The Accolade - Mercy Medical Center Dubuque
The Accolade - Mercy Medical Center Dubuque
The Accolade DUBUQU E ME RC Y HE A LT H FO UNDAT ION BILL, BOB & JIM KLAUER 2009 | 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS M I S S I O N & VA L U E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 L E T T E R F R O M J O H N B . D O N O VA N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 VO LU N TA RY L E A D E R S H I P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 LETTER FROM CONNIE G. HARDIE T O M & J A N E F LY N N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 KARIN LOUKINEN, MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 GIF TS RECEIVED & ALLOCATIONS T. C . S A N D I D G E - V O L U N T E E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 M E R C Y S E R V I C E C L U B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 F E S T I VA L O F T R E E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 D U B U Q U E M E R C Y H E A LT H F O U N D A T I O N MISSION To encourage, accept and manage gifts and grants from public and private sources, and to direct them in a manner consistent with the purposes of Mercy Medical Center - Dubuque, and support its charitable, health care, education and community service programs. The Dubuque Mercy Health Foundation is an instrument for the advancement of healthcare and helping provide that margin of excellence for Mercy Medical Center, as it serves those who come through its doors. - page two - A L E T T E R F R O M J O H N B . D O N O VA N EXECU TIV E DIRE CT OR DU BU QUE MERC Y HEA LTH FOUN DATIO N I recently attended a one-day workshop offering a refreshing perspective on philanthropy. The workshop leaders spoke from the donor’s viewpoint. While we always want to keep the donor in mind, the genuine gratefulness and joy experienced by those who gave was humbling to hear. People give for their own reasons and, although those reasons may not always be obvious, a primary motivator is the desire to make a difference. Often the gift or reason for giving is based on a life experience and, when given the opportunity to express gratitude, a person can become quite passionate about that cause. We find this at Mercy. We are blessed with many friends and donors: Some give regularly even without being asked and others like to support specific aspects of our care. For whatever your reasons, we thank each of you for supporting our work. And we hope that in return for giving part of yourself, you are rewarded with a sense of meaningfulness through being a part of a cause and mission greater than any of us. Thank you! - page three - D U B U Q U E M E R C Y H E A LT H F O U N D A T I O N VOLUNTARY LEADERSHIP D U B U Q U E M E R C Y H E A LT H F O U N DAT I O N BOARD OF DIRECTORS Alan W. Bird John B. Donovan Julie Frommelt Connie G. Hardie, Chair Jim Herrig Russell M. Knight Ross A. Madden, MD Robert R. McQuillen, CPA Tim Murphy Paul Peckosh John Tallent MERCY MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alan W. Bird Connie G. Hardie Mary Corita Heid, RSM Russell M. Knight Thomas H. Lucas Robert R. McQuillen, CPA Mark W. Niemer, MD Mary Clare O’Toole, OSF Roger A. Ott, Jr., MD Merlin P. Santjer Stephanie K. Savage Nan Smith Scott J. Taylor, Chair David H. Vellinga Margaret Wick, OSF - page four - A LETTER FROM CONNIE G.HARDIE BOARD CHA IR DUBUQU E MERC Y HEA LT H FOUN DAT ION , “We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” –MOTHER THERE SA Extraordinary events are ordinary deeds at Mercy Medical Center. Life-saving interventions in the Cardiology Center, the Emergency Department, the Operating Room, and the ICU take place daily. Restoration of physical and mental health – to reclaim the activities of daily living – in one part of the hospital can be as miraculous as the birth of a child in another; yet both are common. Certainly, the extraordinary – the great things – do occur. But doing “small things with great love” demonstrates the essence of Mercy. United to the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, we serve as He served and love as He loved. As a Mercy volunteer, I have the privilege of witnessing that spirit of caritas found in every corner, at every level of this organization. As supporters of Mercy, you share that journey. Your support of Mercy has saved countless lives, and improved the lives of many more. Your continued support will make a difference in the health and well being of your family, friends, and community. The entire Mercy family is most grateful for your generosity and partnership in our mission. May God bless you abundantly. - page five - TOM AND JANE FLYNN Tom &Jane Flynn Tom and Jane Flynn raise the bar in terms of giving back. “There has always been an attitude in our family to work together to achieve a common goal,” says Tom Flynn, president and CEO of Flynn Ready-Mix. One of the Flynn family’s goals is to engage in and support our community and resources. Tom says that everyone has time, treasure, or talent to contribute. He and Jane contribute all three. Their history of service extends back for decades, including Tom’s years serving as Senator in the Iowa Legislature and his leadership roles in dozens of organizations and Jane’s strong involvement in their church and their son’s school. “It’s important to give back to