PASSPORT to - Expert Care.


PASSPORT to - Expert Care.
Passport to
3rd Quarter 2013
* Plus
— To Swim…or Not to Swim…
— Introducing the Vinylux Polish System
— Safe Spinning Cadence
Passport to
Table of Contents
The Warm-Up
Introducing a new newsletter format.............. 1
Looking to the future
Our locker rooms are up next........................... 2
Group Scoop
Congratulations to our Winners...................... 3
May launch a success........................................ 3
September is “United We Sweat”.................... 3
Safe Spinning Cadence Ranges
Are you pedaling correctly?............................... 4
Beyond the Fitness Floor
TRX Classes
Designed for maximum calorie burn.......... 5-6
The Personal Touch
Meet the Personal Trainers
Experienced professionals
ready to help you.............................................7-8
Polish that Defies Time
Introducing the Vinylux System..................... 9
Jane Iredale
Bright, effortless beauty................................ 9
Health Campus Corner
Physical Therapy Services offered at
Medical Building at EMH Center
for Health & Fitness
Providing one-on-one treatment................ 10
Welcome to the new quarterly newsletter for the EMH Center for
Health and Fitness. We hope that by combining both the Active
Circuit and Exhale day spa newsletters into one publication that we
can provide you with the best information that we have to offer about
events, classes, health and wellness information in a much more
consistent format.
This new format will be broken into section focusing on group fitness,
programs, personal training, Exhale – the Spa at EMH, weight
management, aquatics and the EMH Avon Health Campus. In the
future, look for a Q & A section with our staff and a section from
myself where I can touch on past surveys, let you know what is coming
in the near future or address any concerns that you may have.
The Healthy Balance
Experience dramatic weight loss
without surgery............................................ 11
Between the Lanes
To Swim or Not to Swim?
Pool policy for inclement weather................ 12
American Red Cross
Learn to Swim Program
Fall session begins in September............... 13
The Cool Down
EMH Management Team
We’re here to help....................................... 14
3rd Quarter 2013
Brad Calabrese
General Manager
EMH Center for Health & Fitness
to the future…
As you may have noticed this past
spring and summer, we’ve gone
through some upgrades in our
facility. After more than 14 years
and approximately 77,000 hours
of use, it was finally time to retire
our box TV’s throughout the facility.
We upgraded by mounting two
47” HDTV’s in our fitness and café
areas of the facility, and four 55”
HDTV’s along our upstairs cardio
area. These TV’s are also wifi
capable and we are researching
certain fitness related capabilities
that we may be able to offer with
them as we move into 2014.
For your safety and security, nine
cameras have been mounted
around the exterior of the facility
monitoring all parking lots. While
these may be a deterrent against
car break-ins and may be useful to
provide information to the authorities should one occur, please
continue to take the precautions to
prevent these “crimes of opportunity”. Do not leave purses, bags,
briefcases, or electronics of any
kind visible in the interior of your
vehicle. Please continue to report
any suspicious activity to our staff
Our locker rooms are next up in
terms of renovation. While a new
sink counter has already been
replaced in the ladies locker room,
we will be looking into renovating
the carpeted areas in both locker
rooms as well as the main traffic
area as you enter the facility to
head to the locker rooms. The
men’s sauna was recently
completely rebuilt. With these
upcoming projects, we plan on
minimal inconvenience or
downtime to the respective areas.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support which makes these
reinvestments in our fitness center possible.
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
to our Winners
We had a successful Les Mills launch in May and the following
4 lucky people each received a $20 EMH Gift Card for participating:
– Jan Nagel
– Gabriella McCarty
– Vicky Rak
– Lynn Rasko
Thank you to all who participated and look
for more opportunities to win!
Instructor Incentive Month!
Don’t forget to ask your favorite instructor for a one day guest pass to come and
try a class through the month of September! Remind your families and friends
that they will need an ID to gain access with their passes.
