleys Island. is open to all in the Grand Strand area. No experi- Chili from over 30 leading restaurants will be Sponsored by the Friends of Huntington Beach ence is necessary. A “meet and greet” social time, featured: Applewood, Aunny’s, Austin’s Ocean 1 State Park and Brookgreen Gardens this day will to welcome new and returning members, is held & Cabana Cafe, Bistro, Bliss, Brookgreen Gar- include a talk by Robin Salmon, vice-president prior to the meeting with refreshments provided dens, Buzz’s Roost, Chive Blossom, Crady’s, of collections and curator of sculpture at BrookDrunken Jacks, Father Pat’s Kitchen, Front Street green, and activities from 2 - 4 p.m. at Atalaya in by LCHS members. The Society meets from September through May. Deli, Get Carried Away, Hanser House Heritage Huntington Beach State Park. The annual dues are $20 and include a quarterly Country Club, Island Bar & Grill, JD’s Steak Tickets for Celebrate 3 in 1 Days are $10 per newsletter. To join, come to the meeting and/or House, Limpin Janes, Louis’s at Sanfords, Paw- person (age 6 and older) and may be purchased send dues check to: The Low Country Herb Soci- leys Island Bakery, Pawleys Island Tavern, Paw- online, at Brookgreen Gardens or at Huntingety, P.O. Box 174, Pawleys Island, SC 29585. For leys Plantation, Perrones, Quigley’s, River Room, ton Beach State Park. Tickets are in addition to River Town Bistro, Roz’s Rice Mill, Swine Time Brookgreen Gardens admission and Huntington Bar BQ & Catering, T-Bones, True Blue, Web- Beach State Park admission. No reservations are ster’ and beer will also be served, and necessary. raffles and giveaways will take place throughout (For more information, visit www.brookgreen. the night. org or call 843-235-6000.) Everything you need for All-you-can-eat tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door and can be purchased at Eggs Up Grill, MICT Auditions for Black Tie backyard birding Quigley’s Pint & Plate, Get Carried Away and Vis- The Murrells Inlet Community Theatre is holdplus decorative yard items ible Results in Pawleys Island, Front Street Deli ing auditions for Black Tie by A. R. Gurney; diin Georgetown and Inlet Queens in Murrells Inlet. rected by Todd Lundquist. 843.651.6599 The Outreach Farm is a Georgetown County Audition dates: Mon., March 12, 7:30 p.m.; 5200 Hwy 17 S. on the Bypass based nonprofit organization that raises beef cattle Tues., March 13, 7:30 p.m.; Wed., March 14, 7:30 Murrells Inlet, SC to provide quality protein at no cost to nonprofit p.m. Performance dates - May 10-13, May 17-20. 2 miles north of Brookgreen gardens organizations that feed the hungry. The organiza- Actors needed: three men and two women. Contact [email protected] or visit www.mictheatre. tion relies on fundraising events and donations. Tues - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun and Mon. (Contact The Outreach Farm: P.O. Box 644, com Merchants Marines meeting We invite veterans of the Merchant Marines and all other services to our meeting on Fri., March 16, at the Veteran’s Café, 1144 Shine Avenue, behind the Market Commons and next to the VA clinic. Meet at noon for lunch and fellowship; meeting called to order at 1 p.m. For further information, call John Schmidt at 843-651-8046 or visit Gospel sing and silent auction There will be a gospel sing and silent auction benefiting Coastal School Ministries on March 24 at 7 p.m. at Timberlake Baptist Church, 9850 Hwy. 707, Myrtle Beach. Featuring performances by RC Clemmons, Mixed Creed, and Dena and Doug Joye. Admission is free. Contact Megan Peterson (843) 472-1300 for more information. Coastal School Ministries is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization committed to bringing the Releasedtime program to middle and high school students in Horry County and beyond. Released-time is time set aside during the public school day when students with parental permission may leave the school to attend off-campus Bible classes. The ministry transports students to a host facility (usually a church) and provides a qualified teacher with a firm grasp of the Bible to teach five daysa-week throughout the school year. Group raises funds for free food On Tues., Feb. 21, “The Reel Ladies Movie Group” hosted a fashion show to benefit New Beginnings Food Distribution at Travinia’s Italian Kitchen, Market Common. More than 110 ladies attended, with fashions provided by Orvis, Ann Taylor, Bijuju, Coldwater Creek, Distinctive Eyewear, Handpicked, Ivy & Leo, Victoria’s Secret, Chico’s, White House Black Market; and support from Travinia’s, Gordon Biersch, Grand 14 and other local Myrtle Beach businesses. The “Reel Ladies” helped to raise 75 percent of New Beginnings’ monthly food budget. New Beginnings monthly food distribution is run entirely by volunteers. It is held at Church of the Resurrection, Surfside Beach, on the third Saturday of the