Mission Vision Purpose - Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church
Mission Vision Purpose - Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church
10:30 - 11:40am November 2, 2014 “Turn, LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.” Psalm 6:4 Songs of Worship Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church Grace Like Rain Never Gonna Let Me Go Prayer of Confession / Assurance of Pardon Song of Worship Opportunities To Give, Gather, and Go Offertory Prayer Rev. Ray Witbeck Before The Throne Of God Above Christmas 2012 Offering OUR MISSION Pastor Dave Ricketts I Saw The Light Please sign and pass the registration pad down your pew Scripture Reading Sermon Acts 9:1-9; 17-22 All In With a New Vision of Jesus Pastor Rob Perkins Words of Institution Communion Song Song of Response Mission Vision Purpose Remembrance (The Communion Song) Glorify God Gather in community Grow as disciples Give of ourselves Go into the world with the gospel November 2, 2014 Knowing You “Turn, LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.” Psalm 6:4 Blessing Visit the Prayer Corner – If you would like someone to personally pray for you after the service, please come to the Prayer Corner sign at the rear of the Sanctuary. This morning’s prayer partner is Rose Chiu. OUR VISION A community church making a global impact for Christ. 9:00 - 10:05 a.m. Prelude Andante Sostenuto - C.M. Widor Call to Worship / Prayer Opening Hymn Pastor Dave Ricketts #473 And Can It Be That I Should Gain? Prayer of Confession / Assurance of Pardon OUR PURPOSE To know Christ and make Him known. Song of Worship Before The Throne Of God Above Opportunities To Give, Gather, and Go Offering Close To Thee MVPC Choir by Jan Sanborn Please sign and pass the registration pad down your pew Scripture Reading Acts 9:1-9; 17-22 Sermon Gwen Lundmark Pastor Rob Perkins All In With a New Vision of Jesus Words of Institution Communion Songs Song of Response Pastoral Staff Rob Perkins, Dave Ricketts Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church 10 Moraga Valley Lane, Moraga, CA 94556 Tel. 925. 376.4800 • Fax. 925. 376.3750 • www.mvpctoday.org Office Hours 9:00 - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday The Old Rugged Cross - arr. D. Bolks Postlude Knowing You Blessing Postlude Allegrette moderato - A. Hesse Visit the Prayer Corner – If you would like someone to personally pray for you after the service, please come to the Prayer Corner sign at the rear of the Sanctuary. This morning’s prayer partner is Laura Wittenberg. WELCOME! Today Pastor Rob will preach All In with a New Vision of Jesus from Acts 9:1-9; 17-22. We will also observe communion. Jesus Christ provided this sacrament as a way for His followers to remember and renew our faith in Him. The bread recalls His body, given for us, and the cup recalls His blood, shed for the forgiveness of our sins. If you honor Jesus as your Savior we invite you to receive communion. If you are a guest with us, please come to The Gathering Place near the Resource Center after the worship service. We would love to meet you and help you get connected. GLORIFY GOD You’re Invited – Next Sunday, November 9 , Pastor Rob will preach All In with a Great Big God from Acts 10. th Chancel Flowers – The flowers on the chancel this morning have been given by Carol Kaiser to honor Carolyn Ponder and remember the wedding anniversary of Carolyn and Willis Ponder. GATHER IN COMMUNITY Family Ties, Sunday, November 16th, 3:30-5pm – Are you a parent with young kids looking to connect with other parents? Childcare $10/family. For more info contact Dave Ricketts: [email protected], x281. Together in Prayer – Please pray for the people listed here and ask the Lord how He might invite you to care for them: Grieving: Martha Huberts upon the death of her father, Ken Johnson; The Bocheff Family upon the death of Barbara Bocheff whose memorial service will be held here on Friday, November 14th at 1:00P; Jenifer Patera and Family upon the death of her father Healing: Denise Coane Welcome Sara Bishop Pezel, born October 23rd to parents Andrea and Dan and big sister Ellie and to grandparents Bonnie and Greg Bjerre! Praise God! Larry Swindell, a native Texan, was inducted into the Texas Literary Hall of Fame yesterday for his biographies rooted in movie history. Dismissal Process: Pray for those who are leading us through the PC(USA) dismissal process; that the San Francisco Presbytery will form the Presbytery Engagement Team to assist us in our discernment process. Associate Pastor Search: Pray for our APNC as they seek MVPC’s next pastor. If you would like your name to appear here, please designate it on your Prayer and Care card located in the pew or contact Valerie Bigelow by Tuesday