September is “United We Sweat!”
Watch for our great United We Sweat Schedule soon!
Gloria Morgan Achieves Specialist Certification
Gloria Morgan has been employed at EMH Center for Health & Fitness EMH Center for more than 5 years as a Group
Fitness Instructor and has acted as a consultant Registered Dietician (RD) to the Extreme Loser Program. Congratulations
to Gloria for having achieved Board Certification as a Specialist in Sports Dietetics through the Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association). She now has the designation of MS, RD, CSSD. There are only
500 Certified Specialist in the world. It is such an accomplishment as it is very rigorous to obtain. Gloria thanks Brad
Calabrese for his support, as he acted as her managerial sponsor to accomplish her goal! Great job Gloria!
3rd Quarter 2013
Group Fitness
Specialty Classes
Look for dates and times in mid-September for
our famous Specialty Group Fitness Classes!
Spin/Yoga, Race Day, Video Rides, Club Spin,
Barre Class, Aqua Zumba, Partner Yoga,
Pilates in the Water and more!
For more information about the programs and
classes, check out
Safe Spinning™
Cadence Ranges
For more than 10 years, our SpinningTM program
remains strong. The following are a few tips
regarding spinning cadence. To determine if
you are pedaling with too much or not enough
resistance, simply count the revolution of one leg
for 15 seconds and then multiply by four. Use the
following as your guideline.
80-110 RPM = Flat Road Cadence
If you are tempted to pedal faster than that, try
adding more resistance. Flat road does NOT
mean NO resistance!
60-80 RPM = Climbing Cadence
Simulating a safe, up hill effort.
60 RPM and below= UNSAFE CADENCE
You run the risk of putting too much stress on your
knee joints. Mad Dogg Athetics describes a key
indicator of too high resistance as, “ You need to
contort your body and throw your body weight into
pushing the pedals downward, while pulling on
the handlebars. If a steep hill is your goal, find
the highest amount of resistance you can maintain
while employing good form at 60 RPM.”
Spinning Cadence Advice From Our
Professional Instructors
“Too much resistance and you will find yourself
PUSHING DOWN on your pedals—unable to PULL
UP into a full circular rotation—working only on the
quads and forgetting about the hamstrings.”
— Katie Czech
“Pick em up and put em down!!!”
— Yvonne Craigo
“If you feel like you are moving side to side,
or needing your body to help with peddle stroke,
then you need to let off the resistance a bit.“
— Lindsay Verdova
“Even out your pedal stroke, think of lifting up with
your shoelaces to pedal more fluidly—not always
jamming down your heels.” — Julie Koziarz
“I like to preach a smooth flowing peddle stroke that
is interconnected, and not interrupted...clean and
fluid.” — Dana Orlando
“The thing that I try to get across to my classes is
that there should be a smoothness in your stroke
with no stopping or jerking motions for safety and to
be efficient in your workout.” — Linda Lavelle
“Push down, pull up. Try to pedal around the clock.”
— Jackie Stillwagon
“Try to balance out your pedal stroke, ask yourself if
you are pushing with one leg more than another?”
Do not let your feet bounce from the floor, bring your
pedal stroke around.” —Maggie Langley
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
Beyond the Fitness Floor
TRX Classes
Designed for maximum calorie burning—build lean muscle,
boost metabolism and stabilize the core
TRX training group classes are tailored to each individual. Straps are suspended from a TRX
Multi-mount to unlock a new dimension in your training using your own body weight and
gravity. Resistance can be adjusted from 5% to 100% of your body weight by changing
the position and incline of your body. Try a ripping workout without the use of weights for
dynamic core stability, endurance, and strength.
3rd Quarter 2013
with Beth
Learn the fundamentals of TRX,
the best suspension training tool
in the industry.
Certified TRX
Instructor and Personal Trainer
Beth Bastien will walk you through
a safe core stabilizing strength and
endurance workout. As members
have stated, Beth is, “always upbeat
and she brings so much too each
class.” Work hard, get tone, and
gain a new confidence through TRX.
