No. 02/13 28 May, 2013 From the Ambassador`s Desk Dear Friends


No. 02/13 28 May, 2013 From the Ambassador`s Desk Dear Friends
28th May, 2013
No. 02/13
From the Ambassador’s Desk
Dear Friends,
We are still waiting for summer, having almost missed out on Spring! Since our last
Newsletter, it has been an exceptionally fulfilling time for India in the Netherlands.
Netherlands has a new King after 123 years. King Willem Alexander’s investiture was
very impressing and also a moving experience.
We commemorated 64th Republic Day at the Gandhi Centre. Despite a late snow
storm, it was a joyous occasion. Rashtrapatiji had befittingly observed in his Address
to the Nation this year: “India has changed more in last six decades than in six
previous centuries. This is neither accidental nor providential; history shifts its
pace when touched by vision . . . Independence became a turning point for an
equally dramatic narrative, nation- building. The foundations were laid through
our Constitution, adopted on 26 January 1 950, which we celebrate each year as
Republic Day. ”
Thank you for your enthusiastic participation at this commemoration. The unfurling
of the Indian Flag in the presence of our Military Attache Brig. Pankaj Arora and
Dutch Defence Attache-designate Col.Allard Wagemaker and prominent members of
the Indian Diaspora was followed by an impressive reaffirmation of the bonds of
patriotism and togetherness which unite us all, through the powerful rendition of
patriotic songs by our Embassy Ladies and local artist Indroniel Roy and his band,
enthusiastically joined by the audience. The evening Reception was attended by over
250 invitees and notably by the Mayors of Amstelveen and Wassenaar, Deputy Mayor
of the Hague, over 100 Ambassadors including from our neighbours, and
representatives of the media, apart from leaders of the Indian and Surinami
Hindustani Diaspora.
India News
What were the highlights or major achievements during this period? Our ICCR
Cultural Centre, the Gandhi Centre, has in the short time since its establishment
become a cultural icon in the city of The Hague. The regular Yoga and Hindi classes
have been widely welcomed. The numbers keep increasing! ICCR’s newest staff
member Hari, Dance Teacher has just joined. Kathak dance classes will begin shortly,
providing yet another opportunity to maintain our cultural and civilizational art forms
this time through dance.
Among the many exciting cultural events was the Holi Milan to celebrate the coming
of Spring in India and hopefully in our host country with the blooming of the first
tulip. At the request of our expatriate community, a lecture series was organised at
the Gandhi Centre on the History and civilization of India. We would also be
launching the 150th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda at a special event marked by
the screening of the Prasar Bharati film on the life and message of Swami
Vivekananda on 3rd June 2013 followed by a presentation by Swami Sarvatmananda of
the Ramakrishna Mission. Deputy Mayor of the Hague’s poignant book of poems
entitled “Tamanna – Endless Longing” was also launched in Gandhi Centre on 25th May
marking a memorable evening of poetry, music and dance.
We also engaged with both sections of our Diaspora, Indian and Surinami Hindustani,
with notable success. Both sections are unique and both represent a quintessential
part of India. Both need to draw strength from each other. It is a matter of
particular satisfaction that both are cooperating closely together in the recent past
and contributing to the success of so many events which demonstrate the rich
cultural and civilizational tapestry of India in the Netherlands. An important
landmark was the organization of a brain storming session of Indian and Surinami
Hindustani Organisations on 19th May 2013 at the Gandhi Centre to exchange views on
establishing a smooth and harmonious institutionalized framework on a permanent
basis for better cooperation and mutually beneficially interaction between these two
sections of the Diaspora. This is an excellent area for future collaboration.
In June this year, it will be 140 years that “Lalla Rookh” set sail from Kolkata to
Suriname carrying the first wave of Indians who subsequently made their way to
Netherlands to become part of the 180,000 Surinami Hindustani community here.
The Embassy is part of these celebrations along with our Surinami Hindustani
friends. A renowned ICCR Bhojpuri troupe under Ms. Shailesh Shrivastava would be
taking part in these celebrations through a series of concerts between 7th and 12th
June ‘13.
India News
While there has been a temporary hiatus in high level political visits, many Ministerial
visits are expected, including Minister of Communications and Information
Technology Mr. Kapil Sibal on 20-21 June ‘13. Dates for EAM’s visit are being
examined. We were honoured by the visit of Minister for Urban Development and
Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Kamal Nath on 13-14 May ‘13. An MOU in the field of
Spatial Planning, Water Management and Mobility" was signed by Minister Melanie
Schultz and Minister Kamal Nath, paving the way for increasing collaboration in this
important sector.
It is also important to underline that despite the Euro Zone crisis, trade between
India and Netherlands continued its growth trajectory and achieved new heights.
The consolidation and strengthening of the Indo-Dutch economic and business
relationship, in the midst of a Euro Zone crisis, provides an important example of the
complementarity between our two economies and the potential that this offers for
collaboration in different sectors. The total two-way trade between India and
Netherlands has shown an increase of 17% since 2011. We are confident that the €
10 billion mark in two way trade will be crossed in the next few years. We have
sought to encourage our Dutch friends to take advantage of the potential arising
from the growth trajectory of the Indian economy, one of the fastest growing
economies in the world, and expected to become a US $ 5 trillion economy by 2025.
In order to highlight potential sector for growth, we have taken several initiatives,
including the organization of market events. With the support of the Hague
Municipality, we organized a seminar on “Indo- Dutch cooperation in Agriculture” at
the prestigious City Hall of The Hague on 26 March 2013 with Secretary General
Chris Buijink as a keynote speaker. The Dutch Embassy also organized a similar
Seminar on 23 May ’13 in New Delhi, with excellent reviews in the Indian media. We
have also sought to increase Dutch investment in India in other sectors such as
infrastructure and urban development. On 11th June, the Embassy is co-hosting, along
with the Municipality of Rotterdam a market event on “Seminar on Indo- Dutch
Cooperation in Housing and Urban Development” .
