(Annual Subscription Rs. 25/- only) Bro. Mohan C


(Annual Subscription Rs. 25/- only) Bro. Mohan C
(Annual Subscription Rs. 25/- only)
March 2008
Volume : 8
Issue : 8
Bro. Mohan
C. Lazarus
Editor: J. Selvakumar
n the sweet name of Jesus Christ I convey my loving greetings
to you!
How are you? Are you and your family fine? Our prayer
team continues to pray for you and your family.
Your children are getting ready for the exams. We are praying
for them. Please send their exam schedule to us. Our prayer team will pray for them
during those days at the time of their exams. The Lord shall give them success.
By the grace of God, our "Peace Prayer" Walk held in Sri Lanka from 25th, February
to 16th March, 2008 turned out to be a tremendous success, as the Lord had blessed it
abundantly. I express my gratitude to all those who prayed; please continue to pray for
peace in Sri Lanka. With your prayer support, the Deliverance Festival held in Madurai,
from March 6 to 9 , 2008, was a great blessing to the large number of people who attended.
The Lord blessed the Special Fasting Prayer for business men and traders conducted on
March 15 in Nalumavadi. A big number of traders and business men attended and were
greatly blessed.
On March 21, 22, 23, I am going to Switzerland for ministry, with my wife and
Bro. Yesanna. Please pray for this ministry.
By the grace of God, the construction of the Tabernacle of God has been going on
without any obstacle. Please continue to pray!
There are an increasing number of people who visit the prayer mountain for prayer.
From the prayer mountain, prayer for the nation should be raised day and
night. Pray for the fulfillment of the will of God.
Please pray for me, my wife and the Jesus Redeems Team.
We too are praying for you! Grace be with you!
36th Birthday – March 18
March 18, 1972, was the day I was born again in Christ. That was the day when
our Lord Jesus Christ met me and bestowed on me the joy of salvation. The joy that Jesus
Christ offered that day still remains in my heart. I praise Him for the everlasting grace
that has been protecting me from that day on, till now. I request you to kindly pray
specially for me on March 18. Please pray that the purpose, for which Jesus Christ
met me, should be fully realized in me.
Your brother,
The reason for this fear was the hostile
voice of the people screaming, “Crucify
him…crucify him…get rid of him…get rid of
him…” echoing in his ears.
His undaunted spirit started trembling,
when he understood that the mob was pleading
for his crucifixion to Pilate and he reflected:
“I committed atrocities against people and
tormented them. So now they have come up
against me to plead for his crucifixion.”
The one who has been fearless of death is
now terrified because of the words of the mob,
“crucify him.”
The reason for the fear was his full
knowledge of what it meant to be crucified. He
knew very well that the person who was given
up to be crucified was tortured by the soldiers
as much as they wished and they derived
sadistic pleasure out of his suffering. No body
could sympathise with him or take up his case.
After whipping him till he bleeds profusely,
they place a heavy cross on his shoulders and
drag him up to the spot of crucifixion.
About 2000 years ago, at the dawn of a
He can never say, “no” now to all this
Friday, a terrorist shut up in a prison was in
torture. In that state, when he loses his blood
and his energy, they will whip him again and
The stone hearted robber who had spent all make him bear the cross. Bleeding profusely,
his life in murder and looting, was tormented he has to carry the cross along the streets.
by fear.
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
A great multitude will gather to watch the
scene; they will recount his atrocities and jeer
at him; and this would further hurt him.
When they reach the destined spot, they
will strip him and lay him on the cross that he
was carrying. They will cruelly drive a 16 inch
long nail through his hands and legs, with the
cross. As the nails pierce through the body, as
blood spurts out, unable to bear the agony, he
will scream.
They will then stand the cross in a busy
crowded area. With the scorching sun burning place; so, you are free, you may go.” And, he
his wounds, and with the ridicule of the people left the prison.
When he entered the streets of Jerusalem,
passing by, he would reach the height of
people running here and there. He
bitterness and give up his breath.
He was trembling, visualising such an understood that something strange was
happening in Jerusalem. Curious to know
agonizing death.
more, He joined the crowd, which led him to
He was walking up and down in his prison Golgotha.
cell, thinking about the time the soldiers would
He noticed that three people were hanging
visit him, beat him up and drag him along the
on the cross. He could recognize two of them
street like a dog.
on the crosses at the two sides; they were
A few hours passed; he could hear the foot thieves.
steps of the soldiers, nearing his cell. The door
“They were being hanged for their sins;
opened; he looked up in fear at the prison
who was the one in the middle? He peered
officer standing there. After a few minutes of
closely; he could read the caption on the cross,
quiet, the officer spoke:
‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews.”