TRX Total Body
Work with Dana
This class
on a total body
strength and
workout that will
make you stronger and lose inches
in just 6 weeks. Join Dana Orlando,
Certified TRX Instructor for a highly
motivated total body TRX workout.
Dana offers modifications to
make the exercises easier or
more challenging, so it’s a
great workout for people of all
fitness levels.
TRX Boot Camp
with Nicole
Let Certified TRX
Instructor and
Personal Trainer
Nicole Roethler
take you back to
the foundation of
TRX - Boot Camp style. Focusing
on weight loss with calorie burning
drills to keep your heart rate high
and muscle endurance challenged.
As one members stated, “As many
times as I have been to Nicole’s
classes, I can honestly say we
have never done the same thing
twice and to this day she teaches
non-stop, with very little time for
breaks, which while I may hate it at
the time, I appreciate the fact that
I get the most time for my money
and I appreciate the results!”
TRX Rip Trainer
Boot Camp
the new “TRX
Rip Trainer”
Certified TRX
Stephanie Rossman will challenge
you through a total body cardio
workout, using core strength,
explosive power, flexibility, and
endurance through movement
patterns related to everyday.
TRX Body Blast
with Adam
Certified TRX
Instructor Adam
will combine the
energy he brings
to his popular
Zumba and PiYo
classes and incorporate moves into
a total body TRX Body Blast. Adam
believes the key to success in his
classes is a fun, encouraging, and
supporting environment.
“TRX is unlike any other workout I have
ever tried. It hits parts of the body I didn’t
even know could be sore! It allows you
to engage multiple muscle groups at
the same time, while using your core
to stabilize each position. Since having
my two kids, I have not been able to
find an ab workout that has given me
noticeable results, or more importantly,
that I actually enjoyed. Every week that
I am in TRX I feel my core get a little
stronger, and I look forward to each
class. I love the day after TRX when I can
feel that I have had a great workout!”
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
The Personal Touch
Meet the Personal Trainers
Ann Ruby
Ann specializes in
results oriented
circuit training.
She uses motivation to change
her clients focus
from weight loss
into a healthy lifestyle. She uses a
max cardio burn workout approach
to her training by incorporating
machines, core work, and variety
to her programs. Ann works as the
fitness specialist in our Enlighten
weight management program
and is a high energy group
exercise instructor.
Linda Lavelle
Linda specializes
in low impact
water exercise for
arthritis, fibromyalgia, rehab and
weight loss. She
instructs swim
lessons and teaches several
different aquatic classes each
week. Linda focuses on resultsdriven cardio weight loss workouts
for all ages, including tweens. She
3rd Quarter 2013
ignites total body conditioning for
all and is passionate to cross train
swimmers to land exercises and
weight lifters to Aqua Boot Camp.
Dan Weaver
Dan specializes
in weight loss
through strength
training. He uses
toning and
strength exercises to create
muscle tone and burn more body
fat throughout the entire day. Dan
keeps your heart rate up during his
strength training with his dynamic
cardio routines. He leads our sport
specific training and loves working
with high performance athletes and
the everyday golfer. He also helps
lead our Fitness without Boundaries
program for special needs children.
Ashlee Ladikos
Ashlee specializes in confidence
building weight
loss programs for
beginners. She
works with an
internal focus on weight loss,
nutrition, and healthy lifestyle
balance. Ashlee has a background
in exercise therapy focusing on
arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS, and
special populations. Working as a
swim instructor she is able to teach
her clients low impact exercises on
land and in the water.
Gina Shaffer
Gina focuses her
day on myofascial
release, postphysical therapy
exercise programs,
and proper body
alignment. She
uses her myofascial release to
wake up the weak muscles to
engage proper muscle mechanics
for strength training and weight
loss. Gina believes that it is only
when the body is properly aligned,
that her clients can exercise
properly, strengthen muscles,
and lose weight.
