2.6MB - Nanny Angel Network


2.6MB - Nanny Angel Network
About NAN
Letter From The Chair
Vision Mission Values
Here’s What We Do
Our Volunteers
2014 In Review
Financial Highlights For The Year Ended December 31, 2014
Stories & Testimonials
NAN In 2015 & Beyond
Board Of Directors 2014
2014 Donors & Supporters
Photos by Jeff Kirk Photography
About NAN
Letter From The Chair
The Nanny Angel Network is a registered charity
(#8248636900001) and the only organization of its kind in
Canada to provide free in-home childcare for mothers
who have been diagnosed with cancer, for those requiring
palliative care and for families needing additional relief
during the bereavement period.
In August 2008, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my life was turned
upside down. The months after my diagnosis were taken up with
appointments, surgeries, treatments, and major physical and emotional
ups and downs. My personal battle was the toughest thing I’ve ever
experienced, and as a mom, I know how much harder it can be to get
the care you need when you’re also a caregiver.
Cancer diagnosis and treatment is traumatic for everyone,
and for young mothers and their children in particular.
Children grieve the loss of a healthy mother and mothers
grieve the loss of their ability to function as primary
caregivers of their children. Mothers worry about being
able to protect and support their children without support,
they may end up postponing critical appointments or
neglecting treatment as their children’s care often comes
“At a time in your life when
you and your family feels so
vulnerable and weak, it is so
nice to have someone you
can count on to help you and
build a trusting bond with you
and your children. This is what
NAN has done for me.”
NAN helps mothers feel assured that their children are in safe,
caring hands. That confidence gives them the chance to
focus on their medical treatment, doctors visits, and taking
the time they need to rest and recover. NAN helps children
cope with their new reality by providing a safe, happy, and
caring friend to be there for them during this difficult time.
For about four hours per week, Nanny Angels volunteer their
time so mothers can get to medical appoints without taking
their children with them or simply have time to themselves to
rest and recover. Delivering these services in a family’s own
home reduces the stress on their children and their mothers
and their entire support network.
NAN’s services are for mothers with children aged 12 and
under, who have been diagnosed with cancer and are
currently undergoing treatment or require care during the
early stages of recovery or are in palliative care. NAN is
also there for families requiring additional relief during the
bereavement period.
Founder and CEO, Audrey Guth, is a breast cancer survivor,
mother of four, and the President of Diamond Personnel,
Canada’s award winning nanny agency. Following her own
observations in the waiting room of a cancer centre where
she observed young mothers struggling to entertain their
toddlers while awaiting treatment, she sprang into action.
She identified that there was a significant gap between
healthcare and social services that simply was not being
met. So she decided to build the solution herself and the
result is the Nanny Angel Network, which delivers free
professional in-home childcare for mothers during their
cancer journey and during the bereavement period.
When mothers with young children must undergo cancer treatment,
they often have to scramble to find childcare so they can see their
doctors, recover from surgery, or just take a nap to battle the
exhaustion that comes with treatment. Finding dependable care
for their kids can be incredibly stressful.
When I was going through my treatments, I was fortunate to have
plenty of support from family and friends. But I met so many women who
were struggling to balance childcare with medical visits. So I founded the
Nanny Angel Network (NAN) to give women with cancer the help they need to
stress less about their kids, and focus on getting better.
The Nanny Angel Network is the first (and only) registered charity of its kind in Canada to provide free
in-home childcare relief to women undergoing cancer treatment. Launched in 2008, our organization
has had a real halo effect – we have impacted hundreds of individuals through our in home childcare
In 2014 the demand for our services continued to grow. We expanded our service delivery to include
three months of childcare and bereavement support for a family who has lost their mother to cancer.
NAN’s “Angels Spread Their Wings” initiative continues to drive revenue and is our long-term fundraising
strategy to provide more care for moms in the Greater Toronto Area and eventually to expand our
reach to other Canadian cities.
Nanny Angels depends on your generosity to recruit and train our volunteers, to design and utilize
technology that will help us expand our services while maintaining our quality of care, and to provide
extended bereavement care to children who have lost their mother to cancer.
