July 24, 2016 - St. John the Baptist St. Albert the Great
July 24, 2016 - St. John the Baptist St. Albert the Great
SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST SAINT ALBERT THE GREAT SAINT MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN www.clarkforkcatholic.com Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION WEEKEND MASS TIMES ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST -FRENCHTOWNConfessions/Reconciliation 8:00 a.m. Rosary at 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. TODAY’S MASS INTENTIONIntention of Donor P.O. Box 329/16680 Main Street, Frenchtown, 59834 Phone: 406-626-4492 Fax: 406-626-1970 Email: [email protected] Fr. Jeff Fleming -Pastor (406) 728-3845 Email: [email protected] (406) 529-3186 After Hour Emergency Fr. Cody Williams -Associate Pastor (406) 465-7895 Email: cwilliamsctkmsla.org Jayne Lisi -Office Manager (406) 626– 4492 Email: [email protected] Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator George Lund (406) 728-3845, ext. 231 Email: [email protected] ST. ALBERT THE GREAT -ALBERTONConfessions/Reconciliation 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. TODAY’S MASS INTENTION“Missa Pro Populo” Religious Education Coordinator K-8 Jodi Todd (406) 396-2378 Email: [email protected] Christ the King Parish, Missoula (406) 728-3845 Mass Readings: July 25th-July 31st Monday– Saint James, Apostle 2 Cor 4:7-15/ Mt 20:20-28 Tuesday– Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary ST. MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN -SUPERIORConfessions/Reconciliation 12:00 p.m. Rosary at 12:10 p.m. Sunday Mass 12:30 p.m. TODAY’S MASS INTENTION Intention of Extension Donor Jer 14:17-22/ Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday– Weekday Jer 15:10, 16-21/ Mt 13:44-46 Thursday– Weekday Jer 18:1-6/ Mt 13:47-53 Friday– Saint Martha Jer 26:1-9/ Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday – Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Jer 26:11-16, 24/ Mt 14:1-12 Next Sunday– Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eccl 1:2, 2:21-23/ Col 3:1-5, 9-11/ Lk 12:13-21 Bible Sunday/Mass Readings Online http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings The Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation may be scheduled by appointment. St. John the Baptist Join in praying the Rosary Sunday’s at 8:00 am before Mass. St. Mary Queen of Heaven Join in praying the Rosary Sundays at 12:10 pm before Mass. TODAY, July 24th Ministers NEXT WEEK, July 31st Ministers TODAY, July 24th Ministers NEXT WEEK, July 31st Ministers St. John the Baptist Extraordinary Ministers of HC Sally Yarnall & Donna Sherwood Lector - Jack Morton St. John the Baptist Extraordinary Ministers of HC Lindy Cummins & Rosemary Howard Lector - Bill Wodrich St. Mary Queen of Heaven Extraordinary Ministers of HC Pat Kellen & Pat Terry St. Mary Queen of Heaven Extraordinary Ministers of HC Ken Vandehey & Kathy Vandehey Altar Servers Peter Altar Servers Matthew Lector Judy Eisenbacher Lector Roger Bak Greeter/Gifts Chris & Theresa Roberts Greeter/Gifts Renee Herbst & Barb Koepke Collection Jodi Todd & Bill Wodrich CollectionRoger Herbst & Jack Morton JOIN US AFTER MASS for ST. JOHN’S SUMMER COFFEE & TREATS– It is a great time to visit and enjoy fellowship with parishioners. We are asking two families to volunteer to bring treats and help set up/ clean up one Sunday during the summer. Please sign up in the back of the church. St. John the Baptist Rummage Sale . Continue gathering your treasures for the upcoming rummage sale. Small items can be dropped off at the Parish center. For larger items, (furniture, appliances) you would like to donate, please contact George Sherwood at 239-0695. Lawn Mowing Ministry - The mowing schedule has been reformatted into a weekly schedule, instead of monthly. Please help out by signing up for even one week this summer. The help is much appreciated. Thank you. Sign up sheet is in vestibule. Greeters, Collectors, Gift Bearers- If you would like to be on the schedule, please contact Jayne (626-4492) at the parish office to get on the next schedule or substitute. Thank you! Wednesday, July 27th 5:00 pm Mass Intention: Intention of Extension Donor Fair time is soon approaching. Please sign up to work at the hamburger booth this year. We need lots of help for this great fundraiser. The sign- up sheets are in the back of the church. St. Albert the Great Railroad Day Pie Sales: Pies donated 44, Pies