Vendetta | The Internet Wrestling Federation


Vendetta | The Internet Wrestling Federation
Vendetta | The Internet Wrestling Federation
The IWF logo fades into a black screen.
As “Rise Today” by Alter Bridge plays us in, we see Rick Plant standing tall with the World Heavyweight Championship
having defeated Ozric Mortimer at CyberSLAM. That image changes to Jake Jeckel with an arrogant smile, clutching
his inVasion Briefcase close to his chest.
“The wind is blowing cold
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?”
Hayden Hardkore rolls up Kaylyn James Evans to win the Warzone Championship. The Resistance struggle in battle
against a strong Revolution who beat back the tide. Ozric Mortimer injures Jim Jenkins with a steel chair and Lyra
stands on in horror from the top of the entrance ramp.
Suddenly Jake Jeckel hits Rick Plant with the inVasion Briefcase and pins him to become the new IWF World
Heavyweight Champion.
“Feels like we’re all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow.”
“So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?”
The smile of Jake Jeckel, the pain of Rick Plant, DTR and Jimmy Sartyr standing face to face in the locker room. As
the chorus plays in, Rick Plant rises from the ashes of his defeat, Power Surging Jake Jeckel in the middle of the ring.
The Resistance fight off The Revolution, Lance Norman returns and Rick Plant holds the World Championship in the
“Yeah, oh yeah
I want to rise today
And change this world.”
The image of Rick Plant fades into that of the entire Resistance and finally an IWF logo.
B O O M ! B O O M ! P I S H ! P O W ! P O P ! Fireworks explode from the entrance ramp as Vendetta kicks off with “Rise Today”
by Alter Bridge starting once again in the background. The fans have jam packed themselves into a sold out Sanctuary
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for the last live event of the IWF’s calendar year and it’s set to be a doozy. The camera takes a swivel view of the
cheering audience, checking out some of their fan made signs aimed at IWF Superstars and the company alike.
“Down the clown, Rick!”
“King Neville to retain his crown!”
“Ozric <3 Lyra!”
When we’re finished we head to the announce table where Mitch Law and Ryan Johnson sit, ever accompanied by the
fans roaring behind them.
M i t c h L a w : “It’s the last event of 2013 for the IWF and folks, Vendetta will leave you salivating for 2014. I’m
Mitch Law and alongside me as always is Ryan Johnson. RJ, the question on everyone’s mind is whether or
not Rick Plant can survive the Buried Alive Match and retrieve his gold from Jake Jeckel.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “There’s no chance in hell, that’s all I’m saying. Look, Rick would struggle to compete
against Jake in better shape than he is right now and that doesn’t bold well for the former Champion. That
cancer has been eating away at him for months and when Jeckel smells blood, he’s like a shark.”
M i t c h L a w : “We also have Lyra defending her Internet Championship against Ozric Mortimer and it’s safe to
say that what happened last week on Warzone surprised us all. I’ve never seen Ozric like that before and
heading into such a big match, one has to wonder whether or not he’s a changing man.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Everyone is looking into him carrying her out of there like some kind of sign that he’s
changed. Ozric hasn’t changed, he just hasn’t. He’s the leader in this Revolutionary battle and I’m sure that
he’s just trying to recruit Lyra to their cause.”
M i t c h L a w : “I wonder if Jake Jeckel agrees after being left high and dry only to be Speared by Rick Plant.
There could be a few choice words there to be had. In fact, I’m told that we’re heading to the backstage now
where Ozric Mortimer is standing by.”
When we arrive in the backstage area, Ozric Mortimer is stood alongside a very uncomfortable looking Micah Wright.
She knows that she has to ask him a question and is about to do so when the tension level rises and Jake Jeckel
stands next to her. Stood now between the World Heavyweight Champion and a psychotic Ozric Mortimer, she holds
the microphone out in front of her and attempts to hide behind them and not be noticed.
“It’s about time I caught up with you,” Jake says as if he’s been wanting to speak with Mortimer for days. “Cause I
wanna know what the hell that was last week?”
Ozric looks almost straight through him.
“You’re not gettin’ sweet on that bitch, are ya?”
Suddenly Ozric lashes out, grabbing The Juggalo around the throat, squeezing tight.
M i t c h L a w : “Jesus Christ, The Revolution could erupt right here.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Somebody needs to get out there and stop this before it goes too far.”
“Watch your tongue, or I’ll take it, Juggalo!” Mortimer quietly hisses at him, finally releasing his hand from around his
Jake rubs where his hand was and his eyes widen, the rage building inside of him. He’s about to lash out, to attack,
that is until Mason Norman comes along and steps between them, cooling the situation down.
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“Gentlemen, please, there’s no use in any of this. Why do you think I’ve kept you separated all week long, huh? I’ve
been trying to avoid this somewhat inevitable showdown. Jake,” Mason turns to The Juggalo and tries to appease
him. “Ozric isn’t getting sweet on Lyra. He shouldn’t of left you high and dry and he knows it,” he explains, then
turning to Mortimer. “And you, you shouldn’t ever put your hands on another member of The Revolution unless in a
sanctioned match. What are you thinking?”
Ozric steps backwards slightly, as if he actually listened to Mason Norman of all people. Their bond has been highly
undervalued in recent weeks but it appears that if anyone can speak to Ozric, it’s Mason.
M i t c h L a w : “Is he actually going to listen to Norman?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Of course. They’ve become quite close over this journey, haven’t they?”
Mason takes a deep breath and keeps his attention with the Dear Dead Sparrow.
“Come on Oz, we’ve gotta talk about Lyra and your match tonight,” he says suggesting they leave. As they begin to
walk away, he turns back to Jeckel and reminds him how important tonight is for The Revolution. “And you, you take
out all that anger on Rick Plant, alright? We need the W there, Jake. I’m counting on you.”
With Mason Norman and Ozric Mortimer walking away, Micah Wright steps out of the shadows somewhat with her
microphone. Jake still looks enraged.
“I see how it is.”
M i t c h L a w : “There’s some serious dissension beginning in the ranks of Chaos Theory and The Revolution. I
think that Jake Jeckel might be letting his ego get the best of him.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Ego? Hah. Jake is a little disappointed that Ozric left him in the ring to get Speared by Plant
but I’m sure there’s a reason behind it.”
R o n H a y e s : “The following match is scheduled for one fall.”
“Well I can’t stand to look at you now
This revelation’s out of my hands!”
The words crank out the sound system, the lights lower and a bright spotlight shines onto the top of the stage as
“Country Song” by Seether starts.
R o n H a y e s : “Introducing first, from New York City, weighing in at 298lbs… Antiii-Heeerooooo!”
As the soft and slow song starts to pound and speed up, Anti-Hero walks out onto the stage with his pleather
sleeveless white trench coat on, with a huge Anarchy A on the back of it in black. The bright spotlight shines on the
mask, as Anti-Hero stands in the middle of the isle and walks straight towards the ring.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Tonight, Anti-Hero hopes to finish what he started with Bluejay two weeks ago on WarZone.
Judging by their size difference, I’ve got to believe he’ll do just that.”
As Anti-Hero stands there, he slowly removes his trench coat and hands it off to a ringhand at ringside.
M i t c h L a w : “Haven’t you been a commentator long enough to know size doesn’t mean much, Mitch?
Anti-Hero’s only match in IWF so far was against Lyra and she wiped the floor with him!”
Anti-Hero reaches up, grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the apron. He wipes the bottoms of his boots on the
apron and steps between the top and middle ropes as he enters the ring. The lights in the arena resume their normal
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brightness and the spotlight dims out.
“I don’t mind letting you down easy,
But just give it time.
If it don’t hurt now then just wait, just wait a while!”
“Ain’t it Fun” by Paramore hits and out walks Bluejay in her traditionally blue attire.
R o n H a y e s : “And his opponent, also from New York City, weighing in at 140lbs… Bluuuuejay!”
M i t c h L a w : “The Bluejay sure looks determined tonight! She’s had to have been looking forward to this
chance to get even with Anti-Hero ever since he sullied her IWF debut.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Determined!?! She looks scared out of her wits!”
Bluejay heads towards the ring and enters, paying little attention to the cheering crowd and nervously awaiting the
beginning of her match.
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
R y a n J o h n s o n : “And this thing is under way!”
Anti-Hero takes a step towards Bluejay and the Bluejay takes a step back. Anti-Hero takes another step forward and
again, the Blue Jay takes a step back. Boogey Man charges and Bluejay backs herself into the corner. Running
M i t c h L a w : “OH! Bluejay rolling out of the way at the last second! And the Boogey Man caught nothing but
Bluejay steps around behind Anti-Hero as he bounces out of the corner and grabs two handfuls of his hair; Two
Handed Turnbuckle Bulldog! The Anti-Hero’s head bouncing hard off the bottom turnbuckle and Bluejay looks to have
surprised even herself. As if with a light bulb going off over her head, Bluejay makes the cover.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “The Ref looks to be telling Bluejay that she’s too close to the ropes. What kind of wrestler
doesn’t know their rope break parameters!”
M i t c h L a w : “Cut her some slack Ryan, she’s just green.”
Bluejay rolls to her feet and attempts to drag Anti-Hero away from the ropes; but the big mans size proves to be too
much for her. All of a sudden, the Boogie Man snaps to life and jabs an unsuspecting Bluejay with a throat thrust. The
Bluejay stumbling, giving Anti-Hero a chance to get to his feet.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Now what are you going to do, Bluejay?”
M i t c h L a w : “Anti-Hero with a Belly to Back German Suplex!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “And Bluejay just flew clear across the ring from that one!”
Boogie Man wastes no time going right back after Bluejay. Dropping boots on her back and legs. The crowd begin to
rally against the Anti-Hero. A roar of Boo’s roll through the arena as he lifts Bluejay to her feet and tucks her head
under his arm; Side Effect DDT!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Looks like this thing might be over already! Anti-Hero going for the pin!”
TWM i t c h L a w : “Bluejay kicks out! She isn’t going down that easily, Ryan.”
Anti-Hero doesn’t look pleased as he brings Bluejay to her feet, Irish Whipping her into the ropes. On her return, HIGH
KNEE! The Bluejay catches Anti-Hero right in the chin and, although he isn’t taken off his feet, it’s clear his lights have
been turned out.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “What the- Someone needs to check this chick’s shoes! She’s got springs in them or
something; no one can jump that high naturally.”
Anti-Hero staggers in place and Bluejay realizes it’s going to take a little bit more. Bouncing back into the ropes to
gain some momentum, Bluejay charges again. And A N O T H E R High Knee!”
M i t c h L a w : “And Anti-Hero is down! Quick, Bluejay, cover him!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I think she heard you Mitch.”
Bluejay rolls Anti-Hero up for the count.
