April 2016 Handclasp - St. Mark`s Lutheran Church
April 2016 Handclasp - St. Mark`s Lutheran Church
The Handclasp St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Growing Disciples for the 21st Century APRIL 2016 So Easter has come and gone, right? I write on April 1st, so I can say April fools! Every Sunday is a little Easter, as Luther teaches. These next Sundays before Pentecost we will ponder the mystery and the wonder of resurrection living. Resurrection living is forged in the fire of suffering. The resurrection is made known today as we do what Jesus asked us to do…love one another as I have loved you. We come into the Easter season with all our baggage. Our highs and lows. Our sorrows and our joys. And all the stuff in between. So much stuff. We live into Easter as we give all of it to Jesus and let him fill our cup again. That’s where the challenge is, at least for me…giving it all to Jesus. The pain, the sorrow, the questions, the anger, the disappointment, the unfulfilled dreams, the poverty of our hearts, the success, the fulfillment, the challenge, the hope in a new tomorrow. I pray we can give it all to our Lord in the days ahead. We will be richer if we do, and the world can be sweeter because of the fruit we grow along the way. Remember our Explorers classes on the 10th, 17th and 24th of April. These classes are for those who want to explore the Christian faith, the Lutheran “flavor” of the faith and consider joining us as disciples in mission here at St. Mark’s. We will receive new mission partners on May 1. Also that day a new mission partner will be baptized. Her name is Ella Lee, daughter of Eric and Lori, sister of Clara. Yahoo! Please remember the wonderful, awesome, overwhelming and completely dedicated to Jesus, the NESAP Spring Concert at St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church at 2:00 on April 10 NESAP concert. Our Own choir and Praise Band will be featured with a bunch of other talented musicians. Come be “wowed”. Pastor Jason CALL COMMITTEE Now that the Profile Committee has sent the profile to the Synod, the Call Committee has begun the next phase in the process of finding our new Pastor. We met on 3/7/15 to review this portion of the process. We are meeting with Pastor Schlack on 4/6/15 for his input and guidance. As soon as we have the name of candidates from the Synod we will be on the road to finding the next Pastor for St. Mark's. If you have any questions or input please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee ( Tina Grube, John and Liz Charitonuk, Andreas and Mary Lundstedt, Elizabeth Lotz, Pam Bamberger and Martha Hyson) THE NEW EXPLORERS CLASSES are for those who want to learn about the Christian faith, the Lutheran flavor of that faith, and those wishing to join St. Mark’s in our mission together. We will meet in the upstairs adult Sunday School room at 9:30am on April 10, 17 and 24, New mission Partners (members) will be received on Sunday, May 1st at 8:30AM. SAVE THE DATE: Mother Daughter Banquet Friday, May 6 at Hampstead Fire Hall Dinner at 6:30 pm Ticket Prices: $16 for Adults $9 ages 4 to 10 3 and Under are Free For tickets contact Carol Aberts at 410-239-8655 Deadline for ticket sales is April 24. SOCIAL MINISTRY Have you ever wondered who sent those Birthday and Anniversary cards “from your St. Marks family”. The Social Ministry is alive and well. This is a small group of individuals who are there to help members of the Congregation or Community in need. If you are interested in signing a card or two or making a meal for a member of the Congregation join us. If you have an idea for a Community outreach let us know. Contact Lois Miller 410 239 6952 SUNDAY PRAYER LIST: Beginning November 1, 2015 names will be kept on our prayer list for 4 weeks. You can add a request or renew one by calling the church office. THE MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST GROUP we meet on Saturday, April 2 BILE STUDY GROUP: TUESDAY, APRI19 10:30 AM AT HOMEWOOD. LUNCH TO FOLLOW. THE WESTMINSTER CLUSTER Women’s Organization of the Women of the ELCA will hold its Spring Meeting on Saturday, April 9 at the Krug Chapel, Carroll Lutheran Village, Westminster Md. Agenda: 9:30 Registration with light refreshments 10:00 DEVOTIONS – St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church 10:30 Program- Mar-Lu Ridge Summer Camp and Education and Conference Center. There is no charge for this event so bring friends. A free will offering will be collected. The funds go to support Churchwide and Synodical Women’s ministry of support to sisters in Christ throughout Maryland and the world. Carpol from St. Mark’s at 8:45AM.. Contact Martha Hyson if you plan to go. SEAFARERS PROJECT