

FRIENDS Dda mos­wav­le­e­bi
sa­qar­Tve­los zo­gad­sa­gan­ma­naT­leb­lo sko­lis
uc­xo­u­ri enis Ses­wav­lis stan­dar­ti (sa­er­To
ev­ro­pu­li sa­re­ko­men­da­cio sab­Wos mi­er wevrqvey­ne­bis­Tvis gan­saz­Rvru­li enis cod­nis eq­vsi
do­ni­dan) B1+ do­nis miR­we­vas iT­va­lis­wi­nebs, rac
uc­xo­u­ri enis sa­Su­a­lo do­ne­ze da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad
ga­mo­ye­ne­bas va­ra­u­dobs.
sas­wav­lo me­To­du­ri kom­pleq­si FRIENDS yve­la
sa­Wi­ro do­nes mo­i­cavs, xo­lo mi­si wi­nam­de­ba­re
kur­si, ro­me­lic I ucxo enis SemTxvevaSi VII kla­
sis, xolo meore ucxo enis SemTxvevaSi – VIII
klasis mos­wav­le­eb­isTvisaa rekomendebuli,
Sem­swav­lel­Ta A1+ do­ni­dan A2 (qve­da sa­Su­a­lo)
do­nem­de ay­va­nas em­sa­xu­re­ba.
am asakis mos­wav­le­e­bi gar­datexis asak­Si Se­di­
an, rac imas niS­navs, rom isi­ni jer ki­dev ga­nag­
rZo­ben fi­zi­kur, go­neb­riv da emo­ci­ur gan­vi­Ta­re­
bas, Tum­ca gan­vi­Ta­re­bis tem­pi xSi­rad ara­Ta­na­
ba­ri da in­di­vi­du­a­lu­ria. amas gar­da, sag­rZnob­
lad far­Tov­de­ba mos­wav­le­Ta Tval­sa­wi­e­ri,
kog­ni­ti­u­ri una­re­bi da in­te­re­se­bis sfe­ro.
ze­mo­aR­niS­nu­lis gaT­va­lis­wi­ne­biT, wi­nam­de­
ba­re kur­si uf­ro eq­spli­ci­tu­rad war­mo­a­Cens
gra­ma­ti­kul ma­sa­las da afar­To­vebs da am­ra­val­
fe­rov­nebs sa­sa­ub­ro Te­ma­ti­kas. aq­ve Se­mo­dis
in­gli­su­re­no­va­ni qvey­ne­bis kul­tu­ris war­mom­Ce­
ni ele­men­te­bi da da­ma­te­bi­Ti sa­kiT­xa­vi teq­ste­
bi. amas­Ta­na­ve, kur­sis na­wi­li jer ki­dev inar­Cu­
nebs qve­da do­ne­e­bi­saT­vis re­ko­men­di­re­bul sim­
Re­rebs, Ta­ma­Sebs da sxva sa­xa­li­so ele­men­tebs,
ra­Ta gar­da­ma­va­li asa­kis mos­wav­le­e­bi­saT­vis
enis Ses­wav­la mo­saw­yen da er­Tfe­ro­van pro­ce­sad
ar iq­ces.
kur­siT gaT­va­lis­wi­ne­bu­li sa­var­ji­So­e­bi,
da­va­le­be­bi da da­mo­u­ki­de­be­li sa­mu­Sa­o­e­bi sa­Su­
a­le­bas aZ­levs mo­zar­debs obi­eq­tu­rad Se­a­fa­son
sa­ku­Ta­ri cod­na da da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad ga­a­kon­tro­
lon sa­ku­Ta­ri Tavi kiT­xvis, we­ris, mos­me­ni­sa da
sa­ub­ris unar-Cve­ve­bis Camoyalibebisas.
kur­si, gu­lis­xmobs gan­vli­li ma­sa­lis sis­te­
ma­tur ga­me­o­re­bas, rac me­tad xel­say­re­lia im
mos­wav­le­e­bi­saT­vis, rom­leb­sac uWirT ma­sa­lis
swra­fad da sa­fuZ­vli­a­nad aT­vi­se­ba.
FRIENDS Dda maswavleblebi
gak­ve­Ti­li­saT­vis mza­de­ba
mos­wav­lis wig­nSi war­mod­ge­ni­li er­Te­u­le­bi war­
ma­te­bu­li gak­ve­Ti­le­bis Ca­ta­re­bis safuZvelia.
da­va­le­ba­Ta na­Te­li sa­Ta­u­re­bi, lo­gi­ku­ri Ta­na­
mim­dev­ro­biT daw­yo­bi­li sa­var­ji­So­e­bi da maT
Se­sas­ru­leb­lad sa­Wi­ro mi­Ti­Te­be­bis mzam­za­re­u­
li kli­Se­e­bi (rom­le­bic mas­wav­leb­lis wig­nSia
mo­ce­mu­li), sa­Su­a­le­bas aZ­levs mas­wav­le­bels,
mi­ni­ma­lu­ri dro da­uT­mos gak­ve­Ti­lis mom­za­de­
bas; xo­lo da­ma­te­bi­Ti ma­sa­la da qse­ro­ko­pi­re­bi­
saT­vis gankuTvnili mraval­fero­vani sak­la­so
aq­ti­vo­be­bi xa­li­si­an­sa da di­na­mi­urs xdis gak­ve­
Ti­lis Zi­ri­Ta­di na­wi­lis aT­vi­se­bas.
sa­mu­Sao rve­u­li sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va mos­wav­lis
wig­nSi war­mod­ge­ni­li ma­sa­la sa­Si­nao da­va­le­be­
bi­saT­vis ga­miz­nu­li sa­var­ji­So­e­bis dax­ma­re­bi­
Tac gan­mtkic­des. sa­var­ji­So­e­bi im­de­nad zus­tad
esa­da­ge­ba mos­wa­vlis wig­nis gak­ve­Ti­lebs, rom
mas­wav­le­bels um­niS­vne­lo Za­lis­xme­va sWir­de­ba
imis asax­sne­lad, Tu ro­gor Ses­rul­des da­mo­u­ki­
de­be­li sa­mu­Sao.
cod­nis do­nis gan­saz­Rvra da moswavleTa
swav­le­bis am Su­a­le­dur etap­ze, uk­ve au­ci­le­
be­li xde­ba mos­wav­le­Ta enob­ri­vi prog­re­sis
ga­kon­tro­le­ba da ma­Ti re­gu­la­ru­li Se­fa­se­ba,
rac sak­ma­od rTu­li amo­ca­naa. FRIENDS am Tval­
saz­ri­si­Tac mxar­Si ud­gas mas­wav­leb­lebs, ram­de­
na­dac mas­wav­leb­lis wig­nis sas­wav­lo re­sur­se­
bis na­wi­li (qse­ro­ko­pi­re­bi­saT­vis gankuTvnili
tes­te­biT) da tes­te­bis rve­ul­Si war­mod­ge­ni­li
ma­sa­la cod­nis mar­ti­vi da obi­eq­tu­ri Se­mow­me­
bis prin­cip­zea age­bu­li, xo­lo Tan­dar­Tu­li
niS­ne­bis Ca­sa­we­ri cxri­le­bi sa­bo­loo Se­fa­se­bis
ga­moy­va­nas aad­vi­lebs.
gansxvavebuli Se­saZ­leb­lo­be­bis mqone
moswavleebTan mu­Sa­o­ba
uc­xo­u­ri enis swav­le­bi­sas erT-erT yve­la­ze mniS­
vne­lo­van sir­Tu­les mos­wav­le­Ta cod­nis sxva­das­
xva do­ne war­mo­ad­gens. FRIENDS am sir­Tu­le­sac
iT­va­lis­wi­nebs. seq­ci­a­Si Use Yo­ur English da Fur­ther
Prac­ti­ce, wi­nam­de­ba­re kur­si Zli­er mos­wav­le­ebs
sak­ma­od rTul tes­tebs sTa­va­zobs; da­ma­te­bi­Ti
aq­ti­vo­be­bi kar­gi mos­wav­le­e­bi­saT­vis tes­te­bis
rve­ul­Sia Car­Tu­li, xo­lo sus­ti mos­wav­le­e­bis
da­sax­ma­reb­lad, seq­ci­a­Si Check Yo­ur­self, gan­vli­li
ma­sa­lis ga­me­o­re­bi­saT­vis ga­miz­nu­li mo­cu­lo­bi­
Ti er­Te­u­le­bia war­mod­ge­ni­li. rac Se­e­xe­ba pro­
eq­te­bi­sa da sa­xa­li­so aq­ti­vo­be­bis seq­ci­as, isi­ni
uz­run­vel­yo­fen yo­ve­li mos­wav­lis (ga­nur­Cev­
lad ma­Ti cod­nis do­ni­sa da una­re­bi­sa) aq­ti­ur
Car­Tvas gak­ve­Ti­lis pro­ces­Si da xels uw­yo­ben
maT sa­ku­Ta­ri cod­nis maq­si­ma­lur ga­mom­JRav­ne­ba­
amdenad, FRIENDS swavlebis nebismier piro­
bebsa da situacias iTvaliswinebs da masalis
efeqturad aTvisebis farTo SesaZleblobebs
ma­sa­lis age­bi­sa da da­mu­Sa­ve­bis
zo­ga­di prin­ci­pe­bi
1. mos­wav­le­Ta mo­ti­vi­re­bis
ad­vi­lad da­sa­max­sov­re­be­li ma­sa­la
enis Ses­wav­la ga­ci­le­biT ad­vi­lia, ro­de­sac
mos­wav­les sa­in­te­re­so ma­sa­la­sa da mi­si da­max­
sov­re­bis sa­fuZ­vli­an mo­ti­va­ci­as war­mo­vud­genT.
am Tval­saz­ri­siT, FRIENDS enob­riv er­Te­u­lebs
di­di sif­rTxi­liT eki­de­ba da ad­vi­lad aR­qmad
Te­ma­tur jgu­fe­bad ala­gebs.
wi­nam­de­ba­re kur­si oTx aseT Te­ma­tur
jgufs Seicavs:
pir­ve­li Tema — The Lon­do­ners – lon­do­ne­li sko­
lis mos­wav­le­e­bis cxov­re­ba­ze mog­viT­xrobs.
vi­na­i­dan am stan­dar­tSi aR­we­ri­li bav­Sve­bi
da kur­sis Sem­swav­le­le­bi er­Ti asa­ki­sa­ni ari­an,
mos­wav­le­e­bi ad­vi­lad axer­xe­ben sa­ku­Ta­ri Ta­vis
maT­Tan iden­ti­fi­ci­re­bas da, faq­tob­ri­vad, iT­vi­
se­ben im leq­si­kur er­Te­u­lebs, rom­le­bic sa­kuT­
ri yo­vel­dRi­u­ro­bis aR­sa­we­ra­dac ga­mo­ad­ge­baT.
amav­dro­u­lad, isi­ni ige­ben, Tu ro­gor cxov­ro­
ben ma­Ti Ta­na­to­le­bi did bri­ta­neT­Si.
me­o­re Tema­Si – Crazy De­tec­ti­ves – moT­xro­bi­lia
ori ka­ri­ka­tu­ru­li de­teq­ti­vis (Sir­li Hhol­msis
da jorj qlu­le­sis) da ma­Ti mne qa­lis (mi­sis
smi­tis) Se­sa­xeb, rom­le­bic sxva­das­xva sa­sa­ci­lo
si­tu­a­ci­a­Si xvde­bi­an. aqe­dan ga­mom­di­na­re, aR­we­
ril si­tu­a­ci­eb­Tan da­kav­Si­re­bul leq­si­kur
er­Te­u­lebs mos­wav­le­e­bi iu­mo­ris­tul kon­teq­
stSi euf­le­bi­an. mo­zar­de­bi yo­vel­Tvis da­de­bi­
Tad re­a­gi­re­ben iu­mor­ze da ad­vi­lad iT­vi­se­ben
sa­xa­li­so am­be­bi­Ta da xum­ro­be­biT Se­za­ve­bul
ma­sa­la­ze var­ji­Sis seq­cia mar­ti­vi sa­var­ji­So­
e­biT iw­ye­ba da, gak­ve­Ti­lis bo­lo­saT­vis, ro­ca
mos­wav­le­ebs Se­da­re­biT ga­um­yar­de­baT ax­lad
Se­Ze­ni­li cod­na, Ta­vi­su­fal aq­ti­vo­beb­ze ga­da­
dis. es aq­ti­vo­be­bi gu­lis­xmobs mos­me­nas, kiT­xvas,
we­ra­sa da sa­u­bars da, am­de­nad, gra­ma­ti­kul ma­sa­
la­ze var­jiS­Tan er­Tad, mos­wav­le­ebs oTx Zi­ri­
Tad unar-Cve­va­sac uvi­Ta­rebs.
3. Zli­e­ri gra­ma­ti­ku­li si­la­bu­si
me­sa­me Tema – Fri­end’s Club – war­mo­ad­gens
er­Tgvar Jur­nals, ro­me­lic mog­viT­xrobs me­gob­
reb­ze mTe­li msof­li­o­dan. Jur­nals ori re­daq­
to­ri uZ­Rve­ba, xo­lo ko­res­pon­den­te­bis (anu
nar­kve­ve­bis, we­ri­le­bi­sa da in­ter­vi­u­e­bis av­to­
re­bis) rol­Si msof­li­os sxva­das­xva ad­gi­leb­Si
mcxov­re­bi bav­Sve­bi gvev­li­ne­bi­an. am stan­dar­tis
sa­Su­a­le­biT mos­wav­le­e­bi im­did­re­ben cod­nas
msof­li­o­ze da ma­Ti Ta­na­to­le­bis cxov­re­bis wes­
ze sxva­das­xva qve­ya­na­Si.
vi­na­i­dan F
F RIENDS mra­val­pro­fi­li­a­ni kur­sia da
er­Tdro­u­lad mo­i­cavs ko­mu­ni­ka­ci­is, leq­si­kis da
oT­xi Zi­ri­Ta­di unar-Cve­vis ele­men­tebs, gan­sa­kuT­
re­bu­li yu­rad­Re­ba gra­ma­ti­ka­zea ga­da­ta­ni­li _
igi mwyob­ri me­To­do­lo­gi­iT, eta­pob­ri­vad is­wav­
le­ba. gra­ma­ti­kul na­wils yo­vel­Tvis mos­devs
kon­kre­tul ma­sa­la­ze age­bu­li sa­fuZ­vli­a­ni sa­var­
ji­So­e­bi. ase­Ti me­To­do­lo­gia enob­ri­vi struq­tu­
re­bis gam­ya­re­bas uw­yobs xels.
me­oT­xe Tema – Story Ti­me – mo­i­cavs sam mxat­
vrul na­war­mo­ebs – sam moT­xro­bas, rom­le­bic
leq­si­ku­ri mra­val­fe­rov­ne­biT ga­mo­ir­Ce­vi­an.
moT­xro­be­bi sxva­das­xva sti­li­Taa da­we­ri­li. pir­
ve­li maT­ga­ni re­a­lis­tu­ria da mog­viT­xrobs im
wi­na­aR­mde­gob­a­ze, ro­me­lic prog­ressa da bu­neb­
riv ga­re­mos So­ris ar­se­bobs. me­o­re, fan­tas­ti­
ku­ri Jan­ris moT­xro­ba­Si aR­we­ri­lia “mo­mav­lis”
(3089 wlis) am­ba­vi, xo­lo me­sa­me moT­xro­ba me-17
sa­u­ku­ne­Si inac­vlebs da im pi­lig­ri­mi ma­me­bis
am­bavs gviy­ve­ba, rom­le­bic rwme­nis Ta­vi­suf­le­
bis Zi­e­ba­Si in­gli­si­dan ame­ri­kaSi ga­em­gzav­rnen.