We have also encouraged the visits of key Mayors to India with large business
delegations in order to increase Dutch FDI inflows. The Mayors of Rotterdam and
The Hague are planning a second visit and the Mayor of Amsterdam is planning his
third visit. It is a matter of particular satisfaction that following the high level visit
in November ’12 from Kerala, led by former Cabinet Secretary Mr. K.M.
Chandrasekhar, now Vice Chairman of Kerala State Planning Board, a Centre for
Advanced Training in High Tech Agriculture (CATHA) has become operational. Ten
other centres are being established across India with Dutch technical cooperation.
India News
These centres will provide training and will concentrate on the horticulture, dairy
cattle, potato and meat chains and will provide additional opportunities for
collaboration between Dutch and Indian businesses.
The media outreach of the Embassy continued with renewed and successful efforts
to present a positive image of India here in the Netherlands. Social media has also
been actively used, notably through our Facebook account and interactive website.
We hope to shortly go on Twitter. In our manifold activities, the Embassy and myself
have worked closely with the Dutch Embassy in Delhi and its dynamic Ambassador
Alphonsus Stoelinga whom I would like to thank for his consistent support in our joint
efforts to increase the commercial, economic, and cultural exchanges between our
two countries to our mutual advantages.
The Newsletter extensively covers the other aspects of life in the Netherlands
including India’s multilateral engagements in this international city of peace and
justice. Our profile in the International Court of Justice has increased with the
presence of Indian Judge Dalveer Bhandari. In the Organisation for Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons, India completed a successful one year term as Chairperson of its
41-member Executive Council. This demonstrates our leadership role in the UN
system and especially in the field of disarmament and international peace and
security. The OPCW is the only disarmament organisation in the UN system and is
committed to the total elimination of the chemical weapons and their stockpiles.
Personally, this has been a very fulfilling period for me which I have enjoyed to the
full. As the time approaches for me to move on, I do believe that we have always
worked to strengthen the bilateral relationship to mutual advantage and serve the
huge Diaspora here in a manner that would render the Indo-Dutch relationship
stronger in the years to come. India, the world’s largest democracy based on
pluralism, secularism and rule of law is the natural strategic, political and economic
partner for the Netherlands. This is what we have tried to establish through our
tireless efforts.
Public life can be lonely. Moving on is even lonelier. Rabindranath Tagore had
understood this internal solitude so well in his call to Indians to unite on that lonely
path that would lead us towards freedom. Gurudev had said:
“If they answer not to thy call, walk alone,
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
O thou unlucky one,
open thy mind and speak out alone.
India News
If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou unlucky one,
Trample the thorns under they tread,
And along the blood- lined track travel alone.
If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou unlucky one,
with the thunder flame of pain, ignite thy own heart,
and let it burn alone. ”
As I walk that lonely road from now on, I will always be inspired by those prophetic
( Bhaswati Mukherjee )
India News
Celebrations for India’s 64th Republic Day
Unfurling the Flag in a snow storm
India’s 64th Republic Day Celebrations were held at the Gandhi Centre in the presence
of an enthusiastic crowd, including over 250 members of Indian and Surinami
Hindustani Community, the local Municipality and members of the media who were
undeterred by a late snow storm. Brigadier Pankaj Arora, the Embassy’s Military
Attache honoured the Flag along with Colonel Allard Wagemaker, Defence Attachedesignate to the Dutch Embassy in Delhi
Following flag hoisting ceremony,
Ambassador Ms. Bhaswati Mukherjee read out Hon’ble President Shri Pranab
Mukherjee’s address to the Nation which was very well received, including by the
media who cited in particular Rashtrapatiji’s profound observation that “It is time
for the Nation to reset its moral compass… the sanctity of a woman is a
directive principle of that larger edifice called Indian civilization… Mother is our
protection from evil and oppression, our symbol of life and prosperity. When we
brutalise a woman, we wound the soul of our civilization. ”
India News
The Embassy ladies along with the Ambassador enthusiastically sang patriotic songs
supported by the audience, followed by the heart-rending collection of carefully
selected songs by Indroniel Roy and his band.
At the evening Reception at Kasteel de Wittenburg, India Tourism Office Amsterdam
had organized an India stall with Incredible India kits which elicited much interest.
Despite the inclement weather, the Reception was very well attended by over 250
invitees including the Mayors of Amstelveen and Wassenaar, Deputy Mayor of the
Hague, the Ambassadors of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Japan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, Russian Federation and others, President of the
International Criminal Court, Director General of the OPCW, former Dutch
Ambassador to India, Eric Niehe and leaders of the Indian and Surinami Hindustani
Diaspora including the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awardees.
The flag hoisting ceremony received wide coverage in the local media including an
interesting piece in the local Den Haag Centraal entitled “Selected Ladies in Saris” by
Ms. Vlan. Wrote Ms Vilan: “We arrived just in time for the flag-hoisting ceremony.
Amidst the last snowstorm stood Ambassador Bhaswati Mukherjee attired in a
beautiful sari. What presence this lady had. One was virtually oblivious to the circle
of men in dark suits surrounding her.” The article next referred to the Embassy
ladies assembled on stage dressed in colourful saris, adding: “The Ambassador
addressed the audience and explained that the women were ‘selected ladies’, who
would sing patriotic songs”. Reference was also made to Ambassador reading parts of
the Address to the Nation by President Pranab Mukherjee. The article also referred
to the patriotic songs and Ambassador’s joining in as well: “She was a clear and crisp
soprano. She would equally have reached us without the aid of a microphone.”