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THR y a n J o h n s o n : “And Anti-Hero kicks out! There is no putting this man down tonight.”
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t know Ryan, Bluejay’s getting close.”
Desperation begins to show on Bluejay’s face as she puts space between Anti-Hero and herself. Boogie Man is barely
able to gain his baring’s when Bluejay charges once again. This time however, Anti-Hero is ready for her. P O U N C E !
M i t c h L a w : “Oh! My God! Anti-Hero just hit Bluejay so hard I think her shoes came off.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Quick, check em’ for springs!”
Anti-Hero looms over Bluejay with his eyes locked on her motionless body. A slow build up of Boo’s crawl across the
arena around him until the entire Sanctuary are on their feet booing this man. The Boogie Man looking like he’s
enjoying every second of it.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Anti-Hero has been hell bent on sending a message to the IWF, via Bluejay, and I think we’re
about to hear that message right now; loud and clear.”
The Boogie Man bends down and scoops Bluejay up like a sack of potatoes, holding her horizontally across his chest.
The Boo’s within the Sanctuary grow even louder moments before… C A N A T O N I C B A C K B R E A K E R !
M i t c h L a w : “Oh no! Anti-Hero calls that move Hateful Ways, and I think it may just spell the end for Bluejay!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Might, spell the end? Of course it does Mitch! Anti-Hero going for the cover right now!”
M i t c h L a w : “A cocky cover, his foot just rested on Bluejay’s chest.”
THREM i t c h L a w : “YES! Bluejay kicking out at the last possible second!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “How… did she…?”
Anti-Hero doesn’t seem to believe it either, yelling at the referee that “this thing should be over” and shoving three
fingers in his face. The official doesn’t seem pleased and even signals that he can end this match right now. The
Boogie Man turns his attention back to Bluejay who somehow has found her feet. E L B O W ! E L B O W !
Mitch Law: “The Bird is the Word!”
Bluejay, still dazed from a Hateful Ways, collapses alongside Anti-Hero after delivering her special move.
M i t c h L a w : “Both competitors are down here and it’s anybody’s game.”
Bluejay begins to stir first and finds her feet with the help of the ropes. As she approaches Anti-Hero, the Boogie Man
suddenly snaps to; sitting up out of nowhere. Bluejay back peddles but the Boogie Man is too quick, catching up with
Bluejay in a flash and scooping her up for a Sidewalk Slam. With Bluejay face down on the canvas, Ant-Hero grabs her
by the arms and everyone that knows what’s coming beings to Boo.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Could it be… are we really about to see the… HATE CRIME!”
As Anti-Hero curb stomps Bluejay’s face into the canvas the crowd turns near violent. Both Mitch Law AND Ryan
Johnson, speechless. Even the referee seems a little put off… but the Anti-Hero doesn’t seem to notice or care, rolling
Bluejay up for the pin.
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
R o n H a y e s : “And the winner of this match… Anti-Hero!”
The crowd continue to Boo as Anti-Hero raises his arm in victory. The referee checks on Bluejay, who doesn’t seem
responsive after that horrific curb stomp.
M i t c h L a w : “This is a sick man, this Anti-Hero. Someone who loves to inflict pain this much shouldn’t be
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allowed in a ring.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “What are you talking about Mitch, that’s exactly where he belongs!”
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Stood backstage in front of a camera are four members of the Revolution that tonight, go four on four with Neville
Sheldon, Jimmy Sartyr, DTR and Jensen Cussen. They appear focused, faced with the red light of a camera that tells
them the world is currently watching. It’s Creeping Death that begins to speak first.
“Tonight, The Revolution steps it’s efforts up a gear in the middle of that ring. You see, we’re a unit. We’re a bonafide
fighting force that stands as one and falls as one. The Resistance can’t say the same. DTR wants to rip Jimmy
Sartyr’s face off, Jimmy wants to apologize and tuck his tail between his legs again – making a run for the hills and
Jensen Cussen just wants to be everybody’s friend. As for Neville Sheldon, he’s been lost without the World
Heavyweight Championship.”
M i t c h L a w : “That’s not exactly true at all.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Face it Mitch, these guys are the real deal.”
Max Million is up next.
“What people don’t realize is the Revolution isn’t just futile war against a man that cannot be defeated. That’s all
Lance Norman is – a man. He may have some back up but he doesn’t have Championship Gold and there’s at least
49% of this company he no longer owns. We’re the Tag Team Champions,” Max says pointing at himself and Creeping
Death. “He’s the TKO Champion,” he points at Cross. “And this kid, he’s beaten two World Champions in consecutive
weeks! Now you tell me, what part of that seems futile to you?”
Desmond Cross now takes over.
“James 4:17 – so whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. You see, we are following the
righteous path of the Lord. We are doing the right thing and we will not fail because in the end, The Lord is on our side.
Tonight is irrelevant because whether or not we walk away victors, God has a plan for us that will see The Revolution
eventually defeat The Resistance and that, my friends, is a reason enough for you to get down on your knees and beg
for our forgiveness.”
M i t c h L a w : “This guy is insane. Does he really think the Lord is guiding The Revolution?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Sh, Mitch. I want to hear what The Wolf has to say.”
Wyatt Benjamin, the last of the four men, finally steps into view of the camera.
“If over the past two weeks, I haven’t already proved it to the world, then I’ll tell you again to refresh your memory. I’ve
beaten Rick Plant, I’ve beaten Jimmy Sartyr, I’ve beaten Jensen Cussen and I will go on to win Ring King 2014. Tonight
is another stepping stone where in I add Neville Sheldon to the list of former Champions I have destroyed in that ring.
Some people have said that I’m wolf in sheep’s clothing, following the flock. That might be true, but when the Wolf
bites, he draws blood.”
All four men smile and shake hands before Million returns to the forefront.
“Tonight, The Revolution will be televised.”
M i t c h L a w : “These guys are serious, aren’t they? Tonight they go four on four with the team of Sheldon,
Sartyr, Cussen and DTR and I think they’re as ready as they’re ever going to be.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Ready? Did you just hear them? They’re going to destroy The Resistance.”
R o n H a y e s : “Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall… making his way to the
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ring first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania… weighing in at 236 pounds… he is a former Tag Team Champion,
Internet Champion, and two-time TKO Champion… he is… RIIIICK MAAAAAAD!”
The intro from M83′s “A Guitar And A Heart” plays as the lights of the arena all blacken, besides a green glow from
overhead. Once the intro hits its crescendo, it’s replaced by the “WAH!” of Eddie Vedder as Pearl Jam’s “Evenflow”
hits, pyro bursts from the stage, and the lights all come back on. Rick Mad steps out from the back, determination on
his face. He heads to the ring and slides in, climbing one turnbuckle and raising his arms in the air as green pyro
bursts from the other three.
M i t c h L a w : “The crowd giving Rick Mad the business here as he makes his entrance, and that’s not
altogether surprising given the way this man has seemingly turned his back on his beliefs by aligning himself
with the Revolution.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Hey, at least Rick has the courage of his convictions rather than his flip-flopping Hillbilly
R o n H a y e s : “And his opponent… from Mobile, Alabama…”
The crowd cheers loudly.
R o n H a y e s : “…weighing in at 250 pounds… he is a former Warzone, Tag Team and Internet Champion… he is
“Rusty Cage” by Johnny Cash hits as the crowd rises to its feet with the first couple of strings in the song. Cooter
Hayes comes out on the top of the ramp and nods as the crowd roars at the sight of the Resident Country Hick.
Cooter makes his way down the ramp, his eyes locked on Rick Mad, his focus evident by his stare. Cooter slides under
the bottom rope and moves to the nearest corner, backing in and resting his arms over the top ropes as he waits for
the bell.
Before the match can officially get started, Rick Mad surprises everyone and to a crowd full of boos, asks for a
microphone from Ron Hayes. Ron hands him one and Rick steps back into the middle of the ring, putting his hands in
the air and telling Cooter to hold on a second.
M i t c h L a w : “What’s he gotta say now? After weeks of cheap shots and attacks, he has the audacity to ask
for a moment to talk? Cooter wants to kick his ass.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Give the man a chance to explain himself, will ya?”
“Just hold on a second Cooter, just hold on, okay?” Rick asks as politely as possible. “I know things have been rough
between us over the past month or two but I can explain. I know you feel betrayed and until now, I couldn’t see why. I
always thought that I did what was best for the both of us and I know now that how you feel, means I didn’t do that at
“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” jeer the fans as he continues.
“Now look, I know you’re a bigger man than me and I know you know we don’t have to do this. We don’t have to fight,
alright? I know what you want and I’m going to give it to you. I just hope you can accept so that we can walk away
from this and become friends again.”
M i t c h L a w : “Is he going to apologize?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “OHHHHH!!”
M i t c h L a w : “THAT SON OF A BITCH!!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That’ll teach that idiot.”
M i t c h L a w : “Can you believe Rick Mad!? What kind of man has he become. Oh and now the referee is going
to call for the bell and start this match. That’s just wonderful.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Hey, Cooter wanted the match and now he has it.”
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M i t c h L a w : “And the referee has no choice to call for the bell! Rick Mad with a BLATANT cheap shot, and he’s
stomping away on Hayes right here!”
The boos continue to rain down as a smirking Rick Mad unloads on his dazed opponent. He brings Hayes back to his
feet with a handful of hair, nailing a stinging jab that sends him reeling back against the ropes. Mad whips Hayes to
the other side… and a hard running back elbow puts Cooter down! And again Mad lays in a flurry of savage boots to
the downed Hayes!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Looks like ol’ Ricky has developed a bit of a vicious streak.”
Mad drags Cooter off the canvas, blasting him with a forearm shot before scooping him up for a slam… but Cooter is
able to wriggle out the back door! He shoves Mad off to the ropes, sizing him up on the bounce…
M i t c h L a w : “Clothesline from Mobile! NO!”
Mad is able to duck the lariat attempt, grabbing Hayes by the arm and head, and snapping him to the canvas with a
Side Russian Legsweep! And the cover!
NO ! Emphatic kick-out from Hayes.
M i t c h L a w : “It’s going to take a lot more than that to keep the County Hick down, but Rick Mad is firmly in
control here after that cowardly sneak-attack.”
Mad picks Hayes up again, but Cooter fires back with a few shots to the gut… NO! Mad cutting him off with a hard
forearm across the back, and he pulls him into a front facelock… Snap Suplex! And Mad floats over, keeping a hold of
the neck of his opponent… and locking in a TIGHT Guillotine Choke!
M i t c h L a w : “There’s a lot of hatred and animosity between these two, but we’re seeing the smooth technical
style of Rick Mad paying dividends right now. Cooter’s at his best when the fists start flying, but Mad has
taken him completely out of his comfort zone right here.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I’d say he outsmarted the hillbilly, but Cooter’s pretty much outsmarted by the world from
the moment he gets out of bed in the morning.”
