encino oaks trumpeter
encino oaks trumpeter
April 2014 Issue 2014—4 ENCINO OAKS TRUMPETER ENCINO OAKS REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED EncinoOaksRWF.org President: Janet Price 818-981-8975 Editor: Natalie Medvedev 818-571-4893 Membership: Maria Michel 818-501-3898 April Meeting 2013 Diamond Winner AMERICA Submitted by Karen Brewster, 1st VP / Program “America”! That is the name of the new film directed and co-written by our April speaker, John Sullivan. It is based on the NY Times Bestseller “What’s So Great About America?” and will be released July 4, 2014. Featured Speaker: John Sullivan Sportsmen’s Lodge 12833 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, 91604 Wednesday, April 9th 10:30am—Check-in begins $30 per person Reservations must be received by April 4th, 2014 For reservations, please call: Shirley Colvin (661) 255-7752 or email: [email protected] No-shows will be billed. Lunch Selections: -Rotalini Chicken w/ Mozzarella -Grilled Salmon w/ Citrus Sauce -Pasta Primavera Table of Contents: President’s Message……….....………..2 Save the Date....………….……………..3 Reading Room………...…………………3 Pictures from March Luncheon…...…3 Membership……………………………...4 Awards…………………………………….5 Opposition Research……………………6 Under the Radar……..………………….7 Member’s Corner………………………..8 Legislation……………..…………………9 John Sullivan is a producer, writer and director. In 2012 he codirected and co-wrote the hit film “2016 Obama’s America” with Dinesh D’Souza. “2016” is the #2 political documentary of alltime. He also produced the film “Expelled” with Ben Stein on academic freedom which earned $7.7M at the box office and is the #6 political documentary of all-time. The combined box office of these films make John the second most successful political documentary film maker in history, behind Michael Moore, something he would like to change! John started his entertainment career in concert promotion at the age of 15. This early experience gave him a deep appreciation of entrepreneurship, hard work and the virtues of being a small business owner. Along with “America”, John is developing several projects, including feature films on Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Washington, along with two reality shows. John is also a senior fellow of the American Freedom Alliance based in Los Angeles. John Sullivan is so popular as a speaker that I had to book him one year in advance. Come and see excerpts of his latest film and you’ll find out why. Bring husbands, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Be sure not to miss this exciting speaker!!! Our morning speaker will feature Pete Peterson, Republican candidate for California Secretary of State. To learn more about him, visit his website at www.petesos.com. Page 2 AMERICANISM Submitted by Maria Michel, 2nd VP “No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable.” -George Washington “I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” -Thomas Jefferson FROM THE DESK OF PRESIDENT JANET PRICE Our St. Patrick’s Day luncheon was lovely…both the room and the ladies decked out in a “bit ‘o the green”! Heartfelt thanks to all those who worked so hard to make the day such a success! Our program was equally enjoyable and informative, starting out with our member, Nancy Kremer of RPLAC, giving us valuable information about the importance of local elections. After all, since “all politics is local”, that’s where the grassroots effort begins. She educated us in how to get involved and support conservative candidates, a great segue to our afternoon speaker Linda Paine of the Election Integrity Project. Linda brought us a message that she warned could be dispiriting. “Get out the Tums!” It might have been had she not showed us how we can absolutely “de-fang” the enemy. She enlightened and inspired us….with a timely message to boost any flagging Republican spirit. We left feeling, more than ever, that “When Women Work We Win!” Mark your calendars now as our April luncheon is another one not to be missed! Program Chair, Karen Brewster, has been hard at work to bring us an exciting program, as Hollywood producer John Sullivan, co-producer with Dinesh D’Souza of the hit movie “2016: Obama’s America”, will be our featured speaker. He will bring us an insider’s view of the film world and what it is like to be a lone conservative voice in a predominantly liberal industry. Make sure to contact Shirley Colvin and get your reservations in early as we look to have another filled-to-capacity room! Invite family and friends….this is a luncheon your guests will be sure to enjoy. Keep the faith, ladies! Wishing all of you a Happy Easter and Happy Passover! “Tax rates are pricesprices for working, saving, and investing. And when you raise the price of those productive activities, you get less of them.” -Ronald Reagan, Presidential Address, June 22, 