November 21, 2014
November 21, 2014
Free A Paper Designed With Readers In Mind Nov. 21 - Dec. 4, 2014 Darien’s new Municipal Building finally a reality The Community Development Authority of the Village of Darien welcomed approximately 100 residents, county, state and national officials to a ribbon cutting ceremony at the village’s new municipality building on Tuesday, Nov. 11. United States Congressman Paul Ryan and USDA Rural Development Wisconsin State Director, Stan Gruszynski, joined the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and the Community Development Authority of the Village of Darien; along with village leaders celebrated the completion of construction of the Village of Darien's new municipal building. Located in the historic downtown business district, the new building now houses both the Village offices and the Village police department. “I would like to commend those local officials and community leaders who worked to bring this proposal to reality. The result is a safe, modern, community facility for village business, community events, and public use,” said Gruszynski. “It stands as a sensible and practical example of the importance of initiative, cooperation, and federal appropriations toward making positive difference in the function of local government and the citizens served by their action.” Previously, the Village of Darien’s administrative and police offices were located in two separate buildings, both 70-plus years old and in need of significant upgrades. By consolidating the Village Hall and Police Department into one expanded facility, the village will experience both cost and efficiency savings. The construction project included a remodel of the village-owned building; Congressman Paul Ryan and Village President Kurt Zipp address approximately 100 people who turned out for the dedication of the new Darien Municipal Building on Tuesday, Nov. 11. (Beacon photo) demolition of several old, vacant adjacent buildings; and the construction of a new addition. The completion of new Village Hall will help to revitalize the downtown area and the community. “This is the perfect combination of government working for the people,” said Diana Dykstra, Executive Director of the Community Development Authority of the Village of Darien. “This is the first investment for our historical downtown redevelopment program. The Village of Darien purchased this property ten years ago with hopes of building a Municipal Building. After years of saving, and the help of WEDC and the USDA Rural Development program, this is nothing short of a dream come true for our residents. We could not have funded this project without their assistance.” “We are pleased to support Darien in a project that not only provides a more efficient and modern municipal building, but has the potential to spur future development downtown,” said Reed Hall, secretary and CEO of WEDC, the state’s lead economic development agency. “This project is special to me because Darien was the first community to receive one of our Community Development Investment Grants, a program that has since benefited dozens of communities around the state.” In the process, the State Historical Preservation Office determined the location of the Village’s municipal building to be a site of historical significance. The Village of Darien is applying to have the downtown area listed as a historic district on the Register of Historic places for the State of Wisconsin and the National Register of Historic Places. The Community Development Authority of the Village of Darien received a $1,473,000 Community Facilities Direct Loan from USDA Rural Development and a $50,000 Community Development Investment Grant from Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). The Community Development Investment Grant was a new program launched in 2013 and the Village of Darien was the first community to receive this Grant. USDA Rural Development’s Community Facility Programs provides financial assistance for the development of essential community facilities in rural areas and towns of up to 20,000 in population. Loans, guarantees and grants are available to public entities for the construction, purchase, and/or renovation of various essential community facilities. These facilities include schools, libraries, childcare centers, hospitals, medical clinics, assisted living facilities, fire and rescue stations, police stations, community centers, public buildings and transportation projects. (Continued on page 19) Delavan’s past comes alive in new book by Patti Marsicano By Dennis West Delavan Historical Society President Patricia RuthMarsicano is celebrating the publication of her second book, “Forgotten Delavan.” The book is a historian’s dream. It provides a comprehensive pictorial record of businesses, churches and other structures that made up the city from its beginning as a temperance community in 1836 to the present. With the help of more than 200 vintage images, Marsicano details the city’s transformation over the past 178 years, with accompany captions that provide information about the properties’ owners and what they did there. The book will be especially enjoyable and useful for full and part-time residents and visitors “of a certain age” who might be able to remember “the good old days” brought to life by many of the photos. “People are often amazed when they learn about the fascinating history of Delavan,” says Marsicano. “Most towns have one thing to brag about, while we have many. Delavan has led a pretty interesting life.” The city has been host to many intriguing and exciting historical moments. As covered in the book, Delavan has been recognized at different times as the “19th Century Circus Capitol of the Nation,” a mecca for early 1900s ballroom dancers and a vibrant colony for some of the art world’s most prominent painters. And of course there is Delavan Lake, which has been rehabilitated so that it will continue to be a fixture in the community for generations to come. “There aren’t many publications that cover Delavan’s history, so by compiling the images and information in this book, I hope to inspire memories in readers and provide a lasting tribute to its past,” says Marsicano. Highlights of “Forgotten Delavan” include rare images from the collection of late local historian Gordon Yadon, photos from circus days in Delavan and scenes of 1900s tourism around Delavan Lake, including those of the bands performing at the biggest ballrooms. The photo on the cover of “Forgotten Delavan” is of the famous Eat-n-time restaurant, which has undergone many changes and is currently home to the Orange Tree Cafe. There are also photos of the restaurants early evolution, from the simple shack from which the owners served carry-outs till 2 a.m. to dancers who left the ballrooms that closed at 1 a.m. and wanted something to eat before their sometimes-long drives home. Not only are there pictures of native son Gary Burghoff receiving the key to the city after he had become a famous actor on Broadway and television, but as a high school junior dressed as an Indian chief riding on a parade float sponsored by a local department store. (Continued on page 33) 2 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 Deborah Werner is Lake Geneva’s flower essence entrepreneur By Jim McClure Your nose knows. Inhaling that first suitor’s gift of a dozen roses, sniffing that bouquet of the wine seller’s nouveau boujelais, savoring that aroma of Grandma’s Thanksgiving turkey and pumpkin pie, or sniffing in that flu vaccine in hopes of staying healthy – are all ways from commonplace to common sense that the sense of smell can bring healing and comfort. Since 1997, Deborah Werner has been the self-appointed deliverer of a genie in a bottle that every one of her committed customers wants to unleash. The flower doctor’s prescription is a healthy snootful of flora-based potions that Werner claims can bring energy, well-being, and even attraction. Aromatherapy first came to prominence during the 1990’s, a downtown gift shop sensation that the web site defines as ‘the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being.” Practitioners believe that the aroma inhaled from those “essential oils” stimulates brain function, and can also be partaken of through the skin, bringing wholebody healing as they travel through the bloodstream. Surprisingly, Werner traces her Earth Wind and Flowers business back to when she was a little girl growing up, not in meadows or flower nurseries but in a heavily urban part of Chicago. “I lived in a four-flat in the city and I always had a garden growing, “says Werner. “You could say I was an organic natural farmer even then…growing tomatoes, carrots, zucchini and basil” in the shadow of the rattling L-trains that passed her family’s Ravenswood home. After graduation from Barat College in Lake Forest with a degree in Nutrition, advanced study in Design at the Art Institute of Chicago, and 20 years as a professional florist making designer arrangements, Werner founded her company with a dead-center landing on a powerful focus….the essence of a blooming flower. “I put it all together – scent and enzyme” says Werner, who conducts private health consultations and markets more than 200 sprays of “flower essence” that custom treat a condition or custom scent a profusion of desired energy and emotional balance. It may be all too easy to dismiss such talk by the stunning, athletic and joyful blonde as a little too much California flower power and new age mystical centering of force and balance. But not so fast, at least not so fast as the slipping of Werner’s kayak through the Geneva Lake waters or her graceful glide through Walworth County nature areas and flower nurseries in pursuit of the perfect combination of mood and health. “There is a definite science to how I create these essences,” Werner points out, taking care not to go too far in detailing just what goes into each mixture or blue spray bottle of well-being. Good luck trying to find what exactly is in each of the individually decorated bottles. Werner’s balancing sprays, a combination of flower essences and aromatherapy oils, are every bit as secret as the recipe of a Big Mac secret sauce or The Colonel’s Southern herbs and spices. “Because we are all energy, if we are under stress or trauma it can cause imbalance in our physical, mental and emotional systems,” explains Werner. “Scientific studies have proven that aromatherapy is a powerful tool that works with the olfactory and limbic system to bring about well being.” A brief spray of “Attraction” as a sample brought an immediate flush to the face, beating of heart and, frankly, attraction to the already alluring businesswoman. The sprays do pack a punch, and Werner has plenty of testimonials to back up claims that start with product names that speak of mood, and moment and calm. She sells balancing sprays such as Open Heart, Loving Protection, Playful and Creativity online, at stores throughout the Midwest and East Coast, and direct from her website. Customers and distributors include alternative health practitioners, veterinarians, acupuncturists and even realtors. One of Werner’s creations found a boom during a real estate bust. “I love it when I help people sell houses,” says Werner with a broad and confident smile; confidence that comes from nearly 18 years spreading health and wellness by spraying it, not just saying it. For private consultations, Earth Wind and Flowers owner and founder Deborah Werner can be reached via phone at 2459853. Deborah Werner, founder of Earth, Wind and Flowers, custom blends balancing (Beacon photo) sprays, a combination of flower essences and aromatherapy oils, “What we need are more people who specialize in the impossible.” Theodore Roethke Specializing in Some of the many essences Werner blends for her business, Earth Wind and Flowers. (Beacon photo) TOYOTA LEXUS • SCION REPAIRS Holiday Sparkle Dazzling Diamond Selections • Incredible Gemstone Jewelry Watches • Gifts • Clocks The Lakes Area Premier Jewelry Store 305 E. WALWORTH AVENUE, DELAVAN, WI 262-728-8577 65 Stark Street by the Williams Bay Village Hall The Beacon also at Tempus fugit is Latin for “time flies.” And it do, too. The reason this phrase comes to mind is that Mrs. (Kathi) West and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 28. Who woulda thunk it? I met my future bride at a party on a bank of the Rock River in Rockford in the summer of 1962. She looked a bit down in the mouth and I stopped to see if I could brighten her day. It apparently worked. She had just graduated from high school and I had just finished my first year at the University of Illinois in Urbana. We dated that summer and kept in touch when I returned to school and she went to Quincy College in Quincy, Ill. I dropped out of school after my second year, due primarily to the fact that I had started with a total of $21, a state scholarship and didn’t know enough to borrow enough money to get me through. Kathi transferred to Northern Illinois University for her second year, so we were able to see more of each other. On Sunday, Feb. 9, 1964, I drove her back to school. I walked her to her dormitory and we sat in the lounge. I had something on my mind, but had a difficult time trying to make myself heard because every female in the building was in the next room screaming at the first appearance of The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. I overcame adversity and asked Kathi to marry me. The answer certainly wasn’t a foregone conclusion and I was thrilled when she said yes. I drove back to her house in Rockford and knocked on the back door. Her mother was afraid something had happened, but I assured her everything was okay. I went in, sat down and tried to get her father’s attention. I don’t know what television show he was watching, but he wasn’t easy to interrupt. I awkwardly said, “I wanted to ask your permission to give Kathi an engagement ring.” He didn’t look away from the television, just said, “How big?” As he expected, I was a bit flustered by that, but we managed to sort it out and I had her parents’ permission. Kathi was Roman Catholic and I was Episcopalian, but I quickly agreed to convert. I may even have suggested it. I had grown up in a Catholic neighborhood and had wanted to attend St. Patrick’s School with the rest of the kids, but we couldn’t afford the tuition. Actually, I didn’t even know they charged tuition. Besides, my grandmother, with whom we lived, was a rather staunch high church Anglican who, though she had married a Catholic, hadn’t converted and didn’t think my going to Catholic school was a very good idea. I later realized she was right. That was back in the day when black-robed nuns walked around with heavy rulers in search of miscreants to punish. I’m sure I would have fit into the category of miscreant, or worse. So, in the summer of 1964, I settled down to a course of instruction by Fr. Andrew Plesa in the intricacies of Roman Catholicism. The basics were the same as I had learned at the knee of a priest at the Episcopal church, but there were a couple of important differences as to who should have the final say in all matters corporal. The Episcopalians (a shatteringly funny name to youngsters who didn’t know Episcopos was the Latin word for bishop) didn’t have much use for the Pope, and by extension, Roman Catholicism. I once got into trouble when the Episcopal priest was talking about Henry VIII and I said something like, “Wasn’t he a dirty old man who founded the church because he wanted to divorce his first wife?” I believe I was Nov. 21, 2014 — 3 Dennis West guides the knife while Kathi flirts with the photographer at their wedding reception on November 28, 1964. (Photo by Tony Matranga) summarily expelled from the confirmation class, though I must have finished because I remember being confirmed. And a lot of good it did me. Fr. Plesa, who later served as pastor of St. Peter’s church in Spring Grove, Ill. from 1998 to 2001, was an outstanding teacher and human being. I looked forward to his joining us in matrimony. But Monsignor McMillan stepped in and said, “This is my church and I’ll decide who marries whom. And in this case it will be me, not a junior cleric.” I didn’t realize that, in addition to not wanting to have his authority contravened, he was looking forward to receiving the stipend that was customarily paid for performing such services. He probably had a boat payment due. (Continued on page 34) 183 FT. LAKE FRONTAGE PIN 94275 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1374616 5 BR, 4 BA home on shores of Cedar Point. Lot may be divided.. $2,845,000 PIN 88795 FONTANA MLS 1359488 5 BR, 3.5 BA home in Brookwood Assoc. 4.4 acres, 4 frplcs., inground pool, 4 car garage. Adjacent 2 acres included in purchase price. $899,900 PIN 37125 WHITEWATER MLS 1384646 20+ acres, 4-5 BR, 4.5 BA. 5,200 sq. ft., new stainless appliances, 4 car detached garage w/ 2BR apartment. $579,000 PIN 92985 FONTANA MLS 1351051 3 BR, 2 BA, completely furnished. Garage, central air. Glenwood Springs Assoc., exclusive pier. $529,000 PIN 96845 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1352372 2 BR, 2 BA home in Cedar Point Park. Assoc. pier, updated kitchen, 2 car garage. Lake views. $444,900 FONTANA MLS 1395263 3 BR, 3.5 BA custom built home on 1.11 wooded acres. Walk to Fontana beach, in-ground pool. Close to Abbey Harbor. $419,800 PIN 10105 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1374961 4 BR, 3.5 BA, just under an acre. Brick and cedar exterior, oak flooring, cherry cabinets. Centrally located to Hwys. I-43, 50 and 67. $ 349,900 PIN 74085 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1393743 3 BR, 2 BA, beautiful Cedar Point Park, 1 block from assoc. pier. Frplc., bar. 5 yr. old roof. Walk to lake. $334,000 PIN 28215 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1367399 3 BR, 2.5 BA home in Lakewood Trails. Hardwood floors, granite counters, stainless appliances. 2 car garage. $329,999 PIN 08865 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1380057 4 BR, 2 BA ranch in Cedar Point Park. Updated kitchen counters, finished lower level. Easy walk to downtown. $289,000 PIN 70135 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1363309 3 BR, 3 BA home in Willabay Woods. Frplc., sizable mstr. suite w/private bath. Full bsmt., 2 car garage. $274,000 PIN 29165 LAKE GENEVA MLS 1393148 3 BR, 2.5 BA condo close to all Lake Geneva’s amenities. 2 frplcs., attached garage w/car port. Home Warranty. $259,000 PIN 09865 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1379497 2 BR, 1.5 BA Elmhurst Court condo. Many high end features, outdoor pool, 1 car detached garage. Deck off kitchen. $219,000 PIN 83315 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1356645 3 BR, 2 BA Willabay Shores condo. Frplc., assoc. pool and tennis court. 1 car attached garage. Walking distance to beach. $194,500 LEASE OPTIONAL PIN 84935 LAKE GENEVA MLS 1386370 2 BR, 2.5 BA on 6.8 acres. Zoned part residential, part Ag., 2 outbuildings. Newer electric and roof. Fenced kennel. $239,500 PIN 78385 LAKE GENEVA MLS 1384422 3 BR, 2.5 BA, main floor laundry, in ground pool, fenced back yard. 2 car garage, central air. Home Warranty. $ 229,000 PIN 09035 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1374967 2 BR, 1.5 BA located 2 blocks from the lake, downtow and restaurants. 2 car attached garage. $223,900 PIN 16315 LAKE GENEVA MLS 1331472 3 BR, 2 BA all brick ranch in Sturwood Subdvn. Completely remodeled kitchen, central air, back yard deck. $219,000 VACANT LAND PIN 29645 LYONS MLS 1379586 Country living minutes from downtown Lake Geneva. Beautiful 5.02 acre lot in Tuscany Subdivision. Easy access to Hwys. 50, 12 and I-43. Fifteen minutes to Illinois border. Building restrictions apply.......................................................................................................................................... $119,000 PIN 51445 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1385404 Sloped lot in downtown Williams Bay. Approx. 5 blocks to downtown, beach, boat launch, bike trail, restaurants and shops...................... $40,000 PIN 17365 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1357835 3 BR, 2 BA home in Willabay Woods. 2 car garage, nicely wooded lot. $189,000 PIN 70475 LAKE GENEVA MLS 1366181 2 BR, 2 BA Lakeshore Village condo. Minutes from swimming, boating and downtown Lake Geneva. 1 car attached garage. $155,500 PIN 47345 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1343742 2 BR, 1 BA well maintained home. Vinyl exterior, 1 car garage, low taxes. $92,000 PIN 90625 WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1385542 Sloped lot in downtown Williams Bay. Approx. 5 blocks to downtown, beach, boat launch, bike trail, restaurants and shops...................... $40,000 4 — The Beacon also at Perspective Nov. 21, 2014 What makes a strong lobbyist? Legislators and lobbyists bond over mai tais on Maui By David Horsey I got into the news business covering the Washington State Legislature as a student intern for the Walla Walla UnionBulletin. In those days, lobbyists would host frequent fundraising events for key lawmakers during the legislative session and there was always lots of free food. Since I was paid barely enough to cover a dorm-type room and really cheap meals, I dropped by as many of these parties as I could and I’d head straight for the buffet. I didn’t think about the ethics of it at the time; I was just hungry. The practice of special interests raising money for legislators while they were in the midst of deliberating legislation that affected those same interests was banned in Washington long ago, part of a general trend of elected officials trying to eliminate the appearance of being bought off by lobbyists. But in this second decade of the 21st century, there are still glaring examples of lawmakers getting cozy with the folks who are paid to influence them. A new case in point: A couple dozen California legislators have signed up for conferences at fancy resorts on the island of Maui that are subsidized by special interest groups, including pharmaceutical companies, tobacco distributors, cable operators, public employee unions and oil corporations. Legislators are getting their $350-anight rooms paid for, and that’s just a start. These are annual events and, last year, an average of $2,500 in expenses was covered for each lawmaker. A very innocently named organization picked up that tab – the Independent Voter Project. But guess where the group gets all its money: from Occidental Petroleum, the Western State Petroleum Association, Eli Lilly, the state prison guards union and many other groups with a vested interest in the bills that get passed or killed in Sacramento. Defenders of the Maui gatherings say the lawmakers need to escape the partisan The rancor of the state capital and go someplace nice where they can build camaraderie and kick around important ideas. A statement issued on behalf of the Republican leader of the state Assembly said the junket gives legislators of both parties a chance to talk with each other and with “experts” about public policy solutions that will lead to “a better California for all.” Well, OK, in this age of obscene expenditures for campaigns, I guess five days of subsidized fun in the sun is small potatoes. And I guess these folks really need to fly off to Hawaii, since there are no good beach resorts to be found in California. And I guess it’s good that Republicans and Democrats are actually talking to each other – something that does not seem to happen back in Washington, D.C. And I’ll even stipulate that not too many politicians sell their souls for a mere $350 room and all the Mai Tais they can drink. But here’s the problem: This is all about access. In those relaxed hours between heady policy seminars when legislators and lobbyists are sitting around the pool or playing a round of golf or ordering another round at the hosted bar, there are bonds being forged, friendships blossoming and good feelings being cultivated. This is an opportunity most citizens do not ever get. So, when those legislators are back at work and someone knocks at their office door, who gets in and who gets told to come back some other day? The lowly citizen might be given a minute or two for a handshake and a snapshot, but guess who is invited for a private word in the inner sanctum. You know who; that nice guy or gal who was so much fun back in Hawaii, the one who was nice enough to pick up the check. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David Horsey is a political commentator for the Los Angeles Times. ©2014, David Horsey Beacon WEST PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING INC. P.O. Box 69 • Williams Bay, WI 53191-0069 (262) 245-1877 • Fax 245-1855 e-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Circulation Ed Breitenfield Karen Breitenfield Ethan West Dennis West Editor and Publisher Kathi West V.P. and Treasurer Advertising Manager Mark West Composition Manager Wendy Shafer Correspondents James McClure Marjie Reed Penny Gruetzmacher By Lee Hamilton Because of its power to influence public affairs, the press has long been known as “the Fourth Estate.” But I think the media may have been displaced. These days, it’s lobbyists who seem to carry the most clout in Washington. Here’s a case in point. When Congress closed at the beginning of August for its end-of-summer recess, it Lee Hamilton faced wide-scale derision for having accomplished next to nothing during the year. In fact, the Pew Center ranked the session as the least productive in two decades. But it wasn’t entirely unproductive. Just before they left town, members of Congress did manage to get three things done: they passed a Veterans Administration reform package; they increased aid to Israel; and they kept highway construction projects around the country from losing funding. Why did these three measures find success when so many others did not? There’s a two-word answer: Powerful lobbyists. Veterans, supporters of Israel, and the combined weight of highway construction interests and state and local governments are among the most influential forces in Washington. