Cleaners Digest 10th March 2


Cleaners Digest 10th March 2
ISSUE No. 001
distinction. excellence
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
Nothing But the Best
Home spring Cleaning
Better Living
How to Motivate Employees
The HOT spot
Quote of the Day
Your Questions Answered
Employee Section
Parapet Uganda
Board of Directors
Events and Pictorials
Carpet Cleaning
First Lady Marathon
arapet Cleaning Services celebrating its 17th birthday this year will
be no mean feat. With such a birthday, you would expect nothing
but growth, innovation and the launch of the inaugural edition of
The Parapet Cleaners’ Digest!
As we unveil the new design, it goes a long way to show our commitment to Distinction & Excellence in our service delivery to our
esteemed clients – both internal and external
As the brand evolves, we get to meet the brains behind this world class company that ensures that the strategic partnerships and expansion plans are flawless
and on course. These are none other than the Parapet Board of Directors and a
section of Management.
Further, as Mohammed Ali states, “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that
wears you down, it’s the pebble in your shoe” well we get to meet one of our
client’s; - a resilient lady who has conceived in her mind, believed in her heart
and achieved much in her career life. Her spiritual outlook is astounding. Check
this out in out Hot Spot Section!
As always it’s in our forte to ensure you love where you Live, Work & Play by
giving you a blend of carpet cleaning methods you can adopt from time to
time, as well as answer your home cleaning headaches in our Q&A.
Are you a pet lover?? Adorable as they may be, dealing with their by products
can prove a cumbersome ordeal. Forget the hustle as it all lies with the professionals when all is said and done with your DIY. Flip through and get the “how
to” real time.
Finally, a work place needs to have an environment that nurtures your greatest
client - your employees not only to grow & bring out their best, but also to
have passion to work for the better interest of the company.
Enjoy reading……………Parapet Cares
Editor - Christine Ndwiga
distinction. excellence
5 ways to give your carpet a long life
March - April 2015| Cleaners Digest
inding a carpet-cleaning
service is as easy as looking for the letter ‘’C’’ in
the Yellow Pages. But finding
a carpet-cleaning method that
works for you might not be so
simple. Although most home
owners encourage Do it yourself approach via house helps,
and even go a step to invest
in a vacuum cleaner, the finish
has not been desirable.
Owing to the process involved,
it’s hard to achieve a desirable
finish using the Do IT yourself
approach. You can attest in
one way or another you have
experienced foul smell due to
carpet dampness, stubborn
stains that make the carpet
look discolored, stuck fluffs
especially for pet lovers &
dirt particles that are manifest from time to time,
molds & mildews. This is
why parapet cleaning services has over 17 years the
dirt up to the surface, the
chemicals are removed by a
machine with a large round
absorbent spinning pad like
the one on the bottom of
a commercial floor buffer.
All five work, as long as the
person doing the cleaning
knows what he’s doing.’’
This is why Parapet Cleaning
partner is an ideal solutions
provider for every rug/carpet that you entrust to us.
To keep
your family
carpet cleaning
is a must
3. There’s more to life than work.
Motivated employees will
do everything to make
what they’re doing great;
they’ll be role models for
other employees, and
they’ll be the best advertising for a company’s
brand and products.
If you want to motivate
your employees, you
have to make them feel
excited to come to work
every day, and to spend
time with you and each
other. So how do you do
Great leaders have deep reserves of
physical, spiritual, and emotional energy, and that energy is usually fueled
by a strong and supportive relationship
with the people they love, regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and setting
aside time for reflection.
5. Be a problem solver.
Post a sign above your office door that
reads, “Don’t Bring Me Problems. Bring
Me Solutions.” Then set about the task
of guiding each person on your team
toward the goal of becoming a topnotch problem solver during this crucial
6. Put your people first.
4. Be a great listener
The most effective leaders are the ones
who take the time to listen not just
to their team members’ words but to
the priceless hidden meaning beneath
them. Remember that during good
times and bad, sometimes your employees just need someone to talk to.