Glimpses of Republic Day Celebrations
At the Gandhi Centre, The Hague
Ambassador arriving in a snow storm
Ambassador reading out Rashtrapatiji’s
Address to the Nation
India News
Embassy Ladies singing patriotic songs
Ambassador explaining to Dutch Defence
Attache-designate Col.Allard Wagemaker,
how to manage Indian snacks while our
Defence Attache Brig. Arora looks on!
Ambassador introducing and singing with
popular singer Drs.Indroniel Ray select
patriotic songs
At the Kasteel Wittenburg, Wassenaar
Evening Reception
Ambassador with Defence Attache Brig.Pankaj
Arora, DCM Mr.R.K. Singh and Mrs. Anjali Singh
Welcoming Mayor of Amstelveen H.E. Mr.
Jan van Zanen
India News
Welcoming Ambassador of Sri Lanka
Greeting Ambassador of Pakistan
Talking to Mayor of Wassenaar HE Mr. Jan
Welcoming Ambassador of Bangladesh
With Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran
Greeting Director General, OPCW Ambassador
Ahmet Uzumcu
India News
Economic and Business Outreach between India and Netherlands
As world’s largest democracy, as a major emerging economy developing strong
economic and business links with the Netherlands on a priority basis.
Visit of Minister of Urban Development and Parliamentary Affairs
(13-14 May 2013)
Mr. Kamal Nath, Minister for Urban Development & Parliamentary Affairs, India
visited Netherlands on 13-14 May ’13. During the visit, he and his Ministerial
counterpart Ms Melanie Schultz van Haegen, Minister for Infrastructure and
Environment, Netherlands signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Technical
Cooperation in the field of “Spatial Planning, Water Management , and Mobility
Management” on 14th May 2013 at the Hague, Netherlands. At the bilateral meeting,
Minister Nath spoke about the Urbanisation challenge being faced by India and the
determination of the Government of India to address it in partnership with the
technical and professional experts and business leaders of both countries. Minister
Nath reiterated that addressing the urbanization challenge provided a huge
opportunity for cooperation including in the area of Private Public Partnership.
The Memorandum of Understanding will enable greater cooperation in the areas of Spatial planning, urban and regional planning and development and architecture;
Water management in terms of Water supply and sanitation and governance
structures; Transport management and transport systems and infrastructure;
Energy-efficient and sustainable built forms. Under the MoU, a Joint Working Group
would be set up that would prepare annual work programmes. It was decided that the
first seminar under the MoU would take place in June 2013 at Rotterdam to be
followed by another seminar in India later in the year.
On 13 May, Mr Kamal Nath, met Ms. Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and
Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While noting that the bilateral
trade between India and Netherlands has been increasing at a brisk pace, it was
agreed that there is a need to expand the trade basket to other important areas
such as Urban Development. Minister Ploumen is likely to visit India with a trade
delegation later in the year, which would also include representatives of the Urban
India News
Ministers signing Memorandum of Understanding
Ambassador presenting Book by three Dutch Architects “Learning from Mumbai” to the two Ministers
At the working lunch
Minister Kamal Nath making his presentation
India News
Geospatial Conference 13-16 May 2013
As in the past, the Geospatial Conference was held at Rotterdam from 13th – 16th May
2013. It is a premier event for the global geospatial community. It aims at enriching
the geospatial ecosystem, which comprises the geospatial technology providers, users,
policy makers and the academia with market intelligence, latest technology
knowledge, success stories and capacity building. This year’s theme focused on
Monetization. 'More in Less' is probably most commonly used term in strategic
discussions indicating that buyers are seeking more and more at lesser and lesser
From India around 20 persons participated in the event from 13th – 16th May, 2013.
These included very senior level officials from the Ministry of Rural Development,
Ministry of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, and Department of Space as
well as representatives from the private sector.
Successful naming and launch ceremony for DCI DREDGE XX
IHC Merwede successfully named and launched the 5,500m³ trailing suction hopper
dredger, DCI DREDGE XX, at a traditional ceremony on 2nd February, 2013, at the
company's shipyard in Kinderdijk. It has built the innovative vessel for Dredging
Corporation of India Ltd (DCI). It may be recalled that her sister ship DCI Dredge
XIX was launched in Rotterdam by India’s Union Minister for Shipping Mr. G.K. Vasan
on 2nd April 2012. DCI Dredge XIX is already deployed for maintenance and capital
dredging projects on the ports and inland waterways in India.
The ceremony was performed by Mrs R Mohanty, the spouse of Captain DK Mohanty,
the Managing Director of DCI, who was also in attendance, along with Mrs Geetu
Joshi, the Director of the Ministry of Shipping in India. The ceremony was attended
by the Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. R.K. Singh.
DCI DREDGE XX is the second vessel from a series of three. The vessel will be
deployed - along with the DCI DREDGE XIX - for the maintenance-dredging project
on the Hooghly River, which is a tributary of the Ganges River in West Bengal.
India News
Mrs. Mohanty performing Launch Ceremony
DCI Dredge XX ready for journey to India
Academic and Intellectual Engagement with the Netherlands
Interaction with Indian Students and Indian Faculty at Dutch Universities
Ambassador’s Visit to Eindhoven and Twente Universities respectively: March
As part of the Embassy’s continuing engagement with Centres of Excellence in
Netherlands as well as Indian students and Indian faculty members in leading
Universities in Netherlands, Ambassador visited the reputed Universities of
Eindhoven and Twente where she was warmly welcomed by the Rector Magnificus as
well as Faculty and Indian students in both Universities. At Eindhoven, Dr. Karen Ali,
Director of the Education and Student Service Centre, highlighted the interaction
and the tie-ups between the Brainport Eindhoven region and India including select
Indian universities. The Brainport Eindhoven region is a top technology breeding
ground for innovation and accounts for one-third of all Dutch private R&D
expenditure. Several Indian companies are present in Eindhoven. The University also
attracts more than 100 Indian students.
