Newsletter - Elk`s #469
Newsletter - Elk`s #469
Fellow members: ctober is here bidding a fond farewell to the Summer and a “hello” to the Fall along with the beginning of the 3rd Quarter of The Elks’ Fraternal Year. O The Lodge’s September activities were a great start for the Fall. The pool league started play on Sunday Sept 11th at 1 P.M. along with a reception, courtesy of Vince Pullara, with excellent food as usual. The re-felt of the pool table looks and plays great. The Annual Golf Tournament held on Mon. Sept, 12th, at Pine Ridge, was an outstanding success with perfect weather. A great time was had by all beginning with the lunch and ending with the dinner. There were 29 foursomes, 107 Sponsors along with a very successful 50/50 raffle and silent auction. The outing’s success was a direct result of the leadership and guidance of Bob Cwalina, PER Roger Delp, Jimmy Bullington for the silent auction and The Elk Member Volunteers who helped to make the tournament the great success it was. All the event’s proceeds benefit the charity fund for college scholarships, veterans and drug awareness. The Annual Crab Feast was held on Sunday Sept 18th with 71 members and guests attending. It was a great day to celebrate the last days of the Summer. Many thanks to Leading Knight, Patrick Sullivan, PER Ray Der, PER Joe Cox, PER Ron Blachowicz (The MCS for the corn on the cob), PER Gerry Mastropieri, new member Jim Quigley and Kim Walker. Great Job! The Veteran’s Cook Out, at Perry Point, is scheduled for Saturday, October 8th. All volunteers to report to the lodge at 9:30 A.M. Signup sheets to be placed around the lodge or check with Joe Lancaster. The Fall Blood Drive is scheduled for Sunday October 16th 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Be sure to sign up early to reserve a time either at the lodge, on line or contact Leading Knight Patrick Sullivan. Are you smarter than an Elk? Trivia night is scheduled for Saturday 10/22 at 7:30 P.M. Check the web site for details. The next Karaoke Night is scheduled for Sat. Nov. 5th from 8 P.M. until Midnight. The Towson Elks Hoop Shoot is also scheduled on Saturday Nov. 5th at 9 A.M. at The Immaculate Conception School Gymnasium. Volunteers should contact Hoop Shoot Chairman Pete Cline. The Baltimore County Desert Storm, OIF, OEF Memorial Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will take place on Sat. Nov. 5th @ 11 A.M. at The Historic Towson Court House. Save the date of Saturday November 12th for The Annual ElK A Palooza Bull and Oyster Roast. Look for the details in the newsletter, web site and the lodge. Since my ER Year is half over, I wanted to take the time to recognize those officers and members who have made this first half year run smoothly. Elk of the Month April 2016 - Olin Hupp Chairman of Entertainment Committee Music - Friday Night Music Talent May 2016 - Master Gunnery Sgt. Paul Curry Chairman Americanism - Coordinating Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day Ceremonies with The American Legion Post 22 June 2016 - Joe Lancaster Chairman Veteran’s Affairs Veterans Day out with The Orioles, the Cookouts and the Christmas Parties. July 2016 - James J. Bullington Chaplain - Coordinating The 4th of July Parade and his public relation efforts and golf outing silent auction. August 2016 - Bob Stambaugh - Chairman Entertainment Committee Kitchen - Great Friday night Dinners. September 2016 - Bob Cwalina and PER Roger Delp Golf Committee - Outstanding effort with The Annual Golf Tournament. There are many activities scheduled, at Your Lodge, in the coming months. Join us and bring a guest. Fraternally, John J. Morton Exalted Ruler I would love to hear from you. This is your lodge, I simply have the exceptional privilege of representing us this year. Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] LODGE OFFICERS 2016-2017 Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Secretary Treasurer Esquire Tiler Chaplain Presiding Justice Inner Guard John J. Morton Patrick Sullivan Jeff Rogyom William Ellis Hill, Jr. Kenneth J Kocun, PER Brian Tunney, PER Adam Cunningham Nancy Ann Hafford James J Bullington John Austin Chris O’Neil 410-252-7971 443-286-5798 504-343-5035 443-622-9963 410-215-0836 410-440-4245 410-598-6699 410-262-6515 410-821-5818 410-296-0209 410-853-7437 5 Year Trustee 4 Year Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Trustee Ben Bell John M. Wontrop, PER Joe Cox, PER Richard Hurd Paul Curry 443-794-2850 410-592-7062 410-371-1500 410-303-4163 410-377-0871 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN 501©3 Charity Fund James Jenkins, PER Accident Prevention Ray Cronin Americanism Paul Curry Auditor Dave Pardoe Building Maintenance Richard Hurd Bull Roast Gerry Mastropieri,PER Bylaws Kenneth J Kocun,PER Camp Barrett Victor Brice,PER Charitable Contributions John Austin Drug Awareness Jeff Rogyom ENF John J. Morton Entertainment Committee (Kitchen) Bob Stambaugh Entertainment Committee (Music) Olin Hupp Flag Day Brian Tunney,PER Fourth of July Darrel Reece Golf/Fundraiser Bob Cwalina Golf/Fundraiser Roger Delp, PER Historian Brian Keelty Hoop Shoot Pete Cline Indoctrination James Jenkins,PER Inner & Intra Activities Patrick Sullivan Lapsation Ray Der, PER Mediator Michael Lawlor Membership Brian Tunney, PER National Foundation John Wontrop PER Newsletter John J. Morton Member Investigations Nick Giangrasso Public Relations Jim Bullington Scholarships Michael Lawlor Youth Activities William J. Hill Jr. Vegas Night Patrick Sullivan Veterans Service Joe Lancaster Web Master Olin Hupp 410-404-1488 410-404-6100 410-377-0871 410-591-5739 410-303-4163 410-982-1215 410-215-0836 443-827-0636 410-296-0209 504-343-5035 410-252-7971 443-841-6160 410-668-2340 410-440-4245 410-977-8721 443-465-4291 443-790-3436 410-821-6786 410-371-2232 410-404-1488 443-286-5798 410-236-8774 410-296-0209 410-440-4245 410-592-7062 410-252-7971 410-800-6935 410-821-5818 410-494-1800 443-622-9963 443-286-5798 410-236-3832 410-668-2340 Robert A Ruhl Robert A Ruhl Philip A Schoenberger James A Gede Sr James A Gede Sr Thomas J Michels Ralph E. Patterson Joseph D Michel Richard O Taylor Michael E Ward Thomas A Keller Christian H Rose James F Garrity Dwaine N Garber Brian P Tunney LIVING PAST EXALTED RULERS 1968-1969 Kenneth J Kocun 1976-1977 Gerald D Mastropieri 1980-1981 James A Jenkins 1984-1985 F Sean Loughrey 1985-1986 Michael S Perry 1986-1986 Richard A McAllister Jr 1990-1991 Jay V Strong Jr 1991-1992 Roger J Delp 1992-1993 Joseph F Cox 1994-1995 Devin A Foggo 1994-1995 Ronald J Blachowicz 1995-1996 Ray Der 1998-1999 John M Wontrop 2000-2001 Victor Brice 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 LODGE HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY – THURSDAY & SATURDAY 11 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 11 A.M. TIL 1 A.M. • SUNDAY 11 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Lodge Telephone Number: 410.296.4690 Fax: 410.583.5295 Lodge Address: 4 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Towson, MD 21204 Secretary Notes It is the Proposers responsibility to guide their Candidate through the process of becoming a member. The candidate must be proposed at a regular meeting, be published in the newsletter (Secretaries responsibility) and meet with the membership committee before being elected. The last two steps are indoctrination and initiation if elected. A candidate can’t proceed in becoming a member until they meet with the membership committee. Interviews with the membership committee for new members will be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7P.M. Please contact Brian Tunney for information. 410-440-4245. Any questions please contact the Secretary. The following candidates have been proposed for membership and will be balloted at an upcoming meeting: Proposer / Candidate No new candidates proposed this month Life Membership J. Michael Lawlor Lodge Happenings Oct. 8----9:30 A.M.----Perry Point VA Cookout Oct. 8----7:30 P.M.----Bar Bingo Oct. 16---9:30 A.M.----Fall Blood Drive Oct. 22---7:30 P.M.----Elks Trivia Night Nov. 5----9:00 A.M.----Annual Hoop Shoot Nov. 5---11:00 A.M.----Dedication of The New Vets Memorial Nov. 5----8:00 P.M-----Karaoke Night Nov. 11--11:00 A.M.----Veterans' Day Ceremony Nov. 12--7:00 P.M.