Mad has his legs wrapped around the waist of Hayes as he squeezes tighter on the guillotine. The referee checks on
Cooter, who waves his hand to say “no”. The crowd is on their feet, urging the Country Hick on, and Cooter responds
as he manages to power his way up, finding his knees and forcing Mad into the air.
M i t c h L a w : “What strength on display here by Hayes, and he’s managing to work his way to… to his feet! “
Mad’s eyes widen as Hayes somehow manages to pick him up, still in the guillotine…
…and a R E L E A S E N O R T H E R N L I G H T S from Hayes! What power! He threw Mad halfway across the ring, and he
stumbles forwards into the ropes to catch his breath. Mad back up, grimacing as he rushes in… but a right hand from
Hayes stops him in his tracks! And another! And another!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Aw, god dammit. The Redneck is on the rampage.”
Hayes continues to unload with punches, backing Mad all the way to the other side of the ring. He shoots him to the
ropes… Clothesline From Mobile! He nearly took Mad’s head off! And the cover!
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Mad is barely able to kick out, but Cooter scrapes him off the mat, scooping him up… T H R O W A W A Y S L A M ! Rick
bouncing off the canvas, and again Hayes scrambles into the cover!
NO !
Again Mad is only just able to kick out, and again Hayes is on him in a flash. He drags Mad up by the hair, picking him
up into the air… C O U N T R Y H I C K S L A M ! !
N O ! ! Mad able to fight his way out of the Alabama Slam attempt, and he slips down, grabbing Cooter by the head…
M A D P L E X ! ! Falcon Arrrow with the cover!
“Coo-ter! Coo-ter! Coo-ter!”
The crowd is on their feet, roaring their support as the Hillbilly gets his shoulder up. He looks shaken up though, and
Mad capitalizes as he picks him up for an atomic drop, sitting him on the top turnbuckle facing the crowd. He lays in a
few stiff forearms before climbing up alongside him, locking his legs around the ropes and grabbing Cooter around
the waist.
M i t c h L a w : “We haven’t seen this for a while, folks. The crowd urging Cooter to fight back, but he still looks
shaken up from the Madplex, and now Rick has him hooked…”
S P I D E R G E R M A N S U P L E X ! ! Hayes landing on the back of his neck, and Mad keeps a hold of the ropes with his legs,
pulling himself back up… and he climbs the turnbuckle, pausing to smirk at the crowd… M A D C O M B I N A T I O N !
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Yikes.”
M i t c h L a w : “Knees!! Cooter got his knees up! And Rick Mad is in a world of pain here! Rick stumbles back to
his feet clutching his gut, and Cooter staggers up as well, grabbing him…”
C O U N T R Y H I C K S L A M ! ! Hayes nails all of the Alabama Slam, but… but he doesn’t have the strength to follow up!
Hayes still groggy from the sickening Spider German, but he manages to slowly crawl his way over, draping his arm
across the chest of Mad!
The crowd gasps as Mad is able to kick out. Cooter looks shocked, but manages to dig down deep, slowly pulling
himself back up and dragging the dazed Mad up along with him. He pauses for a moment, looking his former friend in
the eye, before scooping him up onto his back again.
M i t c h L a w : “Rick Mad doesn’t know where he is right now, and Cooter is looking to put the finishing touches
to this horrible situation right now with a SECOND Country Hick Slam.”
However, as Cooter is poised to deliver the knockout blow, Mad is somehow able to fight his way out, kicking his legs
and overbalancing his opponent. He grabs Hayes round the neck, and…
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He hit all of it!! And now he makes the exhausted cover…
R o n H a y e s : “Ladies and gentlemen, your winner… RICK MAD!!!”
The boos continue to rain down as Mad rolls away, clutching his neck as “Evenflow” kicks in over the PA again. The
referee checks on Hayes, with Mad allowing himself a faint smirk before rolling out of the ring and making his way
back up the aisle, ignoring the jeers and heckles of the fans as he goes.
The house lights slowly dim, synched to the sound of a THX surround sound test causing the jam packed audience of
The Sanctuary to erupt. They stand on their feet in eager anticipation of the man about to make his way onto the
stage. The sounds of “Head Like A Hole” (Clay Remix) by Nine Inch Nails blares on the arena’s sound system as gold
lights wander around the arena. A strobe light flickers at the top of the entranceway while the entrance begins to fog
“Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve!”
From behind the curtain, “The Reflection of Perfection” Cody Williams slowly walks out to the roar of the capacity
M i t c h L a w : “What the hell is this!? Are you kidding me? CODY WILLIAMS HAS RETURNED AGAIN!?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Isn’t this like his 18th return to the IWF? This kid just needs to stay or go.”
M i t c h L a w : ”He’s getting an ovation from this sold out crowd, whatever happens, Ryan.”
Cody quickly runs down the entrance ramp, knocking past Rick Mad who stops and watches as he slides into the ring.
Cooter Hayes meanwhile is slowly getting back to his feet, Cody going over to help him up.
O V E R T H E S H O U L D E R B E L L Y T O B E L L Y P I E L D R I V E RR!!!!
R y a n J o h n s o n : ”HE JUST NAILED HIM!”
He drills poor Cooter Hayes into the canvas as Rick Mad looks on from the entrance ramp. Cody is like a man
possessed! He slides to the outside and grabs two steel chairs, throwing them into the ring and then following.
R y a n J o h n s o n : ”Oh no, this doesn’t look good for Cooter Hayes.”
M i t c h L a w : ”Come on Rick, get back in there and help him, damnit!”
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“HELP HIM RICK! HELP HIM RICK! HELP HIM RICK!” cheer the fans, hoping that Rick Mad will stop watching from the
entrance ramp and go help his former buddy.
But he doesn’t. He just watches as Cody places one chair down on the canvas and puts poor Hayes’ head on it. The
fans are booing, demanding that he stops but he refuses, picking up the other steel chair and
C O N - C H A I R - T O ! ! O N E M A N C O N - C H A I R - T O ! G O D D AAM
MN I T , T H A T ’ S S I C K E N I N G ! !
R y a n J o h n s o n : ”Did you hear that? Did you hear that steel crush against his skull?”
M i t c h L a w : ”Poor Cooter Hayes has just been decimated by the returning Cody Williams. I don’t know why, I
don’t know what the hell he was thinking.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : ”Cody’s back, Mitch. Now the whole world knows it.”
M i t c h L a w : ”God damn it!”
Cody throws the steel chair down and backs away, sadistically smiling at the carnage he’s caused to poor Cooter
Hayes. The fans boo, watching as he heads to the back, walking past Rick Mad who takes one last look as EMT’s rush
the ring.
We head to the locker room area where we find both Jimmy Sartyr and Neville Sheldon stood. The reaction from the
fans is insane as these two major fan favourites stop for a moment and listen in to the amazing crowd chanting for
them at ringside.
“JIMMY SARTYR!” clap clap clap! “NEVILLE SHELDON!” clap clap clap!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “SHUT UP! SHUT UP!”
M i t c h L a w : “There’s no silencing this sold out capacity crowd here tonight. They love Jimmy Sartyr and
Neville Sheldon.”
“It looks like we have some fans here tonight, huh Neville?” Jimmy says with a wry smile aimed towards the camera
that gets a cheap pop from the crowd.
“I can think of at least one person here who isn’t a fan of yours though, Jim,” Neville responds with a shrug of the
shoulders and Jimmy instantly knows who he means. “And speaking of that, I don’t know what’s going on between
you to, but you can’t trust him tonight.”
“Yeah, I know,” he sadly says. “But we’ve not a lot of options out there, do we? DTR and Jensen Cussen are on our
team tonight and we have to make the best of that situation. I don’t know about you but I want a victory and I want to
put The Revolution in their place.”
Neville smiles in agreement.
“Oh I’m with you one hundred percent. Tonight is important for the Resistance and after what Mason Norman did to
me, I want him to know that he cannot under any circumstances keep Neville Sheldon down.”
“Don’t worry Nev, I think the whole world knows that.”
The fans roar in agreement, making both men smile and shake hands.
M i t c h L a w : “That they do! It’s going to be huge tonight, ladies and gentlemen. The Resistance and
Revolution meet inside this very ring and only one team can walk away the winners.”
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R y a n J o h n s o n : “And it’s going to be the Resistance!”
R o n H a y e s : “Ladies and gentlemen … This next match is scheduled for one fall and it’s for the Warzone
Championship … First, weighing in at 122 lbs from Brooklyn, New York; She is the challenger, The Perfect
Ten; Kaylyn James Evans!”
The lights go off for a moment before a spot light comes on center stage.
Style and Grace I’m never gonna be done. Lean on in. Now welcome to the Queendom.
The curtain’s part and Kaylyn comes out from behind them with that big smirk on her face. She stops and poses on
the stage with her little terrier, Jack, in her hand, as the paparazzi start going crazy snapping shots, before the lights
came back on.
Look at that girl there, hips, lips hair. Walks with a flair like she just don’t care. Nobody do her like she do her. Self
made, soul paid doing that curve. She stop, dudes stare. Chicks do too. Bouts so false never ever gonna lose.
Heading down the ramp she walked with a purpose. Head held high she kept smiling knowing she was the only one in
the arena that mattered. At the bottom of the ramp she stopped and turned to the right, walking around the ring
before heading up the far steps. Heading into the ring through the middle and top ropes, keeping a hold of her little
pup. Once in the ring she slowly walked around it, stopping here and there to laugh or smirk as she flicked her hair.
Stopping she handed Jack out to one of the ring attendants before moving to the center of the rope and pulling off
her long jacket pausing once it fell to the floor.
The Queendom, where the kings bow down. Then relinquish your crown. Y’all gonna hate me now. I’ll just turn that
around and make you Love me, love me, love me.
As the music died down Kaylyn moved to the corner and jumped up onto the top of the turnbuckle before laying
across it as if she was bored waiting
M i t c h L a w : “Kaylyn James Evans and Hayden Hardkore have been going at it for months with Hardkore
having to do her bidding. Somehow, someway Hardkore found a way to overcome the odds of being
contractually obligated to be KJE’s slave for a month and turn that into a Warzone title. It shows just how
smart and on his toes Hayden is. Also a bit ballsy as well.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Hayden just got lucky; every squirrel finds a nut sometimes.”
M i t c h L a w : “Well we did find you and I don’t feel all that lucky.”
R o n H a y e s : “Her opponent and Warzone champion, weighing in at 192lbs. from Wellington, New Zealand; He
is the Flying Kiwi … Hayden … HARDKOREEE!”