At Twente which, like Eindhoven, has large presence of Indian faculty members and
students, Ambassador was welcomed by the Rector Magnificus and spoke at length on
the Indo-Dutch educational collaboration and its future. At both Universities,
students and faculty members were sensitized regarding Embassy’s outreach to the
community including through its Consular Section and also through its website and
Facebook account and through the manifold activities of the Gandhi Centre.
India News
At a Diaspora dinner organized by Ms. Aditi
Chatterji in Eindhoven with other Diaspora
members. Looking on is Dr. Ray
Other guests at Diaspora dinner
With Indian students in Eindhoven
Ambassador being greeted By Rector Magnificus
of University of Twente
Ambassador addressing faculty members and students of Twente
India News
Ambassador meeting students and faculty members at Twente University
Lectures on "History and Civilization of India"
The Embassy of India to the Netherlands and its Gandhi Centre, organized a series
of two lectures on "History and Civilization of India", by the Ambassador of India,
H.E. Ms. Bhaswati Mukherjee along with screening of “Michael Woods’ BBC
Documentary on Story of India”. It was followed by an interactive session. The
lectures were well received and were attended by over 50 persons from the
diplomatic community, Indian and Surinamese Indian Diaspora and other Dutch
Embassy’s Market Initiatives
Indo-Dutch Cooperation in Agriculture Seminar co-hosted with Hague
As part of its continuing outreach activities, the Embassy of India organized a
seminar titled “Indo-Dutch Cooperation in Agriculture” at the prestigious Haagse
Lobby in The Hague on 26th March, 2013. The event was co-hosted by the
Municipality of The Hague. This event was the fourth in the series of market events
organized by the Embassy. The purpose of organizing the event was to inform the
participants of the extensive interaction between the two Governments for creating
a proper institutional framework for business and to bridge the information gap
between government activities and the business sector.
Prominent speakers at the event included the Ambassador of India to the
Netherlands, H.E. Ms. Bhaswati Mukherjee, and the Secretary General at the Dutch
India News
Ministry of Economic Affairs, H.E. Mr. Chris Buijink. The various presentations gave
the audience an overview of cooperation between India and the Netherlands in the
Agricultural Sector, the Action Plan 2012-2015 signed between the two Governments
and the various Memoranda of Understanding that have become operational between
the two countries. Among the important recommendations were:
Agricultural infrastructure, energy, quality systems and technology, as also
cooperation in water and water management sectors and cold chain
Investment in infrastructure; research and development in the area of food
processing; dairy and meat processing and capacity building as well as food
safety and quality.
Implementation of international standards on food safety
Exchange program on veterinary issues and setting up of a joint working
group to develop veterinary certificates
Hygiene standards and the issue on waste disposal
Increasing awareness and adaption of the traditional storage techniques in
order to reduce the post-harvest losses in the potato crops.
Efficiency of refrigeration and transport from the field and grading,
storage and insulation at the time of storage.
Establishment of proposed Centres of Excellence in India as focal points for
cooperation and sharing of know how.
Increase of cooperation in the meat and poultry sector.
Commercial involvement of Dutch companies in the food processing and the
agro-logistic sector in India, especially seeds & vegetables; animal protein:
meat, fish, poultry; cold chain & logistics and bakery.
Biological crop protection; prevention of diseases and plagues by pollination
systems and integrated pest management for protected and high-value crops
and consultancy.
India News
The event was attended by over 90 participants from trade and industry as well as
trade promotion organizations in the Netherlands active in promoting Indo-Dutch
Ambassador welcoming Secretary General,
Ministry of Economic Affairs HE Mr.Chris Buijink
and his colleagues
Networking event organised by Embassy
Ambassador making her keynote address
Sharing a lighter moment with Secretary General,
Ministry of Economic Affairs
India News
Support to Local Business Initiative
Inauguration of Shahnaz Hussain Products in Utrecht for Benelux Region
As a first for Netherlands, Shahnaz Hussain products were launched for Benelux
region (M/s Shahnaz Husain Impex) by Ambassador at Utrecht on 23rd March 2013,
in the presence of Dy.Mayor of The Hague Mr. Rabin Baldewsingh, Director of M/s
Shahnaz Husain Impex Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani and from Shahnaz Herbals, Delhi Mr.
Rajesh Bhandari, GM Exports and Mrs. Rashi Kochhar, Sr.Beauty Consultant. An
enthusiastic crowd also tried out Shahnaz Husain products and asked questions which
were responded to by Ms. Kochhar.
Ambassador inaugurating the Shahnaz Husain Stall
Deputy Mayor Rabin Baldewsingh looking on with
Ambassador making her welcoming remarks
Mr. Rajesh Bhandari, General Manager Exports
from Shahnaz Husain and Mr. & Mrs. Gurnani
explaining Shahnaz Husain products.
India News
Investiture of King Willem Alexander
Willem-Alexander of the House of Orange was anointed as Netherlands’ first King in
123 years on 30 April ‘13 at an impressive investiture ceremony at the Nieuwe Kerk
Church adjacent to the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. This followed the signing of the
formal Declaration/Document of Abdication by H.M. Queen Beatrix earlier in the
morning at the Palace. Dutch Radio and Television, watched by over 6 million Dutch,
ran non-stop coverage for about 14 hours, on the abdication and investiture
ceremony, followed by street celebrations by supporters at the Dam square.
