ordre du jour / agenda séance ordinaire du conseil de la ville de
ordre du jour / agenda séance ordinaire du conseil de la ville de
Westmount ORDRE DU JOUR / AGENDA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT LE 3 JUIN 2013 à 20 h – JUNE 3, 2013 - 8:00 p.m. Ouverture de la séance / Opening of Meeting Maire/Mayor TRENT Rapport du maire et des conseillers / Mayor’s & Councillors’ Reports Première période de questions/ First Question Period 1. Adoption de l’ordre du jour / Adoption of Agenda Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 2. Approbation des procès-verbaux / Confirmation of Minutes Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 3. Rapports au conseil / Reports to Council Maire/Mayor TRENT 4. Orientation du conseil sur les sujets à l’ordre du jour de la séance du conseil d’agglomération de Montréal / Adoption of the Council’s position on the matters to be submitted at the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 5. Dépôt du rapport financier et du rapport du vérificateur externe 2012/ Filing of the 2012 Financial Report and the Auditor’s Report Conseiller/Councillor PRICE 6. Transfert des affectations au surplus accumulé / Transfer of funds to the Accumulated Conseiller/Councillor PRICE 7. Entente avec l’école Selwyn House / Westmount Athletic Grounds / Selwyn House School / Westmount Athletic Grounds Agreement Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 8. Centre local de développement (CLD) Les 3 Monts – approbation de l’entente de gestion avec la Ville de Montréal/ Centre local de développement (CLD) Les 3 Monts – Approval of the entente de gestion with Ville de Montréal Conseillère/Councillor FORBES 9. Appel d’offres – travaux public/approvisionnement Tenders – Public Works/Purchasing Conseiller/Councillor MARTIN 10. Approbation d’achats – travaux publics / approvisionnement Approval of purchases – Public Works / Purchasing Conseiller/Councillor MARTIN 11. Approbation d’achats – sécurité publique Approval of purchases – Public Security Conseiller/Councillor IKEMAN -2- 12. Liste des comptes / List of Accounts Conseiller/Councillor PRICE 13. Vente à l’encan d’objets non réclamés / Auction of unclaimed objects Conseiller/Councillor DRURY 14. Règlement hors cour – 310, chemin de la Côte St-Antoine / Out-of-court settlement – 310 Cote St. Antoine Road Conseiller/Councillor DRURY 15. Plan directeur de la circulation et du transport actif de Westmount – adoption / Westmount Traffic and Active Transportation Master Plan - Adoption Conseillère/Councillor SAMIOTIS 16. Contrôle de la circulation / Traffic control Conseiller/Councillor IKEMAN Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 17. Demandes de permis de construction / Building Permit Applications 18. Construction au-delà de l’alignement de construction / Building over the building line Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 19. Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement de zonage 1303 – Superficie de plancher hors sol - adoption / By-law to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 – Above Ground Floor Area - Adoption Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 20. Règlement sur l’occupation du domaine public – avis de motion / By-law on Periodic Occupancy of the Public Domain – Notice of motion Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 21. Règlement visant à modifier le règlement sur les permis et certificats – avis de motion / By-law to amend Permits and Certificates By-law – Notice of motion Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 22. Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement de zonage 1303 – café terrasse – avis de motion et adoption du projet de règlement / By-law to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 – Cafe terrace - Notice of motion and adoption of a draft by-law Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 23. Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement de zonage 1303 – modification de la zone R2-15-03 – avis de motion et adoption du premier projet de règlement / By-law to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 – Modification of Zone R2-15-03 Notice of motion and adoption of first draft by-law Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM 24. Affaires nouvelles / New Business Deuxième Période de questions / Second Question Period Levée de la séance / Adjournment of Meeting COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 OPENING OF THE MEETING The Mayor calls the meeting to order. MAYOR’S AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVER ITEM No. 1 Councillor Lulham Councillor Lulham THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of June 3, 2013 be, and it is hereby, adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES MOVER ITEM No. 2 Councillor Lulham Councillor Lulham THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on May 6, 2013 and of the special Council meeting held on May 21, 2013 be, and they are hereby, approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L'HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 6 MAI 2013 À 20 h 05 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : Le maire / The Mayor : Les conseillers / Councillors: MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON MAY 6, 2013 AT 8:05 P.M., AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: P. F. Trent, président / Chairman V. M. Drury K. W. Duncan N. Forbes G. Ikeman C. Lulham P. Martin T. Price T. Samiotis Formant le conseil au complet. / Forming the entire Council. Également présents: D.E. Campbell, directeur général / Director General Also in attendance: V. Iturriaga Espinoza, greffière / City Clerk L. Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE OPENING OF MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated to the contrary in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in article 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C19) by abstaining from voting. RAPPORTS DES CONSEILLERS COUNCILLORS REPORTS RAPPORTS DES CONSEILLERS COUNCILLORS REPORTS Mayor Trent apologized for his disappointment in Pomerleau’s delay for the opening of the pool. Invited Councillor Martin to comment. Le conseiller Martin Councillor Martin anticipated the opening of the pool for the end of August however no affirmative date was received in writing 2 by Pomerleau. Expressed his distress for not getting news from them. Expects credits for the delay of the opening of the pool. / He briefed on the energy efficient model for heating of the pool no longer gas. / Also reported on the programming planned by Mike Deegan to Jean-Drapeau park and others in replacement of the pool / He also pointed out the extra item on the agenda. Councillor Duncan indicated that Mr. Campbell would have more information coming on other alternative activities planned for the pool programme. Councillor Lulham reported on the third original site visited 2 weeks ago with Marc Fauteux for the relocation of the Lansdowne Dog Run. The new site is located at the Shuffle Board and since 1983 has not been in use. Wants concrete removed and Marc Fauteux to design the new fenced dog run. Council were all in favour. ?? Councillor Lulham reported that the prototyped sound barrier glass on Abbott Avenue looked terrible. Two experts looking at placing a new film found glass not well installed. Coming week graffiti removed, new film and windows. She mentioned she would look into the suggestion made from Neil of Abbott Avenue for putting shrubs in front. Councillor Lulham announced the plant exchange on May 16 at 6p.m. Councillor Forbes announced the upcoming 38th Annual Westmount Family Day Event on May 25th together with the WRC 2013 Community campaign in support of the new Westmount Recreation Centre. / She expressed thanks to the 3 Friends on the Library for their all-time record sale of $16,300. PREMIÈRE PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS FIRST QUESTION PERIOD La première période de questions se tient de 20 h 22 à 21 h 17. The first question period took place from 8:22 p.m. to 9:17 p.m. ADOPTION DE L’ORDRE DU JOUR ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2013-05-86 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Forbes 2013-05-86 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Forbes QUE l’ordre du jour de la séance ordinaire du conseil du 6 mai 2013 soit adopté, sous réserve de l’ajout des points suivants sous la rubrique « affaires nouvelles »: THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of May 6, 2013 be adopted with the addition of the following items under “New Business”: - Annulation des soldes résiduaires des règlements d’emprunt dont l’objet a été entièrement réalisé; - Approbation d’un système de pondération et d’évaluation des offres – Ressources humaines; - Approbation de dépenses supplémentaires élimination de sol contaminé sur le chantier de construction du Centre des loisirs de Westmount; - Engagement du conseil – Remboursement de la dette du Centre des loisirs de Westmount - Cancellation of residual balances of loan by-laws whose purpose was entirely completed; - Approval of a system of bid weighting and evaluating – Human Resources; ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROBATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 2013-05-87 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-87 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis - Approval of additional expenses – Disposal of contaminated soil on the Westmount Recreation Centre construction site; - Council’s commitment – Repayment of the debt for the Westmount Recreation Centre. 4 QUE les procès-verbaux de la séance ordinaire du conseil tenue le 2 avril 2013 et de la séance spéciale tenue le 15 avril 2013 soient approuvés, et ils le sont par les présentes. THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on April 2, 2013 and of the special Council meeting held on April 15, 2013 be, and they are hereby, approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ORIENTATION DU CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT SUR LES SUJETS DEVANT ÊTRE PRÉSENTÉS À LA SÉANCE DU CONSEIL D'AGGLOMÉRATION DE MONTRÉAL ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE MONTREAL URBAN AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL 2013-05-88 Il est proposé par la conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Duncan 2013-05-88 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Duncan QUE le maire soit autorisé à prendre toutes décisions qu’il jugera opportunes à l’égard des sujets inscrits à l’ordre du jour de l'assemblée régulière du conseil d’agglomération de Montréal devant se tenir le 30 mai 2013, et ce, dans le meilleur intérêt de la Ville de Westmount et de ses citoyens. THAT the Mayor be authorized to make any decisions he deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Westmount and its citizens regarding the items on the agenda of the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting to be held on May 30, 2013. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY NOMINATION – DIRECTRICE DES SERVICES JURIDIQUES ET GREFFIÈRE APPOINTMENT - DIRECTOR OF LEGAL SERVICES AND CITY CLERK ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l'article 85 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (chapitre C-19), le conseil doit toujours avoir un fonctionnaire ou employé de la municipalité préposé à la garde de son bureau et de ses archives. Ce fonctionnaire ou employé est appelé greffier. ATTENDU QUE le recrutement s’est effectué, conformément à la politique de la Ville sur l’embauche du personnel de direction; WHEREAS, according to Section 85 of the Cities and Towns Act (Chapter C-19), the council shall always have an officer or employee of the municipality as keeper of its office and archives. Such officer or employee shall be styled the clerk. WHEREAS a recruiting process was carried out according to the City policy regarding the hiring of management personnel; 5 ATTENDU QU’à la suite du processus d'embauche, le comité de sélection s’est mis d’accord quant au choix d’une candidate pour le poste de directrice des services juridiques et greffière et que ses recommandations sont soumises au conseil pour approbation. WHEREAS further to the hiring process, the Selection Committee agreed on the selection of one candidate for the position of Director of legal services and City Clerk and its recommendations are submitted for Council approval. 2013-05-89 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-89 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Price QUE Me Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza soit nommée à titre de directrice des Services juridiques et greffière pour un contrat d’une durée de deux ans, à compter du 22 avril 2013 jusqu’au 21 avril 2015, le tout conformément aux modalités du contrat offert par la Ville. THAT Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza be appointed as the Director of legal services and City Clerk on a contractual basis for two years, effective April 22, 2013 until April 21, 2015, as per the terms and conditions of the contract offered by the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY SUBVENTIONS AUX ORGANISMES À BUT NON LUCRATIF APPROVAL OF GRANTS TO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ATTENDU QUE toutes les demandes de subvention des groupes communautaires et organismes reçues pour l’année 2013 ont fait l’objet d’une évaluation par l’administration suivant les politiques de la Ville portant sur l’aide financière en matière de sport et loisirs; WHEREAS, according to the city’s policies for recreation and cultural grants, all applications for 2013 supporting grants received from local community groups and organizations have been reviewed by the administration; ATTENDU QUE les demandes des organismes sans but lucratif locaux ont été étudiées par le conseil en comité plénier. WHEREAS the General Committee of Council has reviewed the requests from local non-profit organizations. 2013-05-90 Il est proposé par la conseillère Forbes, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-90 It was moved by Councillor Forbes, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE les subventions de 2013 totalisant 115 750 $ soient approuvées comme suit : • Centre Contactivité : une subvention de 38 000 $ pour l’aider à financer ses frais d’exploitation; THAT the 2013 grants be approved in the total amount of $115,750 as follows: • Contactivity Centre: a supporting grant of $38,000 to help finance its operating costs; 6 • • • • • • • • Open Door : une subvention de 4 500 $ pour l’aider à financer ses frais d’exploitation; Bibliothèque des jeunes de Montréal : une subvention de 1 750 $ pour maintenir la programmation dispensée à la communauté; Centre des arts visuels : une subvention de 9 500 $ pour les services de soustraitance fournis à la Ville; YMCA de Westmount : une subvention de 20 000 $ pour les services fournis à la ville et à l'ensemble de la communauté; Bibliothèque Atwater : une subvention de 25 000 $ pour l’aider à financer ses frais d’exploitation; Théâtre Répercussion : une aide financière de 8 000 $ pour les représentations théâtrales au parc Westmount; Centre Greene : une subvention de 5 000 $ pour l'aider à financer ses frais d'exploitation; l'Association historique de Westmount : une subvention de 4 000 $ pour l’aider à financer ses frais d’exploitation. • • • • The Open Door: a supporting grant of $4,500 to help finance its operating costs; Montreal Children's Library: a supporting grant of $1,750 to sustain library programming provided to the community; Visual Arts Centre: a grant of $9,500 for 'contracted out' services provided to the city; Westmount YMCA: a grant of $20,000 for 'contracted out' services provided to the city and the community at large; • Atwater Library: a grant of $25,000 to help finance its operating costs; • Repercussion Theatre: a supporting grant of $8,000 for theatrical performances in Westmount Park; • Greene Center: a grant of $5,000 to help finance its supporting costs; • Westmount Historical Association: a grant of $4,000 to help finance its operating costs. CONTRAT D'EXÉCUTION D'ŒUVRES D'ART MURALES - CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT PUBLIC ART AGREEMENT FOR WALL MOUNTED WORKS - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l'article 13 de la Loi sur le ministère de la Culture et des Communications (chapitre M-17.1), le gouvernement a élaboré une politique d'intégration des arts à l'architecture et à l'environnement des bâtiments et des sites. Cette politique s'applique aux ministères et aux organismes du gouvernement ainsi qu'aux personnes qui reçoivent une subvention de ces derniers pour la réalisation d'un projet de construction d'un bâtiment ou d'aménagement d'un site; WHEREAS according to section 13 of An Act respecting the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (chapter M-17.1), the government has established a policy integrating the arts with architecture and with the environment of buildings and sites. The policy shall apply to government departments and agencies and to the persons who receive from them a grant for the realization of a project for the construction of a building or the development of a site; 7 ATTENDU QU'en vertu de cette politique, la Ville a constitué un comité ad hoc pour évaluer chaque œuvre d'art proposée par les artistes désignés à participer au programme d'intégration des arts; WHEREAS, according to this policy, the City has established an ad hoc committee to evaluate each work proposed by designated artists to participate in the program to integrate arts; ATTENDU QUE, suite à la recommandation du comité ad hoc, la Ville doit conclure avec l’artiste dont la proposition a été choisie et acceptée un contrat d’exécution de l’œuvre d’art. WHEREAS, following the recommendation of the ad hoc committee, the City must enter into an agreement for the execution of the work of art with the artist whose proposal was selected and accepted. 2013-05-91 Il est proposé par la conseillère Forbes, appuyé par le conseiller Ikeman 2013-05-91 It was moved by Councillor Forbes, seconded by Councillor Ikeman QUE la Ville conclue un contrat avec l'artiste Daniel Langevin, relativement à l’exécution d'œuvres d'art, soit 5 tableaux sur aluminium qui seront exposés sur les murs A et F (dans le pavillon d'entrée), C1 et D (niveau mezzanine et piscine), et C2 (niveau patinoire) du Centre des loisirs de Westmount le tout conformément aux modalités dudit contrat. THAT the City enter into a contract with Daniel Langevin, artist, for the execution of works of art, or 5 tables on aluminum that will be exposed on the walls A and F (in the entrance pavilion), C1 and D (mezzanine and pool level) and C2 (level ice) of the recreation Centre in Westmount, the whole according to the terms and conditions of the contract. QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer, pour et au nom de la Ville, le contrat et tous autres documents nécessaires afin de donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign the contract and any and all other document necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CONTRAT D'ŒUVRE D'ART SUSPENDUE - CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT PUBLIC ART AGREEMENT FOR A SUSPENDED ART WORK WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l'article 13 de la Loi sur le ministère de la Culture et des Communications (chapitre M-17.1), le gouvernement a élaboré une politique d’intégration des arts à l’architecture et à l’environnement des bâtiments et des sites gouvernementaux et publics; WHEREAS according to section 13 of An Act respecting the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (chapter M-17.1), the government has established a policy integrating the arts with architecture and with the environment of buildings and sites. 8 ATTENDU QUE ladite politique s'applique aux ministères et aux organismes du gouvernement ainsi qu'aux personnes qui reçoivent une subvention pour la réalisation d’un projet de construction d’un bâtiment ou d’aménagement d’un site; WHEREAS the policy shall apply to government departments and agencies and to the persons who receive from them a grant for the realization of a project for the construction of a building or the development of a site; ATTENDU QU'en vertu de cette politique, la Ville a constitué un comité ad hoc pour évaluer chaque œuvre d'art proposée par les artistes désignés à participer au programme d'intégration des arts; WHEREAS, according to this policy, the City has established an ad hoc committee to evaluate each work proposed by designated artists to participate in the program to integrate arts; ATTENDU QUE, suite à la recommandation du comité ad hoc, la Ville doit conclure avec l’artiste dont la proposition a été choisie et acceptée un contrat d’exécution de l’œuvre d’art. WHEREAS, following the recommendation of the ad hoc committee, the City must enter into an agreement for the execution of the work of art with the artist whose proposal was selected and accepted. 2013-05-92 Il est proposé par la conseillère Forbes, appuyé par le conseiller Ikeman 2013-05-92 It was moved by Councillor Forbes, seconded by Councillor Ikeman QUE la Ville conclue un contrat avec l'artiste Éric Sauvé, relativement à l’exécution d'une œuvre d'art suspendue dans l'Atrium du Centre des loisirs de Westmount le tout conformément aux modalités dudit contrat. THAT the City enter into a contract with Éric Sauvé, artist, for the creation of a suspended art work for the Atrium of the Westmount Recreation Centre, the whole according to the terms and conditions of the contract. QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer, pour et au nom de la Ville, le contrat et tous autres documents nécessaires afin de donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign the contract and any and all other document necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9 PRIMES – RENOUVELLEMENT DE LA COUVERTURE D'ASSURANCES COLLECTIVES PREMIUM – RENEWAL OF THE INSURANCE COVERAGE ATTENDU QUE le conseil a approuvé la recommandation de l'UMQ à l’effet d'adjuger le contrat à la firme Mallette Actuaires Inc. pour agir à titre de consultant en assurances collectives pour les employés actifs et retraités de la Ville de Westmount, conformément à la résolution no 2013-01-07 adoptée lors de la séance ordinaire du 14 janvier 2013. WHEREAS the UMQ recommendation to award the contract to the firm Mallette Actuaires Inc. to act as a consultant in group insurance for employees and retirees of the City of Westmount was approved by Council resolution no. 2013-01-07 adopted at its regular meeting held on January 14, 2013. 2013-05-93 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-93 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Price QUE les conditions de renouvellement des primes proposées soient acceptés pour la période du 1er avril 2013 au 31 mars 2014; THAT the conditions of the proposed renewal premiums be accepted for the period of April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014. QUE le paiement des primes au montant de 616 240,62 $, toutes taxes comprises, soit autorisé pour la période du 1er avril 2013 au 31 mars 2014; THAT payment of the premium in the amount of $616,240.62, all applicable taxes included, be authorized for the period of April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014; QUE la dépense de 616 240,62 $ soit imputée à la dépense départementale UBR 02170000, compte n° 226000, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-07 délivré le 26 avril 2013; THAT the expenditure of $616,240.62 be made from Departmental Expense, UBR 02170000, Account No. 226000, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-05-07 issued on April 26, 2013; QUE le directeur du Service des ressources humaines soit autorisé à signer, pour et au nom de la Ville, tout autre document nécessaire ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director of Human Resources be authorized to sign any documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY GROUP 10 PROGRAMME CLIMAT MUNICIPALITÉS MESURES À PRIORISER CLIMAT MUNICIPALITÉS PROGRAMME - PRIORITY MEASURES ATTENDU QUE la ville a conclu avec la Ville de Montréal la convention d’aide financière concernant le volet 2 du Programme Climat municipalités qui consiste en la mise à jour d’un inventaire des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et d’un plan d’action de même qu’en l’élaboration d’un plan d’adaptation aux changements climatiques, conformément à la résolution n° 2012-01-16 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire du 16 janvier 2012; WHEREAS the City entered into the agreement respecting financial assistance in connection with Phase II of the Programme Climat municipalités which consists of updating a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and an action plan, and developing a climate change adaptation plan, as per resolution No. 2012-01-16 adopted by Council at its meeting held on January 16, 2012; ATTENDU QUE les modalités du versement par la ville de Montréal d’une aide financière à chacune des villes liées impliquées ont été établies dans une convention type. WHEREAS the terms and conditions of payment of financial assistance by the Ville de Montréal to each related municipality involved have been set forth in a model convention. 2013-05-94 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Forbes 2013-05-94 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Forbes QUE, dans le cadre du Programme Climat municipalités, le plan d'action proposé par Westmount relativement à la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, révisé par les services des travaux publics, de l'aménagement urbain et Hydro Westmount, soit approuvé comme faisant partie du plan directeur de l'agglomération; THAT, as part of the Programme Climat municipalités, the proposed Greenhouse gas reduction action plan identified for Westmount, reviewed by the Public Works, Urban Planning and Hydro Westmount departments be approved as part of the Agglomeration Master Plan; QUE la directrice des travaux publics soit autorisée à déposer le plan d'action conformément au Programme Climat municipalités. THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to submit the Action Plan under the Programme Climat municipalités. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 APPELS D'OFFRES – TRAVAUX PUBLICS/APPROVISIONNEMENT TENDERS – PURCHASING PUBLIC WORKS/ ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général substitut de la Ville, Alan Kulaga, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 22 avril 2013 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour l'achat d'UN (1) CAMION DE COLLECTE DE DÉCHET NEUF 2013 MODÈLE ISUZU NNR 4x2 ÉQUIPÉ D'UNE BENNE À ORDURE DE TYPE CHARGEMENT ARRIÈRE AVEC UNE CAPACITÉ DE 8 VERGES CUBES OU ÉQUIVALENT POUR LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PUR-2013004), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 22 avril 2013 et par le chef de section, approvisionnement le 25 avril 2013, ont été déposés lors de cette séance. WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 22, 2013 for the opening of tenders for the purchase ONE (1) NEW 2013 GARBAGE TRUCK MODEL ISUZU NNR 4x2 EQUIPPED WITH A GARBAGE BIN REAR LOADING TYPE WITH A CAPACITY OF 8 CUBIC YARDS OR EQUIVALENT FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR2013-004) chaired by Alan Kulaga, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on April 22, 2013 and by the Unit chief - Purchasing on April 25, 2013 are submitted to this meeting. 2013-05-95 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-95 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Price QUE la soumission de Groupe Gemec inc. soit acceptée pour l'achat d'un camion de collecte de déchet neuf 2013, modèle Isuzu NNR 4x2 (appel d’offres n° PUR2013-004), au montant total de 116 518,59 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Groupe Gemec Inc. be accepted for the purchase of one (1) new 2013 model Isuzu NNR 4x2 Waste Collection truck (Tender PUR-2013-004) for a total amount of $116,518.59, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 111 451,46 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soient imputée à la dépense en capital, UBR P13-000-05, compte n° 299910 pour un montant de 85 000 $ et UBR P13-000-08, compte n° 299910 pour un montant de 26 451,46 $, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-12 délivré le 29 avril 2013; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $111,451.46 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense UBR P13-000-05, Account No. 299910 for an amount of $85,000, and UBR P13-000-08, Account No. 299910 for an amount of $26,451.46, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-05-12 issued on April 29, 2013; QUE le maire et la greffière soit autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and 12 QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout autre document nécessaire ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPELS D'OFFRES – TRAVAUX PUBLICS/APPROVISIONNEMENT TENDERS – PURCHASING ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général substitut de la Ville, Alan Kulaga, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 22 avril 2013 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour le RÉAMÉNAGEMENT DE L'AVENUE GREENE ET DU BOULEVARD DE MAISONNEUVE DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres n° PW-2013912), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 22 avril 2013 et par la directrice des travaux publics le 23 avril 2013, ont été déposés lors de cette séance. WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 22, 2013 for the opening of tenders for the REFURBISHING OF GREENE AVENUE AND DE MAISONNEUVE BOULEVARD IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2013-912) chaired by Alan Kulaga, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on April 22, 2013 and by the Director of Public Works on April 23, 2013 are submitted to this meeting. 2013-05-96 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-96 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Price QUE la soumission de Les Excavations Super inc. soit acceptée pour le réaménagement de l'avenue Greene et du boulevard De Maisonneuve (appel d’offres n° PW-2013-912) au montant total de 724 547,73 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Les Excavations Super Inc. be accepted for the refurbishing of Greene Avenue and De Maisonneuve Boulevard (Tender PW-2013-912) for a total amount of $724,547.73, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 693 038,81 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soient imputée au règlement d'emprunt 1442, UBR P13LBL01, compte n° 299449, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-02 délivré le 24 avril 2013; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $693,038.81 (including tax credit) be made from Loan By-law 1442, UBR P13LBL01, Account No. 299449, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-05-02 issued on April 24, 2013; QUE le maire et la greffière soit autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and PUBLIC WORKS/ 13 QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout autre document nécessaire ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPELS D'OFFRES – TRAVAUX PUBLICS/APPROVISIONNEMENT TENDERS – PURCHASING ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général substitut de la Ville, Alan Kulaga, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 22 avril 2013 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour la fourniture des TRAVAUX DE MAÇONNERIE - VICTORIA HALL PHASE 1 (4626, RUE SHERBROOKE) DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PW-2013-913), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 22 avril 2013 et par la directrice des travaux publics le 23 avril 2013, ont été déposés lors de cette séance. WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 22, 2013 for the opening of tenders for the REPAIRS TO MASONRY - VICTORIA HALL PHASE I (4626 SHERBROOKE STREET) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2013-913) chaired by Alan Kulaga, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on April 22, 2013 and by the Director of Public Works on April 23, 2013 are submitted to this meeting. 