We are in the process of expanding our service area to include Oakville, Milton and Brampton. And in
addition to funding, we need volunteers to provide care to our families. Our volunteers tell us that this
is a most rewarding experience. Many of our volunteers currently giving their time to NAN are cancer
survivors themselves. If you know of anyone in your community that would like to get involved, please
share our mission and tell them about the vital work we do.
More volunteers, increased funding and greater community awareness are the essential pieces
necessary to ensure the long term success of the Nanny Angel Network throughout our community
and beyond.
Audrey Guth, Founder & Executive Director, Nanny Angel Network
Vision Mission Values
Here’s What We Do
We Close The Gap Between Healthcare And Social Services
We have a vision of a world where mothers with cancer are supported with professional childcare, are
resilient, less stressed and recover quickly. We envision a world where children receive excellent care in
their own home, feel less anxious and are able to share their feelings about loss in a safe and loving
environment. Our world is one where a large, active, engaged community of trained caregivers takes
pride in volunteering to care for children of mothers throughout their cancer journey.
Moms with cancer have limited childcare relief options. In Ontario, they are eligible for about four hours
a week of personal home care – but that does not include childcare. Few hospitals or clinics provide
childcare facilities on-site, and many women do not want to bring their young children to hospital for
fear of infection or having to leave them totally unsupervised for hours at a time. Plus, these women are
faced with the added worry of being alert and healthy enough to get their children home safely after
treatment – and then fighting illness and exhaustion once they get there.
Together we are working to create a reality where every mother with cancer gets the care she needs for
her children, so she has time to care for herself and that every child has the ear of a trusted caregiver to
provide support while navigating loss and grief.
The Nanny Angel Network provides free, professional relief childcare for GTA-area mothers with cancer.
We care for children 12 and under and provide timely, compassionate support to families throughout
treatment, recovery, palliative care and bereavement. To meet that goal we will:
• Galvanize a new generation of volunteers and provide them with engaging and rewarding
opportunities to support mothers with cancer.
• Arm volunteers with the right knowledge, skills and resources to care for children, and raise awareness
of healthy lifestyles to help families care for themselves.
• Build lasting relationships with and be an effective resource for cancer organizations to identify and
support mothers and children who need us most.
• Raise funds annually to support childcare programs that have direct, meaningful impact on the
mothers and families we serve.
Mother And Family-Centered Support
We provide high quality childcare for mothers and their families through all phases of the cancer journey.
Opportunity And Accessibility
We believe all mothers with cancer, irrespective of race, religion, sexual orientation or socio-economic
status, should receive the childcare support they need.
Our community is strengthened by coming together to support our mothers, children and their families.
We are accountable to all of our stakeholders – mothers, children,
families, volunteers, community partners, funding partners
and supporters – and are committed to regularly
evaluating our performance and
improving our results.
For many, the only option is paid childcare. Because many families lose income due to extended
absences from work, their ability to afford childcare during treatment and recovery plummets. NAN’s
free childcare helps families impacted by income loss. It offers mothers the peace of mind of knowing
their children are in good hands, and gives them the opportunity to get the care, rest and the free time
they need.
NAN Gives Mothers And Children Emotional Support
Many NAN moms have never left their children with
anyone other than a family member. Since NAN
volunteers are professionals, it gives moms the
confidence to trust our volunteers with their young
children. During a Nanny Angel visit, children get
undivided attention from a trained professional
caregiver who ensures they are coping well with
their mother’s diagnosis and treatment. They are
entertained, stimulated with creative play and
encouraged to share their feelings in a safe
space. NAN volunteers are the part of the
cancer care team that spends the most time
with the family as they visit weekly. For children
with behavioural issues, anxiety, or difficulties
dealing with their mom’s illness, Nanny Angels
provide extra help and support. Our volunteers
are trained to identify the warning signs of children not coping
well, and can recommend other community resources. Often,
in a high stress environment of a mother’s illness, our Angels are
the only smiling faces a child sees.