Representatives of 18 Royal Houses attended the new Dutch King’s investiture
ceremony, including Prince Charles of Britain, Japan’s Crown Prince Naruhito and
Crown Princess Masako, Spain’s Prince Felipe and Prince Albert of Monaco. Other
prominent dignitaries who attended were former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan,
European Commission Chief Jose Manuel Barroso and Head of International Olympic
Committee Jacques Rogge. His Majesty King Willem Alexander’s swearing-in was in
the form of a to a joint session of the two Houses of Parliament in the New Church.
H.M. King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands
India News
India’s Multilateral Engagements in The Netherlands
71 and 72 Sessions of the Executive Council of Organisation for the Prevention
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Ambassador Bhaswati Mukherjee of India, Chairperson of the Executive Council of
the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), chaired the SeventyFirst Session of the Council (EC-71) in The Hague on 19 February 2013 as well as the
subsequent Seventy-Second Session (EC-72) on 6 May 2013. The OPCW is the only
disarmament organization in the UN system and committed to the total elimination of
chemical weapons and their stockpiles. India is a Founder Member of the OPCW.
A special meeting of the Executive Council of the OPCW was convened on 27 March
to discuss the request received from Secretary-General of United Nations to assist
in conduct of a UN investigation on possible use of chemical weapons in Syria.
Chairperson of the Council, Ambassador Bhaswati Mukherjee of India, read out the
Chair’s statement on Syria, which has hitherto represented the only existing
international consensus on Syria.
Glimpses of EC 71 and 72
Chairperson calling meeting to order
Ambassador making her intervention
EC Chair with DG OPCW, Ambassador Ahmet
Ambassador reading out the National
India News
India’s contribution to the 3rd Review Conference of OPCW,
The Hague 8-19 April 2013
India played an important role in facilitating a consensus document. Indian delegation
to the Conference was led by Ms. Bhaswati Mukherjee, Ambassador/Permanent
Representative to OPCW who also addressed the Conference in her capacity as EC
Chair. The Conference was addressed by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon.
The Third Review Conference of OPCW concluded on 19 April 2013, with adoption by
consensus of a two-part final document including a Political Declaration that confirmed
the “unequivocal commitment” of States Parties to the global chemical weapons ban and
a comprehensive review of implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
since the last Review Conference held in 2008, besides charting out OPCW’s priorities
for the next five years.
The Hague: Capital of Peace and Justice: Legal Capital of the World
There has been an increasing cooperation and active participation of the Mission in
various Hague based judicial institutions such as International Court of Justice,
International Criminal Court, Permanent Court of Arbitration etc.
International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United
Nations. Indian Judge Dalveer Bhandari jointed the Court in June 2012. Public
hearings were recently held in the cases concerning Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile)
from 3-14 December 2012; and Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand) from
15-19 April 2013 at Peace Palace. From India’s point of view, decisions of ICJ have
significant impact on interpretation and application of international law. For instance,
delimitation of maritime boundary in the case of ‘Chile vs. Peru’ and determining
territorial claim of Cambodia vs. Thailand are particularly relevant as the Court would
settle contentious issues arising out of contemporary practice. Similarly, public
hearings in the case concerning Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan: New
Zealand intervening) will be held from 26 June-16 July 2013. In this case, it is
expected that ICJ may establish a clear distinction between ‘scientific whaling’ and
‘commercial whaling’ as the latter is in violation of International Convention for the
Regulation of Whaling as well as other international obligations for preservation of
marine mammals and marine environment.
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is an intergovernmental third party dispute
resolution mechanism provides services to international community in addition to its
Bureau activities. Mission actively engaged not only in its Bureau activities but also in
other hearings listed for arbitration.
India News
International Criminal Court (ICC) is an international organisation, established under
Rome Statute to end impunity for perpetrators of the most serious crimes of
concerns to the international community. So far 18 cases in 8 situations have been
brought before the Court relating to DR of Congo, Sudan, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire, Libya,
Uganda, Central African Republic and Mali. Though India is not a party to Rome
Statute, we closely monitor the proceedings in ICC along with other non-state Parties
to Rome Statute. In the first ever trial, ICC convicted Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo for
war crimes, specifically conscripting, enlisting and using child soldiers in the conflict
in Ituri region of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on 13 March 2012. Trial of
Laurent Gbagbo, the former Head of State of Cote D’ Ivor is continuing.
Embassy’s Cultural Activities
The ICCR Cultural Centre, the Gandhi Centre, has in a short time since its
inauguration on 2nd October 2011 by Dr. Karan Singh, President ICCR become a
cultural icon of the Hague. Other activities include the Yoga, Hindi and other classes
being conducted which are being separately reported upon.
Holi Milan Festival
Like last year, the Spring Festival of Holi was celebrated at the Gandhi Centre with
music and dance and joyful participation by an audience of over 200 persons including
the Deputy Mayor of the Hague Mr. Rabin Baldewsingh, several Ambassadors, the
Dutch Defence Attache-designate Col.Allard Wagemaker, officials from the local
Foreign Office, Members of the Indian Diaspora and the Surinami Hindustani
community. Ambassador noted that the Holi Milan in India hopefully will be followed
by the arrival of Spring in our host country symbolized by the myriad colours of tulip.
At the Gandhi Centre, India’s universal and eternal heritage has always been
presented in the context of its surroundings i.e. its inter-linkages with Netherlands.
A comprehensive cultural programme was organized on the occasion. The highlight was
the rendering of classical vocal performance by renowned singer Ms. Kakoli Sengupta,
which was adorned by songs (Ghazals and Thumri) on Holi. Ms. Madhu
Lalbahadoersing, a young and extremely talented singer from the Surinami Hindustani
Community in Netherlands enthralled the audience with some popular Hindi songs. The
programme ended with a musical (instrumental: Dhol) piece by famous artist Balli Kalsi
with enthusiastic audience participation.
