2016-07-04_Media Agenda - Westmount Municipal Association
2016-07-04_Media Agenda - Westmount Municipal Association
ORDRE DU JOUR / AGENDA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT LE 4 JUILLET 2016 à 20 h - JULY 4, 2016 - 20:00. 1. Ouverture de la séance / *Opening of the meeting Maire/Mayor TRENT 2. Rapport du maire et des Conseillers / *Mayor's and Councillors Reports Maire/Mayor TRENT 3. Première période de question / *First Question Period Maire/Mayor TRENT 4. ADOPTION DE L'ORDRE DU JOUR / ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Conseiller/Councillor DRURY 5. APPROBATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX / CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Conseiller/Councillor DRURY 6. RAPPORTS AU CONSEIL / REPORTS TO COUNCIL 7. NOMINATIONS – MAIRE SUPPLÉANT / APPOINTMENTS – ACTING MAYOR 8. ENTENTE DE PRÊT - / LOAN AGREEMENT Conseillère/Councillor GALERIE D’ART DU CENTRE CULTUREL DE L’UNIVERSITÉ FORBES DE SHERBROOKE Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM RESSOURCES HUMAINES / HUMAN RESOURCES 9. ACQUISITION D'UN SYSTÈME DE PAIE - RESSOURCES Conseillère/Councillor HUMAINES / ACQUISITION OF A PAYROLL SYSTEM - HUMAN SMITH RESOURCES 10. GESTIONNAIRE DE PROJET - IMPLANTATION DU NOUVEAU Conseillère/Councillor SYSTÈME DE PAIE/RESSOURCES HUMAINES / PROJECT SMITH MANAGER - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW PAYROLL SYSTEM/HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVAUX PUBLICS / PUBLIC WORKS 11. RECONSTRUCTION DE L'AVENUE WOOD (PW-2016-972) / Conseiller/Councillor RECONSTRUCTION OF WOOD AVENUE (PW-2016-972) MARTIN 12. PROJET TURCOT - CERTIFICAT D'AUTORISATION POUR LA Conseiller/Councillor CONSTRUCTION D'INFRASTRUCTURE DE DRAINAGE / MARTIN TURCOT PROJECT - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE 6 HYDRO WESTMOUNT 13. PROGRAMME D'ÉMONDAGE 2016 - HYDRO WESTMOUNT / Conseiller/Councillor CLEARING OF BRANCHES 2016 – HYDRO WESTMOUNT DRURY 14. INSPECTION ET ÉVALUATION DE LA STRUCTURE DE 395 Conseiller/Councillor PUITS D'ACCÈS / STRUCTURAL INSPECTION AND DRURY EVALUATION OF 395 MANHOLES FINANCES 15. TRANSPORT DE VALEURS / TRANSPORT OF SECURITIES Conseiller/Councillor DRURY AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN / URBAN PLANNING 16. AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN – APPROBATION DES PERMIS / Conseillère/Councillor URBAN PLANNING - PERMIT APPROVAL LULHAM 17. RÈGLEMENT 1500 VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE Conseillère/Councillor RÈGLEMENT 1303 DE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX - LULHAM CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT – ADOPTION DU SECOND PROJET / BY-LAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE – ADOPTION OF SECOND DRAFT 18. RÈGLEMENT 1501 VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE Conseillère/Councillor RÈGLEMENT 1317 DE DÉMOLITION - ADOPTION / LULHAM BY-LAW 1501 TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1317 CONCERNING DEMOLITION - ADOPTION SERVICES JURIDIQUES – LEGAL SERVICES 19. ENTENTE - 796 LEXINGTON / SETTLEMENT - 796 LEXINGTON Conseillère/Councillor SMITH 20. MANDAT AFIN D’INSTITUER DES PROCÉDURES LÉGALES / Conseillère/Councillor MANDATE TO UNDERTAKE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS SMITH 21 AFFAIRES NOUVELLES / NEW BUSINESS 22 DEUXIÈME PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS / SECOND QUESTION PERIOD Maire/Mayor TRENT 23 AJOURNEMENT DE LA SÉANCE / ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING Maire/Mayor TRENT 7 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 OPENING OF THE MEETING The Mayor calls the meeting to order. 8 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 MAYOR’S AND COUNCILLORS REPORTS 9 ITEM No. 2 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 FIRST QUESTION PERIOD 10 ITEM No. 3 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 4 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of July 4, 2016 be, and it is hereby, adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 11 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 5 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on June 6, 2016 and of the special Council meeting held on June 20, 2016 be, and they are hereby, approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 12 PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE SALLE DU CONSEIL HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 6 JUNE 2016 À 20 h 03 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL; OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON JUNE 6, 2016 AT 20:03, AT WICH WERE PRESENT: Le maire / The Mayor : P.F. Trent, président / Chairman Les conseillers / Councillors P.. Martin P.A. Cutler V.M. Drury R.. Davis C.. Smith N.. Forbes C.. Lulham T.. Samiotis Formant quorum. / Forming a quorum. Également présents /: Also in attendance : 1. Sean Michael Deegan, directeur général / Director General Martin St-Jean, greffier / City Clerk Lucille Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in section 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19) by abstaining from voting. 2. RAPPORT DU CONSEILLERS MAIRE ET DES 2. MAYOR'S REPORTS AND COUNCILLORS La conseillère Samiotis annonce la tenue d’un atelier sur la revitalisation du secteur Sud-Est qui se tiendra au Centre Greene, le 14 juin de 19 h à 21 h, dans le cadre des objectifs du Conseil. Elle invite les résidents du quartier à participer. Councillor Samiotis reported that, as part of the Council’s goals, a workshop on the revitalization of the South-East Sector will be held at Centre Greene on June 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. She invited the residents to attend the meeting. La conseillère Samiotis annonce la réception, de la part de la firme Les Immeubles Laframboise, d'une demande de projet particulier de construction, de modification ou d’occupation pour l'immeuble situé au 4898, boul. De Maisonneuve En vertu de la nouvelle politique, tous les documents d'applica- Councillor Samiotis announced the receipt of an application from Les Immeubles Laframboise for a specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposal for the immovable located at 4898 De Maisonneuve Blvd. As part of the new policy, all the provided application 13 -22016-06-06 tion sont disponibles pour consultation au Service de l’aménagement urbain à l’hôtel de ville, et conformément à l'article 2.7 du règlement 1489, le projet sera présenté au Comité consultatif d'urbanisme lors d’une réunion publique qui aura lieu à l'hôtel de ville le 28 juin, 2016 à 8 h 30. Tous les participants, y compris les résidents et les membres du comité, pourront faire des commentaires et poser des questions au promoteur lors de la réunion. Ceux et celles qui ne peuvent assister à la réunion, pourront soumettre leurs commentaires par écrit sur le site Web de la Ville au plus tard le 12 juillet 2016. Ce processus permet aux résidents de fournir leur opinion à deux reprises. Il est important de comprendre qu’à ce stade, la proposition est à une étape préliminaire et sera soumise à la procédure de modification d’un règlement de zonage et sera par la suite examinée conformément aux directives du PIIA par des architectes expérimentés. documents are available for consultation at the Urban Planning Department at City Hall, and in accordance with article 2.7 of By-law 1489, the proposal will be presented to the Planning Advisory Committee at a public meeting taking place at City Hall on June 28, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. All participants, including the residents and the Committee’s members will have a chance to make comments and ask questions of the Developer at the meeting. Those unable to attend the meeting may submit their comments in writing on the City’s Website. The deadline for the submission of written comments is July 12, 2016. This process allows residents to have inputs on two occasions. It is important to understand that, at this time, the proposal is at a preliminary stage and will be subject to the Zoning amendment process and will be reviewed under the PIIA guidelines by PAC members, including experienced architects. La conseillère Samiotis annonce que l’Association historique de Westmount a accepté de faire partie du Conseil du patrimoine local de Westmount. La Ville recherche également un spécialiste du patrimoine culturel par le biais d'un appel à candidatures. Coucillor Samiotis announced that the WHA has agreed to be part of the newly established Westmount Local Heritage Council. The City is also seeking a specialist in cultural heritage through a call for candidates. La conseillère Davis annonce que, suite à une discussion avec le département des sports et des loisirs et le Conseil, il a été convenu que les tout-petits portant des couches de bain seront autorisés à se baigner dans la grande piscine, étant donné l'importance d’apprendre à flotter et à nager à un âge précoce. Councillor Davis announced that, following a discussion with the Sports and Recreation Department and Council, it was agreed that toddlers will be allowed into the big pool wearing swim diapers, given the importance for small children to learn how to float and swim at an early age. 3. 3. PREMIÈRE PÉRIODE DE QUESTION FIRST QUESTION PERIOD La première période de questions se tient de The first question period took place from 20 h 10 à 21 h. 8:10 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 4. ADOPTION DE L'ORDRE DU JOUR 4. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2016-06-106 2016-06-106 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Davis by Councillor Davis 14 -32016-06-06 QUE l’ordre du jour de la séance ordinaire du conseil du 6 juin 2016 soit adopté sous réserve de l'ajout de l'item suivant sous la rubrique Affaires Nouvelles: Participation à une conférence par un membre du conseil THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of June 6, 2016 be adopted subject to the addition of the following item under New Business: Conference Attendance by a Council member. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ 5. APPROBATION VERBAUX CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DES PROCÈS- 5. 2016-06-107 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis QUE les procès-verbaux de la séance ordinaire du conseil tenue le 2 mai 2016 et de la séance extraordinaire tenue le 16 mai 2016 soient approuvés, et ils le sont par les présentes. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 2016-06-107 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on May 2, 2016 and of the special Council meeting held on May 16, 2016 be, and they are hereby, approved. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. 6. A) RAPPORTS AU CONSEIL CORRESPONDANCE A) CORRESPONDENCE Aucun document n’est déposé. B) COMITÉ PLÉNIER PROCÈS-VERBAL REPORTS TO COUNCIL DU No document was submitted. CONSEIL – B) GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL – MINUTES Les procès-verbaux des réunions du comité The minutes of the meetings of the General plénier du conseil tenues les 4 et 18 avril 2016 Committee of Council held on April 4 and 18, sont déposés. 2016 are tabled. C) EMBAUCHE D’EMPLOYÉS C) HIRING OF EMPLOYEES Le rapport d’embauche du mois d’avril 2016 est Manpower Report for the month of April 2016 is déposé. tabled. 7. ORIENTATION DU CONSEIL SUR LES 7. SUJETS DEVANT ÊTRE PRÉSENTÉS AU CONSEIL D'AGGLOMÉRATION DE MONTRÉAL ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE MONTREAL AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL 2016-06-108 2016-06-108 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Davis by Councillor Davis 15 -42016-06-06 QUE le maire soit autorisé à prendre toute décision qu’il jugera opportune à l’égard des sujets inscrits à l’ordre du jour de la séance du conseil d’agglomération de Montréal devant se tenir le 22 juin 2016 et ce, dans le meilleur intérêt de la Ville de Westmount et de ses citoyens. THAT the Mayor be authorized to make any decisions he deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Westmount and its citizens regarding the items on the agenda of the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting to be held on June 22, 2016. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 8. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY NOMINATIONS COMITÉ 8. CONSULTATIF D'URBANISME APPOINTMENTS ADVIROSY COMMITTEE PLANNING ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 7.1 du Règlement 1320 intitulé Règlement visant à constituer un comité consultatif d’urbanisme, les membres du comité sont nommés par le conseil comme suit : un premier mandat de deux ans pour deux (2) membres, et un mandat d’un an pour les autres, la durée de tout mandat subséquent étant de deux ans; WHEREAS according to article 7.1 of By-law 1320 entitled By-Law to Establish a Planning Advisory Committee, the Committee members shall be appointed by Council for a first term of office of two years for two (2) of the Committee members, and one year for the others, any subsequent term of office being two years; ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 8 du règlement 1320, Mme Julia Gersovitz, présidente, dont le mandat a expiré le 1er juin 2016, et Mme Andrea Wolff, membre, dont le mandat a expiré le 1er janvier 2016, sont toutes deux demeurées en fonction après la fin de leur mandat de manière à allouer au conseil le temps requis pour les remplacer ou les renommer. WHEREAS in accordance with article 8 of Bylaw 1320, Mrs. Julia Gersovitz, Chairman, whose mandate expired on June 1, 2016, and Ms Andrea Wolff, member, whose mandate expired on January 1, 2016, have remained in office following the end of their mandates so as to allow Council the time to replace or reappoint them; ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du WHEREAS the recommendations of the Comité consultatif d’urbanisme sont soumises Planning Advisory Committee are submitted to Council for approval. au conseil pour approbation. 2016-06-109 2016-06-109 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Lulham appuyé par la conseillère Lulham QUE Mme Julia Gersovitz, architecte, soit nommée à titre de présidente du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme pour un mandat de deux ans à compter du 6 juin 2016; et 16 Samiotis, THAT Ms. Julia Gersovitz, Architect, be appointed as the Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee for a 2-year term of office, effective June 6, 2016; and -52016-06-06 QUE Mme Andrea Wolff, architecte, soit nommée à titre de membre du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme pour un mandat de deux ans à compter le 6 juin 2016. THAT Mrs. Andrea Wolff, Architect, be appointed as a member of the Planning Advisory Committee for a 2-year term of office, effective June 6, 2016. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 9. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PARTICIPATION D'UN MEMBRE DU 9. CONSEIL À UNE CONFÉRENCE ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 25 de la Loi sur le traitement des élus municipaux (RLRQ, chapitre T-11.001), pour pouvoir poser, dans l'exercice de ses fonctions, un acte dont découle une dépense pour le compte de la Ville, tout membre du conseil doit recevoir une autorisation préalable à poser l'acte et à dépenser en conséquence un montant n'excédant pas celui que fixe le conseil; CONFERENCE ATTTENDANCE BY A COUNCIL MEMBER WHEREAS in accordance with section 25 of An Act respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers (CQLR, Chapter T-11.001, no member of Council may perform any act involving expenses chargeable to the municipality except with the prior authorization of the Council to perfom the act and, consequently, incur expenses which do not exceed the amount fixed by Council. 2016-06-110 2016-06-110 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Lulham by Councillor Lulham QUE la conseillère Theodora Samiotis soit autorisée à participer à la conférence intitulée Refaire la Ville sur la Ville qui se tiendra à Montréal le 14 juin 2016; THAT Councillor Theodora Samiotis be authorized to attend the conference Refaire la Ville sur la Ville taking place in Montreal on June 14, 2016; and QU’une dépense de 260 $ soit autorisée pour THAT an expenditure of $260 be authorized to couvrir les frais liés à sa participation; et cover expenses related to her attendance. QUE la dépense de 260 $ soit imputée à la dépense départementale, compte no 02-11000-346, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière no CTW-2016-06-10 délivré le 27 mai 2016. THAT the expenditure in the amount of $260 be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 02-110-00-346, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-10 issued on May 27, 2016. | ADOPTÉE À LA MAJORITÉ 10. DEMANDE DE SUBVENTION WESTMOUNT TRAIN STATION ADOPTED BY A MAJORITY - 10. GRANT APPLICATION - WESTMOUNT TRAIN STATION 2016-06-111 2016-06-111 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Lulham by Councillor Cynthia Lulham 17 -62016-06-06 QUE la Ville mandate son directeur général afin qu’il dépose une demande visant à recevoir une subvention de Parcs Canada dans le cadre de son Programme national de partage des frais pour les lieux patrimoniaux; QUE la demande susmentionnée vise le volet Projet d’aide préparatoire de la subvention et ce, afin d’assurer l’intégrité physique de la gare de Westmount. QUE la Ville prévoie un montant d’au moins 25 000 $ afin de financer l’élaboration de documents techniques et de planification, ce qui constituera sa part du volet de partage des frais du programme. THAT the City mandate its director-general to file an application to receive a grant from Parks Canada's National Cost-Sharing Program for Heritage Places; THAT the aforementioned application be for the Preparatory Assistance Projects component of the grant and that it be for the purpose of ensuring the physical integrity of the Westmount Train Station. THAT the City set aside an amount of no less than $25,000.00 to fund the development of technical and planning documents as its share of the cost-sharing component of the program. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. 11. NOMINATION - PERSONNEL CADRE APPOINTMENT - MANAGER ATTENDU QUE Mme Anne Renaud a été nommée au poste d’adjointe administrative du maire à titre contractuel à compter du 3 octobre 2009, conformément à la résolution no 200910-206 adoptée par le conseil lors de sa séance ordinaire tenue le 1er octobre 2009; WHEREAS Ms. Anne Renaud was appointed as the Executive Assistant to the Mayor on a contractual basis, effective October 3, 2009, as per resolution No. 2009-10-206 adopted by Council at its regular sitting held on October 1st, 2009; ATTENDU QUE le contrat d’emploi à durée déterminée a été prolongé pour une période de quatre (4) ans, soit jusqu’au 14 octobre 2016, selon les modalités et conditions du contrat offert; WHEREAS the fixed-term employment contract was extended for a period of four (4) years, until October 14, 2016 as per the terms and conditions of the contract offered; ATTENDU QUE conformément à l'article 477.1 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19), le trésorier adjoint certifie de la disponibilité des crédits pour couvrir cette dépense, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière no CTW 2016-06-011; WHEREAS according to Section 477.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), the Assistant Treasurer has certified that sufficient funds are available to cover this expense, as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-CTW 2016-06-011; ATTENDU QUE la recommandation du directeur général de nommer Mme Renaud à titre permanent est soumise à l'approbation du conseil. WHEREAS the recommendation of the Director General to appoint Mrs. Renaud on a permanent basis is submitted for Council approval. 18 -72016-06-06 2016-06-112 2016-06-112 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded appuyé par le conseiller Drury by Councillor Drury QUE Mme Anne Renaud soit nommée adjointe THAT Mrs. Anne Renaud be appointed as the administrative du maire à titre permanent à Executive Assistant to the Mayor on a compter du 6 juin 2016. permanent basis effective June 6, 2016. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 12. ENTENTES - LA VICTORIA HALL CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY GALERIE DU 12. CONTRACTS- THE VICTORIA HALL GALLERY 2016-06-113 2016-06-113 Il est proposé par la conseillère Forbes, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Smith seconded by Councillor Smith AT Forbes, QUE la Ville conclue des ententes avec les artistes Philippe Commier, Harvey Corn, Francis Lipari, Mair Millington, Giuseppe Pascale et Paola Ridolfi relativement à l’exposition collective qui se tiendra à la galerie du Victoria Hall du 14 juillet au 13 août 2016, le tout conformément aux modalités desdites ententes; et THAT the City enter into agreements with Philippe Commier, Harvey Corn, Francis Lipari, Mair Millington, Giuseppe Pascale and Paola Ridolfi, artists, for the group exhibition that will be held in The Gallery at Victoria Hall from July 14 to August 13, 2016, the whole according to the terms of the agreement; and QUE le greffier soit autorisé à signer, pour et au nom de la Ville, les ententes et tous autres documents nécessaires afin de donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement and any and all other document necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 13. APPEL D'OFFRES TRAVAUX PUBLICS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PUBLIC - 13. CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 18 mai 2016 pour l’ouverture des soumissions relatives au REMPLACEMENT DES CONDUITES D’EAU POTABLE SUR L’AVENUE ARGYLE, ENTRE LE CHEMIN DE LA CÔTE SAINTANTOINE ET L’AVENUE THORNHILL, ET À LA RÉFECTION DES TROTTOIRS SUR L’AVENUE ARGYLE, ENTRE LA RUE SHERBROOKE OUEST ET L’AVENUE THORNHILL, DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PW-2016- WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May18, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the REPLACEMENT OF THE WATER MAINS AND SERVICES ON ARGYLE AVENUE BETWEEN CÔTE SAINT ANTOINE ROAD AND THORNHILL AVENUE AND RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON ARGYLE AVENUE BETWEEN SHERBROOKE STREET WEST AND THORNHILL IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-970) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by 970) et que des rapports écrits préparés par le the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on 19 -82016-06-06 directeur des Services juridiques et greffier le May 18, 2016 and by the Assistant Director 18 mai 2016 et par le directeur adjoint, Engineering and Infrastructure on May 26, 2016 ingénierie et infrastructure, du Service des are submitted to this meeting. travaux publics le 26 mai 2016 sont déposés lors de cette séance. 