No organization is better than the people who run it. The fact is that you are
in the people business—the business of
hiring, training, and managing people to
deliver the product or service you provide. If the people are the engine of your
success, to be a great leader you need
to attend to your people with a laser-like
1. Be a great communicator.
If you’re struggling with communicating to your employees, first work
on your ability to influence individuals by choosing words that are impactful to carry your message.
Instead of being the type of leader
who sucks the energy away from
others, resolve to be the kind of
leader who strives to bring passion
and positive energy to the workplace every day. Your employees
have just helped you pull your
company through one of the nation’s worst economic periods. It’s
time they had a source of positive
7. Lead through experience
and competence, not through
title or position.
Mentor your employees, encourage them, make
partners out of them, and your organization is
sure to benefit. If you want to survive the tough
economy, that’s exactly the kind of leadership
motif you need for your organization.
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
2.Energize your team
Interview By Christine Ndwiga
1. So, Lennie, what’s your story?
I am a Health Economist with more than 20 years of
work experience in various Sub Saharan Africa. For
the past three and half years, I was the Country Director for AMREF Kenya till my current appointment
since Nov 2014.
Born in Isingiro District in the south West Part of
Uganda, I’m the second last born in a family of 7.
However, my family sees me as a pillar and the glue
that binds us together. Both my parents have gone to
be with the Lord but they instilled in me the spirit of
excellence and never to give up and this has shaped
my career and my success this far. I’m married to a
wonderful loving husband Dr Igbodipe who is indeed
my soul mate, confidant and best friend
2. Tell us about a time when things didn’t go the way
you wanted--like a promotion you wanted and didn’t
get, or a project that didn’t turn out how you had
In most cases, God has been very faithful and I always
get what I pray for. However, in my line of work, we
depend largely on donor funding so there has been a
few occasions when we have worked on a grant proposal that we didn’t get which was disappointing but
then it made me work even harder on the next one.
3. In Parapet, we strive to do more with less. Tell me
about a recent project or solution to a problem that
you made better, faster, smarter, more efficient, or
less expensive
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
I’m privileged to work for an organization that is continuously working on innovations and in my past few
years, I have worked with various teams to come up
with some very cost effective applications. The recent
one that we are all excited about is use of the Mobile Phone for M-Health and M-learning. Through our
“Health Enablement :Learning Platform (HELP)”, we
have made the training of Community Health workers
more cost effective, starting in Kenya and the plan is
to scale it out to other parts of Africa and beyond.
4. Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you
consider to be the most significant in your career. In
2011 – 2012,
I led the Kenya team to write a winning proposal to
USAID for Northern Kenya. This is was the first time
in the history of AMREF Kenya to be a prime on a
USAID grant of US 50M for five years and the day we
received the news was the most exciting day of my
work career in public health.
5. If there was a movie produced about your life, who
would play you and why?
Hmm! Interesting it would have to be a God fearing,
hard working, ambitious, loving, strong but kind female actress.
6. Can you share with us a CEO humor?
Dr Lennie Bazira Kyomuhangi – Igbodipe
Interim CEO for Amref Health Africa
You don’t have to be an Iron Lady because you are CEOs: you can
retain your feminine qualities as long as you balance them with
the right assertive attitude! Or: Female Bosses can be as gentle as
lambs but if provoked as fierce as a lioness protecting their cubs!
You just need to know which right buttons to press!
7. When have you been most satisfied in your life?,
Knowing that God loves me and that my future is in His loving arms.
8. If we’re sitting here a year from now celebrating what a
great year it’s been for you in this role, what would it be?
A united team motivated staff at Amref that is smart and working
tirelessly but joyfully to ensure that hard to reach communities in
SSA have access to equitable quality healthcare services.
9. In the African setting we have hunters and gathers?
Which one best descries you?
A mix of both.