Dear Members: The Women of the ELCA Unit St. Mark’s were very proud to have worked with the Confirmation Class of St. Mark’s for the Seafarer’s Project. Working together is a very good way to learn what is occurring within our congregation and how God blesses all of us a s we work to do God’s Will here and abroad. The wonderful young women working with the youth, “Our Confirmation Class”, Sherry Delmont, Stacy Little, Elizabeth Lotz, Lori Miller and Amy Rink, Thank God for these women. Loris Miller wrote the article below, which has been sent for publication in “The Lutheran”, the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The magazine shares the good news of Jesus Christ through future stories, news and information resources, theological insights and so much more. MMH SUBJECT: The Seafarer’s Christmas Project – St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church The Confirmation Class of St. Mark’s Evangelical Luther Church in Hampstead, Maryland, worked with the Women of the ELCA, (Unit : St. .Mark’s ) during the Christmas Season in order to assemble gifts for the seamen at the Port of Baltimore. Christmas Day is another day at sea for the world’s 1.3 million seafarers, and because they are not to be with family and friends during the Christmas holiday, it can be a lonely time. The goal of the Seafarer’s Christmas Project is to assemble shoeboxes filled with specific items for the men when they reach the Port. Through the very generous donations (hats, gloves, socks, toiletries, pens, paper, playing cards, etc.) by the congregation, the Confirmation Class was able to assemble and wrap more than 30 shoeboxes. UPCOMING CONFIRMATION CLASS EVENTS: April 2-3 - Church lock-in Saturday night and attendance at 8:30 worship service on Sunday morning. More details to follow. April 3 - No Confirmation Class. April 23 - Stratosphere and Glory Days Restaurant (4:30 PM – 7:30 PM) May 15 - Confirmation Sunday and Pentecost Sunday. All confirmation students should plan to attend. LUTHERAN CHURCH MEN of the WESTMINSTER CONFERENCE, E.L.C.A. The Lutheran Church Men of the Westminster Conference will hold their Spring Dinner Meeting, Monday, April 25, 2016, at Messiah Lutheran Church, 5600 Old Washington Rd., Sykesville, in their “Celebration Hall” – directly behind the church building. The church is about 20 minutes from Westminster on Rte. 97 about ¾ mile south of Rte. 26, (Liberty Rd.), and the roundabout. The ladies of the church will be serving a family-style fried chicken dinner at 6:30. As has been customary, a free-will offering will be received for the meal, with at least $12.00 expected. Following dinner a short devotion and hymn sing will be led by Messiah’s Pastor, Rev. Michel Dubsky, with the Rev. Bill Gohl, of Epiphany Lutheran Church, Baltimore, bringing the devotional message. These semi-annual dinners have become a wonderful opportunity for the men of the churches of our conference to socialize and renew old acquaintances. It has been a long time since we have met at Messiah and we look forward to seeing a large group. Please contact Dr. George Resh (410- 374-2369) by April 3rd to make your reservation. THANK YOU We appreciated the lovely anniversary card sent to us by the Social Ministry Committee and also the ones from some of our friends for our special day. Best wishes to all Herb and Mary Wessel Dear St. Mark’s Words can never express my thanks for the lovely gifts and many calls I received for my 25 th anniversary as office Manager at St. Mark’s. I am truly blessed to have a job I love and to have the support of the Church Council and the friendship of so many kind people. Fondly, Nancy Klein MEMORIAL AND GIFTS In Memory of Whitmer (Pete) Lindsay Judy’s Beauty Haven ( Judy Wilhelm) John and Catherine Hinegardner Hampstead Volunteer fire co. Charles and Verna Bankert Herbert and Mary Wessel Sir Speedy Printing Center Eileen and Randy Nafe Wilma and George Harman Ruth Shilke Betty Sprinkle Kathleen P. King Auxiliary to Hampstead Fire Co. In Memory of Whitmer (Pete) Lindsay. (Designated for SMT Fund) John and Anglee Mandish In Memory of Mary Scarpati Herbert and Mary Wessel Donna L. Barnes In Memory of Mildred Wolfinger Wayne and Patricia Long Bruce and Jane Bretthauer In Memory of Mildred Wolfinger (Designated for Kati’s Fund) St. Mark’s Unit of Women of the ELCA (Lee Byrn, Mary Wessel, Martha Hyson, Bonnie Hare and Betty Sprinkle) In Memory of Mary Scarpati (Designated for Youth ministry) Robert (Buzz) and Gerry Geist In Memory of Whitmer (Pete) Lindsay (Designated for Youth Ministry) Robert (Buzz) and Gerry Geist WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS April 3 8:30 Lector: Elizabeth Lotz Ushers: Stephen Lotz, Kamden Estes