Spring 2014 Newsletter - Calaveras Humane Society
Spring 2014 Newsletter - Calaveras Humane Society
SPRING NEWSLETTER 2014 Calaveras Humane Society Newsletter Spring Issue FABULOUS FEBRUARY FLIGHT OUR FIRST CHS AIRLIFT Some 15 Chihuahuas and mixes - all of them small and rescued from a home where 30 had lived - took off Monday on a flight by Wings of Rescue to the Idaho Humane Society, which has pledged to find the wee dogs new homes. Thank you for a chance Former owners of the dogs surrendered 23 of the dogs to the Calaveras Humane Society, keeping seven. Tears & Cheers Nine of the dogs needed to stay behind, as they have tested positive for heartworm and are receiving treatment for the potentially fatal infection. Trust The Calaveras Humane Society led the rescue effort, providing volunteers to prepare the dogs for their flight and sending money to Wings of Rescue. They are off According to Debby Beaufort of the humane society, the dogs included Dachshund, Pomeranian and Corgi breeds. From the shelter to the airport This group of dogs came from the third haul of dog hoarders found recently in Calaveras County. One had eight pugs, and one had 28 Pomeranians. (story continues page 3) Ed Ransom 2014 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY - CHS Board of Directors President Joann Ingraham Vice President of Operations Karen Elliott Vice President of Marketing Kathy Hamlin Secretary Vacant Treasurer Mary Foye Assistant Treasurer Lynn Keever Members Nancy Cohen Joanne Elliott Randy McNurlin Russell Thomas Blair Wiley If you are interested in becoming a CHS Board Member, email your resume to [email protected] or mail to: Calaveras Humane Society P.O. Box 1390 San Andreas, CA 95249 2014 Welcome our new interim President: Things are moving at a fast pace for the Calaveras Humane Society Board. In February, Jo Ingraham was elected President of the Board to finish out the term of Bob Seiler which comes to an end June 30th. Jo has been President of the County’s Domestic Animal Advisory Committee (DAAC) for all but one year since it’s formation by the Board of Supervisors in 2005. We are happy to have someone of her experience join us. We are also anticipating the return of Board member Russ Thomas from his work in Somalia and have an additional new Board member hopefully joining us in April. Thrift Stores are successful: In May of 2013 we opened our second Thrift Store in Angels Camp and it is now under the competent and experienced management of Mike Tyndall and staff. The first store in Arnold continues to thrive presently under the direction of Acting Manager Teri Aspesi. We at CHS have received well over $200,000 in proceeds from the operation of that store for our programs. Both stores have very successful Cat Adoption rooms totaling over 375 adoptions. We hope you will take your gently used items to our stores and donate them to our cause. We will also pick up your donations if you call our stores.( phone numbers) Animals Service is a great partner: Our new partnership with Animal Services is a strong reinforcement of not only our volunteers’ commitment to the animals but of the newly staffed Animal Services Shelter under Brian Moss and the Department of Environmental Services. The manager of AS, Henning Schreiber, and his staff and our volunteers have worked together to paint and improve the shelter, establish a viable transfer program moving shelter animals to better opportunities for adoption, and vastly improve cooperation between the County and CHS. This is so important in laying the groundwork for a new shelter. New ideas/New Programs: The other programs on the drawing board are an onsite spay/neuter clinic, a Trap-Neuter-Return program for feral cats, and the possibility of more temporary buildings to expand the ability to improve health conditions for our animals temporarily housed at the County shelter. Your contributions are so important to our success: We are asking you to help us achieve these goals. There is no contribution too small. Please think of the Calaveras Humane Society in your annual giving, or when you pass our donation boxes while shopping. Your support is very important to us. Thank you. Karen Elliott, Vice President of Operations Newsletter Contents Board Notes-Pg 2 Ducky’s Update-Pg 5 Team Work Helps Muffin-Pg 9 Fabulous Flight con’t-Pg 3 Microchipped Cat–Pg 6 Cog In the Wheel -Pg 10 New Shelter Update –Pg 3 Shenzi’s Adoption-Pg 7 It is Kitten Season -Pg 11 Animal Services Notes-Pg 4 Chases’ Day at the Thrift Store-Pg 8 2 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY - 2014 Fabulous February Flight (con’t from page 1) For more information on Wings of Rescue click here Ed Ransom, a volunteer