Informationsbroschüre Radebeul -englisch-


Informationsbroschüre Radebeul -englisch-
Voyage of discovery through Radebeul –
A Jewel on the Saxon Wine Route
WELCOME to Radebeul –
A town to enjoy!
Are you a tourist who is interested
in a variety of things and in search
of an interesting destination? We
gladly rise to this challenge and on
the following pages we aim to give
you a taste of what to expect in
Radebeul and the surrounding area.
You surely began your journey here
in order to experience a varied
landscape that you probably want
to explore by foot or experience
by bike, car, bus or train. You will be
surprised by the many possibilities!
Finding us is easy: At a distance you
can orientate yourself by the skyline
of Dresden and – immediately next
to that you’ll find Radebeul – a
stone‘s throw downstream towards
Here you will encounter a particularly
varied, cultivated landscape with all
the diverse opportunities that the
surroundings of this town and
Dresden itself have to offer. When
choosing your mode of travel you
already have to make a difficult
decision – do you prefer to fly? Or
would you rather travel by train?
their excursions from Dresden to
Meissen. Another charming
alternative, which is becoming ever
more popular is the Elbe cycle track.
Radebeul should not be confused
with Radeberg, where the wellknown beer originated, or with
Radeburg, the birthplace of Heinrich
Radebeul – is wine, is Karl May, that
place with a touch of mediterranean
climate and architecture; Radebeul –
that‘s the town between the Elbe
and vineyard terraces, the place
with wonderful castles, breath-taking
vantage points, characteristic villas
and pretty village centres (are you
already familiar with Koetzschenbroda?)
Yes, Radebeul – a lush, green town,
rich in art and culture just outside
the cultural city of Dresden! In short:
Radebeul is a place to thoroughly
TIP: Please keep on turning the
Motorways from all directions lead
to Radebeul. Additionally, during the
summer months, steamers from the
‘Saxon Steamer Fleet‘ dock here on
Vineyard museum Hofloessnitz
amongst the vines
You are a railway fanatic? Treat yourself to
a journey with the Loessnitzdackel!
This begins at the railway station
Radebeul-Ost – the oldest longdistance line in Germany. Today, the
InterCityExpress (ICE) also speeds
through, but the narrow gauge
railway has steamed through here
for 120 years – a meeting of the eras.
Loessnitzdackel in the picturesque
The congenial and comfortable
journey with the cosy train shows
the advantages of slowness – a chance
to take time to look at things, see
the sights and enjoy the journey with
a greater intensity. You don’t have to
pay attention to the traffic and can
even stand on the platforms between
the carriages, sometimes, you are
enveloped in a cloud of steam. At
certain times during the summer,
an open carriage is attached – a
perfect opportunity to set the scene
in period costume complete with an
elaborate hat, dress the children in
sailor suits and open a beautiful old
parasol. The train staff complete the
scene in their period uniforms.
At the railway station, however, a look
at the museum – a train, with the
carriages of the former royal Saxon
State Railway and the historical
locomotives, is a real must.
Then, finally, you board the train! The
railway rumbles along past the “Landesbühnen theatre” towards the
vineyards and crosses the romantic
Loessnitzgrund alongside the Loessnitz stream. The rail route is more
than 16 km long, meanders through
fields and meadows, touches several
lake-shores and ends in Radeburg,
the birthplace of Heinrich Zille. Along
the way, you can disembark in Moritzburg and visit the impressive
baroque hunting lodge in it’s
marvellous settings; the picture
postcards really don’t lie!
Karl-May Journey with surprise attacks
Historical lettering on a museum carriage
Excursion with the steam train
TIP 1: From March until December
the Traditional Railways Association
organises special trips with these
historical trains once or twice monthly.
These are thematic – for example:
“Easter Bunny Express”, “Walpurgis
Journey”, “Father‘s Day Rambler”,
“Karl-May Trip”(with raids),
“Midsummer Night‘s Journey”, and
“Santa Claus Journey”.
