the osprey - Yustaga Lodge 385


the osprey - Yustaga Lodge 385
Gulf Coast Council
SR-1 B Section Seminar
25-27 January 201 3
Yustaga Lodge hosted this year’s
Southern Region 1 B Section Seminar
at Spanish Trails Scout Reservation.
The weekend was dedicated to
training the Section’s and the Lodge’s
Officers on Leadership and OA
practices and to conduct the business
of the Section. Over 1 20 Arrowmen
from all six of the member lodges
attended the event. Although SR-1 B is
only a few
years old, Brotherhood runs deep between the 6 Lodges!
Once the business was completed, the inflatable
bungee run was inflated and our Brothers learned that to
run forward means, often, to fly backward! Our Section
Chief Zach Kibler and Section Secretary Bryce Segler
were even the recipients of a tasty pie. Unfortunately, the
presenter did not understand that they desired only a
serving. Instead, they got the whole pie, in the face!
Everyone left STSR
eager for the next
gathering of the Section
be hosted by Ti'ak Lodge
on 1 2-1 4 April 201 3.
Barry Jordan
Lodge Vice Chief
Dennis Hornsby
Lodge Vice Chief
AJ Cole
Daniel Huntsman
Ian Parker
Lodge Adviser
Bill Payne
Staff Adviser
Gregg Jordan
3rd Annual YNAW - WOW!
Yustaga Native American Weekend
was on February 1 0th, 201 3 and was
held at Spanish Trails Scout
Reservation. It was a blast! During
YNAW, there were games, activities,
crafts, training, dancing, drumming,
singing, beading, knapping, eating,
shopping, and fellowship! Cub Scouts!
Boy Scouts! Venturing! What A
Weekend! Did I mention the Trade Blanket!
This was the third YNAW hosted by Yustaga. Lodge.
Members and special guest exhibitors taught training
sessions on crafts and topics that related to the Native
American culture and lifestyle. We also had the pleasure
of hosting a large contingent of Brothers from the
Semialachee Lodge from Tallahassee, Florida. They
brought several dancers and even a drum team! In
addition to scouts, Native Americans from several nations
also attended and conducted a Pow Wow and taught the
scouts their culture. Several vendors were present and
had Native American items for sell or trade.
A Dance Arbor was established on the Activity Field
and blessed before the Pow Wow. The vendors setup
their booths around the arbor and Yustaga provided a
concession stand. Native American dances were held
throughout the day; many were conducted as “Intertribal”
dances which allows all tribes and non-Native Americans
to participate. The Native dancers, drummers, and
singers were attired in decorative regalia of their culture.
The weather was gorgeous and over 600 campers
had a blast!
Ordeal? Naw, It was Fun!
1 5-1 7 March 201 3
Yustaga Lodge
Gulf Coast Council
Pensacola, FL
Lodge Chief
March 201 3
Table of Contents
YNAW............................. 1
Ordeal............................. 1
Section Seminar............. 1
From the Adviser's Tipi....2
Upcoming Events............2
Chiefly Speaking............. 2
Chapter Leadership........ 3
201 3 Jamboree............... 4
Broken Arrow Ceremony.4
Staff Adviser....................5
GCC Banquet................. 5
OA Links......................... 5
News from National........ 5
Fun Page........................ 6
Vigil Nomination Form.... 7
Yustaga Lodge conducted its annual Ordeal for those
Scouts and Scouters elected by their units to represent
them in the Order of the Arrow. Of 1 00 Council units, only
48 conducted elections. Out of the elections conducted,
1 57 Youth and 1 6 Adults were elected to the Order. 11 9
Youth, 1 2 Adults, and 1 7
Elangomats went
through the weekend
Ordeal. In addition, 50
Arrowmen sealed their
membership in the OA
by completing the
requirement for
Brotherhood. 1 81 new,
crisp sashes! After the
feast (grilled steak, say
thank ya Choctaw), the
Lodge Committees
setup a midway where
the new Arrowmen learned more about the functioning of
the Lodge and were even encouraged to find an
interesting committee and sign up!
Gulf Coast Council
Chiefly Speaking . . .
Greetings Brothers!
This year there is a ton of people working behind the
scenes to make this year the best it can be for everyone.
We are planning an exciting year for you. Already in the
works is a medieval spring fellowship filled with fun times
and L well L fellowship of course! Fall Pow wow is also
in the works as well. In late March we visited Camp
Weaver, a camp which our council used many years ago,
to start the planning process for this historic event. In
addition to this, the Region has a new award which we,
myself included, are super excited about.
