Vacation Bible School August 11-15
Vacation Bible School August 11-15
August 2014 Vacation Bible School August 11-15 11 8:45 -11:30AM 11:30AM For children 4 years old by August 1 thru 6th grade Cost: $7 per child or $21 21 per family (3 or more children) You may register by stopping by the Info Center or calling the church office WORSHIP IN THE PARK Join GRC for Worship on August 31st at Buttermilk Creek Park 163 East 18th Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 920.922.7211 920.922.8690 (Fax) [email protected] ■ ■ @ 10:45 A.M. with a picnic lunch to follow. Bring your own blanket or chairs and food for your family to eat after the service. You may want to bring extra to feed anyone that decides to join us that was not prepared to stay for lunch. The rain location is GRC In This Issue Note from Pastor Barry Prayer Opportunities News & Notes Note from Pastor Grant Family Corner Mission Missions The Anchor Holds VBS Supplies Needed What You Don't See Prayer & Praise Ministry Schedules Offering Totals Newsletter Deadline 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 Also in this issue issue Youth Calendar Birthday & Anniversary Calendar Church Schedule Note From PB Dear Grace Family, I am back from a vacation that was for me probably one of the most needed, growing, learning, and renewing vacations I have ever had. The opportunity to take a step back and have time to reflect and pursue God without work is a gift. There were several things that God did for me during my vacation. One of the areas of focus that the LORD lead me to read about and pray about was a better awareness of the spiritual battle we are in everyday of our lives. I want to share a few brief thoughts about this area for you to prayerfully reflect on. The spiritual battle is real and there is a lot at stake (Ephesians 6:10-20 & 2 Timothy 2:22-26). Satan is not an enemy that we need to fear but at the same time we need to be aware of his schemes. The question that was proposed to me in this area was, "So what does the devil really want from us? Does he want to haunt your house? Not likely. You’d write a bestselling book or become a reality television star. Make your head spin around? You could make a lot of money showing off that trick. Get you to carve a pentagram into your leg? Nah, not the sort of behavior that draws a big following. So what does the devil really want from you? He really only wants one thing: he wants to keep you from Christ...from worshipping Him! He wants to make you selfish. He wants you to live for your ambition. He wants you to live for your addiction. He wants you live for your ego. He wants you to live for anyone or anything that’s not Jesus. As long as he keeps you from Christ–from the true and living God– he doesn’t care how it happens. Make you sick like Job or rich like Uzzah, just so long as you forget your Creator in the days of your youth. He will be the accuser of the brethren in one breath and the lying spirit who says “peace, peace” in the next. What does the devil want? He wants you to believe the lie that you are okay without a Savior. He wants you to think that the form of godliness counts for something even if it does not have the power. He wants you to suppress the truth in unrighteousness and exchange the truth about God for a lie. He wants you to love the world and ignore the Word. He wants you to be happy or sad or scared or complacent or hungry or full, anything that gets you focused on something other than union and fellowship with Christ. He wants you to think that you can live the Christian life without Jesus living the Christian life through you. When you become a Christian you turn from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18). And when you live as a Christian, the devil will do all that he can to get you to turn back to the way things were. We must understand this reality everyday of our lives so that we do not succumb to his schemes but instead experience the victory over our enemy through living in Christ. I am praying for you... Love, Pastor Barry Prayer for the GRC Leadership Team: Pray that the Elders will have wisdom as they seek God's face and God's direction toward the next steps of joining God in His mission here at GRC. Pray for the deacons to have wisdom as they come along side hurting people. Pray for the Shepherding team as they contact their families to have wisdom on how to shepherd them. Pray for the Ministry Leaders to experience God's presence and power as they lead their ministries. Prayer Opportunities 8:00am Sundays- Prayer Room—praying for the first service and for those needing prayer 10:30am Sundays-Prayer Room-praying for the second service and for those needing prayer 6:30am- Wednesdays, Men’s Prayer- Prayer Room Prayer Walking—during the week Corporate Prayer Gathering every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. News & Notes FIFTH ANNUAL GRACE CHURCH HYMN SING SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 2014 2:00 P.M. We encourage you to mark this event on your calendar and plan to invite your family and friends to attend. A sign-up sheet will be available at the Info Center to sign up for the fellowship time following the hymn sing. Are you a new attendee at GRC? Have you had the opportunity to fill out a Welcome Card? Have you been assigned to a Shepherding Elder or Deacon? Would you like to be listed in our church roster? Please contact the church office at 922-7211 922 so that we may get you connected at GRC. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________ Park Days 2014 A chance for mothers with children to get together for some fellowship and let our children dren enjoy the local Fond du Lac parks. We meet on Wednesday mornings, from 10 until 12 or 1, continuing through August 27. You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch. In case of rain, Park Day is cancelled. Any Questions? Call Michelle Murphy 251-6933 251 The monthly schedule is as follows: 1st Wednesdays Buttermilk Creek 2nd Wednesdays - Lakeside Park 3rd Wednesdays - McDermott Park 4th Wednesdays Taylor Park. ______________________________________ Lueck Support Envelopes elopes Please remember that the Luecks will need our spiritual and financial support during their stay at seminary. The support envelopes will be available at the Information center.. Remember that any financial donation you make should not decrease your tithing to the church. Their address is : 606 Mc Donald Drive, Unit G4, Clinton, MS 39056. Noon Organ Recital Series - 2014 What began as a way of celebrating the beautiful pipe organs of Fond du Lac, has become a summer tradition. Now in its sixth season, the Noon Organ Recital Series returns on Thursdays, from 12:15 - 12:45 pm. The schedule is found below. Concerts are presented pres free of charge. A free will offering will be taken to support future summer organ recital series and United Singers, an organization which allows persons with special needs to be enriched by music and to share their gifts with the community. Aug. 7th - The former St. Patrick's Church, 39 E. Follett St. "Organ Crawl - Open House" Organist: Arpad Muranyi Aug. 14th - Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church, W1562 County Road B, Eden. Organist: John Penkoske _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ VBS Update: Vacation Bible Study dates are August 11-15. Helpers elpers need to be at church from 8 am to noon and be available for the closing program on Friday night at 6:30pm. If the Lord is calling you to be a part of this fun filled week of planting see seeds of faith in children, please contact Fran Trewin at 583 583-4308. Thank you. __________________________________________________ Would you be interested in giving your testimony and sharing it with the GRC family. You could speak on a Sunday morning or have your testimony video recorded and played on a Sunday morning. Contact Pastor Barry if you feel God leading you in this direction. Volunteer Request: Care INC Communications Facilitator Care INC seeks to bring together the efforts of local churches and agencies to more effectively care for persons in need in the Fond du Lac area. We are in need of a volunteer with a strong desire for God's love and purpose to be made visible in our community through these kinds of collaborative efforts, who would be willing to assist Care INC in the following areas: 1) Reaching out to area churches which are not currently part of Care INC, to communicate its purpose and to explore the possibility of participation or collaboration. 2) To help encourage and enhance participation among current Care INC partners 3) To facilitate communication with our partners about upcoming meetings, news and events e The position would require an initial time commitment of about one morning a week, becoming approximately an hour/week once initial contacts are made. The volunteer would work in collaboration with the Care INC intake director and Care INC meeting facilitator. Call 251 251-0670 to volunteer. Youth Page Dear Youth Families, And because of that…she must die! (Cue creepy music.) One of my favorite passages of scripture is from Psalm 139. This passage speaks of the presence of the Lord and of His handywork which is evident in us, yes, US! He has uniquely crafted each of us for His delight, and purpose, and blessing. Here, read it for yourself: At least that’s what the powers that be think in the film, but I wonder how often as Christ followers we can relate to Tris’ predicament of being divergent. Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; di·ver·gent, adjective tending to be different or develop in different directions —Source: Google Search you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. Psalm 139:13-16 Message In a world that tries to force us into a one-size-fits-all mould, He calls us to fulfill our purpose and destiny within the uniqueness of our design. In His service, Our world is not always so kind to those who are different or are developing in different directions, and those who follow Jesus tend to be the most divergent of all! Why? Because He was divergent. Though a rabbi, He tended to be different from the greedy, power hungry, selfish culture that surrounded Him. He developed His life away from the flow of society, and because of that, they crucified Him. So why in the world would we dare to be different? Well, in the movie, Tris stayed true to her nature and was able to change the world—and I would argue that the same opportunity awaits those Christians who follow the same pattern. How? In futuristic Chicago, you would go through a series of tests and survive the eeeeeeevil government trying to take you out because you are trying to uncover their eeeeeeevil plot. In our real world today, you must embrace being different and follow the job description that Jesus laid out for His followers who want to change the world: When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the side of a mountain and sat down. Jesus’ disciples gathered around him, and he taught them: Job Description for the Divergent “You’re different. You don’t fit into any of the categories. They can’t control you. They call it divergent.” —Tori, in Divergent And what do they call you? Jock? Drama Queen? Brain? Prep? Nerd? “God blesses those people who depend only on him. They belong to the kingdom of heaven! God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort! God blesses those people who are humble. Or do you sometimes feel like you don’t fit any of those labels? Or perhaps you are sick of whatever “normal” labels exist in your corner of the world, and you are looking for something better? The earth will belong to them! Those who follow Jesus tend to be the most divergent of all! Why? Because He was divergent. That’s what the character Tris feels like in the movie Divergent, based on the bestselling book series. She lives in post-apocalyptic Chicago, where society is divided into five factions based on your virtuous character traits. Because she shows aptitude in three of them, she is labeled a “divergent.” They will be given what they want! God blesses those people who want to obey him more than to eat or drink. God blesses those people who are merciful. They will be treated with mercy! God blesses those people whose hearts are pure. They will see him! continued on next page Family Corner continued from previous page God blesses those people who make peace. One of Our Biggest Parenting Mistakes... They will be called his children! One of our biggest parenting mistakes is to try to get kids to behave right for the wrong reasons. for doing right. Now it's a good thing to want our kids to behave responsibly, and to internalize the value of responsibility. But parents tend to turn this desire into a goal for a child's behavior. God blesses those people who are treated badly They belong to the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:1-10, CEV The word “blesses” here is potentially confusing because we tend to only use it when someone sneezes. But the original word for “bless” is makarios—which is a powerful word used to describe someone who constantly maintained an inner peace and contentment despite all outward circumstances. In other words, when you follow the divergent path of being humble and pure and fully depending on God, you will be labeled different on the outside, but you will experience unsurpassed and unceasing internal joy. But be warned! When you put Jesus’ words into practice, you invite persecution. The government won’t (most likely) be out to kill you, but the popular crowd may attack you emotionally and assassinate you socially. That’s why we are so blessed by the way Jesus wrapped up this message: “Count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble” (Matthew 5:11-12, The Message). Holy Cow! When I am persecuted for being Divergent for Jesus and THE Cause of Christ, I get the applause of heaven and a place beside the great spiritual warriors from the Bible! That’s an ending I am looking forward to…are you? Copyright © 2014 Dare2Share. All rights reserved Here's how it works: When kids fail to take responsibility the way parents want, these parents tend to engage. We nag. We remind. We may even yell, all with the goal of getting our kids to behave responsibly. The problem is, the most important goal of parenting is not to get our kids to behave right, but to believe right. And all this effort towards behavior communicates to our child the very opposite message we'd like them to believe. When we nag kids until they clean up, we either directly or indirectly communicate the message, "You're not responsible for this. Only when I nag enough will you clean up. You need me to nag in order to get things done." The more we nag, the