Smoke flows over the entrance stage and strobe lighting fills the arena as the entrance to Hayden’s song plays. When
the music reaches the verse, the lighting changes to match the music, with flashes of light matching the guitar hits.
Hayden enters once the vocals to the song begin, taking large marching steps in time to the music with his Warzone
championship firmly around his waist (as if wading through mud). He marches to the front of the entrance stage and
stops, looking out over the arena. Usually wearing his trademark aviator sunglasses, he tips them onto the top of his
head and flashes a trademark cheesy smile out at the fans, speaking words that go unheard as he surveys the arena.
He looks at his opponent inside the ring, knowing they have some unfinished business. Stepping off, Hayden picks up
speed and runs toward the ring. Sliding entrance to the ring, coming up onto one knee as he slides – ending up in a
marriage proposal-like stance in front of his opponent. He Finishes his entrance by climbing two turnbuckles,
diagonally opposite each other and greeting fans in either direction.
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M i t c h L a w : “It looks like Hayden is about to give Kaylyn his answer. For those of you don’t remember, Kaylyn
last week on Warzone said she would be suing The Warzone Champion if he didn’t lay down for her tonight.
Which is an unusual turn of events being that she’s usually the one doing the laying down.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That’s uncalled for.”
M i t c h L a w : “She’s trying to destroy his livelihood over a Championship belt, Ryan.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That’s what happens when you break a contractual agreement.”
“Kaylyn, last week I told you that I needed some time to think about this,” he says pointing at the Warzone
Championship on his shoulder. Hayden takes a moment to soak in the cheers and continues. “And I’ve spent the past
week racking my brains for a decision.”
By now, Kaylyn has retrieved herself a microphone of her own.
“Hold on a second, Hayden. Before you start blabbering on about how tough this was for you, let me just make one
thing perfectly clear. If you don’t hand over my title, lay down on that canvas and let me pin you, you won’t have a pot
to piss in by the time I’m done with you.”
She scoffs at them and continues.
“I mean every damn word that I say,” she reiterates. “So enough with the talking and more with the doing, alright
M i t c h L a w : “She’s such a bitch.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “You had better watch yourself before she comes over here and slaps the taste out of your
M i t c h L a w : “Oh I’m petrified.”
“Alright, alright,” Hayden reluctantly says. “But you see, I would if I could.”
“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” the fans roar whilst on their feet in anticipation. They love that response.
“This past week has shown me how much this Championship means to me and how I’m not going to just hand it over.
If you want it, you’re going to have to beat me for it.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That complete and utter idiot! Does he think Kaylyn is joking?”
M i t c h L a w : “He knows how serious she is, Ryan. He just doesn’t care!”
Whilst Hayden hands the belt to the referee and tells him the match is going ahead, Kaylyn angrily starts yelling at
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Oh boy!”
M i t c h L a w : “We’ve got a match, ladies and gentlemen. It’s Hayden Hardkore vs. Kaylyn James Evans for the
Warzone Championship and by God, it’s going to be a brawl!”
M i t c h L a w : “Hayden Hardkore has been fighting his way up the IWF food-chain. He’s managed to get
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through both Tyler Brooks and Kaylyn and successfully win his first ever title in the IWF. It’s time to see if he
can successfully defend it against someone that’s not exactly thrilled with the way he won it.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “She shouldn’t be thrilled; he played her! I hate being like Hayden who play mind games to
get what they want.”
M i t c h L a w : “Tell you what; I’m going to play what you just said back to you after the show is over and then
maybe you can understand how hypocritical you sound.”
Hayden takes the Warzone title off his waist, handing it off to the referee, who folds it and holds it up for all to see.
The referee shows Kaylyn, who looks at it as the ref hands it to the time keeper as the referee signals for the bell to
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
The match starts with Hayden actually showing some good sportsmanship, holding out his hand, wanting to wish
Kaylyn goodluck but she slaps his hand away and yells at him. “You screwed me!” Slap! “You took advantage of me!”
Another slap! She’s about to slap Hardkore again but he holds up his arm, blocking her hand from hitting his face
again. He then grabs her arm, pulling her in as he connects with a european uppercut which sends Kaylyn to the ring
ropes. She’s leaning on them as then he hits her with another european uppercut and then irish whips her to the ring
ropes … Hurricarana!
M i t c h L a w : “The Flying Kiwi sure looks ready.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That’s ok, Kaylyn is just getting warmed up. It’s only a matter of time before she regains
He grabs her hair, bringing her up to her feet but she hits a backflip kick right across his head as he holds his head in
pain. James goes for a roll-up as the referee gets in position to count.
One! Kickout!
A quick kickout by Hayden as Kaylyn gets up to her feet and stomps on Hayden’s leg. She begins violently stomping on
his leg again and again as Hayden tries to pull away but The Perfect Ten continues her assault on his leg. Then she
hyper-extends his leg as Hayden lets out a scream of pain as he holds his leg. Hardkore grabs ahold of the bottom
rope, dragging himself to the ropes as he sits up on the ring ropes with his back resting against them.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That’s my girl, work on that leg, take away his high flying ability.”
M i t c h L a w : “Your girl? Did you lose a match to Kaylyn too?”
James then grabs Hayden’s leg but he kicks her away as she does a tumble backwards but gets back up standing on
her feet, showing off her agility. She comes towards Hardkore, grabs his leg and drops an elbow across his leg as she
quickly gets back up to her feet, looking at the fans, booing her. She says to the audience “that’s how it’s done!” as
then she grabs the injured leg of Hayden, dragging him into the center of the ring. She’s about to pick Hardkore up to
his feet but he rolls her up into a small package.
One! Two! Kickout!
What a sneak attack by Hardkore as he almost scored the three there. As he begins to get up, Kaylyn is up … S P E A R !
Spear to the injured leg of Hayden, causing him to twirl in the air as then a smirk grows across her face. Kaylyn then
drops another elbow across the right injured leg as then she stands, locking in the Sharpshooter. A move that she
hasn’t used that often, perhaps she is employing a different strategy this time around. She has his legs under her
arm, sitting down on his back as The Flying Kiwi is screaming in pain but shaking his head everytime the referee asks
if he wants to give up. What fight, what guts by the Warzone champion as his leg probably feels like it’s going to pop
off at any given moment now.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Come on, show Hayden Hardkore that you are the one that deserves to be the Warzone
M i t c h L a w : “Are you Kaylyn’s brother or something?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “No but I’d be honored to be.”
She continues to to applying more and more pressure to the legs and back of Hayden Hardkore as he tries crawling,
inch by inch to the bottom ring ropes, looking like he’s slowly fading. Hayden finally gets to the ring ropes, hooking his
arm around the bottom rope as the referee makes Kaylyn break the sharpshooter. Instead of getting annoyed, she
just covers Hayden, hooking his injured leg.
One! Two! T H R Hayden has his hand on the bottom ring rope! Now Kaylyn is furious, fuming that the referee didn’t count to three.
She begins to stomp around the ring, throwing a fit as Hayden is using the ring ropes to assist himself up. As Kaylyn
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turns around …
What a punch by Hardkore as he goes stumbling to the ring ropes, which is the only thing keeping him from falling on
the mat. He begins limping around the ring, lifting Kaylyn up to her feet but she kicks at his injured right leg, causing
him to loosen his grip on her. Then she goes for a Superkick but Hayden grabs ahold of her leg, keeping her
off-balanced … He throws her foot down, kicks her to the stomach … D O U B L E A R M E D D D T ! He gets up to his feet and
looks to go for the corner turnbuckle, climbing it but Kaylyn somehow manages to get herself up as Hardkore had
trouble climbing up to the top turnbuckle perhaps for the Flying Kiwi. She’s climbed up to the second turnbuckle with
him, exchanging rights and lefts between the both of them. Hayden gets the upperhand, getting the Perfect Ten
off-balanced as he then puts Kaylyn on his shoulders. M A O R I D R O P !
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Kaylyn, don’t screw up your opportunity!”
That took alot out of Hayden, holding his leg in immense pain. He then sees an opportunity, going back to the corner
turnbuckle as Kaylyn looks to be out cold. It’s somewhat of a struggle to get to the top turnbuckle but with an
unconscious Kaylyn, it appears he has some time. He’s up to the top rope …
He nails it! Hardkore crawls to Kaylyn, hooking her leg.
One! Two! T H R E E !
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
R o n H a y e s : “The winner of the match and STILL Warzone champion … Hayden HARDKOOREEE!”
96 Quite Bitter Beings by CKY hits as the referee gives Hardkore the Warzone championship, who is slowly getting
back to his feet, limping slightly. The fans are all abuzz with everything that Hayden Hardkore has been through. The
ups, the downs, he’s managed to survive it all. He rolls out of the ring and goes to the back as Kaylyn James Evans
soon wakes, standing up, asking the referee where her Warzone championship is. The problem is, she didn’t win it but
Kaylyn refuses to believe that. The Perfect Ten argues with the referee and then gives him one giant slap across his
face as then she marches out of the ring, heading to the back very angered.
M i t c h L a w : “Well I guess … Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Hayden’s done that on more than a few
Ryan Johnson: “What a travesty! What highway robbery! I feel sorry for Kaylyn, I really do. It’s hard being a woman
these days, trying to put up with these male wrestlers who cheat and lie and get things handed to them like Hardkore
has. I’m putting in phonecalls; I’m going to write letters. This treason won’t go unanswered! This referee should be
M i t c h L a w : “Wow, you should go become a lawyer or a politician; then you can do your true calling of being a
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Maybe I will, then things will get done around here!”
DTR and Jensen Cussen are shown in the locker room area, making final preparations for a match that is up next here
tonight. The fans reaction is understandably somewhat mixed as they stand up and head towards the door. Before
they can go and meet up with their team mates and make their entrance, Jensen stops Dave and gives him a few
words of advice.
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“I know that tonight you’re going to have a problem being in the ring with Jimmy Sartyr, but look Dave, you have to
trust him,” he tries to convince him of the benefits of trust. “You have to because without it, we can’t win this match.”
The Virus shrugs free Jensen’s grasp and scoffs at him.
“I don’t have to trust anyone, least of all Jimmy Sartyr. Don’t you understand? He’s responsible, just like you were
responsible, just like Brooks, just like Destiny, just like Legion and Anna Goodchild. Asking me to trust him is like
asking me to trust you,” DTR says whilst poking Cussen in the chest. “And we both know what you had to go through
to earn it, don’t we?”
M i t c h L a w : “Hell fire and brimstone.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “But he came out the other side.”
“I know how responsible I was but Jimmy Sartyr doesn’t see it that way.”
M i t c h L a w : “That’s because he wasn’t responsible at all. Jimmy didn’t burn DTR’s face, he didn’t have
anything to do with that.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “But he didn’t stop it either, did he?”