1983. “Man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.” -Ronald Reagan, 1989 Janet EORWF President 2014 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President—Janet Price 1st Vice President / Program—Karen Brewster 2nd Vice President / Membership—Maria Michel 3rd Vice President / Campaign Precinct—Rita Medvedev 4th Vice President / Ways & Means—Margaret Cohen Recording Secretary—Mary Claire Powell Treasurer—Nonie Geismann Newsletter Editor—Natalie Medvedev Digital Communications Director—Sylva Martayan Corresponding Secretary—Shirley Colvin Appointed: Awards—Sylva Martayan Parliamentarian and Chaplain—Vita Cortese Like us on Page 3 SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR ANNUAL FASHION SHOW Submitted by Margaret Cohen, Ways and Means. Encino Oaks’ Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser Theme: HATS OFF TO FASHION Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 Sportsmen’s Lodge—$50 per person Fashions by: Holiday Hats and Gowns Featuring raffles, silent auctions, gift baskets, a fashion show and lunch. This is our BIG event for the year. Please gather your friends; you’re guaranteed to have a great time helping our club. We will have some fantastic gift baskets to win, and for the first time we will have a few silent auction items. Since we do not have a credit card machine, please bring your check books or, of course, cash. We always have such fun at our fashion shows, so please join us. Thank you to those of you who have donated towards our great gifts. It's not too late to contribute money or gift cards to some of your favorite places. To donate or volunteer, contact Margaret at [email protected] or 818-249-7757. WE CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN YOUR HATS! THE READING ROOM Submitted by June Diane Swanson The Baby Boom by P.J. O’Rourke Falling in Love with America Again by Jim DeMint Unbalanced by Stephen Roach George Washington’s Secret Six by Brian Kelmeade and Don Yaeger Rush Revere and the First Patriots by Rush Limbaugh (FOR YOUNGER READERS) And don’t forget to catch America, from Dinesh D’Souza, in theaters on July 4th! PICTURES FROM OUR MARCH MEETING Page 4 MEMBERSHIP Submitted by Maria Michel, 2nd Vice President Hi again ladies, Well, we have arrived at crunch time for paying our dues. If you have not paid the dues for 2014, you will be delinquent at the end of March. If you are not sure that you have paid them, you can call me and I will check the records for you. I know that sometimes we just forget, but I just want you to keep getting the newsletter so you will continue to be informed. I look forward to getting all those envelopes with your checks so we will have reached our numbers once again. In the meantime below are the ladies who have renewed, new members and associate members who have joined this month: RENEWALS: Barbara Heberger Gloria McCord NEW MEMBERS: Myrtle Lou Gray Victoria Jarvis ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Susan Gettle Nam Young Horn Sheila McGuire Mary Ann Weyman Kara Nelson Marianne Raia Until Next Month... Maria 2014 EORWF MEMBERSHIP FORM (please print) Make checks payable to EORWF. Regular Membership - $30; Associate Membership $20 Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address/City/Zip: _________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________________________________________ Cell/Home Phone: _________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Associate Club Name (if already member of Federation): __________________________ Mail Membership form and check to: Maria Michel, 4544 Longridge Ave., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. Page 5 AWARDS Submitted by Sylva Martayan, Awards Ladies, Please remember to submit your volunteer hours on the spreadsheet below. You can mail them in or bring them to the next luncheon. Reminder that both members and associate members can submit volunteer hours. Since 2014 is an election year there are many opportunities to volunteer, especially supporting our candidates for office. For volunteering opportunities, check out our website www.encinooaksrwf.org! If you have any questions on what counts and what doesn't, please ask Sylva. See you in April…..Sylva Mail completed forms to: Sylva Martayan, PO BOX 260553, Encino, CA 91426 or bring your completed form to the next meeting. 