saq arT vel os ind ust riul i memk vidr eob a WiaT ur a-zest af on i-foT is ind ust riul i wred i INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE OF GEORGIA CHIATURA-ZESTAFONI-POTI INDUSTRIAL CIRCUIT avtorebi: nano zazanaSvili, levan kalandariSvili redaqtori: ana mirianaSvili Targmani: sofo hendersoni, ilia vaCeiSvili, manana lataria fotoebi da ruka: nikoloz mWedliZe publikaciaSi gamoyenebulia saqarTvelos erovnuli arqivis, WiaTuris „jorjian manganezis“ muzeumis, foTis kolxuri kulturis muzeumis da iura nadiraZis pirad arqivSi daculi masala. dizaini da dakabadoneba: maka comaia gamomcemeli: qarTvel arqiteqtorTa instituti Tbilisi 2015 © saqarTvelos kulturuli memkvidreobis dacvis erovnuli saagento publikacia momzadebulia saqarTvelos kulturuli memkvidreobis erovnuli saagentos mier dafinansebuli proeqtis `saqarTvelos industriuli memkvidreobis pirveladi kvleva WiaTura-zestafoni-foTis industriuli wredis magaliTze“ farglebSi. Authors: Nano Zazanashvili, Levan Kalandarishvili Editing: Ana Mirianashvili Translation: Sopo Henderson, Ilia Vacheishvili, Manana Lataria Photography and Map: Nikoloz Mchedlidze The publication uses materials preserved in the collections of the Georgian National Archive, Georgian Manganese Museum in Chiatura, Poti Museum of Colchian Culture and the private collection of Jura Nadiradze. Layout Design: Maka Tsomaia Editor: Institute of Georgian Architects Tbilisi 2015 © National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia The publication is done within a frame of the project “Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti Industrial Circuit” financed by the National Agency of Cultural Heritage of Georgia ISBN 978-9941-0-8125-5 avtorebi gaweuli daxmarebisaTvis gansakuTrebul madlobas uxdian saqarTvelos erovnuli arqivis TanamSromlebs: maia mindiaSvils, Tamar loxiSvils, anton vaWaraZes, nino ZanZavas, qeTi sadagiSvils, „jorjian manganezis“ xelmZRvanelobas: merab lominaZes, dimitri yifians, TanamSromlebs: simon axraxaZes, uCa kokoCaSvils, vasil gvelesians, dito mumlaZes, amiran iobaSvils, leri kekenaZes, marina kobaxiZes, merab baZgaraZes, WiaTuris „jorjian manganezis“ muzeumis direqtors, celina mesxs; WiaTuris municipalitetis gamgeobis sivrciTi mowyo bis zedamxedvelobis, arqiteqturisa da mSeneblobis samsaxuris ufross, daviT maWavarians; zestafonis mxareTmcodneobis muzeumis TanamSromlebs: Tamar arabiZes, malxaz maWavarians; foTis kolxuri kulturis muzeumis direqtors, elene gablians da mecnier-TanamSromel izolda gvilavas; didi jixaiSis niko nikolaZis saxelobis saxl-muzeumis direqtors, lia bibileiSvils, aseve, nino CaCxians, ana margvelaSvils, gvanca nikolaiSvils, mariam kapanaZes, murTaz jafariZes, jaba kontriSvils, nukri tuRuSs, eka kaxels, Temur wiwilaSvils, andro robaqiZes, liza mumlaZes, giorgi nikolaiSvils, Suqri grigalaSvils, iura nadiraZes. Authors extend their special thanks for the assistance provided during the project implementation to the staff members of the Georgian National Archive: Maia Mindiashvili, Tamar Lokhishvili, Anton Vacharadze, Nino Dzandzava, Keti Sadagishvili; to the executives and staff members of the Georgian Manganese: Merab Lominadze, Dimitri Kipiani, Simon Akhrakhadze, Ucha Kokochashvili, Vasil Gvelesiani, Dito Mumladze, Amiran Iobashvili, Leri Kekenadze, Marina Kobakhidze, Merab Badzgaradze, GM Museum Director Tselina Meskhi; head of Chiatura Municipality Spatial Organization Supervision and Architectural and Construction Services Unit David Machavariani; Zestafoni Local Museum staff members Tamar Arabidze, Malkhaz Machavariani; director of Poti Museume of Colchian Culture Elene Gabliani and scientific researcher Izolda Gvilava; Director of Niko Nikoladze’s Memorial Museum Lia Bibileishvili and also to Nino Tchachkhiani, Ana Margvelashvili, Gvantsa Nikolaishvili, Mariam Kapanadze, Murtaz Japaridze, Jaba Kontrishvili, Nukri Tugushi, Eka Kakheli, Temur Tsitsilashvili, Andro Robakidze, Giorgi Nikolaishvili, Shukri Grigalashvili, Iura Nadiradze and Liza Mumladze. 3 win as ity vaob a Sua saukuneebSi, vaWrobisa da komerciuli urTierTobebis inovaciurma ganviTarebam me18 saukunis miwurulisTvis manufaqturuli warmoebis swrafi zrda da socialuri, teqni kuri da ekonomikuri cvlilebebi ganapiroba. industriulma revoluciam adamianTa yofis yvela sferoze moaxdina gavlena da is Zireulad gardaqmna. dRes am cvlilebaTa materia luri gamovlinebebi sayovelTao faseulobas warmoadgens da Seswavlisa da dacvis saga nia. industriuli memkvidreobis mniSvneloba saerTaSoriso doneze farTod aris gaazrebu li. maTi kvleva, movla-patronoba, adaptacia da konservacia araerTi qveynis kulturuli cxovrebisa da kvleviTi saqmianobis prioritets warmoadgens. saqarTvelos mdidari kulturuli memkvidreoba Rrmad da safuZvlianad aris Seswavli li sxvadasxva mimarTulebiT, Tumca qveynis industriuli memkvidreoba jerac profesiuli interesis miRma rCeba. samwuxarod, is arqiteqturuli Tu sainJinro Senoba-nagebobebi da maTTan dakavSirebuli warmoebis formebi, romlebic me-19 da me-20 sakuneebis saqarTveloSi industriuli daniSnulebiT iqmneboda, dRemde Seufasebelia da sistemuri Seswavlis sagans ar warmoadgens. Tvalsawiers miRmaa darCenili mniSvnelovani obieqtebi, romlebic qveynis ekonomikuri, teqnologiuri Tu socialuri cvlilebis anareklia. winamdebare publikacia mokrZalebuli mcdelobaa WiaTura-zestafoni-foTis indus triuli wredis magaliTze gamokveTos saqarTvelos industriuli memkvidreobis mniSvne loba, faseuloba da zogadi kvleviTi mimarTulebebi, im imediT, rom TandaTan gaizrdeba Temisadmi interesi da is siRrmiseuli Seswavlis sagani gaxdeba, faseuli da Rirebuli obieqtebi ki ukvalod ar gaqreba da momavali TaobebisaTvis samudamod ar daikargeba. Ses av al i me-19 saukuneSi WiaTuris manganumis madnis aRmoCenam didi gavlena iqonia imereTis regio nis sivrciT da ekonomikur ganviTarebaze, biZgi misca saqarTveloSi axali qalaqebis, satran sporto kavSirebisa da samrewvelo dargebis Seqmnas. manganumis mrewvelobis ganviTrebis pir velive wlebSi foTis navsadgurma mniSvnelovani satranzito funqcia SeiZina. 1930-ian wlebSi zestafonis feroSenadnobTa qarxnis mSeneblobiT ki Seikra WiaTura-zestafoni-foTis indus triuli wredi, romelsac qveynis ekonomikaSi erT-erTi mniSvnelovani adgili dResac ukavia. 4 PREFACE The innovative development of the trade and commercial relationships in the Middle Ages set the conditions for the fast increase of the manufacturing production and caused social, technical and economic changes at the end of the 18th century. The industrial revolution had influenced and basically transformed every aspect of life. Today, the material expressions of these changes represent universal value and are the subject of study and protection. The importance of the Industrial heritage is widely acknowledged internationally. Its research, stewardship, adaptation and conservation is a priority for many countries’ cultural life and scientific work. Georgia’s rich cultural heritage is studied in depth and extensively, though the country’s industrial heritage continues to stay beyond the professional interest. Unfortunately, this architectural or engineering structures and the related forms of production which were created with industrial purposes in the 19th and 20th centuries in Georgia, to this day, are not systematically studied and evaluated. These significant structures which are the reflections of the economical, technical and social changes of the country are left beyond the scope. This publication is a humble attempt to outline the significance and value of the Georgia’s industrial heritage and its general research directions on the example of Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti Industrial Circuit. We hope that interest about this theme will gradually increase and will become a subject for fundemental research, valuable and precious structures will not disappear without a trace and will not be lost forever to the future generations. INTRODUCTION The discovery of manganese ore in Chiatura in the 19th century greatly affected the spatial and economic development of Imereti region. It gave a new stimulus to the foundation of new cities, creation of new transport links and industrial fields in Georgia. In the first few years of developing the manganese industry, the port of Poti acquired a significant transit function. By building Zestafoni’s ferroalloy factory in the 1930s, the circuit of Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti was tied, which still holds one of the most important places in country’s current economy. Industrial heritage unites industrial culture’s those material manifestations which contain historical, technological, social, architectural and scientific values. In our initial research, we were stinted by research of social and transport infrastructure of those sites of Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti Industrial Circuit’s which follow basic industrial directions (mining production, black metallurgy). We attempted as far as possible to detect a number of valuable sites which were connected with the 5 industriuli memkvidreoba aerTianebs industriuli kulturis im materialur gamovli nebebs, romelTac istoriuli, teqnologiuri, socialuri, arqiteqturuli da mecnieruli Rirebuleba aqvs.1 winaswari kvlevis farglebSi SemovifargleT WiaTura-zestafoni-foTis industriuli wre dis ZiriTadi samrewvelo mimarTulebebis (samTamadno warmoeba, Savi metalurgia) sawarmoebis, maTi socialuri da satransporto infrastruqturis SeswavliT. SevecadeT, SeZlebisdagva rad gamogvevlina manganumis madnis mopovebasTan, mis Semdgom gadamuSavebasa da gadazidvas Tan dakavSirebuli zogierTi Rirebuli obieqti. Cveni interesis arealSi moeqca: maRaroebi, fabrika-qarxnebi, muSaTa sacxovrebeli ubnebi da maTi momsaxurebisa da kulturis obieqtebi, satransporto saSualebebi, produqciis transportirebasTan dakavSirebuli obieqtebiT. kvlevis am etapze SedarebiT detalurad iqna Seswavlili manganumis mrewvelobis ganvi Tarebis istoria, samrewvelo procesis specifika da masTan dakavSirebuli sainJinro, sat ransporto da samrewvelo obieqtebi. Temis Seswavlisas, vixelmZRvaneleT savele samuSaos Sedegad Segrovebuli masaliT, saarqivo dokumentebiTa da dargobrivi literaturuli wyaroebiT. Tumca, aqve unda aR vniSnoT, rom kvlevisas gamokveTili Rirebuli obieqtebis srulfasovani SeswavlisTvis unda gagrZeldes rogorc savele, ise saarqivo samuSaoebi. WiaTura. 1873-1876 Chiatura. 1873-1876 1. The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage, TICCIH, 2003 6 extraction, refining and transportation of the manganese ore. The area of our interest included: mines, factories, housing for workers, neighborhoods and their service and culture structures, means of transport and product transportation related structures. At this stage of the research, relatively detailed study of the history of development of manganese mining industry, the specifics of the manufacturing process and related engineering, transportation and industry structures was done. For the study of the subject, we leaned on materials collected during the field work, archive documents and sectoral literature sources. However, we should note that for comprehensive study of the outlined valuable sites the field as well as archive work should be continued. The research area is vast and combines not a single but many interesting directions and aspects. Due to limited timeframe, a lot of issues remain outside of our attention which requires further study and analysis. WiaTura me-20 saukunis dasawyisSi Chiatura in the beginning of 20th century 7 WiaT ur a CHIATURA manganumis sabados aRmoCena da mrewvelobis ganviTareba evropelma mecnierebma qimiuri elementis _ manganumis2 mecnieruli Seswavla me-18 sauku neSi daiwyes. eqsperimentebma da kvlevebma maleve gamoaaSkaraves misi Tvisebebi da sargeb lianoba metalurgiul warmoebaSi. me-19 saukuneSi manganumis gamoyeneba feradi liTonebis SemadgelobaSi, aseve foladisa da Tujis Tvisebebis gasaumjobeseblad, aqtiurad daiwyo. am garemoebam manganumze moTxovnilebis zrda ganapiroba da axali sabadoebis moZiebas da damuSavebas Seuwyo xeli. WiaTuris manganumis sabados aRmoCena germaneli geologis, kavkasiis cnobili mkvlevris vilhelm herman abixis (1806-1886) saxels ukavSirdeba. 