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, last year, some 12,000 active lobbyists spent $3.24 billion on trying to influence the federal government. I don’t know of any other country where lobbyists have those kinds of numbers, spend that kind of money, or get the kinds of results they’re able to achieve here – in Congress, in the executive branch and, increasingly, in statehouses around the country. But even among all those lobbyists, some stand out for their effectiveness. The National Rifle Association (NRA), the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), veterans’ groups, the AARP: all are very good at obtaining laws and policies in their interests and blocking laws and policies they consider harmful. I don’t mean by this that they’re allpowerful. They don’t win every battle. But they do win most of them. How do they do this? To start, lawmakers have to get elected. Good lobbyists don’t just provide large amounts of money for campaigns, they provide early money and expert help. They donate, they introduce you to other donors, and they help you establish connections that can help during your campaign and later on. Early money in politics is better than late money. Candidates remember that sort of thing. They also remember that if you oppose these organizations’ views, they’ll come at you hard. Good lobbyists and their organizations also provide information in easily digestible form. They’ll assign particular staffers to develop relationships with members of Congress – people who can write a speech or testimony or legislative language quickly. They and their colleagues are sophisticated observers of public affairs who know whether, when, and how to approach government policy makers, along with the particular policy maker who can help them best. They are deeply knowledgeable about the process of government and have a wide network of friends on Capitol Hill, in the agencies, and in members’ districts – often, their most effective voices aren’t Washington lobbyists, but the grassroots networks they’ve built back home. They understand that at heart, lobbying is about establishing relationships long before any particular issue affecting them comes up, so that when they go to talk about a bill, they’re going in to see a friend. They build relationships in several ways. There are all kinds of approaches to members – the annual policy conferences to which members of Congress flock, the sponsored trips and meetings in out-of-the-way resorts where a lobbyist can get a few days of a member’s undivided attention. But the best lobbyists are also friendly, approachable people who know how to talk to members and policy-makers of both parties. The best lobbying groups also have a lot of money and resources not just to woo policy makers, but to shape public discourse. They make good information available to their advocates, and make sure that the advocates who speak for them on television, online, and in newspapers are well informed. They know that part of the battle is to shape public dialogue. The best lobbyists are masters at making the system work for them. My guess is that their influence over policy surpasses the media’s clout, and they have now become the fourth branch of government. Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years. The Beacon also at Walworth County continues to reduce its debt By Dave Bretl The Walworth County Economic Development Alliance, Inc. (WCEDA) held its annual meeting on November 12 at the Grand Geneva resort. WCEDA’s annual meetings are always well done, and this one was no exception. In addition to reporting on the state of the organization, presenting awards to local businesses and recognizing individuals for their contributions to WCEDA, the highlight of the event was the keynote speech by Professor William Dougan of UW-Whitewater. A few years ago, the University, together with the city of WhiteDavid Bretl water, built the Innovation Center. That building serves as a business incubator, encouraging the collaboration of University of Wisconsin faculty, students and private businesses. In addition to teaching responsibilities, Professor Dougan founded a company that figures prominently into the Innovation Center. Blackthorne Analytics develops software that collects and analyzes data for use by business. More than 200 people attended the meeting. When WCEDA was formed, we would have been lucky to get 20 people to turn out. The organization will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this spring. Like any start-up company, WCEDA has had its ups and downs over the years. Through the hard work of its board and officers, the organization has been steadily adding members and defining its role in improving the County’s economic outlook. Walworth County was a relative latecomer to the field of economic development, maintaining only the barest of efforts until 2004. Motivated by a desire to expand and diversify the county’s property tax base and create jobs, the county engaged representatives of each city, village and town as well as business leaders in a strategic planning process. The outcome of those meetings was a recommendation that economic development should be pursued at the county level and that the goal could best be accomplished through a partnership between government and business. On April 19, 2005, the county board endorsed the recommendation of the strategic planning committee and provided funding to the yet-to-be-named nonprofit corporation that would come to be known as WCEDA. Since then, the board has appropriated funds to the organization ranging from $50,000-$100,000 per year. The county board just approved a 2016 appropriation of $80,000. In addition to revenue from the county and other government partners, WCEDA receives money from programs that it operates as well as from dues that it collects from its business members. In comparison to other counties, Walworth County’s contribution to its eco- nomic development flagship is relatively modest. Economic development is a department of government in some counties. Walworth County’s cautious approach has had one upside; WCEDA has had to prioritize among numerous goals and focus its resources on activities that are both practical and have the potential to make a difference in the county. These include: Education. In addition to hosting workshops on marketing strategies and government contracting opportunities, WCEDA facilitates counseling services by SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) to business owners in the county. Business retention and expansion. While it would be great if the county could land the corporate headquarters for the next Google, realistically the majority of business growth is going to be driven by companies that are already located in the county. Discerning the needs of businesses through retention visits allows face-to-face work with other organizations, including Gateway Technical College, state agencies and local governments to locate resources and create an environment in which businesses can succeed. One retention effort spearheaded by WCEDA this past year was a program called “Dream It, Do It.” In collaboration with the Job Center, WCEDA attempted to create awareness among high school students about jobs that are available in manufacturing. Business attraction. Businesses contact the county from time to time seeking to relocate from other areas of the country or to begin a new venture. When they do, it is important that their phone calls are promptly returned and information, including the availability of suitable business sites, is provided. Before there was a WCEDA, I was that point of contact. With other responsibilities that I had, I was concerned that my delay in responding to these in-quiries was not creating the proper impression of our county to prospective leads. WCEDA has filled that role and today provides information about the county to site selectors and firms seeking to start new businesses here. WCEDA has gone through a leadership change this past year. Its executive director, Mike Van Den Bosch, took a similar position in Colorado in May. In just a few short years, Mike had worked his way up from the organization’s intern to its director through hard work, integrity and his plain speaking style. Taking the helm at WCEDA this summer is Derek D’Auria, who shares many of the same qualities that made Mike so successful. Derek is well known in the Walworth County community for his years of work in development at George Williams College. Through the efforts of Derek and its directors and members, WCEDA is well positioned to continue the quality work started by Mike and expand its efforts to increase jobs and tax base for decades to come. The opinions expressed in these columns are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Walworth County Board of Supervisors. Nov. 21, 2014 — 5 World powers are again forming alliances, as they did before World War I By Robert Freeman Los Angeles Times At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the Great War was over. But the “War to End All Wars” famously didn’t live up to its billing. Still, it had greater impact on the world than any event of the last thousand years. The question is whether another such war might be looming today. It was in World War I that humanity first practiced the industrialization of human slaughter – 16 million people were killed, more than 17 million were wounded. Nobody could seem to stop it. During the height of the carnage, at the battle of the Somme, about 60,000 died the first day. Four great empires expired in the war, more than in any other event in history. The German, Austrian, Russian and Ottoman empires were destroyed and dismembered. Out of their carcasses were born 11 new countries. Five of those countries – Iraq, Jordan, Palestine (now Israel), Syria and Lebanon – are in the Middle East. They are still the source of some of the most intractable conflicts on the planet. Communism came into being as a state-based system as a result of World War I. The war played a major role in bringing down the government of the Russian czar in 1917. Into the breach leapt the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin. Their seizure of power set the stage for one of the most enduring conflicts of the 20th century, the Cold War. And World War I was the moment in history when the center of global power shifted, from Europe to the United States, where it has resided ever since. In other words, industrialized war, communism, the U.S. as the dominant world power and the modern Middle East had their origins in World War I. No event of the last 1,000 years has so decisively rearranged the architecture of global power. But could such a tectonic upheaval happen again? Three patterns of conflict in the world today remind us of patterns that presaged World War I. The first is the fact of a declining imperial power being confronted by a rapidly growing upstart. In World War I, Britain was the declining power while Germany was the galloping upstart. In 1850, Britain controlled almost 60 percent of the entire world’s wealth, compared with 3 percent for Germany. By 1913, Britain’s share had shrunk to 14 percent, and Germany’s had risen to 21 percent. Today, the dominant global power is the United States. It is being challenged, at least economically, by China. In October, China became the largest economy in the world in purchasing power parity terms. It could shortly surpass the U.S. in raw terms. Economic power inevitably translates into political power – an echo of early 1900s. The second parallel is the forming of global states into blocs. In the lead-up to World War I, Germany and AustriaHungary faced off against England, France and Russia. Today, world powers are again forming alliances. They are the U.S. and Europe, as the dominant powers, against Russia and China, the challengers. The current conflict in Ukraine has driven Russia and China closer together. They may be joined in their alliance by Brazil, India and South Africa. Think of it as the “haves” versus the “want-to-haves.” The final parallel is conflict in the Middle East. World War I was fundamentally about who would control the collapsing Ottoman Empire, with its oil riches in the Persian Gulf. Germany had made friends with the Ottomans. If they seized the gulf it would have posed an existential threat to Britain, which ran its globally deployed navy on gulf oil. The war had to happen. The conflict in the Middle East today is about oil as well. Oil is the lifeblood of industrial civilization, but it is running out. The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 is now notorious for having been carried out under false pretenses, the real story being oil. Still, today, we fight for who will control the Persian Gulf, and, therefore, the world. It’s been said that “history never repeats itself, but it does rhyme.” There won’t be a second World War I, but we can hear the rhymes of history echoing from that tectonic upheaval of 96 years ago. Robert Freeman is the author of “The Best One-Hour History” series, which includes “World War I,” “The Protestant Reformation” and “The Cold War.” He wrote this for the Los Angeles Times. ©2014 Los Angeles Times Distributed by MCT Information Services Want to sell a car, snowmobile or anything else? A highly noticeable private party ad this size is just $15, including color artwork or small photo. Call 245-1877 to place your ad and pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. 6 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 Business & Investment Advertisement Four tips to help maximize Social Security Harry Alten, who served in the U.S. Army from 1961-1963 in Germany, enjoys some of the refreshments during the Veternsʼ Appreciation Open House at Exemplar Financial Network. His daughter, Heidi, works at Exemplar, 630 Kenosha St. in Walworth. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Outlook grim for tablet market By Sarah Parvini The U.S. tablet market posted an 8 percent decline in revenue during the back-to-school season, leaving the oncethriving product category in a tough spot as the holidays draw near. The number of tablets sold during that period rose 3.5 percent compared to last year, suggesting shoppers were more interested in cheaper tablets, according to market research company The NPD Group. The bad news has continued into the fall. Over the past eight weeks, tablet unit sales declined 16 percent and revenue dropped 18 percent. Tablet unit sales declined across operating systems – both Android and iOS unit sales sank 16 percent. While Windows’ unit sales dropped 23 percent, revenue increased 11 percent compared to this period in 2013, due to the success of the $799 Surface Pro 3, one of the most expensive tablets on the market. “The slowdown has been pervasive, and even the launch of the new iPads at the end of this period has not served to reignite sales growth,” said Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analy- sis at The NPD Group. “With the holidays fast approaching, the potential for a positive tablet sales season appears grim.” Android tablet sales took the hardest hit during the past eight weeks as the market for small-screen products waned. Android’s 7-inch tablet saw unit sales decline 40 percent. The figures reflect what analysts have expected as the number of large smartphones, such as the iPhone 6 Plus, increases. The biggest change is the in the large-screen Android market, where a deluge of entry-level large-screen tablets has bolstered the unit share of under$200 products from 15 percent last year to 49 percent over the last eight weeks. The days of easy growth and native demand are gone, Baker said. “Tablets will need to compete with a more aggressive PC market, and a growing large-screen smartphone market, for attention this holiday season,” he said. “It’s not entirely clear whether tablets are up to that task.” ©2014 Los Angeles Times Distributed by MCT Information Services Let MARK WEST show you how advertising in The The Beacon can help you reach your traffic & sales goals. Call Mark today 262-245-1877 Incorporating Social Security into a retirement strategy is a smart move The money taken out of your paycheck every month may be unwelcome now, but it can give you monthly income later in life. However, some question if Social Security will last long enough for those in the work force now to be able to receive these benefits. According to Social Security trustees, enough reserves exist for the system to pay 100 percent of promised benefits until 2033, without further reform. Full benefits are available at age 65 for those born before 1938, gradually increasing to age 67 for those born in 1960 or later. There is more to Social Security than just applying for retirement benefits when you are eligible at age 62 or over. By waiting, you can maximize your benefits, which will increase every year you choose to wait to file for Social Security retirement benefits. Thrivent Financial suggests you consider these four tips before applying for Social Security. Don’t assume it won’t be there. Social Security is projected to last at least until 2033, so the first mistake is writing it off as a resource that won’t be available. Planning early for the role Social Security will play in your retirement will prevent you from being caught off guard and missing out on increased benefits once you are ready to start collecting. Know your situation. Retirement income planning is critical. Social Security has many nuances, so a personalized approach is necessary to get a better grasp of your retirement future. By using your current information from the Social Security Administration, financial representatives may be able to create scenarios to give you an idea of how the age you begin receiving distributions can affect the monthly amounts you will receive. For example, if you’re divorced or widowed, a financial representative will be able to calculate the different ways you can claim benefits and how they can affect your retirement strategy. Wait to draw. Now that you are planning for it, you can figure out when the right time for you to start receiving benefits. For many people, this will most often be after the age that you are eligible to start collecting full benefits. For every year that you delay, Social Security benefits will increase by a set percentage, eventually putting your monthly benefit above 100 percent. Delaying can also multiply the benefits after it is adjusted for cost-of-living and can potentially reduce the number of years benefits are subject to income taxes. Factors to consider as to when to file for your Social Security benefits include: health status, life expectancy, need for income, future employment, and survivor needs. A financial representative can help you build all of this information into an overall retirement strategy. Get your financial house in order. If you delay your Social Security benefits, you will need to have another way to pay for your needs while you are not working. If you planned early enough, you will likely have adjusted your finances so that you are prepared. Again, talking to a representative can help you plan the best option for the interim time before Social Security paychecks. Social Security can be confusing, but talking to a representative can help you clarify the role it can play in your retirement strategy. Once you have a strategy in place, you will better be able to enjoy your retirement years, without worrying about the next paycheck. This article was prepared by Thrivent Financial for use by financial representative Jim Pfeil. He has an office at 1407 Racine Street, Unit E, in Delavan and can also be reached at (262) 740-9040. About Thrivent Financial Thrivent Financial is a financial services organization that helps Christians be wise with money and live generously. As a membership organization, it offers its nearly 2.4 million member-owners a broad range of products, services and guidance from financial representatives nationwide. For more than a century it has helped members make wise money choices that reflect their values while providing them opportunities to demonstrate their generosity where they live, work and worship. For more information, visit Thrivent. com/why. You can also find us on Face-book and Twitter. Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, Wis. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit Neither Thrivent Financial for Lutherans nor its respective financial representatives and employees provide legal or tax advice. For complete details, consult with your tax advisor or attorney. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Swedish proverb Family Owned and Operated for 56 Years WE HAVE GIFTS IN EVERYONE’S PRICE RANGE! • Free Layaway • Free Gift Wrap • Custom Work Available 321 E. Walworth Ave. Delavan, WI 262-728-2011 Better Service When You Shop Locally, Because We’re Your Neighbor! 4 $ WATCH BATTERY with this coupon. Only at Utiger Jewelry until 12/31/14 also at The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 — 7 Local business offers more than 44 years of unique belt buckle designs Bergamot Brass Works is a family owned company that has been a part of the Walworth County industrial community for decades. Company founder Daniel Baughman (pronounced Bockman) has been in the belt buckle business since 1969. Over the past 45 years, he has played a crucial role in the design and sculpting of many of the buckles and still heads the company as Chief Executive Officer. He started the company in Lake Geneva, then moved to Darien in 1974, and finally to their current location, which utilizes 60,000 square feet in Delavan’s historic Borg building. The name Bergamot (pronounced Berga-mott), comes from a cold-pressed essential oil produced by cells inside the rind of a bergamot orange fruit. It is a common ingredient in perfumes and other products, such as Earl Grey Tea. Many local residents aren’t aware of this internationally acclaimed, and award winning corporation, or the fact that they are considered to be the premier manufacturer of high relief decorative metal castings in the world. Another little known fact is that over the years the company has provided more than $100 million in wages to a skilled, dedicated, and deserving workforce. The Fine Art Foundry designs and manufactures more than 1,200 new custom designs each year, and produces as many as 5,000 metal castings a day. One of the primary divisions of the company produces highly detailed belt buckles. Since 1970, Bergamot has made Some of the custom-designed buckles Bergamot has made for companies throughout the years. (Photo furnished) more than 20,000 different belt buckle designs in styles ranging from Art Nouveau to Victorian, Western to Celtic. Many motifs feature detailed artwork portraying hunting, fishing, music, or mythology. Many buckles include special features, such as enameling, hand painting, and inset Austrian Crystals, featuring outstanding quality. If anyone doubts that Bergamot’s designs are unique, in the true sense of the word, all they have to do is look at the Teeth Buckle, which was first produced and copyrighted in 1974. Few people know that this buckle was actually produced directly from the upper teeth mold of Daniel Baughman the owner and founder of Bergamot Brass Works. The creative team laughed about it at first, but the design was surprisingly quite successful, especially among dentists. The belt buckle that was actualy cast from a mold of Bergamot owner Daniel Baughmanʼs upper teeth. (Furnished) Want to wish someone a happy birthday, anniversary, or other occasion? A private-party ad this size is just $15, including color artwork or photo. Call 245-1877 to place your ad and pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. THANKSGIVING WORSHIP November 25 at 7:00 p.m. We gather to ask for God’s blessing, to bring God our praise and gratitude for all God has given us. In 1976, Baughman was in the San Francisco International Airport terminal when he looked down and saw his teeth on a belt worn by a gentleman. He looked at the man and said “Oh you’re wearing my teeth!” The man laughed in disbelief replying sarcastically “Sure”. Daniel then showed the man his real teeth with a smile and convinced him that the buckle was in fact a replica of his upper teeth. They both laughed. Later, back at the buckle factory, Baughman told of the encounter, and said he never imagined he would run into someone actually wearing his teeth. Over the past two decades most of the company’s domestic competitors have moved production to foreign countries. Bergamot however, remains steadfast. All of the company’s castings have been produced, and continue to be produced with pride right here in southeastern Wisconsin, and the company is proud to say its products are “Made in the USA. A number of the early belt buckle designs are highly valued and coveted by collectors, and sell for many times their original price. Now for the first time, Bergamot is offering their belt buckles directly to the public at their new online factory-direct retail outlet, Archival and new designs are being added each week, along with officially licensed music accessories for more than 120 outstanding recording artists, including bands such as Florida Georgia Line and Nirvana. A tape measure pulls out of this fishʼs mouth so that the angler can ascertain the length of his catch, whether he tells the truth about it in the future or not. This is just one of hundreds of unique Bergamot belt buckles that have been designed and made since the company started in Lake Geneva 40 years ago. (Photo furnished) WALWORTH STATE BANK Serving Walworth County Since 1903 Stop by one of our locations to see why we were voted Best Bank in Walworth County 3 years in a row! WALWORTH • 262-275-6154 DELAVAN • 262-728-4203 Kenosha Street & Hwy. 67 South Shore Drive & Hwy. 50 ELKHORN • 262-743-2223 WILLIAMS BAY • 262-245-9915 190 E. Geneva Street 121 N. Walworth Avenue www.walwor t hbank .com The Village SUPPER CLUB BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY NOW! UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST-WILLIAMS BAY and WILLIAMS BAY LUTHERAN CHURCH at The United Church of Christ • 46 Stam Street • Williams Bay REV. JEANETTE STRANDJORD-PREACHING • REV. JEAN WALLENFANG-LITURGIST A joint choir will offer special music for worship. After worship, we will enjoy visiting and refreshments OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH & DINNER Great Gift Idea For Christmas! GIFT CERTIFICATES SPECIAL NOW - DEC. 24 The Village For every $25.00 spent on Gift Certificates, receive a $ 5.00 gift certificate to use for your discretion SUPPER CLUB ATE GIFT CERTIFIC 1725 South Shore Drive, Delavan, WI • (262) 728-6360 Health & Fitness 8 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 Mercy Health System urologist donates time to help Hondurans By Dennis West Dr. Donald Neff is taking some time off from his urology practice at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center. Unlike those who head for the golf course, he is taking a plane to Honduras to practice more medicine. When Dr. Neff was attending the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, one of his mentors, Dr. Peter Langenstroer, a urologist who is affiliated with several hospitals in Milwaukee, asked the young resident if he would like to accompany him on his annual medical mission to rural Honduras. Having heard about these trips, Dr. Neff jumped at the chance to gain what he knew would be valuable experience. Now he is accompanying Dr. Langenstroer as one of three fullfledged, experienced doctors and another fortunate resident. The group will fly into the capital city of Tegucigalpa and then travel by van for 100 miles east of the capital to a city with a population of about 44,000 people. “It’s a lot like the Appalachian Mountains in the United States with a lot of winding roads,” says Dr. Neff. “Our hosts are a Catholic hospital that invites groups of doctors with different specialties to come and see patients over the course of the year,” he says. “Unlike our modern hospitals, they Dr. Donald Neff is a urologist practicing at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center and at Michael Berry Clinic in Janesville. (Beacon photo) have large, open rooms full of patients; a ward for men and another for women. They have three fairly modern operating rooms with donated equipment that is a generation or two behind what we have in the States.” Dr. Neff says the first day they are there they see about 100 patients in triage to determine who needs help the most. They then perform 30 to 35 surgeries in the week they are there. Many of them are men with enlarged prostates, but they treat kidney and bladder stones, as well. “The main thing we see are wonderful, very gracious people who are grateful to have us come down,” says Dr. Neff. “Many of them travel from as long as an hour away. Otherwise, they would have to go a hundred miles to the capital to get urological services.” Dr. Neff was born in Fort Atkinson. He worked as a full-time firefighter/paramedic in Janesville