Campbellsport News Article


Campbellsport News Article
,Campbellsport Native And
.AufhO.r Coming-Back To Library Heather Whittaker grew
up in the Campbellsport
area and graduated3rom
Carnpbellsport ':
School. She has now pubtished three books, with
two that were released thls
_ year, and is a motivational
Heather will be at the
Campbellsport Pubiic Library next' week Monday,
Oct. 14, at 6 p.m. She will
, 'be reading froinher new-'
. est book A Different Little
Doggy, doing' a-short presentation about the project"
and signing books,
Her latest book is called
A Different Little Doggy. It
is a children's picture book
aimed at teaching children'
ages four to eight about
diversity and the importance' of tolerance' and
friendship through the
story of Taz,
.Minlature Pinscher' who
vias different than other
, .
"Taz was a-special needs
dog owned by Heather.
Watching .Taz overcome
al] of the obstacles in' her
life inspired Heather to-
write a book about her:
illustrations, develHeather began writing in op the storyline, and what '
2008 and has already types of books children
completed ~-two 'other
find engaging. "It was- -a
leadership book very long process that
and a book tisting 50,,life took about two-and-a-half"
from years to complete," she'
said.' "But, that's" OK be- ' 'A Different Little Doggy cause the final book is
is her newest book of an .fruly arnazinq," Heather
entirely different genre, said.
but it still uses a -doq as
A Different Little Doggy
the main character to is filled with colorful iIIusdeliver the message. .
trations 'and a rhyming
a dog
lover," -story line that teaches chil'Heather said. "And, as an dren - and adults --0 that
author .anc 'motivational
it's OK to' "be themselves.:
speaker, I incorporate dog Heather said she hopes
stories into my. projects' her' book will begin to
and presentations
be-' change the- conversation
cause I believe stronqly in. arounddiversity,
lhe lessons they teach. A
"Children are typically
.dog is the best example presented with, messages
there is of true love in our telling them they are the'
world. Their stories make same as 'other- kids when
it easy to share 'joy with~hat's
not 'the reality of
, their world," she' stated.
Of course writing a chil- "Fact is we',are all differdren's book is a complete- ent. There's a lot to be .
Iy different process, than gained if we can embrace
writing npri-fiction' and ' the benefits in our differ. Heather says the project ences."
involved lots of research
. . "
into notonly how to write . Campbellsport Native
for children, but also into Contin'ued on Page 14
Page 14 • October-1-(), -20~3 • Campbellsp?rt
Heather Whittaker is a-Campbellsport High School graduate, an author and a motivational speaker. She will be at the CampbellsportPublic Library on Monday, Oct. 14,
to read her newest book A Different Little Doggy and sign books,
. .
photo by Andrea.Hansen Abler
.Continued From. ..
Campbelisp.ortNative And
Author C'oming Bac~-To Libra.ry
Healher is also a motiNow she helps people get
vational . speaker.
excited to accomplish their
says. that this had been a dreams with her three pildream of hers for more
lars for success - pasthan 25 years.Her interest
sion, people and purpose.
was peaked by' her CHS.
In her personal' time,
she still continues to care
. Vollmer who. taught her for and raise special
about public speakinq,
needs dogs. That has also
. She worked for about 20 been
years and then-decided it .~Heather's.
was time-to do whaf· her'
To . learn -rnore=about
heart really desired Heather· and her canine
friends, visit www.heather-
whittaker.corn. A Different
Little Doggy is 'also available for purchase
www.adifferentlittledog-. or through
Don't miss her.presentation at the Campbellsport
Public Library. on Monday,
Oct. 14, at 6 p.m. Stop in
.to ;pi~k up, ayol?Y _of _h~r
book oro-juststop in to say