November 6, 2015
November 6, 2015
Free A Paper Designed With Readers in Mind Nov. 6-19, 2015 Federal government to regulate recreational drones By Dennis West Drones have been increasingly in the news since the military began to use them in the Middle East. About three years ago, they moved from the battlefield to the backyard as hobbyists began to fly their own. Americans are projected to buy about 700,000 drones this year, a 63 percent increase from 2014. Dan and Marjie Danno, owners of HobbyTown USA in the Geneva Square shopping center, have been following the phenomenon since it began. Today, they carry the largest selection of remotely controlled recreational flying vehicles in the area. “The difference between a quadcopter, for instance, and a drone with four propellers is that the latter has a camera onboard that sends video – called first person view, or FPV – back to the operator who has a remote control to guide it,” said Danno. “We have at least a dozen different drones in stock with cameras.” Recreational drones vary from about six inches across to Danno’s favorite, the Yuneec Q500, which is about 21 inches square, has four blades and many features. “Models run from $50 to $2,000,” said Danno, “with the Q500 giving you about anything you want for $1,100.” Like all recreational drones, the Q500 runs on batteries. It will fly for 12 to 30 minutes on a single charge. Danno suggests that anyone who buys a drone should get a spare battery for longer flying time. The Q500 has a gimbal-mounted HobbyTown USA owners Dan and Marjie Danno show a few of the many drones they have for sale at their store in the Geneva Square Mall. (Beacon photo) camera that shoots 1080P 60FPS HD Video, which is the same definition as a HD flat screen TV. It will also shoot still photos that are comparable to a 18 megapixel camera. The gimbal, which is a swiveling sphere underneath the fuselage, has a gyroscope to keep the camera trained on its object without shaking from the motion of the copter, and a GPS unit that tells it, and the operator, where the drone is located at all times. “When you turn on the unit the GPS system establishes a ‘home’ location,” Danno explains. “When you turn it off, or hit the ‘home’ switch, it will return to that point. “About two years ago a man came in and bought a drone,” Danno said. “A while later he called and was in a panic because it had flown away and he had lost it. I told him not to worry, that I would help him find it. A few minutes later, he called to say he had gone home and found it sitting in his driveway where he had turned it on before driving to the place he wanted to fly it. Just as it was meant to do, it ‘went home.’” The Q500 will attain a height of 400 feet and a distance of about 1.5 miles before losing its controlling signal. The WIFI stream from the drone to the remote control lets the operator know where it is, what it’s doing, seeing, and enables him to tell it what to do. “The touch-screen display on the remote tells you the altitude, speed (about 22 mph maximum), the distance from the operator, the number of satellites available, and what the camera is seeing. You can double-click on the screen to zoom in and out. With the GPS, if you are flying and you stop controlling it, the drone will stop and hover in place until it receives further instructions. The unit will fight a wind as high as 25 mph, but because of the electronics, you don’t want to fly it in the rain.” The Q500 even has air pressure sensors that let it know when it is approaching the ground, or any object below it, so that it settles gently instead of crashing. A Steady Grip that was an option is now included in the purchase price. It allows the operator to turn the drone into a personal camcorder by placing a cell phone onto the top of the pistol grip and watching it for information. (Continued on page 32) Snowy, spectacled owls fascinate members of local Audubon Society By Dennis West Dianne Moller works with birds. Not just any birds, but raptors. During her program at the Lakeland Audubon Society on Oct. 27, she asked the bird-savvy audience if they knew how many groups of raptors there are. The answer was five: hawks, 200 species; eagles, 60 species; owls, 223 species, falcons, 37 species; and vultures. Moller is executive director of Hoo’s Woods Raptor Center in Milton, which she founded in 1998. She is a state- and federally-licensed educator, falconer, rehabilitator and eagle handler. In April, she was named Wildlife Conservationist of the Year by the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation. She currently has 10 raptors in residence. A packed house of bird fanciers attended the meeting on a cold, windy, rainy night to learn about, and see, a Snowy Owl named Wesley, that Moller saved and rehabilitated this summer. “Snowy Owls aren’t native to Wisconsin,” Moller told her audience. “They originate in the arctic but winter as far south as southern Wisconsin. Snowys like open places. Don’t look for them high in a tree. They can be found sitting on fence posts, rocks, on the grounds or mounds of snow. Because they sit close to the ground, it’s hard to tell when they have been hurt.” That’s what happened to Wesley, who had a seriously damaged wing. Motorists stopped to move him out of the road for several days in June before someone reported that there was an apparently sick bird that needed help. “He was so filled with parasites that the veterinarian didn’t think he would live,” said Moller. “But with a great deal of care and medication which added up to about $1,500 at cost, he is finally a healthy bird. Because he has a permanent wing injury, he will never be released into the wild. He could live for another 30 years in captivity. Snowy Owls live about nine years in the wild.” Moller feeds him rats and mice. Unlike most owls, Snowys are diurnal, which means they eat during the day and sleeps at night. She has rigged up a web camera so she can keep an eye on Wesley in the barn. “To tell you the truth, he doesn’t do much,” she said. According to Moller, Snowys are the largest owls in North America. The female is larger, with more prominent, darker markings than the male. She will be 24 to 18 inches long and weigh 4.5 to 6.5 pounds, while an adult male has fewer bars as he ages and is 20 to 24 inches long and weighs 3.5 to 4 pounds. (Continued on page 2) Dianne Moller introduces Wesley, a Snowy Owl, to members of the Lakeland Audubon Society on Tuesday, Oct. 27. (Beacon photo) 2 — The Beacon Owls Continued from page 1 The female’s wingspan is six feet, while the male’s is four. In comparison, an eagle has a six foot wingspan. Snowy Owls are related to the Great Horned Owl. The Snowy has the same eyes and the same temperament, but is four pounds heavier. Owls have small eyes for their size. They are far-sighted, which means they can see up to a mile away and recognize small prey, like a mouse or lemming, from half a mile. “They use their sense of hearing more than their eyes to hunt, though,” said Moller. “A Snowy Owl can hear prey as deep as 10 inches beneath the snow.” All raptors mate for life. The female Snowy makes a nest in a shallow bowl on the ground and lays 3 to 5 eggs in a typical year, but 7-10 in an exceptional one. Chicks are grey for camouflage. The female sits on the eggs for 32 days. After they hatch, she feeds them 3 to 4 lemmings a day per chick (courtesy of the hunting male) for about 5 weeks. The chicks fly after about 50 days, but may stay with their parents for as long as a year. In the wild, Snowy Owls’ main diet consists of lemmings, arctic hares, ducks, fish and small birds. Their enemies are arctic foxes, polar bears, wind farms and airports. As a surprise for the audience, and especially for a group of children who were there with their parents, Moller introduced a Spectacled Owl named Oakley. “Spectacled Owls are the largest tropical owl,” she explained. “They live in the rain forests of Central and South America. They get their name from the white feathers that give the appearance of wearing spectacles, or glasses, around their eyes. Their vocal activity tends to be most prominent on calm, moonlit nights. The primary sound that they make consists of a tapping with a popping effect. While their numbers are stable, their greatest threat for survival is disappearance of the rain forest. Spectacled owls are about 8 to 20 inches high and weigh between 2 and 3 see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 pounds. Moller explained that Hoo’s Woods is dedicated to environmental education and conservation of birds of prey through public education. “Our mission is to provide an educational opportunity to understand and appreciate the co-existence between wildlife and man and the importance of preserving the world in which we live,” she says. “We teach about raptors, the environment and other ecological concerns, explaining how all things are connected and what we can do to help.” As seen from the cost to rehabilitate Wesley, running a raptor center is expensive. Last year, Moller spent $6,500 on food and vet care for her birds. She says that, since her tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 charitable organization receives no state or federal support, it depends upon donations for its existence. They provide housing, food and medical treatment for the birds. Anyone who would like to help can send donations to Hoo’s Woods, P.O. Box 21, Milton, WI 53563. More information may be obtained by calling (608) Dianne Moller shows a Spectacled Owl named Oakley at the Audubon 883-2795, emailing [email protected], or Society meeting in Williams Bay. Spectacled Owls are native to South and visiting their website at www.hoo Central America. (Beacon photo) “By offering a team approach to optimizing and maintaining health, I find my relationships with my patients grows quickly. And a great relationship with patients starts with a trusting and caring health care provider … I strive to provide that type of care with every visit.” Dominic B. Draper, MD, MBA Family medicine Mercy Health System welcomes Dr. Draper to the family medicine physician staff of Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center. His special interests include: • Arthritis management • Asthma management • Diabetes management • High blood pressure management • Men’s health • Preventive medicine • Sports medicine • Veteran care Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center N2950 State Rd. 67 Hwys. 50 and 67 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (262) 245-0535 • (877) 893-5503 This Delavan trick-or-treater looks as though he was digitized to protect his identity. Great costume. (Photo by Kyle Shafer) The Beacon Our Composition Manger, Wendy Shafer, and I were recently talking about the expectations some people have that anything can be accomplished with computer software, especially Adobe Photoshop. The cartoon at right is an example of what she runs into on a regular basis. When people want something in an ad, they assume it can be created by using Photoshop. ‘Taint always so. Although Photoshop is amazing, and fun to use, we need to have the components before we can enhance or modify them. I have, I’m marginally ashamed to admit, cloned someone’s eyes in a photo to replace those of someone who blinked when the shot was taken. I have taken a few pounds off someone when a photo was unflattering and it was easy to do. I once got into trouble by doing that when the woman standing next to the man in the photo said, “You (unprintable). Everyone knows how fat he looks. When you made him look thinner, you made me look fat in comparison.” I think that falls into the category of no good deed goes unpunished. Although journalism ethicists might argue that removing power lines from a photograph is dishonest, I do it with no compunction because the wires are distracting. If the point of the picture had been to illustrate the clutter of technology, or some such idea, I wouldn’t have done it. I remember our former ad salesman “Beacon Bob” Ryan coming to the office and saying to Leslie Gostomski, who was our composition manager at the time, that he needed some specific, but very unusual, illustration for an ad. When she told him she didn’t have any- see us online at thing like that in her art library, he said, “Oh, sure you do. And if you don’t you can just make it.” As a former ad salesperson myself, I recognize the symptoms of unreasonable expectations. Clients just need to be a bit more understanding. Having said that, I want to take this opportunity to praise Wendy for the amazing job she does with the ads for The Beacon. She has great taste, is creative and a pleasure to work with. She has been with us more than ten years now, and, even though we might not think to say so as often as we should, we appreciate her more all the time. Speaking of advertising sales, I am looking for the right person to work with business people in an excellent territory to help them use our affordable and effective advertising. Unfortunately, my specifications are a bit complicated. The right person would be a retired advertising – preferably newspaper – salesperson who knows Lake Geneva and is looking for something to keep him or her active and is willing to work solely on a commission basis with expense reimbursement. The key words are experience and commission. With no base salary involved, it needs to be someone who Nov. 6, 2015 — 3 could afford to work to build up a clientele. I hope the right person will email me at [email protected] or call 245-1877. • • • • Regular readers are aware of my fascination with unusual names. Although there has been a surge in “creative” names, especially within the entertainment and African-American communities, it is by no means a recent phenomenon. Some of the names from the 18th and 19th centuries range from quaint to bizarre. A case in point is Ruby Laffoon. Not only is the last name unusual, the fact that this person was a man named Ruby makes it even more notable. Laffoon (January 15, 1869 – March 1, 1941) was an American politician who served as the 43rd Governor of Kentucky from 1931 to 1935. A Kentucky native, at age 17 Laffoon moved to Washington, D.C., to live with his uncle, U.S. Representative Polk Laffoon. (You thought Ruby was the only one?) He developed an interest in politics and returned to Kentucky, where he compiled a mixed record of victories and defeats in elections at the county and state levels. In 1931, he was chosen as the Democratic gubernatorial nominee by a nominating convention, not a primary, making him the only Kentucky gubernatorial candidate to be chosen by a convention after 1903. In the general election, he defeated Republican William B. Harrison by what was then the largest margin of victory in Kentucky gubernatorial history. Following his term in office, Laffoon returned to his native Madisonville, where he died of a stroke in 1941. Among his gubernatorial legacies was appointing a record number of Kentucky colonels, including Harland Sanders, who used the title “Colonel” when he opened his chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. Other unusual names I have recently seen in print are: Brookings researcher Elizabeth Kneebone; recently killed in an automobile crash was 16 year old Isabella Chinchilla; there is a Chicago Tribune photographer named Zbigniew Bzdak, which I realize is only strange if you aren’t familiar with Polish names; Gretchen Grape is director of the Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association (she should obviously be connected with the wine industry); Fordham Law School is home to a professor named Zephyr Teachout (I understand his courses are a breeze); Ms. Ira Kemelmacher-Schlizerman is an assistant professor at the University of Washington; Chastidee Davis was a PR Specialist at Wills Communications, Inc.; I don’t have details on Capt. Orson Swindle; Beatrice Bugnosen was a Senior Publicist at Effective Immediately PR in NYC; Zeke Krautwurst lives on a farm in North Carolina; and finally, Nancy Doom is the Deputy Warden, Kentucky State Penitentiary. Do she throw the switch? ORDER EARLY • Turkey • Prime Rib • Pork Crown Roast • Leg of Lamb • Sorg’s Ham (smoked or fresh) or Your Family’s Favorite! SPIRAL CUT HAMS BY ORDER ORDER CHRISTMAS BOXES BY DECEMBER 1 Choose from a variety of our delicious frozen... Ready-To-Bake Pies, Large Cinnamon Rolls & Dinner Rolls, Strudel Sticks, Vegetables, Cookies and Breads ALSO: Amish Jams, Jellies, Pie Fillings, Pickles, Mushroom, Corn Salsa and More 20 Varieties of Wisconsin Cheese Curds & String Cheese • Hot Dogs • Polish Sausage • Potato Sausage • Andoulle • Kielbasa • Ring Bologna • Brats • Brat Patties • Ground Beef Patties OVER 20 VARIETIES OF BRATS Luke’s Zesty Jambalaya Plan B Seasonings Lukes BBQ Sauce: “PA PA WOODY’S” When You Serve Pa Pa Woody’s They’ll Stand Up and Cheer! LUKE’S CHICKEN, BEEF or BISON POT PIES! TRY OUR AL CAPONE ROAST Boneless Pork Rib Roast stuffed with Italian Seasoning, Italian Sausage, Mozzarella Cheese and Summer Sausage. Topped with Paprika ALSO, AL CAPONE BRATS! $75 All-Beef Box $50 Variety Box of Beef & Pork REGISTER TO WIN $25 MEAT PACKAGE HIGHWAY 14 • 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 11 DARIEN, WI • 262-724-5554 • 724-3364 Open Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. SORG GIFT CARD 4 — The Beacon see us online at Perspectiv e Flashback to 2008 when Hillary wooed Christian conservatives By David Horsey In the midst of a heated presidential campaign, it is interesting to occasionally look back to a moment in a prior election that offers an informative contrast. This is especially true when one of the current leading candidates — in today’s case, Hillary Clinton — was also in the thick of things in a past contest. In some ways, the autumn of 2015 has been deja vu all over again for Hillary. In 2007, she had been the dominant candidate going into the early stages of the presidential race; if not the “prohibitive favorite” that she was assumed to be in this election, certainly the strongest bet to win the 2008 nomination. Then, along came an outsider with exceptional appeal. This year, it has been Sen. Bernie Sanders, the veteran socialist from Vermont, who has never before run as a Democrat. Eight years ago, it was Sen. Barack Obama, a young, Hawaii-born, African-American politician from Chicago who had barely been in office long enough to know the path from his office to the Senate floor. In November 2007, Obama got a pivotal endorsement from Oprah Winfrey. After the entertainment superstar subsequently traveled to Iowa to barnstorm for Obama, he took the lead among the state’s Democratic voters. When the Iowa caucuses were held on January 3, 2008, Obama won, ex-North Carolina Sen. John Edwards came in second and third-placeHillary was suddenly faced with a crisis: If she did not win the New Hampshire primary the following week, her candidacy would be in free fall. Over the next seven days, the tightlymanaged, overly cautious candidate finally began to show a bit of humanity, even The coming close to tears at an event one day before the vote. She squeaked through to win New Hampshire and, 11 days later, triumphed in Nevada. By the end of that month, a couple of prominent U.S. senators — Joe Biden from Delaware and Chris Dodd from Connecticut — Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson had pulled out of the race. Edwards would hang in for a while, (withdrawing before a sex scandal suddenly wrecked his political career), but the central story of the 2008 primaries had begun: the marathon battle for delegates between Clinton and Obama. Having won that crucial New Hampshire victory by letting down her guard and sharing her private side, Hillary tried to share even more. One new element she added to her campaign resume was her religious history. By playing up her youthful devotion to the Methodist Church, Clinton thought she might even attract a few votes from evangelical Christians. That did not get her far with the religious right. On a tour through the western states prior to the Super Tuesday primaries, I talked to a young minister at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs (a mega church founded by Ted Haggard, the powerhouse pastor who disgraced himself in a drug and gay sex scandal). The minister told me he and other conservative clergy had been wooed by the Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry, in 2004. Kerry had shown the Bible he claimed to tote around with him, but the pastors did not buy it. Neither would any evangelical give a hoot about Hillary’s Methodism, the New Life preacher said. (Continued on page 17) Beacon WEST PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING INC. P.O. Box 69 • Williams Bay, WI 53191-0069 (262) 245-1877 • Fax 245-1855 e-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Circulation Ed Breitenfield Karen Breitenfield Sylvia Brandenberg Dennis West Editor and Publisher Kathi West V.P. and Treasurer Advertising Manager Mark West Composition Manager Wendy Shafer Correspondents James McClure, Sr. Marjie Reed Penny Gruetzmacher Nov. 6, 2015 Doing For Yourself By Cal Thomas Tribune Content A gency A recent New York Times headline read, “Raising Taxes on the Wealthiest Would Pay for Bold Plans.” The story says that by soaking the rich “the government could raise large amounts of revenue … while still allowing them to take home a majority of their income.” Nowhere in the story, nor in the endless promises of DemoCal Thomas cratic presidential candidates, is there a single word about whether more government spending will produce the promised outcomes. We are to take this on faith, despite past performance being a good indicator of future results. Also absent is any expectation that individuals have more power than government to direct and improve their lives. That’s because to the left, government is much like a deity to be worshipped rather than a servant of the people. If you don’t worship at the leftist shrine, you’re labeled unsympathetic toward the poor. Republicans should respond: “We care about the poor, but unlike you, who have spent over a trillion dollars fighting poverty with little to show for it, we want the poor to become independent of government.” What keeps most of the poor locked in poverty is propaganda from the left, which tells them they cannot succeed without government assistance, which, in turn, leads them to a series of bad choices and a state of perpetual victimhood. Look at America’s big cities, dominated by Democrats, to see how that’s working. Once we talked about people who overcame difficult circumstances; now we just sing about overcoming … someday. Charles Koch and his brother David are reviled by the left because they contribute large amounts of money to Republicans. Never mind that George Soros does the same for Democrats. The normally reclusive Charles is doing interviews to promote his new book “Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World’s Most Successful Companies.” Speaking with Megyn Kelly on the Fox News Channel, Charles read a letter his father sent him about his inheritance: “If you choose to let this money destroy your initiative and independence, then it will be a curse to you and my action in giving it to you will have been a mistake. I shall regret very much to have you miss the glorious feeling of accomplishment. Remember that often adversity is a blessing in disguise and is certainly the greatest character-builder.” Where are you hearing anything like that in contemporary political discourse, especially among Democrats? It’s all about free college tuition, free health care, free everything. The United States will become a giant ATM and those evil, miserly, insensitive “millionaires and billionaires” will pay for it all because it isn’t fair that they have more money than you have. Even if government confiscated all of their wealth there wouldn’t be enough to pay off the $18 trillion national debt. What happens when the money runs out; when all of the wealth of the successful is exhausted and the