----Elks Bull and Oyster Roast Friday Night Dinners------Dates and menus online LIVE MUSIC AT THE LODGE Friday Nights 8:30-midnight 10/7 10/14 10/21 10/28 no music Ellis Woodward Ruben Montoya Viki Childs & Dale Coleman Towson Elks Blood Drive Sunday, Oct. 16th 9:30 A.M. Save time and schedule your donation time at: For faster donations use the Red Cross Rapid Pass after you schedule online: All donors receive chicken wings and save 3 lives Volunteers needed as well. Please contact Patrick Sullivan -443- 286-5798 October 8 October 15 October 22 October 29 Brian Tunney Sean Loughrey Bill Phillips Bob Winkler Chicken Noodle Beef Barley Italian Wedding MD Crab LADIES OF THE TOWSON ELKS President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Katie Mallon Mary Ann Rush Mary Wontrop Christy Berry/Kathie Tucker Happy Autumn to all of our LOTE members. Birthday Wishes: Sandy Perry Joan Fox Karen Baeuerle October 7th October 12th October 17th We are always continuing to seek new members. Contact [email protected] or @410.971.0066 Latest News A t our September meeting once again we had a low turnout but had several good discussions on the agenda items and planned activities for the fall. Our meeting was informative for all that attended. Here are few things we talked about at the meeting. We finalized our charities for the 2016/2017 season and I would like for everyone to support these charities by attending our upcoming activities listed below. We met with our ELK Liaison and had a great conversation and clarification on questions we presented to him. We also discussed our plans for putting our new ideas into place as it relates to the LOTE organization. Finally we discussed our “Paint Night” and “Fall Raffle”. We are definitely moving in the right direction, making things fun again and creating new activities for the LOTE organization, so we hope you can support us at these events. Katie Mallon President LOTE meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Please plan to attend! The Ladies of the Towson Elks welcomes applications from wives, mothers, widows, and unmarried daughters of Lodge members in good standing. For more information and an application please contact Mimi Roeder Vaughan at [email protected] Come Join the Fun! Perry Point VA Medical Center Cookout Saturday Oct. 8th 1:00 P.M. Meet at the Lodge at 9:30 A.M. Leave no later than 11:00 A.M. For more information contact Joe Lancaster Here are a few of the planned activities for the Fall: Charity Paint Night- Monday October 24th @ 6:00 P.M. Painting begins at 6:30, if you wish to join us for a fun evening RSVP to Barb Hedrick (410) 960-9745 either by (calling or text). Look for the flyer on the bulletin boards at the ELKS. Fall Raffle Event- October 1st – November 19th Our fall raffle will be kicking off on October 1 st and run until November 19th, at which time we will draw the winning ticket at our November Bingo. As you know our raffles are one of our big money makers for our charities so please ladies support this activity by selling tickets either at the ELKS bar or selling a few to your friends and neighbors. Our raffle basket will have lots of goodies such as; (2) Ravens tickets, a weekend at the beach, dinner for (2), and several bottles of wine, selected by our LOTE ladies. There’s something for everyone. Ticket cost will be (2) for $5.00 and (3) for $10.00. Tickets will be available at the bar. 410-236-3832 - [email protected] BINGO: Our next bingo will be held on Saturday October 8th @ 7:30 P.M. The November Bingo will move to Saturday November 19th due to the Elk-A-Palooza event that is being held on the second Saturday. Come join us for a fun evening @ 7:30 P.M. on 11/19/16. Sept. Oct. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS LODGE MEETINGS ARE HELD AT 7PM ON THE 2ND AND 4TH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH FROM SEPT. TO JUNE. JULY AND AUGUST MEETINGS ARE THE 2ND TUESDAY ONLY Date Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Day Sat. Sat. Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Fri. Sat. Event Time. Perry Point VA Cookout Bar Bingo Elks Fall Blood Drive Elks Trivia Night Annual Hoop Shoot Dedication of New Vets Memorial Karaoke Night Veterans' Day Ceremony Elks Bull and Oyster Roast 9:30 A.M. 7:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 7:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. The most current and up to date information will be posted online and in the Lodge. Visit us on facebook All members must sign their guests into the lodge. Exceptions: Wives and family members under 21