October, 2011 - Luverne Public Schools
October, 2011 - Luverne Public Schools
Volume 90 Issue 2 October, 2011 Luverne, Minnesota Luverne High School Coronation By: Lauren Christensen Monday night is the night of Homecoming Week everyone looks forward to. We started off the night with Coronation at 7:00 p.m in the Elementary Gym. The freshman representatives were Connor Crabtree and Brooke Thompson, the Sophomore representatives were Bryan Stanley and Hailey Sommers, and the Junior representatives were Matt Arends and Josey Kockelman. Abby Pierce was Jeff Yen’s escort, and Matt Oehlerts was Alice Andersson’s escort for the night. The program attendants were Nicole Johnson and Sara Goembel, and the MC’s for the night were Londyn Robinson and Nathan Stensland-Bos. The 2011-2012 King Candidates were: Cody Christensen, Hayden Bauman, Brady Dinger, Dylan Skattum, and Devin Heitkamp. The Queen Candidates were: Hailey Stulen, Jessie VandeHoef, Lauren Christensen, Chelsea Curtis, and Paige Nath. The King and Queen that were chosen were Cody Christensen and Hailey Stulen! They were both so ecstatic! Some of Choir students sang “Somewhere over the Rainbow.” It sounded beautiful. The representatives for Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Fall Play, and Band gave us a run-down on how their seasons are going so far. Volleyball had a game on Tuesday, October 4, against West Central, Cross Country had a home meet on Thursday, October 6, and Football’s Homecoming game against Worthington was on Friday, October 7. Following the ceremony was a reception in the Elementary Commons where root beer floats were served. After the reception were the annual Powder Puff and Dodge ball games played by the seniors and juniors. Last Man Down By: Jessica Vande Hoef September 11, 2001 was a day that will always be remembered. It started off as just a regular day for most people, but as it progressed, thousands of lives changed drastically. Richard Picciotto, a New York City fire chief, will forever remember the day the United States was attacked by terrorists. After arriving at the station early for his shift because he loves his job so much, Richard heard the news of the first tower being hit by an airplane. Suddenly, he remembered back to 1993 when he was in charge of evacuation during the bombing of the World Trade Centers. From this, Picciotto knew that the buildings were each 120-stories total and there were only three narrow stairwells to use for evacuation since the 99 elevators were out of use. Everyone knew there wasn’t a lot of time to deal with, so they had to act fast. Working their way up, they noticed that the civilians were helping each other. They also noticed various noises throughout the day. These noises were indescribable, one of which were people jumping out of the buildings and landing on the ground. When Picciotto and many other fire fighters were on the 35th floor, the building started shaking very loud around them. Then all of a sudden it was so silent it was deafening. After going on the radio and waiting to see if they would get an answer, they found out that the South Tower had gone down within 10 seconds. Following the collapse of the South Tower, Picciotto had to decide whether to keep advancing up or to go back down. Picciotto said that this was the toughest decision he had to make that day, but he’s glad he made the decision he did. He and his men thought it would be more productive to go back down and make sure everyone below them got out. While going down stairway C, Picciotto would stop at every floor and run down the main halls to do a quick sweep, making sure no one was left behind. Picciotto found a man sitting in his cubicle typing and refusing to leave because he was doing something important, but he made sure this man went with them. When reaching the 19th floor, the South Tower “mushroomed back up” causing debris to block two of the three stairways. Picciotto made sure the people in the two blocked stairways went in stairway B to continue the evacuation. At the 12th floor, there were about 40 people in an office, including people in wheelchairs and others that needed to be helped, along with each of these people were helpers they found that day. With the help of them and the firefighters, the disabled people moved to evacuate. Between the sixth and the seventh floor, the tower started trembling and the lights went out. It took eight seconds for the North Tower to collapse. Picciotto said all he did was pray for it to happen fast and not to suffer during it. After thinking he had died, he realized he was alive and realized that he wasn’t alone. There were 13 other people with him that waited to be discovered. When some of the smoke and debris cleared up, Picciotto could see a small opening and slowly climbed up to it. He was able to dig his way out and waited for other fire fighters, who were at least a couple blocks away still, to dig out the other 13 people. Richard Picciotto is the highest-ranking fire fighter to survive the collapse of the World Trade Centers. After his experience that day, he realized that sometimes unanswered prayers are the best you can get. Page 2 What’s up? Page 2 The Cell Phone By: Jonny Solma The cell phone could be the one of the biggest inventions of technology EVER! Cell phones play a huge role in many people’s lives. The first mobile cell phone was introduced back in 1973. Although the idea of a mobile phone was way back in 1915, it took 58 years to put together the first cell phone. The first phone that came out to for people to buy was $3,500! At this price, it didn’t really sell well at all. The Nokia Communication was the first mobile phone that allowed you to browse your email off of your phone. The first ring tone on a phone was introduced to the network in 1998. Today, over half of the world’s population is subscribed to some kind of cell phone plan. Now, you can even search the web while talking to someone on your phone! Day to day, people come up with new phones for people to buy. Another thing people do is that they come up with new special features that people haven’t seen before. I think it’s pretty crazy when I see some of the new features on phones that just came out! The latest invention, coming out this month, is the I phone 4s. Another recent feature added to smart phones is the new 4G network. 