month at 11 a.m. Last month, lunch was served to 387 individuals, and groceries were provided for 129 households. In addition to food, social services, hair cuts, blood pressure testing, benefit bank information, a children’s craft table and children’s books are available. For more information, contact: Larry Nowak, Chair, 843-267-2952. For more information about the movie group, contact Linda Treiber, 843-357-6081, or Fran Willey 843-957-3406. Gala for children a success St. Christopher’s Children’s second annual gala dinner dance on February 4 at Pawleys Plantation Golf and Country Club raised 50% of its annual budget – a wonderful success. The funds will provide basic clothing and dental and vision care to needy children in Georgetown County. Formoreinfo,visit www.St.ChristophersChildren. org or call (843) 235-0777. Grace Church Waccamaw Located On Hwy. 17, Pawleys Island Between North Litchfield & Willbrook Blvd. Next Door To Applewood Restaurant We are a community of Christ followers being changed by God to serve the world. We believe God is alive, powerful and worth worshipping, so it is our desire to make God’s word make sense in a way that allows you to find hope and encouragement. Service 10:15 a.m. • Sunday School 9 a.m. Casual Attire Encouraged 843.235.6400 Strand ’s Ol de st R e sta u rant- O u r 64th Ye a r! Join us at O'Keefe's 11 a.m.-2 a.m. Daily Great Authentic Irish Food HAPPY HOUR 4-7 p.m. 7 Days a Week Drink & Food Specials $4.95 Meal Deal 7 Days a Week Open to Close Come join us for the largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Murrells Inlet, Saturday March 17 Irish Music all day Bag Pipers..."Shamrocks in the Wind" 3:00-6:00 p.m. and "Tim Bogart" 7:00-10:00 p.m. Kegs and Eggs - 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. O'Keefe's Famous Corned Beef and Cabbage - served all day Shuttle service provided for additional parking Great Irish Fun only at O'Keefe's Irish Pub 834 Inlet Square Drive • Murrells Inlet, SC • 843-651-7211 • Open until 2:00 a.m. (843) 545-6001 Extending thoughts and prayers to the Dead Dog Saloon family and looking forward to having you back up with us in the Inlet soon! Anderson Law, LLC is proud to support a charity golf tournament for the benefit of Dead Dog Saloon employees. The March 25th event is co-sponsored by On The Half Shell and Island Green Country Club. 4447 Highway 17 Business Murrells Inlet near the Marsh Walk Bankruptcy; DUI Defense; Family Court Matters Attorney Jay G. Anderson CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION OUR LAW FIRM IS A DEBT RELIEF AGENCY. WE HELP PEOPLE FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY RELIEF UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY CODE. Serving only the finest, freshest local Seafood Chicken & Steaks • Senior & Children’s Menu One family, 64 years! NOW OPEN FULL TIME Mon - Sat, Open at 4:30 p.m. Happy Hour Everyday, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Reduced drinks and apps in the bar. 843-651-2881 Since 1948 Follow us on Facebook! Please join Lee's for our Annual Red Cross Benefit Nite Friday, March 30, 2012. Come out and have a wonderful dinner for a wonderful cause. All proceeds benefit your local Red Cross. March is Family month at Lee's: FREE children's meal, for 12 and under, with purchase of undiscounted adult entree. Some exclusions apply, no lite menu, no take-out, may not be combined with other offers, no photocopies, Mon-Thur only. Expires Mar.29, 2012. *This offer valid Feb. 14th only 18% GRATUITY ADDED BEFORE DISCOUNT . Buy One Entree, Get 2nd Entree of Equal or Lesser Value 50% OFF. Some exclusions apply, no lite menu, no take-out, may not be combined with other offers, no photocopies, Mon-Thur only. Expires Mar.29, 2012. ***18% GRATUITY ADDED BEFORE DISCOUNT*** Best Seafood R e comme nd e d by S ou ther n Liv ing M a ga zin e 6 Tim e Wi n ner M ur re l l s I nl e t C howde r Co o k O ff Great Selection of Irish Beers and Liquors ANDERSON LAW, LLC Vote d #1 for Lowco untr y Cu i si ne by B e a chT V an d Tr i p sma r te! Find out what all the Buzz is about. 8/Murrells Inlet Messenger/March 2012 March 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/9 Georgetown Hospital System March calendar of events Weekly health screenings: Tuesdays, mall area of Georgetown Memorial Hospital; Thursdays, Waccamaw Community Hospital. Screenings offered: finger stick lipid profiles with blood sugar for $20 (8-10 hour fast required); diabetes screening-hemoglobin A1C for $15 (no fasting required); blood sugar levels for $3 (2 hour fast required); and free blood pressure screenings, from 7:30 a.m. - noon. Information, call 546-0623. (Many of the classes below can be signed up for online, The Wachesaw Conference Center is located at 4367 Riverwood Drive, Suite 160, in Murrells Inlet, across from Waccamaw Hospital.) March 10: PREPARED CHILDBIRTH