Welcome to Penngrove, California
Welcome to Penngrove, California
Volume 5 Winter/Holiday 2011 Edition Issue 2 FREE - Thank the Advertisers Highlights: Your Community Magazine Inside Penngrove Sips, Savors & Sounds Penngrove Map & Directory Cotati - In The Neighborhood Penngrove 4-H Penngrove Events Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 10/11 Pg. 14/15 Pg. 16 Pg. 19 Rock Ranches of Penngrove Where the cobblestones came from - Page 4 Local Happenings Review of 2011 Penngrove events - Page 17 Lichau Road - Worst Road in County Local group work to get road fixed - Page 12 Welcome to Penngrove, California Broad inventory of Glassware, Formal & Casual Dishware, Pottery, Furniture, Paintings, Jewelry, Buttons, Kitchen Decor, Children’s Dishware, Cast Iron, Pyrex & Bakelite Utensils. We carry: Lenox, Want information on a favorite piece? We can research background and Booth, Spode, market price information for you. Franciscan, Minton, Pacific Pottery, Mikasa, Catalina, Jeanette Glass, Lancaster, Bauer, Redwing, Viking, Cambridge and much more... Open: 11am-4pm Tuesday thru Saturday 10010 Main St. Penngrove - 707-792-2733 Psychotherapy Services Sensitive ~ Compassionate ~ Experienced ~ Intuitive Myron Walters, LMFT Richard N. Krafnick, LMFT Deborah Morris, LCSW Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Highly experienced Psychotherapist and Voice Dialogue* facilitator Transforming the pain Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Begin to reclaim the life you were meant to live Specialties: Adults with • Severe Childhood Trauma/Abuse • Dissociative Identity Disorder • Complex PTSD • Event Trauma • Near Death and Anesthesia States Body-Oriented and Transpersonal Psychotherapy Somatic Experiencing 415-686-3445 myronwalters.com and trauma of the Deborah Morris, LCSW #6189 past to live more fully Are you if Psychotherapy in the present Bringing clarity and wondering kindness can help you/your relationship? to individuals and couples Each person possesses an inherent vitality, or self-healing power, that Receive skillful support and Are you seeking more satisfaction moves the mind-body organism toward guidance from a highly health life? and balance. At the same time, and meaning in your experienced practitioner past patterning and traumatic events can pose obstacles that keep the perPsychotherapy & Voice Dialogue Come in and explore the possibilities son trapped in symptoms and disease. Voice Dialogue is a unique psycho-spiritual a free initial Removing those obstacles can lead a consciousness techniquein that enables you to consultation. person to a deepening wholeness and work with your “inner selves.” With guided sense connection within oneself, and practice, you develop a new awareness of your*Voice Dialogue is a gentle and of powerful support the resolution of symptoms. self and others thatinteractive generates healing, new technique for growth and healing. choices, and a sense of well-being and wholeness. Se Habla Español 415-383-3469 415-351-2463 315 E. Cotati Ave. Suite G, Cotati, Ca 94931 [email protected] 415-383-3469 [email protected] LearnGrowHeal.com [email protected] richardkrafnick.com www.LearnGrowHeal.com These are sole proprietors, not a partnership or a joint business entity. 315 E. Cotati Avenue, Suite G, Cotati PENNGROVE PROUD 2 Holiday/Winter 2011 The holiday season is Welcome from the suddenly upon us once Publisher again when it seems like only yesterday that we took the tree down from last year. But let's not get blasé about Christmas and the holiday season. It is a genuinely special time of year to be with family and loved ones, and cherish their company. It is a time that offers indelible lifetime memories, but should always be enjoyed in the moment. Index Rock Ranches of Penngrove — Page 4 Penngrove Elementary School News — Page 5 Reader’s Comments — Page 5 Inside Penngrove — Page 6 Sips, Savors & Sounds — Page 7 Penngrove Map — Page 10 & 11 Sunshine Living Christmas Trees in Penngrove Service Directory — Page 10 & 11 This issue, we take a look back at the one true foundation of our modern cities, quite literally the ground on which our streets were built. Penngrove was home to many of the rock quarries providing cobblestones for the streets of early San Francisco and that local contribution was as important to the city for a while as poultry; and incidentally was transported in exactly the same manner, by train and ferry. PAGE Lichau Road, or lack thereof - Page 12 Cotati - In the Neighborhood — Page 14 & 15 If there are any cobblestones left out there in the local quarry pits, they could use them on Lichau Road. Traffic and potholes and budgets converge uncomfortably everywhere in the world from the biggest cities to the smallest hamlets, so I guess it's no surprise that we have our own problems here in paradise, but nowhere is the issue more urgent than on Sonoma County's own 'highway to hell' as our story illustrates. Penngrove 4-H— Page 16 Penngrove Events 2011 in Review — Page 17 Hometown & Neighborhood Events — Page 19 Last but not least, for those of you looking to get involved in a worthy community tradition, please read our primer on the local 4-H organization. They keep our kids in touch with some fundamental activities that can often slip by in this fast and furious modern world. The Team that Moves Sonoma County Shawn & Patty Loucks Realtors® 2012 is on the calendar, and the stars are looking good on a clear night over Penngrove! Town & Country Properties Shawn Loucks 707.486.4123 Season's Greetings and best wishes for a Happy New Year from all of us here at Penngrove Proud Patty Meola-Loucks 707.321.9999 Lynda Sutton-Smith Publisher Penngrove Residents Email: [email protected] Visit our website - ShawnandPatty.com Holiday/Winter 2011 Penngrove basks, as it always does, in the bucolic, natural beauty of the season and in the midst of a world in eternal turmoil offers a small oasis of calm and civility (except on occasion for the intruding commuter traffic on Petaluma Hill Road). 3 PENNGROVE PROUD THE “ROCK RANCHES” OF PENNGROVE By Chuck Lucas Drive north along Petaluma Hill Road, just north of East Railroad Avenue and behind Bud's Meats, you will see a ranch that is strewn with rocks and boulders of various shapes and sizes, a scene reminiscent of the desolation of a moonscape or if you are artistically inclined, a scene from an Ansel Adams photograph. It is a “rock ranch”. This is But how did those rocks get there? I sat down for an interview with Dr. Rolfe Erickson, a retired geology professor from Sonoma State University, who shed some light on that question. now the Brian Ranch and that ranch (originally the Barnes ranch), along with the Davis and Robert's ranches, were the major suppliers of cobblestones that paved the streets of San Francisco and Petaluma. With the advent of the railroad, they soon became one of the largest businesses and employers in Penngrove in the late 1870's. Two hundred million years ago, according to Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California by David Alt and Donald W. Hyndman, the western edge of California was at what is now eastern California. Around that time the continent of North America began moving