“He will, Jensen. If not tonight in that ring, then one day soon, Jimmy Sartyr will realize what he did to me.”
Jensen looks concerned, understandably so.
“And tonight?” Cussen asks.
“Tonight, I’ll put all that to one side so that we can beat these assholes.”
M i t c h L a w : “I’m not sure if he can really do that.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Are you saying that you don’t trust DTR?”
M i t c h L a w : “Not as far as I could throw him, Ryan.”
“My Way” by Limp Bizket blares out into the arena as Mason Norman leads out his charges for tonight’s four on four
match. Following him down the isle and towards the ring, Million, Death, Benjamin and Cross all make their entrance.
R o n H a y e s : “The following match is a FOUR ON FOUR scheduled for ONE FALL! Introducing first, led to the
ring by Mason Norman… THE REVOLUTION!”
“O’ Fortuna” by Nevergreen is up next as Lance Norman steps out from behind the curtain to a tremendous ovation,
though that ovation may just be for Neville Sheldon and Jimmy Sartyr who step out behind him, followed at the rear
by Jensen Cussen and DTR.
Ron Hayes: “And their opponents… led to the ring by Lance Norman… THE RESISTANCE!”
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
M i t c h L a w : “It looks like it’s going to be Jimmy Sartyr and Desmond Cross kicking these things off. Let me
run through the rules of this match. It isn’t an elimination contest, it’s first pin fall wins and that means
teamwork is key.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “If teamwork is key then The Revolution are already one step ahead.”
Jimmy and Cross quickly begin to circle each other, locking up in the middle of the ring. Jimmy takes Desmond into a
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Side Headlock and is quickly rushed off into the ropes, Desmond sending him across the ring and connecting with a
Clothesline. The Fallen Angel then drops into the cover, shoving a forearm in the face of Sartyr for good measure.
Kick Out.
Cross hops back to his feet and grabs the getting up Sartyr with him, hitting him with a right hand that sends him
stumbling into The Revolution’s corner. He starts going to work with right hands, knocking the taste right out of
Jimmy’s mouth every one before dragging him away and into a Belly to Belly Suplex.
M i t c h L a w : “Desmond is already in control here tonight.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Lay the smack down on him, Des.”
The mounted right hands keep coming, Cross pummelling away before pulling Jimmy back to his feet and getting a
right hand for his troubles.
The fans are behind The Innovator as he starts his fight back, nailing Cross with another right hand that stumbles him
back into the ropes. He then grabs him, pulling him into a Leg Sweeping DDT. The crowd are still roaring, motivating
Sartyr who kips up to his feet and demands that Desmond Cross follows. Cross slowly does, turning around and
walking straight into A S P E A R T O S P I N E B U S T E R !
M i t c h L a w : “What a comeback by the Innovator in Ovation! Sartyr has to cover now and he does, hooking the
inside leg. One…. Two…”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Kick Out!”
M i t c h L a w : “Damnit that was close.”
Jimmy pops back to his feet and grabs Cross by the hair, helping him back up. He drags him over to the IWF corner,
tagging in Jensen Cussen. Cussen quickly enters, watching as Jimmy holds Cross for the open shot and takes it,
kicking him low. The team work begins as Jensen scoops Desmond up, dropping him back down with a Body Slam.
Jensen grabs him back up again, Desmond though managing to push him off, storming forward and connecting with
a desperation Clothesline. He has to make the tag and leaps across the ring, finally tagging in Max Million. Max enters
the ring opposite his former nemesis, both beginning to circle each other.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “This could utterly explode.”
M i t c h L a w : “These two have such a storied history, just listen to these fans going wild.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “This arena has erupted.”
W H A M ! They suddenly begin trading right hands, the ring shaking with force as Million and Cussen begin trading off in
the middle of it. Max wins out, knocking Cussen back into the corner and going to work with punches and kicks to the
mid-section. He pulls him out and into a Clothesline, raising his arm to a resounding amount of boo’s from the crowd.
Max hops onto the middle turnbuckle, diving off with a forearm drop across the throat of Cussen, who squirms away
in agony but is dragged back for a cover.
Kick Out!
One half of the Tag Team Champions gets back up, grabbing Cussen who’s making his way back to his feet and
attempting to drop him with a Russian Legsweep, except Jensen elbows out, another, another, another, he finally
breaks free..
M i t c h L a w : “By God what a Jawbreaker! That could do it right there.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Into the cover…”
M i t c h L a w : “One…. Two…”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Another Kick Out!”
Jensen and Max are soon at a stand again and Jensen reacts first with a right hand, ducking under Max and into a
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Back Drop, connecting perfectly. Cussen hops back up and raises his arms in the air, calling for the Infinity Rush. The
fans are going wild, watching as Million slowly gets back to his feet, turns around and punches, slaps and kicks at a
blinding pace, dropping Max to his knees.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “WILL HE TAP!?”
The agonizing screams of Jensen Cussen can be heard throughout the arena as he tries to crawl towards his corner
with the move locked in.
M i t c h L a w : “Can he make it!?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Damnit, he made it!”
M i t c h L a w : “Here comes The Virus!”
DTR enters the ring and kicks out at Million, stopping him from continuing the hold. He quickly pulls him up, backing
him into the ropes, whipping him across the ring and looking for a Clothesline, except Million holds up and tags in
Wyatt Benjamin. Benjamin storms into the ring and straight for DTR, rushing him with right hands and getting one
blocked, DTR bouncing back with a few hard shots of his own.
The Virus gets the upper hand, dragging him away from the ropes and into a Snap Suplex. DTR swivels straight to his
feet, grabbing Benjamin and pulling him up as well, hitting him with another right hand and lifting him up into the air..
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He’s looking for a Brainbuster..”
M i t c h L a w : “Wait, Benjamin drops down behind! Kidney strike by Wyatt, another, another and a Reverse DDT
to put DTR down!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “That’ll do it!”
Benjamin quickly heads towards the legs, locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock in the middle of the ring. DTR struggles
against it, writhing in agony as he tries to escape. He pulls himself towards the ropes, finally reaching out and
grabbing them, breaking the hold.
The Lone Wolf realizes that he’s damaged him now and starts working over the legs, getting back to his feet and
stomping away at them. He grabs the left one, driving it into the canvas with the help of his own knee. Lance and
Mason Norman watch on from outside the ring as Benjamin pulls DTR back to his feet and drops him with a Hip Toss.
M i t c h L a w : “The Revolution have the upper hand right now and DTR really needs to find some offense.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Or he needs to make a tag.”
Meanwhile, Benjamin has the cover..
Kick Out! That isn’t going to be enough and Wyatt knows it. He’s back up and willing The Virus to his feet, he’s going to
finish this right now when DTR turns around and when he does it’s a kick to the gutGUT WRENCH
E L E V A T E D N E C K B R E A K E R ! ! T H E A P E X P R E D A T O R ! ! TTH
M i t c h L a w : “Benjamin is about to pin the longest reigning Internet Champion of all time!”
He goes for the cover..
M i t c h L a w : “Wyatt almost had him, Ryan.”
Neville quickly exits the ring as Benjamin rolls off of DTR and tags in Creeping Death. Death enters the ring, stalking
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The Virus who slowly stumbles back to his feet. He turns around and kick to the gutPUMP HANDLE…
D T R D R O P S D O W N , A V O I D I N G T H E T E N T O N H A M M E RR!!!!
He leaps across the ring, tagging in Neville Sheldon and the fans go wild!
Neville storms the ring and connects with a Clothesline, dropping Death on his ass. Corey though doesn’t wait even a
second before popping straight back up, this time ducking another Clothesline and cutting in behind with a Reverse
Suplex to Cutter! D E V E S T A T I N G M O V E !
R y a n J o h n s o n : “What a move by Creeping Death. If that doesn’t put this geek away then nothing will.”
Creeping Death though doesn’t cover and gets straight back up, grabbing Neville by the hair and pulling him to his
feet. He connects with a couple of hard right hands, knocking Neville back into the ropes and then sending him across
the ring. Neville though returns to duck a Clothesline, connecting with a Swinging Neckbreaker.
The fans roar as Neville pops back to his feet and immediately grabs Death. He hits him with a right hand, then
another, lifting him up and down with a Body Slam. He quickly rushes off to the ropes and storms back across the
Neville drops into the cover.
M i t c h L a w : “That was another close call.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “The look on the face of Mason Norman says it all. You can tell he’s worried right now.”
M i t c h L a w : “That’s a former World Heavyweight Champion in control, that’s why.”
Neville is back to his feet and tags in Jimmy Sartyr. Sartyr heads back in and grabs Death, pulling him up and
whipping him into the corner. He heads to the top rope and he’s looking for The Thrillride.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Wait a damn minute! This whole thing is about to breakdown.”
M i t c h L a w : “Here comes The Revolution! Cross, Benjamin and Million have just stormed the ring.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “And that brings in Sheldon, DTR and Jensen Cussen!”
M i t c h L a w : “Death flips Jimmy off the top rope!”
The brawl ensues in the middle of the ring.
M I L L I O N H A S C U S S E N U P I N T H E A I R … . D E A T H S AAW
WA K E N I N G ! !
M A X G E T S U P , T U R N S A R O U N D , B O O K S M A R T T O M AAXX M I L L I O N ! !
But wait because here comes Wyatt Benjamin with a kick to the head of Sheldon, breaking up the Book Smart. He lifts
him up and..
Benjamin quickly turns around and he’s far too close to the corner, where Jimmy Sartyr stands..
R y a n J o h n s o n : “THIS HAS BEEN CRAZY!”
Jimmy Sartyr gets back to his feet, turns around and bumps into DTRR E A S O N A B L E D O U B T T O J I M M Y S A R T Y R ! ! W H A T T H EE F U C K ! ! ?
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M i t c h L a w : “WHAT THE HELL!?”
DTR looks shocked that he nailed it, not expecting it to be Jimmy Sartyr.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He’s pretending that he didn’t know but he knew, he knew!”
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t know about that, Ryan. Look at the look on his face, he’s stunned!”
The Virus gets back to his feet holding his head but here comes Creeping Death. He spins him, looking for the Pump
Handle into the Ten Ton Hammer but NO! DTR spins out and drops down behind, kick to the gutR E A S O N A B L E D O U B T T O C R E E P I N G D E A T H A S W E L L !!!!
DTR grabs Jimmy Sartyr, laying him across Creeping Death.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “NO! HE’S GUNNA DO IT!”
R o n H a y e s : “And here are your winners…. THE RESISTANCE!”
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
M i t c h L a w : “I knew they could do it! I knew it!”
