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CHATTERBOX No 273 September 2016 www.lochwinnoch.info www.facebook.com/lochwinnoch Community newsletter produced by Lochwinnoch Chatterbox Trust What’s On & Dates for your Diaries Village events, clubs, classes, etc are in the centre pages 2017 is the year of the Renfrewshire Federation of SWI Show and also the Centenary of the SWI in Scotland so there are a lot of "extras" to enjoy this season. Scottish Country Dance Club I don`t like to bring up the subject but as the dark nights loom, it is time to think about how we can have some fun and exercise in the Autumn and Winter evenings. I have the answer ! Come and join us in the McKillop Hall on Tuesdays at 7.30p.m. Classes resume on Tuesday 27th September, no previous experience is necessary as we have an expert tutor in charge and the group , as a whole are friendly and helpful. You know you want to ! If more details are required, please phone Lorna Black 01505 843048 Lorna Black Lochwinnoch Our first meeting is on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30 when Mrs Netta Howie will entertain us with a travelogue "Southampton to Singapore". Just to remind you all too, the Competitions this month are a Jar of Apricot Jam and a Fresh Floral Arrangement with a candle (not exceeding 8" overall) so "have a go" folks it is all a bit of fun! There is a web site www.theswi.org.uk for much more information about the SWI in Scotland, if you are not too sure just what we are about! We look forward to your company on that date. If you wish any further information, contact Elma Richmond at either 843193 or [email protected] . Elma SWI Autumn may be the "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" but it also brings September and the start of the 2016/2017 season of Lochwinnoch Scottish Women's Institute. We have arranged an exciting syllabus of talks and demos for the 2016/17. We welcome existing and new members on the third Wednesday of the month in The McKillop Hall at 7.30pm from September till April, so put these dates in your diary and come along and join us. Lochwinnoch Primary School Parent Council The Parent Council will be holding its annual meeting on the 8th September at 7.15pm in the School. We would encourage all parents and carers with children at the school to come along and find out about the work of the Council. We also welcome new members who would like to come along to a couple of meetings each term, especially any Primary One parents who will be joining the school for the first time. At the meeting we will also be discussing the annual School Improvement Plan which sets out the priorities for the school for the year. If you want to find out more about what the parent council does or would like to talk about any issues that you want to see raised at the Parent Council please get in touch by email [email protected] Allan Watt, Chair, Parent Council MATTHEW NEW & SONS ROOFING — ROUGHCASTING — BUILDING MAINTENANCE Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs Roughcasting — UPVC Cladding — Guttering Tel No 01505 843400 FMB Certificate No 26366 1 Lochwinnoch Choral Society prepares for another season It seems like no-time at all since the choir had its last practice and broke up for the summer holidays. With our esteemed choir master touring New Zealand in the Spring of this year, we had a relatively quiet 2015/16. Our Christmas concert was, once more, very well supported and both junior and senior choirs really enjoyed entertaining and singing for our loyal and enthusiastic audience. Lochwinnoch Arts Festival gave us the opportunity to be part of a great evening in the Parish church encompassing a wide variety of music and local voices. Local Solicitors Providing Personal Service Whether you’re buying or selling a home or are unsure of your rights on any legal matter the experienced team at JJ McCosh will provide an individual service from experts with local knowledge. Partner, and local resident, Ian Briggs is more than happy to consult at your home, and there is no charge for the first meeting. Feel free to get in touch to speak to our team and see how we can help. Telephone: 01294 832112 Being relatively new to the choir, having resisted repeated invitations for several years, I am still surprised at how good it feels to sing in public as part of a group. Despite the frustrations of rehearsal, the adrenaline-powered focus of performing in front of your friends and neighbours is a very special experience that keeps us coming back for more each year. There are also social/fund-raising events which help members to get to know each other, as well as raising money to fund our concerts. Our 2016/17 schedule will include our Christmas concert, a contribution to next year's Arts Festival and a major concert in the early summer of 2017. Watch out for more information in future editions of Chatterbox. The new choir committee is looking at ways to encourage even more people to take part in our activities. New singing members are always welcome but help behind the scenes with organisation, administration and setting up for concerts would also be very helpful. If, like me, singing in the shower or the car is about as far as you get, there will be support and encouragement from existing members and we hope to arrange small-group tuition to help us all progress with our singing. If you would like to find out more about the choir, what you can do and what members get out of it, please contact me. Eric Whitfield (Chair) [email protected] Or Mobile 07525428416 Eric Email: [email protected] Lochwinnoch Primary School Pupils at Lochwinnoch Primary were happy and enthusiastic as they started back on 15th August. We were very proud of how smart everyone was in their uniform and encourage this to continue. Not only is it smart and practical, it helps enormously in building a sense of identity and belonging within the school community. Our new Primary 1 pupils were welcomed in to their new class by their Primary Seven buddies and had a super morning learning about their classroom routines and using the trim trail. A new lift is now fully operational within the school and refurbishment of storage areas is on-going as is the work to replace our roof. Pupils have been learning about staying safe during assembly and are asked to be especially careful while the scaffolding remains in place. We have lots of exciting things happening in school this term, including the election of House Captains and the usual open afternoon on the 9th September, with opportunities for parents and carers to see children in their classroom and meet their teachers. We look forward to working with parents and the community in the coming year to continue to provide exciting and appropriate learning opportunities for all our pupils. Lynne Gilchrist Depute Head Teacher 2 Kiltwalk Cheque Presentation Caitlin & Donna Armstrong present a cheque for £800 to the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity (Continuing the care of Yorkhill Children’s Charity), the hard earned fundraising from their Kilt walk earlier in the year. Despite blisters and injuries they both completed the 26 mile walk from Glasgow to Balloch. Those at the McKillop for the presentation were given an interesting talk about the work of the Charity. Although based in Glasgow, the unit is a centre of excellence for children’s medical care for Scotland and the north of England. As well as buying toys and items of equipment to make treatment more tolerable, another of their activities is with the work of the Clown Doctors. These trained play specialists use storytelling, music, improvisation and clowning are to engage the children and to help them come to terms with their illness and hospital stay using humour and play. As well as their regular ward visits, children are often referred to the Clown Doctors for 1:1 sessions. The medical benefits of play are well recognised and the Charity’s support of the Clown Doctors in the hospital is appreciated by children, parents and medical staff.. 