before he decided to go to medical school. He says he has enjoyed the 18 months he has spent at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center and Mercy Michael Berry Clinic in Janesville. His areas of special interest include stone disease, erectile dysfunction, minimally invasive surgery, da Vinci robotic surgery, reconstructive surgery and urologic trauma. “Whether it’s Wisconsin or Honduras, it’s all about helping people,” he smiles. “Every day is a wonderful experience. We offer...22 Clean, Comfortable Rooms, Great Hospitality in Beautiful Fontana, Wisconsin, close to Geneva Lake. Complimentary Coffee and Breakfast Rolls on Weekends. (262) 275-6700 • Hwy. 67, 100 Dewey Ave. • Fontana, WI ENTER TO WIN: A Year’s Supply of Bird Seed DRAWING WILL BE HELD Saturday, December 20 Pesche’s Greenhouse 262-275-5005 450 Mill Street Fontana, WI floral design & gift gallery Hwy. 50, 3 miles West of Lake Geneva 262-245-6125 also at The Beacon A family in Delavan backed winners in the Nov. 4 election. • NEW PHONE • 618-263-8308 “I view the doctor-patient relationship as a true partnership. Education and prevention are our strongest tools as we work together toward an active and healthy life. My care reflects the patient as a whole, not just simply a disease or set of symptoms.” Brandon J. Orr, MD, MS Family medicine Mercy Health System is happy to welcome Dr. Orr, who joins the family medicine staff at Mercy Delavan Medical Center. Dr. Orr’s special interests include: • Asthma • High blood pressure • Diabetes • Preventive medicine • Exercise science • Men’s health • Allergies • School and sports physicals Dr. Orr now welcomes new patients. To make an appointment, call (262) 728-4301. Mercy Delavan Medical Center 1038 E. Geneva St., Delavan, WI 53115 (Beacon photo) Q: What are temporary fillings and when do dentists use them? A: Your dentist will use a temporary filling as a stop-gap measure to save a tooth. If the removal of a cavity – decay – has exposed and compromised the nerve, or pulp, of the tooth, your dentist may choose to use a temporary filling. This is also sometimes referred to as “indirect capping.” The temporary filling contains the decay and allows a wall of tooth structure to develop between the pulp and the decay and let the pulp heal. After an appropriate time, the dentist can remove the temporary filling and take an X-ray, if needed, to see if the pulp has healed. If the pulp has healed, the dentist can clean out any remaining decay and put in a permanent filling. If the pulp damage is too severe, you may require a root canal. This is a relatively costly procedure in which an endodontist – a dentist who specializes Nov. 21, 2014 — 9 in root canals – will remove the pulp, clean out the interior of the tooth and fill it. In the most severe cases of decay and damage to the pulp, a tooth may be beyond saving. This, of course, is an eventuality that raises any number of other concerns. So the use of a temporary filling is a conservative approach to addressing the problem of a decayed tooth. The best way to avoid the need for a temporary filling is to brush and floss regularly at home and to visit your dentist at least twice a year. Tooth Chatter is presented as a public service by Dr. Paul Kreul, who has been practicing general dentistry since 1990. His office is located in the West Side Professional Building at 715 Walworth St. in Elkhorn. To make an appointment, call 723-2264. Tooth Chatter is a paid column. Thereʼs no doubt that Diesel-powered cars get better fuel mileage than those that burn gas. But when the price of Diesel fuel is $1 a gallon more than gas, how far do you have to drive to make up the difference? By the way, has President Obama gotten any credit for the drop in gas prices? He certainly got blamed when they went up. Does anyone really think the President of the United States controls fuel prices, or much of anything else? (Beacon photo) 10 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 She’s growing so fast … Take the time to talk Mother/Daughter Dinner Monday, December 8, 6 pm Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center Lower level conference room We invite moms and their 9- to 13-year-old daughters to attend this important FREE dinner event. Topics will include: • Changes to the female body and what to expect • Modern-day images of women and the pressures they cause Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center Hwys. 50 and 67, Lake Geneva Your hosts include board certified obstetrician/gynecologist, Anatasia Osipova, MD, Ese Efemini, MD, and certified nurse midwife, Jill Edwards, CNM. They will set aside time to answer your anonymous questions. Reservations are required by calling (888) 39-MERCY. also at The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 — 11 Aurora Lakeland to host 28th annual Love Lite ceremony one. Bulbs can also be purchased in honor, or memory, of men or women in military service. Proceeds will continue to help fund community outreach projects such as scholarships, wig program, educational program for area kindergartners and a hospitality cart that provides items of comfort to patients at no cost. Call 741-2924 for more information. The Aurora Lakeland Medical Center Volunteers is inviting local families to the Love Lite ceremony at 4 p.m. Thursday, December 4 in the hospital’s main lobby. Attendees will celebrate with music provided by The Four Seasons. After the lighting, refreshments will be served. A donation of $5 for each light is given in honor, or memory, of a loved Southern Lakes Sew & Vac WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF VACUUM CLEANERS • Oreck and Simplicity Cirrus Vacuums • Vacuum Bags and Cleaning Supplies • Sewing and Quilting Notions • Thread • Supplies • Cabinets and Accessories • Sales and Service on Sewing Machines • Alterations • Sewing • Friendly Service • Scissors Sharpened located in Mid-Lakes Village 5532 Hwy. 50 • Delavan, WI (262) 728-8755 F R1E E Day Rental HOST Dry Carpet Cleaning Machine 3.00 OFF 10.00 OFF $ $ ANY ALTERATION Sewing Machine or Serger Tune Up SERVICE $ 5.00 OFF of $20 or More Vacuum Tune Up Not valid with any other offer Not valid with any other offer Not valid with any other offer Join Us For A Sat., December 6 • 1:00-3:00 pm Patti Marsicano’s “FORGOTTEN DELAVAN” We also have Patti’s first book available and Lots of Delavan Merchandise An ti q u es & Co l l ecti b l es 313 E. Walworth Avenue Delavan, WI • 262-728-8670 • By Marjie Reed A five-year-old with eyes of brown Came into the kitchen one day He carried a game – Uncle Wiggly it was She knew he was going to say, “Mom, play me a game, just one little game You promised you’d do it today!” But company was coming, things had to be perfect. “Not now, scoot, get out of my way.” Marjie Reed She cooked all day and the meal was fine And the guests praised her food more and more But in the corner of the room, quiet as could be Sat Uncle Wiggly, and her boy, on the floor. When the guests had gone and he’d fallen asleep She reviewed the events of the day. To the visitors she was gracious and they had a good time But her own son she had just pushed away. BOOK SIGNING L L C The Uncle Wiggly Game She realized in retrospect, she could have made time For her son and the long-eared gent. “Oh well, I’ll forget it, it’s just one of those things.” So to bed her son and she went. SHOP Remember When For All Your Gift Giving Needs This Holiday Season! HURRY...MOVE IN SPECIAL AT SHERWOOD LODGE! NOVEMBER MOVE-IN SPECIAL Move in by November 30th and receive Not playing the game didn’t scar him for life Kids bounce back pretty well I do find. But the thing that struck me from the mother who told this Was that, at 60, it was still on her mind. I wrote this poem about 30 years ago and it is a true story admitted to me by a perfectionist grandma. I’ve tried to reread it every holiday season since. The truth of the story helped keep me grounded especially when our kids were small. Kids seem especially needy on holidays. It seemed that before Thanksgiving dinner, the moment I put the sweet potato casserole under the broiler to hopefully lightly brown the marshmallows to maybe avoid taking the usual burnt offering to the table, a child needed me. If I needed to stir the gravy to keep it from resembling a lumpy lava flow that was the exact time another kid needed my attention. Sometimes I would lose patience and order all kids O-U-T! That didn’t make anybody feel good. Finally, one year, my daughters, daughterin-law and I got the bright idea to put all the dads on kid-duty before the meal. That worked great. The dads were still popping their heads into the kitchen asking, “When are we gonna eat?” But in the kitchen, we girls had a good laugh, hearing the guys corralling all eight cousins and keeping them out of the kitchen. They played games with them, tried to keep the small ones from unsetting the table or getting into the cranberry sauce. Then we’d hear them getting all 16 hands washed and attempting to shoehorn the little ones into their highchairs. The guys were exhausted, but successful, and dinner was fun for all. When inviting folks over to our house, we all want good food and a neat, festive house; but this year do yourself a favor and erase the word “perfection” from your vocabulary. Striving for perfection is what wears us to a frazzle before our guests even walk through the door. If your house is like ours if we are hosting the holiday, we’re better off doing the heavy cleaning after the crew has set sail for their own houses. While they’re here, there will be suction toys stuck to the bathroom mirror leaving nice round marks. At some point in the day, the craft box will be in use and bits of construction paper and glitter and crayons will be here and there on the floor. I have to say that the parents make sure everything is cleaned up before they all go home. How nice is that?! Now that our kids are older, I find it’s still futile to worry about perfection, so I don’t. Before they all arrive, my husband and I sweep the kitchen, do a once-over on the bathrooms, run the vacuum and whisk a dust cloth over the table tops and shelves. Don’t tell her, but if my six-foottall daughter-in-law is coming, I try to remember to dust one shelf higher than usual. Dear God, The holidays are such great times for families. Help moms and dads to keep their focus on people, not perfection, when they are entertaining this year. That way it is fun for them and for all who come to celebrate with them. Help us as Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner to do what we need to do to prepare, and to keep our promises to “play later” if need be. Help us to realize that, as a game, Perfection is fun, but as a way of life, perfection can be needlessly exhausting. Amen Marjie Reed lives in Harvard, Ill., with her husband, Bob. They have been married nearly 45 years and have three children and eight grandchildren. Contact Marjie at [email protected]. 500 OFF $ Your 2nd and 3rd Month’s Rent SEE FOR YOURSELF ALL SHERWOOD HAS TO OFFER! Call Deb Huebscher Today to Arrange a Personal Tour 262.245.7320 116 Cherry Street • Williams Bay, WI 53191 FINE MEXICAN FOOD Mexican Beers • Margaritas Check Out Our Menu At: Open at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday-Sunday 212 S. Seventh Street Delavan 262-728-6443 also at 12 — The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 Mercy Health Donʼt underestimate the time your children spend using electronic devices in school According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), 83 percent of children between the ages of 10 and 17 estimate that they use an electronic device for three or more hours each day. However, the AOA’s Ninth Annual American Eye-Q® survey revealed that only 40 percent of parents believe their children use an electronic device for that amount of time. Members of the Wisconsin Optometric Association (WOA) are concerned that this significant disparity may indicate an oversight of warning signs and symptoms associated with vision problems due to technology. Children often report experiencing burning, itchy, or tired eyes after using electronic devices for long periods of time. These are all symptoms of digital eye strain, a temporary vision condition caused by prolonged use of technology. Additional symptoms of eye strain may include headaches, fatigue, loss of focus, blurred vision, double vision, or head and neck pain. While confined to home use of digital devices during the summer months, being back in the classroom significantly increases children’s total use. “When parents consider their kids’ mobile consumption habits, it’s understandable to overlook how much time their children spend on devices in the classroom because they’re not present,” explains Dr Rockwell. “Each year when school starts, we see an increase in kids complaining of symptoms synonymous with eye strain. Essentially, their time on digital devices often doubles as they return to school, leading to strain on the eyes.” When it comes to protecting vision and eye health from digital eye strain, taking frequent visual breaks is important. Nearly one-third of children go a full hour while using technology before they take a visual break. Children should make sure they practice the 20-20-20 rule: when using technology or doing near work, take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and view something 20 feet away. Additionally, children who do not normally require the use of eyeglasses may benefit from glasses prescribed specifically for intermediate distance in computer use, and children who already wear glasses may find their current prescription does not provide optimal viewing of a computer screen. Your eye doctor can provide recommendations for each individual child. The WOA suggests the following guidelines to help prevent or reduce problems in children associated with digital eye strain: Check the height and position of the digital device. Computer screens should be 4-5 inches below eye level and 20-28 inches away from the eyes. Digital devices should be held a safe distance away from eyes, slightly below eye level. Check for glare on the screen. Windows or other light sources should not be directly visible when sitting in front of a computer monitor. If this happens, turn the desk or computer to prevent glare on the screen. Reduce the amount of lighting in the room to match that of the computer screen. Adjust font size. Increase the text size on device screen to make it easier on the eyes when reading. Keep blinking. Blinking keeps the front surface of the eye moist when using devices, preventing dry eye. WOA recommends every child have an eye exam by a licensed eye doctor soon after 6 months of age and before age 3. “Parents should know that school vision screenings miss too many children who should be referred to an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam,” advises Dr. Rockwell. “Eye exams performed by an eye doctor are the only way to diagnose visual diseases and disorders in children. Undiagnosed vision problems can impair learning while causing vision loss and other issues that can significantly impact a child’s quality of life.” For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rockwell, please call Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center at (262) 245-0535. Mercy HealthLine is a paid column. For information on this or dozens of health-related questions, visit the Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center at the intersection of Highways 50 and 67, call (262) 2450535 or visit us at 3rd Annual Good Earth Award to WILD ONES & MARIETTE NOWAK SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 Noon to 2:00 p.m. • Farm Brunch • Holiday Dessert Silent Auction • Natural Farm Gifts DONATION: $18.00 Cash or check only Big Foot High School senior Jacob Fort was one of approximately 80 students, teachers, former teachers and parents who donated blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Nov. 7 This is the fifth time Fort has donated. He said the reason he donates is that his dad had heart surgery and received blood donations. He says he believes in helping others. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Dan Misner tells the Veterans Day audience at Big Foot High School about his service in the Air Force. He was one of several veterans who talked about their military experience. Student Council Treasurer Aleathia Zalud (left) was in charge of the microphone used by speakers. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Christmas Savings 30% OFF SELECTED ITEMS STOREWIDE • Free Gift Wrapping • Santa will be at Bradley’s on Saturday, November 29, December 13 & 20 Open 7 Days A Week Mon.-Sat. 10-5; Sun. 12-3 222 E. Walworth Ave., 262-728-3405 • UCC Sunday School Live Nativity 1:00 p.m., December 20 Bradley’s SINCE 1852 Benefit for Good Earth Church of the Divine W2493 County ES, East Troy, WI • 262-684-5193 Drop off Toys For Tots Through December 16 also at The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 — 13 Health Through Chiropractic Evan Bonley, dressed as Captain America; and his dad, Ben, who dressed as Iron Man, engage in some super-hero coloring at the Fall Family Fun Night for junior kindergarten and kindergarten students and parents in the Walworth Grade School multipurpose room on Thursday, October 30. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Want to wish someone a happy anniversary, birthday, or other occasion? A private-party ad this size is just $15, including color artwork or photo. Call 245-1877 to place your ad and pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. By Dr. Bernice Elliott There is no such thing as an ordinary backache. Where you hurt and how you hurt are important clues to the cause of pain. When you feel an ache on one side of the lower back, near the hip, it’s usually an indication of a sacroiliac problem. The sacroiliac is made up of the lower Dr. Bernice Elliott torso, hips and pelfis, attached so that they move as one unit. In the upper back, each side can move independently. Try it; you can lift one shoulder at a time or both together. It’s not difficult. The hips, though, won’t move as freely. You can’t hurt yourself by just moving the wrong way, turning in your seat or lifting something awkwardly. Your chiropractor can help. Expert examination seeks to pinpoint the exact source of the pain. It may be inadequate flexibility or a joint out of position due to injury or strain. Hands-on chiropractic therapy can restore proper positioning of the vertebrae and joints, easing discomfort and freeing the body to heal itself. Community Chiropractic Center is located at 541 Kenosha St. (across from Walworth State Bank) in Walworth. We accept most insurance. New patients are always welcome and can usually be seen the same day. Call today, or stop by to see how chiropractic care can benefit you. More and more young people who put large “plugs” in their earlobes to stretch their skin are now undergoing reconstructive surgery to close the holes. Doctors say once you have stretched your ears with the “tribal” ear piercings, they won’t shrink back. Liam Palmer’s ears are stretched past half-an-inch in diameter. The 21-year-old says he wants to join the British Army, but the military won’t accept stretched earlobes. Therefore, he is going under the knife to have them fixed. The procedure ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 in the U.S. and perhaps more in the U.K. Sponsored by Community Chiropractic Center. Surgeons fixing stretched earlobes A THING IS RIGHT WHEN IT TENDS TO PRESERVE THE INTREGITY, STABILITY AND BEAUTY OF THE BIOTIC COMMUNITY. IT IS WRONG WHEN IT TENDS OTHERWISE. Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) GOOD EARTH CHURCH OF THE DIVINE (INTERFAITH) Services at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Sundays at 10:00 a.m., W2493 Cty. Road ES, East Troy WI Are you alive at the crossroads of words about God and works for the Earth? CALL (262) 684-5193 • “I want my patients to feel comfortable, so I create a calm and inviting environment for them. I’m here to listen to them and address their every issue to the best of my ability.” Ese Efemini, MD Board certified obstetrics and gynecology Mercy is pleased to welcome Dr. Efemini to the physician staff at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, Lake Geneva. He earned his medical degree at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and served his residency at Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee. He is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. His special interests include: • Minimally invasive surgery, including da Vinci robotic surgery • Contraceptive management • Infertility • Menstruation concerns • Uterine prolapse • Incontinence concerns • Breast health Dr. Efemini now welcomes new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call the Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center at (262) 245-0535 or toll-free at (877) 893-5503. Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center l Hwys. 50 and 67 l Lake Geneva, WI 14 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 Home and Family Woman’s Club to host ‘Homes for the Holidays’ The Elkhorn Area Women’s Club will host their annual “Homes for the Holidays” housewalk on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. The funds raised from this year’s event will be donated to The Tree House Child and Family Center, which is supported by the Walworth County Alliance for Children. Nearly 4,900 abused children have been served since 2009 when Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Walworth County Child Advocacy Center began serving local families. Since 20133 when The Tree House opened, it has received more than 1,000 referrals alleging abuse and neglect of children, with more than 300 children having forensic interviews. The Walworth County Alliance for Children is dedicated to the belief that all children are entitled to a life free of violence, abuse and neglect. The Elkhorn Area Women’s Club is happy to be able to help this worthwhile organization. Tickets are available at Pharmacy Station, Friends of the Square, Peoples Bank or from any Women’s Club member. They are $10 in advance or $12 at Peg and Neil Watsonʼs house at W5998 Hazel Ridge Rd., will be one of five on the Homes for the Holidays housewalk to be hosted by the Elkhorn Area Womenʼs Club on Saturday, Nov. 22. (Photo furnished) the door. The first “house” on the tour will be The Tree House, W4063 Highway NN on the east side of Elkhorn. The second will be Heritage Hall, which was a funeral home before it was taken over by the Walworth County Historical Society. Peg and Neil Watson’s house is a two-story white clapboard located at W5598 Hazel Ridge Rd. west of Elkhorn. Vicki and Mike Stern’s house is located at 212 N. Lincoln St. in Elkhorn. The owners enjoy decorating for Christmas as well as other times of the year. Kathy and Mark Follett’s red brick home is located at W4638 Pine Creek Rd., northeast of the city. The last stop on the tour is Peoples Bank, 837 N. Wisconsin St. (Highway 67), where members of the Women’s Club will welcome participants with coffee punch and cookies at any time during the housewalk hours. The Elkhorn Area Women’s Club meets the second Tuesday of the month for dinner and a program. Anyone who is interested in the philanthropic group may call Kathy Bucher at 723-6941 for more information. Anyone with questions about the housewalk is welcome to call Phyllis Olson at 723-3368. 10 OFF any purchase of $ DO YOU WISH TO PROTECT YOUR LAND FOREVER AND LEAVE A LEGACY FOR YOUR CHILDREN? Open 7 Days A Week-Locally Owned and Operated R/C CARS • PLANES • BOATS • TRAINS MODELS • PAINTS • TOOLS • ROCKETS SCIENCE KITS • EDUCATIONAL TOYS GAMES • PUZZLES AND MUCH MORE! DECEMBER DAILY DEALS! Save All Month Long with Different Deals EVERYDAY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH! INTRODUCING... CONTACT THE CONSERVANCY TODAY P.O. Box 588 • 398 Mill Street • Fontana, WI 53125 262-275-5700 • 50 or more $ 168 E. Geneva Square, Lake Geneva Limit one coupon per customer. One time use only. Not valid with any other offer or on sale items. Valid with this coupon only. Expires 2/28/15 The Conservancy is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization supported by contributions and community volunteers A special thanks to the community for supporting our One Year Anniversary! New For The Holidays! Located in the Geneva Square Mall near Aurora & Cost Cutters We Will Clean Your Home For The Holidays • COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL • FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES • REASONABLE PRICES • WILL CUSTOMIZE 168 E. Geneva Square, Lake Geneva SIGN UP TODAY FOR OUR HOBBYCARD FREE REWARDS PROGRAM 262-729-4053 Designed for 12th Scale & Smaller LOCATED A FEW DOORS DOWN FROM HOBBYTOWN Holiday Special 20+ Years of Experience (262) 203-2535 Bring in your bikes for a seasonal overhaul For $ 00 Only 55 WITH THIS COUPON. FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS Buy A Home In Our Cottage Series... and we do it all for you, forever! Maintenance free living in Williams Bay from the upper $200s. Located on Theater Road, north of Geneva Street and south of Bailey Road. CALL ME - JOSEPH E. BIDWILL TODAY AT 262-745-7928 • CABLE • HOUSING • TUNE • BEARING REPACKS and • FREE TUBES! Additional components not included. Good only at Avant Bicycle Supply with this coupon through 12/2414 127 PARK PLACE DELAVAN, WI BICYCLE • Repair • Accessories • Sales • Rentals • Restoration [email protected] • REAL ESTATE SALES • DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS • CUSTOM HOMES [email protected] • [email protected] 55.00 BIKE OVERHAUL ON (262) 725-7210 Fairwyn Ltd. 875 Townline Road, St. 103, Lake Geneva, WI Cell: 262-745-7928 • Office: 262-248-5010 Fax: 262-248-8082 $ COUPON Member Wisconsin Realtors Assoc., Lakes Area Realtor Assoc. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Wed. 10 am-8 pm Closed Thurs. & Sun. also at The Beacon Lake Geneva House Walk Dec. 6 Celebrate the history and architecture of the Lake Geneva area with a holiday house walk on Saturday, December 6 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Lake Geneva House Walk will offer a rare opportunity to walk through five distinctive homes decked with holiday cheer. The self-guided tour will begin at The Baker House, where attendees will begin the day with a tour of the main level. A beautifully preserved Queen Ann Mansion built in 1885, the Baker House is located at 327 Wrigley Dr. in downtown Lake Geneva, and designated a Nationally Registered Historic Property. Tickets not only include access to five homes in the Lake Geneva area, but also to Holiday Home Camp’s Holiday Lounge. Attendees will be able to relax by the fireplace and enjoy seasonal Nov. 21, 2014 — 15 refreshments in the historic 126-year-old Founders Hall building, which will be brilliantly decorated for the occasion. A raffle will be available for a chance to win a variety of extraordinary prizes, including an autographed copy of “The Things That Matter,” by Nate Berkus. The public is invited to attend this event. At registration, attendees will receive the Lake Geneva House Walk program booklet which will include descriptions and locations of each home. The booklet is required for entry to each home. Tickets are $65 per person and limited in quantity. Group discounts are available for parties of eight or more. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Holiday Home Camp. For a sneak peak of the homes and to purchase tickets visit MOHAWK CARPET THANKSGIVING SAVINGS Burrough’s FLOOR COVERING 240 Elkhorn Road, Williams Bay, WI • 262-245-6909 75 ACRES OF TREES! Wreaths • Garland • Boughs W7015 NORTH WALWORTH ROAD WALWORTH, WISCONSIN 262-275-5105 CUT YOUR OWN FRESH CUT TREES SAWS PROVIDED • White Pine • Colorado Spruce • Fraser Fir • Norway Spruce • White Pine • Colorado Spruce • Fraser Fir • Scotch Pine UPPER MIDWEST NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB & JANESVILLE/BELOIT KENNEL CLUB WILL AGAIN BE HELPING OUT THIS YEAR Check website for dates and times Open November 22 Through December 24 Closed Thanksgiving Day Weekdays 10:00 am - Dark; Weekends 9:00 am - Dark Dress appropriately! No warming shelter. Dining room, probably at D. Sullivanʼs lumber camp in Antigo (Photo courtesy of Wisconsin Historical Society) ʻOld Mary Ann,ʼ the logging camp boss Women were always a rare sight in logging camps, and women bosses were almost unheard of. “Old Mary Ann,” long remembered in northeastern Wisconsin, was an exception to this rule. Mary Ann McVane came to Peshtigo from Maine sometime before 1870 and, after operating a boarding house in town, joined her husband in the woods. She was remembered for acts of compassion like traveling through the wilderness to tend sick loggers and caring for entire families after the catastrophic Peshtigo Fire of 1871. She was famous not only for her tenderness, but for her toughness, too. Mary Ann had a nasty temper and a strong back, and was willing to use both when the occasion demanded. “Six feet in stature and weighing two hundred pounds,” recalled Green Bay reporter B.A. Claflin, “she was a fair match for the toughest lumberjack. If it became necessary to knock a man cold to carry her point, she did just that.” She kept a flock of hens around camp, and a particularly tough bully once decided to cast one of them in and out of the river on a fishing line, just for fun, until the bird died. Mary Ann saw this and, “enraged beyond control, she seized the offender, lifted him bodily from the ground, and walked with him into the river up to her armpits. Here she shoved the squirming lumberjack under the surface a dozen or more times until, gasping for breath and half drowned, he begged for mercy.” This and many other fascinating stories about history in Wisconsin are available on the website of the Wisconsin Historical Society, www.wwisconsinhis A logging crew poses inside their bunk house c. 1900. In the upper left corner, one of the loggers holds a cat. (Photo courtesy of Wisconsin Historical Society) “I don’t actually like money, but it quiets my nerves.” Joe Louis also at 16 — The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 Time to donate to Toys for Tots Volunteer Connection and their Volunteer Elves are helping the Marine Corps Reserve to collect toys for the Toys for Tots program. Toys are needed to provide a brighter Christmas for less fortunate children throughout Walworth County. “Share a bit of your good fortune this holiday season,” said Patti O’Brien. “Just leave a new, unwrapped toy at one of the 38 drop off locations in Walworth County. You’ll recognize our boxes because they have the Marine Corp logo and Toys for Tots information on them.” A toy may seem unimportant to some people, but to a child at Christmas, it sends a message that someone cares and that they haven’t been forgotten; proof that the magic of Christmas hasn’t passed them by. The final toy pickup date is December 11, as Volunteer Elves will be handing toys out to families in need on Saturday, December 13. Anyone who would like to make a monetary donation instead should make the check out to Toys for Tots and mail it to Volunteer Connections, P.O. Box 1001, Room 104, Elkhorn, WI 53121. Box locations are listed on the Volunteer Connection’s web page w w w. v o l u n t e e r w a l w o r t h . o r g . (sic). Anyone who has questions, or knows of a family in need that is not receiving any assistance in Walworth County, may contact Patti O’Brien at 723-5383. Wendy Hall of Genoa City creates a centerpiece to take home and enjoy. (Photo furnished) UW-Extension to host fresh holiday centerpiece workshop Take some time out of the busy holiday schedule to participate in the Holiday Horticulture Workshop. The workshop will guide participants through making their own fresh holiday centerpiece to enjoy in the home or to give as a gift. UW-Extension staff has partnered with Renee Cerny from Frontier Flowers of Sharon and Fontana to present this fresh holiday décor workshop to the community. Materials provided include local fresh greenery, fresh flowers, ribbon, oasis cubes, etc. Containers will be provided, but participants may choose to bring their own shallow (less than 5 inches in height) containers if they wish. Please no vases. The workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. December 18 at the Walworth County Government Center, 100 W. Walworth St., on the square, in Elkhorn. The cost for the workshop is $25 per person and the class fills quickly, Small groups are welcome and will be seated together upon request. For more information or to request a registration form, contact the UW-Extension office at 7414951 or visit cty/walworth/hort/index.html. Travis Berryman serves some early diners at the Fundraising Turkey Dinner at Walworth Immanuel United Church of Christ, including: Mary Gorr, from Lake Geneva; James and Joyce Kennedy, from Elkhorn; and Henry Gorr, from Lake Geneva. The Gorrs come to this event every year and they were first to be seated. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) AM I CRAZY? I’m Offering My 189 FURNACE-SUPER-TUNE-UP $ for ONLY 99 $ ...AND I Guarantee Your System Won’t Break Down This Winter OR MY SERVICE IS FREE! Walworth Grade School Pre-Kindergaren student Izzy Burrus dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz at the Halloween Fun Night. Instead of a dog, this Dorothy had a cat named Toto. Burrus had just finished decorating a Halloween cookie with frosting and sprinkles. Her mom, Alison Palmer, joined in the fun. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) PATTI MARSICANO’S “FORGOTTEN DELAVAN” Book Signing Sunday, November 23 • 11 am-2 pm Jan’s Hallmark 107 S. 3rd Street, Delavan, WI 262-728-6528 I must be crazy! When the temperature drops, I can get pretty busy. So, why am I offering such a drastic discount on my Super-Tune-Ups? It’s very simple. I want you as a client for life! So, I call this my INVESTMENT IN YOU! I know that I run the tightest service company in the business. I belong to a National Organization of highly motivated and technically competent heating and air conditioning contractors. We are professionally and continually trained in the skills of service, repair, system replacement and All-Star Team Building business management and marketing systems. I am serious about my profession; proud of my entire staff; and completely dedicated to each and every one of my clients… new and old. Now, how am I going to prove all this to you if I can’t get your attention? KEITH NISSEN King of Comfort Right! I make you a spectacular offer you can’t refuse and win you as a new client for life. Back to my offer. My Super-Tune-Up includes a painstaking and thorough examination of more than 44 potential problem areas in your furnace. I will inspect, adjust, *clean and with your permission clear and repair anything I find wrong. When I have finished and if anything was repaired, I will present you with a written guarantee that your system is FIXED RIGHT OR IT’S FREE™! And if I have to come back during this season because your system is not working, my service is FREE! This is a $189 value for only $99 and it’s limited to first-come, first-served callers. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the Best In The Business! * Coil cleaning is an additional charge. 262-248-2103 “We’re The Good Guys Your Friends Told You About”™ ©2000 AirTime 500 All Rights Reserved also at The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 —17 Fontana Library to host Black Point Book Club A crew from Gage Marine removes piers for the winter at Geneva Inn. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Darien Library collecting knitwear Darien Public Library is collecting winter hats, scarves, gloves and mittens on their Mitten Tree for distribution to local school children, many of whom don’t have enough warm clothing this winter. Some patrons donate hand-knitted items, and others pick up something when they go shopping; all are greatly appreciated. The knitted items will be taken off the Mitten Tree on Wednesday, December 17, and taken to local schools and the food pantry. Items in all sizes and colors are needed. Glorious music will fill the air on Saturday, December 6, at 7:30 p.m. as the UW-Whitewater Music Department presents their annual Gala Holiday Concert in Young Auditorium. This holiday tradition is filled with joyous sounds from nearly every ensemble and takes place throughout the facility in the lobby, terrace, and stage. Small ensembles play prior to the performance, during intermission and post concert. The event includes a dinner in the Kachel Center at 6 p.m. and a silent auction will be held in the Fern Young Terrace starting at 7 through the end of intermission. All proceeds will benefit the Music Department scholarship fund. Call 272-2222 for concert and dinner tickets or order online at http://tick Holiday Concert at UW-Whitewater The Fontana Public Library will host Black Point Estate’s winter book club. The book club will meet at the library the first Monday of each month from December through April. “We are thrilled to be working with the library on this program,” said Black Point Site Director, Dave Desimone. “The Estate is closed during the winter so programs like the book club allows us to connect with the community during our off season.” Books have been selected to help the reader better understand Victorian life, historic preservation, the 1893 Columbian Exhibition and Chicago’s role in development of the United States. The books will include: “Victorian America: Transformations in Everyday Life” by Thomas J. Schlereth; “The Devil and the White City” by Erik Larson; “The City of the Century: The Epic of Chicago and the Making of America,” By Donald J. Miller; “Keeping Time: The History and Theory of Preservation in America,” by William J. Murtagh; “American Home Life, 1880-1930: A Social History of Spaces and Services,” by Jessica H. Foy and Thomas J. Schlereth Meetings will take place at 2 p.m. on the first Monday of every month. The first meeting will take place on Monday, December 1 from 2-4 p.m. “Victorian America: Transformations in Everyday Life” is a detailed, lively survey of the commonplace objects, events, experiences, products, and tastes that comprised America’s Victorian culture, expressed its values, and shaped modern life. Between the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 and the San Francisco one in 1915, the US population doubled, redistributed itself, and developed the character and lifestyle identified with the middle classes in the 20th century The meeting on Monday, January 5 will discuss “The Devil and the White City” by Erik Larson. which intertwines the true tale of the 1893 World’s Fair and the cunning serial killer who used it to lure his victims to their death. Combining meticulous research with nail-biting storytelling, Larson has crafted a narrative with all the wonder of newly discovered history and the thrills of the best fiction. For additional information contact Black Point Estate Site Manager David Desimone at david.desimone@wiscon KOHLER OVERHEAD DOORS FRE E F R ETES ESTIMA I N C O R P O R A T E D E Sales & Service of Garage Doors & Openers ESTIMATES For Service Call: (262) 903-0374 319 Creekside Drive, Delavan, Wisconsin Mark Kohler • [email protected] BUY ONE PIZZA • NEXT ONE ONLY $7.00 Excludes Hurricane/24” pizza SIZES INCLUDE 10” - 12” - 14” - 16” • ANY PIZZA, ANY TOPPINGS Monday through Wednesday Only HURRICANE 2 TOPPING & 2 LITER $ y l on 26.95 MAMA CIMINO’S PIZZA DINE-IN • C A R RY O U T • D E L I V E RY 131 Wells Street • Lake Geneva • 262-348-9077 Hours: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.; Friday & Saturday 4:00 p.m.-3:00 a.m. also at 18 — The Beacon Shorewest REALTORS® Nov. 21, 2014 Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest REALTORS® Jane Dulisse Brian Hausmann Dorothy Higgins Gerber OFFICE: (262) 248-1020 DIRECT: (262) 248-5564 ext. 204 CELL: (262) 206-5532 Realtor Realtor OFFICE: (262) 728-3418 DIRECT: (262) 740-7300 ext. 1218 OFFICE: (262) 248-1020 DIRECT: (262) 248-5564 ext. 199 [email protected] CELL: (262) 441-1811 EMAIL: [email protected] AGENT MOBILE: (262) 949-7707 [email protected] Jane Dulisse Brian Hausmann Dorothy Higgins Gerber Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Lake Geneva 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Shorewest REALTORS Shorewest-Lake Geneva 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 ® Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest - Delavan 830 E. Geneva Street Delavan, WI 53115 Shorewest Realtors® Rauland Agency Jim Stirmel Ken Lapinski OFFICE: (262) 740-7300 ext. 1058 OFFICE: (262) 248-1020 DIRECT: (262) 248-5564 ext. 184 CELL: 262-949-3668 EMAIL: [email protected] CELL: 815-735-1369 [email protected] FAX: 262-728-3999 Ken Lapinski Jim Stirmel Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Delavan 830 E. Geneva Street Delavan, WI 53115 Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Lake Geneva 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Shorewest REALTORS® Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Betsy Angulo Shorewest REALTORS® Kathy Baumbach SENIOR LOAN OFFICER CELL: (262) 903-9233 FAX: (877) 250-1793 EMAIL: [email protected] Assistant Sales Director Barb Becker OFFICE: (262) 248-1020 DIRECT: (262) 248-5564 ext. 127 DIRECT: (262) 728-3418 ext. 1021 Sales Associate CELL: (262) 215-6597 E-MAIL: [email protected] [email protected] NMLS #746105 Kathy Baumbach Betsy Angulo Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation 836 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Barb Becker Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest-Lake Geneva 623 Main Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147 NEW PRICE BURLINGTON PIN #32115 - Great investment opportunity. Fully rented duplex has 3 bdrm., 1 bath unit on main level and 1 bdrm., 1 bath upper unit has recently been remodeled. Exterior has new roof, windows, doors, siding, fascia, soffits and gutters. Located in the downtown area. Tenants would like to continue renting. $162,900 LINN PIN #12445 - 2 blocks from the lake, 4-5 bdrm. primary or secondary home has new roof, carpet, flooring, paint, furnace, water heater and more. Enclosed porch/sunroom and lrg. mostly fenced yard. $158,900 NEW LISTING 245-1877 BURLINGTON Shorewest REALTORS® Shorewest - Delavan 830 E. Geneva Street Delavan, WI 53115 GENOA CITY MLS 1268719 - Almost one acre of level land ready for your new home plans. Excellent location, Genoa City, close to Hwy. 12 for easy commute. Downtown is just steps away. Property located on Petticoat Dr. behind Pancho’s Restaurant. Bring your floor plan and builder. $44,900 DELAVAN MLS 1359452 - High visibility restaurant and banquet/reception facility has been updated and remodeled with a lodge-style décor. Room for up to 300 diners in dining room and 400 banquet/reception attendees. Finish the commercial kitchen to your liking. Stage, zoned sound system, dance floor, 2 full service bars and dining room. Over 2 acres of land for cars or buses. $899,900 NEW LISTING MLS 1385527 - Private setting on almost 1 acre, on a hill, surrounded by trees. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, huge living room. Many new improvements including windows, siding, roof, flooring, deck and new family room addition. Lower level walkout is was a garage is now a workshop. 1/2 acre lot next door. $179,900 LYONS MLS 1391635 - Knob Hill subdivision, this home sits on over 1 acre in the Lyon’s countryside. Home is all electric and has 3 bdrms., 1.5 baths. A wood burning stove is great for those cold winter nights and a sunroom with hot tub is perfect for any time of year. All appliances are included. Just minutes from Lake Geneva and major highways for easy commute. $239,900 TWIN LAKES MLS 1375865 - 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Updated interior includes: approx. 800 sq. ft. of finished LL w/lrg. media/family room, den/office, full bath and storage room. Main level has hardwood floors, updated bath and new windows. Super-sized fenced yard w/above ground pool, patio area and gardening spot. Short walk to the lake and very close to IL and Hwy. 12. $164,900 NEW PRICE VACANT LAND WILLIAMS BAY MLS 1359472 - 3 bdrm. ranch home with large living room, frplc., eat in kitchen, updated bath and a side deck overlooking a private wooded yard with a running, natural trickling stream. Property has 1/2+ acres and is 2 blocks away from Williams Bay beach, park and launch area. RM-1 zoning would allow for a multi-family to be built in place of existing home. $149,900 NEW PRICE BURLINGTON MLS 1391639 - 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with Cedar Point Park Brown’s Lake access rights. This diamond may need a little polishing, but will be well worth it. Over 1,750 sq. ft. of living area and a 1/3 acre yard, Very short walk to the park and lake, close to major roads for easy commute. All appliances included along with outdoor hot tub and garden shed. $139,900 CALL Real Estate Advertising in The Beacon is effective because it doesnʼt get lost in the clutter of hundreds of other ads. Call 245-1877 today for rates. GENOA CITY MLS 1358177 - The Hideaway, a full service bar/tavern on the WI/IL border. Full operation business is turnkey. Appliances, equipment, furniture and inventory included in purchase. CD jukebox, games and pool table are contracted through amusement co. Municipal water and sewer, almost 1000 sq. ft. of living. Parking for 30+. $359,900 Hotline: 262-814-1400 + 5 digit PIN JANE DULISSE 262-206-5532 also at The Beacon Darien Continued from page 1 USDA Rural Development’s funding continues to have a dramatic impact on rural communities across Wisconsin. Since 2009, USDA Rural Development has invested nearly $4.5 billion on essential public facilities, small and emerging businesses, water and sewer systems, and housing opportunities for Wisconsin families. Each year more than 100 rural communities in Wisconsin receive assistance from USDA Rural Development for community-improvement and public-safety projects. According to a press release from the state, USDA Rural Development’s mission is to deliver programs in a way that will support increasing economic opportunity and improve the quality of life of rural residents. As the lead federal Darienʼs new 4,000-square-foot Municipal Building houses the village hall, administrative offices and police department. Half of the building was remodeled and the other half added by new construction. (Beacon photo) agency for rural development needs, USDA Rural Development returned over $832 million dollars this past year to rural Wisconsin communities. Funds are used to finance and foster growth in homeownership, business development, Getting ready for annual cookie walk at the First Congregational United Church of Christ Cookie Walk on Saturday, Dec. 6 are committee members Linda Priebe, Ellie Buckingham, Mary Atwell, Pat Jenner, Cheryl Armstrong, and Karen Martinson. Homemade cookies and candy will be on sale on the upper level of the church at 715 Wisconsin St. in Lake Genevafrom 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or until everything is sold. Jerry Rosenberg will entertain shoppers throughout the morning with holiday music on the 117-year-old pipe organ. Available will be a variety of Swedish, German, and other old family recipes. The cost of the cookies will be $8 per pound. There will also be packaged nuts for holiday giving. (Photo furnished) and critical community and technological infrastructures. By consolidating the village hall and police department into one expanded facility, the village hopes to attain cost and efficiency savings. The building Nov. 21, 2014 —19 also houses a larger boardroom and offices for staff. The construction project, which had been subject to stops and starts for nearly 10 years, included a remodel of the existing, 3,900-square-foot village owned, building; demolition of several old, vacant adjacent buildings; and a new, 4,000 square foot addition. The administrative and police offices had been located in two separate buildings, both of which were more than 70 years old and in need of significant upgrades. The village, which had allocated a quarter of a million dollars for a village hall, bought the land for the expansion in 2010. Village President Kurt Zipp, who has served on the board for 16 years and has participated in many debates about what to do to provide space for village government, said the project just had to wait for the right timing to make it financially viable. Five of the 14 Christmas Presentation Baskets on display at Barrett Memorial Library in Williams Bay. Each has a Jim Shore collector Christmas ornament, plus many items to go along with themes such as baking, a gift certificate for a one-night stay at Geneva Inn and a bottle of wine, the wine tasterʼs basket has three bottles of wine and a certificate for a wine tasting for eight people at Staller Estate Winery, another basket with a Nintendo DS and many other items. The baskets will be on display and open for silent bids from Friday, Nov. 21 to Friday, Dec. 12 at noon. (Beacon photo) Walworth County Homeless Shelter receives ‘Neighbors in Need’ grant ❏ Thrivent Financial Foundation grant aids efforts to support physical, emotional and spiritual needs in community The Walworth County Emergency Homeless Shelter recently received a $5,000 “Lutheran Community Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need” grant from the Thrivent Financial Foundation. The funding was awarded based on its effectiveness in addressing physical, emo- DELAVAN PIN #01405 - This charming 3 bdrm., 2 bath Cape Cod is move-in ready and waiting for a new family to call it home. Includes a mstr. loft suite with huge walkin closet or dressing room, spacious kitchen with breakfast nook, huge garage. Corner lot with fencedin back yard. $149,900 CALL BARB BECKER 262-215-6597 tional and /or spiritual needs in the local community such as food, clothing, shelter, fellowship, and care for the sick based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 25: 35-36. The Emergency Shelter has also elected to participate in a complementary two-to-one challenge grant program sponsored by the Foundation. For every dollar raised from donors by Feb. 28, 2015, the Thrivent Financial Foundation LAKE GENEVA PIN #53025 - White River Villas at beautiful Grand Geneva Resort. This one owner unit features a gorgeous view of woods and the assoc. pool from the deck. Open concept main level includes a utility room w/washer and dryer hookups. Mstr. bdrm. loft suite w/full bath and sitting area. Great storage areas. Discount prices at all Grand Geneva restaurants, spa, skihill and more. $139,000 CALL DIANE PIERRARD 262-215-5807 will provide an additional 50 cents – up to $5,000 – in support of the organization’s ministry. “We are delighted to assist the Walworth County Emergency Homeless Shelter through this grant, said Richard Kleven, vice president of the Thrivent Financial Foundation. “We trust that this support will strengthen the shelter’s outreach to those it serves.” “We can’t thank the Thrivent Financial Foundation enough for this generous grant” said Lynn Curtis, General Manager for the Walworth County Emergency Homeless Shelter. “We rely on community donations to carry out our mission and this grant will allow us to be able to look at additional ways to help our gentlemen. We are excited to be chosen and appreciate that Taking License Shorewest REALTORS HOTLINE #800-589-7300 + 5 Digit PIN Barb Becker 262-215-6597 Diane Pierrard 262-215-5807 WWW.SHOREWEST.COM Notre Dame grads run rings around other alums. Thatʼs not what it stands, for, but itʼs classified so we canʼt tell. a Wisconsin company and its local representatives recognize the need to help others and then take action. A major goal for 2015 is to add counselling services to better help our Shelter users. With Thrivent’s help, we will be able to add these services. We are also looking forward to raising additional funds so that we may begin looking for a permanent site where we can expand the services we offer.” The Shelter is a collaborative effort between 20 church congregations in Walworth County providing assistance to homeless men from the middle of October to the end of April. The shelter was founded in 2005 and has helped an average of 14-20 men per night regain their self-respect, and obtain housing and jobs while working toward positive interactions within the community. In the 2013-14 Shelter season, 58 men were assisted for a total of 2,324 bed nights, with 630 meals being served and 8,820 volunteer hours utilized. For more information about the Shelter, e-mail shelter903warm@gmail .com, call (262) 725-2016, or check their Facebook page (search Walworth County Emergency Homeless Shelter). In Walworth County, Thrivent is represented by Jim Pfeil and Bill Duesterbeck. Their office is at 1407 Racine Street, Delavan. 740-9040. 