Stuttgart, Germany June 7
Stuttgart, Germany June 7
International Congress and BtoB Meetings for processes & management SUMMIT MEDICAL RAIL HUMAN CENTERED AEROSPACE & DEFENSE INNOVATION DESIGN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING HUMAN CENTERED RESPECTFUL TO THE ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT AUTOMOTIVE DIGITAL & CONNECTIVITY Stuttgart, Germany June 7-9, 2016 SUMMIT M ATC H M A K I N G P R O G RA M WITH SUPPORT FROM ORGANIZED BY EXHIBITION W H AT I S I Q S ST U T TG A RT ? FIELDS OF A P P L I C AT I O N I N N OVAT I O N & Q UA L I T Y S U M M I T ST U T TG A RT connects leading suppliers and regional buyers in the fields of innovation & quality solutions through a customized matchmaking program. As an added extra to the pre-arranged BtoB meetings, IQS offers a high-level conference program lead by industry professionals on the recent innovations and developments in the medical devices, aerospace, automotive, energy industry or 3D printing technology! Design, Project & Process Engineering • Automotive industry • Medical industry • Rail industry BUSINESS PROFILES Quality Assurance & Control • Aerospace & defense industries Research & Development Plant, Production & Manufacturing General & Corporate Managers • Energy & environment • Robotics • Industrial equipment S U M M I T - M A I N TO P I C S Creating built environments of new opportunities Shaping materials and technologies Building up business operations and their logic Advancing products and services Understanding impacts and functioning of different solutions Constructing commitment and acknowledging human experiences M ATC H M A K I N G P R O G RA M Who can attend? You’re selling your expertise, services or products! You’re looking for expertise, EXHIBITOR BUYER commodities or products! You’re involved in: - Sales, - Marketing, - Business development, - Technical promotion, etc. You’re involved in: - Supply chain, - Engineering, - Procurement, - Fabrication, - Purchasing, - R&D, etc. How to get your BtoB meetings agenda? 1 PROFILE UPDATE Fill out a short form and provide descriptions of your capabilities, applications and requirements. 2 PLATFORM ACCESS Access detailed profiles of our attendees via the online catalogue (3 weeks prior to the show). 3 MEETING REQUESTS Identify and request meetings with relevant contacts through our user friendly program. 4 VALIDATION Validate meeting requests made by other companies (for decision makers). 5 CHECK YOUR AGENDA Consult your online schedule of pre-planned meetings with the contacts of your choice, a few days before the official opening. C O N TAC T S Stéphane CASTET CEO [email protected] Andrea REINWART [email protected] T. + 33 1 41 86 41 54 General Organization: advanced business events (abe) 35/37 Rue des Abondances - Boulogne Billancourt Cedex - France T.: +33 1 41 86 41 54 - Fax: +33 1 46 03 86 26 Email: [email protected] abe - SAS au capital de 50 000 € - Siret : 515 013 506 00024 - NAF : 8230 Z