10. Any advice for young professional ladies aspiring CEO’s?
God has been a pillar in my life even when the going has been
tough. A woman can excel in leadership if she depends on God,
treasures integrity, maintains a work life balance, is principled and
learns from her mentors. We all need the support of our families
and especially our spouses, says Dr Lennie, and she is blessed
to have a supportive husband, Dr Alfred Igbodipe, who always
encourages her to excel in her work. My brothers, sister, nieces
and nephews look up to me and consider me as the pillar of the
Bazira family. I always strive to lead by example and to set high
standards for myself and others. This has been my guiding principle and is my advice to any young lady aspiring to excel in my
professional and personal life.
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
I have two puppies and sometimes they
urinate on the carpets and I am unable
to stand the stench
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
We love our pets, but we
don’t exactly love their...
when they find their way
onto our clean carpets.
New puppies are cute but
urine stains are not.
Fresh pet stains are usually easy to remove. Just
soak up as much liquid as
possible with newspaper
or towels, then wash the
area with cold water and
dry it again. We’ d recommend following up with a
store-bought cleaner or
odour neutralizer. But
even when this is done,
some stains will require
additional effort.
Avoid any removal tools
that heat the carpet,
as these will only set
the stain. Try rewetting
the area, then spraying
an enzymatic cleaner
(available at pet stores)
on the spot. Let it sit
overnight, then soak up
the liquid with paper
towels. It’s important to use a
cleanser that will neutralize the
scent if you don’t want your
pet to develop an unfortunate
Last-ditch effort: If the stain
just won’t budge, a wet vac
may prove useful.
Still no luck? Call in the
Parapet professionals crew on
0788 888 748
0722 848 277
Employee Section
Gitonga M
- HOD Sale
1. If I would go back to being a child………….
I would sing more
2. Hobbies (at least 2)……………………… I love sailing ,dog
breeding and playing on line bridge.
3. Best memory you wish to have in your old age…………….
yet to come.
4. Which animal best describes you & why………………………..
The Eagle……….. power, freedom, and transcendence.
1. If I would go back to being a child………….
If I would go back to being a child, I would sing more.
2. Hobbies (at least 2)………………………
I simply love water, so swimming makes it top on my list. I
also read a lot.
d of Fina
u - Hea
1. If I would go back to being a child………….
I would not go back to Primary school I went and met Mr.
Bomb……..he used to torture us!!!!!
2. Hobbies (at least 2)………………………
mmmmmmh travelling and playing guitar
3. Best memory you wish to have in your old age…………….
To have no memory of ever giving up in a race
3. Best memory you wish to have in your old age…………….
Maziwa ya Nyayo!
4. Which animal best describes you & why………………………..
The bear. It can be nice and sweet, but as well fierce and
strong as situations demand.
4. Which animal best describes you & why………………………..
The animal that best describes me is an Eagle…..when tired, I
go to a solitary place and re-energize my self!!
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
ead of H
Group H
Tiger tames
the Dragon
March - April 2015| Cleaner’s Digest
here is no formula for
success that fits all
marketing strategies
when a regional brand
like Parapet decides to try a
new market, except perhaps
unconditional acceptance and
responsiveness to changes.
The greatest challenge is to
adapt constantly. It’s essential
for successful marketing campaigns to take into consideration the local approach versus
the global/regional desire for
A one size-fits-all approach
is a rare reality. A consistent
regional brand promise is a
desirable asset but what makes
a real difference is to be brave
and ready to change the target
but not too many of them
are ready to adapt a brand
proposition that suits the
level of development the
market and consumer perception require.
audience and build a differentiating promise.
Parapet Uganda made all
necessary adjustments to
make sure there was no
mismatch in its growth ambitions and brand promise.
Becoming an aspirational
brand which is blogging
with the Kenyan Market is
an unexpected twist in its
brand proposition. Parapet
Uganda demonstrated
courage to get the most
relevant changes. By courage I mean all big corporations are ready to work
with Parapet Uganda, work
with local sources, overcome legal requirements
Parapet is a strong brand
that understands that
growing globally requires
sacrifices and innovation
from global teams, and
they are ready to listen,
respect and learn from the
local environment. The
Kampala headquarters’
brings excitement to enter
new markets, with proven
best practices is something
of the past, proving that
the real shift in the global
mindset is to recognize
that local versus global can
bring optimum results.