20 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 1940s ‘home of the future’ still looks like new in Lake Geneva By Jim McClure The last thing Carl Strandlund had in mind when he designed the Lustron Home was to create a collector’s item. In fact he envisioned just the opposite; a nation dotted with 300,000 of the massproduced, easy to assemble, family homes made of metal from the roof and chimney down to the baked enamel interiors and colorful porcelain outside walls. Construction of the homes started in 1949 and although they would find their way to 30 some states including Alaska, no more than 2,500 were built by the time the Lustron Corporation went out of business in 1951. Three remain in Lake Geneva, and only one of those has retained the original colors and design that rolled out of the former World War II military aircraft plant in Columbus, Ohio [bound for the corner of Maxwell and Grant in lake Geneva.] The house belongs to longtime Lake Geneva resident Mike Pody, who has owned the Lustron for 15 years. Pody has the house up for rent and while, today, he has his eye open for prospective renters, he says that he has had his eye on the home for most of his life. Standing inside the surprisingly modern looking and spacious all metal starter home, Pody points outside toward Grant Street and motions with a level hand moving from right to left past the big metal-framed window while relating that back in the 1960s “I would ride my bike past this window and imagine what it was like inside.” On the outside the is a light royal blue color with pale yellow window frames, one of four original color offerings: Maize Yellow, Dove grey, Surf Blue, and Desert Tan, carefully selected by Howard Ketchum, Inc., described in promotional materials as “one of the nations foremost color experts.” And how does the house look to Pody nearly 50 years later? “Exactly the same,” he says with a laugh. “It hasn’t changed a bit.” Which was part of the original idea: Pre-fabricate an all metal structure and make it easy to use and maintain with good looks that take little more than an occasional wash-down by hose or rain. Nothing to rust due to moisture or fall prey to woodwork-eating termites. Even the chimney is made of steel as is the slate-look roof that has stood up to the worst of southeastern Wisconsin winters for a bit less than 65 years. As for the home itself, Pody says “it’s built like a tank!” “The thing that amazes me is the bedrooms,” says Pody, who slides back the space saving pocket door to reveal a large master bedroom. “These bedrooms must have been really big for the time. You don’t see many homes from the 1950s with this amount of room.” Or storage. Near the bedroom’s mirror and built in vanity are shelf upon shelf of little sliding doors that open to reveal lots of space for clothing and other things. “It was really ahead of it’s time,” adds Pody, who owns and leases a number of homes in the Williams Bay area. So he knows a bit about architectural styles and what makes this home desirable. “Location,” he points out, adding that “if you want to get anywhere in Lake Geneva or downtown by the bay this is extremely well situated. Its location near downtown restaurants and short drive or long walk to the lake is handy.” Originally the home was a top-ofthe-line Lustron model called the Westchester Deluxe 02, featuring two bedrooms. The Westchester line was divided into deluxe and standard options, both available with two or three bedrooms. The square footage is the same in both models, and all came with a Thor combination dishwasher-clothes washer. Buyers could opt for a double sink instead of the Thor system to save $215 on the price of the house. The Thor appliances are extremely rare (Pody’s doesn’t have one) in part because the Thor idea of washing your bloomers in the same bin where you suds the spaghetti sauce off your plates was more than some consumers could handle. And they didn’t work all that well. Karl Strandlund didn’t start out to build homes. After the war, he approached a government allotment board with a request for enough sheet steel to build panels for gas stations. The government said they didn’t need gas stations, but housing for 10 million veterans who had come back from overseas and wanted to start families. A board member suggested that instead of constructing gas stations with the panels, he should build houses. Strandlund told the board that if they would give him the steel and the money, he would supply the homes. The price was targeted at $9,500 for a five or six room house, which was a lot cheaper than anything else at the time. The first Lustron was manufactured in Hinsdale, Ill., but when the govern- ment insisted he utilize the 1.1 millionsquare foot Curtiss-Wight airplane plant in Columbus, he moved all of his manufacturing facilities from Chicago to Ohio. One owner says the house is very comfortable in the summer, but cold in the winter – a common complaint among Lustron occupants. The original Lustron brochure extolled “the most modern type of radiant panel heating. No registers, no grilles, no circulating currents of dust-carrying air. Each ceiling panel is a source of smooth, even heat, sending warm rays downward. But someone should have told Stranlund that cold air doesn’t sink; it rises.The system may have been adequate below the Mason-Dixon line, but it doesn’t provide enough heat for Wisconsin’s harsher winters. Most were later modified. Although itʼs nearly 65 years old, this porcelain-clad-steel Lustron house in Lake Geneva has never had a coat of paint and still looks like new. The company, which went bankrupt in 1950, was estimated to have lost an average of $10,000 on each house it built. (Beacon photo) Postwar shortage sparked the idea for Lustron metal homes Much more enchanting has been the overall space-age look of the home which was seen as an easy solution to an atomic-age problem: how to go about solving a severe housing shortage for the many World War II veterans who had returned home since 1945 and wanted to start or enlarge families in an affordable and quickly available home. Strandlund worked it out so that all of the home’s 3,300 parts would fit into one specially-designed semi-trailer for unloading in sequence at the construction site. An original 1949 sales brochure says Pody’s Westchester model “offers many deluxe features including built-in bookshelves, bedroom vanity/storage wall, 11 closets and overhead storage cabinets, oil or gas radiant panel heating, Thor dishwasher-clotheswasher combination, china cabinet pass-through, large picture windows, large service and storage area and floor tile. Kitchen wall panels are 2 feet square.” “Pictures and decorations are best put up with magnets,” notes Pody, who says that the real decorative feature is the house itself with its bold colors and bright porcelain design. “Every time I’m in here I see people outside stop their cars to stare and take pictures.” For many reasons, Strandlund never came close to reaching his goal of 300,000 houses. And, sadly, the houses are becoming even more rare as they give way to desires for larger homes on pricey land, or to a wrecking ball. The largest number were on the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va., and almost all of the dozens there were gone by 2006, declared outdated and too small for modern military families. Just two remain as maintenance storage sheds. While Pody awaits his next rental with a simple hand numbered sign out front of 1005 Maxwell Street, he has a pretty good idea of who will rent it next. “It’s people who really like the idea of a Retro House. And it’s easier to maintain than most.” Deep down, he acknowledges that the house is neither his nor his tenants, but everyone’s. “I like sharing this property because so many people like to see it,” he says. The Lustonʼs kitchen has plenty of built-in storage, all of which is made of steel. The manufacturer suggested homeowners hang pictures and other decorations with magnets. (Beacon photo) also at The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 — 21 Singing “Amazing Mayzie” in the Big Foot High School production of “Suessical the Musical” are (from left) Carrie Nickels as Mayzie, Shelby Lundin, Angel Castro, Ann McGrail, Lauren Lindner and Anastasia Demco. This is at the point in the musical when the audience first meets Mayzie, who is the epitome of a diva who wants nothing to do with the egg that is in her nest. “Seussical the Musical” will be performed at Big Foot High School on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Invites you to attend our upcoming musical event… Home for the Hollldays Starring John Ludy Puleo and Will Kruger Saturday Nov. 29th at 3:00 pm & 6:30 pm Spaghetti Dinner at Chapel on the Hill at 5:00 pm ($7 per plate) Proceeds from Sat. shows & dinner will go to the Chapel Food Pantry Sunday Nov. 30th at 3:00 pm Proceeds from this show will go to the APFV Association for the Prevention of Fami Family Violence of Walworth County Christian Arts Centre of Chapel on the Hill Hwy 50 West & Cisco Rd. Lake Geneva, WI Tickets $10- MC/Visa accepted Call (262) 245-9122 for tickets & info. or order online at THANK YOU To the Williams Bay Community: We would like to thank the community for its approval to build a new elementary school attached to the current Junior/Senior High School. This support is not taken lightly and we know that you have entrusted us with an important task. We will honor the trust you have given us and create a safe, modern, and efficient school building that will again serve the community well for nearly one hundred years. Thank you! Williams Bay School Board Fair to give students taste of reality About 300 students from DelavanDarien and Elkhorn Area high schools will take part in a “Reality Fair” Wednesday, Dec. 3, at DDHS. Business Education faculty at DDHS are coordinating the event, which will give students a perspective on what life is like after high school. Yikes! The event will give students an example of the many bills to pay and day-to-day challenges adults solve that kids might not have ever considered, said DDHS business teacher Jodi Scott. Students are surveyed prior to the event about their thoughts on the costs of living, such as rent, food, college loans, insurance, gasoline and the like. Students must then specify their intended job or career, and are assigned family situations. Each student is also assigned a credit score and monthly salary to “live” on during the fair. By the end of the experience, the objective is to have a greaterthan-zero balance in the “bank.” Students are encouraged to be honest about their future plans. Some just say they’ll be doctors or lawyers, feeling that these are high-paying jobs, and they are, but there are also steep college loans associated with those careers. Students are given that debt and other debts, too. During the fair, students go from sta- tion to station, which represent different aspects of American life, including such things as transportation, insurance, utilities, housing, childcare, unforeseen or “fate” events, and others. They are given different scenarios, including costs, at each station. Some may have serious health issues, or have costly home repairs, or have to pay for daycare. As students go station-to-station, they keep a running balance in a checkbook provided by event sponsor, Educators Credit Union. Many students start these activities with the idea that ‘they know all of this,’ and that ‘it will be easy, Scott said. Students quickly find that it is more challenging than they would have believed. It shows them the reality of personal finance, balancing budgets and life. As in life, students might not always get what they want, but they certainly do get a lesson in real life at the DelavanDarien Reality Fair. Organizers are looking for people to volunteer for the fair by managing a table station. Anyone who is interested may contact DDHS business education teacher Jodi Scott at 728-2642 ext. 4481, or by email at jscott@ddschools. org. Child Development Day returns Child Development Day will return to the Delavan-Darien community on Wednesday, Dec. 10. Parents can learn about where their child’s development should be between birth and 3 1/2. They can also learn about the services available for families of young children, and normal child growth and development from birth to age 5. The screenings will focus on children from birth to age 3 1/2. All parents of children in this age group who reside in the Delavan-Darien area are encouraged to attend. The screenings are set for 8 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, Dec. 10, at Turtle Creek Elementary School, 1235 Creek Rd., Delavan. Those planning to attend should call 728-2642 ext. 4359 (English), or ext. 4359 (Spanish) for an appointment. The event is sponsored by the Preschool Community Collaboration Council and the Delavan-Darien School District. also at 22 — The Beacon By Kathi West You’ve probably seen our wedding picture on page 3. Yes, we were married 50 years ago when we were very young, and we are still married now that we are semi-old. I say semi because we are still 21 in spirit but 50 years older in body. When I speak of our high school or college friends, I refer to them as the kids we knew. And they were kids. Dennis and I bought this pattern and fabric for the quilt medallion on this page on a trip through Iowa. I started the quilt about 8 years ago. The stumbling block was the Mariner’s campus in the center. I didn’t know about paper piecing then and therefore pieced each piece and RE-DID EACH PIECE UNTIL I GOT IT SORT OF RIGHT. Then I put it away and really didn’t want to look at it for a long time. I’ve taken it out and put it away again many times. This year I Nov. 21, 2014 that we get a summery feeling instead of a frigid one. QUILT GUILDS Chocolate City Quilters meet the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Burlington High School library, 400 McCanna Parkway. The Crazy Quilt Guild Quilters meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 231 Roberts Drive in Mukwonago. Quilts of Valor and Quilts of Honor Quilt Group meets at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at Ellen Weber’s house on Theatre Road. Bring your sewing machine, fabric to make a QOV quilt or a quilt that you have started and any sewing tools you will need. The next meeting will be February 10, 2015. There will be no meeting in December or January. Both of these basket quilts were on display at this yearʼs Mukwonago Quilt Show. (Beacon photo) The anniversary quilt for which I bought the pattern and fabric but havenʼt gotten around to finishing for our 50th anniversary. Maybe the 51st? thought I’d try to finish it and give it to Dennis as an anniversary present. But a couple of other projects got in the way and the quilt is still not finished. So I’m going to try again. I dislike winter and need a project to keep me warm. This is the project. I will give it to him on our 51st anniversary. He’d better stick around. Two years ago I started a snow flake quilt right after Christmas. That winter seemed longer and colder than any (except for last winter) I could remember. This year I suggest we all start on May baskets, flowers, and sunshine so The Scrappers Quilt Guild meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Lion’s field house on Hwy 67 in Williams Bay on the third Tuesday of the month. There won’t be a meeting in December. The next meeting will take place on January 20. Bring your show and tell quilts. Guests are always welcome. If you have some quilting news to share with quilters in the greater Walworth County area, e-mail me or mail to P.O. Box 69, Williams Bay, WI 53191. Make sure you send it early, about a month before the event, and I will try to get it into the next column. PROFESSIONAL LONGARM SALES, SERVICE & TRAINING SINCE 1999 APQS & Handi Quilter Representatives Longarm Rentals: Finish Your Own Quilts! #1 HANDI QUILTER REPRESENTATIVE IN THE MIDWEST! Sawdust & Stitches QUALITY QUILT & WOODCRAFT PRODUCTS Table Runners to King Sized Quilts, Quilted In A Day! CALL US TODAY TO BOOK LONGARM MACHINE RENTAL We share 15 years of longarm experience so you can have fun quilting! Al & Sue Schmieden, Owners 13 S. Wisconsin St. Elkhorn, WI 53121 262-723-1213 Mon.-Fri. 10-5; Sat. 10-4 LONGARM RENTALS Let Us Help You Get Your Christmas Gifts Done Web Site: • E-mail: [email protected] NOW, 2 TRAINING CENTERS: 21 Adams Street, Elkhorn, WI • 200 W. North Water Street, New London Call for Studio Hours and Appointments 262-723-6775 also at The Beacon Aram Public Library, 404 E. Walworth Ave., Delavan. Library Hours: Monday Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; Sunday 1-5 p.m. Computers shut down 15 minutes before closing. Thanksgiving Holiday Hours: Wednesday, Nov. 26, close at 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 27, closed Friday, Nov. 28, closed Saturday, Nov. 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 30, 1 to 5 p.m • 1000 Books Before Kindergarten. Long before children start school, they begin learning the skills needed for success in school and in life – including the skills that lead to literacy. One of the best ways to encourage learning is to spend time reading books every day. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program aims to ensure that all children entering kindergarten have acquired such skills through exposure to books and a language-rich early childhood experience. For more information, call 728-3111, ext. 117. Stop and sign up at the children’s desk . • Adult Crafter Night, Monday, Dec. 1 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Have you missed some of our terrific adult craft programs? Adult Crafter Night is your second chance. Leftover materials from this year’s projects will be available along with written instructions or, if you prefer, use the craft materials we provide to design your own creative project. • Storytime with Ms. Denise, Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. As the weather gets colder, you can stay cozy and warm having fun with Ms. Denise at library story time. The themes for December are: 3rd, Tools; 10th, Reindeer. No story time on December 17, 24 or 31. • Tech Tutorials, Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Registration Required. Baffled by technology? Sign up for a 45-minute one-onone session with a librarian for assistance with anything computer related, such as downloading e-books and audiobooks, filling out online applications, signing up or managing email, or learning to use Microsoft Office software. Bring in your own device or we will use one of our computers. • LEGO Club - Mondays Dec. 1 and 15 at 4:30 p.m. Work in teams or individually, give your creation a name, then see it displayed in the Children’s Library. • Book Boogie, Monday, Dec. 8 and 22 at 11 a.m. What could be more fun for babies, toddlers, and their caregivers than a freeform story-dance-play time? • Guilty Pleasures Book Club, “ Rivals in the City” by Y. S. Lee, Monday, Nov. 24 at 6 p.m. Knit and Crochet Club – For all ages and experience levels, Knit and Crochet Club meets at 6 p.m. on the scheduled dates. Contact the library for this month’s schedule. • Tail Waggin’ Tutors with Divot, Saturday, Dec. 6 at 10 a.m. Make an appointment to read with a therapy dog the first Saturday of each month. • Santa at the Library, December 6 at 1:30 p.m. Santa Claus is coming to the library. Take the whole family to see St. Nick, sit on his lap and tell him your holiday wishes. We will also be decorating holiday cookies. Parents, don’t forget to bring your cameras. • Design Your Own Wrapping Paper for Kids, Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. Wrap your holiday gifts in custom paper you made yourself. Come try your hand at wrapping paper design. All materials will be provided. • Creative Holiday Packages, Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2014 — 23 Library Assistant Sally Adams shows some of the holiday gift baskets that are being sold by silent auction at the Darien Public Library until Saturday, December 13 at noon. There are baskets with themes for both adults and children, including teddy bears, children and adult books, popcorn nights with DVDs, snowmen, Santa Claus, and many more. The baskets are being sold as a fundraiser for the library. Everyone is invited to stop and check them out, and place their bids. The baskets are giftwrapped and available in a variety of price ranges for holiday gifting. (Photo furnished) • Video Game Tournaments, Fridays at 4 Dec. 9 from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. Laura Z has p.m. just what you need to jazz up your holiday • Lego and Beading Club: Mondays at 4 gifts – creative holiday packages. Registrap.m. Ages 9 and up. tion required. • Movie Showings. Watch our website, • Pizza and a Movie: “The Giver” (, for upcoming 13), Thursday, Dec. 11 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. dates. Registration required. • Scrabble Club, Wednesdays 10 a.m. • Gingerbread House Construction, noon. Tuesday, December 16 from 1 to 3 p.m. or • Knitting Circle, Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. Thursday, December 18 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. All skill levels welcome. Take a project to Gingerbread lovers of all ages can put their work on. construction skills to the test as they design • The Saturday Morning Book Club and decorate a house made entirely out of meets the second Saturday of the month at 10 cookies, candy and frosting. All materials a.m. will be provided. Contact the library to sign • “What Are Teens Reading?” book up for a 45-minute time slot. group meets the third Wednesday of the • Hot Chocolate & How the Grinch Stole month at 7 p.m. This group is for parents to Christmas, Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 4 p.m. Enjoy read and review teen books. Stop at the a special reading of the holiday favorite, library to pick from a great selection of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. young adult books. Seuss. There won’t be roast beast available, • Ongoing sale of a great selection of but there will be hot chocolate and cookies used books. Browse Barret for Books. for nibbling. All programs are free and open to the • Guilty Pleasures Book Club: “Miss public unless otherwise indicated. Call 245Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” by 2709 or e-mail [email protected]. Ransom Riggs, Monday, Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. • Credit/Debit Cards Accepted at APL. ! ! ! Aram Public Library now offers credit/debit Brigham Memorial Library, 131 Plain card payment service in the library for fines St., Sharon. Hours: Mon. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and fees totaling $10 or more. Tues. 12-8 p.m.; Wed. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Thurs. • Ongoing in-library book sale. We 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat. 9 always accept donations of gently used a.m. - noon. Phone 736-4249. books and movies. • Story Time, Wednesdays, 10 – 11 a.m. • Would you like to get library news by eA theme will unite a story and a craft. mail? Contact the library at 728-3111 or ! ! ! email [email protected] to sign up. Clinton Public Library, 214 Mill St., ! ! ! Clinton. Hours: Monday and Friday 8:30 Barrett Memorial Library, 65 W. Gea.m. - 5 p.m.; Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. neva St., Williams Bay. Open Mon. and Wed. - 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 Phone (608) 676-5569. p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Check the library’s • Storytimes at the library, Mondays at new Web site at www.williamsbay. 10 a.m. for 3-24-month-olds; Fridays at 1 • StoryTimes: Tuesdays 10 a.m. and a.m. for 2-5-year-olds. Thursdays 1:30 p.m. Crafts to follow. Same • 55+ Tech Desk. A new technology servbooks and craft both days. ice offers free help to people 55 and older. • Celebrate author C. S. Lewis’s birthday Available every other Thursday. Call to regwith “Chronicles of Narnia,” Fri., Nov. 28, 1 ister. Free one-on-one help is available for all p.m. ages by appointment. • Adult book discussion the fourth Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. ! ! ! Darien Public Library, 47 Park Ave., Darien. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed Friday and Sunday. 882-5155. • Book club for adults, third Wednesday of the month at 5:45 p.m. • Wireless Internet now available. Bring your laptop and ask at the desk how to access the wireless connection. • Ongoing book sale. ! ! ! East Troy Lions Public Library, 3094 Graydon Ave., East Troy. Hours: Mon. Thurs. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone 542-6262. • Story Time, Fridays, 11 a.m., for ages 18 months – 4 years. • Lego Club, Thursdays at 3 - 4 p.m. For more information, call 642-6262. ! ! ! Fontana Public Library, 166 Second Ave., Fontana. Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday and 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday. • Happy-to-Be-Here Book Club, third Thursday of each month, 1 p.m. • Evening Book Club, third Thursday of each month, 5:30 p.m., sometimes off-site. The library will be closed for carpeting from Sept. 6-13. All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 2755107 for more information. ! ! ! Genoa City Public Library, 126 Freeman St., Genoa City. Hours: Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Tues., Thurs. and Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Story time, Fridays, 10 a.m. for kids ages 3-5 and siblings. • Ongoing book sale. Donations of new or slightly used books, including children’s books, may be dropped off at the library. All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 2796188 or email [email protected] for more information. ! ! ! Lake Geneva Public Library, 918 W. Main St., Lake Geneva. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone 249-5299 or visit the Library’s website at www.lakegene Note: The library will be closed on the following days: Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 27; Christmas Eve Day, Wednesday, Dec. 24; Christmas Day, Thursday, Dec. 25; New Year’s Eve Day, Wednesday, Dec. 31; New Year’s Day, Thursday, Jan. 1. • Children ages three to thirteen are invited to visit the library for a “Holiday Ornament Workshop” on Saturday, Dec. 6 from 10 a.m. to noon. Children will be encouraged to decorate paper ornaments in the shape of snowmen, gingerbread men, Christmas trees, stockings, and mittens. Decoration supplies will include glitter glue, ribbons, stickers, markers, and sequins. Children will make ornaments to be placed on a special holiday tree in the youth services area of the Library and ornaments to take home to put on their holiday trees or give as gifts. Children may pick up their ornaments from the library’s special holiday tree from January 5-9. Walk-ins are welcome, and children under ten years of age must be accompanied by an adult. (Continued on page 31) The Rauland Agency, Inc. -REALTORS® 262-275-2185 Connie Poggensee Shari Rauland Mohr Harry Mohr Becky Merwin Lisa Berg Lynnette Horning Bob Rauland Nora Huss Mary Beth Brom ield Fred Schubert Phyllis Saab LaVonne Kincaid Cindy Pietsch also at 24 — The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 Pet Questions and Answers By Marc Morrone Q: Last year I took in an adult African grey parrot. His owner told me the bird was 25 years old. I also have another grey parrot and a Senegal parrot. The new guy is very tame, and I was very happy when they all got along. My question is, why won’t the new bird sit still? I have a couple of big climbing trees and stands for the birds to play on when out of their cages. My original two sit and play all day; the new guy just wants to walk around my house. He is generally a good boy about chewing things up if I’m watching him. But I would rather he sit on the perch. I have tried to entice him with new toys and nuts to chew on, but he likes to wander. Any suggestions on how to get him to settle down? A: Your two birds are happy to stay on their trees and perches because they grew up with you and learned for themselves from the time they were young that those climbing trees are a great place to be _ better than any other place in the house. Wild birds do the same thing; you can always see wild birds in a particular tree, on the same roof or parking lot, as they are happiest in those areas. The problem with the older bird that you took in is that he has learned to find his own entertainment. In his mind, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Since your younger birds never got the opportunity to chew on furniture and other household objects, they have no idea that this is an option and thus they stay where you put them and entertain themselves there. Your new bird can learn that the climbing trees are the only option, but it requires a lot of management from your end. You have to watch him when he is on the climbing trees and if he leaves the trees, put him back there right away, or in his cage if you cannot watch him anymore. As time goes on, and it may take a few months, he will gradually forget about walking about the house looking for entertainment and will be content to stay on the climbing trees and playpens with whatever amusing things you provide for him that day. It is important to rotate the toys that you put out for him as well. Instead of giving him six toys to play with, give him one or two different ones every day so that he always has something fun and different to look forward to. Q: We are buying a toy Pomeranian from a breeder as soon as the puppies are old enough to leave their mother, and we need your advice. We really like the only male puppy in the litter, but we live in a small apartment on a high floor in an apartment building, so we need the dog to be able to relieve itself on Wee-Wee Pads when we are at work. We do not want the dog to be lifting its leg against our furniture and wonder if it perhaps may be better to get one of the female puppies, as we can then be sure the dog will squat on the wee wee pads. The breeder says if we get the male neutered before he starts to lift his leg he will always squat on the Wee-Wee Pad. We wondered what you thought. A: I tend to agree with the breeder on this one. It’s the hormone testosterone that causes a male dog to lift its leg when it urinates. Pheromones in the urine transmit information about the power and authority of the male dog to other males that may be passing by, and the higher the dog can urinate against an object, the closer the urine is to the noses of the other male dogs. Some dogs with very high levels of testosterone will also scratch at the ground just in front of the object they have urinated on, as those marks act like arrows pointing toward the scent mark. They are scent marks, as well, impregnated with sweat gland secretions from the dog’s feet. However, none of this is a conscious or thought-out behavior on the dog’s part. The hormone is telling the dog to do this, and if there is no testosterone in the dog’s system, then there is no need to do this. Neutering the dog prevents the testosterone from flooding the system of the growing puppy and the male dog will continue to squat when he urinates for the rest of his life. You have to time it just right, though. If you neuter a dog after the testosterone has started to cause the dog to lift its leg when it urinates, then it sometimes “What do you mean heʼs my new next door neighbor?” The really bad news is that the dachshundʼs owner never got around to installing a fence. (Photo furnished). becomes a learned behavior and the dog will continue to do so for the rest of its life, even though it has no desire to breed. So if you want to buy the male puppy, do so, but when you take it to your vet for its vaccinations, be sure to explain to the vet that you need to have the dog squat on the training pads and ask exactly when the puppy needs to be neutered. Each dog matures differently, some faster then others, so the vet will decide on the proper time to perform the operation based on periodic examinations of the dog’s development. Q: We have a 55-gallon fish tank that has been set up now for three years. Two silver dollars, six glowlight tetras, four white tetras and four high-fin black tetras are the only fish that have been in the tank for the past two years. My little grandson has now taken up an interest in the fish, and we decided to get a few more to keep his attention. So we bought two red swordtails, two red dwarf gouramis and two blue dwarf gouramis, and they were all dead two days after we put them in our tank. We then went to a different pet store and bought two kissing gouramis and four more swordtails, and they all died in two days as well. Our original 16 fish are all just fine and they did not bother any of the new fish, and the water in our tank is so clear that it does not even look like there is any water in it at all. Since fish from two different pet stores all died as soon as we put them into our tank, we feel that there is something seriously wrong. What can we do to fix the situation? A: Most likely this mystery can be solved with a $10 test kit sold for home aquariums [aquaria?]