with the Calaveras Humane Society, flew with the 15 dogs in the . Cessna P210, piloted by Steve Sweeney from San Ramon. Sweeney has made more than 15 flights for Wings of Rescue. Volunteers showed up some two hours before scheduled takeoff to take the dogs out of their kennels and on short walks. . Calaveras Humane Society and Calaveras County Animal Services teamed up to coordinate the transfer to the Idaho Humane Society through Wings of Rescue, a nonprofit organization that provides emergency air transport for animals. “I think it’s the most fantastic thing we’ve ever done,” said Debbie Beaufort, who coordinates volunteers for the Calaveras Humane Society. “We’ve never transported this many dogs.” Animal Shelter Assistant Amanda Murphy worked with Beaufort and a couple of other volunteers to make the transport possible, Beaufort said. Animal Services Manager Henning Schreiber said the 15 Chihuahuas came from a group of 23, all from the same home. Wings of Rescue asked for a minimal contribution toward the flight expense; Beaufort said the Calaveras Humane Society donated $1,500 for aviation fuel. Volunteer pilot Steve Sweeney of Livermore loaded the pooches to be taken to Boise. New Shelter Update Well, here it is… MARCH, the month we promised an update regarding the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) state mandated review, and the improvements required before the County can grant us the property. It now seems the company the County contracted is scrambling to complete the review before the end of the month. This could end up being a good thing for us, because we want them to grant us a Negative Declaration for the property. That would mean that it passes state inspection, requires no improvements and the County can grant us the use of it. Cross your fingers! More news coming! Want to help build a shelter? Click here 3 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 Calaveras Humane Society Directory Calaveras Humane Society Operation Information Calaveras Humane Society Thrift Stores Angels Camp Thrift Store Angels Towne Center 240 S. Main St/Hwy 49 Angels Camp, CA 209-736-2429 Office location: 576 St. Charles San Andreas, CA 95249 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Hours: Monday-Saturday 11am-6pm Mailing address: P.O. Box 1397 San Andreas, CA 95249 Angels Camp Adoption Center Open Thurs-Sat, 11am-5pm Phone Number: 209-736-9417 Email: [email protected] Arnold Thrift Store Meadowmont Shopping Center 2182 Hwy 4 Arnold, CA 209-795-GIVE Website: www.calaverashumane.org Facebook: Friend us now and follow breaking Stories: CHS Facebook To view our available pets click here Hours: Tues-Thurs 10am-5pm/Fri-Sat 10am-6pm Arnold Adoption Center Open Thurs-Sat, 10am-5pm Do you like the newsletter, or have a suggestion? We want to hear from you. Email us here Volunteers are needed to work the County Animals Services Office. If you like working with the public and love animals, but do not want to work directly with the cages and kennels this might be for you. To learn how to apply for this contact Calaveras Humane Society. Just click here 4 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 Help Ducky 5 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 MICROCHIPPING CAT PAYS OFF from Cindi Garringer, Cat Team Lead Two years ago, July 2011, I adopted two young adult females from the shelter to a couple here in Murphys. They were Cricket and Grasshopper. The adopters had called me looking for garage cats that they could let out during the day and in at night. At the time they wanted hunters and were really willing to do all I required to make a good home. The shelter was stuffed as usual in mid-July so I selected Cricket and Grasshopper who weren't sisters, but similar in personality and about the same age, 10-12 months, and Torties (grey and brown). These adopters borrowed cages from me, kept the ladies cages for over two weeks, even installed a permanent cat door in the wall of their garage so the cats could go out during the day without the garage being left open. They called the cats in at night and sealed the cat door during the night. I couldn't ask for a better place for these cats. Grasshopper had an accident in 2012 resulting in a hind leg needing to amputated, but she recovered very, very well thanks to her people caring so much. So, all was wonderful until this past Thanksgiving when Grasshopper disappeared. Her owners, who live out on acreage and quite remote, figured she must have been caught unaware by a critter. They left town two weeks after Thanksgiving for an extended vacation, with a pet sitter at home for the other cats. While gone they got a call from a family who live