1846 wels man aRmoaCina da Seiswavla manganumis sabado WiaTura-saCxeres midamoebSi. swored abixma miawoda kavkasiis imdroindel mefisnacval mixeil voroncovs pirveli cnobebi imereTis midamoebSi maRali xarisxis manga numis sabados arsebobis Sesaxeb.3 sabados geologiuri Seswavla misi Semdgomi damuSavebis Tvis mogvianebiT, me-19 saukunis samocdaaTian wlebSi cnobili qarTveli mwerlisa da poetis akaki wereTlis (1840-1915) uSualo iniciativiT gagrZelda. akaki wereTlis TxovniT, geologma da mkvlevarma spiridon simonoviCma (1845-1905) 1872-73 wlebSi xelaxla, safuZvlianad Seiswav la saCxere-WiaTuris midamoebi. am gamokvlevebis safuZvelze 1876-77 wlebSi akaki wereTelma madnis mopoveba daiwyo soflebis _ zeda rgansa da mRvimevs Soris.4 madnis gadazidvasTan dakavSirebulma sirTuleebma poets wamowyebis warmatebiT dasrulebaSi xeli SeuSala, Tumca man ucxouri kompaniebisa da adgilobrivi mrewvelebis daintereseba SeZlo da qarTuli man ganumis madnis warmoebas gza gaukvala, romelic imxanad swrafad ikrebda Zalas. warmoebis swraf ganviTarebas xels uwyobda sabados damuSavebis xelsayreli pirobebi, mopovebuli madnis maRali xarisxi da dasavleT evropis qveyenebsa da amerikis SeerTebul StatebSi swrafad mzardi foladis warmoeba. me-19 saukunis miwuruls, ruseTis imperiaSi metalurgiuli da qimiuri warmoeba sustad iyo ganviTarebuli. manganumze mcired moT xovnas uralisa da nikopolis (ukraina) sabadoebic akmayofilebdnen, qarTuli manganumi ki umetesad saeqsportod iyo gankuTvnili. qarTul madans moixmarda inglisi, germania, saf rangeTi, belgia, avstria-ungreTi, aSS da sxv.5 qarTul madans iyenebdnen iseTi msxvili me 1. 3. 4. 5. periodul presasa da literaturaSi cnobilia aseve saxelwodebebiT: Savi qva, qva-gunda, manganezi, marganeci. vl. WaniSvili, manganumis madnis mrewvelobis ganviTareba saqarTveloSi, Tbilisi, 1960, gv. 91-96 vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 125-123 WiaTura-zestafonis samrewvelo kvanZi, saqarTvelos mecnierebaTa akademiis vaxuSti bagrationis saxelobis geografiis institutis SromaTa krebuli c. ianqoSvilis redaqtorobiT, Tbilisi, 1973, gv. 139 10 THE DISCOVERY OF MANGANESE ORE AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT The European scientists started scientific study of the chemical element manganese in the beginning of the18th century. The experiments and researches soon revealed its charachteristics and effectiveness in metallurgy. The use of manganese in enriching of ferrous metals, as well as in improving the characteristics of steel and cast iron started actively in the 19th century. This circumstance caused the increased demand in manganese, and helped exploration and processing of new ores. The discovery of the Chiatura mine is attributed to a German geologist, a famous researcher of the Caucasus Wilhelm Hermann von Abich (1806-1886). In 1846, he founded and studied the manganese ore in the vicinities of Chiatura and Sachkhere. Abich gave the first proofs of existence of high quality manganese ores in the Imereti to the Emperors’s governor in the Caucasus Michael Vorontsov. The geological study of the ores for its further processing later, in the 1870s was continued by the direct initiative of the famous Georgian writer and poet Akaki Tsereteli (1840-1915). Upon his request a geologist and researcher Spiridon Simonovich (1845-1905), in the years of 1872-73, profoundly studied Sachkhere-Chiatura vicinities. Based on the results of this research, in the years of 1876-77, Akaki Tsereteli started ore mining between the villages of Upper Rgani and Mgvimevi. The difficulties connected with the ore transportation prevented the poet from successful completion of his initiative, however, he was able to concern foreign companies and local entrepreneurs and paved a road to the Georgian manganese exploitation which at that time was quickly gaining the strength. The fast development of production was supported by the ores convenient conditions, the high quality of the deposits and rapidly rising production of steel in west European countries and USA. In the end of 19th century Russian Empire metallurgical and chemical industry was weak. The low demand for manganese was fully satisfied by Ural and Nikopolis (Ukraine) mines, and Georgian manganese was mainly intended for export. Georgian ore deposits were utilized by England, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria-Hungary, USA etc. The Georgian manganese were utilized by large metallurgical factories like the American company Bethlehem Steel Corporation, German Krupp, Italian ILVA etc. Despite many difficulties, from the first day of functioning of these mines, until the beginning of the World War I, the extraction of deposits and its export were stably increasing and reached its peak in 1913. In the year of 1900, 661,000 tons while in 1913, 966,000 tons of manganese were extracted from the Chiatura mine. Between the years of 1910-14, 788,000 tons were being exported to the world market. In 1913, Georgia was the main exporter of manganese ore _ Georgia supplied 50% of the world’s ore. World War I and the closing of the Dardanelles strait abruptly stopped the peak of industry. The world demand for ore was tangibly decreased that also lessened the extraction process. It was also accompanied with a difficult domestic political situation. As a result in 1921 the production of manganese completely stopped. The new stage of Georgian manganese production starts after the sovietization of the country. In the first year of Georgia’s annexation, by the decree of the revolutionary committee, the mines were nationalized. In 1925, Chiatura production by concession agreement was transferred to the American politician and entrepreneur, W. Averell Harriman (1891-1986) for twenty years. With this contract, Harriman monopolized the entire industry from extraction 11 talurgiuli sawarmooebi, rogorebic iyo amerikuli beTlem stil korporeiSeni (Bethlehem Steel Corporation), germanuli krupi (Krupp), italiuri ilva (ILVA) da sxv.6 araerTi sirTulis miuxedavad, sabados damuSavebis dRidan pirveli msoflio omis daw yebamde, madnis amoReba da eqsporti stabilurad izrdeboda da Tavis zenits 1913 wels miaRwia. 1900 wels WiaTuris sabadodan 661 aTasi tona, xolo 1913 wels 966 aTasi tona man ganumis madani iqna mopovebuli. 1910-14 wlebSi saerTaSoriso bazarze wliurad saSualod 788 tona igzavneboda. 1913 wlisTvis saqarTvelo manganumis madnis pirveli umsxvilesi eq sportiori qveyana iyo _ madnis msoflio eqsportis 50% saqarTveloze modioda.7 pirvelma msoflio omma da dardanelis srutis gadaketvam uecrad SeaCera zenitSi myofi mrewveloba. madanze saerTaSoriso moTxovnilebam sagrZnoblad iklo, ramac TandaTanobiT madnis mopovebac Seamcira. amas Tan axlda rTuli Sidapolitikuri viTareba. Sedegad 1921 wlisTvis manganumis madnis warmoeba mTlianad Sewyda. qarTuli manganumis warmoebis axali etapi qveynis gasabWoebis Semdeg iwyeba. saqarTve los aneqsiis pirvelive wels, revoluciuri komitetis dadgenilebiT, manganumis madnis sawarmoebi nacionalizebul iqna. 1925 wels ki WiaTuris warmoeba koncesiis wesiT amerikel politikossa da mrewvels, uiliam averel harimans (1891-1986) (W. Averell Harriman) oci wliT gadaeca. am xelSekrulebiT harimanma monopolia moipova rogorc madnis mopovebis, aseve misi eqsportis saqmeze, raSic manamde araerTi qarTveli Tu ucxoeli mrewveli da kompania iyo CarTuli. harimans fexze unda daeyenebina Cavardnili warmoeba, Tumca misi saqmianoba WiaTuraSi warumatebeli aRmoCnda. xelSekruleba 1928 wels gauqmda da manganumis warmoe ba mTlianad saxelmwifos xelSi gadavida. amave wels komunisturi partiis dadgenilebiT amoqmedda pirveli xuTwliani ekonomikuri ganviTarebis gegma, romelic qveynis swraf in dustrializacias isaxavda miznad. Zireuli cvlilebebi WiaTuris manganumis mrewvelobasac Seexo. pirvel xuTwledSi (1928-1932) daiwyo zestafonis feroSenadnobTa qarxnis mSeneb lobac, romelic dRemde WiaTuris manganumis madnis erT-erTi ZiriTadi momxmarebelia. am periodidan gaizarda madnis warmoeba da Sida eqsporti, paralelurad qarTuli manganumi kvlavac inarCunebda adgils saerTaSoriso bazarze. 1990-iani wlebis politikurma da ekonomikurma gardatexam warmoeba kidev erTxel daa yena rTuli gamowvevebis winaSe. moiSala sawarmoo infrastruqtura: miwisqveSa gvirabebi, fabrikebi da maTi damxmare Senoba-nagebobebi, satvirTo sabagiro gzebi da a.S. 2006 wlidan sabados marTvas axorcielebs „jorjian manganezi“, romelic „WiaTurmanganu mis“, zestafonis feroSenadnobTa qarxnis da varcixis hidroeleqtro sadguris mflobelicaa. 6. 7. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 404 WiaTura-zestafonis samrewvelo... gv. 85 12 to export which previously many Georgian and foreign entrepreneurs and companies were involved. Harriman was supposed to restore the fallen production, though his work in Chiatura was unsuccessful. The contract was terminated in 1928 and the entire production was assumed by the government. That same year, the Communist Party enacted it’s first five years economic plan which was supposed to develop the country’s economy quickly. Basic changes also affected the Chiatura industry. In the first “five-year plan” (1928-1932) Zestafonis ferroalloy factory construction started, which up-to-date continues to be Chiatura’s Manganese ore’s main user. From this period on, the production of manganese and its internal export increased in paralel, the Georgian manganese still kept its place on the international market. The political and economical turmoil of the early 1990s forced the production to face difficult challenges again. The production infrastructure was deteriorated: underground tunnels, factories with utility buildings, freight pathways etc. From the year of 2006, the management of the mines is executed by Georgian Manganese Holding Limited which is the owner of “Chiatura Manganese,” Zestafoni’s ferroalloy factory and Vartsikhe hydroelectric station. WiaTura. maRaros muSebi karieris win Chiatura. Workers in front of carrier 13 manganumis sabados areali da qalaqi WiaTura WiaTura-saCxeres manganumis sabado zemo imereTSi, mdinare yvirilas SuawelSi mdeba reobs. sabados auzis farTobi 78,5 kvadratuli kilometria,8 romlis areali mdinare yvi rilas da sxva xeobebiT aris daserili. yvirilas xeobiT areali or ZiriTad nawilad iyo fa. Crdilo-aRmosavleT nawilSi moqceulia rganis, Tabagrebis, mRvimevis, darkveTis, zeda rganis, bunikauris, xolo samxreT-aRmosavleTiT _ iTxvisis, SuqruTis da perevisas zegnebi. zegnebze maRaroebi da sacxovrebeli ubnebia ganlagebuli, xeobis ZirSi ki _ madnis gamam didrebeli fabrikebi. qalaqi WiaTura am samrewvelo arealis centria, romelic mdinare yvirilas orive sanapirozea gawolili. landSaftisa da sacxovrebeli ubnebis xasiaTi, xeo bebsa da zegnebze gabneuli samrewvelo obieqtebisa da satransporto infrastruqturis qseli did arealze gadaWimul, rTul, urTierTgadajaWvul ganaSenianebul sistemas qmnis. tyeSi Cafluli xeobebi malaven Zvel wolxvrelebs,9 sarkinigzo gvirabebs, mamdidrebeli fabrikebis naSTebs, romelebic cnobismoyvare mkvlevars jer kidev elodeba. WiaTura Chiatura 8. iqve, gv. 38 9. wolxvreli igive Stolni _ horizontaluri an odnav daqanebuli gvirabi, romelic uSualod dedamiwis zedapirze gamodis da miwisqveSa samTo samuSaoTa momsaxurebisaTvis aris gankuTvnili. 