. Just because the water is clear and your fish that have been in the tank for the past few years are alive doesn’t mean the water is perfect. The filter that you have on your aquarium can do only so much in keeping the water in tiptop shape. You need to change a percentage of the tank water each month and to test periodically to be sure that the water quality in your aquarium is as good as the water quality in the aquariums at the pet store. An aquarium that has been set up for as long a time as yours will often suffer from a drop in water quality. The pH could be low or the ammonia could be high. There are a number of things that can change over time and, since the change is gradual, the resident fish can acclimate to it as it occurs and they are not affected by it. ©Newsday Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving... MEMBERSHIP TO VALLEY OF THE KINGS SANCTUARY & RETREAT IS ALWAYS IN NEED OF: • Clay Cat Litter • Kitten Food • Dry & Canned Cat Food • Canned Dog Food • Kitten Milk Replacement Formula (KMR or Mother’s Helper) CLEANING SUPPLIES: • Liquid Laundry Soap • Bleach • Dish Soap • Paper Towels • Antibacterial Hand Soap VOTK is open to members only. An Individual Membership is Only $60 for 6 months and Family is $75 for 6 months, ($37.50 for seniors 62 years and over). Once you are a member, you can come any Saturday, Sunday or both after 1:30 p.m. to visit the animals. Get your 2015 Calendar! Lion & Tiger CONTACT US: VALLEY OF THE KINGS SANCTUARY & RETREAT W7593 Townhall Road, Sharon, WI 53585-9728 PHONE (262) 736-9386 VOLUNTEERS! 3 MILES SOUTH OF ELKHORN ON HWY. 67 • ELKHORN, WI • (262) 723-3899 email: [email protected] • website: T-Shirts & Sweatshirts Available In Our On-Site Store! 262-728-7877 Laser Surgery Ultrasound Dentistry House Calls Bathing & FURminating Boarding 5540 STATE ROAD 50 DELAVAN, WI Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed; Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 9:00 am-6:00 pm Fri. 9:00 am-5:00 pm; Sat. 8:00 am-3:00 pm My Christmas Wish List: Forever homes for ALL the homeless animals SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29 Offering DOUBLE BELLY REWARD POINTS Scan with phone 1107 Ann St.-Delavan (262) 728-8622 Photos by: Carly Beil My Christmas Wish List: • 6 weeks of dog training • Tasty Treats and Chews also at The Beacon Plan ahead. Look through the calendar to make advance reservations for events that require them. Phone numbers are in area code (262) unless otherwise indicated. SATURDAY, NOV. 22 Homes for the Holidays housewalk, sponsored by the Elkhorn Area Women’s Club, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Visit five area locations that are decorated for Christmas. Tickets for this fundraiser to benefit The Tree House are $10 in advance, $12 the day of the event. See article on page 2 for details. SUNDAY, NOV. 23 Holiday Craft Fair, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Hawks View Golf Club, 7377 Krueger Road in Lake Geneva. Hosted by A Day in Time, Inc. Adult Memory Care & Respite program The fund raiser, sponsored by Fontana Family Chiropractic, will feature a wide array of 40 crafte’s and vendor booths, a bake sale, and an oportunity to win a fully decorated Christmas tree. There will be community donated raffle prizes, bake sale items, food 45 YEAR TH Ye Olde INHotel LYONS (262) 763-2701 Hwy. 36-Halfway between Lake Geneva & Burlington from Hwy. 50 turn on South Road, 3 miles LOOK US UP ON FACEBOOK Open Wed.-Sat. at 4:00 p.m., Sun. All Day & Evening WEDNESDAY CHICKEN or LASAGNA DINNER.............$11 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT WHITEFISH $11 WITH CUP OF SOUP THURSDAY PRIME RIB DINNER.....................$20 SHRIMP DINNER.........................$18 TRADITIONAL Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 27 11:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. DINNER & PIE 16 Adult $ 6 Children under 12 $ Limited Seating • Limited Menu CARRYOUT AVAILABLE 15 $ Out The Door Turkey Dinner FRIDAY FISH COMBO PLATTER...................$13 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Whitefish........................................$9 FISH FRY......................................$11 SATURDAY KING PRIME RIB........................$24 QUEEN PRIME RIB....................$20 SUNDAY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT TURKEY or PORK DINNER.......$12 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS $12 TENDERLOIN TIPS....................$14 and beverages for purchase as well as the unveiling of A Day in Time’s Connecting Minds program’s brain healthy, “Three Cook’s & a Chef” cookbook for sale. Admission will be $2 at the door. Children 12 and under will get in free. MONDAY, NOV. 24 Bronze statue unveiling, 11 a.m., outside the Walworth County Government Center in Veterans Park. This will be followed by the last Support Our Troops Rally, which have been taking place every Monday for 10 years. TUESDAY, NOV. 25 The Lakeland Audubon Society will meet at 7 p.m. at the Lions Field House in Williams Bay to learn about endangered species “We often hear about rare or endangered species in Wisconsin, but what does this really mean?” asks Dianne Robinson, Milwaukee County Wildlife Biologist and Regional Educator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. She gonna tell ya. Refreshments will be served before and after the meeting. Everybody welcome. FRIDAY, NOV. 28 Christmas Tree Lighting, 5:30-6:15 p.m., Tower Park, Delavan. The Delavan High School choir will be performing carols, Santa Claus will arrive on a fire truck, and Mayor Mel will conduct the ceremonial tree lighting. Afterwards, head to Avant Bicycle for hot cocoa and cookies. Festival Of Trees, 6-7 p.m., Edgewater Park, Williams Bay. The public is invited to the official tree lighting ceremony. Come to sing along and see the lights turn on. SATURDAY, NOV. 29 Geneva lake Museum annual “History Loves Company” Craft Show, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Wander inside on the Victorian Main Street, which will be filled with more than 40 vendors offering beautiful and one of a kind hand-crafted items for sale. Admission is free to the museum for this event only. Geneva Lake Museum, 255 Mill Street, Lake Geneva. “Home for the Holidays,” a musical featuring John Ludy Puleo and Will Kruger, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Christian Arts Center of Chapel on the Hill. A Spaghetti Dinner ($7 a plate) will be served between the two performances in the Parish Hall, proceeds from which will benefit the Chapel Food Pantry. All seats $10. Tickets at www.brown or Chapel Office 2451922. The Chapel on the Hill Christian Arts Centre is located 4 miles West of Lake Geneva, on Highway 50 at Cisco Road, across from Geneva Ridge Resort. “An Out Of The Box Christmas” children’s musical, 4 p.m. at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center (former Sprague Theater). 15 W. Walworth St. in downtown Elkhorn. All tickets are $10 and Puzzle Answers JUMBLE ANSWERS CHAFE EXULT OPPOSE QUAVER Answer: What the foggy night gave the driver — THE “CREEPS” KIDS’ JUMBLE ZOO PUCK QUIT PLAY Answer: When his son started asking him about his childhood, it was a — POP QUIZ ON BUTTERED NOODLES Milwaukee’s Famous Keyboardist AL WHITE TO PERFORM SUNDAY, NOV. 23 4:00-8:00 P.M. NO COVER CHARGE DAILY SURF ‘N TURF.......................$34 PLUS REGULAR MENU • CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE can be purchased at the Elkhorn Chamber Of Commerce, by calling Beth at 742-2177 or ordered on line at Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, 6-7 p.m., The Abbey Resort, 269 Fontana Blvd, Fontana. Children of all ages are invited to experience the start of the magical Christmas season at The Abbey’s annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. At 6:30, Santa and Mrs. Claus will select one special child to illuminate the Christmas tree. SUNDAY, NOV. 30 “Home for the Holidays,” a musical featuring John Ludy Puleo and Will Kruger, 3 p.m. in Chapel on the Hill’s Christian Arts Center. Proceeds will benefit the Associatin for Prevention of Family Violence of Walworth County. All seats $10. Tickets at or by calling Chapel office, 245-1922. The Chapel on the Hill Christian Arts Centre is located 4 miles West of Lake Geneva, on Highway 50 at Cisco Road, across from Geneva Ridge Resort. “An Out Of The Box Christmas” children’s musical, 4 p.m. at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center (former Sprague Theater). 15 W. Walworth St. in downtown Elkhorn. All tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Elkhorn Chamber Of Commerce, by calling Beth at 742-2177 or ordered on line at GLAA Winter Art Exhibit, “All That Glitters,” 1-4 p.m., Geneva Lake Art Association, 647 Main St., Lake Geneva. The exhibit, which consists entirely of member artwork, will display the work of featured artist Pam Ring, Board Member and Director of Art Education. The exhibit is free and open to the public. FRIDAY, DEC. 5 The Senior Travel Club of Walworth County will meet in the Community Room at Matheson Memorial Library in Elkhorn from 10 - 11 a.m. Sign up will continue for the January 29 trip to Drury Lane to see “West Side Story.” Begin signup for the February trip to see “Disney On Ice – Frozen” in Milwaukee. The program will be bingo followed by a catered lunch for members. The lunch will cost $10 for those who have not already paid for it. Elkhorn Christmas Tree Lighting, 6:30 p.m. with Santa Claus and a special helper who will wave their wands to magically light the tree in the downtown square. Afterwards, all are welcome at the Matheson Memorial Library for the Peoples Bank sponsored Santa and Mrs. Claus Reception. Enjoy free hot chocolate, cookies, music and crafts while the kids wait for their turn to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. Parents will want to take their cameras to capture this memorable moment. Sharon’s Victorian Christmas, an BOGGLE ANSWERS CANOE SLOOP BARGE FERRY SKIFF YACHT ©2013 Tribune Content Agency LLC Nov. 21, 2014 — 25 annual event featuring a lighted horse drawn carriage parade, beautiful lighting displays and townspeople dressed in period costume. Chapel on the Hill’s free “Live Outdoor Nativity,” 5:30 pm. Actors and animals will reenact Christ’s birth outside the Prayer Chapel. Free admission, limited seating. The Prayer Chapel is located adjacent to the Chapel on the Hill sanctuary, 4 miles West of Lake Geneva off Highway 50, across from Geneva Ridge Resort, South on Cisco Road, East to N2440 Ara Glen Drive. Accessible to all via circle drive outside Prayer Chapel. Tree Lighting, 6-7 p.m., Flatiron Park, Wrigley Drive and Center Street, Lake Geneva. SATURDAY, DEC. 6 21st Annual Holiday Cookie Sale, 10 a.m. until sold out, First Congregational United Church of Christ, 76 S. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. Choose from hundreds, if not thousands, of Christmas cookies, take part in the holiday raffle ($1 donation or six for $5) for a Christmas basket, cookie plate and cookies, a Christmas Afghan, three knit scarves and a decorative pillow. Money raised will go towards high school scholarships. Christmas Card Town Parade beginning at 1:30 p.m. in downtown Elkhorn will feature decorated floats, novelty acts, music, animals, Santa and Mrs. Claus. “Christmas Tree Walk and Bazaar” at Heritage Hall from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The event, which is free, will feature more than 20 Christmas trees on display that have been decorated by Walworth County businesses and organizations. Christmas items will be available for purchase and refreshments will be served. Heritage Hall is located at 103 East Rockwell Street in Elkhorn. Freeze for Life, a fun and worthwhile fundraiser from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Gage Marine, 1 Liechty Dr., in Williams Bay. Calling all wake boarders, surfers, skiers, tubers and even bare footers to participate in this event. Boats, equipment and dry suits will be provided, along with a hot tub where water fanatics can warm up before and after their spin on the water. Participants are asked to get sponsorship pledges from businesses, family, friends and fans. The minimum donation to participate is $50. Proceeds from Freeze for Life will help fund college scholarships for students attending the Alternative High School in Elkhorn and help support the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. For more information, contact Courtney Blackwell at 245-5501, extension 0 or email her at [email protected] or visit where you can also donate online. Christmas Cookie Walk, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., First Congregational United Church of Christ, 715 Wisconsin St., Lake Geneva. Go early, box your favorite cookies, which will be sold by the pound. Nuts and honey will be available, too. Complimentary coffee. Enjoy the comfort of the sanctuary while listening to music of the season. “An Out Of The Box Christmas” children’s musical, 4 p.m. at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center (former Sprague Theater) 15 W. Walworth St. in downtown Elkhorn. All tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Elkhorn Chamber Of Commerce, by calling Beth at 742-2177 or ordered online at Children’s Great Electric Christmas Parade, 5 p.m., downtown Lake Geneva. Chapel on the Hill’s free “Live Outdoor Nativity,” 5:30 pm. Actors and animals will reenact Christ’s birth outside the Prayer Chapel. Free admission, limited seating. The Prayer Chapel is located adjacent to the Chapel on the Hill sanctuary, 4 miles West of Lake Geneva off Highway 50, across from Geneva Ridge Resort, South on Cisco Road, East to N2440 Ara Glen Drive. Accessible to all via circle drive outside Prayer Chapel. SUNDAY, DEC. 7 “An Out Of The Box Christmas” children’s musical, 4 p.m. at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center (former Sprague Theater) 15 W. Walworth St. in downtown Elkhorn. All tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Elkhorn Chamber Of Commerce, by calling Beth at 742-2177 or ordered online at “Christmas Tree Walk and Bazaar” at Heritage Hall from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Continued on page 29) 26 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 Christmas at Old World Wisconsin Santa has company at Old World Wisconsin this holiday season. Guests can meet Krampus, the “Christmas devil,” counterpart to St. Nicholas, who scares children into being good, Jultomten, the mischievous gnome-like gift bearer, and pose for photos with the robed Father Christmas and Thomas Nast’s Civil Warera Santa. The popular Wisconsin Historical Society site will also expand its holiday programming at An Old World Christmas and Old World Holiday Breakfast December 6-7 and 13-14. Guests will be able to enjoy brief, live holiday performances of 19th-century favorites like “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus,” “The Gift of the Magi,” Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Match Girl” and “The Snow Man.” Scrooge’s redemption story will be shared and all are invited to join in a community hymn sing at St. Peter’s Church. An oldfashioned horse-drawn bobsled ride (or wagon, if snow isn’t in the forecast) through the 1800s crossroads village is included in the price of admission. The homes, shops and businesses will be decked for the holidays in the manner of the era, with wood-burning stoves beckoning guests with warmth and homemade holiday treats to sample. Civil War soldiers will share food and stories around a campfire. And even the sauna at the Ketola farmstead will be fired up, as the original settlers would have done. Guests will be welcomed with Victorian carolers, dressed in their Dickensian best. The Old World Holiday Breakfast will take place in the historic Clausing Barn, and feature a robust breakfast buffet, special holiday performance, and opportunity for a photo with Father Christmas in a specially decorated spot at the Museum Store. December 6, 7, 13 and14 An Old World Christmas: 10 am to 5 pm Saturdays and Sundays. Adults $10, children 5-12 $7, children 4 and younger free. Old World Holiday Breakfast: Saturday seatings at 9:30 and 11:30 am; Sunday seatings at 9:30 am. Adults $21, children 512 $10, children 4 and younger free. Best Value: Holiday Combo Ticket (admission to An Old World Christmas and Old World Holiday Breakfast). Adults $28, children 5-12 $14, children 4 and younger free. Reservations are required for Old World Holiday Breakfast and Holiday Combo Ticket and are available online at http://wihist. org/OWWHoliday2014 or by calling (262) 594-6301. No reservations are required for An Old World Christmas without breakfast. Little Norway closes after 86 years Citing financial constraints, the owners of the Little Norway Norwegian homestead-turned-tourist attraction have closed the facility, put in on the market, and are donating or selling its artifacts. The historic site just outside of Mount Horeb was also closed last season. On its website, owner Scott Winner detailed his decision to close the facility. “For 75 years, four generations of my family have had the good fortune to share this charming valley with travelers from around the world,” he wrote. “My mother said to me ‘Weren’t we fortunate all these years to have Little Norway in our lives? When you close that gate for the last time, you do so knowing that three generations have their hands on yours.’” The Walworth County Historical Society extends a holiday invitation to attend the annual “Christmas Tree Walk and Bazaar” at Heritage Hall on December 6 and 7 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The event, which is free, will feature more than 20 Christmas trees on display that have been decorated by Walworth County businesses and organizations. Christmas items will be available for purchase and refreshments will be served. Heritage Hall is located at 103 East Rockwell Street in Elkhorn. (Photo by Austin Studio) Updating endangered species list The Lakeland Audubon Society will meet at the Lions Field House in Williams Bay at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 25. “We often hear about rare or endangered species in Wisconsin, but what does this really mean?” asks Dianne Robinson, Milwaukee County Wildlife Biologist and Regional Educator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.” Attendees will learn the history and facts behind Wisconsin’s endangered species law, the necessary partnerships, and successes. Also learn about the most recent revision that began in 2009 and delisted the Blanding’s Turtle, among other species. The upcoming hunting seasons will also be discussed, time permitting. Although relatively new to the area and her position, Robinson enjoys speaking with residents and organizing a wide variety of educational programs for all ages within the seven county Southern Fox area. She is an avid hunter, hiker, watcher, and camper, and also enjoys any other activities that take her outside. The program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served before and after the program. COUPON $ 31 N. WISCONSIN STREET ELKHORN, WI 262-723-8100 CLOSED G N I V I G S THANK DAY 7 r2 e b m e v o N .M. P 0 0 : 4 T OPEN A mber 28 ve Friday, No 2.00 OFF ANY SIZE PIZZA With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Good only at JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta. RECEIVE 5.00 OFF $ ANY PURCHASE OVER $35 Before Tax & Delivery Charge Not valid with any other offer WITH THIS AD Good only at JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta OUR WINTER HOURS START DECEMBER 1 Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.; Sun. & Mon. Closed BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY ALL DAY LONG Pizza By The Slice with Soda PLUS TAX 3.50 $ 262-728-JOJO • 262-728-5456 308 State Hwy. 50, Delavan, WI Hours: Sun. 12:30 p.m.-9 p.m.; Mon.-Wed. 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Thurs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri. 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m. HOURS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • FAX 262-728-5036 also at The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 — 27 Learn about cheese for the holidays Terry and Denise Woods of HighField Farm will host an evening of learning and tasting, during which they will discuss the seven categories of cheese, how they are made and how to serve them. The couple milks a small herd of eight to 12 registered Jersey cows on the south side of Geneva Lake in the Town of Linn. Terry is a licensed cheesemaker and they are in the process of completing their creamery for final inspection. They plan to be open for business in late spring. In the meantime they are spreading the love of cheese through evening classes in cooperation with the Big Foot Recreation District. The upcoming session will take place from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 2 at Big Foot High School The cost is $20 per person. There are a limited number of spots available for this seminar. Register online at or call 275-2117. Chapel on the Hill to present live outdoor Nativity on Dec. 5 and 6 Nathan McIntyre sings “Horton Hears A Who” during “Suessical the Musical,” which will be performed at Badger High School on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) Chapel on the Hill will present a free “Live Outdoor Nativity” at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5 and Saturday, December 6. Attendees will experience the joy of that first Christmas from comfortable seats in the Prayer Chapel, “as actors and animals outside bring to life the joyful story of Christ’s birth.” Admission is free, but seating is very limited. Chapel on the Hill's Prayer Chapel is adjacent to the sanctuary, which is located 4 miles West of Lake Geneva off Highway 50, across from Geneva Ridge Resort. Go South on Cisco Road, then East on Ara Glen Drive to N2440. The circle drive directly outside the Prayer Chapel makes the program accessible to all. Parking assistance will be available, if needed. Good only at Yo Shi through 11/30/14 10% OFF LUNCH Any purchase over $25.00 or more with this ad. Open Mic Hosted by Laura Stone, followed by ZENDA TAP THE MIKE STONE TRIO WI lavan, t. • Dae S a ) v rt e . Genfront of Wal-M 4 1823 E (in 40.222 • 262.7 3 2 2 .2 0 • Sushi • Tempura 262.74 • Hibachi Tables Good only at Yo Shi through 11/30/14 15% OFF DINNER Any purchase over $40.00 or more with this ad. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11:00-10:00; Fri. & Sat. 11:00-11:00; Sun. 4:00-9:30 Gift Certificates Available N560 Zenda Road, Zenda, WI 262-394-4100 YOU’VE NEVER REALLY SEEN SAVE TIME & SKIP THE LINE! UNTIL YOU’VE READ IT ONLINE! Clearer, Sharper, More Colorful Than on Newsprint Go to, read the current issue or any from the past two years, still at no charge. If you don’t have Adobe Reader, go to your app store and download it free! ORDER.SUBWAY.COM ORDERING APP COMING SOON! 236 Elkhorn Rd. (Hwy. 67) • 262-245-1027 OPEN 7:00 A.M. WEEKDAYS Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m.-Close LUNCH Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m.