CLASS – GEORGETOWN. Education Center, Georgetown Memorial Hospital campus, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. $50 fee; pre-registration required; call 520-8490. March 12: CANCER SUPPORT GROUP. Education Center, Georgetown Memorial Hospital, from 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Call 520-8062. OB TOUR – GEORGETOWN. Walking tour of Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Unit and Nursery at Georgetown Memorial Hospital, 6 p.m. Pre-registration required; call 520-8490. March 13: BREASTFEEDING CLASS - MURRELLS INLET. Taught by a Certified Lactation Consultant. Waccamaw Community Hospital from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Free; pre-registration required, call 520-8490. March 14 & 28: ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP- MURRELLS INLET. 10 a.m. Belin Church, Murrells Inlet. Information, 651-9711. STROKE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4th floor dining room, 3 p.m. Call 652-1875. March 14: I CAN COPE EDUCATION SERIES. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 5:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Program for people facing cancer. Free; preregistration required. Call 652-1640. HEARTSAVER BLS-CPR - MURRELLS INLET. For daycare workers and people interested in learning CPR, not intended for healthcare professionals. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. $20 fee; pre-registration required. Call 520-8490. March 19: HEART FAILURE EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP - MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Community Hospital, East Conference Room, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Information, 652-1130. March 20: CAR SEAT SAFETY CLASS – MURRELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m – 8 p.m. Offers instruction to parents and infant caregivers on general safety guidelines for car seats. Free; pre-registration required, call 5208490. March 21: AMPUTEE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Community Hospital 4th floor dining room 1 p.m. Information at 652-1875. March 22: DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP – MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 1st floor classroom, 1:30 p.m. Information, 652-1281 or 652-1638. FRIENDS & FAMILY CPR – MURRELLS INLET. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Adult CPR is covered but emphasis is on pediatric CPR. Fee $10 per couple or $5 or individual. Pre-registration required. Call 520-8490. March 26: BOSOM BUDDIES SUPPORT GROUP. Wachesaw Conference Center, from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Call 843-237-8787. March 27: PHYSICIAN LECTURE- COLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTION AND DETECTION. Kathy M. Raynor, MD, Waccamaw Gastroenterology, featured speaker. Free community lecture, noon, Wachesaw Conference Center. Lunch provided. Call 520-7842 to reserve a seat. March 31: PREPARED CHILDBIRTH CLASS - MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 1st floor classroom, from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. $50 Fee; pre-registration required. Call 5208490 . Edward Jones: become familiar with these five key areas As an investor, what are your goals? You can probably think of quite a few but, over the course of your lifetime, your objectives typically will fall into five key categories. And once you’re familiar with these areas, you can start thinking of what they’ll mean to you in terms of your financial and investment strategies. So, let’s take a look at each of these areas and see what they might entail for you: Preparing for retirement. With advances in health care and a greater awareness of healthy living practices, many of us can expect to live two or three decades in an active retirement. To pay for all those years, you’ll need to save and invest early and often. So, while you’re working, take full advantage of your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan, as well as contribute to a traditional or Roth IRA. After understanding your desired retirement lifestyle, your financial advisor can help you determine how, and how much, to save to provide for your income in retirement. Planning for the unexpected. You can’t see into the future, so you’ll need to prepare for anything that comes your way. By building an emergency fund containing six to 12 months’ worth of living expenses, you can possibly avoid dipping into your long-term investments to pay for things such as a new furnace or a major car repair. And planning for the unexpected also means having sufficient life insurance to provide for your family in case anything happens to you. Educating your children. College is already expensive, and college expenses have been rising faster than the overall rate of inflation. If you want to help your children, or grandchildren, pay journey a pleasant and productive one. for school, you may want to invest in a college (This article was written by Edward Jones for savings vehicle, such as the 529 plan. You can use by your local Edward Jones financial advicontribute large amounts to a 529 plan, and earn- sor. Brenda J Varnum, 843-651-9473.) ings have the opportunity to grow tax-free, provided withdrawals are used for higher education. (Withdrawals not used for education are subject to income taxes and a 10 percent penalty.) 