3 A View of the Bridge Photos this month of the Main Street bridge works Lochwinnoch International Aid News our local fund-raising group with a global purpose After a quite summer we're back in fund-raising action. We're having another yard sale, Saturday 10th Sept. from 11.00 at 79 High St. Last year we raised £300 on a rainy day, we hope for sunshine and more money this time round. If you have any goods to donate then please let us know, We'll have tea and biscuits on sale too. Towards the end of October (22nd or 29th) we will be having another safari supper. Guests move from house to house for each course meeting different people each time, then there's a get together at the end for coffee and drinks. They are increasingly popular so if you want to reserve a ticket, get in touch. Floating gardens for flood prone areas; composting 4 toilets that produce fertiliser and save wasting water; 'tippy taps', which are plastic containers on hinges so people can wash using less water and avoid diseases. These were the three favourite technologies in a recent vote by supporters of Practical Action, an organisation that spreads good ideas around the developing world. We have given them single donations in the past, now we have added them to our list of regular monthly donations. For a meaningful birthday present, Practical Action have a brilliant series of 'practical presents that change lives' from £6 upwards you can 'buy' a present that goes to someone in need whilst you get the acknowledgement card. You can choose presents from the website www.practicalpresents.org. We have just given £200 to a charity providing music tuition for young people in Gaza; this follows from a recent visit to Glasgow by the Palestine Youth Orchestra, and a recent photo exhibition in Govanhill by a Palestinian photographer Hamde Abu Rahma 'life in occupied Palestine' daily life under a military occupation. We hope to bring this exhibition to Lochwinnoch sometime soon. We are pleased that the Rainbow Turtle organisation in Paisley has received the ‘Outstanding Achievement Award’ from the Fairtrade Foundation for an event held over both the Saturdays of Fairtrade Fortnight when a 'breakfast table was set up in the Rainbow Turtle shop window and people from schools, churches, community groups, etc. were asked to take a turn at the table to ‘stand up for farmers and sit down for breakfast’. The award recognises the great work carried our by Rainbow Turtle's manager Liz Cotton and her team. The shop is on Gauze St. Paisley (opposite the Abbey). Dave Mellor Them Cones Church Street, you may have noticed, has become the main thoroughfare for traffic into and out of the village. This has provided, as well as lots of dust and noise for those who live here, huge entertainment provided by the traffic cones and our reaction to them. One side of the street nearest the crossroads was coned off. This was to ensure there was enough space for traffic to flow in both directions – a good plan, given the number of large trucks, tractors, bin lorries, and monster contractor vehicles heading up and down, as well as cars and vans. The plan, however, didn’t reckon with local culture. Firstly, there were the ‘it’s only me’ or ‘I’ll just be two minutes’ brigade. Just stopping to grab a paper/pop into Spar/go the bank machine – it won’t hurt. But these were closely followed by the ‘well, other people are parking here,’ folks. These drivers didn’t just stop for a ‘wee minute’ but went for a coffee or to the hairdresser, or to meet friends. And then, there were the cone movers. This is where it gets serious. These are the ‘I don’t see why I can’t park here if I want to’ mob, and they shifted the cones up and down the road to suit their needs. Some days, the cones are huddled for safety in wee groups at one end of the road. Some days, there are a few bravely holding out near the cross. Mostly, they are ignored. Some were established at the bus stop across the road – actually very helpful – but this left the area nearer the church un-coned. 5 Occasionally, a pair of brave Traffic Wardens visit, and try to restore some order. Not for long, however. The cars and vans are parked virtually as if the cones don’t exist, most days now at busy times the queues of traffic trying to negotiate the bottleneck are highly entertaining. Huge trucks waiting for a clear exit, cars backing up and wriggling through between parked vehicles, engine noise, exhaust fumes, the occasional blast from a horn, thumping sound systems – it’s as if New York has come to Lochwinnoch! This is a huge leap in cultural development; straight from village to inner city. Cosmopolitan life has arrived. But in a village where people remember a quieter time, where some still stop their cars on the cross junction to let out a passenger, where zig-zag lines are just a pretty decoration, and when ‘it’s only me, I’ll just be a minute’ could replace quite a few licence plates, cones are a very movable feast and an opportunity rather than a rule. Some September Trivia 1. The birth flower for September is the morning glory. 2. September 1, 1939, World War II began in Europe because the German troops invaded Poland. 3. September 2, 1666 - The Great Fire of London began in a bakery in Pudding Lane near the Tower. Over the next three days more than 13,000 houses were destroyed, although only six lives were believed lost. 4. September 14, 1741 Composer George Frederick Handel finished Messiah after working on it nonstop for 23 days 5. National Chicken Month 6. National Rice Month 7. National Potato Month Local mental health charity RAMH has been awarded top marks following a recent inspection by the Care Inspectorate. Housing Support Services run by RAMH provide personalised care in people’s own homes, plus they have 24 hour care for residents in supported accommodation. The Care Inspectorate inspected services in Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire. Elderly Forum a meeting. We now have the mobile van. The Elderly Forum members are to be commended for getting things done in this village. People are living longer now and I'm sure it's been noticed that older people make the effort to vote, also it's been noticed that older people take notice and speak out. At every monthly meeting we are favoured by the presence of our splendid Councillors Bibby, Doig and Gilmour (in alphabetical order so as not to offend). Each of these gentlemen talks to those present, giving them updates on their requests/issues/complaints raised at the previous meeting. Janis Byrne, Housing Support Manager, said “We were delighted to be graded as ‘excellent’ in the inspection – it is the second consecutive year that we have scored full marks”. Be assured that these are many and varied because older citizens have realised that, and have a healthy respect for, "if you don't ask you don't get". This of course applies to raising issues and making complaints too. In addition, as a group in society, they are observant, discerning and caring. She added “We have an excellent team at RAMH who provide the very highest quality services. It’s great to be recognised in this way and acknowledged for the very professional support RAMH provides”. Therefore meetings are lively with many making sure they have their say, quite rightly so, plus commenting on those views of others to reinforce a point. In the past year we've dealt with:- RAMH promotes recovery from mental ill health, and empowers people to build independent, fulfilled lives. They are one of the largest providers of mental health services with housing support covering Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, North & South Ayrshire. More information on their services is available at www.ramh.org ***************************** If you're concerned about someone's mental health and are unsure how to handle a conversation about it, remember the most important thing is to LISTEN. Simply asking "are you OK?" is enough to reassure a person that you want to hear how they are feeling. No one is expecting you to know exactly what they are experiencing, and that's why just listening can be so powerful. When you're ready to finish the conversation, reassure the person by asking "how can I help you?" It's the small things in life that can make big differences. By listening, you will be helping someone on their road towards recovery. If you think RAMH can help someone you know, ask them to contact 0141 847 8900 or [email protected] The drains Overhanging hedges Dog fouling Grass cutting Our Councillors take these issues on board and more often than not there is a satisfactory outcome. Obviously they can't work miracles but often have success with the impossible. The situation with bus services is a major issue with many factors coming into play and although a little better, yet still far from ideal Over the years council officials from several departments have been invited along to discuss these issues. They are called to account for what is perceived to be a lack of interest in Lochwinnoch issues. From this we have had good results but perhaps not as many as we'd like. It's mainly all about funding and staff shortages. For those in the village who have not yet joined the forum give it a try. You are eligible from age 55. This applies to the ROAR lunch club as well. The September forum meeting is on the 29th at 1.30pm in the McKillop in the lesser hall. The buses or rather lack of... Street lighting Road gritting Flooding Fallen leaves Anti social behaviour Bin collection Food bin uplifts Main Street Bridge Pavements Dropped kerbs. My Bus Take the grass cutting for example. We learned that the cutting of the many grass areas in the village was to be reduced to once a month or less. There was a stushie about that and the regular grass cutting was resumed within days. Important to the many dog owners. Also because the closure of the RBS branch was a major issue for many of the elderly for one reason or another. An RBS representative came along to 6 Could you spare 3 hours a week? Retail Assistants—Our busy charity shops in Lochwinnoch and Beith are looking for additional volunteers. Without the support of the volunteers we would lose out on vital funds raised in our shops for the Hospice. Volunteering in our charity shop is a chance to learn about all aspects of retail. For example, till work, sorting, cleaning, stock rotation and customer service. Working in the shops there is a very friendly and sociable atmosphere. Other volunteer roles available, please call Christine or Elaine on 01505 705 635 or visit www.svh.co.uk for more information. St Vincents Hospice complete the questionnaire on practice website or via the website www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk. Please arrange 4-6 weeks in advance. Wasted Appointments Surgery News Public Holiday The practice will be closed on Monday 26th September 16 and telephones will be diverted to the Out of Hours service or dial 111. Repeat Prescriptions Repeat and special request prescriptions can be ordered via the website, post-box, reception or phone. In order to keep the line free for patients looking for appointments, please try to use your re-order slip from the pharmacy or phone after 10 am. Please allow 48 hrs for repeat prescription re-orders. Contact Details We recently installed a text reminder system for appointments - if you change your contact details, particularly mobile telephone numbers, please let us know. All patient contact details are kept confidential. Minor illness Self help guidance for the management of minor illnesses is available on the practice website at www.mistylawmedicalpractice.co.uk & also on NHS inform. Patients can seek help for treatment of any eye problem from Opticians & many minor ailments from pharmacists. Like many other practices, we're experiencing difficulties obtaining locum cover for doctors’ holiday leave which may result in reduced appointment availability and we would appreciate patients' understanding and help with this. As a courtesy to other patients we would be grateful if you would phone to cancel your appointment if it is no longer needed, freeing it up for someone else. Please also try to arrive in good time for your appointment, or ‘phone if you expect to be late, so that others aren't delayed. You may be asked to rebook. Flu Vaccination Programme Flu vaccine will be available at the end of September and we would encourage all patients in the eligible groups to attend. These are the over 65s, those with chronic respiratory disease, heart, kidney, liver or neurological disease, diabetes, the immunosuppressed, pregnant woman and carers. Further information can be obtained at reception. Any patients out-with the criteria can get a flu vaccination privately at participating outlets eg. Pharmacies or shopping centres. Travel Vaccinations Advertising in Chatterbox A. Standard size advert – 5cm x 13cm (or 13cm x 5cm) layout - £30 per month. B. Special (customised) advert – 7.5cm x 13cm (or 13cm x 7.5cm) layout - £40 per month. C. Quarter page advert – eg 9.5cm wide x 13cm high layout - £45 per month. D. Half page advert – 19cm x 13cm (or 13cm x 19cm) layout - £90 per month. E. Full page advert – 20cm x 28 cm £180 per month. Sizes may vary slightly. Contact for colour pricing. e-mail : [email protected] for further information. Can Recycling There is now a can recycling point in Heritage Farmers Market Shop. All monies generated from the cans will be donated to local charities by Heritage Farmers Market Shop , so simply bring in your cans and put them in the box just inside the shop door. Information on travel health can be obtained from the Practice Nurses or Donna Re Mode is NOW OPEN at 39 High St, Lochwinnoch ReMode is the Unique Boutique run by young people who’ll be upcycling and re-designing youth clothing for their own designer label. For more information, contact [email protected] or 01505 842530 7 Charity Encourages you to celebrate International Friendship Day is, to everyone, but particularly those who do not get out and about as much as they’d like. I’ve made so many lasting friendships through my work with Contact the Elderly, for which I’m very grateful. This Sunday is International Friendship Day and national charity Contact the Elderly is urging everyone to acknowledge the day. “I hope everyone takes the opportunity to do something nice with your loved ones on International Friendship Day. And if anyone has some free time to offer a hand of friendship to others, then we are always looking for more volunteers so please get in touch.” Contact the Elderly provides tea, cake but, most importantly, company to people aged 75 and over who live alone through free monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties. These parties are operated entirely by volunteers who act as hosts for the older guests and their drivers, who take them from their front door, to the volunteer’s home, and back again. Morna O’May, Head of Service for Scotland at Contact the Elderly, said: “Friendship is the very backbone of our charity. It is one of the main reasons volunteers and guests join our groups, of which there are now more than 100 across Scotland. “You only need to ask a guest what their afternoon out means to them to understand how important friendship ALPENROSE B&B Kilbirnie 01505 683122 Detached villa & private parking I double, 1 twin room, 1 single Private bathroom for guests Option of room only Full Scottish breakfast or Continental food is locally sourced produce Good walking area & close to cycle track 5 mins from Lochwinnoch by car for RSPB, Castle Semple Loch & Muirshiel Country Park Across Scotland, Contact the Elderly supports more than 1,000 older people through its network of more than 1,100 volunteers. Laura Brown, 25, has been a deputy coordinator for the charity for two years. She has a special friendship with one of her guests, 87-year-old Jim. She said: Having recently celebrated its Golden Jubilee, Contact the Elderly is the only national charity, which since inception, has focussed solely on relieving the acute loneliness and isolation of older people who live alone, without family, friends or other support networks nearby The Contact the Elderly model is based on a simple yet very effective model: free, monthly tea parties for small groups of older people and