June 2016 Handclasp - St. Mark`s Lutheran Church
June 2016 Handclasp - St. Mark`s Lutheran Church
The Handclasp St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Growing Disciples for the 21st Century JUNE 2016 I thank God every day for all you dear people of St. Marks. I’ll say that again next Handclasp, but I want to say it now too. If our plan unfolds as I think it will, my time with you grows short. I think I’m a better person because of the time I’ve spent with you. This is a congregation at peace. By that I mean not that there aren’t disagreements sometimes and even some hurt feelings once in a while, but love and mutual commitment smooth over the rough patches and you carry on in that peace. This is not always the case. In my last place I spent a lot of time in “damage control”. They were not at peace. They got there again, but much hurting heals slowly. Together you have many gifts, and many give abundantly in time, talent and treasure You have a positive feeling about our future and have some goals to guide you into the future God has for you. I encourage you to tell your friends about this place, these people. Even if they don’t come, you will have told them where grace abounds, and that’s the Good News we have to share…God’s grace abounds and makes unexpected and amazing things happen. I will look forward to hearing about those things down the road. God bless your little pea pickin’ hearts! (a tip of the hat to Tennessee Ernie Ford…tell me somebody remembers him!) Pastor Jason CALL COMMITTEE The Call Committee made a recommendation to the Church Council on 5/26/16 for a call to be made to one of the candidates for Pastor of St. Mark's. The Call Committee's findings were reviewed with the Council and the candidate's information was presented. A compensation package was approved by the FInance Committee, the Church Council and was accepted by the candidate. The next step will be for the candidate to meet the members of the Church Council. The plan is then for a dinner to be scheduled on a Saturday for a "meet and greet" with the congregation of St. Mark's, to be followed by a service the following day where the candidate will give the sermon. Immediately following that service, there will be a congregational meeting and a vote will take place (this will be officiated by a representative from the Synod. Dates will be announced! NEW MEMBERS: ROCK, Matt and Jackie *Kaylin 4664 Marksman Ct Hampstead, Md 21074 410-349-7669 Matt is a self employed truck driver. He likes car and electronics. He wishes to become head usher and continue to work on sound boards. Jackie is the owner of J & K’s Pet Service. She volunteers with Happy Hounds Homeward Bound Dog Rescue. She currently teaches Sunday School and is interested in getting more youth programs started. Matt, Jackie and their daughter Kaylin, who is 10 years old, have lived in Hampstead since August 2015. BAPTISM CONFIRMATION The following young women were confirmed at St. Mark’s on Petecost Sunday, May 15, 2016: Congratulations to::Corrin Elizabeth Miller Aberts, Tiernan Victoria Delmont, Makenzie Ann Estes, McKenna Leigh Miller, Alexa Megan Siperko GRADUATES: Alyssa Rink graduates from North Carroll High School and will be attending Salisbury University majoring in nursing. Michael Hare will be attending the University of Maryland beginning with the Letter's and Sciences program and completing with Aeronautic Engineering Tristan Miller, will graduate from North Carroll High School this year and will be attending Queens University of Charlotte in North Carolina. THANK YOU Ella Annette Lee, daughter of Lori and Eric Lee, was baptized by Pastor Burns at St. Mark’s on May 1, 2016. Her sponsors are Mike and Dawn Gillis. Dea Friends at St. Mark’s, Thank you so much for our anniversary card (52 years on May 23) and Wayne’s birthday on May 15- 70ish. Both cards were so nice and the birthday card appears to be handmade- what a great job! Both were so appreciated. Blessings to all! We appreciate your thoughtfulness. Love Pat and Wayne Long CALL COMMITTEE If you have any questions or input please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee ( Tina Grube, John and Liz Charitonuk, Andreas and Mary Lundstedt, Elizabeth Lotz, Pam Bamberger and Martha Hyson) THE RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE will be held on June 9th from 1:30-7:00PM in the Social Hall To schedule an appointment please call 1-800RED Cross (1-800-733-2767) RapidPass, is a new tool that allows blood donors to help save lives in less time. The blood donors at 12/10/2015 blood drive can take advantage of this exciting new tool. RapidPass allows donors to complete their prereading and donation questions online from the comfort