14 MANGANESE MINE AREA AND THE CITY OF CHIATURA Chiatura-Sachkhere manganese mine is located in Upper Imereti, in river Kvirila’s middle stream. It’s basin is 78.5 sq. km which is broken by the area of Kvirila River and other gorges. Kvirila Gorge’s area is split in two main parts. In the northeastern part, there are Rgani, Tabagrebi, Mgvimevi, Darkveti, Upper Rgani, Bunikauri, while in the southeast, there are Itkhvisi, Shukruti and Perevisa highlands. The mines and living quarters are situated on the highlands, while in the gorge’s bed the processing plants are located. The city of Chiatura is in the center of this industrial area stripped alongside the both banks of the river Kvirila. The character of the landscape and the living quarters, industrial structures and transport networks are stretched on gorges and highlands, it creates a difficult and mutually interconnected settled system. The canyons covered by wood hide the old mines, railway tunnels, enrichment factories’ remains, which are still awaiting inquisitive scholars. With manganese industry development, Chiatura village of Shorapani sub-district, in the meantime became the mining industry center. Chiatura was the first ore collection point where the loaders, mining workers, and the local residents were gathering. With the growth of the residents and the factory workers, the social and communal problems also were increasing those to be solved. The entrepreneurs partnerships, in parallel with solving the problems occurred during the ore processing, were trying with more or less success to deal with above mentioned issues. With the initiative of the “Entrepreneurs Convent” which was presided by Giorgi Zdanovich (1854-1917), the Chiatura’s public school, bathhouse, hospital, sunday school, theater were built and a cheap restaurant was opened etc. With the initiative of the entrepreneurs, a central electric station, water and sewage systems, electrical lighting and telephone networks were built. The more Chiatura was acquiring the image of the city, the more discussion regarding the city governance system introduction was taking the place. Finally, in the year of 1917 Chiatura was declared as a city. The settlement on the right slope of the river Kvirila is covered with twisty network of up-grades. This part of the city still accompanied with the charm of spontaneous settlements. The hillside of the left bank is more filled with “European manner” urban development. Here the trace of the entrepreneurs activities is still noticeable. A focused eye will not miss the two-storied former polyclinic surrounded by old trees and flora (David Aghmashenebeli str., #10). It was built by the help of “Entrepreneurs Convent” in 1897 and later in 1904 was altered by the second story. The square building has a Latin “t” form. The polygonal stonework of the facade of the first story indicates that it was built earlier. The plastered facade of the building’s second story, the small iron railing of the balcony over the main entrance, and a vast vestibule with wide stairs is solved in Art Nouveau styl. On the west façade side the building is ended with two-storied semi-circled bay window. This historical building is now without a function, and without a proper maintenance is decaying. 15 manganumis mrewvelobis ganviTarebis kvaldakval, Sorapnis mazris sofeli WiaTura dro Ta ganmavlobaSi samTamadno mrewvelobis centrad iqca. WiaTura iyo mopovebuli madnis pirveli Semkrebi punqti, sadac Tavs iyridnen madnis mtvirTavebi, maRaros muSebi, mkvid ri mosaxleoba. mosaxleobisa da warmoebaSi dasaqmebuli muSebis raodenobis zrdasTan erTad izrdeboda komunaluri Tu sayofacxovrebo problemebi, romlebic mogvarebas sa Wiroebdnen. mrewvelTa amxanagobebi da gaerTianebebi, warmoebis procesSi Seqmnili siZne leebis mogvarebis paralelurad, met-naklebi warmatebiT aRniSnuli sakiTxebis gadaWras cdilobdnen. „mrewvelTa yrilobis“ iniciativiT, romelsac wlebis ganmavlobaSi giorgi zdanoviCi (1854-1917) Tavmjdomareobda, aSenda WiaTuris saqalaqo saswavleblis Senoba, abano, saavadmyofo, sakvirao skola, Teatri, gaixsna iaffasiani sasadilo muSebisaTvis da sxv.10 mrewvelTa iniciativiT aSenda centraluri eleqtrosadguri, gaiyvanes wyalsadeni da kanalizacia, eleqtroganaTebisa da satelefono qseli.11 rac ufro metad emsgavsebo da WiaTura qalaqur dasaxlebas, miT ufro xSirad ganixileboda WiaTuraSi qalaqis tipis mmarTvelobiTi sistemis SemoRebis sakiTxi. sabolood WiaTura qalaqad 1917 wels gamoc xadda. mdinare yvirilas marjvena sanapiros ferdobze Sefenili ganaSenianeba daklaknili aR marTebiTaa daqselili. qalaqis am nawils spontanuri ganaSenianebis xibli dRemde mohyve ba. marcxena sanapiros ferdobi „evropuli yaidis“ Senoba-nagebobebiT metadaa gajerebu li. aq mrewvelTa saqmianobis kvali jerac ikiTxeba. dakvirvebul Tvals ar gamoepareba parkiT garSemortymuli, mravalwlovan ucxo xe-mcenareebSi Cafluli yofili poliklini kis orsarTuliani Senoba (daviT aRmaSeneblis quCa #10), romelic „mrewvelTa yrilobis“ daxmarebiT 1897 wels augiaT, mogvianebiT _ 1904 wels gaufarToebiaT da meore sarTuli dauSenebiaT.12 sworkuTxa Senobas laTinuri t-s forma aqvs. pirveli sarTulis fasadis poligonaluri qvis wyoba mis adreul periodze mianiSnebs. Senobis meore sarTulis nalesi fasadi, Zir Tadi Sesasvlelis Tavze ganlagebuli mcire zomis aivnis Weduri moajiri da vrceli ves tibiuli farTo kibis ujrediT iugendstilSia (Jugendstil) gadawyvetili. dasavleT fasadis mxares Senoba orive sarTulis simaRleze naxevarwriuli erkeriT bolovdeba. es istoriu li Senoba dRes ufunqciod, movla-patronobis gareSe darCenili nadgurdeba. 10. 11. 12. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 265 iqve, gv. 379 Savi oqros qalaqi, Tbilisi, 1979, gv. 95 16 WiaTura. yofili poliklinikis Senoba. 2015 Chiatura. Former polyclinic building. 2015 17 madnis mopoveba manganumis madnis saboloo sasaqonlo produqtis misaRebad saWiro sawarmoo proce si urTierTdakavSirebul, Tumca, teqnologiuri TvalsazrisiT, gansxvavebul samuSaoebs moicavs. igi aerTianebs sabados damuSavebis, madnis amoRebisa da misi gamdidrebis eta pebs. Tavdapirvelad madans Ria karieruli wesiT moipovebdnen, magram ararentabelurobis gamo is maleve Seicvala mopovebis miwisqveSa meTodebiT. Ria karieruli wesiT mopoveba mxolod 1952 wels ganaxlda13 da dReisTvis ufro farTod aris gavrcelebuli. Tavdapirvelad madnis mopoveba primitiuli meTodebiT xdeboda. es exeba rogorc ma Raros mowyobasa da madnis mopovebis meTodebs, aseve gamoyenebul samuSao iaraRebsa da madnis miwis zedapirze zidvis process. Tavidan madnis Semcvel qans weraqvebiT angrev dnen, niCbebis daxmarebiT urikebze tvirTavdnen da xeliT ezidebodnen miwis zedapirze. madans fuWi qanisgan iqve acalkevebdnen da Semdeg sapalneebiTa da saWapno transportiT meurmeebsa da Calvadrebs (wylis mzidavebs) rkinigzis sadguramde gadahqondaT. warmoebis ganviTarebis kvaldakval TandaTan viTardeboda madnis mopovebis, zidvisa da gamdidrebis teqnologiebi. sawarmoo procesis swori meqanizacia madnis mopovebis temps zrdida da saboloo sasaqonlo produqtis fasis Semcirebas uwyobda xels, rac aucilebe li iyo saerTaSoriso bazarze konkurentunarianobis SesanarCuneblad. ukve me-19 saukunis miwuruls zogierT maRaroSi madans urikebis nacvlad relsebze moZravi vagonetebiT ezi debodnen, romlis gamwev Zalad cxenebs iyenebdnen.14 cnobili mrewveli da sazogado moR vawe niko RoRoberiZe (1838-1911) pirveli iyo, vinc 1886 wels rganis maRaroSi 120 metriani rkinis relsebi daago da mongreul madans rkinis vagonetebis meSveobiT ezidebodnen.15 madnis ZiriTad satvirTo gzamde da mamdidrebel fabrikebTan Casazidad meqanikuri Ca saSvebi mowyobilobebi gamoiyeneboda. magaliTad, darkveTis maRaroSi, romelsac frang mrewvelTa gaerTianeba „darkveTi“ uwevda eqspluatacias, mowyobili iyo 270 metris sig rZis bremsbergi.16 1900 wlisTvis orliandagiani bremsbergi funqcionirebda mRvimevis maRaroSic, romlis sigrZe 350 metrs Seadgenda da a.S. madnis sazidad gamoiyeneboda pri mitiuli Rarebic. 1913 wlisTvis WiaTuraSi 24 meqanikuri CamosaSvebi yofila mowyobili.17 13. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 536 14. iqve, gv. 299-301 15. iqve, gv. 134 16. mowyobiloba, romelic tvirTis daxril zedapirze gadasazidad gamoiyeneba. 17. iqve, gv. 216-217 18 THE EXTRACTION OF MINERALS In order to get the final product of manganese ore, it is necessary to have a interconnected production process, since, in the technological point of view, there is differentiated working process. It combines the method of treatment of deposit, extraction process and its enrichment stage. In the beginning the open-pit mining method was used but due to the lack of profitability, it was soon changed to ore exploitation by underground methods. The open-pit mining method was reconsidered again in 1952, and is more widely used today. In the beginning, the ore extraction was done by primitive methods. This concerns as well as to the setting of mines and methods of extraction, as well as tools used and the process of ore transportation on the surface of the land. In the beginning, the layers containing the ores were hit with pick axes with the help of shovels and were then put on wheelbarrows and transported by hand to the earth surface. The output was there cleaned from bad ores and thereafter transported by saddle bags and carts to the railway stations. WiaTura. maRaros muSa madniT savse urikasTan. 1894-1896 Chiatura. Miner at ore-charged wagon. 1894-1896 WiaTura. manganumis madnis gamozidva maRarodan. 1925 Chiatura. Manganese ore export from mine. 1925 19 am periodis sainJinro nagebobebs WiaTuris midamoebSi dResac vxvdebiT. erT-erT xeo baSi dRemdea SemorCenili sarkinigzo gvirabis rustirebuli portali kuTvnilebis aR mniSvneli inicialebiT, romelic 1911 wels augiaT. gadmocemis Tanaxmad, gvirabi gamoiyene boda madnis ZiriTad sarkinigzo xazTan gadasazidad. sahaero sabagiro gzebi WiaTuraSi sabagiro gzebis mowyobis sakiTxi jer kidev me-19 saukunis miwuruls daisva.18 Tumca ideam farTo gasaqani mxolod gasuli saukunis 50-iani wlebidan miiRo. adgilobriv ma specialistebma mravali satvirTo da samgzavro sabagiro gza aages. madani mamdidrebel fabrikebs satvirTo sabagiroebiT uwyvetad miewodeba, samgzavro sabagiro gzebi ki uz runvelyofen kavSirs sxvadasxva zegnebze ganlagebul soflebsa da maRaroebs, aseve qalaq WiaTuris sxvadasxva ubnebs Soris. sabagiro sistemis ganviTarebas xeli Seuwyo rTulma re liefma da sabagiro maleve gadaiqca mosaxerxebel da swraf transportad. swored WiaTuraSi aigo sabWoTa kavSirSi pirveli sahaero sabagiro gza. aseTad saxelde ba 1953 wels agebuli WiaTura-perevisas („ocdaxuTis“) saxalxo sabagiro, romelsac mogvia nebiT kidev erTi xazi _ „saSevardno“ daemata. WiaTuris bagir-gzebis ganviTareba inJiner giorgi fanculaias (1911-1982) saxelTan mWidrod aris dakavSirebuli. misi TaosnobiT aigo araerTi sahaero sabagiro gza saqarTveloSi da sabWoTa kavSirSi. samgzavro sabagiro gzebis sadgurebi gabneulia WiaTura-saCxeres gzaze, zegnebze ganla gebul dasaxlebebsa da soflebSi, qalaqis sxvadasxva nawilSi. yuradRebas iqcevs sabagiro gzebis sainJinro gadawyveta da sadgurebis stilisturi mravalferovneba. aq SexvdebiT rogorc mcire zomis fardulis tipis Senobebs, aseve sabWoTa arqiteqturis sxvadasxva eta pisTvis damaxasiTebel tipur Tu saavtoro proeqtebiT Seqmnil nagebobebs. qalaqis landSaftSi aqcentebad ikiTxeba sabagiro sadgurebis monumenturi, „stalinuri“ arqiteqturisTvis damaxasiaTebeli moculobebi, gviani sabWoTa modernizmisTvis saxasiaTo sa da sworxazovani da plastiuri formebi, liTonis maRlivi konstruqciebi, brutalisturi ar qiteqturisTvis damaxasiaTebeli uxeSi betoniT damuSavebuli monoliTuri formebi. sahaero sabagiro gzebis kargad ganviTarebuli sistema da sadgurebis daxvewili da mravalferovani arqiteqturuli iersaxe gansakuTrebul xibls sZens qalaqs da misi erT-erTi savizito baraTia. 