2013-05-97 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-97 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Price QUE la soumission de Atwill-Morin inc. soit acceptée pour la phase 1 des travaux de maçonnerie au Victoria Hall – Option B (appel d’offres no PW-2013-913) au montant total de 419 658,75 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Atwill-Morin Inc. be accepted for Option B of the Victoria Hall repairs to masonry - Phase 1 (Tender PW-2013-913) for a total amount of $419,658.75, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 401 408,75 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soient imputée au règlement d'emprunt 1442, UBR P13LBL13, compte n° 299461, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-04 délivré le 26 avril 2013; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $401,408.75 (including tax credit) be made from Loan By-law 1442, UBR P13LBL13, Account No. 299461, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-05-04 issued on April 26, 2013; QUE le maire et la greffière soit autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and PUBLIC WORKS/ 14 QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout autre document nécessaire ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPELS D'OFFRES – TRAVAUX PUBLICS/APPROVISIONNEMENT TENDERS – PURCHASING ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général substitut de la Ville, Alan Kulaga, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 22 avril 2013 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour la RÉHABILITATION DES WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 22, 2013 for the opening of tenders for the WATERMAIN CONDUITES D'EAU POTABLE PAR GAINAGE STRUCTURAL SUR LE BOULEVARD DORCHESTER (ENTRE L'AVENUE GREENE ET LA RUE HALLOWELL) DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PW-2013- 914), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 22 avril 2013 et par la directrice des travaux publics le 24 avril 2013, ont été déposés lors de cette séance. PUBLIC WORKS/ REHABILITATION BY STRUCTURAL LINING ON DORCHESTER BOULEVARD (BETWEEN GREENE AVENUE AND HALLOWELL STREET) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2013-914) chaired by Alan Kulaga, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on April 22, 2013 and by the Director of Public Works on April 24, 2013 are submitted to this meeting. 2013-05-98 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-98 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Price QUE la soumission de Les entreprises Canbec Construction inc. soit acceptée pour la réhabilitation des conduites d'eau potable par gainage structural sur le boulevard Dorchester, entre l'avenue Greene et la rue Hallowell (appel d’offres no PW-2013-914) au montant total de 352 762,68 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Les Entreprises Canbec Construction Inc. be accepted for the water main rehabilitation by structural lining on Dorchester, between Greene Avenue and Hallowell (Tender PW-2013-914) for a total amount of $352,762.68, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 337 421,84 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soient imputée au règlement d'emprunt 1442, UBR P13LBL05, compte n° 299453, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-08 délivré le 26 avril 2013; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $337,421.84 (including tax credit) be made from Loan By-law 1442, UBR P13LBL05, Account No. 299453, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-05-08 issued on April 26, 2013; 15 QUE le maire et la greffière soient autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout autre document nécessaire ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPELS D'OFFRES – TRAVAUX PUBLICS/APPROVISIONNEMENT TENDERS – PURCHASING ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général substitut de la Ville, Alan Kulaga, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 22 avril 2013 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour REMPLACEMENT DES CONDUITES D'EAU POTABLE SUR LA RUE SHERBROOKE (ENTRE LES AVENUES LANSDOWNE ET STRATHCONA) DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PW-2013915), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 22 avril 2013 et par la directrice des travaux publics le 24 avril 2013, ont été déposés lors de cette séance. WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 22, 2013 for the opening of tenders for the REPLACEMENT OF WATER MAINS ON SHERBROOKE STREET (BETWEEN LANSDOWNE AND STRATHCONA AVENUES) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2013-915) chaired by Alan Kulaga, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on April 22, 2013 and by the Director of Public Works on April 24, 2013 are submitted to this meeting. 2013-05-99 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-99 QUE la soumission de Excava-Tech inc. soit acceptée pour le remplacement des conduites d'eau potable sur la rue Sherbrooke, entre les avenues Lansdowne et Strathcona (appel d’offres no PW2013-915) au montant total de 308 517,25 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Excava-Tech Inc. be accepted for the replacement of the water main on Sherbrooke, from Lansdowne to Strathcona (Tender PW2013-915) for a total amount of $308,517.25, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 295 100,54 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée au règlement d'emprunt 1442, UBR P13LBL17, compte THAT an expenditure in the amount of $295,100.54 (including tax credit) be made from Loan By-law 1442, UBR P13LBL07, PUBLIC WORKS/ It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Price 16 n° 299455, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-05 délivré le 26 avril 2013; Account No. 299455, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-05-05 issued on April 26, 2013; QUE le maire et la greffière soient autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout autre document nécessaire ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RENOUVELLEMENT DE CONTRAT TRAVAUX PUBLICS RENEWAL OF A CONTRACT - PUBLIC WORKS ATTENDU QU'un contrat a été adjugé au Groupe Esthetix pour la fourniture du matériel et de la main d'œuvre pour le nettoyage de 1 600 puisards dans la ville de Westmount, incluant une option de renouvellement de deux ans, conformément à la résolution no 2011-0469 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire du 4 avril 2011; WHEREAS a contract was awarded to Groupe Esthetix for the supply of materials and labour for cleaning of 1,600 catchbasins in the City of Westmount with a 2 year renewal option, as per resolution 2011-04-69 adopted by Council at its regular meeting held on April 4, 2011; ATTENDU QUE la directrice des travaux publics recommande que le contrat de nettoyage des puisards soit renouvelé pour une année additionnelle. WHEREAS the Director of Public Works recommended that the contract for the catchbasin cleaning be renewed for one additional year. 2013-05-100 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Duncan 2013-05-100 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Duncan QUE le contrat adjugé à Groupe Esthetix pour la fourniture du matériel et de la main d'œuvre pour le nettoyage de 1 600 puisards dans la ville de Westmount soit renouvelé pour une période de 12 mois au montant total de 29 803,73 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the contract awarded to Groupe Esthetix for the supply of materials and labour for cleaning of 1,600 catchbasins in the City of Westmount be renewed for a period of 12 months for a total amount of $29,803,73, all applicable taxes included; 17 QU’une dépense de 28 507,63 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense départementale, UBR 02415000, compte nº 252670; le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier nº CTW-2013-05-03 délivré le 25 avril 2013; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $28,507.63 (including tax credits) be made from Departmental Expense, UBR 02415000, Account No. 252670, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-201305-03 issued on April 25, 2013; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUTORISATION DE TRAVAUX PUBLICS DÉPENSES – AUTHORIZATION OF EXPENDITURES – PUBLIC WORKS ATTENDU QU'un contrat a été adjugé à Construction Giancola inc. pour les réparations des entrées charretières en pierre au montant total de 20 178 $, toutes taxes comprises, conformément à la résolution n° 2012-05-105 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire du 7 mai 2013; WHEREAS a contract was awarded to Construction Giancola Inc. for the repairs to private stone walkways for a total of $20,178, all applicable taxes included, as per resolution no. 2012-05-105 adopted by Council at it regular meeting held on May 7, 2012; ATTENDU QUE le coût total pour l'exécution de toutes les réparations s'élève à 28 158,71 $. WHEREAS the final costs to carry out all the repairs totalled $28,158.71. 2013-05-101 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Duncan 2013-05-101 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Duncan QUE des dépenses additionnelles au montant total de 7 896,37 $, toutes taxes comprises, soient autorisées pour les réparations des entrées privées en pierre; THAT additional expenditures for the repairs to private stone walkways be authorized for a total amount of $7,896.37, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 7 552,97 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée au règlement d'emprunt 1424, UBR P12LBL05, compte n° 299442, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-11 délivré le 29 avril 2013; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $7,552.97 (including tax credits) be made from Loan By-law No. 1424, UBR P12LBL05, Account No. 299442; the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-201305-11 issued on April 29, 2013; 18 QUE les bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUTORISATION DE TRAVAUX PUBLICS DÉPENSES – AUTHORIZATION OF EXPENDITURES – PUBLIC WORKS ATTENDU QUE l’offre de service de Roy Dalebozik Associés inc. a été acceptée pour les services professionnels de préparation des fiches de cadenassage de l'équipement dans les édifices municipaux et que le contrat soit conclu au montant de 24 489,68 $, toutes taxes comprises, conformément à la résolution no 2012-06-144 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire du 4 juin 2012. WHEREAS the offer of services from Roy Dalebozik Associés Inc. was accepted for the professional services to carry out the lock-out programme for the equipment in City buildings for a total amount of $24,489.68, all applicable taxes included, as per resolution no. 2012-06-144 adopted by Council at it regular meeting held on June 4, 2012; ATTENDU QUE le coût total pour l'exécution du travail s'est avéré plus élevé que prévu, totalisant 31 898,50 $. WHEREAS the final cost to carry out the work was higher than estimated and the final project cost totalled $31,898.50. 2013-05-102 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Duncan 2013-05-102 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Duncan QUE les dépenses additionnelles au montant total de 7 408,82 $, toutes taxes comprises soient autorisées pour le travail de cadenassage de l'équipement dans les édifices municipaux; THAT additional expenditures for the lockout program for the equipment in City buildings be authorized for a total amount of $7,408.82, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 7 086,63 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, UBR P1300001, compte n° 299910, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2013-05-10 délivré le 29 avril 2013; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $7,086.63 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, UBR P1300001, Account No. 299910; the whole as indicated on Treasurer’s Certificate No CTW-2013-05-10 issued on April 29, 2013; 19 QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout document nécessaire ou requis, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any documents, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY LISTE DES COMPTES LIST OF ACCOUNTS 2013-05-103 Il est proposé par le conseiller Price, appuyé par le conseiller Drury 2013-05-103 It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Drury QUE soit autorisé et confirmé le paiement des déboursés suivants effectués au cours de la période se terminant le 31 mars 2013 : THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of the following disbursements made during the period ending March 31, 2013: PERIODE SE TERMINANT PERIOD ENDING 8 mars / March 08, 2013 15 mars / March 15, 2013 22 mars / March 22, 2013 31 mars / March 31, 2013 Paiement électronique à HQ Total FACTURES / INVOICES 727 146,45 $ 3 026 554,84 $ 288 364,69 $ 425 479,27 $ 3 327 932,62 $ 7 795 477,87 $ Price, LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES/ PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES 516 576,77 $ 157 191,62 $ 451 491,43 $ 881 508,49 $ 0 2 006 768,31 $ 1 243 723,22 $ 3 183 746,46 $ 739 856,12 $ 1 306 987,76 $ 3 327 932,62 $ 9 802 246,18 $ ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ÉMISSION D'OBLIGATIONS ET MODIFICATION DU RÈGLEMENT D'EMPRUNT 1397 ISSUE OF BONDS AND AMENDMENT TO LOAN BY-LAW 1397 ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l'article 564 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (L.R.Q., chapitre C-19), malgré toute disposition inconciliable, le conseil peut modifier un règlement d'emprunt par résolution qui ne requiert aucune approbation lorsque la modification ne change pas l'objet de l'emprunt et qu'elle n'augmente pas la charge des contribuables; WHEREAS, in accordance with section 564 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C19.1), the council may amend a loan by-law by a resolution requiring no approval if the amendment does not change the object of the loan and (1) does not increase the burden on the ratepayers or (2) increases the burden on the ratepayers by reason only of an increase in the rate of interest or the shortening of the term of repayment; 20 ATTENDU QU'une modification au règlement 1397 intitulé "Règlement autorisant un emprunt de 37 000 000 $ pour le projet de reconstruction de l'aréna-piscine" est requise afin de réduire la période d'amortissement. WHEREAS a modification to By-law 1397 entitled "By-law to provide a loan in the amount of $37,000,000 for the arena-pool reconstruction project" is required in order to reduce amortization period. 2013-05-104 Il est proposé par le conseiller Price, appuyé par le conseiller Drury 2013-05-104 It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Drury QUE le règlement 1397 intitulé "Règlement autorisant un emprunt de 37 000 000 $ pour le projet de reconstruction de l'arénapiscine" soit modifié en remplaçant l’article 3, par ce qui suit: THAT loan by-law 1397 entitled "By-law to provide a loan in the amount of $37,000,000 for the arena-pool reconstruction project" be amended by replacing Section 3 by the following: « Aux fins d’acquitter les dépenses prévues par le présent règlement, le conseil est autorisé à emprunter une somme de 32 016 759 $ sur une période de 40 ans et 4 983 241 $ sur une période de 20 ans. » "In order to provide for the expenses incurred by this by-law, Council is authorized to contract a loan in the amount of $32,016,759 over a period of 40 years and in the amount of $4,983,241 over a period of 20 years". QU'une copie de ladite résolution soit transmise au ministre des Affaires municipales, des régions et de l'occupation du territoire. THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RÉSOLUTION DE CONCORDANCE RESOLUTION OF CONCORDANCE ATTENDU QUE, conformément aux règlements d’emprunt suivants et pour les montants indiqués en regard de chacun d’eux, la Ville souhaite émettre une série d’obligations, soit une obligation par échéance, pour un montant total de 10 852 000 $ : WHEREAS, in accordance with the following loan by-laws and for the amounts indicated against each of them, the City wishes to issue a series of bonds, namely a term bond, for a total amount of $10,852,000: Price, 21 Nº DE RÈGLEMENT D’EMPRUNT LOAN BY-LAW NO. 1343 1344 RCA05 23023 RCA05 23024 RCA05 23033 RCA05 23043 1397 1424 POUR UN MONTANT DE $ AMOUNT ($) 2 219 950 $ 383 249 $ 734 870 $ 210 235 $ 314 395 $ 120 140 $ 4 983 241 $ 1 885 920 $ ATTENDU QUE, pour les fins de cette émission, il est nécessaire de modifier les règlements en vertu desquels ces obligations sont émises. WHEREAS, for the purposes of said issue, it is necessary to amend the by-laws pursuant to which the bonds are issued. 2013-05-105 Il est proposé par le conseiller Price, appuyé par le conseiller Martin 2013-05-105 It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Martin QUE les règlements d’emprunt indiqués précédemment soient modifiés, s’il y a lieu, afin qu’ils soient conformes à ce qui est stipulé ci-dessous, et ce, en ce qui a trait au montant d’obligations spécifié antérieurement en regard des règlements compris dans l’émission de 10 852 000 $; THAT the above-mentioned loan by-laws be amended, if necessary, to conform with what is stipulated below, regarding the amount of bonds previously specified opposite said by-laws included in the $10,852,000 bond issue; QUE les obligations, soit une obligation par échéance, soient datées du 5 juin 2013; THAT the bonds, namely a term bond, be dated June 5, 2013; QUE ces obligations soient immatriculées au nom de Services de dépôt et de compensation CDS inc. (CDS) et soient déposées auprès de CDS; THAT these bonds be registered in the name of CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. (CDS) and be deposited with CDS; QUE CDS agisse à titre d’agent d’inscription en compte, d’agent détenteur de l’obligation, d’agent payeur et responsable des transactions à effectuer entre adhérents et les municipalités, tel que décrit dans le protocole THAT CDS act as the book entry agent,the bond-holding and the disbursing agent and be responsible for the transactions to be carried out for between participants and the municipalities, as described in the Price, 22 d’entente signé entre le ministre des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l'Occupation du territoire et CDS; memorandum of understanding signed by Québec's Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy and CDS; QUE CDS procède au transfert de fonds conformément aux exigences légales de l’obligation, à cet effet, le conseil autorise la trésorière à signer le document requis par le système bancaire canadien intitulé « Autorisation pour le plan de débits préautorisés destinée aux entreprises ». THAT CDS proceed with the transfer of funds in accordance with the legal requirements of the bond, to that effect, Council authorizes the Treasurer to sign the document required by the Canadian banking system entitled "Authorization for Business Pre-Authorized Debit Plan". QUE pour effectuer les paiements aux adhérents par des transferts électroniques de fonds, CDS soit autorisée à faire des prélèvements directs, pour le paiement du principal et des intérêts, dans le compte de l’institution financière suivante : Banque nationale du Canada; THAT in order to make payments to the participants via electronic funds transfers, CDS be authorized to directly withdraw funds for the payment of capital and interest, from the account in the following financial institution: National Bank of Canada; QUE les intérêts soient payables semi annuellement, le 5 juin et le 5 décembre de chaque année; THAT interest be payable semi-annually on June 5 and December 5 of each year; QUE les obligations ne soient pas rachetables par anticipation; toutefois, elles pourront être rachetées avec le consentement des détenteurs conformément à la Loi sur les dettes et les emprunts municipaux (chapitre D-7); THAT the bonds issued be not redeemable before maturity; however, they may be redeemed with holder consent in accordance with An Act respecting Municipal debts and loans (chapter D-7); QUE les obligations soient signées par le maire et la trésorière; la Ville, tel que permis par la loi, a mandaté CDS afin d’agir en tant qu’agent financier authentificateur et les obligations entreront en vigueur uniquement lorsqu’elles auront été authentifiées. THAT the bonds be signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer. The City of Westmount, as permitted by the aforementioned Act, has mandated CDS to act as financial authentication agent, and the bonds shall come into force only when they have been authenticated. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RÉSOLUTION DE COURTE ÉCHÉANCE SHORT TERM MATURITY RESOLUTION 2013-05-106 Il est proposé par le conseiller Price, appuyé par le conseiller Drury 2013-05-106 It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Drury Price, 23 QUE, pour réaliser l’emprunt au montant total de 10 852 000 $, effectué en vertu des règlements d'emprunt nos 1343, 1344, RCA05 023023, RCA05 23024, RCA05 23033, RCA05 23043, 1397 et 1424, la ville émette des obligations pour un terme plus court que le terme prévu dans les règlements d’emprunt, c’est-à-dire pour un terme de : THAT, in order to secure a loan in the total amount of $10,852,000 carried out in accordance with Loan by-laws No. 1343, 1344, RCA05 023023, RCA05 23024, RCA05 23033, RCA05 23043, 1397 and 1424, the City issue bonds for a shorter term than the one provided for in those loan bylaws, that is for a term of: cinq (5) ans (à compter du 5 juin 2013) en ce qui regarde les amortissements annuels de capital prévus pour les années 2019 jusqu'en 2023, au lieu du terme prescrit pour ces amortissements pour les règlements d’emprunt nos 1343, 1344, RCA05 023023, RCA05 23024, RCA05 23033, RCA05 23043, 1397 et 1424, chaque émission subséquente devant être pour le solde ou partie du solde dû sur l’emprunt; 5 years (as of June 5, 2013) with respect to the annual amortization of capital provided for the years 2019 through 2023, instead of the prescribed term provided for these amortization of the aforesaid Loan by-laws No. 1343, 1344, RCA05 23023, RCA05 23024, RCA05 23033, RCA05 23043, 1397 and 1424, each subsequent bond issue being for the balance or part of the balance due on the loan; dix (10) ans (à compter du 5 juin 2013) en ce qui regarde les amortissements annuels de capital prévus pour les années 2024 et suivantes, au lieu du terme prescrit pour ces amortissements pour les règlements os d’emprunt n 1343, 1344, RCA05 023023, RCA05 23024, RCA05 23033, RCA05 23043, 1397 and 1424, chaque émission subséquente devant être pour le solde ou partie du solde dû sur l’emprunt. 10 years (as of June 5, 2013) with respect to the annual amortization of capital provided for the years 2024 and following, instead of the prescribed term provided for these amortization of the aforesaid Loan by-laws No. 1343, 1344, RCA05 23023, RCA05 23024, RCA05 23033, RCA05 23043, 1397 and 1424, each subsequent bond issue being for the balance or part of the balance due on the loan. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CONTRÔLE DE LA CIRCULATION TRAFFIC CONTROL ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du comité administratif de la circulation sont déposées à cette séance. WHEREAS the recommendations of the Administrative Traffic Committee are submitted herewith. 2013-05-107 Il est proposé par le conseiller Ikeman, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2013-05-107 It was moved by Councillor Ikeman, seconded by Councillor Lulham 24 QU’une réglementation de « stationnement réservée aux détenteurs de permis seulement » soit établie sur une base permanente du lundi au vendredi, de 8 h à 18 h, du côté sud de l'avenue Westmount, entre les avenus Claremont et Victoria. THAT the reserved parking zone for permit holders only, Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm, be established on a permanent basis on the south side of Westmount Avenue, from Claremont to Victoria. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CONTRÔLE DE LA CIRCULATION TRAFFIC CONTROL ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du comité administratif de la circulation sont déposées à cette séance. WHEREAS the recommendations of the Administrative Traffic Committee are submitted herewith. 2013-05-108 Il est proposé par le conseiller Ikeman, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2013-05-108 It was moved by Councillor Ikeman, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE la règlementation de « virage à droite interdit » du lundi au vendredi de 7 h 30 à 9 h sauf pour les véhicules autorisés, sur le chemin de la Côte-Saint-Antoine à l'angle de Church Hill, soit modifiée afin de limiter le virage à droite du lundi au vendredi entre 7 h 30 et 9 h 30 pour des raisons de sécurité. THAT the existing "right turn restriction", Monday to Friday between 7:30 am and 9:00 am - except for authorized vehicles on Cote St. Antoine at Church Hill be modified to restrict the right turn Monday to Friday between 7:30 am and 9:30 am for safety reasons. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CONTRÔLE DE LA CIRCULATION TRAFFIC CONTROL ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du comité administratif de la circulation sont déposées à cette séance. WHEREAS the recommendations of the Administrative Traffic Committee are submitted herewith. 2013-05-109 Il est proposé par le conseiller Ikeman, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2013-05-109 It was moved by Councillor Ikeman, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE deux places de stationnement soient désignées temporairement pour les détenteurs de vignette pour handicapés, du côté nord du boulevard de Maisonneuve, à l'ouest de THAT two parking spaces be temporarily designated for handicap permit holders on the north side of de Maisonneuve Boulevard, immediately west of Lansdowne to replace 25 l'avenue Lansdowne, en remplacement de la réglementation actuelle de 2 heures, jusqu'à l'achèvement du Centre des loisirs de Westmount. two existing, 2-hr parking spaces, until the completion of the Westmount Recreation Centre project. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CONTRÔLE DE LA CIRCULATION TRAFFIC CONTROL ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du comité administratif de la circulation sont déposées à cette séance. WHEREAS the recommendations of the Administrative Traffic Committee are submitted herewith. 2013-05-110 Il est proposé par le conseiller Ikeman, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2013-05-110 It was moved by Councillor Ikeman, seconded by Councillor Lulham QU'une réglementation de « stationnement interdit - période d'entretien » soit établie du côté nord de le rue Sherbrooke, entre les avenues Clarke et Lansdowne le vendredi entre 13 h et 14 h. THAT a No-Parking - Maintenance period be established on the north side of Sherbrooke, between Clarke and Lansdowne, Fridays between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROBATION DE PLANS D’IMPLANTATION ET D’INTÉGRATION ARCHITECTURALE SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMS APPROVAL ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préliminaire des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programme, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 3.2.2 de ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer sur ces recommandations du comité. WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee. 26 2013-05-111 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-111 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE, conformément aux recommandations du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme lors de la réunion tenue les 9 et 23 avril 2013, la liste des demandes de permis de construction, révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 concernant les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on April 9 and 23, 2013, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROBATION DE PLANS D’IMPLANTATION ET D’INTÉGRATION ARCHITECTURALE - CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMS APPROVAL - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préliminaire des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programme, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 3.2.2 de ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par résolution sur ces recommandations du comité. WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee. 2013-05-112 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-112 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE, conformément aux recommandations du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme lors de la réunion tenue le 26 mars 2013, la demande de permis concernant les échantillons de matériaux de construction pour le Centre des loisirs de Westmount situé au 4675, rue SteCatherine, révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 concernant les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on March 26, 2013, the application with the building material samples for the Westmount Recreation Centre located at 4675 Ste-Catherine, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 27 CONSTRUCTION AU-DELÀ DE L'ALIGNEMENT DE CONSTRUCTION – 3767 THE BOULEVARD BUILDING BEYOND THE BUILDING LINE - 3767 THE BOULEVARD ATTENDU QUE l'article 5.2.4 du Règlement concernant le zonage (1303) stipule que, malgré les dispositions du présent règlement, en vertu du Règlement sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architectural (PIIA) et sujet à l’approbation du Conseil pour des motifs liés à l’inclinaison excessive ou à la forme d’un lot ou terrain ou en raison de l’emplacement d’un ou de plusieurs bâtiment existants sur des lots ou terrains adjacents, une modification à l’implantation d’un bâtiment peut être autorisée; WHEREAS Section 5.2.4 of Zoning By-law 1303 stipulates that notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, in accordance with the By-law on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes (PIIA) and subject to the approval of Council, a modification to the siting of a building may be permitted by reason of the excessive slope or configuration of the lot or land or by reason of the location of one or more existing buildings on adjacent lots or parcels of lands; ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du comité consultatif d'urbanisme lors de la réunion du 12 mars 2013 sont soumises à l'approbation du conseil. WHEREAS the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on March 12, 2013 are submitted for Council approval. 