and privacy of home or office; reducing the time spent at the blood drive by up to 15 minutes. That means happier donors! It's simple! just: 1. Visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass 2. Read the information SOCIAL MINISTRY Have you ever wondered who sent those Birthday and Anniversary cards “from your St. Marksfamily”. The Social Ministry Committee is alive and well. This is a small group of individuals who are there to help members of the Congregation or Community in need. If you are interested in signing a card or two or making a meal for a member of the Congregation join us. If you have an idea for a Community outreach let us know. Contact Lois Miller 410 239 6952 SUNDAY PRAYER LIST: Names will be kept on our prayer list for 4 weeks. You can add a request or renew one by calling the church office. THE MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST GROUP will meet on Saturday, June 4 for breakfast, 8AM, at the Dutch Country Restaurant in Hanover, Pa. followed by a tour of Steve Covington’s plant. We will car pool from the church parking lot at 7:45AM. Ladies are invited. 3. Answer the questions 4. Print the pass or email it to themselves Important to know! RapidPass cannot be completed prior to the date of the drive. Donors must complete the steps to redeem their pass on the day they donate. Donors who do not bring the printed pass with them to their donation or cannot show it on a mobile device will be asked to complete the questions again. RapidPass does not take the place of scheduling an appointment. Schedule your appointments in the same way you have done in the past. ST MARKS CATS MEOW REPLICA A SUCCESS Thanks to everyone who supported the St Marks Mother/Daughter banquet by buying a church replica. 53 total churches were ordered to date. The churches should be here approximately June 1st. Look for information in the next bulletin or Handclasp for pick-up information. Once again, thank you to everyone for your support. Carol, Melissa, and Sue WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS June 5 8:30 Lector: Liz Charitonuk Ushers: Brian and Stephen Lotz Power Point: Tyler and Carson Allen Nursery: Corinne Sigai 10:30 Assisting Minister: Betty Sprinkle Communion Assistant: Pam Bamberger Lector: Stephen Bamberger Ushers: Lou Lang, Tom Heeter Bread and Wine: Susan Hines, Debbie Lindsay’ Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Wilma Harman, Deanna Berger Counting Team: Ivy Storey, Dana Pipp June 12- BEGINNING OF SUMMER Unity Service at 9:30 Assisting Minister: Ivy Storey Communion Assistant: Jill Heeter, Pam Bamberger Lector: Andreas Lundstedt Ushers : Barb Yaruta. Tina Grube Bread and Wine Anna and Sara Berger Power Point: Makenzie Estes, Tiernan Delmont Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Ivy Storey Counting Team: Howard Schultze, George Harman June 19: 9:30AM Assisting Minister: Pat Cornell Communion Assistants: Deanna Berger, Steve Covington Lector: Ken Ziegler Ushers: Stuart and Judy Hafele, Matt Rock Bread and Wine: Bonnie and Ray Hare Power Point: Corrin Aberts, Lexi Siperko Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Brenda Covington, Susan Hines Counting Team:: Wendall Sisler, Art Risso June 26 9:30AM Assisting Minister: Pam Bamberger Communion Assistant: Roberta Lindsay, Ivy Storey Lector: Debbie Lindsay Ushers: Gavin and Noah Stecher Bread and Wine: Roberta and Debbie Lindsay Power Point: McKenna Miller, Alex Stephenson Nursery: Corinne Sigai Altar Guild: Mary Ayers, Tina McCann Counting Team: Stephen Bamberger, Dave Yaruta Opening church in June: Jim Rink JULY 3 9:30AM Assisting Minister : Betty Sprinkle Lector: Betty Sprinkle Ushers: Stuart and Judy Hafele Altar Guild: Debbie and Roberta Lindsay Power point: Alyssa Rink Nursery: Corinne Sigai JULY 10 9:30AM Assisting Minister : Ivy Storey Lector: Dave Yaruta Ushers: Matt Rock, Andreas Lundstedt Altar Guild Wilma Harman, Deanna Berger Power point : Corrin Aberts Nursery: Corinne Sigai JULY 17 9:30AM Assisting Minister: Pat Cornell Lector: Stephen Bamberger Ushers: Tom Heeter. Lou Lang Altar Guild: Ivy Storey Power point: Stephen and Brian Lotx Nursery: Corinne Sigai JULY 24- 9:30am Assisting Minister: Margy Ziegler Lector: Ken Ziegler Ushers: Lee and Betty Murkey Altar Guild: Brenda Covington. Susan Hines Power point: Zach Taylor Nursery: Corinne Sigai JULY 31- 9:30 AM HEALING AND INTERCESSORY Prayer Assisting Minister: Pam Bamberger Communion Assistant: Margy Ziegler Lector: Liz Charitonuk Ushers: Pat Cornell, Howard Schultze Altar Guild: Margy Ayers, Tina McCann Power point: Grayce Little Nursery: Corinne Sigai JUNE BIRTHDAYS JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Joe and Ivy Storey Michael and Crystal Kemp