18. iqve, gv. 209 20 Along with industry development the ore extraction, transportation and enrichment technologies were also improving. The proper mechanization of the production process was increasing the ore extraction time and also was promoting the lowering of the prices, which was necessary to keep the competitiveness on the world market. In the end of the 19th century in some mines, the ores were already transported by horse-powered wagons instead of formerly used ropes. The well-known entrepreneur and a statesman, Niko Gogoberidze (1838-1911) was the first who in 1886 in the Rgani mines, laid down 120 meters of metal rails and the demolished ore was transported by wagons. The mechanical downloading equipment was used for ores delivery to the main roads and processing plants. For example, in Darkveti mine, which was managed by a French entrepreneurs association “Darkveti”, there was arranged a 270 meter long rail track. For the year 1900 two-wheeled rail track functioned at the Mgvimevi mine, which was 350 meters long ect. The primitive trenches also were used for the ore transportation. However, by 1913, 24 mechanical landing stations were set-up in Chiatura. We still find the engineering utilities of this period in Chiatura’s vicinities. In one of the canyons the remains of the rusticated portal of the railway tunnel with an engraved initials of the owners who built it in 1911 is still there. According to the legend the tunnel was used for ore transportation to the main railway line. ROPE ROADS The issue of rope roads installation in Chiatura was alrady raised at the end of the 19th century. However, this idea was widely initiated only since the 1950’s of the last century. Local specialists constructed a lot of freight and passenger ropeways. The freight ropeways provided non-stop delivery of ore to the processing plants, passenger ropeways provide a link between the different towns and mines situated on various uplands, as well as between the different districts of the city of Chiatura. Complex terrain contributed to ropeways system development and it soon became the shortest and convenient transport. It is believed that the the first ropeway throughout the Soviet Union was built in Chiatura. Such one is named to be the public ropeway Chiatura-Perevisa (“Twenty-five”) built in 1953, to which another line _ “Sashevardno” was added. Georgian ropeways business for the development is closely associated with the name of the engineer George Pantsulaia (1911-1982). Under his leadership a number of ropeways were built in Chiatura, as well as in several other parts of Georgia. Passenger ropeways stations are scattered on Chiatura-Sachkhere road, settlements and villages located on uplands, in various parts of the town. Engineering solution of the ropeways and stylistic diversity of the stations attract attention. Here you will see the small-size shed-like facilities, as well as the typical structures or the structures characteristic to the Soviet architecture constructed under the author’s design. 21 WiaTura. sabagiro gzebis centraluri sadguri Chiatura. Roapways central station 22 Monumental sizes of the ropeway stations typical to “Stalinistic” architecture, are read as an accents in the city landscape, characteristic to the late soviet modernism, plain, linear and plastic molds, metal high-rise structures, rough monolithic molds processed with concrete characteristic to brutalist architecture. Well-developed system of ropeways and sophisticated and diverse architectural appearance add more charm to the town being one of its visit cards. Nowadays, modernization of the passenger ropeways network is planned in Chiatura. In our opinion, during the process of reconstruction, the ropeway stations and original carriages should be preserved in their original form. In Chiatura a number of freight ropeways are still functioning, however, the tendency of transportation of the ore by trucks is more and more noticeable. Carrying the ore by the trucks worsens the road conditions and enhances the dust accumulation. From today’s overview the advantages of ore transportation by air transport are becoming clearer and the impression is made, that the problems prevailing one century ago, are re-appearing in contemporary Chiatura in a changed form. WiaTura. sabagiro gza `centri-muxaZis quCa“ Chiatura. Roapway `Centre-Mukhadze Street“ 23 dRes WiaTuraSi dagegmilia samgzavro sabagiroebis qselis modernizacia. vfiqrobT, re konstruqciis procesSi sabagiro sadgurebi da originaluri vagonetebi pirvandeli saxiT unda SenarCundes. WiaTuraSi satvirTo sabagiro gzebis nawili dResac funqcionirebs, Tumca satvirTo manqanebiT madnis gadazidvis tendencia sul ufro metad SeimCneva. samanqano transportiT madnis zidva gzebis mdgomareobas auaresebs da mtveris dagrovebas uwyobs xels. dRevande li gadmosaxedidan kidev ufro mkafiod ikveTeba madnis sahaero transportiT zidvis upi ratesobebi da rCeba STabeWdileba, rom erTi saukunis winandeli problemebi saxecvlili formiT Tanamedrove WiaTuraSi xelaxla iCens Tavs. WiaTura. sabagiro gza `WiaTura-perevisa“ Chiatura. Roap way station “Chiatura-Perevisa“ 24 25 madnis gamdidreba me-20 saukunis dasawyisSi, madnis mopovebis teqnologiebis gan viTarebis kvaldakval, dRis wesrigSi misi gamdidrebis aucileb lobac dadga. wina wlebTan SedarebiT, 1900 wlisTvis, madnis mopo veba orjer gaizarda. mopovebuli madnis xarisxi ki uaresdeboda, rac mis sabazro Rirebulebaze axdenda gavlenas. maRali xarisxis SesanarCuneblad mrewvelebma madnis gamamdidrebeli fabrikebis mSenebloba daiwyes. pirvelad aseTi fabrika darkveTis zeganze frangulma kompaniam aaSena.19 1912 wlisTvis ki samrewvelo areal Si mamdidrebeli fabrikebis raodenobam 30-s miaRwia. gamamdid rebel fabrikebs flobdnen Zmebi Cilingarovebi, „gelzenkirxenis samTo-samrewvelo sazogadeba“ da sxvebi.20 Zveli mamdidrebeli qarxnebis nangrevebi sabados teritoria ze dResac gvxvdeba. isini droul Seswavlasa da identificirebas saWiroeben, rac maTi Semdgomi praqtikuli gamoyenebis safuZveli SeiZleba gaxdes. mrewvelobis ganviTarebis adreul etapze madans primitiuli meTodiT amdidrebdnen (xeliT an primitiuli sarecxi Rarebis sa SualebiT). dRes es procesi kompleqsur teqnologiur sqemebs efuZneba. madnis gamdidreba mis mopovebasa da saboloo gamoyenebas So ris Sualedur rgols warmoadgens da aerTianebs sxvadasxva pro cess madnis fuWi da Rirebuli, aseve sxvadasxva saxis Rirebuli mineralebis erTmaneTisagan gansacalkeveblad. zogadi sqemis mi xedviT, mamdidrebel fabrikebSi xdeba madnis damtvreva, morec xva da fraqciebad daleqva. gamdidrebis meTodebs madnis fiziku ri Tvisebebis Sesabamisad arCeven. ganarCeven gravitaciul, magni tur da eleqtro separaciis, flotaciur,21 kombinirebul da a.S meTodebs. vinaidan manganumi bunebaSi rkinasa da sxva elementeb Tan erTobliobaSi gvxvdeba da Tavisufali saxiT ar moipoveba, 19. iqve, gv. 217 20. iqve, gv. 299 21. flotacia _ wvrili myari nawilebis gamocalkevebis procesi wylovan suspenziaSi. 26 WiaTura. madnis mamdidrebeli fabrikebi cmf 1 da cmf 2. 2015. Chiatura. Ore processing plants CMP 1 and CMP 2. 2015. 27 WiaTura. pirveli gamamdidrebeli fabrika. 1894-1896 Chiatura. First processing plant. 1894-1896 WiaTura. madnis mamdidrebeli fabrika wirqvalis xeobaSi Chiatura. Ore processing plant in Tsirkvali canyon 28 misi gamdidrebisTvis xSirad kombinirebul meTods iyeneben. zogierT SemTxvevaSi saboloo koncen tratis misaRebad madnis gamdidrebis erTi stadia ar aris sakmarisi. gamdidrebis pir veli stadiis Semdeg miRebuli produqti centralur mamdidrebel fabrikaSi igzav neba, sadac gamdidrebis Semdegom etaps ga dis. sasargeblo wiaRiseulis gamdidrebis Sedegad sagrZnoblad izrdeba sasargeblo komponentebis koncentracia.22 Sedegad mi Rebuli koncentrati metalurgiul qar xnebs Semdgomi gamoyenebisTvis miewodeba. mamdidrebel fabrikebs sabadosTan misi mdebareobisa da gamdidrebis teqnologiis mixedviT ganasxvaveben. madnis gamdidrebis teqnologiazea damokidebuli Senoba-nage bobebis sivrciT-moculobiTi da arqiteq turuli gadawyveta. is srulad eqvemde bareba teqnologiur process da mkacrad funqcionalur xasiaTs atarebs. sabadosTan fabrikis mdebareobis mixed viT WiaTuraSi vxvdebiT rogorc indivi dualur mamdidrebel fabrikebs, romlebic erT msxvil maRarosTanaa dakavSirebuli, aseve fabrikebs, romlebic teritoriulad erT konkretul maRarosTan ar arian da kavSirebuli. aq Tavs iyris yvela fabrikis Sualeduri produqti Semdgomi gamdidre bisTvis. 22. Горная эциклопедия, Обогащение полезных ископаемых, http:// gadamowme bulia: seqtemberi, 2015 ORE ENRICHMENT In addition to the development of ore mining technology, in the beginning of the 20th century the urgency of its enrichment was on the agenda. By the year 1900 ore mining increased twice compared with the previous years. The quality of the mined ore was becoming worse, which had an impact on its market value. In order to maintain the high quality, the entrepreneurs started to construct the ore processing plants. For the first time, such a plant was built by a French company on the Darkveti upland. By the year 1912 the number of processing WiaTura. madnis mamdidrebeli fabrika 25-bis. Chiatura. Ore processing plant 25-bis. 29 WiaTura. darkveTis karbonatuli madnis mamdidrebeli fabrika. 1961 Chiatura. Darkveti carbonic ore processing plant. 1961 30 plants in the industrial area amounted to 30. Processing plants were owned by Brothers Chilingarovs, “Gelzenskirkhen Mining-Industrial Society” etc. We can find the ruins of the old processing plants even today on the, ore deposits territory, which require to be researched and identified in a timely manner, that might become the basis for their further practical use. At the early stage of the industry development the ore was enriched through the primitive methods. Nowadays this process is based on the complex technological schemes. Ore enrichment is an interim segment between its mining and ultimate use and incorporates various processes for separation from each other of the unwanted and valuable minerals of the ore. According to the general scheme, ore breaking, washing and classifying take place in the processing plants. Enrichment method is selected in accordance with the physical properties of the ore. Different methods are used, such as: the gravity separation, magnetic separation and electric separation, flotation, combined and other methods. Since we find manganese in the nature in conjunction with iron and other elements and it cannot be mined in a free form, combined method is often used for its enrichment. In some cases, in order to get the final concentrate, one stage of ore enrichment is not sufficient. The product generated after the first stage of enrichment, is sent to the central processing plant, where it passes through the next stages of enrichment. As a result of enrichment of the minerals, concentration of the useful components concentration is considerably increased. The generated concentrate is supplied to the metallurgical plans for further use. Processing plants are distinguished from the ore deposit by its location and processing technologies. Architectural solution of the premises depends upon the mineral processing. It is fully subordinated to the technological process and has a strictly functional character. In accordance with the plant location with the ore deposit, in Chiatura we can find the individual processing plants, which are related to the large mine, as well as the plants, which are territorially related to one concrete mine. Here the intermediate products of all the plants are concentrated for further enrichment. Processing plants are distinguished in accordance with the internal production relocation system (vertical, horizontal and gradual) and its allocation on the industrial site (scattered and united). Nowadays there are individual plants operating in Chiatura: Mghvime Mine Processing Plant #29, CMP 1 (Shukruti mine) and CMP 2 (Itkhvisi Mine), as well as Peroxide ore processing plant “Peropi” (Rgani Mine). Perevisa Mine Processing Plant „25“ and new processing plant of Darkveti were quite recently destroyed. Central Processing Plant of Chiatura and floating complex are located far away from the mines and are not directly connected to them. At this stage we will abstain from detailed review of the architectural solvation of Chiatura processing plants and their features. Due to specifics of the topic, many aspects require to be specified, in-depth research and analysis. Here we will only generally touch upon some of them. The first large ore processing plant of the soviet period was built under the design of the above mentioned 31 mamdidrebel fabrikebs aseve ganarCeven Sidasawarmoo gadaadgilebis sistemisa (verti kaluri, horizontaluri da safexurebrivi) da Senoba-nagebobebis samrewvelo moedanze ganTavsebis mixedviT (gafantuli da gaerTianebuli).23 dReisaTvis WiaTuraSi moqmedi individualuri fabrikebia: mRvimevis maRaros mamdidre beli fabrika #29, cmf 1 (SuqruTis maRaro) da cmf 2 (iTxvisis maRaro), aseve peroqsidu li madnis mamdidrebeli fabrika „perofi“ (rganis maRaro). perevisas maRaros mamdirebe li fabrika „25-bis“ da `axali darkveTis~ mamdidrebeli fabrika sul axlaxans daangries. WiaTuris centraluri mamdidrebeli fabrika da saflotacio kompleqsi maRaroebisgan moSorebiT mdebareobs da maTTan uSualo kavSiri ar aqvT. am etapze WiaTuris mamdidrebeli fabrikebis arqiteqturuli gadawyvetisa da maTi Ta viseburebebis detaluri ganxilvisagan Tavs SevikavebT. Temis specifikidan gamomdinare mravali aspeqti saWiroebs dazustebas, siRrmiseul Seswavlasa da analizs. aq mxolod zogadad SevexebiT zogierT maTgans. sabWoTa periodis pirveli msxvili madnis gamamdidrebeli fabrika 1935 wels ze moT naxsenebi germanuli firma „krupis“ proeqtiT aSenda da dRemde cnobilia #25 bis-is saxe liT.24 is perevisas maRaros eqvemdebareboda. saarqivo fotoebze kargad ikiTxeba maRlivi Senobis silueti, romelic kldovan landSaftSia Cawerili. gadaxurvis calqanobiani sis tema gamoarCevs mas sxva, mogvianebiT aSenebuli fabrikebisgan. dRes mis adgilas nangre vebiRaa darCenili. 