Lance Norman slides into the ring and raises DTR’s hand in celebration as “O’ Fortuna” hits once again. The rest of
The Resistance are slowly getting back to their feet, raising hands in the middle of the ring with Lance Norman
amongst them having gotten one over on Mason Norman and The Revolution. Jimmy Sartyr on the other hand is
helped back to his feet, looking at DTR with a quizzical expression, asking what the hell just happened.
Whilst the celebrating Resistance stand inside the ring, their music is quickly cut off and the entire arena thrown into
darkness. A faint red light illuminating the entrance ramp appears as a man walks out onto the stage dressed in a
black hooded robe that covers him from head to toe.
M i t c h L a w : “What the hell is going on Ryan?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I don’t have a clue. Who’s that on the entrance ramp?”
A pulsating beat is quickly accompanied by the man speaking as the Resistance look on confused.
“His victims are rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak. He causes millions of accidents, he is cancer in your bones.
I fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truth. He is insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomes.
He takes what you love, and leave you in tears. He imprisons your soul, your hopes are his games. He strips you of
pride, his promise is in vain. While you burn at the stake he dances with the flames.”
The man keeps his head lowered.
“My kingdom corrupt with dissent, your sins erupt by my intent. I loathe your prayer, I wallow in sin. Let the nightmare
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M i t c h L a w : “Who the hell is this guy?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “More importantly, what does he want? “
“The Prince of Darkness, The Harvester of Sorrow, he has come for your souls and in his blood you wallow.”
He points towards the ring and snaps his finger.
The lights return.
M i t c h L a w : “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!? IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS!?”
“You have been marked. Ring King 2014, The Prince becomes King.”
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t… what the hell is this all about!? Who is that man?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Is he the harvester of sorrow? My, how horrific is that name?”
M i t c h L a w : “Ryan, the Resistance have just been covered in blood and you’re worried about a name?
Whoever he is, he’s just sent a message loud and clear.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He’s going to be in Ring King!”
R o n H a y e s : “This match is for one fall and is for the Internet Championship! First, making his way out; the
challenger weighing in at 275lbs. from Twentynine Palms, California … The Dead Sparrow; Ozric … Mortimer!”
As the house lights shut down without any warning, the dilating grind of the starting guitar to “The Mirror” by Dream
Theater begins to pipe through the sound system like a million scattered needles set off to target the eardrums. The
snare drum blast beats along with guitar as white strobe lights begin to blinker on and off rapidly. Gigantic solid,
multicolored circles begin to appear and circulate throughout the crowd slowly as Ozric Mortimer slithers his way
onto the stage ramp. He stops at the edge of it, takes a motionlessly gander, and then continues to slowly walk. As he
reaches the halfway, a loud “BOOM” goes off from the top of the stage as silhouettes of sparrows begin to flank the
arena. Ozric grabs the middle rope, lifts himself up, enters through it, and then drifts over to the other side of the ring.
He places his hands on the top rope and, once again, blankly stares out toward the crowd before the lights come back
Ryan Johnson: “I’m wondering if Ozric Mortimer is in the right frame of mind to be involved in such a match as this
one. I don’t know what Lyra has up her sleeve and I’m not going to pretend to understand what it’s all about. All I know
is that Lyra knows something that none of us do about the two of them and I wonder if that could benefit Lyra here
R o n H a y e s : “And his opponent … Weighing in at 150lbs. from the Stellar System Vallyria; The Starchild;
The arena is cast into darkness as Astral Body blasts through the P.A system. The audience becomes entranced by
the images of the WarTron as they show a beautiful array of psychedelic images. A light fog rolls down the runway and
white strobe lights begin to flash. Lyra Starchild materializes out of the fog as you can see the Internet title around
her waist as she rushes her way to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope, before mounting a turnbuckle and looking
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around at the crowd as the music fades out.
M i t c h L a w : “Lyra has been on a roll as of late and you can say he’s the one that rid the IWF of Chase
Sovereign to capture the Internet Championship. She’s shown time and time again that she can compete
against anyone and succeed.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I’m just wondering how she’s able to return after Mortimer taking her to the back in an
awkward moment between the two. All I can think is that something is up between these two for Lyra to keep
Mortimer from punching her lights out. It seems the moment Lyra went her separate ways with Kevin Hope,
she’s gotten even more aggressive and aware of her surroundings. Also, what’s the deal with the tape
around her knuckles? She’s never had that before. What is she hiding inside it?”
M i t c h L a w : “Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist.”
Lyra hands the referee her Internet title as the referee folds it and holds it up for the crowd to see. Then he shows
Ozric Mortimer, who just has a big smirk on his face as he looks at it as then the ref hands the Internet title to the
time keeper and signals for the belt, officially starting the match.
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
M i t c h L a w : “This is a big step in Ozric Mortimer’s career. Ever since handing his half of the tag team
championship over to Creeping Death, the Dead Sparrow has been looking for singles gold for awhile now
and this would be a good first step of accomplishing that. The only problem is The Starchild seems to be in
Ozric’s head now more than ever and I have to wonder if that’ll cost him later in his match.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “The referee should really check Lyra’s taped hands, she might use it to her advantage.”
M i t c h L a w : “Really? How do you know she’s hiding anything? Has she told you?”
Both Lyra and Ozric Mortimer stand face to face in the center of the ring. Mortimer is focused on hitting his first move
on Lyra as Lyra stands there, looking at him like she knows something he doesn’t. For some reason it’s bothering him
that she’s staring at him as then Lyra kicks Mortimer to his stomach and begins landing right after right across the
side of Mortimer’s head, rocking him back an inch each time. Mortimer tries to swing at Lyra but she ducks and kicks
Mortimer to his calf. Again! Ozric goes down to a knee as she runs at the ring ropes and hits a running cross body on
Mortimer! He’s down! Lyra covers Mortimer.
One! Kickout by Mortimer!
M i t c h L a w : “Lyra is wasting no time, she knows what’s at stake in this match.”
Lyra is quick to her feet as Ozric slowly is getting back to his feet. As he does, Lyra runs at Mortimer and nails the
Dead Sparrow with a running jumping knee across the face of Mortimer stumbling him to the corner turnbuckle!
Mortimer is leaning against the corner turnbuckle and is looking for the first time in along time off-balance by the
offense of Lyra. She runs to Mortimer’s corner and climbs up to the second turnbuckle as her stomach is level with
Ozric’s face as she begins punching him over and over again across his face. Mortimer then grabs her by her waist,
getting her to balance on his shoulders, taking her away from the corner turnbuckle. Mortimer hits a powerbomb
transitioned facebuster! What a move!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Finally, Mortimer found a way to break the momentum of Lyra. I was starting to get worried
there for a minute.”
Mortimer begins slowly getting back up to his feet and grabs the hair of Lyra but Lyra hits another calf kick … B A C K
F L I P K I C K ! She catches Mortimer to his face as Mortimer stumbles to the ring ropes, leaning against them as he’s
knocked for a loop. Lyra goes to clothesline Ozric Mortimer to the outside of the ring but he ducks, flipping Lyra up
and over himself and the top ring rope as the Starchild lands on the outside edge of the ring apron, balancing herself.
M i t c h L a w : “Wow! Lyra hit a neckbreaker. What a severe case of whiplash there for the Dead Sparrow!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Damn it, Mortimer. Focus!”
Falling to his knees, Mortimer holds the back of his neck in pain. Lyra is beginning to ascend the outside corner
turnbuckle as the fans are cheering, something Lyra isn’t all that familiar with and turns her back on Mortimer. She
takes a quick peak behind her to see that Ozric is in position … S H O O T I N G S T A R P R E S S ! No! Caught! Mortimer
catches the Starchild in mid-air and hits a running sidewalk slam on Lyra, causing the ring to shake from the impact!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Now finish her!”
He gets back up to his feet and grabs a hairful of Lyra’s hair, forcing her up to her feet. Mortimer begins headbutting
Lyra over and over again with Mirror, Mirror, which sends her down to the mat after the final headbutt is completed.
This causes Lyra to roll to the ring ropes, attempting to bring herself slightly to her feet before Mortimer can get to
her. Ozric however, picks Lyra up to her feet gets Lyra into a sidewalk slam position. He brings Lyra up as he positions
her mid-section to his head before flinging her forward … G R A C E A T G R O U N D Z E R O ! Her body crashing on the mat,
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Lyra is now the one trying to weather the storm of Mortimer.
M i t c h L a w : “What a match between these two. This match hasn’t disappointed at all.”
He brings The Starchild to her feet and hooks her arms. I think we know what’s coming next … Wait, Lyra is trying to
fight it, using all of her one hundred and fifty pound frame to keep herself from letting Ozric lift her into the air. Ozric
then lets go of her arms, landing a couple of elbow smashes across her head, causing her to fall to the mat. The
booing is deafening as they don’t like what the Dead Sparrow is doing to their Internet champion. Starng, he looks at
them for a moment as then he lifts her up to her feet and then looks to be going for a powerbomb, lifting her into the
air … In mid-air, Lyra wraps her legs around Ozric’s head … H U R R I C A R A N A ! She sends Mortimer rolling to the outside
of the ring as the Internet champion stumbles to her feet and goes up to the top turnbuckle, she has her back to Ozric
N!! The crowd chants.
M i t c h L a w : “What a move! What heart and determination by the Starchild as she’s pulling out all the stops
to retain her belt here tonight. She knew what it would take to win a match like this one and that meant
putting her own well being on the line against an opponent like Mortimer.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. It’s like Lyra has kicked it into another gear ever since
winning that Internet title from Chase Sovereign.”
Both are down as the referee begins the ten count. Lyra is slowly getting back to her feet as she picks Mortimer up
but is having a slight problem doing so. She uses all her strength to get him up and rolls him into the ring. Rolling
herself into the ring, she goes for a pinfall, hooking his leg.
One! Two! K I C K O U T !
R y a n J o h n s o n : “It’s going to take more than that to put the big monster down.”
Lyra shakes her head, disappointed in only the two count as Lyra gets up to her feet and makes her way to the corner
turnbuckle, climbing up to the top rope. It looks like she’s going for the Orion Eclipse … She leaps … Ozric moves!
Mortimer moves at the last second as Lyra hits the mat as she screams in pain as Mortimer is up to his feet, grabbing
a handful of her hair, hooking her arms.
S P A R R O W ’ S A C C E S S I O N ! Nailed it!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “YES! Game over!”
Mortimer hooks her leg, exhaustingly.
One! Two! T H R E E !
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
R o n H a y e s : “The winner of the match and NEEWWWW Internet Champion; Ozric Mortimer!”
“The Mirror” by Dream Theater hits as Ozric Mortimer sits up, looking a bit winded from his match against Lyra. He
slowly gets back to his feet as the referee hands Ozric Mortimer the Internet championship, who he snatches the belt
away from and holds it into the air.