4. leq­si­kis swav­le­ba
moT­xro­beb­Si aR­we­ri­li sa­in­te­re­so am­be­bi
mkiT­xve­lis yu­rad­Re­bas maq­si­ma­lu­rad izi­davs
da amiT mos­wav­le­ebs axa­li enob­ri­vi er­Te­u­le­
bis aT­vi­se­bas uad­vi­lebs.
kur­sis sa­xa­li­so ele­men­te­bi
gar­da ze­mo­aR­niS­nu­li oT­xi Tematuri jgufisa,
rom­le­bic kurss mra­val­fe­rov­ne­bas ani­Webs, aq
mrav­lad mo­i­Z­e­bneba axa­li ide­e­bi, ori­gi­na­lu­ri
aq­ti­vo­be­bi da sa­var­ji­So­e­bi, rom­le­bic im­de­nad
sa­in­te­re­soa, rom mos­wav­le­eb­ma, Se­saZ­loa, cdu­
ne­bas ver ga­uZ­lon da wi­nas­war Se­as­ru­lon zo­gi­
er­Ti da­va­le­ba. wig­nSi, ase­ve, Se­ta­ni­lia sim­Re­re­
bi, Ta­ma­Se­bi, ga­mo­ca­ne­bi, pro­eq­te­bi, viq­to­ri­nis
ti­pis kiT­xve­bi da ga­sa­Ta­ma­Se­be­li pi­e­sa. su­ra­Te­
bi­sa da ilus­tra­ci­e­bis ma­Ra­li xa­ris­xi da Tan­
dar­Tu­li au­dio ma­sa­la mos­wav­le­ebs swav­lis
xa­lis­sa da sur­vils ma­tebs. am faq­to­re­bis ga­mo,
FRIENDS me­tad coc­xa­li da sa­in­te­re­so gak­ve­Ti­
le­bis Ca­ta­re­bis sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va, rac, Ta­vis
mxriv, na­yo­fi­ers xdis uc­xo­u­ri enis Ses­wav­lis
2. sam­sa­fe­xu­ri­a­ni me­To­do­lo­gia
FRIENDS 2-Si warmodgenili TiToeuli sas­wav­lo
er­Te­u­li sam sa­fe­xurs mo­i­cavs – axa­li ma­sa­lis
pre­zen­ta­ci­as, mis siR­rmi­se­ul wvdo­ma­sa da mas­ze
var­jiSs. ase­Ti sa­fe­xu­re­ob­ri­vi da­yo­fa me­tad
aad­vi­lebs swav­le­bis pro­cess. pre­zen­ta­ci­e­bis
na­wi­li, bu­neb­ri­via, gan­sxva­ve­bul mi­mar­Tu­le­bas
gan­sxva­ve­bu­li aqvs. es Se­iZ­le­ba iyos fo­to­e­biT
an na­xa­te­biT war­mod­ge­ni­li am­ba­vi, we­ri­li,
in­ter­viu, an mxat­vru­li moT­xro­bis ro­me­li­me
epi­zo­di. axa­li ma­sa­lis wvdo­ma da da­mu­Sa­ve­bac
mra­val­fe­ro­va­ni da­va­le­be­biT xde­ba. es da­va­le­
be­bi gu­lis­xmobs sit­yva­Ta ur­Ti­er­TSe­Tan­xme­
bas, maT Ser­Ce­vas, kiT­xveb­ze pa­su­xis ga­ce­mas da
imis dad­ge­nas, swo­ria Tu ara teq­stis ir­gvliv
ga­moT­qmu­li mo­saz­re­be­bi.
sa­mu­Sao rve­u­li Se­i­cavs me­tad ori­gi­na­lur
“enob­riv dRi­urs”, ro­me­lic mos­wav­le­ebs sa­Su­a­
le­bas aZ­levs, da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad Se­i­mow­mon gra­ma­
ti­kis cod­na da ki­dev uf­ro ga­im­ya­ron igi.
leq­si­kis swav­le­ba mkac­rad kon­tro­li­re­ba­di
me­To­diT war­mo­ebs. axa­li sit­yve­bi da fra­ze­bi
gak­ve­Ti­lis sap­re­zen­ta­cio na­wil­Si­ve ix­sne­ba.
rac Se­e­xe­ba sa­mu­Sao rve­ul­sa da ma­sa­lis ga­sa­me­o­
re­bel seq­ci­ebs, aq uc­no­bi leq­si­ku­ri er­Te­u­le­bi
praq­ti­ku­lad aRar gvxvde­ba. axal er­Te­ul­Ta
is um­niS­vne­lo na­wi­li, ro­me­lic kul­tu­ri­sa da
sa­kiT­xa­vi seq­ci­e­bis teq­steb­Si gvxvde­ba, zed­mi­wev­
niT zus­ti ilus­tra­ci­e­bis kon­teq­stSia war­mo­Ce­
ni­li, rac mos­wav­le­ebs ma­Ti Si­na­ar­sis wvdo­mas
axa­li leq­si­ku­ri er­Te­u­le­bi­sa da ma­Ti kon­kre­
tu­li Si­na­ar­se­bis da­max­sov­re­bas xels uw­yobs
ag­reT­ve kur­sis sxva­das­xva kom­po­nen­tSi ux­vad
ga­fan­tu­li sa­var­jo­So­e­bic.
axa­li sit­yve­bi Se­sit­yve­beb­sa da wi­na­da­de­beb­
Sia re­a­li­ze­bu­li, rac maT das­wav­la­sa da da­max­
sov­re­bas sag­rZnob­lad ai­o­lebs. igi­ve er­Te­u­le­
bi sa­mu­Sao rve­ul­Sic me­or­de­ba da mos­wav­le­ebs
ex­ma­re­ba ara mxo­lod az­ri­a­nad da sis­te­mu­rad
ga­mo­i­ye­non isi­ni, ara­med da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad Se­a­mow­
mon da ga­a­kon­tro­lon sa­ku­Ta­ri cod­nis sim­ya­re.
5. yu­rad­Re­bis ga­max­vi­le­ba una­reb­ze
kur­sis er­Te­u­leb­Si re­gu­la­ru­la­daa war­mod­
geni­li mos­me­nis, sa­ub­ris, we­ri­sa da kiT­xvis una­
re­bis gan­ma­vi­Ta­re­be­li ma­sa­la; am una­rebs kur­
sis kon­kre­tu­li seq­ci­e­bic eT­mo­ba, xo­lo mos­wav­
le­Ta sa­mu­Sao rve­u­lis “una­re­bis seq­ci­a­Si” isi­ni
kon­so­li­di­re­bu­li sa­xiT mu­Sav­de­ba. am seq­ci­a­Si
axa­li gra­ma­ti­ku­li ma­sa­lis gac­no­ba ar xde­ba,
ami­tom mos­wav­le­Ta mTe­li yu­rad­re­ba swo­red am
oTx unar­zea ga­da­ta­ni­li. Sez­Ru­du­la­daa, ase­ve,
war­mo­Ce­ni­li axa­li leq­si­ku­ri er­Te­u­le­bic.
amas­Ta­na­ve, mos­wav­lis wig­nSi gan­Tav­se­bu­lia
una­re­bi­sad­mi miZ­Rvni­li aTi seq­cia, ro­me­lic
mos­me­nis, sa­ub­ris, kiT­xvi­sa da we­ris una­re­bis
gaR­vi­ve­bis gar­da, mos­wav­le­ebs leq­si­kon­ze mu­Sa­
o­ba­sac as­wav­lis. yo­vel seq­ci­as ax­lavs sa­var­ji­
So, ro­me­lic erT ro­mel­i­me kon­kre­tul unar­zea
6. sa­kiT­xa­vi prog­ra­ma
mi­u­xe­da­vad imi­sa, rom FRIENDS oT­xi­ve unars aR­vi­
vebs, Zi­ri­Ta­di yu­rad­Re­ba ma­inc kiT­xvis unars
eq­ce­va. kiT­xvis una­ris gan­vi­Ta­re­ba gan­sa­kuT­re­
biT mniS­vne­lo­va­nia, rad­ga­nac igi sa­Su­a­le­bas
aZ­levs ada­mi­ans da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad imu­Sa­os sa­ku­
Tar Tav­ze. kiT­xvis sa­Su­a­le­biT mos­wav­le­e­bi
swav­lo­ben axal sit­yvebs da maT mar­Tlwe­ras,
ime­o­re­ben gra­ma­ti­kas, euf­le­bi­an we­ri­Ti teq­
stis age­bis ti­pi­ur struq­tu­rebs da a.S.
kur­sSi war­mod­ge­ni­li mra­val­fe­ro­va­ni sa­kiT­
xa­vi ma­sa­li­dan gan­sa­kuT­re­biT aR­sa­niS­na­via 3
me­tad sa­in­te­re­so moT­xro­ba, rom­le­bic xels
uw­yobs mos­wav­le­e­bis klas­ga­re­Se sa­kiT­xa­vi
li­te­ra­tu­ri­sad­mi in­te­re­sis gaR­vi­ve­bas.
7. ko­mu­ni­ka­ci­is prog­ra­ma
sa­ub­ris una­ris gan­vi­Ta­re­ba erT-er­Ti yve­la­ze
rTu­li amo­ca­naa da sa­fuZ­vli­an var­jiSs mo­iT­
xovs. FRIENDS Sem­swav­lelT sTa­va­zobs am una­ris
nel-ne­la, eta­pob­ri­vad gaR­vi­ve­bas umar­ti­ve­si,
mkac­rad mar­Tu­li sa­var­ji­So­e­bi­dan daw­ye­bu­li,
uf­ro Ta­vi­su­fa­li sa­var­ji­So­e­biT, Ta­ma­Se­bi­Ta
da pro­eq­te­biT das­ru­le­bu­li. amas yve­la­fers
ema­te­ba da­sad­gme­lad ga­miz­nu­li pi­e­sac, ro­mel­
Sic kla­sis yve­la mos­wav­les Se­uZ­lia mo­na­wi­le­o­
bis mi­Re­ba. am ti­pis sa­var­ji­So­e­bi wyvi­le­bad an
jgu­fur mu­Sa­o­ba­zea gaT­vli­li, rac, Ta­vis mxriv,
ara mxo­lod sa­ub­ris unars aR­vi­vebs, ara­med mos­
wav­le­Ta uc­xo­ur ena­ze ko­mu­ni­ka­be­lu­ro­ba­sac
uw­yobs xels. sa­bo­loo jam­Si, es yo­ve­li­ve sak­la­
so oTax­Si Ta­nam­Srom­lo­bis, Ta­na­mo­az­re­o­bi­sa
da me­gob­ro­bis at­mos­fe­ros Seq­mnas ga­na­pi­ro­
8. in­gli­su­re­no­va­ni qvey­ne­bis kul­tu­
ris gac­no­ba
kom­pleq­sis wi­nam­de­ba­re kur­sSi kul­tu­ris 4 seq­
ci­aa, rom­le­bic mos­wav­le­ebs ac­no­bi­e­re­bi­nebs,
rom in­gli­sur ena­ze, di­di bri­ta­ne­Tis gar­da,
sxva qvey­neb­Sic la­pa­ra­ko­ben. am qvey­nis bav­Sveb­
Tan gac­no­biT, mos­wav­le­e­bi did in­for­ma­ci­as
iReben Ta­na­tol­Ta cxov­re­bis wes­sa da stil­ze
msof­li­os bevr qve­ya­na­Si.
pir­ve­li ori ti­pis tes­ti er­Ti da ima­ve ma­sa­
lis cod­nas amow­mebs da mos­wav­le­Ta miR­we­ve­bis
swra­fi da mar­ti­vi Se­fa­se­bis ide­a­lu­ri sa­Su­a­le­
baa. tes­te­bi, rom­le­bic tes­te­bis rve­ul­Sia war­
mod­ge­ni­li UCLES ga­moc­deb­zea ori­en­ti­re­bu­li.
enob­riv tes­teb­Tan er­Tad, rom­le­bic yve­la­na­ir
mo­duls mo­i­cavs, yo­ve­li ori mo­du­lis Sem­deg
war­mod­ge­ni­lia unar­Ta Se­sa­mow­me­be­li tes­te­bic.
Se­fa­se­bis cxri­li, ro­me­lic tes­te­bis rve­uls
ax­lavs, sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va mos­wav­lis cal­ke­u­li
una­ri da mi­si gra­ma­ti­ki­sa da leq­si­kis cod­nis
do­ne cal-cal­ke Se­va­fa­soT. am cxri­lis sa­Su­
a­le­biT, mas­wav­le­bels Se­uZ­lia Ta­vi­suf­lad
akon­tro­los yo­ve­li mos­wav­lis sus­ti da Zli­e­
ri mxa­re­e­bi da kon­struq­ci­u­li sa­moq­me­do geg­ma
da­sa­xos ar­se­bu­li xar­ve­ze­bis aRmosafxvrelad.
10. mos­wav­le­Ta TviT­rwme­nis gaR­vi­ve­
bis sa­Su­a­le­be­bi
FRIENDS gan­sa­kuT­re­bul yu­rad­Re­bas aq­cevs mos­
wav­le­Ta TviT­rwme­ni­sa da “enob­ri­vi Tu sa­ko­mu­
ni­ka­cio si­Ta­ma­mis” gaR­vi­ve­bas, rad­ga­nac es erTer­Ti um­niS­vne­lo­va­ne­si xel­Sem­wyo­bi faq­to­ria
enis qve­da do­nis Sem­swav­lel­TaT­vis.
sas­wav­lo ma­sa­lis struq­tu­ru­li er­Tgva­rov­
ne­ba imis sa­win­da­ria, rom mos­wav­le­eb­ma swra­fad
ga­i­az­ron, Tu ras iT­xovs maT­gan mas­wav­le­be­li,
ra sa­xis da­va­le­ba un­da Se­as­ru­lon da a.S. yve­la
sa­var­ji­So Tu aq­ti­vo­ba mar­tiv pri­cip­zea age­bu­
li, ma­Ti rub­ri­ke­bi – mok­le da ga­sa­ge­bi. es ga­re­
mo­e­ba xels uw­yobs mos­wav­le­ebs, da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad
Se­as­ru­lon da­va­le­ba, rac, Ta­vis mxriv, sa­ku­Ta­ri
Se­saZ­leb­lo­be­bis rwme­nas um­ya­rebs maT.
yve­la­ze mniS­vne­lo­va­ni uTu­od isaa, rom kur­
sSi war­mod­ge­ni­li ma­sa­la zed­mi­wev­niT esa­da­ge­
ba aR­niS­nu­li asa­kob­ri­vi jgu­fis mos­wav­le­ebs
da maT go­neb­riv Se­saZ­leb­lo­bebs. maT ar uWirT
arc kon­kre­tu­li da­va­le­be­bi­saT­vis Ta­vis gar­
Tme­va, da arc gak­ve­Til­Si da­sa­xu­li miz­ne­bis
miR­we­va. axa­li ma­sa­lis for­ma­tic maT­Tvis sav­se­
biT daZ­le­va­dia. ami­tom mos­wav­le­ebs sa­ku­Ta­ri
Se­saZ­leb­lo­be­bis rwme­nac um­yar­de­ba da swav­lis
pro­ce­sic si­a­mov­ne­bas ani­Webs.