less our kids believe they are responsible, and the more they believe they are irresponsible. So stop nagging. What if, instead of nagging kids about their mess until they finally clean it, we simply said, "You are responsible to clean that mess up. What's your plan?" Or perhaps we could calmly give a clear instruction: "Hey bud, you gotta clean up the dishes before you have the privilege of social time." Ask your kids to repeat. Happily (not condescendingly) let them know the consequence if they don't follow the instruction. Have them repeat that too. If they do what's expected, affirm it and help them see the benefits of their responsibility for themselves and others. If they don't, calmly follow through with the consequence. With a new goal of communicating the message, "You are responsible," parents are freed from the need to nag in order to get things done. Every parent we've seen effectively embrace this new goal has seen reduced stress between themselves and their children, and nearly all report that their children begin taking more responsibility. Why not give it a try? © 2014 Jim Jackson, Connected Families, 566 Bavaria Lane, Chaska, MN 55318 Missions Corner I am going to share a portion of the last newsletter that we received from Andrew and Hyejin Dykstra. They are missionaries that serve in Nigeria. We have supported Andrew since he was a young man doing short term mission trips. He was one of members of the youth group from the Friesland Church before Pastor Barry came to Grace Church. This letter was written by Hyejin, Andrew’s wife. She expresses her thoughts on preparing for service in Nigeria. You might recall that Nigeria has been the scene of several violent incidents over the past few months. "Fright Before Flight" Twin bombings in Jos, Nigeria reportedly killed at least 118 people last month. This is just thirty minutes from the village of Miango, where we are planning to live and work. Worse yet, we have to go to Jos on a regular basis. As a result we decided to reevaluate about going to Nigeria, asking ourselves. “Is it wise?” We asked SIM Nigeria for their evaluation. They indicated that Nigeria has many dangers, but added that “God does call people to dangerous areas”, and left a suggestion to come if we can cope with the stress and insecurity or otherwise find another area of service. Meanwhile, one day Joanna fell down the basement stairs in her walker. When I saw her laying on the concrete floor my heart nearly stopped. Immediately, she had a fat bloody lip. “Oh God, please… “ I thought. With Joanna in my arms on the way to the emergency room, I thought to myself, “ I wish I could protect her.” At the hospital we were given a large room due to the severity of the accident. “A surgery room?” I wondered. Doctors then came and checked her over carefully. Surprisingly, and thankfully she turned out to be fine, other than a few bruises. A major accident had produced only minor injuries, and I believe it is due to God’s protection. Now back to the evaluation of going to Nigeria… why do I struggle with going to Nigeria? Fear. “Will we be safe?” I ask myself. “Can we protect ourselves there?” But the incident with Joanna reminds me that we are limited and ought to rely on God. After many days of thought and prayer, we finally shared together how we believe God has been guiding us to continue forward with going to Nigeria. We don’t always feel peace of mind, but recognize that we need to practice trusting in God’s protection and will for our life. At this point Andrew’s re-entry visa has been approved, which allows for the next step of applying for visas for Joanna and me. Joanna and I will begin receiving vaccinations July 1st, and as soon as visas, vaccines, and flight tickets are ready, we anticipate leaving for Nigeria. Thank you for your prayers and financial support of us as we prepare to go to Nigeria, and please also pray for peace in Nigeria and for those who suffer do to a lack of it."–Hyejin Dykstra From my comfortable little spot in the world, I am amazed at the dedication to the Lord’s call that we see every day in the missionaries we meet. These are regular people, yet they put their own comfort in a secondary position to the call of God. If you wish to support Andrew and Hyejin financially contact Jack for the information you need. If you have more specific questions about missions, or are interested in becoming a missionary, please contact Jack Hamilton (583-4437). The Anchor Holds “Experience God in the breathless wonder and startling beauty that is all around you. His sun shines warm upon your face. His wind whispers in the treetops. Like the first rays of morning light … celebrate the start of each new day with God.” Wendy Moore When I read the above I thought about the winter that we have experienced here in Wisconsin. So often throughout this difficult winter and spring I would talk with my son Steve in Arizona, or my