The Holi Milan was covered in the local newspaper AD.
India News
Mrs. Anjali Singh welcoming Ambassador of
Kenya with traditional tika
Ambassador welcoming the audience
Ms.Kakoli Sengupta singing famous Tagore song (Phalgun legeche bonebone) with Sandip Bhattacharya on the
Tabla, with Ambassador joining in.
India News
DCM R.K. Singh introducing artist Madhu
Madhu Lalbahodoersing singing “oldie-goldies”
Audience enjoying Balli Kalsi’s Dhol
Rabin Baldewsingh dancing to the Dhol
Launch of Book of Poems titled “Tamanna/Endless Longing” by H.E. Mr. Rabin
7th April, 2013 witnessed the public presentation in the Hague of “Selected Poems”
entitled “Tamanna/Endless Longing” written by H.E. Mr. Rabin Baldewsingh, Deputy
Mayor of The Hague. Ambassador of India, H.E. Ms. Bhaswati Mukherjee, who was
the Chief Guest at the occasion was presented with the first copy of the book. She
read out a selected poem composed by the poet on the journey of the Surinami
Hindustani people from Kolkata Port to Suriname in the 1st ship “Lalla Rookh” that
took them away from the shores of their Motherland, India, to a far off destination.
So furious
and so redundant;
blind water
surrounds the vessel
that looks like a fragment
in the ocean.
India News
This trek is so lonely;
under the spell of fate.
I am not the only one
in this narrowness of imprisonment
where men
play men
where men
surpass animals.
This is surely no dream
this weeping, this grief.
No, this trek will not lead to
it is the isolated destination in
The select audience applauded the poetry reading by Hon’ble Deputy Mayor, as well as
a video presentation. This was followed by a musical intermezzo and an after party.
A highly successful launch took place at the Gandhi Centre on 25th May 2013 over an
enthusiastic audience of about 150 persons.
The Poet contemplating his poems
India News
Ambassador being led on the stage
Reading out a selected poem
Ambassador Launching the Book
Poet in a contemplative mood
India News
Cultural Activities Organized by the Community
Asha Bhosle Concert at World Forum, The Hague, on 9th May 2013
Before an enthusiastic audience of 2000 including Ambassador, Mayor of Rotterdam
and the Deputy Mayor of the Hague, Asha Bhosle sang non-stop, accompanied by the
renowned Metropole Orchestra (Conductor Arjan Tien) of the Netherlands – fusion
music her style! She was joined by her 11 year old grand-daughter Zanai Bhosle, who
demonstrated great promise of a musical career.
Deputy Mayor of The Hague welcomes Asha
Bhosle and Ambassador
Asha Bhosle in full voice on her 80th Birthday
Ambassador with Asha Bhosle and her granddaughter Zanai Bhosle
Asha Bhosle with Metropole Conductor Arjan Tien
India News
Other Cultural Events
Events organized by the Surinami Hindustani and Indian Diaspora included a concert
on 3 March at the famous Luxor Theatre in Rotterdam where the duo Roop Kumar
Rathod and Sonali Rathod enthralled the audience, accompanied by the Metropole
Orchestra. This was preceded by another gala event at the Anton Philips Hall at The
Hague on 1 March where famous singer Kumar Sanu and Alka Yagnik performed
before an audience of more than 1000 persons.
Roop Kumar Rathod and Sonali Rathod in full voice
Ambassador’s welcoming remarks with Metropole
Orchestra in background
Rabin Baldewsingh welcomes Kumar Sanu and
Rabin Baldewsingh welcoming Ambassador and
Alka Yagnik
India News
Consultations in India
During Consultations in India on 22-24 April 2013, Ambassador had privilege of
meeting Rashtrapatiji on 22nd April 2013 in Rashtrapati Bhavan
Dinner in Honour of Dutch Ambassador to India – 22
January ’13 at the Residence
Ambassador welcomed the new Dutch Ambassador to India, Ambassador Alphonsus
Stoelinga and his wife Madame Elena Stoelinga at an exclusive dinner at the
Residence to interact with select leaders of Indian and Surinami Hindustani diaspora,
CEOs of Indian companies in the Netherlands and leaders of the India Netherlands
Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
India News
Dinner in Honour of Mayor of Rotterdam – 26 April ’13 at the Residence
There has been increasing cooperation between the Embassy and the Municipality of
Rotterdam, Netherlands’ most important economic hub which also has significant
Indian and Surinami Hindustani population. For the first time, Rotterdam’s dynamic
Mayor H.E. Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb honoured the Residence at a special dinner in his
With Hon’ble Mayor of Rotterdam H.E. Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb
and his wife
Mrs. Anjali Singh with Mayor of Rotterdam
H.E. Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb and his spouse
Ms.Ghazala Kroes with Mme Aboutaleb
India News
Media Outreach
Mission continued its media outreach activities through leveraging public diplomacy
and soft power initiatives to inform and influence public opinion; change image and
negative stereotypes of India. Some examples:
• The local Hague tabloid devoted a full page to the 64th Republic Day function
organised by E/I The Hague in Gandhi Centre on January 26, 2013 captioned
“Selected Ladies in Sari”. The article was accompanied by four photographs.
• The Holi Milan Festival held at Gandhi Centre, The Hague was widely covered
by The Hague-based evening daily under the caption ‘Indian combination of
Spring and New Year’. Author of this story, Mr Leo van der Velde, is very welldisposed towards India.
In addition, Embassy regularly arranges press interaction, media lunches etc.