“Barabas, you are released.”
He remembered the words of the prison
He was utterly shocked to hear the officer, “Some one else is dying in your place.”
unexpected news; “Release for me?” he He wondered whether the middle cross was the
queried in surprise.
one meant for him. When he looked up to Jesus,
felt at the bottom of his heart, as if he was
“Yes, you are set free. You may go,” said
to him.
the prison officer, and still Barabas couldn’t
believe his ears.
“Barabas…I am in your place!
He started muttering, “How is freedom
I am hanging in your stead!
possible for me who committed murder and
I am in your place of agony!
looting? Then, what about crucifixion?”
I am in the place of your death!”
He was puzzled when the prison officer
Dear brother and sister, who is reading this,
said, “Another person is going to die in your
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
Jesus is telling you from the cross:
were worrying about their plight: “Jesus Christ
is dead and is entombed. What will happen to
“For the sins that your hands
The people, who received good things from
committed, the nail has been driven into Jesus, were engulfed in deep sorrow that they
my hands!
had killed the man who fulfilled all their needs
For the sins that your legs committed, through miracles.
the nails that your legs should have received,
The high priests were jubilant that they had
my legs have received instead!
destroyed Jesus who was opposed to all their
and there was no one now to point out to
For your sinful thoughts, the crown
of thorns that your head deserves is on my
To put an end to all these, the king of
Jesus Christ had victory over
For the sins of your heart, the spear
death and rose to life on the third day.
has pierced my heart instead of yours.”
Jesus rose to life, to the disappointment of
All these I bore for you! For your salvation!
For the absolution of your sin! For the peace in the jubilant priests, to the joy of the sorrowing
poor, to the delight of the frightened disciples.
your soul! For you to go to heaven!
Why? For you! To be with you! To counsel
Lord Jesus sacrificed himself
To lead you! To help you! To fulfill your
because of the love He has for you!
needs! To wipe your tears!
Will you accept His love at least today!
For your sake He was resurrected!
Will you give up your sinful ways and
Fear not,
He will never forsake you, even if you are
Peace be with you!
the worst sinner.
He rose from death, to give you the
He died on the cross only for your sake. He
promise. “…I am with you always,
will definitely accept you!
even unto the end of the world.”
Come to the cross courageously!
Confess your sins! He shall cleanse you with
The resurrected Jesus is still alive,
your holy blood. He shall embrace you as with you.
his own child. (Matt. 27:26–31, Mark
He abides with you!
15:22–37, Luke 23:1–46, Romans 5:8,
He is within you!
Gala. 3:13, Ephe.1:7, 5:2, Phil. 2:6-8,
Colo. 1:20, Isa. 53:3–7, Heb. 9:12,13:12, I
He is alive only for your sake!
John 1:7– 9)
When He is alive, why should you be
The disciples of Jesus, out of fear for the
He had victory over sin!
Jews, hid themselves in a locked room, and
He won over the devil!
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
He conquered the world!
Michael was surprised and he asked,
“These disciples! Who denied you and ran for
their life? These illiterate, timid and inconstant
people! Did you leave such an immense task
with them?”
All these are for you!
To give you victory!
Because He is alive, you can win!
Because He was victorious, you too can be
The Lord again looked intently at His
disciples; those poor disciples were still gazing
Because He is alive, you too can win!
Keep the risen Jesus as your own.
With the risen Jesus, march ahead along the
path of victory. (John 20:15–23, Matt.
18:20, 28:1-10, I Corin. 15: 3-8, 17, II
Corin. 2:14).
After Jesus Christ rose from death and
showed himself to many people for forty days,
when He ascended to the heaven, a team of
angels were eagerly waiting to welcome Him.
When they saw Jesus, they approached Him
The chief of the army of angels, Michael,
approached Jesus and enquired, “Lord, you
went to the earth to give salvation to the people.
Have you saved the world? Have they all
at the sky. Jesus then turned to Michael and
received salvation?”
“Who else do I have? I have entrusted this
Jesus replied quietly, “The whole world is
only to them.”
not saved as yet; however, I have earned
salvation and the world will be saved soon.”
Though this episode seems to be imaginary,
the Lord is in such a situation today.