4G is a successor to 3G and 2G. 4G is a feature that will let you search the web at a much faster speed than the 3G phones allowed you to. With 4G, you will even be able to play graphic kinds of games, video chat, open large email files, and even watch movies online! Don’t ask me how some people figure this out, because I have no idea. Honestly, it is amazing how people can come up with these awesome features. I recently went in to our local Verizon Wireless store to interview owner Jeremy Sudenga. I talked to him about all of the new phones coming out. He has high hopes for a couple high selling phones for the holidays.“The Droid Bionic and the I Phone 4s will be the big sales of the holiday,” said Sudenga. The new feature on the Droid Bionic is that it has a 1080P HD Video Camera! Over time, cameras have gotten better and better on phones, and this one could be the best. Be ready for the I Phone 4s to come out also, the official release date is on October 14th! According to Sudenga, the I Phone should be available to purchase here in Luverne in late October, maybe a bit later. Another popular phone on the market would be the Thunder Bolt. This phone is 3G, but has the good feature called face time, which is a kind of video chat. To learn more about these phones, go into our local phone stores and talk to the workers! Fun With Teachers By: Jessie Vande Hoef FFA By: Danielle Claussen FFA was founded in 1928 by a group of farm boys who wanted to chart out their future. Since 1928 millions of students that were interested in agriculture joined this group of students. FFA has opened their doors and arms to minorities and women, ensuring that all students would get an equal chance to join. There are about 54 Luverne High School students involved in FFA this year. Our President is Lucas Nath, Vice President Dalton Vickery, and Secretary Tori Brouwer. Our reporter isJustin DeGroot, Treasurer Ryan Oye, Sentinel is Gary Gertz and Parliamentarian is Brandon Ushijima. The FFA chapter advisor is Mr. Moritz. Our officers are in charge of the meetings and they are the ones who take role and are major part to FFA. There are a few events that are going on in the month of October. On October 1st there will be a state trap shooting and skeet shooting at Redwood Gun Club. Tuesday October 4th there is a University invite for general livestock, dairy, and horse contests. Wednesday October 12th is the FFA region 6 horse judging , Soils, Poultry, and Forestry contest held at Sherburn. The possible students that will be attending the horse judging are Erica Lysne, Bailey Stratton, Andrea Severtson, Joanna Westphal, Tori Brouwer, Presley Akkermanm , Jessica Richters, and Morgan Wieneke. Friday October 14th Fruit Sales will be starting. Wednesday October 19th to October 22nd there is the National FFA Convention trip. Our attendants will be Justin DeGroot, Marcus Emery, Tori Brouwer, Erica Lysne, Morgan Wieneke, Ryan Oye, Danielle Claussen and Savanna Bremer. These students leave Tuesday night and arrive in Indianapolis around noon and will be arriving back in Minnesota about 7 or 8 Saturday morning. Our last event for the end of October will be the corn drive and for that event you have to be a Junior or Senior to attend. FFA is a great experience to take part in so keep in mind that it’s never too late to join! Page 3 What’s Up? LHS Band: Such Great Heights By: Erin Fick The Luverne High School Marching Band has been having a successful season. “Such Great Heights” is their field show this year, and the title has reflected how the band has competed. On September 17, the marchers traveled to Waseca, MN for the annual Waseca Marching Classic. As it was their first competition, students had a lot of nerves going into the show, and didn’t perform as well as they had hoped, and they received 3rd place and a score of 60. The next Saturday consisted of both the Tri-State Band Festival right here in Luverne and the Big Sioux Review in Brandon, SD. The band hosted the TriState Festival, which means they still got judged, but did not compete against the other schools. Compared to Waseca, the marching band did great, scoring 13 points higher with a 73.4. Director Mr. Woods comments that “the band has improved a lot.” That night they went to Brandon, this time to compete. Although the band placed 3rd out of 4 in their class, they still marched very well and scored a 67.6. October 1st was the Sioux Falls Festival of Bands. With much tougher competition, the band still performed well, placing 4th out of 8 in their class and scoring a 73. When marching in field competitions, the band is judged on six different categories. The first is Music Execution, which is exactly what it sounds like – they are judged by how they execute their music. This includes things such as intonation, or how well the band plays in tune; articulation, which includes the use of harsh, accented notes and smooth, slurred notes; crescendos and decrescendos, or getting louder and softer. The second thing judged is Visual Performance. Correct marching style is the major thing judges look for in this, which consists of keeping your feet in time, squaring your shoulders (keeping them in line with the front sideline) and if all marchers in a section are holding their horns the same way. Music General Effect is the next category of judging. The judge is similar to the Music