11. kur­sis kom­po­nen­te­bi
kur­si Sem­de­gi kom­po­nen­te­bi­sa­gan Sed­ge­ba:
9. tes­ti­re­bis sis­te­ma
mos­wav­le­Ta xSi­ri tes­ti­re­ba da Se­fa­se­ba, ma­Ti
miR­we­ve­bis war­mo­Ce­nis erT-er­Ti sa­u­ke­Te­so
Tval­sa­Ci­no­e­ba­caa da ma­Ti mo­ma­va­li se­ri­o­zu­li
ga­moc­de­bi­saT­vis mza­de­bis efeq­tu­ri sa­Su­a­le­
bac. tes­ti­re­ba mas­wav­leb­leb­sac uq­mnis obi­eq­
tur warmodgenas imis Ta­o­ba­ze, Tu ram­de­na­daa
daZ­le­u­li gan­vli­li ma­sa­la.
wi­nam­de­ba­re kur­sis tes­ti­re­bis sis­te­ma Sem­de­
gi sa­xis tes­tebs Se­i­cavs:
• Check Yourself testebs (mos­wav­lis wig­nSi)
• Check testebs (mas­wav­leb­lis wig­nSi)
• mos­wav­lis wig­ni
• mos­wav­lis rve­u­li
• mas­wav­leb­lis wig­ni
• au­dio ka­se­te­bi sak­la­so mox­ma­re­bi­saT­vis
• tes­te­bis rve­u­li Tan­dar­Tu­li ka­se­te­biT
yo­ve­li ze­mo­aR­niS­nu­li kom­po­nen­ti di­di sif­
rTxi­li­Taa Sed­ge­ni­li, ra­Ta xel­say­re­li da xel­
mi­saw­vdo­mi iyos ne­bis­mi­e­ri mas­wav­leb­li­sa Tu
cxri­li, sa­Ta­u­riT How do­es Friends work?, zus­
tad asa­xavs am kom­po­nen­tTa ur­Ti­er­Tmi­mar­Te­bas
wi­nam­de­ba­re kur­sSi.
• A da B enob­ri­vi tes­te­bi (tes­te­bis rve­ul­Si)
• A da B una­re­bis tes­te­bi (tes­te­bis rve­ul­Si)
Students’ Book
Activity Book
Teacher’s Resource Book
Students’ Book
Activity Book
Teacher’s Resource Book
Students’ Book contents
ma­sa­lis siR­rmi­se­u­li wvdo­ma
mos­wav­lis wig­ni
mos­wav­lis wig­ni Sed­ge­ba 8 mo­du­lis­gan. Ti­To­
e­u­li maT­ga­ni mo­i­cavs oTx Zi­ri­Tad er­Te­uls,
ro­mel­Ta sa­Su­a­le­bi­Tac mos­wav­le­e­bi ec­no­bi­an
axal ma­sa­las da var­ji­So­ben mis gam­ya­re­ba­ze.
am oT­xi Zi­ri­Ta­di er­Te­u­li­dan TiToeuli gar­
kve­u­li mi­mar­Tu­le­bis na­wi­lia. ma­ga­li­Tad,
“The Lon­do­ners” mog­viT­xrobs oT­xi bri­ta­ne­li
sko­lis me­gob­ris yo­vel­dRi­ur cxov­re­ba­ze. “The
Crazy De­tec­ti­ves” ori ka­ri­ka­tu­ru­li de­teq­ti­vis
da ma­Ti mne qa­lis sa­xa­li­so Tav­ga­da­sav­leb­ze.
“Fri­ends’ Club” war­mog­vid­gens sxva­das­xva qvey­nis
bav­Sve­bTan in­ter­vi­u­eb­sa da maT we­ri­lebs. “Story
Ti­me” mo­i­cavs 3 moT­xro­bas: The Right Cho­i­ce, They
Ca­me from Kit­ra da Vo­ya­ge to the Unknown.
yo­ve­li mo­du­li bo­lov­de­ba gan­vli­li ma­sa­
lis mi­mom­xil­ve­li er­Te­u­liT, ro­me­lic leq­si­
kis, fo­ne­ti­kis, gra­ma­ti­kis da sa­xa­li­so an sa­sim­
Re­ro seq­ci­e­bad iyo­fa.
ma­sa­lis ga­me­o­re­ba­ze ga­an­ga­ri­Se­bul er­Te­uls
sa­kiT­xa­vi an kul­tu­ruli in­for­ma­ci­is Sem­cve­li
seq­cia mos­devs. es seq­cia iT­va­lis­wi­nebs oT­xi­ve
unar-Cve­vis in­teg­ri­re­bul da sis­te­ma­tur gam­ya­
re­bas. ze­mo­aRniS­nu­lis gar­da, mos­wav­lis wig­ni
sas­ko­lo wlis bo­los da­sad­gmel pi­e­sas;
sit­yva­Ta nus­xas, ro­me­lic yve­la er­Te­ul­Si
re­a­li­ze­bu­li sit­yve­bis Tan­mim­dev­ru­li Ca­mo­
kur­sSi re­a­li­ze­bu­li ara­we­si­e­ri zmne­bis sa­mi
Zi­ri­Ta­di for­mis cxrils;
fo­ne­ti­kuri sim­bo­lo­e­bis cxrils, ro­me­lic
mos­wav­lis wig­nSi ga­mo­ye­ne­bul fo­ne­ti­kur sim­
bo­lo­ebs asa­xavs.
1. mos­wav­lis wig­nis Zi­ri­Ta­di er­Te­u­
le­bis spe­ci­fi­ka
yo­vel Zi­ri­Tad teqsts ax­lavs sa­var­ji­So, ro­me­
lic teq­stis Si­na­ar­sis wvdo­mis unars a­vi­Ta­
rebs. es gak­ve­Ti­lis me­tad mniS­ne­lo­va­ni eta­pia,
rad­ga­nac mi­si sa­Su­a­le­biT mas­wav­le­bels eZ­le­va
sa­Su­a­le­ba ga­a­kon­tro­los, Tu ram­de­nad swo­rad
ga­i­ges mos­wav­le­eb­ma teq­sti Tu di­a­lo­gi, da
sa­Wi­roa Tu ara zo­gi­er­Ti sit­yvi­sa Tu Se­sit­
yve­bis Si­na­ar­sis ki­dev uf­ro da­zus­te­ba. Ta­vad
ze­mo­aR­niS­nu­li ti­pis sa­var­ji­So­e­bi sxva­das­xva
sa­xi­saa – kiT­xveb­ze pa­su­xi, teq­stis Si­na­ar­sis
swo­ri da aras­wo­ri in­ter­pre­ta­ci­e­bi, sit­yve­bi­sa
da ma­Ti gan­mar­te­be­bis Se­xa­me­ba da mrav­lo­bi­Ti
ar­Ce­va­ni­dan swo­ri er­Te­u­lis Ser­Ce­va.
axa­li sit­yve­bis gac­no­ba da maT­ze var­ji­Si Se­sa­
ba­mis kon­teq­stsa da Se­sit­yve­beb­Si xde­ba, rac
aad­vi­lebs maT das­wav­la­sa da da­max­sov­re­bas.
Ti­To­e­u­li cik­li or-sam axal leq­si­kur kom­bi­na­
ci­as gvTa­va­zobs. mos­wav­lis wig­nSi isi­ni enob­ri­
vi dRi­u­re­bis seq­ci­a­Sia Ca­moT­vli­li, xo­lo ma­Ti
ga­aq­ti­u­re­ba Ta­nam­dev leq­si­kur sa­var­ji­So­eb­Si
xde­ba. ase­Ti me­To­di ai­Zu­lebs mos­wav­le­ebs sis­
te­ma­tu­rad da ga­az­re­bu­lad Ca­i­we­ron da ga­mo­i­ye­
non axa­li sit­yve­bi.
enob­ri­vi Car­Co­e­bi
enob­ri­vi Car­Co­e­bi ex­ma­re­b­a mos­wav­le­ebs yu­rad­
Re­ba ga­a­max­vi­lon im axal gra­ma­ti­kul ma­sa­la­ze,
ro­mel­sac efuZ­ne­ba Zi­ri­Ta­di teq­sti da di­a­lo­
gi. zo­gi­erT gak­ve­Til­Si enob­ri­vi Car­Co or pun­
qtsac ki iT­va­lis­wi­nebs.
am Car­Co­e­bis mi­za­nia yu­rad­Re­ba ga­u­max­vi­los mos­
wav­le­ebs sa­va­ra­u­dod maT­Tvis rTul enob­riv
ele­men­teb­ze, ra­Ta da­az­Rvi­os isi­ni Sem­dgo­mi
enob­ri­vi Sec­do­me­bi­sa­gan.
una­re­bis Car­Co
er­Te­ul­Ta me­ti wi­li im “mo­sa­Te­li” aq­ti­vo­biT
iw­ye­ba, ro­me­lic mos­wav­le­ebs Zi­ri­Tad Te­mas
ac­nobs. mi­mar­Tu­le­ba­Si The Lon­do­ners es, Cve­u­leb­
riv, in­for­ma­ci­u­li xa­si­a­Tis teq­stia lon­don­
sa da lon­do­ne­le­bis cxov­re­bis wes­ze; F
F ri­ends’
Club – garkveul Te­ma­ze da­we­ril re­daq­to­ris
we­rils gvTa­va­zobs; Story Ti­me – moT­xro­bis
wi­na­mor­bed epi­zo­debs Seg­vax­se­nebs da a.S.
una­re­bis Car­Co­e­bi ex­ma­re­b­a mos­wav­le­ebs mos­me­
nis, kiT­xvis, we­ri­sa da sa­ub­ris unar-Cve­ve­bis gaR­
vi­ve­ba­Si. mos­wav­le­Ta wig­nSi aTi ase­Ti Car­Coa.
isi­ni Se­i­ca­ven praq­ti­kul mi­Ti­Te­bebs imis Ta­o­
ba­ze, Tu ro­gor unda Se­eC­vi­os mos­wav­le mos­me­
ni­li teq­stis Zi­ri­Ta­di ar­sis wvdo­mas, ro­go­ri
da­mo­ki­de­bu­le­ba ga­mo­i­mu­Sa­os axa­li er­Te­u­le­bis
mi­marT, ro­gor da­we­ros eleq­tro­nu­li we­ri­li
da a.S. Ti­To­e­ul aseT Car­Cos mos­devs kon­kre­tu­
li unar-Cve­vis ga­sam­ya­re­be­li sa­var­ji­So.
aR­niS­nu­li oT­xi mi­mar­Tu­le­ba mra­va­li ti­pis
teq­sti­sa­gan Sed­ge­ba. Se­sas­wav­li enob­ri­vi
struq­tu­ra az­ri­an, lo­gi­kur da sa­in­te­re­so kon­
teq­stSia war­mod­ge­ni­li, rac swav­las sa­si­a­mov­
nos xdis.
teq­ste­bi da di­a­lo­ge­bi fir­zea Ca­we­ri­li da
gar­kve­u­li la­vi­re­bis sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va. ma­ga­
li­Tad, mas­wav­le­bel­ma Se­iZ­le­ba ga­daw­yvi­tos,
rom um­jo­be­sia mos­wav­le­eb­ma jer fi­ri mo­is­mi­
non da Sem­deg ga­da­xe­don teqsts; an­da teqsts
fi­ris mos­me­ni­sas mi­a­dev­non Tva­li. asea Tu ise,
rCe­vis sa­xiT un­da iT­qvas, rom up­ri­a­nia fi­ri
or­jer ma­inc da­at­ri­a­loT da mos­wav­le­ebs teq­
stis naw­yve­te­bi Tu di­a­lo­gis cal­ke­u­li fra­ze­
bi xma­maR­la ga­a­me­o­re­bi­noT.
am me­To­diT maT er­Tdro­u­lad uR­viv­de­baT mos­
me­nis, kiT­xvis da sa­ub­ris unar-Cve­va.
var­ji­Si axal ma­sa­la­ze
mos­wav­lis wig­nis yve­la Car­Cos praq­ti­ku­li
sa­var­ji­So mos­devs. gra­ma­ti­ku­li sa­var­ji­So­e­bi
ori­en­ti­re­bu­lia sa­Wi­ro struq­tu­ris ga­var­ji­
Se­ba­ze. isi­ni ase­ve ex­ma­re­ba mas­wav­le­bels ga­a­
kon­tro­los, Tu ram­de­nad swo­rad iye­ne­ben mos­
wav­le­e­bi am struq­tu­rebs. ase­Ti sa­var­ji­So­e­bi
iw­ye­ba mar­ti­vi, mar­Tu­li sa­var­ji­So­e­biT da mxo­
lod gak­ve­Ti­lis bo­los­ken ic­vle­ba Se­da­re­biT
Ta­vi­su­fa­li da da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad Se­sas­ru­le­be­li
aR­niS­nu­li sa­var­ji­So­e­bi sxva­das­xva prin­ci­
piT srul­de­ba: mos­me­niT, ze­pi­rad, we­riT da a.S.
isi­ni xan da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad, in­di­vi­du­a­lu­rad
Se­sas­ru­le­be­li da­va­le­be­bia, xan ki wyvi­le­bad
an jgu­fu­rad.
mo­sas­me­ni sa­var­ji­So­e­bi
bi, wi­nam­de­ba­re kur­sSi, yo­vel Zi­ri­Tad er­Te­uls
mo­sas­me­ni sa­var­ji­So­e­bi kur­sis FRIENDS me­tad
mniS­vne­lo­va­ni na­wi­lia. isi­ni mos­wav­le­ebs ara
mxo­lod sa­sa­ub­ro dis­kur­sis mos­me­ni­sa da ga­ge­
bis stra­te­gi­ebs uvi­Ta­rebs, ara­med aTa­vi­se­bi­
nebs uc­xo­u­ri enis bge­ra­Ta da max­vil­Ta sis­te­mas,
am enis rit­mul da in­to­na­ci­ur mo­na­xazs da a.S.
