Summer 2014 Newsletter - Calaveras Humane Society
Summer 2014 Newsletter - Calaveras Humane Society
SUMMER NEWSLETTER 2014 Calaveras Humane Society Newsletter Summer Issue 2014 We had a record number of vehicles in the Arnold Parade this July 4th. We were led by the popular Thrift Store Van with shitzu/poodle rescue dog. Following were a vintage pick-up with the rails painted for the occasion and filled with dogs and volunteers waving to the crowd, and the Wiley family with their Pittie and Yorkie pups wagging in the rear. All were received with cheers and shouts, obviously the most popular entry in the Parade! We won the Best Animal Entry and it wasn’t because we were the only animal entry; who could compete! Thanks volunteers for making this a very fun event!! CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY - SUMMER 2014 CHS Board of Directors President Jo Ingraham Vice President of Operations Karen Elliott Vice President of Marketing Kathy Hamlin Secretary Marilou Miloslavich Treasurer Mary Foye Assistant Treasurer Lynn Keever Members Nancy Cohen Joanne Elliott Randy McNurlin Deborah Schoeman Russell Thomas Blair Wiley If you are interested in becoming a Calaveras Humane Society Board Member, email your resume to [email protected] or mail to: Calaveras Humane Society P.O. Box 1390 San Andreas, CA 95249 Or it would be from the desk if I could find it. Right now it is buried under binders, piles of pending action paper and one of completed projects for the Calaveras Humane Society. Since I took over the office of President of the Board I have been completely amazed at the scope of coverage for the benefit of animals this organization has. I have been involved with animal welfare for almost 10 years on the Domestic Animal Advisory Committee and thought I had a fair grasp of the workings of the Calaveras Humane Society…NOT even a hint of what goes on every day, of every week of the year. And that is just the regular Volunteers at work. It does not take into account the special committees and projects that are in progress all the time. The cadre of volunteers is unbelievable. There is not a paid staff person in the whole organization. As we grow in size and services offered, there will have to be some person to help keep all the tentacles of this octopus organized and working together. The title might be Administrative Assistant or Executive Director, or Chief of Operation…but whatever that person is called they will help this organization grow to the next level. The dream or vision of the future is going to be outstanding. The Calaveras Humane Society will build a new shelter. It will probably be located on the hill behind the present County Animal Shelter. It will house all the adoptable animals, it will have a spay and neuter clinic, a license center, an appealing place to visit with an animal you might like to adopt, staff offices and so much more. At the same time the County will maintain offices to handle all the usual call for assistance and pick up stray and abandoned animals. Once the animal has been evaluated, the adoptable ones will be turned over to the Calaveras Humane Society in the new shelter. The only problem standing in the way of this marvelous vision (other than County permits and such) is money!!! It is going to take several million to even start to get bids, and contractor and equipment…oh it boggles the mind! So if you, or someone you know, has money they don’t know what to do with…direct them to our offices. Until next time…take care!!! Jo Ingraham, President, Calaveras Humane Society Forward this newsletter to a friend so they can follow Calaveras Humane Society by joining our email list 2 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY - SUMMER 2014 Inside Calaveras Humane Society CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY PLANS OFFICE MOVE . With the unanimous support of the Board of Directors, representatives of the Calaveras Humane Society are meeting with Animal Services, County Administrative staff and County Counsel to determine the feasibility of moving and renovating a donated 24x40 modular unit next door to the Animal Services office. The modular was donated to us by the Calaveras Unified School District as surplus property, and Calaveras Humane Society will in turn pay for the move . and renovation, and donate ownership to the County with the proviso that we lease back the space for our office and other use. Not only is this an opportunity for furthering the partnership between Animal Services, the County and our organization, but with the amount of volunteer time and services we provide, it will be much more convenient and economical for both