If y’all have any questions, concerns or ideas please
contact me at [email protected]
Let’s have a fantastic year!
Barry Jordan
201 3 Lodge Chief
A Parting Word
I have been honored to serve you these past 3 years
as your lodge chief. We have had some great times and
fun events and I look forward to seeing this lodge keep on
progressing. The Arrowmen I have met and worked with
over the last few years are absolutely outstanding and I
see a bright future for this great lodge. Having the
opportunity to participate in ceremony competitions at
conclave and taking second place in the nation with our
team at NOAC 2009 was absolutely fantastic! I'd like to
thank everyone especially the officers that served with
me for supporting me and helping out. I've had the best
adviser that any Arrowmen has ever had and I'd like to
thank Bill Payne for being there for me every step of the
way. The opportunities that were provided to me and that
are still being presented are truly amazing. I would
encourage everyone to seize every opportunity and make
every day an adventure! Once again thank you to
everyone and I'll see you at the next event!
Yours in Service,
Bryce Segler
201 0-201 2 Yustaga Lodge Chief
Upcoming Events
SR-1 B Conclave -- 1 2-1 4 April 201 3
Spring Fellowship -- 3-5 May 201 3
STSR Workday -- 8 June 201 3
Fall Pow Wow -- 1 3-1 5 September 201 3
LLD -- 1 8-1 9 October 201 3
Lodge Banquet -- 2 November 201 3
Musical Echoes Flute & Cultural
19-21 April 2013, Fort Walton Beach, FL
Interested in Native American music and culture?
Come to Fort Walton Beach for three days of flute playing
and making along with an immersion of Native Culture.
There are even two workshops on Native American
flutes. For more information see their website
From the Adviser's Tipi
March 201 3
Greetings Brothers!
The first quarter of 201 3 has
certainly flown byLguess I haven’t
noticed because of how busy the Lodge
has been!
As we celebrate our 65th Anniversary, we have
already hosted Yustaga Native American Weekend
(YNAW) and what a success it was! This event has
turned into one of the premiere events for the Gulf Coast
Council and continues to grow and grow. I would like to
thank the hundred or so Staff membersLwithout you, we
cannot pull this event off! I would like to give a very
special big THANK YOU to both Cook StaffsLThe Dining
Hall Staff for great meals for our Staff and Native
American guest, and to the Concession Staff who
provided ALL THE FOOD FOR EVERYONE all day
OrdealLWHEW! If you missed the 201 3 Ordeal, you
missed an awesome event! We had 1 31 Candidates
successfully complete their Ordeal and 50 Brothers seal
their membership by going through the Brotherhood
CeremonyLOne of the largest classes anyone can
remember!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! This year,
Dalton Dennis, our Service Corps Chairman, chose to do
make a trail from the Marion C. Leech Trail head all the
way out to Camp Jambo as our Lodge project. Guess
what? With all the help we had, it is complete!!! GREAT
JOB TEAM!!! When you add the fact that we had well
over 1 00 members in attendance, the scene at
Saturday’s Feast was more like a Conclave than an
event!!! I certainly don’t want to try and name everyone
for fear of missing somebody, but I will tell you, an event
of this proportion cannot come together with A LOT of
GREAT HELP, so from the Kitchen Crew, to Inductions, to
Elangomats, to members, to Candidates, to
Conclave is just around the corner and will be hosted
by our Brothers from Ti’ak Lodge in Wiggins, Mississippi.
We are taking 1 07 contingent members with us and hope
to come home with some serious trophies and awards.
We will certainly have lots of fun with everything that is
planned for the weekendLDid I mention training?
TRAINING ROCKS!!! We will learn all we can and bring
it back home and share with everyone!!!
In addition to all of our great National OA High
Adventure programs, this year is also the 201 3 National
Jamboree. If you are not signed up to go as part of the
Gulf Coast Council Contingent, there are still
opportunities for you to go as an Order of the Arrow Staff
MemberLcheck it out!
While we are having all this fun, let us not forget to
take back to our units and share the knowledge and
experiences with everyoneLGet those members who are
not active back into action and get those who are not
members wanting to be members so bad they can’t wait
until election season!!!
Lastly, this is YOUR LodgeLMake it better tomorrow
than it is today!!!
Yours in Brotherhood and Cheerful Service
Mr. William Payne
Yustaga Lodge Adviser
Gulf Coast Council
Yustaga Lodge Chapters
Appalachee Chapter
March 201 3
Vigil Nominations Due
Alertness to the needs of others is
the mark of the Vigil Honor. It calls for
an individual with an unusual
awareness of the possibilities within
each situation.