When Michael again asked, “You have left
the world, and come here. Who would continue
He looks up to you and me for proclaiming
with the work in the world? Who would the good news of the death on the cross and the
proclaim the message of salvation to the resurrection, to the millions of people who are
world?’ Jesus looked down to the earth.
ignorant of the love of God.
He noticed that all eleven disciples were
“…Go ye into all the world, and
still looking up to the sky. Jesus pointed out to
preach the gospel to every
them and said, “These disciples of mine would
creature.” Mark 16:15.
continue with the work that I have left behind.
Is it our duty to fulfill the final
They will preach the Gospel all over the
of the Lord?
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
How long are you going to listen to
Believe in the power of the Lord! Make use
the messages given by others? Don’t you of the power that He has kept within you!
yourself have to preach the love of God? How (Mark 16:15–20, John 14:12, 15;16, Luke
long will you depend upon others’ 10:19, Matt. 10:1, 6-8)
To make use of the power within you, given
Don’t you yourself have to pray? Shouldn’t by the risen Jesus Christ, now, at this moment,
you are going to pray for your friends and
miracles happen through you?
relatives who are in the clutches the devil,
For this purpose He has chosen you.
suffering from sickness and other problems.
When the risen Jesus Christ is with
Many shall now receive miracles through
you, through you miracles will happen. your prayer.
When you pray diseases will flee!
Dear living Jesus, who has
over death!
When you pray, devils will tremble!
I praise you for your
crucifixion, your resurrection and your
present dwelling within me!
When you pray, miracles will happen!
For this purpose God has chosen you!
You have appointed me to proclaim
your love and power to others, and to
In you shall be seen the power of glorify you.
With this faith I have come to your
In you they should see the miracles presence, to pray for my friend/relative
of Jesus!
that person’s name). I pray that with
They should turn to Jesus!
your resurrected power, all diseases,
Through you, and you alone that Jesus problems, shackles of the devil, and
wishes to do miracles. Don’t underrate yourself debts that they are facing should be
saying, “I am not capable; I am not courageous; driven away. And also, fulfill all their
I am not wise.” If He looks for eligibility, no necessities!
one in this world is eligible for His work.
Do this, to let people realize that you,
If it is true that you have been the Christ of resurrection, is dwelling in
me and He is doing this through me,
cleansed by the blood of Christ,
and with this realization they shall
If it is true that the living Jesus is glorify you!
with you,
I praise you trusting that you have
If it is true that you have been done this!
anointed by the Holy Spirit, Jesus shall
In the name of the living God!
certainly perform signs and wonders
through you.
Amen…! Amen…!
In you others should see Jesus!
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
News from Nalumavadi - House of God :-
This is an age of revival in India!
The fire of revival that God has sent, keeps
burning more actively, as we pray more and more.
God was gracious enough to conduct the Third
Thirappin Vaasal Prayer Camp this year, during
Pongal Holidays, according to His command to pray
more actively.
About 2,800 God’s children from many regions in
the Southern States, had gathered with the sole
concern on “My Nation,” disregarding their own
Therefore, God’s doing was so abundant, that in
every Prayer Time, God’s Spirit was poured down.
The message of Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus from
the life of Daniel, highlighted the essence of
Fasting-Prayer with one accord. The participants
were turned into prayer warriors, baptized with the
spirit of prayer and a burden for souls.
The message was delivered by Bro. Vincent
Selvakumar, with focus on the theme, “The endtime anointing of the prayer warriors will be
the anointing of the Spirit of Prophecy, with
manifestation of gifts.” All souls were moved and
filled with the Spirit of Prophecy.
The message of Bro. A. Appadurai, focused on
God’s blessings on those praying with faith, brought
forth boundless blessings to the people.
The morning devotional messages rendered by
Bro. Sam Jebaraj, were also a blessing.
It was a time of glory, when the gathering prayed
in the evenings, in groups, District-wise and State
wise. Truly, God did glorious things.
- Coordinator.
1. Place of Publication
2. Periodicity of its Publication
3. Printer’s Name
4. Address
5. Whether Citizen of India
6. Publisher’s Name
7. Address
8. Editor’s Name
9. Address
: Nalumavadi.
: Monthly.
: Joyce Lazarus.
: Angel Printers,
Nalumavadi-628 211,
Thoothukudi Dt.,
: Yes.
: J. Selvakumar
: “Jesus Redeems”,
Nalumavadi-628 211,
Thoothukudi Dt.,
: J. Selvakumar
: As above.