daughter Cathy in Tennessee and share with them the lousy weather we were having with temperatures and wind chills that never seemed to get about freezing. Then I would have to listen while they told me about their eighty degree temperatures and how the grass was growing and the flowers blooming. But my wife and I are right where God planted us and although sometimes I am envious of their climates, I know we are were God wants us to be. Recently I was on my mower as I mowed our very large backyard and I looked around me and the beauty of God's earth was enough to take my breath away. Seeing the hand of God in the beauty and the splendor of Wisconsin's summers isn't too difficult. Then I thought about all my friends who are going through experiences that want to rob them of the joy that God has for all His children. Instead of appreciating God's splendor, they are filled with fear of the future that lays before them. I have always preached about practicing the presence of God and that practice is never more necessary than when you are facing the challenges of sickness, unemployment, marital or family difficulty, death of a loved one, and the list goes on and on. Tomorrow morning, as your feet hit the floor, take time to talk with God. Tell Him about the challenges your facing, the trials and the problems. Leigh Mitchell Hodges says … “Life begins each morning … Each morning is the open door to a new world...” Each morning God brings us the opportunity to make the most of the day that is before us. God knows all about your day and He knows everything you will need to see your way through. Psalm 90:14 reminds us … “Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” The day ahead may be one of your most difficult ones to face, yet the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of this beautiful universe has promised to be with you, no matter what your circumstances might be. “A quiet morning with a loving God puts the events of the upcoming day into proper perspective.” Janette Oke Lord, bless those who struggle with a difficult day. May their day be filled with Your presence, Your grace, Your strength, and especially with the hope only You can bring. You are the Anchor that never fails. Jack Witte Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me … “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:8 The scripture verses continue … “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.” I have often been part of groups discussing what the writer Paul's weaknesses might have been. In verse 7 Paul talks about being given a “thorn in my flesh, a message from Satan, to torment me.” Whatever Paul's weakness was, he recognized it to be something that God had placed in his life, something that God intended for a specific purpose. Rather than accept this negative trait, Paul chose to make it a positive thing, something that he could offer up to God in praise and worship. I believe each of us has those “thorns in our flesh” … those things about ourselves that we would like to change, but it seems we are never able to do so. I know my weaknesses, those things about myself that I pray God would change and I believe if your honest with yourself, you know what thorns you too possess. There was only one perfect man … Jesus Christ, which leaves the rest of us with the task of only trying to be like Him. The good news is … God knows exactly how each of us are made up. God shaped each of us … Psalm119:73 … “Your hands made me and formed me.” God made us just as we are for one purpose, to bring glory to Him. God accepts us, even with our “thorns”. We don't have to worry about trying to please Him by being someone other than the one we are, the one He made us to be. God has promised, even with our faults, as Paul calls them … our “thorns” … He will never forsake us nor draw away from us because of our sins. The Bible tells of God's word when He tells each of us … “I will not forget you … See … I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.” Isaiah 49:15-16 When we ask God to forgive us … He does … and He allows us to again draw closely to Him. Thank You Father that You made each of us exactly as we are, and that You love us, even with our faults, beyond measure. Help us to live this day for You, and may all we do bring glory to Your Holy Name. You are our Anchor, Your love will never fail us. Vacation Bible School Kitchen List VBS will soon be here and we are in need of items for the kitchen to provide snacks for the kids and of the same cookie-32 oz size package)- 12 packages many volunteers and for Friday night after the small plates- 500 are needed program. If you would like to help in the kitchen Container of Baby Wipes- 1 large (even if you can't help every day) please contact Sherryl Heeringa (920-251-4173). There will be a Caramel to be put on sliced apples- 10 bottles, jars, or containers large container marked VBS KITCHEN under the coat rack