FRIENDS mra­va­li sa­xis mo­sas­men sa­var­ji­So­ebs
iT­va­lis­wi­nebs. zo­gi­er­Ti maT­ga­ni teq­stis Si­na­
ar­sis zo­gad wvdo­mas akon­tro­lebs, sxve­bic
– speci­fi­ku­ri in­for­ma­ci­is mos­me­niT ga­ge­ba­ze
avar­ji­Sebs mos­wav­le­ebs.
leq­si­kis ga­me­o­re­ba
ze­pi­ri sa­var­ji­So­e­bi
ase­Ti mra­val­fe­ro­va­ni sa­var­ji­So­e­bi xels
uw­yobs mos­wav­le­ebs axa­li leq­si­ku­ri er­Te­u­le­
bi­sa da ma­Ti Si­na­ar­se­bis sxva­das­xva sa­Su­a­le­biT
am sa­var­ji­So­Ta age­bis prin­ci­pi mos­wav­le­ebs
ai­Zu­lebs ivar­ji­Son axal sit­yveb­sa da struq­tu­
enob­ri­vi re­sur­se­bis zrdas­Tan er­Tad, mos­
wav­le­Ta enob­ri­vi si­Ta­ma­mec ma­tu­lobs. ami­tom
ze­pi­ri sa­var­ji­So­e­bi gra­ma­ti­ku­li da sxva enob­
ri­vi struq­tu­re­bis gam­ya­re­bi­dan Tan­da­Tan
uf­ro Ta­visu­fal, ko­mu­ni­ka­ci­is una­ris war­mom­
Cen da ga­maR­vi­ve­bel sa­var­ji­So­eb­ze ga­da­dis.
mos­wav­lis wig­nSi war­mod­ge­nil sa­var­ji­So­
eb­Tan er­Tad, FRIENDS sxva ti­pis ko­mu­ni­ka­ci­ur
sa­var­ji­So­eb­sac sTa­va­zobs mos­wav­le­ebs. ker­Zod,
mas­wav­leb­lis wig­nis re­sur­se­bis seq­ci­a­Si ux­va­
daa qse­ro­ko­pi­re­bi­saT­vis gankuTvnili sa­var­ji­
So­e­bi. am sa­var­ji­So­eb­Si Se­mo­Ta­va­ze­bu­li aq­ti­
vo­be­bi Za­la­u­ne­bu­rad ame­o­re­bi­nebs mos­wav­le­ebs
nas­wavl leq­si­kur da gra­ma­ti­kul ma­sa­las da
uad­vi­lebs maT am cod­nis Ta­vi­suf­lad, si­tu­a­ci­
is Se­sa­ba­mi­sad ga­mo­ye­ne­bas.
we­ri­Ti sa­var­ji­So­e­bi
es sa­var­ji­So­e­bi axa­li leq­si­ku­ri da gra­ma­ti­ku­
li ma­sa­lis uk­ve we­ri­Ti sa­xiT gam­ya­re­bas em­sa­xu­
re­ba. isi­ni na­Te­li ma­ga­li­Te­bis moy­va­niT iw­ye­ba,
xo­lo Ta­vad da­va­le­ba naT­lad da mar­ti­va­daa
Ca­mo­ya­li­be­bu­li. sa­var­ji­So­e­bis Tan­mim­dev­ro­
bis prin­ci­pi aqac igi­vea rac sxva­gan _ isi­ni
mar­ti­vi, mar­Tu­li sa­var­ji­So­e­biT iw­ye­ba da Tan­
da­Tan uf­ro Ta­vi­su­fal da da­mo­u­ki­de­bel va­ri­
an­teb­ze ga­da­dis, rom­le­bic Se­da­re­biT Zli­er
mos­wav­le­eb­zea gaTvlili.
we­ri­Ti sa­mu­Sa­o­e­bis me­ti wi­li, bu­neb­ri­via,
Sin un­da Ses­rul­des, mag­ram sa­sur­ve­lia ma­Ti
gar­kve­u­li ra­o­de­no­biT klas­Si­ve Ses­ru­le­ba,
ra­Ta mas­wav­le­bel­ma sa­Ta­na­do dax­ma­re­ba da meT­
val­yu­re­o­ba ga­u­wi­os mos­wav­le­ebs axa­li ti­pis
sa­var­ji­So­e­bis we­ri­sas.
sim­Re­re­bis mi­za­ni isev da isev axal enob­riv
er­Te­u­leb­ze kon­cen­tri­re­ba da ma­Ti gam­ya­re­
baa. isi­ni az­rob­ri­vad kon­kre­tu­li er­Te­u­lis
ma­sa­las ukav­Sir­de­ba, ase rom gan­ye­ne­bu­li ma­sa­
lis STa­beW­di­le­bas ar to­vebs da or­ga­nu­lad
er­wymis Ta­vad gak­ve­Tils. isi­ni, Zi­ri­Ta­dad,
mos­me­nis aq­ti­vo­ba­Sia Car­Tu­li, mag­ram es sru­li­
a­dac ar ga­mo­ric­xavs ma­Ti das­wav­li­sa da klas­Si
Ses­ru­le­bis Se­saZ­leb­lo­bas.
leq­si­ku­ri sa­var­ji­So­e­bi ga­sa­me­o­re­bel seq­ci­eb­
Si ga­miz­nu­lia mTel mo­dul­Si war­mod­ge­ni­li
leq­si­kis ga­sa­me­o­reb­lad. isi­ni Zi­ri­Ta­dad Sem­
de­gi ti­pis da­va­le­bebs gu­lis­xmobs: sa­sa­ub­ro
Te­mis ir­gvliv nas­wav­li sit­yve­bis daj­gu­fe­ba,
si­no­ni­me­bi­sa da an­to­ni­me­bis mo­Zi­e­ba, Si­na­ar­sob­
ri­vad Se­u­sa­ba­mo sit­yve­bis amog­de­ba, sit­yve­bi­sa
da ma­Ti mniS­vne­lo­be­bis misadageba, su­ra­Te­bi­sa
da ma­Ti aR­mwe­ri wi­na­da­de­be­bis misadageba, teq­
stis sa­Ta­na­do sit­yve­biT Sev­se­ba, kros­vor­de­bis
Sev­se­ba da a. S.
leq­si­kon­ze mu­Sa­o­bis unar-Cve­vis
es seq­cia mos­wav­le­ebs as­wav­lis ro­gorc ore­no­
van, ise er­Te­no­van, gan­mar­te­biT leq­si­kon­ze mu­Sa­
o­bas. mos­wav­lis wig­nis ga­sa­me­o­re­bel seq­ci­eb­Si
1, 3, 5 da 8 oT­xi ase­Ti Car­Coa. Ti­To­e­ul Car­Cos
er­Tvis am Cve­vis ga­mam­ya­re­be­li sa­var­ji­So.
am seq­ci­eb­Si war­mod­ge­ni­lia fo­ne­mu­ri sim­bo­lo­
e­bi. am sim­bo­lo­Ta cod­na xels uw­yobs mos­wav­le­
ebs axa­li sit­yvis swo­ri JRe­ra­do­bis amo­kiT­xvada­max­sov­re­ba­Si da leq­si­kon­ze da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad
mu­Sa­o­ba­Si. am seq­ci­is sa­var­ji­So­e­bi sak­ma­od
sa­xa­li­soa, ami­tom mos­wav­le­ebs axal sim­bo­lo­Ta
aT­vi­se­ba arc da­e­za­re­baT da arc ga­uZ­nel­de­baT.
mas­wav­leb­lis wig­nis re­sur­se­bis seq­ci­a­Si 4 ase­
Ti qse­ro­ko­pi­re­bi­saT­vis gankuTvnili aq­ti­vo­baa
Car­Tu­li, ro­me­lic mos­wav­le­ebs fo­ne­mu­ri sim­bo­
lo­e­bis wa­kiT­xva­ze avar­ji­Sebs.
gra­ma­ti­kis ga­me­o­re­ba
gra­ma­ti­kis seq­ci­eb­Si Zi­ri­Tad er­Te­u­leb­Si war­
mod­ge­ni­li enob­ri­vi struq­tu­re­bia gam­ya­re­bu­
li. sa­var­ji­So­e­bi mra­val­fe­ro­va­nia da xSi­rad
Ta­ma­Se­bi­sa da sa­xa­li­so aq­ti­vo­be­bis fon­ze
mo­di, ga­ver­ToT an vim­Re­roT!
Ti­To­e­ul ga­sa­me­o­re­bel er­Te­ul­Si ra­i­me Ta­ma­Si
an sim­Re­raa Car­Tu­li. sim­Re­re­bi Ca­we­ri­lia da
mos­wav­le­ebs Se­uZ­li­aT maT ub­ra­lod mo­us­mi­
non, an­da xma aa­yo­lon, rad­ga­nac yo­vel sim­Re­ras
“ka­ra­o­kes” ver­si­ac mos­devs.
yo­ve­li ga­sa­me­o­re­be­li er­Te­u­lis bo­los, mas
Sem­deg, rac mos­wav­lis wig­nis Se­sa­ba­mi­si seq­cia
da sa­ku­Ta­ri Ta­vis Se­sa­mow­me­be­li tes­ti das­rul­
de­ba, mas­wav­leb­lebs Se­uZ­li­aT re­sur­se­bis seq­ci­
a­Si war­mod­ge­ni­li qse­ro­ko­pi­re­ba­di
tes­te­bic Se­as­ru­le­bi­non mos­wav­le­ebs.
2. mos­wav­lis wig­nis ga­sa­me­o­re­be­li
er­Te­u­le­bis spe­ci­fi­ka
ga­me­o­re­ba, enis Ses­wav­lis am ad­re­ul etap­ze,
swav­le­bis sru­li­ad au­ci­le­be­li kom­po­nen­tia.
ma­sa­lis ga­me­o­re­bis miz­niT Seq­mni­li er­Te­u­le­
3. mos­wav­lis wig­nis kul­tu­ri­sa da
sa­kiT­xa­vi teq­ste­bis seq­ci­e­bis spe­ci­
ori­ve, kul­tu­ris ele­men­te­bis Sem­cve­li seq­ci­e­
bi­ca da sa­kiT­xa­vi teq­ste­bis na­wi­lic, unar-Cve­va­
Ta gaR­vi­ve­bis me­tad xel­say­re­li wya­roa. aq me­or­
de­ba uk­ve nas­wav­li gra­ma­ti­ku­li struq­tu­re­bi
da leq­si­ku­ri er­Te­u­le­bi da, amav­dro­u­lad,
Se­mo­dis axa­li leq­si­ku­ri ele­men­te­bic, rom­le­
bic sa­Su­a­le­bas aZ­levs mos­wav­le­ebs aa­moq­me­don
Se­Ze­ni­li unar-Cve­ve­bi Ta­vi­su­fa­li met­yve­le­bis
kul­tu­ris ele­men­te­bis Sem­cve­li seq­ci­e­bi mra­
val­fe­ro­van in­for­ma­ci­as aw­vdis mos­wav­le­ebs
in­gli­su­r enaze.
sa­kiT­xav seq­ci­eb­Si war­mod­ge­ni­li moT­xro­be­bi
imi­Taa sa­xa­li­so da sa­sar­geb­lo, rom isi­ni Tval­
naT­liv aC­ve­ne­ben mos­wav­le­ebs sa­ku­Tar miR­we­vebs
da ar­wmu­ne­ben maT, rom uk­ve Se­uZ­li­aT in­gli­sur
ena­ze wa­i­kiT­xon da ga­i­gon sak­ma­od vrce­li da
rTu­li teq­ste­bi.
zo­gi­er­Ti kul­tu­ris ele­men­te­bi­sa da sa­kiT­xa­vi
ma­sa­lis Sem­cve­li seg­men­ti pro­eq­tsac Se­i­cavs.
pro­eq­te­bi sa­Su­a­le­bas aZ­levs mos­wav­le­ebs in­di­
vi­du­a­lu­rad, wyvi­le­bad an jgu­fe­bad imu­Sa­on da
sa­ku­Ta­ri az­re­bi war­mo­a­Ci­non. rCe­vis sa­xiT un­da
iT­qvas, rom sa­sur­ve­lia ne­bis­mi­e­ri mos­wav­lis
pro­eq­tis gan­xil­va mo­ew­yos (da ara mxo­lod sa­u­
ke­Te­so pro­eq­te­bi­sa), ra­Ta nak­le­bi Se­saZ­leb­lo­
be­bis mos­wav­le­e­bic er­Tgva­rad wa­va­xa­li­soT.
mos­wav­lis wig­nis ka­se­te­bi
sak­la­so ka­se­ta­ze Ca­we­ri­lia mos­wav­lis wig­nis
yve­la mo­sas­me­nad ga­miz­nu­li ma­sa­la; ker­Zod,
teq­ste­bi, mo­sas­me­ni sa­var­ji­So­e­bi, fo­ne­ti­ku­ri
sa­var­ji­So­e­bi da sim­Re­re­bi.
sa­mu­Sao rve­u­li
sa­mu­Sao rve­u­lis sa­var­ji­So­e­bi sa­Si­nao da­va­le­
be­bis­Tvi­saa ga­miz­nu­li, mag­ram Tu mas­wav­le­be­li
mi­zan­Se­wo­ni­lad CaT­vlis ma­Ti na­wi­lis klas­Si
Ses­ru­le­bas, arc es iq­ne­ba uri­go. sa­mu­Sao rve­u­
lis gar­kve­­li na­wi­le­bi, ro­go­ri­caa, ma­ga­li­Tad,
unar-Cve­veb­ze ori­en­ti­re­bu­li seq­ci­e­bi, mo­iT­
xovs ki­dec mas­wav­leb­lis ze­dam­xed­ve­lo­bas. aq
Se­saZ­loa ise­Ti sa­var­ji­So­e­bic iyos, ro­mel­Ta
msgav­sic mos­wav­lis wig­nSi ar iyo war­mod­ge­ni­
mos­wav­lis wig­ni Sem­deg seq­ci­ebs Se­i­cavs:
an­da mos­wav­le­Ta sa­ku­Ta­ri ma­ga­li­Te­bis Ca­sa­wer
sa­var­ji­So­ebs. sa­sur­ve­lia, mos­wav­le­eb­ma am da­va­
le­be­bis da­mo­u­ki­deb­lad, sa­xel­mZRva­ne­lo­Si
Ca­u­xe­da­vad Sev­se­ba SeZlon, mag­ram Tu es ar ga­mos­
diT, ma­Sin cxa­dia, Ses­ru­le­bu­li da­va­le­ba mos­
wav­lis wig­nis dax­ma­re­biT un­da ga­da­a­mow­mon.
I know the­se words (es sit­yve­bic vi­ci... ) _ is axa­
li leq­si­ku­ri er­Te­u­le­bia, rom­le­bic Se­sas­wav­
li er­Te­u­li­dan un­da aiT­vi­son.
Ti­To­e­u­li er­Te­u­lis bo­los war­mod­ge­ni­lia,
ag­reT­ve Use Yo­ur English (ga­mo­i­ye­ne Se­ni in­gli­
su­ri) da Fur­ther Prac­ti­ce rub­ri­ke­biT aR­niS­nu­li
sa­var­ji­So­e­bi. Use Yo­ur English ga­moc­da­ze ori­
en­ti­re­bu­li sa­var­ji­Soa da sak­ma­od rTu­lia.
ami­tom igi Zli­e­ri mos­wav­le­e­bi­saT­vis ga­miz­nul
erT-erT da­ma­te­biT aq­ti­vo­bad un­da ga­vi­az­roT.
Zli­er mos­wav­le­eb­zea, ase­ve, ga­an­ga­ri­Se­bu­li
Fur­ther Prac­ti­ce seq­ci­a­Si war­mod­ge­ni­li sa­var­ji­
So­e­bic, rom­le­bic ide­a­lu­rad amow­mebs da avi­Ta­
rebs sme­niT Tu vi­zu­a­lur ver­ba­lur mex­si­e­re­bas,
lo­gi­kas, nas­wav­li er­Te­u­le­bis praq­ti­ku­li,
we­ri­lo­bi­Ti ga­mo­ye­ne­bis unars da a.S.
Check Yo­ur­self Tests (Se­a­mow­me sa­ku­Ta­ri Ta­vi)_
TviT­Se­fa­se­bi­saT­vis ga­miz­nul tes­tebs war­mo­
ad­gens. ma­Ti Ses­ru­le­biT mos­wav­le­ebs Tval­
naT­liv Se­uZ­li­aT da­i­na­xon, Tu ras mi­aR­wi­es da
sa­daa ma­Ti sus­ti ad­gi­le­bi. tes­tis das­ru­le­bis
Sem­deg, mos­wav­le­ebs eZ­le­vaT sa­mu­Sao rve­u­lis
bo­los war­mod­ge­ni­li pa­su­xe­bi, rom­le­bic maT
na­mu­Sev­ris Se­mow­me­ba­Si ex­ma­re­ba.
yu­rad­Re­ba mi­aq­ci­eT im ga­re­mo­e­bas, rom mas­wav­
leb­lis wig­nSic aris war­mod­ge­ni­li Se­sa­ba­mi­si
ti­pis tes­te­bi. am­de­nad, es er­Tgva­ro­va­ni tes­te­
bi Se­saZ­loa A da B va­ri­an­te­bad aR­viq­vaT, Tu­ki
mos­wav­lis wig­nis tes­tebs (A va­ri­an­ti) “wi­na­tes­
tur ma­sa­lad” mi­viC­nevT, xo­lo mas­wav­leb­lis
wig­ni­sas _ re­a­lur tes­te­bad.
una­re­bis uba­ni
yo­vel Check Yo­ur­self Tests-is gverds mos­devs e.w.
“una­re­bis uba­ni”– Skills Corner. mi­si ar­si kiT­xvis
da we­ris unar­Ta ga­var­ji­Se­baa. aq axa­li leq­si­
ku­ri er­Te­u­le­bi aRar Se­mo­dis, rad­ga­nac mi­za­ni
mxo­lod gan­vli­li ma­sa­lis gam­ya­re­ba da nas­wav­
lis sxva­das­xva kon­teq­stSi ga­mo­ye­ne­baa.
