

ax­vi­Ti xe­lov­ne­bis mu­ze­u­mis pro­eq­tis gan­xor­
ci­e­le­ba­Si qar­Tul mxa­res­Tan er­Tad ger­ma­nu­li
kom­pa­nia W+P da misi Svi­lo­bi­li kom­pa­nia PLAN
FORWARD mo­na­wi­le­o­ben. ger­ma­ne­li ga­moc­di­li ar­qi­
teq­to­re­bi, in­Jin­re­bi da kon­sul­tan­te­bi, sam­Se­neb­lo
pro­eq­tis gan­vi­Ta­re­bas, me­nej­ments da ge­ne­ra­lur geg­
ma­re­bas uz­run­vel­yo­fen. ev­ro­pa­Si sam­Se­neb­lo pro­eq­
te­bi­sad­mi ase­Ti mid­go­ma Zal­ze aq­tu­a­lu­ria, rad­gan
dRes dam­kve­Ti cdi­lobs saq­me erT iseT kom­pa­ni­as­Tan
hqon­des, ro­me­lic mSe­neb­lo­bis ram­de­ni­me mi­mar­Tu­le­
bas kom­pleq­su­rad as­ru­lebs.
W+P da PLAN FORWARD-s sxva sa­zo­ga­do­eb­riv na­ge­
bo­beb­Tan er­Tad sa­mu­ze­u­mo siv­rcis ge­ne­ra­lu­ri geg­ma­
re­bis di­di ga­moc­di­le­ba aqvT, rac ma­Ti sa­qar­Tve­lo­Si
mow­ve­vis da am pro­eq­tze mu­Sa­o­bis sa­ba­bi gax­da. ger­ma­
he Fine Art Museum Project, besides Georgian specialists,
involves the services of the German W+P Company and its
subsidiary - PLAN FORWARD. Highly qualified German architects, engineers and consultants provide simultaneously building project development, management and general planning.
This approach is becoming more and more important in Europe,
as it is far easier for the client to deal with one planning company
rather than several different planners in one project.
It was a tremendous breadth of experience in architectural
space planning for public facilities, including museums, that
landed W+ P and PLAN FORWARD a building project in Georgia.
German specialists Dieter Deichsel and Jens Balke often come to
Tbilisi. During one of their visits they told us in conversation:
marcxnidan: batonebi iens balke da diter daixzeli Sps magTis saTao ofisSi, daviT aRmaSenebelis 152
From the left: Jens Balke and Dieter Deichsel in the head office of Magti Ltd. at 152, Agmashenebeli Avenue
w w w. m a g t i c o m . g e
E.ON Global Commodities SE-s saTao ofisi, eseni, germania. © E.ON
Global Commodities SE, foto hans blosei
Museum Folkwang eseni, germania. © PLAN FORWARD GmbH
Museum Folkwang Essen, Germany. © PLAN FORWARD GmbH
Headquarter E.ON Global Commodities SE, Essen, Germany
© E.ON Global Commodities SE, picture by Hans Blossey
ne­li spe­ci­al
­ is­te­bi, di­ter da­ix­ze­li da iens bal­ke Tbi­
lis­Si xSi­rad Ca­mo­di­an. erT-er­Ti vi­zi­tis dros maT Cven­Tan
­ ar­Si ga­nac­xa­des:
`Tbi­lis­Si Ca­mos­vla da mu­Sa­o­ba Cven­Tvis di­di si­a­mov­ne­
baa. qar­Tvel ar­qi­teq­to­reb­Tan, ar­Cil da gi­or­gi qur­di­a­
neb­Tan Ta­nam­Srom­lo­biT, vfiq­robT, karg Se­degs mi­vi­RebT.