Execution judge, but this judge is more concerned about the music as a whole. They may advise a band to play softer or louder during a particular section and suggest where “big moments” in the show should be. The 4th judge listens to Visual General Effect. They will mainly look at the forms the marchers are making on the field. They watch if the drill makes sense with the music, meaning that smooth forms go with slower music and faster music has sharp and straight forms. The last two judges have to deal with Percussion and Color Guard. For percussion, they will see how well they stay in time with the music and how their music fits in with the rest of the band. A Color Guard judge looks at how well the guard is executing their routine and their expressions during the show. The first four judges – Music Execution, Visual Performance, Music General Effect, and Visual General Effect score the band out of 200 points. The Percussion and Color Guard give a score out of 100 points. All of these points are added together for a total score out of 1000 points, which is then divided and made into a total score out of 100 points to rank the bands. Judges between competitions will vary, as some are more harsh judges and others judge easier. Even though the season is almost over, marchers have been very happy with their success. “It’s been a good year,” says Mr. Woods. The bands’ final performance is on October 17, which is their indoor marching band concert. Celebrity Look-Alike By: Sam Steensma Name : Nicki Minaj Birthday: December 8 Favorite Color: Pink Hair Color : Black with Hot Pink Height : 5’ 4” Ethnicity: Half Asian, Half African American Name : Nikki Sengvongxay Birthday: September 29 Favorite Color: Pink Hair Color: Black with Hot Pink Height : 5’ 4” Ethnicity : Three-Fourths Asian, OneFourth German Page 3 Whats Going on at the Ranch? By: Sara Goembel In the world of pizza and chicken, there are many new and exciting things. The first new thing coming is a pizza called California Pulled Pork Pizza. This pizza consists of Arugula lettuce, grapes, cheese, pulled pork, trail dust, and olive oil. Before you put the pizza in the oven you put pulled chicken, grapes and cheese on it. When it comes out of the oven, you have to top it with trail dust, arugula lettuce, and sprinkle on some olive oil. You will be able to ask for this pizza at the Luverne Pizza Ranch on October 3rd. Another new thing coming is the Grape Caesar Salad. This salad contains mushrooms, parmesan cheese, artichokes, grapes, and Romaine lettuce. The mushrooms and artichokes are cooked, so they are not raw. It is a layered salad; first there is the lettuce, then grapes, next are the artichokes, then mushrooms, and lastly shavings of parmesan cheese. This salad contains three of these layers. The salad dressing that you would most likely put on this salad is the Caesar dressing. You can find that on the salad bar. There is no previous dressing put on the salad before it is served to you. Saving the best for last! The most important thing coming this October is RANCH REWARD CARDS. Here is a list of why it is totally amazing and it rocks: 1. Ranch Rewards begins October 3, 2011 2. For every dollar spent, guests will receive 1 point. When they accumulate 75 points, they will get $5 put on their Loyalty Card. The $5 Ranch Reward expires 1 year after being issued. 3. Birthday Bonus - As long as the guests are registered on-line and have submitted their birthday, they will receive $5 on their Loyalty Card on the Monday before their birthday. The birthday bonus will expire 30 days after being place on their card. The Kid's Birthday Club will continue as it is currently run. 4. Guests who visit 5 times in the first 5 weeks starting from the first time they use their card will earn a $20 bonus on their Ranch Rewards card. There is a minimum purchase of $15 to count as a qualifying visit. The $20 reward will be placed on their card the Monday after their 5th qualifying visit. The 5 & 5 reward expires 1 year after being placed on their card. This promotion is limited to one $20 reward per person. Other promotions may be added from time to time and they will be communicated to guests via e-mail and/or on ranchrewards.com. 5. Guests can get a Ranch Rewards card two ways: 1. They can enroll on-line by going to ranchrewards.com and clicking on "Enroll in Ranch Rewards". Fill out the registration form and submit. They then go to their e-mail and click the verification link. They will be given a temporary card number which you can use for call-in orders. The next time they are in a participating restaurant, they can give their temporary card number to the cashier and ask them to transfer it to a permanent card. 2. Or the guest can get a permanent Ranch Rewards card from a participating Pizza Ranch and start earning points from their first visit. However, the guest will still have to register andranchrewards.com in order to be able to redeem their rewards. On the website, click "Register Your Card". Type in the card number and follow the directions. The guest will receive an e-mail welcoming them to the program and explaining the 5 & 5 promotion. Cyberbullying: Don’t Do It By: Lauren Guy Cyber bullying is something that can happen to anyone. Cyber bullying happens online by the use of the internet or cell phone usage. It is usually intended to hurt or embarrass someone. Cyber bullying isn’t just a onetime communication, it will happen a lot. Cyber bullying is usually aimed at younger kids or teenagers. There are a few ways to stop cyber bullying: -ignore any insulting messages -switch any social networking profiles to private and only add people you know. -print out any e-mails, instant messages or web pages that contain any harassing material. -save any text messages in your phone and show them to your school principal. -take them to police if you fear for your personal safety. Cyberbullying can take many forms. The following are just a few examples: -making fun of another user in an internet chat room. -harassing a user over an instant messaging session. -posting derogatory messages on a user’s facebook or myspace page. -circulating false rumors about someone on social networking websites. -publishing lewd comments about another person on a personal blog. -posting unflattering pictures of another user on the web. -sending threatening or provocative e-mails. -repeatedly calling another person’s cell phone. Statistics about cyber bullying: 1. Nearly 42% of kids have been bullied online and almost one in four have had it happen more than once. 2. Among this percentage, being ignored and disrespected were the most common forms of cyber bullying. 