Ta­ma­Si, ro­me­lic sa­mu­Sao rve­u­lis bo­lo­saa mo­ce­
mu­li, mTe­li mos­wav­lis wig­nis ma­sa­lis Se­ma­ja­me­
be­li seq­ci­aa. mos­wav­le­eb­ma er­Tma­neTs kiT­xve­bi
un­da da­us­van im in­for­ma­ci­is gar­Se­mo, ro­me­lic
maT kur­sis gav­li­sas mi­i­Res. kiT­xve­bi sxva­das­xva
sfe­ro­da­naa da mos­wav­le­ebs mi­e­Ti­Te­baT am kon­
kre­tu­li in­for­ma­ci­is Sem­cvel er­Te­ul­ze.
Zi­ri­Ta­di er­Te­u­le­bi
mos­wav­lis wig­nSi war­mod­ge­nil Zi­ri­Tad er­Te­u­
lebs yo­vel­Tvis ax­lavs sa­mu­Sao rve­ul­Si ima­ve
er­Te­ul­ze age­bu­li da­va­le­be­bi. mos­wav­lis wig­
nis Ti­To­e­u­li er­Te­u­li enob­ri­vi dRi­u­riT iw­ye­
ba, rac, Ta­vis mxriv, er­Te­u­lis er­Tgva­ri Se­ma­ja­
me­be­li na­wi­lia. sa­sur­ve­li iq­ne­ba, mas­wav­le­bel­
ma de­ta­lu­rad aux­snas xol­me mos­wav­le­ebs, Tu
ro­gor Se­av­son es dRi­u­ri, vid­re isi­ni sak­mao
ga­moc­di­le­bas Ta­vad ar Se­i­Ze­nen.
enob­ri­vi dRi­u­ri Sem­de­gi seq­ci­e­bi­sa­gan Sed­ge­ba:
I can (me Se­miZ­lia...) _ war­mo­ad­gens Se­sav­seb gra­
ma­ti­kul Car­Co­ebs, da­sas­ru­le­bel wi­na­da­de­bebs
tes­te­bis rve­u­li
mas­wav­leb­lis wig­nis re­sur­se­bis seq­ci­a­Si war­
mod­ge­ni­li tes­te­bis gar­da, da­ma­te­bi­Ti enob­ri­
vi da unar-Cve­ve­bis ga­saR­vi­ve­be­li tes­te­bi rve­
ul­Si­caa mo­ce­mu­li.
Se­sas­ru­le­be­li da­va­le­be­bi UCLES (Uni­ver­sity of
Cam­brid­ge Lo­cal Exa­mi­na­ti­ons Syndi­ca­te) _ is da­va­le­
be­bis, ker­Zod KET do­nis da­va­le­be­bis prin­cips
ime­o­rebs. aR­niS­nu­li tes­te­bi sa­Su­a­le­bas aZ­levs
mas­wav­le­bels re­gu­la­ru­lad akon­tro­los mos­
wav­le­Ta enob­ri­vi prog­re­si da Tval­naT­liv
da­i­na­xos ma­Ti sus­ti mxa­re­e­bi. vi­na­i­dan es tes­te­
bi gra­ma­ti­kul da leq­si­kur ma­sa­las­Tan er­Tad
unar-Cve­ve­bis gan­vi­Ta­re­ba­sac akon­tro­lebs, isi­
ni, faq­tob­ri­vad, mos­wav­le­Ta enob­ri­vi do­nis
sru­li su­ra­Tis da­nax­vis sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va.
ori­ve, unar-Cve­veb­ze age­bu­li tes­te­bi­ca da
enob­ri­vi tes­te­bic, or-ori ver­si­is (A da B)
sa­xi­Taa war­mod­ge­ni­li, rac sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va
me­zob­lad msxdom mos­wav­le­ebs tes­tis sxva­das­
xva va­ri­an­ti va­we­ri­noT da mo­vus­poT da­va­le­bis
er­Ti­me­o­ri­sa­gan ga­da­we­ris sa­Su­a­le­ba.
tes­te­bis rve­u­li Sem­de­gi seq­ci­e­bi­sa­gan Sed­
enob­ri­vi tes­te­bi, rom­le­bic ori (A da B) va­ri­
an­ti­Taa war­mod­ge­ni­li.
unar-Cve­ve­bis tes­ti, rom­le­bic wig­nis 8 cik­li­
dan or-oris ga­er­Ti­a­ne­bul ma­sa­las ey­rdno­ba da
ori (A da B) va­ri­an­ti­Taa war­mod­ge­ni­li.
da­ma­te­bi­Ti testebi, ro­mel­Ta­gan 8 enob­riv
tes­tebs ukav­Sir­de­ba da 4 – unar-Cve­ve­bis tes­
tebs. es da­ma­te­bi­Ti da­va­le­be­bi ex­ma­re­ba mas­wav­
le­bels gansxvavebuli Se­saZ­leb­lo­be­bis mqone
moswavleebTan mu­Sa­o­bi­sas, rad­ga­nac sa­Su­a­le­bas
aZ­levs da­ma­te­bi­Ti sa­mu­Sao mis­ces im Zli­er mos­
wav­le­ebs, rom­leb­sac umaR­le­si Se­fa­se­bis mi­Re­
bis pre­ten­zia aqvT.
da­ma­te­bi­Ti rCe­ve­bi
ro­gorc iT­qva, mos­wav­lis wig­ni 8 Tematuri
jgufisgan Sed­ge­ba. Amas er­Tvis Se­ma­ja­me­be­li tes­
te­bi, Ta­ma­Se­bi da sxva aq­ti­vo­be­bi, rac, sa­bo­loo
jam­Si, sa­Su­a­le­bas mog­cemT sa­xel­mZRva­ne­lo ga­i­
a­roT ro­gorc kvi­ra­Si 3 sa­a­Tis, ise 4 sa­a­Tis me­ca­
di­ne­o­be­bis re­Jim­Si. Aa­mi­tom, si­tu­a­ci­is mi­xed­
viT, sav­se­biT da­saS­ve­bia: a) ma­sa­la Tqven­Tvis
xel­say­re­li for­ma­tiT ga­i­a­roT, b) yovelTvis
an­da mxo­lod dro­dad­ro ga­mo­i­ye­noT da­ma­te­bi­
Ti aq­ti­vo­be­bi.
la­vi­re­bis karg sa­Su­a­le­bas iZ­le­va sa­var­ji­So­
mi­u­xe­da­vad imi­sa, rom ma­Ti na­wi­li klas­Si
un­da Ses­rul­des, na­wi­li ki – Sin, Se­giZ­li­aT
yve­la sa­var­ji­So klas­Si Se­as­ru­le­bi­noT, an­da
marTalia, klas­Si mos­wav­le­ebs in­gli­su­rad
un­da mi­mar­ToT, magram sa­Wi­ro­e­bis Sem­Txve­va­Si,
Se­giZ­li­aT mSob­li­ur ena­zec uTar­gmnoT da­va­le­
be­bis Tu mi­mar­Tve­bis teq­sti.
mo­sas­me­ni teq­stis we­ri­lo­bi­Ti va­ri­an­ti da
we­ri­lo­bi­Ti da­va­le­be­bis pa­su­xe­bi.
testebis rveulze muSaobisa da Sefasebis
sitemis Sesaxeb damatebiT ix. gv. 161
Zi­ri­Ta­di sim­bo­lo­e­bi:
_ ka­se­ta­ze Ca­we­ri­li sa­var­ji­Soebi
_ wyvi­le­bad Se­sas­ru­le­be­li sa­mu­Sa­o­e­bi
_ jgu­fu­ri sa­mu­Sa­o­e­bi
_ Se­sa­ba­mis kom­po­nen­tze mi­Ti­Te­ba
erTeulis zogadi gegma da mizani
gramatikuli struqturebi – Structures
martivi axlandeli dro da masTan dakavSirebuli
drois aRmniSvnelebi – The Present Simple Tense; Time
expressions: always, often, usually etc.
miznebi – Functions
a) adamianebsa da lokaciebze saubari – Talking about
people and places;
b) yoveldRiur qmedebebsa da zogad faqtebze saubari
– Talking about routines and general facts.
ZiriTadi leqsika – Key vocabulary
lokaciebi - Australia (avstralia), capital (dedaqalaqi),
cinema (kinoTeatri), country (qveyana), England
(inglisi), Great Britain (didi britaneTi), Italy
(italia), Italian (italiuri/italieli), Mexico
(meqsika), museum (muzeumi), Northern Ireland (Cr.
irlandia), park (parki), Scotland (Sotlandia), town
(qalaqi), Wales (uelsi), zoo (zooparki);
sporti – basketball (kalaTburTi), belly flop (wyalSi
horizontalurad/mucliT xtoma), diving (yvinTva),
football match (fexburTis matCi), ice rink (sacigurao
moedani), indoor swimming pool (daxuruli sacurao auzi);
adamianebi – dad (mamiko), farther (mama), grandparents
(bebia da babua), mother (deda), parents (mSoblebi), pen
friend (kalmis megobari).
damatebiTi informacia – Background information
`gaerTianebuli samefo~ (The United Kingdom) im
saxelmwifos saxelia, romelic aerTianebs ingliss,
Sotlandias, uelss da Cr. irlandias; xolo `didi
britaneTi~ (Great Britain) – im kunZuls ewodeba,
romelzec mdebareobs inglisi, Sotlandia da uelsi.
rac Seexeba Cr. irlandias, `olsteris~ mxares, igi sxva
kunZulzea da esazRvreba damoukidebel irlandiis
respublikas `eres~. zogjer, araoficialur
situaciaSi, `gaerTianebuli samefos~ pirdapir
`britaneTad~ an `did britaneTad~ ixsenieben xolme.
saxelmwifoSi Semaval TiToeul qveyanas sakuTari
dedaqalaqi aqvs: Sotlandiis dedaqalaqi edinburgia,
uelsis – kardifi, Cr. irlandiis – belfasti, xolo
eres, anu damoukidebeli irlandiis respublikis
– dublini. londoni inglisisa da `gaerTianebuli
samefos~ dedaqalaqia.
erTeulze muSaobisas dagWirdebaT:
• didi britaneTis ruka (sav. 1)
• maswavleblis wignis 120-e gverdis imdeni qseroasli,
ramdeni moswavlecaa klasSi.
prezentacia - Presentation
savarjiSo 1
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Open your books to page 4 and have a brief look at the map of
Great Britain. Is London the capital of Great Britain? (Yes, it is)
• Listen to the recording, read the text and check your answer.
• Now, come to the map in turns and point to the places you know.
yuradReba gaamaxvileT geografiuli saxelebis swor
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Give a brief look to the letter and say who it is to (Pedro) and
who it is from (Mark).
• Listen to the recording and find out who the children in the
picture are (Vicki, Kim, Rob and Mark).
• Read the text while you are listening to the recording again; try
to remember the information.
teqstis Sinaarsis wvdoma – Comprehension
savarjiSo 3
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Work in pairs and take turns in asking and answering the
questions. You can refer back to the letter in Exercise 2 in case
you don’t remember some facts.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; yuradReba gaamaxvileT
pasuxTa Sinaarsobriv adekvaturobasa da mokle
pasuxTa struqturul sisworeze, mag.: Yes, it is.
1 Kim 2 Yes, she is. 3 Her mother is from Scotland and her
father is from Wales. 4 Because her dad’s got a new job in
Melbourne. 5 Yes, there is. 6 They go to an indoor swimming
enobrivi CarCo – Language Box
martivi axlandeli – Present Simple
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Let me read out the time expressions in the box and translate
them. Read out the sentences from the box and pay attention to
the short answers.
sasurvelia, moswavleebs teqstSi moaZebninoT
drois aRmniSvnelebis Semcveli winadadebebi
da yuradReba gaumaxviloT maT adgilze
winadadebaSi. SeaxseneT, rom martivi axlandeli
gamoiyeneba iseTi moqmedebebis mimarT, romlebic
xdeba zogjer an yovelTvis (Every Wednesday we go
to indoor swimming pool), anda romlebic mudmivad
ZalaSia (Rob plays for the school football team).
varjiSi axal masalaze – Practice
savarjiSo 4
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want one of you to read out the example sentences.
• Now, write the rest of the sentences according to the example;
don’t forget to give a negative and a positive sentence for each
• Let individual students read out the answers for the class to check
their versions.
2 Rob doesn’t visit his parents in Italy. He visits his grandparents
there/in Italy.
3 Jenny doesn’t send letters to the Londoners. She sends emails
to them/Mark’s parents computer.
4 Mark doesn’t go to football matches on Fridays. He goes (to
them) on Saturday afternoons.
5 Rob doesn’t play in a school basketball team. He plays for/in
the school football team.
6 The Londoners don’t go to the ice rink every Wednesday. They
go to an indoor swimming pool every Wednesday.
savarjiSo 5
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the example prompts; read them out.
• Work in pairs and take turns first in making the questions, then
in making the answers.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; yuradReba gaamaxvileT
pasuxTa Sinaarsobriv sisworesa da martivi
axlandelis swor gamoyenebaze.
• Now, in pairs, read out your questions and answers.
2 Does Rob play for the school football team? Yes, he does. 3
What do the Londoners sometimes do? They sometimes go to
the ice rink or the cinema. 4 When do the Londoners go to the
swimming pool? They go to the swimming pool on Wednesday.
5 Does Kim like swimming? Yes, she does, but she doesn’t like
swimming under water. 6 Does Mark always do a belly flop?
Yes, he does.
1 The Londoners
savarjiSo 6
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
saxaliso savarjiSo - Resource 1 (page 120)
• Read through the table of activities before you start doing the
task in Exercise 6.
• Now let’s listen to the recording twice, and then tick (a)what
Kim and her family do every week and indicate the day of the
• If you are ready, let’s play the recording again. I’ll pause after
each answer to give you time for checking.
Kim: Hello there! I’m Kim and I’ve got a brother
called David. We live in London and there are
lots of things you can do here.
Kim: My family and I love sport. My brother David
and I go swimming at the swimming pool
every Wednesday with our school. My parents
are good swimmers but they never go to the
swimming pool.
Kim: My parents play tennis every Friday at a tennis
club. David plays tennis with his friends on
Tuesdays. I never go to the club because I can’t
play tennis.
Kim: My parents don’t watch television but I always
watch my favourite programme on Thursday
evenings at half past six. David watches football
every Sunday afternoon.
Kim: I love the weekends. Every Saturday Mum,
Dad, David and I go to the cinema. We all like
adventure films and comedies.
Kim: On Sundays I meet my friends from school. We
do our homework together. Mum and Dad also
meet their friends on Sundays but they don’t
do homework. They just talk and laugh. Lucky
them! David goes to football practice with the
school team. He doesn’t have time to meet his
1 go swimming
 Wed
2 play tennis
3 watch television
to the cinema
 Sat
 Sat
5 meet friends
 Fri
4 go
 Sat
 Sun
savarjiSo 7
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want a pair of students to read out the example exchange.
• Try to give one or two more exchanges.
• Now, work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer questions
about Kim’s family.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; miaqcieT yuradReba,
ramdenad sworad iyeneben martivi axlandelis
savarjiSo 8
waukiTxeT klass magaliTi da mieciT aseTi
• Try to complete the second and third sentences (My parents and I
always . . . . My sister never . . . .)
sasurvelia, rac SeiZleba meti winadadeba
daasrulebinoT moswavleebs, raTa gauadviloT
momdevno davalebis Sesruleba.
• Now, please, write about yourselves and your families. Don’t
forget to write the days when you and members of your family
do something.