Nicole Roethler
Nicole wakes
up early each
morning to run
her clients
through boot
camps, TRX
training, and compound strength
training exercises. She specializes
in high intense calorie burn for
weight loss. Her programs are
focused on incorporating multiple
muscle groups at the same time
to produce the best results.
Nicole also has experience in
prenatal/ postnatal fitness. She
believes that a huge part of
being a great mom is “taking
care of mom’s health.”
Shawn Halek
specializes in
dynamic circuit
and interval
training programs for weight
loss and muscle
endurance. He uses total body
strength training and cardio
intervals to bring out his clients
greatest ability. Shawn believes
that a combination of hard work
and exercise can produce
tremendous results.
Jordan Smith
Jordan specializes in women’s
health: premenopausal,
menopausal and
post menopausal
stages of life.
She uses motivation, behavioral
changes, and a strong nutrition
background to promote weight
loss success. She utilizes her
clients’ individual abilities to
develop their own success story.
Beth Bastien
Beth specializes
in adaptive fitness
innovative core
training, and
injury prevention.
She has a dynamic
training style that incorporates
core stability, balance, and
weight loss in each exercise.
Beth uses multiple muscle
groups simultaneously in each
exercise to make the greatest
impact. She specializes in senior
fitness and leads small group
personal training classes
specifically for core, balance
training, and injury prevention.
Personal Training Specialties include:
– Weight loss through lifestyle changes (behavior and nutrition)
– Dynamic core and strength techniques
– Time efficient workouts on the go
– Circuit training for weight loss
– Senior fitness
– Balance and stability
– Myofascial release
– Women’s Health – premenopausal, menopause, perimenopause
– Injury prevention
– Nutrition and healthy lifestyle balance
– Exercise therapy for arthritis, MS, Fibromyalgia
– Low impact exercise programs
Individual session – $49 for members; $54 for non-members
Package options:
– 30 sessions - $1,305
– 20 sessions - $930
– 10 sessions - $490
– 5 sessions - $245
New Clients only – 3 sessions
– Individual Jumpstart package – $119
– Group Jumpstart package – $179
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
Exhale…the Spa at EMH
has again been designated Best Manicure/Pedicure by by Westshore live well.
Polish that Defies Time
Introducing the Vinylux Polish System, by Creative Nail Design
Vinylux is a revolutionary weekly polish system offering durable, high-shine and
week-long wear. In consumer testing of hundreds of manicures, more that 80% of
clients had no chipping after seven days. Vinylux dries completely in just eight and a
half minutes compared to standard nail polish that dries in 1-20 minutes on average.
There are 62 fashion-forward polish colors to suit weekly desires and more than
30 colors match the popular Shellac shades for at-home touch-ups and pedicures!
“Simply summer”
Bright, effortless beauty
Jane Iredale is a comprehensive line
of mineral cosmetics that provides
products with the utmost integrity and
ability to enhance the lives of women
though their effectiveness, simplicity
and beauty, Founded in 1994 and run
to this day by Jane Iredale, every
product is developed to be as good for
the skin as it is beautiful to wear. It is
the number one choice of skin care
professionals and recommended by
plastic surgeons and dermatologists.
In the summer, you definitely want to lighten up from a creamy
foundation to a tinted moisturizer. Try one that’s mineral-based, like
jane iredale Dream Tint—it won’t clog pores and it has SPF to give you
even more protection on top of your regular sunscreen.
There’s no better time to let your natural beauty shine through than
the fresh spring and summer months. With the aid of a tinted moisturizer
to achieve your desired finish, you’re ready to go.
“It just makes sense that a makeup primer should fill in wrinkles and cover over pores so that foundation either liquid or
powder won’t accentuate them. I have tried every primer available and finally when I tried smooth affair by Jane Iredale I
got the results I have been looking for. From beginning to end this primer is amazing. It blends with the tinted liquids and
powders to give an air-brushed look. How can you beat all that! Try It!” —Pricilla W.
