BETH MAAS - Bergengren Credit Union
BETH MAAS - Bergengren Credit Union
EILEEN CURRY Born and raised in Antigonish, Eileen is a graduate of StFX with a Bachelor of Business Administration concentrating on Entrepreneurship. In August 2007 she partnered with her brother Mark Curry to launch the Justamere Café and Bistro. Now in her 7th year of business Eileen knows fully well the importance of community support, involvement and interaction. BETH MAAS Beth is the Accounts Manager at Ross Screen Print where part of their mission is building their community. In her spare time she volunteers and enjoys being involved with the community. She just finished a term of serving on the Youth Community Council of Bergengren Credit Union. KEVIN MACDONALD Kevin lives and works in your community and he has been a self-employed businessman for the past 15 years. Kevin served on the Bergengren Board of Directors from 2009 to 2012. He is a Credit Union Director Achievement Program Graduate who has a good voice and is eager to get back to work for the Bergengren members. Board of Directors Election: 2014 Candidates HELEN MACPHERSON Helen is the present Chair of Bergengren’s Board of Directors. She was also chair from 2007 to 2009 and has eleven years’ experience on the Bergengren board, including service to the Executive, HR, Amalgamation, Credit, Negotiation, Governance and CSR committees. She received her business degree in 2002 from StFX with a major in accounting. Helen is a Credit Union Director Achievement Program Graduate and has completed optional director training courses. She is currently employed in the Finance Department of the Sister of Saint Martha and serves as a lay minister at Bethany Chapel. Helen is a former volunteer with Antigonish Minor Hockey, St. Ninian Cathedral, St. Ninian’s CWL, Antigonish Arena Expansion, Elementary School Parents’ Committee and Shepherds of the Manor. MARY OXNER Mary Oxner is the current Audit Committee Chair of the Bergengren Credit Union Board of Directors. She is both a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Financial Analyst, holds a PhD in Accounting and is currently an Associate Professor at the Schwartz School of Business. Prior to joining the Business faculty, Mary was the Senior Vice President of Quorum Funding Corporation, a strategic management company, and CFO of Quorum Growth Inc. Mary also worked in Ernst & Young’s International audit group. Mary volunteers in her community by serving as Treasurer of the VON, Chair of the Finance Council of St. Ninian Parish, Past Chair of the Antigonish Guysborough Early Childhood Intervention Program (AGECIP) and Chair of the Finance Council of the Diocese of Antigonish. On campus, Mary is the faculty advisor to the Student Investment Society (“lnvest-X”), the former Treasurer of the StFX Association of University Teachers (STFXAUT}, and on the Board of Governors of StFX. RANDY PETERS Randy Peters is from Antigonish where he lives with his wife, Lauri, and daughter, Lydia. Employed for the last three years at St. Francis Xavier University as the Faculty Relations Academic Budget Advisor, Randy is currently enrolled in an MBA program at St. Mary’s University while working towards the Certified Management Accountant designation (expected fall 2014). A graduate of the business program at StFX, he previously worked for twelve years at the paper mill in Port Hawkesbury holding various positions dealing with process improvement, cost analysis, development projects and contract negotiations with the Woodlands group and in the plant. Presently serving as the Treasurer for the Antigonish Celtics Soccer Club, Randy is interested in broadening his community involvement. RUTH THOMPSON Although Ruth is a “come from away” from Alberta, she has lived in Pictou County for 46 years and has been a member of the co-op and credit union since 1974. After graduation High School Ruth became a Medical Lab Tech, worked for a number of years in Calgary and also in Toronto at the Red Cross Research Laboratory. She left work to raise her family with her husband Jack Thompson. They have four children and nine grandchildren. She says the last 15 years of working on the New Glasgow and Bergengren Board of Directors have been very satisfying. Board of Directors Election: 2014 Candidates
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