volunteers within their community - which bring all ages together, develop fulfilling friendships and support networks, and give everyone something to look forward to Contact the Elderly currently has over 600 groups throughout England, Scotland and Wales, providing a regular, consistent and vital friendship link every month to over 4,800 older people aged 75 and above “I have made many great friends but a favourite of mine is Jim. There “Jim, born and bred in Scotland moved with his wife to Zimbabwe where he worked as an industrial scientist and she as his secretary. He sadly lost his wife several years ago and now lives alone. His sight has deteriorated to the point of blindness but he has not let this slow him down. He is full of fascinating stories that I look forward to hearing each time we meet and he tells me for him, life doesn't stop in old age, it’s just the beginning of a new chapter. As “Through our tea parties the label of ‘older person’ is stripped away and you come to see that beneath it all there’s just a ‘person’ with life experience, funny stories and empathy. It deepens your understanding of the challenges some older people face and what you can do to help.” To find out how to volunteer with Contact the Elderly or if you would like to enquire about becoming a guest please contact Caroline McGinlay on 0141 812 1555 or [email protected]. Contact the Elderly: For further media information, please contact Vanessa Warren on 07944 550087 or [email protected]. 8 are currently over 7,800 volunteers supporting the groups: volunteer drivers collect the older guests from their homes and accompany them to tea parties, while volunteer hosts hold the tea parties in their homes part of its continuing Power of Contact campaign to recruit more volunteers, Contact the Elderly aims by 2020 to double the number of isolated older people it supports Contact the Elderly is the winner of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Volunteering Award 2012 www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk Regional Park Round Up Here comes the Bog Stomp! Going to print we still have spaces for the Bog Stomp… It’s at Greenock Cut Visitor Centre on Sunday 4th September and is a new 10km trail running event! General entry is £20 but reduced to £10 if you raise £100 for Erskine, our charity partner. All participants will get a goody bag with medal and t-shirt. See www.clydemuirshiel.co.uk/things-todo/bog-stomp/ for more info, online entry is now open through EntryCentral.com/bogstomp2016. Scottish Multi-Class Regatta Clyde Muirshiel’s Castle Semple Visitor Centre will again play host to the Regatta and will see lots of special schools and disability resource centres out on the water. Come down and support the competitors and enjoy the colourful sails lighting up the loch! Classics at Castle Semple Returns! Now in its 6th year Visitor Centre Assistant Jane will return with her amazing Classic Car Show. It’s happening on Sunday 23rd October at Castle Semple and Jane encourages anyone who would like to display their pride and joy to get in touch ASAP as spaces are limited. It’s free to do so but you must book by email [email protected]. Semple Trail Launch Success Sunday 7th September saw the successful launch of the Semple Trail Heritage Project! The new Kids’ Passport is available with lots of activities with things to see and do around the route. New Pedal the Park Mini XC Event! Clyde Muirshiel and Ride 63 have again teamed up this time to offer an off road, mountain biking event at Muirshiel Country Park on Sunday 30th October. It’s open to everyone aged 8 adult and has age bandings/categories and FREE bike hire provided by event partners RT Cycles. Online entry is priced at just £5, or £10 on the day. Enter now https:// www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/ details/140421/Pedal-The-Park-MiniXC Duke of Edinburgh Programmes at Clyde Muirshiel A wide range of expeditions and skills are available to suit Duke of Edinburgh participants of all abilities. Get in touch with [email protected] if you know of a group of 14-24 yr olds who could benefit from a tailored programme! Ride 63 Club News Check out our facebook (www.facebook.com/Ride63)to see when we’re next going out or contact [email protected] for a membership form. Mhairi Black MP If you have a problem or an issue you would like to raise with me my next Lochwinnoch Surgery will be held at 10:00am in the McKillop Institute on the second Saturday of the month. Alternatively, you can contact me at: 0141 571 4370 [email protected] CMRP Online Keep up to speed with events and activities taking place on the Park’s Facebook facebook.com/ ClydeMuirshielRegionalPark, @Clydemuirshiel Twitter & Instagram pages. Regular Events Mondays (but not public holidays) Lochwinnoch Community Walks meet 10.30am at The Cross Weekly Volunteer Groups Newcomers always welcome! Thursdays Castle Semple Conservation Volunteers, Adult group, from 12.30 – 15.30 hrs. Saturdays Greenock Cut Conservation Volunteers, Adult group, 10.30 – 14.30 hrs. Sundays Castle Semple Young Volunteers, 12-18 yr olds, 10.00 – 12.00 hrs Monthly What’s On Events Sun 4 Sept Bog Stomp A 10km trail run for charity. Get on your nobbly running shoes and enjoy fine views over the Clyde. More info and bookings online via entry central. WHERE: Greenock Cut Visitor Centre WHEN: Registration from 9am, first wave 10am MORE INFO: tel 01475 521 458 & bookings Fri 9 Sept Bat Walk A walk around Castle Semple and Lochwinnoch with bat detectors to listen to the elusive night-time hunters. Not to be missed! WHERE: Castle Semple Centre WHEN: 7.30pm – 9.30 pm 9 COST: £5 per person MORE INFO: tel 01505 842 882 ex 20 & bookings Sat 10 & Sun 11 Sept The Scottish Multi-Class Regatta A legacy event of ‘Race 2 the games’ 2014. Get involved and sponsor or support your nearest school, accessible club or individual with additional support needs. WHERE: Castle Semple Visitor Centre WHEN: 10am – 3.30pm both days MORE INFO: tel 01505 842 882 ex 21 Sat 10 Sept Greenock Cemetery Bat Walk A very popular annual walk seeking out the cemetery’s nocturnal wildlife. WHERE: Greenock Cemetery WHEN: 7.30pm – 9.30pm COST: £5 per person MORE INFO: tel 01475 521 458 & bookings Fri 16 Sept After Dark Walk A moonlit walk around the woods to hear hooting owls, echo locating bats and rustling badgers! WHERE: Castle Semple WHEN: 7.30pm – 9.30pm Cost: £5 per person MORE INFO: tel 01505 842 882 ex 20 & bookings Sat 17 Sept Great British Beach Clean Join us for the annual big clean up! Help record data and protect our coastline by contributing to the national survey. WHERE: Lunderston Bay WHEN: 11am onwards MORE INFO: tel 01475 521 458 & bookings For more information contact Development & Marketing Officer, CMRP tel 01505 842 882 What’s On FitSteps—Lochbarr Centre, 7-8om, starts 7th March. Regular clubs, classes and groups Football Training—St Mirrin football training, Lochbarr Centre, 4:00-5pm age, 3-6, 5-6pm age 612yrs Boys’ Brigade—meets on Tuesday evenings in the Parish Church Hall. - Anchor Boys P1 to P3 (6pm—7pm) - Juniors P4 to P6 (7pm- 8.15pm) - Company P7 to S6 (7.45—9.30pm) Tel Mark Brown 842209 or email [email protected] Girls Brigade—1st Lochwinnoch Company, Wed evenings from 6pm9.15pm at the Parish Church Hall for various age groups. Hatha Yoga Classes with LauraJane Lawson. Wednesday- McKillop Inst 7pm-8.30pm. All levels welcome. Tel: 07999 862 162 or Email: [email protected] Calder Drama Club—Thursdays, from 8pm-10pm McKillop Institute. Calder UF Church—Food for Thought. Last Monday of the month 7.30pm in church hall Healing and Creativity Workshops & Classes—For details or to book a place, please Tel Becky: 0141 8816700 or Libby on: 01505 842604 Community Walks—Mondays (but not public holidays) - meet 10.30am at The Cross, Lochwinnoch Conservation Volunteers— Clyde Muirshiel - Adult Group—Thursdays 12:303:30pm Castle Semple Centre - Young Volunteers, 12-18yr old, Sundays 10-12am, Castle Semple Centre Bokwa Fitness — Masonic Hall, Thursdays, 7—8pm. Places limited. Contact Rachel on 07795 100231 or 503362 Drop-in T Bar—Lochwinnoch Elderly