to the west. “The moving continent collided with the floor of the Pacific Ocean which sank beneath the continent's western edge and then disappeared into the hot depths of the earth's mantle”. But the sediments and volcanic islands were too light to sink and they smashed up in a “grinding encounter between the continent and the ocean floor”. And this is basically how Cali- Cover Photo: Brian Ranch, Penngrove. CA. - Chuck Lucas Your Community Magazine Publisher/Creative Director - Lynda Sutton-Smith Editorial Director - John Sutton-Smith Continued on page 8~ Redwood Montessori School Contributing Writers Chuck Lucas - [email protected] Lisa Schuldt Contributing Photographers Chuck Lucas, Lynda Sutton-Smith Advertising Sales - Debbie Goodier Koos Pre-school & Kindergarten • Morning, Afternoon & Full Day Sessions • Ages 3-6 years • Year-round Published By Penngrove Publishing P.O. Box 553, Penngrove, CA 94951 707.665.9408 - [email protected] www.penngroveproud.com Published Quarterly - Available via Direct Mail, Penngrove Merchants and local businesses. PENNGROVE PROUD “where children love to learn” $100 off first month’s tuition 4 11201 Main St, Penngrove 707-665-9830 Redwoodmontessori.com Open Tues.-Sat., Eve. by appoint. Holiday/Winter 2011 Penngrove Panthers Reader’s Penngrove Elementary School News Comments , The annual Scholastic Book Fair was again extremely popular, with a big thank you to everyone who bought a few books. All the purchases help the school get new books for the library. And the Halloween Carnival? Wasn’t that just the best one yet? There were so many happy and excited children (and adults), and lots of fun games and booths, including a fantastic Haunted House put on by the 6th Graders and their families. There was also the everpopular cakewalk! There was a great collection of goodies again this year, and the parade showed off all the crazy costumes with prizes going to the best ones. Skate night continues to be a much-anticipated event with the next one on Dec 16th, 5:307:30pm at Cal Skate. Class with the highest attendance wins prizes! The Plantin’ Panthers are continuing on their very sucDear Lynda, cessful quest to beautify the school campus. I know you are a long time music lover, and On Sunday, October 16th their core group a big fan of local bands in particular. So I and a few new families gathered to plant the donahave a suggestion. As you know so much tion of over 100 native plants from the Native Plant about it all, wouldn't it be great if you could Society of Sonoma County. They were planted all write about the Sonoma scene and some around campus, with many in the area between the of its musical history, maybe even do a regular column like a diary or something! I office and classrooms, and in the upper quad. The know so many people who would love that. Alexander family gave the gift of a permanent gar From a big Proud fan den/art installation of red roses and poppies on the front hill. We are well on our way to having the Editor's Note: Thank you for the suggestions. We will best looking campus in Sonoma County! Next-door be doing a music issue this coming year. Any local neighbor Jan Shaw joined the group to help out once bands and or musicians send us your information. again - she is a big supporter of the beautify campus The Halloween carnival was enjoyed by Send letters or comments to Penngrove Kindergartners (top) through 6th graders (bottom) Proud, POB 553, Penngrove, CA 94051 movement. Thanks everyone! The Penngrove Reor email: [email protected] cess Renaissance Program is continuing to attract a large group of students for its varied activities at lunchtime recess. Encourage your child to participate; they can learn new skills and make more friends. The 1st Holiday Food Drive was held in the weeks leading up BARBARA J. PERRY MBA, GRI to Thanksgiving, and it brought in over Broker Associate Realtor 800 canned and boxed items. These are DRE Lic. No. 01871490 all donated to C.O.T.S. and distributed to needy families in our community. The Christmas one is now on, so keep those cans coming. The school is again partnering with the Penngrove Fire [email protected] Dept to collect new unwrapped gifts for www.ExperienceTheDreamTeam.com the Toys for Tots Drive. There is a barrel in the office. Let’s help our children Homeowner News learn the true meaning of the holidays. In that same spirit, come join us to Barbara’s listen to the 5th & 6th Graders perform Homeowner Newsletter at their Holiday Music Concert on Call or email today to receive Friday, December 16th, 1:30-2:30pm. your free monthly copy! Oh Come All Ye Faithful! Dear Penngrove Proud, Thanks for your lovely local magazine. Can I put in my two cents? I love our small town and I love our small town post office, but I have become increasingly frustrated with the parking lot there. Even in the middle of the afternoon the lot is filled, and I have to wait, holding up other customers, then manoeuvre round exiting cars. When I enter the post office, there's only one or two people there! These cars obviously do not belong to post office customers. Seriously postal neighbors, please don't abuse the parking lot, park where you are going. S.B., Penngrove The Clear Choice (707) 477-9101 Barbara’s Barbara J. Perry MBA ^ Broker Associate Realtor ^ TM DRE Licence #01871490 November 2010 FREE Do You Really Need an Agent? Wishing to save a few bucks on commission, some adventurous sellers embark on the home selling task without an agent. You’ve heard the usual arguments against doing this — the paperwork hassle, the improper pricing, the legal pitfalls — so I will not talk about those here. Instead, here are the drawbacks of a different kind that are almost always overlooked — the emotional ones. That Uncomfortable Feeling To some people selling is second nature — they easily strike up conversations with perfect strangers and quickly earn their trust and their business. However, for a larger majority, tr ying to sell something to a stranger feels uncomfortable. The “uncomfortableness” is amplified if a person has an emotional attachment to the thing being sold (as is the case with homes). Hearing negative comments about one’s home and facing rejection repeatedly is a dreadful experience for many solo-sellers. Those who work with an agent have it easy. A good agent will gently provide advice on what improvements are needed and how to best stage the home for showings. The agent handles the showings, answers the objections of potential buyers, and is trained to handle the “salesy” part of guiding someone from “just looking” to “I want to make an offer.” The seller just sits, smiles, and waits for a signed offer to arrive. Anxiety As you already know, selling a home involves lots of paperwork, much of it mandated by law. Forget something, and you may find yourself in legal hot water. For-Sale-By-Owners may be fairly certain that they have dotted all the “i”s and crossed all the “t”s, but many will still worry: “Did I provide all of the disclosures? Was everything done properly?” This creates anxiety. Then, after the sale, the unexpected call: “Hi, this is the buyer. There’s water in the basement and this was not disclosed to me before the