morning; x223; [email protected]. AM Prayer meets on Wednesday, 8:00-9:15am, in the conference room in the church office. GROW AS DISCIPLES Parenting the Modern Family, Thursday, November 13th, 9:30am and 7pm – MVPC will host a parenting seminar with author and speaker Craig Jutila. Everyone is welcome! No cost for the morning session; $5 tickets plus registration for Thursday Night Theatre for kids through 5th grade are available on our website: mvpctoday.org. Perspectives – MVPC has the exciting opportunity to offer the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class. Beginning in January, Perspectives will bring to MVPC 15 excellent instructors and highly-respected mission leaders. Your eyes will be opened to a new vision of God’s great mercy and love. More information and registration on our website: mvpctoday.org. LivingPeace. Biblical. Practical. Powerful. Peacemaker Ministries-trained coaches provide one-to-one conflict coaching and mediation, using biblical principles to guide your relationships at home, work and in your neighborhoods. Contact Kristen Maloney (963-8870) or Kathryn Badalich ([email protected]). Sunday classes run concurrently with both services. Adult classes 9am Intersections: I Believe, a Study of the Apostles’ Creed. Fellowship Hall Next week’s speaker: Rev. Mary Naegli 10:30am Exploring Scripture: Spiritual Disciplines. Fireside Room 10:30am Faithbuilders: The Gospel of John. FMC205 ALL IN Part 8: All In with a New Vision of Jesus Acts 9:1-9; 17-22 Message Notes Teen classes 9am Quest Middle School: Fireside Room 9am High School Girls: The Book of Acts. FMC102. 9am High School Bible Study: FMC 105. Children’s classes 9am Noah’s Nursery: Nursery 10:30am Promiseland: 112-115 SonTown: Forum Noah’s Nursery: Nursery Promiseland: 112-115 SonTown: Forum High School Bible Studies – If you are a student at Campolindo High School interested in learning more about God’s Word with other students, contact Chris Greenfield: 360-8160. Men’s Fraternity: Taking Responsibility for Your Life, Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30am – Wouldn’t it be great if you took responsibility for everything you are responsible for? Join us to discover valuable insights in this four-part series. Forum. GIVE Stephen Ministry Training – Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one Christian care for those enduring life’s hardships. If you are seeking personal growth and are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, stop by the patio table today after worship to speak with a Stephen Ministry Leader. Classes will begin in January. Confirmation Mentors – Mentor a high school student through the significant faith season of confirmation. Resources provided. Contact Evan Kolding: [email protected]; x241. GO Mission Market is Coming! November 9th-16th – Give the true gift of Christmas as you support MVPC local and global mission partners and deliver to your loved ones more meaningful gifts. Pick up your Mission Market booklet today as you leave the Sanctuary. Moraga Beautiful, Saturday, November 15th, 9-11am, and Sunday, November 16th, 1-3pm – MVPC has partnered with the Town of Moraga to plant 3,000 daffodil bulbs. As a community church, this is a fantastic opportunity to invite your friends to work together to make our community even more beautiful. Harbor House Dinner, Thursday, November 6th – If you can buy and/or prepare a portion of the Thanksgiving Dinner Quest students will serve to Harbor House families, please contact Jennifer Gilmour: [email protected]; x288. Gift Bags for the Homeless – Before November 5th, please donate items for YWAM to distribute to the homeless in the Tenderloin during the holidays: thick black or white cotton socks (adult sizes), shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, soap and deodorant. Contact Bonnie Bjerre: x227; [email protected]. Warmth for the Homeless – Through November 15 please bring donations of blankets or sleeping bags to the church office for our neighbors sleeping on the streets of Berkeley; if necessary, call Christine Deane for a pick-up: 283-5648 th Kids Alive DR Thanksgiving Mission Trip – Before November 10th, please bring donations for Kids Alive DR to the church office: games, building toys, play instruments or kitchen supplies, art supplies, soccer cleats/shin guards, new or like-new clothing for kids/teens (no Tshirts). Contact Julie Lekki: 376-6600; [email protected]. Family Share Questions We invite you to use these questions to reflect on Acts 9:1-9, 17-19 individually and with your family: • Imagine if Jesus suddenly appeared to you. What do you think He would say? • How has knowing Jesus made a difference in your life? • Pray that God will remind you that Jesus is always with you. 110214