Forum. McKillop Institute, 10-12 noon. Personal Service & Quality Guaranteed New Memorials Additional Inscriptions Cleaning & Renovations SALE ITEMS ALWAYS IN STOCK 42 MAIN STREET KILBIRNIE Please Call 01505 685455 www.quinnmemorials.co.uk Mon & Fri 10am-5pm Tue-Thur 10am-2pm Sat By Appointment Lochwinnoch Art Group—Meet fortnightly on Monday evenings, 7.30pm, McKillop Institute. Lochwinnoch Choral Society— Rehearsals on Monday evenings, Parish Church/ Hall. Juniors 7:158pm, and Seniors 8pm-9.15pm. Lochwinnoch Community Walks—Mondays (ex. Public Holidays), meet at 10.30am at The McKillop Institute. Lochwinnoch Toddlers—Mon and Wed 9.45 - 11.30am during term time in McKillop, new members welcome, free entry for babies under 6 months, tea, coffee available and free healthy snacks for children. Lochwinnoch Writers Group— Monday from 2-4:15pm in the Library. Contact 873581 Keep Fit—Improving With Age classes—every Tues from 10-11am at the McKillop. Tel 842 136 Morag’s Keep Fit—Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm, in the McKillop Institute Knitting Group—Mondays 10am12 noon (or longer) at The Loch House, all levels welcome Krafty Kids—open to all Primary School children 1.30—3pm in small Parish Church room. For bookings telephone Katharine Billany on 01505 844 944 or 07947 075 622 Positive Thinking Group Meet every 4th Wed in the Bridgend Community Centre, Kilbirnie. Cost £3.50 For further info telephone Andrea on 07890 181 769 Pulse Dance Academy Lochbarr Centre Thu: Juniors 6-7pm, Seniors 7-8pm Sat: Nippers 2-5yrs 10:45-11:30am Pulse Stretch Class—Lochbarr Centre, Sat 12-1pm ROAR Lunch Club—every Thursday from 11.45am PROMPT at the McKillop Institute. Please Note - ONLY ONE SITTING. Scottish Country Dance Club— Every Tuesday, from 7.30-9.30pm, McKillop Inst. Sequence Dance Class—Every Wed 7.30-9.30 at Bowling Club TaeKwon-Do—Fitness and Selfdefence classes for youths and adults. Tuesdays from 5-6pm, McKillop and Thursdays from 7pm8pm at Lochwinnoch Primary School. Tel: 01259 210716. Tai Chi— McKillop Hall, Tues 11-:15 -12:15, Tel 842374, Resumes 16th Aug The Gathering – An Open Mike session for musicians, singers and performers on the First Friday of the Month, 8.00 pm, at Lochwinnoch Golf Club. Ukelele Band—Come and play, any level, Corner Bar, every Wednesday 7:15pm Writing Group— every Monday in the Library 2pm—4:15pm Zumba—Lochbarr Centre, Wed 7-8pm—Zumba with Cheryl Liathach Dog Training—(prebooking necessary). Anne Moss, Tel: 01505 842367, e-mail: [email protected] Linda Margaret School of Dancing—Tuesdays from 4pm8.45pm, McKillop Institute. For details, Tel: 0141 581 9104. Lochbarr Centre Monday - Pilates with Margaret 6pm-7pm call 07930 324276 Monday - Fit-Steps with Jennifer 7.15pm -8.15pm Tuesday- FBX with Steven 7pm 7.30pm & 7.30pm-8pm Wednesday - Zumba with Cheryl 7pm-8pm Thursday - Pilates with Margaret 10.30am-11.30am call 07930 324 276 to book. Thursday St Mirren Football Training 4pm -5pm (age 3-6) 5pm -6pm (age 6-12) Thursday Pulse Dance Academy 6pm-7pm Juniors (primary 1-4) 7pm-8pm Seniors 1 (primary 5-7) 8pm-9pm Senior 2 (1st year onwards) Saturday Bootcamp with Steven 9.30am-10.30am Saturday Pulse Dance Academy 10.30am -11.15am Minis (age 2-4) 11.15am -12pm Tap & Stretch Juniors (P5) 12pm -1pm Tap Stretch Seniors (P 6 onwards) 10 Upcoming Events Church Hall Saturday 24th Sept—Paisley Heritage Walk - The Buildings of Paisley. Fri 2nd Sept—RSPB Local Group, 7:30pm McMaster Centre, Donaldson Drive, Renfrew PA4 8L.X Tues 27th Sept—Scottish Country Dance Club resumes, McKillop Hall, 7:30=9:30pm Sat 3rd Sept—Paisley doors Open Day - Paisley Thread Mill Museum - A talk on Paisley's Thread Heritage at 12pm and 2pm . Class Reunion Lochwinnoch Primary school class reunion for pupils who started primary 1 in 1977 and left primary 7 in 1984 Sunday 4th Sept—Paisley doors Open Day - Heritage Walk - Paisley's Textile Heritage. Mon 5th Sept, Art Group Regular Councillor Surgeries Cllr Andy Doig—4th Wednesday of the month, McKillop Institute, 7:30pm [email protected] Cllr Chris Gilmour—1st Saturday of the month, McKillop Institute, 9am [email protected] Cllr Derek Bibby—1st Saturday of the month, McKillop Institute, 9am [email protected] Saturday, 12 August 2017 AGM & Discussion, 7:30pm, Mckillop Institute at 19:00–0:00 Details to follow Thur 8th Sept—Lochwinnoch Primary School Parents Council, 7.15pm in the School Fri 9 Sept—Bat Walk, Castle Semple Centre, 7:30pm, Booking required Sat 10-18th Sept—RSPB Book Sale Thur 15th Sept—Historical Society, 7.30pm Parish Church ‘The Urban Historian’ Steven Clancy Lochwinnoch Parish Church RBS Mobile Bank AUTUMN CREAM TEA McKillop Institute Wednesday 21st September Wed 11:15—11:55 2pm - 4pm Monday & Friday Parish Church Hall 11:50—12:35 Cost £2.50 Sat 17th Sept—Wildlife Photography Workshop Beginner 1pm - 4:30pm Thank You Owners of elderly black lab Rhana would like to thank whoever brought her back to our neighbour, who in turn returned Rhana to her equally elderly owner. Sunday 18th Sept—Urban Historian Walk, around Castle Semple at 2pm Mon 19th Sept—Art Group, Drawing. Introduction to Water Colour. 7:30pm, Mckillop Institute CHATTERBOX Wed 21st Sept—Autumn Cream Tea, 2pm - 4pm, Parish Chatterbox is produced and distributed by Lochwinnoch Chatterbox Trust with support and financial assistance from local sponsors and advertisers. Mr Joinery: All including Kitchens, Bathrooms, Flooring, Tiling, Garages, Sheds etc. Pain ng/Decora ng/Paperhanging. Fencing: Wooden & Metal. Ornamental Metalwork & Welding Monoblock/Slabbing & Gardening. FREE Es mates/Best Prices Lochwinnoch Chatterbox Trust (LCT) welcomes all entries for possible inclusion for publication in print, web or audio format or any way as thought appropriate by the editorial team All views are of individuals. The Editor accepts no liability for errors or statements and claims made in submissions. LCT is a not-for-profit group run by volunteers with all profits going to local groups and clubs. Tel: 07917 654 857 11 LEAP LEAP Cycle for Summer during August – Miles of cycling across the Villages LEAP’s Cycle for summer in August has proven a big success with families and local residents from Lochwinnoch, Bridge of Weir and Houston participating and in the first 2 weeks they have reported cycling a total of over 630 miles. Cycling to work as an alternative to car journeys, cycling for health and wellbeing, family cycling activities, cycling to fundraise and cycling for the love of the bike and the outdoors are what has made cycling so popular for these contributors. Added to this is the network of Cycle routes and paths which connect with some of our villages to the countryside, to main rail transport networks and access to a range of cycling activity. All our participants articles, photographs and social media posts can be found on LEAP website together with cycling topics shared on LEAP’s Facebook and twitter. A big LEAP thanks to everyone who has cycled for summer and contributed their photos and articles over August – well done and great fun! ReMode and Love Music Pop Up Record Fayre in October ReMode is teaming up with Love Music to hold a Pop-up Vinyl Fayre on Saturday 22nd October between 11.30 and 4pm at ReMode, 39 High Street Lochwinnoch. Have a look in your attic or basement for the long ago dismissed but not forgotten LPs, look through your current vinyl collection and pencil in this event date. Exchange your vinyls at the usual Love Music Rate (cash) and/ or tokens to spend on ReMode’s unique clothing range for young people. Book your tickets as soon as possible because there’s bound to be a rush for them and therefore we have a £3 booking fee for the event. for tickets, contact LEAP via our website at www.myleapproject.org/contact or pop into ReMode at High Street, Lochwinnoch or our LEAP offices at Church Street or Advance place, Bridge of Weir. Fashion Show and Swish Event – 8th October 7 till 9pm Back by popular demand, and this year run by LEAP’s Remode - a unique Fashion Show and Swish Event at Kilbarchan Guide Hall. 12 Circular Economy Workshops and Talkshops and Events coming our way During September