Life Fit


Life Fit
Life Fit
Other options available
Life Fit Fitness package
(at a reduced rate)
A one to one session with
a Life Fit instructor
Guernsey’s Exercise on
Prescription Scheme
10 further, unsupervised
Plus a swim with each
(discounted rates)
So, how can you join?
Contact your GP or Specialist Nurse to
discuss your suitability
Send your prescription to:
Life Fit,
Beau Sejour Leisure Centre
St Peter Port, GY1 2DL
And we will contact you with a start date!
Life Fit Personal
This can be for
half an hour or
one hour, by
with the Life Fit
instructor, at the
lowest available
For more information please contact Kathy Scott
on 747238 (answerphone)
August 2007
Exercise is one of the most important steps
to improve your physical and mental
health or to aid recovery from illness or
surgery and is now available through your
doctor or your specialist nurse.
Life Fit is a 10-week programme of GENTLE
exercise on prescription.
Firstly, talk to your doctor or specialist nurse
about your health and how exercise would
help you. You may then be recommended
to the Life Fit Exercise on Prescription
Initial sessions are held in our Fitness Studio
with the aim of graduating to the gym if
suitable. Both types of session are supervised
by two fully qualified instructors.
Life Fit is suitable for people with a variety
of medical conditions including asthma,
arthritis, diabetes and those who have
completed Phase III Cardiac Rehab.
It is also suitable for people who are over
weight, stressed, depressed or generally
It is held at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre on
Mondays and Thursdays, Tuesdays and
Fridays, and Saturday mornings.
By attending at least two sessions a week
for up to ten weeks (a total of 20 sessions)
your levels of fitness, strength and mobility
will improve immensely.
Trained specialist instructors will always be
at hand to monitor your progress and
keep a look-out for any problems or
worries that you may have. With their help,
you will soon be keeping track of your
own progress and reaching a level of
fitness that will help you look and feel
better, increase your confidence and
keep your weight in check.
The cost is subsidised and includes one free
swim per week
By making exercise an enjoyable part of
your life, maintaining a good level of
fitness need not be the chore you might
have thought.