BBC Marriage Hall, S.V. Road,
Near Govt., Hospital, Dharmapuri.
Morning 9:00 - Evening 3:00.
Prayer & Message :
I, J. Selvakumar, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date : 15.03.2008.
Mohan C. Lazarus
(Message will be given in Tamil only)
Signature of Publisher.
Jesus Redeems
April 5 (Saturday)
Jesus Redeems Branch Office, Dharmapuri, Ph: 9443057181, 9894187934.
March 2008
Message time...
Evening group-prayer for
districts and states
Prayer Time...
Full time evangelists attending the camp
Fervent prayers the nation
News from Tirunelveli:-
With tears
surrendering to God
The servants of God on stage
Fasting prayer for the protection of the town
Our Brother with Bro. Samuel Ganesh
Special youth meet
The multitude of people eager to listen to the word of God
Bro. Paulraj,
the organizer of the meeting
By God’s grace, the First Deliverance Camp for the year was held on 3,4,5,6 Jan. 2008 in Tenkasi. Despite huge resistance, from the
start itself, from the powers of darkness, the spirit of the LORD drove us along. God ensured a favourable weather condition. Bro. Paulraj
who is doing God’s work, with Shenkottai as his centre, had made smart arrangements for the meeting, with a lot of effort. We were energised
with God’s power, as the elder God’s servant, Bro. Samuel Ganesh (Shenkottai) and other pastors attended that meeting and prayed for
it. God had gathered a great multitude on four days. Those who were in bondage, were moved to tears. God used His servant mightily. His
word was manifested with authority. The people repented with contrite tears. God confirmed His word, every day, with signs and wonders.
God straightened a hunch backed woman, healed a sister with a damaged kidney, a brother with diabetes and stood him
as His witness. A large number received miracles, witnessed and glorified God. The message, the Brother delivered on the final day,
infused the fear of God and made the audience repent. God poured His power mightily during the Fasting Prayer and the Youth Gathering on
Saturday and Sunday.
- Coordinator
drug - resistant, I attended the meeting with a
severe heart-ache. Moved by the Holy Spirit during
Being a high sugar patient,
prayer, the Brother called me by name,
for over 3 years, wholly
revealed the disease in me, and said, “God’s
dependent on tablets, I was
power is coming upon you. Receive your healing
thinking that
now”. Instantly, I received perfect healing,
I had to
following the anointing of God’s power. I testify to
take in
this miracle, only after being medically tested.
tablets all through my
Million of thanks to God!
life.. Therefore, I poured my
- Lalitha Shenkottai.
tears at God’s feet in prayer
during the first day’s
meeting. At that time God’s
With my vision getting
power came upon me. The
blurred day by day, albeit the
following day, after the
spectacles on, I was been suffering
medical investigation in the
very much. Besides that, I also had
Nellai Diabetic Centre,
chest pain over 10 years as
largely to the astonishment of the doctors,
well. I had drugs within my reach always. The fire
the centre issued the No Sugar report. Glory of God came down upon me at the time of prayer. I
to God!
was instantly healed of the defective vision and
- Ponraj, Karuvantha. chest pain. At present, I am all right, tablets cast
away. What a wonderful God we have in LORD
I had been suffering, over
- S. Kani, Oothumalai.
10 years, from bleeding, unable
to do even a small routine
work, and no drug could help
The joints pain in my legs,
me. The year long trouble
for over 17 years, had been so
vanished at the instance of
severe that I could hardly walk.
prayer during the second meeting, when God’s
More than that, I suffered
power came upon me. I am hale and hearty now. I
enormously with abdomen-swelling,
testify to this miracle, only after a thorough medical
due to problem in the kidney
test for a day. It is amazing indeed!
and improper urination.. God’s power came
- Selvi, Anaichadi Estate. upon me strongly, when the brother, moved by the
Holy Spirit, prayed for me, calling me by name.