Gitonga Muriithi
Group Head of Sales
he has been actively involved in
recommending cleaning products
suitable for the Kenya market and
developing the cleaning industry as a whole. The result is that
products are now being produced locally and to international
standards since 1979.
Mr. Mugo worked as an Estate
and Rating officer with the
Defunct East African Railways
and Harbors Corporation for four
based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
He has also worked as a housing
Estates Officer with the National Housing Corporation where
he was responsible for overall
management of 5,000 housing
units distributed throughout the
He has been a part time Trainer
at Utalii College, Central Bank,
Jomo Kenyatta Airport, Block Hotels and Lodges among others.
David Kiengo - Executive Chairman
urrently overseeing management and administration at Parapet Limited, David
Kiengo has over 30 years’
experience in the cleaning
industry and has served as a
consultant in this filed many
times. He was trained at S.C
Johnson international in the
UK on effective cleaning
materials and use of allied
With this extensive knowledge,
He worked for S. C. Johnson for
a period of 13 years and subsequently set up Petterson Africa
Limited which has been one of
the main suppliers of cleaning
chemicals countrywide for the
last 20 years. The latter are also
accredited distributors for S.C.
Johnson locally.
He is a Consultant with Truvox
International of the U.K. and is
involved in selecting the most
suitable equipment for Kenyan
conditions. Truvox manufacture
equipment for Clarke, Electrolux,
Phoenix, G.S.M. and Hoko of
Germany and are market leaders
in supply of quality cleaning
Harry Mugo - Director
ith a degree in land
economics from the
University of Nairobi since
1973, Mr. Mugo is a registered and practicing valuer
and a full member of the
Institution of Surveyors of
Kenya. He is also a
registered Estate Agent. He
has over 33 years of experience working as a valuer,
property and estate manager
working in both the private
and public sector.
long with the entire Board of
Directors he contributes to
setting the Company’s mission,
vision and planning for successive fiscal years.
He attained a Degree in Hotel
Management from the prestigious Ecole Les Roches Switzerland, as well as an Associate
of Science Degree in Food and
Beverage management from the
New England Association of Hotel Management Schools, U.S.A.
Alex Nyaga - Group Chief Executive
He sits in various boards of
several investment companies
such as Health & Safety Systems
Ltd (HSS) , Sita Investments Ltd,
Excloosive Limited, Investment
Cell Limited amongst others and
is also a member of the leading
international sanitary services association (ISSA) an international
organization with its headquarters based in the U.S.
While working at Gimco Limited.
Mugo was involved in the letting
and management of Anniversary
Towers, Kenya Reinsurance, British American Centre and Royal
Ngao House among others,
Barclays Plaza, Corner House.
as extensively trained in
the hospitality and cleaning
He has extensive international
work experience at the Hotel
Ambassador and Hotel City in
Berne, Switzerland both exclusive
5 star establishments, the Hotel
Erlibacherhof in Zurich and the
Hotel & Restaurant Tre Cucine,
Zurich to mention but a few.
Mr. Mugo later established
and became General Manager
for Town Properties Limited a
subsidiary of the Kenya National
Assurance Company for six (6)
years before joining Gatheru
Irungu Mugo
Company Limited as a director
and principal valuer in 1986.
He oversees staff management,
improvement and discipline. He
is also in charge of management
of the employee benefit scheme
and upgrading of the Company’s medical self-funded and
insured schemes. He monitors
staff appraisals together with the
Managing Director.
Tom Onyango - Director
Together with the other Directors, he plans, designs and
co-ordinates the implementation
of sound staff management and
development systems including
upgrading of procedures to ensure proper utilization of human
resources in order to enhance
effectiveness and profitability of
the company.
As an Advocate of the High Court
of Kenya with over 19 years’
experience, he ensures that all
provisions of contracts with third
parties are interpreted and adhered to in their performance.
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[email protected]
distinction. excellence