3rd Quarter 2013
Health Campus Corner
Did you know that outpatient Physical Therapy services are
offered onsite in the Medical building wing?
At the EMH Avon Rehab Services
Department, we offer one-on-one
treatment for a variety of orthopedic,
neurological, and general medical
conditions. We have highly skilled
staff including six physical therapists and three physical therapy
assistants. Two physical therapists
in the office have obtained manual
physical therapy certification and
an additional therapist completed
a Fellowship in Orthopedic Manual
Physical Therapy through the
American Academy of Orthopedic
Manual Therapy. At the EMH Avon
Rehab Department office, we
combine a hands-on approach to
relieve pain and increase range of
motion with therapeutic exercise
to increase strength and restore
motion to the body.
Aquatic Therapy
In addition to traditional land
therapy, we also offer aquatic
therapy. The 20’ x 20’ therapeutic
pool is kept at approximately 92
degrees and the depth of the pool
is 2 ½ to 4 feet. The pool area is
wheelchair accessible and there
is an assisted locker room for
patients who are unable to independently prepare themselves
for therapy. Pool entry is made
convenient by a ramp or a chair
lift for those who are unable to
ambulate or weight bear. Many
people can benefit from water
therapy including those with
musculoskeletal disorders, arthritis,
and fragile individuals that cannot
tolerate exercise on land.
Work Conditioning
Another specialized service that
we offer is work conditioning. Work
conditioning is an individualized,
work–oriented program designed
to restore a client’s strength,
endurance, movement and
flexibility. The objective of the
work-conditioning program is to
restore the client’s function to
enable a safe return to work. Work
conditioning provides a transition
between standard physical therapy
and return to work. Conditioning
tasks are graded to advance the
biomechanical, neuromuscular,
and cardiovascular functions of
the client in conjunction with
participating in structured and
graded job simulation or actual
work tasks.
If you are looking for a
physical therapy office that
offers expert care and
exceptional caring, please
contact the EMH Avon Rehab
Department at 440.988.6890.
We look forward to hearing
from you soon!
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
the healthy balance
Find out how participants in
The EMH Center for Health &
Fitness’ Enlighten program are
experiencing dramatic weight
loss—without surgery.
by Benjamin Margalit / Margalit Studio
Enlighten program coordinator Susan Burger (right) and nurse practitioner Kris Komosa
consult with Rich to make sure he is reaching his goals and maintaining his weight loss.
by LauraBriedis
Contributing Writer
s a registered nurse, Heather
spends most of her days taking
care of patients. But she also
knows she needs to make time
for her own health and well-
“When you are a mom of four and work
full time, you don’t need to find excuses not
to exercise because you really are busy,” she
With the help of the Enlighten weight loss
program at The EMH Center for Health &
Fitness, this Avon resident was able to lose
weight and, more importantly, keep it off.
perspective as
part of a weight
loss program,”
says Heather,
who lost 70
pounds. “I also
needed to be
held accountable and have someone to talk
to about any concerns, whether related to the
foods I eat or how to best work out.”
Some people who enroll in the program
don’t have a lot of pounds to shed but
instead need help maintaining a healthy
weight. Rich, a Westlake resident who is
a microbiology lab coordinator and a Boy
Scout leader, lost 30 pounds in six months
and continues to work on maintaining his
weight. “The Enlighten program looks at the
whole person and gives you the emotional
support to lose weight and keep it off, even
after you finish the six-month program,”
Rich comments. “Plus, you have fun while
doing it.”
Copyrighted 2013, reprinted with permission.
3rd Quarter 2013
“Enlighten is unique in that it addresses
both fitness and nutrition,” says Susan Burger,
Enlighten coordinator. “Other programs only
address part of the equation.”