TIP 2: Take a bicycle along with you
on the train to Moritzburg, discover
why this lake and rolling landscape
so inspired the Brücke artists and
then cycle back down into the Elbe
TIP 3: Visit the experience library at
the railway station at Radebeul-Ost,
which was established in the Art
Nouveau era.
Are you a fan of Karl May? Fathom out
what fascinated our grandfathers!
Karl May
Library in the home of Karl May
Who does not think of Karl May when
they hear the name “Radebeul”? This
is not without good reason, for this
adventure writer shaped the lives of
entire generations. Karl May spent
his last 24 years in Radebeul where
he wrote his most significant works,
for example: “From Baghdad to
Stambul”, “Winnetou” and “The
Treasure in the Silver Lake”. Winnetou
and Old Shatterhand were for the
youth of the 20th century what
“Harry Potter” is to the youngsters
of today. It is amazing how accurately
he describes the places of his actions
and the peculiarities of their inhabitants
although he had never actually been
there, and in a language which
differentiates itself completely from
present colloquial German but is still
so enjoyable to read.
The last dwelling place of Karl May
(Karl-May-Strasse 5) now houses a
museum which was established in
1928 by his widow Klara, the
publisher Eucher A. Schmid and the
circus performer Patty Frank. The
latter put together the most significant
European ethnological collection
about North American Red Indians,
the basis of which Karl May had
already established. It is presented in
the “Villa Bear Fat”, a log cabin in the
garden of the museum. The spectrum
of the original exhibits spans from a
child‘s rattle and moccasins to the
plume for a chief, a peace pipe and a
tomahawk and scalp.
In the “Villa Shatterhand”, the
residential building of Karl May, the
living and working rooms of the
writer can be seen. The extensive
and noteworthy library was the pool
of his knowledge about the country
and its people. Numerous documents
and accessories of his literary work
are presented in the exhibition. The
Karl-May museum even has valid
firearms certificates for a silver rifle,
bear killers and Henry rifles. In these
rooms, the breadth of Karl May’s
topics becomes clear ,,geographically
they not only span North America,
but also include the Orient, Saxon‘s
Ore Mountains and other parts of the
world and even include philosophical
observations and opinions.
Showroom in the Villa Bear Fat
Tomb of Karl May
TIP 1: Visit the tomb of Karl May
in the cemetery at Radebeul-Ost
established by Paul Ziller. This is a
copy of his brother, Ernst Ziller’s
design for the Acropolis’ Nike Temple
the tomb of his friend Heinrich
Schliemann in Athens.
TIP 2: Walk through Saxony in the
footsteps of the famous Naturopath
Friedrich Eduard Bilz. His tomb is
immediately next to that of his friend
Karl May. 100 Years ago, the “Neue
Bilz-Naturheilverfahren” was the
most pubished book, after the Bible,
in the German language. The
Bilzbrause-Sinalco also became wellknown.
Are you familiar with wine culture?
Here you can learn all about it.
Vineyard museum at Hofloessnitz
You‘ve arrived in the smallest German
wine growing area – it is also the
most north-easterly. Wine has been
cultivated here for 800 years. The
formerly royal winegrowing estate –
Hofloessnitz – is the centre of the
Saxon Wine Route, both in significance
and geographical position, extending
from Pirna through Dresden,
Radebeul and Meissen to the Elbe
In the inner courtyard of the
Historical festival room in the vineyard
vineyard estate
museum Hofloessnitz
wine villages of Diesbar and Seusslitz. Hofloessnitz has a 600 year
history and today houses a vineyard
museum with both permanent and
temorary, exhibitions. The most
splendid building of the estate is
the Berg und Lusthaus (mountain
and pleasure house) built in 1650.
You should not fail to experience
the richly decorated Renaissance
ballroom. As a special feature, it
contains an ornamental ceiling with
paintings of Brazilian birds from the
17th century. It’s ambience welcomes you to it’s frequent chamber
concerts and readings. The wine of
Hofloessnitz is organically produced
and just begs to be tasted in their
delightful restaurant, which serves
delicious food to match their
excellent wines. In the summer,
sitting underneath the chestnut
trees, soaking up the atmosphere
it is easy to understand why the
drinking of wine has always been a
culture and how the wine
celebrations here can be so
thoroughly enjoyable!