1939 wels aSenda peroqsiduli madnis mamdidrebeli fabrika „perofi“, romlis wliuri warmadoba weliwadSi 100 000 tonas Seadgenda.25 is rganis maRaros eqvemdebareba. gamoir Ceva mkafio, sworkuTxa vertikaluri moculobiTa da fasadze sxvadasxva zomis marTkuTxa Riobebis saintereso ganlagebiT. mamdidrebeli fabrikebi cmf 1 (1950 w.) da cmf 2 (1957 w.) wliuri warmadobis mxriv erTerTi yvelaze msxvili sawarmoebia, rac maT sididesa da urTierTdakavSirebuli Senoba-na gebobebis simravlezec aisaxeba. orive fabrika erTian samrewvelo moedanzea ganlagebu li. fabrikebis ZiriTadi korpusebi erTmaneTs galereebiT ukavSirdeba. fabrikebis Senobebi, rogorc wesi, dekorirebuli ar aris. am mxriv gamonakliss war moadgens cmf 1. fabrikis ZiriTadi korpusis sayrdeni ximinjebis Tavszeda Subli naxevar 23. Горная ециклопедия, Обогатительная фабрика, gadamowmebulia: seqtemberi, 2015 24. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 429 25. А. Чантурия, Капитальное строительство Грузии и перспективы его развития, Тбилиси, 1975, ст. 124 32 WiaTura. centraluri saflotacio fabrikis mTavari korpusis mSenebloba Chiatura. Construction of floatation plant main building 33 wreebiTa da martivi profilis karnizebiT aris gaformebuli, rasac Senobis eqvssarTuliani masa eyrdnoba. ro gorc uk ve aRvniSneT, aRar arsebobs „axali darkveTis“ (yof. dimitrovis saxelobis) maRaros karbonatuli madnis mamdidrebe li fabrika, romelic 1961 wels aSenda. ar funqcionirebs saflota cio fabrika, romlis mSenebloba 1969 wels dasrulda.26 unda aRiniSnos, rom mamdid rebeli fabrikebis umravlesoba mdinare yvirilas marcxena sana pirozea ganlagebuli, sarkinig zo xazis gaswvriv, romelic maT erT samrewvelo jaWvad aerTia nebs. WiaTura. mamdidrebeli fabrika `perofi“. 2015 Chiatura. Ore processing plant `Perop~. 2015 34 26. WiaTura-zestafonis samrewvelo..., gv. 91 German firm “Krupp” and is still known under the name of #25-bis. It is subordinated to Perevisa mine. On the archive photos the silhouette of the high-rise building can be read, which is recorded in the rocky landscape. Single-sloped roofing system distinguishes it from the other later built plants. Nowadays only the ruins are left on its place. In 1939 peroxide enrichment ore processing plant “Peropi”, the annual capacity of which amounted to 100 000 tones per annum, was build. It is subordinated to Rgani mine, being distinguished for clear, interesting layout of the rectangle, vertical openings. Processing plants CMP 1 (1950) and CMP2 (1957) are the largest enterprises with respect to the annual capacity, which is reflected on their sizes and multitude of mutually related premises. Both of the plants are allocated on the overall industrial site. The key buildings of the plant are related to each other through the galleries. WiaTura. mRvimevis maRaros mamdidrebeli fabrika. 2015 Chiatura. Mgvimevi mine ore processing plant. 2015 35 WiaTura-Sorapnis sarkinigzo xazi manganumis madnis gadazidvis da eqsportis sakiTxi misi mopovebis dawyebisTanave warmoebis erT-erT yvelaze rTul mxares warmoadgenda. masze didwilad iyo damokidebuli WiaTuris mad nis TviTRirebuleba da sabazro fasi, Sesabamisad, konkurentunarianobac saerTaSoriso bazarze. mopovebuli madani jer WiaTuramde, xolo Semdeg yvirilas (amJamad zestafonis) magis tralur sarkinigzo sadguramde mihqondaT, saidanac foTisa da baTumis navsadgurebidan sazRvargareT gzavnidnen. WiaTurisa da yvirilas xeobis mouwesrigebel gzebze urmebiTa da cxenebiT manganumis zidva did xarjebTan da siZneleebTan iyo dakavSirebuli. gadazidvis xarjebi sagrZnoblad aWarbebda madnis mopovebis xarjebs da saeqsporto produqciaze fass zrdida. 1880-iani wlebis miwuruls, msoflio bazarze gazrdili konkurencis gamo, axali sarki nigzo xazis mSeneblobis sakiTxi dadga. daisva daba Sorapnis rkinigzis sadguridan WiaTu ramde viwroliandagiani sarkinigzo xazis gayvanis sakiTxi. mravali winaaRmdegobis miuxeda vad, giorgi wereTlisa da niko nikolaZis dauRalavi Sromis Sedegad, 1891 wels imperatorma aleqsandre III sarkinigzo xazis mSeneblobas rezolucia daado. 1895 wlis 4 Tebervals oficialurad gaixsna WiaTura-Sorapnis viwroliandagiani sarkinigzo xazi _ amierkavkasiis rkinigzis centraluri magistralis kidev erTi ganStoeba. 1906 wels dasrulda WiaTurasaCxeres monakveTis mSeneblobac.27 am sarkinigzo xazis saWiroeba imdenad didi iyo, rom tvirTs sarkinigzo xazis monakve Tebze mis oficialur gaxsnamdec ki ezidebodnen. Tavdapirvelad rkinigzas mxolod satvir To daniSnuleba hqonda, satvirTo vagonebs mogvianebiT daemata samgzavro Semadgenloba. viwroliandagian rkinigzas sabados raionSic hqonda sadgurebi: darkveTi, Wiqoura da WiaTura. aqve iyo mowyobili sawyobebi da baqnebi, sadac madans tvirTavdnen. Wiqouras sad guris Senobis nawili dResac dgas mRvimevis mamdidrebeli fabrikis siaxloves. WiaTura-Sorapnis viwroliandagiani rkinigzis xazis gafarToebis samuSaoebi 1938 wels daiwyo, Tumca meore msoflio omma es saqme Seaferxa.28 rkinigzis am monakveTis rekonstruq cia mxolod 1957 wels dasrulda. farToliandagiani eleqtroficirebuli rkinigziT Wia Tura zestafonis rkinigzis sadgurs daukavSirda. 1893-95 wlebSi WiaTura-Sorapnis viwroliandagiani sarkinigzo xazis gayvanam mniSvnelova ni roli Seasrula manganumis mrewvelobis ganviTarebasa da samrewvelo wredis formirebaSi. 27. iqve, gv. 136 28. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 432 36 The plant premises, as a rule, are not decorated. In this respect, the exception is the CMP 1. The above-top forehead of the support piles are decorated with the semi-circles and simple cornices, on which the six-story building weight is based. As we have already said, the carbonate ore processing plant of “Akhali Darkveti” (formerly named after Dimitrov), which was built in 1961, does not exist anymore. The Floatation plant is not functioning, the constrcution of which was completed in 1969. It is noteworthy, that the majority of the processing plants are allocated on the left bank of the river Khvirila, across the railroad line, which incorporates them into one industrial chain. CHIATURA-SHORAPANI RAILROAD LINE The issue of manganese ore transportation and exportation was one of the most difficult parts of the production immediately upon commencement of its mining. The Prime cost and the market price of Chiatura ore was largely depended on it and accordingly its competitiveness on the international market. Mined ore was transported firstly to Chiatura and then to Khvirila (now Zestafoni) main-line railway station, from which it was sent abroad from Poti and Batumi sea ports. Carrying the manganese by carts and horses through the disordered roads of Chiatura and Khvirila gorges were related to high costs and difficulties. The Transportation costs considerably exceeded the ore mining costs and increased the price on the export products. At the end of 1880s increased competition at the world market made it clear that it was necessary to construct the new railroad line. The issue of laying the narrow-road railway line from the railway station of the borough Shorsapani to Chiatura was put forward. Despite of several obstacles, as a result of tireless efforts of George Tsereteli and Niko Nikoladze, in 1891 the emperor Alexander III endorsed the construction of railway line. On 4 February 1895, narrow railed railroad line of Chiatursa-Shorapani, was officially inaugurated _ one more branch of the trans-Caucasus central main-line. In 1906 construction of the Chiatura-Sachkhere segment was completed, too. The necessity of this railway line was so large, that the cargo was being transported on the railway line segment before its official inauguration. Initially, the railroad was only intended for the cargo transportation purposes, passenger carriages were later added to the cargo carriages. Narrow-railed railroad had the stations in the ore region, too: Darkveti, Chikoura and Chiatura. Here the warehouses and platforms were installed, where the ore was loaded. Part of the Chikoura station premises is still standing in the vicinity of Mghvimevi processing plant. Chiatura-Shorapani narrow-railed railway line expansion works started in 1938. However, the World War II delayed started works. Reconstruction of this segment of the railroad was completed in 1957. Through the widerailed electrified railway Chiatura was connected to Zestafoni railway station. In 1893-95 construction of Chiatura-Shorapani narrow-railed railway line played a significant role in the development of manganese industry and industrial circuit formation. 37 dab a Sor ap an i BOROUGH SHORAPANI SeuZlebelia industriuli wredis ganxilvisas ar movixsenioT daba Sora pani. me-19 saukunis miwuruls amierkav kasiis rkinigzis axali ganStoebis mSe neblobiT man kidev erTxel SeiZina mniS vnelovani satransporto funqcia. daba Sorapani mdinare Zirulasa da yvirilas SesarTavTan mdebareobs da zestafons aRmosavleTidan ekvris. Zve li welTaRricxvis me-3 saukunis cixesimagris nangrevebi dabas zemodan gad mohyurebs da misi xangrZlivi istoriis mematianea. simaRlidan kargad moCans mdinareebis SesarTavTan warmoqmnili naxevarkunZuli, kargad ikiTxeba Sorap nis istoriuli rkinigzis sadguris Se noba, „elementebis“ qarxnis nangrevebi da rkinigzis TanamSromelTa dasaxleba sadguris Soriaxlos. Sorapnis rkinigzis sadguri 1893 wels, WiaTura-Sorapnis sarkinigzo mo nakveTis oficialur gaxsnamde, Sevida eqspluataciaSi. aq itvirTeboda madani. mis siaxloves mowyobili iyo specialu ri baqnebi da sawyobebi. Senobis saerTo moculoba TiTqmis ucvleli saxiTaa Se monaxuli. sadguris erTsarTulian Se nobas simetriulad ganlagebuli TaRo vani Riobebi mTels perimetrze gasdevs. sadguris arqiteqtura gadawyvetilia im droisTvis ruseTis imperiaSi gav rcelebul, da am tipis SenobebisaTvis damaxasiaTebel fsevdo-rusul stilSi. 40 Sorapani. yofili saorTqmavle-savagono depo. 2015 Shorapani. Former locomotive-wagon depot. 2015 41 Sorapani. rkinigzis sadguri. 2015 Shorapani. Railway station. 