The Enlighten integrated weight
management program emphasizes lifestyle
changes that support long-term maintenance
of a healthy weight. “Most people can
lose weight, but keeping it off is the hard
part,” Susan comments. “That’s why we
have a support team in place to ensure you
The program’s multi-disciplinary team is
made up of a nurse practitioner, a certified
health educator, a registered dietician, a
fitness specialist, and a behavior modification
specialist who can assist you in developing a
lifelong plan of healthy eating and exercise.
“Because we are a medically-based
fitness center with our affiliation with EMH
Healthcare, we can offer clinical expertise,”
says nurse practitioner Kris Komosa. “We
give participants the medical guidance they
need to lose weight in a safe and healthful
“It is rewarding to see how Enlighten
has positively impacted so many lives,” she
comments. “I have seen blood pressure,
cholesterol and blood sugar numbers drop to
healthier levels.”
In addition to a nurse’s expertise, a
registered dietician focuses on nutrition.
“It is not a diet but a lifestyle change,” says
dietician Kim Horvath. “We work with each
individual to help him or her make better
choices. We generally suggest for women to
keep calorie intake between 1,200 and 1,500
and for men between 1,800 and 2,000. But
we don’t like to emphasize just numbers.
Instead, we teach people about portion sizes
and healthy choices.”
In addition to consulting with a nurse
Heather lost 70 pounds after enrolling in the Enlighten weight loss program
last year.
and nutritionist, members meet twice a
week for group personal training and meet
every Tuesday evening with the behavioral
modification specialist and the entire support
“The Enlighten program really does
change your life,” says Heather. “Working
out and eating right has become more of a
habit than something I have to constantly
remind myself to do. Now when I go for
walks, I do so with a purpose. I keep an
intentional pace and really enjoy it. I also
keep my hands out of the candy jar and keep
driving right past the fast food places that
seem to sabotage us all.”
Perhaps one of the best parts of the weight
loss program for Heather is that it sets a
good example for her young children, who
often work out at home by her side.
“I wear a bracelet with the word ‘relentless’
engraved on it as a constant reminder that I
am doing it for my children,” she comments.
“I want to be healthy so I can take better care
of them.”
EMH Center for Health & Fitness is located
at 1997 Healthway Drive, in Avon. Call 440988-6875 or visit for
Save on
Make weight loss a priority
this year. Mention this story
Make and
a priority
this year.
off the
this story
and getthrough
10% off
July 31,
2013. through
the Enlighten
March 31,
2013. Call 440-988-6875
for more
Between the Lanes
To Swim or Not to Swim!
(Pool Policy for Inclement Weather)
There have been many discussions
over the years concerning lightning
and indoor swimming pools. The
National Lightning Safety Institute
offers guidelines to follow for
indoor and outdoor swimming
pools during severe weather.
Lightning is unpredictable and
arbitrary. It can strike from the
front of a weather system, from
the middle, and from the end of
a weather system. In most cases,
it follows the path of least resistance…through the air and through
the ground. We do know what
attracts lightning – metal, water,
electrical/telephone wiring, or very
tall objects. In our situation, we
have approximately 109,000 gallons
of water under a metal roof, plus
a very large retention pond within
approximately 30 yards of the
pools. Underground around the
pool area, there are water pipes,
gas lines, electrical and telephone
wires. Even though the facility is
“grounded”, what will stop a close
lightning strike from traveling
through any of these mediums in
the ground to the main pump room,
travel through the filtration system,
and follow the path of the water to
the pool? It sounds like a stretch,
but it is plausible.
For the safety of our staff,
members and guests, the pool
is cleared when lightning strikes
within 2 miles of the facility,
and is then reopened 10 minutes
after the last lightning strike
has occurred within 2 miles
of the facility.
When lightning is seen, thunder
will follow. And in most cases,
when thunder is heard, lightning
has occurred. To judge the distance
of severe weather, there is what is
known as the Flash/Bang method.