and October, LEAP is running a series of workshops and Talkshops on Recycling, Upcycling, Repair and Redesign. We really want to raise awareness of the new economy, aptly named ‘the Circular Economy’ – yes that’s right, it’s one that doesn’t end in landfill, avoids pollution, saves money and encourages us all to investigate what we buy, how we use our purchases and what new options exist to support a more ethical and environmental way of living and consuming. If you or your community group, charity, school, uniformed organisation are interested in getting involved, want to host a session, event, workshop or Talkshop, would like to become a contributor or speaker, or you want to find out more and attend one of these sessions, email [email protected]. You can also keep a look out for more details on the LEAP website news pages or to get the latest information directly to your inbox, by signing up for the LEAP enewsletter at www.myleapproject.org/contact. John Delaney IFA EXPERT, INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE ON RETIREMENT PLANNING, PENSIONS AND INVESTMENTS For a free initial consultation, without obligation, contact: 01505 844 801 [email protected] 07715 579 312 www.johndelaney-ifa.co.uk Calder lodge, Newton of Barr, Lochwinnoch PA12 4AR Positive Solutions (Financial Services) Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered as a Limited Company In England And Wales No. 3276760. All that’s left for you to do is to process in a solution of Vitamin C and Instant coffee, jamming it together and uploading your finished masterpiece to YouTube and Facebook. Sounds exciting and new – get to grips with film and create a new sense of the world! YEP! Film Mash-up Workshop starts 30th August If you’re between 16 and 25 years of age, why not sign up to learn some new film making skills with LEAP’s YEP! There are a few places left and you can book a place on the weekly course by contacting [email protected] / tel: 01505 842 530. But Hurry! Learn to use Green Screen with video to set action in any time or space imaginable, mix animation and live action. Use a Bolex wind up black and white film camera - the precursor to the camera on your phone - just 20 times heavier and instead of storing the picture on a memory card, create amazing looking footage with trick effects, double exposures and mattes. From Moscow to Houston Cancer Support Scotland Charity Cycle is Electrifying! Local Kilbarchan resident, Kenny Young took to his cycle, a LEAP Electric Bike, on Sunday 21st August for the Cancer Support Scotland 2016 charity event from Moscow to Houston. The charity cycle took Kenny and many other riders through Ayrshire, South and West Glasgow and into Renfrewshire, where they finished the 35 mile long route at the Houston Inn. In preparation for the charity event, Kenny clocked up 156 cycle miles in the last 8 weeks on his favoured Synergie Electric bike and the same on his own cycle. ‘This challenge has 13 required enormous stamina and months of preparation, but it’s been worthwhile to fundraise for Cancer Support Scotland. A big Thanks to LEAP and the other organisations, family and friends for all their support and sponsorship!’ New Intern joins the LEAP Team A big welcome to Ellis Anderson, who has joined the LEAP team as the new Marketing and Communications Intern. Her appointment has been funded by Renfrewshire Council through its ‘Invest in Renfrewshire and Social Enterprise Development Fund’ and in her new role she will focus on supporting LEAP Energy business switch services to help local businesses save money on their energy bills. Paisley is still staffed whereas Johnstone, Linwood, Erskine, and Renfrew are not. THE STIRRUP CUP ANTIQUES AND VINTAGE SHOP Antique and Vintage items are an eco friendly way to furnish your home. The fun and excitement of finding a treasure to keep perhaps for a lifetime. It is always intriguing to wonder who has previously owned it and how much it was loved and admired. le a S n w o D g n i s FindusatWestBanksideFarm,justoff o l the C Largs Road on the outskirts of Kilbirnie opposite the Kilbirnie Place Golf Course. Disabled access and parking at the door. Open 7 days 10.00a.m–5.00p.m. Telephone Greta on 01505 683338 or 07786720586. [email protected]. Websitewww.thestirrupcup.co.uk PostcodeforSatNavKA257LQ There appears to be evidence of an increase in fly-tipping and without staff there is no one to check if this will happen at the unstaffed sites, not to mention whether people are putting the correct waste in the correct skip. At the last Lochwinnoch Community Council this was a matter of much concern, and I totally agree. I voted against this short sighted decision and believe it should be reversed. It is not that the Council do not have the money to staff the waste centres, they simply choose to spend it on vanity projects. I very much want to make myself available to local residents in Lochwinnoch and please note my Lochwinnoch advice surgery is on the 4th Wednesday of the month, at 7:30pm, in the McKillop Institute, excluding July. However, I am available at any time to constituents who can call me on 07534 148224, tweet me on CllrAndy4Ward8, or email me at [email protected]. Yours Sincerely, Cllr Andy Doig (SNP), Cllr Andy Doig There is a prospective application by Leith Planning Investments for a new housing development on the northern boundary of the Beech Burn, Johnshill, Lochwinnoch, and they have a public meeting to present their plans at the McKillop Institute, from 2pm to 7pm Wednesday 7th September Please take the time to go along and make your views known, either for, or against. As a member of the Planning Board council protocol prevents me from stating a public position for, or against, any given application prior to when it comes to the Board, so in the interim period I am very keen to also hear what the mind of the village is on the matter. Many constituents have been contacting me very worried about the recent decision of Renfrewshire Council to cut the staff at all council waste centres out-with Paisley, that is, Johnstone North, Kilbarchan, and Lochwinnoch Ward, Renfrewshire Council RSPB From Facebook this month Lochwinnoch Playgroup Lochwinnoch Playgroup needs YOU! If you're between 2 1/2 and 5 years old that is! Playgroup needs some new children looking to have fun Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9.30 - 11.30 at the McKillop in the care of our 2 experienced play leaders. Crafts, sand and water tables, an ever changing selection of toys and more Lochwinnoch Toddlers The toddler group started the new session in August. They meet in the McKillop Institute in Lochwinnoch every Monday and Wednesday (term time) Drop in anytime from 9.45am to 11.30am. Cost is £2.00 (£2.50 if not months - free. charge (except on) per Registered family Registered). Under 6 First time visitors - no when there is an event Tea & coffee available and snacks provided for children. Lots of toys, chat and a fun music time to end the morning! Local Group The next meeting of the Renfrewshire Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Local Group will be held on Friday 2 September 2016 at 7.30 pm. There will be a members night and quiz which will include an illustrated talk entitled Great Auk - The Ghost of the Garefowl by Norman Tait The meeting will be held in the McMaster Centre, Donaldson Drive, Renfrew PA4 8L.X All welcome. 14 Muirend Farm? Muirend Farm, Barcraigs Reservoir does anyone remember this? I'm researching my grandmother's ancestors, she grew up there - Jeannie Harvey b.1888 to John and Mary Harvey. V grateful for any info! Andy Alpine van? So who remembers the Alpine van that used to come to the village weekly?...1 litre of pop could be bought for less than the price of a bottle of Struthers and it was a bigger bottle… it tasted like crap but for the poor members of the village it was a godsend... and Paisley as well. Before setting up this business, he worked at what was then the Garthland – so he obviously liked Lochwinnoch enough in those days to stay a while! The baker’s shop is a village institution and the, predominantly local customers are loyal, regular (you can set your watch by many), and feel at home enough to use the place for all kinds of things. Local Business Focus John Wilson Bakers Location: Lochwinnoch 3, Main Street, What we offer: We sell freshly baked goods, including breads, rolls, scones, pancakes, pastries and cakes. We also sell freshly prepared filled rolls, sandwiches, hotfilled rolls, pies and pasties. People leave parcels, grannies, babies (just till I pop in to the Spar/ McKillop/Mum’s), and dogs and cats (just till the vet opens), as well as collecting their morning rolls, scones, empire biscuits . . . . . and all the lovely things that smell so enticing as you walk along Main Street. Delicious pies. 7.30am – 1.