3. Nine out of ten middle school students have had their feelings hurt online. 4. About 75% have visited a Web site bashing another student. 5. Four out of ten middle school students have had their password(s) stolen and changed by a bully who then locked them out of their own account or sent communications posing as them. Cyber bullying is a problem we face now days. It can happen to anyone, so always be aware of it and tell an adult if you think it is happening to you or if it is happening to you. Page 4 Page 4 Winning Streak Sports By: Hayden Bauman From the beginning of the season to now the cardinals are a completely different team. We had a very rough start by losing 2 out of our first 3 games. But now we are making a change, and have won our last 3 games, two of which were at home. On September 23 we played Pipestone at home. It was a big game for us coming off of a loss. It was also the big Battle Axe game, which we had won 8 years in a row and needed a win to make it 9 and tie the record for having it the longest. Which we did, we beat the arrows 35-6 and got to keep the Battle Axe! We got off to a very slow start against the arrows; they ended up scoring on us right away. But then we got stuff figured out and scored 35 unanswered points. We managed a 12 play drive ending with Brett Heronimus running it in the end zone to put us on the board. The next drive Richard Gonzalez had a 24 and 12 yard run. Then Brett threw a 27 yard pass to Matt Overgaard, and then Richard plunged in the last 1 yard to put us up 22-6. Pipestone then got deep into scoring territory but Matt Oehlerts intercepted the ball and four plays later we put up 6 more points. Second half got off to a quick start with a 57 yard run by Hayden and a 15 yard touchdown run by Richard. Jonathan Ehde then capped off our scoring by a 25 yard touchdown run. On September 30 we got off to a really fast start by going 75 yards down field in 11 plays to end with a 29 yard touchdown by Hayden. Then on the Eagles first drive Brett intercepted a pass to put us back on offense. This offensive drive ended with Brett throwing a 16 yard pass to Matt Overgaard for a touchdown. Our defense shut down their offense on the next drive and we got the ball back again. This drive started off with a 55 yard run by Richard and ended with a 2 yard touchdown run by Hayden. We scored one more time before half after stopping the Eagles another time and forcing them to punt. This was a 6 play drive which ended with a 26 yard pass from Skyler to Devin for a big touchdown. We increased our lead to 33 in the fourth quarter, and the Eagles ended up scoring one touchdown which was on a kick return. We won 33-7 over the Eagles. On October 7 we played our homecoming game against the Worthington Trojans. We got off to a really quick start, starting on the second play when Hayden ran 56 yards up the middle for a Cardinal touchdown. Our defense shut them down right away, and after forcing them to punt six plays later Hayden ran 65 yards for another touchdown to put us up 15-0. The Trojans got lucky and blocked a punt and took advantage of the short field and ended up scoring. The Trojans wouldn’t put up anymore points the rest of the game. wn. Two plays later Richard ran 62 yards for a big touchdown, to make it 21-8. The Trojans next two possessions we managed to force turnovers. One was a fumble recovered by Hayden and the otherwas another fumbled forced on the kick off and recovered by Nick. We managed to score on both of those drives. One was a four yard run in by Richard and the other was a run in by Hayden. This made the game 36-8 which it would end at. The football team has 1 regular season games left against Marshall before the playoffs start on October 25. Page 5 Run for Glory!! Tennis By: Baillie Willilams “We’ve had a great season this year!”, says senior Tressa Ykema. The seniors this year were Alice Andersson, Erica Marshall, Erin Doherty, Erin Fick, and Haley Boltjes. They have played many difficult teams, and have only lost 4 meets. When you are in tennis you can either be in singles or doubles. The singles players for this season were Kaitlin Wohnoutka, Emily Robinson, Katie Eeten, and Emilee Johnson. The players for doubles were Erin Doherty and Erica Marshall, Tress Ykema and Erin Fick, and Kynzie Smedsrud and Paige Adams. Their record for the season is 16-4. In the last month they have played Montevideo, Redwood Valley, Maccray, River Valley, Marshall, Brandon Valley, Worthington, Pipestone, Fairmont, and Saint James. Out of all of those games they have only lost two of those. One of those games that they lost was to Fairmont and the score was 2-5. The highlight of the season came when the girls won the conference. They went to the section meet, and unfortunately lost to Saint James 0-7. They were ranked 4th in the section meet. Just recently some of the juniors went to compete at the semi finals for sections. For doubles Katie Eeten and Emilee Johnson went, and for singles Kaitlin Wohnoutka went. Sadly for the seniors this is their