organizations. We are also investigating the feasibility of establishing a clinic within the building for veterinary examinations, inoculations and a possible spay/neuter clinic. This is an exciting prospect and we encourage your participation. Here is how you can help. Contact your County Supervisor and encourage their support for this effort and, if you receive an e-shout about a Board of Supervisors meeting on this issue, please attend and show your support. And, obviously, your generous donation toward this effort is always very welcome. We thank the Calaveras Unified School District for their generous donation of the modular unit. Spotlight on local business: VDorA in downtown Murphys Olivia Stockman is the owner of VDorA in downtown Murphys. She is also the newest member of the Calaveras Humane Society Thrift Store Oversight Committee, bringing with her years of retail experience. Olivia has found creative ways to support the Calaveras Humane Society. As a weekly volunteer in the Arnold CHS Thrift Store sorting clothes, Olivia uses her retail experience to find “treasures”. When she spies items in top condition with tags still on them or special artwork, she takes them to offer for sale in her shop. There she can often command a higher price than people would expect to pay in the thrift store, thereby getting a higher donation for the animals. At VDorA, CHS artwork has cards noting that a portion of the proceeds go to the Calaveras Humane Society. All of the other CHS items are clearly marked with blue dots on the price tag. Buyers are told that a portion of their purchase will go to the Calaveras Humane Society when they purchase a “Blue Dot” item. Since starting this program in early July 2014, Olivia and VDorA have already raised over $260 for the Calaveras Humane Society! Olivia and CHS are working on future promotional days at the shop. Humane Society volunteers will have an informational/fundraising table out front, and VDorA will donate a percentage of ALL store sales on those days to the Calaveras Humane Society. Along with women’s clothing and artwork, VDorA offers specialty pet accessories so it is truly a pet friendly- place! So the next time you are in Murphys bring yourself and your dog in to VDorA to say hi. The staff will give free treats to your furry kids. The Calaveras Humane Society thanks Olivia and the VDorA staff for helping the animals. 3 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 Thank you for donating to the Calaveras Humane Society Tail Waggers Platinum Mr. & Mrs. William Broll Charitable Foundation Linn Brooke Ms. Barbara Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Steve DeArrillaga Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hanson Pat Higgins - Wintercreek Foundation Dawn & Dana LaPlante Murphys Angels Lions Juanita Newell Save Mart Supermarkets Robert Stepp Jr Delsie Vincent Mike Croshaw Angels Food Market Nancy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schaefer - BKF Engineers Mike Croshaw - Sierra Hills Market Mark Stevans Carolyn Wagner Sierra Nevada Recreation Corporation Tail Waggers Silver Charli Alu - Poundwishes Members Arnold Lions Club Mr. & Mrs. James Baugus A.M. Binder Daniel & Annette Borges Louis Buitiago-Community Health Charities Community Health Charities Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dove Susie Dove Deborah Dowling Diane Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Frey - Rock Solid Construction Nancy Gardner Mr. & Mrs. John Gill Ernesto & Patricia Gutierrez Valley Springs Youth Steve Weyrauch Lincoln & Claudette Wolfe Dr. Michael Backlund Mr. & Mrs. Preston Brown Lyle & Vicki Burgess - Rere Parts Robert & Roberta Pile United Way of Salt Lake Dennis & Marta Rocha Letty Rowe David McGee Kevin Morrow Mother Lode Veterinary Hospital John Muller, D.D.S. Lora Sparrowk - Community Health Charities Nancy Gusack Davie and Sharon Lander Kathy & Donald Nuccio Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Perata - Calaveras Screens Robert Reagan Bill & Sandy Reed - Builders Uniquity Randall Riefel Tail Waggers Gold Calaveras Neighbors and Newcomers Club Kathleen Dunphy Jeff German Mr. & Mrs. George Gibson Joan Huffstutler Jackson Rancheria Kruger Foods Diana Marler - Calaveras Mini Storage The Petco Foundation Carol Phelps Lawrence Sarkis Mr. & Mrs. Elliott - CM Elliott Painting Kathleen Everett Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Grover Mr. & Mrs. Albert Liberato Patricia Mattes Doug Oppenheimer Lacey West Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Wilson Kathy & David Yarbrough Sherri Davis - Bookkeeping Plus John Scadding 4 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 