2016-06-114 2016-06-114 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis Martin, QUE la soumission de TGA Montréal inc. soit acceptée pour le remplacement des conduites d’eau potable sur l’avenue Argyle, entre le chemin de la Côte SaintAntoine et l’avenue Thornhill, et à la réfection des trottoirs sur l’avenue Argyle, entre la rue Sherbrooke Ouest et l’avenue Thornhill, dans la Ville de Westmount (appel d'offres no PW-2016-970) et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 747 716,92 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of TGA Montréal Inc. be accepted for the replacement of the water mains and services on Argyle Avenue between Côte Saint Antoine road and Thornhill Avenue and reconstruction of sidewalks on Argyle Avenue between Sherbrooke Street West and Thornhill in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-970), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $747,716.92, all applicable taxes included; QUE la dépense de 682 765,21 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 23-010-16-004, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-007 délivré le 26 mai 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $682,765.21 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010-16-004, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-007 issued on May 26, 2016; QUE le maire et le greffier soient autorisés à THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be signer ledit contrat; et authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer THAT the Director General be authorized to tout autre document nécessaire ou exigé pour sign any and all other documents necessary donner plein effet à la présente résolution. and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 14. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PAR INVITATION - 14. TRAVAUX PUBLICS TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS 2016-06-115 2016-06-115 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Rosalind Davis 20 -92016-06-06 QUE la soumission de Le Pavage Royal City soit acceptée pour la fourniture et l’installation de revêtement bitumineux en vue de l’aménagement d’un skatepark dans la Ville de Westmount et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 37 711,80 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 25 mai 2016 du chef de division, approvisionnement; THAT the quotation of Le Pavage Royal City be accepted for the supply and installation of asphalt paving for a skateboard area in the City of Westmount, and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $37,711.80, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated May 25, 2016; QU’une dépense de 34 435,90 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée au compte no 03310-92-021, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-004 délivré le 26 mai 2016; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $34,435.90 (including tax credits) be made from Account No. 03-310-92-021, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-004 issued on May 26, 2016 ; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 15. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PAR INVITATION - 15. TRAVAUX PUBLICS TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS 2016-06-116 2016-06-116 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis seconded by Councillor Samiotis Lulham, QUE la soumission de Tessier Récréo-Parc soit acceptée pour la fourniture et l’installation de 45 supports à vélos ancrés dans le béton et de 40 supports à vélos de type vissant fixés aux poteaux des anciens parcomètres et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 31 083,49 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 25 mai 2016 du chef de division, approvisionnement; THAT the quotation of Tessier Récréo-Parc be accepted for the supply and installation of 45 bicycle racks anchored in concrete and 40 screw type bicycle racks on former parking meter poles, and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $31,083.49, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated May 25, 2016; QUE la dépense de 28 383,37 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 03-310-94-001, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-013 délivré le 1er juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $28,383.37 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-94-001, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-013 issued on June 1, 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmen- to cover the above-mentioned items and that 21 -102016-06-06 tionnées et que le directeur général soit the Director General be, and he is hereby, autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 16. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PAR INVITATION - 16. TRAVAUX PUBLICS TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS 2016-06-117 2016-06-117 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis Martin, QUE la soumission d’Arbo Design soit acceptée pour la fourniture de tous les travaux nécessaires à l’enlèvement de 71 souches profondes et de 23 souches superficielles se trouvant un peu partout dans la Ville de Westmount et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant de 68 381,38 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 21 avril 2016 de la directrice adjointe - ingénierie et infrastructures; THAT the quotation from Arbo Design be accepted for the supply of all work as required for the deep removal of 71 stumps and the shallow removal of 23 stumps located through the City of Westmount and that the contract be awarded in the amount of $68,381.38, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Assistant Director of Public Works - engineering and Infrastructure's report dated April 21, 2016; QUE la dépense de 62 441,32 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense départementale, comptes nos 02-752-20-522 et 02-752-20-626, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-005 délivré le 1er juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the total amount of $62,441.32 (including tax credits) be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 02-752-20522 and 02-752-20-626, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-201606-005 issued on June 1, 2016; QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer THAT the Director General be, and he is l'offre de service et tous autres documents hereby, authorized to sign the offer of service requis, pour et au nom de la Ville. and any other documents, for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 17. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DÉPENSES ADDITIONNELLES - 17. PROJET DE L'AVENUE WESTMOUNT CONTINGENCIES AVENUE PROJECT WESTMOUNT ATTENDU QU’un contrat a été adjugé à Les WHEREAS a contract was awarded to Les Entreprises Canbec Construction inc. pour la Entreprises Canbec Construction Inc. for the RECONSTRUCTION DE L’AVENUE WESTMOUNT – PHASE 1, OPTION 2 (appel d’offres n° PW- RECONSTRUCTION OF WESTMOUNT AVENUE PHASE 1, OPTION 2 (Tender No. PW-2016-969) 2016-969) au montant total de 2 864 389,87 $, for a total amount of $2,864,389.87, as per conformément à la résolution no 2016-05-93 resolution No. 2016-05-93 adopted by Council adoptée par le conseil lors de sa séance at its regular meeting held on May 2, 2016; ordinaire tenue le 2 mai 2016; 22 -112016-06-06 ATTENDU QUE la directrice adjointe – ingénierie et infrastructures a demandé que soient autorisées des dépenses additionnelles pour couvrir les travaux supplémentaires requis, soit la caractérisation des sols et certains changements apportés sur le terrain en raison de l’emplacement d’infrastructures souterraines; WHEREAS the Assistant Director General – Engineering and Infrastructure requested contingency funds to cover additional works required, namely new soil characterization and some onsite changes due to the location of underground infrastructure; ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du WHEREAS the recommendations of the directeur général sont soumises au conseil Director General is submitted for Council's pour approbation. approval. 2016-06-118 2016-06-118 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis Martin, QUE les dépenses additionnelles au contrat adjugé à Les Entreprises Canbec Construction inc. soient autorisées pour les travaux supplémentaires requis dans le cadre du contrat de reconstruction de l’avenue Westmount, phase 1 (appel d'offres n° PW2016-969) pour un montant total de 224 238,46 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 25 mai 2016 de la directrice adjointe - ingénierie et infrastructures; THAT additional expenditures to the contract awarded to Les Entreprises Canbec Construction Inc. be authorized for the extra work required for the Westmount Avenue contract, Phase 1 (Tender No. PW-2016-969) for a total amount of $224,238.46, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Assistant Director Engineering and Infrastructure's Report dated May 25, 2016; QUE la dépense de 204 759,60 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 23-010-16-001, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-008 délivré le 26 mai 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $204,759.60 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010-16001, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-008 issued on May 26, 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 18. DÉPENSES ADDITIONNELLES - 18. CONTRÔLE DE LA QUALITÉ DES PROJETS DE CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCIES CONTROL FOR PROJECTS QUALITY CONSTRUCTION 2016-06-119 2016-06-119 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis 23 Martin, -122016-06-06 QUE les dépenses additionnelles au contrat adjugé au Groupe Solroc soient autorisées pour les 100 heures supplémentaires requises de supervision sur le terrain (Q2016-027) pour un montant de 8 623,13 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT additional expenditures to the contract awarded to Groupe Solroc.be authorized for the additional 100 hours of onsite supervision required (Q-2016-027) for an amount of $8,623.13, all applicable taxes included; QUE la dépense de 7 874,06 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 03-310-51-006, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-006 délivré le 26 mai 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $7,874.06 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-51-006, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-006 issued on May 26, 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 19. DÉPENSES ADDITIONNELLES PROJET DE L'AVENUE PRINCE ALBERT CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY - 19. CONTINGENCIES - PRINCE ALBERT AVENUE 2016-06-120 2016-06-120 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis Martin, QUE les dépenses additionnelles au contrat adjugé à TGA Montréal inc. soient autorisées pour les travaux supplémentaires requis pour la reconstruction de l’avenue PrinceAlbert, entre la rue Sherbrooke Ouest et le chemin de la Côte Saint-Antoine, (soumission no PW-2016-967) pour un montant total de 36 414,65 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 25 mai 2016 du directeur adjoint, infrastructures; THAT additional expenditures to the contract awarded to TGA Montréal Inc. be authorized for the extra work required for the reconstruction of Prince Albert, between Sherbrooke and Cote St. Antoine (Tender No. PW-2016-967) for a total amount of $36,414.65, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Assistant Director Infrastructure's Report dated May 25, 2016; QUE la dépense de 33 251,43 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 23-010-16-002, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-009 délivré le 26 mai 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $33,251.43 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010-16-002, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-009 issued on May 26, 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmen- to cover the above-mentioned items and that tionnées et que le directeur général soit the Director General be, and he is hereby, 24 -132016-06-06 autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 20. 20. VENTE DE FERRAILLE 2016-06-121 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Forbes QUE soit accordé à Met-Recy ltée le droit d’acheter les vieux câbles métalliques contenant du cuivre, de l’aluminium et du plomb aux fins de recyclage, conformément à la proposition de vente Q-2016-030 pour un montant total de 13 620,40 $, toutes taxes comprises; SALE OF SCRAP METAL 2016-06-121 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Nicole Forbes THAT Met-Recy Ltée be awarded the right to purchase the scrap metal wire for recycling; containing copper, aluminum and lead as per sale proposal Q-2016-030 for a total amount of $13,620.40, all applicable taxes included; QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer, THAT the Director General be authorized to pour et au nom de la Ville, tous documents sign, on behalf of the City, all necessary nécessaires pour donner plein effet à la documents to give full effect to this resolution. présente résolution. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ 21. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PUBLIC - HYDRO 21. WESTMOUNT ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique présidée par le directeur général, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 18 mai 2016 pour l’ouverture des soumissions relatives au REMPLACEMENT DE CÂBLES DE REPLACEMENT PRINCE ALBERT OF CABLES - WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 18, 2016 for the opening of tenders TO REPLACE LEAD CABLES ON PRINCE ALBERT FOR EXISTING CIRCUITS WITH XLPE CABLE (Tender No. PUR-2016- 011) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on des rapports écrits préparés par le directeur May 18, 2016 and by the Purchasing Manager des Services juridiques et greffier le 18 mai on May 25, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. 2016 et par le chef de division, approvisionnement, le 25 mai 2016 sont déposés lors de cette séance. PLOMB SUR L’AVENUE PRINCE-ALBERT POUR LES CIRCUITS EXISTANTS PAR DES CÂBLES XLPE (soumission n° PUR-2016-011) et que 2016-06-122 2016-06-122 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis appuyé par la conseillère Davis QUE la soumission de Teltech Télécommunication inc. soit acceptée pour le remplacement de câbles de plomb sur l’avenue Prince-Albert pour les circuits existants par des câbles 25 THAT the tender of Teltech Télécommunication Inc. be accepted to replace lead cables on Prince Albert for existing circuits with XLPE cable (Tender No. 2016-011), and that the -142016-06-06 XLPE (appel d'offres no PUR-2016-011) et contract be awarded for a total amount of que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de $221,878.76, all applicable taxes included; 221 878,76 $, toutes taxes comprises; QUE la dépense de 192 980 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 03-311-02-009, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-06-001 délivré le 25 mai 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $192,980 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No.03-311-02-009, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-001 issued on May 25, 2016 ; QUE le maire et le greffier soient autorisés à THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be signer ledit contrat; et authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer THAT the Director General be authorized to tout autre document nécessaire ou exigé pour sign any and all other documents necessary donner plein effet à la présente résolution. and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 22. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PUBLIC - HYDRO 22. WESTMOUNT ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique présidée par le directeur général, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 18 mai 2016 pour l’ouverture des soumissions relatives à l’ACHAT DE 900 MÈTRES DE CÂBLE À HAUT VOLTAGE 350MCM, 15KV, 3XIC, XLPE POUR LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres n° PUR-2016-009) et que des rapports écrits préparés par le directeur des Services juridiques et greffier le 18 mai 2016 et par le directeur adjoint, ingénierie et infrastructure, du Service des travaux publics le 25 mai 2016 sont déposés lors de cette séance. PURCHASE CABLE OF HIGH VOLTAGE WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 18, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the PURCHASE OF 900 METERS OF HIGH VOLTAGE CABLE 350MCM, 15KV, 3XIC, XLPE FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2016-009) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on May 18, 2016 and by the Assistant Director of Public Works - Engineering and Infrastructure on May 25, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. 2016-06-123 2016-06-123 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis appuyé par la conseillère Davis QUE la soumission de Dubo Électrique ltée soit acceptée pour la fourniture de 900 mètres de câble 350MCM, 15KV, 3X1C, XLPE conformément à la norme CSA68.5 aux fins d’inventaire (appel d'offres no PUR-2016009) et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 117 952,10 $, toutes taxes comprises; 26 THAT the tender of Dubo Électrique Ltée be accepted for the supply of 900 meters of cable 350MCM, 15KV, 3X1C, XLPE as per CSA68.5 for stores inventory (Tender PUR2016-009), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $117,952.10, all applicable taxes included; -152016-06-06 QUE la dépense de 104 405,49 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 58-258-00-000, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière no CTW-2016-06-002 délivré le 1er juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $104,405.49 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 58-258-00-000, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-002 issued on June 1, 2016; QUE le maire et le greffier soient autorisés à THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be signer ledit contrat; et authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer THAT the Director General be authorized to tout autre document nécessaire ou exigé pour sign any and all other documents necessary donner plein effet à la présente résolution. and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 23. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PAR INVITATION - 23. CALL FOR TENDERS BY INVITATION HYDRO WESTMOUNT HYDRO WESTMOUNT 2016-06-124 2016-06-124 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Davis by Councillor Davis QUE la soumission de Transformateurs Pioneer inc. soit acceptée pour la fourniture d'un transformateur triphasé sur socle 15kv, 12470V/600Y/347V, 1000KVA et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 36 067,66 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 25 mai 2016 du chef de division, approvisionnement; QUE la dépense de 32 934,58 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 03-311-03-003, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière no CTW-2016-06-003 délivré le 26 mai 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT the quotation of Transformateurs Pioneer Ltée be accepted for the supply of one (1) padmount distribution transformer 3 phases, 15kv, 12470V/600Y/347V, 1000KVA and that the contract be awarded in the amount of $36,067.66, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the report of the Purchasing Manager's Report dated May 25, 2016; THAT the expenditure in the total amount of $32,934.58 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-311-03-003, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-06-003 issued on May 26, 2016; THAT the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign the offer of service and any other documents, for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 27 -162016-06-06 24. RÈGLEMENTATION DE STATIONNEMENT 24. - BOUL. DE MAISONNEUVE PARKING REGULATIONS MAISONNEUVE BLVD - ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du WHEREAS the recommendations of comité consultatif sur les transports sont Transportation Advisory Committee soumises lors de cette séance. submitted to this meeting. 