2013-05-113 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-113 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QU’on accorde la permission au propriétaire de l'immeuble situé aux 3767 The Boulevard, de construire un nouveau garage et des escaliers, en avant de l'alignement de construction de 25 pi requis sur The Boulevard, conformément aux plans et devis joints à la présente. THAT permission be granted to the owner of the property located at 3767 The Boulevard to build a new garage and stairs, in advance of the 25 feet required building line on The Boulevard, the whole as indicated in the Data Sheets and plans attached hereto. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1387 SUR LE BRUIT ADOPTION BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1387 CONCERNING NOISE- ADOPTION Des copies du projet de règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. 28 La greffière signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et que des copies du règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. The City Clerk to report that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference La greffière mentionne que, suite à la séance publique d'information tenue le 26 novembre 2012, il a été convenu de modifier les heures de travaux de construction permises, telles que soumis lors de l'avis de motion du projet de règlement. Par conséquent, les heures de construction permises seront réduites uniquement entre le 25 juin et le 15 septembre, en fin de journée, soit jusqu'à 18 h, du lundi au samedi. The City Clerk mentioned that, following the public information meeting held on November 26, 2012, it was agreed to modify the hours when construction work was permitted differently than the ones presented in the notice of motion version. Therefore, the construction hours will be reduced only between June 25 and September 15 at the end of the day, until 6:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que l'objet de ce règlement vise à réduire les heures de travaux de construction permises. Aucun travail ne pourra être effectué avant 7 h et après 18 h du lundi au vendredi (présentement avant 7 h et après 21 h); et avant 8 h et après 18 h le samedi (présentement avant 8 h et après 20 h). Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this by-law is to reduce the hours when construction work is permitted. No work could be carried out before 7 a.m. and after 6 p.m. (it is currently before 7 a.m. and after 9 p.m.) from Monday to Friday and before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. (it is currently before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.) on Saturday. 2013-05-114 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-114 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE le règlement 1444 intitulé «Règlement visant à modifier le règlement 1387 sur le bruit » soit adopté. That by-law 1444 entitled “By-law to amend By-law 1387 concerning noise" be, and it is hereby, adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 29 DÉCLARATION DECLARATION Le maire signale que le règlement 1444 intitulé «Règlement visant à modifier le règlement 1387 sur le bruit » ayant été dûment adopté, il est ordonné que les avis soient donnés conformément à la loi. The Mayor reported that By-law 1444 entitled “By-law to amend By-law 1387 concerning noise" having been duly adopted, and it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1300 SUR LES PERMIS ET CERTIFICATS - ADOPTION BY-LAW TO AMEND PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES BY-LAW 1300 ADOPTION Des copies du projet de règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. La greffière signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et que des copies du règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. The City Clerk reported that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and available for public reference. La greffière mentionne que, suite à la séance publique d'information tenue le 26 novembre 2012, il a été convenu de modifier les heures de travaux de construction permises, telles que soumises lors de l'avis de motion du projet de règlement. Par conséquent, les heures de construction permises seront réduites uniquement entre le 25 juin et le 15 septembre, en fin de journée, soit jusqu'à 18 h, du lundi au samedi. The City Clerk mentioned that, following the public information meeting held on November 26, 2012, it was agreed to modify the hours when construction work was permitted differently than the ones presented in the notice of motion version. Therefore, the construction hours will be reduced only between June 25 and September 15 at the end of the day, until 6:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que l'objet de ce règlement vise à réduire les heures de travaux de construction permises. Aucun Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this by-law is to reduce the hours when construction work is permitted. No work 30 travail ne pourra être effectué avant 7 h et après 18 h du lundi au vendredi (présentement avant 7 h et après 21 h); et avant 8 h et après 18 h le samedi (présentement avant 8 h et après 20 h). could be carried out before 7 a.m. and after 6 p.m. (it is currently before 7 a.m. and after 9 p.m.) from Monday to Friday and before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. (it is currently before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.) on Saturday. 2013-05-115 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-115 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE le règlement 1445 intitulé « Règlement visant à modifier le règlement 1300 sur les permis et certificats » soit adopté. That by-law 1445 entitled “By-law to further amend By-law Permits and certificates Bylaw 1300" be, and it is hereby, adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DÉCLARATION DECLARATION Le maire signale que le règlement 1445 intitulé « Règlement visant à modifier le règlement 1300 sur les permis et certificats » ayant été dûment adopté, il est ordonné que les avis soient donnés conformément à la loi. The Mayor reported that By-law 1445 entitled “By-law to further amend By-law Permits and certificates By-law 1300" having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. RÈGLEMENT MODIFIANT DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 535 CONCERNANT LES CHIENS ET LES PERMIS S'Y RAPPORTANT - AVIS DE MOTION BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 535 CONCERNING DOGS AND THE LICENSING THEREOF - NOTICE OF MOTION Des copies du projet de règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. AVIS DE MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION La conseillère Lulham donne avis de l’intention de soumettre pour adoption à une séance ultérieure du conseil le «Règlement modifiant le règlement 535 concernant les chiens et les permis s'y rapportant ». Councillor Lulham gave notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law to further amend By-law 535 concerning dogs and the licensing thereof" at a subsequent meeting of this council. 31 OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que ce règlement vise à limiter le nombre de chiens à 3 par personne dans tous les parcs canins de la ville. Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this draft by-law is to limit the number of dogs to 3 per person in any dog runs in the City." RÈGLEMENT VISANT A MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – SUPERFICIE DE PLANCHER HORS SOL – AVIS DE MOTION ET ADOPTION DU PROJET DE RÈGLEMENT BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – ABOVE GROUND FLOOR AREA – NOTICE OF MOTION AND ADOPTION OF THE DRAFT BYLAW Des copies du projet de règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. La conseillère Lulham donne avis de l'intention de soumettre pour adoption à une séance ultérieure du conseil le « Règlement visant a modifier de nouveau le règlement 1303 concernant le zonage – superficie de plancher hors sol ». Councillor Lulham to give notice of her intention to submit for adoption “By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – Above Ground Floor Area” at a subsequent meeting of this Council. OBJET OBJECT Elle explique que l'objet du projet de règlement vise à remplacer la version française de la définition suivante: « superficie de plancher hors sol » afin d'éviter toute interprétation qui porterait à confusion. She explained that the object of this draft bylaw is to replace the French version of the following definition: "Superficie de plancher hors sol (Above Ground Floor Area) to avoid any misinterpretation. 2013-05-116 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-116 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE le projet de règlement 1446, intitulé « Règlement visant a modifier de nouveau le règlement 1303 concernant le zonage – Superficie de plancher hors sol », soit adopté aux fins d'une consultation publique. THAT the draft by-law 1446 entitled “By-Law to further amend Zoning by-law 1303 – Above Ground Floor Area" be adopted for submission to a public consultation meeting; 32 QU’une assemblée publique de consultation se tienne dans la salle du conseil de Westmount le 27 mai 2013, à 17 h, conformément aux dispositions de la Loi sur l'aménagement et l'urbanisme (chapitre A19.1). THAT a public consultation meeting be held in the Council Chamber of Westmount on May, 27, 2013 at 5 p.m., in accordance with the provisions of An Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development (chapter A19.1). ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AFFAIRE NOUVELLE : ANNULATION DE SOLDES RÉSIDUAIRES DE RÈGLEMENTS D’EMPRUNT DONT L’OBJET À ÉTÉ ENTIÈREMENT RÉALISÉ NEW BUSINESS: CANCELLATION OF RESIDUAL BALANCES OF LOAN BYLAWS, THE OBJECTS OF WHICH HAVE BEEN COMPLETED ATTENDU QUE la ville a entièrement réalisé l’objet des règlements d’emprunt dont la liste apparaît à l’annexe de la présente résolution, selon ce qui y était prévu; WHEREAS the City of Westmount has fully achieved the object of various loan by-laws listed in the Schedule hereto, in accordance with their intended objectives; ATTENDU QU’une partie de ces règlements a été financée de façon permanente; WHEREAS part of the aforementioned bylaws had been financed on a permanent basis; ATTENDU QU’il existe pour chacun de ces règlements un solde non contracté du montant de l’emprunt approuvé par le ministre des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire et qui ne peut être utilisé à d’autres fins; WHEREAS there is an unused balance of the amount of the loan for each of the aforementioned by-laws approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy, which balance may not be used for any other purposes; ATTENDU QUE le financement de ces soldes n’est pas requis et qu’ils ne devraient plus apparaître dans les registres du ministère; WHEREAS these balances no longer require financing and should be removed from the records of the Ministère; ATTENDU QU’il y a lieu, à cette fin, de modifier les règlements d’emprunt identifiés à l’annexe de la présente résolution pour ajuster les montants de la dépense et de l’emprunt et, s’il y a lieu, approprier une subvention ou une somme provenant du fond général de la Ville. WHEREAS to this end, and where applicable, the loan by-laws listed in the Schedule hereto will be amended to adjust the amounts of the expenditure and of the loan and, if required, to appropriate funds via a grant or from the City's operational fund. 33 2013-05-117 Il est proposé par le conseiller Price, appuyé par la conseillère Duncan 2013-05-117 It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Duncan QUE la ville modifie les règlements identifiés à l’annexe de la façon suivante : THAT the City amend the by-laws identified in the appendix hereto as follows; 1. par le remplacement des montants de la dépense ou de l’emprunt par les montants indiqués sous les colonnes « nouveau montant de la dépense » et « nouveau montant de l’emprunt » de l’annexe; 1. by replacing the amount of the expenditure or that of the loan by the new amounts indicated in the Schedule hereto, in the column entitled “New Expenditure Amount” or “New Loan Amount”; 2. par l’ajout d’une disposition prévoyant qu’aux fins d’acquitter une partie de la dépense, la ville affecte de son fonds général la somme indiquée sous la colonne « Fonds général » de l’annexe; 2. by adding a provision stipulating that for the purposes of paying part of the expenditure, the City shall allocate the amount shown in the Schedule hereto, in the column entitled “Operating Fund”; 3. par la modification de la disposition relative à l’affectation d’une subvention en vue d’y indiquer le montant apparaissant sous la colonne « subvention » de l’annexe; les protocoles d’entente ci-joints étant réputés faire partie intégrante des règlements correspondants identifiés à l’annexe. 3. by amending the provision relating to the appropriation of a grant, to include therein the amount shown in the Schedule hereto, in the column entitled “Subsidy”. The enclosed agreements are deemed to form an integral part of the corresponding by-laws identified in the Schedule hereto; QUE la Ville informe le ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire que le pouvoir d’emprunt des règlements identifiés à l’annexe ne sera pas utilisé en totalité en raison des modifications apportées à ces règlements par la présente résolution; THAT the City inform the Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire that the borrowing power of the by-laws listed in the Schedule hereto will not be applied in full because of the amendments made to said by-laws through this resolution; QUE la ville demande au ministère d’annuler dans ses registres les soldes résiduaires mentionnés à l’annexe; THAT the City ask the Ministère to remove from its records all residual balances indicated in the Schedule hereto; Price, 34 QU’une copie certifiée conforme de ladite résolution soit transmise au ministre des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire. THAT a certified true copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROBATION D’UN SYSTÈME DE PONDÉRATION ET D'ÉVALUATION DES OFFRES – RESSOURCES HUMAINES APPROVAL OF A SYSTEM OF BID WEIGHTING AND EVALUATING HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDU QUE dans le cas de l'adjudication d'un contrat relatif à la fourniture de services professionnels, le conseil doit utiliser un système de pondération et d'évaluation des offres conformément à l’article 573. de la Loi sur les cités et villes (chapitre C-19). WHEREAS according to section 573. of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19), where a contract for professional services is to be awarded, Council must use a system of bid weighting and evaluating. 2013-05-118 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Duncan 2013-05-118 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Duncan QUE la grille d’évaluation proposée par le Service des ressources humaines soit approuvée dans le cadre d’un contrat de services professionnels pour un consultant en ressources humaines et en recrutement de cadres. THAT the evaluation grid proposed by the Human Resources Department be approved within the framework of a contract for professional services for the Human Resources consulting and the recruitment of Executives. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROBATION DE DÉPENSES ADDITIONNELLES – ÉLIMINATION DES SOLS CONTAMINÉS SUR LE CHANTIER DE CONSTRUCTION DU CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL EXPENSES – DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL ON THE WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE CONSTRUCTION SITE ATTENDU QUE la Ville de Westmount est consciente que les conditions du chantier et/ou des améliorations de la conception originale peuvent nécessiter des ajustements au montant du contrat approuvé en février 2012 que ce soit sous la forme de crédits ou de suppléments ; WHEREAS the City of Westmount is aware that site conditions and/or improvements to the base design may require adjustments to the fixed amount of the project contract as approved in February 2012 be it the form of credits or extras; 35 ATTENDU QUE le conseil a indiqué que toutes les dépenses supplémentaires pour le contrat du projet du CLW avec Pomerleau doivent être confirmées par résolution du conseil. WHEREAS the Council has indicated that all additional expenditures for the WRC project contract with Pomerleau are to be confirmed by resolution of Council. 2013-05-119 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par le conseiller Price 2013-05-119 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Price Il est résolu d’approuver deux changements dans la valeur des travaux comme suit : It is therefore resolved to approve two changes in the scope of the work: D’APPROUVER une dépense additionnelle de 2 508 $, taxes non comprises, pour améliorer l’intérieur de l’ascenseur conçu pour le Centre et TO APPROVE an extra in the amount of $2,508.00 (excluding taxes) to improve the interior of the elevator designed for the Centre; and D’APPROUVER une dépense additionnelle de 700 000 $, taxes non comprises, en paiement d’une portion des coûts supplémentaires relatifs à l’élimination des matières contaminées qui doivent être enlevées du chantier, sous réserve que la Ville prendra tous les moyens à sa disposition pour récupérer tous les montants supplémentaires, par rapport au budget initial de 1 000 000 $, de toute partie qu’elle tiendra responsable desdits coûts supplémentaires. TO APPROVE an extra in the amount of $700,000 (excluding taxes) to cover a portion of the additional costs for the disposal of contaminated material that must be removed from the project site under the condition that the City reserves it right to take all means to recover any additional monies over the initial budget of $1,000,000 from any party that it holds responsible for said added costs. QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à confirmer les paiements de ces deux montants. THAT the Director General be authorized to confirm the payments of these two amounts. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY REMBOURSEMENT DE LA DETTE CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT REPAYMENT OF THE DEBT WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE ATTENDU QUE le règlement d'emprunt 1397 intitulé «Règlement autorisant un emprunt de 37 000 000 $ pour le projet de WHEREAS loan By-law 1397 entitled “Bylaw to provide a loan in the amount of $37,000,000 for the arena-pool - 36 reconstruction de l'aréna-piscine », tel que modifié, autorise l’emprunt d'un montant de 32 016 759 $ sur une période de 40 ans, et d’un montant de 4 983 241 $ sur une période de 20 ans. reconstruction project”, as amended, allows for a loan in the amount of $32,016,759 over a period of 40 years and in the amount of $4,983,241 over a period of 20 years. 2013-05-120 Il est proposé par le conseiller Price, appuyé par le conseiller Martin 2013-05-120 It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Martin QUE le conseil a l’intention de rembourser toutes les dettes relatives au Centre des loisirs de Westmount au cours des 10 ans suivant l’achèvement du projet. THAT the intention of Council is to repay all debts related to the Westmount Recreation Centre within 10 years of the completion of the project. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DEUXIÈME PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS SECOND QUESTION PERIOD La deuxième période de questions se tient de 21 h 40 à 21 h 55. The second question period took place from 9:40 p.m. to 9:55 p.m. LEVÉE DE L'ASSEMBLÉE ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING L'assemblée est ensuite levée à 21 h 55. The meeting thereupon adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza Greffière/ City Clerk Price, ANNEXE/APPENDIX "A" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 6 MAI 2013 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF May 6, 2013 Début de la première période de questions – 20 h 22 Beginning of First Question Period – 8:22 p.m. NOM/NAME SUJET DE L'INTERVENTION/ QUESTION SUBJECT R. Lawford Procédures concernant les mesures alternatives pour régler les problèmes / Plan directeur de la circulation / Traffic Master Plan procedure to choose alternative to solve problems Panneau de signalisation à l’angle de Lansdowne et Sherbrooke pour interdire l’accès aux camions / Traffic sign at the intersection of Lansdowne and Sherbrooke prohibiting trucks. Richard Bond Programme de remplacement pour les résidents en raison du délai d’ouverture de la piscine : suggère d’embaucher des maître nageurs./ Lifeguards should be hired to help out with the Replacement Program offered to the residents given the pool opening delay. Peter Star (WMA) Assemblée annuelle du WMA le 8 mai: présentation du Prix Derek Walker à Doreen Lindsay à titre de citoyenne bénévole de l’année: / General annual meeting on May 8: Presentation of the Derek Walker Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award to Doreen Lindsay of the Westmount Historical Association. Francesca 3 Westmount Square Problèmes pour les marcheurs au Bois Summit à propos des chiens malins en liberté. / Problem for walkers at Summit Woods because of vicious dogs without a leash 38 John Broklin, St. Henry Supports à vélos à proximité de la Place Alexis Nihon / Bicycle racks removed outside of Alexis Nihon Plaza Bertha Dawang 15 Church Hill Problèmes de circulation sur Church Hill (Miss Vicky’s) / Traffic problems on Church Hill (Miss Vicky’s) Gary Moscowitz 300 Lansdowne Demande que la rue Lansdowne soit à sens unique, entre la rue Sherbrooke et la rue Ste-Catherine. / Asking for a one-way street on Lansdowne from Sherbrooke to Ste. Catherine Tim …. 216 Redfern Règlement sur le bruit: plainte à propos de l’heure matinale des travailleurs de la construction (7 h). / Noise by-law: complained about the early start of construction at 7 a.m. Martha Korwin 378 Lansdwone Invitation à signer auprès de l’association en faveur d’un sens unique sur la rue Lansdowne en vue d’améliorer l’accès aux piétons et aux cyclistes. / Invited signatures to join association for one-way street on Lansdowne for better accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists. D. Biro 36 Burton Perte de places de stationnement près de la place Prince Albert / Loss of parking spaces at Prince Albert Square. John Breslaw Remboursement des obligations sur 10 ans. / Item 15 issue of bonds pay off in 10 years Frank Muller Stanton Excréments de chiens non ramassés. /Dog droppings not picked up / Pourquoi permettre de stationer des 2 côtés de l’avenue Argyle. /Why parking on both sides of Argyle? Dorothy Lipovenko Couvre-feu à la place publique du 1250 avenue Greene. /Curfew on the 1250 Greene Public Square. 39 R. Lawford 21 h 17 / 9:17 p.m. Historique des rues à sens unique. / History on oneway street ANNEXE/APPENDIX "B" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 6 MAY 2013 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 6, 2013 Début de la seconde période de questions – 22 h 15 Beginning of Second Question Period – 10:15 p.m. NOM/NAME SUJET DE L'INTERVENTION/ QUESTION SUBJECT M. Kiely 3206 The Boulevard Devrait être obligatoire que les chiens soient en laisse en tout temps au bois Summit. / Asked for mandatory leash for dogs in Summit Wood. Meutes de chiens au Bois Summit. / Dogs pack at Summit Woods. Dorothy Liposvenko Plainte à propos des déchets / Complaint about garbage. Question à propos de l’émission des obligations. / Question about debentures. John Breslaw Pourquoi emprunter si la ville a les moyens de payer. / Questions the borrowing if the City has the ability to pay Règlement pour limiter le % de titres de propriété par un même propriétaire. Draft by-law to limit the % of property’s ownership by the same owner. Dan Lambert 22 h 35 / 10:35 p.m. Ajout de stations Bixi. / Addition of Bixi stations PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE EXTRAORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL À L'HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 21 MAI 2013 À 17 H 04 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : Le maire / The Mayor : Les conseillers / Councillors : MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON MAY 21, 2013 AT 5:04 P.M., AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: P. F. Trent, président / Chairman K. W. Duncan V.M. Drury N. Forbes G. Ikeman C. Lulham P. Martin T. Samiotis Formant quorum / Forming a quorum. Également présents Also in attendance : D.E. Campbell, directeur général / Director General V. Iturriaga Espinoza, greffière / City Clerk L. Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE OPENING OF MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor calls the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (Chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated to the contrary in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in article 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (Chapter C19) by abstaining from voting. ADOPTION DE L’ORDRE DU JOUR ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2013-05-121 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par le conseiller Ikeman 2013-05-121 It was moved by Councillor Forbes, seconded by Councillor Ikeman QUE l’ordre du jour de la séance extraordinaire du conseil du 21 mai 2013 soit adopté. THAT the agenda of the special Council meeting of May 21, 2013 be adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY - 2– 2013/05/21 DEMANDES DE CONSTRUCTION PERMIS DE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préliminaire des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programme, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 3.2.2 de ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par résolution sur ces recommandations du comité. WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee. 2013-05-122 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2013-05-122 It was moved by Councillor Lulham, seconded by Councillor Samiotis QUE, conformément aux recommandations du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme lors de la réunion tenue le 7 mai 2013, la liste des demandes de permis de construction, révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 concernant les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on May 7, 2013, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD Aucune question n’est posée. No question asked. LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING La séance est ensuite levée à 17 h 08. The meeting 5:08 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor thereupon adjourned Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza Greffière / City Clerk at COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 ITEM No. 3 MAYOR’S AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS A) CORRESPONDENCE B) GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL - MINUTES Councillor Lulham Minutes of the meetings of General Committee of Council held on April 2 and 15, 2013 are submitted herewith. C) HIRING OF EMPLOYEES Manpower Report for the month of April 2013 is submitted herewith. Councillor Drury GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 1 PUBLIC MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON APRIL 2, 2013 AT 5:13 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chairman Nicole Forbes Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Victor M. Drury Kathleen W. Duncan Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis Administration Duncan E. Campbell, Director General Lucille Angers, Recording Secretary GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA A) ADOPTION OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA It was agreed that the Agenda of the meeting of the General Committee of Council of April 2, 2013 be adopted with the addition of the following under New Business: Victoria Post Office (Mayor); Schedule of pool opening (Mayor): to be discussed under WRC Report; Flower Show (Clr. Lulham); Tour de l’Ile : complaint about lack of fundraising (Clr. Samiotis). B) CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of General Committee of Council held on March 4, 2013 were adopted with corrections. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 2 C) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF MARCH 4, 2013 FILMING REQUEST – VICTORIA HALL Councillor Ikeman requested a follow-up on the filming request from 20th Century Fox Studios for a film production of “X-Men: Days of Future Past” at Victoria Hall. The Director General reported that the City met the producer to discuss the terms and conditions of the proposal agreed on by General Committee of Council. No answer has yet to be received. He will follow up on the status. CULTURAL HERITAGE ACT Councillor Martin requested a follow-up on the Cultural Heritage Act. The Director General mentioned that, as agreed at the last meeting, he enquired across the province if any by-laws have already been adopted under the provision of Bill 82, and has only received a number of cultural policies, not by-laws, in reply. C) COUNCIL AGENDA It was agreed that the following reports and/or resolutions be submitted and/or adopted by Council at its meeting of April 2nd, 2013: - - - Adoption of Agenda Confirmation of Minutes with corrections. Reports to Council : Clr. Lulham: Public meeting on the South-West sector / future re-construction of a sewer network on Hillside; Clr. Martin: WRC updates Clr. Samiotis: Earth Hour event Clr. Ikeman: SPVM operations at Cabot Square Adoption of the Council’s position on the matters to be submitted at the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting Appointment - Acting Mayor Appointment of the Director of Hydro Westmount: The Director General indicated that Mr. Benoit Hurtubise will be introduced to General Committee of Council at 7:45 p.m. Contract – The Gallery at Victoria Hall GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 3 - - - Tenders – Public Works/Purchasing : Mayor Trent asked for clarification about the awarding of a contract to TGA Montreal. The Director General explained that unless a company is declared unqualified to bid under the Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics, contract must be awarded to the lowest conforming tender. Tenders – Hydro Westmount Approval of purchases – Public Works/Purchasing Professional Services – Public Works : Councillor Lulham asked for explanations about the contract to be awarded to Genivar for the sewer capacity improvements on Glen Road and Hillside area. She requested a specific schedule for the work. The Director General replied that last year’s work involved an engineering study to determine the problem location: The next step has to do with the preparation of plans and specs, as well as a mandatory request for authorization to the Ministère du Développement durable et des Parcs. The schedule of work will be confirmed by the Director of Public Works. Approval of systems of Bid Weighting and Evaluating – Public Works: (see comments on page 6-7) - - List of Accounts Write-Off of Hydro Westmount Bad Debt Accounts: Mayor Trent requested that, in the future, a 5-year history about the unpaid HW accounts be provided to Council; he also asked why the names of the debtors are not made public. The Director General will enquire. Building Permit Applications Building Permit Application – 4302, Montrose : Councillor Lulham commented on the project, specifying that the landscaping aspect of the renovations will be subject to a separate review by the Planning Advisory Committee. By-Law to further amend By-Law 742 to establish Rates and Certain Conditions for the Supply of Electricity – Adoption Lease Agreement – Public Square at 1250 Greene Avenue Building Permit Application – Public Square at 1250 Greene Avenue New Business : Building Permit Application – 591 Argyle GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 4 APPROVAL OF SYSTEMS OF BID WEIGHTING AND EVALUATING – PUBLIC WORKS Bicycle network study Mayor Trent requested that both selection criteria be modified by removing the words ‘de complexité et de budget’ from the Experience of the firm and the Qualification of the project manager. Councillor Samiotis commented on the criteria included in the evaluation grids and proposed to increase the percentage with respect to the firm’s experience. It was agreed: The Director General to advise Public Works accordingly. Councillor Ikeman asked why the City is spending additional funds for the design of bicycle paths after Genivar made recommendations in the Master Traffic Plan. The Director General mentioned the necessity to get a proper detailed bike path design that the Genivar Report does not provide. Councillor Lulham suggested coordinating the work with Montreal. The Director General explained that this is just the evaluation grid while a mandate must be prepared before a call for tenders can be launched. It is in the mandate that such specifics should be made identified. As for the coordination, he reported on CDN NDG’s plans to expand the network on Cote St. Antoine (east-west), with no plans for the north-south connections. Parking study Councillor Lulham asked for clarification about the parking study: is it just for the vicinity of the new MUHC Hospital or the entire City? In her opinion, the Council resolution is not clear enough, taking into account Genivar’s recommendation to adopt a policy that would apply to the whole city. She suggested that the Urban Planning Department be part of the selection committee. The Director General answered that this parking study will be limited to the South-West sector. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/DECISION PRESENTATION ON PRINCE ALBERT SQUARE Presentation by Mrs. Julie St-Arnault, Landscape Architect. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 5 Joanne Poirier, Director of Urban Planning, Marianne Zalzal, Director of Public Works and Julie St-Arnault joined the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Copies were distributed of the « Vision d’aménagement du secteur Sud-Ouest de Westmount et Aménagement de la place Prince-Albert » prepared by Vlan Paysages. BACKGROUND Following B.R.I.C. presentation to General Committee of Council on the revitalization of the south-west sector of the Victoria Village, a mandate was given to Vlan Paysages to prepare a preliminary planning proposal, for the design of a public square at the intersection of Sherbrooke and Prince-Albert and the Victoria Village. Marianne Zalzal introduced Mrs. St-Arnault. Mayor Trent mentioned that the original Prince-Albert Square, designed by JeanLouis Lalonde, was built in the 1980’s. PRINCE ALBERT SQUARE Mrs. St-Arnault mentioned that, following the urban study Vlan Paysages was requested to submit a landscaping proposal for the development of the Prince Albert Square and urban planning redesign of the Victoria Village. She started the Power Point presentation with photos and schematic drawings of the current square on Prince Albert Street. She mentioned the potential to extend the square to the rear parking space behind the Foumagerie store, a section that is not currently used by cars and convert it for pedestrian access. The proposal includes pedestrian pathways with green buffers and plantings alongside the buildings that would create a boundary along the street, benches under trees and a sculptural element into the square. Other elements could include edible planters along the terrace to create a buffer zone between residential and commercial areas, a threshold of row of trees, shrubs, benches and bicycle stands. She mentioned the possibility of introducing pavers with small flower patterns on the concrete surface, built-in LED lighting with the Washington light posts and removable planters. Councillor Ikeman expressed concerns about the access by delivery trucks and the idling issues that have been discussed with the SPVM. Mrs. Zalzal, took note and confirmed that the matter will be discussed with the Administrative Traffic Committee. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 6 Councillor Lulham commented on the proposal for public art and mentioned the great opportunity to explore the implementation of sculptures in both squares (Greene Avenue and Prince Albert). Referring to the sculptures installed on small podia on du Musée Ave, she mentioned the interesting interactions that she had noticed between pedestrians and sculptures. VICTORIA AVENUE Mrs. St-Arnault mentioned that, looking at the narrow streets in the Victoria Village, there is great potential at intersections to create an urban experience. Based on a model used on Grande-Allée, in Québec City, she proposed to differentiate Victoria Avenue from Sherbrooke St. by using different paving for parking, and extending sidewalks with bollards and creating different pathways that will be more enjoyable for pedestrians. Small urban planting beds instead of speed bumps may be installed on Summerville. STE-CATHERINE NEW JERSEY BARRIER J. Poirier reported that the Planning Advisory Committee has been exploring different ideas to get rid of the New Jersey Barrier on the western section of Ste. Catherine Street. Mrs. St-Arnault explained that there is no extra space for median plantings, but it is still under review. All options bring some constraints. The traffic study should help identify what is needed. J. St-Arnault left the meeting at 6:51 p.m. COUNCIL AGENDA (cont’d) Councillor Lulham asked the Director of Public Works to provide additional information about the plans for the sewer improvements on Hillside. Mrs. Zalzal explained that Genivar’s original mandate involved the analysis of the existing sewer network to provide potential solutions and determine the best locations. The City now needs the plans for the re-construction of the network on Hillside, between Abbott and Hillside Lane, as well as a Phase I environmental characterization. The consultant will also need to submit a request for authorization to the ministère du Développement durable et des parcs (MDDEP). Councillor Lulham requested a timeline of the works. M. Zalzal replied that the construction should start at the end of the summer or beginning of the fall. She explained the delay to the fact that, following the hydraulic study, a survey was GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 7 needed to be done to validate the elevations. Since the sewer will be diverted from Hillside east to under the WAG, it is mandatory to ensure the proper elevations before the construction can start. Councillor Price and M. Zalzal left the meeting at 7:00 p.m. GREENE AVENUE – PUBLIC SQUARE Copies were distributed of the following documentation: Memorandum from Duncan E. Campbell, Director General to the General Committee of Council, dated March 27, 2013; Memorandum of agreement between the City of Westmount and Greene & De Maisonneuve Realties Inc./Immeubles Greene & De Maisonneuve Inc. for the development and operation of a public square; Certified True Copy of Resolution No. 2010-11-254 adopted by Council at its meeting of November 1st, 2010 concerning the development of a public square at the south-west corner of Greene Avenue and De Maisonneuve Boulevard; Grand Floor Plan of the property located at 1250 Greene Avenue; Lease Agreement between the City of Westmount and Greene & De Maisonneuve Realties Inc./Immeubles Greene & De Maisonneuve Inc. The Director General reported that over the past weeks, he had met with the architects and lawyers to settle that the terms and conditions of the memorandum of agreement first entered into in 2010 for the construction of the public square at 1250 Greene Avenue were respected. He mentioned that even though the Metro Grocery store wished to open its store as soon as possible, it has expressed concerns that customer traffic might be affected by any on-going construction on the site. There is a general need to get this project underway. The design shown to General Committee of Council was approved by the Planning Advisory Committee and the proposed agreement has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be in compliance with the initial understanding. The Director General reported that the construction of the square will be undertaken as soon as the building permit application has been approved by Council. The total construction cost for the City is $289,300, spread out over 5 years. Concerning the Greene Avenue repairs, the loan by-law has just been approved, so the Administration will proceed for the publication of the public tenders at the beginning of April, with the results to be submitted for approval at the May Council meeting. Completion of the work is expected by early July. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 8 Councillor Lulham insisted that the terms of the proposed Lease be discussed further, more specifically the use of the public space that would limit the local street promotions organized by the Merchants Association up to 6 times a year and provides for ‘no sale of food or beverages, unless approved by the Grocery Tenant. She also objected to the fact that the City shall give the Landlord and the Grocery Tenant at least 15 days prior written notice of any of those events. She insisted that the Lease Agreement be modified according to her comments. Mayor Trent enquired about the possibility of approving the Lease Agreement, subject to modifications. The Director General suggested that Council agree in principle to approve the Lease Agreement at the public meeting and that the articles be reviewed further by the legal representatives, as per Councillor Lulham’s recommendations. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. and resumed at 7:30 p.m. NEW BUSINESS: TOUR DE L’ILE Councillor Samiotis reported on a letter from Murray Levine, founder of the Philanthropic Athletes Foundation complaining that the Tour de l’Île is not associated with charitable fundraising, and therefore should be banned, unless it aligns itself officially with a charity and promotes fundraising. He had requested that the City of Westmount send a letter to the organizers asking that a charity be chosen. Councillor Samiotis explained that the event has always been to promote cycling and not to raise money for charity. She mentioned that any group could be formed to raise funds as part of the Tour. She agreed to answer Mr. Levine’s letter. NOMINATION – DIRECTOR OF HYDRO WESTMOUNT Copies were circulated of the following documentation: Memorandum from Duncan E. Campbell, Director General to the General Committee of Council, dated March 27, 2013; Curriculum Vitae de M. Benoit Hurtubise. The Director General informed General Committee of Council that Mr. Hurtubise will be unable to attend the public meeting to the time where this resolution will be GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 9 reviewed but he proposed that he be presented him at the beginning of the meeting, as part of the Councillors’ Report. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. and resumed at 9:55 p.m. REVISION OF THE DOG BY-LAW Councillor Lulham reported on the complaints from users at Summit Woods who encountered people who come regularly with no less than 8 dogs at a time and let them loose without supervision. Others have noticed that up to 5 dogs per person are brought to Summit Woods, making the place unsafe for regular users and difficult to enforce. At the last SWAC meeting, it was recommended to limit to 3 the number of dogs per user. Councillor Martin mentioned that the redesign of Summit Circle could help relocate the dogs. Councillor Lulham is of the opinion that dog walkers provide a beneficial service to Summit Woods that the administration benefit from. It was agreed to amend the Dog By-law by limiting the number of dogs to 3 per person in any dog runs in the City. Action: A notice of motion to be given at the May Regular Council meeting. SURVEY OF SUMMIT WOODS Councillor Lulham reported on a request from the Office of Research Ethics of the University of Waterloo to post a notice inviting users of the Summit Woods to participate in a study entitled “Summit Woods Research Project”. The goal of the study is to encourage people to share stories and lived experiences in order to reflect upon the impacts on other humans, animals and the environment. Councillor Lulham mentioned the educational tool that could be valuable for the City. Councilor Lulham recommended to accept this invitation and have the document translated in French. Mayor Trent suggested reviewing the Demographic Information, namely by removing the Race/Ethnicity and the Monthly income elements. All agreed. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 10 FLOWER SHOW As a member of the Horticultural Advisory Committee, Councillor Lulham reported on the recent decision to cancel the Spring Flower Show without Council’s knowledge. She mentioned having discussed the matter with the Director General and reported on the explanation offered by Councillor Forbes. She reiterated the importance of discussing such an important event at a General Committee of Council before making any decisions. All agreed. Councillor Forbes provided inputs about the length of preparation required from the staff for the Vin d’honneur that culminated in a postponement of the June event until the fall. Taking into account the Municipal Elections to be held in November, she suggested to hold the event in September. The preferred dates are September 11, 18 or 25, as requested by the WMA. Considering the unexplained low attendance at the Flower Show over the last year, it was suggested to redo the invitation list. It was agreed to establish a new Committee for Vin d’Honneur composed of 5 residents. Mayor Trent proposed a few names: Tom Thompson, as Chair, and Allan Aitken. Councillor Forbes later provided an additional list of potential residents as follows: Niquette Delage, Ann Bicks, David Berger, Stuart Webster, Rhoda Vineberg, Sandra Wilson. As representative of the administration: Julie-Anne Cardella, Director of the Library, Hélène Mitko, Executive Assistant (Community Events). Councillor Forbes will act as the Secretary. REPORT ON SMART METERS Copies were circulated of the following documentation: Memorandum from Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, to the General Committee of Council, dated March 27, 2013; Electronic mail from Mrs. Maureen Kiely to Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, dated March 20, 2013; Letter from Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, to Dr. Maureen Kiely, dated March 26, 2013; Letter from Tom Thompson, Chair of Community Life Committee, to Councillor Samiotis, dated October 11, 2012; Correspondence from John D. Dorey to Thomas Thompson, dated July 29, 2012; GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 11 CRS Report from Congressional Research Service - Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity, dated February 3, 2012; Purchasing Report to Council & documentation - Purchase of various electronic meters for Hydro Westmount, dated January 21, 2013 (Tender No. PUR-2012-012); Electronic mail from Véronique Riopel to Mayor Peter Trent, dated March 11, 2013 – Re: smart meters; Documentation from Smart Grid – Modernization Summit. The Director General reported on the adoption of a Council resolution by the City of Dorval on March 25 to oppose the installation of smart meters. Subsequently, Hydro Québec agreed to hold a meeting in Lachine where people expressed their concerns about these meters. He explained that smart meters allow for an electricity distributor to have real time information from its consumers. However, he made it clear that Hydro Westmount does not use smart meters and smart grids and will continue to use the current system of meters read remotely by a meter reader with hand held devices. He explained that for the time being, there is no economic value for Hydro Westmount to use the smart meter technology unless Hydro Westmount is forced to change the way of measuring the consumption of electricity. Councillor Samiotis reported on the various complaints from Westmount residents, where she perceived a sense of mistrust about the smart meters. She believed that people are entitled to understand the science behind this new technology and that it needs to be addressed. STANDING ITEMS - UPDATES WESTMOUNT ATHLETIC GROUNDS (WAG) No report. MTQ/AMT Meeting scheduled between the Director General and the MTQ on April 4 to discuss the sound barrier. TRAFFIC MASTER PLAN No report. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 2, 2013 PAGE 12 MEETING SCHEDULES Copies were circulated of the meeting schedules for the month of April and May 2013. ABSENCES Council members were asked to advise the Director General; of their absence. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Nicole Forbes Chairman Duncan E. Campbell Substitute City Clerk GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 1 PUBLIC MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON APRIL 15, 2013 AT 5:10 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chairman Nicole Forbes Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Victor M. Drury Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis Absent: Kathleen W. Duncan Administration Duncan E. Campbell, Director General Nancy Gagnon, Assistant City Clerk Lucille Angers, Recording Secretary GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA A) ADOPTION OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA It was agreed that the Agenda of the meeting of the General Committee of Council of February 18, 2013 be adopted with the addition of the following items: Parking in the south-west sector (Clr. Ikeman); Eco-Action Project (Clr. Samiotis); Construction Hours (Director General). GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 2 B) CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the General Committee of Council held on April 2, 2013 were adopted with corrections. C) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF APRIL 2, 2013 WRC CAMPAIGN NAMING OPPORTUNITIES Councillor Ikeman asked for clarification about General Committee’s agreement to post plaques at dog runs to recognize donation to the WRC fundraising campaign. He wanted to know who will be responsible for such decisions and when will they be announced to the public. Councillor Price explained that the campaign aims at focusing on the immediate area of the WRC and that there is no reason to start this practice elsewhere in the City. In the case that it would be requested, Council should then look at this as part of a broader discussion. He mentioned that the Campaign Cabinet has agreed to limit it to the Lansdowne Dog run. Councillor Lulham confirmed that there is no issue to install plaques at any other dog runs. She proposed that the commemorative trees be discussed to review the policy in order to discuss the offering to non-residents, considering the lack of available space. She questioned the choice to display the names of nonWestmounters as an example. Mayor Trent agreed to this proposal that will be placed on a future General Committee agenda. DOG BY-LAW AMENDMENT Councillor Ikeman asked for clarification about the fines that will be imposed under the proposed amendment to reduce the number of dogs brought to dog runs. The Director General explained that the Dog By-law (535) already provides for fines that will be applied accordingly. MISS VICKY’S Councillor Price requested an update about the current negotiations. The Director General explained that, following the last meeting, the understanding was to redefine the expression ‘Parish Hall’ and carry out a survey of all religious establishments to get a feeling on the current types of occupancy. The GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 3 option to enact a by-law change would require the review of all zones where such institution are located and which would need an individual zoning amendment, as no blanket City-wide amendment is permitted under the law. Upon additional advice from the legal counsel, the Director General indicated that this matter will be brought back for discussion at a subsequent meeting of General Committee of Council. CULTURAL HERITAGE BY-LAW The Director General reported that the City of Pointe-Claire recently adopted a by-law to protect special aspect of its Village in accordance with Bill 82. Copies will be made available to all Council members upon receipt. Councillor Lulham asked that the issue of controlling areas and scenarios surrounding the future access of the MUHC on St. Jacques Street be discussed with the South-West Borough. She suggested that the Mayor write to Canadian Pacific, the owner of the bridge over the Glen Road to ask the arch be protected. PUBLIC SQUARE AT 1250 GREENE AVENUE The Director General reported that, further to the Council approval of the lease agreement for the public square at 1250 Greene Avenue, the operating hours need to be discussed by our legal representative and the owner of the land. The architectural aspect of the project will be further discussed by the Planning Advisory Committee. HYDRO SMART METERS The Director General reported that Hydro Westmount is not installing smart meters. He explained that as Hydro Westmount does not use variable billing, there is no benefit to have smart grids. He mentioned that the current Radiofrequency (RF) meters are considered safe and are replacing the old mechanical ones in order to improve data capture. The Director General explained that smart meters relay consumption information back and forth on a real time basis. HQ clients have the opportunity to opt out of smart meters, but must pay $137 for the installation of a RF meter as well as $17 per month to compensate for the reading of the RF meter. The Director General mentioned that RF meters are designed to emit pulses at 30 second intervals. He agreed to investigate the possibility of re-programming the interval time in order to reduce the frequency of emissions GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 4 Councillor Samiotis proposed to have an information sheet prepared by Hydro Westmount for Westmount residents given the debate surrounding the installation of smart meters by Hydro Québec. In her opinion, the City needs to have a clear position that could be posted on the Website and employees should be able to give information based on facts. The Director General informed Council that a draft letter containing the information on Westmount’s RF meters will be submitted for Council’s approval and subsequently inserted with HW bills to be conveyed to all customers. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/DECISION Councillor Price left the meeting at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. and resumed at 8:38 p.m. RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL GRANTS Copies were circulated of a memorandum from Michael Deegan, Director of Sports, Recreation and Community Events, to the Director General, dated April 10, 2013. General Committee of Council was requested to review the recommendations for the 2013 grants to local community organizations for a total amount of $114,750. Councillor Samiotis reported that, as the Councillor representing the district where 4 out of 9 organizations are located, she supports the recommendations. However, she is of the opinion that Open Door deserves more considering the services it provides to marginalized individuals within the community. She is of the opinion that the federal MP could do more. She proposed to increase the 2013 supporting grant to $4,500 and re-evaluated the needs next year. Mayor Trent agreed with the recommendations to increase the 2013 grant to the YMCA from $18,400 to $20,000 given the broad range of services offered, especially during the construction of the new WRC. It was agreed to approve the recommendations for the 2013 grants to local community organizations, with the exception of increasing the supporting grant to be awarded to Open Door from $3,500 to $4,500). GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 5 Action: A resolution to be submitted for approval at the May 6 Regular Council meeting. ACTION PLAN FOR CLIMAT MUNICIPALITIES PROGRAMME Copies were circulated of a memorandum from Marianne Zalzal, Director of Public Works, to the Director General, dated April 11, 2013. The Director General reported that a few years back, Westmount joined forces with the Montreal Urban Agglomeration to obtain funding from the provincial government under the Climat Municipalité Programme. A register of actions to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions has been prepared by Public Works, Urban Planning and Hydro Westmount to continue receiving funds. As of January 14, 2013, our municipal buildings account for 71.3% of GHG emissions while transport vehicles account for 28.4%, meaning that measures must be taken to have buildings better energy-efficient in order to receive the furture amounts, set for Westmount participation in the programme. So far the City received $18,308 out of a total of $73,231 payable in 3 phases. The funds must be used towards GHG reduction initiatives. Councillor Samiotis reiterated that for the City to receive phases II and III of the Programme, Council must decide on the kind of improvements to be done to municipal buildings that are currently difficult to maintain. She suggested to get initiatives from citizens and that a fund dedicated to ‘energy-efficient’ initiatives be created. All agreed to commit to a GHG Reduction Plan in order to receive the second payment of $36,615 for participating in the programme, as outlined in the agreement between Montreal Urban Agglo and Westmount. Action: A resolution to be submitted for approval at a subsequent Council meeting. SOUND BARRIER UPDATE Copies were circulated of a memorandum from Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, to the General Committee of Council, dated April 11, 2013. Councillor Samiotis reported on the meeting that the Director General attended with Mrs. Line Gamache of the MTQ where she mentioned that she would support a GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 6 recommendation to undertake a feasibility study for the installation of sound barriers in the eastern sector of the City. With regards to the current sound barrier, Councillor Lulham proposed to look into the various panels available on the market that require less maintenance than the prototype. The Director General recommended that the City write to Mr. Alain-Marc Dubé of the Turcot project to formally request that a feasibility study be undertaken by consultants hired by the City and the MTQ on the installation of a sound barrier. All agreed with the recommendation of the Director General. PAYMENT IN EXCESS OF $25,000 Copies were circulated of a memorandum from Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, to the General Committee of Council, dated April 11, 2013. General Committee of Council was requested to approve additional expenses for two contracts awarded by Public Works. The Director General explained under the revised delegation by-law, he has authority to approve expenses up to a maximum of $25,000. He was made aware that two contracts awarded by Public Works had exceeded the authorized amounts: a Programme de cadenassage to comply with the directives of the CSST; and Repairs of private decorative stone walkways. In the case of the cadenassage project, the amount of work required to complete the project was higher than initially estimated bringing the total costs to $31,511.31. As for the sidewalk repairs, the total quantity estimates was 150 m2 and final quantity measured was 208.70 m2 bringing the final cost of the work to $28,158.71. Since both expenses exceeded his authority, the Director General indicated that a resolution must be submitted for Council’s approval. Councillor Martin commented on the estimation of the works and advised that a bigger budget should have been provided for these projects. The Director General agreed that the approximation of the costs did not leave enough room for extras and that better estimates should have been done. All agreed with the recommendations of the Director General. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 7 Action: The Director of Public Works to prepare a DMS file to be submitted for approval at the next Regular Council meeting. ASH BORER Copies were circulated of a memorandum from Marianne Zalzal, Director of Public Works, to Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, dated April 11, 2013. The Director General explained that as a result of the presence of the ash borer beetle in the Montreal area, the disposal of branches from private trees between April 1 and September 30, 2013 is now restricted to a certified chipper. A notice will be sent to all gardeners in Westmount to advise them that no branches will be accepted at the Yard during the period of the ban and therefore must refrain from general pruning unless it is carried out by an arbonist with the certified tools. To accommodate the residents and prevent illegal dumping on public green spaces, it was recommended to provide a pick-up collection until June 15 upon request. All agreed with the recommendations of the Director of Public Works. STANDING ITEMS – UPDATE AMT/MTQ The Director General reported that the City will be meeting with representatives from the AMT during the week of April 22 to discuss the work on the Westmount Subdivision Councillor Lulham proposed that the public be invited to attend a meeting with the AMT where the AMT can explain its proposed work schedule. Councillor Samiotis reported that she attended a meeting concerning the Plan de mobilité de l’ouest created by l’Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT) to put forward a plan to better serve the needs of the residents of the West Island in anticipation of road network reconstruction. A meeting for elected officials is scheduled for May 7. TRAFFIC MASTER PLAN The Director General announced that the next meeting of the Administrative Traffic Committee will be held on April 16 to discuss the specifics of the 2 mandates set up for the bicycle path network and the parking issues in the South-West sector of the City. He reported that in the meantime, the Administration still receives a lot of GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 8 requests for traffic mitigation measures, so he suggested to review the role and function of the Traffic Committee. In his opinion, a lot of time is required to analyze and make decisions on such requests. He proposed to take the opportunity to look into ways to manage the Committee in order to better handle the issues. Councillor Lulham asked for clarification as to when the priorities of implementation will be chosen once the Report is tabled. The Director General replied that he has asked Public Works and Hydro to look into the TMP Report in order to submit proposals to Council for discussion purposes. Councillor Lulham asked about solutions for the traffic lights on Ste. Catherine Street where vehicles come to a complete stop for a long period of time while pedestrian lights would suffice. The Director General informed Council that he has asked Hydro Westmount to look into the new technology and that he had also discussed with representatives of the STM the traffic light inventory on Sherbrooke St. in preparation for a future priority bus lane. The TMP will be brought back for discussion at a subsequent meeting of General Committee of Council in June. NEW BUSINESS PARKING ISSUES IN THE SOUTH-WEST SECTOR Councillor Ikeman expressed concerns about the lack of answers provided by Genivar to deal with the parking issues in the South-West sector of the City. He questioned the fact that there is no defined philosophy to minimize the traffic without getting rid of the cars. Councillor Ikeman asked how the parking may be optimize while protecting the residents and merchants in that sector. He asked for clarification about the Council’s position on this issue. The Director General indicated the need to be precise in the mandate that will be awarded for that purpose. Once the Administration knows about the possible influx of traffic with the opening of the new MUHC, it will have to act, not only on parking issues, but also on the driving increase in traffic between the hospital and our commercial area. It will be important to control the parking spaces for both commercial users and residents in the South-West sector. It might be worth looking into innovative parking management solutions with systems that include different rate structures according to the hour of the day. It is important to get the message out before the opening of the new hospital and find ways to deal with the traffic influx Councillor Lulham also questioned the best solutions to come up with a balance between the merchants who asked for additional parkings and the residents who GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 9 wish to protect their spaces. She suspected that the merchants might oppose the ‘blue permits’ that allow parking for residents only in specific sections. In her opinion, the Victoria/Sherbrooke area needs a successful combined system to balance the need of these diametrically opposed groups: the residents who wish to protect their parking spaces and merchants who need parking for their customers. The Director General will submit the matter for further discussion at a subsequent meeting of General Committee of Council. ECOACTION Councillor Samiotis gave an update on the WMA EcoAction Community Funding Program that was originally funded by Environment Canada non-profit organizations for projects that have measurable positive impacts on the environment. The Government of Canada has announced that the activities have ended and that the program has been scaled down since the funds have run out. However, EcoAction still supports projects that address Climate Change; Clean Water; Nature; and Clean Air. Councillor Samiotis would like to encourage a public awareness program to encourage resident to switch from oil heating system to electricity. That would require some data from Hydro Westmount and the authorization to use the Library or Victoria Hall to organize public information session. The WMA has requested permission to use the HW mailing addresses to help promote a better use of the energy. Councillor Martin reported having discussed with Hydro Westmount the possibility of establishing a program targeting the oil users. He proposed to have a subsidized program to encourage residents to switch to electricity. A simple calculation of the savings may be an economic benefit for Hydro Westmount. The Director General explained that the timing might be unfortunate considering the recent appointment of the new Hydro Westmount Director. He suggested to get an idea of what the study is following on ahead of any meeting with Hydro. CONSTRUCTION HOURS Copies were circulated of the extracts of the minutes of the meeting of General Committee of Council held on January 21, 2013 concerning the revision to construction hours. The Director General reviewed the history of the proposed changes that were presented at the public information meeting held on November 26, 2012. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 15, 2013 PAGE 10 Comments from contractors were made and it was recommended that the restrictions to the construction hours be modified only at the end of the day (6:00 p.m.) with no modification to the starting hours during the summer months, between June 25 to September 15. The notice of motion having been given in November 2012, Council may proceed with the adoption of the amending by-law, as long as the changes are highlighted at the public meeting. All agreed. Action: Amendments to the Permits and Certificates By-law 1300 and the Noise By-law 1387 to be submitted for adoption at the May 6 regular Council meeting. Councillor Lulham commented on the CDN-NDG Borough plans has received a proposal for a grocery store at the corner of Claremont and De Maisonneuve Boulevard. She expressed concerns about the impact on the bicycle path in Westmount. The Assistant City Clerk informed General Committee of Council that the contiguous zone approval only applies among City of Montreal boroughs. NEW BUSINESS ABSENCES Council members were requested to submit their absence sheet to the Assistant City Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Nicole Forbes Chairman Nancy Gagnon Assistant City Clerk Ville de Westmount Rapport mensuel de la main d'œuvre Avril 2013 A - Embauche - non permanent Nom Révisé le: 04-mai-13 Fonction Date d'embauche Statut Catégorie Moniteur tennis Moniteur tennis bibliotechnicienne Instructeur Moniteur tennis Moniteur tennis Moniteur tennis Moniteur tennis jardinière Moniteur tennis agent de stationnement Moniteur tennis Moniteur tennis aide bibliothécaire 27 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 22 avril 2013 17 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 22 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 15 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 11 avril 2013 étudiant étudiant auxilliare temporaire étudiant étudiant étudiant étudiant auxilliare étudiant auxilliare étudiant étudiant auxilliare col blanc col blanc col blanc aucun col blanc col blanc col blanc col blanc col bleu col blanc col blanc col blanc col blanc col blanc Nom Fonction Date d'embauche Statut Catégorie Roy, Christiane Souleles, Tom Adjointe au soutien administratif Inspecteur de plomberie 15 avril 2013 2 avril 2013 permanent permanent col blanc col blanc Fonction Date de la promotion Catégorie Commentaires Fonction Date Catégorie Commentaires Chauffeur de véhicules motorises C Chauffeur de véhicules motorises C 27 avril 2013 27 avril 2013 col bleu col bleu pour la saison estivale pour la saison estivale Allen, Richard Baumans-Boisvert, Jade Caron, Sylvie Delfino, Veronica Jay-Riendeau, Gregory Landry, Benjamin Levy, Kelsey Mees, Stephanie Morel, Louise Mowat, Jennifer Sobkowiak, Eli Stock-Rabbat, Louis Smale, Zoe Sundberg, Jacquelyn B - Embauche - permanent C - Promotion Nom D - Changement de position Nom Emond, Martine Walker, Justin COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE MONTREAL AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL MOVER ITEM No. 4 Councillor Lulham Councillor Lulham THAT the Mayor be authorized to make any decisions he deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Westmount and its citizens regarding the items on the agenda of the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting to be held on June 20, 2013. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 FILING OF FINANCIAL REPORT AND THE AUDITOR' S REPORT ITEM No. 5 Councillor Price In accordance with section 105.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C- 19), Councillor Price confirmed that the Treasurer has tabled the Financial Report and the Auditor's Report for the fiscal year 2012, and that said documents will be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Regions. [NO RESOLUTION] 5/23/2013 Ville de WESTMOUNT City of WESTMOUNT BUDGET ADOPTÉ 2012 REVENUS TAXE FONCIÈRE GÉNÉRALE Résidentielle (1 à 5 logements) Immeubles de 6 logements ou plus Immeubles non résidentiels Provision pour contestations d'évaluation Taxe foncière générale Autres revenus - taxes sur terrains vacants Taxe foncière générale totale PAIEMENTS TENANT LIEU DE TAXES Gouvernement du Canada Gouvernement du Québec Autres (programmes en compensation - bonification) Compensation provenant de la taxe de vente du Québec Compensation pour services municipaux AUTRES SERVICES Activités récréatives Bibliothèque Stationnement Recouvrables et autres revenus $ SUBVENTION DU QUÉBEC À LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE SERVICES RENDUS ET TRANSFERTS Traitement des matières secondaires Recouvrables - Service Incendies MTL DISTRIBUTION D'ÉLECTRICITÉ Revenu brut Coût d'opération Contribution nette Immobilisations imputées au Pay-as-You-Go (PAYG) REVENU TOTAL $ 49,320,400 6,382,400 21,367,600 (250,000) 49,426,677 6,353,538 20,982,037 (71,602) 76,820,400 76,690,650 383,600 77,204,000 474,280 77,164,930 (1) 145,300 2,265,000 1,100,000 806,400 70,000 180,135 2,382,233 1,106,525 854,136 129,940 4,386,700 4,652,969 293,000 83,000 3,000,000 92,000 3,468,000 AUTRES REVENUS DE SOURCES LOCALES Droits sur les mutations immobilières Amendes Intérêts sur les dépôts à court terme Intérêts et pénalités sur les arrérages de taxes Licences et permis RÉSULTATS NOTES FINAUX 2012 3,000,000 2,225,000 15,000 125,000 400,000 551,417 (2) 119,318 3,118,411 601,566 (1) REVENUES GENERAL PROPERTY TAX Residential (1 to 5 units) Apartments (6 or more units) Non-Residential Properties Provision for Contestation-Valuation General Property Tax Other - Taxes On Vacant Lots Total - General Property Tax COMPENSATION IN LIEU OF TAXES Government of Canada Government of Québec Other (Compensation programmes - Allowance) Compensation - Quebec Sales Tax Compensation - Municipal Services Tax OTHER SERVICES Recreational Activities Library Parking Recoverable and Other Revenues 4,390,712 4,904,795 (3) 2,777,678 418,057 (4) 327,937 1,027,430 (1) 5,765,000 9,455,897 66,800 55,500 280,000 200,000 370,209 206,220 480,000 576,429 OTHER REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES Duty on Transfer of Immoveable Court Fines Interest on Short-Term Deposits Interest/Penalties on Tax Arrears Licenses and Permits QUÉBEC LIBRARY GRANT OTHER REVENUES AND TRANSFER PAYMENTS Recycling and Refuse Recoverable from MTL Fire Department (1,337,500) (1,162,676) UTILITY OPERATION Gross Revenue Operating cost Net Contribution Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) Capital Expenses 90,778,100 96,672,526 TOTAL REVENUE 29,112,000 (28,366,900) 745,100 27,499,823 (5) (25,961,058) (5) 1,538,765 Le budget 2012 a été redressé pour être conforme à la présentation adoptée en 2013. The 2012 budget has been adjusted in order to be comparable with the 2013 one. Notes explicatives - Explanatory Notes (1) Impact de projets de construction majeurs. Impact of important construction projects. (2) Plus d'activités récréatives offertes que budgétées en ajustement au calendrier modifié du CLW *. More recreational activities offered than budgeted due to the change in the timetable for the WRC *. (3) Marché immobilier plus fort qu'anticipé. Stronger real estate market than expected. (4) Liquidités plus élevées que prévues attribuables au calendrier modifié du CLW. Cash position higher than expected due to the change in the timetable for the WRC. (5) Hiver doux et contribution nette affectée favorablement par la tarification appliquée par Hydro-Québec. Warm winter and net contribution favorably impacted by Hydro-Québec rates. * CLW/WRC : Centre des loisirs de Westmount/Westmount Recreation Centre 5/23/2013 Ville de WESTMOUNT City of WESTMOUNT BUDGET ADOPTÉ 2012 DÉPENSES ADMINISTRATION GÉNÉRALE Législation - conseil Gestion financière et administrative Greffe et département juridique Élection Ressources humaines Édifices administratifs $ $ 432,300 2,965,000 894,100 17,000 720,900 256,500 5,285,800 SÉCURITÉ PUBLIQUE Édifice de la police Sécurité publique 24,400 3,187,400 3,211,800 VOIRIE Administration Voirie municipale Enlèvement de la neige Éclairage des rues Circulation Stationnement HYGIÈNE DU MILIEU Entretien des réseaux d'égouts locaux et d'aqueduc Enlèvement des ordures et matières secondaires ZONAGE ET MISE EN VALEUR DU TERRITOIRE LOISIRS ET CULTURE Administration Événements communautaires Aréna Piscine Programmes de récréation Parcs, terrains de jeux et serres RÉSULTATS NOTES FINAUX 2012 1,420,500 2,520,900 3,327,700 505,200 633,200 166,800 403,669 2,849,585 1,041,959 (1) 2,134 804,524 250,095 EXPENDITURE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Legislation - Council Finance and General Administration City Clerk and Legal Department Election Human Resources Administration Buildings 5,351,966 21,346 3,021,317 (2) PUBLIC SECURITY Police Building Public Security 3,042,663 1,376,713 2,900,681 2,550,056 (3) 365,049 604,737 157,096 ROAD TRANSPORT Administration Streets and Sidewalks Snow Removal and Disposal Street Lighting Traffic Control Parking Lots 8,574,300 7,954,332 2,042,500 1,475,800 2,152,441 1,528,178 3,518,300 3,680,619 1,143,400 1,071,080 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 819,000 847,400 736,600 795,392 857,656 649,394 SPORTS AND RECREATION Administration Community Events Arena 218,200 273,600 2,784,800 185,635 390,669 (4) 3,029,410 (5) SANITATION SERVICES Local Water & Sewer System Maintenance Refuse Collection and Recycling Swimming Pool Recreation Programs Parks, Playgrounds and Greenhouse 5,679,600 5,908,156 BIBLIOTHÈQUE 2,467,700 2,524,584 AUTRES 1,090,800 982,578 OTHER 30,971,700 30,515,978 CONTROLLABLE MUNICIPAL EXPENSES DÉPENSES MUNICIPALES CONTRÔLABLES AUTRES DÉPENSES Service de la dette et autres frais de financement Fonds de pensions et avantages sociaux futurs Réserve et éventualités Recouvrables Immobilisations imputées au Pay-as-You-Go (PAYG) 4,593,200 2,327,100 516,000 237,900 2,662,500 3,981,235 (6) 2,268,061 2,649,727 (7) 80,296 3,767,448 (8) LIBRARY OTHER EXPENDITURES Debt Service and Other Financing Costs Pension and Future Benefits Provision and Contingencies Recoverables Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) Capital Expenses 10,336,700 12,746,767 859,200 853,360 MONTRÉAL METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY QUOTE-PART AGGLOMÉRATION 49,857,600 49,807,947 SHARE - AGGLOMERATION Affectation de l'excédent accumulé (1,247,100) TOTAL DES DÉPENSES 90,778,100 COMMUNAUTÉ MÉTROPOLITAINE DE MONTRÉAL (845,929) Appropriation from Accumulated Surplus 93,078,123 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Surplus de l'exercice - 31 décembre 2012 - 3,594,403 Operating Surplus - December 31, 2012 Affectations Infrastructures Provision pour décontamination (i.e. CLW et STM) Système financier Ressources humaines Système de facturation de Hydro Westmount Élections municipales - 1,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 40,000 Appropriations Infrastructure Decontamination Provision (e.g. WRC and STM) Financial System Human Resources Hydro Westmount Billing System Municipal Elections - 2,790,000 - 804,403 SURPLUS NON AFFECTÉS UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS Notes explicatives - Explanatory Notes (1) Augmentation des frais juridiques et des primes d'assurance. Increase in Iegal fees and insurance premiums. (2) Postes temporairement vacants et moins de graffiti. Temporary vacant positions and less graffiti. (3) Moins de chutes de neige. Less snowfalls. (4) Plus d'activités récréatives offertes que budgétées en ajustement au calendrier modifié du CLW *. More recreational activities offered than budgeted due to the change in the timetable for the WRC *. (5) Relève des travaux publics. Plus de travaux d'entretien pour les patinoires naturelles, les arbres, les parcs et terrains de jeux. Public Works responsibilities. More work on maintenance for natural ice, city trees, parks and playgrounds. (6) Émission de dette effectuée début 2013. Debt issued early 2013. (7) Provision pour décontamination des sols (i.e. CLW et STM). Soil decontamination provision (e.g. WRC and STM). (8) Plus de PAYG que budgetés, principalement à cause du projet CLW avec ses deux grandes patinoires et l'ajout d'une patinoire extérieure réfrigérée. PAYG totaux de 4 930 124 $ sur un budget de 4 millions $, soit 1 162 676 $ pour la distribution d'électricité et 3 767 448 $ pour la ville, sur des budgets respectifs de 1 337 500 $ pour Hydro Westmount et 2 662 500 $ pour la ville. More PAYG than budgeted, mainly due to WRC project, with its two large ice rinks and addition of an outdoor refrigerated ice rink. Total PAYG of $4,930,124 on a $4 million budget, that is $1,162,676 for the electrical distribution operations and $3,767,448 for the city, on budgets of $1,337,500 for Hydro Westmount and $2,662,500 for the city. * CLW/WRC : Centre des loisirs de Westmount/Westmount Recreation Centre COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO THE ACCUMULATED SURPLUS MOVER ITEM No. 6 Councillor Price Councillor Price THAT, following the review of the 2012 financial results, an amount of $2,790,000 be transferred from the 2012 Operating Surplus to the Appropriated Accumulated Surplus as per the attached list. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent Proposed Appropriated Surplus for Year‐End 2012 Proposition des affectations fin d'année 2012 $ Surplus de l'exercice ‐ 31 décembre 2012 3,594,403 Operating Surplus ‐ December 31, 2012 Affectations Infrastructures Provision pour décontamination (i.e. CLW et STM) Système financier Ressources humaines Système de facturation de Hydro Westmount Élections municipales Total des affectations 1,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 40,000 2,790,000 Appropriations Infrastructure Decontamination Provision (e.g. WRC and STM) Financial System Human Resources Hydro Westmount Billing System Municipal Elections Total Appropriations 804,403 2012 Unappropriated Surplus Surplus non affectés de l'année 2012 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL / WAG AGREEMENT ITEM No. 7 Councillor Lulham WHEREAS according to section 29 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19), a municipality may acquire, construct and equip immovables in its territory which may be leased or disposed of by gratuitous or onerous title, in all or in part, for the benefit of a school board, a general and or a vocational college; WHEREAS Selwyn House School proposed to fund the necessary repairs to the Westmount Athletic Grounds to accommodate its football programme and other schools in a concept of partnership. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT any agreement be entered into between the City and Selwyn House School for the refurbishing, maintenance and use of the Westmount Athletic Grounds (the WAG), the whole according to the terms and conditions of the agreement; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign the agreement and any and all other documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 CENTRE LOCAL DE DÉVELOPPEMENT (CLD) LES 3 MONTS — APPROVAL OF THE ENTENTE DE GESTION WITH VILLE DE MONTRÉAL ITEM No. 8 Councillor Forbes WHEREAS in order to receive its financial grant from the provincial government, through the Montreal Agglomeration, the Centre local de développement (CLD) Les 3 monts must approve l'Entente de gestion 2012-2013 et 2014-2015 entered into with Ville de Montréal; WHEREAS said agreement was approved by the CLD les 3 Monts on March 27, 2013. MOVER Councillor Fortes THAT the entente de gestion entered into between Ville de Montréal and the Centre local de développement les 3 Monts (CLD les 3 Monts) covering the period between April 1st, 2012 and March 31, 2015 be approved. THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the CLD les 3 Monts. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS/PURCHASING ITEM No. 9 Councillor Martin WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 23, 2013 for the opening of tenders for the PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2014 CAB AND CHASSIS TRUCK, MODEL MACK GU713, FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2013-006) chaired by Duncan E. Campbell, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the City Clerk and by the Unit ChiefPurchasing Division on May 24, 2013 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Camions Lourds de Montréal be accepted for the purchase of one (1) new 2014 Mack Truck, model GU713, 10 wheel, 6X4 (Tender PUR2013-006), for a total amount of $ 128,247.01, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $122,669.84 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, UBR P13-000-04, Account No. 299910, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-06-02 issued on May 27, 2013; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent REFERENCE: TENDER NO: PUR-2013-006 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2014 MACK TRUCK, GU713, 10 WHEEL TRUCK, 6X4. Friday, May 24th, 2013 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, As a result of a notice calling for public tenders for the purchase of one (1) new 2014 Mack truck, GU713, 10 wheel truck, 6X4, as per City specification, tenders were opened publicly by the City Clerk, Viviana Espinoza in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m. on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013. The tenders were opened in the presence of Mr. Duncan Campbell, chairman, John Camia, Unit Chief Purchasing Division, Robert Talarico, Fleet Superintendent and others which resulted as follows: FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2014 MACK TRUCK, GU713, 10 WHEEL TRUCK, 6X4. No: Tendered Tendered Price 1 Camions Lourds De Montréal $128,247.01 Above total amounts (tender price) includes 5% G.S.T. and 9.975% P.S.T. Please note we received only one bid for the purchase of the Mack Truck The tender call was published in the SEAO electronic tender system where access is available to any company who is interested in bidding. Even if there is other distributors of Mack truck line in Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime, none as shown an interest. I recommend, based on the lowest conforming tender, that the tender from Camions Lourds de Montréal be accepted for the purchase of one (1) new 2014 Mack truck, GU713, 10 wheel truck, 6X4 for a total amount of $128,247.01 all applicable taxes included and that a purchase order be issued. John Camia Unit Chief- Purchasing Division /2013/rapport au Conseil/ PUR-2013-006 CAMION PORTEUR (MAI) COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 APPROVAL OF PURCHASES - PUBLIC WORKS/PURCHASING MOVER ITEM No. 10 Councillor Martin Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of JKL Equipment Inc. be accepted for the purchase of one (1)new SCMIDT/NIDO Startos II salt box equipment for a total amount of $68,394.76, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Unit chief – Purchasing's report dated May 22, 2013; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $65,420.43 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, UBR P13-000-07, Account No. 299910, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-06-03 issued on May 27, 2013; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City of Westmount. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE MOVER Mayor Trent Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of Ile Perrot Nissan be accepted for the purchase of one (1) 2012 Nissan NV 2500 S used vehicle for a total amount of $30,468.38, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Unit chief – Purchasing’s report dated May 22, 2013; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $29,143.38 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, UBR P13-000-06, Account No. 299910, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-06-04 issued on May 27, 2013; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City of Westmount. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent N° de dossier: 100-2013-05-124 Westmount Date of Council : 2013-06-03 20:00:00 Department : Travaux publics / Public Works Subject Summary: Purchase of one (1) new SCMIDT/NIDO Startos II salt box equipment. Subject: This new salt box will be installed by Public Works on the new salt truck. This equipment has a capacity of 4.0 cubic meters and is replacing a 1998 salt box of 3.5 cubic meter capacity. It will be used for spreading the salt for the winter maintenance of public roads. Tenders were called for the purchase of a new SCMIDT/NIDO Startos II salt box or equivalent equipment. Two (2) companies submitted bids ranging in price between $68 394.76 to $79 876.58 (taxes included). The lowest tender that was received from Equipements JKL Inc. is conforming to the specifications and tender documents. The report on the opening of tender by the purchasing departement is attached. I recommended that the quotation of Equipment JKL Inc. for the purchase of one (1) new SCMIDT/NIDO Startos II salt box equipment, in the amount of $59 486.64 plus $2 974.33 (GST) and $5 933.79 (PST) for a total amount of $68 394.76 be accepted and that authorization be obtained by Council to issue a purchase order. Factual Context: Recommendation : WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE nd May 22 , 2013 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT JKL EQUIPEMENT $68,394.76 For the purchase of one (1) new 2013 SCMIDT/NIDO STRATOS II, salt spreader model B40K-30VCLN. As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes CUBEX LTD. (Equivalent Epoke model S3800) $79,876.58 AMACO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPEMENT No Reply SAUNDERS EQUIPEMENT LTD No Reply DAHMER FORKLIFT LTD No Reply John Camia Unit Chief – Purchasing /2013/rapport au conseil/ Q-2013-024 EPANDEUR ABRASIF (MAI) WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE May 22nd, 2013 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT ILE PERROT NISSAN $30,468.38 For the purchase of one (1) pre-owned minivan 2012 Nissan NV 2500S. As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes ST-LEONARD NISSAN No Reply AUTOMOBILIE DECASTRIS No Reply Please note that this purchase is for a pre-owned vehicle and his only available from Ile Perrot Nissan. John Camia Unit Chief – Purchasing /2013/rapport au conseil/ Q-2013-025 NISSAN VN 2500 (MAI) COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 APPROVAL OF PURCHASES - PUBLIC SECURITY ITEM No. 11 Councillor Ikeman MOVER Councillor Ikeman THAT the quotation of Solutions Graffiti (9181-5084 Quebec Inc.) be accepted for the supply of material and labor for the removal of graffiti in the City of Westmount for a total amount of $41,391, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Unit chief – Purchasing’s report dated May 23, 2013; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $39,591 (including tax credits) be made from Departmental Expense, UBR 02231000, Account No. 252610, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-06-01 issued on May 24, 2013; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City of Westmount. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE May 23nd, 2013 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT SOLUTIONS GRAFFITI $41,391.00 To provide material and labor for the removal of graffiti as required in the City of Westmount. As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes ECO-GRAFFITI No Reply RICCI LAVE MOBILE LTEE No Reply Please note that during the year 2012 Solutions Graffiti had the contract at the same price of $18.00 per square meter. We are satisfied of their service to the City of Westmount. Eco-Graffiti do not have the man power to provide the service at the moment. Ricci Lave Mobile Ltee has no interest in the municipal market at the moment. John Camia Unit Chief – Purchasing /2013/rapport au conseil/ Q-2013-026 GRAFFITI REMOVAL (MAI) COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 ITEM No. 12 LIST OF ACCOUNTS Councillor Price List of particulars of invoices in excess of $5,000. and resolution submitted herewith. MOVER Councillor Price THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of the following disbursements made during the period ending April 30, 2013: LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES/ PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES PERIODE SE TERMINANT PERIOD ENDING FACTURES / INVOICES April 05, 2013 $ 190,536.01 $ 634,511.28 $ 825,047.29 April 12, 2013 $1,336,240.78 $ 162,042.82 $1,498,283.60 April 19, 2013 $ 199,261.36 $ 455,826.11 $ 655,087.47 April 30, 2013 $2,408,433.94 $ 837,857.16 $3,246,291.10 Paiement électronique à HQ $2,246,103.70 0 $2,246,103.70 Total $6,380,575.79 $2,090,237.37 $8,470,813.16 SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent PARTICULARS OF INVOICES IN EXCESS OF $ 5,000.00 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED April 30, 2013 243158 Transmontaigne Marketing Canada Inc. $ 15 929,60 Purchase of biodiesel 243166 Sifto Canada Corp. $ 66 868,73 243168 Societe Canadienne des Postes $ 5 707,82 243173 Ultramar Canada Ltd. $ 10 725,76 243182 Normandin Beaudry $ 243199 Transvrac Montreal Laval Inc. $ 20 898,25 243202 Pomerleau $ 576 890,41 243208 Bell Canada $ 5 000,52 243212 Systemes Datamark Inc. $ 21 027,42 Purchase of tickets / Public Security 243216 Enlevement de Dechets Bergeron Inc. $ 93 663,95 Garbage collects and transport for March 2013/ PW-2009-843 and PW-2009-844 243221 Genivar Inc. $ 21 840,88 Westmount Recreation Centre 243222 Gaz Metro $ 18 450,77 Purchase of natural gas / various locations 243223 General Pension Fund $ 243227 Hydro-Quebec $ 6 507,20 243230 KPMG $ 20 695,50 Professional fees / Pension Plans 243232 Nadeau, Nadeau, Blondin Architectes $ 24 500,00 Preparation stonework documents / Victoria Hall 243240 MDL Energie Inc. $ 18 091,32 Professional fees / various reports / Hydro Westmount 243249 Police & Firemen's Pension Fund $ 12 270,00 Actuarial deficit / March 2013 243225 RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust $ 9 241,01 243256 Sifto Canada Corp. $ 16 343,38 Purchase of salt 243258 SSQ Societe d'assurance-vie $ 79 422,41 Premium group insurance / April 2013 243260 TGA Inc. $ 50 610,25 Holdback release / Partial 243269 Normandin Beaudry $ 243279 Canbec Inc. $ 13 763,79 Snow removal -- parking lots/ March 2013 / PW-2012-904 243280 Monti Inc. $ 77 039,00 Snow removal / PW-2009-857 and PW-2009-858 243281 Sciage de Beton 2000 $ 39 244,80 Snow removal lanes / PW2012-903 / Final payment 243282 Victoria Excavation Co. Ltd. $ 29 550,47 Rental of snow loaders / PW-2009-858 243295 La Cie Electronique Britton Ltee $ 5 873,79 243332 Lumen $ 47 811,64 243352 Groupe Prestige Associes Inc. $ 7 656,19 Janitorial Services / February 2013 / PW-2012-899 Groupe Prestige Associes Inc. $ 7 519,94 Janitorial Services / February 2013 / PW-2012-900 Groupe Prestige Associes Inc. $ 8 515,05 Janitorial Services / February 2013 / PW-2012-901 243363 Westmount Y M C A $ 5 130,00 Rental for January to April 2013 / Swim times for City of Westmount residents 243370 Hydro Quebec $ 6 507,20 Purchase of transformers with radio / Hydro Westmount 243388 Ministere des Finances $ Purchase of salt Mailing of progress report #3 Purchase of regular unleaded gas 7 746,45 Professional fees Truck rental for snow removal contracts Westmount Recreation Centre Megalink lines / March 2013 126 180,00 Pension fund / Actuarial deficit / March 2013 Purchase of bi-energy controls / Hydro Westmount Professional fees / February 2013 7 760,81 Professional fees Temporary electrical chamber / Hydro Westmount Purchase of electrical cable 12 818,00 Westmount Recreation Center 243406 Syndicat des cols bleus $ 26 431,55 Employer / Employee premium group insurance and dues / March 2013 243407 Fiera Capital Corporation $ 16 448,53 243411 Ultramar Canada Ltd. $ 9 730,78 243421 General Pension Fund $ 207 335,91 Pension fund / Employee Contributions March 2013 243422 Minister of Revenue Quebec Professional fees / March 2013 Purchase of biodiesel $ 112 677,31 243431 CNM3 Inc. (Imprimerie) $ 5 015,60 243439 Canbec Inc. $ 6 380,78 Aqueduct repairs planned and emergencies / PW-2011-892 Canbec Inc. $ 20 807,22 Aqueduct repairs planned and emergencies / PW-2011-892 Canbec Inc. $ 48 390,46 Aqueduct repairs planned and emergencies / PW-2011-892 243442 Gftec (Les distributeurs) Inc. $ 37 941,75 Purchase of meters 243447 Jesstec Industries $ 10 254,89 Purchase of GE Transformers accessories 243449 Insituform Technologies Limited $ 37 270,08 Holdback release / Partial 243455 Marina Inc. $ 19 276,42 Rental of snow blower PW-2009-857 Marina Inc. $ 27 055,63 Rental of snow blower PW-2009-858 243476 STI Tassimco $ 22 523,60 Purchase of Cabinet G42 and accessories 243477 TGA Inc. $ 15 386,67 243507 Pomerleau $ 1 694 555,01 243508 Eric Sauve $ PPA Hydro Quebec 12 524,10 $ 2 246 103,70 GST & QST remittance / March 2013 Hydro Westmount special envelopes Holdback release / Partial PW-2012-902 Westmount Recreation Centre Westmount Recreation Centre Purchase of electricity / April 2013 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241205 Date ---------2012/12/03 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------049610 SOCIETE DE L'ASSURANCE AUTOMOBILE DU QUEBEC PAGE: 1 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------3,954.00 00241206 2012/12/04 039202 DOMINIC AGOSTINO-PETTY CASH 00241207 2012/12/05 047050 POMERLEAU INC. 965,952.53 00241208 2012/12/05 047050 POMERLEAU INC. 2,959,950.56 00241209 2012/12/05 000454 GUARD-X INC PROTECTION INCENDIE 00241210 2012/12/05 000693 ALGON 2000 ISOLATION 9,427.95 00241211 2012/12/05 000863 ALL-LOADS TRANSPORTATION INC. 2,619.75 00241212 2012/12/05 001875 APPETITE FOR BOOKS 00241213 2012/12/05 001971 ARBO-DESIGN INC. 00241214 2012/12/05 002109 ATELIER DE TAPIS SR INC. 00241215 2012/12/05 002713 ASSOCIATION DES INGENIEURS 287.44 00241216 2012/12/05 003850 LIVRES BABAR INC. 220.81 1,476.97 959.38 640.73 4,024.12 14,744.32 00241217 2012/12/05 004220 BANQUE NATIONALE 80.01 00241218 2012/12/05 004881 BANQUE NATIONAL 23.00 00241219 2012/12/05 005081 BELL CANADA 95.02 00241220 2012/12/05 005085 BELL CANADA 5,502.68 00241221 2012/12/05 005088 BELL MOBILITY 3,843.83 00241222 2012/12/05 005091 BELL MOBILITE (ST-LAURENT) DIVISION RADIO 2,373.08 00241223 2012/12/05 005228 BETONEL 00241224 2012/12/05 007900 BUFFET SORENTO 00241225 2012/12/05 008570 CB TRANSPORT (4120451 CANADA INC) 00241226 2012/12/05 011825 SCFP #429 8,823.25 00241227 2012/12/05 011826 SCFP #301 12,186.44 00241228 2012/12/05 011885 EBSCO CANADA LTEE 5,248.61 00241229 2012/12/05 012160 CAROLE SCHEFFER ARCHITECTE 6,375.36 00241230 2012/12/05 013071 CHAUSSURES BELMONT INC. 259.42 00241231 2012/12/05 013670 GENIER BROS. TRUCKING LTD. 745.80 306.69 10,172.99 2,150.06 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241232 Date ---------2012/12/05 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------014302 CMG COMMUNICATIONS INC. PAGE: 2 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------3,330.26 00241233 2012/12/05 015130 COMAQ 00241234 2012/12/05 015138 GENIVAR INC. (LAVAL) 8,304.07 40.00 00241235 2012/12/05 018202 DASSYLOI INC 5,875.22 00241236 2012/12/05 018250 SYSTEMES DATAMARK INC 933.60 00241237 2012/12/05 019125 ALAIN DESLONGCHAMPS 316.99 00241238 2012/12/05 019175 DIESEL-BEC INC. 58.24 00241239 2012/12/05 021500 ELECTROMEGA LTD 258.69 00241240 2012/12/05 021732 ENTREPRISES DE REFRIGERATIONS LS 00241241 2012/12/05 021736 ENTRETIEN PREVENTIF RONDEAU ENR 00241242 2012/12/05 021888 ENVIROMET INTERNATIONAL INC. 00241243 2012/12/05 021893 EQUIPEMENT SMS 00241244 2012/12/05 021924 EQUIPEMENT DE SECURITE UNIVERSEL 00241245 2012/12/05 022641 LA FOUMAGERIE 00241246 2012/12/05 022900 FIERA CAPITAL CORPORATION 16,945.40 00241247 2012/12/05 023409 FONDS DE SECOURS MALADIE-ACCIDENT S.F.M.M. 19,513.64 00241248 2012/12/05 023445 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 00241249 2012/12/05 024180 GENIVAR INC. 00241250 2012/12/05 024300 LOCATION D`OUTIL GAMMA 00241251 2012/12/05 025248 GENERAL PENSION FUND COMMISSION OF THE 00241252 2012/12/05 025500 GS Gerald Showers 383.45 00241253 2012/12/05 025650 GAUVIN EQUIPEMENT INC. 238.98 00241254 2012/12/05 025910 MICHEL GOHIER LTEE 270.77 00241255 2012/12/05 025975 MARC GONIN 00241256 2012/12/05 026043 GOUVERNEMENT DU QUEBEC/CARRA 2,286.57 551.88 1,103.76 229.47 1,659.09 139.81 2,255.54 18,860.67 1,199.44 311,628.56 193.00 4,995.44 00241257 2012/12/05 026752 GROUPE AST (1993) INC. 977.29 00241258 2012/12/05 026761 GROUPE SPORT INTER-PLUS 367.93 00241259 2012/12/05 028401 HORTICOMPETENCES 172.46 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241260 Date ---------2012/12/05 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------028676 INDUSTRIES HARNOIS INC. (LES) PAGE: 3 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------16,096.50 00241261 2012/12/05 029751 JESSTEC INDUSTRIES 00241262 2012/12/05 029777 INFORMATIQUE ST-HUBERT INC. 00241263 2012/12/05 029814 INSPEC-SOL INC. 00241264 2012/12/05 029910 INDUSTRIE DE METALLISATION H&A LTEE 00241265 2012/12/05 030998 CAJOLI 3,072.13 00241266 2012/12/05 031280 DISTRIBUTIONS LIMOTRIQUE INC. 3,551.58 00241267 2012/12/05 032350 KETCHUM MANUFACTURING INC. A/S MICHELLE LALONDE 00241268 2012/12/05 032393 K.M.I. ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 00241269 2012/12/05 032735 L&B SERRES INC. 00241270 2012/12/05 034220 LAVALTRAC EQUIPEMENT INC 00241271 2012/12/05 035251 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 00241272 2012/12/05 035299 LANAUCO 1,724.62 00241273 2012/12/05 035315 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 1,752.71 00241274 2012/12/05 035319 LIBRAIRIE CLIO 319.56 00241275 2012/12/05 035320 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY SUCCURSALE: RENAUD-BRAY 553.61 00241276 2012/12/05 035888 B.R. SABLAGE AU JET INC. 00241277 2012/12/05 035920 LUBRI-EXPERT 00241278 2012/12/05 036614 MALOPAN COMMUNICATIONS INC 802.52 00241279 2012/12/05 040200 OTAGO TRAITEUR - 6299474 CANADA INC 147.75 00241280 2012/12/05 040690 MONTREAL HYDRAULIQUE 162.31 00241281 2012/12/05 044213 NEDCO,DIV DE REXEL CDA ELECT.INC 00241282 2012/12/05 045000 P.E. BOISVERT AUTO LTEE 783.20 00241283 2012/12/05 045570 PGS - DETECTION DE FUITES 344.93 00241284 2012/12/05 046149 PAYSAGISTE NRC 00241285 2012/12/05 046190 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 21,377.65 00241286 2012/12/05 046250 PELLETIER HORLOGER 1,708.53 00241287 2012/12/05 046300 PESTROY INC. 3,707.60 579.19 1,513.08 68.99 619.63 385.13 23,995.28 175.42 928.21 13,567.05 3,110.27 1,339.69 5,035.91 804.83 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241288 Date ---------2012/12/05 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------046350 LES PAVAGES D'AMOUR INC. PAGE: 4 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------92,972.99 00241289 2012/12/05 046580 SERVICE D'ARBRES PIERRE VIAU ENR. 00241290 2012/12/05 046859 INFOR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC 00241291 2012/12/05 046899 CARQUEST MONTREAL-OUEST #6811 237.38 00241292 2012/12/05 047177 PLANT-PROD QUEBEC 496.24 00241293 2012/12/05 048845 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 374.39 00241294 2012/12/05 050745 RESEAU DES INGENIEURS DU QUEBEC 528.89 00241295 2012/12/05 050752 RENO-DEPOT INC. 164.79 00241296 2012/12/05 052915 LABORATOIRES D'ANALYSES S.M. INC. LABORATOIRES S.M. INC. 868.44 00241297 2012/12/05 053245 SANEXEN SERVICE ENVIROMENNTAUX INC 4,587.50 00241298 2012/12/05 054492 SERVICE D'ARBRES HOMETREE INC. 2,040.81 00241299 2012/12/05 054515 GROUPE PRESTIGE ASSOCIES INC. 00241300 2012/12/05 054829 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. 00241301 2012/12/05 056050 TRANSFORMATEURS PIONEER LTEE 00241302 2012/12/05 056156 SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES POSTES 00241303 2012/12/05 056222 SOLUTIONS GRAFFITI 9181-5084 QUEBEC INC. 00241304 2012/12/05 056389 SOQUIJ 00241305 2012/12/05 057151 SPPMM 00241306 2012/12/05 057444 NAPA/CMAX LASALLE DIV. UAP INC. 292.16 00241307 2012/12/05 057670 GEORGETTE SAVOIE 339.00 00241308 2012/12/05 058102 SYNESIS.VERSALYS 574.88 00241309 2012/12/05 058402 YVES GAGNON, FOGA,CMA 517.39 00241310 2012/12/05 058577 TENAQUIP LTEE 00241311 2012/12/05 058594 TGA INC 3,058.34 00241312 2012/12/05 060450 ULTRAMAR CANADA LETEE 8,898.56 00241313 2012/12/05 064686 XEROX CANADA LTEE 1,925.68 00241314 2012/12/05 090514 SHRED-IT INTERNATIONAL INC. 00241315 2012/12/05 090931 PETER MATVIJ 28,950.70 4,300.07 82,921.68 2,379.99 328,118.53 143.51 2,752.50 25.01 1,189.77 263.02 169.95 1,260.00 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241316 Date ---------2012/12/05 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------099111 CENTRE DE TRI MELIMAX INC. PAGE: 5 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------12,869.84 00241317 2012/12/05 523233 GRAY FOURNISSEURS ELECTRIQUES 00241318 2012/12/05 700560 ROBERT BEARD 342.98 00241319 2012/12/05 878788 KELVIN INFRAROUGE 714.00 00241320 2012/12/05 990242 GERALD GAUTHIER 500.00 00241321 2012/12/05 990243 GERALD MCKENNA 500.00 00241322 2012/12/05 991864 MICROAGE 612.53 00241323 2012/12/05 992149 DANIEL LAMOUREUX 500.00 00241324 2012/12/05 993013 EDU REFERENCE PUBLISHERS DIRECT INC 932.17 2,373.36 00241325 2012/12/05 993353 PHOTO FX 14.95 00241326 2012/12/05 994101 FONDS D`INFORMATION SUR LE TERRITOIRE 54.00 00241327 2012/12/05 994128 CAROLYNE FOREST 214.32 00241328 2012/12/05 994169 VILLE DE MONTREAL 227.65 00241329 2012/12/05 994240 GARDA LTD - SOCIETE EN COMMANDITE TRANSPORT DE VALEURS 00241330 2012/12/05 994774 ROSSANA FIALDINI 00241331 2012/12/05 995080 KAREN-ANN COUTLER 214.32 00241332 2012/12/05 995527 JOCELYNE ANDREWS 120.00 00241333 2012/12/05 995979 JULIE-ANNE CARDELLA 660.02 00241334 2012/12/05 996084 NORMAN RACICOT 149.00 00241335 2012/12/05 996673 JUSTIN MC MANUS 510.00 00241336 2012/12/05 996753 MEAGHAN GIRARD 133.56 00241337 2012/12/05 997174 CRISTIAN SIPOS 251.48 00241338 2012/12/05 997198 PHILIP LENETSKY 00241339 2012/12/05 997254 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY 00241340 2012/12/05 997404 SVETLANA DORZHIYEVA 00241341 2012/12/05 997405 CHANTAL DAMAS 00241342 2012/12/05 997406 MURIEL BLACK 00241343 2012/12/05 997407 EDEN BLACK-ROTCHIN 80.48 15.02 720.00 4,350.00 134.00 83.00 63,273.58 40.00 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241344 Date ---------2012/12/05 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------997408 ELENA KRYLOVA PAGE: 6 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------200.00 00241345 2012/12/05 997409 MANON BOILEAU 00241346 2012/12/05 997410 KB GROUPE CONSTRUCTION 00241347 2012/12/05 997411 IAN 00241348 2012/12/05 997412 JENNIFER BRAMAH 00241349 2012/12/05 997413 CHANEL RAFELE 112.49 00241350 2012/12/05 997414 SOPHIA HARMAN - HEATH 120.00 00241351 2012/12/05 997415 CONNOR-ANN 00241352 2012/12/05 997416 ESTATE RICHARD RAYMOND 00241353 2012/12/05 997417 BARBARA GANNON CLARKE 00241354 2012/12/05 997418 LOUISE LAFOND 00241355 2012/12/06 004881 BANQUE NATIONAL 00241356 2012/12/06 035880 LOVELL LITHO & PUBLICATIONS INC 00241357 2012/12/06 057147 SSQ SOCIETE D'ASSURANCE-VIE 00241358 2012/12/06 062400 WENDY WAYLING 229.32 00241359 2012/12/06 090482 LEONARDO CAUZO 316.20 00241360 2012/12/06 090589 DONNA LACH 169.01 00241361 2012/12/06 990251 NOAH MACKELL 192.84 00241362 2012/12/06 990861 KATHERINE KASIRER 00241363 2012/12/06 991727 PIERRE CHARTIER RUCKENSTEIN DOKE 66.07 1,379.70 45.00 171.44 90.00 1,519.06 15,660.82 43.00 4,457.06 314.92 77,232.63 75.50 246.40 00241364 2012/12/06 992228 DYLAN SPEVACK 75.00 00241365 2012/12/06 992427 LISA WARD-LEDUC 63.00 00241366 2012/12/06 993522 CHRISTOPHER ROGERS 00241367 2012/12/06 993996 NICOLE ZAGO 150.00 00241368 2012/12/06 994051 ROBERT GALBRAITH 600.00 00241369 2012/12/06 994574 ANNETTE DUPRE 902.54 00241370 2012/12/06 996941 DEBBIE JARDINE 500.00 00241371 2012/12/06 997357 RACHAEL AMPOFO 307.50 00241372 2012/12/06 997419 ALISSA SKLAR 400.00 221.00 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00000144 Date ---------2012/12/11 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------063390 VILLE DE WESTMOUNT PAGE: 7 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------4,000,000.00 00241373 2012/12/11 996938 LES SERVICES DISTINCTION 00241374 2012/12/11 996937 MAISON DEMERS TRAITEUR 2,838.45 00241375 2012/12/11 992756 ANNIE-CLAUDE CERAT 1,026.44 00241376 2012/12/11 992742 GAIL CAVANAGH 00241377 2012/12/11 039202 DOMINIC AGOSTINO-PETTY CASH 1,387.07 00241378 2012/12/12 000016 3M CANADA - LONDON 2,345.49 00241379 2012/12/12 000454 GUARD-X INC PROTECTION INCENDIE 00241380 2012/12/12 001400 TYCO ELECTRONICS CANADA LTD 2,707.66 00241381 2012/12/12 001505 AMIANTE PROCONSULT 1,149.75 00241382 2012/12/12 001971 ARBO-DESIGN INC. 3,909.15 00241383 2012/12/12 002010 ARCHITECTE JOHN SURRIDGE ARCHITECT 2,883.00 00241384 2012/12/12 002080 ARCHITEM 00241385 2012/12/12 003120 ATWATER LIBRARY 00241386 2012/12/12 003850 LIVRES BABAR INC. 00241387 2012/12/12 004242 VITRO PLUS FAMILLE BARBEAU (VITRES D'AUTO BARBEAU) 316.18 00241388 2012/12/12 005082 BELL CANADA 142.28 00241389 2012/12/12 005091 BELL MOBILITE (ST-LAURENT) DIVISION RADIO 00241390 2012/12/12 005225 BFI CANADA INC. 2,069.55 00241391 2012/12/12 007171 BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE CANADA INC. 2,795.82 00241392 2012/12/12 007281 BRO-DART 2,156.15 00241393 2012/12/12 007875 RMT 9,186.50 00241394 2012/12/12 008315 ESRI CANADA INC. 1,034.78 00241395 2012/12/12 008570 CB TRANSPORT (4120451 CANADA INC) 3,322.82 00241396 2012/12/12 008646 CNM3 INC. ( IMPRIMERIE ) MIROMEDIA 3,929.14 00241397 2012/12/12 010101 AMARO EAU DE SOURCE NATURELLE 00241398 2012/12/12 011826 SYNDICAT DES COLS BLEUS REGROUPES DE MONTREAL 551.88 840.00 806.25 3,469.38 20,000.00 1,856.58 4,411.27 160.73 24,675.18 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241399 Date ---------2012/12/12 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------012160 CAROLE SCHEFFER ARCHITECTE PAGE: 8 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------2,540.95 00241400 2012/12/12 012327 CARR MCLEAN 208.80 00241401 2012/12/12 012701 CASAVANT MERCIER, AVOCATS 701.12 00241402 2012/12/12 012765 LE GROUPE J.S.V. INC. LE GROUPE J.S.V. INC. 2,202.52 00241403 2012/12/12 013070 VALORISATION RECYC 00241404 2012/12/12 015169 TRANSELEC - COMMON INC. 948.54 00241405 2012/12/12 015192 C.F.C. 2000 INC 3,368.77 00241406 2012/12/12 015643 COUVRE PLANCHERS LABROSSE INC. 3,660.80 00241407 2012/12/12 016810 CRITES & RIDDELL 1,350.96 00241408 2012/12/12 017650 4246543 CANADA INC. 00241409 2012/12/12 020380 DUNCAN E. CAMPBELL 00241410 2012/12/12 021230 KAFEXPRESS 00241411 2012/12/12 021670 CANBEC INC. (LES ENTREPRISES) 8,250.10 00241412 2012/12/12 021732 ENTREPRISES DE REFRIGERATIONS LS 7,243.31 00241413 2012/12/12 021893 EQUIPEMENT SMS 4,779.07 00241414 2012/12/12 021924 EQUIPEMENT DE SECURITE UNIVERSEL 1,250.93 00241415 2012/12/12 021938 INDUSTRIES EVIN LTEE (LES) 00241416 2012/12/12 022180 F.G. ELECTRIQUE INC. 5,863.72 00241417 2012/12/12 022658 GICLEURS ALERTE INC. 172.46 00241418 2012/12/12 023445 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 1,241.73 00241419 2012/12/12 023448 OCLC INC. 1,754.45 00241420 2012/12/12 025010 GEEP ECOSYS INC. 00241421 2012/12/12 025130 FOURNIER GERSOVITZ MOSS ET ASSOCIES ARCHITECTES 00241422 2012/12/12 025248 GENERAL PENSION FUND COMMISSION OF THE 00241423 2012/12/12 025500 GS Gerald Showers 00241424 2012/12/12 025910 MICHEL GOHIER LTEE 00241425 2012/12/12 026509 GRENIER & RICHARDS INC 3,537.48 757.78 1,024.42 125.00 236.84 603.63 2,446.10 126,180.00 402.41 172.46 1,661.39 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241426 Date ---------2012/12/12 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------026610 GROUPE LETTRA.CA PAGE: 9 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------810.57 00241427 2012/12/12 028430 NICHOLAS HOARE LTD 00241428 2012/12/12 028666 GCR CENTRES DE PNEUS/TIRES CENTERS 00241429 2012/12/12 028670 HONEYWELL LIMITED 00241430 2012/12/12 028787 HOME DEPOT THE REMITTANCES 412.26 00241431 2012/12/12 029748 LES INDUSTRIES GARANTIES LTEE 260.82 00241432 2012/12/12 030305 INSPECTIONS D.G.ENRG. 00241433 2012/12/12 030669 IPSOS 00241434 2012/12/12 031280 DISTRIBUTIONS LIMOTRIQUE INC. 00241435 2012/12/12 032322 ATAKI INC (LES ENTREPRISES) 1,241.74 00241436 2012/12/12 033399 INTER-TECH 2,186.82 00241437 2012/12/12 034220 LAVALTRAC EQUIPEMENT INC 807.20 00241438 2012/12/12 034360 LE GROUPE GUY INC. 443.11 00241439 2012/12/12 034500 LECTRO 258.69 00241440 2012/12/12 034715 RNR SYSTEMS 183.97 1,018.72 555.96 10,761.57 400.00 5,346.34 12,354.29 00241441 2012/12/12 035251 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 997.14 00241442 2012/12/12 035315 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 1,175.98 00241443 2012/12/12 035319 LIBRAIRIE CLIO 847.24 00241444 2012/12/12 035320 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY SUCCURSALE: RENAUD-BRAY 488.95 00241445 2012/12/12 035790 LOCATION DICKIE MOORE 00241446 2012/12/12 035917 LUC NADEAU ING. FOR. EXPER-CONSEIL 00241447 2012/12/12 036368 LYSAIR LYSAIR 5,958.49 00241448 2012/12/12 036602 MP REPRODUCTIONS INC. 2,559.82 00241449 2012/12/12 036614 MALOPAN COMMUNICATIONS INC 258.69 00241450 2012/12/12 037854 LES EQUIPEMENTS MARSHALL LTEE MARSHALL 570.74 00241451 2012/12/12 037866 LES EQUIPEMENTS TWIN (1980) LTEE 00241452 2012/12/12 038226 MCNABB & CONNOLLY 1,997.11 562.23 3,232.62 437.06 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241453 Date ---------2012/12/12 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------039310 ANDREW MERRY PAGE: 10 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------1,152.00 00241454 2012/12/12 040200 OTAGO TRAITEUR - 6299474 CANADA INC 00241455 2012/12/12 042490 MORGAN SCHAFFER 00241456 2012/12/12 042931 MULTI RECYCLAGE S.D. INC 9,014.05 00241457 2012/12/12 044213 NEDCO,DIV DE REXEL CDA ELECT.INC 2,397.32 00241458 2012/12/12 044274 NELCO INC. 845.07 00241459 2012/12/12 044298 R. NICHOLLS DISTRIBUTORS INC 208.94 00241460 2012/12/12 044302 NEOPOST # COMPTE 187203 2,115.77 00241461 2012/12/12 044468 PRO-MIX BETON INC 5,070.40 00241462 2012/12/12 044586 NRJ ENVIRONNEMENT ROUTIER 00241463 2012/12/12 045000 P.E. BOISVERT AUTO LTEE 1,103.76 00241464 2012/12/12 045666 PEINTRES DANCO INC. (LES) 9,772.88 00241465 2012/12/12 046190 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 2,721.11 00241466 2012/12/12 046796 PROCONTACT INFORMATIQUE 00241467 2012/12/12 046859 INFOR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC 00241468 2012/12/12 046889 PIECES D`AUTO ST-HENRI 167250 CANADA INC. 00241469 2012/12/12 046900 PIXEL WEB 405.86 503.59 661.35 929.00 3,377.79 822.54 1,476.28 00241470 2012/12/12 047391 JOANNE POIRIER 410.29 00241471 2012/12/12 047403 LES PORTES DE GARAGE OLYMPIQUE INC 763.44 00241472 2012/12/12 047779 PRISMA CONCEPT LES SOLUTIONS DE RANGEMENT PRISMA 00241473 2012/12/12 048855 Q-BEC SERVICE CAFE 00241474 2012/12/12 050010 BEACONSFIELD GOLF CLUB INC. 00241475 2012/12/12 050111 REMBOURRAGE MONTREAL WEST 1,153.42 00241476 2012/12/12 050737 RELIURE PARE INC 1,473.29 00241477 2012/12/12 050752 RENO-DEPOT INC. 4,419.63 00241478 2012/12/12 052415 RBC DEXIA INVESTOR SERVICES TRUST REVENUE SUPPORT SERVICES - BILLING 4,869.10 00241479 2012/12/12 052936 LES SABLES DE JOLIETTE INC 5,282.21 7,832.10 140.00 574.88 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241480 Date ---------2012/12/12 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------053038 SAFETY-KLEEN CANADA INC. C/O MELLON BANKM N.A. CANADA BRCH 00241481 2012/12/12 054515 GROUPE PRESTIGE ASSOCIES INC. 27,640.56 00241482 2012/12/12 054593 SIFTO CANADA CORP. 11,269.95 00241483 2012/12/12 054829 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. 2,132.78 00241484 2012/12/12 056000 GOODALL RUBBER 1,549.29 00241485 2012/12/12 057444 NAPA/CMAX LASALLE DIV. UAP INC. 4,631.89 00241486 2012/12/12 057722 STRONGCO, EQUIPEMENT STRONGCO 00241487 2012/12/12 058563 TECHNIPARC 00241488 2012/12/12 058577 TENAQUIP LTEE 00241489 2012/12/12 059500 WINTERGREEN LEARNING MATERIALS . PAGE: 11 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------279.34 546.48 1,552.16 493.93 1,000.91 00241490 2012/12/12 060664 UNIFORMES W. GRADINGER LTEE 931.17 00241491 2012/12/12 061200 W. VACHON & FILS INC. 100.20 00241492 2012/12/12 061643 VINCO INC. 366.24 00241493 2012/12/12 064203 WILSON & LAFLEUR LIMITEE 132.30 00241494 2012/12/12 064525 WORLD BOOK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS 00241495 2012/12/12 064686 XEROX CANADA LTEE 457.93 00241496 2012/12/12 083848 GOODYEAR CANADA INC. 516.28 00241497 2012/12/12 090442 J.B. PAYSAGISTE ENR. ORGANO-NATURA ECO-TECH 321.93 00241498 2012/12/12 090584 HELEN JAY 1,122.59 00241499 2012/12/12 090755 JONATHAN GOLDBLOOM & ASSOCIATES INC 2,112.67 1,354.50 00241500 2012/12/12 090945 LOCATION SAUVAGEAU 00241501 2012/12/12 090965 MAI JAY 947.39 00241502 2012/12/12 098999 EXPROLINK 00241503 2012/12/12 099502 ENTREPRISES DESJARDINS & FONTAINE 00241504 2012/12/12 700555 RYAN PHILIP KEEBLER 00241505 2012/12/12 888777 MICHELIN AMERIQUE DU NORD CANADA MICHELIN AMERIQUE DU NORD CANADA 3,582.51 00241506 2012/12/12 990203 TRIPLE M SERVICES 4,428.47 348.30 1,119.29 582.32 0.00 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241507 Date ---------2012/12/12 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------990524 SCHOOLHOUSE PRODUCTS INC. PAGE: 12 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------6,770.40 00241508 2012/12/12 991077 MARIO GERBEAU 561.66 00241509 2012/12/12 991312 FRANCINE PONOMARENKO 465.65 00241510 2012/12/12 991881 COMBEQ 00241511 2012/12/12 992161 NAIRA SANTANA 00241512 2012/12/12 992427 LISA WARD-LEDUC 00241513 2012/12/12 993013 EDU REFERENCE PUBLISHERS DIRECT INC 540.38 1,465.93 90.00 3,234.78 00241514 2012/12/12 993556 ERICA BLOOM 00241515 2012/12/12 994084 BOURDON JUTEAU ET ASSOCIES INC 9,566.10 307.61 00241516 2012/12/12 994169 VILLE DE MONTREAL 5,148.00 00241517 2012/12/12 994574 ANNETTE DUPRE 516.50 00241518 2012/12/12 995979 JULIE-ANNE CARDELLA 736.85 00241519 2012/12/12 997083 CAMILLA LEIGH 97.28 00241520 2012/12/12 997420 BONBONNIERE SWEET FACTORY C/O MME ZHANG-YING 37.65 00241521 2012/12/12 997421 SARA FREEDMAN 750.00 00241522 2012/12/12 997422 MR KELLY PATRICK & MS SOPHIE PALMER 574.87 00241523 2012/12/12 997423 MADAME MARTINE DENAULT 00241524 2012/12/12 997424 DANIEL SLOMOVIC 00241525 2012/12/12 997425 MADAME GISELE NAKHLE 458.75 286.92 285.85 1,020.68 00241526 2012/12/12 997426 MONSIEUR JEAN GOTMAN 00241527 2012/12/12 997427 GIOVANNI LAMANUZZI 29.06 00241528 2012/12/12 997428 JENNIFER MAKS 19.80 00241529 2012/12/12 997429 RICHARD MONTREUIL 00241530 2012/12/12 997430 ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DU STATIONNE MENT - CANADIAN PARKING ASSOCIATION 00241531 2012/12/12 997431 MINISTRE DES FINANCES 25,636.00 00241532 2012/12/12 060722 UNION DES MUNICIPALITES DU QUEBEC 67,705.41 00241533 2012/12/13 000455 VILLE DE MONTREAL 6,698.79 00241534 2012/12/13 003850 LIVRES BABAR INC. 1,798.88 88.00 546.13 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241535 Date ---------2012/12/13 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------008855 JOHN CAMIA PAGE: 13 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------133.92 00241536 2012/12/13 032690 Me ALAN KULAGA 818.00 00241537 2012/12/13 035320 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY SUCCURSALE: RENAUD-BRAY 279.63 00241538 2012/12/13 036608 MEDIAS TRANSCONTINENTAL S.E.N.C. "THE WESTMOUNT EXAMINER" 229.95 00241539 2012/12/13 047395 POLICE & FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND COMMISSION OF THE 00241540 2012/12/13 058594 TGA INC 00241541 2012/12/13 090820 ASSOCIATION DES DIFFUSEURS CULTUREL DE L`ILE DE MONTREAL 225.00 156.63 12,270.00 226,751.03 00241542 2012/12/13 991654 PUBLICATIONS QUEBEC 00241543 2012/12/13 996105 SAM LIPARI 00241544 2012/12/13 997430 ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DU STATIONNE MENT - CANADIAN PARKING ASSOCIATION 00241545 2012/12/14 005082 BELL CANADA 142.28 00241546 2012/12/14 021800 EQUIFAX CANADA INC. 257.40 00241547 2012/12/14 064615 CRAIG WRIGHT 250.50 00241548 2012/12/14 090820 ASSOCIATION DES DIFFUSEURS CULTUREL DE L`ILE DE MONTREAL 225.00 00241549 2012/12/14 997430 ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DU STATIONNE MENT - CANADIAN PARKING ASSOCIATION 0.00 00241550 2012/12/14 997432 ALAIN BOURASSA 201.67 00241551 2012/12/14 026501 BANK OF MOTREAL -- TRAITE BANCAIRE BANK OF MONTREAL --TRAITE BANCAIRE 961.09 00241552 2012/12/14 053245 SANEXEN SERVICE ENVIROMENNTAUX INC 314,149.38 00241553 2012/12/17 002851 ASSOCIATION DE TAXI DIAMOND LTEE 00241554 2012/12/17 004881 BANQUE NATIONAL 00241555 2012/12/17 022900 FIERA CAPITAL CORPORATION 16,833.02 00241556 2012/12/17 034450 LECHASSEUR AVOCATS LTEE 10,611.09 00241557 2012/12/17 036614 MALOPAN COMMUNICATIONS INC 00241558 2012/12/17 042066 VILLE DE MONTREAL 00241559 2012/12/17 052901 SCL COMMUNICATIONS 57.48 201.67 164.77 3,054.96 206.96 3,207.80 336.42 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241560 Date ---------2012/12/17 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------054829 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. PAGE: 14 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------2,977.85 00241561 2012/12/17 057670 GEORGETTE SAVOIE 00241562 2012/12/17 991077 MARIO GERBEAU 00241563 2012/12/17 991797 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 00241564 2012/12/17 991955 TEMPLE EMANU-EL-BETH 00241565 2012/12/17 992056 PUBLICATIONS CCH LTEE 00241566 2012/12/17 992662 ST-JOHN AMBULANCE - DIVISION 178 100.00 00241567 2012/12/17 992804 VIRGINIA ELLIOTT 165.00 00241568 2012/12/17 993640 RAMEZ RABBAT 603.62 00241569 2012/12/17 994224 POUPART & POUPART 783.84 00241570 2012/12/17 994980 YVONNE HO-HONG 237.02 00241571 2012/12/17 996006 DANIEL DESGENS 750.00 00241572 2012/12/17 997433 NICOLE GAREAU 132.00 00241573 2012/12/17 997434 KATE STOITSIADES 00241574 2012/12/18 002650 ABC RIVE-NORD INC. 91,826.27 00241575 2012/12/18 015201 COMMUNICATION DEMO 397.12 00241576 2012/12/18 030305 INSPECTIONS D.G.ENRG. 400.00 00241577 2012/12/18 039310 ANDREW MERRY 672.00 00241578 2012/12/18 048860 QUALITUNG CORPORATION 540.00 00241579 2012/12/18 056168 LA SOCIETE CANADIENNE DE PROTECTION DE LA CRUAUTÉ ENVERS LES ANIMAUX 455.00 00241580 2012/12/18 090605 MARIANNE ZALZAL 2,272.88 00241581 2012/12/18 991348 JAY VALIQUETTE 2,100.00 00241582 2012/12/18 994084 BOURDON JUTEAU ET ASSOCIES INC 537.70 00241583 2012/12/18 996639 INGRID BIRKER 630.00 00241584 2012/12/18 997198 PHILIP LENETSKY 180.00 00241585 2012/12/18 997358 SHELLEY TALBOT 78.16 00241586 2012/12/18 997435 SUSAN JOINER 55.00 00241587 2012/12/18 997436 BARBARA BISHOP 90.00 351.48 114.63 1,810.86 105.75 1,891.40 2,275.57 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241588 Date ---------2012/12/18 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------997437 ELIZABETH MAGID PAGE: 15 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------1,472.00 00241589 2012/12/19 001400 TYCO ELECTRONICS CANADA LTD 1,155.73 00241590 2012/12/19 002555 ASSOCIATION HOCKEY MINEUR VERDUN 1,618.05 00241591 2012/12/19 008646 CNM3 INC. ( IMPRIMERIE ) MIROMEDIA 432.31 00241592 2012/12/19 013000 CHAMPLAIN DODGE CHRYSLER LTD 183.86 00241593 2012/12/19 017660 DPLU 209.79 00241594 2012/12/19 018640 MIKE DEEGAN 250.00 00241595 2012/12/19 020380 DUNCAN E. CAMPBELL 507.95 00241596 2012/12/19 021000 DISTRIBUTION PIERRE LAROCHELLE 2,448.74 00241597 2012/12/19 023445 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 2,888.98 00241598 2012/12/19 024768 THE GAZETTE 386.18 00241599 2012/12/19 025910 MICHEL GOHIER LTEE 00241600 2012/12/19 026524 GRAND & TOY 344.93 00241601 2012/12/19 026752 GROUPE AST (1993) INC. 287.44 00241602 2012/12/19 028430 NICHOLAS HOARE LTD 487.67 00241603 2012/12/19 030998 CAJOLI 00241604 2012/12/19 031280 DISTRIBUTIONS LIMOTRIQUE INC. 00241605 2012/12/19 034715 RNR SYSTEMS 00241606 2012/12/19 035251 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 267.02 00241607 2012/12/19 035315 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 3,037.69 00241608 2012/12/19 035320 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY SUCCURSALE: RENAUD-BRAY 00241609 2012/12/19 035920 LUBRI-EXPERT 00241610 2012/12/19 035925 LUMEN 00241611 2012/12/19 036370 DR. PAUL LYSY, M.D. 1,010.77 00241612 2012/12/19 036835 PARCOMETRES MACKAY LTEE (J.J.MACKAY CANADA) 4,367.56 00241613 2012/12/19 037700 MARINA INC. 00241614 2012/12/19 037854 LES EQUIPEMENTS MARSHALL LTEE MARSHALL 5,030.56 1,367.96 619.49 2,571.45 35.60 891.42 82,907.78 32,032.04 273.99 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241615 Date ---------2012/12/19 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------039400 MET-TECH PAGE: 16 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------678.36 00241616 2012/12/19 044298 R. NICHOLLS DISTRIBUTORS INC 00241617 2012/12/19 044302 NEOPOST # COMPTE 187203 297.22 00241618 2012/12/19 045232 TRANSMONTAIGNE MARKETING CANADA INC (LE GROUPE OLCO) 00241619 2012/12/19 045666 PEINTRES DANCO INC. (LES) 00241620 2012/12/19 046190 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 00241621 2012/12/19 046256 PENSION PLAN FOR OFFICER AND THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT 00241622 2012/12/19 046889 PIECES D`AUTO ST-HENRI 167250 CANADA INC. 125.90 00241623 2012/12/19 048845 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 147.85 00241624 2012/12/19 050749 REMORQUAGE BURSTALL-CONRAD 201.21 00241625 2012/12/19 050752 RENO-DEPOT INC. 296.03 00241626 2012/12/19 053169 VILLE DE MONTREAL 00241627 2012/12/19 053901 SCIAGE DE BETON 2000 00241628 2012/12/19 054588 SERVICES DOCUMENTAIRES MULTIMEDIA INC. 00241629 2012/12/19 054593 SIFTO CANADA CORP. 00241630 2012/12/19 057444 NAPA/CMAX LASALLE DIV. UAP INC. 00241631 2012/12/19 058563 TECHNIPARC 21,086.42 00241632 2012/12/19 058594 TGA INC 79,449.07 00241633 2012/12/19 060450 ULTRAMAR CANADA LETEE 00241634 2012/12/19 061624 VICTORIA EXCAVATION CO LTD. 00241635 2012/12/19 064350 WOOD WYANT INC 00241636 2012/12/19 090965 MAI JAY 00241637 2012/12/19 787877 DATA CARTE CONCEPTS 347.22 00241638 2012/12/19 994051 ROBERT GALBRAITH 700.00 00241639 2012/12/19 995412 JEAN GEORGES 00241640 2012/12/19 995570 KELLY HEMSLEY 7,330.55 00241641 2012/12/19 997105 NATHALIE PURCHIO 1,562.68 9,198.00 19,387.06 977.28 789.01 2,872.32 2,512.00 19,622.39 . 