CamouareT klass da SeamowmeT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli namuSevari.
samuSao principi: jgufuri muSaoba;
savarjiSos arsi: kiTxvebis dasma da maTze pasuxis
gacema naxatebis daxmarebiT;
mizani: varjiSi martiv axlandel droSi kiTxvebis
dasmasa da mokle pasuxebis gacemaze;
nimuSi: Do you go to the swimming pool on Mondays? – Yes, I
do / No, I don’t.
dayaviT klasi A jgufebad da mieciT TiToeul
jgufs 120-e gverdis TiTo qseroasli; daWeriT
suraTi ise, rom jgufis yovel wevrs TiTo naxati
ergos (Tu jgufSi 16-ze meti moswavlea, meti
qseroasli iqneba saWiro).
Semdeg mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Students from group A remain on their seats. Students from group B
go around the classroom and ask Students from group A questions
about the activities in their pictures, using time expres­sions from
the cards, e.g.: Do you go to the swimming pool on Mondays? If
the answer is negative, they go to the next Student. If the answer is
positive, they must ask about the other activity in their picture. The
aim of the task is to find the person who has the same picture. When
Students find their partner they sit down together.
SeniSvna: am da sxva msgavs SemTxvevaSic,
SegiZliaT savarjiSos arsi da Sesasrulebeli
amocana klass qarTulad auxsnaT, Tuki inglisuri
instruqciebis gageba uWirT.
Activity Book Answers
Language Diary
1 Students’ own answers
2 sacigurao moedani, muzeumi, kinoTeatri,
sacurao auzi, zooparki, qveyana, qalaqi,
dedaqalaqi, nawili, kalmis megobari, matCi
Exercise 1
2 b 3 e 4 a 5 f 6 c
Exercise 2
2 capital 3 pen friend 4 country 5 match 6 town
Exercise 3
2 Rob often watches football matches. Mark watches
football matches every week. Vicki doesn’t watch football
3 Rob’s family often eat pizza. Vicki and Kim eat pizza
every week. Kim’s mum doesn’t eat pizza.
Exercise 4
2 Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 3 Yes, we do./No, we don’t.
4 Yes, she/he does./No, she/he doesn’t.
5 Yes, she/he does./No, she/he doesn’t.
Exercise 5
2 visits 3 Does Jenny go 4 goes 5 does Jenny send 6
sends 7 doesn’t send 8 does Mark go 9 goes 10 do the Londoners
sometimes go 11 go 12 Does Kim like 13 doesn’t like
Exercise 6
2 Londoner 3 swimmer 4 Italian 5 swimming 6 indoor/
Further Practice
Exercise 1
1) letter 2) pen-friend 3) pretty 4) photo 5) parents 6)
other 7) visits 8) lucky 9) remember 10) job 11) sends 12)
fantastic 13) museums 14) plays 15) team 16) brilliant 17)
rink 18) indoor 19) diving 20) belly.
Exercise 2
a) now b) Italian c) you d) can
Exercise 3
a. Rosita is very pretty.
b. She is from London but her mother is from Scotland.
c. You can do lots of things here.
d. Vicki's a fantastic swimmer.
e. A lot of Londoners have parents from other parts of GB.
Exercise 4
1) What kind of job has her dad got in Melbourne?
2) What does she send to my parents' computer?
3) Where do you go?
4) How often do you do a belly flop?
5) Whose dad is Italian?
erTeulis zogadi gegma da mizani
gramatikuli struqturebi – Structures
axlandeli gangrZobiTi dro da masTan
dakavSirebuli drois aRmniSvneli frazebi da
sityvebi – PPresent Continuous; Time expressions: at the
moment, now, today
mizani –
saubris momentSi mimdinare qmedebebze saubari -
Talking about actions happening now
Key vocabulary
saSinao saqmeebis aRwera: clean the house (saxlis
dasufTaveba), do the washing (recxva) , dust and polish
the furniture (avejze mtvris gadawmenda da misi
gaprialeba), sweep the floor (iatakis dagva), vacuum the
carpet (xaliCis mtversasrutiT gawmenda) , wash up
(WurWlis garecxva);
aseve: detective (deteqtivi), fingerprint (TiTis anabeWdi),
murder (mkvleloba).
damatebiTi informacia – Background
ori “SeSlili deteqtivi” ser artur konan doilis
(1859-1930) gmirebs Serlok holmssa da mis megobar
doqtor uotsons gvagoneben. SeamowmeT, ician Tu ara
moswavleebma raime am gmirebis Sesaxeb, da Tu ar ician,
oriod sityviT mouyeviT maTze.
erTeulze muSaobisas dagWirdebaT:
• 121-e da 122-e gverdebis saTanado raodenobis
qseroaslebi. (ix. saxaliso savarjiSos davaleba).
prezentacia – Presentation
savarjiSo 1
dauzusteT sityvis crazy mniSvneloba da
apasuxebineT klass aseT kiTxvebze:
Do you like detective stories?
Who is your favourite detective?
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at picture 1 and text 1 and listen to the recording
moasmenineT firis pirveli nawili.
• Point to Clueless, Holmes and Mrs. Smith in the picture.
• Now I’m going to play the whole recording twice for you, and
you are going to listen and read the text twice as well.
firis mosmenisa da teqstis wakiTxvis Semdeg/
win darwmundiT, rom moswavleebs esmiT iseTi
leqsikuri erTeulebis mniSvnelobebi, rogoricaa
furniture (sasurvelia, aseve, CamoaTvlevinoT
saklaso oTaxis avejis dasaxelebebi) da ornaments
(CamoaTvlevineT interieris dekoratiuli
nivTebi qarTulad, raTa bolomde gaiTavison
sityvis ornamentis es mniSvneloba).
teqstis Sinaarsis wvdoma – Comprehension
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the example item. As you see, there are two words
– “housekeepers” and “detectives” and the last word is circled,
because it is the right word to complete the sentence. Now,
please, work individually and complete the rest of the sentences.
am individualuri samuSaos Sesrulebisas,
moswavleebs ufleba aqvT mimarTon teqsts im
SemTxvevaSi, Tu romelime detali ar axsovT.
2 meal times 3 Holmes’s 4 fingerprints 5 dirty 6 a mess
leqsika – Vocabulary
savarjiSo 3
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
ZiriTadi leqsika –
• If you are ready, listen to me reading out the correct variants:
• In Exercise 3 you have to do the same task. First look at the
example item, then start doing the exercise individually. You can
refer back to the story in Exercise 1, if you wish.
• Now, let’s check your answers. Read them out in turns, please.
2 clean 3 polish 4 sweep 5 do 6 dust 7 vacuum
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want you to suggest verbs to go with the following nouns
(CamouwereT dafaze Semdegi arsebiTi saxelebi):
the windows
the housework
my bedroom
our car
my jeans
our dog
Here is an example:
my shoes – polish, clean, brush
• Work in pairs and try to suggest 3 verbs for each noun.
am davalebas moswavleTa wyvilebi
individualurad asruleben; samuSaos dasrulebis
Semdeg, dayaviT klasi oTxkacian jgufebad da
erTmaneTis namuSevari SeamowmebineT.
• Now, let the pairs a,b,c and d exchange their exercise-books with
the pairs e,f,g,h, in order to check one another’s answers.
enobrivi CarCo – Language box
axlandeli gangrZobiTi – Present Continuous
waukiTxeT/waakiTxeT moswavleebs drois
aRmniSvnelebi da TargmneT. SeaxseneT, rom axlandeli
gangrZobiTi dro ZiriTadad gamoiyeneba iseTi
moqmedebebis aRsawerad, romlebic mimdinareobs
axla, maTi xsenebisas. mag.: In picture 3, Holmes is taking
fingerprints. yuradReba gaumaxvileT imazec, Tu rogor
iwarmoeba es dro (to be damxmare + ZiriTadi zmnis
IV forma) da misi kiTxviTi da uaryofiTi formebi.
Semdeg mieciT aseTi davaleba:
• Repeat the sentences in the box after me.
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look back at the story in Exercise 1 and find and read out
sentences using Present Continuous.
moswavleTa mier napovni magaliTebi dafaze
• Now, change these sentences into negative ones and questions.
varjiSi axal masalaze – Practice
savarjiSo 4
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the prompts and the example in Exercise 4. Now, work
in pairs making questions in Present Continuous.
• Read out the questions in turns.
am etapze moswavleebi mxolod kiTxvebs weren,
raTa xmamaRla wakiTxvisas maswavlebelma
gaakontrolos maTi struqturuli sizuste.
2 Crazy Detectives
• Now try to write answers to the questions. Use full sentences
for the answers to wh-questions and short answers to the other
yuradReba miaqcieT pasuxTa Sinaarsobriv
adekvaturobas da axlandeli gangrZobiTis
gamoyenebis sizustes.
• Read out the questions and answers in turns.
2 Who is wearing a coat inside the house? Mrs Smith is wearing
a coat inside the house.
3 Why are Holmes and Clueless cleaning the house? They are
cleaning the house because it is very dirty.
4 What is Mrs Smith dusting? She is dusting the ornaments.
5 Is Holmes polishing the furniture? No, she isn’t.
6 What are the two detectives doing in the kitchen? They are
washing up and doing the washing/making a terrible mess.
savarjiSo 5
mieciT klass Semdegi davalebebi:
• Read the instructions and example question in Exercise 5 and try
to complete the first example (She is wearing her coat because it
is cold).
• Now, work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer about the
SeaxseneT moswavleebs, rom unda gamoiyenon
axlandeli gangrZobiTi dro da meTvalyureoba
gauwieT wyvilebSi damoukidebel muSaobas.
• Read out your answers to the class in turns.
savarjiSo 6
waukiTxeT klass instruqciebi da magaliTebi, da
mieciT aseTi davalebebi:
• Try to complete the three sentences, using Present Continuous.
• Now, work in pairs, making more sentences to describe picture 2.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; Tu saWiroa, daexmareT
swori leqsikuri erTeulebis SerCevaSi.
• Read out the sentences to the class.
sasurvelia, yvela moswavles waakiTxoT
magaliTebi, radganac isini, albaT, gansxvavebuli
da mravalferovani iqneba.
modi, gaverToT! – Fun Time
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I need a pair of students to read out the example dialogue.
Look through Units 1 and 2 again and think of four or five actions
to act out for your partner.
• Work in pairs, taking turns to act out your actions and guess your
partner’s actions.
• Now, each of you should act out one of your actions for the class.
saxaliso savarjiSo - Resource 2 (p121-122)
samuSao principi: jgufuri muSaoba;
savarjiSos arsi: saWiro informaciis mopoveba;
mizani: varjiSi axlandel gangrZobiT droze
kiTxvebis dasmasa da pasuxebis gacemaze.
nimuSi: What is she/he doing? He/she is …
daurigeT TiToeul moswavles 121-e gverdis
qseroasli da TiTo rolis baraTi 122e gverdis qseroaslidan (qseroaslebis
raodenoba damokidebulia moswavleTa
raodenobaze klasSi; Tu 16-ze metia, maSin
Tavad SeqmeniT saWiro damatebiTi odenobis
saTadarigo baraTebi; Tu 16-ze naklebia –
ramdenime moswavles or-ori roli SeaxvedreT.
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Read your role cards and fill in the name/names in the empty
boxes in your pictures. You must also cross the person’s
name off the list under the picture. Don’t show your pictures
and role cards to each other.
dawereT dafaze: Where is Ben? What is he doing?
uTxariT moswavleebs: Holmes and Clueless are
looking for clues and a suspect – Ben. Nobody knows where
Ben is and what he is doing. You will get the answers after
you identify all the other people in the picture. (Ben is the
only person without a card).
• Now, walk around the class and ask questions to find out what
all the people in the list are doing, so that you can fill in all
the boxes. For example: What is Mark doing? He’s eating
sandwiches. / I don’t know. You must show your role cards
and pictures to each other. You are allowed to ask about one
person at a time.
rodesac moswavleebi daasruleben mocemul
davalebas, dausviT kiTxvebi, raTa SeamowmoT
ramdenad sworad Caweres saxelebi da ramdenad
sworad gasces pasuxi Tqvens kiTxvebs.
Answer Key
Ben is in the kitchen. He is reading a book.
Activity Book Answers
Language Diary
1 Students’ own answers
2 gaprialeba, mtvris gadawmenda, dagva,
mtversasrutiT gawmenda, WurWlis garecxva,
dasufTaveba, recxva.
Exercise 1
2 a 3 d 4 g 5 c 6 f 7 e
Exercise 2
2 I’m (not) doing my English homework.
3 I’m (not) wearing jeans.
4 The birds are (not) singing.
5 I’m (not) writing a letter.
6 I’m (not) having breakfast.
7 It’s (not) raining.
Exercise 3
2 Is Mrs Smith vacuuming the carpets? – Yes, she is.
3 Is Clueless washing up? – No, he isn’t.
4 Is Mrs Smith doing the washing? – No, she isn’t.
5 Are Holmes and Clueless sweeping the floor? – Yes, they
6 Is Holmes polishing the furniture? – No, she isn’t.
Exercise 4
2 Clueless isn’t reading a book. He’s having breakfast.
3 Clueless isn’t drinking lemonade. He’s eating an egg.
4 Holmes and Clueless aren’t singing. They’re talking.
5 Mrs Smith isn’t vacuuming the carpet. She’s bringing in the
Exercise 5
2 am 3 is 4 Why 5 for 6 polishing
Further Practice
Exercise 1
1) morning 2) meal 3) because 4) housekeeper 5) coat
6) house 7) detective 8) dirty 9) moment 10) floor
11) ornaments 12) dust 13) cleaner 14) clever 15) furniture 16)
fingerprints 17) again 18) washing 19) mess 20) murder.
Exercise 2
a) morning b) fingerprints c) inside d) too
Exercise 3
a. I am a brilliant detective.
b. Mrs Smith is vacuuming now.
c. Are you polishing the furniture?
d. We're washing up and doing the washing.
e. Look at the dust!
Exercise 4
1) What can you hear?
2) What is Mrs Smith doing?
3) Who is a brilliant detective?
4) What are you looking for?
5) What do you love on furniture ?
erTeulis zogadi gegma da mizani
gramatikuli struqturebi – Structures
martivi axlandeli mdgomareobebisa da grZnobebis
aRmniSvnel zmnebTan – Present Simple: stative verbs.
miznebi – Functions
soflis, mxaris aRwera - Describing the countryside
informacia soflad mcxovreb adamianebsa da
cxovelebze - Giving information about animals and people in a
ZiriTadi leqsika – Key vocabulary
peizaJis aRmweri sityvebi: (dry) desert (mSrali/uwylo
udabno), (rice) field (brinjis yana/mindori), (rocky) hill
(kldovani) borcvi/goraki), lake (tba), mountain (mTa),
river (mdinare);
aseve: panda (panda), bamboo (bambuki).
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Listen to the recording twice and read the Information File. Don’t
worry if you can’t understand every word but focus on general
teqstis Sinaarsis wvdoma – Comprehension
savarjiSo 3
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the first item. Find the section of the text in Exercise
2 that tells you at this is a false statement. (China is a very big
• Complete the exercise, referring back to the Information File.
• Let’s check the answers and try to correct the false statements.
damatebiTi informacia – Background Information
1 2 3 4 5 6
`goliaTi panda~ daTvis is saxeobaa, romelic mxolod
CineTSi binadrobs. am iSviaT cxovels kanoni icavs;
misTvis gansakuTrebuli nakrZalebia gaSenebuli,
sadac mas bunebriv pirobebSi Tavisuflad da
usafrTxod arseboba SeuZlia. CineTis da sxva qveynebis
zooparkebi, romlebSic pandebi hyavT, erToblivad
muSaoben cxovelis tyveobaSi moSenebis saukeTeso
pirobebis Seswavlasa da Seqmnaze.
masalis damuSaveba – Extention
erTeulze muSaobisas dagWirdebaT:
• gareuli cxovelebis suraTebi (romlebsac
Tavad moitanT an moswavleebs moataninebT);
sasurvelia es im cxovelTa suraTebi iyos, romlebic
saqarTveloSi ar binadroben – maimunis (monkey),
lomis (lion), Jirafis (giraffe), hipopotamis/behemotis
(hippopotamus), niangis (crocodile). (sav. 4.)