TIP 1: Ask for the concert, reading
and private viewing schedules in the
vineyard museum at Hofloessnitz.
TIP 2: Participate in a wine tasting.
By the way: There is also a vineyard
Do you love beautiful views?
We have several on offer.
Vineyard entrance “Goldener Wagen” and Spitzhaus Stairs
You should climb up to one of the
lookouts at the beginning of your
stay in Radebeul, for example the
plateau at the Bismarck tower next
to the Spitzhaus. You are then about
100 metres above the level of the
Elbe with an overwhelming
The entire Elbe valley of Dresden
can be seen (can you spot the
Frauenkirche?) up to Saxon’s
Switzerland (Sächsischen Schweiz)
and the ridge of the Saxon Ore
Mountains, and at your feet lies Radebeul. The bright band is the
Elbe, which passes through Dresden,
borders our town on the southern
side and then in 15 km reaches
Meissen − 1000 years old! Yes, this
is one of the most varied landscapes
that Saxony − and Germany − have
to offer, and a town with many
facets and some surprises.
goes back to the master builder of
the Zwinger, Daniel Poeppelmann.
There‘s hardly any other way in
which the vineyard terraces can be
experienced more intensely - fitness
training with pleasure!
You can get up here by sheer
physical strength, if you do not
(have to) choose one of the longer
detours by car. Behind the
Hofloessnitz, an impressive stairway
leads up to the Spitzhaus − ‘Spitzhaus stairs’ (because of their destination) or ‘Year stairs’ (due to the
number of steps.) Every 7th step is
wider in order to mark the division
in weeks. Their original planning
The Spitzhaus is a popular tourist
attraction − a restaurant with a very
interesting history. A previous owner
was the famous Countess Cosel −
mistress of August the Strong. After
this climb you will definitely enjoy
the ‘wine-growers’ roast’ with your
wine and again and again you will
find yourself looking up from your
plate to admire the incredible view...
10 11
Do you love the theatre?
You can have it!
This is how the ‘Landesbühnen Sachsen’ -Saxony‘s travelling repertory
theatre (one of the most successful
regional theatres in Germany) advertises the variety of it’s performances.
It offers: Opera, operetta, musicals,
plays, ballet, symphony and chamber
concerts, performances for children
and teenagers, thus the whole
breadth of stage and music. Annually,
about 600 performances are given,
split evenly between the main base in
Radebeul, guest performances in the
surrounding areas and those given
at Rathen’s Felsenbühne - a natural
Natural amphitheatre Rathen
In 1950, the “Goldene Weintraube”
inn became the home of the theatre
founded in Dresden in 1945. It was
modernized between 2000/2001 and
renovated extensively. With a large
hall and also a studio it has two
independently operating stages.
It is the long practiced art of staging
productions in such a way that they
can also be played on the stages of
guest theatres, for example in Meissen, Freital and in Grossenhain, that
makes this theatre so successful.
Ballet scene
Saxony‘s travlling Repertory Theatre
Maybe you can experience one of
the performances, which are given
within the framework of the Dresdner
“Theatre- and Concert Summer” in
the famous Zwinger, the baroque
ambience of which is especially
suitable for musicals and ballet. When
other theatres pause for the summer,
Saxony‘s travelling repertory theatre
can be found performing at Rathen’s
Felsenbühne - Europe’s most beautiful
natural amphitheatre, in the Sächsischen Schweiz. It is the oldest Karl
May stage, and truly, for Winnetou
and Old Shatterhand there is no
more suitable environment. William
Tell‘s “Freischuetz” has the feeling
of being performed in it’s original
setting. Go to the theatre in your
vacation for a change! It not only
offers entertainment - the ancient
Greeks already knew that on stage,
conflicts of this world are solved
TIP 1: The box office of Saxony‘s
travelling repertory theatre and the
Radebeul tourist information office
share facilities in Radebeul making
information easily accessible...
Do you enjoy wine and sekt?
Schloss Wackerbarth gives you the opportunity.