Now I could walk freely. The kidney trouble too
I had been impelled by a
has vanished. It is a miracle indeed!
murderous instinct to kill my
- Kasthuri, Pavoorchatram.
husband, children and finally
myself, being overpowered by SUICIDAL IMPULSE GONE!
a demon over 9 years. It was
I had been afflicted with
much to my indignity and disgrace. acute head - ache, for more
At the moment of prayer, God’s power came so
than 20 years, besides tremor in
mightily on me, that the demonic spirit left me.
my limbs. Also, I had an obsessive
Presently, I am in full enjoyment of total
fear in my heart, contemplating
deliverance. Praise be to God!
suicide at times. Being filled with the Holy
- Rebekha, Bhagarathiar puram. Spirit in prayer, the Brother called me by name,
disclosing my trouble and said, “LORD Jesus heals
you now.” Instantly, the fear, head ache and
With pain hitting the bones
tremor disappeared. I am hale and hearty now.
of my body, unable to mind even a
It is all God’s wonderful grace!
tiny domestic chore, completely
- Michael Antony, Vallam.
previous to Easter (March 22,
Saturday), to catch the eyes of the
Your hearty support in this
regard is welcome.
Firstly, pray fervently that those
who come upon these words, should be
saved with transformation of their lives.
Secondly, we want workers to
stick these posters prayerfully in their
localities. Contact us. We will send you
posters through our Branch Offices.
Thirdly, you should set up Flex
Board, displaying the Word, at your own
expense, in your location, after the model we
With millions of posters thus displayed,
wherever the casual eyes are cast on that day, the Word
will arrest their attention. The words taken in, will
bring in a total change.
We launch upon the Scheme, trusting God alone,
even though it entails lakhs of rupees. Please pray for
this endeavour. Contact us, if you would like to
involve in this great ministry.
Why don’t you take up the responsibility
of printing one lakh posters?
Or, you could take charge of sticking the
posters in your area.
You could set up Flex Board either.
If you are inspired to get involved in this
ministry, in any way you desire, please contact the
Festival of the Word!
Pray! Act!
t is God’s pleasure that He had willed us to
cover the Nation with prayer and fill it
with His Word, in order to see a Blessed Tamil
Accordingly, we have intensified our prayer for
Tamil Nadu for the past 5 years. We have raised the
Army of God in each district and made arrangements
for regular prayer meeting.
Subsequently, we have launched upon
proclaiming God’s Word throughout Tamil Nadu.
Presently, the Jesus Redeems Evangelical Band and
the Army of God raised in each district, have been
distributing, every month, millions of tracts printed,
in villages and towns.
We have resolved to observe the coming Easter
(March 23) as the Festival of God’s Word, by
sticking the newly printed posters, bearing God’s
word, across Tamil Nadu.
Several God’s Words will be printed in
colourful posters and stuck on the day,
Coordinator: 9443335705.
Jesus Redeems
Teenagers camp - 2008!
Stay at the House of God for 3 days.
To bring Bible, plate, tumbler, bed, torch etc…
(13 to 20 years)
For Boys:
For Girls:
Registration fees Rs. 75/- only. Meals, stay, song
book free.
2008 May 21st, morning 9:00 to
23rd, afternoon 1:00
2008 May 24th, morning 9:00 to
26th, afternoon 1:00
Participants from far – off places could come one
day earlier.
Contact through phone or post to reserve your
Theme : First Priority to Jesus!
Place : House of God, Nalumavadi.
Registration Address:
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus,
Others and medical doctors.
Jesus Redeems
Jesus Redeems Branch Office,
No.2, Kamala First street, Chinna Chockikulam, Madurai – 625 002.
Ph: 0452 – 2531305, 9442665966.
Contact Address:
Jesus Redeems, Teenagers camp, Nalumavadi – 628 211.
Thoothukudi Dist., Ph: 04639-235 305
March 2008
News from the House of God - Nalumavadi:-
A sister known to me, had been suffering
from cancer; a lad from
disability in limbs; and me from
diabetes, impacted so badly on
limbs, that I could hardly do any
routine work.
After prayer in the Thirappin
Vaasal, on our request, we, the three
received robust health from God. All
thanks to Him!
- Shyamala, Kulasekaram.
LORD Jesus has given the Promise, “You may
ask me for any thing in my Name, and I will
do it”. (John 14:14)
You may ask anything in Jesus’ Name, and
He will do it. God set up Thirappin Vaasal Prayer,
based only on this promise. See the wonders, God
did in the past, hearing our prayers.
Detected with damaged
kidneys for my complaint of
frequent breathlessness, I was
put under dialysis for 3 days. Given
up by doctors after treatment for 11
days, with the affirmation of my end
of life, I pleaded for a prayer in
Thirappin Vaasal. They prayed
earnestly. God healed me, giving a new life. I’ve
become trouble-free. All glory to God!
- Paulpandi, Chennai.