“Rest is a tall order when
you have 3 kids (as you
know) but with the help of
Estefania and your team, the
relief and rest is unbeatable
at this time and I am forever
grateful to you and your
Our Volunteers
NAN Actively Raises Funds To Help Support Mothers With Cancer
NAN’s Angels Spread their Wings initiative is a long-term fundraising effort to help support moms in
the GTA and expand our services to other Canadian communities.
We reach out to community partners and individuals to raise funds so that we can:
• Spread the word: by generating awareness at hospitals, healthcare support networks and
in the media.
• Spread knowledge: by educating volunteers and families on how to cope with cancer,
including recovery and bereavement, in a constructive and positive way.
• Spread the joy: by promoting a healthy and generous volunteer spirit in the communities
we touch.
Our volunteer Angels are the ones who wear the halos. Their
time and commitment makes such a big difference in the
lives of the NAN mothers and their families. We would like to
thank them for their dedication, their continued support of
people who need their patience, expertise and compassion.
There are many types of Angels:
NANNY ANGELS – In-home childcare providers who are on
the front lines in changing the lives of families in crisis. These
families are dealing with extraordinary circumstances. Our
professional and experienced Nanny Angels are able to
have tremendous impact on their experience through trying
Our Nanny Angel volunteers have tremendous integrity and
commitment. They must complete extensive training,
screening and background checks. The network of
volunteers include people of all ages and backgrounds,
• Professional Nannies
• Child Experts, Teachers, Social Workers, Nurses,
Child Life Specialists
• Retirees
• Students in Professional Programs
• ECE Workers
• Cancer Survivors
• Summer Camp Counsellors
“Our visits with our Nanny
Angel are great. My daughter
has been asking when the
nanny is coming back every
day. I’m not sure how I could
have gotten through this
without the Nanny Angel
Network. Thank you!”
SUPPORT ANGELS – Contribute time and their own special
skills in support of established staff and Board Committee
teams. Areas of contribution range from administrative
duties to social media, marketing and awareness raising,
writing, research, and day-to-day operations. There is no
shortage of work to be done.
FUNDRAISING ANGELS – NAN is a privately funded
organization and we need all the help we can get. Your
event planning, outreach skills, community resources and
connections will help us care for more families during their
cancer journey.
FUNDING ANGELS – These individuals and corporations have
made a significant commitment to the future growth of the
Nanny Angel Network and they deserve special recognition
as our true guardians.
Every Angel is different, but they all have two important
things in common; they love children and they are
committed to providing excellent, dependable childcare
for women with cancer.
2014 In Review
In 2014, NAN provided mothers with cancer with 1952 hours of childcare service, with 57 active volunteers,
helping 66 families with 114 children across the GTA.
Our unique concept generated international interest when our founder, Audrey Guth, was selected as
a 2014 CNN Hero. We have been contacted by community leaders from the US, Australia, Europe and
Asia asking how they can duplicate this service. As always, it is hard to accept that we cannot provide
childcare to all the mothers who need it (and we are working on being able to do that), but it is good to
know that we have been able to identify this tremendous need with our innovative, tested solution to the
problem that is working in our community, with hopes of moving beyond the GTA in the very near future.
Program Expansion – The Naomi Angel Legacy Fund
In February, we lost one of our mothers to cancer, Naomi Angel. Her family established the Naomi Fund
to provide intensive training to our volunteers in bereavement and palliative care. The fund raised over
$25,000 in 2014 with donations coming from countries all over the world. We commit to ensuring that
Naomi’s legacy fund will make the cancer journey of our families just a little easier.
Fundraising Success
In 2014, we had a very specific goal to raise $300K. We are proud to report that we achieved that goal
through a very successful Return of Lady Luck event and private funding from friends, community
partners and grants. We garnered new corporate partners; Mable’s Labels, Shoppers Drug Mart Mind
Body and Spirit, Surplus Freight of Canada and many more.
The TD Bank President, Tim Hockey surprised our founder, Audrey Guth with a $30,000 gift card as a part
of their “MakeTodayMatter” campaign. We received grants from several private foundations including
the Bernice Kauffman Foundation, the Wong Family Foundation, The DeBartolo Family Foundation, and
The Rotary Club of Toronto.