The Vigil Honor is the highest
honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its
members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting.
Membership cannot be won by a person's conscious
The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and
recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason
of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish
interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond
the immediate responsibilities of their position of office to
one or more of the following:
- Lodge
- Order of the Arrow
- Scouting community
- Scout Camp
Under NO circumstances should tenure in Scouting
or the Order of the Arrow be considered as reason
enough for a Vigil Honor recommendation.
Any member of the Order of the Arrow registered in
Scouting and in good standing in a regularly chartered
lodge is eligible for recommendation to the National
Order of the Arrow Committee for elevation to the Vigil
Honor provided that, at the time of the recommendation,
the individual has been a Brotherhood member for a
minimum of two years. A lodge may nominate a
maximum of two percent of their registered Arrowmen
once a year, through the Vigil Honor petition, found in the
annual re-charter packet. At least 50 percent of all
nominated must be under 21 at the time of nomination.
Yustaga Lodge is now taking nominations for the
201 3 Vigil Honor. The application is available on the
Lodge website ( Applications can
be mailed or emailed to Mr. Kolek at the below
addresses. You can also put the nomination in a sealed
envelope, addressed to Mr. Kolek and leave it at the
Council office. The deadline for submission is by
registration (Friday night) of Spring Fellowship. (If you
leave the application at the Council office, Thursday is
the deadline.)
Stephen Kolek
Yustaga Lodge Senior Associate Adviser
Yustaga Lodge Vigil Adviser
Wowoatam Memhallamund
Chapter Chief
Kieran Williams
Vice Chief
Kyle Rits
William Jones
Mike Cole
Associate Adviser
Kelly Williams
Choctaw Chapter
Chapter Chief
John Slife
Vice Chief
Brandon Moore
Tyler Petrbok
Adrian Banegas
Associate Adviser
Paula Syfrett
Oschambos Chapter
Chapter Chief
Gage Hagan
Vice Chapter
Jonathan Wells
Satchel Starling
Tony Starling
Associate Adviser
Gregory Hagan
Woapalenne Chapter
Chapter Chief
Christian Fish
Vice Chapter
Wesley Hatsfelt
Ian Parker
Ted Dennis
Associate Adviser
Jeff Kern
Submit Your Article to The Osprey
stevekolek11 591
Do you have an interesting Scouting story you would
like to tell your Brothers? Has your troop had a great time
at a new campsite and you want to share? Do you want
to tell about the importance of OA in your life? Do you
want to help your Chapter earn points for the Chapter
Achievement Award? Got a good joke, puzzle, or camp
gadget to share?
If so, don't worry. The Osprey depends on you for
input. Just email your story, along with pictures, to the
publication's email address. Use the address to submit
things that should go into the Lodge Scrap Book, too!
Stephen Kolek
11 591 Dueling Oaks Drive
Pensacola, FL 3251 4-9750
Want More OA Happenings?
National OA, the Southern Region, and Section SR1 B each produce a newsletter that allows you to keep up
with our Brothers.
SR-1 B: http://sr1
[email protected]
Gulf Coast Council
March 201 3
Broken Arrow Ceremony
James G. "Jimmy" Evans
James “Jimmy” Evans died on
November 6, 201 2. Jimmy was born
in Panama City in 1 930. He
graduated from Niceville High School
in 1 948. After serving in the U.S.
Army during the Korean Confict, he
began teaching at Choctawhatchee
High School in Fort Walton Beach.
Early in his teaching career, he was
instrumental in developing the
Explorer Scouts in the Northwest
Florida District. He spent many hours
teaching young men about the outdoors. Jimmy was the
Yustaga Lodge Adviser from 1 958-1 960. His Scouting
and professional career moved to Central Florida in the
late 1 960s. He received the Silver Beaver in 1 970 from
the Central Florida Council. After retiring from teaching
and Scouting, he worked with the Eckerd Foundation
Wilderness Program for wayward young men. In 1 991 , he
wrote a book of fiction about a young Cherokee boy.
Building on his experiences as a Cherokee descendent,
he named the book Charlie of the Cherokees.
Through his life, Jimmy was an Eagle Mentor. He
loved canoeing and hiking. He held his family very dear
and was very strong in his faith. Toward the end of the
Vietnam War, Jimmy even sponsored several Vietnamese
as they fled Vietnam and came to the United States.