Notwithstanding the service
in the Land Survey Department for
about 25 years, my husband and I had
not been regularized in service. We
asked for a prayer in the Thirappin
Vaasal. God heard the prayer and
got our service regularized, with
an increment in pay. It is all God’s
- Suganthi Doss, Erode.
Jesus Redeems
Without fertility, even after
2 years since marriage, I was
identified with fibroids in the
uterus. They were removed
surgically, As the chance of re-growth
was imminent despite surgery,
conception within 3 months
alone could bear a child.
Otherwise, the fibroids grown later,
will have to be removed again, at the expense of
over Rs.1 lakh. The clinical reports too were not
favourable, instead, stunning. We prayed in the
Thirappin Vaasal Prayer with a stream of tears, and
went home. The Great God blessed me with
conception without any medical intervention, and
later with a handsome boy-child. It is His Wonderful
- Angela Jeyaseeli, Thindivanam.
(RS.13 LAKHS)!
I belong to a Hindu family. I
fled my village as I could not pay
back the loan of Rs. 13 lakhs.
Meanwhile, my 8 years old
daughter had been suffering
beyond limits, under the sway
of witchcraft, undetected by
medical doctors. After having
returned to my village, I took to propitiation of
pagan gods for good riddance, but to no avail.
In this despondent situation, having heard of
the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer Meeting, I attended it
and prayed to God with tears welling up. Moved
with compassion, God delivered my daughter
through a miracle. I received LORD Jesus as my
March 2008
saviour, having witnessed the deliverance with my
open eyes. The God, whom I trusted, graciously
helped me to repay the loan of Rs. 13 lakhs in
a year. It is awesome! Hence my whole family
has accepted LORD Jesus as our saviour.
Glory to God! - Arunachalam, Thisayanvilai.
DEBT RS.1,10,000!
We were struggling with a
debt of Rs.1,10,000, unable to
repay. After a tearful prayer in
Thirappin Vaasal, God’s grace was so
much that we repaid it within 15
days, inconceivable till now, how
this thing had been possible! All
praise to God!
into thin air. My joy knew no bounds! All glory to
- Maria Chendu, Melapalayam.
I had been affected with
diabetes for 6 years. The doctors
had recommended amputation of my
leg for I had wet gangrene. In this
critical hour, I asked for prayer in
Thirappin Vaasal. God bestowed on
me good health, hearing the prayer.
The sugar level is normal at
present. How great our God is!
- Sathiya, Chennai.
- Chandra David, Pannaivilai.
My daughter in law was
childless for 6 years. God blessed
her with a child, after I prayed for her
in Thirappin Vaasal . Tens of
thousands of thanks to God!
- Sakuntala, Mukkuperi.
Forsaken by doctors and my
family as well, I had been plagued
with fistula for 12 years, inflicting
untold pain, with puss ever oozing.
Hearing about Thirappin Vaasal
Prayer Meeting in this pain-hitsituation, I attended it and prayed
with tears. The trouble disappeared
I was almost in death bed,
for 4 months, afflicted with
chronic ulcer in my legs, with
maggots found therein, under the
influence of witchcraft. Almost
every organ had become problematic
with no drug yielding result. The
doctors advised amputation of the leg.
In this desperate situation, I had requested
for prayer in Thirappin Vaasal. God heard my
humble prayer. The Ulcer healed and boils
vanished. My organs were revitalized. God
healed me miraculously, in a day, lifting me up
from my terminal illness. Millions and billions
of thanks to God!
- Sarojini Peter, Shenkottai.
Your Miracle Day: 2008 March 29
LORD Jesus Christ who performed miracles to these people,
will do the same to you. Whatever your troubles be, please
write to us with your address distinctly and the pin code. You
pray fasting with faith on the same day. Jesus Christ will do
miracles to you. We will be praying from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. on
the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer day. You too pray, by that time,
wherever you might me. We will communicate to you the
answers from God during the prayer.
Contact Address: Thirappin Vaasal Prayer, Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt.,
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
e have been building churches in the
needy places in North India through
the Jesus Redeems Ministry.
Under Pastor Sam Sundaram, in the
village Theli in Viluppuram District in
Tamil Nadu, there is the Branch Church of
Chennai Apostolic Christian
Assembly. On God’s leading, Jesus
Redeems Ministry built a church,
estimated at Rs. 3,60,000/- for the
believers there for worship. Bro. Mohan C.
Lazarus dedicated it with prayer on 1001-2008.
Church Dedication in "Theli"
Pray! Support!