2016-06-125 2016-06-125 Il est proposé par le conseiller Cutler, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis QUE la réglementation de stationnement interdit sur le boulevard de Maisonneuve, du côté nord, sur une distance de 40,5 mètres (126 pieds) à partir de l’avenue Victoria, soit abrogée afin de déplacer la zone de stationnement interdit à l’ouest du passage piéton devant le numéro civique 4855, boul. de Maisonneuve (à environ 11 mètres du début de la bordure de trottoir), permettant de créer trois (3) espaces de stationnement additionnels. DE the are Cutler, THAT the No Parking regulation on de Maisonneuve Boulevard, North side, on a distance of 126 feet (40.5 meters) from Victoria Avenue, be rescinded in order to relocate a No Parking zone to the West of the walkway of civic 4855 de Maisonneuve, (approximately 11 meters from the beginning of curb) allowing for the addition of three (3) parking spaces. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 25. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RÈGLEMENTATION DE 25. STATIONNEMENT - AVENUE WOOD PARKING REGULATIONS - WOOD AVENUE ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du WHEREAS the recommendations of comité consultatif sur les transports sont Transportation Advisory Committee soumises lors de cette séance. submitted to this meeting. 2016-06-126 Il est proposé par le conseiller Cutler, appuyé par le conseiller Drury QU’une nouvelle règlementation de stationnement limité à deux heures, du lundi au vendredi, entre 9 h et 18 h, sauf pour les détenteurs de permis, soit établi sur l’avenue Wood (du côté est), entre les avenues De Casson et Holton. 2016-06-126 It was moved by Councillor Cutler, seconded by Councillor Drury THAT a new parking regulation limited to twohours on Monday – Friday, between 9h 18h, except permit holders be established on Wood Avenue (East side), between De Casson and Holton. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 28 the are -172016-06-06 26. LISTE DES COMPTES - AVRIL 2016 26. 2016-06-127 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis QUE soit autorisé et confirmé le paiement des déboursés suivants effectués au cours de la période se terminant le 30 avril 2016: PÉRIODE SE TERMINANT / PERIOD ENDING FACTURES / INVOICES LIST OF ACCOUNTS - APRIL 2016 2016-06-127 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of the following disbursements made during the period ending April 30, 2016: LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES / PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES 2 114 675,73 $ TOTAL 4/30/2016 Paiment électronique à/ Electronic payment to HQ 04/05/2016 2 076 487,23 $ 2 629 428,51 $ 2 629 428,51 $ HQ 04/29/2016 1 246 727,50 $ 1 246 727,50 $ Total : 5 952 643,24 $ 2 114 675,73 $ ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 27. 27. LISTE DES COMPTES - MAI 2016 4 191 162,96 $ 8 067 318,97 $ LIST OF ACCOUNTS - MAY 2016 2016-06-128 2016-06-128 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Davis by Councillor Davis QUE soit autorisé et confirmé le paiement des THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of déboursés couvrant la période du 1er au 31 the following disbursements made during the mai 2016: period ending May 31 2016: PÉRIODE SE TERMINANT / PERIOD ENDING LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES / PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES FACTURES / INVOICES 5/31/2016 Paiment électronique à/ Electronic payment to : Tanglewood Conservatories Ltd. 5/16/2016 2 701 910,54 $ 2 842,17 $ 2 842,17 $ HQ 05/24/2016 2 125 436,81 $ 2 125 436,81 $ Total 4 830 189,52 $ ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ 1 954 311,37 $ TOTAL 1 954 311,37 $ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 29 4 656 221,91 $ 6 784 500,89 $ -182016-06-06 28. DÉPÔT DES ÉTATS COMPARATIFS 28. FILING OF COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS Conformément à l’alinéa 105.4 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19), le conseiller Drury déclare que la trésorière a déposé les états financiers suivants : In accordance with section 105.4 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), Councillor Drury to report that the following statements were filed by the Treasurer: 1) l’état comparatif, au 30 avril 2016, des revenus et dépenses de l’exercice financier 2016 et de ceux de l'exercice financier 2015 pour la période correspondante, dont copie est jointe aux présentes; 1) the comparative financial statement of the revenues and expenditures of the 2016 fiscal year as of April 30 2016 and those of the 2015 fiscal year for the same corresponding period, a copy of which is attached hereto; 2) l’état comparatif des revenus et dépenses dont la réalisation est prévue pour l'exercice financier 2016 et de ceux prévus au budget adopté pour cet exercice, dont copie est jointe aux présentes. 2) the comparative financial statement of the projected revenues and expenditures for the 2016 fiscal year and those provided for in the adopted budget for that fiscal year, a copy of which is attached hereto. 29. APPROBATION DES PLANS 29. D'IMPLANTATION ET D'INTÉGRATION ARCHITECTURALE ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préalable des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES APPROVAL WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu du paragraphe 3.2.2 de WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this byCouncil must decide on the ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par law, résolution sur ces recommandations du comité. recommendations of the Committee. 2016-06-130 2016-06-130 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Lulham appuyé par la conseillère Lulham QUE, selon les recommandations du comité consultatif d’urbanisme formulées lors de sa réunion tenue le 17 mai 2016, la liste ci-jointe des demandes de permis de construction, telle que révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on May 17, 2016 the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under Bylaw 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 30 Samiotis, -192016-06-06 30. RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE 30. RÈGLEMENT CONCERNANT LA DÉMOLITION - AVIS DE MOTION BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND DEMOLITION BY-LAW - NOTICE OF MOTION AVIS DE MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION La conseillère Samiotis donne avis de l’intention de soumettre pour adoption le « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le Règlement 1317 sur la démolition » à une séance ultérieure de ce conseil. Councillor Samiotis gave notice of the intention to submit for adoption By-law to further amend By-law 1317 concerning Demolition at a subsequent meeting of this Council. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Samiotis explique que ce projet de règlement a pour objet d’affecter au conseil les fonctions qui lui sont conférées au sein du comité de démolition en vertu du chapitre V.O.1 - Démolition d’immeubles de la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme (RLRQ, c. 19.1). Councillor Samiotis explained that the object of this draft by-law to assign upon Council the functions conferred on the demolition committee in accordance with Chapter V.O.1 - Demolition of Immoveables - of An Act Respecting Land use Planning and Development (CQLR c. 19.1). 31. RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFER LE 31. RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE 1303 USAGES COMMERCIAUX - CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 COMMERCIAL USES - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE Des copies du projet de règlement ont été Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all remises à tous les membres du conseil et members of Council and to the public present. mises à la disposition du public. NOTICE OF MOTION AVIS DE MOTION La conseillère Samiotis donne avis de l’intention de soumettre pour adoption le Règlement de zonage 1303 – usages commerciaux - Centre des loisirs de Westmount. Councillor Samiotis to give notice of the intention to submit for adoption By-law to further amend By-law 1303 - Commercial uses Westmount Recreation Centre. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Samiotis explique que ce projet de règlement a pour objet de formaliser la présente d'un bâtiment municipal dans la zone P1-37-02 et de régulariser les utilisations commerciales et actuelles: l'exploitation d'un café et un pro-shop dans le Centre de loisirs de Westmount. Councillor Samiotis explained that the object of this by-law is to formalize the presence of a municipal building in zone P1-37-02 and to regularize the current commercial uses: the operation of a café and a pro-shop in the Westmount Recreation Centre. 31 -202016-06-06 2016-06-132 2016-06-132 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham seconded by Councillor Cynthia Lulham QUE le premier projet du Règlement de zonage 1303 – usages commerciaux - Centre des loisirs de Westmount soit adopté en vue de le soumettre à une consultation publique conformément aux dispositions de la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme (RLRQ, chapitre A-19.1); et THAT the first draft of By-Law to further amend Zoning By-Law 1303 - Commercial Uses Westmount Recreation Centre be adopted for submission to public consultation in accordance with the provisions of An Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development (RLRQ, chapter A-19.1); and QU’une assemblée publique de consultation soit tenue dans la salle du conseil de l’hôtel de ville le 22 juin 2014 à 19 h, conformément aux dispositions de ladite loi. THAT a public consultation meeting be held in the Council Chamber of Westmount City Hall on June 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in accordance with the provisions of said Act. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ 32. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PROJET ESCALES DÉCOUVERTES - 32. DONATION DE LA VILLE DE MONTREAL PROJET ESCALES DÉCOUVERTES DONATION FROM VILLE DE MONTRÉAL ATTENDU QU’en 2017, la Ville de Montréal célébrera son 375e anniversaire et que plusieurs projets ont été élaborés pour mettre en valeur le mont Royal, dont le Projet Escales découvertes; WHEREAS in the year 2017, the City of Montreal will be celebrating its 375th Anniversary and several projects have been developed to enhance the Mount Royal, including the Projet Escales découvertes; ATTENDU QUE Montréal souhaite améliorer l’accès au site de l’Oratoire, en transformant une partie du croissant Summit en une allée piétonne en milieu naturel; WHEREAS Montreal wishes to improve access to the property of The Oratory, by transforming a portion of Summit Crescent into a footpath in a natural environment; ATTENDU QUE Montréal souhaite donner à Westmount les objets descriptifs ainsi que les arbustes et autres plantes nécessaires à la naturalisation du secteur entourant Summit Crescent. WHEREAS Montreal wishes to donate to Westmount the descriptive objects as well as shrubs and other plants required to naturalize the area around Summit Crescent. 2016-06-133 2016-06-133 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Forbes seconded by Councillor Forbes 32 Lulham, -212016-06-06 QUE la Ville accepte les modalités du certificat THAT the City accept the terms of the Deed of de donation devant être conclu avec la Ville de donation to be entered into with the City of Montréal, dont copie est jointe aux présentes; Montreal, a copy of which is attached hereto; QUE le greffier soit autorisé à signer ledit THAT the City Clerk be authorized to execute certificat de donation, pour et au nom de la the said Deed of donation, for and on behalf of Ville. the City. | ADOPTÉ À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 33. 33. DÉPÔT D'UN PROCÈS-VERBAL DE CORRECTION QUE le conseil prenne acte du dépôt du procès-verbal de correction de la résolution no 2016-05-97. | 34. AFFAIRES NOUVELLES TABLING OF MINUTES OF CORRECTIONS THAT Council acknowledge the tabling of the minutes of correction for resolution 2016-05-97. PARTICIPATION D'UN MEMBRE DU CONSEIL À UNE CONFÉRENCE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE BY A COUNCIL MEMBER 34. NEW BUSINESS Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Forbes by Councillor Forbes QUE le conseiller Patrick Martin soit autorisé à assister à l’assemblée annuelle du Réseau du patrimoine anglophone du Québec à Sherbrooke; THAT Councillor Patrick Martin be authorized to attend the annual general meeting of the Québec Anglophone Heritage Network in Sherbrooke; QU’une dépense de 260 $ soit autorisée pour THAT an expenditure of $260 be authorized to couvrir les frais liés à sa participation; et cover expenses related to his attendance; and THAT the Treasurer has attested of the QUE la trésorière atteste de la disponibilité des availability of funds to cover the expenditure in crédits pour couvrir la dépense de 260 $ à la the amount of $260 from Departmental dépense départementale, compte no 02-110- Expense, Account No. 02-110-00-346. 00-346. ADOPTÉE À LA MAJORITÉ ADOPTED BY A MAJORITY 35. 35. DEUXIÈME PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS SECOND QUESTION PERIOR La seconde période de questions se tient de The second question period took place from 21 h 54 à 22 h 01. 9:54 p.m. to 10:01 p.m. 33 -222016-06-06 36. AJOURNEMENT DE LA SÉANCE 36. La séance est ensuite levée à 22 h 01. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING The meeting thereupon adjourned at 10:01 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier / City Clerk 34 ANNEXE/APPENDIX "A" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 6 JUIN 2016 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 6, 2016 Début de la première période des questions: 20 h 10 Beginning of the First Question Period: 8:10 p.m. NOM /NAME SUJET DE L’INTERVENTION / QUESTION SUBJECT Michael Schwartz M. Schwartz réitère sa plainte au sujet de la vitesse excessive sur l’avenue Edgehill. Il demande que la le Comité consultatif sur les transports se penche sur la situation. / Mr. Schwartz reiterated his complaint about the excessive speeding on Edgehill Avenue. He asked that the matter be reviewed by the Transportation Committee. Bruce Anderson M. Anderson se plaint de la circulation excessive sur le chemin de la Côte Saint-Antoine depuis l'installation de la piste cyclable. À son avis, c’est très dangereux et il demande de l’information sur le nombre de cyclistes au cours de cette période d'essai. / Mr. Anderson complained about the excessive traffic on Côte St. Antoine Road since the installation of the bicycle path. In his opinion, the road is very dangerous and he requested some feedback about the number of cyclists during this trial period. Evin Letwin M. Letwin s’enquiert de la possibilité de prolonger l'accord conclu avec Hydro-Québec pour obtenir des stations supplémentaires de recharge pour véhicules électriques à la Bibliothèque publique de Westmount. / Mr. Letwin asked about the possibility of extending the agreement with Hydro Québec to get additional charging stations for electric vehicles at the Westmount Public Library. Suzanne Kazinel Mme Kazinel remercie le Comité consultatif des transports pour le changement de la séquence des feux de circulation à l'intersection de la rue Sherbrooke et Landsdowne Ave pour améliorer la sécurité des piétons./ Elle demande un suivi au sujet de l'installation des supports à vélo sur l'avenue Greene. Elle réitère ses inquiétudes au sujet de l'accélération des voitures dans la ruelle située entre les avenues Kensington et Redfern et demande des ralentisseurs supplémentaires./ Elle se plaint que le gazon est brun au parc Westmount. 35 -242016-06-06 Mrs. Kazinel thanked the Transportation Advisory Committee for improving pedestrians’ safety by changing the sequence of the traffic lights at the intersection of Sherbrooke St. and Landsdowne Ave. She asked for a follow-up about the bicycle racks’ installation on Greene Avenue. She reiterated her concerns about speeding cars in the laneway located between Kensington and Redfern Avenues and asked for additional speed bumps. She complained about the brown grass in Westmount Park. Andrew Lindsay M. Lindsay se plaint de l'absence de données concernant la période d'essai de la piste cyclable sur le chemin de la Côte Saint-Antoine. Il présente quelques photos illustrant les usagers en sens inverse. Y-aura-t-il des patrouilleurs pour arrêter les joggeurs?/ Mr. Lindsay complained about the lack of data for the bicycle path trial on Côte St. Antoine. He submitted some pictures showing the various users on the path going the wrong way. Will there be any patrolling to stop the joggers? Marilyn Gillis (on behalf of the Cyclist Association) Mme Gillis remercie le conseil pour les pistes cyclables sur la Côte Saint-Antoine et l'avenue Westmount. Selon les études et les enquêtes, les cyclistes ne se sentent pas en sécurité de circuler sur une rue sans une piste désigné. À son avis, la faible utilisation des pistes cyclables devrait augmenter une fois que l’arrondissement de NDG-CDN aura paver son secteur./ Mrs. Gillis thanked Council for the bicycle paths on Côte St. Antoine and Westmount Avenue. According to studies and surveys, cyclists do not feel safe while riding on the street without a designated path. In her opinion, the low usage of the paths should increase once the NDG-CDN Borough repaves its section. Patrick Barnard M. Barnard fait des commentaires sur le Projet Escales Découvertes et s’enquiert au sujet de la position de Westmount sur les «souches d'arbres en granit" dans le cadre du don de Montréal pour le Sommet? “Un symbole plus positif serait plutôt une ceinture verte”./ Mr. Barnard commented on the Projet Escales Découvertes and enquired about Westmount’s position on the “granite tree stumps” as part of Montreal’s donation for the Summit? 36 -25Roberta Capelovitch 2016-06-06 Mme Capelovitch demande l'installation d'auvents à la piscine publique dans la zone des enfants ainsi que dans des zones stratégiques du parc pour protéger des coups de soleil. Elle requiert une réponse par écrit. Mrs. Capelovitch asked for the installation of awnings at the public pool over the children area and in strategic areas of the park to protect from sunburns. She requested a response in writing. Richard Locke M. Locke demande des éclaircissements au sujet de la coordination de la circulation entre Westmount et la Ville de Montréal pour empêcher les camions d’utiliser l’avenue Landsdowne. Il demande l'accès aux rapports ou au procès-verbal du Comité consultatif sur les transports./ Mr. Locke asked for clarification about the traffic coordination between Westmount and the City of Montreal to prevent trucks from using Landsdowne Avenue. He asked for access to the Transportation Advisory Committee’s reports or minutes. Gary Skavone M. Skavone se plaint de la confusion au sujet des dos d’ânes et des panneaux d'arrêt sur l'avenue Lansdowne que de nombreux automobilistes ignorent ; il propose de remplacer le panneau d'arrêt en face de sa résidence avec un dos d’âne. Il se plaint des excès de vitesse sur l’avenue Landsdowne./ Mr. Skavone complained about the confusion street bumps and stop signs on Lansdowne Avenue that many motorists ignore and propose to replace the stop sign in front of his house with a speed bump. He complained about high speed on Landsdowne. Pat Donnelly Mme Donnelly demande des explications à propos du permis de construction délivré pour la propriété du CFMB au 35, Avenue York. Elle exprime des préoccupations au sujet de l'ajout sur le toit, et / ou du jardin sur le toit, et de la rumeur concernant la fermeture de la ruelle. Elle indique que l'ajout d'un garage à cet édifice patrimonial construit en 1895 pourrait créer des vibrations et du bruit. elle demande plus d'informations sur les plans concernant le projet de PPCMOI au 4898, boul. De Maisonneuve. / Mrs. Donnelly asked for clarification about the building permit issued for the CFMB building at 35 York Avenue. She expressed concerns about the addition on the roof, and/or a roof garden, as well as the rumour about the lane closing. She stated that the addition of a garage to 37 -262016-06-06 this 1895 heritage building might create vibration and noise. Mrs. Donnelly requested more information about the plans for the SCAOPI for the 4898 De Maisonneuve Blvd. project. Dr. Maureen Kiely Dr. Kiely fait des commentaires sur l’emplacement des pistes cyclables. Elle exprime la crainte que les réparations majeures sur l'avenue Westmount et tous les travaux routiers dans la ville puissent fausser les résultats du comptage quotidien au sujet de l’utilisation quotidienne sur le projet de piste cyclable. Elle a suggéré d'attendre pour les travaux à faire. / Dr. Kiely commented on the bicycle paths sitting. She expressed concerns that the major repairs on Westmount Avenue and all the road works around the City might skew the results from the daily counts on the bike path trial. She suggested waiting for the works to be done. Gary Brodkin M. Brodkin demande s'il y a une limite fixée pour remplacer les panneaux de stationnement unilingues par des panneaux bilingues. Il mentionne le déclin commercial sur l'avenue Greene. et demande si une étude a été faite sur la situation. / Mr. Brodkin asked if there is a timeline to replace the unilingual parking signs with bilingual ones. He mentioned the decline and fall of Greene Avenue and asked if any study was done about the situation. Dan Lambert (on behalf of the M. Lambert fait des commentaires au sujet du Association of Pedestrians Cyclist of déneigement sur les pistes cyclables et demande si Westmount) Westmount envisage de participer au Winter Cycling Congress qui se tiendra à Montréal en février 2017. / Mr. Lambert commented on the snow clearing of the bicycle paths and asked if Westmount would consider participating to the International Winter Cycling Congress that will be held in Montreal in February 2017. 