Calaveras Humane Society Directory Calaveras Humane Society Operation Information Calaveras Humane Society Thrift Stores Angels Camp Thrift Store Angels Towne Center 240 S. Main St/Hwy 49 Angels Camp, CA 209-736-2429 Office location: 576 St. Charles San Andreas, CA 95249 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm Mailing address: P.O. Box 1397 San Andreas, CA 95249 Angels Camp Adoption Center Open Thurs-Sat, 10am-5pm Phone Number: 209-736-9417 Email: [email protected] Arnold Thrift Store Meadowmont Shopping Center 2182 Hwy 4 Arnold, CA 209-795-GIVE Website: Facebook: Friend us now and follow breaking Stories: CHS Facebook Hours: Tues-Thurs 10am-5pm/Fri-Sat 10am-6pm To view our available pets click here Arnold Adoption Center Open Thurs-Sat, 10am-5pm Do you like the newsletter, or have a suggestion? We want to hear from you. Email us here Volunteers are needed to work the County Animal Services Office. If you like working with the public and love animals, but do not want to work directly with the cages and kennels, this might be for you. To learn how to apply for this contact Calaveras Humane Society. Just click here 5 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 SOCIAL MEDIA WORKS by Cynthia Pino Bobbi & Denny...home at last! For quite a while, Bobbi and Denny were the longest-term kitty residents at the shelter. They arrived on March 15 after their owner was admitted to an assisted living facility. Bobbi and Denny are a bonded pair and we were thrilled that they were not only adopted, but adopted together, on May 31. A woman who lives in Antioch saw them in the Union Democrat, Sonora edition, and fell in love with them. While she was on a business trip, her husband made the 90-minute trek to the shelter to adopt them. They are “indoors only’” kitties, share a household with a large catfriendly dog the couple rescued, and are truly loved. Bobbi and Denny’s adoption brings up two important points. First of all, this particular adoption, like several others, was because there is a small army of folks who regularly post our doggies and kitties in area publications and newspapers and on 10 different websites. Social media––both local and statewide––has become especially important in attracting folks to the shelter. In the past few months, the shelter has had dog and cat adoptions from as far away as Redding and Southern California. These dedicated behind-the-scenes newspaper and cyber-posters deserve our sincere thanks––Lori our Webmaster, Rachael Brown, Anne Ellis, Kathy Hamlin, Peggy Morley, Amanda Murphy, Marilyn Norton, Darlene Sanders and Patty Schulz. And that doesn’t include the many folks who post flyers in key locations throughout the community––thank you all! The second point is that the shelter is filled to the brim with friendly, healthy, gorgeous adult cats. Many of the adults are at the shelter because their owners moved to an assisted living facility, passed away or were unable to care for them any more. Almost all adults and juniors are already spayed and neutered and their adoption fee, including a microchip, is only $20. Puh-leeeze tell your friends and family members who are considering adopting a kitty to check out our sweet adult kitties who are eagerly awaiting a home. That bouncy kitten they think they want will be an adult soon and the adults who get adopted from the shelter are so appreciative and grateful to get a second chance! 6 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 Lost Animal Reporting - Critical Steps by the Calaveras Humane Society E-Communication Team The Calaveras Humane Society and Calaveras County Animal Services has seen a vast upswing of reunited pets over the past year. This is due to owners reporting in a timely manner. When a lost or found pet is reported to Calaveras Humane Society the information is posted to our website and Facebook within hours and shared with Calaveras County Animal Services and with a number of local Facebook Community Groups. The success rate has been overwhelming. A missing or found pet’s chance of being reunited with their human is significantly increased if they are reported quickly. It is critical to immediately report pets lost or found in Calaveras County to Animal Services at 209-754-6509 first. Next submit a missing or found report to Calaveras Humane Society at: Lost and Found The reason it is so important that you report a missing or stray pet to the shelter is that many lost pets are found by a good citizens who may not be able to house an animal so they take it to the shelter (which is the best thing to do). It is also recommended that you always visit the shelter to search for your pet (891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas). Losing a pet is stressful so Calaveras Humane Society prepared a Lost and Found protocol to assist in the event you lose a pet or find a stray. Print and refer to the following document: Lost & Found Protocol. WE SAY FAREWELL TO SALLY RAUBFOGEL Sally started volunteering with the Calaveras Humane Society in 2006. After 8 years of dedicated service she and her husband Marty have pulled up stake and become flatlanders once again. We will miss multi-talented Sally. She served on the Board for 6 years (6 years as Secretary, 2 as VP of Marketing), but she did not stop there. She ran the Spay & Neuter Program, was our volunteer office manager and Shelter Cat Cage Cleaner and Dog Walker. She volunteered at adoption days and many, many fundraisers and events. Sally decided that just wasn’t enough and took on the Calaveras Humane Society Newsletter. In her spare time she applied for and was awarded, the Ryan Newman Foundation Grant for a special “Bully Dog” Spay and Neuter program she developed and maintained. Sally’s days of caring for the wellness of animals will not end. Sally will soon be volunteering with a shelter in her area. 7 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 Calaveras Humane Society launches a campaign for feral cats-Trap-Neuter-Return Under the umbrella of the Cat Team, we now have a group of volunteers handling the Calaveras Humane Society Feral Feline Project. Aimed at first stabilizing existing cat colonies that have human caregivers by humanely trapping, surgically altering and returning cats to their home territory, we hope not only to reduce the number of feral cats but also hope to reduce the number of unwanted cats born and turned into the county Animal Services annually. For many of these cats, there is no hope for adoption and the county is forced to euthanize them. Most of the kittens in our foster program come from “stray” or feral populations. Often, well-meaning people find kittens and bring them into the shelter, but the mother cat is left out to procreate again. Studies have shown that a single female may have three litters in one year. If you figure a low average of 4 per litter that is 12 kittens per year, and 6 of those are females that can get pregnant the next spring and so on and so on. To break this cycle it is immensely important to spay the mother cat also. But it is also important to ‘occupy’ the space this mama takes outdoors. If we only remove the cat from the environment a new cat will quickly move in, but if we release the altered mama she will take this space and protect it, thus not allowing another cat to settle in and start multiplying. Volunteers work with colony caregivers by providing trapping, transport and recovery as well as educational support and information on communicating with neighbors. Neighborhood support or acceptance of feral colonies is an essential part of any successful feral colony program. The Humane Society will also loan traps and recovery cages to the public wishing to do their own trapping. We greatly appreciate the veterinarians from Angels Camp Vet Hospital, Calaveras Vet Hospital and Valley Springs Vet Clinic who are partnering with us to provide altering of the trapped cats. As with all “TNR” programs, the greatest need is for vet expense funds and volunteers. Transporters and trappers are always needed. We welcome anyone interested in learning more about our program or interested in volunteering to contact The Calaveras Humane Society at 209-736-9417 EXT #8. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT VOLUNTEERING WITH CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY CLICK HERE . You can help CHS animals directly by helping us with our wish list on 8 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMMER 2014 OUR NEWEST PROGRAM!! SPONSOR A FOSTER CAT FOSTER CAT SPONSORS Garringer Painting (Betty Boop) Russ Thomas Enterprises (Pansy) Jackie Reeves Quilts (Raven) An Anonymous Angel (Lily) Regina Brown (Buster Posey) Sylvia Shorter (Thelma & Louise) Peggy Mascaro (Zoe) John McCormick (Kirby) The Calaveras Humane Society is excited to introduce our newest way to donate - by sponsoring a foster cat! In an on-going effort to find creative ways to raise funds to support our programs and to showcase our supporters, we now offer foster cat sponsorships. Each $100.00 sponsorship, of a foster cat, will help defray the cost of saving the life of a Calaveras County homeless cat. Your sponsorship of a foster cat will also: 2014 LICKS & PURRS SPONSORS Aloha Boarding & Training Avalon Salon Calaveras Enterprise California Cavern CHS Arnold Thrift Store CHS Angels Camp Thrift Store