-Close BREAKFAST RESTAURANT & BAR 220 Elkhorn Rd. (Hwy.67), Williams Bay 262-245-6666 • • LIQUOR • BEER • WINE WILLIAMS BAY’S LOCAL GROCER WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS 659 East Geneva Street (262) 245-1901 Open 7 days a week • 6:00 a.m. to Midnight 24 W. Geneva St. Williams Bay 262-245-9077 You’ll be able to zoom in to make print larger or see photos bigger and more clearly. Do yourself a favor, check us out at and tell your friends! OFFERING ORGANIC AND LOCALLY PRODUCED PRODUCTS • Daily Specials • Dinners-To-Go • Soups FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS $50 OR MORE! LET US CATER YOUR FOOTBALL PARTY! Live Music • Fine Arts • Great Bites OPEN 7:00 A.M. MONDAY-SATURDAY 80 N. Walworth Ave., No. 1 Williams Bay, WI • (262) 686-8016 Johnson Music Studio 78 N. Walworth Ave., Williams Bay • (262) 729-5089 28 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 Chapel on the Hill to present a musical, ‘Home for the Holidays’ Rehearsing for Lakeland Playersʼ childrenʼs Christmas Musical, “An Out Of The Box Christmas,” are (on floor from left): Abby Kiel, Molly Hahn, (second row) Mariah Hernandez, Hannah Terpstra Mariah, (standing) Amber Glassel, Kayla Gall, Grace Bournauf, Autumn Schauer, and Savannah Hernandez. The musical will be presented at 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 6 and 7 at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center, 15 W. Walworth St., Elkhorn. Tickerts are $10 and may be reserved by calling 742-2177 or online at (Photo furnished) Lakeland Players to present a delightful children’s musical Lakeland Players’ children’s Christmas musical, “An Out Of The Box Christmas,” takes place at the final dress rehearsal for a Christmas Pageant. The costumes finally arrive and when they are pulled out of the box, they are all wrong. Working together, the children come up with some unique, comical and heartfelt ways to share the Christmas message with their families and friends. After all, if God can use a donkey to speak to Balaam, and a burning bush to speak to Moses....He can surely use cowboys, pirates and cheerleaders to tell his love story. This delightful play, has up-beat music, dynamite choreography, and great lyrics that both young and old can enjoy. It is Directed by Amberleigh Aller, of Lake Geneva, with Rhionnon Gregorne assisting. Linda Kouzes of Delavan is the producer. “An Out Of The Box Christmas” will be performed on Nov. 29 and 30 and again on Dec. 6 and 7 at the Walworth County Performing Arts Center (former Sprague Theater). 15 W. Walworth St. in downtown Elkhorn. Show time is at 4 p.m. for each performance and all tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Elkhorn Chamber Of Commerce, by calling Beth at 742-2177 or ordered on line at Want to wish someone a happy graduation birthday, or other occasion? A private party ad this size is just $15, including color artwork or photo. Call 245-1877 to place your ad and pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Chapel on the Hill will present “Home for the Holidays,” a musical journey featuring John Ludy Puleo and Will Kruger, with special guests Pete Thompson and Mark Fowler. Audiences will enjoy a musical journey of songs from past eras, as four grown men come back home in their search for the true meaning of Christmas. The performance will feature favorite songs played during family gatherings and special tunes that usher in dreams of a White Christmas and a fresh New Year. All performances will include a special salute to our military. There will be two performances on Saturday, Nov. 29, at 3 and 6:30 p.m., and a matinee on Sunday at 3. The shows will be held in the Christian Arts Centre, 4 miles West of Lake Geneva, on Highway 50 at Cisco Road, across from Geneva Ridge Resort. On Saturday Nov. 29 between the 3 pm and 6:30 p.m. shows, a spaghetti dinner will be served ($7 per plate) in the Chapel’s parish hall, located next to the Christian Arts Centre. Proceeds from both Saturday shows and the spaghetti dinner will benefit the Chapel Food Pantry. Donations of nonperishable food items will also be welcome. Proceeds from Sunday's 3 p.m. show will benefit the Association for the Prevention of Family Violence of Walworth County. All seats are $10 at the door. Advance tickets are available at or may be obtained by calling the Chapel Office 245-1922. Freeze for Life on Sat., Dec. 6 Calling all wake boarders, surfers, skiers, tubers and even bare footers to participate in Freeze for Life, a fun and worthwhile fundraiser on Saturday, December 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Gage Marine, 1 Liechty Dr., in Williams Bay. Boats, equipment and dry suits will be provided, along with a hot tub where water fanatics can warm up before and after their spin on the water. Participants are asked to get sponsorship pledges from businesses, family, friends and fans. The minimum donation to participate in Freeze for Life is $50. Proceeds from Freeze for Life will help fund college scholarships for students attending the Alternative High School in Elkhorn and help support the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. Attendees are invited to stay after the event for some Après-ski fun at Pier 290 Restaurant at Gage Marine, with food, drinks and live entertainment. For more information, contact Courtney Blackwell at 245-5501, extension 0 or email her at [email protected] or visit where you can also donate online. Get Ready For The Game! EXTRA LARGE 2 TOPPING PIZZA & WINGS $1500 plus tax CHECKOK O FACEBour for OTHERLS SPECIA 108 FAIRVIEW DRIVE WALWORTH, WI 262-275-9400 Dine In • Carry Out • Open For Lunch Y SUNDA ALL FOOTBIAL SPEC SUNDAY FOOTBA L SPECIAL L W6904 County Hwy. A Elkhorn, WI 53121 262-742-5043 FRESH FISH • STEAKS • FULL SERVICE BAR NEW CHEF • NEW MENU Serving Dinner Thursday - Saturday 5:00-9:00 P.M. Dine In or Take Out also at The Beacon What’s Happening Continued from page 25 The event, which is free, will feature more than 20 Christmas trees on display that have been decorated by Walworth County businesses and organizations. Christmas items will be available for purchase and refreshments will be served. Heritage Hall is located at 103 East Rockwell Street in Elkhorn. ~ ~ ~ Ongoing events ~ ~ ~ Volunteer work day, every Saturday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Kishwauketoe Nature Preserve, Highway 67, north, Williams Bay. Meet at the main entrance. The work location will be posted at the kiosk. Contact Harold at (262) 903-3601 or email [email protected] to get on the list. AARP Local 5310, 9:30 a.m. the fourth Tuesday of every month (except August and December) at Peoples Bank, 837 N. Wisconsin St. Elkhorn. For information, call Shirley Grant at 473-2214 or email [email protected]. American Legion Auxiliary meeting, 6:45 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Legion Hall on Second Street in Delavan. The group raises money for scholarships and to send gifts at Christmas time to the servicemen and women that are hospitalized due to injuries while in combat. Ice Age Trail Alliance, monthly meeting, third Tuesday of each month 7 p.m. at U.S. Bank, Elkhorn (Downstairs in the community meeting room, enter at the back door). Bingo, second and fourth Thursday of the month at the Delavan American Legion hall, 111 S. 2nd St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., a 15-game session begins at 6:30. Progressive session follows. $1 face, progressive pot grows until it is won. $100 consolation prize. Bingo, St. Andrew Parish in Delavan. The games will be played on the first Friday of every month, with doors opening at 6 p.m. and play starting at 7 p.m. For more info see Bingo, St. Francis de Sales Church, 148 W. Main Street, Lake Geneva. First and Third Wednesdays of the month. Doors open at 5:30, bingo starts 7. Refreshments available. Games include 50/50, Pull Tabs, Progressive. For info call Mary or Bill Gronke at (847) 840-8878. Civil Air Patrol, Walco Composite Squadron, meets every Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Elkhorn National Guard Armory, 401 East Fair St., Elkhorn. Visit or call Maj. Robert Thomas at (262) 642-7541. Authors Echo Writers group meeting, 7 p.m., first and third Tuesday of every month, Grace Church, 257 Kendall St., Burlington. Call Frank Koneska at 534-6236. Yerkes Observatory, 373 W. Geneva St., Williams Bay. The observatory offers free, 45-minute tours, Saturdays, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon as well as night sky observations for a fee of $25. Visitors may also view the Quester Museum, which covers some of the observatory’s history. For more information, call 245-5555 or e-mail [email protected]. Cards and games, Mondays, 1 – 4 p.m. Darien Senior Center, 47 Park St., Darien. Call 882-3774. Thursday Senior Card Club, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Matheson Memorial Library Community Room, Elkhorn. Bridge, 500 or bring your own group. Call Judy at 723-1934 or Liz at 723-5036 for more information. Bridge, (open to new members), every Tuesday 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Lake Geneva City Hall, second floor conference room. Bridge - every Tuesday, 12:30-3:30 p.m., Lake Geneva City Hall, second floor conference room. ~ HEALTH AND FITNESS ~ Mercy Walworth Grief Support Group provides comfort, guidance and stability in times of loss. Experts in the field of grief counseling provide their expertise and compassion when healing is needed. The group meets on the third Tuesday of every month, 6 p.m. in the lower level community education rooms at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, highways 50 and 67 in the Town of Geneva. For more information or to reserve a spot in the next meeting, call (888) 396-3729. Mercy Walworth’s Stroke Support Group provides compassionate and understanding care for those who have experienced a stroke as well as their caregivers. The group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. in the lower level community education rooms at Mercy Walworth Hospital and Medical Center, corner of highways 50 and 67. Cancer Support Group meets in the church at Chapel on the Hill, 4 miles west of Lake Geneva on Highway 50, the third Friday of the month at 3 p.m. For more information, or to receive answers to questions, call Lou Kowbel at (847) 922-5461. Alanon self help program, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, VIP building, 816 E. Geneva St., across from Elkhorn High School in Elkhorn. Mindfulness and Loving kindness Meditation each Thursday, 7-8 p.m., at Elkhorn Matheson Memorial Library Community Center Room, 101 N. Wisconsin St. Beginners and experienced practitioners are always welcome. No registration is necessary, just drop in. Meditation is practice for being more awake and attentive in our daily lives. Sponsored by Wisconsin Blue Lotus, a meditation group led by Buddhist nun Vimala (Judy Franklin). For more information, call 203-0120, or visit www.bluelo Diabetes Support Group meets at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month, g n i v i g s k n a h T h t n o M We Are Giving Our Thanks To You For Your Continued Support With... 2 ENTREES FOR 20 $ * Every Night of the Week Before 6:30 p.m. NOT VALID ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY *Special Menu. Must present coupon when ordering. Good only at Sweet Aroma through Nov. 30, 2014 Open 5:00 pm Wednesday-Sunday W7404 Cty. Road X, Delavan, WI 262-728-6878 VOTED BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT IN WALWORTH COUNTY Nov. 21, 2014 — 29 Izzy Burrus, Walworth Grade School Pre-Kindergaren student, was dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz at the Walworth Grade School Family Fun Night on Oct. 30. Instead of a dog, this Dorothy had a cat named Toto. Her mom, Allison Palmer, admires a Halloween cookie with frosting and sprinkles that Izzy had decorated. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) April through October at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, Highway NN, Elkhorn. This group is for adults with insulin or non-insulin dependent diabetes and their family/support person. The purpose is to provide support and education to the person with diabetes to help manage this chronic disease. The group is facilitated by a registered nurse. Call the diabetic educator at 741-2821 for further information. Breast Cancer Support Group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, Highway NN, Elkhorn. The group addresses the fears and adjustments faced by women with breast cancer. It encourages participants to develop a positive attitude about the future and discuss common concerns after being treated for breast cancer. Contact Leann Kuhlemeyer at 741-2677 for more information. Stroke Support Group provides emotional support through opportunities to interact with others who have experienced stroke. Informational programs will also be provided on topics related to stroke/brain attack. The group welcomes individuals newly diagnosed and those with a history of stroke. Family, friends and caregivers are also encouraged to join. The group meets the third Monday of every month from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Call Pat Positano at 741-2402 for further information. Free blood pressure screening, courtesy of The Walworth County Public Health Department on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 9 – 10 a.m. at the Walworth County Public Health office, located at the east entrance of the Department of Health and Human Services building, W4051 County Road NN, Elkhorn. The screenings are open to all. Contact the Health Department at 741-3140 for more information. Free blood pressure screening, last Friday of every month, 2 - 4 p.m., Williams Bay Care Center, 146 Clover St., Williams Bay. Narcotics Anonymous meetings in the southern lakes area. Call (877) 434-4346 (toll free) for times and locations. White River Cycle Club, 7 p.m., VIP Services, 811 E. Geneva St., Elkhorn, second Tuesday of each month. Contact Mike Lange for more information at 723-5666. Lake Geneva Alzheimer’s support group, 6:30 p.m., third Wednesday of the month. Arbor Village of Geneva Crossing, 201 Townline Road, Lake Geneva. Call Andy Kerwin at 248-4558. Alzheimer's/Dementia support group, third Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m., Delavan Community Bank Community Center located at 826 E. Geneva Street in Delavan. Call Bob Holland at 472-0958 or Arlene Torrenga at 728-6393 with questions. Alzheimer’s Support Group, first Thursday of the month, 1:30 p.m., Hearthstone/Fairhaven, 426 W. North Street, Whitewater. Facilitators: Janet Hardt, Darlene Zeise 473-8052. Respite care is available with no advance notice. Parkinson’s Disease support group, 1 p.m., second Monday of every month, Lower level conference room, Fairhaven Retirement Community, 435 W. Starin Road, Whitewater. Contact Julie Hollenbeck, 431-4772, or by email at [email protected]. Huntington’s Disease Support Group for anyone affected by Huntington’s Disease, meets the third Saturday of the month on the lower level, conference rooms A and B, of Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee. Call (414) 257-9499 or go to for more information. Harbor of Hope grief support group, first Thursday of each month, 3 - 4:30 p.m., Aurora VNA of Wisconsin, 500 Interchange North, Lake Geneva. 249-5860. NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness, Support Group, first and third Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. at the Health and Human Services building on Co. NN, Elkhorn. Call 495-2439 for more info. (Continued on page 30) 30 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 What’s Happening Continued from page 29 Matthew Zaremba (Prince Dauntless), and Carter Skolnick (Princess Winnifred) discuss events while Andrew Breen (Knight) watches. Williams Bay High Schoolʼs production of “Once Upon a Mattress,” which will be performed on Friday and Saturday, November 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5, and children three and younger get in free. (Photo by correspondent Penny Gruetzmacher) A support group called “Entouch,” (Encouraging others Touched by suicide), meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Riverwood Church, 6919 McHenry St., Burlington. The group is for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Attendees do not need to attend the church or, indeed, have any religious affiliation. Everyone is welcome. Call 758-0886 for more information. Families Anonymous (FA), a 12-Step, self-help support program for parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends who are concerned about, and affected by, the substance abuse or behavioral problems of a loved one, meets every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 76 S. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. Enter through the double glass doors on W. Geneva St. Parking is available on the street or the parking lot west of the church. Additional information may be obtained by calling (262) 215-6893, Maureen at 723-8227 or through Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), Tuesdays 8-9 a.m. Community Center, 820 E Geneva St., Delavan. Encourages nutrition and exercise with a positive attitude. Guests are welcome, no weekly meeting fee. Contact Marilyn Wilkins at 249-0304. T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Tuesdays 9:15 - 9:35 a.m., Community Center, U.S. Bank, 101 E. Walworth St., Elkhorn (call 723-3791 with questions) and Tuesdays 5:30 - 6 p.m., United Methodist Church, corner of 2nd and Washington Streets, Delavan. ~ ART, LITERATURE THEATER, MUSIC ~ Milwaukee Keyboardist Al White, Sunday, Nov. 23, 4-8 p.m., Ye Olde Hotel in Lyons. 1 (262) 763-2701. No cover charge. Pianist Rex Wilkinson, Wednesday and Sunday nights 6:30-10 p.m. at Mars Resort on Lake Como’s south shore. Scott Thomas, karaoke, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m., Lake Lawn Resort, Highway 50, Delavan. The Eddie Cash Show, Sundays 12:30 - 4 p.m., Eddie Cash Music Hall, N1530 Powers Lake Rd., Genoa City. Arrive at 12:30 p.m. to enjoy your pre-selected lunch, and grab snacks from the concession. Call ahead for reservations and to pre-select your meal choice. For those eating at home - the show begins at 2 pm, and Eddie will entertain with his musical storytelling. With hundreds of stories to choose from, Eddie is sure to keep audiences entertained for hours. Fans of 50s and 60s music will love these classic songs and stories from yesteryear. Pianist Kathy Fry, Wednesdays from 58 p.m., Lobby Lounge, Grand Geneva Resort, Highway 50 and 12, Lake Geneva, and Fridays from 6-11 p.m., Lake Lawn Resort, Delavan. Guitarist Paul Silbergleit, Thursdays from 5-8 p.m., Grand Geneva Resort. Live entertainment, Saturday and Sunday 2-5 p.m., Village Supper Club, 1725 South Shore Drive, Delavan. 728-6360. Live Music Fridays 9 p.m. to midnight, Champs Sports Bar & Grill, 747 W Main St., Lake Geneva. No cover charge. Call 248-6008, or log on to Brian Fictum, That Sax Guy, Thursdays from 6-9 p.m. at B.J. Wentkers, 230 Milwaukee Ave., Burlington. A Fireside Christmas, through Dec. 21 at the Fireside Dinner Theatre, Fort Atkinson. Call the box office at 800-4779505 or log on to www.fireside for schedules, prices and more. FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY GUIDE FRIDAY FRIDAY FISH FRY All-You-Can-Eat BEER BATTERED COD 10.95 31 N. Wisconsin St. Elkhorn 262-723-8100 $ HOURS: Tues.-Thurs. 4-9 p.m.; Fri. 4-10 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed Mondays All-You-Can-Eat ...............9.99 3 Pc. Fried.........................8.99 Baked....9.99 • Senior....6.99 2 Piece Cajun Catfish....................9.99 Rainbow Trout................11.99 Stuffed Flounder............11.99 (with crab, shrimp stuffing) Served with choice of potato & unlimited soup 620 N. Walworth Street Darien, WI (262) 882-5515 FISH FRY 4-10 P.M. 2 Pieces............................................$6.99 3 Pieces.........................................$7.99 All-You-Can-Eat...................$8.99 FRIDAY FISH FRY BEER BATTERED, BREADED OR BAKED COD Homemade Potato Pancakes or Corn Fritters & All The Trimmings 14.95 $ Limited Menu Available SERVING 4:00-9:00 P.M. EVERY FRIDAY EARLY BIRD $ 13.95 3 MILES NORTH OF DOWNTOWN LAKE GENEVA 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Includes soup and choice of rye or corn bread 328 Walworth Ave., Delavan, WI • 728-3995 ITALIAN FISH FRY $ 12.95 • All Night Fried Cod, Potato, Vegetable, Pasta, Soup & Salad EVERY FRIDAY 1/2 lb. Lobster Tail...$18.95 Closed Mon.-Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 5-9; Sat. 5-10; Sun. 5-9 W7404 County Road X Delavan, WI 262-728-6878 7377 Krueger Road, Lake Geneva, WI 262-348-9900 • Fine Dining and Cocktails Nightly Specials WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY FISH FRY Banquet Facilities Available for Small Groups SERVING TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY NOON 5246 E. COUNTY ROAD X BELOIT, WI • 362-8577 W9002 State Road 11, Delavan, WI 262-882-2800 Served 11am to 10 pm Entrees include coleslaw, tartar, lemon wedge, corn on the cob, homemade cornbread and your choice of potato pancakes, fries or potato chips Fish Fry Baked Cod Beer Battered Black Tiger Shrimp Pan Fried Walleye Fried Walleye Fish Fry Sandwich FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Serving From 5:00 P.M. BAKED or FRIED COD...$11.95 PAN or DEEP FRIED WALLEYE $ 15.95 Includes choice of Potato Pancakes, French Fries or Baked Potato, Applesauce & Salad Bar CALL 262-245-1877 To Advertise in The Beacon’s FISH FRY SECTION GET HOOKED ON THE BEACON! also at The Beacon Library Notes (Continued from page 23) The program is sponsored by the Friends of the Lake Geneva Public Library. • The reading series “Poems by the Lake” will continue in the Smith Meeting Room on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. Each reading is led by Alisha Benson, who received her MFA in Creative Writing: Poetry from Bowling Green State University. Those who attend the program are invited to read their favorite poems aloud on any subject or simply listen. In celebration of poetry, participants are encouraged to read their own original works and poems they admire by published poets. The theme for the December reading is holiday poetry, and participants may choose to share poems on the theme. Benson will read examples of holiday- inspired poetry and will present poetry exercises as holiday gifts. Everyone is welcome to attend this program at no charge. • Computer coaching and basic computer problem-solving sessions are available at the library for adults of all ages. Tutors will be available Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the library’s reference room. Computer coaching is led in a question and answer format by volunteers from Volunteer Connection of Walworth County. It is a one-on-one, or two or more, training session that covers a specific technology topic of interest, such as setting up an email account. This service is intended for all levels of users who need to get more comfortable with specific computer topics, such as using Google. People may attend an unlimited number of sessions. Topics covered include: email, Internet, basic computer set-up, and basic troubleshooting. Topics not covered include: hardware problems, Adobe Photoshop, Linux Software, or other specialized, jobrelated software. Please contact the reference desk staff to register for a session at 249-5299 at least one day in advance. Sessions are free. For more information, call the library at 249-5299 or visit the Library Web site, www. ! ! ! Matheson Memorial Library, 101 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. Open Monday Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 723-2678. • The library hosts two book clubs per month. The Page Turners meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and the Afternoon Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. You can check out a copy of the book club selection 3-4 weeks prior to the book club meeting. All meetings are held at the library and are facil- Nov. 21, 2014 — 31 feature healthy refreshments, programs for seniors, good conversation, and of course, coffee. • Wednesday Readers Book Discussion meets the third Wednesday of the month at 2:30 pm. To obtain a book, come to the information desk or call us at 877-4281. Books will be: December 17, “Love Anthony” by Lisa Genova • Wee Reads for babies 0-2 years of age, 10:30-11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 21, 28. No registration required. Learn pre-reading skills the fun way. A lap sit program designed just for babies 0-2 years with plenty of activities including stories, songs, bubbles, scarves, and parachute play. ! ! ! Walworth Memorial Library, 101 Maple Ave., Walworth. Open Mon. and Wed. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Tues., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Now offering wireless Internet service. • Knitting and crocheting classes, Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. Call for details. • Preschool Story Hour, Fridays, 9:45 – 10:30 a.m., for preschool-age children infant to age 5 and their caregivers. The hour will include stories, snacks, crafts and more. • Children’s story hour, age kindergarten through grade 3, Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. • Book Club for adults, third Saturday of each month, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 275-6322 for more information. ! ! ! Librarians and Friends Groups: Send information about upcoming library events by mail to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 69, Williams Bay, WI 53191; by fax to 245-1855; or by e-mail to [email protected]. itated by staff librarians. • Story times are about 30 minutes and are filled with books, songs and more. Each week will bring something new. No registration required. Toddlers on Tuesday at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Books n Babies on Thursday at 10 a.m.; Preschool age on Wednesday at 10 a.m.; and Tiny Tots 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:30 p.m. We Explore, ages 3+, Friday 10 a.m. • Slipped Stitches, every Wednesday, 68 p.m. in the Youth Services story room. A group for anyone who does some sort of stitching: knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, tatting etc. • The Lego Building Club for all ages meets every other Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in the community center. Each meeting will feature a different building theme. Creations will be displayed in the library and online. Lego donations greatly appreciated. • Messy Art Club meets on the alternate Thursdays from the Lego Building Club at 3:30 p.m. • The Walworth County Genealogical Society Library is open Tuesdays from 10 a.m – 3 p.m. and by appointment, which can be made by calling the WCGS librarian at 215-0118. A board member will always be there to render assistance if needed. To obtain membership information or find literature regarding Walworth County, visit All programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Call 7232678 or visit for more. ! ! ! Twin Lakes Community Library, 110 S. Lake Ave., Twin Lakes. 877-4281. Hours: Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. -8 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday – Sunday 12-4 p.m. • Senior Coffee Hour, 10-11:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month will CALL 742-3022 LOCALLY OWNED FOR 29 YEARS • SERVING ALL OF WALWORTH COUNTY • Fully Insured • Our Cleaning Is Always Satisfaction Guaranteed A.A. Anderson, Inc. POWERFUL TRUCK MOUNTED STEAM EXTRATION UNITS WATER CONDITIONING We do service work on everything from Combines to Chainsaws... 