21 h/ 9:00 p.m. 38 ANNEXE/APPENDIX "B" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 6 JUIN 2016 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 6, 2016 Début de la seconde période des questions: 21 h 54 Beginning of the second Question Period: 9:54 p.m. NOM /NAME SUJET DE L’INTERVENTION / QUESTION SUBJECT Patrick Barnard M. Barnard demande si le petit espace vert en face de l’école Westmount High sera fermé au cours de l’été. Y a-t-il un plan pour installer une clôture temporaire et ajouter un peu de semis pour permettre à l’herbe de repousser? Est-ce que les réparations seront également faites sur l'espace vert situé au nord de la piste cyclable? Mr. Barnard asked if the small green space in front of the Westmount Park School will be given a summer rest. Is there a plan to put a temporary fence and add some seeding to allow the area to generate itself? Does it include the green area located north of the bike path? Dr. Kiely Dr. Kiely félicite la décision de substituer l'ensemble du conseil au Comité de démolition, une préoccupation qu’avait l’AMW. Elle demande si la Ville a tenté de récupérer le pouvoir de légiférer sur le manque d'entretien des propriétés privées. Y-a-t-il un moyen de récupérer ce genre de pouvoir pour l’ensemble des municipalités)? Quel genre de pouvoir aviez-vous avant les fusions? Dr. Kiely congratulated the decision to appoint the entire Council on the Demolition Committee which was a concern from the WMA. She asked if the City has tried to get back the power to legislate on the lack of maintenance on private properties. Is there a way to get back this kind of power as a group (of municipalities)? What kind of law did you have before the merger? Dan Lambert M. Lambert remercie la Ville pour son appui au programme éducatif de cyclisme à l’école élémentaire St-Léon et il demande si la Ville envisagerait d'appuyer le programme Vélo Québec l'année prochaine dans d’autres écoles publiques? Mr. Lambert thanked the City for supporting cycling education at St. Leon elementary school and he asked if the city would consider supporting the Vélo Québec programme next year in more public schools? 22 h 01 / 10:01 p.m. 39 PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE EXTRAORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L'HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 20 JUIN 2016 À 17 h 25 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : Le maire / The Mayor : Les conseillers / Councillors : MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON JUNE 20, 2016 AT 5:25 P.M., AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: P.F. Trent, président / Chairman P.A. Cutler R. Davis V.M. Drury N.. Forbes C. Lulham T. Samiotis C. Smith Formant quorum. / Forming quorum. Également présents : Also in attendance : S. Michael Deegan, directeur général / Director General Me M. St-Jean, greffier de la ville / City Clerk OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE OPENING OF MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated to the contrary in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in article 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19) by abstaining from voting. 1. ADOPTION DE L’ORDRE DU JOUR 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2016-06-133 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2016-06-133 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE l'ordre du jour de la séance extraordinaire du 20 juin 2016 soit adopté. THAT the agenda of the special Council meeting of June 20, 2016 be adopted. ADOPTÉE À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 40 -2– 2016-06-20 2. APPROBATION CONSTRUCTION DES PERMIS DE 2. BUILDING APPROVAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS – ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préalable des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu du paragraphe 3.2.2 de ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par résolution sur ces recommandations du comité. WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of said by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee by resolution. 2016-06-134 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Forbes 2016-06-134 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Forbes QUE, selon les recommandations du comité consultatif d’urbanisme formulées lors de ses réunions tenues les 31 mai et 14 juin 2016, la liste ci-jointe des demandes de permis de construction, telle que révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on May 31, and June 14, 2016, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. ADOPTÉE À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD Aucune question n’est posée. No question was asked. LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING La séance est ensuite levée à 17 h 27. The meeting thereupon adjourned at 5:27 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier / City Clerk 41 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 6 REPORTS TO COUNCIL A) CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Trent The following correspondence is available at the City Clerk’s office for consultation: B) Resolutions adopted by the Municipalité de Verchères and Ville de SainteAnne-des-Plaines regarding their opposition to the subjection of non-profit associations or organizations (NPAO) to Bill 56 (Lobbying Transparency Act); By-law RCG 07-031-5 adopted by the Montréal Urban Agglomeration Council entitled Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la mesure de la consommation de l'eau dans les bâtiments utilités en partie ou en totalité à des fins non résidentielles. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL - MINUTES Councillor Drury The minutes of the meetings of the General Committee of Council held on May 2 and 16, 2016 are tabled. C) HIRING OF EMPLOYEES Councillor Smith Manpower Report for the month of May 2016 is tabled. 42 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 1 OF 9 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON MAY 2, 2016 AT 5:12 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chair Victor M. Drury Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Nicole Forbes Christina Smith Theodora Samiotis Absent Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Administration Sean Michael Deegan, Director General Nicole Dobbie, Assistant Director of Legal Services and Assistant City Clerk Recording Secretary Andrew Brownstein GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA Adoption of the General Committee Agenda of May 2, 2016 It was agreed that the Agenda of the May 2, 2016 meeting of the General Committee of Council be adopted, with the addition of the following item under New Business: Concerts in the park (Councillor Forbes). Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on April 18, 2016 The Minutes of the General Committee of Council’s meeting held on April 18, 2016 were adopted with corrections. 43 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 2 OF 9 Business arising from the Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on April 18, 2016 It was agreed that, further to the decision made at the General Committee’s previous meeting to request that guests to the Flower Show event (replaced by the PAC Centennial Cocktail event this year) RSVP online through its website. Items from the Council Agenda to be discussed in General Committee Regarding Item No. 6.1, “Support for the Adoption of the Règlement relatif à la circulation des camions et des véhicules-outils,” Mayor Trent explained that as a neighbouring municipality to the Arrondissement Sud-Ouest, the City must adopt a resolution of support for the Borough’s new truck route. The Director General informed Council that the TAC has approved the Borough’s truck route in relation to its projected impact on the City. Councillor Smith and Councillor Davis noted the traffic issues with the trucks delivering to Metro. Councillor Smith suggested that a meeting be scheduled with Metro’s representatives in order to avoid the line-up of trucks on Victoria Avenue and Somerville Avenue. She explained that the supermarket must coordinate its deliveries in order to avoid receiving too many trucks at once. It was agreed that Council will adopt the resolution under Item No. 6.1, “Support for the Adoption of the Règlement relatif à la circulation des camions et des véhicules-outils,” at that night’s Regular Sitting. Regarding Item No. 20.1, “Filing of the Financial Report and the Auditor’s Report for the 2015 Fiscal Year,” the Mayor informed Council that at that night’s Regular Sitting, he will present his graph of the City’s net debt. He explained that he will also discuss the cost of debt, particularly in light of the borrowing costs associated with using a centralized system, adding that the City can no longer benefit from its excellent credit rating. The Mayor added that he will inform those present at the Regular Sitting that the City is involved in a legal dispute with the STM. Regarding Item No. 20.1, Councillor Samiotis pointed out that the City should adjust its estimates for future budgets as to the expected revenue from the duty on the transfer of immovables and from licenses and permits. Specifically, the City received $5.4 million in revenue for the former when $3.3 was the projection in the budget, and $1.2 million for the latter when $650,000 had been projected. The Mayor noted that the City has corrected this discrepancy for the revenue from the transfer of immovables by budgeting for $4.5 million to be received in 2016. Councillor Samiotis pointed out that the revenue from licenses and permits has exceeded $650,000 for years. Confidential items were discussed. 44 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 3 OF 9 Council Question Period Follow-up The Director General distributed copies of Urgences-santé’s detailed report on the incident when a resident fell and Urgences-santé did not come to her assistance for five hours following her call, during which time Public Security provided her with assistance until their arrival. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION / DECISION WESTMOUNT AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT PHASE I – PRESENTATION OF PLANS Confidential items were discussed. Ms. Elisa Gaetano, Assistant Director of Public Works – Engineering and Infrastructure, and Mr. Benoit Hurtubise, Assistant Director General and Director of Hydro Westmount, joined the meeting at 6:01 p.m. Ms. Gaetano presented the plans for phase one of Westmount Avenue’s reconstruction project. She explained that further to the bids sought for the two options for phase one, to carry out work from Belmont Avenue to Grosvenor Avenue or to carry out said work from Belmont Avenue to Victoria Avenue, Public Works recommends proceeding with the latter option. Ms. Gaetano explained that Westmount Avenue will be reconfigured to have wider sidewalks, with bump-outs at the intersections in order to shorten crossing distances and slow down turning vehicles. She noted that the STM’s buses’ turning radii were taken into account in the reconfiguration of these intersections. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that the sidewalk on the north side of the street is to be widened considerably near Roslyn School, making room for a planting area. She added that the intersection at Grosvenor Avenue will have raised crosswalks. This intersection will also have a priority left-turn flashing green light for motorists going east on Westmount Avenue and turning south on Grosvenor Avenue. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that with phase one of Westmount Avenue’s reconstruction, the City will be initiating its fluvial network of catch basins to reduce the intensity of the flow of water to the sewers in lower Westmount. Further to Councillor Davis’ inquiry, Ms. Gaetano explained that the 124 bus does not have a significant presence as a bus only passes along the route twice an hour. Ms. Gaetano reported that signs will be installed at Claremont Avenue and Cedar Avenue informing motorists of Westmount Avenue’s closure for construction. She added that work will be carried out six days a week, Monday to Saturday, and high early strength concrete will be used, both of which will ensure that the work is completed according to schedule. She emphasized the importance of completing the project before students return to school. 45 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 4 OF 9 In terms of communication, Ms. Gaetano reported that the City intends to seek the streets’ residents’ approval to proceed with a system of online notices as opposed to the traditional distribution of paper notices. Further to the Mayor’s inquiry, Ms. Gaetano responded that the retention pipe for the catch basins are 1.2m in diameter. The Mayor pointed out that all residents should be informed of the City’s innovative approach to improving its rainwater collection network. Councillor Cutler noted that with Roslyn School and Marianopolis College on Westmount Avenue, this reconfiguration will create the school zone for motorists that is required in such an environment. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that Roslyn School needs to move its sprinkler system in order for this work to be carried out. Councillor Samiotis recommended that Director Poirier ensure that the architect incorporates this into the plans for the school’s prospective construction and landscaping work. Regarding the reconstruction of Prince Albert Avenue, from Sherbrooke Street to Côte Saint-Antoine Road, Ms. Gaetano reported that the plans have not been altered. Specifically, parking will be optimized at the intersection at Sherbrooke Street, as well as pedestrian safety, with sidewalks widened on both sides. The cobra streetlights around this intersection will be replaced with Washingtonian lights. The same principle will be applied to the intersections at Chesterfield Avenue, Windsor Avenue, and Côte-Saint-Antoine Road. This work will be carried out five days a week, Monday to Friday. She informed Council that pending the granting of the contract at that night’s Regular Sitting, a public meeting to inform residents on the project will be held on May 11th at the Westmount Recreation Centre. Further to Councillor Smith’s inquiry, Ms. Gaetano confirmed that the bumped-out sidewalks will not result in a loss of parking spaces. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that a catch basin will be installed on the southeast side of the intersection at Windsor Avenue in order to avoid rainwater from pooling at that corner. Confidential items were discussed. Ms. Gaetano left the meeting at 6:38 p.m. BICYCLE RACKS Mr. Greg McBain, Director of Public Security, and Mr. Claude Vallières, Division Head – I.T., joined the meeting at 6:38 p.m. Director McBain informed Council that the City currently has a total of 18 bicycle parking poles equipped with loops to which bicycles can be locked. He recommended that the City install an additional 59 bicycle parking poles. 46 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 5 OF 9 Director McBain reported that in order to install additional parking poles, the poles that currently exist from the City’s former parking meters will be converted into bicycle parking simply by covering them with a sleeve equipped with a loop, which is then screwed into the ground. Councillor Davis expressed her support for the initiative. Councillor Samiotis recommended that more of the existing poles be converted into bicycle parking rather than be removed. Further to her inquiry, Director McBain informed Council that each sleeve costs $300. Further to Councillor Drury’s inquiry, the Director General reported that it costs approximately $100 to remove each existing pole and cover the area with concrete. Director McBain recommended that the City proceed with its initial installation of the sleeves without removing the other posts until it assesses its needs. Councillor Samiotis recommended that the City order 100 sleeves. Councillor Davis agreed. Councillor Samiotis suggested that Director McBain consult the Westmount Walking and Cycling Association for its opinion on the current list of prospective locations for the new bicycle parking poles. Director McBain responded that he will initiate the discussion with Mr. Dan Lambert, President of the WWCA, the following day. Director McBain recommended replacing the existing 18 poles with the new model, as they are old, and many of them bent or rusted. Director McBain presented the possibility of installing a rack for the parking of multiple bicycles near the CIBC bank on Sherbrooke Street. Regarding the new parking meter system, Mr. Vallières presented the data recorded as of that day at 4:30 p.m. as to how much has been paid at each pay station as well as the method of payment used. He reported that Passport, the mobile application, is functioning well. Confidential items were discussed. The Director General informed Council that the City will not be ticketing motorists who have not paid for parking for the first week of this new system being in place. He added that a parking inspector will instead serve an instructional role throughout this period and assist motorists in using the new system. Council members congratulated Mr. Vallières and Director McBain on their work in implementing this new parking meter system. Mr. Vallières, Director McBain, and Assistant Director General Hurtubise left the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Me St-Jean joined the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Confidential items were discussed. 47 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 6 OF 9 It was agreed that a draft amendment by-law for By-law 1315 incorporating the proposed amendments will be presented to Council at an upcoming General Committee meeting. RENEWAL OF RECOGNITION FOR TAX EXEMPTION Me St-Jean informed Council that Commission municipale du Québec received a request from the Montreal Fluency Centre to renew the recognition that it was granted in 2006 that resulted in a tax exemption. He explained that he believes that the Montreal Fluency Centre still meets the criteria and will therefore have its tax exemption renewed. He informed Council that the CMQ is requesting the City’s opinion on the renewal of said exemption, which the City must provide them with within 90 days following receipt of the notice. In order to act within this time period, Council would need to adopt a resolution expressing its opinion on the requested renewal at its upcoming Regular Sitting in June. Me St-Jean explained that the City’s approval of the request will help it to be granted, but it will not significantly affect the outcome of the CMQ’s decision. The Mayor noted that he was under the impression that the Hurtubise House and the houses of worship located within the City were the only properties qualifying for any tax exemptions. He inquired as to whether there are any others that currently benefit from this tax exemption – as well as how many others could qualify. The Mayor pointed out that the Montreal Fluency Centre serves many non-residents. He recommended that the City establish a policy for its own criteria for giving its approval for these requests; if, indeed, the City receives no in-lieu of taxes from Quebec to compensate for the loss of taxes. Me St-Jean outlined the CMQ’s criteria for qualifying for this recognition that results in a tax exemption. The institution must be a not-for-profit organization with a cultural and social benefit that would not be able to fulfill its mandate if it is obliged to pay taxes. The Mayor noted that Batshaw Youth and Family Centres, for example, meet these criteria, yet the City, he assumed, receives an amount in lieu of taxes. He emphasized that the state, and not the municipality, should pay for the role that the Montreal Fluency Centre serves. It was agreed that Me St-Jean will report to Council at an upcoming General Committee meeting on whether there are any other properties that currently benefit from this tax exemption besides the Hurtubise House and the houses of worship, as well as how many others could qualify for it. Me St-Jean left the meeting at 7:39 p.m. Confidential items were discussed. 48 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 7 OF 9 COUNCIL OBJECTIVES FOLLOW-UP TRAFFIC Councillor Cutler reported that the City of Montreal plans to extend its bicycle path network to Côte-St-Antoine Road and Westmount Avenue in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. The two cities’ administrations have met to discuss the plans. Councillor Cutler informed Council that it will be presented with three options for a prospective trucking route at the upcoming General Committee meeting on May 16th. He reported that the TAC will prepare a quarterly report to Council regarding the status of its discussions and recommendations on the issues it has been asked to analyze. The Director General recommended that for future General Committee meetings, “Council Objectives Follow-up” will only be discussed at the first meeting of the month, prioritizing presentations from the administration at the mid-month meetings. It was agreed that for future General Committee meetings, “Council Objectives Followup” will only be discussed at the first meeting of the month. Confidential items were discussed. COMMUNICATIONS Councillor Davis inquired as to whether the merchants on Greene Avenue were invited to the press conference regarding the launch of the new parking meter system. Councillor Forbes responded that further to her discussion with Maureen Lafrenière of Communications, she learned that they were not invited. Councillor Samiotis noted that as this new system responds to years of requests from the Greene Avenue merchants, their presence at the press conference would have been useful. Council members agreed. ONGOING ITEM: MTQ/AMT Councillor Samiotis reported that contrary to the MTQ’s earlier indication that the work on Greene Avenue as part of the Turcot project would be carried out towards the end of construction season, the presence of construction will be felt throughout the summer. She recommended meeting that a meeting between the MTQ and residents in order to address their concerns. Councillor Samiotis informed Council that Ms. Patricia Dumais, a Westmount resident, has stepped down from the Bon voisinage committee concerned with the Turcot project. Mike Mossop, another resident, is expected to fill her position. 