purchase.” The seller stutters: “I was not aware of that...” “We’ll see,” replies the buyer, “I’ll have someone contact you soon.” Now the seller has to sweat and worry and agonize and lose sleep waiting for that call from “someone” whose name is probably followed by “ESQ.” Don’t get me wrong — many solo sellers complete their transactions without any legal problems. But just thinking, “Am I forgetting something” creates unnecessary anxiety. How does working with an agent alleviate this? An agent is trained in all the different legal aspects of selling a home. Not only does this minimize the chances of something going wrong, but it also gives the seller added peace of mind — one less thing to worry about. Does this mean that agents are perfect and never make mistakes? No, but they have Errors and Omissions Insurance if something should go wrong. Hey, even more peace of mind! As winter approaches, the real estate market will likely slow down. That’s when it becomes especially important to have a skilled Realtor on your side. If you are buying, a knowledgeable Realtor will know where to find good homes, even if there are fewer homes on the market. If you are selling, a good agent will know how to attract qualified buyers, even if fewer people are looking. Are you thinking of buying or selling soon? If so, give me a call or send me an e-mail today, and let’s work together. I offer thorough knowledge of the local market, friendly service, and no sales pressure. Barbar er Barbaraa JJ.. PPer errr y MB MBAA Broker Associate Realtor (707) 477-9101 [email protected] www.ExperienceTheDreamTeam.com Stress and Disappointment Selling a home takes time. Time to do the advertising, time to show the home, time to talk to potential buyers, time to properly (continued, Page 2) RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Holiday/Winter 2011 5 PENNGROVE PROUD Inside Penngrove We are having an extra beautiful Fall this year with so many colorful trees; try to save a little time for yourself to enjoy your lovely surroundings. First off, congratulations to our own Yanni’s Sausage Grill who won Best in Charcuterie for the 2nd year in a row at the 2011 Sonoma County Harvest Fair. They were also awarded a Gold Medal for their new Luganega sausage, a Silver Medal for their ‘Thanksgiving in a Link’ and a Bronze Medal for their Chicken Limoncello offering. Along with Bud’s Custom Meats' 2011 awards for their bacon and ham, there is no doubt that we have some of the best meats around. Passanisi's Nursery has moved a lot of its inventory over to the Passanisi's Downtown store (Santa & Everett outside - top photo) and is no longer selling retail from the nursery location. They have a huge assortment of home and garden items there, and a great selection of holiday gifts, plus poinsettia, wreaths and garlands. Penngrove locals Rich and Tracy (Otsuka) Stefani's son, Markus, is playing Charlie in the Local Cinnabar production of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It's a great little theater and a lot of fun. Go check it out. A new non-profit orgaMade with Organic Bread, nization, Ladybug Pride in Baked Fresh Connection, is workPenngrove, CA Daily ing to help families in need in our community obtain gently-used, un-needed household goods, clothing and shoes. If you have any items please go to their website: www.ladybugconnections.org to arrange a donation. The Christmas Our many varieties include: Cheer Food and Sourdough, Roasted Garlic & Cheese, Toy Program that Kalamata Olive & Semolina Cranberry has been helping local Penngrove and Petaluma families since 1957 at the holiday season is in full swing and is in 10151 Main St., Suite 120, Penngrove, CA need of food, toys and monetary dona707.794.9445 tions. This is an all Now Open to the Public Monday - Saturday 6 am - 2 pm Wholesale & Retail PENNGROVE PROUD 6 volunteer organization that gave over 700 food baskets to local families and toys to over 1200 children last year. If you can help, please call 707-763-8368. And of course our local Rancho Adobe Firemen are collecting toys for the ‘Toys for Tots’ campaign again this year. Toys can be dropped off at the firehouse. Check out Darling Farms up on Petaluma Hill Road for its tasty, locally grown winter produce, and cut flowers, along with holiday poinsettia and wreaths. The Unknown Clothing store on Main Street is now open, stop on by and say hi. The Penngrove Social Firemen will be having three big food events in the coming months. In January, they have the Italian Sausage and Risotto Dinner; in February, the fabulous Crab Feed; and then in March the infamous Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner for St. Patty’s Day. I’ve found you can’t go wrong with a meal cooked by these wonderful folks. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Adobe Road has been re-paved from Old Redwood Highway up to Corona Rd. It was a daily exercise in patience maneuvering around the workers in different spots along the way, but thankfully it is now completed and we have a much smoother road to travel. In the 'Will It Really Help Department": A new lane divider has been added to Main Street just before the railroad tracks. (middle photo) Hopefully this will slow down some of the through traffic that seems to think our town is just an extension of the freeway. For weekend entertainment, now all three of Penngrove’s watering holes are having live music performance on varying nights. You can recycle your home ewaste (TV, computer, printer, cell phone) anytime now without charge at Global Materials Recovery Systems in Santa Rosa. Do you know who made and planted those big, beautiful, red flowers in front of Penngrove School? (bottom photo) It was Peter Alexander of Double K Designs, a custom screen-printing and embroidery company off of Old Redwood Highway in Penngrove. Along with his two young sons, they used recycled materials, including old vinyl records, to fashion the ‘flowers’. Thanks for helping keep Penngrove beautiful. Remember to shop and eat and drink locally this holiday season and always. See you around town. Holiday/Winter 2011 Sips, Savors & Sounds Something for Everyone’s Taste In Your local Area Providing the latest information on our local and surrounding area bistros, cafes, bars and other establishments offering eats, drinks and live music. JavAmoré Café Yanni’s Sausage Grill This is what a local coffee shop should be like everywhere! Kim and her friendly staff offer a wide variety of quality coffees, teas and pastries, along with a hearty breakfast menu, lunch sandwiches, soups and salads in a warm and inviting space. Catering service is also available. Tucked away behind the blue door is sausage paradise. Eight traditional, but original flavors are made on-site and they are fabulous. Served on a grilled roll with your choice of toppings. Also serving beef burgers, thin crust pizza, and breakfast sandwiches. Frozen 4-packs of sausages available to go. SuperBurger Full Circle Baking Company If you want a big, juicy burger or chicken sandwich with fries and an old-fashioned milkshake, then this is the place for you. Good selection of cold beer and wine and soft drinks. Happy Hour Deals 3-6pm, Mon-Fri. Casual