Power Point: Tiernan Delmont Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Betty Sprinkle Communion Assistant: Roberta Lindsay Lector: George Harman Ushers: Stuart and Judy Hafele Bread and Wine: Roberta and Debbie Lindsay Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Wilma Harman, Deanna Berger Counting Team: Ivy Storey, Dana Pipp April 10 8:30 Lector: Craig Schenning Ushers: Matt Rock, Andreas Lundstedt Power Point: Carson and Tyler Allen Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Margy Ziegler Communion Assistant: Chris Winemiller Lector: Lois Treuchel Ushers: Lou Lang, Tom Heeter Bread and Wine: Dot Resh, Martha Hyson Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Brenda Covington, Susan Hines Counting Team: Howard Schultze, George Harman April 17 8:30 Lector: Holly Schlossenberg Ushers: Makenzie and Kamden Estes Power Point: Zach Taylor, Alex Stephenson Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Bonnie Hare Communion Assistant: Pam Lindsay Lector: Pat Cornell Ushers: Scott McCabe, Pat Cornell Bread and Wine: Susan Hines, Chris Winemiller Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Margy Ayers, Tina McCann Counting Team: Art Risso, Wendall Sisler April 24 8:30 Lector: Betty Murkey Ushers: McKenna Miller, Lexi Sperko Power Point: Alyssa Rink Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Lori Lee Communion Assistant: George Harman Lector: Warren Miller Ushers: Stuart and Judy Hafele Bread and Wine: Anna and Sara Berger Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Debbie and Roberta Lindsay Counting Team: Stephen Bamberger, Dave Yaruta Opening church in April: Jake Ziegler MAY 1 8:30 Lector: Ken Ziegler Ushers: Grayce and Jacob Little Power Point: Zach Taylor, Gavin Stetcher Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Lois Miller Communion Assistant: Susan Hines Lector: Bonnie Hare Ushers: Scott McCabe, Pat Cornell Bread and Wine: Ann and Wendall Sisler Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Wilma Harman, Deanna Berger Counting Team: Ivy Storey, Dana Pipp Opening church in April: Jake Ziegler MAY 8 8:30 Lector: Susan Miller Ushers: Carsen and Tiernan Delmont Power Point: Corrin Aberts, Alex Stephenson Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Stephanie Brewster Communion Assistant: Dana Pipp Lector: Eric Lee Ushers: Lou Lang, Tom Heeter Bread and Wine: Deanna and Rachel Berger Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Ivy Storey Counting Team: Howard Schultze, George Harman MAY 15 8:30 Lector: Tina Grube Ushers: Stephen and Elizabeth Lotz Power Point: Lexi Sperko, Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Ivy Storey Communion Assistant: Martha Hyson Lector: Chris Winemiller Ushers: Stuart and Judy Hafele Bread and Wine: Bonnie and Ray Hare Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Brenda Covington, Susan Hines Counting Team: Art Risso, Wendall Sisler May 22 8:30 Lector: Karen Mon Ushers: Lee and Betty Murkey Power Point: Kamden Estes, McKenna Miller Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Margy Ziegler Communion Assistant: Ivy Storey Lector: Ivy Storey Ushers: Scott McCabe, Pat Cornell Bread and Wine: Debbie and Roberta Lindsay Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Margy Ayers, Tina McCann Counting Team: Stephen Bamberger, Dave Yaruta Opening church in May: George Harman May 29-9:30 Unity Service 5th Sunday Intercessory Prayer Assisting Minister; Pat Cornell Communion Assistant: Margy Ziegler, Pam Bamberger Lector: Cassie Klein Ushers: lou Lang, tom Heeter Bread ans Wine: Dot Resh, Martha Hyson Nursery Corinne Sigai Altar GuidL Debbie and Roberta Lindsay Power Point: Counting Team: Stephen Bamberger, Dave Yaruta APRIL BIRTHDAYS Leah Kwayi Jared Rink Hailey Albright Kammy Neuhaus Jen Masteran Christopher Sauer Leah McCann Jaime Miller Alexander Smith Gabriella Geyer Bryan Knouse Steven Treadwell, Jr. Arthur Phillip Boone III Carroll Georg Joshua Geyer Charlotte Chaapel Kathryn White Carl Delmont Rebecca Stremmel Debbie Lindsay Barbara Boone Steve Shifflett Aubrey McCormick Patricia Bohn Hella Groves Evelyn Lloyd Rebecca Stecher Chad Myers Barbara Treadwell Amy Myers Brittany Phillips Michael Hare Jason Uhler 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 16 18 18 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 24 27 28 APRIL ANNIVERSARIES Susan and Ronald Hines Robert and Mary Garrett Scott and Deborah McCabe Stephen and Pam Bamberger Stephen and Pam Lindsay John and Susan Miller 4/5/97 11 4/12/03 20 20 22 ALTAR FLOWERS-APRIL2016 April 3- To the Glory of God given by Terri Wise. April 10- To the Glory of God and in celebration of the 87th birthday of Carroll Georg given by Louise Georg. April 17- In