Barky Bits - Noah`s Bark Dog Rescue
Barky Bits - Noah`s Bark Dog Rescue
Barky Bits I S S UE 4 F E B R U AR Y 2 01 5 OPENING NIGHT MOVIE FUNDRAISER The movie that has tongues wagging can help us to get tails wagging… For just $30 a ticket you and your girlfriends (and boyfriends!) can enjoy a cheeky night of risqué fun and frivolity while sipping bubbly and seeing why millions of women have been seduced by FIFTY SHADES OF GREY. The fastest selling novel for adults of all time is now a controversial movie. This is your perfect excuse to see what is sure to be one of 2015’s most talked-about films So if you’re not tied up on Thursday February 12th, book now at http:// and join us on opening night. Warning…this film explores a complex, erotic, modern relationship. All funds raised will go towards Lucy’s future surgeries. Read Lucy’s story on page 3. Noah's Bark Dog Rescue’s primary focus is to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome unwanted and abandoned companion canines. We are not a pound; our dogs are kept in loving foster homes. With nearly 40 years of animal welfare experience between us we aim to find Matt: 0409 109 201 Caroline: 0432 585 484 E-mail: [email protected] the best possible home for each of our rescues taking into consideration their individual needs and requirements. We operate as a not-for-profit organisation and rely on donations from the public to continue this very important work. Receive your newsletter via email, subscribe on our website. We thank our followers and other members of the sharing the word about our dogs, and the network of public who spread the word by promoting rescue, other like-minded rescue groups who we work with. FOST ER C ARERS NEEDED We are always looking for new foster carers. If you would like to join the Noah’s Bark family and experience the joy of introducing our dogs to family life please call Caroline on 0432 585 484. Lucy’s Story Lucy an ex breeding dog arrived in January in need of a bath, good food and lots of love. We were delighted to welcome her and are looking forward to introducing a her to a family life filled with love and joy. She is a dear little girl who gets on well with other dogs and isn’t phased by cats. Lucy has had a dental and will be going back to the vet next week to have her mammary tumors removed. She will also require cataract surgery on both eyes. Lucy's vetwork and future surgeries are expected to cost $5000-$6000. If you would like to contribute to her vetwork, please buy a ticket to our movie fundraiser or visit 2014 HIGHLIGHTS We had a very busy year in 2014 successfully rehoming 102 dogs and 2 cats! 41 36 12 7 2 2 2 2 Ex Breeding dogs Voluntary Surrenders including 2 cats Darebin Council dogs dogs from other rescue groups Banyule Council dogs Geelong Animal Welfare dogs RSPCA Queensland dogs RSPCA NSW dogs We had two successful movie fundraisers in Northcote and Brighton raising more than $4,000 We launched our inaugural Noah’s Bark Calendar featuring some of our rehomed four-legged friends We forged new partnerships with Councils and animal welfare organisations We participated in the Pet Lover’s Show in Melbourne, held two adoption days and participated in four local Council family days All of this we could not have achieved without you, our valued supporters and with your continuing help and assistance we’re looking forward to an even more successful 2015! VERA Our beautiful little girl Vera has found her perfect forever home with Mum Lucy, daughter Isabel and her new buddy Louis. Vera came to us from a breeding establishment and as well as being extremely timid she also displayed a terrible fear of males. Sometimes this can manifest due to a predominantly female staff interaction before coming to us but Vera's fear was much more deep seated than this. Vera's foster parents did notice a slight improvement over a long period of time - she would no longer bolt out the room when her foster Dad came in but if he was to move, cough or sneeze, she'd be gone. When there was no male influence in the house however Vera would become a different dog, relaxed, playful even cheeky. When we received a call from Lucy and she explained what a lovely calming household they had, we thought it sounded perfect for Vera. Almost straight away our little poppet bonded with Isabel and they are now inseparable . Animal Registration Being a responsible pet owner means ensuring your animal’s are registered with your local council. Animal registrations are due by 10 April across Melbourne’s councils and every cat and dog over the age of three months must be registered. Pet registration is a legal requirement under the Domestic Animals Act 1994. You can be fined for not complying. However, there are many additional reasons to register your pet. While microchipping provides a reunification service, there are many things that microchipping cannot provide that registration does which includes the designated dog parks which so many of Noah’s Bark’s families enjoy. Meet Petey Introducing Dinah Petey is a worried little man. He needs an owner who will help build his confidence! Dinah is a beautiful old soul with plenty of life left in her! Petey is good with other dogs as long as they respect his space - he would be happy to share his home with a low key dog and is cat friendly! Everyone who meets her can't believe that she is 16 years young! Petey is not suited to a home with children. His new owners will need to be home most of the time. Find out more about Petey at Dinah is used to living with other dogs and cats and having human companionship and would like to continue this with a similar arrangement Find out more about Dinah at K EEP IN TOUC H! Don’t forget to email us your stories and photos. We always love to hear how our four-legged friends are doing. Noah’s Bark 2015 Calendars Still Available!! $15 including postage There are a limited number of our calendar’s still available— to order email [email protected] Upcoming Events: PETstock Adoption Day - Saturday 7 February Time: 10.00am - 2.00pm Venue: PETstock, Clifton Hill. 592-596 Smith Street Noah’s Bark Opening Night Movie Fundraiser - Thursday 12 February Time: 6.30pm Venue: Dendy Cinema, 26 Church St Brighton Darebin Kite Festival - Sunday 14 March Time: 11.00am - 4.00pm Venue: Edwardes Park Lake, Reservoir Stonnington Pets in the Park – Sunday 22 March Time: 11.00am - 4.00pm Venue: Central Park, Malvern East Please accept my kind donation to help Noah’s Bark rescue, rehabilitate and rehome our four-legged friends: $50 $100 $200 which will help pay for one of our four-legged friends’ vet check. which will help pay for one of our four-legged friends’ anaesthetic. which will help pay for one of our four-legged friends’ general dental. My special donation of $____ to help support our four-legged friends. Please find enclosed a: ___ Cheque ___ Money Order (payable to Noah’s Bark Dog Rescue) Please debit this card: ___ VISA ___ MasterCard Card Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiry Date: __ / __ CCV: __ __ __ Name on Card: ______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ To complete your gift: Mail to: PO Box 342, Glenroy Vic 3046 Email this form to: [email protected] Donate online at:
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