• sakuTari qalaqis/soflis peizaJebis amsaxveli
fotoebi an moswavleTa mier gakeTebuli Canaxatebi
(sav. 6)
• 123-e gverdis `bingo-baraTebis~ imdeni qseroasli,
ramdeni moswavlecaa klasSi.
prezentacia – Presentation
savarjiSo 1
SeamowmeT ician Tu ara moswavleebma sityvis editor
mniSvneloba da mieciT Semdegi davalebebi:
• Look at the picture of Ally and Alex . Are they grown-ups or
• Now listen to the recording twice and read the letter.
• Answer the following questions:
Who is the magazine for? (English learners around the world)
Who is Ta-Ming? (a new Friends’ Club member from China)
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Look at and talk about the photos on the page. Do you know
anything about China and Pandas? Have you ever seen a live
panda, e.g. in a zoo?
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want you to look at the Information File again. Find facts that
are not in Exercise 3. For example, Ta-Ming lives in a village. He
sometimes hears pandas, but he doesn’t often see them.
mieciT klass sakmarisi dro am davalebis
• Now close the books and take turns to tell the class what you can
remember about Ta-Ming and China.
enobrivi CarCo – Language box
mdgomareobebisa da grZnobebis aRmniSvneli zmnebi
– Stative verbs
waukiTxeT klass CarCoSi mocemuli teqsti (Stative
verbs). sasurvelia moswavleebi Tavad mixvdnen da
Tqvan (qarTulad) ratom ar ixmareba mocemuli
zmnebi axlandel gangrZobiTSi (vinaidan isini
aRniSnaven mdgomareobebsa da grZnobebs, romlebic
an maradiulia, an ufro xargrZlivi, vidre wuTieri
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Think in pairs and write five or six sentences using some of the
stative verbs in the list.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba.
• Now I want each of you to read out one of your sentences to the
class to hear.
varjiSi axal masalaze – Practice
savarjiSo 4
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I need one of you to read out the first sentence of the text and the
example item.
• Now complete the exercise working individually. Mind that you
need to decide which verb form (tense) to use – Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
• If you are ready, I’d like each of you to read out the sentences to
the class to check.
3 Friends’ Club
2 eating 3 loves 4 eats 5 need 6 understands 7 feels
are working 9 like 10 are cleaning 11 love 12 see
13 hear
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
aCveneT klass gareul cxovelTa suraTebi da mieciT
aseTi davalebebi:
• Here are some pictures of wild animals, look at them. I want you
to choose one of them to write about. You can look back at the
section about pandas in Exercise 4 and write similar sentences
about your animal using both Present Simple and Present
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; miuTiTeT Secdomebze da
SeaSveleT saWiro leqsikuri erTeulebi.
• Now, I want each pair to show their picture to the class and read
out their sentences.
leqsika – Vocabulary
savarjiSo 5
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the example item.
• Now, work in pairs, if you wish, matching the pictures (a-f) and
the descriptions (1-6).
• Read out your answers.
pasuxebis Semowmebisas yuradReba miaqcieT
sityvaTa swor warmoTqmas.
2d 3c 4e 5f 6a
weris unar-Cveva: abzaci –
Writing Skills: paragraph
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Listen to me reading the example paragraph. The first sentence
tells the reader what the paragraph is about (the south of China).
sasurvelia, abzacis arsi qarTuladac auxsnaT da
yuradReba gaumaxviloT sityvis paragraph (abzaci)
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Look back at the letter in Exercise 2 in Unit 1.
(waukiTxeT TiToeuli abzacis pirveli
• Is the rest of the paragraph about the same topic (1 – thanking
Pedro, 2 - Vicki, Kim, Rob and Mark, 3 – Jenny, 4 - your
town and my town, 5 – ice rink/cinema/swimming).
vidre momdevno savarjiSoze gadaxvalT, uTxariT
moswavleebs, rom es werili ufro araformaluria,
vidre is abzaci, romelic me-6 savarjiSoSi unda
daweron, magram abzaci nebismieri tipis werilSi
savarjiSo 6
waukiTxeT klass instruqciebi da mieciT aseTi
• Try to complete the two example sentences.
SeaxseneT an gaacaniT moswavleebs is leqsikuri
erTeulebi, romlebic SesaZloa dasWirdeT
garemos aRwerisas (mag.: Valley – veli, forest – tye
da a.S.)
• Work individually writing four or five sentences to describe your
CamoiareT klasi, gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba da adgilze SeasworebineT
daSvebuli Secdomebi; Tu moswavleebs motanili
aqvT sakuTari sacxovrebeli adgilis fotopeizaJebi, miakariT isini maT abzacs da gaakeTeT
moswavleTa namuSevrebis stendi, raTa yvela
gaecnos erTmaneTis Semoqmedebas.
saxaliso savarjiSo - Resource 3 (page 123)
samuSao principi: individualuri muSaoba;
savarjiSos arsi: TamaSi `bingo~ - sityvebis Casma;
mizani: mdgomareoba/grZnobebis amsaxvel zmnebze
nimuSi: I like . . . I don’t like . . . /He hates . . . / He doesn’t
know . . ., etc.
daurigeT `bingo-baraTebis~ qseroaslebi
moswavleebs ise, rom TiTos TiTo baraTi ergos
da mimarTeT Semdegi amocaniT:
• You have one minute for this task!
• I’ll read out the verbs, slowly repeating each of them twice,
and you are to fill in the sentences with the correct forms of
the stative verbs you hear. Mind that sometimes more than one
answer is correct. When you have finished, say “bingo”: need,
like, want, love, understand, hate, feel, see, remember,
hear, know.
zmnebi SegiZliaT kvlav da kvlav waikiTxoT,
vidre romelime moswavle weras ar daasrulebs
da ar ityvis `bingo”. Tu misi winadadebebi
swori formiTaa Sevsebuli da logikuria, igi
mogebulad CaiTvleba; Tu Secdomebi aRmoCndeba,
TamaSi ganagrZeT, vidre sxva ar daasrulebs
Answer Key
Card 1
1 feels 2 hear/see 3 knows/remembers 4 want 5 see
Card 2
1 like/hate/love 2 remember/know/like/hate/love 3 need/want
4 hates 5 know/understand /remember
Card 3
1 feel 2 know/remember 3 hates/loves/likes 4 need
5 know/understand/need/want
Card 4
1 like/hate/love/ 2 feels 3 hear 4 need/want 5 see
Card 5
1 remember 2 knows 3 hate/love/like 4 want 5 feel
Card 6
1 knows 2 feel 3 see 4 know/remember/like
5 likes/loves/hates
Activity Book Answers
Language Diary
1 Stative verbs
like, need, love, hate, feel, see, hear, know, remember, think,
hope, understand, want
2 sofeli, mTa, udabno, mindori/yana, tba,
gorakebi/borcvebi, mdinare, kldovani, mSrali/
uwylo, bambuki, brinji, panda.
Exercise 1
2 river 3 lake 4 village 5 fields 6 hills 7 desert
Exercise 2
2 countryside 3 bamboo 4 Pandas 5 dry
Exercise 3
2 Are (you) doing – Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
3 Are (you) writing – I’m writing with a pen/pencil now.
4 do (you) think 5 do (you) like 6 do (you) feel
7 are (you) wearing 8 Do (you) remember – Yes, I do./No, I
don’t. 9 Do (you) understand – Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
10 Do you need – Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Exercise 4
2 likes 3 feels 4 has 5 is talking 6 wants
Exercise 5
2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A
Further Practice
Exercise 1 1) in 2) with 3) with 4) my 5) our 6) them
7) I 8) down 9) because 10) it 11) or 12) of
Exercise 2
a) families b) Panda c) Chinese d) food
Exercise 3
a. I live in a village in the south of China.
b. My father remembers that time.
c. There are only about one thousand pandas now.
d. I feel unhappy because I don't have a brother or sister.
e. Then the pandas don't have food and die.
Exercise 4
1) Who lives in a village in the south of China?
2) What do you sometimes do?
3) How many people are there in China?
4) Whose parents understand this? 5) How do you feel?
The Right Choice 1
erTeulis zogadi gegma da mizani
gramatikuli struqturebi – Structures
martivi axlandeli – Present Simple
axlandeli gangrZobiTi – Present Continuous
unarebi – Skills
kiTxvis unar-Cveva: axali sityvebis Sinaarsis mixvedra
konteqstSi – Reading skills: understanding new words
ZiriTadi leqsika – Key vocabulary
fexburTi: captain (kapitani), cup (Tasi), goalie (mekare),
league (liga), pitch (moedani), (great) shot (/didebuli/
dartyma), team (gundi);
skola: comprehensive (school) (zogadsaganmanaTleblo
/skola/), headmaster skolis direqtori /kaci/), main
hall ( mTavari darbazi), pupil (moswavle), school grounds
(skolis teritoria);
biologia: berries (kenkra), carbon dioxide
(naxSirorJangi), insects (mwerebi), nuts (Txili/kakali),
oxygen (Jangbadi), squirrel (ciyvi).
damatebiTi informacia – Background Information
samnawiliani moTxroba The Right Choice mogviTxrobs
skolaSi axali fexburTis moednis agebis gegmaze.
moTxrobaSi warmoCenili ZiriTadi problema is
konfliqtia, romelic garemos dacvis sakiTxs (aptonis
tyis SenarCuneba) da skolis ganviTarebis sakiTxs
(axali moednis ageba) Soris warmoiSoba. moTxrobis
pirvel epizodSi moswavleebi igeben, rom skolis
fexburTis gundma warmatebas miaRwia da sruliad
inglisis skolebis ligaSi TamaSis ufleba moipova.
isini, aseve, xedaven axali moednis asagebad Camosul
mSeneblebs/muSebs, romlebic skolis mimdebare
aptonis tyisaken miemarTebian.
zogadsaganmanaTleblo skola is Cveulebrivi
saxelmwifo skolaa, romelic nebismieri
SesaZleblobebisa da unarebis mqone moswavleebs
1 the headmaster 2 The school’s team are the winners of the
football league. 3 Sam 4 They can play in the All-England
schools league. 5 Because they are beginning work on a new
football pitch. 6 They’re going into Upton Wood next to the
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
dausviT klass Semdegi kiTxva:
• Where are Kathy and Julie going now? (to the Biology lesson)
es kiTxva savarjiSo 6-s exmianeba.
enobrivi CarCo – Language Box
martivi axlandeli da axlandeli gangrZobiTi
– Present Simple and Present Continuous
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want you to read out the sentences in the box.
SeaxseneT klass, rom martivi axlandeli
gamoiyeneba yoveldRiuri, ganmeorebadi
moqmedebebis aRsawerad, xolo axlandeli
gangrZobiTi amJamindeli, mimdinare movlenebis
• Repeat the time expressions after me.
waukiTxeT klass CarCoSi mocemuli drois
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the first four paragraphs of the text in Exercise 1, find
and read out sentences containing Present Simple.
• Now, look at the last three paragraphs of the text in Exercise 1
and find and read out examples of sentences containing Present
varjiSi ganvlil masalaze – Practice
savarjiSo 3
waukiTxeT klass magaliTebi da mieciT aseTi
erTeulze muSaobisas dagWirdebaT:
• ramdenime ganmartebiTi inglisur-inglisuri, an
inglisur-qarTuli leqsikoni (kiTxvis unar-Cvevebi
da sav. 6).
• 124-e gverdis imdeni qseroasli, ramden sam-oTx
kacian jgufadac daiyofa klasi.
prezentacia – Presentation
savarjiSo 1
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Open your books to page 20 and look at the picture of the school
hall. Try to talk about what you can see and guess is happening.
Do you have meetings like this at school? I’ll play the recording
twice for you to listen and read.
• Identify some of the people in the picture.
teqstis Sinaarsis wvdoma – Comprehension
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Work in pairs, reading and answering the questions.
• Read out the questions and answers.
• Complete the exercise working individually.
• Now, I’m going to play the recording twice for you to listen and
check your answer.
2 stop 3 practise 4 need 5 are beginning 6 are they making
masalis damuSaveba – Extension
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Listen to the recording again; pay attention to pronunciation,
stress and intonation patterns.
• Now, work in pairs, reading out the dialogue and taking turns to
be Tim and Sam.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; SeusworeT warmoTqmisas
daSvebuli Secdomebi.
4 Story Time
savarjiSo 4
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
savarjiSo 6
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Work in pairs, making questions from the prompts. Don’t answer
the questions at this stage.
• Read out your questions.
• Now, I want two students to read out the example exchange.
Work in pairs, asking and answering the questions.
• Read the text and underline the difficult new words.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT wyvilebSi
damoukidebeli muSaoba.
• In order to check the answers, I need some of the pairs to say
their exchanges for the class to hear.
2 What time do the pupils usually start lessons? They usually start
lessons at nine o’clock.
3 What is Sam taking from the headmaster? He’s taking the cup.
4 Does Sam practice football every day? Yes, he does.
5 Are the workmen working now? No, they aren’t.
6 Where are the workmen going now? They’re going into Upton
savarjiSo 5
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Read through the questions, please.
• Listen to the recording twice and answer the questions.
• Now, I’ll play the recording again, pausing after each answer to
give you time to check your versions.
Receptionist: This is the Brown’s Building Company.
Can I help you?
Headmaster: Oh, yes, can I speak to Mr Brown, please?
Receptionist: Who is calling, please?
Headmaster: This is Mr Davies, the headmaster from
Westpark Comprehensive School.
Receptionist: Hold the line, please.
Mr Brown: Hello, Mr Davies! How are you?
Headmaster: Fine, thank you, Mr Brown. My pupils are
very happy about the new football pitch.
Your workmen are here now.
Mr Brown: Good! Is there a problem?
Headmaster: Well . . . your workmen aren’t in the school
grounds. They’re in Upton Wood.
Mr Brown: Oh, yes, they’re planning the work today.
Headmaster: But they musn’t cut down the trees in
Upton Wood.
Mr Brown: Of course not, Mr Davies. The trees are
safe. The football pitch is next to the wood.
It isn’t the wood.
Headmaster: Oh, that’s good. Thank you.
Mr Brown: That’s OK, Mr Davies, I’m sorry, I’ve got
a lot of work today and have to finish now.
Headmaster: Oh, I see. Thank you again and goodbye.
Mr Brown: Goodbye.
1 He is talking to Mr Brown of the Brown’s Building Company.
2 They aren’t in the school grounds. They’re in Upton Wood.
3 They’re planning the work.
4 They mustn’t cut down the trees in Upton Wood.
5 The football pitch is next to the wood. It isn’t in the wood.
kiTxvis unar-Cveva – Reading Skills
axali sityvebis Sinaarsis mixvedra – Understanding
new words
waukiTxeT moswavleebs CarCoSi mocemuli rCevebi da
mieciT aseTi davalebebi:
• Answer my question, please, Is this what you do when you come
across a new word in Georgian?
• Look back at the text in Exercise 1 and find sentences containing
the word ‘main’ (the main hall) and the word ‘league’ (football
league); try to guess the meaning of these words from the context
and then check the meaning in the dictionaries.
CamowereT axali sityvebi dafaze, waukiTxeT da
• Say after me to practice pronunciation.
• Now, you can speculate in pairs about the meaning of the new
words before I ask you to check the meaning of the new words in
the dictionaries.