M i t c h L a w : “You have to give it to Lyra, she put it all on the line, risking her own life just to keep the Internet
title but it proved that Ozric Mortimer was just too much for her in the end. It’s been a long and trying road
for her, having seen Kevin Hope turn his back on her, being duped by Cowboy Jimmy Jenkins and having a
very weird awkward encounter with Chase Sovereign in a rather unique battle with Sovereign to win one of
the major titles here. I’m sure this is not the last time we’ve seen her in the title picture.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I’ll give the devil it’s due. Lyra was damn impressive against who I believe is one of the most
dominate big men in the IWF. The Starchild gave it her best but even with all her offense, it just wasn’t quite
enough as the Revolution gains another championship. If people didn’t know how good the Revolution is,
they just sent another message that they aren’t going away anytime soon.”
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Ozric Mortimer stands with the Internet Championship in hand, looking down at Lyra with what appears to be
empathy in his eyes. He drops the title belt as if it means nothing and walks over, taking a kneel by the side of her and
checking to make sure that she’s okay.
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t understand this utterly confusing relationship.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I can’t say I get it either.”
With Lyra attempting to recover, somewhat broken, hurting and knowing that she’s not in the best of positions,
referee’s start rushing the ring with EMT’s. They quickly surround Ozric, one referee getting in close to Lyra and
checking on her, asking her if she’s okay.
Mortimer looks up at him, his eyes narrow and he reaches out, G R A B B I N G T H E R E F E R E E B Y T H E T H R O A T !
M i t c h L a w : “What the hell is he doing? They’re trying to help, Ozric!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I don’t think he wants their help.”
O Z R I C L A U N C H E S T H E R E F E R E E O V E R T H E T O P ! H EE’’S L O S T I T !
He suddenly starts striking out at referee’s, officials and EMT’s that attempt to get into the ring and help Lyra. The
Dear Dead Sparrow has completely lost control! Right hands to anyone who even enters the ring, anyone who dares to
even go near his precious Lyra. The new Internet Champion clears the ring as his head snaps back and forth between
those on the outside.
M i t c h L a w : “Dear God, Mortimer has snapped! He’s lost control, Ryan. Those EMT’s and referee’s were just
trying to make sure that she’s okay and they’ve all been launched from the ring by this psychotic Internet
R y a n J o h n s o n : “There’s some kind of weird connection between them, isn’t there? Ozric won’t let anyone
near Lyra and look, he’s carrying her out himself again.”
With that said, Ozric pulls Lyra to the ropes and once again scoops her up, heading to the backstage, walking
backwards to make sure that no-one is following him or dares to try and restrain him.
Meanwhile, The Internet Championship that he just won lays on the canvas, un-received by the new Champion.
We’re just moments away from the Main Event when we head backstage to find Rick Plant standing by with Jane
inside a private locker room. The fans are roaring wildly at the sight of the former World Heavyweight Champion, who
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stands looking into his girlfriends eyes as the camera invades their privacy.
“I want to tell you to be careful out there but I know how unlikely that is,” she admits reluctantly. Rick pulls her close
into a hug and tries to comfort her. “I just want you to remember that the World Championship isn’t worth everything,
you know?”
Rick steps away slightly and frowns.
“That’s the thing; it is.”
She seems surprised by his answer.
“It’s everything I’ve been fighting for. It’s everything my career has been about. I’ve been around the block and I’ve
done it all, I’ve fought in front of ten fans and I’ve fought in front of fifteen thousand. I’ve won Championships,
accolades but nothing compares to the IWF and that World Heavyweight Championship. This is the pinnacle and at
my age, at my health, I don’t know how much longer I have to stand at the apex.”
M i t c h L a w : “It’s a sad but true fact.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Thankfully.”
“You’ll beat this, Rick,” she assures him. “If anyone can beat it, it’s you. Just like if anyone can beat Jeckel, it’s going
to be you tonight.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Pah! Wishful thinking.”
M i t c h L a w : “We’ll see about that, because up next, Rick Plant takes on Jake Jeckel for the World
Heavyweight Championship in a Buried Alive Match!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Say goodbye to your precious Plant! He’s going six feet under tonight at the hands of The
Rick gives Jane one last hug before heading out of the locker room and making his way towards the ring.
R o n H a y e s : “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Main Event of the evening!”
As “Shooting Star” by Black Stone Cherry blares over the PA, Rick makes his way fairly briskly down the aisle, his face
a mask of concentration. Occasionally he will slap the outstretched hand of an excited fan, but his eyes never leave
the ring as he strides his way to his destination.
R o n H a y e s : “The following match is a Buried Alive Match for the World Heavyweight Championship!
Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at 265lbs.. from Inglewood, CA… RIICCCKKK PLAAAANNNTT!!”
He climbs the steps, pausing for a moment to survey the crowd, before stepping into the ring and making his way to
an empty corner, stretching and jogging on the spot to loosen himself up.
R o n H a y e s : “And now, introducing his opponent.”
“Why do I call myself a Juggalo!” And the crowd goes wild with boo’s as “Raw Deal” by Twiztid continues to play over
the PA System. After a few moments, from behind the curtain, Jake Jeckel appears to the IWF audience. The crowd
boos even louder upon laying eyes on the Juggalo.
R o n H a y e s : “He is the World Heavyweight Champion! Weighing in at 240lbs.. from Long Island, New York…
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Jake is wearing his full face paint, baggy wrestling shorts and no shirt; his Hatchet Man charm hangs around his neck.
Once inside the ring Jeckel tosses his arms into the air, soaking in the boo’s as they grow in volume once more. Jake
yells a few things at the people in front as he begins to warm up by hopping back and forth from foot to foot.
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
The bell sounds and both men lock straight up in the middle of the ring, forgoing any nonsense and struggling for
control. Rick takes the lead and pulls Jeckel into a Side Headlock, wrenching down to one knee and then stepping
back up only to be pushed off into the ropes and caught with a Clothesline on the return. Jake smugly smiles, willing
Plant back up this feet and catching him with a Three Point Stance Charge.
The Juggalo quickly stomps away at him, laying in the boots until finally he reaches down and grabs him by the head,
helping him back to his feet and being punched in the gut for his troubles. Rick begins fighting back, slamming right
hands into his mid-section, stumbling him backwards into the ropes. He whips him across the ring and launches
himself forward with a Clothesline on the return.
M i t c h L a w : “What a vicious Clothesline! You can feel the tension inside the ring between these two men here
tonight. Rick Plant is facing his own mortality in this match.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He’s going to get buried six feet under and I’m going to love it.”
M i t c h L a w : “You’re a sick man, Ryan! Plant now has Jake back to his feet and sends him reeling into the
corner with an Irish Whip.”
Jake crashes into the corner and here comes Rick, rushing him.. P O W E R S U R G E !
N O ! ! J A K E M O V E D A N D R I C K J U S T C R A S H E D S H O U LLD
That giant thud was heard all around the arena and leaves poor Rick Plant slumped in the corner. Jake though wisely
decides to take advantage and rolls to the outside, grabbing Rick by the legs and tipping him on his back. He steps up
the ring steps and drags him towards the ring post – G R O I N F I R S T ! ! Jesus Christ! Rick yelps in agony as Jake pulls on
both of his legs and drives him groin first into the steel.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I bet he wished he had a few kids before he died tonight. Even if he survives this match,
there’s no swimmers in there anymore.”
M i t c h L a w : “You’re vile. What’s Jake doing now? He’s pulling Rick to the outside. I knew this match would
eventually result in this.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “It’s no Disqualification, Mitch. Look at Jeckel, he’s going to whip Rick straight into those
steel steps.”
R E V E R S A L ! B A N G ! ! Jake goes flying instead and the steel whips off, crashing against the concrete floor. Rick
stumbles over to Jeckel and grabs him by the hair, helping him back to his feet and instantly driving him with a
Shoulder Barge into the barricade. Rick quickly grabs him and lifts him into the air, dropping him down chest first on
the barricade for good measure, driving the air out of the Juggalo.
He stumbles away and heads towards the announce table, angrily ripping the top off and going for the monitors.
M i t c h L a w : “Oh no, this one is coming our way, Ryan.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Why don’t you leave him alone Rick? Stop being such a damn bully.”
Rick smirks and heads back towards Jake.
C H A I R S H O T T O T H E S K U L L ! W H E R E T H E H E L L D I DD T H A T C O M E F R O M ! ?
M i t c h L a w : “What the hell!? Jake just nailed Rick with a steel chair!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He must of picked it up under the ring whilst Rick was over here trying to cause mayhem at
the announce table.”
M i t c h L a w : “God damn that crafty bastard.”
That vile chair shot sends Rick falling to the floor like a ton of bricks. Jake drops the chair and grabs the damn near
unconscious Plant, dragging him back to his feet and then by the hair towards the announce table. He crashes his
head off it, leaving him sprawling across the table next to Mitch Law and Ryan Johnson.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Look Jake, I set this whole thing up for you buddy!”
M i t c h L a w : “You absolute liar. You were just telling Rick Plant to get the hell out of here.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Of course I was! I was setting him up, of course.”
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Jake ignores the argument at ringside and pushes Rick onto the table, climbing up onto it himself.
M i t c h L a w : “Come on Jake, the burial site isn’t here, it’s up there!”
Mitch Law pleads with him but Jake just laughs, grabbing Rick by the hair and trying to get him back to his feet. He
demands Ryan Johnsons headset and is quickly given it, whilst Mitch looks on in horror.
J a k e J e c k e l : “Welcome to Vendetta everybody, where the millions of you at home are about to witness the
death of Rick Plant live on the World Wide Web. Allow me to christen said occasion with a little ditty. Rick
Plant is full of cancer, but Jeckel barely cares. He could be bald and ugly and I wouldn’t be any more scared.
I’m going to kill his wrinkly ass and-”
R y a n J o h n s o n ( o f f h e a d s e t , y e l l e d l o u d l y ) : “OH COME ON!! HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO FINISH!”
That’s the second Low Blow in two weeks for The Juggalo who doubles over and finally ends up on one knee, still on
top of the announce table. Rick stands up as quick as he can, grabbing Jake by the head andDDT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!
M i t c h L a w : “HE JUST DROVE HIM STRAIGHT THROUGH OUR GOD DAMN TABLE! Do you have your headset
back yet?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “You’re damn right I do. I can’t believe he did that! What was the need? Jake was only trying
to help him back to his feet and sing him a lovely song.”
M i t c h L a w : “If Rick Plant didn’t do it, Jake would have.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Oh so that makes it okay, does it?”