49 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 8 OF 9 ONGOING ITEM: AGGLOMERATION SUMMARY REPORT Copies of the “Agglomeration Summary Report” were distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m., at which point Council held its Regular Sitting. The meeting was reconvened at 10:07 p.m. VARIA: STREET PARTIES Councillor Smith informed Council that the residents of Grosvenor Avenue are requesting that the street be closed to vehicular traffic between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street in order for a street party to be held one afternoon. She reported that she relayed the request to Director McBain. NEW BUSINESS: CONCERTS IN THE PARK Councillor Forbes recommended holding the concerts in the park outside of the WRC café. She explained that three or four concerts will be held on Sunday afternoons during the summer. The Mayor and the Director General expressed their support for holding the concerts in the proposed location. Councillor Drury inquired as to the location of the Concert Classica event scheduled to be held on May 29th. Councillor Forbes responded that the event will be held at Victoria Hall. Confidential items were discussed. VARIA: COUNCILLORS’ IPADS Councillor Davis inquired as to whether any other Council members cannot view certain pages of the Council or General Committee agendas on their iPads. No other Council members reported having the same problem, and it was recommended that Councillor Davis present the issue affecting her ability to view these documents to Mr. Vallières. VARIA: SPORTS AND RECREATION VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DINNER Councillor Smith recommended that the City provide the alcoholic beverages that will be served at the upcoming Sports and Recreation Volunteer Recognition Dinner free of charge. She pointed out that such is the practice at the Flower Show and the City should make its gratitude to its volunteers clear. It was agreed that the alcoholic beverages at the upcoming Sports and Recreation Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be served free of charge. 50 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 2, 2016 PAGE 9 OF 9 ABSENCES Council members were requested to submit their absence sheets to the Assistant City Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 p.m. Victor M. Drury Acting Mayor Me Nicole Dobbie Assistant City Clerk 51 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 1 OF 14 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON MAY 16, 2016 AT 4:05 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chair Victor M. Drury Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Christina Smith Theodora Samiotis Absent Patrick Martin Administration Sean Michael Deegan, Director General Martin St-Jean, Director of Legal Services and City Clerk Recording Secretary Andrew Brownstein GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA Adoption of the General Committee Agenda of May 16, 2016 It was agreed that the Agenda of the May 16, 2016 meeting of the General Committee of Council be adopted, with the addition of the following items under New Business: Urban Planning Update (Councillor Samiotis); Westmount Park Church Garden Co-op – Raised Beds (Councillor Lulham); Turcot Project Update (Director General Deegan); Truck Route (Director General Deegan); Grosvenor Avenue Update (Councillor Cutler); 1110 Greene Avenue (Director General Deegan); UMQ Update (Mayor Trent); and Festival of Lights (Councillor Forbes). 52 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 2 OF 14 Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on May 2, 2016 The Minutes of the General Committee of Council’s meeting held on May 2, 2016 were adopted with corrections. Business arising from the Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on May 2, 2016 The Mayor informed Council that Ms. Gaetano later corrected her original statement made at the previous General Committee meeting as to the diameter of the catch basins’ retention pipes measuring 1.2m in diameter. He specified that retention pipes are in fact 1.05m in diameter. Councillor Cutler and Councillor Smith joined the meeting at 4:18 p.m. The Director General reported that Atwater Library has received its grant. He informed Council that further to its decision at the previous General Committee meeting, the alcoholic beverages at the upcoming Sports and Recreation Volunteer Recognition Dinner on June 3rd will be served free of charge. Confidential items were discussed. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION / DECISION PAPERLESS COUNCIL SYSTEM Me Nicole Dobbie, Assistant Director of Legal Services and Assistant City Clerk, and Mr. Claude Vallières, Division Chief – I.T., joined the meeting at 4:22 p.m. Mr. Vallières outlined the history of DMS, the City’s current system for managing and recording the decisional process for all contracts into which it enters. He explained that the program was developed specifically for the City. It was never further developed or updated since its launch. Additionally, the company that created the program no longer offers technical support. Accordingly, for its new program, Mr. Vallières explained that the City is best-suited with one that already exists on the market in order to avoid these issues. Mr. Vallières presented the prospective options for a new program and what it could manage. Specifically, in addition to the management of the decisional process, the files that are currently uploaded to Council’s Dropbox, aside from the General Committee agenda and other similar confidential documents, would instead be integrated into this new system. Further to Councillor Drury’s inquiry, Mr. Vallières responded that roughly a hundred municipalities currently use the proposed program. 53 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 3 OF 14 Further to Councillor Samiotis’ inquiry, Director Vallières responded that the objective of introducing this new program is to simplify the internal process while providing Council with a new tool. Me St-Jean explained that this will greatly simplify the process for compiling the Council agendas as the documents can be compiled directly from the new program into the Council agenda, eliminating the need to convert each file to PDF individually. Mr. Vallières presented the program’s interface by connecting his iPad to the projector. He informed Council that the system can perform searches by keyword of all of its documents. It is equipped with a calendar as well. Mr. Vallières reported that he has begun training the administration on the decisional aspect of the program. Me Dobbie informed Council that the new program allows for the public Council agenda to be compiled automatically by filtering out the documents intended only for the internal version. Further to Councillor Davis’ inquiry, Mr. Vallières confirmed that the program has been purchased and is scheduled to be fully in place by October – November 2016. He explained that the director of each department manages the decisional aspect of the program. Further to Mayor Trent’s inquiry, Mr. Vallières confirmed that the documents can still be printed from the new program. Further to Councillor Smith’s inquiry, Mr. Vallières responded that past documents like agendas and minutes will not be uploaded to the new system; however, Council will still have access to its current Dropbox account in order to refer to these past documents. Me Dobbie specified that Council will still use its current Dropbox account for General Committee agendas and minutes. She reported that either a training day will be organized to familiarize the administration with the new program or the instructions for its use will be distributed by email, depending on what is determined to be required. The objective is for the administration to be using the system in June. Me St-Jean added that as of June, the Council agendas and related documents will be available to Council on both its Dropbox and on the new program until the new system is fully in place and functioning without error. Me Dobbie and Mr. Vallières left the meeting at 4:42 p.m. DEMOLITION COMMITTEE Ms. Joanne Poirier, Director of Urban Planning, and Mr. Tom Flies, Assistant Director of Urban Planning, joined the meeting at 4:42 p.m. Director Poirier explained that since November 2015, the City has not had a demolition committee in place. The committee had been composed of Councillor Drury, Councillor Lulham, and Councillor Samiotis. Urban Planning and Legal Services jointly recommend 54 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 4 OF 14 that Council serve as the City’s demolition committee. A quorum of the committee, and therefore of Council, will be required in order for the committee to act. Director Poirier noted that this will remove the appeal mechanism, as appeals of the committee’s decision can currently be taken to Council. Councillor Samiotis pointed out that the there is no appeal possible for decisions made in relation to other permits and the proposed change will simply make the process more efficient. Councillor Lulham agreed. Mayor Trent agreed, saying that major building permits are often as important as demolition permits, and having all Council deliberate would allow each application to go to “appeal.” Councillor Lulham pointed out that the PAC’s recommendation in relation to a requested demolition is currently always presented to Council. The Mayor informed Council that the PAC originally recommended a modification of the criteria that required a requested demolition to be subject to the demolition committee’s consideration. Specifically, at least 50% of a construction must be planned to be demolished in order to trigger the demolition committee process. The PAC has recommended to increase that percentage, as it has proposed to do so for several years. The Mayor recommended leaving the criteria as is; altering the procedure as recommended; and then, under the new system, assessing whether the criteria should be modified. Councillor Lulham relayed the PAC’s recommendation to include the removal of the majority of a building’s roof, regardless of whether any other portion of the construction is to be demolished, as a criterion to trigger the demolition committee’s consideration process. Councillor Cutler inquired as to the manner in which other municipalities form their respective demolition committees. Director Poirier responded that many municipalities have their PAC act as their demolition committee. Councillor Lulham noted that at least three elected officials must sit on the committee. It was agreed that the City will pursue the by-law adoption process in order for Council to act as its demolition committee while maintaining the current criteria for triggering the demolition committee’s consideration of a requested demolition. The notice of the amending by-law’s adoption will be given at the June 6th Regular Sitting. At the July 4th Regular Sitting, Council will vote on the adoption of the by-law. The by-law’s adoption will then by published on July 10th, at which point Council will henceforth act as the demolition committee. Confidential items were discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m., at which point Council held its Special Sitting. The meeting was reconvened at 5:13 p.m. SOUTHEAST SECTOR PLANNING PROCESS Ms. Gaetano joined the meeting at 5:14 p.m. 55 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 5 OF 14 Councillor Samiotis introduced the item by outlining the goals of the Southeast Study. Its four stated goals were to reconnect the Southeast Sector with the urban fabric of the City, to re-create the link between the homes south of Dorchester Boulevard and the area to the north, to stimulate commercial activity through the redesign of Sainte Catherine Street, and to incorporate sustainability into the new design and promote walkability. Mr. Flies updated Council on the southeast sector’s planning process. He explained that the taskforce formed by Acertys, made up of eight residents, Councillor Samiotis, and representatives from Public Works and Urban Planning, has held three meetings over the previous three months and has developed the concept parameters for the planning process. These concept parameters will be presented at a public meeting on June 14th and then to Council in light of the public’s response. Mr. Flies presented the taskforce’s concept parameters. For the Tupper lots, the taskforce proposes to allow only low-density residential frontage on Dorchester Boulevard, roughly three to four storeys with an increase in the maximum building height towards Tupper Street. Mixed-use building frontage is recommended for Tupper Street. For Dorchester Boulevard, the taskforce recommends narrowing the street and squaring off the intersection at Clarke Avenue. Mr. Flies explained that contrary to Council’s initial vision, the taskforce proposes to keep the median, albeit much narrower. Confidential items were discussed. The Mayor pointed out that the reconfiguration of Dorchester Boulevard must take into account the future development of the Tupper lots. Specifically, the reconfiguration must result in the addition of sufficient space alongside the Tupper lots in order to ensure that the area will be suitable for building. Accordingly, the median may need to be removed. Besides, he said, since the goal is to repair the damage done in the 60s when Dorchester went from a street to a wide arterial boulevard, removing the median strip is congruent with the desired reversion to a more local street. Mr. Flies outlined three possible options for Dorchester Boulevard’s reconfiguration; 1. Removing the median, resulting in 7m to 8m of additional space; 2. Reducing the median’s width and moving it to the south, adding the space gained to the Tupper lots, and maintaining the median’s greenery, possibly with trees if the underground infrastructure permits; or 3. Reducing the median’s width without displacing it, adding 1.5m of the additional space to the sidewalk on the south side of the street, making it a 3m-wide sidewalk, and adding a planting area on the north side of the street. Mr. Flies reported that the taskforce prefers the third option, which he noted leaves the least available surface area for development. Mr. Flies informed Council of the planning process’ next steps. The public meeting will be held on June 14th where the taskforce’s concept parameters and vision will be presented to the public, as well as the next steps in the planning process. In the summer, Acertys will provide the City with its final report, which will consider the public’s response at the June 56 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 6 OF 14 14th meeting. Engineering studies on traffic and infrastructure will then be carried out throughout the summer. A detailed design will be developed by summer 2017, which will involve the design guidelines for the Tupper lots and the public domain, the development strategy for the Tupper lots, and the creation of a special planning programme, with a project manager at the helm of this initiative. Councillor Samiotis emphasized the need to proceed with a project manager, as was done for the construction of the WRC. She explained that in order to effectively carry out this project that involves Public Works, Urban Planning, and land development, a project manager must be hired. The Mayor referred to Councillor Martin’s email regarding a bicycle path on Dorchester Street. He recommended that the TAC evaluate whether this would be useful. The Mayor pointed out that the maintenance required for the greenery on the median must be considered. Accordingly, he proposed a fourth option. The median can be removed and 3.5m allocated to the south side of the street between the sidewalk and the road to serve as a planting area. Councillor Lulham noted that while trees can be grown on a 2m-wide median, the residents must understand that the 29 large trees currently located on the median will be damaged by the work. However, many of these trees are at the end of their lifespan and 13 of them are ash trees that must be removed. Councillor Samiotis noted that while the City wishes to install a north-south link for its bicycle paths, the placement of a bicycle path on Dorchester Boulevard would be contrary to the City’s master traffic plan. Councillor Samiotis recommended that the TAC study the impact of the possibility of squaring off the intersection of Dorchester and Clarke Avenue. Ms. Gaetano explained that many of the residents on the taskforce like the median for its use as a refuge for pedestrians who do not have enough time to cross the entire street. She informed Council that Stantec will be mandated to carry out the traffic study regarding the narrowing of Dorchester and the possibility of squaring off the intersection at Clarke Avenue. She reported that Gas Métro was pleased to meet with the City as it believes that Dorchester’s reconfiguration can help reduce its maintenance costs. Ms. Gaetano left the meeting at 5:53 p.m. Confidential items were discussed. NEW BUSINESS: URBAN PLANNING UPDATE Confidential items were discussed. 57 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 7 OF 14 Director Poirier informed Council of the request for a construction permit for a new house on the Westmount Avenue lot adjacent to the Findlay house located at the corner of Forden Crescent and Westmount Avenue. She explained that the two lots were originally one prior to a subdivision carried out in the 1960s. Director Poirier outlined the plans for the prospective new house. She explained that the PAC clearly expressed the need for the prospective new construction to respect the streetscape and the Findlay house’s heritage value. The plans have not yet been approved by the PAC. The Mayor expressed his concern that this prospective new construction will detract from the Findlay house’s heritage value. Mayor Trent expressed his disappointment to learn that, in spite of all the work that had been done in the 1980s and 1990s to classify and to explore control mechanisms regarding large properties in Westmount, little seems to have been done since. In addition to preventing demolition and inappropriate modifications to heritage properties, he said, we have also to protect the green space around them. While 65 Forden was mentioned in at least one list as one of the many properties having buildable lots attached to it, he said that the City has done nothing to try and preserve the green space – and the same goes for heritage properties specifically listed for protection in the 1997 Bruce Anderson study. Imaginative ways of protection should have been explored. For example, in 1994, Mayor Trent had even managed to get an advance ruling from Revenu Québec to the effect that a property owner could create a permanent servitude on nonconstruction on an otherwise buildable lot, donate that servitude to the City, and claim a personal income-tax deduction. Confidential items were discussed. NEW BUSINESS: WESTMOUNT PARK CHURCH GARDEN CO-OP – RAISED BEDS Councillor Lulham informed Council that further to Westmount Park Church’s Reverend Neil Whitehouse’s new “faith in nature” initiative, he has requested that the City permit the installation of four raised beds made of cedar for a vegetable garden co-op. She pointed out that the same raised beds are used for growing flowers and vegetables in front of the National Assembly. Councillor Lulham expressed her support for the initiative, noting the waiting list for the City’s community garden. Director Poirier explained that the raised beds are 18 inches in height in order for the elderly to be able to participate in the co-op without needing to bend or kneel to the ground. Confidential items were discussed. Councillor Lulham recommended allowing the raised beds to be installed on a trial basis. The Mayor expressed his concern for the precedent this would set, questioning whether the City would allow these raised beds in front of private residences. Councillor Smith expressed her support for the proposal, recommending that the same beds be installed in front of Westmount Park School. Councillor Lulham responded that the school is redoing its bricks, and therefore, it cannot be done this year. 58 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 8 OF 14 Councillor Samiotis pointed out that similar raised beds are being installed at Roslyn School. She noted that while these constructions are generally not permitted as they can detract from the streetscape, the church is situated in Westmount Park and therefore, there is no streetscape to consider. Accordingly, she held their installation to fall within the fair interpretation of the Plans d'implantation et d'intégration architecturale (PIIA). Councillor Lulham informed Council that the raised beds will only be present during the growing season and will be removed for the winter. Confidential items were discussed. Councillor Cutler considered whether fewer raised beds could be installed for this first season as part of the trial. Councillor Lulham responded that the church has already purchased the four raised beds at a cost of $1,200 each, which was subsidized by a grant. Councillor Forbes expressed her support for the proposal. It was agreed that the City will passively allow the installation of the four raised beds on a trial basis. Director Poirier will inform Reverend Whitehouse that the City will not object to their installation or use for a trial period, but it cannot issue a permit for said installation at this stage. Director Poirier left the meeting at 6:44 p.m. NEW BUSINESS: TURCOT PROJECT UPDATE Mr. Benoit Hurtubise, Assistant Director General and Director of Hydro Westmount, and Mr. Patrick Raggo, Director of Public Works, joined the meeting at 6:44 p.m. Assistant Director General Hurtubise briefed Council on the upcoming road closures due to the Turcot project. The Saint-Jacques overpass will be dismantled over the course of the first four weekends in July, resulting in the complete closure of Décarie Boulevard on the weekends of July 9th and 16th, and partial closures on the weekends of July 2nd and 23rd. St-Rémi Street will be closed until summer 2017. Notre-Dame Street West, currently closed in one direction, will be entirely closed from May 25th until the end of July. The Autoroute 720’s Guy Street exit will be closed for two weeks in June, and the Atwater exit will be closed from July to November. The MTQ scheduled the closure of the portion of Greene Avenue near the overpass for one month beginning in mid to late September, which the Assistant Director General foresees will more likely be for the full month of October. He explained that this closure is necessary in order to complete the temporary highway that will pass above Greene Avenue. Glen Road will be closed on some nights and weekends. The Assistant Director General informed Council that the MTQ is aware that it is overdue for its next meeting with the City. Regarding the City’s resident-representatives on the Bon Voisinage committee for the Turcot project, he reported that he has submitted the names of the two residents intending to join the committee. 