Did you know that the third-oldest
German sparkling wine (‘Sekt’)
vinification plant was situated in
Radebeul and carried the name
„Bussard“? It no longer exists, but
the tradition of producing sekt is
unbroken in Radebeul. It has been
continued by the Saxon State
Vineyard “Schloss Wackerbarth”, the
biggest vinery of the Saxon Wine
Route. No less than the state
masterbuilder Johann Christoph
Knoeffel established this castle-like
manor, with French style gardens
in front of the vineyard terraces, in
1728/29 for the Count and Field
Marshal of Wackerbarth. Since 2002
the Wackerbarth estate has been
developed as an events centre with
a purpose-built, modern “glassy
sparkling wine vinification plant”. As
implied, one can actually see how
wine and sekt is made. Wine tasting
is, of course, part of the tour and it
is difficult to resist buying a bottle or
two to take home. There could
hardly be a more attractive setting
for a wedding photo than the
baroque pavilion, the Belvedere, in
the French garden, which is
increasingly popular for marriage
ceremonies. Harry Bellafonte was
a prominent witness here recently.
Wouldn‘t you like to get married
again? The necessary premises with
suitable ambience are awaiting you...
TIP 1: Ask about the events at
Schloss Wackerbarth. There are
chamber concerts, “Jazz meets
Wine” evenings, “Lange Sektnacht”,
various wine celebrations...
Schloss Wackerbarth
TIP 2: To the West of Schloss
Wackerbarth you reach − preferably
on foot – a pathway where you can
learn more about wine, and the
‘Hohenhaus’, where 120 years ago,
Gerhart Hauptmann and his two
brothers married the 3
Thienemann daughters.
Wine presentation in the sales room of
Schloss Wackerbarth
Belvedere with view up to Jacobstein
12 13
Have you ever been in a planetarium?
You should make use of the opportunity.
On the horizon above Schloss
Wackerbarth – you reach Radebeul’s
observatory. The most beautiful
way to get there, begins behind the
Belvedere of the estate. Steps lead
through rolling vineyard terraces up
to Jakobstein. With every step you
are rewarded with a new, splendid
Then it leads swiftly up to the
observatory. It’s visit is stimulating
at any time of day or year. In the
planetarium during the day, you
learn to understand the secrets of
celestial mechanics when the starry
sky is projected onto the 8 metre
dome. In sunshine, you may observe
the sun with its eruptions through
the telescope and count it’s
markings. Various astronomical
devices are explained in the
exhibition area and a few granules of
real lunar dust are presented under a
microscope. Here you can sense the
satisfaction of acquiring knowledge.
Observatory of the planetarium
Gazing at the stars
TIP 1: Every Friday evening, the
Astroclub invites you to a public sky
TIP 2: Look out for the interesting
special events, for example
“Hoerspiel unter’m Sternenhimmel”
or “Die Sonne im Glas” – a special
kind of wine tasting of wines from
around the world under the starry
sky of their places of origin.
Sky observations
The Astroclub has something special
to offer: you may attain sponsorship
of a star in the sky over Radebeul
for someone close to you. What
more can you want?
Are you a keen cyclist?
Then cycle to Radebeul!
The Elbe cycle track has now been
completed from Hamburg to the
Czech border and is used by many
cyclists. Begun in 1992 from scratch,
it has developed into the most
popular cycle track in Germany. One
can bicycle through expansive flood
plains which fill in the spring-time
when the water level rises and where
beavers build their dams. Nature at
its most romantic! Along the river
many significant places line up like
pearls on a necklace: Tangermuende,
Magdeburg, Woerlitz, Wittenberg...
In Torgau you’re on Saxon land.
From here, the cycle track winds
through Saxony for 82 km and
between Riesa and Meissen you
meet the beginning of the Saxon
wine route. Wine producing villages
such as Diesbar and Seusslitz then
offer the perfect place to stop,
especially in the asparagus season
Next comes Meissen, with it’s castles
(Burgberg and Albrechtsburg) and
cathedral (Dom) after Meissen, the
hills of the vine-covered “Spaarge-
birge” come down to the river, and
soon you arrive in Radebeul at Altkoetzschenbroda. Dresden city centre
is just 10 km away. The rebuilding of
the Frauenkirche has now restored
Canaletto’s image of Dresden.