• I’d like you to say why trees are important.
saxaliso savarjiSo - Resource 4 (page 124)
samuSao principi: jgufuri muSaoba;
savarjiSos arsi: winadadebis nawilTa SeerTeba;
mizani: martiv axlandelsa da axlandel
gangrZobiTze varjiSi drois aRmniSvnelebis
nimuSi: They go to the cinema on Sundays/ They’re doing their
homework now.
moswavleebi dayaviT 3-4 kacian jgufebad.
TiToeul jgufs daurigeT baraTebad daWrili
qseroaslis kompleqti. baraTebi kargad arieT,
vidre maT jgufs gadascemT. SeadgenineT erTi
sanimuSo winadadeba da mieciT aseTi davaleba:
• Formulate grammatically correct and logical sentences using
the cards. The group which first completes the task correctly
are the winners.
Activity Book Answers
Language Diary
1 2 c 3 e 4 b 5 d 6 f
2 liga, gundi, kapitani, skolis direqtori
(kaci), moswavle, mweri, Txili/kakali, Jangbadi,
naxSirorJangi, kenkra, ciyvi.
Exercise 1
football: pitch, league, captain, cup, team
school: lessons, headmaster, pupils, teacher
Exercise 2
2 squirrel 3 oxygen 4 carbon dioxide 5 nuts, berries
Exercise 3
2 is talking 3 practise 4 practises 5 watches 6 is giving
Exercise 4
2 Are the pupils listening to their headmaster now? – Yes, they
are. 3 Is the headmaster talking to the pupils? – Yes, he is. 4
Are the football team sitting down now? – No, they aren’t. 5
Does Sam practise football every day? – Yes, he does. 6 Does Julie’s brother often watch football on TV? – Yes, he
does. 7 Is Sam playing football now? – No, he isn’t.
Exercise 5
2 What time does your school start? 3 Do you often eat
chocolate? – Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 4 Are you eating chocolate
now? – Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 5‑How many languages do you
speak? 6 What language are you studying now? – I’m studying
English now.
Exercise 6
2 always 3 stops 4 are sitting 5 are watching 6 is eating
Further Practice
Exercise 1
1) comprehensive 2) hall 3) headmaster 4) together
5) important 6) league 7) for 8) crazy 9) practices 10) on
11) cup 12) captain 13) of 14) pitch 15) through 16) strange
Exercise 2
a) lesson b) new c) news d) need
Exercise 3
a. It's nine o'clock on Monday morning.
b. I have some important news for you.
c. He's a great footballer too.
d. Look through the window, Julie!
e. It's time for the Biology lesson.
Exercise 4
1) Who usually starts lessons at this time? 2) What kind
of friends are they? 3) How often does he practice? 4)
What do they do after school? 5) What is he taking from the
headmaster now?
erTeulis ZiriTadi mizani:
ganvlili masalis gameoreba
leqsika – Vocabulary
arsebiTi saxelebi da zedsarTavi saxelebi - nouns and
adjectives (e.g. field, rocky)
zmnisa da arsebiTis kolokaciebi - verb-noun collocations
(e.g. polish the furniture)
saleqsikono statiebze muSaoba: erTeulTa Sesaxeb
gramatikuli, sawarmoTqmo, orTografiuli da
Sinaarsobrivi informaciis identifikacia -
dictionary entries: identification of information about grammar,
pronunciation, spelling and meaning.
warmoTqma – Pronunciation
“dictionary entry” (es aris erTi sityvis yvela
mniSvnelobis leqsikonSi mocemuli ganmarteba).
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• What information does a dictionary give about the spelling and
pronunciation of ‘write’? (It is spelt with w, but the w is not
• What information does a dictionary give about the grammar and
meaning of “play”? (It can be a noun (meaning a drama) or a
verb (meaning to take part in a game).
am SekiTxvaze pasuxis gacemisas moswavleebma
leqsikonidan unda amoikiTxon sityvebis
ganmartebebi. sasurvelia yuradReba gaumaxviloT
informaciis Tanamimdevrobaze (sityva,
transkrifcia, metyvelebis nawili da a.S.) da
rogori mokle variantiT (n., v., adj., da a.S.)
aRiniSneba sxvadasxva metyvelebis nawili.
Tanxmovani bgerebi da fonemuri transkrifcia -
Consonant sounds and phonemic transcription
gramatika – Grammar
axlandeli gangrZobiTi - Present Continuous
martivi axlandeli - Present Simple
mdgomareobebisa da grZnobebis aRmniSvneli zmnebi
- Stative verbs
kiTxvebi da mokle pasuxebi - Questions and short answers
erTeulze muSaobisas dagWirdebaT:
• ramdenime qarTul-inglisuri da ganmartebiTi
inglisur-inglisuri leqsikoni (sav. 3)
leqsika – Vocabulary
savarjiSo 1
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the circles indicating ‘nouns’ and ‘adjectives’. You have
to separate the words in the box into these two groups (e.g. field
is a noun, rocky is an adjective).
sasurvelia, SeaxsenoT klass am ori metyvelebis
nawilis raoba.
• Do the exercise working individually.
• Take turns to read out your answers. Let’s start with the nouns
and then pass on the adjectives.
am etapze sityvebis swor warmoTqmasac unda
miaqcioT yuradReba.
• Now, make sentences using some of these nouns and adjectives.
Nouns: panda, housework, swimming pool, desert, headmaster
Adjectives: indoor, dry, brilliant, important, unhappy
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Let’s look at the example matched items (polish the furniture)
• Match the rest of the items individually. You can compare your
answers in pairs before checking answers as a class.
• Now, please, make sentences using some of the matched items.
2e 3f 4d 5a 6g 7c
leqsikonze muSaobis unar-Cveva –
Dictionary Skills
saleqsikono statia _ Dictionary entry
waukiTxeT moswavleebs CarCoSi mocemuli teqsti;
sasurvelia, qarTulad auxsnaT, Tu ras gulisxmobs
savarjiSo 3
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Work individually or in pairs, matching the words with the
sections of the definition.
davalebis Semowmebis Semdeg uTxariT
• Work in pairs, looking up in the dictionaries some of the words
in Exercise 4.
2b 3a 4d
warmoTqma – Pronunciation
savarjiSo 4
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want you to say the words in the list.
• Now, listen to the recording and see if your pronunciation was
correct. You can listen to the recording twice, if you need it.
• Try to say the words again, paying attention to their
savarjiSo 5
waukiTxeT klass instruqciebi, darwmundiT, rom
moswavleebs sworad esmiT davalebis arsi da mieciT
aseTi davalebebi:
• I’ll play the recording twice for you to listen and tick the boxes.
• Now, let’s check your answers; say the words in Georgian for the
sounds which are the same.
1 2 3 4 5 6- 7
11  12  13  14  15 -
8  9  10 
savarjiSo 6
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the example item (1- pet) and do the exercise working
• I’ll play the recording twice for you to listen and check your
Now, please, say the words so that I can check pronunciation.
Tapescript and Answers
2 boy 3 tent 4 dog 5 go 6 father 7 king 8 sing 9 zebra
10 holiday 11 me 12 nose 13 long 14 rose 15 yellow
Revision 1
gramatika – Grammar
savarjiSo 7
dayaviT moswavleebi or-samkacian jgufebad (susti
moswavle daajgufeT 2 ZlierTan); mieciT klass aseTi
• Student A in each pair looks at the picture on page 13 and
Student B in each pair looks at the picture on page 104.
• Read through the example question and work out the remaining
questions using the prompts.
• Work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer questions about the
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; yuradReba miaqcieT,
sworad iyeneben Tu ara moswavleebi axlandel
• Now, I need pairs of students to say their questions and answers
for the class to hear.
Student A
1 What are the cats in the garden doing? (The cats are playing
2 How many pigs are swimming? (Two pigs are
swimming.) 3 Which animal is diving into the swimming
pool? (A pig is diving into the swimming pool.) 4 What is
the girl in the red dress doing? (The girl in the red dress is
washing up.) 5 What is the dog doing? (The dog is eating ( a
Student B
1 How many monkeys are watching television? (Three monkeys
are watching television.) 2 Where are the monkeys sitting?
(The monkeys are sitting on a chair in the kitchen.) 3 What is
the boy in the yellow T-shirt doing? (The boy in the yellow Tshirt is sweeping the floor.) 4 Which animal is drinking milk?
(A cat is drinking milk.)
5 How many children are cleaning
the house? (Two children are cleaning the house.)
savarjiSo 8
waukiTxeT klass instruqciebi da mieciT aseTi
• I give you a minute to study the picture again.
• Close your books and work in groups of 3 or 4, writing as many
sentences as you can about the picture.
• Now, I want the groups in turn to say a sentence.
yuradReba gaamaxvileT axlandeli gangrZobiTis
swor gamoyenebaze.
savarjiSo 9
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I need one of you to read out the first three sentences of the text.
• I advise you to read through the text quickly before you start
completing it.
• Complete the text working individually.
• Now, read out the sentences to the class to check.
2 cleans 3 goes 4 is making
6 are helping 7 are working
savarjiSo 10
mimarTeT klass:
• Let me read out the list of verbs in the box. Do you remember
the name of these verbs? (stative verbs). What is special about
them? (we don’t use them in Present Continuous.)
• I need one of you to read out the example sentence.
• I advise you to read through all the sentences before you start
choosing the verbs to complete them.
• Now, let’s check the answers by reading out the sentences in
2 knows 3 Do . . . feel
Do . . . like
4 need
5 Do . . . want
savarjiSo 11
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Work in pairs, making the questions.
• Let’s check the questions.
• I want two students to read out the example exchange.
• Now, work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer the questions.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba.
• Let some of the pairs to say their exchange to the class to check
their versions.
2 Do you usually help . . . ? – Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
3 Are you wearing . . . ? – Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
4 Do your parents know . . .? –Yes, they do./No, they don’t.
5 Are you sitting . . . ? – Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
modi, vimReroT – Song Time
savarjiSo 1
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the picture and guess the answer to question 1. (What is
the song about?)
• Now, read through the remaining questions before I play the
• Listen to the recording once and see if you can answer the
questions. If necessary, I’ll play the recording a second time.
1 a boy and his dog
2 his dog 3 He wakes up and thinks
about Sue. He gives her breakfast. He walks with her for hours
in the park. 4 He is singing this song and sitting in the sun.
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the words of the song on page 104.
• I’ll play the recording again for you to listen and read the words.
• Now, I want you to listen to the recording once more and sing
the song.
simRera SesaZloa mTel klass amReroT, an dayoT
klasi sam jgufad da TiToeulma simReris/da
teqstis TiTo nawili imReros.
5 don’t usually stay
Check Yourself Units 1-4 - Activity Book page 18
Check Units 1-4 – Teacher’s Book page 111
Language Tests A/B Units 1-4 - Test Book page 4
erTeulis zogadi gegma da mizani
unarebi – Skills
erTeuli orientirebulia Semdegi unarebis
suraTis mixedviT moTxrobis Sinaarsis winaswar
gamocnoba/varaudi – To use a picture to predict the content
1 He’s carrying a heavy bag for an old man
2 No, he doesn’t.
3 He hits Ali.
4 He takes Ali’s money and runs away.
5 He feels unhappy
of a story
specifikuri informaciis wakiTxviT wvdoma – To
practice reading for specific information
mosmena – Listening
specifikuri informaciis mosmeniT wvdoma – To practice
listening for specific information
moTxrobisaTvis saukeTeso dasasrulis SerCeva – To
discuss the best ending for a story
fotosuraTebis aRwera axlandeli gangrZobiTis
gamoyenebiT – To describe photographs using Present
fotosuraTis werilobiTi aRwera – To write a description
of the photograph
leqsika – Vocabulary
fotografia: camera (fotoaparati), film (firi), photo
aseve: fall down (dacema), market (bazari), newspaper
(gazeTi), pocket (jibe), run away (gaqceva), thief (qurdi),
Turkey (TurqeTi) , unhappy (ubeduri/ukmayofilo).
savarjiSo 1
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the cover of the book “Ali and His Camera”, and try to
answer the questions:
1. Where is Ali from?
2. What is the story about?
You can discuss possible answers to the questions in pairs.
• Now, read out your answers to the class.
am etapze araa saWiro swori pasuxis dadgena;
mTavaria moswavleebma erTmaneTis gansxvavebul
azrebs mousminon. vidre momdevno davalebaze
gadaxvalT, SeamowmeT ician Tu ara moswavleebma
sityvebis bag da pocket mniSvneloba. amisaTvis
sakmarisi iqneba, Tu romelime maTgans etyviT:
“Point to your bag and pocket.”
• Now, please, read the text and check your answers.
1 Turkey
• Read the example item while I play the first section of the
recording. Try to correct the example false sentence.
• Now, read through the remaining sentences. I’ll play the
recording twice for you to listen and complete the exercise.
• Read out your answers and correct the false sentences.
• Answer the question, please, Is Ali paid for his work in the
photography shop? (No, he isn’t).
Ali starts working at the market again. He needs the money for
a camera. One day he carries some bags for an old lady and
she has a present for him. It is a camera. It’s her son Yusuf’s
old camera.
Ali works a lot and one day he buys a film for his camera.
He goes to the old lady’s house and takes a photo of her and
her son Yusuf. Yusuf works for a newspaper. “Take lots of
photos and come and see me!” says Yusuf to Ali.
One day Ali goes to see Yusuf and shows him his photos.
“Some of your photos are good but some aren’t very good,”
says Yusuf.
At first Ali is angry but then he feels sad because Yusuf is
right. Some of his photos aren’t very good. Ali starts working
in a small photography shop for no money. He only wants to
learn about photography.
2 3
laparaki – Speaking
2 Ali wants to buy a camera.
kiTxva – Reading
savarjiSo 2
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• Look at the picture and guess what is happening.
Now, listen to me reading out the questions and try to predict the
waukiTxeT savarjiSo 2-is kiTxvebi.
• Listen to the recording and read the text. Then read the text again
and try to answer the questions individually.
• Read out your answers and the section of the text that gives it.
rodesac pasuxebs SeamowmebT, dasviT aseTi kiTxvebi:
Does the thief take the bag? (No, he doesn’t).
Does Ali tell his parents about the money? (No, he doesn’t).
savarjiSo 3
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
savarjiSo 4
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I need three of you to read out each of the tree endings for the
SeamowmeT icis Tu ara klasma daboloebaTa iseTi
ZiriTadi leqsikuri erTeulebi, rogoricaa:
famous, tourists, prize, competition, college.
• Work in groups of three or four, discussing which is the best
ending for the story and giving reasons for your opinions. The
group should try and agree which is the best ending.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; saWiroebis SemTxvevaSi,
ukarnaxeT maT ucnobi leqsikuri erTeulebi.
savarjiSo 5
mieciT klass aseTi davalebebi:
• I want each group to report back to the class, saying which they
think is the best ending and why. We’ll see if there is a general
agreement about any of them.
savarjiSo 6
waukiTxeT klass instruqciebi da magaliTi da mieciT
aseTi davalebebi:
• Try to suggest how to complete the second sentence (the sun is
going down).
• Work in pairs talking about the two photos. Don’t forget to use
Present Continuous.
CamoiareT klasi da gaakontroleT moswavleTa
damoukidebeli muSaoba; SeusworeT Secdomebi da
SeaSveleT saWiro leqsikuri erTeulebi.
• Now I want some of the pairs to say their descriptions for the
class to hear.
wera – Writing
savarjiSo 7
mieciT klass aseTi davaleba:
• Let two students read out the opening sentences of each description.
• Now, work individually, writing a description of each photograph. Don’t
forget to use Present Continuous.
meTvalyureoba gauwieT moswavleTa damoukidebel
muSaobas da miuTiTeT daSvebul Secdomebze.
• Form groups of three or four and read each other’s descriptions. You will
see how similar or different your descriptions are.
Skills Corner 1 – Activity Book page 19
Activity Book Answers for Skills Corner 1
Exercise 2
b1 c5 d2 e3
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Students’ own answers