dining in or takeout. Children’s menu. Caprara’s Pizzeria Baking bread since 2004, the family-run Full Circle has been milling organic flour and grain for more than a half century. They pride themselves in carrying on their family tradition, bringing generations of experience to all of their delicious, handmade artisan breads and rolls. Twin Oaks Tavern Enjoy a tasty lunch or dinner with a choice of indoor or outdoor seating. As well as their excellent signature pizza (also available in Take n’ Bake), Caprara’s serves up a delightful assortment of homemade pasta dishes, sandwiches and salads, plus soft drinks, beer and wine. Delivery available. An old time local gathering spot, with great lunch service, delicious sandwiches and burgers along with pasta, potato and green salads as well as daily specials. For gamers, there’s pool, as well as sports TV. Live music happens Friday night’s. Enjoy their nice outdoor patio. Mack’s Bar & Grill Penngrove Pub A neighborhood bar and grill on Main St, with a friendly atmosphere, along with refurbished wood floors and redesigned bar. Serving up cold beer, on-tap and bottled, mixed drinks and a full food menu, available in the Grill or at the bar. Live music Friday and Saturday nights. A local neighborhood pub, with a big screen TV, free pool Sunday and Monday, and Happy Hour on Monday evenings. Enjoy free pizza on Friday nights. Full bar, plus tap and bottled beer. Pool table and darts; live music some weekends. All addresses and phone numbers can be found in the Service Directory on page 10 Passanisi’s In Downtown Penngrove A place for pretties Treasures for your Home & Garden. Unique, affordable gifts Free Shipping! Use coupon code PenngroveProud at checkout. passanisihomegarden.com $5 off $30 purchase PO Box 461, Penngrove, Ca 94951 707.779.9846 - www.BellaAriana.com Holiday/Winter 2011 Come check out all our locally handmade products Open 7 days-a-week Passanisi’s Downtown With coupon - Expires 3/10/12 10070 Main St., Penngrove, CA 707-793-0100 7 PENNGROVE PROUD Continued from page 4~ B.C. Beginning in 312 B.C., the Romans created a large system of 53,000 miles of cobblestone roads through out Europe while expanding their far-flung military outposts. “ROCK RANCHES” fornia was formed. This grand collision created the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the various mountain masses were formed. The earth we stand upon is actually a floating mass of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks gathered together into tectonic plates that float on the earth's mantle. A volcano is an opening in the crust where molten rock and ash is belched out to the earth's surface. Basalt is igneous rock from lava and composes on the ocean floor as well as being a common rock found on the moon and in Sonoma County where it was the the most sought after rock for cobblestones. Sonoma Mountain is the eroded remains of the Sonoma volcanic pile, and according to Dr. Erickson, originated as lava and ash materials in the Pliocene era (5.4 to 2.5 million years ago). Various layers of materials were laid down covering the area. Through millions of years of earthquakes, volcanic activity and the relentless attack by the roots of trees and erosion, the debris of basalt rock that was left behind makes up Penngrove's rock ranches. After its last journey from the bowels of the earth it just sat there for a few million years until they were harvested and shaped into cobblestones by entrepreneurial Penngrove ranchers and businessmen. Although it is rare today to see a paved cobblestone street, cobblestones were a technological innovation at the time. Roads were usually either muddy or dusty and ruts would form on the roads that would make them nearly impassible. Cobblestones have been found in the Sumerian city of Ur, in what is now Iraq, that date back to 4000 years Ladybug Connections Some of the first cobblestones to appear in early San Francisco roads were used as ballast for ships coming in from England and France. The earliest evidence of the use of basalt cobblestones for the streets in San Francisco was found on 3rd Street dating to between 1864 to 1867, according to a report done by Nancy Olmsted in 1991, but they were not in general use until the mid 1870's. The convergence and expansion of many railroads in the area made it feasible to take the stones by rail and them load them onto scows to be shipped down the Petaluma River to their destination in San Francisco. Gus Campagna of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Museum said that the railroad was opened from Petaluma north towards Santa Rosa in 1869-1870. In 1873 San Francisco adopted cobblestones as the material of choice for their streets, and BBQ & Smoked Ribs, Chicken, Tri-tip & Pork Try our Soup & $6.99 Salad Special - New to our menu - Reduce Waste...Help....Share.... Hot Dog and Polish Sausage Connecting your gently used, unneeded household goods, clothing and shoes to families in need in our community We sponsor community events to strengthen family bonds, fill simple needs, and provide a fun loving atmosphere in our community. If you have items to donate, or need items, contact us at the website below. www.ladybugconnections.org Find us on facebook at Ladybug Connections Sponsored by Plaza North Shopping Center and Massage Envy Spa PENNGROVE PROUD Check out our expanding menu House-roasted Beef & Turkey BBQ & Deli Sandwiches - Delicious Salads Fresh Baked Goods - Burgers & Fries 101 E. Cotati Avenue, Cotati 707-795-3354 8 Open Daily 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Winter Hours Holiday/Winter 2011 in 1878 1,456,500 basalt paving blocks were shipped from Petaluma to San Francisco. Geologists report that “from 1887 to 1913 at least 136 million paving blocks from Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties were shipped with a value of $5,712,000.” The earliest reports of quarrying rocks for San Francisco is from an article in the Petaluma Argus Courier dated September 25, 1857 that talks about a quarry just south of Petaluma. This area is now a housing development and can be seen as you head south on 101. There were several quarries in Penngrove. The Craig/ Barnes ranch was owned by D.N. Craig, an Ohio native via Illinois who first moved to Occidental. He is the great-greatgreat grandfather of Penngrove historian, Ellen Harris (née Brian). Her grandmother married Mr. Barnes and it is now the Brian Ranch on East Railroad. Henry Davis owned the ranch that bordered the Barnes Ranch. Frank and Mary Roberts operated a quarry off Robert's Road that became idle in 1913. Another quarry was owned by J.M. Hardin (Hardin Lane) that operated until 1905. In an 1894 Petaluma Argus Courier article it said that, “350,000 basalt paving blocks were sold to the Southern Pacific Railroad in San Francisco; Roberts 100,000; Davis 100,000; John Lynch (Lynch Road) 50,000; J. Cooney 50,000; Lester Hardin 50,000 with a price of about $33 per thousand. All of these millions of cobblestones were hand shaped by skilled stone workers. Most of the quarry workers were young northern Italian immigrants, but there were also men from Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Sweden. A 1962 interview