honor of Evelyn Lloyd’ 89th birthday given by her daughter, Judy Cofiell April 24- in memory of our daughter Ursula Mahon given by her parents George and Hella Groves. APRIL 2016 BULLETINS April 3 To the glory of God and in loving memory of Bonnie’s grandmothers, Burnett Ormston and Mary Murrary, and Pat’s grandmother, Rose Villeponteaux, from Bonnie and Pat and Nicole Cornell April 10 To the glory of God and in honor of Debbie Lindsay’s birthday, on April 14, from her mother, Roberta Lindsay April 17 To the glory of God April 24 To the glory of God and in loving memory of loved ones from Wilma and George Harman Order Your St Marks Commemorative Building Replica Throughout the years the Church Women United Programs have been committed and dedicated to serving the needs of the church community and the various mission areas. One of these commitments was to the annual Mother/Daughter banquet. This Mother/Daughter banquet has been held every year from 1969 through 2016. It was the dues from these programs that helped to fund this initiative. The banquet has become a great tradition for many over the years, and expenses have risen without the benefit of the dues from these wonderful programs. In order to contain the costs of this banquet, provide the same level of service, while keeping the ticket price affordable, our committee has organized a creative fundraiser commemorative to all. The Mother/Daughter committee is proud to offer this year, a wooden replica of our church, through the Cats Meow Company. The replicas even detail the stained glass windows in the front of the church. These commemorative items can be ordered beginning April 3rd for $20. These are great commemoratives of the First Holy Communion, Weddings, Baptisms, Confirmation or just as a keepsake. Please see Melissa Boone-Miller in the Social hall between services to place your order beginning April 3 or contact Melissa at (410) 428-9934 or by e-mail [email protected]. Once the order is placed, the production takes 3-4 weeks. A special thanks to Margie Ziegler for her pictures that helped to make this commemorative even more beautiful! Inscribed on the back of the church is the following: The story of any congregation begins with the people of God coming together in worship and praise. Then, most often a building establishes the congregation in the community. The poem of dedication dated April 20–27, 1941 expresses the meaning of this building as follows: “I love to come to this still place Where deeper peace is always found, To kneel as though on holy ground, And feel my Master face to face. I do not know how I could live If there were not this refuge sweet, Where I could linger at His feet And He to me sweet healing give.” A MOTHER’S DAY REMEMBRANCE This Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016 we want to honor the women of our congregation by giving a small gift of remembrance to each woman, young or old, in attendance that day. We also want to give you the opportunity to honor your mother by having her listed in the bulletin that day (either in memorium or in honor of). Listings will cost $2.00 for each mother named and will be used to fund the special Mother’s Day remembrance. Please fill out the form below and turn it in via the offering or to the church office by May 2, 2016 Please include the following mother (s) in the church bulletin on Mother’s Day .... In Memory Of_____________________________________ Given by:___________________________________ In Memory Of:____________________________________ Given by:__________________________________ In Honor Of_______________________________________ Given by:_____________________________________ In Honor Of:______________________________________ Given by:________________________________________ Make checks payable to St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Church & Village: Partners in Ministry April 2016 Quilt Show Save the date for the Carroll Lutheran Village Quilt Show on Saturday, April 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Wellness Center. More than 30 quilts of all shapes and sizes will be on display. Some are family heirlooms. The event is open to the public. The Wellness Center is located at 902 Mission Square behind the gazebo with the red roof. Admission is free but donations will be accepted. For more information call 443605-1025. April Lifelong Learning Courses Register now for the following Lifelong Learning opportunities. Courses are open to all older adults in the community. Come join us! Awareness Through Movement – Guild Certified Feldenkrais practitioner Jerry Eaton shows you how to improve everyday movements using small, gentle movements while lying on the floor. Class meets Wednesdays