2014 VOLUNTEER HOURS FORM (please print) Name: ________________________________________________________________ Circle Month Covered (ONLY ONE) Note: You should print a separate form for JAN FEB MAR each month you submit hours. APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP POLITICAL SERVICE HOURS OCT NOV COMMUNITY SERVICE Voter Registration Church/Temple Work at a Republican HQ Operation Gratitude Work at Polls (election day) Police/VST Walk Precinct Neighborhood Council Phone Bank (other than HQ) Schools Distrib. of Campaign Literature Senior Center LA County Fair Booth Hospitals Republican Fundraiser Non-Profit Organizations Attend LACFRW Meeting Other Attend CFRW So. Div. Meeting Federation Conventions Miscellaneous Sub-total Hours Sub-total Hours Total Hours This Period DEC HOURS Page 6 OPPOSITION RESEARCH Submitted by Natalie Medvedev, Editor. Source: The Patriot Post. Tens of thousands of Connecticut residents have not complied with the "Constitution State's" unconstitutional and draconian gun laws passed in the emotional aftermath of Sandy Hook. Now, things are possibly coming to a head. "Connecticut officials are urging owners of now-illegal assault weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines to relinquish them to the police or make them permanently inoperable," reports the Associated Press. Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner Dora Schriro denied rumors that guns will be confiscated, but let's be realistic: If the state government says these guns are illegal unless they're registered or no longer in the state, what's their next step? [3/17/14] Columnist Burt Prelutsky: "Obama, through his sock puppet Chuck Hagel, is calling for budgetary cuts to the Pentagon so that we'll have a leaner, more flexible and efficient, military. So why is it that he simultaneously insists on a fatter, more sedentary and wasteful federal government? What rationale is there for cutting the Army down to 440,000 while constantly increasing the number of federal bureaucrats, a number that currently stands at just under three million? I mean, who are these civil service palookas prepared to fight? Besides the Tea Party and other conservative groups, that is. When Obama and the Democrats display such favoritism towards federal bureaucrats, it all comes down to their acknowledging on which side their ballots are buttered." [3/24/14] Columnist Jeff Jacoby: "[H]ow much is a full-career public employee pension worth in dollars and cents? In the average state, those lifetime retirement benefits -- again, not including health coverage -- have a present value worth $768,940. In many states, they're worth even more -- $848,735 in Massachusetts, for example, and more than $1.3 million in Nevada. For the average career government employee retiring today, pension benefits will equal 87 percent of their final salary. Those benefits are eating taxpayers alive, as the pension bomb ticks ever louder." [3/24/14] Time spent on extraneous international junkets are becoming about as common for Barack Obama as golf outings. According to the National Taxpayer Union Foundation (NTUF), Breitbart reports, "After five years in the White House, Obama has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad," good for first place. George W. Bush was close with 116 days after five years as president, as was Bill Clinton at 113 days. Additionally, "taxpayers are on the hook for about $228,288 per Air Force One flight hour in 2013, a 27 percent increase from the previously confirmed cost of $179,750 per," making Obama the most expensive president as well. Of course, this comes out of taxpayers' wallets, many of whom continue to suffer through Obama's anemic economic recovery. Far too many of these taxpayers were also duped by Obama's faux promises to curtail wasteful spending and tackle the federal deficit. [3/24/14] Columnist Jonah Goldberg: "Lately, Obama and Kerry have been talking a lot about how Russian strongman Vladimir Putin is on the 'wrong side of history.' Before that, Obama announced that Putin was on the wrong side of history for supporting the Assad regime in Syria. He also said that Assad himself was on the wrong side of history. And so on. Note the difference in usage? In domestic affairs, it's a sign of strength. But in foreign affairs, invoking history as an ally is a sign of weakness. On social issues like, say, gay marriage, it amounts to a kind of impatient bullying that you can afford when time is on your side; 'Your defeat is inevitable, so let's hurry it up.' But in international affairs, it is an unmistakable sign of weakness. When the president tells Putin that he's on the wrong side of history, the upshot is: 'You're winning right now and there's nothing I can (or am willing to) do to change that fact. But you know what? In the future, people will say you were wrong.'" [3/21/14] CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf is no stranger to adding up the cost of congressional schemes. In February, the CBO outlined some of the costs imposed on the nation by ObamaCare, which turns four on Sunday. Less work and more federal spending about sums it up. Elmendorf had fresh warnings this week, saying we just can't pay for all this massive government expansion: "So we have a choice as a society to either scale back those programs relative to what is promised under current law; or to raise tax revenue above its historical average to