last year of playing highschool tennis. But they played great this season, and really made us proud! Cheerleading By: Savanna Bremer Cheerleaders are 6 weeks into the season. We have already done five football games. The first home game was parent’s night, one of the events cheerleaders plan. During practice we made gift bags for the parents. The non-senior’s gift bags included name tags for the parents, football mints, and a carnation for mom. The senior bags had picture frames that cheerleaders made with a picture of the senior team along with a red rose instead of a carnation. At the battle axe game we had cheer camp. Right after school the cheerleaders went to the elementary to get the “minicheerleaders”. Then we went to the field. First, we went and did the introduction game. Then we split into groups by age. In our groups we taught them about 10 chants. Then we all got together and taught a few jumps, and a dance for quarter break at the game. During the game the elementary kids were with us for first quarter and during the first to second quarter break. Our last event we had to plan was homecoming. We started out by planning the pep fest. Then, we had to pick out some dress up days. After we had some ideas we brought them to Mr. Johnson for approval. If you completely missed homecoming week, the days were: Monday: Pajama Day, Tuesday: Cowboy/ Cowgirl Day, Wednesday: Twin Day (dress like someone else), Thursday: Backwards Day and Sr, Toga, and Friday: Red and White as usual. Other ideas that were suggested to us were duct tape, bubble wrap, toddler day, grandparent day, and more. When you’re suggesting dress up days to the cheerleaders remember that we can’t repeat from last year. Also, if your idea doesn’t get put into the week remember that we can’t make everybody happy and we have to get everything approved. Sports Bump, Set, Spike, Dig!! By: Macey Edwards By: Sam Steensma Cross country has been having a good season so far. The Girls cross country team was even placed as honorable mention in the state rankings. The boys cross country team have also been having an amazing season. They have won the last 3 meets and are doing very well overall. Coach J says that his team is doing very well; “they are getting better every week and are coming together as a team.” They recently went to Adrian for a meet and did very well. The girls got third out of twenty four teams. Then the boys got second out of twenty four teams also. The teams only have a few more meets left before their season is over. On Tuesday October 18th they have their conference meet in Jackson County Central. Then they go to Adrian on Thursday October 27th for sections. The following Saturday, November 5th is their State tournament. Go out and support your cross country team on their last few meet that they have left. Go Cross Country! On October 4th, the volleyball team had their homecoming game at seven o’clock. The same night of the homecoming game was parents’ night. They played West Central, which is from the Hartford, South Dakota area. Thursday, they played Redwood Valley for one of their last conference games. They were all pumped up and ready to come out and win the game. Each player threw out plush volleyballs, Mike and Ikes or hot tamales and big red gum to the fans in the crowd. With all of the fans support, and their team cheering them on, they took the first three games right away to send the West Central Trojan’s home in just a short hour. The whole first game was played by the eight seniors on the team, and one junior. Each player was excited and did their job out on the court. The varsity girls came out with fire for every new game and won their homecoming game. It was a good confidence booster to go into Thursday’s game against Redwood. Thursday night the varsity volleyball team came out with fire, enthusiasm and the drive to win. Redwood had played five different teams, and they went into five games per match. The Cardinal volleyball team wanted to make that six. Each player wanted to win that game, and take a conference game on Thursday night. The varsity girls went into five games with Redwood. Luverne lost the first game, won the second game, lost the third, won the fourth, and then lost the fifth game. Luverne was down two to eight in the fifth game, and it came back to 13 to 14, but the girls were unable to pull out the last couple points. Even though they lost, the fans and parents were very supportive and cheered the whole time. Scoreboard By: Brandon Klein Cross Country - Jackson County Central Invitational o Cardinal Boys won team field for first time since 2007 o Cody Hess led the Cardinals by placing 4th with a time of 17:24 o Makayla Hohn captured the individual title with a time of 14:58 - Murray County Central Invitational o Boys recorded second straight team victory o Cody Hess placed 3rd with a time of 18:09 o Madison Schandelmeier captured the individual title with a time of 16:05 -Luverne o Boys win 3rd straight team title o Cody Hess led the Cardinals by placing 2nd with a time of 18:12 o Makayla Hohn captured the individual title for the girls with a time of 16:03 Volleyball – (4-17-1) -Edgerton o Lost 2 – 3 (25-12) (25-27) (21-25) (25-16) (10-15) -Worthington Football – (4-2) o Lost 1 – 3 (13-25) (25-27) (26-24) (24-26) - Jackson County Central -Lennox o Lost 0 – 35 o Won 3 – 0 (25-21) (25-14) (25-16) -Pipestone -Pipestone o Won 35 – 6 o Lost 0 – 3 (21-25) (28-30) (22-25) -Windom - West Central o Won 33 – 6 o Won 3 – 0 (25-17) (25-15) (25-15) -Worthington - Redwood Valley o Won 36 – 8 o Lost 3 – 2 (17-25) (25-18) (22-25) (25-16) (13-15) Tennis – (16-4) - Southwest Christian -Worthington o Lost 0 – 2 (14-25) (7-25) o Won 7 – 0 - Martin County West - Pipestone o Lost 0 – 2 (21-25) (20-25) o Won 6 – 1 - Redwood Valley -Fairmont o Lost 0 – 2 (24-26) (21-25) o Lost 2 – 5 -Edgerton - Redwood Valley o Lost 1 – 2 (25-14) (21-25) (16-18) o Won 5 – 2 - Round Lake-Brewster - St. James o Page 5 Won 3 – 0 (25-16) (25-20) (25-23) o Lost 0 – 7 Page 8 Homecoming Page 8 Page 9 Senior Spotlight Page 9 By: Lexy Burmeister Seniors always rule By: Sara Goembel On Monday, October 3rd 2011 there was the usual powderpuff football game. Senior girls vs. junior girls. The junior team consisted of mostly Megan Petersen, with help from a couple or few select people. They tried to cheat a little bit, possibly by not having fair flags. (You know who you are.) There was some un-sportsman like girls out there, so sophomores don’t hold back next year (: I can credit an MvP player from the junior team. (If you don’t know who I am talking about, you have got to be blonde!) This player threw the ball perfectly to other players, and she even ran with the ball pretty well for some yards gained. The juniors finished the game with 3 touch downs that included one touchdown by Taylor Stratton, and two by Kaitlin Wohnotuka. The senior team consisted of EVERYBODY equally in playing for fun. We played by the rules, and our boys were amazing coaches. They practiced good sportsmanship, and it reflected on our team. In other words, they weren’t running around screaming at the refs like their heads were chopped off. (Cough cough) At the end of the game, I guess you could say about every one of us seniors wanted to tackle a junior. (Good thing it wasn’t tackle football they would have gotten hurt!) Scoring for the seniors was one by Chelsea Curtis, one by Codi Oehlerts. Drum roll please! And the final result comes to SENIORS as WINNING. Just kidding. The juniors won. The final score was 14-21. In our hearts, we are winners. As Charlie Sheen would say, the senior class is winning! For more senior class winning, read in the dodge ball game about how awesome we are. Don’t worry younger classman; you get to be awesome in the years to come. Battle of the Trenches!! By: Brandon Klein The night got off to a slow start for the seniors. It’s usually tradition that the senior girls win powder puff. This year was different though because the senior girls were embarrassed by the junior girls in a disappointing loss. The boys weren’t going to stand for this and we knew that we were going to have to come out firing. The senior boys didn’t start the night off good as Matt Oehlerts was inactive with a sprained ankle. We may have been outnumbered, but we weren’t afraid. The senior boys took game one and took the lead 1-0. It was a dominating performance put on in game one. The junior boys then took the next two games and took a 2-1 game advantage. We knew that we were going to have to win the next two games or else we were going to be swept by the juniors at homecoming by both girls and boys. It was a dominant performance by the seniors in game four as Alex Weis was the last junior eliminated. The last game was the longest of them all. It was also boring at one point because no team wanted to make the move. It was a pretty even match as there were about 5 juniors, and 5 seniors left on each side. The key play that changed the whole match was by Noah Bosch, who caught a throw which brought in another senior and changed the player advantage to the seniors 4-2. The final play of the game was a throw from Reed Skattum which was then caught by Danny Muller. It was a very close match the whole way that the seniors ended up winning 3-2. Best luck to all upcoming juniors and seniors next year. Erica Rae Marshall November 12, 1993 Best Memory of LHS: Hanging out with my BFF Erin! Best perk of being a senior: Not being stuck in a room during study hall! Future plans: Go to college to major in food science, and then travel to Asia to learn how to train a dragon. Kristen Scheidt May 5, 1994 Best memory of LHS: Playing baseball theme for my sophomore marching band season. Best Perk of being a senior: Toga Day! Future plans: Go to SDSU, play music, learn more about biology, meet my soul mate, get married, and play some more music! Lexy Diane Burmeister November 28, 1993 Best Memory of LHS: Halloween of freshman year with Rachel and Fanny….Nuf’ said! Best perk of being a senior: there are way too many! Future plans: Go to college for some sort of agricultural program, make some money, live a crazy free life for a few years, get married, and maybe…MAYBE pop out a kid or two, and find that never ending gravel road! Mackenzi May Zwaan October 19, 1993 Best Memory of LHS: State Football Best Perk of Being a senior: Being done with school at noon. :] Future plans: Go to college, make lots of money, get married to the man of my dreams, and start a family! Samantha Lexie Steensma January 3, 1994 Best memory of LHS: when we started a fire in Spanish 4 in the foods room. Best perk of being a senior: Being able to leave for study hall, minus having to write papers. Future plans: Go to college at St. Cloud Tech, get a job as an ultrasound technician, get married, have 3 kids, and live in a big house! Zoe Lynn Forsberg April 14, 1993 Best Memory of LHS: I sang a solo at the 2010 Christmas Concert for choir. I also made a great new friend , Marwah. Best Perk of being a senior: No perks, I am just so happy this is the last year I have of high school. Can’t wait to graduate and be done with school. Future Plans: Not sure yet, but I would really like to draw cartoon characters. Jennifer Ruth Fick October 19, 1993 Best Memory: Bomb threat! Best Perk of Being a senior: Budging in the lunch line! :] Future Plans: College for Elementary/Special Education, get married, have kids. Lauren Mary Christensen February 2, 1994 Best Memory of LHS: Playing in section championship for hockey 3 years in a row! Best perk of being a senior: open study hall, and getting to park in the front row. Future plans: Go to college at STI for ultrasound tech, get a job, get married, and