At the Early Cemetery, Niceville, Fl., grave side
ceremony, on November 1 0, four members of Yustaga
Lodge performed
the “Broken Arrow”
ceremony as a final
tribute to a
Arrowman who has
served cheerfully in
helping others. Mr. Gary Beadle, Mr. Darryl Huddleston,
Mr. Bret Moore, Mr. Randy Were conducted the
You just joined the Order of the Arrow or just sealed
your membership and now you have a crisp, sparkling,
white sash with a beautiful, vibrant, red arrow on it. Now
you've been camping a time or two and you know what
happens to clean, white fabric when you are at camp
eating, working, sweating. That white sash won't be white
for very long, will it?
Never fear! After you done your worst and that sash
says that you are a true Mike Rowe scout who “
clean..but not afraid to get dirty”, you can help recapture
that new sash feeling. You just need to wash the sash.
But how do you wash a sash? The instructions are not in
the OA handbook. Here are a few instructions that are
proven to work. Actual mileage may vary and your
method may work just fine. First, spray the entire sash
front and back with either SHOUT or SPRAY'N'WASH.
Then cover the dirty areas with WISK. (WISK is my
preference as it works great on stains.) Stir a cap full of
WISK and some cold water in a bowl large enough to
hold the sash. Place sash in bowl. Swish it around some
to make sure that all areas are covered by the water. Let
this soak overnight. Check the sash for any places that
still need extra care and repeat cleaning process if
necessary. Pour contents of bowl, including the sash, in
your washing machine and wash in cold water. Then put
your wet, white sash in dryer to dry. For best results, don't
dry the sash with anything else. If you want, you can
hang the sash to dry. (Watch for the pine pollen though.
Yustaga sashes might be seen with pink on them, but not
yellow!) Then wear your sash to OA events proudly, safe
with the knowledge that you can get the white back if
Dee and Darryl Huddleston
Mr. Darryl Huddleston
National Jamobree Staff Needed
John Rehm, 2012 National Chief
The Order of the Arrow is
actively recruiting Arrowmen to
serve on staff for the inaugural
201 3 National Scout Jamboree at
the Summit Bechtel Family
Reserve. In addition to being the
first at a new site, this jamboree
will have the largest OA staff
presence in history, with over 750
Arrowmen serving. We are still in
need of youth staff for the OA
programs. Adults: your help is also needed! Consider
volunteering for the jamboree program areas that we will
be supporting. Check out the awesome opportunities
below to see if you might be a good fit to join our staff.
Also, share these opportunities with your friends to help
promote the OA programs and other staffing opportunities
at the jamboree.
The 201 3 National Scout Jamboree is one not to be
missed, and what better way to see the Summit than by
living out our obligation of service? More information is on
the Project 201 3 website. I hope that you will join us!
See you at the Summit!
Yustaga Website – Work in Progress
If you’ve been there, you’ve noticed that our Lodge
website is different than it was last year. Recently the
Council restructured its website and all associated
websites. The Lodge site was reformatted and content is
being added. As it grows, you will find a wealth of Lodge
news, history, and activities on-line. Registration for
events and dues payment will be handled directly on the
website. If you have ideas or comments, please send
them to Mr. Gregg Jordan. Visit the site (and our Section
SR-1 B site too!) regularly to stay current in the Lodge.
Ceremonies, Drum and Dance
Daniel Huntsman
A few years ago, we took a ceremonies team to
NOAC. Well let’s do it again, except, let’s take a drum
and dance team, too! It’s a lot of hard work but it is very
rewarding and you have 2 years to prepare for it.
Gulf Coast Council
Yustaga at GCC Banquet
Interview with Mr. Jordan, our new
Professional Lodge Adviser.
Mr. Darryl Huddleston
The Gulf Coast Council held its annual recognition
banquet on 9 Mar, 201 3 at the Community Center in
Niceville, Florida. Over 300 people attended the event
held to recognize the 201 2 Class of Eagle Scouts and
Scouters of the Council. This year, the Council presented
the Work Horse Award to Rob Zimmerman and Yustaga
brother Tom Marse. All of the attending Eagle Scouts for
201 2 were individually recognized and presented a blue
Eagle neckerchief. 41 of the year's 11 3 Eagle Scouts
were present at
the Banquet. Of
those 41
present, 1 9 were
The Honoree of this year's Eagle Class was Mr. Bill
Robinson. Mr. Robinson was an accountant before
becoming a professional Scout Executive. Part of his
career was spent here in the Gulf Coast Council. Bill has
earned the Eagle Scout Award, Silver Award, God and
Country, OA Vigil, Founder's Award, and has served on
Wood Badge staff.
The 201 2 Silver Beaver Award was presented to Mr.