843-357-9175 Living in retirement. Once you reach retirement, your investment emphasis will shift someOpen daily at 4 p.m. what, from accumulating resources to making Wed - Sun: Restaurant them last. By working with a financial advisor, you can develop a withdrawal strategy that can Wed - Sat: Gazebo Nightly Live Music help make sure you don’t outlive the income you receive from your 401(k), IRA and other es. At the same time, given the possible length of your retirement, you can’t ignore the need to invest for growth, so you may need to consider some growth-oriented vehicles in your portfolio 4911 Hwy. 17 Bus. • Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 to help your income keep pace with inflation. Transferring your wealth. When you’ve worked hard your whole life, you want to be able to leave a legacy - one that allows you to provide financial resources to the next generation and to those charitable organizations you may wish to support. So, when it’s time to think about transferring your wealth, you’ll want to consult with Computer Repair ~ Computer Training your financial and legal advisors to create an esNew & Used Computer Sales ~ Laptop Repair tate plan that’s appropriate for your needs. And Web Design ~ Networking because these plans can take significant time to Graphic Design create, you won’t want to wait too long to start. On-Site Service Available So, there you have them: five key financial areas on which to focus as you travel through Serving Georgetown through Myrtle Beach life. By doing your homework, planning ahead and getting the help you need, you can make the (843)485-0873 IT JUST MAKES SENSE. A growing business requires a growing team. Restaurant & Lounge On the Water... Along the Beautiful Murrells Inlet Marshwalk 843.651.2044 Edward Jones believes that relationships are key to success. We feel that the best way to develop strong relationships is by doing business face-to-face. In order to meet the needs of our growing business, I'm pleased to announce that Robby Porter will be joining me to provide you with one-to-one, personalized service and advice. Please stop by or call for an appointment with a financial advisor so we can be of service to you. Brenda J Varnum, AAMS®,CRPC® Financial Advisor 4031 Hwy 17, Business Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 . 4764 Hwy 17 South Bypass Ste E Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-651-9473 Robby Porter Brenda J Varnum Member SIPC 10/Murrells Inlet Messenger/March 2012 March 2012/Murrells Inlet Messenger/11 MI History Project: Bay Harbor Hotel...continued from page 1 Dead Dog Saloon fire response shows Murrells Inlet is a special community...continued from page 1 to rebuild. They also are posting reports daily on what they are calling “Project Phoenix” at www. Now that is spunk. That is community. My wife and I came to this area seven years ago. Covering Murrells Inlet for a weekly newspaper, I immediately noticed Murrells Inlet was different from many communities I have reported on in a 33-year newspaper career: friendly, laid back, hospitable, accepting... I heard Murrells Inlet fondly called by its residents: the red headed stepchild of Georgetown county; a place where a double wide could be right next to mansion and that was cool; a drink- ing village with a fishing problem. And, it was, and is. Man, I liked it. It was a big reason I started my own newspaper here in 2010. People here didn’t talk community, they acted on it. Just like last month with the Dead Dog. Just like when we started this newspaper. A party town, “a drinking village,” supports a Christian’s efforts to produce a newspaper each month that encourages, informs and inspires the community. They support it; they read it; and they advertise in it. Although the Messenger is mistakenly thought by some to be for Christians only, the paper is for everybody – like any other paper. Like this community. Spring is in the air and that means it is time for... Ice Cream & Picnics Come visit Lee’s Soda Fountain! Milkshakes, Malts, Chicken Salad, Pasta, Egg Salad, & More Allergies Easter Don’t let what Spring blows in keep you in doors. Our Pharmacy has you covered! The Apothecary has gifts that celebrate the true meaning of Easter. JESUS! 