the community that has given us so much,” says Jane. She adds that it is easy to do when a person is passionate about a cause. They are also charitable supporters of Mercy, and Tom has been an active participant in the previous Healthy Hearts campaign and current Campaign ICU. “We are so fortunate in Dubuque that we don’t have to travel to receive quality health care—we have that right here,” says Tom. “There is an environment here at Mercy that we should really be proud of,” adds Jane. It’s an environment she knows well as a long-time Mercy employee. LYNN B. FULLER CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT, AND CEO OF HEARTLAND FINANCIAL “When I think of Tom, I think about leadership, achievement, community service and the ability to balance it all, along with the needs of family and friends. Jane strongly supports Tom’s philosophy of the importance of balancing career and family. While treasuring her role as wife and mother, Jane has also excelled as a dedicated and caring health care provider at Mercy.” They both encourage others to find their passion and determine how they can contribute. As Tom says, “Jump in the boat and grab an oar.” We’re thankful that Tom and Jane Flynn have grabbed many oars for Mercy and our community. - page seven - KARIN LOUKINEN, MD Karin Loukinen, MD As a cardiologist at Medical Associates Clinic, Karin Loukinen, MD, takes care of people every day. Her interest in caring for others also reaches far beyond her profession. “We are each charged to take care of our brother,” she says, “and I feel committed to that.” Karin and her husband Ernest believe one way to care for others is through philanthropy, and they take to heart a verse from the Bible: For to whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required (Luke 12:48). They live out these words in their daily lives, willingly sharing in their blessings with others. Contributing, providing, assisting— these actions are engrained in them. With a career in medicine, Karin understands the importance of being a champion for our local health care system. She and Ernest have long been supporters of Mercy, and Karin raves about the level of care and services provided in our community. “We would not have that without making an investment,” says Karin. “Our health care system belongs to all of us, so each of us has a responsibility in stewardship to build the resources available.” Karin and Ernest were also strong supporters of and contributors to the Healthy Hearts campaign, which raised money to build the Medical Associates Community Cardiology Center at Mercy several years ago. “Giving is both my privilege and my responsibility,” adds Karin. We are thankful to have Karin and Ernest Loukinen as such strong champions for health care in our region. MARK RUNDE, MD INTERNIST AND PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT MEDICAL ASSOCIATES CLINIC “Dr. Loukinen is a highlyskilled physician who is admired by her patients and respected by her colleagues. Dr. Loukinen places the health and well-being of her patients above all else, tirelessly delivering exceptional health care in a compassionate and caring manner. Her ongoing contributions to the success of Mercy’s Cardiology Center further demonstrate her commitment to maintaining high-quality cardiac care in this community. Medical Associates is truly honored to have Dr. Loukinen on our team of expert physicians.” - page nine - For every minute that a person in cardiac arrest goes without treatment, the chance of survival decreases by 10 percent. Every minute matters. Because of this, Mercy has placed automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in public areas of the hospital, such as near the cafeteria. Placement of these lifesaving devices in high-traffic areas of the hospital ensures quick treatment by our staff and increases the rate of survival. The Dubuque Mercy Health Foundation generously funded the AEDs. MARCIA AMBROSY, RN GIFTS RECEIVED July 2009 - June 2010 | Total Received $789,586.11 $69,636.00 $40,586.32 FOUNDATIONS & GRANTS HOSPITAL & FOUNDATION BOARD $82,977.09 KEN TOWNSEND RETIRED EXECUTIVE GIFTS-IN-KIND $87,116.99 $110,337.24 BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS MERCY SERVICE CLUB $93,826.00 $240,382.40 $64,501.07 PHYSICIANS & PHYSICIAN GROUPS INDIVIDUALS STAFF AT MERCY “Mercy employees can be very proud of their dedicated support of Mercy’s mission and values. Their continued pursuit of excellence in patient care along with their compassion and respect for all who come through the Mercy doors is an essential element of the successful Mercy story.” ALLOCATIONS July 2009 - June 2010 Total Funds Distributed $92,215.87 $26,695.44 PROGRAMS & SERVICES CHARITY CARE $210,856.88 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & EQUIPMENT - page eleven - T.C. SANDIDGE T.C. Sandidge If you’ve spent much time at Mercy, you’re likely to know his name, or at least his face. T.C. Sandidge is a Mercy volunteer, and his presence is often apparent. Originally hailing from Georgia, T.C. made Dubuque his home in 1979. He began volunteering at Mercy in 1991 and became an employee in 1995, working in Environmental Services. He retired in 2005 and has been volunteering ever since. T.C. has logged almost 8,500 volunteer hours—nearly 40 hours, and sometimes