pay for the expansion of those programs; or to cut back on all other spending even more sharply than we already are." The challenge isn't so much annual deficits, he said, as "the very high level of debt" over the long term. Call it what we've been calling it all along: A debt bomb. [3/21/14] Page 7 UNDER THE RADAR by John McDowell Submitted by Natalie Medvedev, Editor. Source: The San Mateo Daily Journal, March 22, 2014 I spent last weekend at the Burlingame Hyatt Regency hotel, not as a guest but as a participant in something flying under the radar of most Californians. The California Republican Party held its semiannual convention with the theme “Rebuild Renew Reclaim” and by all accounts it is doing just that. Most people in San Mateo County might find that hard to believe, since Republicans cannot claim a single elected official in partisan offices within the county. However, at the same time, Republicans are surging in the state and across the country. Many pundits, including Chris Matthews of MSNBC, concede that this fall Republicans are poised to take control of the U.S. Senate, as well as increase their majorities in the House of Representatives and in state legislatures across the country. And right here in California, recent special elections have shown surprising strength for a party proclaimed to be on life support. Last month, Kevin Faulcouner won as mayor of San Diego in a special election held in the wake of the resignation of Democrat Bob “Filthy” Filner. The almost 10-point victory came in city where President Obama won by 25 points and Democrats hold a 13-point lead over Republicans in registration. Last year, Hanford farmer Andy Vidak won a special election for state Senate with nearly 52 percent of the vote, in a district that is both majority Democratic and majority Hispanic. In addition, in November, Republican Susan Shelly lost a special election for the Assembly by only 329 votes in a heavily Democratic district in the San Fernando Valley. Moreover, the Los Angeles Times reports that four California Democratic freshmen representatives are endangered this fall, including districts in the San Diego, San Bernardino, Ventura and Sacramento areas. Delegates and attendees at the convention reveled in the newfound energy and excitement. Hordes of College and Young Republicans roamed the convention floor, and danced the night away in former Treasury official and gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari’s hospitality suite. Older delegates gathered to hear Venezuelan actress Maria Conchita Alonso sing in support of candidate Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who is also running for governor. But the true hot spot was the luau-themed party hosted by the Log Cabin Republican Club, the LGBTQ volunteer arm of the Republican Party. Delegates of all stripes were sporting leis from the event, and it certainly generated a buzz among the party faithful. It wasn’t all partying and sloganeering, as real work was done too. The Hispanic forum covered by Univision and sponsored by GROW Elect, attracted a large, standing room only crowd. There delegates, and a large contingent of Hispanic high school students, heard from Hispanic office holders and candidates about how their message of opportunity, education and empowerment resonates with Hispanic voters. Across the hall, a high-tech event showcased 11 startups pitching the newest methods for identifying, contacting, converting and turning out voters. Many of these products were showcased in the recent Republican victory in the congressional special election in Florida. There, the Republican National Committee used volunteer-powered, data-centric voter contact efforts (many developed here in San Mateo County) to turn out voters. These efforts were just the first step, more predictive analytics, micro-targeting and real-time data analysis tools will be rolled out later this year. The convention highlighted the diversity of the GOP. As RNC Chairman Reince Priebus made clear in his dinner remarks, more than 60 million people voted Republican in 2012. It’s doubtful they agree on many things. Proving the point, California Republican candidates and delegates included pro-lifers and pro-choicers, as well as those pro-marriage equality and those pro-traditional marriage. For San Mateo County voters, it all may be a bit much to take in. We haven’t had a Republican elected official in a while, so the prospects for Republican victories up and down the state may have some progressive-liberals in denial. As Bob Dylan sang, “And something is happening here, But you don’t know what it is, Do you, Mister Jones?” It’s no secret that the Republican Party in California fell on hard times while flourishing in the rest of the country. Nevertheless, with bold new leadership, the California GOP is on a mission to “Rebuild Renew Reclaim.” Something is definitely happening here — the party’s rebirth won’t be under the radar for very much longer. Page 8 WISCONSIN SUCCESS STORY Submitted by Natalie Medvedev, Editor. Source: Patriot Post Digest for 3/24/14. Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker signed into law today a $541 million tax cut returning $406 million to state technical colleges to reduce their property taxes. Another $98 million will go to low-income taxpayers, reducing the state's lowest bracket from 4.4% to 4%. Walker first proposed the rate cuts in January, and the last procedural hurdle for passage was cleared this past week when the state Assembly passed the bill 61-35. That was fast. The bill's passage barely rated 10 lines in The New York Times, which chose to bury the story deep inside the paper's A-section. Leftmedia outlets have done all they can to keep the Wisconsin success story out of the headlines as well. Walker, who survived a truly vicious recall effort after taking on the state's unions a couple years ago, has been behind a drive that has improved the state's economy, brought accountability to the school system, and pushed the unemployment rate down to 6.1%, its lowest since 2008. A recent poll reports that 95% of business owners in the state are optimistic about the future of the economy in Wisconsin. The story of Wisconsin's recovery is one that Republicans around the country need to follow. Media outlets that care about reporting the facts should take heed as well. Walker's success has come despite the attempts of leftists to block his efforts at every turn with increasingly despicable methods. From shirking their legislative duties to preventing a vote on Walker's reforms to bussing in union thugs during the recall effort so as to shut down the capitol, Democrats have been merciless in their attempts to prevent the pro-business, small-government model from succeeding. They are particularly set on blocking it in the state that birthed the "progressive" movement a century ago. Meanwhile, Walker's Democrat opponent, Mary Burke, is using her own underhanded tactics in an attempt to unseat the governor. She released an ad claiming that the state's unemployment rate is rising, and when she was called out on the blatant falsehood, she offered no regrets, saying in effect that the ends justify the lies. She will have a tough time convincing voters that Wisconsin is in need of new leadership, so expect the lies and mischaracterizations to keep on coming. That's the one tool that leftists know how to wield. MEMBER’S CORNER: “LET’S WIN THE HOUSE AND SENATE!” Submitted by Pamela Franklin. Hopefully, in the 2014 elections, the Republicans take the House and Senate. There appears to be a rift in the party between the old establishment Republicans and the Tea Party group. Now is not the time for this; united we can win, divided we send the wrong message to voters. If we as Republicans sit by and do nothing to help the turn out of the voting base we rely on, then we have ourselves to blame for the result. Voter fraud is growing each year and something must be done to combat this, as it only helps the Democrats. We, too, have “a pen and a phone", so let's use them! This year, we have "Obamacare" to use against the Democrats. This is the worse piece of legislation ever to have passed, and Chief Justice John Roberts made this happen! Go figure. President Obama met with the new Prime Minister of Ukraine in the White House, which made for a photo op and little else. The Europeans no longer unite with us, as they sense a weakness in our leadership. At this moment in time Putin appears to be the leading force and we, as a country, have lost a lot of respect from the world, which now sees the U.S. as weak on the international stage. A perfect example: Nero fiddled “whilst” Rome burned. Obama played golf in Key Largo “whilst” Putin took over Crimea. Who says history doesn't repeat itself? Page 9 LEGISLATION—CAPITOL UPDATE Submitted by Natalie Medvedev, Editor. Source: CFRW Advocate, Capitol Update 3/21/14 SCA 5 Dead… For Now What was deemed as “the most racist bill in California history,” SCA 5 (Hernandez, D) has been put on hold by the author. SCA 5 would have amended the 1996 legislation that outlawed affirmative action in California to allow race and gender based standards in state hiring and state school admissions. If SCA 5 passed it would have put the amendment before the voters to decide. Luckily there was a huge uproar from Californians against the bill and a change.com petition to stop SCA 5 received over 112,000 signatures. Sometimes the legislature listens when their constituents complain. Senator Hernandez has pulled the bill from consideration though hopes to bring it back after community education on the legislation. Senator Hernandez said, “I believe we need to make sure there's equal opportunity for everyone in the state of