April 6 through June 8 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost is $30 per adult. Art History Series: The Group of Seven - Susan Williamson from the Carroll Arts Center is the presenter. Tuesday, April 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm. in the Carroll Lutheran Village Wellness Center. Cost is $8 for CLV residents and Arts Council members and $10 for all others. Being Human: Wealth & Poverty – Julie Castillo from Carroll Community College covers the human elements of these very different economic classes. Class meets Fridays, April 15 through May 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cost is $40 per adult. I’m Over 65! Why Should I See My Gynecologist? – Dr. Sushma Sidh provides insight on why it’s important for older women to still care for their reproductive health. Class meets Friday, April 29 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. There is no charge for this session. Please register in advance for all Lifelong Learning opportunities by calling 443-605-1070. To see the full list of Lifelong Learning opportunities visit www.clvillage.org/lifelong-learning. Upcoming Lunch & Learn Lunch & Tour – April 20 - Did you know that Carroll Lutheran Village is the most affordable continuing care retirement community in the Baltimore area? Learn more about life at the Village, tour a few residences, and have lunch with residents to hear their stories about making the move to the Village. Seating is limited. Please call 410-848-8922 for more information or to register. Visit Us at Seniors on the Go Again this year Carroll Lutheran Village is a proud sponsor of the Seniors On the Go Aging and Disabilities Expo at the Carroll County Ag Center on April 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Expo focuses on the needs and interests of older adults, people with disabilities, their families and caregivers in Carroll County. Admission to the Expo is free. Graceful Generosity Published to help you grow as a steward of God’s grace. A Stewardship Thought In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us a very important principle for the handling of our material possessions which include any kind of financial assets and income. He taught the “God first” principle. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). When we give first priority to God with our time and treasures, he is honored, and he will provide us with what we need. Are you using your time in reading God’s Word and serving others? Is God receiving the firstfruits of your income? God wants us to seek him first, and he promises that he will be found (Jeremiah 29:13). The Joy of Giving A pastor of a small, rural congregation was visiting a shut-in widow who lived in a run-down house at the end of a dirt road. Bedridden, sick and weak, she looked forward to the pastor’s visit. On the occasion of his first call, she handed him her offering envelope with her tithe enclosed. He tried to refuse. She said, “Pastor, this is one of the only joys I have left. I can no longer attend church or be part of the fellowship. But I can give.” The joy in her countenance demonstrated a spirit that loved to give. Testing your Knowledge of Scripture Can you identify who the people in Scripture, associated with the picture in the next column might be? If you said Noah and his wife, you were right. Do you remember what Noah did after the flood was over, and he left the ark? In Genesis 8 and 9, we read of Noah’s sacrifice. As a first act of worship for the protection he and his family received, Noah built an altar and sacrificed some of the clean animals as burnt offerings. Noah made the sacrifice to thank God for saving them from the flood, and he trusted that God would continue to provide for him. “Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: ‘I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth: Never again will all life be cut off by waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.’ ” (Genesis 9:8-11). Making Choices Each of us makes hundreds of choices a day, perhaps beginning with the sound of the alarm clock when we choose whether or not to get out of bed. Many of our choices are made unconsciously. We choose what we’ll wear and what we’ll eat and whether we’ll spend our leisure time reading or watching TV. We choose our friends and our pets but not our families. Those we’re born into without our having a voice in the matter. It is similar with the family of God, for it is our heavenly Father who has chosen to adopt us into his family. We were dead in sin, but God speaking through Hosea said, “I will redeem them from death” (Hosea 13:14). That is God’s choice. Paul wrote to Timothy that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .” (1 