in San Bruno. These folks had been renting a cabin in Blue Lake Springs and a three legged cat showed up on their deck (about 15 miles from where the cat lived). They couldn't leave her; because of her three legs they were sure someone was missing her. The story should have ended there with them going to a veterinarian or the Shelter and getting her scanned, but no. They had to leave so they packed up the stray cat and took her to San Bruno with them. They took her to their vet who scanned her and got the cell number for her owners. They called the owners who were just returning via SFO from their trip east. The owners landed, drove a few miles and picked up Grasshopper, who has now returned home. They don't believe Grasshopper made her way to Blue Lake Springs from Murphys. They think she may have hitched a ride in any one of many vehicles that had been at the house up to Blue Lake Springs and luckily found her way to this vacation cabin. Amazing story, right? It is also a good reminder why microchipping your pet is so important. To learn more about Microchipping contact Calaveras Humane Society by sending an email here 6 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 SHENZI’s LIFE BEHIND BARS Is behind him now by Amanda Scott Shenzi is a “1 year old, 63 pound”, neutered male. He is a very active boy with a brilliant mind. Shenzi was trained in a prison training program and knows: sit, down, stay, come, off, heel, no, stop, with me, leave it, get it, and crate. He has spent his entire life in various shelters and programs and has never had his own family. Shenzi’s story went out on the Internet, Facebook, Petfinder, our Website, PetHarbor and we asked that people share his story. The plea was: “ If you or someone you know wants to make a difference in Shenzi’s world, please come to the shelter immediately! We do not recommend him with cats, other males, or dominant females, as he is a macho man and may create a stir. Shenzi would do best with a strong active handler who can put Shenzi’s brains and brawn to good use.” Shenzi got adopted!!! Two people with no other pets or children drove all the way from Redding, spent the night in town, and then were here waiting to meet Shenzi as soon as we opened. Their last dog was a German Shepherd, so they have experience with big intelligent dogs. They also plan to work with one of our volunteers, and a trainer in the area, so Shenzi can have ongoing obedience work. Shenzi jumped right in their car and sat down while we all looked on victoriously! Because of you sharing Shenzi’s story and other stories on Facebook, these animals have a chance of finding their forever homes. Thank you all. Forward this newsletter to a friend so they can follow great stories like this by joining our email list SUCCESSFUL BRET HARTE SENIOR PROJECT by Hayley Rizzi For my Bret Harte senior project this year, I chose to raise money for the Calaveras Humane Society. I was given permission to set up a display in front of the Angels Thrift Store during the annual Paws and Claus event where I accepted donations in exchange for dog treats and cat toys, which I had made. The Calaveras Humane Society has been a significant part of my life as my family adopted both of our cats from the organization. I knew that for my senior project I wanted to give back to the group that has given me and my family so much. Thanks to your help, I was able to raise $116.80! 7 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 Chase’s Day at the Thrift Store By Teri Aspersi Click here HereClick We often tell stories about dogs rescued by our volunteers. This story has a different twist and was told by our Arnold Thrift Store Assistant Manager,Teri Aspesi. On one of our few rainy days in February, Teri noticed a VERY wet dog outside the store. She went outside and several out-of-town customers and their kids were hovering around him. Teri brought out some old towels and they all started rubbing the dog to dry and warm him. Since the store always keeps a leash and water bowl on hand for just these occasions, she situated the dog safely in the store. This lucky boy had a current rabies tag on his collar and Teri called our County Animal Services to ask them to help identify the dog from the numbers on the tag. She gave Gina, one of our local Animal Control officers, the veterinarian’s number, as well as the owners’ number and Gina called the vet in San Leandro, who gave her the owner’s phone number in Arnold. Gina called the Arnold number and found the owners, who were frantic about the loss of their dog. She then called Teri to let her know the lost owners had been found! The owners arrived at the Thrift Store within ten minutes and were