by Sonoma County's Dr. Bill Kortum with quarryman A.J. Camozzi, then in his late 70's, details the laborious work of the men who used only hand tools to shape the stones. To the enlightened eye of a stone mason a rock has grains much like a piece of wood with a grain and a cross grain. “First your tool is sharp, like a razor, and you mark the stone, where you are going to hit it. Then you tap in on one end and you give it the biggest hit where you are going to split it. You find where the grain is and you drill a square hole to the grain.”The bigger rocks were blasted with black powder. It took a man two years of working with the stones to become a “finisher.” It was all piece work and they worked as a team, each doing what they did best. “If the stone was good, you could make two hundred a day, and at three and a half cents that was seven dollars. If it was bum stone, maybe you only made 150. I made six or seven dollars a day many times, but at the end of the month I didn't have no money. The quarry men today, well they don't have no quarrymen today because the art is gone.” Teams of mules or horses would haul the cobbled basalt rocks down to the sidings of the San Francisco & Northern Pacific railroads. Loading took place in downtown Penngrove at the tracks on Main Street and also at Goodwin's Landing at Old Redwood Highway and Ely Road, then it was taken to Petaluma and transferred to scows at Haystack Landing for their final destination of San Francisco. Eventually the use of cement and asphalt, being cheaper to manufacture and quieter, as well as the arrival of the automobile doomed the cobblestone industry, but not before it made its mark on the history of Penngrove. The quarry men, the mules and the wagons have all gone the way of the cobblestone, but the evidence of their existence and once vital industry can still be seen along the rural roads of Penngrove. A Full Service Salon Medical, Surgical and Dental Services for all small animals Puppy & Kitty Packages - Boarding Thank you for your business throughout the past year. We all hope to see you in 2012. BRANDNER VETERINARY HOSPITAL INC. Barry J. Santero, D.V.M. Penngrove resident since 1989 Mon.-Fri. 8am-5:30pm, Sat. 8am - 12pm 347 Lakeville Street, Petaluma 10025 Main St., Penngrove, CA 707-792-6800 Open Tues.-Sat., Eve. by appt. (707) 762-3549 www.brandnervet.com Holiday/Winter 2011 Annette 792-6800 Mandy 795-3591 Cherine 694-6190 9 PENNGROVE PROUD PENNGROVE H PENNGROVE St BE RO A ve D Eic hte nL H - FAIRFIELD OSBORN n E PRESERVE F Pe n r ng ov Oak St. 5 8 13 - PASSANISI’S HOME & GARDEN 14 - PENNGROVE HAIR COMPANY 15 - PENNGROVE PETS 16 - REDWOOD MONTESSORI SCHOOL 17 - SHAWN & PATTY LOUCKS (CALL) 18 - THE GROVE 19 - TWIN OAKS GARAGE 20 - YANNI’S SAUSAGE GRILL Aqua-Teck Pool Service - Penngrove. 707-237-5350. [email protected] Arch’s Glass, 8079 La Plaza, Cotati, 795-6976 Azevedo Antiques - 10010 Main St., Penngrove, 792-2733 Bella Ariana - Penngrove. 707-779-9846. www.BellaAriana.com Barbara & Joseph Perry Real Estate, Penngrove, 477-9101 Bauman College - The Grove, 10151 Main St., Penngrove, 794-1284 Brander Veterinary Hospital - 347 Lakeville St., Petaluma, 762-3549 Brodie’s Tire - 1276 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma, 778-7808 Bud’s Custom Meats - 7750 Petaluma Hill Road, 795-8402 Building Blocks Pre-School - 228 Adobe Rd., Penngrove, 792-2280 CA Audio/Video - The Grove, 10101 Main St., Penngrove - 795-9065 Caprara’s Pizzeria - The Grove, 10101 Main St., Penngrove, 664-1515 Clover-Stornetta Farms - www.cloverstornetta.com Cotati Chamber, 216 East School Street, Cotati, 795-5508 Cotati Large Animal Hospital - 8079 Gravenstein Hwy. 795-4356 Cotati Small Animal Hospital - 8055 Gravenstein Hwy. 795-3694 Darling Farms - 7000 Petaluma Hill Road, Penngrove, 774-5754 Davis Publishing/Artful Arrangements - 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 664-8656 Deborah Morris, LCSW, 315 E. Cotati Ave., Suite G, Cotati, 415-383-3469 DK Systems - 1390 N. McDowell Blvd., Suite D Petaluma. 206-9228 Double K Designs - 5701 Old Redwood Hwy. Suite A, Penngrove, 792-2673 Downtown Autobody - 5850 B Redwood Drive, Rohnert Park. 665-9100 Exhange Bank - 8220 Old Redwood Hwy. 792-4990 Ferina Trucking - Penngrove, 696-5826 Friedman’s Home Improvement - 4055 Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa, 588-7632 Fringe Beauty Salon - The Grove, Main St., Ste C, Penngrove - 792-2444 Frizelle Enos Feeds, 10035 Main Street, Penngrove, 992-0144 Full Circle Baking Co. - The Grove, Main St., Ste 120, Penngrove, 794-9445 Giant Tree Removal Experts - POB 955, Penngrove, 849-2172 PENNGROVE PROUD 15 L 1 - AZEVEDO ANTIQUE STORE 2 - BARBARA PERRY REAL ESTATE (CALL) 3 - www.BELLAARIANA.com 4 - BUD’S CUSTOM MEATS 5 - BUILDING BLOCKS PRE-SCHOOL 6 - CAPRARA’S PIZZERIA 7 - DARLING FARMS 8 - FRIZELLE ENOS FEED STORE 9 - FULL CIRCLE BAKING CO. 10 - JAVAMORÉ CAFÉ 11 - www.LADYBUGCONNECTIONS.org 12 - MAIN STREET FITNESS A 14 20 10 D R ED W O OD 16 The Grove D 18 HW 6 10 Y Ronsheimer Rd MAIN STREET PETALUMA HILL RD PENNGROVE BUSINESSES 13 1 14 O 4 Santa Rosa G ro Woodward Ave MUSEUM ADOBE ROAD 7 Robert’s Road Willow Farms Woodward Ct ADO A - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL B - FIRE STATION C - PARK D - POST OFFICE E - COMMUNITY CHURCH F - COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE G - POWER & IMPLEMENT G Cotati ROHNERT PARK Local Service Directory h Shop Locally Support Your Neighbors Holiday/Winter 2011 9 eS Ea Glenn’s Auto Repair - 1309 Ross St. Petaluma, 762-4360 Global Materials Recovery Systems, 3911 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, 585-0511 JavAmoré Café, The Grove - 10101 Main St., Penngrove, 794-1516 Jay-Palm’s Western Store - 5701 Old Redwood Hwy., Penngrove, 795-5189 Ken Giorgi Electric - Petaluma, 766-4721 San Francisco Ladybug Connections - www.ladybugconnections.org S Larsen’s Feed & Pet Supply Center - 7400 Gravenstein Hwy, 795-4106 Lasley Mechanical - 9555 Main St, Penngrove, 795-5232 Mack’s Bar & Grill - 10056 Main St., Penngrove, 793-9480 E W Main Street Fitness - Penngrove Station, 11790 Main St., Penngrove, 792-0646 Mama Baretta - Penngrove, www.mamabaretta.com, 292-8958 t. S k N Marc Mezzetta’s Deli & BBQ - 101 East Cotati Ave., Cotati, 795-3354 Oa Massage Envy - 640. Cotati Ave., Cotati, 795-7700 Massage Inc. - 315 E. Cotati Ave., Suite D. Cotati, 792-0555 on i Petaluma t Sta Maverick Leather Company - 9550 Main St., Penngrove, 792-2208 C 12 Miller Driving School, 8053 Old Redwood Highway, Cotati, 585-1398 More Unlimited, 8282 Old Redwood Hwy. Cotati, 285-3400 Myron Walters, LMFT - 315 E. Cotati Ave., Suite G. 415-686-3445 Orchard Denman Rd. Oliver’s Market - 545 East Cotati Ave. Cotati, 795-9501 Valley & Kohl’s Shopping Palace of Fruit - 8 N. Ely Rd., Penngrove, 795-5311. Centers Passanisi‘s Home & Garden Store - 10070 Main St., Penngrove, 793-0100 B Penngrove Community Club House - 397 Oak St. Penngrove, 795-5958 Penngrove Community Church - 9970 Oak St., Penngrove, 795-5919 19 Penngrove Elementary School - 365 Adobe Rd., Penngrove, 778-4755 1 r Penngrove Growers Nursery - 9740 Old Redwood Hwy. Penngrove, 795-4043 AY 1 0 W D H IG s H Penngrove Hair Co. - 10025 Main