Simply count the number of
seconds between seeing lightning
and hearing the thunder. Each 5
seconds represents approximately
one mile.
For the safety of our staff,
members and guests, the pool
is cleared when lightning strikes
within 2 miles of the facility, and
is then reopened 10 minutes after
the last lightning strike has occurred within 2 miles of the facility.
NLSI recommends suspending
activity for outdoor pools when
lightning occurs within 5-8 miles,
and remaining closed until 30
minutes after the last of the
thunder is heard.
We prefer not taking the chance
for anyone to become a statistic for
an indoor pool/lightning incident.
For your safety, we believe our
policy errs to the side of caution,
and not negligence.
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
Between the Lanes (continued)
American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Program
Offered at the Fitness Center, it is divided into various levels of proficiency—Parent/Child, Level 1 through Level 7.
With our pool depths of 4’ to 5’6”, we provide Parent/Child and Level 1 through 5 sessions. Advancement to the
next level requires successful demonstration of the skills from the previous level and the Parent/Child class does
require the parent or guardian to accompany the child in the pool.
Group Lessons include eight (8)
Saturday morning classes, 30 or
45 minutes in length, depending on
the level. Parent/Child, Level 1 and
2 are 30 minutes in length. Levels
3, 4, and 5 are 45 minutes in length.
The instructor to student ratio is
1 to 3, but this may vary depending
on the number of instructors
available. Please note that there
are age restrictions for the various
levels. There are age restrictions
for levels. Depending on the class,
instructors will work with 1 child
at time.
Member: $65.00/child
Non-Member: $75.00/child
The Parent/Child Class will have
six (6) instructional classes. Ages
for the Parent/Child Classes range
from 8 mo. to 4 yrs.
Member: $55.00/child
Non-Member: $60.00/child
Prices are subject to change.
First day is pre-testing and the
last day is evaluation and ‘fun’ day.
Private swim lessons are for
those children who are 4 years and
older. The American Red Cross
recommends a minimum of six
(6) instructional classes for swim
lessons. Classes are one-on-one
with an instructor for 30-minutes,
and if there are two children,
classes are 50-minutes. Payment
is required at the first lesson.
For one child:
Member cost is $108.00
for 6 lessons
Non-Member cost is $132.00
for 6 lessons
For two children, same household:
Member cost is $132.00
for 6 lessons
Non-Member cost is $156.00
for 6 lessons
Please note that prices are subject to change. Call Mary DeVinitz,
Aquatic Supervisor, at 440.988.6813 for more information and to schedule.
3rd Quarter 2013
Adult Swim Lessons are available.
Adult swim lessons are considered
Personal Training Sessions. They
are one-on-one with a swim
Member: $49.00/hour
Non-Member: $54.00/hour
The Fall Session is Sept. 28 – Nov. 16,
with registration on Saturday, Sept. 7.
Registration is on a ‘first-come’ basis.
On the day of registration, member sign-up
is 9-10:30 a.m., and open registration
begins at 10:30 a.m. Payment is required
prior to the first day of class.
the cool down
EMH Management Team
We’re here to help... contact us today!
General Manager
Brad Calabrese
[email protected]
Deanna Ohle
[email protected]
Membership/Day Spa
Jan Biedenbach
[email protected]
Front Desk/Aquatics
Mary DeVinitz
[email protected]
Building Engineer/Maintenance
Bill Wilms
[email protected]
Group Fitness
Maggie Langley
[email protected]
Kids Club
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The EMH Center for Health & Fitness has been
designated Best Fitness Center by the readers of
Westshore live well for 2013.
Passport to Wellness I EMH Center for Health & Fitness
1997 Healthway Drive I Avon, Ohio 44011 I 440.988.6801
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 5am – 10pm
Friday: 5am – 8pm
Saturday: 7am – 7pm
Sunday: 8am – 6pm