Likewise, the Indian Village Mission
is doing ministry among gypsics
(Narikuravar) in Thiyaga Durgam in
Viluppuram District. The Jesus Redeems
ministry has built a church worth Rs.
1,60,000/- for the tribal people to worship
God. To His glory, our brother dedicated it
prayerfully on 14 April 2007.
Over 100 nomadic people assemble here
to praise and worship God. They have been
blessed through this facility.
In this way, God’s Kingdom is being built
up in our country through His guidance. You
too could build churches, on your
behalf, or you could collaborate with
us in the ministry.
Pray for the ministry!
Those inspired could support it!
Great is your reward in heaven!
For further details:
Jesus Redeems Missionary Ministry,
Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt.,
Tamilnadu, India.
Church Dedication in "Thiyaga Durgam"
Nalumavadi-628 211.
Thoothukudi Dt., Tamilnadu, INDIA.
Ph : (04639) - 235 305, 235 705
Fax : (04639) - 235 415
For 24 hrs Prayer Help Dial: 04639 - 235 315
Email : [email protected]
Visit: http://www.jesusredeems.com/
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
y God’s grace, about 40,000 children of God
gather at the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer every
month. As you know, the Prayer Meeting is held in a
large shed of thatches. As we have to contend with
many discomforts in the current arrangement, it is
God’s pleasure, that He willed to build the
Tabernacle of God. He himself gave us a free site
for it, in order to carry on the ministry. God’s
Tabernacle is being built with an area of 2 lakhs sq. ft.,
so as to seat 50,000 people comfortably for prayer. The
job of construction, started in the year 2000, is going
on unhindered, by His grace. God has been guiding us
till the present moment, totally debt-free. Praise
The reason is that God raised people to pray and
offer for it. The initial stage of construction, that is the
concrete-work, is over by God’s grace. The next stage
is roofing. Following it, flooring and then the
relevant finishing is to be done.
Roofing is, by way of sheet-covering, supported
by iron truss-work. God has graciously supplied us the
funds to buy the truss-work. Therefore, sheetcovering is the next job. Please pray for this.
It is estimated that we need 14,000 sheets,
each costing Rs. 1,000/If 14,000 persons come forward, each to
contribute Rs. 1,000/-, this work will soon be
completed. Pray that God moves people.
We introduce to you Bro. Alexander of
Arockonam, who testifies to how she received
blessings from God.
In spite of my longing for years
to buy a house-site, I could
hardly do anything with a mere
Rs. 70,000/- at my hand. I sent
Rs. 300/- as a pledge for the
construction of the Tabernacle
of God. It is purely His grace,
that enabled me to purchase a house – site for
Rs. 3,50,000/- .
In case you are also moved to support, you could
take up any of the following, on behalf of your
family–one or two or five or ten sheets. It is time you
had your part in raising the Tabernacle of God.
If you feel the inspiration of God in you to support
the project, you may send a Cheque or DD in the
name of Tabernacle of God, payable at any BankBranch at Tirunelveli to the following address.
- Mohan C. Lazarus.
Tabernacle of God, Jesus Redeems,
Nalumavadi - 628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., India.
"Anywhere Account" is available with following banks to send your offerings to JESUS REDEEMS MINISTRY.
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.,
Axis Bank-Thoothukudi
Jesus Redeems
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus
If you have 'Internet Banking Facility', it is easy for you to send the offering safely and speedily round the clock
directly to either of our Bank Accounts. For more payment options, please visit our Web Page :
You can also use all kinds of "Credit / Debit Cards" [VISA, MASTER CARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINNERS
CLUB, CITI BANK E-CARDS & JCB CARDS] for sending your offerings online.
Apart from these facilities, you can also utilize the services of, "Western Union Money Transfer" as well as, "Money Gram" and
inform us the Control Number along with your Full Address for the purpose.
If you choose to send your offerings through, "Cheque" or "Demand Draft", send them by the specific name of, "Mohan C.
Lazarus" payable at the State Bank of India, Tirunelveli Main Branch (Branch Code : 0932) to our address.
More Details: Mobile : 9942235305, Email : [email protected]
Jesus Redeems
Website : http//www.jesusredeems.com/bank.html
March 2008
The other face of developing India!
In its latest issue of “India Today” Magazine has
published a survey about Indian beggars. Mostly,
we people have very less authentic data available
about the condition of beggars in India; therefore,
this survey provides a lot of
good information about the
conditions of beggars in
India and some of its
findings very alarming like
number of graduates and
postgraduates beggars are
increasing in India. Main
points which comes out of
survey are –
India has the highest number of
beggars, which has gone up by a
lack in a decade.