St., Penngrove, 792-6800 lip l i Ph Penngrove Market - 230 Main St., Penngrove, 795-3232 LOCAL Penngrove Motorcycle Co. Shop & Clothing Store - 9585 Main St, Penngrove, 793-7993 BUSINESSES Penngrove Pet’s - 10035 Main St., Penngrove, 795-2275 1 - ARCH’S GLASS, COTATI Penngrove Pub - 10005 Main St., Penngrove, 664-8018 Penngrove Station - 11790 Main St., Penngrove 2 - BRANDNER VETERINARY HOSPITAL, SANTA ROSA Penngrove Station Mini Storage - 110 Woodward Ave., Penngrove, 664-9200 3 - BRODIES TIRE & BRAKE, PETALUMA Peter’s Nursery - 10330 Old Redwood Hwy., Penngrove, 795-5959 4 - COTATI SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL, COTATI Redhawk Glass, Inc. - 442 Houser St. Suite F, Cotati, 792-7771 Redwood Montessori School - 11201 Main St., Penngrove, 665-9830 5 - DEBORAH MORRIS, LCSW, COTATI Reed’s Trailer Sales, 5500-A Old Redwood Hwy, Petaluma, 792-9100 6 - DOWNTOWN AUTOBODY, ROHNERT PARK Rejuvenation & Well Being - 315 E. Cotati Ave., Suite A. 795-1063 7 - EXCHANGE BANK, COTATI Richard N. Krafnick, MFT - 315 E. Cotati Ave., Suite G. 415-351-2463 8 - FRIEDMAN'S HOME IMPROVEMENT, SANTA ROSA Roca Construction, Penngrove, 664-8502 Scandia, 5301 Redwood Drive, Rohnert Park, 584-1398 9 - GLEN’S AUTO, PETALUMA S.C. Phillips Enterprises - Penngrove, 795-7425 10- GLOBAL MATERIALS RECOVERY SYSTEMS, SANTA ROS Sevalli, Thwaites & Soper Insurance, 1345 Redwood Way, Petaluma, 794-9950 11 - BRANDNER VETERINARY HOSPITAL, PETALUMA Shawn & Patty Loucks - Penngrove, shawnandpatty.com, 486-4123 Softshell Massage & Spa - 10 Kentucky St., Petaluma, 773-4950 12 - LARSEN’S FEED, COTATI Sophie Makes It Simple - www.sophiemakesitsimple.com, 503-289-7524 13 - MARC MEZZETTA DELI, COTATI STS Transportation - Penngrove, 795-761 14 - MASSAGE ENVY, COTATI State Farm Insurance, Tony Maestri, Penngrove, 585-9931 15 - MORE UNLIMITED, COTATI Stay in Touch Massage, 11790 Main St., Penngrove, 527-7829 SuperBurger - 10070 Main St., Penngrove, 665-9790 16 - MYRON WALTERS, LMFT, COTATI Tailwagger Inn - 9239 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove, 729-6791 17 - OLIVER’S MARKET, COTATI Tech Assist 101, 10010 Main Street, Penngrove, 238-5101 18 - RICHARD N. KRAFNICK, LMFT, COTATI The Grove Plaza - 10101 Main St., Penngrove, 479-4544 True Value Hardware - 7520 Commerce Blvd., Cotati, 795-5456 19 - SEVALLI, THWAITES & SOPER INSURANCE, PETALUMA Twin Oaks Garage - 5745 Old Redwood Hwy. Penngrove, 795-4803 Twin Oaks Tavern - 5745 Old Redwood Hwy. Penngrove, 795-5118 Valkyrie Tattoo - 10002 Main St., Penngrove, 794-9390 Willow Farms - Roberts Road, Penngrove, 793-1003 Yanni’s Sausage Grill, 10007 Main St., Penngrove, 795-7088 st St ’s Jeff Pizza is not a Luxury It’s a Necessity! Take Out or Dine In Pasta • Burgers Ribs • Wings Salads Beer & Wine Now your local Jeff LaGrave Owner SPECIALIZING IN HORSE & UTILITY TRAILER REPAIR, DIESEL TRUCK REPAIR, WELDING & FABRICATION “At The Grove” 707-664-1515 Open Tuesday-Sunday, Closed Monday 10101 Main St. Suite F, Penngrove, CA 5745 Old Redwood Hwy. • Penngrove, CA • (707) 795-4803 Holiday/Winter 2011 Also Available Take & Bake 11 1OFF $ Medium Pizza 2 OFF $ 3 OFF $ Large Pizza X-Large Pizza With coupon only. Cannot be combined with any other offers. PENNGROVE PROUD AND THE WINNER IS Lichau Road By Chuck Lucas The dubious distinction of being the worst road in Sonoma County has been awarded to Penngrove's very own Lichau Road. Congrats. Not only was Lichau voted the worst road in SoCo by the Press Democrat's Road Warrior, but the county's roads were the second worst in the nation according to TRIP, a non-profit organization that reports on Department of Transportation data (www.tripnet.org). The condition of Lichau is alarming and potentially dangerous for residents. School buses loaded with children travel this road every day. Something had to be done to bring attention to this situation. Someone had to step up to the plate and take action. And someone did. Michael Troy, Judy Shubin, and Janae Rosen It soon became a county-wide issue. After Craig Harrison drove by the sign and contacted the groups' website, he and Michael Troy came up with Save Our Sonoma Roads (SOSroads.org). Mr. Troy says “We created SOSroads.org because we thought the issue is a county-wide issue about how the county sets priorities. County roads are essential to our Frizelle Enos Feeds IZ EL LE E SEBASTOPOL N 265 Petaluma Ave. (707) 823-6404 O S Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm Sat: 9am-5pm Michael Troy fixing potholes FR PENNGROVE 10035 Main Street (707) 992-0144 FE Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm Sat & Sun 9am-5pm EDS www.Frizelleenos.com It all started with a few emails between neighbors. Janae Rosen emailed Judy Shubin about the condition of decrepit and rapidly deteriorating, potholed Lichau. They put up a large sign at Lichau and Roberts Road and created a website. Neighbors quickly joined the cause and 220 residents responded with letters and emails. Celebrating our 8th year in Penngrove Our Speciality ...for the love of coffee Eggs Benedict Served Saturday & Sunday only A large variety of delicious Coffee & Tea. Enjoy Breakfast & Lunch, including Pastries, Omelets, Bagels, Smoothies, Sandwiches, Catering Soups & Salads. Special Children’s Menu. Available 10101 Main St., The Grove Suite A, Penngrove, CA 707-794-1516 PENNGROVE PROUD Open: Mon-Fri: 6:30am-3:30pm Sat: 7am-3pm, Sun: 8am-2pm Breakfast Hours: Thurs.-Fri: 7:30-11am Sat: 7am-12pm, Sun: 8am-1:30pm 12 Holiday/Winter 2011 quality of life and our livelihoods and the county has chosen to neglect one of its most important assets, our roads, deteriorate.” The Board of Supervisors has determined that of the 1,387 miles of road in the county, only 150 miles of the roads will be maintained and the rest will be left to fade back to nature with only minor repairs made. Although somewhat sympathetic to the public outcry, nothing in the near future indicates that any major work will School bus traversing the potholes on Lichau Road be performed by the county, other than continuing to fill the potholes. The county's back up plan is to continue to let it fail until they turn it into a gravel road. After a rain, Lichau looks like a pock-marked moonscape in a cheap sci-fi flick. The potholes have potholes. People drive smack-dab down the middle of the two lane road to avoid blowing out their tires. Calculations from TRIP's analysis say the poor condition of Sonoma County's roads cost the driver an estimated $698 a year to operate their vehicles. One family reports that they have blown out two tires and had to repair another car to the tune of $650 for front end damage in the last few years from driving on Lichau. Rosen and Shubin took the fight, and the emails and letters, to the county. They met with Supervisor's staff. Rosen said she understands the financial difficulties the county faces, “but that we must also hold the county responsible for the horrible condition of all of our roads.” Full Service Auto Repair and Preventive Maintenance ...and of course we do Tires and Brakes! Great knowledge, fair honest prices, no sales jobs to inflate prices, all-around good guys.” Russ N, Petaluma, CA • Factory scheduled maintenance at prices that BEAT the car dealer service • Guaranteed auto repairs since 1981 • Quality work at reasonable rates 1279 Petaluma Blvd. North. 