more, each week. “I really enjoy the people,” says T.C. He certainly interacts with many different people. You can find him regularly working in the Home Care Store, assisting with Community Education programs and events, helping with the Mercy Festival of Trees, selling raffle tickets for various fundraisers, and even assisting with field trips for Mercy’s Child Development Center. He can be counted on for a helpful hand, warm smile, and boisterous laugh—and he’s always remarkably respectful of Mercy’s patients and their families. T.C. is also a generous patron of Mercy, always eager to contribute to worthy causes. He’s even become known for stopping by bake sale fundraisers, dropping off his sizable donation but leaving the goodies for others to enjoy. BETH BUSCH COORDINATOR OF MERCY HOME CARE STORE “T.C. has the true spirit of a volunteer. He thoroughly enjoys giving his time to work on behalf of others. His energy and enthusiasm are often infectious. T.C. is particularly loved by children. Often the kids from the Mercy Child Development Center will call out, ‘Hi, T.C.!’ You have a special importance when little children remember your name. Clearly he understands that true wealth is not monetary.” So if you haven’t yet met T.C. Sandidge, look for the man with the cowboy boots and Southern drawl. You can’t help but walk away with a smile. Thank you, T.C., for making a difference every day for Mercy’s patients and staff. - page thirteen - MERCY SERVICE CLUB AUTISM CENTER JENNIFER EGGERS, MA, CFY-SLP Mercy Service Club For over 60 years, the mission of the Mercy Service Club has been to serve children in need. This is what motivates the members to be so involved in the operation of their well-known and popular gift shop. The Service Club is continuing their mission with an extremely generous gift of $100,000 to support the newly established Mercy Service Club Autism Center. Their donation will fund technology and equipment, furnishings, safety features, and scholarships. The Autism Center provides local evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment to children with autism spectrum disorders. “To offer such a wonderful service to a very special group of children—this is our objective,” says Mercy Service Club President Claire Lattner. Claire notes the enthusiasm of Service Club members regarding their support of something they strongly believe in. “To serve parents and children, it’s a win-win for everyone. This is an opportunity that fell out of heaven.” Claire credits the Mercy Service Club volunteers for their commitment to helping children. “Their dedication enables us to do these things,” she says. “We have a wealth of knowledge and talent in our volunteer pool.” BOBBI SCHELL DIRECTOR OF MERCY’S PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION “Amazingly energetic and caring women working toward a common goal can accomplish wonderful things. The Mercy Service Club is a prime example of this. Their support of the Autism Center will allow us to serve children and their families, giving them the support they need close to home. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of this group of women and look forward to working with them for years to come.” Because of the dedication of the Mercy Service Club members, countless children and their families have benefited over the years. And with their continued support for such programs as the Mercy Service Club Autism Center, countless more will continue to benefit for years to come. We thank the Mercy Service Club for their dedication and support. - page fifteen - FESTIVAL OF TREES Festival of Trees The 2009 Mercy Festival of Trees returned to its roots at the newly renovated Hotel Julien Dubuque, where the historic hotel provided a majestic backdrop for the trees, wreaths, and events. The festival was the first fundraiser for the construction of Mercy’s new Intensive Care Unit. The Black & White Gala on the opening night of the festival set the tone with plenty of excitement and generosity. Guests at this sold-out event enjoyed an evening of swinging music, delectable food, and active bidding on silent and live auction items in addition to the Fund-a-Floor auction. More than $100,000 was raised for the ICU during this enchanted evening. The festival continued with new events, old favorites, and overwhelming generosity. Much of that success can be attributed to the support of festival sponsors, many of whom have supported the Mercy Festival of Trees year after year. Alliant Energy Black Hills Energy Cumulus Radio Doland Jewelers Dubuque 365 Dubuque Bank and Trust DuTrac Community Credit Union Five Flags Center Hawkeye Foodservice Holiday Inn/Dubuque Hotel Julien Dubuque Hy-Vee KWWL-TV Mystique Casino Queen B Media Radio Dubuque Stroke Detection Plus Tri-State Surgery Center US Bank SCOTT TAYLOR PRESIDENT OF CARTEGRAPH SYSTEMS AND CHAIR OF THE MERCY BOARD OF TRUSTEES The 2009 Mercy Festival of Trees was an incredible success! The Black & White Gala provided the perfect kickoff to the holiday season, the Festival of Trees, and the ICU fundraising project. With the generous support of so many donors, sponsors, and volunteers, the Mercy Health Foundation is able to continue its vital mission of providing health education, charity care, and medical resources for the benefit of our