In Delhi alone there are 60,000 beggars.
Our education system is in urgent need
of both investment and reform,” said Mr.
Manmohan Singh, adding, “At every level of the
learning pyramid, we need a modern education
system for the 21st Century.”
He went on to say that the country needs a
system that will prepare “every one of our children
for the challenges of the future, and not make them
prisoners of the past.”
“We need a system that is both
compassionate and demanding. No child
should ever feel left out for no fault of his or
her. No child should nurse a grievance that
his creativity has been suppressed. We
need a humane, creative and forwardlooking system,” Mr. Manmohan Singh said.
He further said that boys and girls from modest
social and economic backgrounds are passing out of
“our institutions of higher learning” and writing
competitive examinations to secure admission in the
best institutions of the world.
“It is they who have shaped the image of
brand India across the world,” Manmohan
Singh said. (Topnews.in/education)
The problem of domestic inflation is partly
blamed on the UAE dirham’s peg to the US dollar.
The US currency’s declining value makes imports
from places like Europe and Australia more
expensive Dollar pegs restrict Gulf countries’
ability to fight inflation by forcing them to shadow
US monetary policy at a time when the Fed is
cutting rates.
Former US Federal Reserve chairman Alan
Greenspan said earlier this week near-record Gulf
Arab inflation would fall “significantly” were the oil
producers to drop their dollar pegs and float their
currencies freely.
Al-Suweidi said the link to the dollar was not the
only reason behind spiralling inflation.
Greenspan was proposing several
scenarios to reduce pressure on Gulf
economies which are suffering from a rise
in the level of inflation for several domestic
and foreign reasons... not exclusive to their
currencies’ peg to the dollar.
Mumbai has 3,00,000 beggars, as per
an Action Aid study.
Average income of beggars in Metros is
Rs. 80/- per day.
70% of beggars spend more than Rs.50/per day and 27% send more than Rs.100/in a single day.
Most of the beggars in India earn more than
daily wagers.
Rs. 25,000/- is the average bank
balance of beggars in Kolkata.
There are more numbers of able body
beggars in India than disabled
There are good numbers of beggars
with graduate and post graduate
degrees and there number is increasing
85% of the beggars have no information
about the beggar homes.
Rs. 180 cr is the worth of Beggars in
Mumbai alone.
(Source- ‘India Today’, Feb 4, 2008 ).
(Arabian Business.Com, Feb. 2008)
FOR 24 HOURS PRAYER HELP DIAL: 04639 - 235 315
Jesus Redeems
March 2008
Youth Festival!
Family Blessing
Prayer Camp!
30 April 2008
1 May 2008
Church of the Epiphany,
No: 407, Jalan Kayu,
Singapore - 799 512.
Church of the True Light,
No: 25G, Perak Road,
Singapore - 208 142.
(7:30 p.m)
(9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m)
Rev. Steven Asirvatham
Tel: 64814358
Rev. Samuel Kunjumone
Tel: 90622694
Message :
In Nalumavadi
Mohan C. Lazarus.
Jesus Redeems’
House of God,
th morning 9:00 to
th evening 3:00
Messages :
For more Details:
(Ph: 04639-235 305)
Mohan C. Lazarus,
Bro. A. Appadurai,
Bro. Yesanna (A.P).
R.N.P. No. TNENG / 2000 / 3545.
Postal Regn. No. SSPOs / TTN - 166 / 2006 - 2008.
Post W.P.P. No. TN / WPP - 36 / SR / 2006 - 2008 (Within India).
Overseas Regn.No. SSPOs / TTN - 193 / 2006 - 2008.
Scot Christian College Ground,
2008 April
(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Evening 6:00
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus,
Bro. A. Appadurai.
Contact: Jesus Redeems Branch Office, Nagercoil. (Ph: 04652-279469)
Pray! Participate! And also Bring others!
Tormented by
a demonic spirit for
30 years, I prayed
in the Thirappin
Vaasal for
deliverance. God’s
power came down
upon me heavily during
prayer. Instanly, the evil spirit
went off from my body. All
praise to God!
- Magathelena Marial,
There was a
sudden cancer growth in my body.
With a heavy
heart, I prayed
fervently in the
Prayer, jointly with
the Brother. In a moment, the
cancer melted down, with
no place for it any more.
Trillions and trillions of thanks
to God!
- Edward,