Reid and Jennifer Windesheim Lauren and Jeffrey Conn Ben and Jamie Oliver Laura and Thomas Wallace Robert and Gerry Geist Donald and Patricia Bohn Donald and Karen Albright Reed and Karen Christensen Keith and Joyce Sumner Luther and Carol Aberts Donald & Karen Caltrider John and Cass Clagett Bill and Linda Murray 6/3/85 6/5/04 6/6/84 6/8/13 6/9/12 6/12/93 6/14/59 6/19/60 6/19/82 20 6/24/73 6/23/85 6/27/70 6/28/69 JUNE 2016 ALTAR FLOWERS June 5- In loving memory of Robert H. Treuchel and Fred Koenig, given by Lois Treuchel. Lily Piper Jeff Caples Terri Wise Pam Lindsay Jesse Ayers Scott Myers Zachary Taylor Treva Rimbey Jessica Berry Alicia Ridgley Donald Caltrider, Jr. Genie Klohr Bonnie Cornell Chris Taylor Alyssa Rink Tiernan Delmont Nicole Scarpati Steve Johnson Jennifer Lyba Rebecca McCormick Lois Treuchel Betty Rohde Katie Sandberg Grady Heikkinen Sophia McBrien Jill Heeter Kamden Estes Peter Schlossenberg 1 2 3 7 8 11 12 14 14 14 15 16 18 20 20 20 22 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 28 29 30 30 June12- To the Glory of God given by Ken Kemp June 19- In honor of Alyssa Rink’s 18th birthday. Given with love- Mom, Dad and Jared. June 26- In honor of our 47th wedding anniversary on June 18th. Given by Bill and Linda Murray. JUNE 2016 BULLETINS June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 To the glory of God and in honor of Pam Lindsay’s birthday, on June 7, from Roberta Lindsay To the glory of God and in honor of the 57th wedding anniversary, on June 14, of Buzz and Gerry Geist To the glory of God and in loving memory of Bob Sprinkle from his wife Betty, and in loving memory of their fathers, George Shilke and Charles Sprinkle To the glory of God A FATHER’S DAY REMEMBRANCE This Father’s Day, June 19, 2016 we want to honor the men of our congregation by giving a small gift of remembrance to each man, young or old, in attendance that day. We also want to give you the opportunity to honor your father by having him listed in the bulletin that day (either in memorium or in honor of). Listings will cost $2.00 for each father named and will be used to fund the special Father’s Day remembrance. Please fill out the form below and turn it in via the offering or to the church office by June 13, 2016 Please include the following father (s) in the church bulletin on Father’s Day .... In Memory Of_____________________________________ Given by:___________________________________ In Memory Of:____________________________________ Given by:__________________________________ In Honor Of_______________________________________ Given by:_____________________________________ In Honor Of:______________________________________ Given by:________________________________________ Amount enclosed: ___________ 500 Years! October 31, 2017, will mark 500 years since the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation, spurred by Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-Five Theses. This is an important anniversary and one that deserves to be lifted up not just on a global scale—as it will be—but in your congregation and community as well. Through several avenues, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Augsburg Fortress will be highlighting a wide range of ideas and possibilities from various sources with ways to mark and observe this milestone. Reformation 500 Sourcebook As congregations plan the ways they will mark the Reformation’s 500th anniversary, this Reformation 500 Sourcebook will be an essential guide. The Sourcebook content is gathered into three main sections that focus on the areas of worship, education, and service. Within these covers you will find a treasury of ideas for planning worship services, education events, music festivals, service projects, and connections with other Christians. A CD-ROM of reproducible, customizable content is also included. Learn more at the next FREE webinar Wednesday, May 18, 1:00 PM CDT Thursday, May 26, 1:00 PM CDT Grace Gathering, August 10–13, New Orleans The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America invites you to attend the Grace Gathering, in partnership with the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. This will be an opportunity to experience the ELCA when gathered as the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, prepare for further observances of the 500th anniversary, and reflect on how the Reformation can continue to guide us today. Registrants will receive a free copy of the Reformation 500 Sourcebook. Register today! Anniversary Resources for Congregations Along with this Sourcebook, watch for more information about additional resources for engaging the Reformation today. Sign up to receive the latest news by email. Augsburg Fortress 