Timothy 1:15). That is his choice. Matthew recorded Jesus’ words: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). We are, as Peter wrote, “A chosen people” (1 Peter 2:9). We can choose to follow the example of Joshua who counseled those headstrong Israelites: “Now fear the Lord” and serve him with all faithfulness . . . But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:1415). Living the Proper Lifestyle Scripture does not dictate that we are to live in a certain way. God does not tell us what we can or can’t own. He does not list the specifics on the type of home, the number of cars, or clothes we are to have, but there are attitudes that God wants us to develop within the area of financial responsibility. First of all, God wants us to have an eternal perspective. With an eternal perspective we act and live differently: We are called to store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven (Mathew 6:20). Our lifestyles will reflect our relationship with Christ. We will be good stewards by using our gifts and financial blessings in God-pleasing ways. We will live moderately and share generously for the work of the Lord. Our financial decisions will be spiritual decisions. Jesus said, “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:11). What we do, how we handle the stuff of life, will be done with an eye on eternity. As the redeemed and chosen people of God we now can choose to respond by declaring “the praises of him who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). We can choose to follow Paul’s directive to “serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13). © Copyright Parish Publishing, LLC May not be copied without permission. www.parishpublishing.org Blessings on Your Stewardship Journey! Money Matters Personal Financial Stewardship Loving Money God’s Word warns us about the love of money: “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:9-10). Jesus said, “You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24). How much we love money is not dependent upon the amount of money that we may have. We can love money and have very little love of it, or we can have lots of it and not love it at all. Loving money is very subtle, and it can manifest itself in different ways. For example for those who have accumulated some money, it could be seen in an unhealthy obsession with the investment markets. It could be seen in our desire to hoard our money and not give. Power and success for those who focus on money is relative to how much money they have. Because we live in a very materialistic society, there is a great deal of interest in money. Webster’s Dictionary defines materialism as “the tendency to be more concerned with material things than with spiritual goals or values.” Materialism leads us to spend money we don’t have in order to buy things we don’t need so that we can impress people we don’t even like. A materialistic person loves his possessions, is greedy, and lacks contentment. The following are three negative consequences of both loving money and becoming part of our materialistic society: Distorts our thinking: Our hearts become darkened. “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking become futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” (Romans 1:22-23). Stimulates our pride: We become self-sufficient rather than relying on God. “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me’ ” (Deuteronomy 8:17). Preoccupies our thoughts: We have no time or concern for the needy or for God. “Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things” (Philippians 3:19). When we call upon God’s strength, he will empower us to serve him rather than our money. As we spend time hearing and reading God’s Word, he will strengthen our faith so we can break the power that money and possessions can have over us. © Copyright Parish Publishing, LLC May not be copied without permission. www.parishpublishing.org THE HANDCLASP APRIL 2016 ST. MARK’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1373 NORTH MAIN STREET HAMPSTEAD, MD 21074 410-374-6944 NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR ST. MARK’S: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.stmarkshampstead.org MINISTERS: ALL THE PEOPLE OF ST. MARK’S Pastor: The Rev. Jason Burns (interim) Minister of Music: Mr. Jake Ziegler Office Manager: Mrs. Nancy Klein Nursery: Mrs. Corinne Sigai Council President-Ken Ziegler Secretary- Lois Miller Financial Secretary: Bonnie Hare Vice President- Tom Heeter Treasurer: Steve Covington Stephen Bamberger,Jeff Miller, Jim Rink, Jake Ziegler, John Charitonuk, John Clagett, Andreas Lundstedt
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