reunited with their dog. During all this time, customers were waiting at the store to make sure this guy got reunited with his missing family. It turns out that Chase, the dog, is 19 years old! They had let him out to do his business the previous night and for the first time ever, he wandered off. Poor guy was blind in one eye and couldn’t hear very well. The grateful owners made a cash donation to CHS, (Thank you!) customers and kids were happy, and Gina was thanked for her participation. All ended well. We are so proud of our Thrift Store employees who all take our mission so seriously! See our Thrift Stores "click" You can help CHS animals directly by helping us with our wish list on Amazon.com . TO LEARN MORE ABOUT VOLUNTEERING WITH CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY CLICK HERE 8 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 Team work pays off for Muffin by a Shelter Volunteer ‘ It’s amazing that almost all this took place in just a couple of hours... Muffin, a sweet, short-haired gray and white adult female, first arrived at the shelter on 7/16/10 and was adopted on 8/21/10. Then someone brought Muffin back to the shelter on 10/30/13 and said she had been dumped on her property. A 10-day letter was sent to the owner, but the owner didn't respond. Muffin was then adopted for the second time on 12/11/13, but was returned to the shelter on 12/18/13 because the new owner said he was allergic. This was now Muffin's third time at the shelter. Muffin was a very frustrated kitty being back at the shelter and we all felt badly for her. “Karen,” a neighbor of the man who adopted and returned Muffin because of his allergies, emailed CHS on a Saturday, saying she and her husband really wanted to adopt Muffin and asked whether or not the shelter would be open the following holiday week so she could "manage expectations." That email was forwarded to the Cat Team Leader, who was traveling, but able to pick up the message. She forwarded the email to me on a Sunday morning at 7:50 am and later called to see if I read the email, which I had just read. Just after 8:00 am, I called the Animal Services staff member who was working that Sunday to see if Muffin could somehow be adopted that day so she wouldn't have to be at the shelter until the following Thursday. Since Muffin had recently been adopted, her paperwork was in order. The staff member said that was fine. Then I called Karen (who thankfully included her cell phone number in her email to CHS) to let her know she could adopt Muffin that day or wait until Thursday. Karen was at a hospital in the middle of signing the discharge papers for her husband who had surgery the previous day, so we talked very fast. She said she and her husband met Muffin when the kitty lived next door for that short period of time and that they both liked her very much. She said they recently lost their dog and knew the kitty will be a big part of her husband’s recovery. She said that as soon as she got her husband home and settled, she would be at the shelter around 2:00 pm with a cat carrier. Then I called the staff member again, gave him Karen’s cell phone number, and told him to expect Karen around 2:00 Calaveras Humane Society 209-736-9417 pm. When Karen didn’t show up by 2:30, the staff member called her and found out she was lost, so he gave her directions to the shelter. Karen called me at exactly 3:00 to let me know Muffin was in the car with her and she was headed home. She said Muffin would get lots of love, have a wonderful home and be an “indoors kitty.” It is truly a pleasure working with folks who are willing to do back flips and somersaults to get our feline and canine residents out of the shelter and into loving homes. It’s amazing that everything just worked out. If someone hadn't forwarded an email or answered just one call, the lovely outcome would not have happened. Karen must have had a really crazy day––getting her husband home from the hospital, then getting lost while going to the shelter to get their kitty! It was wonderful that Muffin was out of the shelter and truly home for the holidays with a couple who really, really wanted her. We are in need of Cat Room volunteers at the Shelter. To find out more about volunteering click here 9 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 COG IN THE WHEEL – Are you one?? By Anne Ellis In my years of volunteering for Calaveras Humane Society and organizing other CHS volunteers through fund raisers and adoption centers, I often have people tell me, “Well, I didn’t do very much today.” My reply has always been, “We couldn’t have done it without you.” Sometimes an adopter of a foster cat will thank me for what WE