Cven ge­ne­ra­lu­ri geg­ma­re­bis gar­da mSe­neb­lo­bis xa­ris­xis
kon­tro­lic gve­va­le­ba. Tu sam­Se­neb­lo mo­e­dans ga­da­xe­davT,
da­in­ a­xavT, rom sa­mu­Sao Za­li­an kar­gad, xa­ris­xi­a­nad da swra­
fad srul­de­ba _ es ki qar­Tve­li mSe­neb­le­bis dam­sa­xu­re­baa.
mu­ze­um­ is Se­no­bis geg­ma­re­ba spe­ci­fi­ku­ria _ is mo­i­cavs
da­cu­li niv­Te­bis Se­sa­na­x Se­sa­ba­mi­s kli­mat-ga­re­mos Seq­mnas,
bu­neb­riv da xe­lov­nur ga­na­Te­bas, sa­xan­Zro usaf­rTxo­e­bas,
­ i eq­spo­na­te­bis, fer­we­ru­li ti­lo­e­bis usaf­rTxo­
e­bas da a.S. gar­da ami­sa pro­eq­tis me­nej­men­tic mniS­vne­lo­
va­nia, geg­ma­re­ba da mSe­neb­lo­ba rac Se­iZ­le­ba eko­no­mi­u­rad
un­da wa­ri­mar­Tos. es yo­ve­li­ve ki Cve­ni kom­pa­ni­is kom­pe­ten­
cal­ke un­da ga­mov­yoT da vi­sa­ub­roT Se­no­bis se­is­mo­me­de­
go­ba­ze. Cven am kuT­xiT pro­eq­ti Tav­da­pir­ve­lad ev­ro­pu­li
stan­dar­tiT dav­geg­meT, rac dam­kveT­ma ar mi­i­Ro da Cven So­
ris er­Tgva­ri `uTan­xmo­e­bis~ sa­ba­bic gax­da _ man umaR­le­si
xa­ris­xis, 9 bal­ze gaT­vli­li se­is­mo­me­de­go­bis Se­no­bis dap­
ro­eq­te­ba gvTxo­va. vfiq­robT am Tval­saz­ri­siT ase­Ti usaf­
rTxo na­ge­bo­ba sa­qar­Tve­lo­Si pir­ve­lad Sen­de­ba.
sax­vi­Ti xe­lov­ne­bis mu­ze­u­mis age­bis ini­ci­a­to­ri b-ni gia
jox­Ta­be­ri­Zea. igi Za­li­an kar­gad er­kve­va sam­Se­neb­lo saq­
me­Si da icis, ri­si ga­ke­Te­ba surs. ase­Ti dam­kve­Ti iS­vi­a­Tad
gvxvde­ba. saq­mis am­gva­ri cod­na, am­gva­ri mid­go­ma Cvenc gvi­
­ e­ bs aq mu­Sa­o­bas.
“It’s a big pleasure for us being and working here. We
believe that our partnership with Georgian architects Archil
and Giorgi Kurdiani will have a very good result. Apart from
general planning, our responsibility is to control construction quality. Indeed, if we have a look at the building site
now, we will see that they have done a very good quality
and fast job, which is due to the utmost professionalism of
the Georgian builders.
Planning a museum building is a specific task consisting of the provision of an appropriate storage climate for
conservation of the objects kept there, daylight, artificial
lighting solutions, fire risk control, viable security facilities
to protect valuable exhibits and paintings, etc. Project management is also vitally important. It focuses on cost-effective
forms of planning and construction, which fall within the
competence of our company.
We should highlight and talk about the seismic resistance
of the construction. We developed a seismic design of the
building according to the European standard. It was, however, rejected by the client, who demanded a constraction
capable of withstanding an earthquake measuring 9 on the
Richter scale absolutely unheard of in Georgia.
Mr. Gia Jokhtaberidze is the mastermind behind the plan
to build a fine art museum. He is well versed in construction technologies and knows what exactly he needs. Clients
like him come along so rarely. His dedication and intimate
knowledge of the industry makes our work easier here.
w w w. m a g t i c o m . g e