218.91 7,899.00 917.24 9,003.36 21,802.70 5,153.17 65.58 500.00 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241642 Date ---------2012/12/19 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------997438 REGIME DE RETRAITE DES POLICIERS DE LONGUEUIL PAGE: 17 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------14,892.50 00241643 2012/12/19 997439 LUCY GILBERT 00241644 2012/12/20 002555 ASSOCIATION HOCKEY MINEUR VERDUN 532.00 00241645 2012/12/20 003105 ATLAS TAXI INC 266.18 00241646 2012/12/20 005081 BELL CANADA 00241647 2012/12/20 005088 BELL MOBILITY 00241648 2012/12/20 021670 CANBEC INC. (LES ENTREPRISES) 97,806.04 00241649 2012/12/20 024180 GENIVAR INC. 30,755.81 00241650 2012/12/20 026550 CERCLE DES ADMINISTRATEURS DE SOCIETE CERTIFIES 00241651 2012/12/20 030998 CAJOLI 3,932.15 00241652 2012/12/20 035880 LOVELL LITHO & PUBLICATIONS INC 1,888.16 00241653 2012/12/20 036596 M.DRIVESHAFT INC (ATELIERS) 00241654 2012/12/20 058594 TGA INC 00241655 2012/12/20 990039 CHARLES TURMEL, AVOCAT, ARBITRE, MEDIATEUR 1,665.22 75.58 3,605.77 172.46 69.71 15,624.46 156.22 00241656 2012/12/20 992834 DACCORD WEBSTER LANDSCAPE 00241657 2012/12/20 993353 PHOTO FX 32.51 00241658 2012/12/20 997440 LAKESHORE CONSTRUCTION 00241659 2012/12/20 997441 J. FREEDMAN 35.00 00241660 2012/12/22 000322 ACIER LACHINE 41.86 00241661 2012/12/22 011111 ACIER CENTURY INC. 73.58 00241662 2012/12/22 012327 CARR MCLEAN 63.21 00241663 2012/12/22 016666 COURRIER MESSAGEX 43.67 00241664 2012/12/22 016789 CREATIVE SOLUTIONS S.T.B. 75.43 00241665 2012/12/22 017650 4246543 CANADA INC. 76.41 00241666 2012/12/22 021960 9196-3819 QUEBEC INC. (extermination) 86.23 00241667 2012/12/22 022377 FEDERAL EXPRESS CANADA LTD 58.95 00241668 2012/12/22 023448 OCLC INC. 29.89 6,276.21 3.45 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241669 Date ---------2012/12/22 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------025609 GESTION DE DOCUMENTS CARRIERE GDC-CRM INC. 00241670 2012/12/22 029777 INFORMATIQUE ST-HUBERT INC. 00241671 2012/12/22 033302 CENTRE KUBOTA DES LAURENTIDES 00241672 2012/12/22 034713 LOUISE 00241673 2012/12/22 035251 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 00241674 2012/12/22 035320 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY SUCCURSALE: RENAUD-BRAY 00241675 2012/12/22 041754 MONTREAL STENCIL INC. 71.33 00241676 2012/12/22 043722 NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA ADMINISTRATION (A-5) 85.03 00241677 2012/12/22 048715 PUROLATOR COURIER 00241678 2012/12/22 056156 SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES POSTES 00241679 2012/12/22 056389 SOQUIJ 00241680 2012/12/22 057601 STOCKMEDIA 5,853.66 00241681 2012/12/22 058594 TGA INC 3,667.11 00241682 2012/12/22 059821 TRACTION VILLE ST-LAURENT(269) 00241683 2012/12/22 061688 VITRERIE LEON CHARLEBOIS 00241684 2012/12/22 990030 VELMONT INC. 00241685 2012/12/22 990397 MARIA FISHER 00241686 2012/12/22 990452 ROY MEISELBACH 194.95 488.64 LEGAULT PAGE: 18 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------60.00 37.37 7.88 68.98 1,391.35 31.45 71.23 2,160.18 13.80 92.51 62.09 469.10 25.00 00241687 2012/12/22 992161 NAIRA SANTANA 00241688 2012/12/22 992742 GAIL CAVANAGH 840.00 00241689 2012/12/22 992756 ANNIE-CLAUDE CERAT 402.41 00241690 2012/12/22 993453 SERVICE DE COURRIER CHAMPION INC 00241691 2012/12/22 993682 JAMES ORR 00241692 2012/12/22 994101 FONDS D`INFORMATION SUR LE TERRITOIRE 00241693 2012/12/22 996359 CLAUDE LADOUCEUR 00241694 2012/12/22 996921 BEATRICE SIMONE 00241695 2012/12/22 997442 SYNDICATE 448 ARGYLE 17.87 1,176.45 56.00 641.84 45.98 1,200.00 CP601 MGRECO Chèque -------00241696 Date ---------2012/12/22 Ville de Westmount Liste des chèques émis Fournisseur / Employé ------------------------------------------------997443 LOUISE DROUIN ROBINSON PAGE: 19 13/01/15 12:13 Montant ------------25.05 00241697 2012/12/22 997444 ANNE LATOUR 00241698 2012/12/22 997445 DR. DALE DAUPHINEE 1,285.28 00241699 2012/12/22 997446 LES INVESTISSEMENT PARK PLACE 3,696.52 00241700 2012/12/22 997447 NICOLAS 00241701 2012/12/21 990458 CONSULTATIONS JPIERRE CARRIERE INC. JPIERRE CARRIERE CONSULTING INC 65.40 COTE 139.04 60.00 ================= LISTE DES COMPTES APPROUVÉS PAR LE CONSEIL ET INITIALÉS PAR 498 Chèques émis pour un total de : RÉSOLUTION NO. __________________ ________/________/________ année mois jour RECOMMANDATION NO. __________________ ________/________/________ année mois jour 11,181,135.03 ______________________________________________ MAIRE ______________________________________________ GREFFIER COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 AUCTION OF UNCLAIMED OBJECTS ITEM No. 13 Councillor Drury WHEREAS according to section 461 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-1), the municipality may cause to be sold at auction, by a bailiff, without judicial formalities and after giving the notices required by the Civil Code, any lost or forgotten movables it holds which have not been claimed within 60 days, any movables it holds which are referred to in article 943 of the Civil Code, and any movables without an owner which it collects in its territory. MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the City Clerk be authorized to proceed with a sale at auction by a bailiff on June 20, 2013 of the unclaimed movables which have been turned over to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 OUT-OF-COURT SETTLEMENT - 310 COTE ST. ANTOINE ROAD ITEM No. 14 Councillor Drury WHEREAS the owner of the property located at 310 Cote St. Antoine road had provided the financial guarantee with respect to the demolition and the preliminary program for the reutilisation of land vacated approved by the Demolition Committee; WHREAS, according to Section 28 of By-law 1317 concerning Demolition, the monetary guarantee shall be refunded, provided that the execution of the preliminary program is substantially completed; WHEREAS the City and the owner of the property are parties to an action brought before the Superior Court by the mortgagee to recover part of its due; WHEREAS the parties wish to settle the matter out of court without any admission of responsibility in order to avoid the expenses of a trial. MOVER Councillor Drury THAT, in accordance with articles 2631 and ss. of the Civil Code of Québec (1991, chapter 64), an out-of-court settlement be entered into between 3095-7252 Québec Inc. and Le Groupe Serpone Inc. for an action taken against the City to recover the monetary guarantee in the amount of $10,000 paid by the owner of the property located at 310 Cote St. Antoine Road to ensure the completion of its preliminary program for the reutilization of land vacated; and THAT the City agrees to pay to Greenspoon Perreault LLP the remainder of the financial guarantee, in the amount of $ 10,000 and an additional sum of $ 2.500 in the final settlement of this case, capital, including interest and costs; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $12,500 be made from Departmental Expense, UBR 05-500-000, Account 531206 for an amount of $10,000 and UBR, 02-960-000, Account No. 298100 for an amount of $2,500, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2013-06-06 issued on May 29, 2013; THAT the Director General be authorized to sign the out-of-court settlement, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 TRAFFIC MASTER PLAN - ADOPTION ITEM No. 15 Councillor Samiotis WHEREAS the contract for the professional services of a consultant to prepare the Traffic and Active Transportation Master Plan (Tender No. PW-2011-886) was awarded to Genivar inc., as per resolution No. 2011-05-100 adopted by Council at its regular meeting held on May 3, 2011; WHEREAS the Traffic Master Plan Report and the Calming Measures Guide prepared by Genivar was tabled at the regular Council meeting held on March 4, 2013; WHEREAS Council wishes to adopt the Plan as a policy guide for future administrations and the Administrative Traffic Committee. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT the Westmount Traffic and Active Transportation Master Plan and corresponding Westmount Traffic Calming Guide dated February 2013 - v3.0, as prepared by Genivar, be adopted except for the sections pertaining to the City’s cycling network and parking in the South-West sector, as these will be reviewed as part of separate mandates. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM No. 16 Councillor Ikeman WHEREAS the recommendations of the Administrative Traffic Committee are submitted herewith; MOVER Councillor Ikeman That a STOP sign be installed on Bellevue, at Sunnyside, for safety reasons, facing 5025 Sherbrooke West: SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE MOVER Mayor Trent Councillor Ikeman THAT a "No-parking/Delivery Zone" be established on Saturday,between 8h-9h" at metered spaces #442 & 443. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS ITEM No. 17 Councillor Lulham WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programme, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on May 21, 2013, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT LIST OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS REVIEWED UNDER BY-LAW 1305 ON SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES File no. & Address Description of Project Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation 13-030 Cat. II 4302 Montrose To landscape the property including a new walkway and stepping stones in the front yard, a swimming pool, fence and two retaining walls of a maximum height of 4 feet in the rear yard. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-137 Cat. II 3789 The Boulevard To replace some of the windows. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the windows #1 and #2 are painted brown to match the colour of the proposed new windows. 13-152 Cat. II-E 4489 Sherbrooke To replace the railings and stairs of the front balconies. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-154 Cat. II 4880 Westmount Afin de rénover le balcon situé dans la cour arrière et d’en modifier l’escalier. À sa réunion du 21 mai 2013, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. 13-196 Cat. II-E 4908 Sherbrooke To erect two anwings for ‘‘Annie Young Cosmetiques’’. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Category rd Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 3 , 2013 th Prepared on May 24 , 2013 File no. & Category Address Description of Project Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation Afin de remplacer les fenêtres du sous-sol. À sa réunion du 21 mai 2013, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. 18 Surrey Gardens To landscape the property including a new walkway and steps, small retaining walls and resurfacing the driveway in the front yard. New fences and gates, cedar hedges and small retaining walls in the rear yard. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-211 Cat. I 63 Sunnyside To do some landscaping in the rear yard including new terraces, fence, retaining walls, trees, shrubs and planting areas. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-225 Cat. III 564 Claremont To replace some of the windows. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-274 Cat. II-E 4309 Montrose To replace some of the windows. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-280 Cat. II 360 Kitchener To replace some of the windows and a front balcony door. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the balcony door is wood. 13-282 Cat. II-E 631 Belmont To replace the fence in the rear yard. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the top cross bar is straight and horizontal. 13-283 Cat. II-E 623 Victoria To modify a rear window opening into a door and replace a rear door. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the grills of the steel door are simulated divided light (SDL). 13-199 Cat. II-E 162 Hillside 13-210 Cat. III rd Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 3 , 2013 th Prepared on May 24 , 2013 File no. & Address Description of Project 13-290 Cat. II-E 314 Grosvenor Afin de convertir une fenêtre en porte et remplacer deux portes de la façade arrière. À sa réunion du 21 mai 2013, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. 13-293 Cat. II 21 Barat To replace some windows. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application 13-310 Cat. I-E 475 Argyle To build a canopy above the front entrance. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 13-316 Cat. II-E 629 Victoria To replace some of the windows and enlarge a window and a door openings on the rear elevation. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application 13-327 Cat. II-E 204 Cote St. Antoine To modify a single door opening and window into a French type door. At its meeting of May 21st, 2013, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application 13-332 Cat. II-E 12 Windsor Afin de remplacer toutes les fenêtres et certaines portes. À sa réunion du 21 mai 2013, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. Category rd Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 3 , 2013 th Prepared on May 24 , 2013 Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BUILDING OVER THE BUILDING LINE ITEM No. 18 Councillor Lulham The following documents were submitted herewith: - DMS file and recommendation - Data Sheets and plans WHEREAS Section 5.2.4 of Zoning By-law 1303 stipulates that notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, in accordance with the By-law on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes (PIIA) and subject to the approval of Council, a modification to the siting of a building may be permitted by reason of the excessive slope or configuration of the lot or land or by reason of the location of one or more existing buildings on adjacent lots or parcels of lands; WHEREAS the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on May 7, 2013 are submitted for Council approval. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT permission be granted to the owner of the property located at 4585 Sherbrooke West (YMCA OF QUÉBEC) to install a bronze statue on a pedestal, in advance of the 10 feet building line required on Sherbrooke Street, the whole as indicated in the Data Sheets and plans attached hereto. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent DATA SHEET 4585, Sherbrooke Westmount, Quebec LOCATION: North side of Sherbrooke east of Arlington OWNER : YMCA Of QUEBEC 4585 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest Westmount, QC H3Z 1E9 PROPOSAL: To install a statue in advance of the 10’-0“ building line on Sherbrooke. REASON: The statue will be established over the required minimum 10 foot building line. An extract of the minute of the meeting of the Planning Advisor Committee held on May 7th, 2013: “The siting of the bronze statue in advance of the 10 foot building line is recommended to Council for favourable consideration.” COUNCIL AUTHORITY: Zoning By-law 1303, Subdivision 5.2.4 : Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, in accordance with the By-law on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes (PIIA) and subject to the approval of Council, a modification to the siting of a building may be permitted by reason of the excessive slope or configuration of the lot or land or by reason of the location of one or more existing buildings on adjacent lots or parcels of land. MF/#09-048 1) Map Page 2 of 6 2) Certificate of Location Page 3 of 6 3) Détails Page 4 of 6 4) Photos Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 - ABOVE GROUND FLOOR AREA - ADOPTION ITEM No. 19 Councillor Lulham The City Clerk to report that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the bylaw and that reading is waived thereof. OBJECT Councillor Lulham “THAT the object of this draft by-law is to replace the French version of the following definition: "Superficie de plancher hors sol (Above Ground Floor Area) to avoid any misinterpretation.” MOVER Councillor Lulham That by-law 1446 entitled “By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – Above Ground Floor Area" be, and it is hereby, adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE DECLARATION Mayor Trent Mayor Trent THAT by-law 1446 entitled “By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – Above Ground Floor Area" having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1446 BY-LAW 1446 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le 3 juin 2013, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on June 3, 2013 at which were present: Le maire – Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors ATTENDU qu'un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 6 mai 2013; ATTENDU QUE le conseil municipal de la ville de Westmount a adopté par voie de résolution un projet de règlement intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – SUPERFICIE DE PLANCHER HORS SOL» lors d'une séance ordinaire dudit conseil municipal dûment convoquée et tenue 6 mai 2013; et ATTENDU QUE ledit conseil municipal a dûment convoqué et tenu, le 27 mai 2013 une assemblée de consultation publique portant sur ledit projet de règlement; Page 1 Peter F. Trent, président/Chairman Victor Drury Kathleen Duncan Nicole Forbes Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law has been given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on May 6, 2013; WHEREAS a draft by-law entitled "BY-LAW TO 1303 – adopted by resolution of the Municipal Council of Westmount, at the regular sitting of the said Municipal Council, duly called and held on May 6, 2013; and FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW ABOVE GROUND FLOOR AREA", was WHEREAS a public consultation meeting on the said draft By-law was duly called and held by the said Municipal Council on May 27, 2013; Le règlement no 1303, adopté le 3 juillet 2001, puis modifié par les règlements nos 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1413, 1427 et 1434 est de nouveau modifié comme suit : By-law No.1303, adopted July 3, 2001, as amended by by-law Nos. 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398 1406, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1413, 1427 and 1434, is hereby further amended as follows: Il est ordonné et statué par le règlement 1446, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – SUPERFICIE DE PLANCHER HORS SOL », comme suit : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 1446, entitled "BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – ABOVE GROUND FLOOR AREA ", as follows: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 La section 2.4 du Règlement 1303 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE » est modifiée en remplaçant la version française de la définition de l’expression « Superficie de plancher hors-sol (Above Ground Floor Area » par la suivante : Division 2.4 of By-law 1303 entitled « Zoning By-law » is amended by replacing the french version of the definition of the expression “Superficie de plancher hors-sol (Above Ground Floor Area” with the following: « Superficie de plancher hors-sol (Above Ground Floor Area) - La somme des superficies de chaque plancher des étages d’un bâtiment qui font saillie de plus de 3 pieds (0,91 mètre) audessus du niveau du sol. ». « Superficie de plancher hors-sol (Above Ground Floor Area) - La somme des superficies de chaque plancher des étages d’un bâtiment qui font saillie de plus de 3 pieds (0,91 mètre) au-dessus du niveau du sol. ». ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 Le présent règlement conformément à la loi. entre en vigueur Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor This By-law comes into force according to law. Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza Greffière de la ville / City Clerk Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BY-LAW ON PERIODIC OCCUPANCY OF THE PUBLIC DOMAINNOTICE OF MOTION ITEM No. 20 Councillor Lulham Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Lulham to read the following: I hereby give notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law on periodic occupancy of the public domain" at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJECT Councillor Lulham “THAT the object of this draft by-law is to regulate the periodic occupancy of the public domain for authorized occupancy of café terrace and establish a fee for said occupancy.” [NO RESOLUTION] CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 14XX BY-LAW 14XX Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le (insérez la date), et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on the (insert date), at which were present: Le maire – Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors Peter F. Trent, président/Chairman Victor M. Drury Kathleen W. Duncan Nicole Forbes Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis ATTENDU qu'un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le (insérez la date); WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law has been given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on (insert date); Il est ordonné et statué par le Règlement 14XX, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT SUR L’OCCUPATION PÉRIODIQUE DU DOMAINE PUBLIC », comme suit : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 14XX, entitled “BY-LAW ON PERIODIC OCCUPANCY OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN“ as follows: ARTICLE 1 DISPOSITIONS DÉCLARATOIRES 1.1 SECTION 1 DECLARATORY PROVISIONS Titre du règlement 1.1 Ce règlement est intitulé «Règlement sur l’occupation périodique du domaine public». Page 1 Title of By-law This By-law is entitled "By-law on periodic occupancy of the public domain". 1.2 Mesures 1.2 Measurements Les mesures visées par ce règlement sont en mesure anglaise et, lorsqu'elles figurent entre parenthèses(-), en mesure métrique. All measurements referred to in this By-law are in English units of measure and, when shown in brackets (-), in metric measure. ARTICLE 2 DISPOSITIONS GÉNÉRALES SECTION 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS Le présent règlement s'applique aux secteurs commerciaux de la Ville de Westmount. The present By-law applies to the commercial area of the City of Westmount. ARTICLE 3 OBJECTIFS ARTICLE 3 PURPOSES Le présent règlement a pour objet de régir l’utilisation périodique du domaine public aux fins de l’aménagement d’un café-terrasse dans les cas où cet usage est autorisé. The purpose of this By-law is to govern the periodic occupancy of the public domain for the development of outdoor cafés where such use is authorized. ARTICLE 4 DEFINITIONS SECTION 4 INTERPRETATION 4.1 Dans le présent règlement, les expressions suivantes signifient : 4.1 In this By-law, the following expression shall mean: Autorité compétente - L'application et l'administration du présent règlement sont confiées au Directeur du Service de l’aménagement urbain désigné ci-après «autorité compétente». En cas d'absence ou d'incapacité d'agir du Directeur du Service de l’aménagement urbain, le Directeur du Service des travaux publics est responsable de l'application et l'administration du présent règlement. Competent Authority – The application and administration of this by-law shall be the responsibility of the Director of Urban Planning, hereinafter designated the “competent authority”. In the absence or inability to act of the Director of Building and Planning, the Director of Public Works is responsible for the application and administration of this by-law. Page 2 Domaine public – les rues, ruelles, squares et places publics, y compris les trottoirs, terrepleins, l’emprise de la voie publique; Public domain – streets, lanes, public squares and places, including sidewalks, medians, and the right of way beyond a public thoroughfare. Emprise excédentaire de la voie publique – cette partie de la voie publique qui est située sur le bord de la chaussée ou le trottoir et la limite des propriétés riveraines. Right of way beyond a public thoroughfare – the part of a public thoroughfare between the edge of a roadway or the sidewalk and the line of bordering properties. Mobilier autorisé – bacs à végétation, bancs, chaises, corde de délimitation, parasols, tables. Authorized furniture – plant holders, benches, chairs, delimitation rope, parasols, tables. Mobilier urbain – les arbres, arbustes, bancs, bollards, bornes d'incendie, bornes géodésiques, bornes repères, dos d’ânes, câbles, chambres de vanne, clôtures, conduits, fontaines, grilles, lampadaires, monuments, murs, murets, panneaux de signalisation, parcomètres, poteaux, poubelles, puisards, puits d'accès, récipients pour matières recyclables, , réverbères, tuyaux, voûtes et autres objets semblables, d'utilité ou d'ornementation, mis en place par la Ville à ses fins. Street furniture – trees, shrubs, benches, bollards, dry fire hydrants, fire hydrants, benchmarks, speed bumps, cables, gate chambers, fences, conduits, fountains, grates, lampposts, monuments, walls, low walls, street signs, parking meters, poles, waste containers, catch basins, manholes, recyclable containers, , street lights, pipes, vaults and other similar objects, whether useful or ornamental, put up by the City for its purposes. ARTICLE 5 AUTORISATION SECTION 5 AUTHORIZATION L’occupation périodique du domaine public est interdite sans une autorisation conforme et en vigueur du présent règlement. No public property may be occupied periodically without an authorization in force and in accordance with this by-law. ARTICLE 6 CERTIFICAT SECTION 6 CERTIFICATE Dans le cas où une autorisation mentionnée à l’article 5 est accordée, elle doit faire l’objet d’un certificat d’occupation. Authorizations granted under section 5 must be covered by a certificate of occupancy. Page 3 Le titulaire d’un certificat d’occupation du domaine public doit se conformer aux conditions et modalités d’occupation qui y sont établies. The holder of a certificate of occupancy of the public domain must conform to the prescribed terms and conditions of occupancy. ARTICLE 7 RÉVOCATION SECTION 7 REVOCATION 7.1 La délivrance de tout certificat prévu à l'article 6 est conditionnelle à l'exercice par la Ville de son droit de le révoquer en tout temps au moyen d'un avis donné par l’autorité compétente au titulaire du certificat fixant le délai au terme duquel les constructions ou installations visées par l'autorisation devront être enlevées du domaine public. 7.1 The issuance of a certificate under section 6 is conditional on the exercise by the City of its right of revocation at any time by means of a notice served by the competent authority to the certificate holder, setting the period at the end of which the constructions or facilities covered by the authorization must be removed from the public domain. L'autorisation qui fait l'objet du certificat devient nulle à la date de l'avis de révocation donné en vertu du premier alinéa. The authorization covered by a certificate becomes void on the date of notice of revocation served under the first paragraph. 7.2 Au terme du délai fixé dans l'avis de révocation, le titulaire du certificat doit avoir retiré du domaine public tout mobilier ou installation visée par l'autorisation. 7.2 At the end of the period set in the notice of revocation, the certificate holder must have all furniture or facilities removed from the public domain. 7.3 Le titulaire d'un certificat révoqué doit le retourner à l'autorité compétente sur demande. 7.3 The holder of a revoked certificate must return it upon the request of the competent authority. ARTICLE 8 ENLÈVEMENT SECTION 8 REMOVAL 8.1 L'autorité compétente peut, de façon temporaire ou définitive, enlever tout aménagement ou installation qui occupe le domaine public : 8.1 The competent authority may temporarily or permanently remove any layout or facility occupying the public domain: (1) sans être visée par un certificat; (2) en vertu d'un certificat périmé; (3) en vertu d'un certificat révoqué lorsque le délai d'enlèvement prescrit par l'avis de (1) (2) (3) Page 4 without being covered by a certificate; under an expired certificate; under a revoked certificate, where the removal period prescribed by the notice révocation est écoulé; (4) d'une façon qui met la sécurité du public en danger; (5) lorsque le titulaire fait défaut de payer les montants requis par le présent règlement; (6) lorsque le titulaire du certificat d'occupation ne s'est pas conformé à l'avis prévu au deuxième alinéa; (7) lorsque la Ville doit utiliser le domaine public à ses fins de façon urgente. Lorsque l'autorité compétente constate que le titulaire d'un certificat délivré en vertu du présent règlement occupe le domaine public en dérogation des règlements ou des conditions ou modalités de l'autorisation qui fait l'objet du certificat, elle délivre au titulaire un avis indiquant les correctifs à apporter pour rendre l'occupation conforme et un délai pour ce faire au-delà duquel elle procédera à l'enlèvement des constructions ou installations du titulaire. (4) (5) (6) (7) of revocation has elapsed; in a way that constitutes a safety hazard; where the holder has not paid the fees required under this by-law; where the holder of a certificate of occupancy has not complied with the notice provided for in the second paragraph; where the City must urgently use public property for its own purposes. Where the competent authority notes that the holder of a certificate issued under this By-law occupies the public domain in derogation to the by-laws or terms or conditions of the authorization covered by the certificate, it serves a notice on the holder specifying the proper corrective measures for compliance with the occupancy, as well as a time limit to do so, beyond which period the holder's constructions or facilities will be removed. ARTICLE 9 GENRE D’OCCUPATION SECTION 9 TYPE OF OCCUPANCY 9.1 Une occupation périodique du domaine public est une occupation temporaire et, sous réserve de l’article 7, le certificat qui s'y rattache n'est valide que pour la période d'occupation autorisée. Cette période est indiquée au certificat et elle ne peut être prolongée. À ce terme, un nouveau certificat est nécessaire pour continuer d'occuper le domaine public. 9.1 The periodic occupancy of the public domain is a temporary occupancy and, subject to section 7, the relevant certificate is valid only for the authorized occupancy period. The period is specified in the certificate and may not be extended. At the end of that period, a new certificate is required to continue occupying the public domain. 9.2 Le conseil peut, par résolution, déterminer la période d'occupation autorisée pour les occupations périodiques du domaine public. 9.2 The municipal Council may, by resolution, set the period authorized for periodic occupancies of the public domain. Page 5 ARTICLE 10 CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES SECTION 10 GENERAL CONDITIONS 10.1 Responsabilité 10.1 Liability Toute occupation périodique du domaine public qui fait l'objet d'un certificat délivré en vertu du présent règlement est conditionnelle à ce que le titulaire du certificat soit responsable de tous dommages aux biens ou aux personnes résultant de l'occupation, prenne fait et cause pour la Ville et la tienne indemne de toute réclamation pour de tels dommages. Any periodic occupancy of the public domain that is covered by a certificate issued under this By-law is conditional on the certificate holder being liable for all damages to property or to persons resulting from the occupancy, siding with the City and holding it harmless from any claims for damages. 10.2 Aménagement 10.2 Planning and design Un café-terrasse doit être aménagé dans l’emprise excédentaire du trottoir et il doit être entouré d’une corde pour en délimiter la superficie. A café-terrace must be planned on the right of way of the sidewalk and cordoned off in order to delimit the area of the café-terrace. 10.3 Heures d’opération 10. 3 Hours of operation Les heures d’opération quotidienne du caféterrasse sont de 7 h 30 à 23 h. The maximum daily hours of operation of a café-terrace are from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. 10. 4 Activités interdites 10.4 Prohibited activities Il est interdit à quiconque, dans un caféterrasse : The following activities are prohibited in a café-terrace: (1) d’utiliser un appareil de reproduction sonore; (2) de présenter un spectacle en direct ou de la musique; (3) de préparer de la nourriture; et (4) d'utiliser un ou des appareils de cuisson. (1) the use of any sound reproduction device; (2) the presentation of live performances or music; (3) the preparation of food; and (4) the use of cooking equipment. 