by the kitchen for any items you would Goldfish Crackers (or any brand)- need 6 bags or boxes like to donate. Thank you for any help you can provide! Koolaid (or any brand name)- We need 20 containers of the presweetened kind. If you would like to donate packets of koolaid to be mixed with sugar, we will accept those as well. We need approx 40 gallons of koolaid for the week. styrofoam coffee cups- need 125 5 oz plastic cups- 200 are needed 7 or 8 oz plastic cups- 800 are needed napkins- 2 large bags Little Debbie Snacks- (can be other brands. there are 4 options to give you an idea of what we need. it needs to be a cake with a cream type filling inside. Zebra Cakes, Chocolate Chip Cakes, Jellyfish Cookies, Cream Filled Cupcakes)- need 42 boxes Apples-does anyone know where to get the huge bags of SLICED apples like they use in schools or for big events? Willing to donate the money to purchase them? Need enough to feed approx 110 kids to be eaten on Thursday. If we can't get the big bags, we will need bags of apples donated for us to slice. As of now, I am not planning to serve the apples after the Friday night program. Cheerios (plain type only-any brand name)4 boxes Please also remember that there are many M&Ms- 4 large bags to be a success. We like to offer them snacks in Mini Marshmallows- 3 large bags the break room each day. There can be up to 50 volunteers that give of their time each day for VBS volunteers each day. Please consider bringing in Mini Pretzels- 4 bags treats or snacks to help stock the break room. Chocolate Chips- 4 bags Some suggestions are: cheese and crackers, Dried Fruit or Raisins- 4 large packages or boxes veggies and dip, fresh fruit, cookies, bars, muffins, Sandwich Cookies (the kind that are vanilla on one side and chocolate on the other side for any help you can give. coffee cakes, doughnuts, pretzels, etc. Thank you What You Don’t See Coming by Lynn Cowell “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 (NLT) Then we can teach our kids how to watch for what they don’t see coming. Whether we’re 16 or 46, we can learn to be on guard. It seemed harmless enough. A song playing on her iPod. The dinging of an incoming text. It was anything but. If we will consistently do this, when the disappointments and hurts in life inevitably come, they’ll find our heart full of perfect love and less vulnerable to rejection and offense. The next thing I knew, my daughter was weeping in her room, a torrent of twisted emotions consuming her tender heart. What happened? Minutes ago, we were laughing together! Now, as her heart oozed with rejection, loneliness and self-doubt, I felt helpless to comfort her. From the surface, hearing that specific song and receiving the text at the same time seemed like a coincidence. I’ve been learning, however, it isn’t always chance. In our key verse, Peter the Apostle tells us: “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Just waiting. For the chance. The truth is we have an enemy. And he is always looking for the chance to trip us up. Looking, scheming, scouting, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to: • Bring back the hurt through a familiar song. • Remind us of a past mistake. • See pictures on social media to rub in the rejection. Satan will hold back nothing to get at our hearts and into our minds, whatever it takes to drag us down. It’s his purpose, his goal. And he knows your daughter will believe it was the boy, the friend or the crowd who made her feel that way. As women, we can learn to stay alert so we are less likely to get caught unaware and fall into the trap of an emotional spiral. For us to be on guard, we need to daily pour in the truth that we are unconditionally loved, adored and pursued by the One, our Love, Jesus. But what about our daughters? How can a girl, just years away from playing with dolls, learn to fight emotions that seem too powerful? Deal with mood swings that try to take her peace away? And avoid the daily surfacing “girl drama”? From you. She learns from you. After the hugs and listening, you can teach her to see what she doesn’t see coming. To be on guard by being selective to the music she hears, whom she follows on social media and to whom she entrusts her heart. And be intentional to pour God’s truth into her heart each and every day. Not only will her life be more peaceful, yours will too! Lord, by reading Your Word and spending time in prayer, help me to first learn to be on guard for the enemy’s tactics to trip me up. Empower me, as I learn to share this truth with my children and those I have an opportunity to influence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. TRUTH FOR TODAY: Ephesians 6:10-12, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (NIV) James 4:7, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (NIV) REFLECT AND RESPOND: Can you pinpoint one area in particular, in your life or the life of your child, where