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am – 12.00pm Saturday Information about Lochwinnoch Railway Station Information about Lochwinnoch Railway Station (former location) wanted. According to census and ancestry information, my great grandfather lived in Lochwinnoch around 1899 to 1902 (minimum time period). His occupation at that time was as a railway porter. I am assuming he would have worked at Lochwinnoch railway station (former location). Does anyone know whether there are any photographs of this railway station (and of the station staff) around the time mentioned above? A short history The bakery was established in 1978, and has been serving the local community for the 38 years. Until 2000, the bread and baked items were all made by John himself in the bakery in Beith, and he opened shops in Beith North Ayrshire Sherbert is looking for a new home as her owner sadly died. She was a much loved pet and we'd like to find a loving retirement home for her again. She has been used to outdoor access and is a friendly cat who could live with an older family, single person or couple.Gender: female Rolls, hot-filled rolls and pastries. Opening times: Sherbert 175/2016 W Contact info: 01505 842592 Our specialities: We take customer orders for speciality meats from Auchengree Farm in Dalry. These are delivered to the shop on Tuesdays and Fridays. Looking For A Home This Month If anyone has information about anyone who worked at the station, or photos from that time period which Chatterbox can forward in response to this question please contact via phone 842632 or email [email protected] 15 Age: 13 Colour: Ginger Indoor cat: No Rural Homes Needed MOUSER HOMES NEEDED for feral kittens of various ages. They need to be provided with a warm, dry shelter and daily meals, and in return they will earn their keep by hunting to keep the mice down. Ideal locations would be rural e.g. a stables, small holding or farm. Please get in touch if you can help, and please share to anyone that might be able to help. All have been health checked, neutered, de-flead and wormed. Contact Cats Protection on 0345 371 4218 RSPB's annual book sale. Perhaps even find that special book in the auction.... Events at RSPB Lochwinnoch Nature Reserve For further information and booking, please contact the reserve: Email: [email protected] Tel. 01505 842 663 RSPB Lochwinnoch, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch, PA12 4JF September 2016 Doors Open Day 10am - 4pm Sat 3 & 4 Sep Come along and get a taste of what the reserve has to offer. There will be Free entry, Free Pond Dipping, Free Bug hunting and Free Treasure hunt! confirmed Binocular & Telescope Open Day 10am-4pm Sat 10 & Sun 11 Sep Come and peruse a range of telescopes and binoculars, with knowledgeable staff on hand to help you find the right one for you! Our optics are competitively priced, with the added bonus that you are helping conservation. Cost: FREE Book Sale & Auction Whole week Sat 10 –Sun 18 Sep Find a great Natural History book at Sunday 11 September 10am – 4pm Wildlife Photography Workshop – Intermediate Level Learn how to take great outdoor and wildlife photographs with your own camera, then see your results on screen. The workshop will be led by wildlife photographer David Palmar (www.photoscot.co.uk), who has over 30 years of experience and is a volunteer photographer with the RSPB at their Loch Lomond & Inner Forth reserves. This will be an excellent opportunity to build on your existing photography skills. Advice, encouragement and ideas will be freely given! Cost: £40 – 20% discount for RSPB members Lochwinnoch Explorer Group: Flying Insects 10am – 12noon Sat 17 Sep Calling all children! Come along and learn about nature, but most importantly, get dirty and have fun doing it! This month we’ll be looking at flying insects. Do we mean bees, butterflies, hoverflies, moths... ? Come along to find out! Ages: 5 to 14 years. Please note that all children aged 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Cost: £5 (£3 RSPB members, adults go free) Saturday 17 September 1pm - 4:30pm Wildlife Photography Workshop – Beginner Level Learn how to take great outdoor and wildlife photographs with your own camera, then see your results on screen. The workshop will be led by wildlife photographer David Palmar (www.photoscot.co.uk), who has over 30 years of experience and is a volunteer photographer with the RSPB at their Loch Lomond & Inner Forth reserves. This will be an excellent opportunity for beginners to learn the basics. Advice, encouragement and ideas will be freely given! Cost: £25 – 20% discount for RSPB members Family volunteering - volunteer with your children or grandchildren... 1pm – 3:30pm Sat 24 Sept Who says volunteering is only for grown-ups? Definitely not us. Here’s an opportunity for grown-ups and children to do something practical together in the great outdoors, and to help us Give Nature a Home. It’s a chance to spend some quality time with the children in your life, and it’s free. Please book. Cost: FREE RSPB News The weather hasn’t been particularly kind to us over the past couple of months - as I type this, the rain is lashing down outside the office window. I can’t be the only person hoping we’ll enjoy some late summer sunshine in September! The changing seasons definitely keep things interesting at the reserve most migrant bird species, including warblers, ospreys and swifts, have already started heading south to their wintering grounds in Africa, and it won’t be long before winter migrants such as goldeneye, whooper swans and greylag geese start to arrive in Lochwinnoch to spend the winter months at the reserve. If, like me, the rainy weather makes you want to curl up with a cuppa & an interesting book, why not come along to the reserve from the 10th – 18th 16 entries this year, so I’m sure the winners will be well worth a look! If you feel inspired by the competition winners and would like to develop your own photography skills, our Photography Workshops may be perfect for you. The workshops will be lead by David Palmar, a wildlife photographer with over 30 years experience, who is the volunteer photographer for the Loch Lomond & Inner Forth RSPB reserves, and runs his own website (photoscot.co.uk). On Sunday 11th, David will run a full day intermediate photography workshop which will be perfect for those looking to improve their existing skills, and on Saturday 17th there will be an afternoon workshop aimed at beginners. Both workshops will include a mixture of indoor presentation and outdoor practical skills development, and David will provide plenty of advice and encouragement! Spaces will be limited, so book early to avoid disappointment. For more information about the reserve or any of our events, please call 01505 842 663 or email [email protected] September to browse our Book Sale. We will have a vast array of books available to purchase, with some great bargains to be had! While you’re here, you can also see the winning pictures in this year’s Photography Competition, which will be unveiled on Sunday 11th and displayed in the visitor centre throughout the month. There have been some fantastic 17 Windows on Wildlife Update The Windows on Wildlife Project aims to bring people closer to wildlife, gaining a unique insight to the furry & feathered inhabitants of Castle Semple Country Park. Countryside Ranger Hayley gives us an