We were proud to announce our new sponsor Mabel’s Labels who in addition to an annual contribution
of $10,000, committed to give to every child receiving NAN services a Mabel’s Labels Starter Pack. Each
pack retails for roughly $40, simplifies life for mom and family, and brings smiles to the children who
receive them.
2014 also saw the Nanny Angel Network establish a partnership with Echoage, a free online service with
a charity giving twist. It helps mom and families save time while children receive gifts and give to charity.
This partnership will not only provide a new stream of funding for our Network, but will also raise
awareness of our services within our key demographics.
New Communication Tools
Our newsletter, The Halo Effect, was launched in December 2013 and allowed us to keep in touch with
all of our stakeholders, community partners, volunteers and friends. It helps us recruit new volunteers
and families as evidenced by the increased demand for the NAN service in 2014. The Halo Effect is a
quarterly publication.
Once a week we send out Nanny Notes to all of our active NAN volunteers. This mini-newsletter informs
our volunteers of upcoming events, new families needing assistance, volunteer recognition, partner
offers and other timely information.
Our Twitter account is buzzing with action. We now have an extraordinary community builder on our
team and she is an expert at articulating our brand message with critical stakeholders, and otherwise,
spreading our important news.
2014 Volunteer Nanny Angel Of The Year
This year we thank our 2014 volunteer of the year Michelle
Gravina for her dedication and giving of 368 hours of her time.
Ste. Anne’s Spa generously donated a spa day for Michelle to
enjoy. We wouldn’t be where we are without our wonderful
Michelle joined NAN in 2013. She is a fitness enthusiast who
has shared her energy with one very special family for the
last two years. Her Family Match has experienced two
cancer diagnoses, a premature birth, multiple treatments
and hospitalizations, palliative care and now bereavement.
Michelle has been with them along the way, visiting regularly
to care for their two young girls. Michelle stepped in to provide
extra hours of care after Mom passed, which Dad clearly
‘I know that my family is in good hands. Our experience with Michelle is great. She does a
great job of taking care of the kids. Words can’t describe how my family feels about your
service. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.’ Thanks for being AWESOME Michelle,
you are a true Angel.
Under the leadership of Dr. Ellen Warner and the Sunnybrook Research Institute, we have begun
to engage our NAN clients, current and former, to complete an anonymous online research survey.
The results of this survey will help us improve the services we provide in the future. Further, the academic
team conducting the research work to use data collected to publish a paper intended for the Journal
of Oncology Practice which would help add scholarly rigor to NAN’s pursuits.
The Search For A Full-Time Chief Of Operations
As NAN continued to grow throughout the year, it became
clear that the organization needed to build capacity and
hire a full time COO. We didn’t have to look too far. Our
very own Board Member, Mitchell Praw, stepped up to
accept the role with a start in early 2015. Mitchell, his wife
Naomi and their adorable son Nate were recipients of the
Nanny Angel program service. When Naomi lost her battle
with breast cancer in February of 2014, Mitchell raised
significant funds to support NAN through the Naomi Angel
Legacy Fund. He believes that what we do is essential to
the health and stability of a family facing the devastation
of cancer and is committed to making their lives just a little
Financial Highlights for the Year Ended December 31, 2014
57 trained nanny volunteers provided
1952 hours of service to 66 families Working with
118 children under the age of 12
In 2014,
5,568 hours of service in
1,392 visits, Working with
377children under the age of 12
Distribution of Moms
Distribution of Kids
helped across the GTA in 2014
12 9%
helped across the GTA in 2014
n Halton
Halton5 7
Peel 1121
York 612
Toronto34 55
Durham2 6
Other 817
TOTALS 66118
Since 2010,
9% 8
n Toronto
n Regions
Breast (35 Moms)
(3 Moms)
Rectal Carcinoma Leukemia
(2 Moms)
(2 Moms)
(1 Mom)
(3 Moms)
(1 Mom) (1 Mom)
Foundation grants accounted for 8% while
corporate donations made up 24% of total
revenues. The single largest donation of
$30,000 was from TD Bank for their
#maketodaymatter campaign.