Ambassador has given interviews on request and appearances on Talk Shows etc.
These initiatives have been very successful in ensuring a positive perception of India
in the media.
AD – 28th January, 2013
India News
India News
De Telegraaf – 1st February, 2013
India News
Activities of Gandhi Centre
Efforts to promote Hindi in the Netherlands
Different kinds of Hindi language classes, including for beginners as well as those
with basic knowledge of Hindi, have commenced on 20th March 2013. These classes
have been welcomed by Indian diaspora and Surinami Hindustani community in
Netherlands. While some children have already enrolled for these classes, a number
of adults from the Surinami Hindustani community, who did not have access to good
quality Hindi learning earlier, have also expressed their desire to get enrolled. Ms.
Jyoti Bala, who is a qualified Hindi teacher, is conducting these classes at the Centre
as a volunteer.
Mrs. Jyoti Bala with her students
Yoga and Meditation takes off in a big way
Yoga classes, which started at the Gandhi Centre only recently i.e. January this year,
have become highly popular. Being conducted by highly qualified ICCR Yoga guru, Mr.
Karan Singh presently, around 80 people from among Indian diaspora, Surinami
Hindustani community as well as local Dutch population, have enrolled for these
classes and the numbers are still growing. Some members of the diplomatic
community have also joined. This initiative of starting yoga classes at the Centre has
generated significant goodwill for India.
India News
Yoga classes at Gandhi Centre
India News
Incredible India and Activities of India Tourist Office, Amsterdam
India is a wonderful confluence of the past, present and the future and is probably
the only country that offers various categories of tourism: history tourism,
adventure tourism, medical tourism, spiritual tourism and beach tourism. Tourists
from the world over can find the destination or product of desire in India.
Goa Tourism Road Show: 4th March 2013, Amsterdam
DCM Mr. R.K. Singh represented Embassy at this event whose main objective was to
showcase and promote Goa, smallest State of India as an attractive destination for
the Dutch Tourists. This was the first event / roadshow focusing on promoting
tourists from Netherlands to Goa. Director Tourism from the Government of Goa Mr.
Nikhil Desai made an impressive presentation and gave a lucid description about the
opportunities offered by the state for Dutch Tourists. The presentation was
followed by a lively question and answer session. The Event was attended by about
70-80 leading travel and tour operators, local media etc. which also included some
members of the Surinami-Hindustani community as well. After the presentation,
there was a cultural programme presented by Surinami-Hindustani artists from the
“Shiraz Group”.
Ambassador launched a richly illustrated book by Mr. Bauke van der Paul which
portrays the Dutch East India Company’s heritage in Kerala. Some of this heritage is
presently being restored, including a beautiful 18th century Post Office in Kochi. An
entire chapter in the book is dedicated to Kochi and its Dutch connection. Paul has
also chronicled the life of ordinary Dutch men and women who came to India and left
behind their footprints, seen in the street-names which still exist in Kochi.
Kerala Tourism Roadshow, 12 March 2013, Amsterdam
Dutch footprints in Kerala go back 400 years. During their stay in Kerala, Kochi was a
major trading centre for the Dutch in South India. The Dutch are most remembered
for the celebrated botanical work on the medicinal value of Kerala plants, ‘hortus
Malabaricus’ – the first treatise on medicinal plants in Kerala, compiled by Hendrik
Van Rheede who died in Kochi. The Dutch fort in Mattanchery as well as the
Udayagiri Fort and cemetery are some major remnants of the Dutch period. In Kochi,
one can also see the historic Dutch Palace – a tribute to the relationship between the
two cultures during past centuries, besides the only Jewish Synagogue in India at
Mattancherry, where one direct descendant of the family that set up this shrine is
India News
still alive. Built by the Dutch in India, Bogatty Palace is located on the island popularly
known as Bolghatty Island in Kochi.
Ambassador with Shri Suman Billa, Secretary
Tourism, Govt of Kerala
Mr. R.K. Bhati, Director India Tourism welcoming
Mr.Ad van Schaik presenting his book on Dutch Heritage in Kerala to Ambassador
Promotion of Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women
International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2013
Ambassador was honoured to be the keynote speaker on International Women’s Day
at the Annual International Women’s event held at Bel Air Hotel and organized by
Women’s Business Initiative International (WBII). The theme was topical and timely
and entitled “The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum”. The event was attended by
over 100 persons including lady Ambassadors of Nigeria and Norway; Ms. Marike van
Lier Lels, voted most Powerful Business Woman of the Year in the Netherlands on 2
India News
occasions; Ms. Godelijn Boonman, Partner of GMW Advocaten; Professor Dr. Jean
Paul van Marissing, Director, Webster University, Leiden; Mr. Harry Verweij,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others.
Ambassador spoke of her personal experience involving professional women of her
generation when she joined the Indian Foreign Service 37 years ago. She quoted
from Sylvia Plath, the famous British “Poet Royale” who tragically committed suicide
when these challenges became too much for her, had famously said in the “Bell Jar” in
“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree…
One fig was a husband and a happy home and the children,
and another fig was a famous poet…. .
I wanted each and every one of them,
but choosing one meant losing all the rest………”
She noted that Sylvia Plath’s poem truly symbolizes the choice between the domestic
idyll and a professional career as the unique dilemma of women of this generation.
Perhaps this dilemma continues till today. This is what makes women special that
they can confront these challenges, maintain homes and families and reach the top of
their profession. This symbolizes empowerment of women.