Rick rolls away from the wreckage and tries to gain his footing, using the ring apron as a crutch to get back to his
feet. He managed to put Jake through that table but at some considerable cost to himself as well. He grabs him by
the hair and slowly helps him back to his feet, dragging him back around the ring and bouncing his head off the ring
apron for good measure – or to keep him compliant. Jake doesn’t look anywhere near with it and Rick is heading up
the entrance ramp towards the grave site.
M i t c h L a w : “This could be it right here.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “As soon as one of them is in that grave and has dirt thrown on them, this one is over.”
He’s almost there and at the grave but Jake fights back, delivering right handed blows to the mid-section, forcing
Rick to let go and stumble off. They at the top of the entrance ramp now and Jake storms forward, catching Rick with
a Clothesline and sends him agonizingly back first onto the steel ramp. The Juggalo catches his breath before walking
over to the grave, picking up the shovel and raising it into the air.
M i t c h L a w : “There’s no need for that!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “There’s every need, Mitch.”
M i t c h L a w : “Just put it down Jake, don’t do it.”
Rick Plant slowly gets back to his feet.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “HIT HIM! HIT HIM!”
M i t c h L a w : “COME ON JAKE.. DON’T..”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “SHOVEL TO THE SKULL OF RICK PLANT!!”
“Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!” the fans are understandably chanting on their feet. Rick Plant just got laid out by a
shovel and Jake Jeckel is surely about to retain his World Heavyweight Championship. Blood is pouring out of the
open wound on Rick’s head as Jake grabs the shovel and puts his hands at both ends, waiting for Rick to get back up
and when he does, woozy as hell, he rams it straight into his gut.
The Juggalo throws the shovel down on the ground and grabs Rick, pulling him close and into a Suplex position. He
lifts him high into the air and holds him there for a moment.
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But he falls to one knee! He escaped, just barely, but he’s still rather helpless. Jake turns around only to see Rick Plant
has picked up the shovel that he just tried to Juggalo Jackhammer him on andR y a n J o h n s o n : “NO!!! SHOVEL TO THE MID-SECTION OF JAKE JECKEL!!”
The former World Champion gets back up and with the shovel in hand, whacks it down across the back of Jeckel,
sending him sprawling to the floor with his arms out and his back arched.
“ONE MORE TIME! ONE MORE TIME!” the fans chant, pleading with Rick to hit him again.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Shut up! Shut the hell up you idiots!”
M i t c h L a w : “Go on, Rick! He deserves it!”
The fans roar as Rick falls back down to one knee and tries to recover. Jake meanwhile has been laid out, bleeding and
laid out on the steel ramp. The former World Champion realizes that this is his opportunity and grabs Jake, pulling
him to his feet slowly but surely and dragging him over to the grave.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Wake up Jake!”
M i t c h L a w : “He’s out of it, RJ. There’s just no way.”
Rick is about to throw Jake into the grave when he suddenly uses his knee, crunching it directly into the mid-section.
That stops Plant in his tracks and now Jake grabs him, turns his back to the grave andS N A P S U P L E X D I R E C T L Y I N T O T H E F U C K I N G G R A V EE!!! A R E Y O U K I D D I N G M E ! ! !
R y a n J o h n s o n : “WHAT!!!!”
Jeckel lays in the mud whilst poor Rick Plant lays broken inside the six foot drop of a grave site. All Jake has to do now
is grab the shovel and put some dirt on Rick to bury him and this thing is over. Unfortunately, Jeckel is spent and isn’t
moving at all.
Suddenly though, out from behind the curtain comes M A S O N N O R M A N !
M i t c h L a w : “What the hell is he doing out here!? He’s not supposed to be a part of this match, damnit.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Lance banned the active roster and if I’m not mistaken, Mason Norman isn’t a part of this
roster, he’s management.”
M i t c h L a w : “This isn’t right!”
Mason storms over to Jake and tries to wake him up, slapping him around the face and attempting to bring him to.
Jake isn’t moving though and neither is Rick, who Mason checks on by looking into the grave. “Fine, if you can’t do it,
I’ll do it myself!” Mason shouts, walking over to the shovel and grabbing it.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Mason is going to help Jake retain his Championship.”
M i t c h L a w : “He can’t do that!! Someone needs to stop him before he ruins this match.”
He casually waltzes back over to the grave and digs the shovel in some mud, about to finish this thing off when
L A N C E N O R M A N appears from behind, snatching the shovel away!
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He can’t be out here!”
M i t c h L a w : “Thank God he stopped this before Mason cost Plant the title.”
Mason turns around angrily to face his father, sneering at him. They go nose to nose but Lance doesn’t want to fight
his son. Instead of that, he backs away slowly, telling Mason to go backstage and get the hell out of here. “Enough is
enough, Mason! Just get backstage and let them finish their match!” he suggests off microphone.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Oh boy, I don’t know if he should of done that.”
M i t c h L a w : “He just struck his own father! What the hell is he thinking about? Lance should put him over his
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knee and give him a good spanking.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “He’s too old for that, silly.”
Lance holds his jaw in shock, not immediately sure how to react. He takes a moment and calms himself so that he
can talk to his son. “Don’t you dare do that again!” he says to him, trying to remain without temper.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “WHAAAAAT!!!”
Everyone is on their feet as Lance finally retaliates, knocking Mason into the pile of dirt that sits next to the bodies of
Rick Plant and Jake Jeckel respectively. No-one can come out and help him either or risk being fired. Mason gets back
to his feet and does so with a hand full of dirt, T H R O W I N G I T I N T O T H E E Y E S O F L A N C E ! ! Lance stumbles back, his
R y a n J o h n s o n : “YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!”
With carnage now at the top of the rampway, Jake Jeckel has finally gotten back to his feet and is looking around as if
“What the fuck”. He peers over to see both Mason and Lance crumpled through the stage and looks down at Rick
PlantD I R T T O T H E E Y E S ! ! R I C K T A K E S A L E A F O U T O FF M A S O N ’ S P L A Y B O O K A N D S U R P R I S E S J E C K E L !
Jake didn’t see that coming! He didn’t even know that Plant was back to his feet and that stumbles him. Rick pulls
himself out of the six foot drop and crawls away, getting back to his feet behind Jake. Here comes the right hands
and right hands aplenty. Right after right and Rick is going mental, utterly losing control with the busted open Jake
Jeckel. These two men have been through a total battle tonight and it continues as Rick flicks Jeckel overhead with a
Snap Suplex.
He crashes off the steel ramp and that even took a little out of Rick at the same time. The former World Champion
though is back to his feet and pulls Jeckel to his, taking him back towards the grave yet again. Much like before
though, Jake is fighting out and slugs Rick hard in the mid-section. In déjà vu, Rick stumbles but this time around the
back of the tombstone.
M i t c h L a w : “I can’t believe these two men are still fighting this one out. How are either of them still standing
right now?”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Will to win, Mitch.”
M i t c h L a w : “Jake has Rick leaning against that tombstone and those right hands are vicious.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “But here comes Plant, fighting back like the old dog that just won’t die already!”
Rick spins Jake around so that he’s leaning on the tombstone and starts delivering vicious right hands to the open
wound on his forehead. Both men’s faces are covered in blood as Rick finally slaps the taste out of his mouth with a
shot that can be heard around the arena. He slowly backs up a fair distance and takes a deep breath.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “I’M LOST FOR WORDS..”
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Both men smashed through the tombstone and landed hard on top of each other inside the grave. They’re both down
and out, with the fans on their feet.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “These two men are setting the bar for Pay Per View Main Event of the year, Mitch.”
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t think anyone would argue that. I can’t believe what I’ve seen them go through. Our
announce table is in ruins, they’ve used shovels, chairs and now they’ve literally broken a concrete
tombstone. Whoever walks out of here – or crawls, as the World Heavyweight Champion should be damn
proud of themselves.”
With the audience in raptures, it takes a short while for both men to slowly get back to their feet, confined inside the
grave with each other. Once they realize where they are, the haze slowly fades away and all that’s left is violence,
blood and more violence. Right hands are thrown like crazy rockets, destroying each other’s bloodied faces.
Jake hits Rick.
Rick hits Jake.
They both hit each other!
Finally Rick grabs The Juggalo and slams him head first into the mud wall that surrounds them, only for Jake to block
a second attempt and send Rick instead. They’re fighting, scratching and clawing their way to victory here tonight.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “They can’t win it if they both stay in there.”
M i t c h L a w : “For once I agree with you. If either of them wants to finally put this match to bed, they need to
get out of that grave and make sure only one of them is in it.”
As if on cue, Rick kicks Jake low and decides to pull himself out – only Jake notices and doesn’t hang about to be
buried alive and begins to climb as well. On opposite sides of the grave, both men are pulling themselves out from the
depths of despair and into the fight.
Suddenly the arena goes pitch black, sending us into darkness.
R y a n J o h n s o n : “What’s going on?”
M i t c h L a w : “The lights have just gone out.”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “It’s never good when this happens.”
Green smoke starts to fill the entrance area where both our competitors are, making visibility for the cameras an even
bigger impossibility. The darkness remains, the fans boo, hiss and jeer – angry at not being able to witness one of the
greatest matches this year has had to offer.
Then the lights return.
Through the fog stands a B E A S T and he has his hands wrapped around the throat of both Jake Jeckel and Rick Plant.
M i t c h L a w : “IT’S…. IT CAN’T BE…”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “JESUS…. CHRIST…”
M i t c h L a w : “IT’S LEGION!! IT’S ONLY LEGION!!”
The referee doesn’t know what to do. He looks at Legion with pure fear in his eyes and calls for the bell, he calls for the
*** DING! DING! DING! ***
R y a n J o h n s o n : “What? The referee just called for the bell. This match is over? We don’t have a winner!”
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t know what else he could do? Legion isn’t on this roster, Ryan. He shouldn’t even be
R o n H a y e s : “The referee has declared this match a draw. Therefore, still.. your IWF World Heavyweight
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R y a n J o h n s o n : “YES! YES! WHAT A DECISION BY THE REFEREE!”
M i t c h L a w : “You have got to be kidding me!”
R y a n J o h n s o n : “Jake Jeckel has retained the IWF World Heavyweight Championship and by God if he didn’t
deserve every ounce of it.”
Legion stands tall at ringside, looking over the carnage that lies inside the grave. The fans are booing, infuriated by
what they’ve seen, infuriated by Rick Plant being screwed once again out of the World Heavyweight Championship.
M i t c h L a w : “I don’t care what you say Ryan, this isn’t over. I don’t know what the hell kind of statement
Legion is trying to make, or who’s side he’s on if he’s chosen one, all I know is that when Rick Plant realizes
what’s happened, he’s going to get another shot at that title and he’s going to kick Jake Jeckel’s teeth down
his throat.”
Vendetta goes off the air with both men unconscious in the grave, referee’s and EMT’s rushing out to check on them.
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