sold 44 = $506-$30 for booth rent. Thank You to all the bakers, sellers and buyers! Also Thank You to Fr. Jeff and Fr. Cody for helping us with another successful Railroad Day Celebration. OFFERTORY COLLECTION Thank you to our parishioners and guests! For July 17th, 2016 Frenchtown Alberton Superior $ 1,200.00 308.00 800.00 Gratefully we received: $ 2,308.00 *The Diocese Of Helena currently suggests $15-$25 donation for Mass Intentions. Please contact the Parish office if you wish to schedule an intention (s). Fiscal year weekly need: $ 2,413.00 Weekly average to date: $ 2,321.00 Tri-Parish Faith Formation: FORMED.org Enter Parish Code: 9WG6RP Inspirational Catholic CDs, Books and Booklets Don't Let Your Faith Take A Summer Vacation ! Spring into Summer with New Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs! ABBA or ALLAH CD Week # 18 Important Differences Between Catholicism and Islam In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Christianity in the Third millennium. flocknote We’d like to connect with you! Important updates from church in a timely & convenient way. This new tool lets you choose what info you'd like to receive - via email or text message from your parish as well as which ministries & groups at your parish. Unsubscribe any time. There are 2 easy ways to connect (pick on): Visit our church at www.flocknote.com/CFCMT ………………………………. OR ………………………………… Text CFCMT to 84576 Father George Dumais, SJ has authored a cookbook featuring 34 of his favorite recipes including the famous Bourbon Slush. This twenty-page cookbook is available for purchase at mcsmt.org or call the Loyola Sacred Heart Foundation Office at 406-541-2857 Missoula Catholic Schools has an immediate opening for a halftime Communications/Marketing Assistant Please call 549-6101 to inquire, or go to: mcsmt.org/about-us/employment/ The Knights of Columbus - Our Lady of the Mountains Council 13093 is sponsoring the 63rd St. Mary Peak Pilgrimage Hike annual on Sunday, August 21st. The hike is 7.5 miles round trip with an elevation gain of 2400’ to a final elevation of 9350’. Participants gather at St. Mary Parish, 330 Charlos Street, Stevensville at 7AM for carpooling to the trailhead. The rosary is recited at rest stops along the trail. Mass is celebrated at the summit, followed by lunch before the descent. Pilgrims should be well-prepared physically and have adequate water, snacks, sturdy hiking footwear, lunch, and clothing for changing weather conditions. The Knights of Columbus will be providing a barbeque for pilgrims at St. Mary Parish following the hike. Registration is requested so we can reach you if plans change due to weather or wildfire conditions. Contact Tom at 406.207.0229 ([email protected]) or Susan at 406.249.5765 ([email protected]). This notice is also available on the diocesan website: http://diocesehelena.org/ *Please feel welcome to write your prayer requests & thanksgiving in the Parish Prayer Book at the back of the church . Prayer Requests Text STOP to 84576 to stop txt notifications at any time. Please pray for all who are ill, recovering, or Text HELP for help. There is no charge for this service, but your carrier message and data rates may apply. View full terms suffering in our parish community, especially for Judy Eisenbacher, Hope & Garrie, Kevin & conditions at www.flocknote.com/txt. Please pray for the seminarians of our Diocese May the Lord continue to bless our Diocese with an abundance of seminarians! Lally, Chris Ochs, Terry, Art Porter, Bonnie Porter, James Sellers, Lori Stavish, Maureen Glanz, Blake & Logan Rogers, Jeannette Slater, Keith Writz, Edna Kraft, and Bev Woodard . Please pray also for the healing of memories, for our troops and their families. Also remember in your prayers those who are in nursing homes. Please pray for all those who have died. To request prayers or to remove names that no longer need to be on the prayer chain, please call the parish office - 626-4492. Bulletin Submissions, including photos of parish events, are welcomed until 12 noon each Wednesday. Submissions and requests for announcements at mass should be sent to: [email protected] Additional CONTACT INFORMATION Catholic Discount Available! St. Joseph School Early Education is now serving TWO locations DIOCESE OF HELENA Chancery Office P.O. Box 1729/515 North Ewing Street, Helena, MT 59624 Phone: 1-800-584-8914 www.diocesehelena.org (St. Francis at 430 W. Pine Street and St. Joseph School at 503 Edith Street). We