10.5 Entretien 10.5 Maintenance Le propriétaire ou le locataire du café-terrasse doit s’assurer que la terrasse et ses environs, y compris les trottoirs, soient maintenus dans un état de propreté en tout temps. The proprietor or lessee of a café-terrace must ensure that the terrace and its surroundings, including sidewalks, are at all times maintained in a state of tidiness. Page 6 ARTICLE 11 TARIFICATION SECTION 11 FEES 11.1 En vertu du règlement 1300, le certificat d’occupation périodique du domaine public est délivré à la suite du paiement des sommes exigibles pour la demande de vérification des plans et pour le certificat pour usage temporaire du domaine public. 11.1 In accordance with by-law 1300, the certificate for the periodic occupancy of the public domain is issued upon payment of the fees due for the application for plan review and for the certificate for temporary use of the public domain. 11.2 Dans le cas d'une occupation périodique du domaine public sans certificat, en vertu d'un certificat périmé ou révoqué, ou qui est d'une dimension plus grande que celle prévue au certificat, le prix de l'occupation est exigible pour le nombre de jours effectif et les dimensions réelles de l'occupation. 11.2 For the periodic occupancy of public property without a certificate, under an expired or a revoked certificate, or one of greater size that the one provided for in the certificate, the occupancy fees are payable for the actual number of days and the actual size of the occupancy. Ce prix est payable par l'occupant du domaine public ou par le titulaire du certificat périmé, révoqué ou auquel il a dérogé, selon le cas. The fees are payable by occupants of public property or by holders of an expired, revoked or non-conforming certificate, as the case may be. ARTICLE 12 DEMANDE D’AUTORISATION SECTION 12 APPLICATION 12.1 La demande d'autorisation présentée à l'autorité compétente doit indiquer : (1) les nom, adresse et occupation du requérant; (2) le nom et l'adresse de l'établissement dont le titulaire est l'exploitant et, s'il est propriétaire de l'immeuble où il se trouve, une identification de cet immeuble par ses numéros de lots et l'adresse des bâtiments y érigés; (3) les fins pour lesquelles l'occupation est demandée; (4) les ouvrages et objets qui occuperont le domaine public et les activités qui y seront exercées. 12.1 Applications filed with the competent authority must provide: (1) the applicant's name, address and occupation; (2) the name and address of the establishment operated by the holder and, if he owns the immovable where it is located, the identification of the immovable by lot numbers and address of buildings erected there; (3) the purposes for which the occupancy of the public domain is requested; (4) the structures and objects that will occupy the public domain and the activities performed. Page 7 (1) d'un plan préliminaire en 2 exemplaires indiquant les dimensions et l'emplacement de l'occupation prévue; (2) d'une preuve que le requérant est l'exploitant de l'établissement pour l'usage duquel l'occupation est demandée et qu'il est autorisé par le propriétaire à opérer sur le domaine public à cette fin ou qu'il est le propriétaire de l'immeuble où se trouve cet établissement, selon le cas; (3) du paiement du prix fixé au règlement 1407 pour l'ouverture du dossier et l'étude préalable de la demande, pour l'exercice financier en cours à la date du premier jour de l'occupation. 12.2 Every application must be submitted with: (1) a preliminary plan in 2 copies specifying the size and site of the proposed occupancy; (2) proof that the applicant is the operator of the establishment for whose use the occupancy is requested, and that he is authorized by the owner to operate on the public domain for that purpose or that he owns the immovable where the establishment is located, as the case may be; (3) the payment of fees set in by-law 1407 concerning fees for the opening of files and the preliminary review of an application, for the current fiscal year on the first day of occupancy. 12.3 Lorsque, sur présentation d'une demande en vertu de l'article 12.2, l'autorité compétente décide d'autoriser l'occupation, elle en informe le requérant et lui délivre le certificat requis s'il se conforme aux exigences suivantes : 12.3 Where, on filing of an application in accordance with article 12.2, the competent authority decides to authorize the occupancy, it informs the applicant and issues the certificate provided he meets the following requirements: (1) fournir à l'autorité compétente, sur demande, une preuve qu'il détient l'assurance responsabilité au montant fixé par l’autorité compétente; (2) déposer auprès de l'autorité compétente un plan et une description de l'occupation autorisée; (3) payer à la Ville le prix du droit d'occuper le domaine public applicable à la première période d'occupation tel que fixé au règlement 1407 (voir article 11) pour l'exercice financier en cours à la date du premier jour de l'occupation. (1) provide the competent authority, on request, with proof that he carries the liability insurance set by the authority having jurisdiction; (2) file with the competent authority a plan and a description of the authorized occupancy; 12.2 Cette demande doit être accompagnée : Page 8 (3) pay the fees for the right to occupy the public domain that apply to the first occupancy period, as set in by-law 1407 (see section 11) for the current fiscal year on the first day of occupancy. ARTICLE 13 CERTIFICAT D’OCCUPATION SECTION 13 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 13.1 Le certificat d'occupation périodique contient les renseignements suivants : 13.1 A certificate OF periodic occupancy contains the following information: (1) les nom, adresse et occupation du titulaire; (2) une identification de l'établissement dont le titulaire est l'exploitant et, s'il est propriétaire de l'immeuble où il se trouve, l’identification de cet immeuble par l'adresse; (3) une identification de l'emplacement où a lieu l'occupation et les dimensions du domaine public occupé; (4) une description du nombre des places assises qui occuperont le domaine public; (5) les fins auxquelles l'occupation du domaine public est autorisée; (6) la durée de l'occupation autorisée; (1) the holder's name, address and occupation; (2) the identification of the establishment whose holder is the operator and, if he owns the immovable where it is located, the identification of the immovable by the address; (3) the identification of the location of the occupancy and the size of the public domain that is occupied; (4) a description of the number of seats occupying the public domain; (5) the purposes for which the occupancy of public property is authorized; (6) the authorized occupancy period; En annexe : (7) les mesures qui devront être prises par le titulaire pour assurer la sécurité des personnes et du domaine public, s'il y a lieu; (8) les autres conditions et modalités de l'autorisation que peut déterminer l'autorité compétente; (9) le texte des articles 7.1, 8.1 et 10.1. In Annex: (7) the public safety measures and public property safety measures to be taken by the holder, as the case may be; (8) the other terms and conditions of the authorization that may be determined by the competent authority; (9) sections 7.1, 8.1 and 10.1. 13.2 L'assurance-responsabilité exigée en vertu du paragraphe 1° de l'article 12.3 doit être maintenue en vigueur pendant toute la durée de l'occupation. 13.2 The liability insurance required under paragraph (1) of section 12.3 must be kept in force for the full occupancy period. ARTICLE 14 OBLIGATIONS DU TITULAIRE SECTION 14 OBLIGATIONS OF THE HOLDER 14.1 Le titulaire d'un certificat d'occupation périodique doit, au terme de chacune des périodes d'occupation visées par le certificat, libérer entièrement le domaine public et en 14.1 Holders of a periodic occupancy certificate must, at the end of every occupancy period covered by a certificate, vacate the public domain and remove all waste resulting Page 9 retirer tous résidus conséquents à l'occupation. from the occupancy. 14.2 Le coût de la réparation du domaine public endommagé par suite de l'occupation, de la remise en place du mobilier urbain retiré ou déplacé temporairement, de la réparation ou du remplacement du mobilier urbain endommagé ou perdu est à la charge du titulaire du certificat à l’égard de chacune des périodes d’occupation. 14.2 The cost of rebuilding the public domain that was damaged as a result of the occupancy, of putting back in place street furniture temporarily removed or moved, of repairing or replacing damaged or lost street furniture, is the expense of the certificate holder for every occupancy period. ARTICLE 15 DISPOSITIONS PÉNALES SECTION 15 PENAL PROVISIONS Quiconque contrevient à une disposition du présent règlement relativement à une occupation périodique commet une infraction et est passible : Anyone who contravenes a provision of this by-law relating to periodic occupancies is guilty of an offence and is liable: (1) s'il s'agit d'une personne physique : (a) pour une première infraction, d'une amende de 100 $ à 300 $; (b) pour une première récidive, d'une amende de 300 $ à 500 $; (c) pour toute récidive additionnelle, d'une amende de 500 $ à 1 000 $; (1) in the case of an individual: (a) for a first offence, to a fine of $100 to $300; (b) for a second offence, to a fine of $300 to $500; (c) for a subsequent offence, to a fine of $500 to $1,000; (2) s'il s'agit d'une personne morale : (a) pour une première infraction, d'une amende de 200 $ à 600 $; (b) pour une première récidive, d'une amende de 600 $ à 1 000 $; (c) pour toute récidive additionnelle, d'une amende de 1 000 $ à 2 000 $. (2) in the case of a corporation: (a) for a first offence, to a fine of $200 to $600; (b) for a second offence, to a fine of $600 to $1,000; (c) for a subsequent offence, to a fine of $1,000 to $,2000. Page 10 SECTION 16 COMING INTO FORCE ARTICLE 16 ENTRÉE EN VIGUEUR Le présent règlement conformément à la loi. entre en vigueur Page 11 This By-law comes into force according to law. COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES BY-LAW 1300 - NOTICE OF MOTION ITEM No. 21 Councillor Lulham Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Lulham to read the following: I hereby give notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law to further amend Permits and Certificates By-law 1300” at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJECT Councillor Lulham “THAT the object of this draft by-law is to establish the fees for the occupancy of the public domain for café terrace.” [NO RESOLUTION] CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1448 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount dûment convoquée et tenue à l’hôtel de ville le insérer date et à laquelle assistaient : Le maire : Peter F. Trent, président/Chairman Les conseillers : Victor M. Drury Kathleen W. Duncan Nicole Forbes Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis ATTENDU qu'un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 3 juin 2013; Il est ordonné et statué par le Règlement 1448 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1300 SUR LES PERMIS ET CERTIFICATS », que : Le règlement 1300, adopté le 3e jour de juillet 2001 et modifié par les règlements RCA02 23008, RCA04 23017, 1319, 1341, 1385, 1407, 1419 et 1445 est de nouveau modifié comme suit : Page 1 Article 1 L’article 140 du Règlement sur les permis et certificats (1300) est dorénavant numéroté ainsi : « 1°» Types de demandes Tarifs Demande de vérification des plans 50 $ Demande de vérification des plans pour une nouvelle construction ou un ajout d’une superficie égale ou supérieure à 40 m2 (430,56 pi2) 750 $ Demande de modification à un règlement de zonage ou de lotissement Les tarifs mentionnés ci-haut sont non-remboursables. Page 2 1 000 $ plus les frais de publication de tous les avis publics, plus 15% de frais d’administration « 2°» Permis de construction et certificat d’autorisation d’aménagement paysager Tarifs usage résidentiel • Nouvelle construction ou ajout d’une superficie égale ou supérieure à 40 m2 (430,56 pi2) 15 $/m2 (10,76 pi2) • Tous autres projets de construction : reconstruction, ajout – modification, réparation, aménagement paysager (certificat d'autorisation) : Valeur estimée des travaux proposés 1 $- 2,000 $ Tarifs 6 $ par 100 $ Tarif minimum: 50 $ 2 001 $ - 25 000 $ 120 $ pour les premiers 2 000 $ + 9 $ par tranche de 1 000 $ ou fraction de, jusqu’à et incluant 25 000 $ 25 001 $ - 100 000 $ 327 $ pour les premiers 25 000 $ + 7 $ par tranche de 1 000 $ ou fraction de, jusqu’à et incluant 100 000 $ 100 001 $ et plus 852 $ pour les premiers 100 000 $ + 6 $ par tranche de 1 000 $ ou fraction de Page 3 « 3° » Tarifs usage commercial / autres usages Permis de construction et certificat d’autorisation d’aménagement paysager 15 $/m2 (10,76 pi2) • Nouvelle construction ou un ajout d’une superficie égale ou supérieure à 40 m2 (430,56 pi2) • Tous autres projets de construction : reconstruction, ajout – modification, réparation, aménagement paysager (certificat d'autorisation) : Valeur estimée des travaux proposés 1 $- 2,000 $ Tarifs 6 $ par 100 $ Tarif minimum: 100 $ 2 001 $ - 25 000 $ 120 $ pour les premiers 2 000 $ + 9 $ par tranche de 1 000 $ ou fraction de, jusqu’à et incluant 25 000 $ 25 001 $ et plus 327 $ pour les premiers 25 000 $ + 8 $ par tranche de 1 000 $ ou fraction de. Page 4 « 4° » Autres permis et certificats Tarifs Permis de plomberie (usages résidentiel, commercial et autres usages) Installation Modification Prolongement Renouvellement 30 $ plus 15 $ / appareil Certificat d’autorisation d’affichage 100 $ / enseigne Certificat d’autorisation d’usage temporaire - Café Terrasse 8 $ / chaise – minimum 40 $ Certificat pour usage temporaire de la propriété publique 1,29 $/m2 (0,12 $ / pi2) / jour Espace avec parcomètre 50 $ / jour / espace de stationnement Certificat d’occupation • Permanent • Temporaire • Organisme à but non lucratif (OBNL) (Certificat d’occupation 125 $ 25 $ Sans frais temporaire) Permis de lotissement (Opération cadastrale) 100 $ / lot établi par opération cadastrale Permis d’excavation de roc ou dynamitage 1 000 $ Certificat d’autorisation pour l’abattage d’un arbre 100 $ / arbre Permis pour l’application de pesticide 50 $ Page 5 Permis de tournage • Catégorie I séances de photos fixes professionnelles • Catégorie II toute production de films et de vidéos Permis divers 50 $ 500 $ 50 $ » Page 6 ». Article 2 Le paragraphe 4 de l’article 140 du Règlement sur les permis et certificats (1300) est modifié par l’ajout des clarifications suivantes concernant les café-terrasses sur le domaine privé et sur le domaine public : « 4° Autres permis et certificats Tarifs Permis de plomberie (usages résidentiel, commercial et autres usages) Installation Modification Prolongement Renouvellement 30 $ plus 15 $ / appareil Certificat d’autorisation d’affichage 100 $ / enseigne Certificat d’autorisation d’usage temporaire du domaine privé par un café-terrasse 8 $ / chaise – minimum 40 $ Certificat d’occupation pour l’usage périodique du domaine public par un café-terrasse 1,82 $/m2 (0,17 $ / pi2) / jour Certificat pour tout autre usage temporaire de la propriété publique 1,29 $/m2 (0,12 $ / pi2) / jour 50 $ / jour / espace de stationnement Espace avec parcomètre Certificat d’occupation • Permanent • Temporaire • Organisme à but non lucratif (OBNL) (Certificat d’occupation temporaire) Page 7 125 $ 25 $ Sans frais Permis de lotissement (Opération cadastrale) 100 $ / lot établi par opération cadastrale Permis d’excavation de roc ou dynamitage 1 000 $ Certificat d’autorisation pour l’abattage d’un arbre 100 $ / arbre Permis pour l’application de pesticide 50 $ Permis de tournage • Catégorie I séances de photos fixes professionnelles 50 $ 500 $ • Catégorie II toute production de films et de vidéos Permis divers 50 $ » Article 3 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi. Peter F. Trent Maire Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza Greffière de la Ville Page 8 ». CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT BY-LAW 1448 At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on insert date, at which were present: The Mayor : Peter F. Trent, President/Chairman Councillors : Victor M. Drury Kathleen W. Duncan Nicole Forbes Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law having been given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on 3 June 2013; It is ordained and enacted by By-law 1448 entitled “BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES BY-LAW 1300”, that: By-law 1300, adopted on the 3rd day of July 2001, as amended by by-laws RCA02 23008, RCA04 23017, 1319, 1341, 1385, 1407, 1419 and 1445 is hereby further amended as follows: Page 9 Section 1 Section 140 of Permits and Certificates By-law (1300) is now numbered as follows: “140. The following tariffs of fees for the issuance of permits and certificates will be levied: “1°” Types of application Fees Application for plan review $50 Application for plan review for a new construction or an addition of an area equal or greater than 40 sq. m (430.56 sq ft) $750 Application for a zoning or subdivision by-law amendment The above mentioned fees are non-refundable. Page 10 $1,000 plus publication notice costs and 15% of administration fees. “2°” Building permit for residential building and certificate of authorization for landscaping Fees for residential use • New construction or an addition of an area equal or greater than 40 sq m (430.56 sq ft) $15/sq m (10.76 sq ft) • All other construction projects: Reconstruction, Addition – Alterations, Repairs, Landscaping (Authorization Certificate): Estimated value of proposed work $1 - $2,000 Fees $6 per $100 Minimum fees: $50 $2,001 - $25,000 $120 for the first $2,000 + $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $25,001 - $100,000 $327 for the first $25,000 + $7 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 and up $852 for the first $100,000 + $6 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof Page 11 “3°” Building permit for residential building and certificate of authorization for landscaping Fees for commercial and other uses • New construction or an addition of an area equal or greater than 40 sq m (430.56 sq ft) $15/sq m (10.76 sq ft) • All other construction projects: Reconstruction, Addition – Alterations, Repairs, Landscaping (Authorization Certificate): Estimated value of proposed work $1 - $2,000 $2,001 - $25,000 $25,001 and up Fees $6 per $100 Minimum fees: $100 $120 for the first $2,000 + $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $327 for the first $25,000 + $8 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof Page 12 “4°” Other permits and certificates Fees Plumbing permit (residential, commercial and other uses) $30 + $15 / fixture Installing Altering Extending Renewing Certificate of authorization for signs $100 / sign Certificate of authorization for temporary use - café terrasse $8 / chair (minimum $40) Certificate for temporary use of publicly owned property $1.29/sq m ($0.12/sq ft) / day $50/parking space/day space with parking meter Certificate of occupancy • Permanent • Temporary • Non for profit organization (Temporary certificate of occupancy) $125 $25 No charge Subdivision permit (Cadastral operation) $100 for each lot established by cadastral operation Rock excavation or blasting permit $1,000 Certificate of authorization for tree cutting $100 / tree Permit for the application of pesticides $50 Page 13 Filming permit • category I professional photo sessions $50 • category $500 II all film and video productions Miscellaneous permits $50’’ ”. Section 2 Paragraph 4 of Section 140 of Permits and Certificates By-law (1300) is modified by the addition of the following clarifications regarding café-terraces on the private and public domain. “4° Other permits and certificates Fees Plumbing permit (residential, commercial and other uses) $30 + $15 / fixture Installing Altering Extending Renewing Certificate of authorization for signs $100 / sign Certificate of authorization for temporary use of the private domain for a café-terrace $8 / chair (minimum $40) Certificate for temporary use of the public domain by a café-terrace $1.82/sq m ($0.17/sq ft) / day Certificate for any other temporary use of publicly owned property $1.29/sq m ($0.12/sq ft) / day $50/parking space/day space with parking meter Page 14 Certificate of occupancy • Permanent • Temporary • Non for profit organization (Temporary certificate of occupancy) $125 $25 No charge Subdivision permit (Cadastral operation) $100 for each lot established by cadastral operation Rock excavation or blasting permit $1,000 Certificate of authorization for tree cutting $100 / tree Permit for the application of pesticides $50 Filming permit • category I professional photo sessions $50 • category $500 II all film and video productions Miscellaneous permits $50’’ Section 3 This by-law comes into force in accordance with the law. Peter F. Trent Mayor Viviana Iturriaga Espinoza City Clerk Page 15 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 CAFE TERRACE – NOTICE OF MOTION AND ADOPTION OF FIRST DRAFT ITEM No. 22 Councillor Lulham Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Lulham to read the following: I hereby give notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – cafe terrace” at a subsequent meeting of this Council. OBJECT Councillor Lulham THAT the object of this draft by-law is to amend sections 6.9.1 to 6.9.4 of the Zoning By-law to replace the definition of Café terrace in light of the adoption of the new By-law on periodic occupancy of the public domain MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT the draft by-law 1449, entitled “By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – cafe terrace” be and it is hereby adopted as a first draft by-law for submission to public consultation; THAT a public consultation meeting be held in the Council Chamber of Westmount on June xx, 2013 at x p.m., in accordance with the provisions of An Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development (chapter A-19.1). SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 14XX BY-LAW 14XX Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le (insérez la date), et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on the (insert date), at which were present: Le maire – Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors ATTENDU qu'un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 3 juin 2013; ATTENDU QUE le conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount a adopté par voie de résolution un projet de règlement intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – CAFÉ-TERRASSES »lors d’une séance ordinaire dudit conseil municipal dument convoquée et tenue le 3 juin 2013; Page 1 Peter F. Trent, président/Chairman Victor M. Drury Kathleen W. Duncan Nicole Forbes Gary Ikeman Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Timothy Price Theodora Samiotis WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law has been given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on 3 June 2013; WHEREAS a draft by-law entitled “BY-LAW TO ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – CAFÉadopted by resolution of the Municipal Council of Westmount, at the regular sitting of the said Municipal Council, dully called and held on 3 June 2013; FURTHER AMEND TERRACES” was ATTENDU QUE ledit conseil municipal a dument convoqué et tenu, le 3 juin 2013, une assemblée de consultation publique portant sur ledit projet de règlement; WHEREAS a public consultation meeting on the said draft By-law was dully called and held by the said Municipal Council on the 3 June 2013; Le règlement no 1303, adopté le 3 juillet 2001, puis modifié par les règlements nos 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA 05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1363, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1413, 1427, 1434 et 1446 est de nouveau modifié comme suit : By-law No. 1303, adopted July 3, 2001, as amended by by-law Nos. 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1413, 1427, 1434 and 1446, is hereby further amended as follows: Il est ordonné et statué par le Règlement 14XX, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – CAFÉ-TERRASSES », comme suit : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 14XX, entitled “BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BYLAW 1303 – CAFÉ-TERRACES“ as follows: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 2.4 TERMINOLOGIE : LES DÉFINITIONS 2.4 TERMINOLOGY: DEFINITIONS La section 2.4 du Règlement 1303, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE », est modifiée en remplaçant la version française de la définition de l’expression « Café-terrase » par la suivante : Division 2.4 of By-Law 1303 entitled “ZONING BYLAW” is amended by replacing the English version of the definition of the expression “Caféterrace” with the following: « Café-terrasse (Café-Terrace) - Un espace extérieur pour s’asseoir, attenant à un restaurant ou à un marché d'alimentation au détail situé sur le même emplacement, ou, si accompagné d’un certificat d’occupation périodique du domaine public, dans l’emprise excédentaire du trottoir et aménagé avec tables et chaises, conçu et utilisé pour la consommation sur place de nourriture et de boissons ou destiné à cette fin. » “Café-Terrace (Café-terrasse) - An exterior sitting area appurtenant to a restaurant or a retail food outlet located on the same site, or on the right of way of the sidewalk, if in possession of a certificate of periodic occupancy of the public domain, equipped with tables and chairs, and designed, used or intended for the consumption thereon of food products or beverages.” Page 2 SECTION 2 ARTICLE 2 L’énoncé de l’article 6.9.1 du Règlement 1303, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE », est modifié par la numérotation et l’ajout de la précision suivante : The heading of Section 6.9.1 of By-Law 1303, entitled “ZONING BY-LAW”, is amended by the numbering and the following additional precision: « Localisation autorisée – domaine privé » “ Permitted location – Private domain” ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3 L’article 6.9.1 du Règlement 1303, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE », est modifié par l’ajout des article et énoncé suivants : Section 6.9.1 of By-Law 1303, entitled “ZONING BY-LAW”, is amended by the addition of the following Section and statement: « Localisation autorisée – domaine public “ Permitted location – Public domain Pursuant to By-Law 1447 and upon issuance of a certificate of periodic occupancy of the public domain, a café-terrace may be established on City property.” En vertu du Règlement 1447, et sur délivrance d’un certificat d’occupation périodique du domaine public, un café-terrasse peut être établi sur la propriété de la Ville. » ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4 L’article 6.9.4 du Règlement 1303, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE », est modifié par l’ajout du libellé suivant : Section 6.9.4 of By-Law 1303, entitled “ZONING BY-LAW”, is amended by the following additional wording: « 6.9.4 Aménagement “6.9.4 Planning and design Un café-terrasse sur le domaine privé doit être aménagé au niveau du sol et être pavé d'asphalte ou de maçonnerie, et il doit être entouré d'une corde pour en délimiter la superficie. » A café-terrace established on the private domain must be at ground level, paved in concrete or masonry and cordoned off in order to delimit the area of the café-terrace” Page 3 ARTICLE 6 ENTRÉE EN VIGUEUR Le présent règlement conformément à la loi. entre en SECTION 6 COMING INTO FORCE vigueur Page 4 This By-law comes into force according to law. COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1300 MODIFICATION OF ZONE R2-15-03 NOTICE OF MOTION AND ADOPTION OF FIRST DRAFT ITEM No. 23 Councillor Lulham Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Lulham to read the following: I hereby give notice notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – Modification of Zone R2-15-03” at a subsequent meeting of this Council. OBJECT Councillor Lulham THAT the object of this draft by-law is to create a new zone for the site of St. Mathias Church by removing lot No. xxxxx for the purposes of allowing the uses of places of worship and kinder garden. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT the first draft by-law 1450, entitled " By-Law to further amend zoning by-law 1303 – Modification of Zone R2-15-03 St-Mathias " be and it is hereby adopted as a first draft by-law for submission to public consultation; and THAT a public consultation meeting be held in the Council Chamber of Westmount on June xx, 2013 at x p.m., in accordance with the provisions of An Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development (chapter A-19.1). SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 NEW BUSINESS ITEM No. 24 PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD PROCÉDURES POUR S'ADRESSER AU CONSEIL PENDANT LA PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN ADDRESSING COUNCIL DURING PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Chaque séance du conseil comprend deux périodes au cours desquelles les personnes présentes peuvent poser des questions orales au maire. Every Council meeting includes two periods during which the persons present may address verbal questions to the Mayor. Les rapports du maire et des conseillers précèdent la première période de questions. Mayor’s and Councillors’ Reports will precede the first Question period. Le maire ou le membre qui préside la séance annonce le début et la fin de la période de questions. Le temps venu, il accorde la parole aux personnes qui désirent poser des questions en donnant préséance aux résidents de la ville. The Mayor or the presiding member announces the beginning and the end of question periods. At the appointed time, he hands over to the persons wishing to ask a question, giving precedence to residents of the City. La première période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 45 minutes, laquelle peut être prolongée à 60 minutes par le président. The first question period is of a maximum length of 45 minutes, which may be extended to 60 minutes by the chair. La seconde période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 30 minutes. The second question period is of a maximum length of 30 minutes. Présentez-vous au microphone et indiquez clairement votre nom et votre adresse au greffier. Speak directly into the microphone and state your name and address clearly to the City Clerk Chaque résident de Westmount présent peut poser une question, en français ou en anglais, précédée d’un très court préambule, le cas échéant. Each Westmount resident in the audience may ask one question, in French or in English, preceded (if desired) by a very short preamble. À la fin de la réponse, une question de suivi sur le même sujet est permise, mais sans préambule. Une fois que tous les résidents désireux de poser une question ont eu l’occasion de le faire, et si le temps le permet, une deuxième question est autorisée. After receiving a reply, a follow-up question on the same subject is permitted, but without a preamble. Once all residents desirous of asking a question have taken their turn, and time permitting, a second question is allowed. Les questions des non-résidents autorisées à la discrétion du président. Questions from non-residents are allowed at the discretion of the chair. Merci sont Thank you COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 3, 2013 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING
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