community. Thank you to all who help to make the Mercy Festival of Trees a remarkable tradition! Thank you, sponsors and participants, for ensuring a successful 26 years of the Mercy Festival of Trees. - page seventeen - ANNUAL DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 We are grateful for the many gifts contributed to Mercy Medical Center from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. $100,000 and above Mercy Service Club John and Joan Schoen $10,000 - $99,999 Coy A. Bartell Alan and Beth Bird Dubuque Anesthesia Services, PC Dubuque Racing Association/ Mystique Casino Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Edmonds Russell M. Knight Dr. Karin Loukinen and Ernest Loukinen Medical Associates Clinic Foundation Ken and Bernadine Townsend Wahlert Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Books Are Fun, Ltd The Butler Family Foundation Timothy and Christine Conlon Conlon Construction Co. Dubuque Bank & Trust Flynn Family Foundation Connie and Stephen F. Hardie Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson Dr. Erin M. Kennedy and Peter W. Shearer Kruse-Warthan PontiacNissan-BMW Scott and Roxanne McGlothlen Marvin and Maria Ney Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque Stroke Detection Plus Jim and Marita Theisen $2,500 - $4,999 Thomas A. Barton Dubuque Emergency Physicians, PC DuTrac Community Credit Union Dr. Osamah El-Khatib Bernie Fox Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gallogly Gary and Karen Guetzko Health Services Credit Union Klauer Family Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Leigh Joy K. McCarthy Medical Associates Clinic and Health Plans Dr. Valerie Peckosh and Tom Peckosh Mathis Pfohl Foundation U. S. Bank Woodward Communications Inc. $1,000 - $2,499 John A. Brennan and Regina Voss Brennan Michael and Linda Budde Dr. Douglas Butzier Randy and Joni Decker John B. Donovan Dupaco Community Credit Union T.J. and Janet Faley Mike and Sharon Finnin Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Frommelt/Welu Printing Dr. Laurie Garms and Phil Steffen Janet Geertsema Duane and Barb Grenier Dr. Tami Gudenkauf and Steven J. Gudenkauf Hoffmann Development Center, Inc. Douglas and Karen Horstmann John and Jane Kiefer, II Dr. and Mrs. Timothy King Robert and Linda McQuillen Timothy and Elaine Murphy Francis “Chip” and Julie Murray, Jr. Namasco Drs. Brian and Kristin Nelson Paramount EMS, Inc. Paul and Pam Peckosh Brendan and Jeanne Quann Dr. and Mrs. Peter Sakas Merlin and Mary Santjer Dr. and Mrs. Christian Schultheis Bob and Barb Shafer - page eighteen - Donald and Karen Shine Mike and Kay Takes Scott and Rhonda Taylor Matthew and Lori Trimmer Tri-State Independent Physicians Association Inc. Tri-State Surgery Center Thomas and Marianne Yunt $500 - $999 Alliant Energy Foundation American Trust & Savings Bank Black Hills Energy Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Boxleiter Everett and Mimi Buckardt Chad and Laura Chandlee Drew Cook Crescent Electric Supply Company John and Donna Diedrich Joseph J. and Rita Dolter Alan and Janann Dostal Dubuque County Veterans Affairs Melvin and Debra Gaul Joan Gremmel John and Sue Hafkemeyer Dennis and Diane Hartogh Hy-Vee, Inc. IBM Corporation Michael and Nancy Irvin Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kantzavelos Michael C. and Valerie Lange Dr. Randall Lengeling The Family of Patricia L. McDonnell Mercy Radiologists of Dubuque, PC Dr. and Mrs. Paul Meus Morrison Brothers Company Gail Murphy John M. and Glenna O’Connor The O’Neill Family Rachel FitzPatrick State Farm Steven and Pam Raymond Jeffrey and Lisa Ruppel Michael and Gail Scherr Mark and Sharon Schmidt Robert and Jeanette Schreiber Mark and Mary Schubert ANNUAL DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Robert and Karen Sipe Spahn & Rose Charitable Foundation Norma Tauke United Clinical Laboratories David and Nancy Vellinga Jacqueline Weitz Dave and Carole Welu Welu Printing Co. $250 - $499 Gary and Gail Appel ARK Advocates Doug and Kari Bahl Donald and Jane Banfield Karen Blocklinger Gilbert and Gail Chavenelle Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cicciarelli City of Dubuque/Lesiure Services Dept. John and Margarete Cooke Joyce Denczek Diversified Investment Advisors, Inc. Charles and Debbie Donnelly Eide Bailly LLP Environmental Management Services of Iowa, Inc. Patrick and Jennifer Faley Susan Farnsworth Michael and Deb Felderman Timothy and Elaine Felton Tom and Jane Flynn Nicholas and Toni Frommelt GAP Foundation Donald and Kathy Gereau Thomas and Paula Giese Greater Dubuque Chapter 58 Mended Hearts Health Inventures Merlin and Linda Heitkamp Victor and Ann Helling Jessica A. Hermsen Judy Herting Arnie and Joyce Honkamp Brendan Houlihan and Zoe Pole Terrence and Connie Hutchcroft Tom and Dawn Jaeger Stephen and Sue Juergens Julie Keck Mark and Lisa Krieg Scott and Kim Leonard Tom and Ruth Lucas Mercy Magnet Nurses Jim and Pam Miller Mike and Diana Moroney Barbara Myers Charlotte Neises John and Juanita Nelson Oak Park Place Tim and Mare O’Brien Gary and Linda Olsen Dr. and Mrs. Edmond O’Neill Dr. and Mrs. Roger Ott, Jr. Reverend Paul Otting Prudential Retirement Bruce and Carleen Rehmke Robert and Greta Ripley Bobbi J. Schell Bruce Schmidt Pete and Karla Schoen Michael and Linda Scholz Marjorie