3579 Highway 17 Business Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-651-RxRx (7979) Darden Jewelers Dead Dog Employee Benefit The fundraiser opens with a golf tournament at Island Green Country Club. There will be a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Cost is $100/ person and is limited to the first 144 golfers. Hole sponsorships will be $100. Contact Gary Johnson, director of golf, Island Green Country Club, 843650-0005. Due to an overwhelm- ing response already, there is also going to be a tourney at Wedgefield Plantation. Same limit of 144 golfers. Wegdefield’s number is: 843-5468587. And, open to the public is a fundraiser featuring music, food, beverages, raffle and more at On the Half Shell. The benefit runs from noon – 9 p.m. All proceeds will go to the employees who have lost their jobs as a result of the recent tragic fire at the Dead Dog Saloon. For registration information, or to be a sponsor for the event, please contact Kathie at (843) 651-1296. Silent auction items and donations may be dropped off at On The Half Shell or Anderson Law, LLC, in Murrells Inlet. Additionally, an account has been set up with BB&T Bank. Go to any branch to make a contribution to the Dead Dog Saloon employee relief benefit fund. More news on the web Visit for more March stories and events, including: • Joe Scanlon’s heartwarming editorial about the most important person in his life, Joan Hodges. • The St. James High School Honor Roll. • Information about a concert at Beach Church for Celebrate Recovery. • Heather McKeown’s column about Whitney Houston’s death and parallels with her own life, as well as ordering information on McKeown’s new book, “Above and Beyond: Inspiring Adventures into the Blue”. Christian Counseling Clinic 12078-C Hwy 17 Bypass • Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 (843) 651-5067 TIP Silver Restoration Event Tip for reducing symptoms of anxiety, worry, and depression: A research-proven way to reduce anxiety, worry, depression and to raise self-esteem and to experience a closer relationship with God is do the following for 21 days in a row: Read Psalm 23 three times a day placing emphasis on a different word each time you recite it. Silver Expert Available - Bring Your Items! Monday, March 19th - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 20th - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Silver, brass, copper, pewter, nickel and gold are all professionally restored “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord," There was also a free standing oyster roast at the rear of the Bay Harbor Motel, which was managed by Alvia “Pops” Goodman, Dot Eason’s father and a fixture around Bay Harbor. Back during those times, oysters were cooked on a sheet of metal covered by a wet croaker sack over an open fire, and the steamed oysters were served on long tables where the patrons would stand and eat until they were full. The motel rooms were frequented by traveling fishermen and also hosted numerous fishing boat mates and captains, including Ike White, Mike Marchant, and Bill Moeller back in the early 1960’s. The Bay Harbor Motel was located in the center of the Murrells Inlet fishing action, Gigi Roy accepts Restaurant Manager of the Year Award from the SC Hospitality Association. Gigi Roy...continued from page 1 getting complacent, not taking this for granted,” she said. “It’s like those young players who win a few Super Bowls and start to forget where they came from and think it is easy. I think Drunken Jack’s is the best restaurant on the beach and I want to help keep us there. So we have to rewind. “I hate other people’s tragedies, like with the Dead Dog,” she said. “But, we could wake up someday and not be able to do this anymore. We have to count our blessings.” Roy said she has an “open view of society. I would put the dishwashers’ hearts up against anyone’s. You have to look beyond the image.” Wed. 3/14, 1:15 pm, Wed. 3/28, 5:25 pm, Wed. 4/11, 1:15 pm, Wed. 4/25, 5:25 pm “Get Healthy not Just Out of Pain: The Power of Wellness Care” you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) 10126 Ocean Hwy, Suite 2 Pawley's Island, SC 29585 “Get Your Life Back: Living Free of Back & Neck Pain Drugs/Surgery-Free” with Dr. Neil Fico, Strand Spine Institute Tue. 3/13, 5:15 pm “Breast Cancer Prevention beginning with Nutrition” with Bethany Murray, Nutrition Consultant, Strand Spine Institute Tue. 4/10, 5:30 pm “Detox for Weight Loss & Better Overall Health” with Bethany Murray, Nutrition Consultant, Strand Spine Institute 843.314.3578 20% OFF Fax: 843.314.3579 ENTIRE PURCHASE with coupon. Expires 3-31-2012. MIMMAR12 [email protected] Call 843-344-3197 Join us for one of our FREE Wellness Workshops ... Tue. 3/27, 11:30 am - Applewood House of Pancakes Christian Counseling Clinic, LLC Join us on Facebook Messenger Readers We want your: • News • Sports • Business News • Church Happenings • Story Ideas • Calendar of Events • Letters to the Editor • Recipes • School news • Puzzles • Pictures Learn how from health coaches at Strand Spine Institute, the area’s premier non-surgical treatment and wellness center. plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give Steve Strickland Murrells Inlet History Project Release the doctor within you. with Dr. Neil Fico, Strand Spine Institute Johnny DeLoache, LPC, NCC, M.