incentive to make money disappears with it? Where will the left turn then? Who is asking these questions? Not debate moderators, who seem more interested in getting the candidates to attack each other, as though the debates were just the latest reality shows. This is the future of the United States at stake. Could we please hear some adults conversing like adults? Need a plan for success, or at least independent living? It isn’t new. Stop turning to government as a first resource. Get married before you have children, stay married and if things get tough seek counseling. Stay in school. Don’t take drugs. Develop good character and a sound work ethic. If a good job with a future isn’t available where you live, move to a city that offers more opportunity, or start a small business. In the bidding war for votes, the left is preaching a message of envy, greed and entitlement. Human history proves that message doesn’t improve a life. The old values worked. If you’re a millennial, ask your grandparents about them, why they worked and how we lost sight of them along the way. Since these values succeeded for previous generations, why don’t we reclaim them? (Cal Thomas’ latest book is “W hat Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger A merica” is available in bookstores now. Readers may email Cal Thomas at [email protected].) ©2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC The Beacon see us online at Budget hearing increases transparency By Dave Bretl The Walworth County Board held a public hearing on the county’s proposed 2016 budget on the evening of October 29. The hearing, which is required by state law, has evolved over the years. When I first I started here, the meeting was called to order and the floor was immediately opened up for public comment. Today the hearing begins with a thirty minute overview of the spending plan. There was nothing wrong with the old way of conducting the hearing, from a legal perspective, but I prefer the current format. For starters, the David Bretl presentation tends to preempt a number of questions that were often asked by citizens who just wanted basic information about the budget, like how much taxes would be increasing. I have also seen it prompt questions when those in attendance want to learn more about a particular topic that has been presented. In addition to educating the public, the presentation provides refresher for supervisors. They have been immersed in the budget details for the past eight weeks and the presentation allows them to step back and take one last look at the big picture. This year Jessica Conley, the county’s comptroller, narrated an excellent PowerPoint presentation. Even though I prepared the first draft of the budget, I learned a few things from some of the research conducted by our finance department for the meeting on two important topics. Assessed value. I have been writing about this topic for some time. Assessed equalized value is the value of all taxable property in the county. I have expressed concern in the past that property values have been slow to recover in our county. At the time of the 2008 banking crisis, the county’s equalized value stood at $15.6 billion. Today that figure is $13.4 billion. That much I knew, but Jessica mined the data further and the results did not make me feel any better. The amount by which our equalized value increased from 2014 to 2015, a mere 0.71 percent, was the sixteenth smallest increase among the 72 Wisconsin counties. Twenty-one counties have fully recovered from the great recession, in terms of equalized value. Only two counties have had a slower recovery than ours. Equalized value does not affect the amount of taxes government collects; spending determines that. Equalized values are relevant in at least two ways, however. First, it is a proxy for home prices and economic activity in the county. Equalized value increases because of new construction and the appreciation of existing real estate. Since 2008, $2.2 billion have been erased from the balance sheets of county home and business owners. Paying property taxes is never fun, but it is a little more palatable when taxpayers see the value of their property increase. This has not been the case here, in recent years, which is one reason why the county has been trying to hold the line on taxes. From 2010 to 2015 (the levy supporting the 2016 budget), our tax levy has increased by just 1.24 percent, far below the increase in the consumer price index during that time. Secondly, equalized value determines who pays taxes and this is becoming an issue in the county. The movement in equalized value has varied considerably among the towns and municipalities in Walworth County. All of this can be confusing for taxpayers. Our 2014 tax levy, used to support the 2015 budget, rose less than one-half of one percent. Despite this fact, I received calls from taxpayers wondering why the county portion of their bill had increased by five percent or more. Increases that these taxpayers experienced were primarily due to equalized value. In many cases the “fair market value” of their homes increased, or even stayed the same since 2009. Because other property values dropped, these taxpayers were paying a larger share of the levy. The assessed value of your home is determined by your local assessor and equalized by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Debt service. I have been an advocate of paying off debt as quickly as possible. There are number of good reasons to avoid debt, but I had forgotten how much our prepayments of bonds have actually saved. Some of the bonds that we sold to fund past projects like building a new nursing home and school, had a prepayment or “call” option; that is, after a certain period of time, we are allowed to repay our bondholders principal and accrued interest and retire the debt. We have been doing this at every available opportunity. By “burning” these mortgages early, Jessica reported that we have saved $700,000 over the past seven years. Bonds sold to finance construction of the Lakeland School in 2007 are scheduled to mature in 2027, but we have options that will permit us to call them as early as 2017 and 2018. Paying off that debt early would save an additional $2.4 million in interest. If you’re interested in learning how your tax money will be spent next year I would encourage you to check out Jessica’s presentation on the county’s website at It is presented in plain English so you don’t have to be a CPA to understand it. If you have any concerns feel free to call me, or better yet, contact your county board supervisor. Supervisors still have the ability to modify the plan through amendments. The final budget is scheduled for adoption on the evening of November 10. That meeting begins at six o’clock. The opinions expressed in these columns are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Walworth County Board of Supervisors. Nov. 6, 2015 — 5 Paul Ryanʼs turn to herd cats – maybe lions as House Speaker By Lee Hamilton The following editorial appeared in the San Jose Mercury News on Saturday, Oct. 31: Now it's Paul Ryan’s turn to herd the 434 cats with whom he shares the U.S. House of Representatives – including the den of testy lions in the tea party wing. We hope, for the country's sake, he has better luck as House speaker than his predecessor, John Boehner. Not to disparage Boehner. The longer he held the position, the more we respected him for trying to get things done in a divisive – poisonous, really – atmosphere. A house divided sharply along partisan lines is tough enough for a speaker to manage, but Boehner also faced deep rifts inside his own majority party that he could not bridge. Ryan, the GOP’s vice presidential candidate in 2012, was comfortably elected the 62nd speaker of the House on Thursday. At 45, he's the youngest in the post since 1869. His ascension to the prestigious office that is second in the constitutional line of succession to be president is unusual in that he had not actively sought it. In fact, he deflected early approaches after Boehner’s protege, California’s Kevin McCarthy, flamed out. Ryan took it only after establishing some conditions, one of which was adequate family time. Nice thought. We’ll see. Or rather, he will. As he steps up, Ryan might want to study the mathematical discipline known as chaos theory, pioneered by brilliant French thinker Henri Poincare around the turn of the 20th century. As Poincare fashioned it, chaos theory refers to an apparent lack of order in a system that nevertheless obeys particular laws while exhibiting an inherent lack of predictability. Sounds like the House to us. Particularly on the Republican side of the aisle. Much like Newt Gingrich in the 1990s, Boehner left the speaker’s chair because he could not handle the most conservative segment of his majority. Known now as the Freedom Caucus, this group is the latest of many throughout American history to argue that the speaker has too much power. Members want more say in what they see as important decisions. Ryan, who has often voted with the caucus, will make at least nominal procedural changes to accommodate that wish. But the price for them will be solidarity on issues that Ryan considers vital. We’ll see how that works, too. Boehner gave him a gift by negotiating a bipartisan $80 billion budget deal as his final major act. That will give Ryan a little time to find his management legs. He needs to work effectively not only with the Freedom Caucus but also with Democrats to address some critical national issues. Ryan is very conservative, but we don’t believe he wants his name on another government shutdown or a debt default that would send the U.S. economy into a tailspin. So we’re hopeful. We don’t believe compromise is a dirty word – and neither should the speaker of the House. ©2015 San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, Calif.) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Paul Ryan is rising, but heʼs not a party of one Whether Paul Ryan succeeds as speaker of the House is not entirely up to Paul Ryan. The Wisconsin Republican who ascended to the post is well-suited to lead. He’s a skilled communicator and veteran legislator who can tap deep wells of respect inside and outside Congress. But the question is whether his party is willing to let anyone lead – and succeed – in Washington. John Boehner’s speakership was broken by the insatiable demands of his party’s right-wing fringe. Throughout his tenure, Boehner repeatedly appeased its drive toward destruction, offering up shutdowns and debt-ceiling brinkmanship to enable anti-government legislators to take symbolic stands. Substantive legislation took a backseat to show votes. Confrontation was lionized and compromise condemned. Eventually, Boehner was consumed by the very forces to which he had surrendered. Ryan has the skills and credibility to break this ugly pattern, but only if a majority in his conference summon the courage to stand with him against the ultras. Already, a chorus of voices on radio and the Internet is attacking Ryan as too compromising and accommodating. As it happens, the American political system is built on precisely those qualities. If the right wing of the GOP wants to dictate the terms of U.S. policy, there is a familiar, well-worn path to follow: Earn more votes than the other guys. As long as Americans put one party in charge of the executive branch and another in charge of the legislative branch, successful governance will depend on mutual compromise. The recent bipartisan budget deal, negotiated behind closed doors, was not ideal. Ryan said the secretive process “stinks.” He also voted in support of the deal. He was right on both counts. (Continued on page 10) 6 — The Beacon see us online at Business & Inv estment Nov. 6, 2015 Walworth County Treasurer Valerie Etzel recently announced that a sale of county-owned properties is being conducted by Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction through Friday, Nov. 13, at 10 a.m. Anyone interrested in bidding should visit for a complete listing of properties for sale and information on how to bid. Properties are located in the city of Lake Geneva; towns of Bloomfield, Delavan, Geneva, LaGrange, Linn, Lyons, Richmond, Sugar Creek; villages of Bloomfield, Darien, and Sharon. Specific questions may be directed to the County Treasurer’s Office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, by calling 741-4251, emailing treasur [email protected], or visiting the Walworth County website at under County Postings “Treasurer In Rem Tax Foreclosures.” By Rich Kremer A bill legalizing automatic knives like switchblades is being hailed as common sense reform by a national advocacy group for knife owners. Knife Rights is a nonprofit organization that aims to fight legal restrictions on knives in America. Legislative Affairs Director Todd Rathner said Wisconsin’s current law banning switchblades and other assisted-opening knives is confusing and harmful to law abiding citizens. “The law is so poorly written that many common pocket knives you can buy in any kind of a sporting goods store could potentially be illegal,” said Rathner. “It all depends on the police officer who may stop you, or in the worst case the judge that you end up in front of if you actually end up at a trial.” A bill introduced by state Rep. Kathy Bernier, R-Chippewa Falls, would make it legal to carry a switchblade. Convicted felons would be prohibited from carrying the knives. (Wisconsin Public Radio News) County-owned properties for sale Knife advocates approve of proposed Wisconsin law Glass litters the entry to the former WMIR Radio building in Lake Geneva. Vandals broke out windows and performed other acts of vandalism during the morning hours of Monday, Oct. 26. The station had been off the air since 2014. (Beacon photo) Former Lake Geneva radio station building vandalized By Jim McClure Senior Correspondent The radio dial in the Geneva Lakes area currently spins between three local stations, WLKG-FM 96.1 for top 40 fare, WGTD-FM from Racine, broadcast locally on 101.7 (Elkhorn low power translator) and 103.3 FM (Lake Geneva low power translator) the NPR news and classical music outlet of Wisconsin Public Radio and WSLD-FM 104.5 for country music. But Lake Geneva’s original station sits dormant, and now vandalized, on the eastern outskirts of town along Highway 50 in the Town of Lyons near the Grand Geneva resort. Walworth County Sheriff’s Department Capt. Rob Hall confirms that the shuttered station that opened in 1964 as WMIR-AM 1550 was broken into and vandalized sometime between the hours of 11 p.m. Sunday October 25 and 5 a.m. Monday, October 26. As the sun came up that morning observant drivers passing the familiar brick one-story structure on the south side of highway 50 could see that all the windows on the north and west side of the building had been shattered and two entry doors smashed in. A three-sided glass foyer at the main entrance was also completely shattered with the interior of the building left completely open to the elements. Temperatures dipped for the first time into the high 30’s overnight as the radio facility that had provided many warm community memories remained in the vandalized condition until a workman hired by its new Milwaukee owner had the windows and doorways boarded up. “It makes me very sad to see that someone would do this,” said Chris Brooks, a retired Lake Geneva teacher and live radio actress with the WGTD Radio Theater’s 91.1 Players. “I remember being in the station’s little one-room studio as a teenager. All the high school forensic team members went there to appear on the air.” The hard day’s night for the tiny station with its twin towers and dual satellite antennas was apparently tied to another incident according to Hall. “Walworth County Sheriff’s Dispatch was notified of a nearby burglary at 7:30 a.m., about the same time we went to the station, surveyed the damage and contacted the owner.” Joel Kinlow of Milwaukee, who bought the station last year for $100,000 after it went silent in January, 2014, could not be reached for comment. Kinlow owns Milwaukee gospel and talk station WGLBAM, which operates on the adjacent 1560 frequency. When the station, which last operated as a satellite outlet of Catholic Relevant Radio, was turned over for sale, most of the contents consisted of outdated computer and phone equipment from when the station had personnel based there in the years after 2000. The station was briefly knocked off the air in 2012 when vandals broke in and stole all of the copper wiring in the building. A source familiar with the new owners confirms that the most valuable asset at the facility, it’s sophisticated modern transmitting software and hardware, had been removed by the new owners and is in use up in Milwaukee. With the license removed by request to the FCC shortly after the sale, the transmitter was operational if only for a minimal signal required for use in potential national emergencies. Just prior to last year’s sale the station still had hope of being sold for use as a broadcast-originating facility. “It’s ready to go with twin towers and two satellite dishes that can download two different streams of satellite programming” said the former the owner’s chief engineer, Denver Plett, in mid 2014. Plett says he had continued to receive calls inquiring about the station from a sign with his name, which is now still taped to the hundreds of shards of glass piled in the entryway, even though his employers no longer own the yellow brick structure. The Walworth County Sheriff’s Department is asking anyone who may have information about the break-in and vandalism, especially witnesses, to contact Capt. Hall in Investigations at (262) 7414421 or via e-mail at rhall1@co. The station operated under the WMIR call letters between 1964 and 1995, WAUX from 1995 to 2001 and finally WZRK. “It had local news and features and commentaries” said Brooks of the station’s original format, which is increasingly rare in local radio as small family stations are taken over by impersonal syndicators. Brooks said her first radio experience was reading her written speech at the station. “I remember I was in the drug store and we having sodas one day and all the girls heard my mother’s birthday announced. My mom wondered how so many people knew to wish her Happy Birthday that day,” says Brooks with a smile. “We girls had entered her birthday in the WMIR tent at the Walworth County Fair a few weeks before.” The Good Humour Section begins on page 26. No joke. HELP WANTED PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Send Resume To: P.O. Box 1149, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 or Email: [email protected] GLASS INSURANCE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WALWORTH STATE BANK Serving Walworth County Since 1903 WALWORTH • 262-275-6154 DELAVAN • 262-728-4203 ELKHORN • 262-743-2223 WILLIAMS BAY • 262-245-9915 Kenosha Street & Hwy. 67 190 E. Geneva Street South Shore Drive & Hwy. 50 121 N. Walworth Avenue www.walwor t hbank .com NMLS ID #410422 ARE YOU SAVING ENOUGH? A college education helps give graduates an edge in today’s competitive job market. But a degree comes with a hefty price tag that continues to increase—often at twice the rate of inflation. That’s why it’s so important to start saving as early as possible. During this event, you’ll learn: • • • • Projected future college costs. Tax-advantaged ways to save for college. The basics of financial aid. Ways to fill the college funding gap. HOSTED BY: Jim Pfeil, FIC Financial Associate EVENT DETAILS Planning for College Presentation Monday, October 26, 6:30 p.m. Faith Christian School GUEST SPEAKER Tom Kleese, Chief College Planner OnCampus College Planning Get the inside scoop on what colleges look for in applicants and how to avoid costly mistakes. Space is limited. To reserve your place, contact Kate Abbe at 262-740-9040 or email [email protected] by October 21, 2015. Refreshments will be served. No products will be sold. Tom Kleese is not affiliated with or endorsed by Thrivent Financial. The views expressed in this presentation by Tom Kleese are his own and not necessarily those of Thrivent Financial or its affiliates. The material presented has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable and is current. Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. For additional important information, visit 1305074-091815 The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 — 7 Eames family has been part of Walworth County for 178 years By Dennis West Retired newspaper publisher Frank Eames, whose family owned the Elkhorn Independent from 1898 until 1987, is understandably very interested in history. His ancestors were among the first to settle in Elkhorn. He appeared at the Community Room of Matheson Memorial Library on Monday, Oct. 26, to tell, on behalf of the Walworth County Historical Society, many interesting stories about the county and his family’s part in its history. Contrary to expectations, the Wisconsin Territory wasn’t settled from south to the north, but the other way around. It was French trappers and explorers who went from Detroit, up Lake Huron and over to Green Bay who first came to what was to become Wisconsin. “This part of the state wasn’t settled until the 1830s, after the Blackhawk War,” Eames told his audience. “When surveyors plotted the lines in what was to become a state, they noticed that Walworth County was a perfect square. They decided that a point in the exact center of the county would be an appropriate place for a county seat. They placed a stake at the exact center of the county, which is still there in a manhole on the Speedway property at the intersection of Lincoln and Geneva streets. Eames’ great, great grandfather, Dan Bradley sent his son, Milo, to build a home in what would become Elkhorn. He and his father came in 1837, cleared the land and began to build a home for the two families. Dan went back to New York State to get the families. “They built the first ‘log shanty’ in Elkhorn,” Eames says. “They lived downstairs and rented rooms to travelers on the second floor. The guests ate their meals with the family. One of the reasons for the popularity of the ‘hotel’ was that Dan served liquor. Since the two other settlements in the county, Delavan and Spring Prairie, were dry temperance towns, his inn was very popular with most of the men passing through. “My claim to fame may be that my great, great grandfather was the first tavern keeper in Walworth County,” he laughed. In fact the community was called Bradley for awhile until it was renamed Elkhorn. Land sold for $1.25 an acre. Colonel Samuel Phoenix, who settled Delavan, was traveling home from Milwaukee when he stopped to rest at the present location of Elkhorn Area High School. He happened to glance up and saw a large rack of elk antlers in a tree. Since they were too high to have been left there by an elk, he realized they must have been placed in the tree as some sort of trail marker. He decided that the settlement should be named Elk Horn Prairie. Former Elkhorn Independent owner Frank Eames entertains an audience at Matheson Memorial Library with stories about the rich history of Walworth County and Elkhorn. (Beacon photo) “Some time later, Elkhorn pioneer LeGrand Rockwell, who, along with the Bradleys, Hollis Latham and John Coleman had bought large tracts of land in the area, removed the horns from the tree and took them to his office/store and hung them on the wall. “At some point, his family loaned the antlers to the county and they hung in the light and water commission office. In 1930, the last member of the Rockwell family tried to sell them to the city for $50, but the mayor was too cheap to buy them. “Rockwell took them to Delavan and sold them to Mayor and County Board member Ray Morrison, who hung them over the back bar in his tavern, which was located across from Tower Park. “Frank Eames’ father and some of his friends had decided that the antlers belonged in the city that was name for them. They went to Morrisey’s bar and while they were enjoying a drink, sent two of their number out back to create a disturbance. When people went to see what was happening, Eames and an accomplice grabbed the antlers and went out the front door. “It was about then that some sense started to prevail and the perpetrators decided they should ask Morrisey if they could have the antlers. Somewhat to their surprise, he readily agreed that they belonged in Elkhorn and said they could have them on three conditions. First, he wanted immunity from parking fines in Elkhorn. Second, he wanted to be a member of the Monday Morning Quarterback Club that met in a local restaurant every Monday morning. And, third, he wanted his picture on the front page of the Elkhorn Independent. The miscreants readily agreed to all of the conditions and the antlers returned to the place from whence they had come. “They hung at city hall until it was remodeled and they were given to the Walworth County Historical Society which has displayed them ever since at the Webster House Museum. According to Eames, Elkhorn’s first paper was the Western Star, which was established in 1845. There is a copy of the first issue framed in the research room of Matheson Memorial Library. At the time of its founding, it was one of only 13 newspapers in the Wisconsin Territory. “Two brothers founded another paper in 1853. It became a very political publication. When their candidate lost in 1856, they closed it and sold the equipment to the Elkhorn Independent, which had been established in 1854. “It was about 1890 that my grandfa- ther, F.H. Eames, began part time work at the Independent as a printer while he was still in high school. In 1898 he became a full-time employee and in 1898 a part owner.” The family owned the paper through three generations until Frank sold it in 1987. Frank’s father wanted to be an artist. He enrolled at the Chicago Art Institute and was studying there when his father died in 1919. His mother tried to run the paper for two years with the help of editor Walter Strong. When Strong left, she hired a typically hard-drinking editor who was prone to making mistakes. “In March, 1921, the paper ran a story announcing that Elkhorn would hold Easter services to commemorate the birth of Christ. When she got dozens of Christmas cards as a result, she called her son, Claude, told him he had to come home to run the paper and dismissed the man she had hired. Which is how my father, against his wishes, got into the business. “My father’s name was Claude, but everyone knew him by his nickname, Mud. “He and his elder brother, Cliff, were swimming beneath a railroad trestle one hot summer day when some older boys passed above and began spitting on them. Claude’s brother reached down and grabbed a big clump of mud, flung it at the boys above and missed. The goopy handful landed on his brother, who was immediately christened ‘Mud.’ When people called him that, he expressed his displeasure in no uncertain terms, guaranteeing that the nickname would stick. “In 1918, just after he graduated from high school, Mud and a couple of friends thought it would be fun to make a dummy and place it on one side of a hump-backed railroad bridge. When cars came over the hump and ran over the dummy, the boys screamed and groaned to scare the driver. According to Mud, no one ever stopped. “The boys soon tired of the prank, left the dummy by the side of the road and went home. Some other wag came along and placed the dummy on the railroad tracks. When a train came along, the engineer applied the brakes, but couldn’t stop in time to avoid running over what he thought was a person on the tracks. He climbed down from the cab, couldn’t find the victim and hotfooted it to the nearest farmhouse where he called for help. “A policeman, doctor and undertaker soon appeared, but couldn’t find whomever, or whatever, it was that had been run over. “My grandfather thought it was so funny that he ran a front page story about it. In fact, everyone but the railroad thought it was hilarious. (Continued on page 10) He al th & Fi tne s s 8 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 Medicare provides free annual wellness visits for seniors Mercy Health System urges senior citizens on Medicare to take advantage of free wellness visits offered by the program. Although Medicare doesn’t pay for routine yearly preventive physical examinations, it does offer two types of wellness visits at no charge: A one-time Welcome to Medicare visit and an annual wellness visit. Within the first 12 months after enrollment, Medicare Part B covers the Welcome to Medicare Visit, which includes a review of your medical and social history related to your health, and education and counseling about preventive services such as certain screenings, shots and referrals for other care that is needed. “The visit is a great way to get up-todate with your doctor about how to stay healthy,” says Ladd Udy, Manager of Mercy’s Accountable Care Program. “You are eligible for your first Annual Wellness Visit if you have been enrolled in Medicare for more than 12 months and haven’t had a Welcome to Medicare Visit in the past 12 months.” During a Welcome to Medicare visit, the doctor will: record your medical history; check your height, weight and blood pressure; calculate your body mass index; give you a simple vision test and, if you wish, talk with you about end-of-life planning, including advance directives. Advance directives are legal documents that allow patients to put in writing what kind of health care they would want if they were to ill to speak for themselves. “Talking to family, friends and health care providers about your wishes is important, but the legal documents make sure your wishes are followed,” explains Udy. Depending on your general health and medical history, the doctor may order further tests. The patient will get advice to help prevent disease, improve their health and stay well. They will also get a written plan (like a checklist) letting them know which screenings and other preventive services they need. Someone going to a Welcome to Medicare Visit should plan to take: medical and immunization records. If you have a new doctor, call your former doctor to get copies of these records. Patients should also have a family health history to help a doctor determine if you are at risk for certain diseases and a list of prescription and over-the-counter drugs that you are taking, how often you take them and why. The Annual Wellness Visit has a lot in common with the Welcome Visit. The main difference is the timing. Patients are eligible for the Welcome Visit within the first 12 months after enrollment to Medicare. The annual Wellness Visit can take place every 12 months, and the first visit can be scheduled either 12 months after the Welcome Visit or after more than 12 months of your enrollment in Medicare. The Welcome and Annual visits differ from an annual physical in that, in addition to collecting a medical history, a physical may include a vital signs check, lung exam, head and neck exam, abdominal exam, neurological exam, dermatological exam and extremities exam. Clinical and laboratory tests are not included in either the Welcome or Annual Wellness visits. If your doctor needs to evaluate and treat a medical condition during one of these wellness visits, he or she would need to list that as a separate service and the cost of the tests would be applied to your deductible or copay. There is no deductible or copay for either the Welcome to Medicare or Annual Wellness Visit, but either could result in out-of-pocket expenses if additional services are ordered beyond the purpose of the wellness visit. It is important to realize that, when scheduling the appointment, you should point out that it is for a wellness visit, rather than an annual physical, which isn’t covered as a preventive service by Medicare and will be applied directly to a deductible or copay. People ask whether Medicare covers other kinds of doctor exams. They do. If a patient experiences physical symptoms or complaints after a Welcome or Annual Wellness Visit, he or she can schedule a problem-oriented visit or “sick visit” with a doctor. The fees for the exam and related medical tests will be submitted to Medicare and applied to the deductible or copay. A Guide to Medicare’s Preventive Services explains in detail which are covered and how often. The guide may be obtained online by logging on to 0.pdf. Log on to http://mercyhealthsys For either types of wellness visit, contact your primary care provider or if you don’t have one, call toll-free (888) 396-3729 to find one in your area who is taking patients. Two trick-or-treaters take a time out in the movie theater display during Geneva Lake Museumʼs Halloween event on Sunday, Oct. 25. Dark-lights, screams and frights played Trick or Treat as more than 200 children showed up to walk down the old Main Street inside the museum to find witches, goblins, candy and cookies. (Photo furnished) Mercy Walworth Hospital to host Holiday Market on November 9, 10 The Annual Association of Volunteers’ Holiday Market will be held at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, N2950 State Road 67, Lake Geneva, on November 9 and 10, from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Products available for purchase will include holiday textiles, home décor and framed artwork, jewelry, gifts for children and babies, and much more. Attendees will save 25 percent on all items. Proceeds from this event are used to fund important projects like medical education scholarships, equipment purchases and funding for Hospice Care, for Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, Mercy Hospital and Trauma Center, and Mercy Harvard Hospital. The Mercy Health System Association of Volunteers works to provide the highest quality of volunteer services for improved healthcare. They act as ambassadors of goodwill for Mercy Health Systems and provide financial assistance through fundraising projects. For more information about the Holiday Market or the Mercy Health System Association of Volunteers, call 245-0535. Specializing in TOYOTA LEXUS • SCION REPAIRS 236 Elkhorn Road, (Hwy. 67) • 262-245-1027 Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Let MARK WEST show you how advertising in The The Beacon can help you reach your traffic & sales goals. Call Mark today 262-245-1877 65 Stark Street by the Williams Bay Village Hall The Beacon see us online at October is National Chiropractic Health Month By Dr. Bernice Elliott Please take a moment to think about your spine and what you have been doing to care for it. Good posture and spinal health go hand in hand. Many times when you hear about someone being seen by a chiropractor it is because he or she is having back pain. While ma- Dr. Bernice Elliott ny times this may be the case, being in pain should not be the only time to be seen by a chiropractor. As you would go to the dentist for periodic checkups on your teeth, so should you have periodic spinal and posture checkups. You may ask, “ What are some indicators for having my spine evaluated, even if I am not having pain?” When you look at yourself in the mirror is one shoulder higher than the other? Is one hip higher than the other? Do you carry your head forward, which means your ears don’t line up with your shoulders? If any of these imbalances are visible, you should have a posture and spinal evaluation done. If you’re still not sure, we can perform a posture scan to show you your posture spinal imbalances. The posture scan is a digital scan that will give you a good indicator as to whether you need further evaluation. Maintaining your spine with chiropractic care helps retain good posture, it also helps decrease a disc and joint degeneration and overall body wellness. Stop in and let us help you. Mercy Health System will host Nursing Career Days events for high school juniors and seniors interested in a nursing career. Students will get an indepth look at what a nursing career means by meeting with Wisconsin and Illinois college representatives and speaking with current Mercy nurses. • November 10, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2:30-5:30 p.m. Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, Room 380 A and B. Refreshments will be provided and attendees will be entered into a drawing to receive a gift. For details, visit or contact Sabina Mason, education coordinator, at (608) 756-8242 or [email protected]. Community Chiropractic Center is located at 541 Kenosha St. (across from Walworth State Bank) in Walworth. We accept most insurance. New patients are always welcome and can usually be seen the same day. Call today, or stop by to see how chiropractic care can benefit you. Sponsored by Community Chiropractic Center. Mercy Health System to host nursing career day on Nov. 10 FREE MEAL FOR VETERANS ON VETERANS DAY ★ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 6:00 am-8:00 pm 105 MADISON ST., WALWORTH, WI • 262-275-3739 Move In Special Move in by November 30th and receive $1000 OFF your first six months rent! Come in and tour any time from now until November 30th and register to win a $250 VISA gift card 116 Cherry Street Williams Bay, WI 53191 262-245-7350 Premier Senior Living Nov. 6, 2015 — 9 Mercy Health With Stroke, Every Minute Counts Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and is also a significant cause of long-term disability in adults. About 600,000 strokes are reported each year in the U.S. Stroke, or as it is sometimes called, “brain attack,” is a sudden disruption of the blood supply to a part of the brain. When this occurs, brain cells in that area begin to die from lack of oxygen and nutrients. Without these, brain tissue starts to die rapidly, resulting in a sudden loss of function. There are three major types of strokes: thrombotic, embolic and hemorrhagic. The most common type, thrombotic, occurs when arteries in the brain become partly closed by fatty deposits. Blood flow around these deposits is slowed and clots can form and lodge in a clogged vessel. In an embolic stroke, a floating clot becomes lodged in a cerebral (brain) artery and blocks the blood flow. Thrombotic and embolic strokes are also known as ischemic strokes, or strokes caused by an obstruction of a blood vessel. The remaining 20 percent of strokes are hemorrhagic, and are caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds into the brain; the fatality rate from this type of stroke is extremely high. Brain attack is a medical emergency and every minute counts when someone is having one. The longer the blood flow is cut off from the brain, the greater the damage. Ischemic strokes can be treated with a t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator), a drug that dissolves blood clots that block blood flow to the brain. The window of opportunity to start t-PA treatment of a stroke is three hours. In order to be properly diagnosed, however, a patient needs to arrive at a hospital within 60 minutes. Because every minute counts, it is extremely important to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and act quickly. Symptoms occur suddenly and differ depending on the part of the brain affected multiple symptoms generally arise simultaneously. These can include: • Numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg (especially on one side of the body). • Confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech. • Deafness or ringing in the ears. • Difficulty swallowing, talking or comprehending others. • Dizziness or falling. • Trouble walking, loss of balance or coordination. • Sudden severe or unusual headache. • Abrupt personality disturbance. If you believe someone is having a stroke, call 911 immediately! T.I.A.s, or transient ischemic attacks, serve as warning signs for a stroke. T.I.A.s, also known as mini-strokes, are a temporary blockage of the blood supply to the brain caused by a blood clot. T.I.A. symptoms are very similar to stroke symptoms but usually last less than 10 minutes, although they may persist as long as 24 hours. People often ignore the symptoms of T.I.A. because they are temporary, but T.I.A. is a serious condition and those who have one are at a significantly increased of having a full-blown stroke in the near future. With either a stroke or T.I.A., diagnosis can include one or more of the following: blood tests, a neurological and physical exam, an examination of your medical history and a variety of imaging scans. The best treatment for a stroke is prevention. Attention to lifestyle habits and underlying diseases that are linked to strokes can reduce your risk substantially. The following risk factors, which you can control, increase your chance of having a stroke: • High blood pressure • Heart disease • Obesity • Sedentary lifestyle • Drinking alcohol excessively • Smoking • Diabetes • High cholesterol levels, particularly LDL (low density lipoprotein). If you smoke, quit. If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or high cholesterol, get and keep them under control. Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat and high in fiber, and drink in moderation (no more than two drinks a day for men or one for women). This will greatly reduce your chances of having a stroke. Remember, if a stroke or T.I.A. is suspected, don’t delay in calling for emergency medical help. Every minute counts. Mercy HealthLine is a paid column. For information on this or dozens of health-related questions, visit the Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center at the intersection of Highways 50 and 67, call (262) 245-0535 or visit us at Learn how to adapt a home for a person with Alzheimer’s disease The Alzheimer’s Association will present a program on “Adapting the Home Environment for a Person with Dementia” on Monday, November 9 from 10 a.m. to noon at Delavan Community Center, 826 East Geneva Street, in Delavan. The two hour program will review how Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias affect the brain and the perception of one’s environment. Tips will be shared on how to make changes in the home to decrease safety risks, how to promote personal independence and how to address the triggers for some behavioral challenges that may occur during the disease process. This program is being provided by the Alzheimer’s Association at no charge, and is open to all family caregivers. Registration is required. To register contact Bonnie Beam Stratz at (920) 728-4088 or email [email protected]. The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Their mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. The organization’s vision is a world without Alzheimer's. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease and local services visit or call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at (800) 272-3900. 10 — The Beacon Eames Continued from page 7 They sent a couple of detectives who searched until they found the remains. They discovered the name ‘F.H. Eames’ on a label of the coat, which was part of the editor’s wedding suit. “Mud was arrested and sentenced to community service, which he said was a much lighter penalty than the wrath of his father.” Eames told his Monday night audience that probably the biggest story the paper had covered was the apprehension of the gangster Roger “The Terrible” Touhy and his gang. “Touhy was on the Ten Most Wanted list when he and three of his gang were driving down Highway 12. When they reached a point about where Tibbetts Church is, they ran off the road and snapped a telephone pole. A neighbor called the Elkhorn Police and said a car with front end damage was headed their way. “Officer Harry Ward, who was relaxing in a local watering hole without his uniform or weapon, drove north, flagged down the car and told the occupants they would have to pay for the damage. He hopped onto the running board and guided the driver to the police station. “While the arrestees were cooling their heels and the officers were trying to find someone from the phone company to tell them how much it would cost to fix the pole, a couple of officers walked out to look at the gangsters’ car. When they opened the trunk they found an arsenal, including a Thompson submachine gun. “One of the officers called a friend of his who worked for a newspaper in Chicago and described the felons. The man called him back and said they had probably apprehended one of America’s most-wanted criminals. The feds came to take them away and Touhy was sent to prison. A few years later, he escaped and there were people in Elkhorn who were Ryan rising Continued from page 5 But the deal, like the House vote in favor of renewing the Export-Import Bank (which Ryan opposed), put competent government ahead of partisan combat. For Ryan to build on those successes, he will need the sensible majority of his conference to take responsibility and stop buckling to fears of primary challenges from the far right. “I know many of you want to show the country how to fix our tax code, how to rebuild our military, how to strengthen the safety net, and how to lift people out of poverty,” Ryan said in a statement to his party colleagues. History shows that even during election years, and even when government is divided, big legislative accomplishments are possible. Bipartisan welfare reform was signed under both such circumstances during the presidential campaign of 1996. Bipartisan tax reform and immigration reform were passed during the run-up to the 1986 midterms. Ryan is young, ambitious and no doubt eager to succeed. But he can’t do it alone. If conservative lawmakers can push back against the anti-government fringe, the nation will benefit – and so will their party. The preceding was written by the Bloomberg editorial board. ©2015 Bloomberg News Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 looking over their shoulders until Touhy was gunned down by someone he had offended.” Frank Eames, who was born in 1929, says he grew up in the back room of the Elkhorn Independent. He was studying at Beloit College in 1950 when his father joined a group of newspaper editors on a Caribbean cruise on a destroyer sponsored by the Department of Defense. Frank took a break from school to edit the paper and continued to work at it part time until he graduated. He took over in 1960 and ran the paper until he sold it in 1987. He owned the historic building on Walworth Avenue, the inside of which looked like a Norman Rockwell painting of a newspaper office, until about three years ago. When he was clearing out the equipment, someone on the Historical Society board suggested they move it to the former Betts Funeral Home, which had become part of the Webster House Museum complex. They are in the process of putting together an old-time print shop. “We will finish it this winter,” says Eames. “By next summer, members of the public will be able to visit and see Eli Edington and Trent Smith sell donuts and caramel apples during what it was like to be a printer and newsthe Boo In The Bay pumpkin race on Saturday, Oct. 24. (Beacon photo) paper publisher ‘way back when’.” “Through patient education based on evidence-based medicine and osteopathic principles, I strive to develop goal-oriented wellness plans for today and the future during each patient encounter.” Kamil Krukowski, DO Family medicine Mercy Health System welcomes Dr. Krukowski to the staff of Mercy Lake Geneva Medical Center, where he joins family medicine physician, Gary Myron, MD, and podiatrist, Mark Pfeifer, DPM. Dr. Krukowski speaks fluent Polish. His special interests include: • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) • Diabetes • High blood pressure • High cholesterol • Osteopathic manipulative medicine • Preventive care • Smoking cessation • Sports physicals • Weight loss • Wellness exams for all ages Mercy Lake Geneva Medical Center 350 Peller Rd. Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (262) 249-0221 The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 — 11 Elks to host Thanksgiving dinner Once again this year the WalworthLakeland Elks will host a free traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings for people who might otherwise do without, or have no family with whom to celebrate the holiday. The dinner will be served at the Community Building in the Town of Delavan Park, Highway 50 and South Lakeshore Drive, on Thursday, Nov. 26, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. All food is being donated, cooked and served by volunteers. Transportation to and from the Town Park in the Delavan/Elkhorn area may be obtained by calling 749-4621. To schedule food delivery to the elderly and/or homebound, call the same number. Delivery will be compliments of Boy Scout Troop 328, Cub Scout Pack 327 and Venturing Crew 2010. For more information, or to make a donation, call Chris at 745-4043 or Patti at 745-9473. Ryan and Alex Simons purvey real beer during Oktoberfest at the Community Building in the Town of Delavan on Saturday, Oct. 24. The entertainment was provided by the inimitable Steve Meisner Band und alles schmekte gut. (Beacon photo} Call For Your Denture Needs DR. PAUL V. KREUL 25 Years of Experience WEST SIDE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 715 West Walworth Street, Elkhorn, WI Volunteers served Thanksgiving dinner last year, hosted by the Walworth-Lakeland Elks Lodge, at the Town of Delavanʼs Community Building. (Beacon photo) (262) 723-2264 75 ACRES OF TREES! Wreaths • Garland • Boughs W7015 NORTH WALWORTH ROAD WALWORTH, WISCONSIN 262-275-5105 CUT YOUR OWN FRESH CUT TREES SAWS PROVIDED • White Pine • Colorado Spruce • Norway Spruce • White Pine • Colorado Spruce • Fraser Fir • Scotch Pine UPPER MIDWEST NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB & JANESVILLE/BELOIT KENNEL CLUB WILL AGAIN BE HELPING OUT THIS YEAR Check website for dates and times Open November 21 Through December 24 Closed Thanksgiving Day Weekdays 10:00 am - Dark; Weekends 9:00 am - Dark Dress appropriately! No warming shelter. Earn 3.50% apy with a GBU* Preferred 8 Tax-deferred Annuity. 2% Minimum Guarantee. $10,000 Minimum deposit. To see if you qualify for this great rate-just give us a call SENIOR CENTRIC SOLUTIONS Lake Geneva, WI 262-248-6081 Call today as rates may change at anytime *GBU Financial Life is a 123 year old fraternal benefit society domiciled in PA. Not FDIC Insured 12 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 YOUR KITCHEN, BATHROOM & BASEMENT COMPANY! FREE ESTIMATES Master Electrician Dwelling Contractor #1325640 Stone Leaf Remodeling is your best choice for any design/remodeling project that you want to come alive! Whether it is a kitchen, bathroom or basement... WE CAN MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE! Call today for your FREE Consultation! • Residential & Commercial Fontana, WI • 262-323-2126 RECEIVE $ Artist Lester Crisman was named Artist of the Month by the Geneva Lake Art Association for November. His work can be seen at the Lake Genevav Library, 918 W. Main Street during regular Library hours throughout November. Crisman enjoys capturing photos of nature, animals, sunrises, sunsets, and also creating abstract pictures of patterns, and shadows. He has won awards and ribbons exhibiting at the GLAA gallery, Walworth County Fair, Fran Achen Photography Exhibit, and at the State Wisconsin Regional Art Show in Madison. His photos also have been exhibited in “Art in the Park” and at Daddy Maxwellʼs in Williams Bay. (Photo furnished) Drug take-back is a big success Following the Prescription Drug Take Back initiative held on October 17, the cooperative efforts of the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, Sharon and Whitewater Police Departments resulted in the delivery of 487 pounds of old prescription and overthe-counter medications to the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Sheriff Picknell thanked members of the community for their participation in the program and says he looks forward to its continued success on future collection dates. 5.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE OVER $35 BEFORE TAX With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Good only at JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta. Pizza by the Slice 2.50 $ PLUS TAX 262-245-4464 659 E. Geneva Street (Next to Bell’s Store) Hours: Thursday-Sunday 4:00 p.m. CLOSED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Hours Subject To Change Due To Season We are currently booking for the week of December 7 COUPON $ 2.00 OFF ANY SIZE PIZZA With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Good only at JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta. WILLIAMS BAY “My goal is to provide the very best in dermatology care in a way that is supportive and empowering to my patients.” Kevin M. Burns, PA-C Dermatology physician assistant Mercy Walworth Dermatology is happy to welcome Kevin Burns, PA-C, to its staff. He joins board certified dermatologist Marguerite Compton, MD, in providing exceptional dermatologic care. Kevin’s areas of special interest include: • Moles • Acne • Skin surgery • Eczema • Rashes • Psoriasis • Fungal infections • Warts • General dermatology • Skin cancer For more information, contact: Email: [email protected] Director: Shawn Davenport (262) 245-7930 Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center Hwys. 50 and 67 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (262) 245-0535 or toll-free (877) 893-5503 Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center | Hwys. 50 and 67 | Lake Geneva, WI The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 — 13 Fort McCoy trains a record number of soldiers in 2015 The Steve Meisner Band entertains at the Town of Delavanʼs Oktoberfest in the Community Building on Saturday, Oct. 24. (Beacon photo) By Hope Kirwan A record number of people went through military training at Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy again this year, according to U.S. Army officials. The exercises drew 155,000 personnel from across the U.S. and Canada. Fort McCoy exceeded last year’s record attendance by more than 10,000 people and has reached capacity during the regular training season from May to Meet Your Friends at Geneva Crossing! Lake Geneva’s Premier 55+ Neighborhood The Terraces & Highlands Active Senior Living 55+ Arbor Village & Village Glen Assisted Living and Memory Care Neighborhood 262-248-4558 191203 “As a family physician, it is essential September. U.S. Army Col. Steven Nott said the fort’s record numbers aren’t an accident and come from a renewed focus on training after their overseas mobilization mission ended in late 2011. “In early 2012, we really took a hard look at what that means and where we should go,” Nott said. “So, we identified what we thought were going to be the most likely future needs of the military for training.” Nott said Fort McCoy has developed several original programs for the army and is one of only a few bases that hosts training exercises involving multiple branches of the military. “We have some very special capabilities especially in urban training,” he said. “Some of the products that we have developed are home grown and are quite literally unique in the army as well.” Nott said Fort McCoy hopes to maintain their high attendance numbers and even expand opportunities to train more personnel during the off-season. “We can still grow more in the winter training realm,” Nott said. “We’re doing things right now to make that happen to include acquiring the most recent and up-to-date, newly fielded equipment in the department of the army for winter training.” Fort McCoy is located in western Wisconsin’s Monroe County and is the state’s largest military base. Wisconsin Public Radio News to partner with patients and families in times of health and illness. I faithfully strive to develop exceptional and compassionate relationships with Taking License patients, families and the community to promote dignity, health and wellness.” Richard N. Terry, DO Family medicine Mercy Health System welcomes Dr. Terry to the staff of Mercy Delavan Medical Center, where he joins the family medicine staff of Rachel Gronau, MD, Brandon Orr, MD, and Lisa Wang, APNP. His special interests include: • Asthma • Community and public health • Dermatology • Diabetes management • Global health and international medicine • Gynecology • High blood pressure • Infant, child and adolescent care • Men’s health • Office procedures • Osteopathic manipulative treatment • Sports medicine • Women’s health Mercy Delavan Medical Center 1038 E. Geneva St. Delavan, WI 53115 (262) 728-4301 Unless it has a sail and runners, itʼs time to put it away for the winter. Was this driver the second Canadian to apply for this plate, or does it mean there are two of them? What does cat man do? This plate brings back memories of pastrami at the Carnegie Deli with a dill pickle, and, of course, cheesecake. 14 — The Beacon see us online at Home & Family Nov. 6, 2015 Holiday donations being sought for needy Walworth Co. families With the holidays approaching, the Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services is once again seeking support from the community in remembering families who are in need. In 2014, the department’s annual Holiday Care Program served 411 families that included 873 children. The Holiday Care Program is seeking donations of new toys and clothing for children and money to purchase gift certificates for food. The Holiday Care Program is a cooperative effort between the Walworth County Sheriff’s Deputy Association, and the Health and Human Services Department. Community partners are integral in helping to provide assistance to the growing number of families every year who are not able to afford a holiday dinner and gifts. Organizers say all donations go directly to the program participants and are not used for administrative expenses. The generosity of the people and busi- nesses of Walworth County are what make the program successful every year. Donations can be delivered to the Department of Health and Human Services Center, Attention: Holiday Care at W4051 County Road NN, Elkhorn (just west of Aurora Lakeland Medical Center). Collection boxes are also located at all county buildings and at various businesses throughout the county. Monetary donations are also accepted and checks should be made payable to Walworth County Holiday Care and sent to the attention of the Holiday Care Program at Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services (WCDHHS), P.O. Box 1005, Elkhorn, WI 53121. Individuals or groups who wish to donate to the 2015 Holiday Care Program should contact Patricia Crement at 741-3746, (800) 365-1587, or by e-mail at [email protected] As the holiday season approaches, many people will be cooking and entertaining. Food safety is a major issue for everyone. Here are some tips to help. Keep everything clean • Wash hands under warm water with soap before preparing food. • Wash fruits and vegetables under cold running water before cooking or eating them raw. • Wash dishes, cutting boards, utensils and countertops thoroughly with hot soapy water. Use clean dish cloths, not sponges, as they trap and spread germs. • When using a cutting board, wash it thoroughly with hot soapy water between uses for different foods, especially after using it to cut raw meat. It’s preferable to have one different colored cutting board for meats and one for fruits and vegetables. Food preparation Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator, under cold running water or in the microwave. Never thaw meat on the counter or in a bowl of standing water. Cook foods thoroughly and use a clean meat thermometer. Insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the meat or roast. Cook to the following internal temperatures: • Roasts, steaks, and seafood 145°F • Ground beef 160°F • Whole poultry 180°F The Walworth County WIC program can help with food safety guidance, along with nutrition guidance and healthy food benefits for pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding mothers, and children up to the age of 5. With the new eWIC card, shopping with WIC benefits is even easier. Anyone who would like more information about nutrition or to see if they qualify for WIC (The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children), call the office at 741-3146. DeAnna Miller, CWI Board member and volunteer, prepares boxes for shipping food packages to people in need around the world. This yearʼs food packaging event will be held December 4 and 5 at Geneva Ridge on Highway 50 in Lake Geneva. (Photo furnished) Hints for holiday food safety Annual food packaging event needs the help of volunteers We Can Replace Your Windows Any Season Of The Year... BUT, THERE’S STILL TIME NOW BEFORE THE SNOW FLIES With our typical ONE DAY INSTALLATION, Start Saving Money and Energy Right Away! Call for a Free In-Home Estimate 630 Kenosha St., Walworth, WI P.O. Box 95 262-275-2150 Children’s World Impact (CWI) will host its seventh Annual Food Packaging Event on December 4 and 5 at Geneva Ridge Resort. Volunteers will package 150,000 meals for hungry children around the world, with 50,000 of those meals staying here in Walworth County for families in need. Over the past six years, CWI has packaged and shipped almost a million meals to orphanages and schools in Haiti and Africa. CWI has donated 100,000 of the meals they packaged to Feeding Walworth County which helps distribute large amounts of food four times each year to 23 local food pantries. According to organizers, more than 500 volunteers are needed to help package the meals. Volunteers can choose from five different 90 minute sessions on Friday evening or Saturday morning. Anyone who is interested in helping can register online at: www.CW or by calling (844) 444-2900. There is no cost to volunteer, but there is a suggested donation of $25 per person. Groups and supervised children are welcome to participate. Donations to cover the cost of the food and packaging supplies may be sent to Children’s World Impact, 431 Geneva National Ave., S, Lake Geneva. Children’s World Impact is a local nonprofit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to break the cycle of poverty for orphans and widows in southern Wisconsin and around the world. More information about CWI may be obtained by calling Judy Moser at (262) 686-3131 or visiting www.CW The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 — 15 A very merry unbirthday to you A group of lumberjacks with their tools in northern Wisconsin. (Wisconsin State Historical Society) The champion lumberjack and his wooden leg Fist fights were to loggers what gunfights were to cowboys. “One crew was always ready to fight any other crew,” one veteran recalled, “and when we was in some lumbering town it was often rough.” In the early 1890s, Bat Meagher, “a hard-boiled and hairy giant” from Marinette was widely feared. But one winter he heard about a fighter who said he could lick him; a logger-turned-bartender named Pete Curtis, the “Champeen of Michigan.” When spring came, Meagher crossed the state line to Curtis’s tavern in Hardwood, Mich. A crowd was waiting when he burst through the door. The fight began immediately and both men were soon bloody. As the fight dragged on, neither would go down. Eventually Meagher lifted Curtis up and threw him over a cast-iron stove. The blow momentarily knocked the wind out of the Champeen, but he pulled himself up and charged his opponent with renewed fury. Meagher halted in amazement, because when Curtis rose, his right leg was turned entirely around with the toes facing backwards. “Hold on,” Meagher shouted, “You win. Any man that’ll look for more with a broken leg is too much for me. I’m through.” And he stumbled out the tavern door. Meagher didn’t know that Curtis had lost his lower leg years earlier in a logging accident and been fitted with a wooden one. The prosthetic had twisted around backwards and stunned Wisconsin’s best fighter. He disappeared down the tote road and history doesn’t record whether he ever learned the truth. This and many other fascinating stories about history in Wisconsin are available on the website of the Wisconsin Historical Society, THE LODGE AT ,GENEVA RIDGE LAKE GENEVA WISCONSIN Fully furnished 2 bedroom condo on the lake. No Pets WEEKLY/MONTHLY/LONG-TERM HOUSING (773) 725-4848 • RENT & LOOKING TO SELL In Stock Flooring CARPET • TILE • HARDWOOD • LAMINATE • VINYL 1.00 OFF $ In Business Over 66 Years PER YARD PADDING with purchase of 40 yards or more of carpeting With Coupon. Expires 12/31/15 5785 State Hwy. 11, Elkhorn, WI • 262-723-4090 A Notch Above TREE SERVICE 15 YEARS IN BUSINESS • Competitive Prices • Tree Removal, Trimming & Shaping • Cabling & Lot Clearing • Tree Climbing • Firewood & Mulch Chips Delivered • 55’ & 75’ Lift Aerial Trucks 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • FULLY INSURED ELKHORN, WI • 262-903-4931 FAX 877-524-7974 • [email protected] By Marjie Reed Thanksgiving is a time of reflection for me. It’s interesting to mentally review the year and pick one thing for which I am especially thankful. This year I’m thankful for fun. A few months ago I had an idea – and what fun it was to see it bloom to life this past week. It had been a while since our family had a party, so the idea came to me to have what I named the Topsy Turvy UnbirthMarjie Reed day Tea Party for our grandkids, their parents and a few of my close friends. As with most of my ideas, it started simply, but didn’t stay simple for long. I remembered the delicious A lice in Wonderland movie and the hysterical March Hare and Mad Hatter singing about their very merry UNbirthdays at their Unbirthday party; thus, my idea was born. The Topsy Turvy part of it got my brain really going and I Googled topsy turvy party ideas. I was amazed at all the items that popped up. I found cute party plates with colorful tea cups tentatively balanced on each other from a company called “Punchbowl.” Such a silly party needed to be colorful so I also ordered plastic table covers in yellow and green, purple plastic knives, turquoise forks and red spoons. Napkins were pink and orange. That was all I could afford to order, although the ideas were endless and very cute. Everything was of good quality and inexpensive, so I was pleased when the box arrived. I made invitations featuring the March Hare and Mad Hatter which turned out to be very funny. Everybody was told to wear dressy clothes and something pretty or something funny in his or her hair. Since it was an unbirthday party, we needed presents. Everyone was asked to bring one gift-wrapped can of food that would later be taken to the food pantry. We played a fun game seeing who could guess closest to what was in each package before it was unwrapped. Everyone loved the idea of helping the food pantry. We had six pots of different types of tea which we had fun sampling. One type everyone especially enjoyed is a flowering tea. The “flowers” start out as hard little balls of tea leaves. When added to hot water in a clear tea pot, the hard knot of a ball magically begins to soften and open into a flower. The partially opened tea-flower floats at the top of the pot for a few minutes until it becomes saturated. It then drops to the bottom of the pot as it continues to unwrap into an amazing tealeaf flower offering fragrant and beautiful tea. It’s mesmerizing to watch and was probably the only quiet few minutes of the entire party. (Target and World Market sell the clear pots and flowering tea online and sometimes in their stores.) I had made a couple kinds of cookies and was to make more, but I ran into trouble with my back early in the week, so my daughters and granddaughters sweetly bailed me out and started baking. When things settled down a bit at the party, we did a fun craft and read a few Bible verses around the table. By this time, the hands of the clock had swung around to 5 p.m. and dinner time. We had CAKE for dinner! I really had to laugh as the kids all asked, “We really get to just have cake for dinner?” That’s where the topsy turvy part of the party helped it all make sense. Truth be told, we were full up on cookies and tea, but by 5 p.m. we needed just a little something and cake filled the bill. I used my grandmother’s spring form pan to make her chocolate mousse cake with lady fingers. It tasted wonderful and was the perfect end to a crazy Topsy Turvy Unbirthday Tea Party. Dear God, Life with our kids can be quite topsy-turvy when they get themselves into “hot water” situations. Help us as parents to take a deep breath, try to stay calm and use these situations as teaching times. Please remind us that hot water has a way of softening things and by handling “hot water” situations wisely, our child’s hard heart can soften and change, resulting in a blossoming and beautiful spirit. This year, I wish a fun and Happy Thanksgiving and a very merry Unbirthday to all my Beacon readers. Marjie Reed lives in Harvard, Ill., with her husband, Bob. They have been married nearly 45 years and have three children and eight grandchildren. Contact Marjie at [email protected]. 16 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 KOHLER OVERHEAD DOORS FRE E F R ETES ESTIMA I N C O R P O R A T E D E Sales & Service of Garage Doors & Openers ESTIMATES For Service Call: (262) 903-0374 319 Creekside Drive, Delavan, Wisconsin Mark Kohler • [email protected] The Holidays Should Be A Time of Joy, Not Stress LET US TAKE CARE OF THE CLEANING! • COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL • FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES • REASONABLE PRICES • WILL CUSTOMIZE 20+ Years of Experience (262) 203-2535 Reduce Your Heating Bills Without Reducing Comfort Call Today! 262-245-1621 Whatʼs the buzz? An attendee to Trick or Treat on Main Street at Geneva Lake Museum on Sunday, Oct. 25, checks out one of the many fascinating displays. (Photo furnished) Williams Bay The Beacon see us online at Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest REALTORS® Jim Stirmel Brian Hausmann Realtor Dorothy Higgins Gerber Realtor OFFICE: (262) 740-7300 ext. 1058 CELL: 262-949-3668 OFFICE: (262) 248-1020 DIRECT: (262) 248-5564 ext. 199 EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 262-728-3999 OFFICE: (262) 728-3418 DIRECT: (262) 740-7300 ext. 1218 CELL: (262) 441-1811 EMAIL: [email protected] Brian Hausmann AGENT MOBILE: (262) 949-7707 [email protected] Jim Stirmel Dorothy Higgins Gerber Shorewest REALTORS Shorewest - Delavan 830 E. Geneva Street Delavan, WI 53115 ® Tri-County Home Inspection, LLC Nov. 6, 2015 — 17 Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Lake Geneva 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Delavan 830 E. Geneva Street Delavan, WI 53115 Shorewest REALTORS® Rauland Agency Richard Geaslen Broker Associate, GRI OFFICE: (262) 248-1020 DIRECT: (262) 248-5564 ext. 161 CELL: (262) 949-1660 [email protected] Richard Geaslen • Sewer Guard • 90 Day Warranty • Recall Check • Mold Safe MOLD & RADON TESTING FREE WITH EVERY INSPECTION Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Lake Geneva 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 200% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE 262.225.9668 David Horsey Continued from page 4 I drew a cartoon to illustrate the reception Clinton was likely to receive from conservative Christians, featuring a kid announcing her as the Antichrist. It seemed like a pretty good joke at the time. After Obama won the election, though, religious right websites were pushing the ominous possibility that he was the Antichrist — and they were not joking at all. This time around, Clinton will probably not be trolling for votes in the mega churches. Her current rival, Sanders, has pushed her in a more progressive direction that promises to pay bigger dividends in the primaries. She has also gone out of her way to connect on a personal level with individual voters and to show her funny side on “Saturday Night Live” and “The Tonight Show.” A win this time is far from guaranteed, but Hillary Clinton is working hard to avoid the mistakes of her crimped campaign in 2007. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David Horsey is a political commentator for the Los A ngeles Times. ©2014, David Horsey Distributed by Tribune Media Services. This house on Racine Street in Delavan should have won the best Halloween costume award for the creative use of windows. (Photo by Kyle Shafer) 18 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 Pet Questions and Answers Q: My kids finally broke me down, and I agreed to get a dog, the first either my husband or I ever had. Of course, we went onto the Internet to research the breeds, and we are 100 percent confused as to which we should get. Should we get a pure breed or a mixed breed, contact a breeder or rescue a dog from a shelter? A: This is not an easy question to answer, as all dogs make good pets. That being said, some dogs have physical and mental abilities that make them easier for some humans to raise. Note I say easier and not better. If you don’t have time to comb a dog daily, then don’t get a dog with long hair unless you are prepared to take it to a groomer regularly. Better to get a short-haired dog to begin with. If you don’t have time to take a dog outside to be exercised two or three times a day and can’t afford a dog-walker, then don’t get a breed that needs lots of outdoor time. Instead, get a small dog that can tire itself out by chasing a ball around the living room. If you are a control freak and need a dog that pays attention to your every command, then don’t get a breed of dog that was selectively bred to think for itself and make its own decisions. These are the things that you should be researching. The dog doesn’t have to be a puppy, either. An older dog that is down on its luck and in a shelter for whatever reason is a good option. After you adopt the dog, you just take it home and walk in the door with it and feed it and let it pick out a place to sleep and, presto, you have a dog. You don’t have to housetrain it or do anything else. The best dog I ever had was Barney, a medium-size mixed-breed setter-looking dog, 5 or 6 years old, that I just happened to find in a shelter. He had been dumped there because he had chronic gingivitis that even my vets couldn’t fix. And he had horrible and expensive dental problems for the 10 years I had him. There was just something about him that appealed to me. Our connection was instantaneous, and he never stopped going out of his way to help me and did his best to do whatever he could to make my life easier. I never felt worthy of his adulation. Q: We have two male cats that are brothers whom we adopted as very young kittens when we found them abandoned in our backyard. We raised them and got them neutered and they are house cats and lead a luxurious life. They get along very well. One cat is clearly the boss and is dominant to the other, but there is never any conflict between the two. However we notice that the dominant cat rubs against our legs all the time. Sometimes when he rubs against my wife he almost knocks her down, especially when she comes home from work. The submissive cat never does this, and we wonder if you can explain this behavior. A: Rubbing itself against your leg is not really a sign that a cat is feeling affection toward you. Rather, it is an issue of reassurance that all is well in its home territory. Cats have scent glands on their chin, forehead, cheeks, rump, toes and tail, and these glands can all put forth a small amount of scent that we can’t detect but other cats can. You and your wife are the most important assets in the lives of your cats and the dominant one just wants to be sure that the two of you are well marked and labeled as such in case any other cats think they can muscle in on his territory. When your wife comes home from work, most of the scent that he laid on her is gone and that is why he is so eager to mark her again to reassure himself that his job of keeping his territory safe for him and his brother is done. Q: How often does a bird’s cage need to be cleaned? We have an African grey parrot in a huge cage, and my wife takes it apart and cleans the whole thing every day. The job seems to create a lot of drama. This bird is the cleanest pet I ever had – his poop doesn’t smell at all and he eats these dry pellets that make very little mess. I was wondering how important it is that she go through this procedure. A: I have to agree with your wife on this one. A bird’s cage needs to be cleaned as often as possible. Even though a bird’s poop may not smell and is much less offensive than that of a dog or cat, the dried poop creates a lot of dust that is offensive to some humans and birds as well. Another problem is that a bird must never come into contact with any molted feathers that are lying at the bottom of its cage. This is very, very important. In the natural world when a feather falls off a bird it gets blown away, and the bird never has any chance to interact with it. A pet bird sitting in a cage can go down to the bottom and pick up a stray feather and play with it. The bird may soon become enamored of it. So if a bird gets used to thinking of a feather as a plaything, there is nothing to stop it from No mattter how big the cat or how small the box, he/she will try to climb inside. (Photo furnished) pulling out its own feathers and playing with them when it runs out of stray feathers at the bottom of its cage. This can lead to many of the feather-plucking behaviors that some pet birds suffer from, and the best way to keep this habit from starting is to keep the cage as clean as possible. Q: We don’t know what to do with our kitty. She’s a rescue and we have had her for almost nine months. She’s wild and runs all over the house from room to room, sliding over rugs, up and down furniture. She loves to play, but is always climbing on something she shouldn’t – window screens, kitchen counter, windowsills, etc. We’ve tried scolding and spraying with water, but neither works. Does anyone “obedience train” cats? A: You need to get the idea that the cat is doing something wrong out of your head. Cats have no idea of right and wrong behavior. There is not a thing in the world that a cat would think of as something that should not be climbed on except perhaps an electric fence. Otherwise, the world is theirs for the taking and spraying it with water just reinforces the cat’s idea of how ridiculous and random your actions are. You have to get the cat a couple of those big cat trees that have shelves and tunnels on them and put them in her favorite rooms. Make the cat tree even more attractive by rubbing catnip all over it. This is more fun for her to play on than your couch. Get a big cardboard box and tape the top closed and then cut a few holes in the sides so that she can crawl through the holes and explore the inside of the box. Something like this can keep her busy for a long time and thus tire her out and divert her attention from the household objects that she is knocking over. To keep her from jumping onto the kitchen countertops, you can put a few strips of double-sided tape on them so that when she does jump on the counter she will feel the sticky tape touching her paws and decide for herself that this is not a nice place to be. If she likes to jump on the windowsills, install a couple of those cat window seats in front of her favorite windows so she can lie there and look out the window as long as she wants, thus leaving the curtains alone. Only by looking at the situation from the animal’s point of view can you understand why it is doing what it is doing, and when you understand that, you can trick it into making your choices its choices. ©2015 Newsday Want to wish someone a happy birthday, anniversary, or other occasion? A private-party ad this size is just $15, including color artwork or photo. Call 245-1877 to place your ad and pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Laser Surgery Ultrasound Dentistry House Calls Bathing & FURminating Boarding Friendly, Compassionate Pet Care Complete Veterinary Care for Cats, Dogs and Exotics by Caring and Friendly Staff Chris Hartwig, DVM • Kevin Hartwig, DVM Simone Sidel, DVM • Brenda Reed, DVM IS ALWAYS IN NEED OF: • Clay Cat Litter • Kitten Food • Dry & Canned Cat Food • Canned Dog Food • Kitten Milk Replacement Formula (KMR or Mother’s Helper) CLEANING SUPPLIES: • Liquid Laundry Soap • Bleach • Dish Soap • Paper Towels • Antibacterial Hand Soap VOLUNTEERS! 3 MILES SOUTH OF ELKHORN ON HWY. 67 • ELKHORN, WI • (262) 723-3899 Scan with phone M, T, F 7:30-5 W, Th 7:30-6 Sat. 7:30-Noon “Our mission is to provide a rescue and home for abused, abandoned, retired and injured large felines, exotics and hoofed animals. Sharon, WI 53585-9728 1107 Ann St.-Delavan (262) 728-8622 ADMITTANCE SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS TO MEMBERS ONLY! FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BECOME A MEMBER AND VOLUNTEER, visit our website w w w . v o t k . o r g We are a Federal and State licensed (501c3), not for profit educational organization. The Beacon Aram Public Library, 404 E. Walworth Ave., Delavan. Library Hours: Mon. - Thurs., 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Sunday 1-4 p.m. Thanksgiving holiday hours: Wednesday, Nov. 25, close at 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26, closed; Friday, November 27, closed. • Food for Fines, November 1 to 30. Do your part to replenish food pantry supplies at the same time you reduce your overdue library fines. For each nonperishable food item you bring in, we’ll take $1 off your overdue fines. All donations must be in good condition and not past their expiration or sell-by dates. (Ramen noodles and gelatin mixes will not be accepted.) Food for Fines does not apply to charges for damaged or lost materials. • LEGO Club, 1st and 3rd Monday at 4 p.m. Give our LEGO blocks a workout building anything from a dinosaur to a spaceship. Work in teams or individually, give your creation a name, then see it displayed in the children’s library. • Knit and Crochet Club, Mondays, Nov 2 and 9 and Wednesday, Nov 18 at 6 p.m. For all ages and experience levels. Bring your own project to work on, share your expertise, and learn from others. • Storytime with Ms. Denise Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Crisp air, crunchy leaves, and story time at the library. What could be better? Themes this month are: November 11, Pumpkins, and November 18 – Gobble, Gobble. • Tech Tutorials, Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Registration is required. Sign up for a 45-minute one-on-one session with a librarian for assistance with anything computer-related. Bring in your own device or use one of the library’s computers. • Book Buzz: Parent-Child Book Club, Wednesday, November 11 at 4 p.m. A brand new book club aimed at 8-12-year-olds and their parents. Meet the second Wednesday of every month at 4 p.m. to discuss a chosen book, have snacks, and do an activity or craft. Parents are invited, but not required, to participate. This month’s book will be “Wonder,” by R. J. Palacio. Contact the library if you’d like a copy of the book reserved for you. • Elephant and Piggie Party, Monday, November 16 at 1 p.m. We love Elephant and Piggie! Let’s celebrate the fact that they are awesomely hilarious with funny stories, crafts, and snacks. • Tween & Teen: Warm n Cozy No-Sew Throw Pillows, Tuesday, November 17 at 6 p.m. Registration is required. Snuggle up with your very own homemade throw pillow. No worries if you don’t have sewing skills; this is a no-sew project that would also make a fantastic gift. • Cook-the-Book Club, Wednesday, November 18 at 6 p.m. Registration is required. • Aram Book Club, Thursday, Nov. 19 at 6:30 p.m. Discuss “Leaving Time,” by Jodi Picoult. Contact the library if you would like a copy of the book reserved for you. • Guilty Pleasures Book Club will discuss “Frozen Stiff” by Annelise Ryan, Monday, November 23 at 6 p.m. • Baby to Three, Come Wiggle with Me – Mondays at 10 a.m. Special story time/open play/dance party for babies, toddlers, and their grown-ups. • Tail Waggin’ Tutors with Divot, first Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m. Registration is required, so call 728-3111, ext. 117 to reserve your time slot. • Tech Tutorials, Wednesdays from 9:30 see us online at to 11 a.m. Registration is required. Baffled by technology? Sign up for a 45-minute oneon-one session with a librarian for assistance with anything computer related, such as downloading e-books and audiobooks, filling out online applications, signing up or managing email, or learning to use Microsoft Office software. Bring in your own device or use one of our computers. ! ! ! Barrett Memorial Library, 65 W. Geneva St., Williams Bay. Open Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Check the library’s new Web site at www.williamsbay. • Children and Teen Programs Mondays LEGOS and Beads, 4 p.m. Tuesdays Story Time, 10 a.m. Crafts to follow. Wednesdays After School Movie, 3:30 p.m. Thursdays Story Time, 1:30 p.m. Crafts to follow. Zentangle, 3:30 p.m., first Thursday of month Collage Making, 3:30 p.m., second Thursday Teen Book Group, 4 p.m., third Thursday Rock-Paper-Scissors Club, 3;30 p.m., fourth Thursday Fridays Wii U, 3:30 p.m. Programs for Adults • Saturday Morning Book Group, second Saturday of the month, 10 a.m. Read and discuss a new book each month; Nov. 14, “Me Before You,” by Jojo Moyes; Dec. 12, “One Summer America: America 1927,” by Bill Bryson. • What Are Teen’s Reading? book group, third Monday of the month, 7 p.m. This group is for parents to read and review teen books. Stop at the library to pick from a great selection of YA (young adult) books. • Scrabble Club, Wednesdays 10 a.m.noon. • Knitting Circle: Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. All skill levels welcome. Bring a project to work on. ! ! ! Brigham Memorial Library, 131 Plain St., Sharon. Hours: Mon. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Tues. 12-8 p.m.; Wed. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Thurs. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - noon. Phone 736-4249. • Story Time, Wednesdays, 10 – 11 a.m. A theme will unite a story and a craft. ! ! ! Clinton Public Library, 214 Mill St., Clinton. Hours: Monday and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Phone (608) 676-5569. • Storytimes at the library, Mondays at 10 a.m. for children 3 to 24 months; Fridays at 1 a.m. for 2-5-year-olds. • 55+ Tech Desk. A new technology service offers free help to people 55 and older. Available every other Thursday. Call to register. Free one-on-one help is available for all ages by appointment. • Adult book discussion the fourth Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. ! ! ! Darien Public Library, 47 Park Street, Darien. Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Friday and Sunday. Phone: (262) 882-5155. Web page: • Free family show about reptiles and amphibians by Jim Hyatt from the Schlitz Audubon Center, Monday, November 9, at 6 p.m. This family show will feature live animals. No registration is required. • Photocopies 10 cents per page. Faxes sent or received for $1 per page • Free Wireless access • Ten computers for patron use at no cost • Book Cub for Adults, third Wednesday of the month at 5:45 p.m. • Ongoing library book sale: children’s books for 25 cents; adult paperback books for 50 cents; adult hardcover books for $1; and DVDs for $2. • Wide selection of magazines, music CDs and DVDs to check out ! ! ! East Troy Lions Public Library, 3094 Graydon Ave., East Troy. Hours: Mon. Thurs. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone 542-6262. • Story Time, Fridays, 11 a.m., for ages 18 months – 4 years. • Lego Club, Thursdays from 3 - 4 p.m. For more information, call 642-6262. ! ! ! Fontana Public Library, 166 Second Ave., Fontana. Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday and 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday. • Happy-to-Be-Here Book Club, third Thursday of each month, 1 p.m. • Evening Book Club, third Thursday of each month, 5:30 p.m., sometimes off-site. All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 2755107 for more information. ! ! ! Genoa City Public Library, 126 Freeman St., Genoa City. Hours: Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Tues., Thurs. and Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Story time, Fridays, 10 a.m. for kids ages 3-5 and siblings. • Ongoing book sale. Donations of new or slightly used books, including children’s books, may be dropped off at the library. All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 2796188 or email [email protected] for more information. ! ! ! Lake Geneva Public Library, 918 W. Main St., Lake Geneva. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone 249-5299 or visit www.lakegene Note: The library will be closed for holiday observances on Nov. 26, Dec. 24, 25, 31, and Jan. 1. • Mystery Book Sale featuring suspense, thriller and mystery books until Friday Nov. 13. Sale items will be shelved on the Friends’ ongoing book sale shelf. Paperback books will be sold for $1, trade paperback and hardcover books for $2. • Enrichment Speaker Dr. Hal Tinberg will present “Forensic Detectives: Identifying America’s Fallen Heroes,” in celebration of Veteran’s Day on Wednesday, November 11, at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Tinberg will reveal how state of the art testing by the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory was used to identify both the Unknown Vietnam Soldier and the first casualty of the Vietnam War. There are more than 1,600 MIAs still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, and DNA Testing can provide closure for the families of these heroes by identifying their loved ones. Dr. Tinberg will also detail how newly developed DNA technology and forensic detective work was used to identify more than 60 percent of victims from the 911 attacks. The presentation also discusses the amazing effort to find and separate the remains of the hijackers from those of the Nov. 6, 2015 — 19 911 victims, thereby preserving the sanctity of those who perished. Everyone is welcome to attend this program at no charge. • Family Movie Nights, Monday, Nov. 9 and Thursday, Nov. 12 from 6-8 p.m. will feature the Disney/Pixar movie, “Inside Out.” Children are encouraged to visit the library in comfy clothes, bring pillows and blankets, and relax in front of the movie screen. Popcorn will be served. This monthly program features family friendly films especially appropriate for children ages 4-11, accompanied by an adult. However, people of all ages are welcome to attend at no charge. • On Thursday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m., University of Wisconsin-Whitewater professor, Dr. Susan Huss-Lederman, will present “Letters from Emigrants.” Her program will highlight the German immigrant experience as described in letters from Wisconsin to the Old Country. Her talk will include letters 19th century German immigrants wrote from the U.S. to family in Germany to explain life in their new country. Participants will be encouraged to draw parallels between the experience of these immigrant peoples and the immigrant families in Cather’s book, “My Antonia.” Copies of “My Antonia” and “Little House on the Prairie,” are available at the library’s front desk while supplies last. The program and books are sponsored by the 2015 Young Auditorium Big Read project, which is engaged in activities inspired by Willa Cather’s novel, “My Ántonia.” There is no charge for the program. For more information, call the library at 249-5299 or visit the Library Web site, www. ! ! ! Matheson Memorial Library, 101 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. Open Monday Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 723-2678. • Crossing Borders with UW-Whitewater’s Dream Scholars, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 6 p.m. in the Community Room. This month we’re promoting a community reading of “My Antonia,” by Willa Cather. To celebrate this, the Elkhorn Library will be hosting the Dream Scholars, a student organization made up of immigrants and children of immigrants, as they discuss their experiences as migrants, English language-learners, and first generation college students, and draw parallels between their experiences and those of the characters in “My Antonia.” • Computer coaching and basic computer problem-solving sessions are available at the library for adults of all ages. Tutors will be available Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the library’s reference room. Computer coaching is led in a question and answer format by volunteers from Volunteer Connection of Walworth County. It is a one-on-one, or two or more, training session that covers a specific technology topic of interest, such as setting up an email account. This service is intended for all levels of users who need to get more comfortable with specific computer topics, such as using Google. People may attend an unlimited number of sessions. Topics covered include: email, Internet, basic computer set-up, and basic troubleshooting. Topics not covered include: hardware problems, Adobe Photoshop, Linux Software, or other specialized, jobrelated software. Please contact the reference desk staff to register for a session at 249-5299 at least one day in advance. Sessions are free. (Continued on page 31) 20 — The Beacon By Kathi West It’s getting down to the deadline, for Christmas that is. If you haven’t finished quilting presents, you need to put on the speed. If you don’t have a long-arm machine, my suggestion is to rent one at Quilting Connection. It’s a fast way to get your quilts finished in time, without stress. Sue Schmieden and her daughter, Angie, are there to help you and believe me I needed help. Some suggestions for Christmas giving are tote bags, eye glass cases, pillow cases, pillows, lap quilts, table runners, place-mats and napkins (napkins don’t need to be quilted), wall hangings, coasters and of course bed quilts. You can make a quilt in a day if you get one of Eleanor Burn’s “Quilt In A Day” patterns. Another thing to think about is what you want from Santa. EVENTS November 12-14, Original Sewing and Quilt Expo, Minneapolis. The actual address is Double Tree Bloomington, 7800 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington, Minn. Classes in garment sewing, quiltmaking and machine embroidery will be given by the finest experts. For the best selection of classes, workshops, and special pricing, register now at or call at (800) 699-6309. see us online at The vendors will have all the latest tools and supplies for sewing and quilting. QUILT GUILDS Chocolate City Quilters meet the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Burlington High School library, 400 McCanna Parkway. The Crazy Quilt Guild Quilters meet the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 231 Roberts Drive in Mukwonago. The Harvard Village Quilters meet the third Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church 504 East Diggins Street Harvard, Ill. Visitors are always welcome. Quilts of Valor and Quilts of Honor Quilt Group meets at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday every other month at Ellen Weber’s house, 2789 Theatre Road. The next meeting will be November 10 and there will be no meeting in December. Take your sewing machine, fabric to make a QOV quilt or a quilt that you have started and any sewing tools you will need. The Scrappers Quilt Guild meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Lion’s field house on Hwy 67, north, in Williams Bay on the third Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on November 17. It’s a Christmas Nov. 6, 2015 This quilt, simply named “Autumn,” was made by SueAnn Wiltse from Harbor Springs, Mich., and displayed at Madison Expo 2015. (Beacon photo) Potluck Party. Take your show and tell quilts and Christmas Stockings to give to needy children. Visitors are always welcome. There is no meeting in December because it’s too close to Christmas and you may be busy doing things for your family. If you have some quilting news to share with quilters in the greater Walworth County area, e-mail me at [email protected] or mail to P.O. This wall hanging called ʻOak Branches,ʼ was quilted by Cathy Geier of Waukesha and won a blue ribbon at this yearʼs Mukwonago show. (Beacon photo). PROFESSIONAL LONGARM SALES, SERVICE & TRAINING SINCE 1999 APQS & Handi Quilter Representatives Longarm Rentals: Finish Your Own Quilts! #1 HAND QUILTER REPRESENTATIVE IN THE MIDWEST! CLASSES Check website or call us about our NEW LONGARM SIT DOWN MACHINE QUILTING CLASSES We share 16 years of longarm experience so you can have fun quilting! Al & Sue Schmieden, Owners COME AND QUILT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS ON OUR MACHINES ʻFall Curiosity,ʼ featuring cats fascinated by cascading leaves, was quilted by June Krause from Benton, Ky., and shown at Madison Expo 2015. (Beacon photo) NOW, 2 TRAINING CENTERS: 21 Adams Street, Elkhorn, WI • 200 W. North Water Street, New London Call for Studio Hours and Appointments 262-723-6775 The Beacon Plan ahead. Look through the calendar to make advance reservations for events that require them. Phone numbers are in area SATURDAY, NOV. 7 Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., First Lutheran Church, 1101 Logan St., Lake Geneva. Admission is $1 at the door. Food, beverages, and raffles will be available for purchase. Operation Gratitude and The Shoreline Group will assemble boxes to be sent to troops overseas from 8-11 a.m. at the American Legion Hall, 111 2nd St. in Delavan and Veterans Terrace, 588 Milwaukee Ave., Burlington. Volunteers are needed to help assemble these care packages. WGTD Radio Theater presents Detectives Times Two in a live radio broadcast from station WGTD, Kenosha, Racine, Lake Geneva and Elkhorn. The live broadcast takes place in the Wisconsin room,. The show recreates the old time radio shows of the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, complete with actors and sound effects. Arrive early for a breakfast buffet in the Frontier Restaurant at 9:30 a.m., then catch the pre-show warm-up at 10:30. Cost for the show and breakfast is $20, and the performance alone just $10. Call 725-9155 for reservations for this trip back in time. Elkhorn Grand Ballroom Dance, Elkhorn High School varsity gym, 482 E. Geneva St., Elkhorn. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., dance from 7-11. Free bossa nova dance lesson at 7:15. Complimentary refreshments, free drawing and prizes. All adult couples and singles invited. Casual dress or dress to impress. Admission is $10 per person. For more information, call the Elkhorn Park District at 741-5114. Community Movie House, presents “Jurassic World,” 7-9 p.m. at Big Foot High School, 401 Devils Lane in Walworth. Watch movies indoors on a 16' x 9' inflatable outdoor movie screen. Admission $1. Concessions available. Children younger than 10 must be accompanied by a patron at least 13 years old. SUNDAY, NOV. 8 Symphonic Wind Ensemble and University Band, Whitewater Chamber Players, 7:30 – 9 p.m., Light Recital Hall, UW-Whitewater, 950 W. Main St., Whitewater. UW-Whitewater’s Music Department presents the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and University Band, conducted by Glenn Hayes. The program will include soloist Megan O’Connell and pieces by San Miguel, Arnold, Brahms, McBeth, SaintSaens, Chaminade, Hutchinson and Toch. The University Band, in its second year, 46 YEAR TH Ye Olde INHotel LYONS (262) 763-2701 Hwy. 36-Halfway between Lake Geneva & Burlington from Hwy. 50 turn on South Road, 3 miles LOOK US UP ON FACEBOOK Open Wed.-Fri. at 4:00 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 11:30 All Day & Evening WEDNESDAY CHICKEN or LASAGNA DINNER..$11 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT WHITEFISH...$11 WITH CUP OF SOUP THURSDAY RIBEYE or NY STRIP DINNER.......$15 FILET....................................................$17 FRIDAY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Whitefish.........................................$9 FISH COMBO PLATTER....................$13 FISH FRY......................................$11 SATURDAY KING PRIME RIB.........................$27 QUEEN PRIME RIB.....................$23 SUNDAY TURKEY or PORK DINNER....$12 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS.$12 DAILY SURF ‘N TURF........................$36 PLUS REGULAR MENU • CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE see us online at includes students, faculty, staff and community members. Tickets $5 general public/$4 over 65/$3 under 18 and UW-W Students. MONDAY, NOV. 9 Annual Association of Volunteers’ Holiday Market will be held at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, N2950 State Road 67, Lake Geneva, from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Products available for purchase will include holiday textiles, home décor and framed artwork, jewelry, gifts for children and babies, and much more. Attendees will save 25 percent on all items. TUESDAY, NOV. 10 Walworth County Area Retired Educators will present a program on elder abuse by Theresa Stalzer, Senior Advocate for Walworth County. The program will follow a luncheon at Sperino’s in Elkhorn at noon. Reservations required. For more information call 742-2693 or 684-5500. Annual Association of Volunteers’ Holiday Market will be held at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, N2950 State Road 67, Lake Geneva, from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Products available for purchase will include holiday textiles, home décor and framed artwork, jewelry, gifts for children and babies, and much more. Attendees will save 25 percent on all items. Tuesdays@2, Geneva Lake Museum, Geneva Lake Museum, 255 Mill St., Lake Geneva. Meet the Meats: Lake Geneva meats are a part of our celebrations and family gatherings just as apple pie is. Come meet the meat man, Nick Vorpagel, and learn what makes meat neat. No charge for members, $5 for non-members. Call 248-6060 for a reservation or email staff@geneva lakemu Christmas Shopping Extravaganza, 6-9 p.m., Calvary Community Church, N2620 Harris Rd., Williams Bay. The annual MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Christmas Shopping Extravaganza, with more than 40 vendors/crafters. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11 Veterans’ Day Program hosted by the Walworth County Historical Society, 1 p.m. at Heritage Hall, 103 E. Rockwell St., Elkhorn. The keynote speaker will be Major General Grant Mulder, USAF, Retired. BloodCenter of Wisconsin blood drive, 2-7 p.m., at People’s Bank, 837 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. THURSDAY, NOV. 12 Harvest Ham Dinner, 4:30-7 p.m., Creek Road Community Church, W7778 Creek Rd., Delavan. Ham, vegetables, cheesy potatoes, bun, beverage, choice of dessert. Donation of $10 for adults, $5 for children younger than 10. Free to Veterans wearing their hats. Baked goods available for purchase. Door prizes. Questions? Call (262) 882 2416 or (262) 949-3156 FRIDAY, NOV. 13 Weekly guided hike, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy, 251 Elkhorn Road (Hwy. 67), Williams Bay. Start at 7:30 a.m. and hike for about an hour. During this time we talk about the history of KNC, the vegetation and events. BloodCenter of Wisconsin blood drive, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Aurora Lake Geneva, 146 Geneva Square in Lake Geneva. SATURDAY, NOV. 14 Holiday Affair “Round Robin” Craft Show, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.,Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn. More than 250 talented artisans. Admission $3. Free shuttle buses. Food available. Locations include Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn Middle and High Schools, Jackson School, The Monte Carlo Room, St Patrick's Grade School. For more info contact: Peggy at the Fair Office, 723-3228. Spaghetti Luncheon Benefit to help support the Walworth County Emergency Homeless Shelter that provides safe emergency shelter for homeless men. The event will take place at Calvary Community Church (Hwy 50 & Harris Rd, Williams Bay) from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Choose to dine in or carry-out for lunch. The price per plate is $10 for adults, $5 for children 3-12, and free for anyone younger than 3. Friends’ Nut Sale, 10 a.m. - noon, Aram Public Library, 404 E. Walworth Ave. Delavan. Specially decorated half-pound packages of premium praline pecans will be available for $5 each at the Adult Services Desk, as well as from a Friends’ board member on Saturdays. Call ahead to have large orders boxed and ready. It’s a unique and tasty way to say “Thank you” and “Happy Holidays” during this busy time of year. Last year we sold out, so be sure to stop by and shop early and often. MONDAY, NOV. 16 American Red Cross Blood Drive, 12-5 p.m., East Troy Bible Church, 2660 North St. (Hwy. 20), East Troy. TUESDAY, NOV. 17 Tuesdays@2, Geneva Lake Museum, Geneva Lake Museum, 255 Mill St., Lake Geneva. Petticoats, Corsets and Bloomers: a great follow up to “Undressed” will be a talk by historian Noel Payne, who will share what isn’t evident under those gowns. No charge for members, $5 for non-members. Call 2486060 for a reservation or email staff@geneva lakemu Braving the Holidays Workshop, 6 p.m., hosted by Mercy Hospice Care. The holiday season can be the most difficult time of the year for people who have experienced the death of a loved one. Mercy Hospice Care is hosting a workshop called “Braving the Holidays” during which guests learn ways to prepare themselves for the upcoming holiday season, and find the comforting support of others facing the same challenges. The work- Puzzle Answers JUMBLE ANSWERS Panic Group Jiggle Engulf The baggage handler found his job was — “GRIPPING” KIDS’ JUMBLE Tag Dunk Feed Hush What do you have if you have five apples in one hand and five in the other? — HUGE HANDS ©2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. BOGGLE ANSWERS ZEBRA CAMEL MOOSE MOUSE HORSE SHEEP DINGO LLAMA Nov. 6, 2015 — 21 shop will meet at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, lower level community education room A, Hwys. 50 and 67, N2950 State Road 67, Lake Geneva. The workshop is free and open to the public. To learn more or to RSVP, call (888) 39-MERCY. For more information, visit Cheese Tasting, “Be Thankful for Cheese,” 7-9 p.m., Big Foot High School, sponsored by the Big Foot Recreation District. $20. Hosted by Denise and Terry Woods of Highfield Farm Creamery in Walworth. Call 275-2117. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18 Limber Timber Square Dance Club, 7:30 to 10 p.m. in cafeteria of Elkhorn Middle School, 627 E. Court Street (Highway 11) Elkhorn. Caller, Curt Braffet, Cuer Ray Steinich. THURSDAY, NOV. 19 BloodCenter of Wisconsin blood drive, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Gateway Techical College, 200 County Road H, Elkhorn. FRIDAY, NOV. 20 Holiday Craft Fair, 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., Lakeland Health Care Center. More than 30 booths of crafts, ceramics and baked goods. Business such as Avon Stampin Up and Tastefully Simple will also be there. Lunch will be available and admission is free. LHCC is located at 1922 Co. Rd. NN, Elkhorn. Call 741-3600 for information. Community Movie House presents “Inside Out,” 6:30-8:30 p.m., Sharon School 104 E. School Street, Sharon. Watch movies indoors on a 16' x 9' inflatable outdoor movie screen. Admission $1. Concessions available. Children younger than 10 must be accompanied by a patron at least 13 years old. “Anne of Green Gables, The Musical,” 7 p.m., Faith Christian School, Highway 67, west, Williams Bay. $7. Call 245-9404 for ticket information. SATURDAY, NOV. 21 Turkey Trot, 8-11:30 a.m., Big Foot Beach State Park, 1425 S. Wells St., Lake Geneva. Warm up your Thanksgiving appetite in Lake Geneva for the 11th Annual Turkey Trot sponsored by Clear Water Outdoor with benefits to the friends of Big Foot Beach State Park. Bring the whole family and join runners, joggers and walkers for some lighthearted fun. The costume theme of this years Trot is Lumberjacks and Lumberjills. Spot awards may be awarded for best costume. Like the temperature of your bird in the oven, the price increases the closer we come to Thanksgiving dinner, so register today to receive the best pricing. 8 a.m. Registration Opens 8:30 a.m. 1 mile jr Gobbler Race (15yrs and younger). $5 early registration. 9 a.m. 5K Race starts. $10 early registration 9:30am 10K Race starts. $20 early registration. Call 348-2420 or log on to www.clear for information and registration. Butchers Model Car Club 4H models project meeting , 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Walworth County Fair Grounds Activity Center, 411 E. Court St. (Hwy. 11), Elkhorn. Take models for display and projects to work on. Sale and swap items are also welcome. The club also hosts the 4H scale models project and young people in the project are encouraged to attend. Call Keith at 728-1483 or Barry at 248-1075 for more information. BloodCenter of Wisconsin blood drive, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at East Troy Middle School, 3143 Graydon Ave. “Anne of Green Gables, The Musical,” dinner theater, 6 p.m., Faith Christian School, Highway 67, west, Williams Bay. $35. Dinner will consist of pumpkin soup, salad, slow-roasted beef, whipped potatoes, green bean almondine, dessert. Reservations by Nov. 13. Call 245-9404 for ticket info. SUNDAY, NOV. 22 “Anne of Green Gables, The Musical,” 3 p.m., Faith Christian School, Highway 67, west, Williams Bay. $7. Call 245-9404 for ticket information. Premier men’s vocal ensemble Cantus presents “Voices of Christmas” at 4 p.m., in the Seabury Room, inside the Beasley Campus Center on the George Williams College campus of Aurora University, 350 Constance Blvd., Williams Bay. The ensemble will perform songs inspired by the holiday season. (Continued on page 24) 22 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 Historical Society to host Veterans Day program Honoring the sacrifices of those who served in the Armed Forces of the United States from Walworth County will be the goal of the third annual Veterans’ Day program hosted by the Walworth County Historical Society. The event will take place at 1 p.m., November 11 at Heritage Hall, 103 E. Rockwell St., Elkhorn. The keynote speaker will be Major General Grant Mulder, USAF, Retired. Mulder joined the Air Force in 1964. He served in Vietnam and then was Commander of the 64th Tactical Airlift Squadron. He also served as Mobilization Assistant to the Director for Logistics of the United States Atlantic Command, retiring in June of 2001. Mulder has received many military awards for his distinguished service. The program will conclude with the introduction of veterans or current military personnel. The Walworth County Historical Society Veterans’ Museum will be open for visitors and refreshments will be served. “We encourage the Walworth County community to attend and honor these dedicated men and women who preserve our freedom and allow us to live in the greatest nation on earth,” said Robert Webster, Sr. WGTD Radio Theater will return to Lake Lawn Resort for its second live mystery radio shows at Lake Lawn Resort on November 7. Area visitors are invited to sit in on the live broadcast as part of the in-studio audience for an inside look at the action. Audience members will marvel in mystery with the revival of “Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar.” Following the adventures of America’s freelance insurance investigator, audience members will unravel unusual claims with Johnny. Picking up on Lake Lawn’s history of hosting radio broadcasts during the 1940s and 1950s, this season’s programs will be performed live in the resort’s Wisconsin Room and air throughout Walworth, Kenosha and Racine counties on WGTD 91.1 FM. The Frontier Restaurant will host a breakfast buffet prior to the show. Tickets for both the pre-show breakfast and live broadcast are $20, while tickets for the show alone are $10. Reservations are encouraged, as space for the show is limited. Reservations can be made by calling Lake Lawn’s Frontier Restaurant at 725.9155. Major General Grant Mulder WGTD Radio Theater will return to Lake Lawn Resort Vanetta Powell as Calpurnia (standing) and Delaina Kuzelka as Scout are among the 20 Walworth and Kenosha County actors in the play ʻTo Kill a Mockingbird,ʼ which will be performed from Nov. 6-21 at the Rhode Center in downtown Kenosha. Tickets may be obtained by calling (262) 657-7529 or logging on to (Photo furnished) Symphony to present concert Nov. 21 The Lake Geneva Symphony Orchestra will present its second concert of the season on Saturday, November 21. The program will feature Clarissa Schilling, a high school junior from East Troy, performing Handel’s Concerto for Harp in B-flat Major. The concert will open with the Overture to Die Fledermaus, by “Waltz King” Johann Strauss, Jr., followed by Mussorgsky’s popular Night on Bald Mountain. Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Symphony No. 2 will round out the evening. Schilling is the LGSO’s 2015 Young Artist Concerto Competition winner, and recipient of an annual award given by the Rotary Club of Lake Geneva Neal Heffernan Art Scholarship Fund. A home-schooled student, Schilling has studied harp for seven years with Gerry Elliott of Waukesha, and also plays piano and classical guitar. She attended the prestigious Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan in the summer of 2015 and will return there by invitation in 2016. She presently performs with the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra and the LGSO. The Vaughan Williams Symphony No. 2, often referred to as the “London” symphony, holds the distinction of being the most-performed symphony by a British composer. Critics have praised its “incredibly substantial outpouring of musical ideas.” While the composer maintained that he did not intend any extra-musical references in the piece, audiences may feel differently. The work opens seemingly in a fog with Big Ben chiming in the distance. The fourth movement epilogue depicts passing through London on the Thames. The first main theme of the piece bears a striking resemblance to a melody in the musical Phantom of the Opera, which was written more than 60 years after the symphony. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Calvary Community Church, Highway 50 at Harris Rd, Williams Bay. Admission is $12 for adults, free for students in grades K through 12. For further details visit or phone (262) 359-9072. Bragi to host ‘The Other Woman’ On Monday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m., Pelajia Productions, in cooperation with Bragi Café of Williams Bay, will join theaters, libraries, and colleges nationwide in the simultaneous staged readings of “The Other Woman,” a full-length, one-act play adapted from five essays appearing in the bestselling anthology with the succinctly catchy title, “The Other Woman: Twenty-one Wives, Lovers, and Others Talk Openly About Sex, Deception, Love, and Betrayal.” “The Other Woman” tells the stories of five women with very different viewpoints and experiences around infidelity. Authors whose work appears in the play are Caroline Leavitt, Aviva Layton, Mary Jo Eustace, Connie May Fowler, and Maxinne Rhea Leighton. The play's first reading took place at the Players Club in Manhattan, with parts read by Kathleen Chalfant, Ellen McLaughlin, Penny Fuller, Winslow Corbett, and Connie May Fowler. The Pelajia production will be directed by JaNelle Powers, with roles read by Anne Sperry Connors, Viki DuMez, Joan Hay, JaNelle Meyers Powers and Joy Powers. For more information, contact: 2487242 or (262) 686-8016 Admission is free. Wine and coffee will be available for purchase. There will be a suggested donation of $9. for Agape House in Walworth. Let MARK WEST show you how advertising in The The Beacon can help you reach your traffic & sales goals. Call Mark today 262-245-1877 The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 —23 The Word Detective By Evan Morris Dear Word Detective: We were driving home tonight and passed our neighbor’s house, in front of which he had piled a precarious mountain of odds and ends on top of the wheelie bin to be emptied by the trash folks in the morning. Knowing the persnickety standards of the local “waste management” company, my wife said, “I don’t think they like that like that.” For some reason, those two “likes” piqued my curiosity and I wondered if, and how, “like” the verb is related to that other COUPON $ RECEIVE 5 OFF 2 OFF ANY PURCHASE ANY SIZE PIZZA 262-728-JOJO 262-728-5456 With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Good only at JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta. 308 State Hwy. 50 DINE IN-CARRY OUT FAX 262-728-5036 $ OVER $35 BEFORE TAX With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Good only at JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta. With Soda PIZZA BY THE SLICE..................... $ 3.50 PLUS TAX Hours: Sun. 12:30 p.m.-9 p.m.; Mon. & Wed. 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Tues. 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Thurs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri. 