Schrup Rebecca Smith Julie Spahn Dr. and Mrs. David Stabenow Thomas and Karen Stiver Robert Tippett John and Linda Torres Bob and Katy Wethal $100 - $249 Ken and Kathy Anthony Dennis and Dixie Avenarius Evelyn Averkamp DeAnn Ballard Janet Bell Jeffrey and Kathleen Bodine Timothy and Amy Breitfelder Robert and Lucille Brimeyer Dennis and Ann Burns Tom Byrne - page nineteen - Thomas and Carole Carroll Robert and Zoe Casper Leon and Karen Casten Dr. and Mrs. John Chapman Dr. and Mrs. Michael Chapman Clark and Associates, Inc. Carson and Arlene Clifton Darlene Connolly Gregory and Regina Conway James and Monica Curoe Thomas and Marilyn Deeney Rick and Rae Ann Dickinson Dubuque Dental Associates Maryann L. Dunn Cyril and Carol Elsinger Ennoble Manor Care Center Joanne Errthum Ann Eversley Francis and Doreen Fager Thomas and Pam Fessler Thomas and Connie Finney Reverend John C. Friedell Francis P. Friedl Gail Gates Jocelynn Gillette Lynn Gmur Lyle and Carol Grant Tim and Kay Ann Griebel John and Mary Gronen Margie Gross Charlotte Halverson Dr. Allen Harves Mary Corita Heid, RSM Carol Helmle Ron and Becky Herrig Monica Hoefer, RSM Carol F. Hoeweler Honkamp, Krueger & Co. Gerald Ihm and Carolyn Gantz Paul and Judith Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Mark Janes Robert and Pauline Johnson Ed and Connie Kelley Patrick and Trish Kennedy James and Margaret Kircher Travis M. Klinefelter ANNUAL DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Albert and Lillian Knake Gery and Jan Kremer Pam Kress-Dunn Wayne and Joyce Krohmer Reverend Richard Kuhn John Kurtz Ann Laird Diane Lincoln Ross and Sally Madden Elizabeth Marini Dan and Mary McAuliffe Ann McDonough Darin Mills Larry and Wanda Mitchell J. Douglas Moes James M. Molony Timothy and Sarah Newlin Dr. Mark Niemer and Dr. Yasyn Lee Susan Nolte Jennifer Noonan Jim and Jody Normandin Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Obbink Elizabeth A. O’Neill Dr. Gregory Paulsen and Mary Coan Dennis and Mary Petesch Donald and Alice Pettit Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pfohl Dianne Pickel Robert and Mellita Pommerich Mike and Jan Powers Donald H. Quade Janet Reihle Terry and Emily Reiners Katheryn Reuter Dr. and Mrs. Donald Reyerson Janet Rhomberg Dr. Andrea Ries and Brian Ries Riverview Center, Inc. Kathy Roberts Art and Dianne Roche Jay K. Rockwell Jodi Roeth Nancy Roling Michelle Rourke Carey Routley and Lynne Greene Bill Scherrman David Schlueter Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Schmid James Schultz Sisters of Charity of the BVM Kenneth and Joann Smith Troy and Malissa Sprenger Ronald and Rebecca Steffen Dennis and Bonnie Stluka Sunset Park Place Assisted and Independent Living Brenda Thies Liz Tippet Ruth M. Turnis U. S. Bancorp Foundation Thomas and Karlyn Van Gelder Edward and Delores Walech Randy and Michelle Weber Rich and Sue Whitty Eldeen Wiederhold Joseph and Patricia Wiest Robert and Chris Wiezorek Bruno Wildeboer Dean and Amy Wilgenbusch Younkers $1 - $99 Nicole Adrian Jeni Ahern Carol Alexander Sandy Amberg Jeanne Ambrosy Judy Arensdorf Lou Ann Arensdorf John and Ann Aslin Jeanne Bacon Ruth Bailey Connie Baker Rhonda Becker Emily Beer Linda Behne David and Barbara Beidler Diane Benz Kay Bernardi Susan Bettcher Rhonda Biedermann Joe Billmeyer - page twenty - Lavern and Karen Bird Bill Biver Jeff Blake Paul Blaser Alice Boeckenstedt Richard and Judy Boeckenstedt Doug and Suzanne Boeckmann Jane Boge Genevieve Bonnett Delbert and Stella Bradt Ann Brandel John D. Brandt Cindy Breen Jason and Tammi Breitbach Susan Brennan James and Ann Brimeyer Sandra L. Brimmer Kenneth and Kari Brown Minnie Brown Rosalie Brunkan Lynette Budde Ann Burds James A. Burgmeier Michael J. Burgmeier Sue Burgmeyer David and Lori Burrows Beth Busch Stephen and Susan Bushman Karen Callahan Rebecca Campbell-Herrig Mark Cannon Mary Jo Cannon Ray and Marcelline Capesius Libbie Cecer Amy Cherne Kathryn Claussen Jane Clemen Janet Clemen Merlin Clemen Mary Beth Clewell John and Sue Cody C. Michael Collins Vickie Connolly Philip Cornelius Michael and Connie Cosgrove Madonna R. Cota ANNUAL DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Jeanne Cottrell Ellen Coughlin William L. Cowsert Barb Cox Renee Coyle Thomas and Kristi Coyle Kristy Crabb George Croft Nancy Dague Bonnie Dailey Matt and Anne Daly Theresa Daly Merlin and Nancy Deiter Marylou Dement Cara Deutmeyer Donna Deutmeyer Dr. and Mrs. Andrew DeWitt Diamond Jo Casino Lea Dickey Deb Didesch Louise Dieckmann Bill and Jeanette Digmann Forrest Doland Victoria A. Dolphin Gregory and Ruth Dolter Donald and Jean Donohoo Donald and Betty Dreessens Gerald and Janita Driscoll Arthur and Colette Dunham Marie Duster Mary Kay Egan Jeanette M. Elliott Max and Karolyn Elliott Jennifer Erickson Dr. Ann Ernst and Daniel Ernst Melissa Ernzen Joan G. Esch Beth A. Fager Beverly Feldermann Josh Feldmann James and Kimberly Feltes Dennis and Gladys Felton Mary Fessler Ann Finn Darlene Fishler Kristine D. Fishler Diane Foxen Steven Francois Donald and Eleanor Freiburger Donita Freiburger Jacquie Frick Abby Fromm Steve and Linda Fuerst Maureen P. Fury, BVM Connie Gabrielson Sorin Ganea William and Kathleen Gasper James Gatena Linda Gaul William Gerber Joseph Gianino Delores Gielissen Sharyn L. Gieseman Lori Ginter Brian and Keri Gockel Tina