Creative Cookware Moaning Cavern Nancy Gardner Snip-n-Clip Doggie Salon Ted Laskin A Friend - In Memory of Barbara Brooks See Calaveras Enterprise Classified every Friday. To learn more about being a Sponsor go to: Licks & Purrs Get the sponsor’s name or business name on our sponsor page in the CHS Newsletter for the entire calendar year as well as on our website. On our website, all sponsors are listed right by the cat’s photo on the Kitty Catalog page as well as on the cat’s biography page. BONUS: Businesses may include their website link so viewers can go directly to their business site! Business sponsors will receive a certificate of appreciation with the sponsored cat's photo (ready for framing), which can be displayed at their place of business. So business owners, please sponsor a Calaveras Humane Society foster cat. It is GREAT exposure for your business and your customers will appreciate that you are a supporter of Calaveras Humane Society and our efforts. To learn more on how to sign up or to choose your foster cat to sponsor, please click here: 9 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 LETTER FROM A GRATEFUL CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUPPORTER 8 June 4, 2014 Calaveras Humane Society P.O. Box 1390 San Andreas, CA 95249 Dear Friends, A couple of weeks ago, we took our Chihuahua, Mr. Waggles, to Dr. Parish for dental work. The total came to more than $800, and CHS was kind enough to pay for one-third of the expense. We’re writing to say “Thank you!” And to tell you that Mr. Waggles is doing great now, even though Dr. Parish had to extract all his remaining teeth. It was a pretty difficult surgery I imagine, but Dr. Parish – and the Lord! – brought him through in excellent fashion. Mr. Waggles is about 14 years old, but now he’s prancing around like a puppy again. So far, he doesn’t seem to miss his teeth much, especially since he now gets special canned food all the time. We are going to pay back the $260 or so dollars the society chipped in, by sending $20 per month via your Website, and we will continue sending $20 per month thereafter. Thank you again from Mr. Waggles and us for your great ministry to our fuzzy friends in Calaveras County. Sincerely, Dennis & Elizabeth Roberts STORIES LIKE THESE ARE MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF YOUR DONATIONS. TO LEARN MORE ON HOW YOU CAN HELP CLICK HERE 10 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 by Jean Macomber Each year this generous group, a business networking group of professional women, chooses a non-profit as their charity of the year. They chose our own Calaveras Humane Society for a year! In July, CCWN hosted a delightful fundraiser “Ladies Night Out” at Ironstone Vineyards. All of those of us from the Humane Society had so much fun, everyone was great to talk to and it was truly a high class event complete with white table cloths and candles. At the event, which was held in Ironstone Vineyards cave (it was delightfully cool there), we were treated to a lovely buffet complete with a glass of several choices of Ironstone wines. The service was wonderful, with waiters appearing constantly with another platter of tempting treats. Ironstone Vineyards generously donated the use of the facilities for the evening. CCWN members all chipped in to pay for the food and service. Fourteen CCWN members had tables set up displaying their goods and business information. They each spoke about their skills and offerings, and all attendees were able to speak to each of them and even purchase merchandise. There was a raffle of more than twenty prizes all donated by the CCWN business members. All proceeds from the event will go directly to CHS. The Humane Society had an information table also, as well as some foster kittens – which were, of course, a BIG HIT! CHS gave out fliers regarding what our group accomplishes. And, as a thank you, each vendor received a gift certificate for CHS merchandise from the Angels Camp Thrift Store. CHS Vice President Karen Elliott spoke to the group expressing our gratitude and how happy we were to accept their generous offer of their year’s donation which will enable more spay & neuters and meds for our cats and dogs. We were so happy to hear what they had to say about themselves, as well as how they promote their businesses and their focus on our community. The next CCWN meeting will be on August 26that 5:30. Check their website at for details. Everyone is welcome to attend and support this local business women’s group. They support us in a major way. Thank you, again, members of the Calaveras County Women’s Network! BECOME A VOLUNTEER Park Minkler Nancy Park Attorney 