510 Marquette Avenue 8th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 USA You received this email because you are subscribed to Augsburg Fortress Education Promotions from Augsburg Fortress. Update your email preferences to choose the types of emails you receive. Unsubscribe from all future emails Money Matters Personal Financial Stewardship The Problem of Materialism In our society, we’ve come to expect a high level of material comfort. We want the “good life,” which sometimes means the freedom and wherewithal to follow our impulses. Most people want bigger, newer, and more things to enjoy. Our society tells us that what we have is not enough and that we deserve more. The “more is better” attitude of our culture makes it difficult to know when enough is enough. This focus on material things is called materialism. Webster’s New World Dictionary defines materialism as “the tendency to be more concerned with material than with spiritual or intellectual values.” Materialism suggests an inordinate concern … some might say an addiction … with the acquisition, possession, and consumption of material goods and services. Inherent in a materialistic attitude is an attitude of superficiality, selfishness, individualism, possessiveness, and covetousness. Martin Luther wrote the following about the desire for wealth. Many a person thinks he has God and everything he needs when he has money and property; in them he trusts and of them he boasts so stubbornly and securely that he cares for no one. Surely such a man also has a god—mammon by name, that is, money and possessions—on which he fixes his whole heart. It is the most common idol on earth. Russ Crosson wrote about how riches can consume us. “It has been said that 95 percent of those who have been tested with adversity pass the test, but 95 percent of those who have been tested with prosperity fail.” It seems that Christians handle adversity better than they handle success. It is ironic that, as one of the most prosperous countries in the world, our drug abuse, spouse and child beatings, divorce rate, and crime are out of control. Wealth seems to contribute to our problems rather than alleviate them. The love of money and material things has the potential to possess a person’s life like no other emotion can. A person can spend a lifetime chasing prosperity that, when found, often destroys him. C. H. Spurgeon said it this way: “It is a very serious thing to grow rich. Of all the temptations to which God’s children are exposed, it is the worst, because it is the one they do not dread, therefore, it is the more subtle temptation.” Unfortunately, the love of money and possessions is like drinking salt water. The more water we drink the thirstier we become. Likewise, the more money we have the more we want. The problem with materialism is that people try to fill emptiness in their lives with “things.” When our hearts become more concerned and obsessed with the accumulation of things than anything else, we’ve joined our materialistic society. Do we see ourselves or other members of our churches as materialistic? The number of possessions we have or the size of our homes or bank accounts does not indicate our disposition toward materialism. A materialist may not have a lot of money or possessions or he could own a lot. Materialism may be seen in one’s lifestyle, but it is mainly a condition of the heart, which is unseen. Because materialism has become the norm in our society, it is hard not to be part of it. Unfortunately, as Christians, we may be unaware that we have fallen into a materialistic mindset and lifestyle. © Copyright Parish Publishing, LLC May not be copied without permission. www.parishpublishing.org Graceful Generosity Published to help you grow as a steward of God’s grace. Worshiping God through Giving We worship God through our worship services as we pray, sing, and give him praise. We can live lives that give him honor and glory; however, in some ways, the money that we give to God is one of the most special ways that we can worship him. It is difficult to give money because there are many things that can be purchased with our money to make our lives easier and more comfortable. The giving of our money is a testimony of our praise and gratitude to God. Is there anything more worshipful than honoring God with our money? Testing your Knowledge of Scripture What parable could the following picture refer to? and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” (Matthew 7:24-27). The wise builder selects a site on a rock. Then he will not need to worry about heavy rains or strong winds. A house built upon rock has a foundation that lasts. A foolish builder constructs his house as though he is pitching