The distinguished audience in the interaction which
followed presentation
Ambassador delivering her keynote
India News
Poetry reading at Ambassador’s Residence on 15th March, 2013 by select
Embassy Ladies
To celebrate International Women’s Day, a Poetry Reading focussing on women’s
issues was held at the Residence. Select Embassy ladies read out some original
poetry compositions in Hindi and English and also recited famous poems of some of
the greatest scribes of Indian literature including Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Gulzar,
Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s “Lehron se dar kar Naiyya paar nahin hoti” read out by
Mrs. Snigdha Meher and Mrs. Vibha Kumar
India News
Ambassador read out Bertrand Russell’s tribute to his wife Edith whom he met
on his 70th birthday. It is dedicated to Edith and it states:
“Through the long years
I sought peace
I found ecstasy, I
found anguish,
I found madness,
I found loneliness,
I found the solitary pain
that gnaws the heart,
But peace I did not
Now, old & near my
I have known you,
And, knowing you,
I have found both
ecstasy & peace
I know rest
After so many lonely
I know what life & love
may be.
Now, if I sleep
I shall sleep fulfilled”
Select Embassy ladies including Mrs. Satendar Kumar, Mrs. Rana
(right) and Mrs.Jyoti Bala (left) interacting with Ambassador
India News
In Memoriam
Mrs. Sadhna Sharma (1962 to 2013)
The Embassy lost the member of its family when Sadhna Sharma, beloved wife of
Second Secretary Shri Satish Sharma, passed away prematurely after a long
illness. Sadhna was only 51 when she left for her heavenly abode leaving behind
her husband of 28 years and two devoted sons. The Embassy, Indian Diaspora
and others mourned Sadhna’s short life. As a Japanese Poet once said,
“Flower died, but not the fragrance.
Fragrance emanated from the lips, yesterday.
From the tears, today.
From the memories, tomorrow.
Nature’s detachment depicted.
Flower died, but not the fragrance. ”
Dr. S. C. Sanyal (1933 - 2013)
Dr. Somes Sanyal passed away after a short illness. The Embassy was
represented at the Funeral. He will be dearly missed by his many friends in the
Netherlands and India. Dr. Somes Sanyal who grew up in Kolkata came to the
Netherlands where he joined the Erasmus University Medical Faculty in
Rotterdam as a Research Scientist. Somes Sanyal was an avid reader and a real
music lover. This is evident by the large number of books on various subjects that
he left behind as well as the impressive collection of Western and Indian classical
music and Bengali song recordings, some of which he is donating to the Embassy’s
Gandhi Centre.
India News
Activities of Indian and Surinami Hindustani Diaspora
Brainstorming Session of Indian Diaspora Organisations: 19 May 2013, Gandhi
Centre on “exchange of vision and ideas of the Indian Disapora in Holland”
The intention behind the interaction is to establish a smooth and harmonious
institutionalized framework on a permanent basis for better cooperation and mutual
interaction between the Surinami Hindustani and the Indian community.
Over 60 diaspora organisations participated in the event which was opened by
Ambassador and addressed among others by Mr. Rabin Baldewsingh, Deputy Mayor of
The Hague; Mr. Ram Lakhina, Board Member, Foundation for Indian Diaspora in
Europe (FIDE), Chairman, Netherlands India Chamber of Commerce and Trade
(NICCT); Mrs. Sheela Vyas, Coordinator, Women Council, Global Organisation for
People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) and Prof. Ronki Ram, India Chair, Leiden University.
Deputy Mayor addressing the Conference
Ambassador responding to questions
Distinguished Panelists taking questions
India News
Embassy’s Community Outreach through its Consular Section
Service before self is the motto of the Consular Section of the Embassy. Utilizing
our meager resources to the maximum, Consular Section’s devoted and experienced
staff work beyond regular duty hours including by attending emergency duties on
weekends to deliver prompt services to Indian and foreign nationals in distress.
Some examples to demonstrate our commitment to service include the freak incident
at the Schiphol airport in February 2013 when Ms. Krati Gokharu’s passport fell
inside the door of KLM’s self-check-in desk, which got closed. Despite search of the
belt and the machine, the passport could not be retrieved. She needed to travel
urgently to USA for an exam. Timely assistance was provided by issuing a Short
Validity Passport, enabling her to undertake the journey. Short Validity Passports
were issued in many other cases for the onward journey of Indian nationals to third
countries, such as in case of Mr. Ritesh Kumar, who had lost his passport in May 2013
while travelling from Rotterdam to Brussels. He urgently needed passport to travel to
Sweden to attend a business meeting. He was issued Short Validity Passport.
Mr. Shailesh Nisar and his wife were stranded along with their 10-year old son in
Amsterdam when their passports were stolen from a parking lot in Amsterdam.
Emergency Certificate was issued, facilitating their return to India. As many as 26
Emergency Certificates were issued this year to facilitate the return journey of
Indian nationals stranded in the Netherlands.
Mr. N.S. Jafra’s father passed away in India in May 2013. Emergency Visa was issued
on a holiday to facilitate his immediate travel to India. Embassy also helps former
Indian nationals stranded at Schiphol airport because they have forgotten to carry
their old passport bearing OCI ‘U’ visa sticker.
With effect from 1st May 2013, new service provider namely BLS International Pvt.
Ltd. has been authorized to receive Passport, OCI/PIO cards & Visa applications on
behalf of the Embassy of India. It is reiterated that there is only one authorized
service provider for these services. The term of the previous service provider VFS
Global Ltd. came to an end on 30th April 2013. Necessary training was imparted to the
staff of the new service provider. For the convenience of all concerned, new service
provider is operating from the same premises as used by previous service provider.
New service provider will also be organizing a special launch in 1st week of June to
provide more details. Additional information about BLS International Pvt. Ltd. can be
viewed at their website
India News
Consular Section officials, Mr. Rana and Mr. Maring welcome visa seekers
Consular Attache Mr. Bhatt getting ready for a busy day