815-943-5454 • $ 10.00 OFF WITH THIS AD WATER TREATMENT Family Owned & Operated WATER SOFTENERS • IRON FILTERS • DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1978 888-771-8099 For expert advice, call Terry Addie & his professional sales staff. MASSAGE THERAPY 262.249.1230 Barb and Mark Mitchell Nationally Certified in Theraputic Massage & Bodywork Members AMTA • Certified Since 1978 905 Marshall Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Ace Wild Bird Food 20 lb 81995 DE SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON! • FARM • LAWN • COMMERCIAL Certified Mechanics and Modern Facility HARDWARE LA VA N REPAIR • Residential and Commercial • Professional Air Duct Cleaning • Water Damage Restoration Free Water Analysis Free Softener Check-Up 262-728-2731 dealer participation may vary Mike Guiler HAIR REMOVAL Clear4Life Electrolysis, Inc. Permanent Hair Removal Services for Women and Men All body areas All hair colors All skin colors Free consultation State licensed & board certified Heritage Square, 93 W. Geneva St., Williams Bay, WI Carol Aalund, CPE, LE, RE 815-266-1405 [email protected] ANIMAL SANCTUARY & RETREAT VALLEY OF THE KINGS SANCTUARY & RETREAT VOTK is open to members only. An Individual Membership is Only $60 for 6 months and Family is $ 75 for 6 months. Once you are a member, you can come any Saturday, Sunday or both after 1:30 p.m. to visit the animals. CONTACT US: VALLEY OF THE KINGS SANCTUARY & RETREAT W7593 Townhall Road, Sharon, WI 53585-9728 PHONE (262) 736-9386 email: [email protected] • website: 840 E. Geneva St. Delavan, WI 2 for red 262-728-8228 10 $ hot buy BARBER SHOP Coming Soon! 2885 Main Street East Troy, WI 262-903-1014 DO YOU HAVE A SERVICE BUSINESS? Your ad in this directory will be seen by 50,000 potential customers an issue. CALL 245-1877 For Advertising Rates in Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n also at 32 — The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 2015 Kia Sedona is a handsome mini-van, but don’t call it that By David Undercoffler Los Angeles Times Pop quiz: What kind of vehicle seats up to eight people and has a pair of sliding doors, seats that fold out of the way and a commanding view of the parking lot at your local Gymboree? According to Kia, it’s not a minivan. The South Korean automaker recently began selling its 2015 Sedona “multipurpose vehicle,” a third-generation people mover that starts at $26,795. It’s aimed at rivals including the Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan. Kia, like nearly every other purveyor of minivans, swears the Sedona is too cool to be called a minivan. Honda uses Run DMC and Judas Priest to sell its Odyssey; Toyota had a “Swagger Wagon” ad go viral online to the tune of 12.7 million views on YouTube; and Dodge has an R/T performance version of its Grand Caravan that its CEO calls the “man van.” Kia’s new ad campaign uses the tag line “It’s not a sports car, it’s a Sedona.” Lest Corvette owners start lining up for a trade-in. Curiously, buyers seem to have much less problem with being seen in a minivan. Honda, Toyota, Chrysler and Dodge each sell at least 120,000 of them a year. Perhaps a Stuart Smalley intervention is in order for minivan makers: You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you. In Kia’s defense, the new Sedona has the styling moxie to back up this otherwise silly identity crisis. By avoiding exces- The 2015 Kia Sedona is a handsome minivan, but donʼt call it that. By avoiding excessive body cladding between the wheels, squaring off the Sedonaʼs profile, and moving the wheels closer to the corners, the 2015 edition can almost pass as a large crossover SUV. (Kia/MCT) sive body cladding between the wheels, squaring off the Sedona’s profile, and moving the wheels closer to the corners, the 2015 edition can almost pass as a large crossover SUV. That similarity matters to Kia, which says 54 percent of minivan shoppers – regardless of what they call the thing – are empty-nesters. Think grandparents with “active lifestyles” who still appreciate minivan practicality but also crave the style and amenities offered in many crossovers. Unfortunately, segment-leading handsomeness is all that distinguishes the Sedona from its peers. Kia missed an opportunity to set itself apart from a pack of relatively stale competitors. The inside of the Sedona is built for seven people in standard trim, with a pair of reclining captain’s chairs in the second row and a bench in the rear (an optional eighth seat wedges in the middle of the second row). Every seat in the house is spacious enough for tall adults, if not particularly plush. Our nearly loaded, $43,295 SXL tester included “first-class lounge seating” for the second row. In addition to reclining, the seats move side-to-side and fore-aft and each has a leg rest that pops out. Picture a La-Z-Boy recliner BENOY MOTORS IN WOODSTOCK FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR with less room for your legs and no tiny fridge built into the side. This Sedona’s third row flips and folds into the floor like all minivans should, though the heft of the seats makes this a chore, even for athletic adults. With the seats in place, their cubby in the floor of the trunk creates a useful cavern for gear. The middle row doesn’t disappear into the floor as in Chrysler and Dodge models, though the seat cushion does fold up, and the seat forward against the front seats. This means users don’t have to remove the middle row to get a healthy amount of pure cargo room with the third row stowed. Overall, the Honda Odyssey and Toyota Sienna have more room for both people and cargo, while the Chrysler and Dodge models rank about the same as the Kia. From the Sedona’s driver’s seat, things were similarly average. The cabin is quiet but the ride quality is harsh. A 276-horsepower V-6 is standard on all models, as is a six-speed automatic transmission and front-wheel drive. That power figure is similar to its peers’, though the Sedona’s acceleration felt sluggish. This was disappointing, especially since Kia uses a slightly more powerful version of the same engine in its (lighter) Cadenza full-size sedan to great effect. Our SXL test model is rated at 17 mpg in the city and 22 on the highway, lagging just a bit behind most of its peers. In a week of mixed driving, we averaged 20 mpg. (Continued on page 33) BENOY MOTORS QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET $1,200 * $1,500 * $1,500 * $1,995 * * * * * $2,995 * $2,995 * * $3,995 * $3,995 * $3,995 * * * * * * $5,995 * $5,995 * * * * $7,995 * $9,995 * $9,995 * OVER 60 YEARS! 1500 PICKUP DART SXT 4DR $10,900 * $12,500 * * * * * $17,900 * $17,900 * $18,900 * $19,900 * $19,900 * $20,500 * $23,500 * * $27,900 * $28,900 * $29,900 * ^ 23,537 23 $ NOW N ONLY: ** 200 LIMITED 4DR SALE PRICE: 18,621 $ GRAND CARAVAN SE ^ SALE PRICE: $ ** ^ 21,438 ** SALE PRICE: 19,870 $ ** Mon: 7:30am-8pm (815) 338-5100 **Prices exclude tax, title, lic. & doc fee. Includes all manufacturer rebates & incentives. Photos are for il ustration purposes only and may not represent actual vehicles. Jeep & Chrysler are registered trademarks of Chrysler LLC. No prior sales. Expires 3 days after publication. See dealer for more details. ^Must finance thru Chrysler Capital, see dealer for complete details. HOURS: BENOYMOTOR.COM (815) 338-5100 *Prices exclude tax, title, lic. & doc fee. No prior sales. Expires 3 days after publication. See dealer for more details. also at The Beacon Forgotten Delavan Continued from page 1 The inside of the Sedona is built for seven people. Every seat in the house is spacious enough for tall adults, if not particularly plush. (Kia/MCT) Kia Sedona Continued from page 32 $43,395 may sound like a lot for a minivan – sorry, multipurpose diaper wagon – but it’s on par with others in the segment. Spend that much on the Sedona and you get lane departure warning, a 360-degree camera system, forward collision warning, adaptive cruise control, two sunroofs, an Infinity sound system, leather seats and power tailgate and side doors. That’s an impressive roster of options, though we’d like to see some sort of DVD entertainment system included in it. And Kia expects the average Sedona buyer to opt for the midlevel EX version, which starts at $32,995. All Sedona models come with six air bags – including side curtain air bags for all three rows, ABS, traction control and brake assist. This 2015 Kia holds its own, at least for now. Though it’s less practical and efficient, the Sedona is a hipper alternative to its older, more conventional peers. But its relevance won’t last. Chrysler, which invented the minivan 30 years ago, is expected to debut a new model a year from now. Expect big things; as the segment’s sales and innovation leader, it takes minivans more seriously than most. And completely new versions of the Honda Odyssey and Toyota Sienna won’t be far behind. At that point, this lukewarm new Sedona could become an afterthought. No matter what Kia calls it. © 2014 Los Angeles Times Distributed by MCT Information Services A photo of the Allyn Mansion after it had been stripped of its gingerbread and when it had been restored to its nationally famous glory shows a magnificent transformation that is hard to believe. The book is organized into sections about the Downtown and Racine Street areas, the East End, industry and agriculture and “out at the lake.” Marsicano was born and raised in Alsip, Ill., a bedroom community of Chicago. She came to Delavan after graduating from high school and has enjoyed small town life ever since. Her interest in local history stems from a profound curiosity about her family history. She quickly realized that in order to understand people you need to learn about where they lived. this curiosity led to her interest in old postcards. “It began with an old Delavan postcard that illustrated a long-gone business at the lake,” she explains. What began with one Delavan postcard has led to a collection of more than 1,000, all depicting a view of local life in the early 1900s. Marsicano has been president of the Delavan Historical Society since its resurrection in 2003, and is a Past Exalted Ruler of the Walworth-Lakeland Elks Lodge, a member of the Daughter’s of the Union Veterans of the Civil War and other organizations and committees in both the Town and City of Delavan. Nov. 21, 2014 — 33 Her first book with Arcadia Publishing’s Images of America series, “Delavan,” was published in 2004. She hopes that her latest book will provoke nostalgic memories in its readers and encourage more people to share their images, stories and information with her and the Delavan Historical Society to be saved for future generations. Not only will the book be an enjoyable read for the casual history fan, but a valuable tool for researchers. Upcoming Events Marsicano will be available to discuss and sign her book at several upcoming events: • Saturday, Nov. 22, 9 a.m. - noon at the Delavan Historical Society, 633 Ann St. in Delavan • Saturday, Nov. 22 from 1-3 p.m. at the Walworth County Historical Society, 103 E. Rockwell St., Elkhorn • Sunday, Nov. 23, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Jan’s Hallmark, 107 S. 3rd St.,Delavan • Saturday, Nov. 29, 11 a.m. - 1 pm. at Bradley’s Department Store, 222 E. Walworth Ave., Delavan • Sunday, Nov. 30, noon to 3 p.m. at the Village Supper Club, 1725 South Shore Dr., Delavan • Saturday, Dec. 6, 1-3 p.m., Remember When, 313 E. Walworth Ave., Delavan. “Forgotten Delavan” $21.99, Arcadia Publishing, will be available for purchase at these events, as well as area bookstores, independent retailers, online retailers and through the publisher at, or by calling (888) 313-2665. All telephone numbers published in The Beacon are in area code 262 unless otherwise indicated. The Delavan Public School, serving kindergarten through 12th grade, was located at the corner of South Main and Wisconsin streets. It was razed in 1894 to build a new school, which was destroyed by fire in 1904. Classes were held in churches and other buildings around town until the new school was completed at the same location in 1906. (Photo by Newton Heiss) 815-943-7390 1520 N. Division Street, Harvard • HASSLE FREE REPAIR PROCESS • LIFETIME WARRANTY ON REPAIRS Ask for Adams...Two Convenient Locations LAKE IN THE HILLS 8559 Pyott Road 815-356-0192 HARVARD 1520 N. Division Street 815-943-7390 - Where Quality & Customer Satisfaction Count! N A PA A u to C a r e C e n te r AS E C er ti fi ed Shop F U LL TO BUMPER R E P M BU S E R V IC E Want to sell a car, boat or (almost) anything else? A private party ad this size is just $15, including color artwork or photo. Call 245-1877 to place your ad and pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. 1101 Ann Street Delavan, WI (262) 728-2944 NEW SERVICE AVAILABLE: Oil Change • Loaner Cars • Shuttle Service Family Owned and Operated Business Complete Automotive Service and Repair Trusted NAPA AutoCare and AAA Approved Center All Makes & Models Foreign & Domestic 2 Year, 24,000 Nationwide Warranty BUY 4 TH GET THE 5 FREE! Loaner Program FINANCING AVAILABLE also at 34 — The Beacon Westwords Continued from page 3 So, even though it was the last Saturday of November, the day of the wedding dawned sunny and warm. The bride was lovely, the church impressive and the gathering suitably large. My best man was my old high school chum and college roommate, Larry Ryder. My second best man, or whatever he is called, was Harvey “Pep” Miller, another high school friend with whom I had worked in a foundry the previous summer. Both are now certified Old Warriors with whom I reestablish contact every summer in northern Wisconsin. Because I was young and foolish and hadn’t recovered from my anger at the Monsignor’s decision, when the service was over, I told Larry to go to the office, get the marriage certificate and not pay the old man the money my father-in-law had given me in an envelope. Larry did as I asked and retrieved the certificate, which attested to the fact that Kathleen Bovi had married David White. I quickly decided not to have it changed in case the marriage turned out to be a disaster, and it might provide a technicality by which I could have it annulled. I sent the lads to a liquor store of their choice to procure a drop of “the creature,” which I felt might come in handy at the reception, which was being held at a YMCA facility that admitted no spirits, except the Holy. Not long after we got to the reception, my new father-in-law braced me in a corner and asked what had happened to the Monsignor’s stipend. When I told him, his anger increased. “I have to live in his parish and look that man in the eye every Sunday,” he said. “I wrote him a check, but I won’t forget this, and neither will he.” Ah, such a lovely beginning to a new relationship. Aside from that, and one other slight misstep, it was a lovely reception. It seems that one of my new uncles-in- law was physically unable to tolerate alcohol and when he had a sip of the punch, he immediately informed his wife that someone had spiked it with vodka. Although I hadn’t done it personally, I had instigated the deed and was guilty. (I often wondered why, if he was not familiar with liquor he was so readily able to identify the offending ingredient). After berating me at some length and sharing the information with my wife’s other aunts, Aunt Helen dumped out the punch and arranged for more to be made. Ah, me. The day that had begun so unseasonably warm stayed that way until the sun went down, and then so did the temperature, which, in Milwaukee where we had driven for a short honeymoon, dropped to ten below zero. Not having had enough religion the day before, and perhaps wanting an opportunity to atone for my most recent sins, the next morning found us at a Catholic church in Milwaukee. The priest who Nov. 21, 2014 greeted us explained that it was the first day on which the mass would be said in English instead of Latin. When I told him I had been raised an Episcopalian, he said, “You’ll probably be the only one in the church who knows what’s going on.” And I believe he was right. The rest of the congregation seemed a bit confused, but I knelt, sat and responded at all the proper places. But I missed the Latin. As you can see, it’s easy to remember the important dates in that I proposed to my future wife on the night The Beatles debuted on the Ed Sullivan Show and got married on the last day the Catholic church service was said in Latin. Just Google it, bro. With all of that behind us, Kathi and I embarked on what has turned out to be a marvelous half century. Although she comes from a line of long-livers who thought nothing of celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary, none of my forebears’ marriages lasted anywhere near as long. But they weren’t married to the wonderful and patient Kathleen. Thanksgiving Menu Enjoy our Special Menu of Family Favorites including... • ROAST TURKEY • HAM • DUCK • PRIME RIB Plus more entrees to choose from CHILDREN’S MENU IS AVAILABLE • Serving Noon to 5:00 p.m. • Reservations Are Suggested (608) 362-8577 Call For 262-725-2663 262-725-7300 Christmas Party Reservations BRING IN THIS AD FOR 20% OFF Open Tuesday - Sunday Open 7 Days A Week • Monday-Saturday 10-5 • Sunday 11-4 418 Highway 50 • Delavan, Wisconsin 5246 E. CTY. RD. X - BELOIT, WI 1 mile east of Lake Lawn on Hwy. 50 • 7th ANNUAL FORT ATKINSON Winter Farmers & Art Market SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 • 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Downtown Fort Atkinson South Main Street Including: Soulful Toad • Soap & Pepper • Jonas Office Building • Vermillion • First Congregational Church FIND ORIGINAL HOLIDAY GIFTS MADE BY LOCAL ARTISANS • Oil & Acrylic Paintings • Watercolors • Ceramic Bowls & Platters • Silver Necklaces & Earrings • Handcrafted Wooden Toys & Boxes • Quilts • Needlepoint • Sculpture • Wind Chimes • Wool Socks • Sheep Pelts • Art Glass • Honey, Goat & Scented Soaps • Photographs GET ALL YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY NEEDS • Baguettes • Fresh Bread • Scones • Pies • Cookies • Cakes • Homemade Jams • Honey • Egg Nog • Local Beef, Chicken & Lamb • Organic Cheese • Shrimp & Seafood Platters • Fudge • Butter • Produce • Pickles • Eggs • Apples • Cider • Salsa Food • Vendors • Community Groups • Teen Art Gallery • Kids Art Projects • Prizes SANTA CLAUS • MUSIC • CAROLERS • TROLLEY RIDES Sponsored by • Contact 1.888.SEE.FORT or visit The Beacon L au g h in g M at t e r What do you have if three politicians are buried up to their necks in sand? Not enough sand. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Four retired guys were walking down a street in Fort Myers Beach, Fla. when they turned a corner and saw a sign that read, “Old Timers’ Bar - all drinks 10 cents.” They paused, looked at each other, and then went in, thinking “this is too good to be true.” The old bartender said in a voice that carries across the room, “Come on in and let me pour one for you! “What’ll it be, Gentlemen? There seemed to be a fully-stocked bar, so each of the men asked for a martini. In short order, the bartender served up four iced martinis – shaken, not stirred – and said, “That’ll be 10 cents each, please.” The four men stared at the bartender for a moment, then looked at each other. They couldn’t believe their good luck They paid the 40 cents, finished their martinis, and ordered another round.The bartender produced four more excellent martinis and said, “That’ll be 40 cents, please. They paid the 40 cents, but their curiosity was more than they could stand. They had each had two martinis and so far they’d spent less than a dollar. Finally one of the men said, “How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a dime apiece?” “I’m a retired tailor from Boston,” the bartender said, “ and I always wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the Lottery for $25 million and decided to open this place. Every drink costs a dime – wine, liquor, beer – it’s all the same.” “Wow, that’s quite a story,” said one of the men. The four of them stood sipping their martinis and couldn’t help but notice three men at the end of the bar who didn’t have drinks in front of them and hadn’t ordered anything the whole time they were there. One of the four gestured to the trio at the end of the bar without drinks and asked the bartender, “What’s with them?” “Oh, they’re old retired Norwegians from Wisconsin,” said the bartender. “They’re waiting for happy hour when drinks are half price.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A child asked his father, “How were people born?” So his father said, “Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on.” The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, “We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now.” The child ran back to his father and said, “You lied to me! Mom said we came from monkeys.” “I didn’t lie,” said his father. “Your mom was talking about her side of the family.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ The Ladies Aid Society decided to bring a little sunshine into the state prison by writing cheery letters to the inmates. One woman didn’t quite know how to go about addressing a man she knew only by a string of numbers. She finally achieved what she believed to be a measure of friendliness when she wrote, “Dear 688395. May I call you 688?” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A professor of economics from the University of Texas was one of the principal speakers at a seminar in San Antonio. The audience included a large number of Oklahomans. When the speaker generously mentioned the neighboring state as an “outlying province of Texas,” a husky Oklahoman jumped to his feet and shouted, “Brother, there ain’t no state that can out-lie Texas!” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A sign in front of a shoe repair shop pictured several styles of rubber heels and a beautiful girl who was saying, “I’m in love with America’s Number One Heel.” Underneath in small, feminine handwriting, someone had written, “Too bad, sister! I married him.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A Congressman was once asked about his attitude toward whiskey. “If you mean the demon drink that poisons the mind, pollutes the body, desecrates family life, and inflames sinners, then I’m against it. “But if you mean the elixir of Christmas cheer, the shield against winter chill, the taxable potion that puts needed funds into public coffers to comfort little crippled children, then I'm for it. This is my position, and I will not compromise.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A sportsman visited a fellow hunter and was given a tour of his home. In the den was a stuffed lion. “When did you bag him?” asked the visitor. (Continued on page 39) also at Pickles by Brian Crane Nov. 21, 2014 — 35 36 — The Beacon Mr. Boffo by Joe Martin also at Garfield by Jim Davis Nov. 21, 2014 The Beacon Mr. Boffo by Joe Martin also at Willy and Ethel by Joe Martin Nov. 21, 2014 — 37 also at 38 — The Beacon Nov. 21, 2014 F uN a nd G a m eS Crossword Clues Across 1 Hollywood special effects, briefly 4 Did, but doesn’t now 10 1970s-’80s sketch comedy show 14 “Prince Valiant” prince 15 Brian McKnight/ Vanessa Williams duet with the line “It conquers all” 16 Chain with stacks 17 Wine enthusiast’s list of killer reds? 20 “I __ Symphony”: Supremes hit 21 Hoover underlings 22 Stands the test of time 25 Out to lunch, so to speak 28 Shed tears 29 Kaput 31 Mineo of film 32 Barcelona bar bites 34 Dust particle 36 Wine enthusiast’s “That’s how it goes”? 40 Bankrolls 41 Man-to-boy address 42 Feel ill 43 It’s saved in bits 44 Stinging insect 48 Effervesce, as some wine 52 Helter-__ 54 “Uh-oh” 56 Sierra __: Freetown’s country 57 Wine enthusiast’s philosophy? 61 Champagne choice 62 First novel in Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle 63 Take steps 64 Eggs sprinkling 65 Levels of society 66 __ down the law All puzzle answers are on page 25. ♠ ♥ Bridge Deception ♦ ♣ Goren on Bridge by Tannah Hirsch NORTH ♠ Q, 9, 7 ❤ 7 ♦ A, K, 5, 2 ♣ Q, J, 8, 7, 3 EAST ♠ 5, 3, 2 ❤ A, K, 10, 5 ♦ J, 8 ♣ K, 10, 4, 2 SOUTH ♠ K, J, 10, 8, 6, 4 ❤ Q, J, 8 ♦ 7, 3 ♣ 9, 6 The bidding: SOUTH WEST 2♠ Pass Pass Pass Sudoku ©2014 Tribune Content Agency, Inc. East-West vulnerable. South deals. WEST ♠ A ❤ 9, 6, 4, 3,. 2 ♦ Q, 10, 9, 6, 4 ♣ A, 5 Down 1 Nut used in Asian cooking 2 Novelist Graham 3 Overrun 4 Arm bone-related 5 Lawn maker 6 Celebration time 7 Fall on __ ears 8 Choice piece 9 Singer K.T. 10 Judged, with “up” 11 Waters off Taiwan 12 Cargo unit 13 Cheney and Biden: Abbr. 18 Lost one’s temper 19 Sumac of Peru 23 Glimpse 24 __-Pei 26 Golfer Johnson 27 Antlered animal 30 Neighbor of Kobe and Kyoto 33 Mule parent 34 “Sammy the Seal” author Hoff 35 Cat burglar 36 Bon mot 37 Illicit 38 Google goals 39 Minn. neighbor 40 Scale notes 43 Hit the road 45 Like many a John Cage composition 46 Largest of New York’s Finger Lakes 47 Comely 49 Butler of fiction 50 Ornamental pond fish 51 Draws the short straw, say 53 Justice Kagan 55 Lasting mark 57 Lots of ozs. 58 Keogh plan kin 59 Ottoman dignitary 60 Sci-fi sidekick, often NORTH 4♠ EAST Pass Opening lead: 10 of ♦ North’s jump to game was a slight overbid. Perhaps a bid of two no trump, to ask about partner's strength, would have been better. South was Tony Nunn, a top Australian player, and a man who doesn’t give up easily. Nunn realized that he had no play – he was off four top tricks – but he was not going down without a fight. He won the opening diamond lead in dummy and led the queen of clubs, smoothly playing the nine from his hand. West won his ace and continued diamonds. Nunn won in dummy and led the three of clubs off the table. What was East to do? Playing the 10 could lead to disaster if South had started with a singleton nine. He could now see his king get ruffed out to establish a club trick in dummy that might be declarer's 10th trick. Quite reasonably, he played low and Nunn's six won the trick! Nunn continued with the queen of hearts from hand and the defense could do nothing at this point to prevent two heart ruffs in dummy and Nunn had his miraculous game. Well done! The defense could have prevailed had West cashed his ace of trumps early. East could then play a second trump when on lead with a heart and limit declarer to one heart ruff. A long club could still be developed by ruffing, but there would be no entry to enjoy it. ©2014 Tribune Content Agency LLC Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, from 1 to 9. Taking part in a Veteranʼs Day service at Vintage on the Ponds are (seated, from left) Dean Hollinger WWII, Army; Maddeline Schuldes, WWII Nurse; Raymond Hewes WWII, Navy; John Cox, Vietnam, Navy; (standing) Earl Chapin WWII, Navy; Nadeen Strohm, speaker, Vital Innovative Hospice Care; and Kay Ouimet Vietnam Hospital Corps, Navy. (Photo furnished) The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014 — 39 Laughing Matter Continued from page 35 the shield against winter chill, the taxable potion that puts needed funds into public coffers to comfort little crippled children, then I'm for it. This is my position, and I will not compromise.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A sportsman visited a fellow hunter and was given a tour of his home. In the den was a stuffed lion. “When did you bag him?” asked the visitor. (Continued on page 39) “Three years ago, when I went hunting with my wife,” said the host. “What's he stuffed with,” asked the visiting hunter. “My wife.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A businessman told his friend that his company was looking for a new accountant. His friend asked, “Didn’t your company hire a new accountant a few weeks ago?” The businessman replied, “That's the accountant we're looking for.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth. Turning to the man next to him he said, “I forgot my teeth.” “No problem,” said the man. With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of false teeth. “Try these,” he said. The speaker tried them. “Too loose,” he said. “I have another pair...try these,” responded his new acquaintance. The speaker tried them and said they were too tight. Undeterred, the other reached into his pocket and said, “I have one more pair. Try these.” “They fit perfectly,” said the speaker and with that he ate his meal and gave his address. After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him. “I want to thank you for coming to my aid,” he said. “I’ve been looking for a good dentist. Where’s your office?” Oh, I’m not a dentist,” said the man. “I’m the local undertaker.” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ 40 — The Beacon also at Nov. 21, 2014
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