update. Wildlife News July and August have been fantastic months for breeding barn owls in the local area. Out of four sites visited, three had young chicks. One with a clutch of four, one with three and one with two. One of the adult females was also present and she was subsequently ringed. It’s surprising for me as that particular box has now had three different females using it over the last three years. I do wonder what is happening out with the breeding season which causes this. When visiting the clutch of three the youngest chick wasn’t coping too well and he was subsequently taken up to 18 Lochwinnoch Art Group and almost 1000 hours of footage which I’ve collected over the last four years and hope to write up. Event News Ever fancied wandering around the woods in the dark but been too afraid to do so? Join me on the evening of Friday 16th September to see if we can spot badgers, owls, wood mice, bats and more on the After Dark Walk. Meet at Castle Semple at 7.30pm, booking is essential with a cost of £5 per person. Good walking shoes and a torch are recommended. More Info… Details can be found on the Park’s website www.clydemuirshiel.co.uk or by emailing [email protected]. Footage can be viewed on the Park’s YouTube channel or on the WoW Facebook page. Talks to groups can be arranged. Hessilhead for treatment. After two weeks he was returned successfully back to his box and is holding his own with his siblings. He was a grumpy wee thing and continuously hissed all the way down the road until he went back in the box. If you have barn owls nesting in any outbuildings please remember that they are Schedule 1 birds, protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and a special licence is required to disturb them for activities such as ringing and photography. More info can be found at http:// www.snh.gov.uk/protecting-scotlandsnature/protected-species/which-andhow/birds/ It has recently been noted that the Windows on Wildlife trail cameras are one of the longest continuously running trail camera projects in Scotland (4 years in October). They continue to film the daily lives of the badgers, foxes and more in the woods. The badger triplets are doing well and it’s soon going to be hard to tell at a glance which are the adults and which are the cubs however the cameras have allowed me to distinguish between individuals from their facial stripes and tails. Some of the badgers, such as Rough and Salt, have been followed on camera their whole lives. I have pages of notes For more informtion please contact: Hayley Douglas, Countryside Ranger – CMRP tel 01505 842 882 Our meetings are held fortnightly on a Monday evening between 7.30 9.30pm in the McKillop Institute (Public Holidays etc. permitting). September 5th: A.G.M. & Discussion September 19th: Drawing. Introduction to Water Colour. New members are welcome to join our friendly, self help group. You may have enjoyed Art in the past! The annual membership fee is £25. Each new member receives a sketch pad. We have 15 meetings, 3 of which are demonstrations by invited professional artists, and in October and January we hold an Art Exhibition. There is a Syllabus but some members just come along and, "do their own thing". Halfway through each evening there is a choice of tea or coffee for 20p with a chance to chat and see what the others are doing. Lochwinnoch Historical Society First meeting for this session is on Thursday 15th September 7.30pm In the Parish Church Our guest speaker is The Urban Historian Steven Clancy "Bargarran, witches and thread 1696 to the 1730s" Mystery and intrigue has long surrounded the slaying of the socalled ‘Paisley witches’ back in the 17th century. Seven people were strangled, their bodies burned and then their charred remains were buried at Maxwellton Cross at a site marked by a horseshoe and a circle of cobblestones. We welcome new members and visitors to the meeting. Membership is £8 for the year. Evening visitors pay £2. Includes tea/coffee cake and biscuits. 19 Lochwinnoch Community Library Opening Hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday 10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm Wednesday 2pm-5pm, 6pm-8pm CLOSED THURSDAY Tel: 0300 300 1188 BookBug Sessions Every Tuesday 10-10:30am Songs, rhymes, rhythm and movement! Free, friendly and fun for children aged up to four and their parents. No need to book, just drop in! Bridge of Weir Choral Society About The Urban Historian In Reply New members are welcome to join the Bridge of Weir Choral Society. Our rehearsals recommence in the small hall of St. Columba Church, Kilmacolm on Tuesday 6th September at 7.30pm. The coming repertoire includes Christmas Carols, excerpts from Messiah and Mozart's Mass in C Minor. For more information please telephone the Choir President, Ernie Smyth on 01505 702997 or email In reply to Robert's question in last month's Chatterbox, the butchers shop next to the co-op was Hendry's. The owner, Alan Hendry and his wife Kate, lived at "Ingleside" on Johnshill and later in the upper flat in the "Old Court House" on Church Street. Sadly Kate was killed in a head on car crash in Glencoe, sometime around 1980. Alan retired some 30 years ago, and sold the shop to the other butcher in Lochwinnoch at that time. David Fowles [email protected] The Urban Historian will be leading a walk around Lochwinnoch and Castle Semple on Stephen is a member of the Renfrewshire Local History Forum; The Paisley Thread Mill Museum, Management Committee and a Trustee of the Stewartry Archaeological Trust. In addition to this the Urban Historian is also advising the Renfrewshire Tapestry Group on historical aspects of the old County of Renfrew. Sunday 18th September at 2pm www.theurbanhistorian.co.uk The walk will start at Calder United Free Church and finish at Castle Semple after visiting the Collegiate Church. Editorial and Copy for the October Chatterbox Contact The Elderly Tea-Parties The Urban Historian Walk Are you over 75, live alone, find going out a little difficult, but enjoy conversation and a lovely afternoon tea? If so, Contact the Elderly Lochwinnoch Group have one or two places available right now. You will receive a warm welcome, be collected from your home by a Volunteer Driver, taken to a lovely Volunteer hosts’ home for afternoon tea, one Sunday afternoon per month. The tea- party is from 2pm to 4pm plus travelling time, as we have a number of hosts out with the village. You will then be driven back to your home, all with no cost to yourself. If you want to find out more, please contact :- The Urban Historian, has been delivering short courses and Heritage walks in Paisley for several years. Our tutor, and walk leader, Stephen graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in History, and went on to complete a Masters in Multimedia from the then University of Paisley. Stephen has worked as an archaeologist on many archaeological digs in Paisley, Renfrewshire and beyond, and has taught local history and archaeology at the University of the West of Scotland and at the University of Dundee. The cost of the heritage walk is £3 per person. Details of this walk and other local heritage walks can be found at www.theurbanhistorian.co.uk. Stephen J Clancy MA (Hons), MSc, AHEA Let us have your stories, notices, news, information, events and items of interest – either hand-deliver them to the Chatterbox drop-box in the Library or preferably e-mail them to us at: [email protected] Electronic submission with full colour pictures are preferred. Tel: 01505 842632 The Urban Historian Ann Arnold—Group Coordinator [email protected] COPY DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER IS MONDAY 112H SEPTEMBER Tel No 01505 842736 ESTABLISHED 1989 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS GO ON AND ON… OUR PRODUCTS ARE INSTALLED IN OVER ONE HUNDRED LOCHWINNOCH HOUSEHOLDS UPVC WINDOWS AND DOORS MAINTENANCE FREE UPVC ROOFLINE AND FULL WINDOW REPAIR SERVICE Contact—PETER McGARVEY Tel: 01505 614654 HINGES, LOCKS AND MISTED AND BROKEN GLASS REPLACED UPVC DOORS FITTED FROM £460 20
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