-Div across the street from Alex’s Bait and Tackle (later Alex’s Marina), where fishermen could rent a fishing boat, fish from the pier, or hire a charter boat to fish in the creek or the ocean. Reserve Your Seat Today. Space Is Limited. Bring A Friend. 843.979.2273 (CARE) • Complete Interior & Exterior Repair & Remodel • Decks and pergolas • Bathroom remodels • Screen rooms • Metal & rubber roofing • Patio enclosures • Windows • Custom tile showers • Ceramic tile & laminate • Siding, eaves & overhangs • Patio & Entrance doors Licensed - Insured – Bonded Serving South Carolina for 15 years Over 30 years experience FREE ESTIMATES 843-855-6480 • Full service lawn care • Landscaping • Property cleanup • Pressure washing and more FREE ESTIMATES 12/Murrells Inlet Messenger/March 2012 The Moveable Feast: local literary luncheon’s March schedule The Moveable Feast, a literary luncheon with great guest authors, is held on Fridays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at local restaurants. Cost is $25 and advance registration is required. The 2012 schedule and information is also available online at, or by calling 843-235-9600. March 9 ~ John Lane (My Paddle to the Sea) at Capt. Dave’s Dockside. Upstate South Carolina nature writer and poet John Lane launched an 11-day river journey from his home in Spartanburg to the Atlantic Ocean to calm his nerves after a rafting accident resulted in the loss of two friends. Along the way he encounters a cast of characters Twain himself would envy. Through it all, paddle stroke by paddle stroke, Lane is reminded why life and rivers have always been wedded together. March 16 ~ Stephanie McAfee (Diary of a Mad Fat Girl) at Pawleys Plantation. Ace Jones needs a vacation, but she’s not going to get it. What she gets instead is a good dose of scandalous small town politics that takes her on a wild quest for truth and redemption. Things get really complicated when the love of her life, whom she hasn’t seen or heard from in over three years, shows up and vows not to leave town until she agrees to marry him. Adventurous and entertaining, Ace and her friends delve into illegal surveillance, stalking and covert operations in a strip club. March 23 ~ Bill Noel (Ghosts: A Folly Beach Mystery) at Sea View Inn. Retired Chris Landrum, Noel’s loveable protagonist, is finding bodies (or are they disembodies?) on his be- to capture small truths of life in the South as loved Folly Beach. Always a favorite. he spins yarns about groundhogs and black March 27 ~ Pamela Redmond (The Possibil- snakes, mockingbirds and bluebirds, pound ity of You) at Ocean One. In a complex and cake and cypress knees. In this fitting sequel beautifully told masterpiece set against key to “A Good Mule is Hard to Find,” he pulls moments for women in the last century, New back the curtain of kudzu to reveal a place of York Times bestselling author Pamela Red- weirdness and wonder. These are stories of mond intertwines the heartrending stories of warmth and wit, of heart and humor. Bridget (1916), Billie (1976) and Cait (present day), and explores the ways in which one woman’s choices can affect her loved ones forever. As these three women search for identity and belonging, each faces a very personal decision that will reverberate across generations, tearing apart families, real and imaginary, perfect 310 Prince Creek Parkway and flawed, but ultimately bringing them Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 together again. March 30 ~ Kirk Neely (Banjos, Barbecue and Boiled PeaWorship 10:30 a.m. Sundays nuts) at Carefree Ca"Connecting people to Jesus Christ, to one another tering. Neely uses his precise eye, keen ear and to God's work in the world" and down-home voice Join Us at Christ Church 843-357-6184 View Our Menu Online A taste of Pawleys in every bite! Located directly across Hwy. 17 from Pawleys Wine & Spirits Low Country Boil in a Bucket (Friday Only, Please order 2 hours in advance.) White Chocolate Pecan Pie Pound Cake with Caramel Frosting Casseroles & Sides Savory Pies Dips & Appetizers Sandwiches & Salad Plates Palmetto Cheese Delicious Desserts 843-314-3493 10126 Ocean Hwy. Suite 5B • Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Bring in this ad for 10% OFF your order Expires March 31, 2012. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Pawleys Pawleys Island Island Mercantile Mercantile Home Home of of The The Candy Candy Cottage Cottage Located in the Hammock Shops Village Pawleys Island • 843-235-0507
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