Gonner Al Grabow William Gradishar Rudolph and Lynn Elaine Grahn Lori K. Graves Mary J. Grebin Arnold Green Edward and Patricia Green Raymond and Verna Greenwood Ann Grogan Tammy Hafeman Holly Haffele Walter and Ardythe Hager Herk Hammerand Mary Hampton Rachel Hancock James and Theresa Hanson Richard Hantelmann and Kathy Kitch Rick and Cindy Hanten Jon and June Hardin Helen Harris Loras Hartung Gene and Jan Hayertz Kellie Hayes Debbie Hayes-Birch Shelley Healy - page twenty-one - Joel Heer Daniel and Kathy Hefel Marlene J. Heiderscheit Troy and Megan Heiderscheit Tom Heim Marilyn Heinisch Mark and Stacey Heitkamp Judy Henke Jessica Hentges Megan Herrig Barbara Hess Susan M. Hess Jerome and Adele Hesseling Gwen M. Hesselman Michael and Rebecca Hilby Wilma Hilby Mary Beth Hinz Mary J. Hirsch Tracy Hirsch Michele Hoefer Carol Hoeger Suzanne Hoeger Gerald and Linda Hoftender Steven and Heidi Hohmann Diann Hohmann Carol Holland Thor Holmgren Ann Hosch Deborah Howes Phil Huenke Helen Huewe, OSF Mary Hurley Ricky and Kathy Hurst Steven Hutchcroft Johannes Izenhofer and Sheila O’Laughlin Kristie Jacobsen Sara Jones Vicki Joos Julie Jordahl Sue Kaesbauer Polly Kaiser Carol Kalb Richard and Bernadine Kalb Deb Kass Sandy Kass ANNUAL DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Laura Keehner Mary Kelley-Brown Jane Kiebler Lani Kieffer Wayne Kieffer Tonya Kieler Kevin E. Kienzle Karen Kinnee Michael and Laura Kinsella Gary and Mary Jo Kircher Dianna Kirkwood Todd and Kathleen Klapatauskas Kim and Tammy Klavitter Dianne Klein Lloyd and Catherine Klein Betsy Klimeck Rebecca S. Klinge Karen Kluesner Mary Knapp Nancy Knepper Kim Knutson Kathy A. Koch Cheri Konzen Julie Konzen Angela Koppes John J. Koppes Margaret Krabbenhoft Ted Kraft Dolores M. Kramer, BVM Anthony and Janice Krapfl Kevin and Bobbie Kratz Paul and Heidi Kraus Connie Kressig Doris A. Kruse Patricia Kruse Chris and Nicole Kueter Ramona Kupferschmidt Laura Kurt Mark and Lynn Kutsch Diane Lahr Margie Landolt Ruth Lang Ray and Lucille Lawson Janeane Lee Robert and Joann Lehman Michael Lehmkuhl Tabitha Leibfried David and Kathy Leibold Michelle Leinbach Christina Less Paul Lester Lucille A. Link Sue Link Paul and Cindy Ludovissy Hildegarde Lueck Kirk LuGrain Janelle Lynch Chris and Kimberly Maiers Larry and Lois Manternach Ron and Phyllis March Carol Marinko Cynthia Mason Deb May David A. and Vivian Maze Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mazzanti Richard and Kathyleen McCartin James and Shirley McCloy Lynn D. McCubbin Shirley M. McCullough Katherine L. McDonald Norma J. McDonell Kevin and Jill McDonnell Connie McGrath Bobye McInnerney Jane McLaughlin Mary Jane McLaughlin Ted and Penny McLaughlin Jeffrey and Beth McMullen Eileen McSperrin Sue Meade James and Noelle Mehltretter Debora Merkes James and Janet Metelak Tom Meyer Mary Michel Lawrence and Ann Miesen Alia Miller Beth Miller Jill Miller Laura Miller Jackie Milz Joe and Gail Mond - page twenty-two - Katie Mottet Louann M. Mottet Nancy Mullins Timothy and Katy Murphy Jane Myers Sue Naber Mark and Gayle Napp Kenneth Nauman Sherry Neuwohner Diane Nie Kathy Niewoehne Calvin and Laurie Noel Loren and Geraldine Nolting Caroline Noonan Koppes James and Donna Nuti Patricia Oberhoffer Rose Onufrak Oswald and Helen Oster Ryan Osterberger Sherry Oswald Barb Otting Jeff and Linda Otting Sheila Otting Betty Padera Emily Painter Francine Paisley Julie Panosh Karl U. Petersen Gary and Lili Peterson Ronald and Lois Petesch Joseph Pfab Raymond A. Pfeiffer Kelly Phillips Jane A. Pickel Joe Pillard Tammy Plowman Patrick M. Powers Nancy Quinn Sara Ramsdell Goffinet Karen Rausch Phyllis Reicher Susan E. Reilly Suzanne Renfrow Clement and Elizabeth Reuter Mary Ann Richard Kris Richey ANNUAL DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Diane Richman Carla Riechers Doris Ries Art Roche Paul Romer Steve and Deb Ross Cynthia Rowley Barbara J. Runde Joan M. Runde Joseph and Marie Runde Kathy Runde Laura Runde Dennis and Rita Ryan Robert and Kathy Sabers Ila Sampson George and LeAnn Scharpf Janis Scherrman Lori Scherrman Donald and Mary Schlader Arthur and Lucille Schmalz Amy Schmitt Marianne Schoenhaar Paul Schomberg Michele Schreiber Sue Schreiber Diane Schroeder Jim Schroeder Ronald Schroeder Kenneth M. Schubert Beverly Schwab Kathleen Scremin Danielle Seeberger Gary and Pamela Sejkora Jessi Severson June L. Siegert Cletus Sieverding Charmin T. Simon Julie Simon Colleen Sisler Irene Sisler John and Betty Smith Emmett and Jeanette Snyder John and Kelly Soley Lauren Squires Kathy Stahr Jeffrey and Tamara Standorf Rose Steffensmeier John Steines Harold and Marie Stelpflug Stephenie Stephens Kurt and Rena Stierman Sue Stierman Robin Stoffel Eric Strathman David Streng Lloyd and Gloria Streng Hilary Stubben Judith Sullivan Michael and Lola Sweeney Janet Swift Mandi Tashner Elaine Thier Carolyn Thirtle, OSF Janet Thomas Donna Thompson Glen Thompson Gretchen P. Thompson Joyce Tierney Heidi Tigges Kaylea Tigges Ronald and Jennifer Tigges Darcy Timmerman Brian and Tracy Torrey Myron and Sheila Tranel Diane Tschiggfrie Rosalyn Ulfers, PBVM - page twenty-three - Randy and Cindy Van Cleve Wayne and Colleen Venter Ronald C. Volkert Rita Wagner Donna L. Walker Eric and Brenda Wall Christine Walsh Kevin Walsh Ryan Ware Bernard and Betty Weber Jane