2015 42 43 sadguris erT-erTi oTaxis interieri jerac inarCunebs pirvandel saxes. ornamentire buli xis tixari, kedlis buxari da odeseli inJineris, ilia kacis29 warmoebis saswori manganumis warmoebis adreul etapTan gvaaxloebs. Senobis Sida sivrce gadakeTebulia, amoSenebulia Riobebi, mosacdeli darbazis interiers gviani gadakeTebis kvali etyoba, Tumca SenarCunebulia iatakis mopirkeTeba. Senoba mouvlelobiT nadgurdeba, ukana fa sadis mxares Camsxvreulia minebi, dazianebulia alaTebi, zogierT adgilas Camoqceulia Weri. Senoba droul yuradRebas saWiroebs. daba Sorapnis kidev erTi RirsSesaniSnaobaa rkinigzis TanamSromelTa sacxovrebeli ubani. is sadguris siaxlovesaa ganlagebuli, SenarCunebuli aqvs pirvandeli gegmareba da xibli. es patara ubani aerTianebs ara marto sacxovrebel korpusebs, aramed aRWurvilia dasaxlebis avtonomiuri funqcionirebisTvis saWiro sazogadoebrivi daniSnulebis Seno bebiT. aq aris dasaxlebis Tanadrouli skola, mcire zomis ambulatoria, sabavSvo baRi da dramwris Senoba. sacxovrebeli korpusebi me-19 saukunis miwuruls sadguris SenobasTan erTad rkinigzis momsaxure personalisTvis unda yofiliyo aSenebuli. orsarTuliani sacxovrebeli Senobebi saerTo mxatvruli stilistikiT aris gadawyvetili, Tumca erTma neTisagan calkeuli moculobiTi da dekoratiuli detalebis gadawyvetiT gansxvavdebian. skolisa da erT-erTi sacxovrebeli saxlis aguriT nagebi Senobebi SedarebiT gvian, 1910ian wlebSia aSenebuli. sacxovrebel ubans esazRvreba rkinigzis yofili saorTqmavle-savagono depos Senobisa da qarxana „eleqtroelementis“ mitovebuli korpusebi. e.w. elementebis qarxana 1958 wels zestafoni-saCxeres farToliandagiani rkinigzis xazis gayvanis Semdeg Seiqmna. mis Semad genlobaSi Sevida viwroliandagiani sarkinigzo xazis damxmare Senoba-nagebobebi. qarxnis Tvis axali Senoba 1970 wels aSenda da 1990-ian wlebamde awarmoebda susti denis wyaros _ batareebsa da eleqtromagnitur releebs. istoriuli da funqcionaluri mniSvnelobidan gamomdinare, daba Sorapani Cven mier ganxiluli industriuli wredis Semadgenel rgolad unda moviazroT. 29. ilia kacis warmoebis Sesaxeb ixileT volgogradis sawoni mowyobilobebis qarxnis oficialur gverdze gadamowmebulia: seqtemberi, 2015 44 It is impossible not to mention the borough Shorapani while discussing the industrial circuit. At the end of the 19 century by constructing the new branch of the Transcaucasian railway, it once again acquired the important transport function. The borough Shorapani is located near to the tributary of the river Dzirula and Kvirila and from the east it borders with Zestafoni. The ruins of the fortress of the 3rd century B.C. overlook the borough from above and it is the chronicle of its long-term history. From the height the peninsula derived at the tributary of the river can be well seen, the premises of the historical Shorapani railway station, batteries factory ruins and railway workers settlement can be well read near to the station. th Sorapani. sacxovrebeli saxli. 2015 Shorapani. Apartment house. 2015 45 Sorapani. sacxovrebeli saxli. 2015 Shorapani. Apartment house. 2015 46 Shorapani railway station was launched in 1893 before the Chiatura-Shorapani railway segment was officially inaugurated. It was the place, where the ore was loaded. Near to it the special platforms and warehouses were installed. Total area of the building has been kept almost in its unchanged nature. Symmetrically allocated arched openings go across the entire perimeter of one-story building of the station. The station architecture is solved in a Pseudo-Russian style typical to that type of buildings. The interior of one of the rooms still preserves the original form. Ornamented wooden partition, wall fireplace and the scales made by the engineer Ilia Katsi from Odesa draws us close to the earlier stage of manganese production. Internal space of the building was restructured. The openings were covered, the interior of the waiting room had been restructured. The building is being ruined due to abandonment: on the part of the back façade the glasses are broken, in some places the ceiling is broken down. The building requires attention in a timely manner. Another places of interest of the borough Shorapani is the residential sector of the railway employees. It is located in the direct vicinity of the station, having maintained the original planning and charm. This little sector incorporates not only the residential buildings, but it is equipped with the public premises required for autonomous functioning of the settlement. Here is the school contemporary of the settlement foundation by the time of settlement, small size dispensary, kindergarten and the building for the drama circle. The residential buildings were built at the end of the 19th century, in addition to the station premises, for the railway workers and servicemen. Two-story residential buildings were solved under the overall art stylistics, however, they differ from each other by separate sizes and decorative details solvation. Brick buildings of the school and one of the residential houses were built relatively later in the 1910s. Residential sector is bordered with the premises of the former engine-carriage depot and the abandoned buildings of the factory “Electroelements”, so called Batteries Factory established in 1958 after Zestafoni-Sachkhere wide-railed railway line was installed. It included the support premises of narrow-railed railway line. The new building for the factory was built in 1970 and it was producing the weak power source _ batteries and electric-magnetic relays. Due to the historical and functional significance, the borough Shorapani should be considered as a component segment of the industrial circuit discussed by us. 47 zestafoni ZESTAFONI feromanganumis30 qarxnis mSeneblobis sakiTxs mrewvelebi aqtiurad ganixilavdnen me-20 saukunis dasawyisSi.31 qarxnis asaSeneblad saxvadasxva adgili, maT Soris WiaTuris mida moebic ganixileboda,32 Tumca pirvelma msoflio omma mZime mrewvelobis Semdgomi ganvi Tareba Seaferxa. sakiTxi kidev erTxel daisva 1920-ian wlebSi, rodesac sabado amerikeli koncesioneris, harimanis xelSi gadavida. sabWoTa xelisuflebasTan gaformebuli xel SekrulebiT igi valdebuli iyo Seeswavla sakiTxi da xelsayreli pirobebis arsebobis SemTxvevaSi, saxelmwifosTan SeTanxmebiT, ewarmoebia mSenebloba.33 Tumca harimanma xel SekrulebiT nakisri valdebulebis Sesruleba ver SeZlo. feromanganumis qarxnis mSenebloba mxolod pirveli xuTwliani gegmis farglebSi, 1930 wels, daiwyo. WiaTuris manganumis sabadosTan siaxlove, warmoebisaTvis saWiro energoresursebis xelmi sawvdomoba da siiafe ZiriTadi faqtorebi iyo, ramac zestafonSi qarxnis mSenebloba gansazRvra. yvelasaTvis cnobilia, rom qarxnis mSeneblobis moTave da uSualo monawile metalurgi, didi sazogado moRvawis, niko nikolaZis saqveyno saqmis gamgrZelebeli, misi vaJi, giorgi nikolaZe (1888-1931) gaxldaT. zestafonis qarxnis mSeneblobis paralelurad, TbilisSi feromanganumis sacdeli qar xana aSenda. mSeneblobas uSualod xelmZRvanelobda giorgi nikolaZe. 1930 wlis 21 ivliss qarxanam pirveli metali gamouSva.34 didubis qarxanaSi Catarebuli cdebisa da eqsperimente bis safuZvelze mniSvnelovani koreqtivebi Sevida zestafonis qarxnis mSeneblobaSi. didubis feromanganumis sacdeli qarxnis Senoba dResac dgas `didubis~ metros siaxlo ves (transportis quCa #1). Senobis saerTo moculoba SenarCunebulia, Tumca misi pirvan deli funqciis amocnoba mnaxvels gauWirdeba. dRes SenobaSi sawyobebi, kvebis obieqtebi da ofisebia ganlagebuli. am patara, miviwyebul Senobas didi istoriuli Rirebuleba aqvs da aucileblad saWiroebs dacvasa da SenarCunebas. zestafonis feromanganumis qarxnis mSenebloba 1930 wels daiwyo. pirveli Rumeli ki 1933 wels amuSavda. qarxanam pirveli metali 30 oqtombers gamouSva. es dRe iTvleba qar xnis amuSavebis TariRad. droTa ganmavlobaSi qarxana viTardeboda, inergeboda axali teqnologiebi, rasac Tan sdevda axali saqarxno Senoba-nagebobebis mSeneblobac. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. feromangnumis (feromarganecis) qarxana 1950-ian wlebSi gadakeTda feroSendanobTa qarxanad. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 243 iqve, gv. 315 iqve, gv. 395 Совершенствование технологии производства марганцевых сплавов: Материалы II республиканской научно-технической конференции, Тбилиси, 1978,ст. 4. 50 In the beginning of the 20th century, entrepreneurs actively discussed the issue of construction a ferromanganese plant. Chiatura area was considered as the plant location; however, the World War I has halted further development of the heavy industry. The issue was raised again in the 1920’s, when the mines had passed to hands of Harriman _ an American concessionaire. According to the agreement with the Soviet authorities, he was obliged to get familiar with the issue and in case of favorable conditions, in accordance with the government, conduct constructions. However, Harriman was unable to implement obligations foreseen by the agreement. The construction of the ferromanganese plant had only started in 1930, within the framework of the first five-year plan. Proximity to the mines of Chiatura manganese and availability of low cost energy resources were the main factors in determining the construction of the plant in Zestafoni. It is a well-known fact, that the key person behind the construction and launching of the plant was Giorgi Nikoladze (1888-1931), a son and the successor in the country’s cause of a notable public figure Niko Nikoladze. At the time of the Zestafoni plant construction, another ferromanganese pilot plant was built in Tbilisi. Giorgi Nikoladze led the construction in person. In July 21st, 1930 the plant produced first metal. The trials and experiments conducted in the Didube plant led to important corrections in the construction of Zestafoni plant. The building of the Didube Ferromanganese pilot plant still stands near the Didube Metro Station (Transport str. #1). The main architectural body of the building is preserved; however, it would be hard for a visitor to identify its initial function. Nowadays the building hosts number of warehouses, catering facilities and offices. This small, forgotten structure has a big historical value to it and definitely requires protection and preservation. The construction of the Zestafoni ferromanganese plant zestafoni. adgili, sadac SemdgomSi gaSenda fero manganumis qarxana. dganan eqspertebi _ fogli da iliko qurdiani. 1930 Zestafoni. The place where later the Ferroalloy plant was erected. Standing experts _ Fogli and Iliko Kurdiani. 1930 Tbilisi. feromanganumis sacdeli qarxana didubeSi. 1930 Tbilisi. Ferroalloy pilot plant in Didube. 1930 51 1950-iani wlebis miwurulisTvis qarxana 25 saxeobis Senadnobs awarmoebda (maT Soris: si likomanganums, ferosiliciums, feromolibdens, naxSirbadian feromanganums da sxv.). 1953 wels daiwyo da 1956 wels eqspluataciaSi Sevida meore saamqros sawarmoo korpusi, romelic naxSirbadiani feromanganumis warmoebisTvis iyo gankuTvnili. dRes es saamqro ar funqcionirebs. dangreulia #3 saamqro, romelic 1958 wels amoqmedda. igi karbonatul flotaciur koncentratze muSaobda da awarmoebda eleqtrolizur litonur manganums. simZlavriT erT-erTi yvelaze didi #4 saamqro 1964 wels Cad ga mwyob rSi da wle bis ganmavlobaSi awarmoebda silikomanganums. Senobas qarxnis industriul landSaftSi domi nanturi roli ukavia. #5 saamqro 1980 wels amuSavda, sadac damontaJebuli iyo iaponuri warmoebis Rumelebi, Tumca amJamad arc es saamqro funqcionirebs.35 feroSenadnobTa qarxnis samrewvelo moedani, CamoTvlili sadnobi saamqroebis garda, moicavs damxmare, administraciul, laboratoriul, muSa-mosamsaxureTa momsaxurebisTvis gankuTvnil Senoba-nagebobebs. industriuli landSafti 1300 m2-zea gadaWimuli. qarxnisaT vis nedli masalis miwodeba uzrunvelyofilia sarkinigzo xazis meSveobiT, romlis qselic samrewvelo ubans mTel sigrZeze seravs. calkeuli saamqro moicavs erTmaneTTan dakavSirebuli Senoba-nagebobebis jgufs, cen traluri adgili saamqros im nawils uWiravs, sadac sadnobi Rumelebia ganTavsebuli. arqiteqturul-konstruqciuli niSniT ganarCeven erTsarTulian, orsarTulian da mra valsarTulian samrewvelo Senobebs. metalurgiuli saamqroebi horizontaluri teqnolo giuri procesiT xasiaTdeba, dinamiuri datvirTvebi maRalia, aRWurvilia mZime mowyobilo bebiT da danadgarebiT, amdenad am tipis warmoebisTvis erTsarTuliani Senobebi gamoiyene ba. erTsarTuliani samrewvelo Senobebi Tavis mxriv iyofa erT da mravalmalian Senobebad.36 #1 sadnobi saamqros ZiriTadi korpusic erTsarTuliani, erTmaliani Senobaa Suale duri damxmare sarTuliT. Senobis fermuli gadaxurva rkina-betonis karkasul mzid kon struqcias eyrdnoba. Senobis siluets saxasiaTo elfers sZens koSkuruli moculoba. zestafonis feroSenadnobTa qarxnis #1 sadnobi saamqro, Tbilisis didubis qarxanasTan erTad, saqarTvelos metalurgiuli warmoebis sawyis etapze aigo da maTi istoriuli mniS veloba didia. feroSenadnobTa qarxnis mSeneblobam zestafonis qalaqganviTarebaze didi gavlena moax dina. 1930 wels, qarxnis mSeneblobis paralelurad, mis siaxloves aSenda muSaTa dasaxleba. proeqti arqiteqtorma aleqsandre nikolaiSvilma SeimuSava, romlis safuZvelzec aigo 8 da 16 35. WiaTura-zestafonis samrewvelo..., gv 95 36. С.