a tent. Through this parable, Jesus is telling us that a person who hears his words and puts them into practice is like the wise builder. It is foolish to hear the words of Jesus and not obey them. Such a person may be compared to a builder who builds his house on the sand without a foundation. Jesus wants us to hear his words and obey them. The Pump Needs to be Primed If you’ve ever been on a farm, you may be familiar with old-fashioned water pumps. When pumps have been out of use for a time, they can often be pumped fruitlessly. The problem can be solved by priming the pump with water, which expands the cork, bringing up water, rather than just air. If you said the Parable of the Two Builders, you were right. “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, Life can be compared to that pump. In order to receive, one may need to give first. We have to put something into life to get something out of it. Paul stated this principle in Galatians 6:7: “A man reaps what he sows.” Rewards and successes in life are earned; they result from hard work and time. This principle of priming the pump, of sowing and reaping, applies to our giving as well. It is true that God provides for all. Jesus himself said, “He [God] causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45). However, he also promised a special blessing on those who are generous in their giving: “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25). As redeemed children of God, our main motivation for giving is our desire to respond with grateful hearts to him for his marvelous gifts to us, especially the gift of his Son, Jesus, who brought us forgiveness of sins and life eternal. We will desire to give, not for reward, but to honor him with our lives and our time, our talents and our treasures. We will find that we cannot outgive God. Speaking through the prophet Malachi, God challenged, “ ‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it’ ” (Malachi 3:10). Accept God’s challenge: put him to the test. Prime the pump. Your Final Message Most people want to put off thinking about and preparing for the time when the Lord will take them to his eternal home. You should be prepared because only God knows each person’s timetable. Whether you are given a short or long life, you can have a final opportunity, through a will or trust, to share a message of your love for Christ and a gift to continue your faithful stewardship. Your last will and testament can proclaim your love of the Lord and provide an encouragement to your families and friends to grow in their faith. Through a Christian Preamble, which is the way you can begin a will or trust, you have your last opportunity to witness to your loved ones. If your will or trust gives a final testimony of your trust in the Lord, it will be a real source of encouragement to those you leave behind. It will comfort your family and friends to know that you believed and trusted in the promise that Jesus gave in John 11:25-26, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. If your Christian preamble is in a will, your message will go beyond your family and friends, because a will is filed in probate court which is public record. A will or trust is also a wonderful time to put your love for the Lord into action with a gift for the Lord’s work through your church. For many Christians, this may be the biggest gift they make. A bequest in your will gives the message of Christ’s importance to you. A gift for the Lord’s work acknowledges God’s ownership of your life and things and that you are simply returning them to God who provided them for your use. As J. Gregory Pope said, “Planning an enduring gift that supports and perpetuates the Gospel message is a significant … sometimes final … witness of a faithful and maturing disciple in response to the grace of a loving God.” May God grant us all an abundant measure of his grace so our final messages will bring glory to him. Blessings on Your Stewardship Journey! 0 THE HANDCLASP JUNE 2016 ST. MARK’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1373 NORTH MAIN STREET HAMPSTEAD, MD 21074 410-374-6944 NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR ST. MARK’S: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.stmarkshampstead.org MINISTERS: ALL THE PEOPLE OF ST. MARK’S Pastor: The Rev. Jason Burns (interim) Minister of Music: Mr. Jake Ziegler Office Manager: Mrs. Nancy Klein Nursery: Mrs. Corinne Sigai Council President-Ken Ziegler Secretary- Lois Miller Financial Secretary: Bonnie Hare Vice President- Tom Heeter Treasurer: Steve Covington Stephen Bamberger,Jeff Miller, Jim Rink, Jake Ziegler, John Charitonuk, John Clagett, Andreas Lundstedt
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