59 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 9 OF 14 The Assistant Director General left the meeting at 6:51 p.m. TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF THE GREENHOUSES AND THE CONSERVATORY Director Raggo updated Council on the status of the greenhouses’ and conservatory’s temporary closure. He reported that he has provided Council with a preliminary list of the inventory lost as a result of the forced closure. He pointed out that whenever possible, plants were purchased for seasonal applications in order to avoid having to maintain or replace them. Director Raggo explained that this list does not include the lost inventory from the conservatory or the frog pond. Director Raggo informed Council that the inspection report that had been commissioned in March was finalized in April, with the preliminary draft to be received by the end of the month. The final version should be completed in June. Director Raggo explained that the City will then have its final assessment as to whether it should, or even can, make repairs to the greenhouses. He reiterated his initial opinion, reinforced by the additional assessments carried out since, that it is highly unlikely that the facility will be able to be reopened this year. Director Raggo explained that the options for repairing the conservatory and the frog pond are very limited as there is no firm in Canada that can undertake the initiative, and bringing in an American company to carry out this work will cost the same as a full restoration project. In light of the long-term problems associated with the use of a wooden structure and the impossibility of obtaining old-growth cypress, the Mayor suggested using traditional castiron – or cast-aluminum, if cast-iron would be a maintenance problem owing to oxidation caused by the high humidity environment. Director Raggo responded that he is looking into the matter. Regarding the programming for the facility, Director Raggo proposed to contract the services of a professional consultant to outline the needs of the various user groups, including staff and current or potential clientele. Councillor Lulham informed Council that Ms. Jayme Gerbrandt, the City’s horticulturalist, has proposed that the City purchase banana plants that could be kept in the greenhouses in the winter. Councillor Lulham explained that throughout the decision-making process for the facility’s restoration, the City must consider the space that these plants and others would require, the needs for the facility to serve its educational purpose, and the possibility of making the greenhouses more eco-friendly. By updating the heating system and using a water cistern to catch rainwater to be used for watering, the City can reduce its operation costs and, paired with the facility’s educational purpose, improve its chances at obtaining a grant. Director Raggo informed Council that the City has requested a federal grant for $5-$10 million for the restoration. Councillor Lulham recommended applying for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) infrastructure grant. 60 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 10 OF 14 PRINCE ALBERT PARK SPLASH PAD Director Raggo sought Council’s approval on the design and construction of a small splash pad for toddlers in Prince Albert Park. The prospective splash pad will be placed near the playground intended for toddlers and children of eighteen months to five years of age. Accordingly, it will be placed next to its target demographic, away from the street, and close to the electricity and water services required to operate it. However, its installation would result in the removal of the small secondary skating area. Director Raggo explained that there is currently no area to serve as a replacement location for the secondary skating rink; however, and while outdoor skating rinks are an important part of our culture, this park, along with others, already has a full-sized skating rink, and these rinks can only be used for 6 weeks of the year while a splash pad can serve residents 20 to 25 weeks of the year. Regarding the prospective project’s budget, Director Raggo reported that other municipalities have installed similar splash pads for roughly $70,000. However, the City would need to undertake electrical, plumbing, and other construction work to accommodate the splash pad, most of which the municipalities on which the above estimate is based did not need to carry out. Councillor Lulham informed Council that the current proposal came further to the request’s presentation by a petition of residents. Councillor Davis questioned whether these residents would still be in favour of the splash pad’s construction if it is to come at the cost of removing the secondary skating area. She explained that this secondary skating rink is used by the park’s younger skaters. Councillor Davis recommended attempting to accommodate both the current secondary skating rink and the splash pad. Councillor Davis inquired as to whether a splash pad area can be added for the older children as well. Director Raggo responded that there is insufficient space to accommodate both. Further to Councillor Davis’ inquiry, Director Raggo confirmed that the water will be turned off overnight and as soon as the temperature approaches 10 degrees. Further to Councillor Smith’s inquiry, Director Raggo responded that the work would likely be completed by September. The park would need to be closed at times throughout the summer, but it would be open in general. It was agreed that the City will proceed with a call for tenders in June for the prospective construction of a splash pad in Prince Albert Park. 2016 URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT REVIEW Director Raggo briefed Council on the City’s urban forestry management efforts. He explained that an urban forest requires considerably different treatment than a rural one. Specifically, trees in an urban setting decay faster and must be felled prior to posing a safety concern. Director Raggo noted the City’s significant number of Norway maple trees, 61 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 11 OF 14 the structural integrity of which degrades particularly quickly as they age. The City’s ash trees will ultimately need to be removed due to the emerald ash borer infestation. Director Raggo reported that Public Works has begun its compilation of an inventory of all of the City’s public trees. The data-collection process will be carried out throughout the summer and completed in August. Director Raggo informed Council that 85 trees are being removed this year. The stumps from all of the trees removed this year and in previous years will be removed before the season’s end. Councillor Lulham recommended that Director Raggo look into the possibility of creating benches out of the trees that are to be removed, as was done in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. NEW BUSINESS: TRUCK ROUTE Director Raggo presented the preliminary proposals for possible truck routes. He explained that the matter will be discussed further at an upcoming General Committee meeting. He outlined the three objectives for establishing a truck route. Firstly, it will allow for a seamless transition between truck traffic outside of the City and the internal road network. Secondly, it will allow for the installation of proper signage and the provision of other information for truck drivers who must navigate the City. Thirdly, it will reduce time and weight restrictions. Director Raggo outlined the three proposals for possible truck routes; 1. North – South: Claremont Avenue, Victoria Avenue, and Clarke Avenue, East – West: Sherbrooke Street, Ste Catherine Street, and Dorchester Boulevard; 2. North – South : Claremont Avenue, Lansdowne Avenue, and Clarke Avenue, East – West: Sherbrooke Street, Ste-Catherine Street, and Dorchester Boulevard; and 3. North – South: Claremont Avenue, Victoria Avenue, and Wood Avenue, East – West: Sherbrooke Street, Ste Catherine Street, and Dorchester Boulevard. Director Raggo noted that the second option is more direct, so it may be safer; however, it passes more residences and Westmount Park. The TAC prefers the third option. Director Raggo outlined the prospective schedule for the truck route’s implementation. The route can be reviewed at the upcoming General Committee meeting. Legal Services will then draft the documents with the collaboration of Urban Planning. The City will then send the detailed plan and map of the route to the neighbouring boroughs, Sud-Ouest and Côtedes-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, in order to obtain their supporting resolutions. The signage identifying the truck route will then be installed. 62 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 12 OF 14 The Mayor inquired as to whether the City has ever designated a truck route before, and if so, where it was located. Councillor Samiotis expressed the importance of completing the southeast traffic study prior to deciding upon a truck route. Director Raggo left the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Confidential items were discussed. ONGOING ITEM: MTQ / AMT Councillor Samiotis informed Council that the MTQ has continued to avoid discussions with the City regarding the prospective sound barrier. Ms. Gaetano’s repeated attempts to contact Ms. Lyne Gamache of the MTQ have been unsuccessful. The Director General noted that his attempts have proven to be equally futile. NEW BUSINESS: GROSVENOR UPDATE Councillor Cutler informed Council that more traffic signage will be installed at the intersection of Grosvenor Avenue and Sherbrooke Street. The traffic lights’ cycle will be modified as well. NEW BUSINESS: 1110 GREENE AVENUE The Director General informed Council that the depression in front of 1110 Greene Avenue has been filled in and the roadway releveled. NEW BUSINESS: UMQ UPDATE The Mayor reported that at the UMQ’s recent annual meeting, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre sought to pass a resolution banning all plastic bags under 50 microns, to which he expressed his opposition. Mayor Trent explained that the provincial government has very recently mandated Recycle Québec to carry out a study on whether the alternatives to thin plastic bags are in fact more eco-friendly than the plastic bags themselves. Moreover, such an initiative cannot realistically be carried out at the municipal level, but rather requires a province-wide program. The Mayor informed Council that his opposition was well-received by the rest of those present, and a very much-revised resolution was graciously prepared by Mayor Coderre and adopted unanimously. Mayor Trent reported that the Minister of Municipal Affairs has simplified some of its rules. Firstly, the maximum value of a contract that can be awarded by mutual agreement (gré à gré) is to be raised from $25,000 to $100,000. Mayor Trent expressed reservations 63 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 13 OF 14 regarding this change. Secondly, mayors will no longer be required to give a state of the union address, the content of which had been laid down by Quebec, four weeks prior to adopting its budget. The Mayor recommended that the City continue this practice, but with modifications in content and timing. Thirdly, municipalities will be permitted to reduce the speed limits in school zones without being required to first obtain the MTQ’s approval. The Mayor reported that the municipalities’ original agreement to the pacte fiscal was intended as a temporary measure; and, when it became permanent, it was with the understanding that municipalities will be able to establish their salary arrangements with employees by decree if negotiations reach an impasse. However, it appears that the provincial government is attempting to move away from its promise in this regard. The Mayor informed Council that Councillor Lulham and he received awards for their over20 years of service as elected officials. Council members congratulated Councillor Lulham and the Mayor on their awards. NEW BUSINESS: FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS As the first night of Hanukkah coincides with Christmas Eve, Councillor Forbes recommended replacing the Christmas tree in front of City Hall with a tree of peace, the lighting and decoration of which would honour the holiday season in more inclusive manner. She explained that the City would still proceed with its traditional Christmas tree lightings in Prince Albert Square and Greene Square. The Mayor recommended that the City celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas by honouring the two holidays’ respective traditions, and accordingly, without detracting from either holiday. Councillor Lulham agreed, but noted that the City will still have two Christmas tree lightings in Prince Albert Square and Greene Square. Councillor Davis recommended scheduling the Christmas tree lighting event in front of City Hall on a night other than one with a Council meeting in order to ensure that Council gives sufficient time to the event. It was agreed that the Christmas tree lighting event in front of City Hall will not be scheduled on the same night as a Council meeting. 64 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MAY 16, 2016 PAGE 14 OF 14 ABSENCES Council members were requested to submit their absence sheets to the City Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Victor M. Drury Acting Mayor Me Martin St-Jean City Clerk 65 Ville de Westmount Rapport mensuel de la main d’œuvre Mai 2016 A - Embauche - non permanent Nom Barnes, Liam Moore, Ian Beaubien, Cassandre Borno-Boicel, Imani Camara, Gemma Clark, Alexandre Meawasige, Brendan Roy, Jeremy Duncan, Warren Weigel-Phillips, Lisha Trineer-Roberts, Hannah Konz, Morgan Reiter, Jonathan Bourdeau-Lévesque, Béatrice Capriolo-Morris, Daniel Mir-Orefice, Aurelia Iarrera, Daniel Tellier, Alexandre Bird, Miranda Martone, Kimiko Perlman, George Ivanescu, Andreea Romary, Rebecca Weigel-Phillips, Min Kim, Gyoorie Leblanc, Alexis Pelletier, Amelie Mowat, Jennifer El Kabriti, Reda Fonction Étudiant peintre Étudiant peintre Étudiant – Préposé aux parcs Étudiant – Préposé aux parcs Étudiant – Préposé aux parcs Étudiant – Préposé aux parcs Étudiant – Préposé aux parcs Étudiant – Préposé aux parcs Étudiant – superviseur piscine Étudiant – assistant superviseur piscine Étudiant – assistant superviseur piscine Étudiant - Sauveteur chef Étudiant - Sauveteur chef Étudiant - Sauveteur chef Étudiant - Sauveteur chef Étudiant - Sauveteur chef Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Étudiant - Sauveteur Assistant technique architecture Étudiant – Patrouilleur parc Releveur de compteurs Service Travaux publics Travaux publics Travaux publics Travaux publics Travaux publics Travaux publics Travaux publics Travaux publics Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Date d’embauche 9 mai 9 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 30 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai Statut Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Catégorie Col bleu Col bleu Col bleu Col bleu Col bleu Col bleu Col bleu Col bleu Col blanc Col blanc Sports & Loisirs 23 mai Auxiliaire Col blanc Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Sports & Loisirs Aménagement urbain Sécurité publique Hydro Westmount 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 23 mai 11 mai Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc 2 mai 30 mai Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Col blanc Col blanc 66 Ville de Westmount Rapport mensuel de la main d’œuvre Mai 2016 B - Embauche – permanent Nom Fonction Service Date d’embauche Statut Catégorie Fonction Service Date d’embauche Statut Catégorie/Commentaires Fonction Bibliothécaire Service Bibliothèque Date d’embauche 2 mai Statut Occasionnel Catégorie Professionnel C – Promotion Nom D – Changement de position Nom Miguez de Luca, Daniel 67 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 7 APPOINTMENT - ACTING MAYOR WHEREAS according to section 56 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), the Council shall appoint a Councillor as Acting Mayor for the period it determines. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT Councillor Rosalind Davis be appointed as Acting Mayor for the months of August, September and October 2016; and THAT Councillor Christina Smith be appointed as Acting Mayor for the months of November and December 2016 and January 2017. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 68 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 8 LOAN AGREEMENT - GALERIE D'ART DU CENTRE CULTUREL DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE WHEREAS the City received the painting Arrière-cours Montréal by Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau from Mr. Yves La Roque de Roquebrune in 1997; WHEREAS the Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'Université de Sherbrooke has requested to borrow the painting and Mr. La Roque de Roquebrune supports this request. MOVER Councillor Forbes THAT the City ratify the agreement with the Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'université de Sherrooke allowing the Galerie to borrow the painting Arrière-cours Montréal by Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau for its exhibit La détermination d'un regard - exposition d'archives littéraires d'Anne Hébert et d'oeuvres peintes d'Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau that is to be held from June 7th to August 7th 2016 that was signed by the Director General on June 6, 2016. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 70 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 9 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND PAYROLL WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May18, 2016 for the opening of tenders for PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND PAYROLL FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2016-010) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on June 2, 2016 and by the Assistant Director - Engineering and Infrastructure on May 26, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the tender of Exagon Inc. be accepted for the Professional Services - Supply and implementation of an integrated management system for Human Resources and Payroll for the City of Westmount (Tender PUR-2016-010) as well as for the annual maintenance for a period of five (5) years, and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $133,371, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $121,786 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-315-22-013, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-04 issued on June 23, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 78 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and City Clerk*s Office Hôtel de ville City Hall 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. de | cm of Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 WESTMOUNT 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. Westmoont,QC H3Z 1E2 REPORT FROM THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND PAYROLL FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tenderts): PUR-2016-010 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO system on Friday, April 22, 2016, tenders for professional services - supply and implementatlon of an integrated management system for human resources and payroll, were opened publlcly in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m., on Thursday, June 2, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Sean Michael Deegan, Director Général, Chairman; Jocelyne Dragon, Director - Human Resources; Claude Vallières, Division Chief - Information Technologies; Annie-Claude Cérat, Division Head - Payroll and Fringe Benefits Human Resources, which resulted as follows: TENDER(S)# PUR-2016-010- professional services•suppiy and impiementation ofan Integrated management system for human resources and payroll TEMPERER PRICE nnctudlnoGST&PSTI Carver Technologies inc $ Exagon Inc $ * NOTE: According to Section 573. of the Cities and Towns Act, this tender has to be awarded using a bid weighting an^valuation system. f-Jean Dir^ct9J>t5f Légal Services and City Clerk MSt-J/pw 2/06/2016 (514)989-5251 • il3(5I4)989-5270 • www.westmountorg 82 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - APPROVAL OF A SYSTEM OF BID WEIGHTING AND EVALUATING: PROJECT MANAGER - PAYROLL SYSTEM WHEREAS in accordance with section 573. of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), where a contract for professional services is to be awarded, the Council must use a system of bid weighting and evaluating; WHEREAS the Human Resources Department wishes to call for tenders for the selection of a Project Manager - Payroll System. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the system of bid weighting and evaluating proposed in the document prepared by the Human Resources Department be approved within the framework of a call for tenders for the selection of a Project Manager - Implementation of the new Payroll System. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 98 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 11 PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 20, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE WATERMAINS AND SERVICES ON WOOD AVENUE, BETWEEN DE MAISONNEUVE BOULEVARD AND SHERBROOKE STREET WEST IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-972) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on May 18, 2016 and by the Assistant Director - Engineering and Infrastructure on June 20, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of TGA Montréal Inc. be accepted for the road reconstruction and replacement of the water mains and services on Wood Avenue between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street West in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-972), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $745,050.00, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $682,765.21 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010-16-003 and 03-310-51-013, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-05 issued on June 23, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 106 111 Légal Services and City Clerlds Office Servicesjuridiques et greffe Hôtel de ville City Hall 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 VILLE DE| CHYOF 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 REPORT FROM THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE WATER MAINS AND SERVICES ON WOOD AVENUE (BETWEEN DE MAISONNEUVE BOULEVARD AND SHERBROOKE STREET) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PW-2016-972 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in Journai Constructo and on the SêAO system on Friday, June 3, 2016, tenders for road reconstruction and replacement ofthe water mains and services on Wood Avenue between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street in the City of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m., on Monday, June 20, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Sean MIchael Deegan, Director Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount, Assistant Director Général - Engineering and infrastructure; Eiisa Gaetano, Assistant Director - Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works; Cristian Sipos, PhD. Engineer - Public Works, which resuited as foilows: TENDER(S) # PW-2016-972 - road reconstruction and replacement of the water mains and services on Wood Avenue between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street PRICE rinctudlnn GST & PSTI TENDERER TGA Montréal inc $ 856,621.24 OMS Entrepreneurs Généraux inc $ 862,393.67 Les Entreprises Canbec Construction inc $ 927,481.46 Roxboro Excavation inc $ 1,023,358.98 St-Jean Direcfor of Légal Services and City Glerk MSt-J/pw 20/06/2016 (514)989-5251 • iSi(514)989-5270 . vnvw.westmounLorg 113 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 12 PUBLIC WORKS - TURCOT PROJECT CONCEPTION CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS in accordance with Section 32 of the Environment Quality Act (CQLR, c. Q-2), no one may establish waterworks, install water purification appliances or carry out work respecting sewers or the installation of devices for the treatment of waste water before submitting the plans and specifications to the Minister and obtaining his authorization; WHEREAS as part of the Turcot Project, certain authorization from the City of Westmount is required so that the consortium mandated by the Ministry of Transport may carry out the work covered by the license application; WHEREAS, as part of the license application, the consortium must demonstrate that the stormwater management meets the requirement of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et de la lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MDDELCC) and those of the City and that the impact of the project will not be adverse on municipal networks; WHEREAS the City of Westmount must authorize the storm sewer works (stormwater management) covered by said license application within its territory. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the City of Westmount does not object to the issuance of the certificate of authorization issued by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement, et de la lutte contre les Changements climatiques, as provided for in Section 32 of the Environment Quality Act (CQLR, c. Q-2) for the conception-construction of drainage infrastructure in connection with the Turcot Project authorization request. THAT the City Clerk be authorized to sign the Certificate of approval for the construction of drainage infrastructure, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 114 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 13 PUBLIC TENDERS - HYDRO WESTMOUNT WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 16, 2016 for the opening of tenders for TREE PRUNING - 2016 PROGRAMME IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2016-012) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant Director of Legal Services and Assistant City Clerk on June 16, 2016 and by the Purchasing Manager on June 20, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the tender of Service d'arbres Nord-Ouest (9211-9817 Québec Inc.) be accepted for the tree pruning - 2016 Programme in the City of Westmount (Tender PUR-2016-012), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $119,446.04, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $103,440 (including tax credit) be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 02-832-00-457, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-002 issued on June 23, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 131 REFERENCE: TENDER NO: PUR-2016-012 TO PROVIDE LABOR AND EQUIPMENT FOR CLEARING BRANCHES AROUND MEDIUM VOLTAGE AND LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION LINES (AS PER HYDRO WESTMOUNT SPECIFICATIONS HW-DC-0301) Monday June 20th, 2016 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, As result of a notice calling for public tenders to provide labor and equipment for clearing branches around electrical distribution lines in the City of Westmount, tenders were opened publicly by the Assistant City Clerk, Nicole Dobbie in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m. on Thursday June 16th 2016, in the presence of Mike Deegan, Chairman, Patrick Raggo, Director of Public Works, Benoit Hurtubise, Director of Hydro Westmount, John Camia, Purchasing Manager and others. The results were as follows: TO PROVIDE LABOR AND EQUIPMENT FOR CLEARING BRANCHES AROUND MEDIUM VOLTAGE AND LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION LINES Total cost Taxes Included Tendered Service d’arbres Nord-Ouest NEQ : 1166000183 Arboriculture de Beauce Inc. NEQ: 1143264779 Emondage Plus Inc. NEQ: 1148096002 $118,930.14 $147,372.66 $191,318.40 As per the lowest conforming tender, I recommend that the tender received from Service d’arbres NordOuest be accepted to provide labor and equipment for clearing branches around medium voltage and low voltage electrical distribution lines for the total amount of $119,446.04 and that Council authorize the issuing of a Purchase order. John Camia Purchasing Manager /2016/rapport au Conseil/PUR-2016-012 clearing branches around electrical lines 136 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services andCilyClerk's Office Hôte!de ville 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 CityHaU 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 villh deIcitygf WESTMOUNT REPORT FROM THE ASSISTANT CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR TREE PRUNING - 2016 PROGRAMME IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PUR-2016-012 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being pubilshed In the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO System on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, tenders for tree pruning - 2016 programme In the Clty of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m., on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Sean Michael Deegan, Director Générai, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; John Camia, Purchasing Manager - Finance, which resulted as follows: TENDER(S)#PUR-2016'012- tree pruning - 2016 programme TENDERER PRICE finducHna GST & PST1 Service d'arbres Nord Ouest(9211-9817 Québec inc.) Arboriculture de Beauce inc $ 119,446.04 $ 147,372.66 Émondage Plus inc $ 191,318.40 Me Nicole Dobbie Assistant Director of Légal Services and Assistant City Clerk ND/pw 16/06/2016 ® (514)989-5251 • d)(514)989-5270 • www.westmountorg 137 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 14 TENDER BY INVITATION - HYDRO WESTMOUNT MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the quotation of Infrastructel Inc. be accepted to carry out an evaluation on the condition of the 395 manholes within the City, and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $68,122.69, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated June 20, 2016; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $59,250 (including tax credits) be made from Account No. 03-311-02-009, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-03 issued on June 23, 2016 ; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 138 WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE June 20th, 2016 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT Infrastructel Inc. NEQ: 1146732806 $68,122.69 To carry out an evaluation on the condition of the manhole infrastructure by providing numeric photo’s 360° (degrees) and a detailed report to follow. As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes Stantec Experts-Conseils NEQ : 1170241336 $80,384.77 Cima+ NEQ : 3340563140 $84,017.98 . Beaudoin Hurens Inc. NEQ : 1148115281 (unable to quote on our specification at the present time) Unable to Quote Genexco NEQ: 2267973065 No reply Prospec Plus NEQ: 1162670088 No reply John Camia Chef de Division – Division de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Manager /2016/Q-2016-038 bike racks.doc 142 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 15 SERVICE CONTRACT - TRANSPORT OF SECURITY DEPOSITS MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the quotation of Société en commandite transport de valeurs Garda be accepted to provide transport of security deposits to the bank and to provide coin rolling services for the Finance Department for a period of three (3) years, from July 4, 2016 to June 30, 2019 and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $35,480.77, all applicable taxes included; the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated June 20, 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $5 143 (including tax credits) be made from Departmental Expense, Accounts No. 02-357-00-451 and 02-810-00-451 for the current year, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-03 issued on June 29, 2016; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign for and them on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 171 WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE June 20th, 2016 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT Société en Commandite Transport de Valeurs Garda NEQ: 3361641544 $35,480.77 For the weekly transport of security deposits to the bank and to provide coin rolling service from the parking meters (option 3 -36 months, July 11th 2016 to July 8th 2019). As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes Arca Logistics Solutions Inc. NEQ : 1169377877 $50,097.14 Secureforce Transport de Valeurs Inc. NEQ : 1147554209 (Cannot meet our coin rolling specification at this time) Unable to Quote Inkas Securité NEQ : 1170188909 No reply Brinks Canada Ltée. NEQ : 1147234315 No reply th st Note : Our present supplier Inkas Securité, contract period : 12 months, July 6 , 2015 to July 1 , 2016. Total $24,094.74 all applicable taxes included. Based on the competitive market, and aggressive pricing from Garda who have served us well in the past, we recommend option 3, 36 month period. John Camia Chef de Division – Division de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Manager /2016/Q-2016-041 transport de valeur 175 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 16 SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES - APPROVAL WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on June 21, 2016 the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 176 WESTMOUNT LIST OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS REVIEWED UNDER BY-LAW 1305 ON SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES Page 1 Presented at the meeting of Council held on July 4th, 2016 Prepared on June 22nd, 2016 178 Imprimé le 22 juin 2016 Date: : 04/07/2016 Liste résumée des interventions Ville de Westmount No demande / No d'actif Nature de la demande Intervention Date prévue Employé Emplacement Note Category II 2016-00635 Fenêtres et portes | Windows and doors Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne OLIVIER (AVENUE) #357 Description of Project To build a new basement access with a canopy above, replace windows and doors and do some minor landscaping in the rear. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of June 21st, 2016, the P.A.C. favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 1/4 179 Imprimé le 22 juin 2016 Date: : 04/07/2016 Liste résumée des interventions Ville de Westmount No demande / No d'actif Nature de la demande Intervention Date prévue Employé Emplacement Note Category II Description of Project To do a rear addition at the basement level, enclose a balcony at the second floor and enlarge a deck. 2016-00655 Rénovations extérieures | Exterior renovations Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne STRATHCONA (AVENUE) #453 Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of June 21st, 2016, the P.A.C. favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the base of the addition is in limestone. Category II Description of Project To install a temporary platform for a cafe-terrace. 2016-00658 Occupation café-terrasse domaine privé | Occupancy café-terrace private domain Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne SHERBROOKE OUEST (RUE) #4909 app.A Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of June 21st, 2016, the P.A.C. favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2/4 180 Imprimé le 22 juin 2016 Date: : 04/07/2016 Liste résumée des interventions Ville de Westmount No demande / No d'actif Nature de la demande Intervention Date prévue Employé Emplacement Note Category II-E Description of Project Afin de faire un terrace au sol dans la cour arrière et d'installer un foyer extérieur. 2016-00675 Rénovations extérieures | Exterior renovations Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne UPPER LANSDOWNE (AVENUE) #726 Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation À sa réunion du 21 juin 2016, le C.C.U. a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. Category II Description of Project To build a new fence. 2016-00747 Clôture | Fence Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne IRVINE (AVENUE) #136 Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of June 21st, 2016, the P.A.C. favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 3/4 181 Imprimé le 22 juin 2016 Date: : 04/07/2016 Liste résumée des interventions Ville de Westmount No demande / No d'actif Nature de la demande Intervention Date prévue Employé Emplacement Note Category II-E Description of Project To remove a small roof over a rear deck on the second floor. 2016-00789 Rénovations extérieures | Exterior renovations Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne BRUCE (AVENUE) #74 Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of June 21st, 2016, the P.A.C. favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Category I-E Description of Project To replace the cladding on the sunroom at the rear. 2016-00805 Rénovations extérieures | Exterior renovations Conseil pour PIIA - Council for PIIA 04/07/2016 Poirier Joanne ARGYLE (AVENUE) #612 Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of June 21st, 2016, the P.A.C. favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 4/4 182 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 17 BY-LAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 - COMMERCIAL USES - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE - ADOPTION OF SECOND DRAFT City Clers The City Clerk to report that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this bylaw have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJECT Councillor Samiotis explained that the object of this by-law is to formalize the presence of a municipal building in zone P1-37-02 and to regularize the current commercial uses: the operation of a café and a pro-shop in the Westmount Recreation Centre. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT the second draft of By-Law 1500 to further amend Zoning By-Law 1303 - Commercial Uses - Westmount Recreational Centre be adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 183 CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1500 BY-LAW 1500 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le ___ 2016, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on ____, 2016, at which were present: Le maire / The Mayor Peter F. Trent, président – Chairman Les conseillers - Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Theodora Samiotis Christina Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion portant sur la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 6 juin 2016; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this by-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on June 6, 2016; ATTENDU QU’un premier projet de règlement intitulé « RÈGLEMENT 1500 AFIN DE MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » a été adopté par voie de résolution par le conseil municipal lors de sa séance ordinaire dûment convoquée et tenue le 6 juin 2016; WHEREAS a first draft by-law entitled "BY-LAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATIONAL CENTRE” was adopted by resolution by the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount at its regular sitting duly called and held on June 6, 2016; ATTENDU QUE le conseil municipal a dûment convoqué et tenu, le 22 juin 2016, une assemblée de consultation publique portant sur ledit projet de règlement; WHEREAS the Municipal Council duly called and held on June 22, 2016, a public consultation meeting on said draft By-law; Page 1 186 ATTENDU QUE ledit conseil municipal a adopté par voie de résolution un second projet de règlement intitulé « RÈGLEMENT 1500 AFIN DE MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » lors d'une séance ordinaire dudit conseil municipal dûment convoquée et tenue le 4 juillet 2016; WHEREAS a second draft by-law entitled "BYLAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATIONAL CENTRE”, was adopted by resolution of the Municipal Council of Westmount, at the regular sitting of the said Municipal Council, duly called and held on July 4, 2016; Le règlement 1303, adopté le 3 juillet 2001 et modifié par les règlements nos 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1411, 1413, 1427, 1434, 1446 1449, 1450, 1453, 1456, 1467,1468, 1474 et 1494 soit de nouveau modifié comme suit : By-law 1303, adopted July 3, 2001, as amended by by-laws No. 