Weber Stefani L. Weber Patricia Weber-Eaton Shannon Wedeking Wayne and Darlene Wegmann Vee Weig Mike and Diane Weigman Thomas and Cinda Welu Kathy Weydert Kathryn Whitlow Nancy K. Whitlow Julie Wilgenbusch Robert and Susan Willenborg Allen and Pat Willenbring Joan Willenbring Linda Willging Thomas and Jennifer Wilwert Max and Jean Wise Dan and Linda Wiskus Kari Wittmeyer H. Scott and Nancy Wolf Women of the Moose Chapter #850 Randy Wuertzer Ivan Yoose Shirley Zurcher SPONSOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 The following list indicates those who have sponsored an activity or event during the time period from July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010. These events are successful only with the valuable contributions of people and businesses. Names are listed alphabetically with title sponsors highlighted in bold. We are most thankful for their support. A Frame of Mind Framing & Gallery Alliant Energy American Airlines/American Eagle American Trust & Savings Bank Area Residential Care Asbury Julien 4-H Club Jesus M. Aviles Ballroom by Jennifer Bankston Friends 4-H Club Jodi Beidler Best Western Midway & Champps Americana Beta Sigma Phi/Beta Pi Chapter Beth Bird Black Hills Energy Black Horse Inn Body & Soul Wellness Center & Spa Books Are Fun, Ltd Bookwalter Winery/John Bookwalter Brimeyer Electric Tony Brown/Tola Budden Tree Farm and Chainsaw Gallery Roy D. Buol Cakes By Shirley Capri College Captain Merry Salon & Spa Chesney Heartland Foods City of Dubuque Timothy J. Conlon Cookin’ Something Up Cozy Corner Adult Day Services Creative Touch Gallery & Ooh La La Cuddles from the Heart Cumulus Broadcasting DBQ Fashions Sharon Dahl Wayne Demmer Rick Dickinson Daniel Dittmar Doland Jewelers Dollar General John B. Donovan Donut-Boy Dubuque365 Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Dubuque Bank & Trust Company Dubuque Lutheran School Dubuque Mining Company Dubuque Racing Association/ Mystique Casino Dubuque Rehabilitative and Sports Massage Center Dubuque Thunderbirds Hockey DuTrac Community Credit Union E.J. Voggenthaler Company Eide Bailly, LLP Elegant Occasions Ennoble Manor Care Center Family Beer & Liquor Store Five Flags Civic Center The Fleming Family Floorshow Furniture & Flooring Flowers on Main Joseph Frommelt Adam Fuller Geisler Brothers Co. George Williams College of Aurora University Graham’s Style Store For Men Brent Grover Hampton Inn Dubuque Constance G. Hardie Harley Davidson Dubuque Diane Harris Hawkeye Foodservice Distribution, Inc. Health Inventures - page twenty-four - Health Sevices Credit Union David Hefel Patricia Hefel Toni Heller Rod Henry Holiday Inn Dubuque/Galena Honkamp, Krueger & Co. Hotel Julien Dubuque Hy-Vee, Inc. Imagine That! Dr. and Mrs. Mark K. Janes John Deere Dubuque Works Veronica Kable Kanndo Professional Services Ralph Kluseman Russell M. Knight Harlan and Georgia Knuth Kruse-Warthan PontiacNissan-BMW KWWL-TV/NBC L May Eatery Lake Geneva Cruise Line Lamar Advertising Gardner Lance Life’s A Feast Tom Lippstock Lunchbox Bakery Deb May McKesson Corporation McMullen Studio Mediacom Medical Associates Clinic and Health Plans Mercy - Dyersville Auxiliary Mercy Magnet Nurses Mercy Service Club Donna Moore Todd Moyer National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium SPONSOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. Nemmers New White Florist Inc. NICC Nursing Class of 2010 James Normandin Oak Park Place Gary J. and Linda Olsen Dr. and Mrs. Edmond E. O’Neill Opalus Orin Swift Cellars Pam’s Finishing Touches Panera Bread of Iowa - Dubuque Bakery-Cafe Paramount EMS, Inc. Dr. Gregory D. Paulsen and Mary Coan Peet’s Coffee & Tea Pepper Sprout, Inc. Pepsi-Cola/Vendors Unlimited Perkins Restaurant Kristie Popp Keirstin Poppe Prudential Retirement Kathy Quackenbusch Queen B Radio Radio Dubuque, Inc. Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Reininger Winery Rhomberg’s Fur and Leather Gallery River Lights 2nd Edition Riverview Center, Inc. Dolores A. Rumler Sam’s Club Richard T. Schmid Bruce Schmidt Robert and Barb Shafer Sinsinawa Mound Sisters of Charity of the BVM Dr. James G. Snyder Troy and Malissa S. Sprenger Steve’s Ace Home & Garden Stone Cliff Winery Stroke Detection Plus Style Masters Design Associates Sunset Park Place Assisted and Independent Living Supreme Subs Swiss Valley Farms Table Mound Express 4-H Club John and Tracy Tallent Tan World Telegraph Herald The Grand Opera House The Jewelry Box The Tredway House Bed & Breakfast Tri-State Surgery Center U. S. Bank United Clinical Laboratories Unstrung Heroes Michael and Nancy Van Milligen Voortman Cookies Ltd Wal-Mart Weber Paper Company Welu Printing Co. Pat Wertz Richard K. Whitty Robert Wild Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Dan and Linda Wiskus Xi Gamma Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Thomas and Marianne Yunt Zephyr Aluminum Products MEDICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION SPONSORS Advanced Health Media C R IV Services, Inc. Diversified Investment Advisors, Inc. Dubuque Anesthesia Services, PC Dubuque Emergency Physicians, PC Dubuque Internal Medicine, PC Dubuque Obstetrics & Gynecology PC Dubuque Pediatrics, PC Dubuque Racing Association/Mystique Casino EZ Way, Inc. Flowers on Main Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc Health Services Credit Union Maximus Medical Medical Associates Clinic and Health Plans Mercy Radiologists of Dubuque, PC Pepsi-Cola/Vendors Unlimited Sanofi-Aventis US Inc SonoSite Steve’s Ace Home & Garden Mike and Kay Takes - page twenty-five - LIFETIME DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Listed are the names of individuals or business donors whose cumulative giving has exceeded $10,000 over the course of their lifetime of giving to Mercy. We are deeply grateful for their generosity. $2,000,000 and above Mercy Service Club $1,000,000 and above Medical Associates Clinic Foundation $500,000 - $999,999 John and Joan Schoen $100,000 - $499,999 Auxiliary of Mercy - Dubuque Alan and Beth Bird Paul Carmody Estate Conlon Construction Co. Dubuque Anesthesia Services, PC Dubuque Bank & Trust Dubuque Racing Association/ Mystique Casino Connie and Stephen F. Hardie Russell M. Knight Mercy Radiologists of Dubuque, PC Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque Wahlert Foundation Sylvester Chris Wiest Estate Woodward Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Claudia Albrecht Alliant Energy American Trust & Savings Bank Coy A. Bartell Flexsteel Industries James and Evelyn Hadley Trust Dale E. Hall Trust Eldon and Marge Herrig Helen Huewe, OSF Kay Kearney and the Estate of Dr. Peter J. Kearney Klauer Family Charitable Foundation Robert and Linda McQuillen Spahn & Rose Charitable Foundation Clarence Stronck Estate The Theisen Family and Theisen’s Home Farm Auto U. S. Bank Catherine Winall $25,000 - $49,999 A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Edward Alt Edward and Shirley Babka John Beatrice Butler Foundation Florence Calvert Jack B. Crahan Crescent Electric Supply Company Dubuque Internal Medicine, PC Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Edmonds Mary Ellen Evans Estate Mark and Cheryl Falb Bernie Fox David & Lois Fritz and Bruce & Sue Fritz Family John and Carolyn Gantz Charitable Trust Gantz Family/Pepsi Cola Foundation Gary and Karen Guetzko Bob and Lamee Holscher Charitable Trust IWI Motor Parts Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson Paul A. Kasel Robert and Ruth Kehl Dr. Erin M. Kennedy and Peter W. Shearer Marcella Lott Estate Dr. Karin Loukinen and Ernest Loukinen - page twenty-six - Joy McCarthy and the late Leo McCarthy Molo Oil Company Mathis Pfohl Foundation Marie Reynolds Estate James A. & Mary S. Schmid Family Charitable Trust Mike and Kay Takes Ken and Bernadine Townsend Henry J. Trenkle Estate Rita Trenkle Estate Xavier Hospital Auxiliary $10,000 - $24,999 APEX Concrete BARD Concrete John A. Brennan and Regina Voss Brennan Britt Foundation Agency Louis G. Brunsmann Estate Dr. Frank and Theresa Cicciarelli Dennis Clifford Catherine R. Dinan John B. Donovan Dubuque Emergency Physicians, PC Jean A. Dunne Dupaco Community Credit Union Clara M. Farr Estate Mike and Sharon Finnin Mildred Foley Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Frommelt/Welu Printing Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuller Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gallogly Tom and Peggy Gantz Rosemary A. Gantz Alan Gordon Anonymous LIFETIME DONOR LIST J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 9 — J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 Health Services Credit Union Mary Corita Heid, RSM Arnie and Joyce Honkamp Leslie and Vivian Kessler Anna D. Knutson John Kons Estate Sharon K. Kress and Keith L. Cook Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Leigh Dr. Randall Lengeling Lumber Specialties, LTD Ross and Sally Madden McCoy Group, Inc. McKesson Foundation, Inc. Nancy Comer-McNamer and Martin J. McNamer Mi-T-M Corporation Morrison Brothers Company Timothy and Elaine Murphy Bernard and Delores Murray Francis “Chip” and Julie Murray, Jr. Dr. Mark Niemer and Dr. Yasyn Lee Dr. and Mrs. John O’Connor Pathology Associates Eleanor R. Pfohl Trust R & B Solutions Elizabeth Ralston Estate - page twenty-seven - Merlin and Mary Santjer Bob and Barb Shafer Arch W. Shaw Foundation Bill and Pat Skemp Michael and Susan Steele Stroke Detection Plus Scott and Rhonda Taylor Thermo Fisher Scientific Vera Waite Estate Welu Printing Co. Kathryn Whitlow Thomas and Marianne Yunt MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Gene Bell Janet S. Bell In memory of Frances S. Cowsert William L. Cowsert In memory of Patricia L. McDonnell Diane Mohr In memory of David Geertsema Janet Geertsema In memory of James W. Murphy Kathy Niewoehne Gail Murphy Dennis P. Ryan In memory of Harold H. Hoeweler Carol F. Hoeweler In memory of Dorothy A. O’Neill The O’Neill Family In memory of Eldon Kambel Janita Driscoll In memory of Kenneth Tauke Norma Tauke In memory of Donna M. Tippett Robert L. Tippett In memory of Bernard Weber Pamela Fessler Thomas T. Jaeger Norma McDonell Medical Associates Clinic and Health Plans Lisa Ruppel In memory of Firmin E. Wiederhold Eldeen Wiederhold IN HONOR OF GIFTS In honor of Ava Hermsen Jessica A. Hermsen In honor of Zachary Hermsen Jessica A. Hermsen If we have missed someone, or misspelled a name, please be so kind as to notify us at 563.589.8772 or [email protected] so we can correct the error. Thank you for supporting the work and mission of Mercy Medical Center. - page twenty-eight - BILL, BOB & JIM KLAUER