Jump Start Brochure Final
Jump Start Brochure Final
A Sampling of our Jump Start with the Arts ARTIST ROSTER Lea Morris *Mark Jaster Class Acts Arts (CAA) envisions a shared community where the transformational power of the Arts is an essential part of daily life. To accomplish this, we engage local communities to create interactive arts experiences that inspire learning. We bring the Arts to people where they are. CAA was founded in 1995 in response to the demand for high quality, ethnically diverse cultural arts programs in our schools. Today, we reach hundreds of t h o u s a n d s o f p a r t i c i p a n t s e a c h y e a r w i t h performances, workshops and residencies taught by our carefully vetted and well trained journeymen and master teaching artists who open doors to different cultures and learning experiences. The Grandson’s Jr. Andrés Salguero *RC Dance Discovery *Anansegromma -‐ solo or duo *DinoRock www.ClassActsArts.org Class Acts Arts 700 Roeder Rd, 1st Fl. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Carpe Diem Arts presents multi-‐generational and multi-‐cultural community events, concerts and performance series, summer arts and language immersion camps, after-‐school programs, workshops and residencies, collaborating with master teaching artists to create opportunities for all ages to participate in the visual, literary and performing arts: building community, strengthening education and celebrating diversity. www.CarpeDiemArts.org For more information about Jump Start with the Arts *Baba Jamal Koram Wendy Lanxner A project of Class Acts Arts and Carpe Diem Arts *These artists are represented by Class Acts Arts. please contact Michelle Mosher: 301-‐395-‐2563 [email protected] or Busy Graham: 301-‐466-‐0183 [email protected] PUBLIC PERFORMANCES ARTS OUTREACH PROGRAMS TEACHER & PARENT WORKSHOPS Jump Start Arts Outreach Public Performances Jump Start provides arts education programs led by professional master teaching artists to nursery schools, daycare facilities, Head Start programs and other early learning centers throughout the national capital region. Programs include performances for assemblies and artists in residence. Baba Jamal Koram The selection of artists on our roster is based on artistic excellence and proven ability to connect successfully with pre-‐school age audiences, as well as educators and parents. This series features a different performer each month and is co-‐presented by Silver Spring Day School, with sponsorship support from Meg Finn and the Finn Family Group, Music Together Montgomery, and El Golfo Restaurant. Jump Start with the Arts is an early childhood arts enrichment program presented through a partnership of Class Acts Arts and Carpe Diem Arts. Children are free -‐-‐ and the $5 cover for adults includes a free drink or dessert! 15% of all food and drink sales beneWits the Jump Start Arts Outreach Program. The goal is to provide a jump-‐start to healthy and joyful social and cognitive development in the early stages of learning and to provide young children with memorable, educational, developmentally appropriate, and culturally diverse experiences through the Arts. For more information, please visit www.CarpeDiemArts.org/Jump-Start-with-the-Arts Wendy Lanxner Teacher & Parent Workshops Another key component of Jump Start is the facilitation of staff development, teacher training and parent workshops, providing teachers and parents with tools, resources, and creative ideas to implement in both classrooms and homes, thereby enhancing the quality of children’s education and development as life-‐ long learners. Jump Start with the Arts Morning Matinee Series at Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring Co-‐presented with Silver Spring Nursery School, this series is held on weekday mornings at UUCSS. Other preschools, homeschool groups, and members of the community are invited to attend. Visit www.CarpeDiemArts.org for schedule