now educate 12 months to 5 years old in our Early Education Center!!! Each Catholic parish member that enrolls their son/daughter into our early education center will receive their first month of tuition free! This is a $720 value, and is available as space is available. Please call Alex or Irene at 549-7648 to sign up! The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena 1-800-584-8914 www.fdoh.org Catholic News Agency www.catholicnewsagency.com U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops www.usccb.org SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Infant Baptism: Parents must be registered & active members of this parish or of another parish with family here in the parish (i.e., parents). Letter of permission from Pastor if parents are from outside the parish. Two Godparents who are registered and active members of their parish, one male and one female. Contact the Pastor before infant’s due date to arrange date and time. Holy Matrimony: Couples discerning this sacrament should contact the Pastor immediately after becoming engaged. NOTE: the diocese requires a minimum of 6 months advance notice regarding the intention to marry. Couples wishing to marry in the parish must be registered and active members of the parish, or individuals who have moved away whose parents are still active in the parish. Couples from other parishes must obtain a letter of permission to marry outside of their own parish. Anointing of the Sick: Individuals who have been diagnosed as terminally or gravely ill or are preparing for invasive surgery should request this sacrament. Confession ordinarily proceeds receiving the sacrament of the sick, Call the church office at 626-4492 or the contact number for emergencies only. Adult Confirmation, Adult Baptism (RCIA), and Adult Reception into Full Communion with the Church: If you, a family member, or a friend has not received the sacrament of confirmation, or are interested in being baptized into the Faith, or received into full communion with the Church, please contact the Pastor. Process will be discerned on an individual basis based on preparedness. Please Support Our Local Parish Businesses! FRENCHTOWN MINI STORAGE Secure Storage We have 5x5, 5x10, 8x10, 10x10 & 10x20, and outdoor storage 626-5450 L & T Honey & Eggs Local Honey and Fresh Eggs Can deliver or you can pick up. Call 626-4672 to order yours today! Brian Damaskos Owner-Operator Professional Application AAA PEST CONTROL We Aim To Kill Bugs 541-2847 Catholics Care. Catholics Vote. Form your conscience. In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops urge Catholics to form their consciences through being open to truth, studying Scripture and Church teaching, examining facts and background information, and prayerful reflection (no. 18). Visit www.faithfulcitizenship.org to learn about the steps you can take to form your conscience, watch videos and access other great resources on conscience formation for faithful citizens. Join Bishop George Leo Thomas and Bishop Michael W. Warfel for the fourth Affirming the Culture of Life Conference on September 9-10, 2016 at the Helena Civic Center. Listen to inspiring talks from keynote speaker Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston; Camille Pauley, the President and co-founder of Healing the Culture; Sen. Colby Coash, a conservative member of the Nebraska state senate who led the effort to repeal the state’s death penalty; and Dr. John Bruchalski, a former abortionist turned pro-life OB/GYN. For more information and to register, contact Montana Catholic Conference at 406-442-5761 or via email at [email protected]. John Spangler -Attorney -Estate Planning -Probate -Wills and Trust -Real Estate and Business Organization Superior 822-3440 MONTANA PREFERRED PROPERTIES George Sherwood, Broker Cell: 239-0695 [email protected] www.HotMontanaHomes.com Commercial and Residential 16840 Beckwith, Frenchtown, MT 59834 Ph. 626-4555 Fax 626-1740 K.C. Sullivan, LLC Income tax preparation Payroll services Bookkeeping service PO Box 37 Superior, MT 59872 822-4727 H & M Rental hh L. L. C. 4-Plex Rentals Available 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom units in N.W. Missoula Mary Murray & Mike Denman Home: 406-626-5889 Cell: 406-360-9200 Double “E” Construction Quality New Home Construction and Remodels Ed E. Yarnall 239-6233 FRENCHTOWN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT We manage rentals in Frenchtown, Huson, and Alberton. 626-5450