В. Дятков, Архитектура промышленных зданий, Ярослав, 1976, ст. 15-21 52 zestafoni. feromanganumis qarxnis mSenebloba Zestafoni. Construction of Ferroalloy plant started in 1930; the first furnace was put to operation in 1933. The plant produced first metal in October 30; it is considered the date the plant was put in operation. With time the plant kept developing, new technologies were introduced, followed by construction of additional structures. By the end of the 1950’s the plant was producing 25 types of alloys (including silicomanganese, ferrosilicon, ferromolybdenum, carbon ferromanganese and others). Construction of the second manufacture production facility, designed for production of carbon ferromanganese, started in 1953 and was put into operation in 1956. As of today, this manufacture is not functional. 53 zestafoni. muSaTa qalaqis saerTo xedi. 1934-1935 Zestafoni. General view on workers’ town. 1934-1935 54 londoni. niko nikolaZe da giorgi nikolaZe. 1926 London. Niko Nikoladze and Giorgi Nikoladze. 1926 The manufacture #3, which was put into operation in 1958, is ruined; it worked on Carbonate flotation concentrate and produced electrolyhtic manganese metal. One of the most powerful manufactures #4 started operating in 1964, producing silicomanganese for years; it plays a predominant role in the industrial landscape of the plant. Manufacture #5, where Japan made furnaces were installed, started operating in 1980, however nowadays it is also among the non-functioning ones. Apart from the buildings already mentioned, the area of the ferroalloy plant includes secondary structures intended for administrative, laboratory, and workers’ needs. The industrial landscape stretches over 1300 M2. The railway line provides the supply of raw materials to the plant, with its network completely slicing through the industrial area. A single manufacture consists of a group of interconnected buildings and structures, where the part of manufacture with melting furnaces in it occupies the central space. 55 zestafoni. feroSenadnobTa qarxana. pirveli saamqros saerTo xedi.1964 Zestafoni. Ferroalloy plant. General view on first manufacture. 1964 56 A single-story, two-story and multi-story industrial buildings are discerned on the architectural and constructional grounds. The metallurgical manufactures are characterized by horizontal technological process, the dynamic loads are high, heavy equipment and machinery is used, therefore a single-story constructions are used for this type of production. The single-story industrial buildings further divide into single and multi-bay structures. #1 melting manufacture main building is also a single-story, single-bay structure with an intermediate supporting floor. The truss roof of the building stands on the reinforced concrete support structure frame. The tower shape gives the building a distinctive silhouette. First melting manufacture of the Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant, together with the Tbilisi Didube plant date back to the dawn of the Georgian metallurgic production and are of a major historical importance. Construction of ferroalloy plant had a big impact on the urban development of Zestafoni. In 1930, while building the plant, workers settlement was established in its immediate vicinity. Buildings consisting of 8 and 16 apartments, along with service facilities were constructed based on the project developed by architect Alexsander Nikolaishvili. The settlement was one of the first instances of block development principle in urban planning in Georgia. In the 1970s, it was believed that due to the close proximity of the plant, the settlement could not comply with sanitation requirements. For the workers dwelling there, a new settlement – “Kvaliti” was built (architects: Shota Kavlashvili and Solomon Katsitadze) on the left bank of river Kvirila. Inhabitants abandoned the old settlement and the most part of the buildings were destroyed during the 1990s. As of today, there are a handful of buildings remaining out of the old settlement. Out of these buildings, two of them are of particular interest. Both constructed in the 1930s, stylistically they significantly differ from each other. The scale and artistic approach makes us deem their construction took place a little later, and should not have been a part of an original project for the workers’ settlement. First of them is situated near the building of trust, at 7 Giorgi Nikoladze street. This 24 apartment building was intended for the employees of the trust administration. It is a four-floor building. The first floor is reserved for the commercial and service facilities; the floors above is a living space. The additional rectangular shapes at the height of all four floors reinforce the rectangular shape of the building. The building is severely dilapidated. The second apartment building (AKA “Stakhanovelebi”) stands further away on the hilltop (Giorgi Nikoladze str. 19). The house may be deemed as best example of constructivist architecture. The remaining apartments retain the original planning, with the signs of initial woodworking, tiles etc. Beautiful views of Zestafoni, as well as ferroalloy plant and concrete water pumping tower erected in an open field unfold from the observation platform on the attic. Like in Shorapani, in Zestafoni the structures developed along the railroad main line draws attention: railway utility support buildings, dwellings of railway workers etc. with the railway club in the Merab Kostava street among them built in 1927. It should also be noted that passenger service, personnel and additional railway buildings situated near the 57 biniani sacxovrebeli saxlebi momsaxurebis obieqtebiT. dasaxle ba kvartaluri ganaSenianebis erT-erTi pirveli magaliTi iyo sa qarTveloSi.37 1970-ian wlebSi miiCnies, rom dasaxleba qarxanasTan uSualo siaxlovis gamo sanitarul moTxovnebs ver akmayofileb da. iq mcxovrebi muSa-mosamsaxureebisTvis axali dasaxleba „kvali Ti“ aSenda (arqiteqtorebi: SoTa yavlaSvili da solomon kacitaZe) mdinare yvirilas marcxena sanapiroze. Zveli dasaxleba mosaxleo bisgan daicala, Senobebis didi nawili ki 1990-ian wlebSi ganadgur da. Zveli dasaxlebidan dRes ramdenime SenobaRaa SemorCenili. am SenobaTagan gansakuTrebul yuradRebas iqcevs ori sacxov rebeli saxli. orive maTgani 1930-ian wlebSia aSenebuli, Tumca stilisturi TvalsazrisiT erTmaneTisagan sagrZnoblad gansxvav deba. masStabi da stilisturi gadawyveta gvafiqrebinebs, rom Se nobebi odnav mogvianebiT aSenda da muSaTa dasaxlebis origina luri proeqtis nawili ar unda iyos. pirveli maTgani trestis Senobis siaxloves, giorgi nikolaZis q. #7-Si mdebareobs. es 24-biniani sacxovrebeli saxli trestis administraciis TanamSromlebisaTvis aSenda. Senoba oTxsarTu liania. maRali pirveli sarTuli savaWro da momsaxurebis obieq tebisTvisaa gankuTvnili, danarCen sarTulebze ki sacxovrebeli binebia ganlagebuli. Senobis marTkuTxa moculobis xasiaTi gaZ lierebulia damatebiTi sworkuTxa moculobebiT oTxive sarTu lis simaRleze. Senoba mwvaved avariulia. meore sacxovrebeli saxli (e.w. „staxanovelebis“) moSorebiT, gorakis Tavze dgas (giorgi nikolaZis #19). saxli konstruqti vizmis saukeTeso nimuSad SeiZleba CaiTvalos. SemorCenili binebi jer kidev originaluri gegmarebisaa, Tavdapirveli saalfreo sa muSaoebis kvaliT, metlaxis filebiT da a.S. Senobis sxvenze arse buli sadamkvirveblo baqnidan iSleba kargi xedi rogorc mTlia nad zestafonze, aseve feroSenadnobebis qarxanasa da odnav moSo rebiT, gaSlil mindorSi amozidul betonis wyalsatumb koSkze. 37. 1. Т. Квирквелия, Н. Мгалоблишвили, Архитектура Советской Грузии, Москва, 1986, ст. 60; 2. Н. Джанберидзе, И. Цицишвили, Архитектура Грузии _ от истоков до наших дней, Москва, 1976; ст. 122; 3. C. Кинцурашвили, Архитектура Советской Грузии, Москва, 1974; ст. 26. 58 zestafoni. ocdaoTx biniani sacxovrebeli saxli. 2015 Zestafoni. Twenty-four apartment house. 2015 59 Sorapnis msgavsad, zestafonSic yuradRebas iqcevs sarkinigzo magistralis gaswvriv gan viTarebuli ganaSenianeba: rkinigzis damxmare Senoba-nagebobebi, rkinigzis muSakTa sacxov rebeli saxlebi da sxv. maT Sorisaa rkinigzelTa klubis Senoba merab kostavas quCaze, ro melic 1927 wels aSenda.38 aqve unda aRiniSnos, rom sarkinigzo xazis siaxloves mgzavrTa momsaxurebisa da rkinigzis dam xmare da momsaxure personalisTvis gankuTvnili Senoba-nagebobebi zogadi arqiteqturul-sti listuri erTianobiT xasiaTdeba. Cveni azriT, saqarTvelos sarkinigzo arqiteqturis Semdgomi kompleqsuri Seswavla da analizi mraval saintereso da ucnob aspeqts wamowevs wina planze. zestafoni, metalurgiuli industriis garda, cnobilia meRvineobis ganviTarebuli war moebiT. zestafonSi jer kidev SemorCa koniakisa da Rvinis dasaZvelebeli qarxnis unikaluri Senobebi, romelic dRes umZimes fizikur mdgomareobaSia da saswrafo yuradRebas saWiroebs. zestafonis feromanganumis qarxnis mSeneblobiT Seikra mZlavri urTierTdakavSirebu li industriuli jaWvi, romelic dRemde asrulebs mniSvnelovan rols qveynis ekonomikaSi. zestafoni. yofili rkinigzelTa klubi. 2015 Zestafoni. Former railway worker’s club. 2015 38. n. janberiZe, qarTuli sabWoTa arqiteqtura, Tbilisi, 1971, gv. 65 60 zestafoni. sacxovrebeli saxli g. nikolaZis #19-Si. 2015 Zestafoni. Apartment house at G. Nikoladze str. #19. 2015 railroad line are characterized by architectural and stylistic integrity. We think the further complex study and analysis of the Georgian railroad architecture will reveal a number of interesting and unknown aspects of it. Apart from metallurgic industry, Zestafoni is famous with its developed wine production. The unique buildings for aging cognac and wine remain in Zestafoni, being in a very bad physical condition they require an immediate attention. The construction of the Zestafoni Ferromanganese Plant linked a strong, interconnected industrial chain, which still plays an important role in the economy of the country. 61 foTi POTI industriuli wredis bolo punqti Savi zRvis saporto qalaqi foTia, romelmac me-19 saukunis miwuruls mniSvnelovani satranzito da ekonomikuri centris funqcia SeiZi na aramxolod saqarTvelos, aramed mTeli samxreT kavkasiisTvis. 1872 wels amoqmedebu li rkinigziT igi jer sadgur yvirilas (axlandel zestafons) da Tbiliss daukavSirda, xolo 1883 wels ukve baqosac, ramac dasabami daudo evraziis satransporto derefnis amoqmedebas. qalaq foTisa da zogadad industriuli mrewvelobis ganviTrebis istoria mWidrod aris gadajaWvuli gamoCenili qarTveli moRvawis, niko nikolaZis saxelTan. ni kolaZe farTo Tvalsawierisa da xedvis mqone pirovneba iyo da kargad hqonda gaazrebuli erTiani teritoriuli dagegmvisa da mrewvelobis ganviTrebis mniSvneloba qveynis ekono mikuri winsvlis saqmeSi. igi iyo mravali sazogado saqmis moTave da ganmaxorcielebeli: foTi-Tbilisis rkinigza, suramis gvirabi, tyibulis qva-naxSirisa da WiaTuris manganumis foTi. xelovnuri porti. 1880-1900 Poti. Artificial port. 1880-1900 64 The last destination point of the industrial circuit is the Black Sea harbor town of Poti, which gained an important transit and economic center function by the end of the 19th century, not only for Georgia, but for the Southern Caucasus as a whole. With the operational railway in 1872 it initially connected to the stations of Kvirila (Zestafoni nowadays) and Tbilisi, and later in 1883 to Baku, which pioneered the enactment of the Eurasian transport corridor. The history of development of Poti and industrial production is closely linked with the name of a prominent Georgian public figure – Niko Nikoladze. Nikoladze appears to be the individual with the broad vision, which thoroughly comprehended the importance of unified territorial planning in the country and the role of industrial development in the country’s economic progress. He was an organizer and implementator of many public work: Poti-Tbilisi railroad, the Surami tunnel, support to development of Tkibuli stone coal and Chiatura manganese production. Most importantly, he was the initiator of modernization and reconstruction of the town and harbor of Poti, after being elected as the head of the town in 1894, which he served for almost twenty years. foTi. navmisadgomi. 