you are vulnerable to emotional letdowns? Share this with a trusted friend and ask her to pray for you. What is one step you can take to make yourself less susceptible? Music you listen to? Social media? People you interact with? © 2014 by Lynn Cowell. All rights reserved. Praise The Lord! † Praise God for who He is! A PRAYER FOR BACK TO SCHOOL: † Bereavement: Dan May & Judy Albert - father Thank you for the gift of children. Please watch over Pray for those in the Military: Andrew Chadwick Ashley Francis Ashley Jardine Austin Knebel Brayden Kottke Brian Beuten Caleb Burton Chad Eiring Christopher Knebel Curtis Gozdzwski Ezra Swanson Isaac Smith Micah Swanson Nathan Swanson Read DelPonte Robert Heidel Teryne Robida Tommy Flynn Trent Perkins Trevor Burns William Goodacre Pray for those in Nursing Homes: ■ Frieda Bloedorn (St. Francis) ■ Margaret Pennings (FdL Lutheran Home) ■ Charles Kikkert (All About Life) Pray For Those With Long Term Needs: ■ Brady Beekman ■ Brian Wunrow ■ Corinne Skogen ■ Frances Stotzheim ■ Kaleb Cameron ■ Alex Skogen ■ Leila Adamson ■ Jonathon Foster ■ Margie Gundelach ■ Todd Becker ■ Natalie Eriksson ■ Joanna Fay Dear God, ________ as they go back to school this year. Keep them safe every day. Help them to remember that you are right there with them in the halls, classrooms or kitchen tables. Help them soak up good knowledge and to dismiss any negative or worldly messages they may hear. Help them treat others with kindness and respect, and to guard their hearts with the armor of Your Word. Give them joy and peace as they put their trust in you. Amen GRC Ministry Schedules Thank you for your service. You are appreciated! Ministry Date 1st Service 2nd Service Greeters 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Mark & Kim Hopper Joe & Dorothy Cameron Bill & Kathy Veenendaal Stan & Bonnie Ramaker No 1st service today George & Fran Trewin Chuck & Toni Stanley Del & Hope DelPonte Chuck & Jean Bloedorn Service at Buttermilk Creek Park Prayer Partners 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Chuck & Toni Stanley Bill Hageman, Judy Albert Tony & Ginny Ferdinand Greg & Robin Fuhrman No 1st service today Dorothy Cameron, Bonnie Springborn Diane Nick Del & Hope DelPonte Chuck & Toni Stanley Service at Buttermilk Creek Park Projection 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Chassity Odom Bruce Miller Keith Bestul Laura Streeter No 1st service today Dorothy Cameron Josh Roberts Gabe DelPonte Dane Vegter Service at Buttermilk Creek Park Children's Church 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Traci Soeller, Lily Hernandez Bonnie Ramaker, Chassity Odom Rachel Luteyn, Anna Ferguson Mary Senn, Micah Baumgart No 1st service today Rachel Titel, Leah Tweedy Diane Simon, Anna Murphy Matthew Rauls, Kierra Heeringa Phyllis Havens, Sara Titel Service at Buttermilk Creek Park Video 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Sound 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Noel Skogen Micah Baumgart Titus Baumgart Bryce Vegter Service at Buttermilk Creek Park Grant Baumgart Greg Guy Ty Fairbanks Sergio Hernandez Service at Buttermilk Creek Park Coffee w/ Consistory 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Joel Lundberg, Tom Vande Zande John Choi, Dave Wilhelms Mick Senn, Jack Hamilton Jeff Smet, Joe Kosloske Service at Buttermilk Creek Tuesday Night 8/5 8/12 8/19 8/26 Close Building 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 FIRST IMPRESSIONS 8/3 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 Prayer Leader Ed Wiegert Joel Lundberg Rod Drendel Mick Senn Tom Vande Zande Dave Wilhelms Jack Hamilton Joe Kosloske Buttermilk Creek Park Green Team Red Team White Team Yellow Team Orange Team Ushers for the month: Dan Springborn, Mark Tryon, Joe Cameron, Joe Baltz 163 E 18th Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Offering & Attendance Grace Church Staff: Head Pastor & Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ Senior Pastor Barry Vegter cell phone 948.5702 email: [email protected] Youth & Family Pastor Grant Baumgart cell phone 948.6373 email: [email protected] Seniors Ministry Pastor Howie Vande Guchte phone 922.1100 Adult Ministry Director Jack Hamilton phone 583.4437 email: [email protected] Children’s Ministry Coordinator Jenny Smet cell phone 960-6881 email: [email protected] Elder on Call 948.9262 Friday, Saturday & Sunday Administrative Assistant Sue Skogen phone: 922.7211 email: [email protected] Office Assistant Joan Schouten Custodian Bill Veenendaal 6/22 $14,187.80 84/203 6/29 $ 7,050,55 156/99 7/06 $13,615.28 124/106 7/13 $8,030.40 137/108 7/20 $6,891.75 154/60 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Please submit information for the September Words of Grace to the church office by August 10th. You can contact the office at 922.7211 or [email protected] Office Hours are: Monday -Thursday: 7:30 - 4:30pm Friday 7:30am - 11:30am