• Out of the General Donations received in 2014,
$25,000 was contributed by the Naomi Angel
* The Naomi Angel Legacy Fund in memory of Naomi Angel, continues
to raise funds for our volunteer training and resources.
Comparative Revenues And Expenses
Breakdown By Type Of Cancer Of Clients Served In 2014
(6 Mom)
n Durham n
Total Net Assets as of December 31, 2014 - $189,000
• Fundraising events continued to be the largest
source of revenue. The Return of Lady Luck and
Silent and Live Auctions generated a total of
(3 Moms)
(3 Moms)
Myloma Neuroendocrine
(1 Mom)
(1 Mom)
(3 Moms)
152,397 340,941
104,365 259,422
48,032 81,519
Excess of Revenues
over Expenses
(1 Mom)
NAN In 2015 And Beyond
The Sharma Story
We were approached by a special young
family who desperately needed our help.
Pryanka was 7 months pregnant when she
was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
An emergency caesarian section was
performed and a beautiful daughter
entered the world to join her two year old
sister. Pryanka and Pawan live in Brampton,
a far trek from the hospital downtown.
With a toddler at home, a wife in hospital
undergoing chemo treatment, and a
newborn in the neonatal intensive care unit,
Pawan reached out to the Nanny Angel
Network for help. Our wonderful Nanny
Angel, Michelle, provided the support and
care that this family needed in a time of crisis.
She accepted this assignment with compassion, and commitment, providing many months of loving
care to Pryanka’s daughters. Pryanka was permitted to return home for only a short period of time
but her cancer returned with a vengeance and Michelle continued to be a vital part of Pawan’s
support system, now caring for two beautiful little girls. It is so difficult to imagine any family having
to face the devastating news and subsequent months of hospitalization. But for this family it was
particularly challenging. We were constantly told by Pryanka and Pawan that we were the thread
that was holding their lives together. In December
of 2014, Tim Hockey, the CEO of TD Bank, surprised
our Founder with a $30,000 gift card in their
“Make Today Matter” campaign.
They chose to provide the Sharma family with more
care during this incredibly difficult period. With the
TD gift, we purchased gift certificates for gas and
food, decorated their home for the holidays, and
bought the children gifts for Christmas. During
many conversations, she shared that she knew her
daughters were in good hands. Pawan was able
to spend time with Pryanka in hospital, which he
See the video at: http://canadaam.ctvnews.ca/founder-ofdid every single day. Our Angels continue to
support the family, helping them deal with their
mother’s illness.
“The Nanny Angel Network was a true blessing for us. In a difficult and
confusing time, you were there for us. We had no idea how we were going
to handle our four young children after the surgery. The nannies that you
provided were absolutely wonderful. Another thing that helped was the
support you gave me personally about what I was going through. We thank
you from the bottom of our hearts.”
In 2014, 57 volunteers provided 66 families with 1952 hours of free relief childcare. As proud as we are of
that achievement, it simply isn’t enough; the need for our service greatly outstrips those numbers.
The role of the NAN Board of Directors is shifting from one of governance to that of fundraising. We are
actively recruiting new board members from diverse professional backgrounds. We welcome inquiries
from individuals who would like to get involved in committees and board positions.
The NAN team is busy connecting with more community partners in the GTA in order to expand
awareness of the program among health care providers, social workers, physicians, hospices, and
potential volunteers.
In 2014 we identified a need for the Nanny Angel Network to provide service in many communities
across Canada. Major funders with national funding mandates echoed this sentiment. We therefore
have prioritized creating an exploration study to understand both need and strategy for expansion.
2015 Fundraising – A Strong Start
The New Homebuilders Network selected the Nanny Angel
Network as their charity of choice honouring their 20th
anniversary to receive $1.00 per new home sold in the
GTA in 2015. We anticipate that this generous gift will raise
$30,000 for our organization.
The President of the Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate
Board, Jeff Mahannah selected NAN as his charity for 2015
and committed to raising $20,000 in 2015, in addition to
furnishing NAN with an Oakville office space which will help
greatly in our ability to meet, train, work and grow in Oakville
and across Halton Region.