California.” Ironically that is exactly what SCA 5 would destroy, equal opportunity, by creating quotas for race and gender instead of hiring or granting admission based on merit and qualifications. Hopefully this terrible bill stays dead and buried! High Speed Rail Nonsense Governor Brown is still trying to push High Speed Rail down our throats and he gave an interesting reason earlier this week as to why it is important to support: senior drivers. Brown said at an event, “There's a lot of old people who shouldn't be driving. They should be sitting in a nice train car working on their iPad, having a martini.” Now, ignoring the ageist statement made by the Governor, at what price would that comfy train car and martini come at? When the people of California voted for HSR back in 2008, the estimated costs were $45 billion. But in a business plan released by the California High Speed Rail Authority, they’ve increased the proposed costs to as much as $117 billion! Since that plan was released they have cut rail lines to reduce the cost to a whopping $68 billion. This project has been highly mismanaged, the ridership numbers are severely flawed, and many despite what Governor Brown thinks, seniors on a fixed income will not be able to afford the expensive ticket to ride. Not to mention what would probably be a $20 martini! NFRW POLITICAL BRIEFING Submitted by Natalie Medvedev, Editor. Source: NFRW Political Briefing for the Week of March 25th, 2014. On Friday, March 21, Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) published an op-ed in The Washington Examiner about the Department of Education's new regulations concerning institutional eligibility for federal funds under the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965. Here's what you need to know about the new regulations and Governor Jindal's response: Two weeks ago, the Department of Education released a draft of new regulations on "Program Integrity: Gainful Employment" concerning the eligibility of postsecondary education programs for the federal student aid programs authorized under title IV of HEA. These regulations, officially published today in the Federal Register, primarily deal with community colleges. The regulations set performance metrics for postsecondary education programs--mostly community colleges, as stated above--to determine whether graduates of these programs are finding gainful employment after graduation. If the graduates of certain postsecondary education programs are not finding gainful employment after graduation, the regulations would strip the program from federal student aid. On March 13, federal officials held a conference call with reporters about these regulations, and said that about 8,000 educational programs will be scrutinized under these new performance metrics. Education Secretary Arne Duncan anticipated about 16 percent of the educational programs will fail to meet the set standards. In a March 21, 2014 op-ed in The Washington Examiner, Governor Jindal argued that, "The proposed 'gainful employment' regulation--which imposes performance metrics on colleges when it comes to their students' post-graduation employment and earnings--sounds good in theory." But, adding that the "devil is in the details" he says "Targeting only institutions that serve non-traditional students means these students, who come from disproportionately low-income, African-American, and Hispanic communities, will be harmed. Facing new mandates that could put them out of business, some institutions may respond by avoiding non-traditional students less likely to graduate--thus reducing education access to those who need quality training most." Click here to read these new Department of Education regulations. There is a 60 day period after regulations have been officially published in the Federal Register where citizens are free to make comments on the regulations. To make a comment on the new Department of Education regulations, click here. Encino Oaks RWF 4544 Longridge Ave. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 ENCINO OAKS TRUMPETER CALENDAR OF EVENTS Local, Regional, State & National March 28th—Townhall Meeting w/ LA Sheriff Candidates March 29th—SCRMW General Meeting (Van Nuys, CA) April 1st—SFVRC General Meeting (Galpin Ford; North Hills) April 2nd—CFRW Southern Division General Meeting (Hilton Garden; Carlsbad, CA) & Hollywood Congress Republicans Mixer (N. Hollywood, CA) April 9th—EORWF General Meeting (Sportsmen’s Lodge) April 14th—EORWF Board Meeting (Location: TBD) & Passover Begins at Sundown April 15th—Tax Day April 18th—Good Friday April 19th—RPLAC Full Committee Meeting (N. Hollywood, CA) April 20th—Easter April 22nd—Earth Day & Last Day of Passover April 23rd—LACFRW General Meeting (Bistro Gardens; Studio City, CA) April 25th-27th—CFRW Advocacy Workshop (Doubletree; Anaheim, CA) April 27th—Holocaust Remembrance Day