Cycle further and the next places of
interest are the Albrechtsschlösser beautiful mansions, on the right
bank. Next comes the bridge the
‘Blaues Wunder’, and soon after that
Schloss Pillnitz on the left. The picturesque old town of Pirna is worth
looking at with it’s beautiful setting
in the Sächsischen Schweiz - Saxon’s
Switzerland. Along the way there are
innumerable places stop for
refreshment and overnight
accommodation to suit all tastes and
pockets. Radebeul has extended the
bicycle route with well signposted
paths to take in the town and show
some of the nooks and crannies
otherwise unaccessible to motorists.
Stop in Altkoetzschenbroda
TIP 1: Use the bike pools in
Radebeul, Moritzburg, Coswig,
Weinboehla, Meissen to borrow
TIP 2: The ‘S1’ train runs regularly
between Meissen and the Sächsischen Schweiz making the return
journey easier!
Elbe cycle track
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You like pretty, quaint places?
Come to Altkoetzschenbroda!
Between the wine route and Elbe
cycle track is an idyllic place with the
strange name Koetzschenbroda first documented in 1271 as
Of the original ten formerly
independant districts of Radebeul,
Koetzschenbroda was, as a market
town with it’s own church,
economically the strongest and
historically most interesting
community. In 1924, Koetzschenbroda was given a town status
but was then amalgamated with
Radebeul in 1935. Slowly but surely
Altkoetzschenbroda was being
forgotten and eventually in danger
of total demolition. Fortunately
the political upheaval in 1989/90
South side of Altkötzschenbroda
brought a happy turn of events
and in 1992 Altkoetzschenbroda
was declared as a protected area.
Since then it has been restored and
developed and has become a very
treasured area of Radebeul. On
each side of the main road running
through it’s centre there are
wonderful old taverns and fascinating
little shops, delicatessens and cafes,
restaurants and wine bars. The list is
endless but the most recent development is a small theatre. Once a
month, one meets for brunch listens
to music and chats with a friend.
Between designer fashions, souvenirs
and antiques there are home grown
fruits and vegetables, fresh cow’s
milk and a traditional country
baker‘s shop. Altkoetzschenbroda
has become a popular meeting place
for the people of Radebeul and it’s
guests from near and far. Something
else you should know about the
people in Koetzschenbroda - they
are good at partying! The season
begins with evening shows and late
night opening of the bars. The
annual Herbst- und Weinfest (Autumn
and Wine Festival) in September
with it’s travelling theatre groups
from all over the world is one of the
best events in Saxony.
Cheers! (Prost!)
Between these spectacular climaxes
Altkoetzschenbroda keeps busy
providing something for everyone
both day and night to give value
for money throughout the year.
During the day a tour through
shops, galleries, studios and
demonstration workshops is really
worthwhile. Have a look!
North side of Altkötzschenbroda
City gallery Radebeul
TIP 1: Visit the ‘städtische Galerie’
(town gallery) which is in an
historical converted barn on the
main road running through the
centre of Altkoetzschenbroda. The
two-storey gallery and it’s romantic
inner courtyard offer diverse
possibilities for exhibitions of
paintings, drawings, sculptures etc.
TIP 2: A walk along the peacefully
flowing Elbe river, past orchards
and meadows is very relaxing.
The extent of the Elbe flood in
2002 can be appreciated by the
high level of the water marks still
visible in various places.
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Do you like to party? Then make time for
Winnetou and Bacchus!
Pow Wow in the idyllic bedrock hills “Hoher Stein”
Come to the Loessnitzgrund with
us! On the weekend after ascension
day the Radebeul Karl-May Festival
changes this valley in the vineyards
into a world of Red Indians, the Wild
West and the Orient.
Star Rider Parade
If you can smell mysterious fragrances,
you‘ve arrived at the oriental market.