“Once I started chemotherapy
treatments I was tired, but felt
like I could still balance looking
after a 3 ½ yr. old, but as each
treatment went by I found
myself so tired and less able
to focus on my children. I found
an article about Nanny Angels
and the rest is history. We were
sent a real angel, Sandy.
Knowing the kids were cared
for, allowed me to get the
much needed rest to recover
from my treatments. My family
and I are blessed to have
found such an amazing
organization and a wonderful
new family member.”
Board of Directors
Audrey Guth, Chair
Shauna Guth
Sabina Spatarro
Sara Lefton
Audrey is the Founder and President of Diamond
Personnel Inc., Diamond Global Recruitment
Group Inc., Mobilize Jobs and Nanny Angel
Network. In 2008, during her own treatment for
breast cancer, she recognized a need for
childcare for moms diagnosed with this disease.
With a generous grant from Rethink Breast Cancer,
she founded the Nanny Angel Network. Audrey is
currently NAN’s volunteer Executive Director and
Board Chair. Diamond Personnel is a major
supporter of the Nanny Angel Network.
Shauna is the Director of Placements and
Operations for Diamond Personnel. After
completing a B.A. Hons in Sociology and a
M.A. in Criminology at the University of Toronto,
Shauna joined Diamond Personnel leading a
team of expert placement consultants for
Canada’s largest in-home nanny agency.
She is one of the key people the Nanny Angel
Network relies on when recruiting childcare
volunteers. Her expertise in screening and
matching has been an invaluable resource
for the Nanny Angel Network.
Sabina is a Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS)
with a focus on Child, Youth and Family. She
completed an 880 clinical hour internship at Rush
University Children’s Hospital in Chicago and now
works in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Sick
Kids and is an active visiting Nanny Angel
Sara has extensive experience in talent recruitment,
talent management and building successful
teams, as well as experience as a corporate
lawyer at a leading Canadian business law firm.
Prior to commencing her legal studies at Queen’s
University, Sara earned her M. Sc. in comparative
Politics from the London School of Economics,
focusing on Conflict Resolution. She is responsible
for all aspects of the student programs at the
Toronto office of Dentons Canada LLP.
Helena Axler, Vice Chair
Helena is the Managing Principal of Axler and
Associates, a health care consulting practice
focused on strategy development and facilitating
innovation and change. She works extensively
with teaching hospitals, universities and research
organizations. Prior to starting her consulting
practice she was Chief, Strategy and Network
Development for Sick Kids Hospital. Helena is an
adjunct professor of the U of T Department of
Health Management, Policy and Evaluation.
Gila Ossip, Treasurer
Barbara Steinberg
Barbara has a Masters in Social Work from the
University of Toronto, and has been in private
practice for over 25 years. Her specialties are
private adoption, infertility counselling, family,
marital and teen counselling. She volunteers
with several non-profit charities and has been
instrumental in helping develop the Nanny Angel
Networks education component regarding child
behavioral issues and how to respond to children
when they are faced with a parent who is ill.
Gila is a Chartered Accountant and owns
Tax4Nanny, a payroll service provider for
employers of caregivers. She helped found
Nanny Angel Network and is deeply connected
to the organization as a founding member of the
board. She knows first-hand how difficult it can be
to balance the needs of children while being a
working mom.
Angela DeGasperis
Brigitte Lee, Secretary
Glen Mortimer
Brigitte is the mother of three and a Certified
Management Accountant and IT professional.
While on maternity leave, she was diagnosed
with a rare pregnancy-related cancer called
choriocarcinoma (cancer of the placenta).
During that time she turned to the Nanny Angel
Network for childcare relief. Brigitte brings her
background as a strategic planning consultant
and provides valuable feedback about the
experience for moms in the program.
Glen Mortimer recently retired from a 35-year
career in the foodservice and hospitality industry,
and currently operates G. Mortimer & Associates
Consulting Ltd. based in Calgary. He has held
multiple positions in Operations, R&D, Marketing,
Retail Grocery, Labour, Training and Non-traditional
Business Strategies with companies including A&W.