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1411, 1413, 1427, 1434, 1446, 1449, 1450, 1453, 1456, 1467, 1468,1474 et 1494 is hereby further amended as follows: Il est ordonné et statué par le règlement 1500 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT AFIN DE MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 1500, entitled "BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BYLAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATIONAL CENTRE” that: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 La grille des usages et types de bâtiments permis présentement en vigueur pour la zone P1-37-02 est modifiée et remplacée par la grille reproduite à l’annexe «A» ci-jointe. The Table of Permitted Building Types and Uses currently in force in zone P1-37-02 is modified and replaced by the table attached hereto as schedule “A”. ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 Le présent règlement conformément à la loi. entre en vigueur This by-law comes into force according to law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier de la Ville / City Clerk Page 2 187 Annexe/ Schedule A VILLE DE WESTMOUNT / CITY OF WESTMOUNT GRILLE DES USAGES ET TYPES DE BÂTIMENTS PERMIS TABLE OF PERMITTED BUILDING TYPES AND USES ZONE P1-37-02 RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE N1303 / ZONING BY-LAW N1303 GROUPES ET USAGES PERMIS / PERMITTED TYPES AND USES Isolée/ Detached STRUCTURE DU BÂTIMENT/BUILDING TYPE R. RÉSIDENCE/RESIDENCE Unifamiliale/Single-family Bifamiliale/Two-family Multifamiliale/Multi-family Résidence pour personnes âgées/Senior citizen residence C. COMMERCE/COMMERCE Bureau/Office Club ou loge privé/Private club or lodge Studio de santé/Health studio Magasin de détail/Retail store Agence immobilière/Real estate agency Agence de voyage/Travel agency Boutique de service/Service shop Atelier/Workshop Restaurant Cinéma et théâtre/Cinema and theatre Garderie/Day care center Magasin de gros/Wholesale store Entrepôt/Warehouse Buanderie et établissement de nettoyage libre/Laundromat and drycleaner Poste d'essence/Gasoline station Garage de service/Service garage Hôpital pour animaux/Animal hospital Terrain de stationnement commercial/Commercial parking lot Laboratoire de service/Service laboratory Station de radio et de télévision/Radio and television station Banque/Bank I. INDUSTRIE/INDUSTRY Industrie/Industry Laboratoire de recherche/Research laboratory P. PARC/PARK Parc naturel/Natural park Parc communautaire/Community park Co. ÉQUIPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE/COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT Bâtiment municipal/Municipal building Centre d'accueil/Nursing home Établissement d'enseignement/Teaching establishment Cégep, université/Cegep, university Hôpital/Hospital Musée/Museum BÂTIMENT ACCESSOIRE/ACCESSORY BUILDING 188 (1) (1) Jumelée/ Semi-detached En rangée/ Attached 2 DISPOSITIONS APPLICABLES/APPLICABLE PROVISIONS (1) Les usages permis sous «C. COMMERCE» ne sont permis que dans les bâtiments municipaux existants en date du 6 juin 2016 comme usage additionnel à l’usage principal. (1) The permitted uses under “C. COMMERCE” are only allowed in municipal buildings that exist on June 6, 2016 as an additional use to the principle use. Révisé le ______________ Revised on ____________ 189 BY-LAW 1XXX BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 COMMERCIAL USES IN MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE STEPS SCHEDULE – 2016 PROCEDURES 1 May 16, 2016 Submission of draft by-law and implementation schedule to General Committee of Council for approval in principle. 2 June 6, 2016 Notice of Motion and adoption of draft by-law by resolution of Council - 126 LAU 4 June 14, 2016 Public notice re public consultation meeting is given in the newspaper 125 LAU 5 June 22, 2016 Public consultation meeting re draft by-law to be held at City Hall. 128 LAU 6 July 2, 2016 Adoption of 2nd draft by-law 132 LAU 8 July 12, 2016 Notice regarding application to participate in a referendum is given in the newspaper. 9 July 20, 2016 Receipt of application to participate in a referendum. 10 August 1, 2016 Adoption of By-law if no register (insufficient amount of signatures in each zones) 11 n/a Public notice re register if sufficient amount of signatures in a given zone. 12 n/a Register on the by-law at City Hall. 13 n/a Report on register at Council meeting. 14 n/a N.B. If the register results in a sufficient demand for a poll, Council before xxxxxxx, 2015 would have to withdraw the by-law concerned, or decree a poll on it. (NO DELAY ACCORDING TO LAW) 133 3 0 LAU 539 LERM 558 LERM 190 PROCÈS-VERBAL DE L'ASSEMBLÉE PUBLIQUE DE CONSULTATION SUR LE PREMIER PROJET DE RÈGLEMENT 1500 TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L’HÔTEL DE VILLE DE WESTMOUNT, LE MERCREDI 22 JUIN 2016 À 19 h 07 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING ON THE FIRST DRAFT BY-LAW 1500 HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF WESTMOUNT CITY HALL ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 AT 7:07 P.M., AT WHICH WERE PRESENT : La conseillère / Councillor C. Lulham, Présidente / Chairman Également présents / Also in attendance: Tom Flies, directeur adjoint de l’aménagement urbain / Assistant Director of Urban Planning Nicole Dobbie, greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk PREMIER PROJET DE RÈGLEMENT 1500 INTITULÉ « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » FIRST DRAFT BY-LAW 1500 ENTITLED “BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BYLAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE” INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION La conseillère Lulham explique que le premier projet de règlement 1500 intitulé «Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1303 concernant le zonage – usages commerciaux – Centre des loisirs de Westmount » sera étudié lors de cette assemblée publique de consultation. Councillor Lulham explained that the first draft by-law 1500 entitled “By-law to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 – Commercial uses – Westmount Recreation Centre” will be studied during this public consultation meeting. Ce premier projet de règlement a été adopté par le conseil le 6 juin 2016. This first draft by-law was adopted by Council on June 6, 2016. Des copies sont distribuées du premier projet de règlement 1500 intitulé «Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1303 concernant le zonage – usages commerciaux – Centre des loisirs de Westmount » ainsi qu'une copie de l'avis public. Copies were circulated of the first draft bylaw 1500 entitled: “By-law to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 – Commercial uses – Westmount Recreation Centre” as well as a copy of the public notice. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que l’objet de ce premier projet de règlement est d’officialiser la Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this first draft by-law is to formalize the 191 -22016/6/22 présence d’un édifice municipal dans la zone P137-02 et de régulariser les usages commerciaux actuels : l’exploitation d’un café et d’un atelier dans le Centre des loisirs de Westmount. presence of a municipal building in zone P137-02 and to regularize the current commercial uses: the operation of a café and a pro-shop in the Westmount Recreation Centre. PRÉSENTATION PRESENTATION La directeur adjoint du service de l’aménagement urbain, Tom Flies, explique ce premier projet de règlement. The Assistant Director of the Urban Planning Department, Tom Flies, explained the first draft by-law. Il décrit la zone concernée, P1-37-02, et il explique que les amendements visent à régulariser les usages actuels. He described the concerned zone, P1-37-02, and explained that the amendments were to formalize the current uses. Une note sera ajoutée aux grilles des usages et types de bâtiments permis de cette zone qui indique que « les usages permis sous «C. COMMERCE» ne sont permis que dans les bâtiments municipaux existants en date du 6 juin 2016 comme usage additionnel à l’usage principal ». A note will be added to this zone’s table of permitted building types and uses that indicates that “the permitted uses under “C. COMMERCE” are only allowed in municipal buildings that exist on June 6, 2016 as an additional use to the principle use”. PROCÉDURE PROCEDURE La greffière adjointe de la Ville, Nicole Dobbie, explique que le projet de règlement fait l'objet d'une consultation publique en vertu de la Loi sur l'aménagement et l'urbanisme et que l'étape suivante sera l'adoption par le conseil du deuxième projet de règlement avec ou sans modifications. The Assistant City Clerk, Nicole Dobbie, explained that this first draft by-law is submitted to a public consultation meeting as per An Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development and that the next step will be Council’s adoption of the second draft bylaw with or without amendments. Elle explique la procédure que ce premier projet de loi suivra, comme il est assujetti à l’approbation par voie de référendum. Elle explique la nature et les conditions d’exercice du droit de demander que le règlement soit soumis à l’approbation de certaines personnes habiles à voter. She explained the procedure that this first draft by-law will follow, being a by-law subject to approval by way of referendum. She explained the nature and conditions of exercising one’s right to request that the bylaw be submitted to the approval of qualified voters. PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD Aucune question ne s’est posée. No questions were asked 192 -32016/6/22 LEVÉE DE L’ASSEMBLÉE ADJOURNEMENT OF THE MEETING L’assemblée est ensuite levée à 19 h 14. The meeting is thereupon adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Cynthia Lulham Présidente / Chairman Nicole Dobbie Greffière adjointe/ Assistant City Clerk 193 -42016/6/22 ANNEXE/APPENDIX "A" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS CONSULTATION PUBLIQUE DU 18 JUIN 2014 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2014 Début de la période des questions: 19 h 25 Beginning of the Question Period: 7:25 p.m. Brigitte Stock: (Q) Est-ce que l’adoption du règlement (Q) Is the adoption of By-law 1468 1468 dépend sur l’adoption du règlement dependant upon the adoption of By-law 1467? 1467? (R) J. Poirier: No. (R) J. Poirier: Non. (R) N. Dobbie: Il s’agit procédures séparées. de deux (R) N. Dobbie: They are two separate procedures. 19 h 28 / 7:28 p.m. 194 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 18 BY-LAW 1501 TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1317 CONCERNING DEMOLITION - ADOPTION City Clerk The City Clerk to report that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJECT Councillor Samiotis to explain that the object of this draft by-law to assign upon Council the functions conferred on the demolition committee in accordance with Chapter V.O.1 Demolition of Immoveables - of An Act Respecting Land use Planning and Development (CQLR c. 19.1). MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT By-Law 1501 to further amend By-law 1317 concerning Demolition be adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent DECLARATION Mayor Trent THAT By-Law 1501 entitled By-law to further amend By-law 1317 concerning Demolition having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. 195 CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1501 BY-LAW 1501 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le 4 juillet 2016, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on July 4, 2016, at which were present: Le maire / The Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors Peter F. Trent, président – Chairman Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Theodora Samiotis Christina Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 6 juin 2016; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this by-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on June 6, 2015; Il est ordonné et statué par le règlement 1501 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1317 DE DÉMOLITION » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 1501, entitled “BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1317 CONCERNING DEMOLITION” that: Le règlement 1317, adopté le 21 décembre 2005 soit modifié comme suit : By-law 1317, adopted on December 21, 2005 is amended as follows: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 Le paragraphe 4 de l’article 1 est remplacé par ce qui suit : Paragraph 4 of Section 1 is replaced with the following : « 4. « comité» : conformément à règlement » “4. “Committee”: The Municipal Council in conformity with Section 2 of this by-law.” Le conseil municipal l’article 2 du présent Page 1 198 ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 Le premier paragraphe de l’article 2 est remplacé par ce qui suit : The first paragraph of Section 2 is replaced with the following: « 2. Le conseil municipal s’attribue, conformément à la loi, les fonctions conférées à un comité de démolition et exerce tous les pouvoirs conférés par la loi et le présent règlement.» “2. The Municipal Council assigns itself, in accordance with the law, the powers conferred to a demolition committee and exercises all of the powers conferred by law and this by-law.” ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3 L’article 6 est modifié par le retrait des mots : « ou du conseil, selon le cas, ». Section 6 is modified by the deletion of the words : “or of Council, as the case maybe,”. ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4 L’article 27 est remplacé par ce qui suit : Section 27 is replaced with the following: « Aucun permis n’est émis avant une décision du comité autorisant son émission, ni avant le paiement intégral des frais exigibles pour l’émission du permis comme il est prévu à l’article 9 du présent règlement et de la garantie monétaire prévue à l’article 22 du présent règlement.» “No permit shall be issued before a decision by the Committee authorizing it is rendered, nor before the payment in full of the mandatory fee for the issuance of the permit prescribed by Section 9 of this by-law and of the monetary guarantee prescribed by Section 22 of this by-law.” ARTICLE 5 SECTION 5 Les articles 33 et 34 sont abrogés. Sections 33 and 34 are repealed. SECTION 6 Le présent règlement conformément à la loi. entre SECTION 6 en vigueur This by-law shall come into force according to law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Me Martin St-Jean Greffier de la ville / City Clerk Page 2 199 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 19 SETTLEMENT - 796 LEXINGTON WHEREAS Mr. Del Negro, owner of the property at 796 Lexington Avenue, instituted proceedings in the Superior Court of Québec (C.S.M.: 500-17-088662-153) in the summer of 2015 naming, among other parties, the City as a mise-en-cause. WHEREAS Mr. Del Negro is petioning the Court to be declared the owner - by way of prescriptive acquisition - of a strip of land contiguous to and northwest of his property line, said strip of land being a property without an owner. WHEREAS The land that Mr. Del Negro seeks to acquire represents approximately 900 sq ft which would be added to his existing lot of 5 450 sq ft. WHEREAS pursuant to the settlement contemplated the City would derive additional tax revenues; WHEREAS given that the City has infrastructure underground to which it needs to have access, as may be required from time to time, an Acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle has been negotiated and agreed upon by Mr. Del Negro. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the City ratify the Transaction agreed upon by the parties and that the City Clerk be, and his hereby, mandated to sign the said Transaction on behalf of the City. THAT, subject to the realization of the conditions found at paragraph 5 of the Transaction, the City executes the Acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle agreed upon by the parties and that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, mandated to sign the said Acte on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 213 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 Item No. 20 MANDATE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - 109 COLUMBIA AVENUE AND 68 FORDEN CRESCENT WHEREAS the Municipal Powers Act (CQLR, c. C-47.1) provides that: 57. If the municipality notes unsanitary conditions in connection with an immoveable, it may send a formal notice to the owner or occupant of the immoveable requiring the owner or occupant, within the time the municipality prescribes, to abate them or to do the necessary work to prevent their recurrence. 58. If the formal notice sent under 57 is not acted upon within the time mentioned, a judge of the Superior Court sitting in the district where the immoveable is situated may, upon an application presented even during the suit, require the owner or the occupant of the immoveable to take steps required to abate the unsanitary condition within the time the judge determines or to prevent its recurrence, and order that, on failure to do so, the municipality may itself take the require steps at the expense of the owner or occupant. When the owner or occupant of the immoveable are unknown, unconfirmed or cannot be found, the judge may authorize the municipality to take immediate steps to remedy the situation and eventually claim the cost from the owner or occupant. WHEREAS the properties found at 68 Forden Crescent and 109 Columbia Avenue are in a state of decrepitude creating unsanitary conditions which are threatening the safety and security of their respective neighborhoods; WHEREAS the owners of the properties situated at 68 Forden Crescent and 109 Columbia Avenue have been given several opportunities to abate the unsanitary conditions noted on their property and to bring said property in full compliance with the City's by-laws; WHEREAS the owners of the properties situated at 68 Forden Crescent and 109 Columbia Avenue have, to this date, refused or neglected to take the required steps to remedy the situation. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the City ratify the mandate to undertake proceedings on its behalf, given to Irving Mitchell Kalichman by the Director of Legal Services in the matters involving the City against: - Ms. Julie Leclair of 68 Forden Crescent (S.C.M.: 500-17-094398-154) - Ms. Leopoldine Shutz of 109 Columbia Avenue (S.C.M.: 500-17-094397-166) THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to negotiate a timetable as to the conduct of the proceedings or the terms of a settlement in this file, if deemed in the best interests of the City; and THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to sign any and all documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolutions. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 226 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 NEW BUSINESS 265 Item No. 21 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 SECOND QUESTION PERIOD 266 PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD PROCÉDURES POUR S'ADRESSER AU CONSEIL PENDANT LA PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN ADDRESSING COUNCIL DURING PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Chaque séance du conseil comprend deux périodes au cours desquelles les personnes présentes peuvent poser des questions orales au maire. Every Council meeting includes two periods during which the persons present may address verbal questions to the Mayor. Les rapports du maire et des conseillers précèdent la première période de questions. Mayor’s and Councillors’ Reports will precede the first Question period. Le maire ou le membre qui préside la séance annonce le début et la fin de la période de questions. Le temps venu, il accorde la parole aux personnes qui désirent poser des questions en donnant préséance aux résidents de la ville. The Mayor or the presiding member announces the beginning and the end of question periods. At the appointed time, he hands over to the persons wishing to ask a question, giving precedence to residents of the City. La première période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 45 minutes, laquelle peut être prolongée à 60 minutes par le président. The first question period is of a maximum length of 45 minutes, which may be extended to 60 minutes by the chair. La seconde période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 30 minutes. The second question period is of a maximum length of 30 minutes. Présentez-vous au microphone et indiquez clairement votre nom et votre adresse au greffier. Speak directly into the microphone and state your name and address clearly to the City Clerk Chaque résident de Westmount présent peut poser une question, en français ou en anglais, précédée d’un très court préambule, le cas échéant. Each Westmount resident in the audience may ask one question, in French or in English, preceded (if desired) by a very short preamble. À la fin de la réponse, une question de suivi sur le même sujet est permise, mais sans préambule. Une fois que tous les résidents désireux de poser une question ont eu l’occasion de le faire, et si le temps le permet, une deuxième question est autorisée. After receiving a reply, a follow-up question on the same subject is permitted, but without a preamble. Once all residents desirous of asking a question have taken their turn, and time permitting, a second question is allowed. Les questions des non-résidents autorisées à la discrétion du président. Questions from non-residents are allowed at the discretion of the chair. sont Merci Thank you 267 COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 4, 2016 AJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING 268
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