Gary Beadle, Ms. Rae Schwartz, Mr. Dover Bell, and Mr.
Gregg Jordan, all four are members of Yustaga Lodge!
There was a special presentation made by Cub Scout
Tyler Spangenberg. Master Spangenberg, son of Ted
Spangenberg, III, represented all of the US Cub Scouts
when the BSA contingent made its annual report to the
President of the United States, Congress, and the
Supreme Court. Tyler presented a photo slide show of the
trip and many of the dignitaries that he helped personally
deliver a copy of the annual report.
Tyler Petrbok
How long have you been in
11 years, when my son, Barry, joined
Cub Scouts
What positions have you held as an
Assistant Scoutmaster, Assistant Den Leader, Round
Table SPL Commissioner, Pensacola Bay District
Program Chair, Troop Committee Chairman, OA
Associate Chapter Adviser for Woapalanne, Wood Badge
Senior Patrol Leader, District Executive, Eagle project
approval board, and now OA Staff Adviser
What is your most memorable thing that you’ve
done in Scouting?
201 0 National Jamboree and taking a picture with
Barry in the arena with 75,000 scouts in the background
What is your favorite place to camp?
Yosemite National Park and Spanish Trail Scout
What one thing would you like to see done better
in OA?
To have more Youth to step up in Leadership
positions and to increase participation
News from National
Have you signed up for NOAC?
During 3-8 August 201 5, the National Order of the
Arrow Conference will be held on the campus of Michigan
State University. This event is planned to be a super
special event because in 201 5, the OA celebrates its
1 00th anniversary. In 201 0, we celebrated BSA’s
centennial. In 201 2, we celebrated 1 00 years of Eagle
Scouts. Now, 1 00 years of Arrowmen!
Section SR-1 B has set a goal of taking 300
Arrowmen from our section to NOAC. If we do, our
Section Adviser, Mr. Jim Alexander, will accompany our
contingent in a bee suit. (SR-1 B’s totem is a beeL) If we
don’t get 300 members, then Mr. Alexander will get to
apply a pie to the face of every Lodge Chief in the
Section. (ooh, pecan could hurt!)
Silver Beaver Award Recipients
Mr. Dover Bell, Ms. Rae Schwartz, Mr. Gregg Jordan, Mr. Gary Beadle
Want to Know More?
Yustaga Website:
SR-1 B: www.sr1
Southern Region:
National OA website:
OA High Adventure:
Gulf Coast Council:
March 201 3
There appears to be a new position
patch for an Assistant Scoutmaster.
Could this be the new OA Troop/Team
Reprentative Adviser position that there
are rumors about? Could be. Pay
attention because in the near future you
will be hearing more about this position
and patch and the Order of the Arrow Unit of
Execellence Award!
Gulf Coast Council
March 201 3
Yustaga Crossword Puzzle
Mar 1 3
11 .
1 3.
1 4.
1 5.
1 7.
"Do this! Do that!"
Brotherhood candidate's first attempt
"That's what it's [OA] all about"
famous hunter, seen at beginning of
some movies
Home of Green Lantern Corp
One of three things needed for fire
First Yustaga Lodge Chief
Home of first OA Lodge
Rules of Yustaga Lodge
Lodge totem
1 0.
1 2.
1 6.
Polaris is part of this constellation
Important foundation of all Scouts
Procedures for conducting LEC meetings
Determined by observing the position of
the North Star in the sky
Don't forget this when washing dishes
A period of reflectance and service
... rules the kitchen
______ drink made from youpon holly
bark, leaves, and berries
Graywater goes here, not food
Twisted Logic
Take a look at this table of numbers. Then write the
next row at the bottom. If your logic is twisted enough and
you can solve this, email your answer to
[email protected]. The first youth with the correct
answer will be rewarded by having your name appear in
the next Osprey showing all that you are truly a twisted
logic master. (Maybe not a mentat, but definitely not a
slow mutie.)
Answers to Last Issue's
Yustaga Crossword Puzzle
1 21 1
1 1 1 221
31 221 1
1 31 1 2221
Gulf Coast Council
March 201 3
Yustaga Lodge
Order of the Arrow
Vigil Honor Nomination Form
Middle Initial
Date of Induction:
Unit Registered In:
Tenure in Scouting:
Reason for Nomination:
INSTRUCTIONS: In completing this nomination, please keep in mind the idea of the
founder, that service and deeds speak louder than words. Give a brief statement for each
category, citing your reasons and justification for making this nomination. Briefly give some
characteristics about your nominee that will help in the selecting an Indian name for the
candidate. An additional information sheet may be attached if necessary.