do. I thank THEM for what they do. Because every minute someone does something; or adopts an animal from us-or donates money that helps Calaveras Humane Society. All of it makes a tremendous difference. We could not do it without the least of them. I started thinking of all the different ways people SUPPORT the Calaveras Humane Society and the image of cogwheels came to my mind. Each piece is essential to the gear continuing to run. Some might be small and some large, but they are ALL essential. Some people volunteer many hours weekly. Some are at the shelter; at the office; some on the board; and some “behind the scenes” on our website. Others donate money. Others adopt animals from us. Some donate to our thrift stores. Others purchase from our thrift stores. These are just a few of the ways we ALL support Calaveras Humane Society. So instead of feeling guilty that you cannot help at the shelter or foster cats or even be a volunteer or “do more to help”, please think of yourself as a cog in our wonderful machine – the Calaveras Humane Society. If you adopted an animal, you helped move CHS forward. You made room for another animal to get out of the county shelter. If you write a check or put money in our change banks or use a SHARES card, you make it possible for us to pay vet bills or for us to give out more spay/neuter assistance vouchers. Yes, we need volunteers. We will always need volunteers. Yes, we need more money. We will ALWAYS be asking for more donations. But rather than thinking of yourself as someone who does NOT support Calaveras Humane Society because you only “do a little”, please know you make all the difference. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful “machine”. And as we all keep working together, we can continue to save lives and make lives better for the animals of Calaveras County. BECOME A VOLUNTEER Park Minkler Nancy Park Attorney 1111Dunbar Road, Office 209.795.0271 Suite A-200 Fax 209.795.0419 Arnold, California www.parkminkler.com [email protected] 10 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 WHAT IMPACT WILL THE CAMPAIGN TO SAVE PETS’ LIVES HAVE? This chart represents one unspayed female, and her mate and all the offsprings, producing 2 liters per year with 2.8 surviving kittens per litter. By spaying and neutering just one male and one female cat, more than 2,000 unwanted births can be prevented in just four years and more than two million in eight years. Call for your Spay and Neuter Voucher today Calaveras Humane Society 209-736-9417 11 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 EMAIL HERE DONATE WHILE YOU SHOP ONLINE AT NO COST TO YOU! You can now donate at no cost to you when you shop online at your favorite store with iGive. Over 1400 merchants, such as Amazon, Best Buy, Staples, Lowe’s, PETCO, PetSmart, Pet Food Direct, and MANY, MANY more are available for you to choose from. CLICK HERE to sign up for an account benefiting CHS. You can view the full list of merchants here. This is a fabulous and simple way to help the animals while doing something that most of us already do regularly and it’s free! 12 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 DONATE WHILE YOU SHOP LOCALLY, NO COST TO YOU! Just swipe and donate. It’s that simple and it doesn’t cost you a penny! Supporting the Calaveras Humane Society just got a whole lot easier thanks to Sierra Hills & Angels Food Markets, Mar Val Market, and the fundraising program eScrip. Sierra Hills Market Angels Food Market Mar Val Market 117 E. Highway 4, 396 N. Main St./HWY 49, 55 S. Highway 26, Murphys, CA 95247 Angels Camp, CA 95222 Valley Springs, CA 95252 (209) 728-3402 (209) 736-4243 (209) 772-2393 Pick up a Sierra Hills & Angels Food Markets Community Card or a Mar Val Community Card, swipe it during your next shopping trip and up to 5% of the monthly purchase amount will be donated to CHS. Signing Up is as Easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Pick up a card at Sierra Hills Market/Angels Food Market or Mar Val Market. 2. Fill out the form in store to register. 3. Show your card each time you check out. You can access your personal donations on eScrip.com to see how much you have earned for the Calaveras Humane Society. Support the Calaveras Humane Society while you shop. Sign up today! Using a S.H.A.R.E.S. CARD gives the CHS a 3% rebate of your shopping total at Save Mart, S-Mart Foods, Food Maxx, & Lucky stores. There is no cost to you. To request one or more S.H.A.R.E.S. Cards, please contact: Lynn Keever at (209) 754-4453, Connie Caldwell at (209) 728-2442, or the CHS office at (209) 736-9417. 13 CALAVERAS HUMANE SOCIETY 2014 14
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