start a family. Page 10 Halloween Halloween Safety Tips! By: Nicole VonHoltum •If you are going out with friends, make sure that your parents know where you are going and who you are going with. This may seem like a pain but they are your parents and they love you. They just want you to be safe. •If you can drive and are taking a bunch of friends to a Halloween party, make sure that you have enough gas to get there. You don't want to run out of gas on a dark street, all alone, like a bad horror movie! •Vandalism is never cool! Throwing eggs at cars and houses is uncalled for. Someone has to clean it up and it could be you. You can also be arrested and punished as a juvenile if you do get caught. •Make sure that your costume is comfortable; you most likely will be wearing it for a few hours especially if it is a costume party that you are going to. •Make sure that your costume fits you. You don’t want to have a bad night because you tripped over a long dress or cape that you were wearing, or uncomfortable because it is too short or tight. •Don’t cut through back alleys and dark fields if you are alone. Stay in well-lighted areas and do not go down back roads. •If you are hosting a costume party, be sure to keep an eye on who you are letting in. •Be cautious when approaching strangers in costume. And don’t let someone in a police costume fool you. •If you are going to a costume party, you should not bring in fake weapons. This could cause problems. Page 10 News of the Now Page 11 Opinion Poll What is Rotary? By: Cheyenne Hemme By: Baillie Williams Rotary club is volunteer organization of business and professional leaders who provide certain services and help build goodwill peace in the world. Rotary exists to improve communities through a range of humanitarian intercultural and educational activities. It also encourages high ethical standards. There are approximately 33,976 clubs and over 1.22 million members worldwide that usually meet once a week. I interviewed Paige Nath since she was the first one to go from the 2012 class. First I asked her, “To you what is Rotary?” She said: Rotary to me is a bunch of business people getting together to talk about donating money to different organizations or volunteer groups. The second, “How was your first experience?” She said: “My first experience was okay, I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t have anyone go with me making it different.” Third, “What did you do?” She said: Ate, “happy dollars,” bingo, had a speaker, sang, and did the pledge. Fourth, “Did you like it, what did you like/dislike?” She said: I liked the food and the happy dollars! The second time I went, the presentation they put on was really interesting. Fifth, “Who did you take and why?” She said: “Cody Christensen- I knew he would make it more fun.” I then interviewed Mr. Fisher and had a few different questions to ask him. First, “What is Rotary?” He said it is an organization that puts service above yourself, members volunteer in communities at home and abroad. Second, “What do you do?” He said, we support education, clean water abroad, combat hunger, improve health and sanitation and are working to educate public. We also work with other Rotary clubs on worthwhile projects helping to fund them. Third, “Do you like it, what did you like/dislike?” He said it’s an hour a week that we commit for a common cause. The programs each week are very worthwhile and provide us with information –we may not know about. I like that Rotary helps support exchange students for our district. Fourth I asked, “Any general information?” He said Members of Rotary rely in the 4 way test of things we say and do. 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. If it will be beneficial to all concerned. Finally I asked him why are he is involved in Rotary? He said, “It’s very important that each and every one of us get involved and participate in some civil organization. We all have some responsibility to all people in general.” What do you want to be for Halloween? Nikki Sengvongxay: Baillie Williams Tanner Rowden: Spiderman Ashely Otten: A Cowgirl Mr. Moritz: Darth Vader Opinion Poll By: Mackenzi Zwaan & Baillie Williams Ryan Krueger: Buzz Lightyear Top 10 Halloween Memories Scary Movies to watch on Halloween By: Jonny Solma By: Trevor Hartz 1. Trick ’r Treat 2. Halloween (Michael Myers) 3. Dead Birds 4. Dawn of the Dead 5. The Grudge 1, 2, 3 6. 13 Ghosts 7. A Nightmare on Elm Street 8. Mirrors 9. Paranormal Activity 1, 2 Page 11 1. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child? 2. What is your favorite Halloween candy? Ellen Dahl: “I was a huge banana once! Lol.” Her favorite candy is the big jaw breakers. Mr. Brown: I was a power ranger, the green one when I was about ten years old!” His favorite candy is Snickers. Mr. Brown: “My senior year we beat Duluth East 42-0 in the section championship on Halloween. Mrs. Lais: “One Halloween I ate so much candy I threw up!” Cody Raddle: “My sisters husband and I went to this house where you were supposed to take one piece of candy but we took a whole box!” Chazni Zwaan: “My sister and I both dressed up as princesses, that’s how I got the nickname Mini Mac from Brandon Klein.” Danielle Claussen: “Justine Hanson had a birthday party on Halloween night.” Kirsten Olson: “I was once Jasmine off of Aladdin.” Her favorite candy is Laffy Taffys! Sara Goembel: “On Halloween we once went around saran wrapping cars!” Andrew Verhey: “I was batman once!” His favorite candy is Snickers. Derek Van Wettering: “I was Darth Vader when I was five.” His favorite candy is candy corn. Mr. Rops: “I was Super Rops in college, I wore a cape and everything it was a big success.” His favorite candy is caramel apple suckers! SCREEN PRINTING EMBROIDERY AD SPECIALTIES "CATERING TO THE CORPORATE AND CASUAL MARKETS" 207 E. Main Luverne, MN 56156 