778-7808 www.brodiestireandbrake.com Awarded Best Charcuterie 2010 & 2011 Harvest Fair All our sausages are handmade with our original, traditional recipes! Loukaniko, Garlic, Sweet/Hot Italian, Greek, Olympic Flame, Chicken Limoncello, Gyro (lamb) Sausage Sandwiches Garlic Fries Thin Crust Pizza Beef Burgers Frozen 4 Packs of Sausages To Go Wed-Fri 11-7 The biggest challenge for resiSat 11:30-7, Sun 11-3 dents that depend on Lichau is that it is a “road less trav10007 Main Street, Penngrove eled” and that places it further (707) 795-7088 down the Michael Troy fixing potholes list of priorities of the county. That makes it more difficult to capture the county's attention. Michael Troy says that, “Since the county does not have funds for road repairs, they Alternate entrance on Robert’s Road are suggesting that the residents pay for the repairs with a special assessment of Lichau residents.” Apparently, in Featuring Landscape Plants Sonoma County, if you want a decent road, you have to pay Winter Produce & for it yourselves. But the county hasn't heard the last & Vegetable Starts from Rosen, Shubin, Troy and Harrison. The fight has Local Fresh to 24” Box Trees only just begun. Flowers Darling Farms 7000 Petaluma Hill Road Picked and ordered daily to ensure freshness For more information, please visit the group's website at www.savelichauroad.com Holiday/Winter 2011 774-5754 • 529-8048 13 Open Daily 12-5pm PENNGROVE PROUD City of COTATI In the neighborhood Cotati has long been considered the “Hub” of Sonoma County by virtue of its central location and its distinct and historic hexagonal plaza. Surrounded by beautiful vistas of hills, vineyards, majestic oaks and redwoods, Cotati mixes all the benefits of living in a small city, with the cultural advantages of being located near major urban centers and a highly acclaimed state university. Cotati’s roots are steeped in agriculture and music, and our citizens are proud of the diverse and charming community that has been shaped by over 100 years’ history. Cotati Small Animal Hospital Bob Brooks 707-285-3400 Ph. 707-280-9009 Ph. 707-285-3410 Fax ~ We Offer ~ Copies, Printing & Banners, FedEx, USPS, Packing Supplies, Notary Public & Mail Box Rentals WE BUY & SELL Established since 1984 Paying more for Full-service veterinary medical facility with professional and courteous care for your cherished pet Gold, Silver, Jewelry Large & Small Estates Antiques & Oddities Spaying, Neutering, General Surgery, Bathing, Boarding, Dentistry & Vaccine Clinic William Cook D.V.M Frederick Groverman D.V.M. 8055 Gravenstein Hwy. Cotati 8282 Old Redwood Highway, Cotati [email protected] www.MOREunlimited.com 707-795-3694 M-F: 8am-5:30pm, Sat: 8am-12:00pm www.cotatismallanimalhosp.vetsuite.com Cotati’s Community Bank Serving Sonoma County since 1890 Dana O’Halloran Hours: Cotati Branch Manager 707 .792 .4990 ohallorand@exchangebank .com Monday - Thursday . . 9:00 a .m . – 5 p .m . Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a .m . – 6 p .m . Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a .m . – 2 p .m . www.exchangebank.com 14 8220 Old Redwood Hwy. Cotati, CA 94931 • 707.795.5482 Arch’s Glass Inc. complete glass service Table Tops • Shelves Shower Doors • Insulated Glass Mirrors • Garden Windows Aluminum & Vinyl Windows Screens • Plastic Outb a H ck & Ra ats inc Muc oats Boot k s Family owned & operated since 1974 Licensed Contractor #647838 Hay & Grain, Dog & Cat Food Poultry Feed, Fire Logs & Stove Pellets Bird, Poultry & Rabbit Feed & Supplies Straw, Rice Hulls & Shavings Pelleted Bedding, Western Saddles & Tack Dog & Cat Vaccines & Supplies Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm Sat: 8:30am - 5:00pm Sun: 9:30am - 2:00pm 7400 Gravenstein Hwy., Cotati 707-527-7328 707-795-4106 www.larsensfeedandpetsupply.com Peace on earth. ‘Tis the season for Massage Envy Spa gift cards. Ready to gift in any denomination at your local Massage Envy Spa. 49 $ 59 Introductory 1-hour $ massage session* Introductory 1-hour Healthy Skin facial session* MassageEnvy.com · Franchises Available · Convenient Hours Open 7 Days: M-FRI 8-10, SAT 8-6, SUN 10-6 COTATI 640 Cotati Ave. Next to Starbucks (707) 795-7700 *See clinic for details. ©2011 Massage Envy Franchising, LLC. 15 Open Mon - Fri 8am-5:30pm 8079 La Plaza, Cotati, CA 94931 707-795-6976 or 707-795-7731 Since 1964 Rick Stewart 4-H Penngrove Style By Lisa Schuldt What are the 4-H's? Head, Heart, Hands, Health 4-H members at Adobe Pumpkin Patch providing 4-H Education and a hands on animal display and arts & crafts table Penngrove 4-Hmembers pledge their heads to clearer thinking, their hearts to greater loyalty, their hands to larger service and their health for better living. Before each club meeting this pledge is recited and, as a club and organization, it is continuously demonstrated by our members. The 4-H year has just begun and we have welcomed many new members and their families from our community and surrounding communities to our club. In the month of December, Penngrove 4-H will be participating in many community outreach programs and community services. On December 13th, if you hear the sound of Christmas carolers in the Penngrove neighborhood that will be your annual Penngrove 4-Hers spreading some early holiday cheer. Come join in! Afterwards the members enjoy hot cocoa and desserts provided by the parents. As the New Year begins 4-H members will begin to prepare for upcoming events that include a livestock judging clinic, the January Rabbit Show, the Leadership Conference, Presentation, Penngrove Club winter activity (team building) and much more. Many of our projects have already started or are about to: Baking (they have already learned how to prepare appetizers for a small party), Outdoor Adventure (we are planning their first trip, clam digging and beach cleanup in January), and Arts & Crafts will be getting ready to take a field trip to a pottery studio. If you are interested in joining our club please send us an email to [email protected] for more information. You still have time to join and enjoy the many opportunities that 4-H has to offer. Providing professional, creative graphic design for your advertising and marketing needs We’ll Come Pick You Up Free Loaner Cars Free Towing in Sonoma Co. Up to $500 Off! We Handle the Paperwork Logos ~ Brochures ~ Advertising Flyers ~ Catalogs ~ Direct Mail Postcards ~ Point of Sale Now offering a new, affordable Direct Mail Program to reach targeted mail routes. Issue 1 ary/Fall 2010 Edition Third Annivers Volume : HigHligHts Pg. 5 Panthers Pg. 6 Penngrove Pg. 7 Inside Penngrove & Sounds Pg. 8 Sips, Savors Words Pgs. 10/11 In Her Own Map & Directoryod Pg. 18 Penngrove The Neighborho Pg. 19 Cotati - In Event Listings 4 e ity Magazin Your Commun Give Bees ARTIST MATERIALS ANNUAL WAREHOUSE SALE a Chance every garden - Page 4 Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, November 17th-19th, 2011, 9am to 4pm A beehive in Cotati SAVOIR-FAIRE Parade in Pictures July 4th, Memories of 2010 - Page Commun Business ity Guide & Directory 2011 Importers