1880-1900 Poti. Harbour. 1880-1900 65 mrewvelobis ganviTarebis xelSewyoba. rac mTavaria, nikolaZe gaxldaT foTis navsadgu risa da qalaqis modernizaciisa da rekonstruqciis moTave, mas Semdeg, rac qalaqis Tavad airCies 1894 wels. am qalaqs igi TiTqmis oci weli emsaxura. rodesac nikolaZe qalaqis Tavad airCies, foTis navsadguri ukve ramdenjerme iyo gadake Tebuli da stiqiuri movlenebis Sedegad dazianebuli. didi evropuli gemebi uars ambobdnen navsadgurSi Semosvlaze, sadac erTdroulad ramdenime gemis datvirTva Wirda. mouwyobeli navsadguri aferxebda tvirTebis gadazidvasa da produqciis eqsports, rac warmoebazec axden da gavlenas. me-19 saukunis miwuruls manganumis madnis udidesi nawili foTis navsadguridan igzavneboda. am periodisTvis manganumis tvirTzidvis saqmeSi foTis navsadgurma baTumis por tTan SedarebiT didi upiratesoba moipova. 1886-1901 wlebSi foTis navsadguridan saeqsporto manganumis 93% iqna gatanili.39 amdenad, 1897-1905 wlebSi foTis navsadguris rekonstruqcia-mo dernizacias didi mniSvneloba hqonda warmoebis Semdgomi ganviTarebis saqmeSi. foTi. portis sawmendi miwaxapia manqana. 1880-1900 Poti. Port cleaning dredger. 1880-1900 39. vl. WaniSvili, dasax. naSromi, gv. 184 66 By the time Nikoladze was elected, the Poti harbor had already been remodeled several times and damaged from disasters. Large European ships would not enter the harbor, where it was hard to load several ships simultaneously. Unfit harbor hampered the transportation and export of goods, which had a negative impact on production. By the end of the 19th century, the majority of manganese ore was transported via the Poti harbor. By that time in the business of transporting manganese, it gained quite an advantage compared to the Batumi harbor. In 1886-1901 the Poti harbor exported 93% of export manganese. Thus, 1897-1905 reconstruction and modernization of the Poti harbor was of a major importance for the further development of production. Poti is especially noteworthy from the urban planning point of view. Here too, with an initiative of Niko Nikoladze, V. Maslovski processed the masterplan of the town – a foundation for its implemented reconstruction. The planning of the central part of Poti is based on the semicircle, folding fan shaped scheme and is a typical example of the European urban planning solution. Unfortunately, it should be noted, that within the research work we were unable to find and get to know the buildings directly connected with construction of the railroad line, as well as the harbor service. Part of them foTi. porti, axali elevatoris xedi. 1905-1910 Poti. Port, view on the new elevator. 1905-1910 67 foTi gansakuTrebiT sayuradReboa qalaqgegmarebiTi TvalsazrisiT. aqac niko nikolaZis iniciativiT, v. maslovskis mier 1901 damuSavda qalaqis gegma, romlis safuZvelzec ganxor cielda qalaqis rekonstruqcia. qalaq foTis centraluri nawilis gegmareba naxevarwriul, maraosebr sqemas efuZneba da tipuri evropuli qalaqgegmarebiTi gadawyvetis nimuSia. unda aRvniSnoT, rom kvleviTi samuSaos farglebSi ver moxerxda im Senoba-nagebobebis moZieba da gacnoba, romlebic uSualod ukavSirdeba rkinigzis xazis mSeneblobas da sapor to momsaxurebas. maTi nawili an aRar arsebobs, an portis teritoriazea, romelsac amJamad kerZo mflobeli hyavs da gareSe pirebisTvis iq moxvedra SeuZlebelia. aseTi obieqtebis moZieba-Seswavla kvlevis Semdegi etapis erT-erTi amocanaa. bol oTq ma winamdebare publikaciaSi SevecadeT SeZlebisdagvarad warmogveCina WiaTura-zestafo ni-foTis industriuli wredis maformirebeli faqtorebi da misi ganviTarebis ZiriTadi etapebi. aseve, is obieqtebi, romlebic istoriuli Tu mxatvrul-arqiteqturuli Tvalsaz risiT miviCnieT sainteresod. bevri sakiTxi darCa Cveni yuradRebis miRma, kvlevisas wamoW rili araerTi kiTxva jerac pasuxgaucemelia, Tumca imeds vitovebT, rom es publikacia saqarTvelos industriuli arqiteqturisadmi interess gaaRrmavebs. manganumis warmoebis adreuli periodis naSTebi, sabWoTa periodSi agebuli mamdidrebe li qarxnebi, sabagiro gzebi, muSa-mosamsaxureTa sacxovrebeli ubnebi, „sarkinigzo arqiteq tura“ is mimarTulebebia, romelic guldasmiT Seswavlas saWiroebs. vfiqrobT, Temisadmi gazrdili interesi da jerovani yuradReba SeiZleba iyos is iaraRi, romelic am Rirebuli obieqtebis ukvalod gaqrobis process win aRudgeba, maT kulturul potencials warmoaCens, mouZebnis maT axlebur gamoyenebas da qalaqebis mdgradi ganviTa rebis erT-erT mamoZravebel Zalad aqcevs. 68 foTi. lokomotiviT manganumis miwodeba. 1936 Poti. Ore transportation by locomotiv e. 1936 either does not exist anymore, or is situated on the harbor premises, which is currently in private ownership and it is impossible for unauthorized persons to gain access. Seeking and studying these types of objects is one of the objectives of research’s next stage. AFTERWORD In this publication, we have tried to present factors forming Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti industrial circuit and main stages of its development; also the sites that we considered interesting from the historic, artistic or architectural point of view. A lot stayed beyond our attention, a number of questions arising during the study still stay unanswered; however, we do hope this publication will boost interest towards the industrial architecture of Georgia. The early remains of manganese production, prossesing plants constructed in the Soviet era, the rope ways, residential areas of workers and servicemen, “railway architecture” are the directions to be meticulously studied. An increased interest to the subject and proper attention could be the means to counter the process of vanishing of these valuable objects without a trace, revealing their cultural potential, finding novel use for them, thereby turning them into one of the driving forces of sustainable urban development. 69 ind ust riul i memk vidr eob is Ses ax eb meoce saukunis meore naxevridan kulturuli memkvidreobis aRqma mniSvnelovnad Seicvala. dRes xSirad saubroben memkvidreobaze, rogorc procesze, rogorc socialur produqtze. gansakuTre biT mniSvnelovania kulturuli memkvidreobis kuTvnilebis, masze uflebisa da sazogadoebisaTvis misi mniSvnelobis diskursi. memkvidreoba ganixileba, rogorc sazogadoebis mudmivad cvladi Ri rebulebebis, rwmena-warmodgenebis, codnisa da Tvalsawieris amsaxvel aramaterialur da materia lur elementTa erToblioba. industriuli memkvidreoba kulturuli memkvidreobis SedarebiT axali mimarTulebaa. igi cocxali istoriaa bolo ori saukunis ganmavlobaSi mimdinare globaluri socialuri, politi kuri da ekonomikuri Zvrebisa, romelTac kacobriobis ganviTarebis umniSvnelovanesi safexuri Seqmnes. industriuli memkvidreobis Taviseburebidan gamomdinare, aq gansakuTrebuli simwvaviT igrZnoba memkvidreobis Tanamedrove filosofiisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli da is socialur-ekonomi kuri problemebi, romelic industriuli landSaftebis wiaRSi warmoiqmneba: klasobrivi dapiris pireba, umuSevroba da SromiTi uflebebi, Sromis bazris globalizacia, da sxva. aqedan gamomdinare, industriul memkvidreobaze saubrisas, umTavres amocanad gvesaxeba misi, rogorc kulturuli, aseve socialur-ekonomikuri rolis gaazreba. miTumetes maSin, rodesac aseTi industriuli kompleqsebi dRemde funqcionireben da, rogorc adgilobrivi Temis, aseve qveynisaTvis sasicocxlod aucilebeli potencialis matareblebi arian. materialuri aspeqtebis garda, romlebic gamoxataven teqnologiuri da sainJinro procesebis, arqiteqturisa da qalaqmSeneblobis specifikuri mimarTulebebis ganviTarebis etapebs, indus triul memkvidreobas aramaterialuri ganzomilebac aqvs, romelic industriuli Temebis, gan sakuTrebiT ki _ muSaTa klasis cxovrebis, mexsierebis, codnisa da praqtikis amsaxvelia. es aris industriuli memkvidreobis kvlevis WeSmariti Rirebuleba da daniSnuleba: warsulis kritikuli gaazreba Senoba-nagebobebis romantizebis nacvlad, Sromis istoriis da SromiTi urTerTobebis, socialuri moZraobebisa Tu dapirispirebis gamocdilebis, maTi materialuri gamovlinebebis aR wera da Senaxva, momavali TaobebisTvis ukeTesi momavlis Sesaqmnelad. WiaTura-zestafoni-foTis industriuli wredi saqarTveloSi erT-erTi pirveli da dRemde aq tiuri industriuli regionia. aq arsebuli industriuli kompleqsebi mravali istoriuli cvli lebis momswreni da amsaxvelni arian. vimedovnebT, kulturuli memkvidreobis WrilSi am metad mniSvnelovani da moqmedi industriuli landSaftis ganxilva, am regionisa da qalaqebis mdgradi ganviTarebis Tvisobrivad gansxvavebul, diversificirebul da xelmisawvdom perspeqtivebs dasa xavs. amgvarad, xels Seuwyobs maTi identobisa da mimzidvelobis gaumjobesebas da adgilobrivi TemebisaTvis Rirseuli sacxovrebeli garemos Seqmnas. rusudan mirzikaSvili iuneskosa da saerTaSoriso urTierTobis samsaxuri saqarTvelos kulturuli memkvidreobis dacvis erovnuli saagento 70 INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Perception of cultural heritage has significantly changed since the second half of the XX century. Heritage today is often admitted as a process, as a social construct. The discourse on the ownership and right to heritage as well as the value of heritage for society is particularly active. Heritage is discussed as a set of intangible and tangible elements that carry and express the constantly changing values, beliefs, knowledge and prospects of society. Industrial heritage is a rather new direction in the field of cultural heritage. It is the living history of the global social, political and economic quakes during the past two centuries, having constituted one of the most important stages of human development. Due to the specific character of industrial heritage, the problems inherent to the modern conservation philosophy and, even more, those social-economic problems, emerging in the realms of industrial landscapes: class struggle, unemployment and labor rights, globalization of the labor markets, etc.are most severely felt. Hence, when we talk about industrial heritage, the main objective is to understand its cultural, but also social-economic role. Especially in situations where such industrial complexes are still functional and, bear the vital potential for the local community as well as the whole country. Apart from the material aspects, that are representing the evolution stages of specific directions in architecture and town planning, technological and engineering processes, industrial heritage also has an intangible dimension that represents the life, memory, knowledge and practices of industrial communities and primarily of the working class. It is the true value and mission of the industrial heritage research _ to rethink the past critically instead of worshipping the romantic remains of buildings and structures; to describe and preserve the history of labor, labor relations and their material expressions, social movements and clashes, etc. For the coming generations to create a better future. The Chiatura-Zestafoni-Poti industrial circuit is one of the first and still active industrial regions in Georgia. The industrial complexes here have witnessed the historical changes. We do hope that rethinking this ultimately important and functional industrial landscape in the context of cultural heritage shall create different, diversified and accessible development perspectives for these towns and the whole region and, thus, will contribute to strengthening their identity and attractiveness and to creating a decent living environment for local communities. Rusudan Mirzikashvili Unesco and international relations unit The National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia 71 72
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