888-283-1770 or 507-283-1770 Phone and Fax Email: [email protected] www.luvprintexpress.com Page 12 Page 12 News of the Now Tattoo’s and Piercings By: Savanna Bremer Piercings have always been popular for teenagers, but they are becoming more and more popular. Most piercings you used to see in high school were just ear piercings for GIRLS. Now, for the most part, the guys get the ear piercings and girls get all the other ones. There are students with tongue rings, lip rings, nose rings, and last, but most definitely not least, navel rings. In Minnesota and South Dakota (where most people get theirs done) you have to be 16 to get a piercing but you MUST have witnessed parent consent. In Iowa you only have to be 16, no consent is needed. Tattoos are also coming up more in high schools also. In our high school, we have around 10 students with tattoos. Most of them have a tattoo on their foot. Many tattoos are in memory of a deceased love one. One student who has a tattoo is Taylor Heck. Here is what she said when asked about her experience getting a tattoo, “One tip for getting a tattoo is to never get it in a friends basement by some guy who just got out of prison… it doesn’t end well.” Samantha Steensma got hers at the Electric Crayon. She said it took about a half an hour. “I didn’t cry or anything, I just sat there and watched,” she said proudly. I had mine done at Outlaw, and I liked the place. Personally, I like having a tattoo and look forward to getting another one. Minnesota law prohibits ANYONE under the age of 18 from getting a tattoo. There are only three US states that allow a tattoo to a minor without parental consent. If you decide to get a tattoo or piercing make sure you know you want it! Give yourself plenty of time to think about what you want. Then, make sure you trust who is doing is it for you. Find out as much as you can about the tattoo parlor you’re planning on going to. It must be a very clean environment and it helps if it is a friendly one too! MLIA By: Nicole Vonholtum • Last night, I fell asleep with my phone in my hand, and when I woke up, it was gone. I just found it in a box of oatmeal. I am beyond confused. MLIA • So I walked in to McDonalds today and apparently ordered a complicated meal because the cashier just glared at me and said, "This is not Burger King, you can't have it your way." MLIA. • Today I saw a sign outside of a restaurant. It said, "We now serve food!" That is very good to know... MLIA • Today I walked into the kitchen and my sister and dad were watching Curious George. My dad is 40 and my sister is 16. I changed the channel and my dad yells, "No I want to see how it turns out!!" MLIA • Today, I was at my local candy store with my friends getting ice cream, when I saw that they're selling a FIVE POUND gummy worm. I am now saving all of my spare change until I can buy it. MLIA • Today, I played the SpongeBob theme song on my phone on the bus. Everyone sang along, even the bus driver. MLIA. • Today was my birthday. I live alone at the moment, yet I woke up to a banner in my living room that said, "Happy Birthday!" I did not hang it up and all my doors and windows were locked. MLIA • Our school principal likes to put up encouraging posters all over the school, to "remind everyone how amazing they are and give them tips!" anyway, after class I walked into the restroom and I see a new poster up on the wall. Curiously, I stopped to look at it. I then read "How to be your BEST in the restroom! 1. Show respect. 2. Be noble 3.Relieve and retreat." I had to take a double-take on that last one...I have never laughed harder. MLIA • Today my friend and I spent the entire first period (orchestra) talking about the safest places in the school if there was a zombie attack at the school. MLIA. • Today my English class was explaining what a "fail" was, because our teacher didn't know what it was. After explaining for a few minutes he still didn't get it. Later a student went up to present a project and they tripped as they walked up to the front of the room. Our teacher then said rather loudly "FAIL!” our entire class stood up and clapped for School Nurse of the Year By: Brooke VanWettering & Lauren Guy Q.) How did you feel after you heard that you made nurse of the year? A.)“I felt really, really surprised. I honestly had no Idea that I would get chosen.” Q.) Did you have to apply for nurse of the year? A.) “Mrs. Gillette sent in an application last May and I had no idea and then I got a form to fill out that had to be sent in by August 1. The application was just basic questions about what my biggest accomplishment was. There were many more different types of nurses that got some kind of an award and I got the school nurse.” Q.) Why do you like your job? A.) “I like working with all the staff members along with many different families and students. You really get to know a lot of people. You also get to work with parents who you had and have their children.” Q.) What do you all do as the school nurse? A.) “I do screenings, hearing tests, vision tests, weight tests, make referrals to the doctor for glasses or what I request, I give medications to different students, helping kids teach and test for their diabetes, and asthma. The school nurse will provide direct care to children in grades k-12 and have made a lasting contribution to the health.” Q.) What do you get for being the school nurse of the year? A.) “I got a March of Diamonds plaque and I got to go to a banquet with about 400 people.” IONS AT INVIT GRAD Open se Hou him. UATI OPE 012 8th, 2 June 1 to 4 Time NH CAR OUSE DS Clas 201s2of Open Hou se of Class 2012 ne Luver High l Schoo ON! June 8th, 20 12 Luver ne High Schoo l k You Than For All Your Printing Needs! THA N YOU K ’S 116 W. Main • Luverne, MN • 507-283-1716 e-mail: [email protected]
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