He also led the development of Tim Horton’s in
Western Canada as Vice President, tripling the
number of restaurants and growing sales by more
than 400% between 2000 and 2008.
Angela is an outstanding member of the
community whose generosity has played a
large part in giving Nanny Angel Network
sustainability for another year. She spearheaded
the “Ladies of the Brush” fundraiser in 2013.
She is a talented artist, wonderful mother and
dedicated daughter.
Daphne Goldberg
Daphne is the Vice President of Goldrich Printpak
Inc., a manufacturer of quality packaging for the
food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. As
one of the founding members of the Nanny Angel
Network, Daphne uses her organizational strengths
to help NAN deliver support to mothers in need.
Through Daphne’s extensive business and personal
networks, NAN has developed deep and lasting
Amy Friedman
Amy studied child and family development at
University of Guelph and has a Masters degree in
Crisis and Trauma from Tel Aviv University, focusing
on children and families coping with illness. She is
passionate about helping families in crisis, and is
an active visiting Nanny Angel volunteer.
Lisa Shepherd
Mitchell Praw
Mitchell came to NAN with over 15 years
experience working in media, mostly in a
marketing capacity, most recently as General
Manager of Infomart, a media monitoring
consultancy focused on helping brands leverage
media data to improve their campaigns and
strategies. Prior to Infomart he held various
business development and brand leadership
roles at Edelman, Bell Media, and AOL Canada.
Mitchell is a graduate of McGill University’s faculty
of Education and earned a MBA from the Richard
Ivey School of Business at The University of Western
Ontario. He is also a former first-hand beneficiary
of NAN’s services and has a wonderfully precious
son who occupies (and enriches) the bulk of his
‘free’ time.
Lisa is the author of Market smart: How to Gain
Customers and Increase Profits with B2B Marketing
and President of The Mezzanine Group,
a strategic business to business marketing
firm based in Toronto. Mezzanine has
been twice named to both the
PROFIT Hot 50 and the PROFIT 100
and Lisa has appeared twice on
the PROFIT 100 as the youngest
female CEO of Canada’s fastest
growing companies. She has
consulted to over 200 B2B
companies, including leading
mid- market and Fortune 500 firms.
She leads marketing and
communications efforts for the
Nanny Angel Network.
2014 Donors & Supporters
Our most sincere thanks to our donors and supporters of NAN.
Our halo effect wouldn’t be nearly as bright or far-reaching without you.
$10,000 - $100,000
DeBartolo Family Foundation Inc.
Eddie & Marilyn Weisz
Mabel’s Labels Inc.
Surplus Furniture & Mattress Warehouse
TD CanadaTrust – Make Today Matter
The Guth Family
The Paloma Foundation
The Rotary Club of Ontario
$1,000 - $9,999
Andy Rafelman
Avid Apparel
Avra Rosen
Barbara Belford
Barbara Steinberg
Bazil Developments Inc.
Brettler Mintz Foundation
Canada Cartage
Charles Perez
Daphne & Leslie Goldberg
Delaine Hampton
Edie Glazer
Fern Reich
G. Mortimer & Associates Consulting Ltd.
Haremar Plastic Manufacturing Ltd.
Helena and Jeff Axler
I.S. Wong Foundation
Jay & Barbara Hennick Family Foundation
John MacNutt
The Sarick Family
Karen Levine
Labourer’s International Union
Milestone Property Management
Patrick Faucher
Peter Seligman
Pinnacle IP Solutions
Rachel McAdams
RBC Foundation
Rhonda Katz
Roger Greenberg
Sarah Torbey
SAS Intl. Canada
Shauna Guth
Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation
Surplus Furniture & Mattress Warehouse
Tamara George
The Henry and Bernice Kaufman Foundation
The Koffler Development Group Inc
The Mezzanine Group
The W.P. Scott Charitable Foundation
The Weigland Foundation
Torbel - Somerset Construction
Turner Fleischer Architects Inc.
Verdiroc Holdings Ltd.
Warner Brothers
Yacoub Elite Search
Yorkdale Shopping Centre Merchants Assn.
Yorkwood Homes – Myer Godfrey
Zahra Properties