The children are already there, in
the fairy tale tent and are listening
At another place – in the rocks around
the “Hohen Stein” – Red Indians from
North- and Central America take part
in the greatest Pow Wow outside their
continent, and local Red Indian
associations put up their wigwams. In
Smoking Colts
the western city of “Little Tombstone”
Bluegrass and Country-Music is
played, the whiskey flows and the
colts smoke.
Saxony’s travelling repertory theatre
shows highlights from their Karl May
plays. The Santa-Fé Express (the
narrow gauge railway) is attacked
regularly while crowds of children pan
for gold in the neighbouring Loessnitz
stream. In the hills the ‘’Sternreiter” ‘star riders’ compete at the western
horse show, and Winnetou presents
the pipe of peace to the rider with the
longest distance to Radebeul. This
ritual forms the climax of the Star
Rider Parade with more than 200
The people of Radebeul do not go
on holiday in the last weekend in
September. They prefer to invite
guests to Altkoetzschenbroda, where
Bacchus and the ‘Queen of Wine’
begin the beloved Herbst und Weinfest (Autumn and Wine Festival). At
the market place and in many open
courtyards and cellars colourful things
happen, and perculiar figures in
colourful costumes, some on stilts,
mingle with the crowds. Imaginative
programmes are organised for children
in the orchards, roundabouts turn
at the fairground, and on the Elbe
meadows gardens full of mystery are
created for visitors to enjoy. Music fills
the air with a rhythm to make you
want to tap your feet. What makes the
whole event so special, however, is
that it is combined with the International Travelling Theatre Festival. A good
dozen theatre groups from about ten
countries compete on the streets, in
tents and on improvised stages for the
favour of the audiences and for an
award. The marriage of wine and the
arts is celebrated!
TIP 1: Radebeul‘s festivities don’t
end here, throughout the year there
are numerous others - the Museum
and Culture Day, the Narrow Gauge
Railway Festival, the Children‘s
Museum Night in the Karl-May
museum, the Kasperiade (Puppet
theatre) and the Village and School
Festival in Naundorf.
TIP 2: Other events well worth
attending, if you want to get your
money’s worth, are the “Parkschoppen- und Federweißerfest” at Schloss
Wackerbarth, the wine festival held
at the Hofloessnitz, the grafic fair
(Graficmarkt), arts festival (Künstlerfest) and of course the Christmas
market (Weihnachtsmarkt).
Stilt theatre at Altkötzschenbroda
Theatre behind the “Friedenskirche”
Tapping the first barrel of a new wine
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Do you want a change?
Radebeul‘s surroundings offer this.
A week wouldn’t be enough to
discover all that Radebeul and it’s
surroundings has to offer − even if
you did several things per day you
still wouldn’t manage to fit in all the
things to do and places of interest
worth seeing.
peacefully reachable by steam ship.
Lovers of the nightlife and something different shouldn’t miss out
the Dresden-Neustadt.
This is a national park behind
Dresden, just up the Elbe from
Radebeul. The bizarre rock
formations of this mountain range
with its thousand peaks are not only
a climber’s-paradise of all difficulties,
but also an Eldorado for hikers.
Popular places for short excursions
are the fortified castle of Königstein
and the “Bastei”. Below the latter,
lies the natural amphitheatre of
Rathen. It takes just over an hour
to reach the Sächsische Schweiz by
S-Bahn − the local train.
Radebeul borders on the Saxon
capital of Dresden. The magnificence
of the three Baroque churches is
once again complete: Hofkirche,
Kreuzkirche and Frauenkirche
compete not only architecturally,
but also musically. The Schloss
(castle), Zwinger and the Semper
gallery present their incredible
collections, and you should stroll at
least once on the Brühlischen
Terrasse (Balcony of Europe). Schloss
Pillnitz, on the Elbe, is a must to visit
Canaletto view at Dresden
Sächsische Schweiz –
Saxon’s Switzerland
Bastei bridge in Rathen
Palace of Moritzburg
View of Albrechtsburg in Meissen
To get to Moritzburg, we
recommend that you take the
Schmalspurbahn − the narrow gauge
railway from Radebeul − relax and
take in the scenery. One of the most
beautiful Baroque palaces was built
here, surrounded by lakes and
landscaped gardens. The Fasanenschloesschen (Pheasant Palace) with
it’s pier and light on the main pond
and the memorial to Kaethe Kollwitz
are also well worth seeing.