of Fine Materials for the Arts 15 ound Drive - Page 16 equipment Park Playgr Penngrove Luau, fundraiser for new playground Hawaiian 707-665-9100 rove, California Welcome to Penng POB 553, Penngrove, CA 94951 Holiday 2011 www.downtownautobody.com 707-665-9408 October 1st.December 15th, 2011 5850 B Redwood Drive • Rohnert Park, CA 94928 PENNGROVE PROUD FREE - Thank advERTisERs ThE [email protected] 16 Holiday/Winter 2011 Local 2011 Events in Review Neighborhood Car Show The invitations taped to the mailboxes called it a neighborhood "Barbeque and Car Show Extravaganza" and it lived up to its billing. For a number of years, neighbors off Cold Springs Road in Penngrove have been gathering to get to know each other in this rural enclave in the shadows of Sonoma Mountain. In previous years the block party was held for the purpose of bringing neighbors together to renew old friendships and meet folks new to the area, especially to discuss security after a break in at one of the homes. They operated on the belief that knowing your neighbors is your best security in rural areas. The event expanded this year when Jerry Smith, a retired chief Army mechanic, suggested that the group hold a car show, because of the number of folks in the area who had nice old cars. All of the good food, good people, live music and the marvelous array of automobiles made it a very special day. The classic cars created a splendid backdrop for the block party picnic, and the success of the event led to the suggestion that the neighbors hold a Harvest Festival every October. GUESS what & where Do you know What and Where this is ? Congratulations to Suzanne Barella our Guess What and Where #18 Photo Contest Winner. She has won a $20 gift certificate to Caprara’s Pizzeria, Penngrove. The photo was of the totum pole by the Green Mill on Old Redwood Highway. PENNGROVE PROUD Email or phone your answer in to: penngroveproud@sbcglobal net or 707.665.9408. Random drawing from all correct entries received by 2/22/2012 Caprara’s Pizzeria Est. 1985 Penngrove Proud GUESS What & Where photo contest. Win a $20 Gift Certificate to Caprara’s Pizzeria. Win a $20 Gift Certificate to Season’s Greetings- Happy New Year SPECIALIZING IN AUTO & LIGHT TRUCK DIESEL FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SERVICE/MAINTENANCE • A/C Service & Repair • 30, 60, 90K Services • Computer Diagnostics • Brakes • Clutch Work • Welding & Fabrication • Diff./Axle Rebuilding FLATBED TOWING MOBILE SERVICE Owner - Glenn J. Reed A.S.E. Certified Master Auto & Truck Technician 707-762-4360 1309 Ross St. Suite E-F • Petaluma 17 BUSINESS HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8am-5pm SATURDAY BY APPT. Holiday/Winter 2011 July 4th Local 2011 Events in Review Community Celebration The 4th of July in Penngrove. My favorite community day. From the parade to the BBQ, to the friends and the smiles. Always a day to remember, and this year was no different. Enjoy a few memories. Industrial Carting and Global Materials Recovery Services Sevall, Thwaites and Soper Insurance Agency Ray Soper Open to the Public Partner/Broker - License 0599302 For all your Farm, Home, Auto, and Commercial Needs Recycling today for a better tomorrow 1345 Redwood Way, Petaluma, CA 94954 Phone: 707-794-9950 Fax: 707-794-9973 • Construction & Demolition Recycling Facility • Commercial Recycling • Storage Containers • Debris Boxes & Clean Up Bins • Tanker Pumping Services • We Buy Cardboard, CRV Beverage Containers Newspaper & Non-Ferrous Metals Mon - Sat: 7 am - 5 pm, Sun: 8 am - 5 pm Family Owned & Operated 3911 Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 707-585-0511 707-585-8246 www.industrialcarting.com PENNGROVE PROUD 18 Holiday/Winter 2011 Penngrove Hometown & Neighboring Events ~ December~ ~ January ~ Cotati Four Nights of Festive Fun - 7th to 10th Artful Arrangements Workshop - Plant-a-Plant for a Valentine - 29th Holiday Tree Lighting, Holiday Cheer, Candlelight Concert, & Elegant Evening Call 795-5508 for more information or email [email protected] 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 10am-noon, 664-8656 for more info Davis Publishing Workshop - Valentine's Day Poem - 29th 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 3-5pm, 664-8656 for more info 5th & 6th Grade Holiday Concert - 16th Penngrove Elementary School, 356 Adobe Road, 1:30-2:30pm Call 778-4755 for more info ~ February ~ Penngrove School Skate Night - 16th Penngrove Social Firemen Crab Feed - 25th Cal Skate, Rohnert Park 5:30-7:30pm - Call 778-4755 for more info Penngrove Community Club House - Doors 6pm, Dinner 7pm Call Kim Hanson at 794-1516 for more info Artful Arrangements Workshop - Secret Rock Writing - 18th 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 10am-noon, 664-8656 for more info Artful Arrangements Workshop - Plant Tomato Seeds - 26th 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 10am-noon, 664-8656 for more info Davis Publishing Workshop - Christmas Poem - 18th 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 3-5pm, 664-8656 for more info Davis Publishing Workshop~Improve your Luck - 26th 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 3-5pm, 664-8656 for more info Christmas Eve Service - 24th Penngrove Community Church, 9970 Oak St, 6pm Everyone welcome - Call 795-5919 for more info ~ March ~ Christmas Day Service - 25th Penngrove Social Firemen St. Patty's Day Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner - 4th Penngrove Community Church, 9970 Oak St, 10:30am Everyone welcome - Call 795-5919 for more info Penngrove Community Club House. Call Kim Hanson at 794-1516 for info ~ January ~ Penngrove School Skate Night - 16th Cal Skate, Rohnert Park 5:30-7:30pm - Call 778-4755 for more info Penngrove School Skate Night - 13th Artful Arrangements Workshop - Secret Rock Writing - 25th Cal Skate, Rohnert Park 5:30-7:30pm - Call 778-4755 for more info 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 10am-noon, 664-8656 for more info PSF Italian Sausage & Risotto Dinner - 21st Davis Publishing Workshop - Renew Faith In Yourself - 25th Penngrove Community Club House - Doors 6pm, Dinner 7pm Call Kim Hanson at 794-1516 for more info 205 Orchard Lane, Penngrove, 3-5pm, 664-8656 for more info Send Event Listings to Penngrove Proud, POB 553, Penngrove, CA 94951 or [email protected] Start Your Building Blocks Preschool Inc. Child on the Right Track! Community Magazine Why advertise in Penngrove Proud? Debbie Goodier Koos Account Executive Providing Quality, Educational, Childcare for Children Ages Two thru Five Years • Directly mailed to all Penngrove residents • Additional distribution throughout Penngrove, Petaluma, Cotati, & Santa Rosa • Beautifully designed, quality publication • Attractive ad rates with free design & layout • Online presence Call or email 18 me today! 707-484-7451 - [email protected] Holiday/Winter 2011 MaryJo Thurston Owner/Director Before & After Penngrove Kinder Care P.O. Box 837, 228 Adobe Rd. Penngrove, CA 94951 • 707-792-2280 19 Lic # 493003701 PENNGROVE PROUD POB 553 Penngrove, CA 94951 STANDARD MAIL POSTAGE & FEES PAID PERMIT NO. 553 PENNGROVE, CA 94951 Postal Patron
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