1111Dunbar Road, Office 209.795.0271 Suite A-200 Fax 209.795.0419 Arnold, California [email protected] 11 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 WHAT WE DO MAKES AN IMPACT. YOU CAN BE A PART OF IT ! Feral Feline Project (FFP) NEEDS TRANSPORTERS Feral Feline Project (Trap-Neuter-Return) Needs Transporters By Nancy McArthur The Feral Feline Project (FFP), the Trap-Neuter-Return program adopted by the Calaveras Humane Society on July 1st, is looking for volunteers to occasionally assist our trappers in transporting feral cats to and/or from local veterinary clinics. Trapped cats would need to be dropped off at participating vets in Angels Camp, San Andreas, or Valley Springs on the morning of their scheduled surgery. Transportation back to their recovery caregiver would also be needed in the afternoon of the same day (not necessarily by the same person who did the morning trip). Please consider lending a helping hand to this small group of dedicated volunteers who are striving to reduce the number of homeless cats in our county and the number of euthanasia’s performed by Animal Services. If you can give a lift to some cats please email Nancy McArthur, at: [email protected] A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TRANSPORTATION VOLUNTEER by Jean Macomber About a month ago we were called to transport two puppies to Dublin. These babies would be picked up by a local volunteer who in turn would transport them to a pit bull rescue home near Santa Cruz. Snow and Shadow were the progeny of the male Pit who was labeled “potentially dangerous” having killed one small dog and bitten another one in our county. After going to court and the owner being found liable, the dog was in the custody of our Animal Shelter awaiting his sentencing. These two pups were the lucky ones who were going to their forever home. I can tell you it was a wonderful experience from beginning to end for us and for them as well, although it was a bit of a struggle putting them in the carriers as they are very strong and didn’t like the prospect of being cooped up. They howled mightily! Until.....we started on our way. There was not a peep out of them till we met Alicia in Dublin a few hours later. We were hoping she wouldn’t be a tiny little thing because the boys were so strong! Well, she was a robust woman who had been in charge of Pit Bulls for a while. She loaded them in her pickup with a camper shell, large carriers, lots of water and away they went. For those of you who have been timid about transporting, it really is FUN! New places to see or perhaps old places to recognize; anyway, sign up! You’ll like it! If interested in becoming Transporter contact Kathy Nuccio: [email protected] DONATE WHILE YOU SHOP ONLINE AT NO COST TO YOU! To learn more about volunteering with Calaveras Humane Society Click Here 12 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 DONATE WHILE YOU SHOP LOCALLY, NO COST TO YOU! Just swipe and donate. It’s that simple and it doesn’t cost you a penny! Supporting the Calaveras Humane Society just got a whole lot easier thanks to Sierra Hills & Angels Food Markets, Mar Val Market, and the fundraising program eScrip. Sierra Hills Market Angels Food Market Mar Val Market 117 E. Highway 4, 396 N. Main St./HWY 49, 55 S. Highway 26, Murphys, CA 95247 Angels Camp, CA 95222 Valley Springs, CA 95252 (209) 728-3402 (209) 736-4243 (209) 772-2393 Pick up a Sierra Hills & Angels Food Markets Community Card or a Mar Val Community Card, swipe it during your next shopping trip and up to 5% of the monthly purchase amount will be donated to CHS. Signing Up is as Easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Pick up a card at Sierra Hills Market/Angels Food Market or Mar Val Market. 2. Fill out the form in store to register. 3. Show your card each time you check out. You can access your personal donations on to see how much you have earned for the Calaveras Humane Society. Support the Calaveras Humane Society while you shop. Sign up today! Using a S.H.A.R.E.S. CARD gives the CHS a 3% rebate of your shopping total at Save Mart, S-Mart Foods, Food Maxx, & Lucky stores. There is no cost to you. To request one or more S.H.A.R.E.S. Cards, please contact: Lynn Keever at (209) 754-4453, Connie Caldwell at (209) 728-2442, or the CHS office at (209) 736-9417. 13 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY SUMMER 2014 Each year the Calaveras Humane Society donates Kind News Magazine for Kids to our local schools. This magazine is a wonderful teaching tool. This year we received letters from students of Mrs. Hood’s class at West Point Elementary. 14
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