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m. • Hours Subject To Change Due To Season DELAVAN A.A. Anderson, Inc. 815-943-5454 • 10.00 OFF WITH THIS AD WATER TREATMENT Family Owned & Operated Mike Guiler Free Water Analysis Free Softener Check-Up 262-728-2731 dealer participation may vary PLUMBING • HEATING “We Think You’re Kind Of A Big Deal” (262) 248-2103 WATER SOFTENERS • IRON FILTERS • DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1978 888-771-8099 For expert advice, call Terry Addie & his professional sales staff. FLOOR COVERING SALE 999 DE We do service work on everything from Combines to Chainsaws... $ HARDWARE WATER CONDITIONING SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON! • FARM • LAWN • COMMERCIAL Certified Mechanics and Modern Facility ©Even Morris LA VA N REPAIR applied to people, “like” is often used in explicit or implicit contrast to “love,” connoting a weaker emotion. “Like” as an adjective came from Middle English, followed by the adverb, preposition and conjunction a bit later. The adjective “like” carries the sense of similarity and resemblance: something is “like” something else. As an adverb, “like” means “in the manner, fashion or to the extent of something or someone” (“Bob dances like a robot”), which leads us to the idiom “like that,” in which the “that” refers to something indicated or previously mentioned (“What was the use of his talking like that?” 1872). Incidentally, “like” the adjective originally had comparative (“liker”) and superlative (“likest”) forms, but these have long since faded away. On the bright side, we still have the handy adjectives “alike” and “likely.” Interes-tingly, “likely” originally meant simply “resembling,” but it came to mean “probable” in the late 14th century, based on the sense of “resembling the truth or what is known. Like It Like That,” written and recorded by Chris Kenner and Alan Toussaint in 1961 and later covered by the Dave Clark Five. The refrain of the song was “The name of the place is I like it like that,” and while it lacks the narrative subtlety of, say, “Louie Louie,” it’s a catchy tune. The two “likes” are indeed related, both coming ultimately from a Germanic root (“likam”) that meant “body, shape, form,” with the added sense of “same.” The verb “to like” is somewhat older than the adjective in English, first appearing in Old English as “lician.” Curiously, the original meaning of the verb in English was “to be pleasing or suitable,” rather than “to be pleased or find suitable.” Thus if you were happy with your dinner, you might well announce that “It likes me.” This usage persisted into the 19th century (“I rode sullenly Upon a certain path that liked me not.” D.G. Rossetti, 1861), but beginning in the 12th century our modern transitive form (to find agreeable, attractive, admirable, etc.) gradually became more common. “Like” has produced dozens of idioms in English (e.g., “Like it or lump it”); interestingly, when “like,” whatever part of speech it is. — Alan C. In that particular case, it’s either an adverb or an adjective, but “like that” is an established idiom, and idioms are weird, so it’s a bit hard to pin down. In any case, “like” can also serve as a preposition, conjunction and noun (as in Facebook “likes”). Speaking of weirdness, had I been in the back seat of your car at that moment, I might well have started humming a song from the early 1960s called “I YOUR CHOICE 840 E. Geneva St. Delavan, WI SELECT Craftsman® & Stanley® Tools 262-728-8228 Sale prices in effect thru 11/26/15 FINANCIAL MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING SAM ASANI Financial Advisor 49 Geneva Street, Williams Bay, WI Bus. 262-245-1135 • Cell 262-749-0828 [email protected] • CARPENTRY CARPENTRY & ELECTRICAL FINANCIAL Quality Reliable Construction for Over 20 Years “WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED” • CARPET • VINYL • CERAMIC • NATURAL STONE • HARDWOOD • SANDING & REFINISHING HARDWOOD 438 S. Wright Street, Delavan, WI • 262-728-6200 FREE ESTIMATES COMMERCIAL DISHWASHERS WARE-WASH PRODUCTS SERVICE & SOLUTIONS • CUSTOM BOOKCASES • DOORS • WINDOWS • DECKS • KITCHENS & BATHS Small Jobs Are Very Welcome IAN ABRAM CALL 1-847-507-2697 Email: [email protected] HOME INSPECTION • Sewer Guard • 90 Day Warranty • Recall Check • Mold Safe FREE WITH EVERY INSPECTION N. 798 Swamp Angel Road, Walworth, WI 866-823-4100 • MASSAGE THERAPY 262.249.1230 262.225.9668 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING Blakesley Painting INTERIOR /EXTERIOR Barb and Mark Mitchell Nationally Certified in Theraputic Massage & Bodywork Members AMTA • Certified Since 1978 905 Marshall Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Mold & Radon Testing 200% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE • STAINING • VARNISHING • PRESSURE WASHING • DECKS Free Estimates • Fully Insured (262) 745-9325 10%EROIOFFR INT G PAINTIN Jim Pfeil, MBA, FIC, Financial Associate 1407 Racine Street, Unit E Delavan, WI 53115 Office: 262-740-9040 • Cell: 262-903-4626 MASONRY RON’S TUCK POINTING Chimney Restoration Pointed, Grouted, Brick Cleaning Waterproofing, Glass Block Windows Pressure Washing, Gutter Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED • SENIOR DISCOUNTS “No Job Too Small” (262) 441-9100 (262) 742-2035 DO YOU HAVE A SERVICE BUSINESS? Your ad in this directory will be seen by 50,000 potential customers an issue. CALL 245-1877 For Advertising Rates in 24 — The Beacon see us online at What’s Happening Continued from page 21 Known worldwide for its programmatic versatility and artistic variety, Cantus is the only artist-led full-time classical vocal ensemble in the United States and winners of the prestigious Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence from Chorus America. Although Sundays at 4 events are free and open to the public, reservations are required. To register or get more information on the series, visit or call 245-8536. Gingerbread House Display, all day, Grand Geneva Resort, 7036 Grand Ave., Lake Geneva. Area residents, in both amateur and professional, adult or child categories, display their masterpieces through the holidays, just outside Ristorante Brissago. Grand Illumination Ceremony, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Grand Geneva Resort. Kickoff of the annual six-week Christmas in the Country Celebration. Watch as technicians flip the switch on more than 2 million lights throughout the property, then follow it up with a dazzling grand fireworks display. Discover even more holiday magic this season with all-new kids activity stations and live entertainment throughout the Grand Ballroom, Evergreen Ballroom and the lobby. Enjoy holiday cookies and hot apple cider, too. The resort asks that all guests bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to Toys for Kids in partnership with the Walworth County Deputy Sheriffs Department. Activities begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom, Evergreen Ballroom and the Lobby. Photos with Santa begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Evergreen Ballroom. Raffles by the Walworth County Deputy Sheriffs Department for Toys for Kids to support kids in need in Walworth County. Gather outside by the large Christmas tree at 6 p.m. for prize winners and the countdown to the illumination of holiday lights and fireworks. All are welcome to come back inside after fireworks for more games, activities and photos with Santa ~ ~ ~ Ongoing events ~ ~ ~ Geneva Lake Museum is located at 255 Mill St. in downtown Lake Geneva. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. The Delavan Historical Society, 663 E. Ann St., at the intersection with Seventh St. (Highway 50), is open free to the public from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Mondays and Saturdays. Volunteer work day, fourth Saturday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Kishwauketoe Nature Preserve, Highway 67, north, Williams Bay. Meet at the main entrance. The work location will be posted at the kiosk. Contact Harold at (262) 903-3601 or email [email protected] to get on the list. AARP Local 5310, 9:30 a.m. the fourth Tuesday of every month (except August and December) at Peoples Bank, 837 N. Wisconsin St. Elkhorn. For information, call Shirley Grant at 473-2214 or email [email protected]. American Legion Auxiliary meeting, 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Legion Hall on Second Street in Delavan. The group raises money for scholarships and to send gifts at Christmas time to the servicemen and women that are hospitalized due to injuries while in combat. Attention horse lovers – Walworth County Boots and Saddle Club is looking for new members. Meetings take place at 7 p.m., second Saturday of each month for potluck and to plan events. Sugar Creek Town Hall, N6641 Co. Road H, Elkhorn. Call Fred Campisano, 716-6355 for more information. Southern Lakes Masonic Lodge #12, 1007 S. 2nd St., Delavan. Stated meetings are: July and Aug. fourth Monday only; Dec., second Monday only; all other months, second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. Geneva Masonic Lodge #44, 335 Lake Shore Dr., Lake Geneva. Regularly stated meetings, second Tuesday, 7 p.m. 725-3062. Ice Age Trail Alliance, monthly meeting, third Tuesday of each month 7 p.m. at U.S. Bank, Elkhorn (Downstairs in the community meeting room, enter at the back door). Bingo, second and fourth Thursday of the month at the Delavan American Legion hall, 111 S. 2nd St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., a 15-game session begins at 6:30. Progressive session follows. $1 face, progressive pot grows until it is won. $100 consolation prize. Bingo, St. Andrew Parish in Delavan. The games will be played on the first Friday of the month, except July and August, with doors opening at 6 p.m. and play starting at 7 p.m. For more info see Civil Air Patrol, Walco Composite Squadron, meets every Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Elkhorn National Guard Armory, 401 East Fair St., Elkhorn. Visit or call Commander Ronald Sorenson, 751-0677. Authors Echo Writers group meeting, 7 p.m., first and third Tuesday of every month, Aurora Hospital, East entrance Burlington. Call Frank Koneska at 534-6236. Yerkes Observatory, 373 W. Geneva St., Williams Bay. The observatory offers free, 45-minute tours, Saturdays, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon, as well as night sky observations for a fee of $25. Visitors may also view the Quester Museum, which covers some of the observatory’s history. For more information, call 245-5555 or e-mail [email protected]. Cards and games, Mondays and Wednesdays 1 – 4 p.m. Darien Senior Center, 47 Park St., Darien. Call 882-3774. Senior Card Club, every Thursday 11 a.m.- 3 p.m., Matheson Memorial Library Community Room, Elkhorn. Bridge, 500, and other games. Everyone welcome. Bridge - every Tuesday, 12:30-3:30 p.m., Lake Geneva City Hall kitchen. Call 2483536 for more information. Duplicate bridge, first and third Tuesday at 7 p.m., The Highlands at Geneva Crossing, 721 S. Curtis St., Lake Geneva. Call Mary or Dick Koehler at 248-4632 or 374-9164. ~ HEALTH AND FITNESS ~ Mercy Walworth Grief Support Group provides comfort, guidance and stability in times of loss. Experts in the field of grief counseling provide their expertise and compassion when healing is needed. The group meets on the third Tuesday of every month, 6 p.m. in the lower level conference room A at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, highways 50 and 67 in the Town of Geneva. For more information or to reserve a spot in the next meeting, call (888) 396-3729. Mercy Walworth’s Stroke Support Group provides compassionate and understanding care for those who have experienced a stroke as well as their caregivers. The group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. in the lower level community education rooms at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, corner of highways 50 and 67. Cancer Support Group meets in the church at Chapel on the Hill, 4 miles west of Lake Geneva on Highway 50, the third Friday of the month at 3 p.m. For more information, or to receive answers to questions, call Lou Kowbel at (847) 922-5461. Alcoholics Anonymous Walworth County Hotline is 723-1224. Their website is Call or check online to get information about meetings in your area. Alanon self help program, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, VIP building, 816 E. Geneva St., across from Elkhorn High School in Elkhorn. Mindfulness and Loving kindness Meditation each Thursday, 7-8 p.m. at Matheson Memorial Library Community Center Room, 101 N. Wisconsin St. in Elkhorn. Beginners and experienced practitioners are always welcome. No registration is necessary, just drop in. Meditation is practice for being more awake and attentive in our daily lives. Sponsored by Wisconsin Blue Lotus, a meditation group led by Buddhist nun Vimala (nee Judy Franklin). For more information, call 203-0120, or visit Diabetes Support Group, Tuesdays Aug. 11 and Sept. 8, 6-7 p.m. on lower level of Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, Highway NN, Elkhorn. This group is for adults with insulin or non-insulin dependent diabetes and their family/support person. The purpose is to provide support and education to the person with diabetes to help manage this chronic disease. The group is facilitated by a registered nurse. Call the diabetic educator at 741-2821 for further information. Breast Cancer Support Group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, Highway NN, Elkhorn. The group addresses the fears and adjustments faced by women with breast cancer. It encourages participants to develop a positive attitude about the future and discuss common concerns after being treated for breast cancer. Contact Leann Kuhlemeyer at 741-2677 for more information. Stroke Support Group provides emotional support through opportunities to interact with others who have experienced stroke. Informational programs will also be provided on topics related to stroke/brain attack. The group welcomes individuals newly diagnosed and those with a history of stroke. Family, friends and caregivers are also encouraged to join. The group meets the third Monday of every month from 1-2 p.m. at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, lower level conference room. Call Pat Positano at 7412402 for further information. Walworth County Public Health immunization walk-in clinics, the second Tuesday from 3-6 p.m. and fourth Tuesday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at W4051 County Road NN, Elkhorn. Immunizations available for uninsured children or children on Medicaid. Some adult vaccines are available at competitive cost. To check availability of vaccine or to make an appointment, call Bill FitzGerald Fleck, RN 741-3133. Free blood pressure screening, last Friday of every month, 2 - 4 p.m., Williams Bay Care Center, 146 Clover St. Narcotics Anonymous meetings in the southern lakes area. Call (877) 434-4346 (toll free) for times and locations. Lake Geneva Alzheimer’s support group, 6:30 p.m., third Wednesday of the month. No meeting in August. Arbor Village of Geneva Crossing, 201 Townline Road, Lake Geneva. Call Andy Kerwin at 248-4558. Alzheimer's/Dementia support group, third Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m., Town Bank Community Center located at Nov. 6, 2015 826 E. Geneva Street in Delavan. Call Bob Holland at (262) 472-0958 or Arlene Torrenga at 728-6393 with questions. Alzheimer’s Support Group, first Thursday of the month, 1:30 p.m., Hearthstone/Fairhaven, 426 W. North Street, Whitewater. Facilitators: Janet Hardt, Pam Hatfield, 473-8052. Respite care is available with no advance notice. Parkinson’s Disease support group, 1 p.m., second Monday of every month, Lower level conference room, Fairhaven Retirement Community, 435 W. Starin Road, Whitewater. Contact Julie Hollenbeck, (414) 469-5530. NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness, Support Group, first and third Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. at Matheson Memorial Library in Elkhorn. There is a support group for loved ones on the third Wednesday of the month from 6-7 p.m., followed by by a program with a guest speaker from 7 - 8 p.m. Call Dan or Jean at 459-2439 for more information. Huntington's Disease Support Group for anyone affected by Huntington’s Disease meets the third Saturday of every month except June, July, August at Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, lobby level, North Tower Room 2209, from 10:30 a.m.-noon. For more information contact Jean Morack (414) 257-9499 or visit Families Anonymous (FA), a 12-Step, self-help support program for parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends who are concerned about, and affected by, the substance abuse or behavioral problems of a loved one, meets every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 76 S. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. Enter through the double glass doors on W. Geneva St. Parking is available on the street or the parking lot west of the church. Additional information may be obtained by calling (262) 215-6893, Maureen at 723-8227 or through the Families Anonymous website: www.FamiliesA Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), weigh-in Tuesdays 8-9 a.m. with meeting from 9-10, Community Center, 820 E Geneva St., Delavan. Encourages nutrition and exercise with a positive attitude. Guests are welcome, no weekly meeting fee. Contact Debbie Keizer, 728-4317. T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Tuesdays 9:15 - 10:30 a.m., Community Center, U.S. Bank, 101 E. Walworth St., Elkhorn. Call 723-3791 with questions. T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Tuesdays, 1:30-2:15 p.m., Immanuel Church of Christ, 111 Fremont St., Walworth. Group support with self help, good times. Information: 275-8071. (Continued on page 25) A THING IS RIGHT WHEN IT TENDS TO PRESERVE THE INTREGITY, STABILITY AND BEAUTY OF THE BIOTIC COMMUNITY. IT IS WRONG WHEN IT TENDS OTHERWISE. Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) GOOD EARTH CHURCH OF THE DIVINE (INTERFAITH) Services at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Sundays at 10:00 a.m., W2493 Cty. Road ES, East Troy WI Pastor Simone Nathan Are you alive at the crossroads of words about God and works for the Earth? CALL (262) 684-5193 • Trans p o rt at i o n 2016 Jaguar F-Type gets even more sure-footed The Beacon see us online at By Terry Box The Dallas Morning News Sideways might be the right way to conquer life’s mean curves. Call me a low-plains drifter, but I find slithering tail-out through the corners of an empty road to be highly therapeutic – kind of like dancing with the devil on the way to work. Think of it as low-level rebellion, a little outburst before getting in line and submitting to the daily beating on scenic Central Expressway. But my brief moments of raggedy fun in the sun may soon be ending – thanks, as always, to technology and this silly notion that we need to be protected from ourselves. “What do you mean that Miller Lite and a Marlboro aren’t the breakfast of champions?” I offer the Jaguar F-Type R as Exhibit A: a slinky, snarling coupe that just a year ago promised lots of heartstopping moments in curves and corners if you got western with the loud pedal. Rear-wheel drive and 550 heavily squeezed horsepower tend to act that way. Climb under the 2016 R, though, and you will find fun-sapping differentials front and rear as part of the F-Type’s new all-wheel-drive system. Once the domain of rock-pocked Jeeps and mud-spattered pickups, allwheel drive is increasingly being fitted to high-end, high-horsepower luxury vehicles _ everything from Bentleys to Mercedes-Benzes and Porsches. Next in line, I predict: mainstream daily-drivers. Most people won’t complain, and even I have to admit that all-wheel drive doesn’t diminish the F-Type’s grin factor by much. And it does make the car far more stable in curves, rain and even ice. But I’ve been married twice. I have a fine appreciation for instability. Fortunately, the silver F-Type coupe I had recently still shimmered with the ghostly genes of the fabulous E-Type Jag, one of the most beautiful cars ever conceived. Like the E-Type, the F-Type wears its long hood and powerful curves really well. Up front, a long, slinky hood with a subtle power bulge in its center slid gracefully down onto a large, oval blacked-out grille. Slender, distinctive headlamps cut What’s Happening Continued from page 24 ~ ART, LITERATURE THEATER, MUSIC ~ Pianist Rex Wilkinson, Wednesday and Sunday nights 6:30-10 p.m. at Mars Resort on Lake Como’s south shore. Scott Thomas, karaoke, Fridays from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m., Lookout Room, Lake Lawn Resort, Highway 50, Delavan Karaoke, Saturdays 9 p.m. - close (usually 2 a.m.), Snug Harbor Lakefront Campground Pub and Restaurant, Highway A and P (not the food store) Richmond, Wis. Nov. 6, 2015 — 25 The 2016 Jaguar F-Type wears its long hood and powerful curves well. Its 5liter V-8 enginegets 15 mpg in the city and 23 on the highway. (Jaguar/TNS) into the tops of the fenders, and the Jag’s giant asphalt-mashing tires – 255/35s up front and 295/30s in back – were pushed to the car’s corners and wrapped around 20-inch wheels. The overall impression, enhanced by a taut carbon-fiber top, was one of muscle and curves. The rear fenders, for example, were flared with broad shoulders on top, and the F-Type’s unusual slim wrap-around tail lamps terminated in a round main taillight – sort of E-Type meets F-Type. Getting Started And just in case you had any doubts about the R’s virility, four 3.5-inch exhaust pipes – two on each corner – seemed to spit gravel and fire with every blip of the throttle. As sweet as the F-Type R looks, the real pleasure arrives with a push of its starter button, stirring an energetic 5liter V-8, supercharged to the hilt. The engine’s 550 horses don’t awaken gently, erupting instead in a concerto of thick growls, snarls and pops. All of that lyrical twist and shout is channeled through a quick-shifting eight-speed automatic that then distributes it to all four wheels. The system typically sends most of the power to the rear wheels but can quickly apportion more to the front wheels if the rear starts to slip and slide. It’s kind of like having a driver’s education teacher on board with his own brake pedal. Actually, the most noticeable effect Call (608) 883-6999 or log on to www.snughar for details. Pianist Tom Stanfield, Thursdays 6-9 p.m. in the music parlor of The Baker House, 327 Wrigley Dr., Lake Geneva. Dan Trudell’s Contemporary Jazz Trio, Fridays and Saturdays from 5-8 p.m., Lobby Lounge, Grand Geneva Resort. Trudell also plays piano every Monday from 5-8 p.m. “It’s A Wonderful Life,” Through Dec. 27 at the Fireside Dinner Theater in Fort Atkinson. Log on to www.firesidetheatre. com or call (800) 477-9505 for schedule, prices and reservations. of the system is in curves, with the Jag feeling a little less frisky turning into them and a tad bit heavier, which it is. But the stiff-riding F-Type still corners flatly and confidently, able now to rely on immense all-wheel-drive grip. Best of all, the Jag’s two tons of mass don’t weigh on the steering, which remains light, very quick and nicely alive with sensations from the road. As you can imagine, acceleration is stunning with 550 horses and no wheel spin. Slam the accelerator down and the Jag’s dark snarl quickly becomes a howling, chest-mashing surge of power that will shove you to 60 in a blazing 3.4 seconds, according to Car and Driver. Burning rubber isn’t even an option. Zero to 100? How about 8.1 seconds. Keep your lawyer’s cell number handy. Be prepared also to see the R’s modest 15 mpg city fuel-economy drop into single digits. Looking Inside Just don’t expect a lavish interior to accompany the Jag’s lofty $131,895 price tag. The black interior in mine seemed a bit basic, but I thought it fit the car’s polished street fighter personality – sort of high-end jeans and a $100 sweatshirt. Jim Peck The black leather-covered dashboard curved gracefully down onto a large center stack topped by a modest display screen that didn’t even rate as much of a distraction. Although storage space and elbow room were limited, the interior had some really nice touches. The dash, for example, was stitched on its edges, and the door panels were covered in subtle black suede. A flat-bottom three-spoke steering wheel had a smooth leather cover, while the black leather seats got suede centers. More suede was used on the headliner, and the car’s console was trimmed in carbon fiber. Appropriately, a grab handle for squirmy passengers – and many will be – was also covered in suede. Granted, it wasn’t flashy MercedesBenz opulence. But I thought it looked sort of sublimely spare and functioned just fine. To be honest, I’m still not sure about all-wheel drive. It adds density to the Jag’s handling dynamics, making it more difficult to tell what all four wheels are doing. I think I still prefer old-school rear-wheel drive, which feels lighter and more lively to me. But most reasonable people would have a quick retort to slip-sliders like me: Get a grip. At a Glance 2016 Jaguar F-Type R coupe Type of vehicle: All-wheel-drive, two-passenger sports coupe Price as tested: $131,895 Fuel economy: 15 mpg city, 23 highway Weight: 4,080 pounds Engine: Supercharged 5-liter V-8 with 550 horsepower and 502 poundfeet of torque Transmission: Eight-speed automatic Performance: 0 to 60 mph in 3.4 seconds SOURCES: Jaguar Land Rover North America; Car and Driver ©2015 The Dallas Morning News Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Clinton, Wisconsin • 800-895-3270 Advanced Au o Clinic CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM 815-943-7390 1520 N. Division Street, Harvard • HASSLE FREE REPAIR PROCESS • LIFETIME WARRANTY ON REPAIRS Ask for Adams...Two Convenient Locations LAKE IN THE HILLS 8559 Pyott Road 815-356-0192 HARVARD 1520 N. Division Street 815-943-7390 - Where Quality & Customer Satisfaction Count! REWARDS CARD FEATURES: Reward Dollars on purchase to use toward future purchases, including 24-Hour Roadside Assistance 2 YEAR/24,000 MILE WARRANTY LOANER CARS • SHUTTLE SERVICE FINANCING AVAILABLE 1101 Ann Street, Delavan, WI • (262) 728-2944 w w w.aacdela van .com 26 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 Stand up for comedy “My wife ran off with my best friend. Now I don’t have a dog.” Rodney Dangerfield “My brother said he went to bed with a model. He didn’t bother to mention it took him all night to glue it together. Jay Leno “Last month my aunt passed away. She was cremated. We think that’s what did it.” Jonathan Katz “When I finally met Mr. Right, I had no idea his first name was Always.” Lily Tomlin “The only difference between Charles Manson and the women I’ve dated is that Manson had the decency to look like a nut case when you first meet him.” Bill Maher “I think blind dates get a bad rap. They’re really not so bad once you find a restaurant that doesn’t mind the dog and has a menu in Braille.” Kelly Maguire “I used to be a heavy gambler. Now I just make mental bets. That’s how I lost my mind.” Steve A llen “I was expelled from the Girl Scouts for creativity. They had another name for it: pyromania.” A urora Cotsbeck “I dreamed that God sneezed and I didn’t know what to say to him.” Henny Youngman “My grandfather likes to give me advice, but he’s getting a bit forgetful. One day he took me aside and left me there.” Ron Richards “I’m all in favor of gun control. I have to use both hands because sometimes I shake a little.” Kelly Greene There’s a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.” Dave Barry “People who live in glass houses might as well answer the door.” Morey A msterdam “I saw a billboard for a small hotel that said, ‘We treat you like family.’ Sure enough, 9:00 the next morning, someone was banging on my door yelling, ‘When the hell are you gonna get a place of your own?” Brian McKim “You can always tell when it’s cold and flu season. You go to your favorite supper club and you can’t see the salad through the sneeze guard.” Jay Leno “I have a friend who’s a billionaire; he invented Cliff Notes. When I asked him how he got such a great idea, he said, ‘Well, to make a long story short….’” Steven Wright “The inventor of Crest passed away. Four out of five dentists came to his funeral.” Jay Leno “Seize the moment. Just think of all those women on the Titanic who waved off the desert cart.” Erma Bombeck “I’m from Los Angeles. I don’t trust any air I can’t see.” Bob Hope “My father always told me to marry a girl who has the same belief as the family. I said, ‘Dad, why would I want a girl who thinks I’m an idiot?” A dam Sandler “My uncle was thrown out of a mime Does this qualify as ʻconcealed carry,ʼ or did the purse manufacturer make a model that looks as though the owner has a gun when itʼs just a gun-shaped bulge? (Photo furnished) show for having a seizure. They thought he was heckling.” Jeff Shaw “I asked my mother if I was adopted, She said, ‘Not yet, but we placed an ad.” Dana Snow “When you’re about 35 years old, something terrible always happens to music.” Steve Race “Women like the sport of curling. They get to see men pushing brooms.” The Beacon see us online at L au g h in g M at t e r A mother firefly led her large family of fireflies through the jungle one night. To avoid being eaten by marauding bats or other nocturnal foragers, she ordered everyone to keep their lights out. But after nearly an hour, she turned around to see that one of the youngsters at the back had his light on. “What are you doing?” she said. “You’ll get us all killed. I told you: no lights!” “I know,” said the young firefly, “but if you’ve gotta glow, you’ve gotta glow.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A little-known fact about William Tell is that, in addition to being an expert with a crossbow, he was an accomplished chef. One day he had prepared a new dish for his Swiss friends, but, ever the perfectionist, he felt there was something missing in the sauce. “More berries in the sauce?” he suggested. “No, no,” said his guests. “I think you have just the right number of berries.” “More salt, then?” “No, the amount of salt is perfect.” they insisted. “Herbs, that’s it,” he said triumphantly. “I should have put in more herbs. What do you think?” “Hmmm,” pondered one of the guests, tasting the sauce. “Perhaps only thyme, Will Tell.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Did you hear about the bailiff who moonlighted as a bartender? He specialized in subpoena coladas. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ What did the grape say when it was stepped on? Nothing. It just let out a little wine. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Judge: “I thought I told you I never wanted to see you in here again.” Defendant: “Your honor, that’s what I tried to tell the police, but they wouldn’t listen.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Although only married for a short time, a husband and wife quickly realized that they weren't compatible and filed for divorce. In court, the judge asked the husband, “What had brought you to this point? Why aren’t you able to keep this marriage together?” “In the eight weeks we’ve been together, your honor, we haven't been able to agree on a single thing.” The judge turned to the wife and said, “And what do you have to say?” She said, “It’s been nine weeks, your honor.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ One day three men were walking along and came to a wide, raging river. They needed to get to the other side, but had no idea how to do it. The first man prayed, “Please, God, give me the strength to cross this river.” And Poof! God gave him big arms and strong legs and he was able to swim across the mighty river in just two hours. Seeing this, the second man prayed, “Please, God, give me the strength and ability to cross this river. And Poof! God gave him a rowboat and he was able to row across the river in an hour. The third man saw how this tactic worked for the other two, and so he prayed,”Please, God, give the strength, the ability and intelligence to cross this river. And Poof! God turned him into a woman. She looked at a map, then walked across the bridge. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A woman who applied for a job in a lemon grove seemed to be over-qualified. “Do you have any actual experience picking lemons?” asked the foreman. “As a matter of fact, I do,” said the woman. “I’ve been divorced three times.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Two women were arguing about whose dog was smarter. The first woman said, “My dog is so smart that every morning he waits for the paper boy to arrive, then he takes the paper off the porch and brings it to me.” “I know,” said the second woman. “How do you know?” “My dog told me.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A police recruit was asked during his exam, “What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?” “Call for backup!” he replied. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ At a gathering to celebrate the church centennial, several former priests and the bishop were in attendance. Prior to the formalities, the vicar gathered the children at the altar to talk about the importance of the day. He began by asking, “Does anyone know what the bishop does.?” There was a moment’s silence before one small boy said, “He’s the one you can move diagonally.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Reading through a newspaper, a woman suddenly started laughing. She turned to her husband and said, “There’s a classified ad in hire where a guy is offering to swap his wife for season tickets. You wouldn’t swap me for season tickets, would you?” “Of course not, honey,” he replied. “Ah, that’s sweet,” she said. “The season’s half over,” he explained. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ “You think so much of golf that you don’t even remember when we got married,” said a wife. “Of course I do, honey,” he said. “It was the day after I sank that forty-foot putt.” Pickles by Brian Crane Nov. 6, 2015 — 27 28 — The Beacon Mr. Boffo by Joe Martin see us online at Garfield by Jim Davis Nov. 6, 2015 The Beacon Mr. Boffo by Joe Martin see us online at Willy and Ethel by Joe Martin Nov. 6, 2015 — 29 F u N an d G am e S 30 — The Beacon see us online at Nov. 6, 2015 Crossword Clues Across 1 Help for Holmes 5 All hands on deck 9 Baby food, usually 14 “Can you give me a __?” 15 Bass’ red triangle, e.g. 16 Dove rival 17 Fraternal meeting place 19 Sense & Spray air freshener maker 20 “Here are the facts,” briefly 21 Garden outcast 22 Dark suit 23 Central church area 25 Pacific Northwest capital 27 “The Cask of Amontillado” writer 31 Reduced in number 32 Track tipsters 33 Train cos. 35 Yankee nickname since 2004 36 Asparagus, mostly 37 Nemesis 38 ENE or WSW 39 Set straight 40 Golfer Palmer, to fans 41 Where to read candidate endorsements 44 Much of the time 45 Kitchen add-on? 46 Yemenis’ neighbors 49 “__ been thinking ...” 50 NASA thumbs-up 53 Acme’s opposite 54 Periphery ... and, literally, the periphery of 17-, 27- and 41-Across 57 Most clubs in a pro’s bag 58 Scott Turow memoir 59 Vulcan mind __: Spock’s skill 60 Principle 61 Superstorm response org. 62 Functions All puzzle answers are on page 21. ♠ ♥ Bridge Goren on Bridge with Bob Jones NORTH ♠ J, 7 ❤ K, Q, 4 ♦ 7, 4, 3 ♣ A, 10, 7, 4, 3 EAST ♠ 5, 4 ❤ 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3 ♦ K, 10 ♣ Q, 9, 2 SOUTH ♠ A, 9, 3 ❤ A, J, 2 ♦ A, Q, 9, 6, 2 ♣ 8, 5 The bidding: SOUTH WEST 1 NT 2♠ 3 NT Pass ♦ The Road to Nine Tricks Neither vulnerable. South deals. WEST ♠ K,Q,10,8,6,2 ❤ 9 ♦ J, 8, 5 ♣ K, J, 6 Down 1 “Cutthroat Kitchen” competitor 2 Easter bloom 3 Critical comment 4 Aliens, briefly 5 Prosperous, after “in” 6 Took the bus 7 Fabergé creation 8 Reason for hand-wringing 9 Sloppy farm digs 10 Tanning booth light, for short 11 Freeway, e.g. 12 Earth, to Hans 13 Windows to the soul, so they say 18 “Reading Rainbow” host Burton 22 Mattress supports 24 Matured 25 Liqueur in a fizz 26 Barnard grad 27 Like 27-Across’ work 28 Clothes 29 Fruity drinks 30 Bert’s buddy 31 Fleeting fashion 34 “Get it?” 36 Schedule openings 37 Sassy tyke 39 Initially 40 More fitting 42 Salt additive 43 Low parking garage floor 46 Bad mood 47 Bern’s river 48 Noodle bar order 49 List component 51 Gawk at 52 Classic sneakers 54 “That knocked the wind out of me!” 55 Sorbonne one 56 Aussie runner (c)2015 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, INC. NORTH 3♣ Pass EAST Pass Pass Opening lead: K of ♠ The late Max Hardy used to say that "The road to nine tricks is the road to nine tricks." He meant that, in a tough three no trump contract, once you envision a route to nine tricks, follow that route and don't get distracted. There may be some bumps in the road that need to ♣ be dealt with. South won the third round of spades and took a moment to make a plan. West had to be kept off lead at all costs. Even if the club suit split 3-3 and West could be kept off lead in that suit, the trick total would only come to eight - not enough. The road to nine tricks was the diamond suit! South needed a 3-2 diamond split with East holding the king, but care might be required to keep West from gaining the lead. Declarer crossed to the king of hearts to lead a diamond. Had East risen with his king, a good shot, South would allow East to win the trick. When East actually played low, South played the queen and was relieved to see that hold the trick. Another heart was led to dummy for a second diamond play. When East produced the king this time, South let him hold the trick and the mission was accomplished. Well done! Sudoku (Bob Jones welcome readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail responses may be sent to [email protected].) ©2015 Tribune Content Agency LLC Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, from 1 to 9. The Beacon Library Notes (Continued from page 19) • International Games Day, Saturday, Nov. 21, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. This is the day libraries across the country set aside to celebrate the excitement, creativity and educational value of video games, board games, and role playing games. Join us and play some exciting video games on our massive screen, and then take a break by learning to play some of today’s most fun board and card games. • The library hosts two book clubs per month. The Page Turners meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and the Afternoon Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. You can check out a copy of the book club selection 3-4 weeks prior to the book club meeting. All meetings are held at the library and are facilitated by staff librarians. • Story times are about 30 minutes and are filled with books, songs and more. Each see us online at week will bring something new. No registration required. Toddlers on Tuesday at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Books n Babies on Thursday at 10 a.m.; Preschool age on Wednesday at 10 a.m.; and Tiny Tots 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:30 p.m. We Explore, ages 3+, Friday 10 a.m. • Slipped Stitches, every Wednesday, 68 p.m. in the Youth Services story room. A group for anyone who does some sort of stitching: knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, tatting etc. • The Lego Building Club for all ages meets every other Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in the community center. Each meeting will feature a different building theme. Creations will be displayed in the library and online. Lego donations greatly appreciated. • Messy Art Club meets on the alternate Thursdays from the Lego Building Club at 3:30 p.m. • The Walworth County Genealogical Society Library is open Tuesdays from 10 a.m – 3 p.m. and by appointment, which can be made by calling the WCGS librarian at 215-0118. The WCGS Library is also open the third Saturday of the month or by appointment.A board member will always be there to render assistance if needed. To obtain membership information or find literature regarding Walworth County, visit All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 7232678 or visit for more. ! ! ! Twin Lakes Community Library, 110 S. Lake St., Twin Lakes. 877-4281. Hours: Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. -8 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday – Sunday 12-4 p.m. • Wee Reads, Fridays 10:30-11 a.m. Registration appreciated but drop-ins welcome. Learn pre-reading skills the fun way. A lap-sit program designed just for babies 0 – 2 years with plenty of activities including: stories, songs, bubbles, scarves, and parachute play. ! ! ! Walworth Memorial Library, now locat- Nov. 6, 2015 — 31 ed in the West Garden Plaza in Walworth, south of Aurora Health Care, Aurora Pharmacy and Tracy Building. Open Mon. and Wed. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Tues., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Knitting and crocheting classes, Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. Call for details. • Preschool Story Hour, Fridays, 9:45 – 10:30 a.m., for preschool-age children infant to age 5 and their caregivers. The hour will include stories, snacks, crafts and more. • Children’s story hour, age kindergarten through grade 3, Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. • Book Club for adults, third Saturday of each month, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 2756322 for more information. ! ! ! Librarians and Friends Groups: Send information about upcoming library events by mail to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 69, Williams Bay, W I 53191; by fax to 2451855; or by e-mail to [email protected]. 32 — The Beacon Drones see us online at spy on people, especially children, for nefarious purposes. “In addition to snarling air traffic, nuisance drones across the country have interfered with firefighters, flown into tall buildings and crashed into bystanders on the ground,” wrote Craig Whitlock in the Washington Post. “Criminals have used them to smuggle contraband into prisons. Some property owners,including one man in California who said the operator had been using it to peek into his windows, have become so irritated that they have blown the copters out of the sky with shotguns.” Unfortunately for the California man, he was arrested for discharging a firearm within city limits. The Federal Aeronautics Administration is particularly worried about irresponsible flyers whose drones encroach on the airspace that could put them on a collision course with aircraft. Some people look at the size of a recreational drone and say, “How could something that small cripple a big airplane?” But something as small as a bird that gets sucked into a jet engine can cause a crash. The same could happen if a small unit hit a windshield or other vulnerable part of an aircraft.” During a California wildfire that skipped across a highway and set vehicles ablaze, firefighting organizations were unable to send airplanes with loads of fire retardant because people had flown small drones into the area, causing a risk of collision. As of the end of August, pilots had Continued from page 1 “If you hit the ‘follow me’ button, it will go to altitude and follow you. If you push ‘watch me,’ it will record you as you walk along.” Danno said they have sold the units to dairy farmers who use them to keep track of their herds so they know where they are and where to go to get them home. Realtors use them to produce videos of property. Building inspectors use them to look at roofs – especially in the winter – without having to climb up and maybe fall off. Danno is licensed and insured by the 180,000-member Academy of Model Aeronautics, through which he took classes in operating the units. He says he is happy to provide free demonstrations. But all is not well in the recreational drone community. The government recently announced that they plan to set up a registration requirement for owners. “I can see where they are coming from,” said Danno. “It isn’t our customers they’re worrying about as much as the people who are modifying their drones to go higher and farther, and building some that are much bigger. I saw an octocopter [with 8 blades] the other day that must have been eight feet in diameter.” Regulations already exist that forbid flying a drone over a playground, school, park or within five miles of an airport. Officials are worried about operators who Nov. 6, 2015 reported 700 close encounters with drones to the FAA, already tripling last year’s total. The government will announce by Nov. 22 what it plans to do with a registration program. Danno says such a plan is problematic because manufacturers don’t even put serial numbers on the units they sell. “Public education about the dangers of drones is crucial, particularly because the government has had a hard time enforcing its rules on amateur drone flights,” wrote the editorial board of the Washington Post. “Next, the government should require that drones sold to amateurs come with a lot more safeguards. An obvious upgrade is ‘geo-fencing,’ which is designing firmware so that these devices can’t ascend more than their legal limit of 400 feet or breach any restricted airspace, such as around airports where passenger planes descend into low altitudes. It’s worth investigating whether hobbyists’ drones should come with transponders or some other technology to alert air traffic controllers or security details to their presence.” “A stock Q500, for instance, won’t go higher than 400 feet, so that isn’t a problem,” said Danno. “But there are always people who – like computer hackers – want to modify equipment to do things they shouldn’t. People can buy parts from China to build just about any size drone they wish. And they aren’t the people who will register them, anyway. So I can understand why regulators are worried.” Danno said he generally flies at 100 to 150 feet. VETERANS DAY 11/11/15 “At 150 feet, I can see all of Lake Geneva and some of Delavan,” he said. “Why would anyone need to go higher? In addition to the Q500 with the 1,080 megapixel camera, he has one with a 4k capability, which is the next step in monitor resolution. “The units use SD cards for memory,” Danno explains. “The Q500 comes with an 8 gigabyte card that will record about two hours of high definition video. If you were to record 4k video it would take a 10 gig card to get two hours. But you can get bigger SD cards at retail stores to record for 10 hours. When the card is full, you take it out of the camera, download it to a computer and you’re ready to go again.” Danno says they have sold more than 1,000 drones of all sizes since they opened the store 2 1/2 years ago; about a hundred of which were Q500s. The government has been slow to come up with regulations for commercial drones, like the ones and UPS want to use to deliver packages. While the government wants to have regulations for recreational drones in place before this year’s Christmas buying season, it looks as though licensing for commercial drones is more than a year off. The Dannos say they are more than happy to explain anything about recreational drones at their store, HobbyTown USA, 168 E. Geneva Square Mall, in Lake Geneva. They are open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. and 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Sunday. [email protected] DOROTHY HIGGINS GERBER SHOREWEST REALTORS 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI WALWORTH STATE BANK Walworth ★ 262-275-6154 Williams Bay ★ 262-245-9915 Delavan ★ 262-728-4203 Elkhorn ★ 262-743-2223 CELL: 262-949-7707 [email protected] Since 1963 262-275-2615 • Walworth,WI Your local Boat Lift Dealer Phone 262-723-7945 • Fax 262-723-7945 your feed nʼ seed is our business indeed! 641 N. Lincoln Street, Elkhorn Psychic-Alternative & Holistic Health HOURS: MON.-SAT. 11:00 am-9:00 pm Closed Sunday By Appointment Only DINE IN or CARRY OUT (262) 427-8431 11-1/2 N. Wisconsin Street Elkhorn, WI 207 N. MAIN ST., WALWORTH, WI (262) 394-5700 Across from the Walworth Post Office SOCIAL BEE MARKETING 5540 State Road 50, Delavan, WI 262-728-7877 (800) 822-3642 630 Kenosha Street, PO Box 178, Walworth, WI 53184 Investment advisor representatives offering securities and advisory services through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member FINRA/SPIC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. We Create A BUZZ About Your Business Using Marketing Media, Email Marketing, Location Based Marketing And Creative Promotional Services 312 East Walworth Avenue Delavan, WI THANK A VETERAN EVERYDAY Honoring All Who Served PARKSIDE VILLAGE SENIOR APARTMENTS 222 E. Walworth Ave. 262-728-3405 Mon.-Sat. 10:00-5:00; Sun. Noon-3:00 SHOREWEST LAKE COUNTRY 262.725.6855 CELL: 262-719-8288 [email protected] Lake Geneva, WI • 262-248-2103 “We Think You’re Kind Of A Big Deal” Email: [email protected] • Fax (262) 723-4891 CELL: (262) 441-1811 [email protected] Meet Your Friends at Geneva Crossing! LAKE GENEVA’S PREMIER 55+ NEIGHBORHOOD The Terraces & Highlands Active Senior Living 55+ Arbor Village & Village Glen 262-728-9948 See How Affordable Luxury Living Can Be! Open Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Assisted Living and Memory Care Neighborhood 317 S. MAIN STREET, DELAVAN, WI 262-248-4558 PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED BY OAKBROOK CORP. Lake Geneva Country Meats, Inc. 3 short miles E. of Lake Geneva on Hwy. 50 5907 Hwy. 50 East, Lake Geneva (262) 248-3339 Retail Hours: Mon.-Wed. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Thurs. & Fri. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Sat. 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. MID-AMERICA INSURANCE CENTER, INC. 15 S. Lincoln St., Unit 1 • Elkhorn, WI 53121 DAVID J. RICHARDSON (262) 723-4841 Shorewest - Delavan 830 E. Geneva Street Delavan, WI 53115 Resale • Consignment • Collectibles (815) 988-1832 [email protected] • GAIL ZIEMAN 104 E. Walworth Ave., Suite 102 • Delavan, WI Pac Ratz BRIAN HAUSMANN 418 Highway 50 • Delavan, WI • 262-725-7300 (1 mile east of Lake Lawn Resort) Est. 1980 Licensed, Insured MERCY WALWORTH HOSPTIAL & MEDICAL CENTER Hwys. 50 & 67, Lake Geneva 262-245-0535 • Urgent Care 262-245-2230 ESTIMATES AVAILABLE TUCKPOINTING REPAIRS & REPLACEMENTS Block • Culture Stone • Brick • Natural Stone CONCRETE REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT Driveways • Patios • Steps (262) 248-0175 • (262) 215-3828
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