15 km down stream from Radebeul
is Meissen, the cradle of Saxony.
High above the town on the
Burgberg are the Gothic architectural
masterpieces of the Dom (cathedral)
and Albrechtsburg. The historical old
town with it’s market and winding
alleyways invites you to explore. You
should definitely go to the visitor’s
workshop given by the world-famous
porcelain manufacturer. You can be
back in Radebeul by local train in 25
The Golden city on the Moldova will
soon be on Radebeul’s door step, only
140 km away with work to complete
the motorway making rapid progress.
The southern by-pass from Dresden
to Pirna has already been completed
and the Czech border is not much
further. To recommend the Czech
capital is unnecessary, one would not
know where to begin or end with the
list of things to do and see and most
people have heard of Karlsbruecke,
Hradschin and Veitsdom.
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Addresses and contacts
BVO Bahn GmbH
(Local trains)
Am Bahnhof 1, 01468 Moritzburg,
Phone: +49 (3 52 07) 89 29-0,
Fax: +49 (3 52 07) 89 29-1,,
[email protected]
(City gallery)
Altkötzschenbroda 21,
01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 83 11-625,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 83 11-633,,
[email protected]
Fahrradpool Radebeul
(Bike pool Radebeul)
Verleihstation Reich
Kötzschenbrodaer Straße 127,
01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 6 56 36 51,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 6 56 36 52,
[email protected]
Traditionsbahn Radebeul e.V.
(Traditional railway)
Am alten Güterboden 4k,
01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 2 13 44 61,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 2 13 44 64,,
[email protected]
Landesbühnen Sachsen
(Rep. Theatre Saxony)
Meißner Straße 152,
01445 Radebeul,
Theaterkasse (Box Office)
Phone: +49 (3 51) 8 95 42 14,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 8 95 42 13,,
[email protected]
Herbst- und Weinfest
Autumn and Wine Festival)
Amt für Kultur und Tourismus,
Altkötzschenbroda 21,
01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 83 11-621,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 83 11 633,
[email protected]
Karl-May-Straße 5, 01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 83 73 00,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 8 37 30 55,,
[email protected]
Weingutmuseum Hoflössnitz
(Vineyard museum Hofloessnitz)
01445 Radebeul, Knohllweg 37,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 8 39 83 35,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 8 39 83 30,,
[email protected]
Zeitreise –
Lebensart DDR 1949 – 1989
(Time journey –
DDR life 1949 – 1989)
Wasastraße 50, 01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 8 11 38 60 or
8 35 17 80,,
[email protected]
Sächsisches Staatsweingut
Schloss Wackerbarth GmbH
(Saxon state vinery)
Wackerbarthstraße 1,
01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 8 95 50,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 8 95 52 50,,
[email protected]
“Adolph Diesterweg”
(Public observatory)
Auf den Ebenbergen 10a,
01445 Radebeul,
Phone: +49 (3 51) 8 30 59 05,
Fax: +49 (3 51) 8 38 19 06,,
[email protected]
Picture credits
· Amt für Kultur und Tourismus
Radebeul Gerd Schindler
· Landesbühnen Sachsen
Hagen König
· Gutzeitfotografen
Jan Gutzeit
· Dresden Werbung- und Tourismus GmbH Sylvio Dittrich
· Tourismusverband Sächsische
Schweiz e. V. Frank Richter
· Tourismusverband Sächsisches
Elbland e. V. Silvio Dittrich
Weingutmuseum Hoflößnitz
Tourist-Information Meißen
Astroclub Radebbeul e. V.
J. Fröbel
Th. Adler
M. Erler
D. Schubert
H. König
M. Kempke
A. Wirsig
J. Männel
M. Petschel
Große Kreisstadt Radebeul · Amt für Kultur und Tourismus · Tourist-Information · Meißner Straße 152 · 01445 Radebeul · Germany
Tel. +49 (0)351 8 95 41 20 · Fax +49 (0)351 8 95 41 22 · [email protected] ·